White Light - Mar Apr May 2015

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Whitelight A Metaphysical Healing Magazine

A Universal Publication

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March April May 2015

Through the Eyes of a Faerie by Tania Elizabeth

Rune Magik with RavenSpell

The Wild Woman Within by Avril Rose

Love the Way of Tantra by Sunder Devi Cover Story

Jane O’Connor Chapman


March April May 2015 Edition

Editor’s Note Welcome to another edition of White Light. Once again, I would like to invite you on a journey of self development and spiritual growth. Our magazine was created eighteen years ago to provide spiritual pilgrims with a support network and a resource magazine to help us understand our spiritual journey. I do not have to tell you that we live in confusing times and now, more than at any other time, we face spiritual challenges unknown to our grandparents. You will find in these pages, a cornucopea of choices, views, visions and ideas. These are supplied by our contributors who are, in most cases, not professional journalists, but visionaries who offer their views and opinions on many healing and spiritual modalities. Yes, there are many pathways out there, but remember they all lead to the same destination. Your ultimate choice is to follow the pathway of your heart. When you read these articles, simply tune into your heart, into your inner most feelings, and you will be guided to your particular pathway. Know also, that the destination is assured, for guidance always walks gently at our side.

Contents 2 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 40 42 43 44

Body Mind Soul Expo Editor’s Etchings White Light Expos Psychic Sunday Muladhara by Francie Griffin Cover Story - Spiritualtastic Living with Jane O’Connor-Chapman The Holy Days of Autumn with MaryeAnn Azzarello The Golden Time by MaryeAnn Azzarello Feng Shui to stick to your New Year Resolutions by Roseline Deleu Charms, Amulets & Talismans Part 2 with Quenten Walker A Pagan Calendar by Quenten Walker Rune Magik by Ravenspell Mabon & Samhain by Quenten Walker Stemtech The Brain Food Factory The Wild Woman Within by Avril Rose A-Z of Culinary Terms by Steve Duncan Love the Way of Tantra with Sunder Devi Vegan Recipes Simply Astrology with Amanda Hall Pagans Pages The Magic of Language by Rhonnda Doherty Through the Eyes of a Faerie by Tania Elizabeth Reviews by MaryeAnne Azzarello Who ever said School was Boring? by Sandy Coglan Advertising Rates & Deadlines Conscious Life Events presents Discovery

Errors & Omissions While every care is taken with the advertising and copy, “White Light” cannot be held responsible for errors or their effects. Positioning of classified’s and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed. “White Light” reserves the right to alter, abbreviate, rewrite or reclassify advertisements for any reason. The Editor at all times reserves the right to edit or omit news copy or letters submitted for publication. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers of “White Light.” Submissions of articles, poems, writings, artwork and photos are most welcome. “White Light” will not be held responsible for loss or damage of these unsolicited submissions. The magazine is quarterly and all material is to be supplied in hard copy, on CD in Word (text) or jpeg (photo’s) format, or emailed in Word or jpeg format.

“White Light A Universal Publication” is published by W L Publishing P.O. Box 939, Burleigh Heads Q 4220. Phone: (07) 5525 0259 Fax: (07) 5525 0209 Mobile: 0419 709 661 Email: whitelightmagazineinfo @gmail.com www.whitelightmagazine.com.au March April May Edition 2015 For advertising information call: White Light Publishing on (07) 5525 0259 Editor /Publisher - Adrian Magazine Design & Layout - Bianca Magazine Mascots - Gabrielle, Braydon & Natalie All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable laws. © ® 2015. White Light A Universal Publication.




his year we have launched a new event, Health Wealth Lifestyle which will be mainly 2 day Expos. We will still have the White Light Expos which will be primarily Psychic Saturday or Sundays.

The first HWL was held at Seagulls Club in West Tweed on the Gold Coast on 21st & 22nd January. It was an interesting event as it coincided with a cyclone that was supposed to lash the Coast. The radio station that I paid a lot of money to advertise the Expo kept telling people that if they didnt have to go out then dont, stay home in safety. They were saying that the main road into the Club was cut, but it wasnt & that parts of South Tweed were flooded. Hmmm they were wrong on both counts. So not the weekend we were hoping for but I feel that the exhibitors left feeling satisfied. There will be at least another 3 of these held this year & as soon as venues have been locked in Ill have all the information up on the website. A few Psychic days are also scheduled the first of which is on at the Currumbin RSL Club on Sunday 19th July.

I would like to thank Amanda Hall for all her fine work in sending in the Astrological Horoscopes each edition. Amanda has been offered work from an overseas company & wont have the time to keep writing for White Light. Thank you Amanda your input has been much appreciated & we wish you all the very best with your new venture. Dont worry she has found a replacement in the lovely & slightly madcap Sammi Dean who will start in the next edition, welcome aboard Sammi. The Gypsys Grotto is going to be popping up at various other shows starting with the Conscious Life Event Discovery, see the advertisement elsewhere in this issue. This event is on the 2nd & 3rd May at the Lake Kawana Centre on the Sunshine Coast & is run by Laura Di Mambro so it will be one not to miss & well see you all there & the many other locations that you can find on the website. Go in Love & Light... Adrian

Happy people at the Health Wealth & Lifestyle Expo at Seagulls recently


March April May 2015 Edition




March April May 2015 Edition



eginning this issue I am exploring the chakra system and connecting with their spiritual energy through my art. The first seven chakras are energy vortices connected to your physical body that help us in connecting to the universal energy field and when all are balanced and spinning cleanly we are healthy and balanced in our lives. They form an integral part of our overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Sometimes one or more chakras can get out of alignment and we can work with them individually to bring them back into balance. Spend time clearing and balancing all of your chakras and you will remain balanced, whole and healthy. The images I will be offering are imbued with healing energies and may be used as meditation focal points. This issue I introduce you to………………. MULADHARA I am the base of your physical existence here on Mother Earth. I am your support, your sense of security, your connection to the world. Look after me for I give you vitality, drive and I support your will to live. You will find me at the perineum between our legs spinning like a cone widening out from the base of the spine. Without a strong support system it is hard for you to be balanced and to be living in the full totality of who you are. I relate very much to the colour red, the colour of passion, of drive, leadership, courage and vitality. When balanced I bring all colours of the spectrum and I do not stand alone, I am connected to and a part of your whole energy system. If you are feeling tired, lethargic, scattered and worried about what life has in store for you, concerned that without control you will not have what you need for a safe and happy life then there is every possibility that I, your base chakra is out of balance and murky. To bring me back to balance here are some ways I will respond eagerly: 

Use this image or another of mine and meditate and send healing energy thought and vibration to me and strengthen your connection to your spiritual world and guardians.

am safe and divinely protected at all times”

Everyday walk bare foot upon the ground, be outside in nature.

Dance, explore yoga.

Wear the colour red or sit on a red cushion

Eat health foods and root vegetables that come from within the ground.

Have fun and laugh

I bless you and look forward to introducing you to the second chakra, Svadhistana “your own abode” in the next issue. Namaste

I invite you to connect with me in the following manner: Sit or stand upon the ground, outside if you can, and connect with my image for a few moments. Gently close your eyes and bring your awareness to me. Focus you attention softly, gently upon me, your base chakra ~ Muladhara. Gently breathe in an out through your nostrils and feel yourself going deeper and deeper into me. When you feel a strong sense of connection take your awareness down to the heart of Mother Earth and feel the colour red and any others that come to mind, rise up from the earth, through the soles of your feet, up your legs and into my centre. From here visualize the colour red, and any other colours that have made their presence known, radiate and spread out through your body. Let go any control and just allow these colours to move of their own accord and watch, feel where they move to. Call to your spiritual guardians to help you be aware and ask if there is anything you need to do to balance you Muladhara. Spend a few moments in silence and when ready bring yourself back to the central core of your body, feeling connected to the world and all around you. Connect your hands and feet to the earth, bless her and bless Muladhara.

“Muladhara Seed of Life” Acrylic on Canvas By Francie Griffin ~ Intuitive & Spirit Guide Artist Personal guide drawings can be channeled in a personal sitting or emotely by photo. Please contact Francie on 0402 856 473 or email to francie@franciegriffin.com Like and see samples of work at Spirit Guide Art on Facebook Namaste


Affirm “As I walk upon the Earth, I www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


Cover Story

Spiritualtastic Living By Psychic Jane O’Connor-Chapman


re we sitting comfortably? Then I shall began…I can recall being very young, wandering around the school playground in Sheffield, England, couldn’t have been any older than five years old…blowing kisses up at the sky and sending my love ‘up there’. I didn’t understand why everyone else didn’t do this too, that they did not, seemed extremely odd to me. I suppose this is my first recollection of my own spirituality, my own connection to the universe and all that is. I just knew that I needed to send my love ‘up there’. That is was important and absolutely the most natural thing for me to do. I am 45 years old this year and I still blow kisses up towards the sky. I actively give thanks for the many blessings in my life and it makes me feel GOOD. We sang songs in school about the son of God and God being love and I loved to hear the stories. I knew in my own heart that the Sun, the giant beautiful golden ball of light was God and yet again I didn’t 8

understand how the other kids and grown-ups could not feel this too. ‘The shiny bright sunshine is God’, I changed the lyrics to a few of those hymns and ended up being told to stand underneath the clock outside the dining hall for my insolence. I found this strange behaviour by the adults in the school very disconcerting to say the least. I also thought that just as I did, all of us knew what the other person was thinking and understood how they were feeling. I suppose a lot of us learn to mask our natural psychic senses in order to fit in with it all, to play along with the roles of child, student, adult, parent, wife, husband etc., It is not until we break free, open up our channels of awareness and awaken that we begin to understand that we are all divine beings. All connected, all one. Try telling that to your primary school teacher as you stand underneath a clock!

March April May 2015 Edition

In 1998, at the age of 28 I immigrated to Australia with my husband David and our four kids aged 8, 7, 3 and 6 months old. What an adventure! We had never been there before and just went for it. Armed with two year visas, we flew off into the sun. Our love for Australia grew and we became permanent residents, then citizens. Fast forward a few years and I lost my father to suicide in 2004...my life was thrown into utter turmoil for a while. It was not until I turned 36 two years later that my natural childhood psychic sense became reactivated once more. My husband had planned a weekend away for us on Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, and we were walking along past Gallery walk when I spotted a garden bed full of foxglove flowers in full bloom, David and I both stopped still and I broke down in a fit of stressed out tears (my father ate foxgloves back in England to end his life). David consoled me and a man came out of his house to see what on earth was going on. David explained about how we never thought that we would see the plants over here in Australia and about what had happened with my father and the man was genuinely compassionate towards us both. I eventually gathered myself together, we said goodbye to him and wandered on. The next building we came to had a sign saying ‘massages’…so feeling completely wrecked by grief we went in. We began chatting with the young lady behind the counter and she said she was not only a masseuse, but also an angel channeler and would I like a reading? I thought why not so I went inside with her. The next hour was so intensely magical that it is hard to put into words. She connected with my father’s spirit, with the angels around me, they helped to release some of the pain that I had been carrying around with me since his passing and she told me that I should be reading for people as I was highly psychic and a natural healer. Wow! David and I went off for a coffee and I tried my best to explain what had happened. We then proceeded to go back to our hotel and chill out. Lots of information to process and assimilate.

can say is that my husband entered the room an IT professional and he left the reading an IT professional/crystal healer. He walked straight towards the shelves of crystals, he knew instinctively what each one was meant for in regards to their energetic healing properties. Our lives changed that weekend. So blessed. I am eternally grateful to the magic of Tamborine Mountain. So much so that we decided to live there and proceeded to do just that for two years. We were blessed with the addition of two beautiful grandsons to add to our growing clan and give even more thanks to the universe for the sparkle that they add to our existence. My husband and I choose to live our lives magically through intense gratitude and open awareness. David is not only an IT Project Manager/Crystal Healer over here in Scotland but is now also DJ’ing around Europe (and I am the dancing disco Queen wife that goes with him) having the time of our lives and I am off to go live with Buddhist monks and nuns for a week at the end of May this year at their monastic retreat in rural France. Practicing mindfulness and meditation (and trying to survive without wine for an entire week!). I have been reading Tarot cards psychically for over 9 years now. Most of those years over in my beloved Australia and the past 2 over here in the UK. I channel messages from spirit for the person that I am reading for and they flow through me. I am the conduit. The happy, blessed conduit. The same card can come out for 4 different people and each time meanings will be solely for the person I am reading for. I never question it, I try not to even understand it all, I am just grateful that lives are uplifted and the messages are delivered. I am the psychic Postie! All of my readings are HALF price and if you would like one please visit my website www.sparklerainbow.com Many blessings to you! Jane

The next day we decided to go back to visit the kind man and his foxglove filled garden and this is where the magical experience of the day prior intensified tenfold and then some. The house was clearly not lived in. There was a sign saying ‘To Let’ and the garden beds that we had both seen full of beautiful bright purple foxgloves in bloom, were now full of long grass and weeds. David was in shock, his logical IT Project Manager brain could not quantify what he had seen compared with what we were witnessing right there and then. David then decided to walk (run) next door to the angel lady and have a reading for himself. He was completely at a loss for any logical explanation and so felt compelled to go experience the channelling that I had described to him. All I www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


The Holy Days of Autumn by Marye-Ann Azzarello


he Wheel of the Year turns and moves us toward Mabon, the autumnal equinox, on 21 March. At this time, as on the spring equinox, the hours of daylight and darkness are equal. This is thus a good time to focus the energy of the season on bringing things into perfect balance in life. Mabon is the second harvest festival of the year. At this time most of the grain has been brought in at Lughnasadh and we are now bringing in the last


of the nuts and vegetable crops (with a focus on the corn crop), preparing again to store things for the winter ahead. In the modern world we do not need to make the same effort as our ancestors did - Even if we live in a cold and snowy climate we have central heating and shops near by. However it is wise at this time to consider the idea of things coming to fruition, being harvested, and dying, to be born again of the seeds saved during harvest. This understanding keeps us in touch with

March April May 2015 Edition

the cycles of life in a way that the every day technological world may not. Remember that everything moves in cycles and all things are not available at all times. The Wheel turns, the energies change, the God dies, the Goddess retreats and rests. Quiet reins over our world even though it may seem that chaos is everywhere. Pause and ignore the news of the day, the current excitements life presents. Focus your attention on how the energy around you feels. Relax and get into it - notice the cooler feel of the air, which reminds us that winter is on the way. And go that bit deeper and notice the different feel to

the energy around us. This is the cosmic feeling of the Universe - always there and always changing. Relax and look forward to the changes we know are coming even as we settle into the calmer rhythm of autumn that heralds winter. Blessed be! Love to you, Marye-Ann



The Golden Time by Marye-Ann Azzarello


s we enter the last stages of tropical summer here in the south we are aware on a deeper inner level that autumn is coming. Even though we can expect more hot and sultry summer time, nonetheless there is a feel of the energy shifting. The feel of energy movement is not just about a change in temperature, though that will also be present. It’s about a feeling of heaviness in the air around us, a feeling of deep stillness. We must pause our bodies and calm our minds and focus our attention to get past the idea of temperature, but it happens when we do. If you feel that ‘nothing is happening’ just give yourself a bit more time, and allow yourself to relax and let go of the tensions of everyday life. This is not easy. We are so used to focusing on the tensions and problems. This is therefore learning a new way to approach life. It’s not impossible and it will pay huge rewards once you make the change. It does not however happen spontaneously. We must put some work into this. To get started find a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed for about fifteen minutes. Sit down (or lie down if you prefer); get comfortable, and begin with slow, deep breathing. This is quite often the starting point of many meditative spiritual experiences so don’t discount its importance. After a minute or two of deep breathing, consciously allow your body to relax. Feel your hands and feet getting heavier; then, after a few moments, lighter. This heavy/light sensation will spread through your body as you allow the energy from your hands and feet to begin flowing. Whether you are sitting or lying down, the energy will begin to gather and move and to be felt. (It is sometimes easier to feel if you are sitting with your feet on the ground and consciously ‘pulling’ the energy 12

up; however, this is not necessary and is only a way to make it easier to be aware on the conscious level of what is happening.) This exercise pays dividends long before you have perfected it because you will now be aware of the different ways you feel in difference circumstances. We find that we have quite often lived many years without really ‘feeling’ some things. It’s nice to take that next step. At this ‘golden time’ begin also to notice the small changes that are taking place all around us. The shadows in the afternoon are getting longer; the sun is rising later and setting earlier. The well known author and lecturer Glenys Livingstone calls this ‘the waxing dark.’ At the time of the summer solstice we took our first step into the darker, quieter time of year and now as we celebrate the feast of Lammas/Lughnasad (the grain harvest festival) we are very aware that the Darkness is waxing and the year is getting slower and quieter. Enjoy this time. Enjoy those last hot summer days – spend them on the beach or having a picnic. And enjoy the feel of change in the air and all around us, knowing that we are moving into the quiet winter season – a time of evenings around a fireside or a camp fire; a time to get out projects temporarily abandoned when spring and summer began and the outside world took over our time. Allow yourself to relax into the Golden Time, to quietly enjoy the world around us, a time to just ‘be’. Each turn of the Wheel of the Year offers something different to us. Enjoy it all. Marye-Ann Azzarello. maryeann.azzarello@gmail.com

March April May 2015 Edition

Feng Shui to stick to your New Year Resolutions


his is the first issue for 2015 and it's still time to look into the New Year resolutions that you promised yourself earlier this month. How are they evolving so far? Your thoughts are alive, you could even say that they are carrying a consciousness, an energy influencing your day, your outlook on situations and, yes, what you think changes your life. 1. Past Resolutions What happened to the good intents of the past years? Are you in that new job? Have you lost that weight? Do you drink less alcohol? Have these resolutions failed and why? This year again, you wish to find that magic wand that will make your dreams come true. Here are a few Feng Shui tips to support your decisions and anchor the energy of your intents around you. We work on the Feng Shui of your mind! Instead of finding excuses for not going ahead with your resolutions, what you will display around your home will remind your subconscious to "hang in there and stick to what you promised to you". Be true to yourself, no-one can side track you when you stay focused. 2. This Year Resolutions a) write down 3 resolutions about you (and you only because you can't decide for anyone else) b) write them positively in the present tense c) follow 3 steps as illustrated in the following examples 1. Write your intention with the idea of 'to BE' 2. Anchor it into a collage and place this collage in view 3. Put your intent into action

Good sentence : "I breathe fresh air" Feng Shui Tip: put a photo of you in the rainforest surrounded by lush green plants - or - create a little collage using a photo or view from a magazine and add yourself into it. Stick it on your cigarette pack instead of the health warning photo. Change this photo/collage for each pack of cigarette that you start so you reaffirm each time your intent to give up and breathe healthy air. Activate your intention: Each morning as you wake up, go outside, look at nature and breath in and out slowly focusing on the air getting in and out of your lungs. After 10 minutes, start your daily activities. Avoid: "I have a good relationship with John" (wrong: you are using to HAVE here instead of the idea of to BE - also, when you put someone else's name it is not right). Good sentence : "I enjoy a loving relationship" Feng Shui Tip: cut a photo out of a magazine of a loving couple - what is important though is that this couple cannot be have water in their back, no river flowing, no ocean either). Blue tag it on your bathroom mirror. Activate your intention: Each time you go to your bathroom, remember the qualities that you offer into a relationship. Would you feel 'not good enough' then it is time to look at yourself in the mirror and have a good discussion with yourself and change into the person you aim to be. Live your truth and have a fantastic year in 2015. Roseline Deleu International Feng Shui Master, Author, Trainer & Assessor Mob. 0412 717 454 www.fengshuisteps.com BLOG www.fengshuisteps.wordpress.com

Examples Avoid: "I lose weight" (wrong: because when you lose something you always look for it). Good sentence: "I reshape my body to a size 12" Feng Shui Tip: create a little collage cutting the body you'd like in a magazine and add your face to it. Put it on your fridge door. Activate your intention: Exercise every day even if it is for 10 minutes only, the importance is to get into a routine. Avoid: "I'm trying to give up smoking" (wrong: because you can't try, you either do or don't) www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


Charms, Amulets & Talismans with Quenten Walker Part 2 AMULETS


harms evolved into what are now known as amulets and talismans A talisman is made by human hands, an amulet is natural; a shark’s tooth, rabbit’s paw, four leaf clover, shells, stones and crystals used in their natural state i.e. not inscribed or engraved or made into an object for a particular purpose. Amulets are not only used for protection, they can be worn for the purpose of allowing the wearer to become linked with particular Devas, or spirit guides of animals or nature spirits that the object relates to. The word “amuletum” was the name for cyclamen, placed near homes to prevent poison harming the home owners. Amber also became to be known as “amuletum” because of its power to avert evil influence and infection.


A talisman can be either defensive or offensive, ie can be designed specifically to harm others, whereas an amulet can only be used in relation to the purpose for which it originated. Herbs, seeds, trees, stones, gems, animals or parts of animals are naturally amulets until we create them into talismans by utilizing all or part of them in the creation of a talisman. Because of the natural energy that amulets possess they have their own innate power. Whatever you choose to call this natural energy (magick, mana, ability, potential, life force, etc) doesn’t matter because the principle remains the same. Some examples of the symbolism of amulets:

March April May 2015 Edition

A Pagan Calendar by Quenten Walker

March March 1

Matronalia (Roman & Greece) Honours Juno Lucina, Who Protected Women, Children, And The Family.

March 2

First Festival Of Vesta (Roman)

March 2

The Feast Of Rhiannon The Great Queen, The Muse, The White Goddess.

March 3

Doll Festival (Japanese) Hina Mastsuri!

March 4

Mothering Day (English)

March 5

Celebration Of Isis As The Ruler Of Safe Navigation And Inventor Of The Sail

March 9

Celebration Of Aphrodite And Her Lover Adonis.



A Pagan March 15

Holiday Of Cybele. Celebrates Attis Return From Dead..

March 15

Anna Perennas Feast Day (Roman) Couples Paired Off

March 15

Festival Of Astarte In Cannan.

March 19

Quintaria: Feast Of Athena (Greek) In Her Aspect Of Physical And Mental Prowess.

March 21

Autumn Equinox (Mabon) (Southern Hemisphere). Harvesthome

March 22-27 The Hilaria Originating From The Rituals Of Cybele And Attis, Was A Happy Time. March 30

Feast Of Eostar (German) Goddess Of Rebirth

March 31

Feast Of The Moon Goddess (Roman) Goddess Of The Moon.

April April 1

Veneralia (Roman) Holiday Of Venus The Goddess Of Love

April 3-4

The Megalesia Of Cybele, Celebrated The Arrival Of This Goddess In Rome. In 204 Bc.

April 5

Festival Of Kwan Yin, The Goddess Of Mercy

April 8

The Hana Matsuri, The Flower Festival In Japan. The Japanese Flower Festival Has Now Become A Celebration Of Buddhas Birth.

April 13

Ceralia (Roman) Celebrated The Return Of Proserpina To The Earth Goddess Ceres.


March April May 2015 Edition

Calendar continued

by Quenten Walker

April 15

Festival Of Bast In Egypt.

April 22

Festival Of Ishtar (Babylonian)

April 27

Floralia (Central & Eastern European) Flora, Goddess Of Flowers

April 30

Samhain (Celtic – Southern Hemisphere) The Witches Feast Of The Dead

May May 1 May Day (European) May 2-3

Fire Festival Of Bona Dea (Roman) May 4

Festival Of Sheila Na Gig (Irish)

May 5

Boys' Day: Feast Of Banners (Japanese)

May 9

Lemuria (Roman) Wandering Spirits Of The Dead.

May 14

Goddess Tithe Day (North African) The Black-Robed Isis Receives One-Tenth Of The Riches She Has Given To The Wealthy.

May 15

Rain Dance Night (Guatemalan)

May 18

Feast Of Pan (Greek) Celebrate Men.

May 19

Through 28 Kallyntaria & Plynteria: Spring Cleaning (Greek)

May 25

Celebration Of The Tao, Mother Of The World (Chinese & Japanese)

May 29

Ambarvalia: Corn Mother Festival (Roman)

May 30-31 Feast Of The Queen Of The Underworld, Prosperpina (Roman) www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


Rune Magik A

s the Wheel of our year turns to Ostara in the North, night and day stand in perfect balance, with light on the increase. The young Sun God now celebrates His sacred union with the young Maiden Goddess; this union brings forth abundant times, a time of hope, and fertility. The full Moon of Ostara is sacred to the Saxon Lunar Goddess of fertility it is no coincidence that the word oestrogen is derived from Her name and the egg and the rabbit are favoured by Her. So let us then celebrate Ostara as an awaking of the Earth and all its fertile promise with a little egg Magik. Ostara Egg Charm

herbs, then seal the holes with wax from your candle.

You will need... an egg (or several, one for each member of your family) a mini spell candle in white, green or yellow Traditionally Cinquefoil leaf and Dogwood are used as a filling, but pending on where you live and your personal arsenal of herbs e.g. Cloves, Corriander seed and Dragon's Blood Resin (protection), Barley, Rice, Orange Blossom, Jasmine (abundance) Take an egg and poke small holes at each end of it and blow out the contents till empty. Light your candle, and when it has gone down at least halfway, Fill the egg with your protective 18

Decorate the egg with symbols from Runes; Berkano, Jera and Fehu and the names of each member of your family. Should you wish to dye the eggs draw these symbols/names in white crayon prior to dipping. As you do so think of each person and your wish for them at this time of year. Gather a nice basket full of fresh grass and flowers, and display it prominently...Your home, family and property will be protected. RavenSpell (c) 2015

March April May 2015 Edition




(B: Berchta, the birchgoddess.) Birth, general fertility, both mental and physical and personal growth, liberation. Regenerative power and light of spring, renewal, promise of new beginnings, new growth. Arousal of desire. A love affair or new birth. The prospering of an enterprise or venture. (J or Y: A year, a good harvest.) The results of earlier efforts are realized. A time of peace and happiness, fruitful season. It can break through stagnancy. Hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity. The promise of success earned. Life cycle, cyclical pattern of the universe. Everything changes, in its own time.

(F: Domestic cattle, wealth.) Possessions won or earned, earned income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Social success. Energy, foresight, fertility, creation/destruction (becoming).

of the year, a declining of the Sun God's potency evident as the days grow shorter. Mabon is also the day when we give thanks for the Second Harvest. We honor the Green Man, the God of the Forest, by making offering to sacred trees. Offerings of ciders, herbs, wines, and fertilizer are fitting for this time as spells for protection (in dark times), security, prosperity and Spiritual harmony. To Bless a person or household with health, happiness and harmony: • 3 orange candles • Marjoram and Rosemary • Cedar oil Write the person/s name on paper one piece per name and/or carve in the candles one candle per name and the Rune glyphs of Jera and Fehu. Anoint the candles with cedar oil, and light them. Sprinkle some of the herbs around the bases of the candles and focus on the flames. Feel the heat of the fire fill up your soul. Repeat the following: Happiness and joy come into their/ our lives (visualise those which you are Blessing„„see them happy healthy and safe). Away with anger, stress and strife They/ we am happy, they/ we are free No more negativity Pass your hands through the warmth of the flames (preferably without burning yourself). Leave the candles to burn down on their own. If you wrote their names on paper alight each piece with the appropriate candle and place in a fire safe bowl (cauldron) RavenSpell (c) 2013. Seasons' Blessings

In the Southern Hemisphere we begin to see the waning of the Sun. Mahon, symbolises the ageing

RavenSpell xx



Mabon Mabon (the Autumn Equinox, usually 20th or 21st March, associated most commonly with the Easter holiday period). The hours of light are now overtaken by the hours of darkness for the first time. The Sun God is slain by his rival the God of the Underworld, the God of the Night, the God of Mystery. The Dark God mates with the Mother Goddess and tempts her even more firmly to explore the theme of mortality and death. This is the time of the year when almost all of the rest of the harvest is taken in, particularly fruit crops. The time of the year now turns to more serious intent, school has resumed, university has resumed, most businesses are working up to financial statements and the budget is being prepared. We are now counting the consequences of the last year and consolidating on our progress (or otherwise!) and seeking to make progress for the coming year. Autumn represents the life of the world waning away, symbolized by the death of plants. The Autumn Equinox is focused on the departed spirit of the Harvest Lord and therefore upon plant sacrifice. The ever repeating theme of this concept speaks of renewal. This renewal is a refilling of divine energy back into the soil to replace what the crops have consumed. By consuming the Harvest Lord in the form of festival foods of the Harvest, each individual came away with their own inner natures revitalized. The Harvest Lord is often symbolized by a straw doll, whose sacrificial body is burned and its ashes scattered upon the earth. In agricultural societies the ashes were scattered over plowed fields to ensure the fertility of the soil. In Scotland, the last sheaf of the harvest is called the Maiden, and must be cut by the youngest female in attendance. It is then traditionally hung in the barn. At this Equinox it is naturally a time for thanksgiving, for not only the abundance which the earth has yielded, but also for the personal growth and wisdom which we have gained in whirling through another year towards greater personal maturity. At the Autumn Equinox, we come to recognise that the bounteous Goddess of summer's growth is now enacting through the changes of the season a passion play as She ages with the beginning of fall, passing from being the Mother who has brought forth the offspring of Her harvest, on through the menopause of Her ageing year in preparation for Her seasonal culmination as the Crone, the Hag Queen, the Aged Wise One. 20

March April May 2015 Edition

Samhain Samhain (The beginning of Winter, May Day i.e. 1st May and associated with the Australian Feast of the Honourable Dead i.e. Anzac Day). This is the ancient Feast of the Dead, the time when the Goddess descends into the Underworld to confront the Lord of the Dead only to fall in love with him and to become his consort. This is the time that we ritually enact the Legend of the Descent of the Goddess based on the ancient Sumerian legend of Innana and Erishkigal. Psychologically it represents the inward exploration of our spirituality, of our unconscious, of awareness of psychic events and connection with our past, both personal, cultural and archetypal. It is a time when we can make connections psychological or otherwise with our own revered dead and particularly honour those who gave their lives voluntarily in sacrifice to prevent tyranny or discriminations, not only those soldiers who died in war but also those men and women who died for their faith (not just the witches burned at the stake but those of any religion who died to uphold their freedom to worship freely), those who suffered in the cause of female equality and for female suffrage, those who died or were harmed in the cause for other human freedoms, the right to associate, the right to fair labour, the right to universal education, the right to political free speech etc. And thus we can come to understand the nature of evil itself. That of greed, that of continuation of only one side - either the dark or the light, and so come to a better appreciation of the necessity for balance, not just in an ecological system but also cosmically, thus we behold the cycle of life, death and re-birth as an essential

Pagan principal that underlies the affirmation of balance as a proper way of life. Samhain (Sow-in or Sah-vin) has many meanings. Among these, it marks the end of the third and final harvest, it is a day to commune with and remember the dead, and it is a celebration of the eternal cycle of reincarnation. The word itself derives from the Irish word "samhraidhreadh,' meaning "the sum¬mer's end." Samhain marked the end of summer and the beginning of win¬ter for the Celts, with the day after Samhain being the official Celtic New Year. It was also a season when one's thoughts turned inward and retrospective; a time of remembering our loved ones who, like the leaves of autumn, had fallen asleep upon the gentle breeze of death, being car¬ried down into the dimensions of the dead below. To the Celts, this was a moment in time when the psychic veil between the worlds of the liv¬ing and the dead was transparently thin. For any dead friends whose spirits might be visiting, Irish families used to leave some tobacco and a dish of porridge-and some empty chairs-by the fire. As part of the harvest feast, pumpkins are served in many forms: cakes, cookies, casseroles, puddings, and breads. But the best loved and most familiar is the scrumptious pumpkin pie, which adorns the harvest tables of both pagans and non-pagans from Mabon to Thanksgiving.



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Due to factors such as age, stress, pollution and poor diet, there is a reduction in the release and activity of adult stem cells, which may lead to a decline in the natural ability of your body to maintain optimal health. Stemtech’s clinically studied stem cell nutrition line of products is designed to help support three most important aspects of stem cell physiology: the release, circulation and migrations of stem cells. Stemtech’s products do not contain stem cells. They are composed of natural botanicals and other ingredients that have been clinically documented to support the performance of your own stem cells. Stemtech’s line of adult stem cell nutrition products for humans includes SE2®, StemFlo®, ST-5 with MigraStem® and DermaStem®. These products are designed synergistically, to provide you with the maximum results when taken together throughout your day. Don’t be fooled by imitators, Stemtech pioneered this exciting new supplement category, and is the only company with a full line of products that are clinically shown to support the body’s natural renewal system. 22

For animals, Stemtech has created StemEquine®. These products are created with the same high-quality standards as our products for humans. *These statements have not been evaluated by TGA and Medsafe. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. SE2 SE2® Advanced Stem Cell Support is the world’s first ALLNATURAL supplement documented to support the release of adult stem cells from bone marrow. Our patent-pending, proprietary formula is long-lasting and releases millions of stem cells in the bloodstream. It is an extraordinary blend of ingredients starting with AFA Concentrate. An advancement in Cellular Renewal – helping Nature do what it is designed to do Our Advanced Formula helps the body maintain and repair tissue and organs. In fact, Stemtech was first to discover the way to support the body’s natural renewal system by supporting the release of millions of adult stem cells into the bloodstream. SE2 is not a traditional multivitamin supplement that works to supply nourishment to old cells. Instead, SE2 supports the natural release of “master” cells that can transform themselves into healthy new cells.

March April May 2015 Edition

StemEnhance StemEnhance is the world’s first all-natural supplement documented to support the natural release of adult stem cells from the bone marrow. In a clinical study, published in a 2007 issue of Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, StemEnhance increased the number of circulating adult stem cells by approximately 3-4 million within the bloodstream. A patented all-natural concentrate of an edible aquatic botanical known Aphanizomenon Flos-aquae (AFA), the supplement offers the ultimate in stem cell nutrition, by supporting the natural renewal process within the body. StemEnhance, the right choice for Stem Cell Nutrition!

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March April May 2015 Edition



THE WILD WOMAN WITHIN by Avril Rose has become a folk story whilst we are busy in our shoes, face painted, and unnatural cloth covers our gentle softness. No room for Movement. Our Sameness is celebrated our Uniqueness isolating. We are a soul having a Human Experience. Our Souls are crying for acknowledgement. “Hear my song” she sings. Something is missing and we look outside ourselves for our truth. We take on philosophies our parents gave us or find ourselves new ways to follow someone elses thought patterns. The corporate giants tell us what to wear and what to eat, how to live and what to think. We believe it and we live their manipulation. Why else would we work without passion for 8 hours a day? Put our children in child care so we can spend the money we earn on items that


he questions I am most asked by my clients. What is my purpose? Why am I here? How can I stay in the moment and live my truth? Good questions. The answer is perfectly simple, find your Wild Woman, your Soul and allow her to run your life. I am reading, for the second time, Woman Who Run with Wolves. Its a pull back to my roots, my truth, my Instinct. Not the family line or my country of origin but the woman who flows through my veins. Our Organic Essence, Natural Intuition and Knowledge evolve from our “Wild Woman”. Our freedom, our knowing and our instincts originate from within.


Each culture has their own fables to connect women to their source. We have had to cloak, and suppress our True Selves. We buried her so deep we have forgotten who we are. Forever, taking on roles, we live as if we are in a play or Television sitcom. Wife, Mother, Adolesce, Child, Grandma and many variations of this: (Our Job, our friends, our style, it goes on and on). Separation from our natural self is the greatest violation. We are looking and searching outside ourselves when all we need to do is be and remember who we are. The Wise One, the Goddess and the child are all part of us. Walking barefoot connecting to our land our heartbeat March April May 2015 Edition

would gather and cook together as children played under foot. Songs were sung and folk stories recited, our linage of Women always expressed. We shared, we learnt from the wise Aunties and Grandmothers and our Wild Women always fully present. Here and now we can remember those ways. So what have we been doing for our lifetime? Living with a Passion and Freedom or living within boundaries or rules? Living in poverty or working a job which feels like Groundhog Day. Why?

do not satisfy our longings. We buy clothes or face paint (makeup) so we can be the same. We give back to the Corporations and then we go back to our job to earn more money to buy more things. None of this sastifies us. I am lucky enough to be living in Central North Coast where the food is organic, the clothes natural fibres and rarely do we see lipstick or foundation or those ridiculous High Heeled shoes. The majority of families do not have a Television; our news comes from our fellow man and our instincts less constricted. My son tells me “You live in a town where woman dont wear bras, Mum”. I laugh at this observation. Music flows along our streets, enticing aroma of good coffee and smiling faces. Folks say “Hi” and look me in the eye. Truly Blessed I am! It was a choice to live here. Is this enough? No its not. I have to consciously seek my innate being. My head constantly telling me stories, of yesterday and tomorrow and its all a pattern which keeps me out of this moment. To find my peace I must step out of unconscious doing. Its not easy as we all know. Something Magical happens when we connect our feet to the Earth our Spirit to our Heart and our Consciousness to the Universe. Peace becomes the normal, Bliss flows through our veins. Time becomes non-existent. We wander

lightly, focused completely on our task, following our bodys own rhythm, nourishing ourselves with the nectars we see. There are many meditations, all truly beautiful, to touch in with your Soul. I find it so much easier to walk bare foot on the grass or dangle my feet in the crystal clear water of my creek. When Im truly anchored to the earth, I start to notice the song of the birds, see the dragonfly and the tiniest native bees. I am connected. Our walking on concrete and shopping centres and wearing our shoes stops this flow. I would walk for miles as a child and now we hop in the car, step onto concrete have music pumped into our brains whilst we walk in daze from shop to shop throwing money away at this and that. Are your shopping choices from a conscious need or a compulsive reaction to a special flash or any marketing tactic? How full is your bin at the end of the week from packaging or waste? Our mothers used to walk to the shop and only bring home what they could carry. Trollies are made so we spend more. Now to our Bodies: First need is water. Pure spring water, if youre blessed or at the very least a filter. Organic food is a must. If it comes in a brown paper bag its normally good for you. Shop consciously.

Now, it is your choice how you live. No more excuses or procrastinations. Responsibility is the key for each and every moment and everything that happens to you. Its not someones fault you are unhappy. You choose to bring them into your life. It is a choice now to be happy. Its your life. Pull your power back. Gather all of you. Responsibility is magic as you are the only one to blame and the only one who can fix your life. Its time to Live Your Beautiful Life. Make a conscious choice, Now, in this moment, to be everything you wish to be. Find your power your strength. Your Soul is within, guiding you always, to achieve”. I leave you now to journey and remember your inner “Wild Woman” Blessings Avril Rose

We have lost touch with our clans, our women. Men would hunt and women www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


A-Z of Culinary


“Invaluable for Food Lovers� N Nage - An aromatic broth in which crustaceans are cooked. The shellfish is then served with this broth. The most notable of these dishes is lobster la nage. Nantua - A name given to dishes containing crayfish. This includes crayfish tails and sauces made with a crayfish fumet. Navarin - French stew made with mutton or lamb and onions, turnips, potatoes, and herbs. Nicoise - Foods cooked in the style of Nice. These dishes may include garlic, Nicoise olives, anchovies, tomatoes, and green beans. Salad Nicoise is the most famous of all these dishes, consisting of potatoes, olives, green beans, and vinaigrette dressing. Noisette - A small round steak, made of lamb or beef tenderloin. Noisette Butter - Whole butter which has been cooked until it reaches a rich, nutty brown colour and aroma. Nori Seaweed - Thin dry sheets of seaweed used in Japanese cooking. It is mainly used to wrap sushi and as garnish for other cold presentations. Nougat - A candy made from sugar and honey mixed with nuts. This mixture is then formed into slabs and sliced. Nougatine - A darker candy, made of caramel syrup and nuts. This is rolled into thin sheets and formed into cups or bowls to serve as a vessel for other candy or fruit. Nuoc-Mam - This is a Vietnamese fish sauce made with fermented fish or shrimp. Another name for this is nam pla.


Nutella - A commercial brand of gianduja. This is a creamy paste of chocolate and hazelnuts treasured in Italy. This is used in candy making, for flavoured milk drinks, and when thinned out, spread on bread as a quick snack.

by Steve Duncan Osso Buco - An Italian dish comprised of crosscut slices of the veal shank braised with vegetables, aromatics, and stock. Milanese style is served with saffron risotto and gremolata. Ouzo - A clear anise-flavoured liqueur from Greece. It is generally mixed with water which turns it whitish and opaque.

O Oeuf - The French word for egg. Oeuf a la Neige - Sweet meringue puffs that are poached in milk and chilled. When served, these puffs are drizzled with caramel and served with creme anglaise. Olive Oil - Olive oil has a very distinctive flavour, and has become more prominent in cooking today. Gradings of olive oils are determined by the methods of extraction and the acid content of the resulting oil. Virgin oils are those obtained from the first pressing of the olive without further refinement. The finest olive oil is extra virgin, with an acid content of 1%. Following this are superfine at 1.5%, fine at 3%, and virgin at 4%. Pure olive oils are those which have been extracted by heat. These are of 100% olive oil, but their flavour can result in a harsh, bitter aftertaste. Pomace olive oil is refined from the final pressings and under heat and pressure. The taste is inferior to other olive oils and should never be substituted for them. Olive oil becomes rancid very easily, more so when exposed to heat or light. Always store tightly sealed in a cool, dark place. Olives - This is the edible fruit of the olive tree. Found in both green(unripe) and black(ripe) forms, each must undergo a process to remove the bitterness found in them. This curing process is done with brine solutions, salt curing, and drying.

March April May 2015 Edition

Oyster Mushroom - A wild mushroom that grows in clusters on the side of trees. It is off-white to greyish in colour and has a soft texture. These mushrooms have a very subtle flavour. They are also being cultivated, making them readily available in markets and moderately priced.

P Paella - A Spanish rice dish originating in the town of Valencia. There are hundreds of recipes for paella, all claiming to be authentic. The only ingredients that are necessary for paella are rice, tomatoes, and saffron. Other ingredients are chicken, chorizo, mussels, squid, peppers, and beans. More elaborate preparations include shrimp, lobster, and duck. Paillard - A piece of meat or fish that has been pounded very thinly and grilled or sauteed. Palmier - A cookie made of sheets of puff pastry that are rolled in sugar and folded to resemble palm leaves. These cookies are baked until the sugar becomes caramelised. Panada - A thick paste used as a binding agent for forcemeat's. Flour panadas are made in a style similar to choux paste. Other types use bread crumbs or potato puree.

Pancetta - Cured pork belly that is rolled and tied. Unlike bacon, this is not smoked. Panforte - A rich dense torte made of candied fruit and nuts.

gougere (cheese puffs) may also be made with this paste. Paupiette - A thin slice of meat, like a scallopine, which is stuffed and rolled. These may also be made of fish or vegetables.

Panino - The Italian word for sandwich. Pannetone - An Italian cake made with a dough rich in egg yolks, traditionally served around Christmas time. The dough is studded with raisins, candied fruits, and occasionally pistachios. Panzanella - A salad consisting of toasted cubes of bread tossed with vegetables and vinaigrette. The salad is then marinated for at least one hour. The bread should be very firm so that it will endure the soaking of dressing. Vegetables can include tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and onions. Lots of garlic, capers, black olives, and anchovies are added to the salad.

Penne - Quill-shaped pasta tubes with smooth sides. Those with ridges are called penne rigati. These are also called mostaciolli. Large quill-shaped tubes are called manicotti. Persillade - A mixture of chopped parsley and garlic, added to recipes at the end of

Polenta - The Italian version of cornmeal. Coarsely ground yellow cornmeal is cooked with stock or water and flavoured with onions, garlic, and cheese. Polenta may be eaten fresh out of the pot, as a perfect accompaniment to stews. Polenta may also be poured into a greased pan and allowed to set. It is then sliced, sautéed, and topped with cheese or tomato sauce. When cooked properly, polenta is a simple treasure.

Profiterole - A small puff made with pate choux usually filled an served as an appetiser. Prosciutto - The Italian word for ham, usually referring to the raw cured hams of Parma. Though once impossible to obtain in the United States due to USDA regulations, fine prosciuttos from Italy and Switzerland are now being imported. These hams are called prosciutto crudo. Cooked hams are called prosciutto cotto. Prosciutto is best when sliced paper thin served with ripe figs or wrapped around grissini.

Pastry Cream - A cooked custard thickened with flour. Some versions may use cornstarch or a mixture of the two starches.

Pâté Choux - A paste used to make cream puffs, eclairs, and other more elaborate pastries. It is made by adding flour to boiling water or milk, which has been enriched with butter. Eggs are then added into the paste to leaven it. Savoury pastries such as

Pita Bread - Flat round bread made with or without a pocket.

Praline - In French cookery this is a powder or paste made of caramelised almonds and/or hazelnuts. American cookery refers to a candy consisting of caramel and pecans.

Pasta e Fagioli - A rich bean soup with pasta, in which a large sausage (such as cotechino/salami) has been cooked. The soup is eaten first, followed by the sausage served with mustard and bread.

Pâté - A term referring to many different preparations of meat, fish and vegetable pies. The definitions of which have been altered through the years. Originally pat‚ referred to a filled pastry much like American or English pies. Now the term pâté en croute is used to describe these preparations. Pâté en terrine has been shortened to either pâté or terrine. A terrine is generally a finer forcemeat than that used for pâté, and is always served cold. Pâtés are coarser forcemeat's and, as stated before, are often prepared in a pastry crust. We now use these terms interchangeably and inclusive of all styles of forcemeat. Look for definitions under ballottine and galantine.

Pissaladiere - A southern French pizza consisting of a thick bread crust covered with cooked onions flavoured with garlic. The pizza is then topped with black olives and anchovies.


Pumate - Italian for sun-dried tomatoes.

Pesto - A delicious sauce used for pastas, grilled meats, and poultry. This is made of fresh basil, garlic, olive oil, and parmesan cheese. Some versions will also add parsley and walnuts or pine nuts. The ingredients are ground into a paste and moistened with the olive oil. Pesto is also used to describe similar sauces that contain other herbs or nuts.

Puttanesca - A piquant pasta sauce made of tomatoes, onions, black olives, capers, anchovies, and chile flakes. The hot pasta is tossed in this sauce prior to serving. Some recipes leave the ingredients raw, allowing the heat of the pasta to bring out the flavours.

Petit Four - A small cookie or cake served on elaborate buffets or at the end of a multicourse meal. Piroshki - Small Russian meat pies, like empanadas, eaten for lunch or snacks. www.whitelightmagazine.com.au

Pyramide Cheese - A truncated pyramid is the shape of this small French chevre (goat cheese) that is often coated with dark grey edible ash. The texture can range from soft to slightly crumbly and depending upon it’s age, in flavour from mild to sharp. It is wonderful served with crackers or bread and fruit.


Love the way of Tantra T

he ways of love are mysterious. A man has the need for love once in a while, but a woman needs to live in love 24 hours a day.

Men also have many other passions, but only one of his interests is love. So a man can sacrifice love for art, for his music or his meditation. But a man who loves and knows himself first, takes the first steps towards real love. Love can not exist in two different mind sets. You want a love which is born out of meditation, not born of the mind as rational thought, obligation or fantasy? Out of meditation a different quality of love will emerge. Then you won't “fall in-love” but you will “rise inlove”! To accomplish this you both sit silently together. You can have classical or any type of soothing music to set the mood, nothing harsh or invigorating. Make your breathing be as slow as possible, then put your hands on each other’s hearts. When you do this with all your heart, then you will become drunk with the love of each other. This is real love. This is Tantra. 30

March April May 2015 Edition

Just Love alone can never really be a great base for marriage because love is only playful and fun. If you marry for love, it can soon become frustrating, when the decline of spontaneity and excitement sets in, that you enjoyed so much in the beginning of the relationship.

Tantra is an effort to make you more conscious of each other. I believe we have to change the whole thinking of humanity about marriage. I would like a different kind of relationship in the world - I will call it: Tantra Marriage. It may involve a Registry Office, as some social

convention may be needed, but when this marriage grows it will be no ordinary thing. Not originating out of need, but growing out of over-flowing joy! By Sunder Devi Workshops www.sunderdevi.com

Marriage is best achieved with a deep friendship and deep intimacy. Love is implied in it, but love alone is not the formula. I believe marriage should be spiritual. Marriage is not necessarily sexual at all. Sex may be there, but marriage is a deep spiritual communion between two people. A man who decides to get married should have already known many women and the woman should have already known many men. Only then can they wisely choose from past experience. Only then can they best judge who you can soar high with. Men and women should first meet, get to know each other and take their time exploring each others layers. There need be no hurry to get married. Slowly you will learn the art of love and you will learn the ways of being together. By taking your time you will also discover the person you have the most spiritual affinity with. It also helps if you have a great meditativeness, so that you can be blissful together. www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


Vegan Recipes

Banana and Walnut Muffins

Arancini Balls

makes 12 muffins

makes about 25

Ingredients 4 very ripe bananas, mashed 1/4 cup vegan margarine (eg. Nuttelex) melted 3/4 cup soft brown sugar 1 cup soy milk (or other non-dairy milk) 1 tsp egg replacer 1 tbsp water 1&3/4 cups flour 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/4 cup walnuts

Ingredients 1 large onion, finely diced 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 cups Arborio rice 1/2 cup white wine 4 cups water 2 'chicken style' stock cubes 1 tsp dried mixed herbs 1 tsp ground black pepper 1/4 cup chopped fresh herbs (parsley, chives, basil) 1 tbsp savoury yeast flakes 1/2 cup pine nuts, toasted and chopped 1/2 cup plain flour 3/4 cup vegan breadcrumbs Oil for deep frying

Method Preheat oven to 180 C. Grease a muffin tin or line with muffin papers. Mix together the bananas, margarine, sugar, soy milk and vanilla extract. Combine the egg replacer and water and add this to the mixture. Mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, nutmeg, cinnamon and walnuts. Pour the wet mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until well combined. Fill the muffin tray and bake for approximately 20 minutes.


Method Place the water, stock cubes, mixed herbs and black pepper into a saucepan, bring to a boil then lower heat so it is just simmering. Heat a little olive oil in a large pan over a medium heat and fry onion and garlic until soft and just starting to brown. Add the rice and cook, stirring continually for about 2 minutes, do not allow the rice to brown. Pour in the wine and continue stirring until it has been absorbed. Add the stock, a little at a time, stirring until absorbed before adding more. Continue until all stock is used. Turn off the heat and stir through the savoury yeast flakes, fresh herbs and pine nuts. Taste and add extra seasoning if required. Leave to cool. Stir the flour into the rice mixture. Then take a spoonful at a time and roll into balls, slightly smaller than a golf ball. Roll each in breadcrumbs until well coated. Heat about 3-4 cm of oil in a large pan. Then fry the balls a few at a time until golden brown. Drain on kitchen paper. March April May 2015 Edition

Roasted Vegetable and Pesto Sandwich Ingredients 1/2 large zucchini, sliced 1/4eggplant, thickly sliced 1/2 capsicum, sliced 1/2 large red onion, cut into wedges 4 slices of your favourite bread, or 2 bread rolls 2 tbsps dairy free pesto Salad leaves (rocket or baby spinach work well) 1 large tomato 1 garlic clove, minced (optional) Olive oil Salt and pepper Method Place zucchini, eggplant, capsicum and red onion onto a baking tray. Drizzle with a little olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Add garlic (if using) and mix through well. Place in a medium oven and roast until soft and starting to brown. Set aside to cool. Spread the bread with the pesto. Pile on the roasted veggies, salad leaves and tomato. Options: To make the sandwich even more delicious you could try adding toasted pine nuts, avocado and fresh basil.

Potato, Squash & Asparagus Frittata Serves 4-6 Ingredients 400g potatoes, cut into large chunks 250g butternut squash, cut into large chunks 1 bunch asparagus, cut into thirds 1 large onion, thickly sliced 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 tsp dried mixed herbs 250g tofu 1/2 cup water 1 tbsp savoury yeast flakes 1 tsp mild paprika 1 tsp Dijon mustard 1 tsp vegan margarine 1 tbsp Tofutti sour 'cream' or cream 'cheese' 1 handful parsley and/or chives, chopped Method Fry potatoes and squash until golden brown, then add onion, garlic and dried herbs and continue cooking until onions are soft and brown. Season well with salt and pepper. Add the asparagus to the pan and cook for a further 2-3 minutes. Tip vegetable mixture into a 20cm springform cake tin.

Adzuki Bean Burgers Ingredients 1/2 cup dry adzuki beans 1 red onion, finely diced 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tsp Massell 'beef style' stock powder 1/2 tsp dried mixed herbs 1/2 cup fresh breadcrumbs 1 tbsp plain flour 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce (anchovy free) Method Soak adzuki beans in a large pan of water overnight. Bring to the boil and simmer for 40 minutes. Drain and set aside, mash when cool. Fry onion and garlic in a little olive oil until golden brown then add to beans together with the stock powder, herbs, breadcrumbs, flour and Worcestershire sauce and mix well. Divide the mixture into two and shape into burgers, fry in a little oil until brown on each side Serve in a bun with your favourite extras. Here we have used lettuce, red onion, gherkin, a Tofutti 'cheese' slice, tomato sauce, mustard and vegan mayonnaise.

Place tofu and remaining ingredients (except the fresh herbs) in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth, stir through fresh herbs. Pour the tofu mixture over the vegetables and smooth with a knife.

Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake Ingredients Brownie: 200g dark chocolate chopped 1 3/4 cups (300g) brown sugar Orgran 'No egg' to the equivalent of 4 eggs 1 1/3 cups (200g) sifted plain flour 1/4 tps sifted baking powder 1/3 cup (35g) sifted cocoa 250g vegan margarine (eg. Nuttelex) Cheesecake: 250g plain Tofutti cream 'cheese' 1/3 cup (75g) caster sugar Orgran 'No egg' to the equivalent of 2 eggs Method Preheat the oven to 180C. In a medium sized saucepan, stir the Nuttelex and chocolate on a very low heat until smooth. Take off the heat and whisk through the sugar and 'No egg', until all ingredients have combined. Add the flour, baking powder and cocoa and whisk until smooth. Pour into a lightly greased 22cm baking tray lined with baking paper and set aside. Place the cream 'cheese', sugar and 'No egg' into a food processor and whiz until smooth. Using a serving spoon, place spoonfuls of the cheesecake mixture on top of the brownie mixture. Using a butter knife, make swirls through the mixture,bringing up some of the brownie mixture to the top through the cheesecake, and vice versa. Bake for 50 minutes and slice to desired size to serve.

Bake in a medium hot oven for 30-40 minutes. www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


March, April & May 2015 by Amanda Hall Psychic Hall of Fame 2013 www.simplyastrology.com.au






Wealth New beginning and opportunities are everywhere be ready to act quickly now. Your creative juices are flowing with many new ideas to increase money into your bank account. Just be ready to leap at a moment’s notice. Love Love is in the air for all Aries. For some the sweet new love and for others just resurgence of your love for your partner. New soul mates may be coming soon for some. A loving and positive time ahead now enjoy the cooler weather together. Destiny How your world has changed in the last couple of months now we can see destiny working her magic for you. The word is your oyster now if you have played your cards right. New work opportunities are coming very suddenly make sure you read the fine print.

Wealth Budgeting is not a word you use often, but it has become part of your life recently, keep up the good work it starting to bring results. Money will flow in and out over the next few months as some big purchases maybe on the horizons. Love You feel as if it has been a long time since there was so much opportunity to let your hair down and have some fun. Well now is the time. Singles there could be many different opportunities to go dating and have fun. For everyone else fun time with your partner will fun and loving glances will be the order of the day Destiny Life is changing very fast now and not always to your liking. Know that destiny has a much bigger plan that we cannot see for the future with many exciting and changeable options to explore and enjoy.

Wealth Money seems to slip through your finger like water, but hey they have been necessary purchases to make you feel good and adorn your home with some, lovely sparkly additions. Now we need to just slow down a little and rebuild the bank balance just a little. Love Love and romance are very important to you. There have been some changes here and not all to your liking. Sometimes we need allow others to be right sometimes. For singles keep looking they are there and ready to love you this amazing person you are. Destiny Now we know you just love to be the centre of attention and now is no different. Sometimes we have to take a back seat for just a short time. Now that is over time to shine and show them what you are made of. Greed is always a great motivator to achieve your dreams.

Taurus Wealth We all know money is very important to you and you feel it in your soul. New opportunities explore over the autumn months with the seeds being planted to some very lucrative new ways to make money. You can smell the success of plenty of money if you take it slow and research well. Love The first love is always money, but sometimes a new someone can turn your head and you do fall in love especially if single. For the rest of us just a nice positive time with loved ones as we make plans for the future now seem very real and tangible to achieve. Destiny Destiny is smiling down upon you now, because of your hard work and being able to act quickly when opportunities present themselves. New beginnings and plenty of scope to increase your bank balance. Maybe even a new job on the horizon.

Cancer Wealth Money and new directions seem to go hand in hand now. For some new career or job opportunities are looming which is very exciting as you have been working hard to achieve this. More money and possible new money agreements are possible now with a bright future. Love With new directions in your love life because of honest and open communication the relationship is heading in a strong new direction. For singles cupids arrows are flying high now and you could meet your soul mate real soon. Destiny We have seen destiny in full flight over the last few months bringing new and exciting opportunities into your life these will continue as the master plan is now unfolding in front of your very eyes. Be open for new ideas and potential growth in many areas of life. March April May 2015 Edition

Virgo Wealth Work and money go hand in hand now. You just need to step it up and outside your comfort zones. New job or career could be calling you. Stop procrastinating now and step to the plate and shine. Love It is so easy to keep wallowing in selfpity and looking in the rear vision mirror. The past is gone now we look to the future instead. Singles time to step out into the future not the past. Long term partners need now to let go of the past grievances and hurts. Destiny Fear is the one thing that holds you back from seizing the moment and what destiny has presented to you. Take a leap of faith and fly into the unknown and see where it takes you. Exciting times ahead when you do, what are you waiting for.




Wealth Changes in personal finances are happening fast now. Some may be moving long distance other is just restless and would like a new home. Excitement is in the air. Money will flow well so we need to keep an eye on the spending, but fun times ahead. Love Love is so important in your life. Some will be apart from their loved ones now and a little sad. Soon back together. Changes are happening all around new chapters are being written Singles step out and explore new places to meet new people. Destiny You feel the excitement in the air and now it could be time to make some sudden and hasty changes as they present themselves. Destiny is showing her hand of where your life will be heading over the coming months.

Wealth New opportunities coming calling do be ready to jump and seize the moment. Money will be increasing slowly because of the new opportunities and ability to increase earning capacity. For some change in career or job is looming. Love Love and travel seem to the flavour of the next few months. Special times with your family lover and friends ate what amazing memories are made of. Singles get your bag ready to travel and have fun some holiday romance could be on the cards. Destiny Dream big and believe you deserve it all. You have worked hard and listened well to your intuition and now destiny is finally smiling down on you and the opportunities are coming in thick and fast.

Wealth Life is always changing and you are full of new fresh ideas to increase wealth this year. Just make sure they sit right with you before proceeding. Quick fast money can come in but make sure you put some away for a rainy day. Love Sometimes you wonder if cupid just flies right past you. Well no! You have been so self-absorbed you have not seen what is right under your nose. Singles you need to visit new techno savvy places to find you next love interest. Destiny Destiny and new ideas can go hand in hand now. Life is going to be about the light bulb moments. New and exciting people places and opportunities are all here. Ready set go. It could be raining money and relationships.



Wealth Money and increased wealth seem to be a thing of the past or so you thought. Now is the time to look carefully at long range financial agreements. There is some ways to save money and maybe gain some new income for the future with new ideas you are looking at. Love Love and money seem to go hand in hand and there have been some issues to work through recently. We seem to be on top of these now. The future is a lot more calm and clear now. Singles not allot of new love suitors at the moment that suit you. Forever hopeful; Destiny Destiny seems as if she has been on holidays or so you thought. Not quite true there is allot burbling away below the surface and now will slowly be revealed. Then you will be in a position of power. This will bring a smile to your face.

Wealth Money has been a little tricky as you feel the need to make more and prepare for the future you have some ideas for long term investments you would like to explore more at great length before proceeding. There could be some opportunities to increase earning potential over the coming months. Love Love comes in many different forms and for you having financial security with your partner is paramount. Now is the time for the two of you sit down and discuss long term plans for the future especially about the relationship and how money investments need to flow. Singles keep positive. Destiny Destiny and good planning go hand in hand for you right now. There are some new opportunities that will slowly be revealed. Be aware you might need to work on these a little harder to get the bigger rewards.

Pisces Wealth Money is always there for you. The creative way and abilities you have always lean towards new and exciting prospects to increase money. Money will flow in over the next few months with extra work around you. Love Love is always surrounding you because you exclude that loving energy and people are attracted to you. Your partner is especially alluring at the moment and special times ahead. Singles are enjoying the atmosphere of new music venues to find love. Destiny Destiny, new opportunities and people have great ideas are all around you now. There could be some definite good times ahead with many golden moments with new people crossing your path. Your life is truly blessed now.




A Harvest of Resolutions H

ere we are at autumn; the time of harvest – and yet it’s only a couple of months since we made our New Year resolutions. Not really a lot of time for them to reach maturity! Perhaps this is why so many resolutions fail and are then abandoned. In the northern hemisphere New Year comes in the winter, which is the fallow time of year and thus the ideal time to contemplate plans for the following year and the changes we would need to make, in order to accomplish them. Then comes the spring in which to put our resolutions into action, summer for them to bloom and finally, autumn during which we may harvest the results. It is not realistic to expect the same return after just two or three months and yet we are subconsciously predisposed to expect a harvest in the autumn. In my opinion, we need to give ourselves more time. If you already have your resolutions well under way; congratulations! But if they just aren’t working for us, maybe we should review them at Yule and see if they still seem both desirable and feasible. If they do, then we could prepare to set them in motion at Imbolc, when the energy of new life is rising and give ourselves until next autumn to reap the harvest. That way we would be in tune with the wheel of the year and we may achieve better results with a lot less stress. We will still have a harvest of things unconnected with New Year resolutions to be grateful for this year and we can give thanks in our usual way, whether by ritual or simply by taking note of all the things we have achieved and realizing how blessed we are to have had the opportunity and the drive to accomplish them. And next autumn we may also be giving thanks for successfully realizing the resolutions we began last New Year. May your harvest be bountiful. Blessed be, Morganna.


March April May 2015 Edition

Groups OakSun Grove - Gold Coast

Circle Coven Long established, eclectic Coven, which has a strong focus on practical work. 0433 317 467 (Sandra) thecirclecoven@hotmail.com

Coven of the WildWood - Brisbane Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition of Witchcraft. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer open circles for the community, training in the Craft and general revelry! E-mail - covenofthewildwood@hotmail.com http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46251777 590&ref=ts

Dragon Spirit Newly established to discuss various topics of information relevant to the many traditions of paganism, witchcraft, environment/ecology and paranormal topics. This is a place to also share rituals, spells, workshops and events. We are also looking into putting on our own Halloween ball/party, psychic fairs etc. Based in SE Qld. Lisa at DragonSpirit-owner@yahoogroups.com

Eagle Hearth Eagle Hearth in Asatru group based in Brisbane. Asatru is a northern tradition working with Viking and Germanic gods and practices. They hold blots (rites) and sumbles (feasts) as a practicing religious group. Also they teach people new to their way and are willing to do talks with other groups about who they are and what they do. eagle_hearth-owner@yahoogroups.com

Earthwyrm Coven This is an eclectic wiccan coven run by consensus, with the aim of providing friendship and support for members while they explore their connection to magic, the elements and Deity. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Chris 0418 787 854

The second coven to branch from the Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer training in the Craft and are open to new members. E-mail - oaksungrove@hotmail.com

Pagan Hearth Inc. Pagan Hearth is a community based association of Pagans who provide workshop teachings, social gatherings and weekend retreats for Pagans in the SE Qld corner. Pagan Hearth also provides a Pagan friendly environment for gatherings, sharing of knowledge and support networks for Pagans and fellow travellers from diverse pathways.Newcomers are welcome at all our seasonal circles and get togethers. Please contact info@paganhearth.org.au for further information or visit our website www.paganhearth.org.au for event information and current articles on what Pagans are doing in Queensland. http://groups ..yahoo.com/group/paganheath/

Regular Meets Pagans in the Pub Brisbane: Fortnightly on Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm Ashala CafĂŠ - 138 Albert St - City. Paul (07) 3848 8367. Pagan Coffee Meet Kallangur: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11am- 2pm Inspirations Giftware & Cafe, 1472 Anzac Ave, Kallangur (2 doors up from the Library.) JanCarol w_o_w@bigpond.com 0417 901 259 Gold Coast Witches Brew CafĂŠ Camponile (opp Crazy Clarks), Robina Town Centre. Last Monday of each Month at 10.30am. Anna: morganna13@hotmail.com or Chris: 0418 787 854.



T he La ng u a ge o f Kn o wi n g Rea li t i es Au t um n 2 0 15 E dit ion Mar ch , Ap ril & Ma y , 2 0 15 Presented by Rhondda Doherty


n a Knowing Reality the call of the Soul to wake up and listen, particularly in terms of the authenticity of the source of the information we deem as truth, is of the utmost importance. For the folly of acting blindly on fancy words, or half truths is clearly shown throughout history. As previously mentioned 2015’s lesson is one of freedom from physical, material and Karmic bondage. Autumn, by its very nature, is a time of shedding. Yet Mother Earth does not deem what she sheds as useless or past it’s prime, she knows it’s value and so uses it for another purpose. Therefore nothing is lost, because the plant itself carries the history of that which was. The rotting and composting of what is shed nourishes that history. In our own process of shedding, we as a species tend to want to forget that which went before. Or if we choose to remember, or make records that force us to remember, the willingness to know every intricate detail as important to the whole, is often left unrealised. The reason is we are not watching or knowing the interaction between all he ingredients we use to create our outer realities. The end result is when it comes time to shed in preparation for rebirth, significant details that are necessary to be included in the rebirth, are missing.

The process of retrieval can be extremely daunting, particularly when certain lengths of time have elapsed resulting in defensiveness and resistance. Yet daunting or not, hidden within defensiveness or resistance there is always a space where the faintest glimmer of light dwells.

The threads of light is how the entire experience is recorded and remembered by the Universal Self. The Universal Self dwells nowhere else but within the body. In order to retrieve that one significant detail, much needed in the rebirthing process, this same thread of light must be accessed and followed through to its source. We are that source. Therefore we know the access code or frequency to awaken the Universal Self. The Universal Self knows the significance of all we create therefore it is never not with us. It simply waits until we are ready to see it shining in those seemingly insignificant details we overlook in our bid to rush onto the next thing. The Universal Self chooses many different mediums to get our attention, not all of which take on human form! Therefore it is multidimensional, existing in realms that would be considered fantasy or science fiction by the logical mind. If our Universal Self has access to all this then why do we lock it up in defensiveness, or resistance in its many forms? If freedom from bondage, however it Is created or maintained, is the underlying lesson here, then maybe this Autumn is the perfect opportunity for us to know more fully all the ingredients we have used in the past 12 months that have grown to maturity. The significance here is always the lessons! Always the messages hidden within the very experiences themselves. Without the light of the Universal Self to guide us many significant details are shed without a second glance!

Rhondda Doherty, Dip. Counselling & Holistic Insight

Introducing “The Other Side of Life” The Real Path the Soul’ Travels Numerologist, Astrologer, Intuitive & Spiritual Counselling, Nervous System Alignment, Phone: 0410 528 817 Email: vision55@bigpond.com Web: www.soulfragments.com 38

March April May 2015 Edition

Through the Eyes of a Faerie Your words and your actions carry so much influence in the world about you. The universe will always give you as you deem fit for your life. May I also ask of you to focus on all you do have, instead of that which you don’t? Note the very fact that you are breathing. Consider the circumstance to where you found yourself enjoying a bite to eat over the last few days.

UNLOCK THE CHAINS “My struggles are not my arrest, my mistakes are not my deadbolts, and my past is only my key. It’s up to me to make the choice. Do I use my past as my prison? Or do I unlock the bars and seize what I deserve – my life.” When you reflect on your life, what are the first things that come to mind? Are you proud of whom you’ve become? Did you fall asleep last night knowing that you made the most of your day? I’d like to think that you did. But only you can answer this truthfully. All too often I see men and women complaining and moaning, declaring to the world that life is unfair, that they wish it wasn’t so hard, that nobody cares, and that none of their desires ever come to pass. Though even those who smile all the time, very rarely whimper, and always seem to be happy, healthy, successful people… guess what? They too have their dark and gloomy side. They too feel the pressure, and they too feel like telling the rest of the world where to go sometimes. The difference is… they don’t dwell in it. Yes, they are happy most of the time. Yes, they look fit and healthy every other day. And yes, they probably are successful in their own right mind. But I almost guarantee that they didn’t arrive there by just falling off the wagon and landing into that pile of gold by luck (Bless those few who do). However, for every one else, it takes a truckload of hard work, a consistent mentality that you are as good as you believe yourself to be, and that you attain the ability to know when enough is enough.

I’m not trying to belittle the pain, the fear, and the doubt that you will feel throughout your life. I am only saying that if your life isn’t exactly as you thought or dreamed it to be right in this moment, then you do have the power to change it to some degree. You do have the power to unlock the shackles that have held you back for far too long. You deserve your desires and your dreams come true. But ultimately, it’s up to you. It’s your choice! Tania Elizabeth is an acclaimed fantasy fiction author, columnist, presenter, and director at Tier of Eternal Pty Ltd. The Tier of Eternal Grace is a story of everything. An immersive tale of mysticism and adventure, of spiritual and sensual intent that shall enrapture your every sense. Tania brings forth a story of fantastical proportions, magic of every element, all wound within the truth of heart, and the tears of terror. People all over the world have fallen in love with her books for more reasons than one. www.tierofeternal.com.au All of Tania’s books are available on all online bookstores. Amazon iTunes Barnes and Noble

So take a step back and look again at your life. Which of the two above do you stand within? If you are one who howls to the moon each night, then again, ask yourself… am I proud of who I am? If the answer is uncertain, then maybe it’s time to take a second look at what can be done in order to have you find that honor. Because trust me, tomorrow will be no different to today if you don’t consider that change. May I ask you this? May you begin by ceasing your words of sabotage? Be it true that life does carry days of unfortunate circumstance, but if you continue to remind yourself how much you loath these aspects of life, then please do expect that it will remain just the same. www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


Reviews by Mar ye-Ann Universal Symbols by Ken Dowling A lovely set of cards featuring black and white symbols channelled by Ken Dowling in 2001. The symbol is on one side with the message on the other. These messages cover a wide area – some are from Ascended Masters and Archangels, some are connected to one of the chakras, and some are directed to specific life situations (i.e. Compassionate Love; Remember Spirit; Manifestation). They may be used in a reading of several cards or individually. The cards are described as ‘a key to your consciousness.’ An unusual approach to the ever present problem of wanting help from a Higher Source. For further information visit www.universalsymbols.com.au. RRP: $25.00

Journey of Love 70 card set featuring Alanna Fairchild, Rassouli, and Richard Cohn An interesting approach to oracle cards using poetry, art, and guidance counselling. Focusing on love ‘at the very heart of everything in existence,’ the talents of these three very special people are combined. The visionary art of Rassouli is the perfect background for the powerful, gentle poetry of Richard Cohn and the deeply wise and meaningful words of Alanna Fairchild. Focus on any situation in life that you wish more clarity on and you will get a wonderful three fold message from the card you draw. Enjoy! From Blue Angel Publishing www.blueangelonline.com. RRP: $34.95 40

March April May 2015 Edition

The Halloween Oracle Stacey Demarco Stacey Demarco brings us a beautiful oracle deck centred on the magic, mystery, and wisdom of Halloween. She explains the seasonal energies that abound all year and the difference in those energies between the northern and southern hemispheres. Stacey, like many of us who are Pagan in the south, celebrates Halloween/Samhain on 30 April but also invites in the spirit (and spirits!) of Halloween on 31 October as we welcome trick or treaters along with those from the other dimensions who may pay us a visit. Beautiful artwork combines with the wise words from one of our favourite witches to make this lovely oracle a perfect tool for change. Stacey, thank you - you’ve done it again. From Blue Angel Publishing, www.blueangelonline.com. RRP: $34.95

Australian Wildflower Reading Cards Cheralyn Darcey Cheralyn Darcey is both an environmental artist and a flower therapist and she has combined these avocations and talents beautifully in one of the loveliest set of cards I have seen. Whatever question may be currently on your mind, you will get a clear, gentle, healing message from these cards. They seem to ‘speak’ in a voice that we can all hear. Visit her at www.cheralyndarcey.com. From Rockpool Publishing www.rockpoolpublishing.com.au. RRP: $24.99

Dreamtime Reading Cards Laura Bowen Laura Bowen, an author and artist with Aboriginal heritage, has created a beautiful, resonating oracle. Whatever your current query may be, you will find reasonable wisdom in these cards. The suggestions and comments make sense and give clear insight. With the full colour reproduction of each card on a page opposite the message one can meditate on both the evocative dot art and the words. A very worthwhile addition to any library. Visit Laura at www.laurabowen.com.au. From Rockpool Publishing www.rockpoolpublishing.com.au. RRP: $24.99 www.whitelightmagazine.com.au


Who ever said School was Boring? A

rt classes at Nambour TAFE are a long way from boring. Last year I completed my Advanced Diploma of Visual Arts at Nambour TAFE. Our teachers Andrew Bryant (Ceramics and Studio), Peter Livingston (Painting and Drawing), Michael Ciavarella (Ceramics) and Rowley Drysdale (Ceramics and theory) are an amazing bunch with great personalities and an abundance of industry knowledge to pass on. So far my background in art has mostly been in painting and drawing with only one short course in ceramics. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to live and work as artist in residence at Cedar Galleries Arts and Crafts Village. Cedar Galleries is an artists dream located just north of Benaraby on the Bruce Highway in Central Queensland. Living here was an amazing experience of organising and attending workshops and exhibitions for myself and other artists. Then with some knowledge and regional experiences of the art world I moved to the big smoke to attend art classes at TAFE. It didn’t take long and my focus changed to ceramics, who doesn’t like playing in mud. Just loving expressing myself with 3D sculptures and using fire to achieve different surface finishes. The technique that has fascinated and provided the most interesting results for me are crystal glazes. So wanting to learn more, for my end of year exhibition I decided to make skulls and hands out of clay slip and attempt to finish these pieces with crystal glazes. Firstly I made my own moulds from potters plaster, using my own hands and a resin skull as subjects. Then to the glazes. I spent hours finding as much information on crystal glazes that the Internet could provide. Every article and ceramics artist had the same opinion. “Crystal glazes are difficult to achieve”. Trust me to choose something difficult. With more research and consultation with Andrew, I found there are ways to achieve simple crystal glazes with a few tried and tested recipes that Andrew most generously provided. As long as I did everything right and followed the recipes. So this was my goal, to do everything right. First thing to do was mix the glazes. I cleaned the glaze room and all the measuring tools spotlessly so there was going to be no chance of contamination. Then after an hour of measuring, weighing


and cleaning tools between ingredients I had 3 dry glazes. Now add the water and get the consistency right. My anxiety levels were climbing fast and hearing Andrews words “Get everything right,” repeat themselves in my head, was only making it worse. That done, now to apply the glaze to my pieces and get the thickness of the glaze perfect. Not thick enough and the glaze doesn’t run, too thick and it runs too much increasing the risk of crystals not growing. So many things to get Right. And it didn’t end there. Now when loading the kiln for a crystal firing special care needs to be

taken to stop everything sticking to the shelf when the glaze runs. All shelves needed to be batt washed, batt wash is a mix of Alumina Hydrate and Kaolin that protects kiln furniture. Drip trays were also necessary as bases for my work to catch the glazes and a paste of batt wash placed between the work and the tray so the tray could be safely tapped off after firing. Programming the firing schedule into the kiln was the next step, this is Andrew’s job, this also has to be done spot on so crystals will grow. Now things are getting exciting we are so close to the end result. To start the growing process for crystals the kiln has to be cooled rapidly from 1260 to 1100. The way this is done is to open the kiln door allowing the outside air to cool the kiln to 1100. Once this is achieved the door is then shut again so the temperature can be held at 1100 to soak for a few hours allowing the crystals to form. March April May 2015 Edition

So the kiln is doing its thing and heating up, time for me to wait until we reach 1260. By now my anxiety levels are through the roof, remembering all the horror stories of how clay cracks if it is cooled too quickly and here I am about to open the bloody door and crash cool everything. Half my work for the exhibition is in this kiln. I had been bouncing around all morning filled with excitement and anxiety about opening this kiln, so everyone that would listen was hearing about what was happening. By the time we were ready to open the kiln an audience of students had gathered. Andrew had had to leave so Rowley took over the opening procedure. Wow what an amazing experience, the heat took your breath away. But then so did the sight of these skulls and hands sitting in that glowing swirling heat haze. Looking like a mass cremation at the funeral home. After we all took the necessary photographs and the kiln cooled and stayed at the desired temperature, the door was shut again and all seemed to have survived. Now more waiting to make sure when the soak finished the kiln turned off, then I can go home for the night. After a night of dreaming all of my pieces come out black and burnt, I arrive at TAFE for another wait until the kiln is cool enough to open. Finally when it was time to open the kiln, I was rewarded with a kiln full of crystals. It had turned out better than I could have imagined. All the research, the fastidious mixing and cleaning, the anxiety, the waiting and getting it right had paid off big time. My end of year exhibition was going to go ahead. On exhibition night I was so proud of my fellow students and myself, we had all put in so much of ourselves and it showed in the quality of our work. For me to then receive The Clay Shed 3D award for my work was the icing on the cake and made a great year of art amazing. Thanks to all my teachers and fellow students for such an amazing year. I enjoyed it so much, this year I’m about to specialise in ceramics and do a Diploma of Ceramics. By Sandy Coglan


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