Summer 2013/2014

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Whitelight A Metaphysical Healing Magazine

A Universal Publication

Summer Edition 2013 FREE Online Print $12.60 Digital $2.95

What is PSYCHIC TV? Paul Mischefski’s

Echoes of the Soul

Australianising Paganism with Quentin Walker

Jane O’Connor Chapman tells us how to Think Less... Feel More

Amanda Hall Cover Story

2013 Australian Psychic Hall of Fame

Editor’s Note

Welcome to another edition of White Light. Once again, I would like to invite you on a journey of self development and spiritual growth. Our magazine was created fifteen years ago to provide spiritual pilgrims with a support network and a resource magazine to help us understand our spiritual journey.

I do not have to tell you that we live in confusing times and now, more than at any other time, we face spiritual challenges unknown to our grandparents. You will find in these pages, a cornucopea of choices, views, visions and ideas. These are supplied by our contributors who are, in most cases, not professional journalists, but visionaries who offer their views and opinions on many healing and spiritual modalities. Yes, there are many pathways out there, but remember they all lead to the same destination. Your ultimate choice is to follow the pathway of your heart.

When you read these articles, simply tune into your heart, into your inner most feelings, and you will be guided to your particular pathway. Know also, that the destination is assured, for guidance always walks gently at our side.

Contents 4 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44

Editors Etchings Concerns of a Male Pagan by Asphodelo Tsesit: Creativiy - Wellness - Vitality What is Psychic TV? Spirit Guides for Humanity with Francie Griffin Time of Fruition by Marye-Ann Azzarello Amanda Hall - 2013 Psychic Hall of Fame Australianising Paganism by Quentin Walker Think Less... Feel More by Jane O’Connor Chapman Echoes of the Soul by Paul Mischefski Crystal Castle and Shambhala Gardens The Seasons of Summer in Australia by Quentin Walker Selina Hill’s Psychic Fairs Sacred Feng Shui with Roseline Deleu Through the Eyes of a Faerie by Tania Elizabeth A-Z of Culinary Terms with Steve Duncan Questions & Answers with Gaia’s Guidance Vegetarian Spring Recipes Simply Astrology by Amanda Hall Pagan Pages Numerology by Rhondda Doherty Book & CD Reviews Advertising Rates & Deadlines Health Harmony & Soul - Event Information

Errors and Omissions

While every care is taken with the advertising and copy, “White Light” cannot be held responsible for errors or their effects. Positioning of classified’s and display advertisements cannot be guaranteed.

“White Light” reserves the right to alter, abbreviate, rewrite or reclassify advertisements for any reason. The Editor at all times reserves the right to edit or omit news copy or letters submitted for publication.

The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editor or Publishers of “White Light.” Submissions of articles, poems, writings, artwork and photos are most welcome.

“White Light” will not be held responsible for loss or damage of these unsolicited submissions. The magazine is quarterly and all material is to be supplied in hard copy, on CD in Word (text) or jpeg (photo’s) format, or emailed in Word or jpeg format.

Summer Edition 2013

“White Light A Universal Publication” is published by W L Publishing P.O. Box 939, Burleigh Heads Q 4220. Phone: (07) 5525 0259 Fax: (07) 5525 0209 Mobile: 0419 709 661 Email: whitelightmagazineinfo Summer Edition 2013

For advertising information call: White Light Publishing on (07) 5525 0259 Editor /Publisher - Adrian Magazine Design & Layout - Bianca Magazine Mascots - Gabrielle, Braydon & Natalie

All rights reserved. Unauthorised duplication is a violation of applicable laws. © ® 2013. White Light A Universal Publication.



must say that I’m pleased to see the end of 2013 & as I speak to friends & colleagues I’m hearing the same from them. I believe that we were being tested quite severely, but we hung in there & have come out the other side for the better. From all accounts 2014 will be a much better year & for me 2015 is supposed to be superb.

There’s a lot of work behind the scenes as I rethink & mould my Expos for 2014. The beautiful country areas of both Queensland & Northern NSW will play host to several of our one & two day expos giving the public a chance to see polished, informative & interesting events with a very credible line up of exhibitors & Psychics alike. The magazine will also have new directions & will be launched

internationally at the Conscious Living World’s Fair in Chicago from the 1st to 3rd August & as you probably will all realise I’m over the moon to be at the inaugural event with White Light Magazine. It will be doubly exciting as my dear friend John the Waxman will be sharing the stand with me as we unleash his brilliant wax art onto the American public.

Edition of White Light Magazine which my gorgeous daughter Bianca has so beautifully laid out.

Look forward to seeing & hearing from you as we move ahead bigger & better in 2014.

Until next time, Go with Love & Light.....


My heartfelt thanks go out to the beautiful Karen Eby (co-creator of this event) for making this all possible. This takes me back to a stand I shared with Amanda Hall at the MBS in Brisbane some years ago where Jack put together a poster stating something like – “today the Gold Coast & Brisbane, NSW & tomorrow the World”, this was all done as a joke but look at us now. Have a very safe & happy Festive Season & enjoy this, the Summer 2013

Adrian with his two girls; Jenni & Jann at a recent White Light Expo

W h i t e L i g h t E x p o s R e a d i n g G i ft C e r ti fi c a t e s Now Available Redeem a reading from any of the White Light Expos in 2014 at values of:

15mins - $35.00


30mins - $60.00

60mins - $110.00

For more details contact Adrian: 0419 709 661

Summer Edition 2013

Concerns of a Male Pagan


oday with the revival of the Old Ways, there is so much contention in regards to labels and semantics. What is a Witch, Wizard, or Pagan? For me as a male, one of the most common conversations I find myself having is; “But men aren’t Witches”. For myself having grown in the Stregheria (The Old Religion of Italy). I am Stregone (stray-go-nay), which translates into English as Wizard, and women are Strega (stray-ga) or Witches. This is simply a gender identifier and does not mean that I, as a Stregone practice a different spiritual or magickal tradition to a Strega. However as most of us are hereditary practitioners we will each practice our individual family traditions.

If a person asks me what my religious or spiritual persuasion is I will generally term myself as Pagan. My personal understanding of Pagan is that it is an umbrella term, which identifies nature based spiritual practice. However I have many beautiful friends who identify as Pagan and for the majority they practice a specific personalised system combining observance of the Wheel of the Year and polytheistic deity worship.

On some occasions the questioner may be quasi-educated and enquire as to what ‘type’ of pagan I am. So I will answer truthfully that I am a Witch. I cannot help but laugh a little when muggles (yes I am using the term muggle) and even some Pagans then proceed to lecture me that I am not a Witch because I am a man. Or the, “Oh so you’re a Wiccan”, and my all time personal favourite, “You mean you’re a Warlock”.

My first point as I have already noted is that I practice Stregheria, which is Witchcraft. So therefore I am a Witch.

Secondly Witch and Wiccan are not always synonymous. A Wiccan practices Wicca. Wicca and Witchcraft over lap yes, but Wicca is a religious system and Witchcraft is the practice of magic. You can therefore be both a Wiccan and a Witch or simple one of either. As a side note the gender term I found in my research is that traditionally female Wiccans are know as Wicce and males are Wicca.


Lastly by no means is a male Witch a Warlock. In old English Warlock literally translated as ‘oath-breaker’, and had a reputation of dealing in black magic. Warlock was used to define both men and women. It seems to be the current trend among young people who decide to become ‘Witches’ is that Warlock is a term denoting power or men.

So you may ask why are you not a Wizard as a Stregone. Wizardry is a separate practice to Witchcraft. Wizard means “wise one’. In truth if you’re a Harry Potter fan look up; The Grey School of Wizardry, as it’s the closest thing you will be able to find to a real life Hogwarts. For the scholars among you I can thoroughly recommend their curriculum.

Wizards are arcane scholars who dedicate their energy into the many and varied branches of magic, and do not necessarily practice a spiritual tradition. Wizardry is a dedicated life path and students must be sincere in their intention to follow in the venerable footsteps of the wise that have walked before them.

But aside from all the semantics these words and terms only have a meaning that we each associate with them. I am a Stregone and practice the spiritual traditions that have been passed down to me by my ancestors. I could also be called a Wizard, Magician, Sorcerer, Witch and on occasion a Bitch.

The most intrinsic point in all of this is that we are who we are. I cannot recall a time in my life that I woke up and decided to become who I am. I am and have always been who and what I am. A soul who is open to the words and whispers of the Earth, the old Gods and Goddesses, and most importantly my own heart. From my heart to yours dear reader. Love and Manyfold blessings Asphodelo.

Summer Edition 2013

Creativity – Wellness – Vitality

What is Tsesit?

The San (indigenous people of southern Africa) have an animistic religion, a nonwritten religion which was exclusively lived by hunter-gatherer cultures. The San presumed that everything in nature is animate, meaning all natural objects are personified and possess a soul. They regarded the notion of “divinity” as alien. Nature alone in all its manifestations is considered “Sacred”. The San believed that a vital energy generates its own will in every rock, following natural rules. The San learned about these rules in order to utilise the power of natural elements for his benefit or to cause harm. Many generations collected the Tsesit, passing on knowledge about the stone, gradually sliding into obscurity over the last 150 years. We have been able to lift some of the secrets of the Tsesit through extensive research and conversations with elders. It is a stone that bears witness to the evolution of the earth. Also pulsating through it is the message of stardust. As a

Summer Edition 2013

result, this stone is able to bring deepseated anxieties (also called primal fears, survival fears or evolutionary fears) to the forefront of the conscious mind, rendering them treatable. It is a grounding stone. Grounding, but at the same time very suitable for meditation. The stone pulsates in waves, therefore not continuously; its power lies in its depth. Also interesting is that this stone is conscious of the earth as well as the universe. Awareness of the primal state of earth and her creatures – this is what distinguishes it from other stones Get to know Tsesit and feel its power. Connects with the earth Opens up in fire Moves in water Re-invigorates in wind Influences breathing Promotes creative power

I came across the Tsesit Healing Stone during my travels in Germany last year at a Wellness Expo in Stuttgart. As I was suffering from Sciatica pain in my right hip, right down leg. I was so frustrated by the constant pain (3 weeks) that I was willing to try anything. I bought the Tsesit Healing Stone and within 2 days my pain was gone. The Tsesit Healing Stone can also help with – Depression, Headaches, Migraines, Panic Attacks, Insomnia, Burnout and Stress. Pain in joints as well as rheumatic pain. The Stone can also help to strengthen the immune system as well as forming new blood cells and can help with many more health issues. Visit the Tsesit Healing Stones Group on Facebook and I would love to have a chat with you at the Health, Harmony & Soul Expo on the Gold Coast 31st Jan - 02 Feb 2014.



ell Psychic TV OZ made its debut in January 2011; this was revolutionary for the industry as it was the first live and interactive Psychic Show on TV here in Australia, and the public could not get enough. The show has a different theme nightly and this would be discussed during the show with the celebrity psychics as they joined the presenter at the desk on how they could help you the viewer’s during tonight’s show and to answer your questions. The formula was simple send in your text message and you could be one of the lucky ones chosen who would receive a reading on live television from on the celebrity psychic on the desk at the time with the presenter. The show offered the public a unique opportunity to telephone in for a private reading with one of the other celebrity psychic’s working from a booth behind the presenter desk but still visible to the viewers watching at home. You could always get a reading from Psychic TV OZ as they on offer 24/7. The show quickly grew in popularity and aired on 3 TV networks throughout the country. More and more of Australia’s best and well know psychics joined the show for this rare opportunity to showcase their abilities and reading talents.

Each Psychic has 2 sessions on the front desk to answer text message readings. Psychics also enjoy taking private calls and performing readings sometimes waving to the caller if requested during the live 3 hour show. Always evolving Psychic TV now offers you the opportunity to leave a voice mail message or send in a photo with your question, this enables the psychic to work with different skills while performing your live reading on air. The show has seen many changes since the beginning; we now have new owners who have a dream and vision to make the show even better. So they set about rebranding the show and giving it a sleeker and more professional image, with a new set, logo, website plus new name Psychic TV. Social media helped get the word out about Psychic TV and before too long there was a thriving buzz about this new TV show and everyone wanted to be a part of it, so they started leaving message on the Facebook page about what they liked and what wanted to know more about. They commented on who their favourite psychics are and what they liked about them. When are they back on the show? Talking about the fashion, jewellery, cards and psychic tools, Facebook is fast becoming the meeting place for fans of the show. Photo taken in the studio of the Celebrity Psychics and the Presenter


posted on the wall with the theme before the show commences.

Overtime the show attracted some interstate celebrity psychics who joined the Psychic TV and their popularity became an integral part of the show so as they could not come into the studio as frequently as the local psychics. They commenced working from home on the phones during the live show. It became a regular feature that the presenter would place a telephone call through to one of the interstate celebrity psychics for a chat about their abilities and how they could help the people at home if they were to ring and get a live reading from them. The viewers looked forward to learning from each psychic about how they perform their readings from in the studio live to camera or on the phone having a chat and interacting with the presenter in the studio, covering topics including where the moon is? What the planets are up to? And how that relates to the theme of the night? or what unique skills the psychics have to offer.

Now let me introduce two of the Interstate Celebrity Psychic that have almost been with the show from the beginning. Niki Stewart – “Love Guru” and Amanda Hall -“Psychic Hall Of Fame 2013”.

Niki Stewart’s psychic ability became very apparent around the tender age of 7. Her late grandmother would tell her stories and secrets about their Macedonian clan and how the women could see things others could not. She is a fourth generation Psychic medium and healer and this gift she was born with. Niki’s life has taken many twists and turns and being a Psychic Medium was something she tried to push away until around the age of 19. This is when she began reading for people without any teaching except for the initiation talk her elders gave her through my early years as a child. She is a very sensitive to people’s emotions, aura and intentions so she can pick up Spring Edition 2013

energy, signs and messages for them. Niki also has a very strong link to the other side with loved ones crossed, spirit guides and the angelic realm. She has been reading for over 20 years and her work showcased in the USA for many years. She has reads for many well-known people over the years and they are still loyal clients. Love Guru also reads for regular people too, and it makes no difference to her whether you are well known or not. Niki’s mission is to get people to see their own potential and to guide them to greater happiness and love in their lives. She sees her clients as dear friends in which they share such scared knowledge together and really get to experience the magic of what a Psychic reading can bring. Niki’s other passion is working for Psychic TV. She has connected with some wonderful people and have the honour of guiding all whom who connect with her on the show. It has been a wonderful Journey overall for her and one The Love Guru plans to continue for as long as the world wants to share in her knowledge and wisdom and caring messages. Being part of such a unique show has given her such a beautiful sense of belonging within a realm of people that have the same intention of healing and guiding. Being Psychic TV resident “Love Guru” has been a fantastic way to show case the love readings she does, but also helping people understand soul mate love, but also find it... Bless Niki Stewart for being the “Love Guru” at Psychic TV.

Amanda Hall’s journey into the psychic industry commenced very young age under the watchful eyes of her aunts. Her gifts developed very quickly and as a small child as she practiced with many different forms of divination. Her journey in the Tarot commenced in her late teens when give a set of cards as a present. It became her passion very quickly. After being arrested in her early career for pretending to tell fortunes, this set the scene for what was to become her life’s work for teaching and sharing the knowledge of the tarot. Amanda went

Spring Edition 2013

to teach Tarot in Higher Education at the Gold Coast Tafe and correspondence course for over 20 years. Then travelled the country working and staging events in the psychic arena. Teaching and lecture the public in her travels. The confidant, clairvoyant- astrologer to the rich and famous helping them achieve their destiny to all of us needing direction in our lives and how to bring peace and balance to the issues we all face on journey of life. Amanda teamed up with an Australian publisher Hinkler Books to produce the step by step teach yourself tarot kit – Simply Tarot, with a book, cards and DVD this quickly went on to become a Best Seller and is still currently selling well around the world. Amanda’s honest and direct approach to her readings is her trademark style along with her extensive ability and knowledge in astrology this has enhanced her long career, which has spanned over 35 years into all forms of media including TV, Radio and print. Then in 2011 she joined the Psychic TV show as one of the Interstate Celebrity Psychics and the public instantly loved her straightforward approach and natural ability with the tarot and her very clear and easy to follow astrology segments. In 2013 her peers in the psychic industry voted Amanda Hall in to the “Psychic Hall Of Fame” for her teaching and dedication to her industry which was announced live on the show in Sydney. Amanda was truly humble as she accepted this award on live TV. Well done Amanda Hall. “We know we are Psychic TV “


White Lion Protector White Lion has been making their presence felt in my life over the past few months.

It all began with reading The Keys to the Universe by Diana Cooper & Kathy Crosswell. It was the chapter relating to Golden Africa and it was recommended to call upon a white lion to walk with you as a protector and friend, I decided to not only call on a white lion but to paint them. As I entered my creative space the African lion goddess revealed herself and the energetic basis of the painting was born. The painting was begun and then laid dormant for a few months. Cat and lion energy remained with me and over those last few months I have dreamed of cats, feline and lion types, found a beautiful tin cat statue on a half price stand in the Hervey Bay post office on my only visit there for the year and then next door at Tinkerbells crystal store, was drawn to a book I had not come across before on the Sacred White Lions of Africa. At time of writing I have lent this book to a friend who has had direct connection with Credo Mutwa, Zulu shaman and elder, who is featured in the book and cannot remember the lady author’s name. Lion spirit was making their healing and protective energy felt. What message does White Lion have for humanity? White Lion protects those who are of kind heart, they bring courage to the meek and those in troubled times. White lion brings healing and is part of our connection to the golden cosmic rays. A child of the Sun. The Lion I have painted embodies both the female and the masculine. They are part lion, part lioness; the lion king and the lion queen. Call on White Lion when you need courage, strength and protection. Call on White Lion to protect your family, your young ones. White Lion calls upon us to respect the animal kingdom, to halt the senseless slaying of animals for game, for a false sense of power. They who stand tall with love and humility in their heart, with compassion and love for all in their heart can stand and look the lion in the eye and feel no fear; for lion will look into your soul and see that you are one: One with Self One with humanity One with the animal kingdom One with Mother Earth And one with the Great Creator and one of Peace Summer Edition 2013

Call to your lion protector; hear their roar as they respond to your call, allow their song to vibrate through every cell of your being and as you open your heart you will hear the gentle pad of their giant paws as they walk beside you in love, protection and strength. Om shamballah! "White Lion Protector" Acrylic on mdf board, framed original By Francie Griffin Intuitive & Spirit Guide Artist

The original or prints of “White Lion Protector” are available for sale. Personal guide drawings can be channeled in a personal sitting or by photo. Please contact Francie on 0402 856 473 or email to - Namaste


Time of Fruition by Mar ye-Ann Azzarello


he wheel of the year has taken another spin – we have moved through the new beginnings of spring and come to summer. The time of fruition. Things are now ready – to harvest, to reap rewards, to utilize in this new season of life.

For fruition is not only about the readiness of fruits and vegetables and harvest is not only about bringing in the ripened grain.

Consider now the projects you have been working on for the past months. Ideas that came to you during the quiet months of winter and began to take on life in the excitement of spring. These could now have reached that time of fruition. This is also not necessarily about the seasons of the year. The quiet ‘winter’ that brings a new idea

may occur at any time – all that is required is for us to have a moment of calm in the midst of the usual bustle of today’s world and it’s amazing the ideas that will come to us. Original thoughts, not from the outside sources of TV, movies, and conversation with others, but rather coming from our deep inner self when we are in a quiet moment with minimal distractions.

Once such a thought is planted, if given attention and care it will flourish just like a seed tenderly planted in the spring. As we watch that idea grow, and continue to give it all the attention and time it deserves we eventually reach a time of fruition when the idea has come full circle and is ready to use, just as a ripened ear of corn reaches the moment when it is ready.

As with the ear of corn it is up to us to decide what we do with this ripened idea. When we first

noticed it we may have felt that it came somehow out of thin air. The feeling that ‘I wasn’t thinking of anything like that!’ is not uncommon. But some part of you was – that original thought was being encouraged and fed without much of your conscious input.

So now is the time to put it to use. Decide where to go with it¸ how to make the best of it in your life. Look back to when you first noticed it; follow the steps you have taken during the seasons of the idea. And most of all, be aware that this is not an isolated one time happening. It is going on all the time in the depths of our subconscious. Ideas move in and out of conscious notice, but

they don’t evaporate. They are there waiting. Give them some time and thought when they surface for you. Recognize at what point in the ‘seasons of the mind’ you are with this idea – the calm first quiet thought of winter, the newness of spring – or the time of fruition.

The more attention we pay to our thoughts and our random ideas the more we will understand ourselves and our direction I life.

Go on out there and harvest those ideas that have come to fruition – reap the rewards of what you have planted.

Enjoy the process and be partial to the surprises.

Amanda Hall

Cover Story


2013 Australian Psychic Hall of Fame

manda Hall commenced her journey into the mystical and unknown very young, fascination for the Fortune Telling and how and why people could see the future. With this natural curiosity the journey begins. Two of Amanda’s Aunts had the Gift of Sight – they recognized this ability in her as a small child and encouraged her to develop the gift in a natural and no fuss way. She always treasured this time with her Aunt’s and it seemed a familiar and natural way to work with her gift. It was their little secret, as no one else in the family wanted to acknowledge their own ability as it was not seen as acceptable in family circles, because of their strong connection with them heavily involved in main stream religion. Amanda was always on the lookout for information to feed this quest for knowledge; she would read any articles written in magazines always searching at the library for maybe books written on the art of Fortune Telling or Predicating the future. She practiced and with many different forms of divination in her childhood and early teens. Then in her late teens she was given a present of her first set of Tarot Cards, this was so exciting and over whelming all rolled into one. Tyring to read the cards from the little instruction booklet was very frustrating and did fit with the information she was being given. So after much perseverance the booklet was discarded and Amanda commenced reading her method, for friends. She could not put the cards down they were drawing her more and more under their spell. So much to learn and to research from each reading. Every reading is different even when the same or similar cards were dealt. The results were amazing and people started to share their readings with family and friends, so many more people made a path to Amanda’s to see what their futures might hold. Amanda soon developed a no nonsense and direct approach to reading the cards, which people seemed to like. The die was cast even though she did not understand how much this skill was going dominate and guide her own life.

We all have a unique and different journey mapped out for us and Amanda’s was no different, many changes in her personal life over few short years, left her with no other choice, but she had to really become serious about working with her Tarot Cards to help supplement the family income, After her husband had been involved in a serious accident and their lives changed overnight. She had no time to even consider where this would lead just the immediate financial crisis needed to be solved, and this is what she knew best and could fit in around family life, with a sick husband and 2 small children.

Life always is constantly changing and so it was the family relocated to Western Australia, to start a new life after many setbacks. With much promise and excitement about what the future would hold for all the


family they set of on the adventure of a lifetime. Well yes it was but in very different ways to how they had thought or expected. One very ordinary day Amanda had reading’s booked for the morning, and she could not settle, she did not understand why she felt so uncomfortable. Well as the morning progressed it became very clear, one of the previous reading she had performed that morning had been for a Detective from the Liquor and Gaming Squad, and he had returned with a fellow detective to arrest her for Pretending To Tell Fortunes, which was against the law in WA back in mid-1980’s. This was a law that had been brought to Australia with the settlement of the Colony way back when. This really rocked the young Clairvoyant- Tarot Reader at her foundations. So upset and shocked she went to court pleaded guilty and paid the fine. Now she had a criminal record, for reading cards. Just about to walk away from Tarot Reading for good, when by sheer chance a regular client of hers had insisted before she gave it up she had to perform a reading for her friend. Reluctantly she agreed to this, the reading went well, and she felt an excitement in the air she could not explain to her self before the reading. We’ll all became quickly revealed, at the end of the reading the gentleman who looked very familiar to her but could not place him, was one of Australia’s leading ClairvoyantsAstrologers Marc De Pascale and he was so impressed with her ability he offered her job with him overseas, which she declined due to her family circumstances. This did not stop Marc on his quest to push to do more with her ability, so they quickly became close friends; he had also had a visit from the Police, but only given a warning about reading but at the same time given an answer to the situation at hand. You could perform readings if they were for teaching purposes. So this started some interesting conversations and the spark was ignited again. So together they designed a Tarot Course they were going to teach. Life always has many surprises for us in store and just as they were about to commence their very first course together Marc was called back East on business, so Amanda commenced teaching the class on her own, believing this was only going to be for the first lesson, but as time progressed it became apparent this was going to be her class solo.

Then life changed again Marc left to pursue his career overseas, Amanda’s husband passed away, so then it was decision time. She left the west with her small children and moved back to the familiar Gold Coast where she had family, to commence the next chapter in her life. By this stage she had commenced her journey into the complex subject of Astrology; this helped her through her very difficult time, in a positive way. Marc and Amanda’s friendship continued over the miles, and he encouraged her to commence teaching Tarot again, “this will give you

Summer Edition 2013

something positive to focus on” were his words of wisdom. The classes were small and taught in her home as word spread more and more people wanted to learn the Amanda way. Then it became more apparent there was allot more information coming through about the cards so the next level of the tarot quickly evolved and was trialled with astounding results everyone loved and quickly embraced more information to work with.

Then she went onto to be the first to lecture and teach a Higher Education Tarot Course at the Gold Coast Tafe College in 1992, she had also taught by correspondence for over 20 years. Amanda spent three years touring Australia with one of the country’s largest exhibition companies, performing readings, lecturing and conducting workshops in the psychic arena. Her work included television interviews, talk back radio and regular newspaper columns. Amanda now resides on the Gold Coast with her partner Jack Egerton, where they own and operate Golden Tree Productions | Video Production House. Amanda reads for the public, writes books and articles and gives interviews and lectures and conducts courses around Australia. Then in 2005 part of her life’s work was published in the Simply Tarot Set for Hinkler Books Australia and this project included book cards and DVD to teach yourself tarot. His locally produced project immediately went to the Best Seller list and quickly followed by international market and has been a huge success story for this Aussie project with current sales over 140,000 worldwide.

Now we include her role of Senior Psychic-Astrologer-Trainer at

Summer Edition 2013

Psychic TV| Australia’s own live and interactive TV show with regular TV appearances and working from the Gold Coast Studio as Interstate Celebrity Psychic with her Astrology segments and telephone readings during the show.

Then in 2013 Amanda Hall was voted by her piers into the “Psychic Hall Of Fame” a fitting tribute to this colourful career. Amanda dedicated this award to two very special gentlemen smiling down from above.

Amanda receiving her award live on Psychic TV




estern tradition Paganism owes its roots and flavour to the pagan religions and practices of Europe and the Middle East – particularly Egypt, Babylon, Qabala, Greece and Rome, Celtic and Nordic to name the main (not only) influences.

However, for a spirituality that honours the Earth and the seasons, we have been remiss in Australia in developing our own flavour to our Pagan practice here in Australia. Perhaps the principle is “when in Rome, do as Rome does”. So we should study our seasonal fluctuations – rainfall, temperature, wind and land patterns, the lie of the land and the oceans – along with our environment – flora, fauna – and the spiritual traditions that ‘belong’ to this land – not to become authentic aborigines, nor to claim the same, but to use various techniques that bring is closer to the land we inhabit, and through this strong rootedness in real things, to better come to know our Gods, and our own divine strengths. And of course to better draw energy from the land that we use for our magick and rites.

First, let us agree that to hold the Midsummer rites at Australian Midwinter are quaint perhaps, but do not lend to an idea of coming into contact with the land as she is! So Litha is in December, Yule is in June – and the rest follows.

We therefore first look at our seasons. The first thing we note is that Australia has a mainly North-South divide – ie hot wet summers and autumn in the North with mild dry winters; and hot dry summers in the South with cold wet winters. Thus we need to develop two different seasonal myths for our Sabbats if we are to make sense of the actual seasons. In addition, the windiest months are in winter in mainland Australia, and in Spring in South Australia and Tasmania. Even in the South, concepts of a snow-clad landscape are not common. Finally, the time of Harvest (wheat especially) is not in late January – Lughnassadh equivalent in Australia – but over by Christmas – Litha! 16

To hold a harvest-home in February is nonsensical – at least in Northern Australia.

Next we need to look at the components of ritual. Do we honour the Guardians of this land, or the Elemental Guardians – undines, gnomes etc of northern Europe? We need to develop our own understanding of the Dreamtime ancestors that gave rise to life and the legends of Australia. For this we look at the combination of dance as a story-telling process, with a few star players, and the rest making up the ‘corps-de-ballet’. Chanting, and use of percussion instruments (aborigines used sticks, bullroarers, didgeridoo) and face paint all lend to the Australian “flavour”, without one having to become an initiated aborigine. We should explore the use of corroborree as a dance-drama more in our Sabbat rites.

Again, we need to look to our Sacred trees – Oak really doesn’t do it for me in a state with so few oak trees, and where foreign tree often turn out to be weeds of gigantic proportions. Why not use the trees that really say “Australia” to us – Wattle, Gum, Banksia, Lilly-Pilly, Hakea, Spinifex, Red Cedar, etc; and our flowers – Sturt desert pea, waratah, native jasmine, etc. We can derive their magickal and spiritual properties by using the methods used by the magicians of Europe – medical properties, colour, appearances, taste, growth conditions, uses etc. And of course we can do the same with our animals – cockatoo, kangaroo, kookaburra, koala, wombat, brolga, possum etc. And so we make our own Australian correspondences, for use in ritual and magic.

Finally, perhaps we should look at the deities we honour. However, I think we do need to be more authentically aboriginal than we have time to be in this lifetime. But to those interested, I suggest Reed’s books on Aboriginal Myths. However for most of us it Summer Edition 2013


is less dangerous and more ‘at home’ to worship European Deities. Bear in mind that these Gods were used to being worshipped in many ways – we can




by Quentin Walker

properly honour them with our Australian methods, just as the Greek Gods were honoured differently in Rome, Britain, Egypt and Asia Minor.




Hot summer, cold winter

Wet winter, dry summer

Hot summer, mild winter

Warm summer, cold winter


Windy autumn and winter

Windy winter, cyclone season in summer

Windy spring

Yule: June 20 or 21 (mid-Winter Solstice) Imbolc: August 1 (beginning of Spring) Ostara: September 21 or 22 (Spring Equinox) Beltane: November 1 (beginning of Summer) Litha: December 20 or 21 (mid-Summer Solstice) Lughnassadh: February 1 (beginning of Autumn) Mabon: March 20 or 21 (Autumn Equinox) Samhain: May 1 (beginning of Winter)

Wet summer-autumn, dry others

Perhaps the most obvious difference from the seasonal cycle in the temperate northern hemisphere, as witnessed in Northern Europe and the northern part of the United States of America, is the season of "desolation". In the above mentioned areas Winter appears to be the most desolate. Snow covers the land, the cold is excessive, communication and travel, particularly in earlier times and still in rural areas, is limited. There is very little growth visible and wild animals enter upon a lean time as far as forage is concerned. Summer Edition 2013

Wet winter, dry summer

In contrast, in the vast part of Australia and particularly Queensland, and in the Mediterranean Littoral in the southern parts of the United States of America, summer is the season of desolation. Here the heat saps the energy, the Season of Fire lives up to its name with bush fires some years taking a great toll of human and animal life and causing untold billions of dollars of damage, whereas Winter, especially in Queensland, is a temperate and a pleasant season.


Think Less... By Jane O’Connor-Chapman

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about thinking less and feeling more. 'Think less...feel more' has become my newest mantra that I constantly repeat to myself. I may even have these words placed on my arm as my next tattoo. It is strange at first and seems quite comical as the mind is mightily powerful and will throw many obstacles and distractions your way. If you are at a point in your life where you are feeling stuck, stagnant, as though nothing is ever happening for the betterment of your life, it is of utmost importance to understand that you have the power to begin again; right is in you. You have the power of choice, the power to change. This is such a gift, obvious to some, seeming impossible to others, but nonetheless this is the empowerment of free will.

Drop all expectations from everyone and everything, including yourself.....expect nothing and instead focus your intent on appreciation. I am actively applying this to my own life and am feeling a lot more relaxed and definitely happier as a result. It allows us to flow with life more and opens us up to endless possibilities. We can choose to let go and still frees up wasted energy and means we can use the energy elsewhere in a far more productive way.

At times you are your own worst enemy, your worst critic. We put so many worries, doubts and blockages in our own way each day, most of the time without even realising that we are doing this to ourselves. The perpetual inner dialogue of never ending thoughts can all too easily become a hindrance in our enjoyment of life if we allow it to be so. The first step to releasing ourselves from this self inflicted turmoil is to thank the mind for all it does, induce awareness at mind level and then actively work on changing negative thoughts into positive, uplifting, useful thoughts.


Meditation is essential and can assist in the transition from constant badgering thoughts to more peaceful ones. Even if you can only manage a few minutes each day, it is absolutely worth the time and effort. You'll feel an almost immediate difference as your stress levels begin to lower, and you will get better at meditation each and every day. Feeling more centred, more whole is blissful. I am grateful to the universe and Great Spirit for allowing me to wake up and witness my life from an outsider's perspective. I can detach from self and wander around my psyche, gaining insight into my own shadow self, healing and evolving along the way. I know that self discovery can be an exciting experience; it can also be daunting as we confront old fears and undo old patterns of thinking.

If you require assistance with taming thoughts it can help to quietly and calmly tell your mind to 'sssshhhhhh' each time an annoying, unhelpful thought pops into your head. Gentle and soothing, a simple 'ssshhhhhhh' can be relaxing and create a disconnect between the thought and you. We all could do with being more calm and relaxed, especially at this time of the year, with Yule fast approaching. I am all the way over here in Scotland and so am getting used to the winter temperatures which are dropping extremely quickly as each day passes. The sun is rising at 8am and then setting at 3.30pm each day, which for a Queenslander like myself is more than weird! The positive aspects are that I get to light my candles each day at 3pm and make lot's of soup. I made leek and potato soup this morning at 11am and enjoyed the extra heat from the kitchen immensely. I have been over here in the UK for almost seven month's now and have thoroughly enjoyed travelling to many Summer Edition 2013

Feel More different places. So far I have visited Singapore, Dubai, Bulgaria, France and Ireland. The next country that I am looking forward to visiting is Iceland next April. Being this side of the planet is so wonderfully different. So much history and far too many places that are on my list to go and see.

I take each day as it appears and am thoroughly grateful for each new experience. I must admit that I loved Paris but I fell completely and utterly in love with Ireland. Dublin was beautiful and everyone made me feel so at home. I think I must have activated my O'Connor gene whilst over there as it was just so blissful.

I love Australia with all my soul and will be returning at the end of next year but until then I am in full adventure mode. The next excitement will be my first ever experience of skiing and I shall give it my best shot. Scotland takes on a magical gleam in winter and my inner child revels in the mere thought of snow drifts and being snowed in.

So, I’m happily writing this article from my warm cosy home here as the sun begins to make it's descent on the east coast of Scotland and I gleefully visualise you all reading my word's in the glowing warmth of my beloved southern hemisphere. Sending you all many blessings and much love for a beautiful festive season.

Remember to play with your thoughts and make them work for you instead of against you! 'Tis a freeing thing indeed. Therefore I ask you to please repeat these magical life changing word's after me... 'Think less....feel more'.

Summer Edition 2013



Soul of the


ACH soul puts out an energetic “echo”.

Our state of consciousness, our emotional makeup, how much inner growth work we have done and how much balance we have achieved - the different energies that make up our life force, all contribute to the “vibration” or frequency we radiate. There are echoes on many different levels – some uplifting and some at lower levels of energy. How we take responsibility and loyalty for growing and maintaining our consciousness determines what echo we exude – and this can have much to do with how the universal laws of attraction work for us and what experiences we create in our lives.


Society also puts out many strong echoes, radiating from mass consciousness. Many lower-energy echoes become much stronger leading into the Christmas period and they can become very challenging if we are not strong in our personal loyalty to self. The echoes of consumerism – “show people you love them by the amount of money you spend”. The echoes of encouraging excess and overindulgence that result in consequences for us to face later. Family pressures, obligations, expectations and old traditions we are meant to adhere to create a time of intense pressure financially, emotionally, physically and Spiritually. And then there are echoes of fear and anxiety. The world financial state, disasters at home or abroad – watching the nightly news can create waves of fear or anxiety for the future that freeze some people into inaction, while spurring others into reaction. What can steer us through this maze is being observant and discerning as to whether we react to these outside echoes, or stay resilient in the vibrations and higher values we choose to keep our own echo strong. This is called the loyalty and responsibility of the soul. The more we discern a sense of our soul purpose and create a balance between the head and heart (our intellect and feelings) – to move towards our goals, the more we will have a clearer direction and sense of inner security.

More than ever at this time of year, it is important to take regular quiet contemplative time or meditation, to feel into where we are at and do an internal check. How much are we reacting to the world around us? How much are we getting caught up in other peoples’ needs, wants and direction and getting swayed off our own path? Where do we need to reclarify our own direction, goals and values. We can still be of service to others, but it comes from a happier and much more authentic place if we have taken care of our own needs and wants first. There is a marked energy difference between “being of service with a smile” and “being a servant”. Loyalty to self can be one of the greatest gifts we give to ourselves over the Christmas period. BIOGRAPHY Paul Mischefski is a journalist, Spiritual Counselor and lifeskills coach living on the Gold Coast. He is an Ordained Minister and board member of the Spiritual healing foundation Peace Community Church International. Paul is also founder of CreateFlow Spiritual Programs and works with sustainable communities. Ph: 0429-478-129 Summer Edition 2013

Australian Online Wicca & Witchcraft Store Summer Edition 2013



ummer is here and we are looking forward to all the activities this season brings, here at the Crystal Castle & Shambhala Gardens. Workshops and so much more are included in every visit. Rather than us tell you why we would love you to visit, we wish to share what many are saying about their experiences instead. With gratitude, Crystal Castle Team

“This place is a must visit. It's quite unique and leaves a very long lasting impression. From the abundance of amazing giant crystals to the incredible gardens and flowers. There is plenty to keep you enthralled and occupied. Lovely cafe, shops, activities if you want, the only Stupa in Australia giving you an opportunity to send peace prayers around the planet. You won't want to miss this magical place. I take people there all the time because I Iove seeing the awe on their faces.” Trip Advisor

Jim Kellar of The Herald is also a fan: "This private garden of peace and tranquility...featuring a sacred Stupa monument for world peace that has the blessing of the Dalai Lama….it's a place to unwind, contemplate, absorb the spirit of life at your own pace.... the Lotus Café with panoramic views features the best vegetarian mezze plate I've ever enjoyed".

“This place is like a magical land. You can walk a labyrinth, wander the gardens, buy some crystals, have a yummy lunch in the cafe (food is excellent) and even get your aura photo taken.” Trip Advisor

“You don't have to be a hippie crystal lover to like it there” advises another reviewer, “it’s a place for anyone who likes nature and something a little different.” “I have taken my children, friends, and my partner. It really is for everyone. Rare to have everyone happy at once.”

“Gorgeous gardens, excellent healthy food, interesting staff and an absolutely wonderful way to spend a day. Definitely on our must return here list, and we live in Canada!” Trip Advisor


Included in your visit: • Experience one of Nature’s sacred places nestled in the Byron Shire Hinterland • Rare and amazing, giant crystals & fossils throughout, dating back to 500 million years ago • Botanic “Shambhala” Gardens and Rainforest spread Summer Edition 2013

• •

• • •

across 5 hectares of lush flora and fauna including walks, sculptures, deities, contemplation spaces, a sacred labyrinth, and the largest stone Blessing Buddha in Australia Kalachakra Stupa for World Peace. The Dalai Lama blessed this project and it is the only Buddhist Stupa of it’s kind in the Southern Hemisphere Daily Peace Experience for all from 3:10-4:00pm with sound healing baths followed by a sacred ‘Kora Walk’ around the World Peace Stupa Daily workshops at 1:00pm during the holidays including: Kirtan, ‘Crystals Chakras Astrology & Healing’, ‘Psychic Awareness’, ‘Ayurveda’, ‘Feng Shui’, ‘Awaken your Senses’, and ‘Energise your Life’. Programme details: The Crystal Castle Guide book. A comprehensive 132 page, beautifully illustrated guide to complement your visit and take home with you.

Summer Edition 2013

Friendly, helpful, insightful staff Children’s playground and face painting (all weekends & daily in school holidays)

To enhance your visit: • Aura Photos with interpretation and a crystal or stone • Tarot or Astrology sessions available by appointment from world renowned readers • Lotus Café - on the veranda overlooking one of the best views in the Byron Shire, provides delicious food and drinks made on the premises from locally sourced ingredients and veggies from the onsite organic garden • The shop, showroom and gallery offer an incredible display of large and small crystals, artifacts, singing bowls, jewellery, books, music, prayer flags, gifts and more

“Wow!!! What an experience! I loved every second” writes another TripAdvisor visitor “The serene atmosphere, positivity and energy of this sacred place is worth every cent of the entrance fee. Leave yourself a LOT of time - you might lose track of it.”

We await your visit and look forward to what you have to say! Our hours: 10am - 5pm daily NSW time, except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and Good Friday. All details including fees and simple directions here:


The Seasons of Summer in Australia

by Quentin Walker


eltane (The beginning of Summer, 1st November, close to "Schoolies Day" where those people leaving school indulge in an annual celebration of riotous fun).

From a seasonal point of view this represents the beginning of Summer. The blossom is turning into early fruit, the days are becoming noticeably warmer and even hot, the Season of Fire has commenced and we are all looking forward to the commencement of the long Christmas Holidays where we can 'slack off' in our preoccupation with work. From a mytho-poetic point of view the Goddess now marries the Sun God and undergoes a more formal ritual Mating Rite with him. The news of her pregnancy is now made public and celebrated by all creation. She is increasingly being transformed from Maid into Mother.

Psychologically this is where we celebrate the sexual and life-affirming areas of life, where we come to terms with the essential goodness and pleasure of good living, of "the good life", of fun, of sex for pleasure. It is interesting to note that of all creation it appears to be only primates which engage in sex for pleasure and not just for procreation. How ironic it is then that the Church Fathers adjure us to engage in sex only for the purposes of procreation and not for pleasure 'lest we become like the beasts of the world'.

Litha (mid-Summer, usually 20th or 21st December, Christmas time and in Australia a time for such great traditions as the Boxing Day Test, a marked orgy of consumerism, people spending time with their family and partying on at work with a round of office parties, the commencement of the Christmas Holidays for school children, the running of the Sydney to Hobart


Yacht Race, and the running of the Woodford Folk Festival - the biggest folk festival in the Southern Hemisphere).

This is a time of great heat, of bush fires and its subsequent destruction of the bush but at the same time causing regeneration by allowing the seeds of many native plants to germinate as they require fire to do so. The wheat is now almost ready to be harvested, the fruit grows heavy on the trees, the days are long at the beaches and the sun and heat is on everybody's mind (protective sun-burn creams Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world), the general wilting and listlessness that excessive heat brings on, the drought season is at its most severe and the whole land seems to cry out for water.

From a mytho-poetic point of view this is the Sun Lord at his highest, this is the reign of the Lord Of Light and it is not seen to be all bliss. Thus we must come to terms with the fact that a life composed totally of light, of totally one extreme - even though it may be seen as "the good" - is not healthy, it is not balanced and it will lead to disruption of life if perpetuated. Unfortunately in Australia we are subjected to the perpetuation of the Sun God's rule with drought in many parts of the country going on for year after year, a phenomenon which is perhaps destined to become more frequent as the El Nino effect becomes more frequent occurring now not every seven years but every three to five years. Is this perhaps another manifestation of man's degradation of his environment in a global sense? But at the same time, at the height of this merciless purity is born the Dark Twin to the Goddess and a reminder that even at the times of the greatest triumph there are sown the seeds of change and challenge. Summer Edition 2013

Sacred Feng Shui

- Story of the blue Damselfly -

with the place and with the whole Universe.

While dipping in a calm water spot, a gorgeous turquoise blue and shiny black damsel fly gently landed on CJ’s forearm. It turned and looked at him in the eyes. It stayed there. After a minute, CJ looked at me and said “This never happened to me before” - he was in awe. The fly flew off and landed again a few seconds later, at the same spot. It is only when I approached him that it flew away. That was an omen. Which omen?


uring my last Feng Shui visit to FNQ in November, I went inland and visited my dear friend Kuku Yalanji Elder CJ Fisher in China Camp. My new little tent, self inflated mattress and pillow were safely stuck in the bottom of my backpack, I added enough food for the duration of my stay. I was wondering how I was going to handle carrying 17 kilos on my with my frozen shoulder and walk 32 kilometres on the Creb track. I caught the local coach in Mossman and got kindly dropped off on the track turnoff just after Wujal Wujal. I felt very lucky when I heard that morning that someone was going to China Camp and could pick me up on the way. I started walking and connecting with the Ancestors – “Yalada” – I thanked them to welcome me again. I praised and honoured their beautiful country. Even thought the wet season had started, deep inside my heart and Soul, I knew Spirit was going to look after me. A white Toyota picked me on the way and I arrived in no time. What a blessing, thank you! Each time I visit that place, I learn so much about the Land, about Culture, about our differences, about compassion, about myself too. It is a journey.

Sunday morning CJ and I headed for our walk north of the Roaring Meg falls. We greeted a couple of visitors on the car park and headed off further. We walked and stopped in a few places and swam safely in the river where permitted. We were relaxed, we were connected, we were One


I went to my special place, my favourite rock in the area and sat down. I connected with it and suddenly I felt a shake under my bum - you know like when you have your mobile phone on buzzer in your pocket. I jumped and took my camera out of my front pocket and I laughed thinking, I don’t even have my phone with me and my camera wouldn’t buzz! “My” rock was connecting, I love this! Was this another omen?

On our way back to the car park, three men greeted us with the sad news that a lady had slipped from the Meg Falls a few hours before. Could we be of any help? The police officer arrived and we offered him assistance in the search. It is a Women sacred site after all; we all had to be careful and respectful. I asked him what colour the lady was wearing... “Turquoise blue top and denim shorts” said the officer. I said to Colin – “Exactly the colour of the damsel fly that landed a few hours ago on your forearm.” We were speechless. Damsel in distress...

This is a very sad loss indeed. The body of the lady was found a couple of days later by the professional divers at the bottom of the fall. The signs and warnings on site mention to be careful and stay safe. The Roaring Meg now counts over a dozen of deaths, mainly men who are trespassing and disrespect the Sacredness of this Women’s site.

Australia carries aboriginal energy; many of us are white or new Australians. To

integrate fully in this country, please learn about the aboriginal culture and knowledge from the Traditional Owners. Respect is essential. Understand our differences and adapt accordingly. We are the new comers, sometimes some are still intruders – many don’t realise this. A few years ago, I passed my exam and became an Australian citizen. I failed the question about cricket; questions were only related to the history of the country since white men came. I was very sad to see absolutely no question in regards to aboriginal history and culture.

I share this very personal story with you to emphasize the importance of Respect. Sacred Feng Shui is about connecting with the Land, the Elements and the Ancestors. Life is worth investing in sacred knowledge. Roseline Deleu Feng Shui Master & best-selling Author Visit subscribe to my Feng Shui Steps BLOG. To camp and contact Kuku Yalanji Elder CJ Fisher in China Camp call (07) 4098 6248

Two Powerful Shamans Together

Summer Edition 2013

Though first and foremost, listen to your intuition, you will often find the understanding of the sign/message there.

Through The Eyes of a Faerie


e aware. Be willing to acknowledge and believe the signs that you are given; the signs and messages that we receive in every way imaginable, and in any and every moment of any and every day. They may come while you sleep, while you meditate, while you walk through the trees in the park, while you wander about your home attending to your daily chores. Your higher self, and that of the divine; your spirit guides, are consistently trying to make contact. If it is that you do not see or hear the first time, then I assure you that they will try and show you in another way, shape or form. Unfortunately, so many live outside of themselves, always looking beyond the present moment, placing too much emphasis on the future, the what if’s, and the I wishes, that their eyes are in fact closed to what is going on about them right now. Take the feather that floated up beside me in the waves last week, I took that as confirmation to my thoughts at that present time. How about the crab that danced back and forth at my feet in the midday sun . . . he was trying to tell me to sidestep. A message I had heard my own divine souls telling me for days. Summer Edition 2013

Though it wasn’t until that singular moment that I finally took note and made confirmation of the message.

Just as those of fae believe, so shall all beings. Never underestimate the power of the given suggestion. You are a vessel of enlightenment, of energetic pattern. When a query, a quote, or belief is expelled from your energy field, so comes the ripple, and the universe will respond with an answer, a trace of an idea . . . all to assist you on your path of divine growth.

Let’s take numbers. The number 11 coincides with manifestation – always take note of your thoughts at that precise time. The number 4 is confirmation that your angels, your souls of divine spirit are with you and are assisting you. The note of a dragonfly may symbolize change, and a deeper connection to that of your inner senses. How about something as simple as a stone. You may find one placed upon your path again and again. I once opened my door to find a cluster of stones upon my top step. Some may have dismissed this and just moved them. I, however, knew better. This was confirming to me, to speak my truth.

If you listen . . . you will hear. If you believe, you will see. And all will happen in divine timing.

Tania Elizabeth xo

Tania Elizabeth is the author of The Tier of Eternal Grace Series. Come thee to a place of ethereal vision, where magic and passion is bound. Come thee to a place of divine insight, where love and venture be found. A fantasy wound within the truths of reality, brings forth an ardent depiction of the faerie realm, and the exploits of the faeries themselves. Beyond the boundary that separates the mundane and earthly planes from the divine lies Eterna Fadas, a place ruled by extraordinary beings, lithe and human-like in appearance, yet ethereal in their grace and beauty, and sensuous in nature. Within thy pages, truths shall be revealed and secrets will be held no more. Dance within their story of magic, mystic, heart and of hurt. Their beliefs of love and gratitude their endearing charm. Their connection with Mother Earth undeniable. They are the faeries whom dwell within Eterna Fadas. They are faeries of whom we thought, but never really knew. Book One, The Moon Clearing. Book Two, The Mirrors Shadow. Book Three, coming soon. To find out more and to purchase Tania’s books, you may visit. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and all other leading bookstores online.



A-Z of Culinary

“Invaluable for food lovers”


Dhal - This is the Indian term for all varieties of dried beans, split peas, and lentils. There are many different varieties of dhal, all of which have a specific use in Indian cooking.

Dashi - A Japanese fish stock made with dried bonito and kombu seaweed. This is used for soups, sauces, and marinades.

Daube - A stew consisting of a single piece of meat such as a shoulder or joint. The meat is stewed in a rich, wine laden broth with herbs and vegetables. The broth is then thickened, reduced and served with the slices of meat and accompanying vegetables.

Dauphine - The name for little puffs made of potato puree, that are mixed with choux paste and deep fried. Dauphinoise - The name of a potato gratin with lots of cream and garlic, all topped with Gruyere cheese.

Deglaze - A process of adding 28

by Steve Duncan

liquid to a hot pan in order to collect the bits of food which stick to the pan during cooking. This is most common with sautéed and roasted foods. Wine, stock, and vinegar are common deglazing liquids.

Demi-Glace - A rich brown sauce comprised of espagnole sauce, which is further enriched with veal stock and wine and reduced to proper consistency. This is a very long procedure and requires constant skimming. A quick version of this involves reducing brown veal stock to which has been added mirepoix, tomato paste, wine, and brown roux. The latter recipe saves time, but never reaches the intensity of flavour as does the former method. Due to the quantity and length of time required to prepare it, it is not usually made in the home. However it is available for home gourmands.

Dijonnaise - This is a name given to dishes that contain mustard or are served with a sauce that contains mustard.

Dim Sum - A selection of small dishes served for snacks and

lunch in China. These dishes include a wide selection of fried and steamed dumplings, as well as, various other sweet and savoury items.

Dolma - A cold hors d oeuvre made of grape leaves stuffed with cooked rice, lamb, and onion. They are marinated with olive oil and lemon. Vegetarian versions of this are also made.

Dry Ageing - A process usually referring to beef. This process not only adds flavour but tenderises the beef through enzyme action. Maximum flavour and tenderness is achieved in 21 days.

Duchess - The name for potato puree that is enriched with cream, then piped into decorative shapes and browned in the oven. They are often piped around the rim of a platter onto which a roast or whole fish may be served.

Durian - A large fruit from southeast Asia that has a creamy, gelatinous texture and a nauseating smell similar to that of stinky feet. The flesh is savoured by many from this Summer Edition 2013

area, but outsiders find it a difficult flavour to become accustomed.

Duxelle - Finely chopped mushrooms that are cooked in butter with shallots and wine. When cooked dry, duxelle make a good filling for omelettes, fish, and meat. They may also be moistened with wine or broth and served as a sauce. Duxelle are also flavoured with fresh herbs and brandy or Madeira.

are flavoured with peppers, onions, and tomatoes. Those from South America have a sweet/sour undertone from the addition of raisins and green olives. Crusts may be made from bread dough or flaky dough like pate brisee and puff pastry.

Entrecote - A steak cut from the


Effiler - To remove the fibrous string from a string bean; to thinly slice almonds.

Empanada - A small savoury pie from Spain and South America. Fillings may be made of meat, seafood, or vegetables. The fillings can be seasoned in many ways. Those from around Spain Summer Edition 2013

Escabeche - A highly seasoned marinade used to flavour and preserve food. Fish and chicken are the most common foods used for escabeche. First the meat is fried and placed in a dish large enough to hold all of the food in one layer. Then a marinade made of onions, peppers, vinegar, and spices is poured over the food while hot. The whole dish is then allowed to rest overnight and served cold. Escalope - A thinly sliced food similar to a scallopine. This may consist of meat, fish, or vegetables.

Egg Threads - Lightly beaten eggs that are poured slowly into a hot broth, creating irregular shaped threads used to garnish soups.

Emincer - To cut fruit into thin slices, shorter than for julienne. This term is most often used when referring to meats, but it also applies to fruits and vegetables.

beef is called the faux-filet or contre-filet.

rib section of beef. It is boneless and has a very thin layer of fat. Though steaks cut from the loin ends of the rib are a finer quality steak, the whole rib may be used for entrecote. The term is sometimes used referring to a strip steak. This is not an accurate description. This cut of

Espagnole Sauce - This is the foundation of all of the brown sauces. A number of modifications have been made of this sauce since its conception. The sauce is now made of a rich brown veal stock thickened with a brown roux. The sauce is then simmered with a mirepoix, bouquet garni, and wine. The long, slow cooking help to purify and concentrate its flavour. It is finally strained through very fine muslin. Demiglace and glace de viande are all structured around a fine espagnole sauce.



uestions & Answers

One of the biggest blessings for our soul’s growth and life purpose is that we live in a world of polar opposites. Highs and lows, abundance and lack, lost and found, with many more and lots of variables in between. But when we feel lack or lost, sick or sad, we may ask the Universe… Why is this so? How is this a blessing? The blessing is that opposites can guide our lives and soul purposes to experience what we want, often through the experience of what we do not want, and the willingness to change that. In a world of opposites, we have the choice to experience ourselves at either end of a scale, or somewhere in between. If the soul wants to experience ‘finding itself’ in this life, it may first create the illusion of being ‘lost’. If it wants freedom, it may experience slavery. But we are not enslaved by this phenomenon. Rather, we can be freed by it, if we choose. Through experiencing what we do not want in our lives, we can then know what we do want. We can make our choices accordingly, set our focus to what we desire and move forward from one polar opposite to the next. So next time you feel unhappy with where you are, lost or sad, please remember to look at which end of the scale you are on, what would be the opposite feeling that you would prefer to experience, and then change your focus to giving yourself that energy. On Earth, we can change where we sit on the scale of polar opposites. What a Blessing! Love & Light Gaia Where do I come from here with the changes and decisions I have made now? Anne F Sometimes when we make changes, it can take a few weeks until the dust settles. I see you reaching upwards towards stars and higher planes, bringing knowledge & energy here to use on Earth. It’s this energy that you come from with changes you have made. I see you creating a ‘nest’ for yourself, establishing new home, fortifying where you stand. I’m asked to remind you to include ‘Softness’ at this time. Spirit is guiding work further away for you. There may be a few challenges where it comes to overextending yourself, but I see a happiness with the changes coming your way.


My daughter Brittany is young and has been foolish at times. Do you see her settling down anytime soon? She seems torn between us and her previous life. What does the future hold for her please? Sam F Freedom is the key to Brittany’s happiness. This is what she has come to experience in this life. And so it goes, often we must live the opposite energy until we find our way through to the desired state. Money matters are the priority at the moment, and this may be a way to help her see that staying at home would be a good way for her to get ahead financially. At the end of the day, she is a free spirit who will follow her own path regardless. Spirit is helping with a new work opportunity coming very soon.

I would like to know if the Universe has it in my plan to travel Australia and live me dream of helping those less fortunate than myself. Regards, Dale. I feel old energy being released from the throat chakra. More to do there; communication is needed to resolve an old family issue. You are very good at balancing giving and receiving, so well done. I see a lot of pink light coming it to your hands from higher source. I do get a yes to your question but hear it from a distance. This means there is still a wait but every step you take now is part of that journey as a whole. I feel you will travel for 3-5 years.

Gaia I feel lost and don’t fit in most of the time. I know what people are feeling so I ask God for guidance and can’t hear the answer. So I’m asking you can you tell me, What God wants me to do or what is my life purpose? Jesus DV Life purpose – Spiritual attunement for self and then to guide others as well. You do have access to higher reams but I see your crown chakra connection scatters once it reaches a level of Angelic consciousness. Blue light surrounds this, which is healing. Healing this connection is also part of your soul purpose. Learn to direct your focus, especially to whom you will speak/connect with in the higher realms. As you work with one guide at a time, you will re-gather your strength and clarity will be much easier for you to achieve.

Summer Edition 2013

I’m interested in anything you can tell me! I would like to conceive but am worried about health issues with myself or the baby. Ellen V I feel skin irritations. It has not been an easy transition for you from spirit into this physical body/realm. Remnant memories of your own journey have you worried. Guides say ‘a baby will be fine’.

I’m just wondering when you see a third child for us and will it be a girl? (I have 2 boys already). Sarah H I hear hubby saying ‘not yet’. I feel it is you who wants this more. He’s quite a tuned-in man. He has headaches on the right side of his head, which relates to worry about work/finances. Open up and speak clearly with him, ask of his concerns and clarify a plan together. Guides say ‘A girl will come’. I’m not getting a specific time, but feel once you and hubby open up as suggested, it will help clear a path for her to arrive.

Hope this finds you well and Thank you. My questions is: “What is in store for us in the coming year please?” Britt TW You are able to visualize well & see in colour. Be mindful of how much ‘changing’ that you take on board ‘personally’. I hear of a house move. Potentially further away. Opportunities to deepen family ties and rise above an anger or frustration there. You are positioned well in the center of your universe. I see you and hubby bouncing ideas off each other. I feel circling motion in your life paths for the remainder of this year and up until March 2014. After that you will have a straighter direction. A change in partner’s work sees him revisiting work from the past. Guidance for

him is that it’s not a backwards step, rather, it will turn quickly into a valuable experience which propels him higher.

I’ve recently broken up due to my partner travelling overseas. Within 2 weeks I met another lady and things have moved quite quickly, even though I’m mindful of my feelings for my ex. I know I’m supposed to experience this new relationship, but for what? What will happen of my old relationship or should I just wait until she gets back? Jason H I agree this new relationship is meant to be. I feel your energy being pulled in that direction. I get the words ‘easily led’ and feel this is a major learning for you. While you are ‘led’ in one direction i.e. relationships, the other side of life: work/finances can become depleted, so watch that. Learning how to equally spread your energy is another lesson. With that said, I see there is a beautiful flow in your life – enjoy it! When you just BE and open your heart, I see you rise to a new level with ease. I feel you have much more to experience and won’t ‘settle’ for many years. Your ex and you have a strong connection that remains for quite some time. I do see another journey with her, but only brief.

I just wanted to know when I will find a job please. Eva P I see telecommunications and office work. Release anger from an old job. Look to the new as a new adventure. Money will flow easier to you when you lighten up your heart a bit more. Guides say “Have faith”. I see some work around Christmas, but a more stable job around February/March. You won’t look back from there.

Why can’t I make it in the real world? I have always felt lost even though I function well day to day. Thanks for your time, Kim S Strong by nature you are! When I look through your eyes, there is so much going on, so many thoughts and the energy is thick. I change from one thing to another and feel your sense of ‘lost’. It is this ‘thick’ energy of this world that has you confused. You do not need to take it on in this life, but rather gather your strength and focus and move through it. As I calm myself (which is what you do need to practice) the energy becomes clearer around my eyes. Have a good look at what you are focused on, and create a strong vision of where you want to be. You will illuminate your own path by doing this. Just remember not to take on the energy of the world, but rather you are here to make your own path through it.

Hi Gaia, I would like to know if romance is near and real for me and when will my finances improve? Marion P I see alot of energy in your right hand. This relates to work, finances and also relates to man. I feel a left handed man for you but at the moment, I see you working on finances and sorting paperwork. Both situations seem to be tied in together. Sometimes we may feel we would just like to someone to come along and take care of us, provide for us and make life easier, and that is natural. Keep working through your financial plan, as this will ease over the next 3 -4 months. After that I hear the word - ‘re-decorating’. Romance towards the middle of next year will blossom, then a change in life direction. Make sure to keep doubts in check.

Summer Edition 2013


Vegetarian Christmas Recipes Vegan Eggnog Recipe

Ingredients: 2 cups soy milk (original or vanilla flavor) 1/4 teaspoon cloves 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/3 cup brandy 2 1/2 teaspoons maple syrup

Directions: Blend all ingredients together in a pitcher. Serve your delicious vegan eggnog over ice and dress with a sprinkle of nutmeg and a cinnamon stick for the perfect festive touch.

Vegan Coco Raisin Balls

Ingredients: 1 cup raisins 1/4 cup raw almonds 1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds 1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds 2 tablespoon cocoa powder, or raw cacao powder 4 tablespoon desiccated coconut 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

Directions: 1. Soak nuts and seeds overnight in filtered water. 2. After soaking, drain and dry the seeds and nuts. 3. When dry, pour seeds and nuts in blender to blend until coarse paste forms. 4. Add raisins, cocoa powder, vanilla, and coconut.Blend until stiff paste forms. 5. Roll into small balls. 6. Extra: Roll ball in coconut for outside layer if desired.


Vegan Christmas Tofu Turkey

Ingredients: 2kg extra firm tofu, crumbled 2 tablespoons sesame oil 1 red onion, finely diced 4 celery sticks, chopped 220g mushrooms, chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 teaspoon chopped fresh sage 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 5 cups dried breadcrumbs extra 6 tablespoons sesame oil 6 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons miso paste 5 tablespoons orange juice 1/2 teaspoon orange rind 1 teaspoon mustard 3 sprigs fresh rosemary to serve

Directions: 1.Line a round medium sized colander with muslin or a clean tea towel. Place the crumbled tofu in the colander. Place another towel or sheet of muslin over the tofu and place a heavy weight on top. Place the colander over a bowl to catch the liquid. Refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours. 2.Make the stuffing: In a large frying pan, gently fry the onion, celery and mushrooms in the 2 tablespoons of sesame oil until tender. Add the garlic, sage, thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper. Stir well and cook for 5 minutes, then add breadcrumbs and mix well. Remove from heat. 3.Preheat the oven to 200 C. Grease a baking tray. 4.In a small bowl combine the extra sesame oil, soy sauce, miso paste, orange juice, orange rind and mustard and mix well. 5.Remove the weight from the tofu and discard the liquid. Hollow out the tofu so there is 2.5cm of tofu still lining the colander. Place the scooped out tofu in a separate bowl. Spoon the stuffing into the centre of the tofu case. Place the leftover tofu on top of the stuffing and press down firmly. 6.Turn the stuffed tofu out on to the baking tray and gently press the sides to form a more oval shape. Brush the tofu with half the sesame oil sauce, place the rosemary sprigs on top and cover with foil. 7.Bake for one hour, then remove the tofu from the oven and discard the foil. Brush the tofu with the remaining sesame oil sauce (reserving 4 tablespoons), then return to the oven and bake another hour, or until the tofu-turkey is golden brown. Place on a serving platter, brush with the remaining oil mixture and serve hot.

Golden-glazed Carrot, Mushroom & Hazelnut tart

Ingredients: 3 carrots, peeled and cut in half lengthways, or about 10 baby carrots left whole 2 tsp olive oil 1 tbsp maple syrup 15 x 12cm rectangle of all-butter puff pastry from a 320g roll 1 banana shallot or 2 normal shallots, very finely diced small knob of butter 140g chestnut mushrooms, very finely chopped 1 tbsp chopped roasted hazelnut, plus a little extra to garnish 3 tbsp low-fat cream cheese a few tarragon leaves, chopped, plus a few leaves to garnish

Directions: 1.Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Pop the carrots in a pan of boiling water and cook for 4-5 mins until tender. Spread the carrots out in one layer on a baking tray. Carefully toss with olive oil, seasoning and half the maple syrup. Bake for 20 mins, turning once. 2.Next, place the pastry rectangle on a baking parchment-lined baking sheet. Score a 1cm border. Prick the centre area with a fork and put in the oven for 12 mins with the carrots. 3.Fry the shallot in butter until totally soft, then stir through the mushrooms. Fry for several mins until mushrooms are tender and the mixture is dry. Spread out on a plate to cool. Whizz a third of the mushroom mixture with the nuts, cream cheese, tarragon and seasoning, so you have a coarse texture. Tip into a bowl and stir through the remaining mushroom mix. 4.Remove the pastry base from the oven and gently press down the centre area with the back of a spoon. Spread the mushroom mix inside and lay the glazed carrots on top. You may need to tuck the ends round to fit the carrots in. Drizzle over the remaining maple syrup and bake for a further 12-15 mins until the pastry is golden. Sprinkle with a few tarragon leaves and some more chopped nuts to serve.

Summer Edition 2013

Bowties with Tomato-Rosemary Currant sauce


1 tablespoon olive or canola oil 1 cup diced onion 1 tablespoon honey 1 can (28-ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained 1/2 cup Sun-Maid Zante Currants 2 to 4 tablespoons red wine 1-1/2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary (or 1/2 teaspoon dried) 1 package (12-ounces) bowtie or penne pasta, uncooked 4 cups small broccoli florets Galaxy Foods Parmesan Soy Vegan Grated Topping Directions:

1.Heat oil in a wide skillet over medium heat.

2.Add onions and cook 10 minutes, stirring often until very soft and golden brown.

3.Stir in honey.

4.Add tomatoes with juice, currants, 2 tablespoons wine and rosemary.

5.Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer covered for 10 minutes or until sauce is thickened (remove lid if needed to reduce liquid).

6.Add remaining 2 tablespoons wine if desired for flavor.

7.Meanwhile, cookpasta according to package directions, adding broccoli during last 2 minutes of cooktime. 8.Drain water.

9.Serve sauce over pasta and broccoli and garnish with soy parmesan topping.

Summer Edition 2013

Bruschetta with Ricotta, grilled Capsicum and Artichoke topping


12 slices Italian-style bread (ciabatta) olive oil spray 1 large garlic clove, halved olive oil for drizzling 450g ricotta salt and pepper 1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper 1 cup chargrilled red capsicum, torn into small pieces 1 cup marinated artichokes, roughly chopped 2 tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley Directions:

1. Heat a stovetop grill or barbecue over high heat. Spray the bread with olive oil spray and place on the grill. Cook, in batches if necessary, for 1-2 minutes each side or until golden brown and slightly charred.

2. Remove from grill, spray with more oil spray and rub each slice on one side with the cut side of garlic. 3. To make the topping, combine the ricotta with the salt and pepper. Set aside until required.

4. Combine the capsicum, artichoke and parsley in a separate bowl.

5. To serve, spread ricotta mixture over the bruschetta slices and top with capsicum and artichoke mixture. Drizzle with olive oil and serve immediately. Makes 12.

Choc-Cherry Fudge Torte with Cherry Sorbet


100g dried sour cherries 5 tbsp brandy 300g gluten- and wheat-free plain flour (we used Doves Farm) 85g cocoa, plus extra for dusting 200g light soft brown sugar 1 tsp gluten-free baking powder 1 tsp gluten-free bicarbonate of soda 1 tsp xanthan gum 150ml sunflower oil 350ml rice milk (preferably unsweetened) 150ml agave syrup a little icing sugar, for dusting For the sorbet

2 x 600g jars cherry compote 200g caster sugar Directions:

1.For the sorbet, whizz the compote with the sugar until smooth-ish, then tip into a freezer-proof container. Freeze until solid. 2.Mix the cherries and the brandy and leave to soak for a few hrs.

3.Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Line the base of a round, 20cm loosebottomed tin with baking parchment. Mix the flour, cocoa, brown sugar, baking powder, bicarb and xanthan gum in a big bowl. Whisk the oil, rice milk and agave syrup, then add to the dry ingredients and stir in with a wooden spoon. Add the cherries and any brandy, then scrape into the tin. Bake for 35-45 mins until crisp on top but fudgy in the centre. Cool in the tin.

4.Carefully lift the torte onto a serving plate. Dust with cocoa and icing sugar, and serve with the cherry sorbet.



December 2013, January & February 2014 - by Amanda Hall Psychic Hall of Fame 2013 -

Aries Love You need to venture out into the out doors and spend some quality time with your loved one. The last couple of months have been very busy so now is the time just takes a deep breath and enjoy the fresh air. Walking in nature certainly puts a sparkle in your romantic eyes. For those single get out an about in the fresh air there just could be that special someone just enjoy the scenery which could very well lead to a new sparkling relationship. Money Money has been the big lesson for 2013 and how to place new budgeting skills in place. You almost seem to be there. The real test is now going to come as we head towards the Christmas period, when the temptation for budgeting to fly right out the window. Stay focussed and you will be surprised with how well the finances are improving from being disciplined. Health Recharging your batteries is always a must. You need to be walking in the fresh air and increasing the oxygen intake into the lungs. You health has not quite been up to par because of extra work and family pressures over the last couple of months. Health will definitely improve and the energy levels are returning. Christmas Gift idea: Facial or face massage gift voucher if perfect for the busy Aries

Taurus Love Your mind seems to be wandering back to the past looking over your love life with a fine toothcomb. Even if you are in a settled committed relationship there are old issues that need to be cleared up now. When you let go of the old emotions you will feel free and refreshed with sparkle in your eyes. For singles, a blast from the past with an old flame coming back maybe? Money Well money and finances are really starting to precedence in your life. You are usually very cautious with your money and careful planning is important to you. As we head into a new year you will be revising your budget for the next year. Certainly reviewing spending and reducing debt will be paramount. This will free up finances for some investments. Health The warmer weather certainly suits your body as the winter aches and pains will start to disappear, and we will see more flexibility in the muscles. You may find you that over the colder months those kilos have crept on so now it is time to change your diet to lighter foods and increase your exercise, walking is always beneficial to keep the metabolism moving in the right direction. Christmas Gift Idea: Massage to relieve the muscles.


Gemini Love Lots of discussion in the last couple of months in your current relationship should see a new direction emerging for the future. You just need to be very honest with your self about what you want out of your relationship and make the changes necessary. For those single you attitude to that perfect someone has changed and you are now being more honest with you’re self about what you want in a relationship. Just be patient it is coming when you least expect it. Money Work and money go hand in hand, now is no exception. The restless winds of change are certainly all around you. Some of you will be looking to change your work or even embark on a study program that will launch you into a new career. Certainly money is not stuck it is flowing in and out again. The coming year will bring financial reward for those who deserve it. Health Your nervous system seems to have taken a battering lately. Are you ready to make the changes that are overdue in your life? Well the ideas are certainly coming in thick and fast in your life now. So take some positive steps and your health with improve out of sight. Blocked emotions are not good they bring about falls and burns, so we need to find a positive way of releasing the pressure so your body can perform at the peak that is possible in this busy period. Christmas Gift Idea: TI Chi or Yoga classes would be great for the nervous system

Cancer Love Love life will be taking a back seat at the moment, as there is a lot changes happening around your personal and family life at the current time. This will certainly be occupying your time. Special time with your loved one seems very rare at the moment. For those singles there is no real interest to even look for love at the moment. Money Money seems to be a major priority at the moment as you have taken real control of your finances in the last couple of months. For some Cancerians major purchases will dominate the money flow in the next couple of months, but it will be a positive step forward. Life is certainly looking brighter on the financial front. Health Your health is certainly improving as each day passes. It has been quite a stressful year for Cancerians, but the future looks very brought and so does your health. Positive outlook and renewed energy will help you create you. Your health has never been so good for years so enjoy the new invigorated you by getting out in the fresh air. Christmas Gift Idea: Lovely gift basket of Aromatherapy goodies will certainly please.

Leo Love Get out and exploring the world with your loved one on your arm is cupid’s prescription for love and romance. A renewed interest in your current relationship as you has renewed admiration for your loved one. Stars are certainly back in your eyes now. For those single Lion’s you need to be seen at the right location so you can attract that right new love interest for you. They need to have the right look after all and be seen at the right location. Money Money and finances have never been your strong point you love to spend on beautiful possessions. Now you seem to be going the other way and looking to save your money probably on for bigger possessions like investments. But who knows this new saving regime might become part of you for the future. Good money management will certainly see results quickly. Health You feel as if work never seems to let up. There is always plenty to do, which maybe draining on your health. Leo’s pride them selves with good looks and keeping fit. SO you may just find you need to revamp your exercise schedule to include something that will bring pleasure to you. Spending time near the water is good for the soul, and pleasant way to exercise. Christmas Gift Ideas: The latest state of the art piece of health or gym equipment. Virgo Love There will be a real need to stay close to home over the next couple of months. There have been many changes in your love life in the last couple of months. Some Virgo’s have sent the end to a long-standing problem in their relationship. Whatever the result it was good for growth. For single this is not the most romantic period in your life. Money If you have not changed your job in the last couple of months well now is the time to start looking to your future. There will have been changes in your finances, which will be greatly affecting your future. This is the time to look to the future for a new career path or job change. Lady luck will be smiling on you and increases in finances are expected. Health Virgo’s usually are very health conscious. But now you seem to feel so good you believe you can slacken off and not watch your diet so much. You need to be very aware of your footing, as there could be some sprains and sore muscles by not paying attention to your step. You need to recharge those emotional batteries now.

Summer Edition 2013

Christmas Gift Idea: The latest diet and exercise DVD Libra Love Exploring your local environment and getting some exercise with your partner is good way to spend some quality time together in this very busy period ahead. Increasing the amount of communication is important, as there has not been enough time recently. For those singles life really seems to busy for romance at the moment. Money Money and finances seem to be the number one thought in your mind at the present moment. You will have really sat down and looked at your budget for the next 12 months and made the appropriate changes. Well done. This was long over due. Some hard decisions had to be made and this is good and results will certainly flow in now. Money improving for 2014. Health Work has really been the focus over this year. Surprisingly your health has been very good considering the hard gruelling schedules and deadlines. But now I want you all to take a little break even if only a day or two. Just to recharge all your batteries and then you will, be able to enjoy the hectic party season, which you love. Christmas gift idea: Gift voucher for some pampering -Deluxe facial

Scorpio Love You have been working so hard on improving your finances that romance is almost nonevent. Well now is the time to make up for this with a lovely little trip away with your partner and relax and get to know each other again. For those single ma just take you self off for a weekend some new, this may just be where that special someone is waiting. Money You have lots of plans for the future concerning your money situation. Life has certainly changed for the better in the last couple of months there has been some very big changes with work and money. Same of you have really become so enthusiastic about new projects or your current employment. Money is certain looking up. Health You need to watch your chest over the next couple of months. There still seems to be a few coughs and colds around. Your immune system could do with a boost. Maybe a couple of early night and some extra vitamins would not go astray. Just general good common sense will keep you firing on all cylinders. Christmas gift idea: Aromatherapy massage gift voucher

Summer Edition 2013

Sagittarius Love Well it is certainly time to put the sparkle in your eyes for romance and spending quality time with your loved one. You will be exuding a special type of magnetism over the next couple of months people will be drawn to you like a magnet. For those singles opportunities are just everywhere as cupid fires his arrows of love everywhere. Money Work and money seem to go hand in hand at the present moment. Opportunities for work and new projects are flowing in from everywhere. Very exciting period ahead in the next few months particularly if you feel you have been in a rut work wise. Budgeting is becoming your middle name now as you soar towards the New Year. Finances looking much better 2014. Health With such a busy work period ahead you need to make sure you are really looking after your body and treating it as a temple. Then you will get the performance you are requiring from your body during this busy period. Learning the art of relaxation is also important. Walking on the beach or near the water is good for relaxing and let the mind have a rest. Christmas Gift Idea: A ticket to an outdoor adventure or tour.

Capricorn Love Being in love does not always come easy to a Capricorn, as their first love is power and money. You relationship with that special some one seems to take second places a lot. Now is the time to put your romantic hat on and be very creative and romantic about rekindling the sparkle in your relationship. For singles do some thing daring try going to a new place on your leisure time. Money There have been a lot of changes in the last couple of months with finances. Some of you have been very carefully looking at a big investment, and now seems to time to jump in and go for it. Work seems to be hitting the busiest period for some time. Don’t forget all work and no play makes you very boring though. Money is good but so is laughter, you can be rich in happiness also. Health The last couple of months you should have really started to pay more attention to your diet and exercise program. Now is the time to start that new exercise program particularly if it involves the out doors. You can use this time to think and plan your finances and work so it won’t be wasted. Just let your mind work overtime while you walk those kilometres in the lovely fresh air. Christmas Gift idea: A nice assortment of herbal teas and soothing cd

Aquarius Love Needing to get out and circulate is the order of the day, you can always take that special someone with you as your explore the globe. A good way to really spend some quality time with your loved one and you won’t be bored at the same time with exciting new places to explore. If single well what can I say far away new places beacon and that special someone could very well be hiding there. Money New opportunities could be coming from everywhere so the ski is the limits. New business propositions are certainly flooding in. For those bored with their job now is the time to make changes. Job prospects have never looked so good. Money certainly is flowing a lot better now. New Year brings new opportunities. Finances are certainly healthier. Health Your health seems to be moving into top year now. The mind is so full of ideas the body can’t help but keep up. The health worries that have been niggling this year are long behind you now. You will find you have more energy than you have had for a long time. But remember good nutrition is a must. Fresh air and dangle those toes in the water is must also. Christmas Gift Idea: Hot rocks massage.

Pisces Love Love life is certainly interesting at the moment. There probably have been changes in your current relationship over the last couple of months. Some will be making permeant changes; there certainly have been a lot of emotions the process. Remember change is always positive for a journey of life. For those single look around you work you may just find that special someone there. Romance is definitely in your eyes at the moment. Money The year of change and surprise is with us now, so hold on to your hat for the ride of your life. Some will change jobs, others will wish they could. Money will flow in and out. Progress is being made very quickly now. Finances are certainly changing for the better there will be more control than before. The future looks bright. Health Your emotional well being depends on a smooth and calm work and home environment. Because there have been so many changes there in the last couple of months, you feel like you have been through the emotional wringer. Remember mental health day s are aloud, just get a good book and head to the water and just relax and dream in this is great for the soul. Christmas Gift idea: Reflexology foot treatment.



Summertime Celebrations Summertime and the living is easy, as the song says – or, at least it would be if the whole Christmas-holiday-madness thing didn’t arrive along with the mozzies. So how does a pagan cope with all the expectations of the season without either denying our own beliefs, or offending our Christian friends?

What is a Pagan? Earth based spirituality. Reverance for the Earth. Seeing Spirit in many forms including both Male & Female Deities

My own answer is to focus on the things both beliefs have in common. We both celebrate the season, even though Pagans are observing the Summer Solstice while Christians are commemorating their saviours’ birth. Even people who don’t have religious beliefs celebrate the season for its emphasis on family gatherings and good will and although these are things worth promoting in any season, having a special time of year set aside to focus on them helps to remind us of their value.

If you want to send Christmas cards, there’s so much variety now that it’s not hard to find some that focus on the joy of the season, rather than any religious message, and many feature pictures of holly wreaths etc, which hark back to pagan celebrations – albeit for the wrong time of year! So you can send good wishes without feeling that you’re disavowing your own beliefs.

The Old Gods won’t cast us off for giving gifts to our friends and family at this time of year, either, though there’s no need to max out the credit cards in order to give. I think the whole reason so many people dread this time of year is that we’ve been conned into thinking that spending equals loving and that the biggest gift shows the most love, whereas really, a small gift which shows how much thought has been taken to get it just right, is worth a thousand expensive trinkets that you neither need nor want.

So decorate the table with pinecones and holly, invite the family round for a feast, give presents and enjoy good cheer. It really doesn’t matter that some are thinking Christmas while others are thinking Litha; the important thing is that everyone is experiencing the joy of coming together with love in our hearts, good food on our plates and perhaps a glass or two of wine in our hands. May the delights of the season be yours, Merry meet and share the joy. Blessed be, Morganna.


Summer Edition 2013


Circle Coven Long established, eclectic Coven, which has a strong focus on practical work. 0433 317 467 (Sandra)

Coven of the WildWood - Brisbane Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition of Witchcraft. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer open circles for the community, training in the Craft and general revelry! E-mail - 590&ref=ts

Dragon Spirit Newly established to discuss various topics of information relevant to the many traditions of paganism, witchcraft, environment/ecology and paranormal topics. This is a place to also share rituals, spells, workshops and events. We are also looking into putting on our own Halloween ball/party, psychic fairs etc. Based in SE Qld. Lisa at

Eagle Hearth Eagle Hearth in Asatru group based in Brisbane. Asatru is a northern tradition working with Viking and Germanic gods and practices. They hold blots (rites) and sumbles (feasts) as a practicing religious group. Also they teach people new to their way and are willing to do talks with other groups about who they are and what they do.

Earthwyrm Coven This is an eclectic wiccan coven run by consensus, with the aim of providing friendship and support for members while they explore their connection to magic, the elements and Deity. Anna: or Chris 0418 787 854

Summer Edition 2013

OakSun Grove - Gold Coast The second coven to branch from the Mother Coven of the WildWood Tradition. Open to Pagans of all ages who wish to celebrate Nature, the Self and the Mysteries. We offer training in the Craft and are open to new members. E-mail - Pagan Hearth Inc. Pagan Hearth is a community based association of Pagans who provide workshop teachings, social gatherings and weekend retreats for Pagans in the SE Qld corner. Pagan Hearth also provides a Pagan friendly environment for gatherings, sharing of knowledge and support networks for Pagans and fellow travellers from diverse pathways.Newcomers are welcome at all our seasonal circles and get togethers. Please contact for further information or visit our website for event information and current articles on what Pagans are doing in Queensland. http://groups

Regular Meets

Pagans in the Pub Brisbane: Fortnightly on Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.30pm Ashala CafĂŠ - 138 Albert St - City. Paul (07) 3848 8367. Gold Coast: 3rd Wednesday 7.30pm. The beer garden of the Wallaby Hotel, Railway Street, Mudgeeraba. or Chris: 0418 787 854. Pagan Coffee Meet Kallangur: 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11am- 2pm Inspirations Giftware & Cafe, 1472 Anzac Ave, Kallangur (2 doors up from the Library.) JanCarol 0417 901 259

Gold Coast Witches Brew CafĂŠ Camponile (opp Crazy Clarks), Robina Town Centre. Last Monday of each Month at 10.30am. Anna: or Chris: 0418 787 854.


The Magic of Language

Summer 2013 / 2014 Edition December 2013, January & February 2014

Presented by Rhondda Doherty


n last years Summer Edition of White Light Magazine I wrote that 2013 presented an opportunity for us all to Master all we had learnt up until December 2012. Included in that level of Mastery was the challenge to remember the language of creation and our individual part in the overall outcome. What was also masked in the challenge was how hard life would continue to be if we resisted walking the talk or fully embodying all we had learned . Regardless of whether we think we have Mastered this or that the lessons and the challenges will continue in varying degrees of intensity. for the time of learning is over, the time of forgetfulness is also over and so too is the time of denial. The Age of Knowing is upon us..

Do you know the language of all that is? If you do then you will know deep within your heart that it exists beyond words. This language communicates with us continuously whether we are aware of it or not. Everything on this planet has a message for us, we have simply forgotten how to read the signs. We are in a constant state of creating our reality and therefore all of

life responds, giving us what we have asked for in the form of our life experiences. Many do not like their current reality, yet remain blissfully unaware of the language of their own creation.

There exists a specific set of Universal Principles by which these languages are to be utilised if we are to restore balance. The balance of which I speak has not existed on this planet for over 26,000 years. Remember the language you use to create your reality and balance will be restored like magic.

Please allow me to clarify what I mean here. Do you fully know that all of the body is a sentient being in constant communication with all other sentient beings? If we answer yes then we also know deep within our heart that the closest sentient being we know is the Earth herself. So the language we use within our own bodies, our minds, our organs, our energy fields deeply affects all sentient beings ion every level. Until we as a collective fully get this (Master It) we will continue to create the same reality. No exceptions!

Rhondda Doherty, Dip. Counselling & Holistic Insight

Introducing “The Other Side of Life” - The Real Path our Soul’s Travel

Numerologist, Astrologer, Intuitive & Spiritual Counselling, Nervous System Alignment, Phone: 0410 528 817 Email: Web: 38

Summer Edition 2013

2014 is a year of Soul for added together becomes 34/7. The individual numbers themselves reveal much of what I am sharing here. 3 is the number of early learning, the mind, thoughts, the media, socialising, organising gatherings, language, communication in it's many forms. Yet beneath that is the doorway to our unconscious awareness of the creative mind continuously at work!

The Number 4 is how we do life; how we put it all together into a workable model in order to demonstrate what we have learned through the numbers 1, 2 & 3. The 4 can get bogged down in the doing, seemingly forgetting all else in its need to prove itself in a physical, practical way. Through staying focused on one learned physical reality only we may not see more of how all the pieces come together.

Summer Edition 2013

The number 7 looks at all it has created, all that the collective, physical material reality has fulfilled for them and makes a choice as to whether any of it has fed or continues to feed the Soul in any meaningful way. In a 7 year the Soul calls us to shift our focus from mere physical material success to a balance between that and Spirit. When we really, truthfully and willingly hear that call our journey back to knowing all of who we are begins. In a 7 year the Soul calls us on a physical level, for that is the only way it can get our attention! Health, material possessions, the jobs we do, the physical body, energy levels, physical travel, weather, where and how we live will often show up as triggers! Happy 2014!


Book & CD Reviews By Marye-Ann Azzarello

Sacred Symbols of the Stars Channelled material from Kushla Skinner (Starina)

Star-Channelled symbols make up this unusual oracle – A guide book and a set of beautiful cards depict the symbols which the author describes as ‘created with higher dimensional galactic frequencies. . . [to] communicate their messages deep into the cells . . .’ For information please visit or the author’s on-line shop at RRP: $44.00


Journey of the Initiates Meditation CD

Two haunting meditations recorded live by Rhonnda Fritz in the Great Pyramid of Giza. The first enters into the Queen’s Chamber and activates the light body; the second moves on to the King’s Chamber to awaken DNA vibrations. For information please visit RRP: $30.00 Available through email:

Shamanic Drum Journeying with Peter Bowden

In this series of three shamanic journeys one is taken first to Meet Your Power Animal (the Lower World Journey), then on the Seven Generations Ancestral Journey (the Middle World Journey) and finally to Meet the Spirit of Grandmother Moon (the Upper World Journey). With each meditative journey of drum and voice one is led deeper into self understanding and clarity. Email Peter at or visit

Summer Edition 2013

Free Spirit From Rev. Judith Wilkinson-Zornig

From an accomplished and wellqualified psychic and channeler, comes a book of spiritual insights that brings answers to some of the hardest questions – ‘who am I’, ‘why am I here?’ The answers are not spoon-fed, but read with care and thought and feeling they appear for each of us in a personal way. Thank you, Judy. Available from Balboa Press ( Email the author on RRP: $19.99

Summer Edition 2013

No Mistakes From Hierophant Publishing

An interesting anthology of personal stories from people from around the world who have ‘changed adversity into abundance.’ Of particular interest to Australian readers is ‘Love Down Under’ by Carole J. Toms N.D. Inspiring and interesting. Email Carole at carolejtoms@bigpond,com. RRP: $23.95

Remember Everything is Possible Michelle M. Wright

An interesting perspective on how our thoughts and beliefs create the world around us, together with techniques to create what we want that can really work. For more information visit or contact Michelle at RRP: $29.95




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Summer Edition 2013

Summer Edition 2013


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