Stephen Ault EDITOR
Goodbye October and hello November! Hmmm, November, November, November ... what can I write about this month? It is the interval between the wonderful, colourful season of autumn and the short, dark days of December. A month which we seldom think of in terms of beauty, as the weather is often damp, drizzly and foggy with cold rain and gusty winds, and one where we simply yearn for those warm, sunny, late afternoons in the garden once again. But November does have its beauty. Wrap up warm and take a walk along the beach or in the surrounding woodlands and countryside. Take in the beauty of nature around you. There is beauty even in the bare trees and fields and empty hedgerows as nature prepares for winter. The author Cynthia Rylant beautifully describes this change as ‘In November, the earth grows quiet. It is making its bed, a winter bed for flowers and small animals, a silent bed at first glance but much life hides beneath its blankets.' Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, isn’t it? Christmas and festive goods are now on sale in many of our shops and supermarkets. Tinsel and sparkling decorations, frivolity, festive food & drink and fun parties will soon be the order of the day - have you booked your office or works party yet or started your Christmas shopping? Our magazine taps into the early Christmas spirit this month as a few of our advertisers begin to advertise their Christmas gifts, meals and deals. Flick through our pages too for solutions for those problems that can arise and spoil your day - burst pipes, boiler breakdowns, accidental spillages on carpets, tyre punctures, toothache ... the list is endless. Space is already filling up fast in our December issue, so if you would like to place a last-minute advert for Christmas, do get in touch soon or you could miss out! Just give us a call or email us to discuss your advertising requirements. Alternatively, I am happy to visit you at your business or home if this suits you better. Have a great November folks!
Copyright © Whitby Advertiser Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the publisher. Published by Whitby Advertiser Ltd, PO Box 120, Whitby, North Yorkshire YO21 3ED. Company No: 05736318 | VAT No: 979 2029 82 All information in this magazine is published in good faith and cannot be reproduced without written permission. Artwork and copy is the responsibility of the advertiser. Whilst the publisher makes every effort to ensure that the businesses featured in this magazine are of the highest quality, we do not guarantee the services and products from any businesses featured. No liability will be accepted under any circumstances should any of the contents in this magazine be incorrect. Any complaints should be referred to Trading Standards, NYCC. The views expressed within the articles are not necessarily those of the publisher. All rights reserved. The paper used for the Whitby Advertiser is produced from guaranteed sustainable forests and carries the PEFC accreditation which is the European standard for tracking the timber from source to the final printed product. Further information can be found at
12 Recipe Page 14 Visit Whitby Library 16 What's On 36 A Good Read 40 Prize Crossword 54 Buying A New Tumble Dryer 66 Find The Flag Competition 70 Garden View 72 Puzzle Page 76 Line Ads Welcome ADVERTISE IN OUR NEXT ISSUE: W 01947 605500 E A A Whitby Advertiser Ltd, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED, North Yorkshire THIS MONTH'S FEATURES: Our Deadline is: Friday 11th NovemberCONTACT US:
5 *Pre-booking required. SANTA SPECIALS 3, 4, 10, 11, 17-24 DECEMBER 2022 Join Santa and his special team of elves at either Pickering OR Grosmont Station* before a magical one hour return adventure aboard the Santa Express, where you’ll get to meet Santa and children will receive a gift. Take your family on a festive journey they won’t forget! ADULT/CHILD FARES £30 PER PERSON Book Tickets: SCAN FOR TICKETS
We all know that the energy crisis will hit some people harder than others, but here at Whitby Library you will always have a warm welcome and can enjoy a comfy, safe environment at the heart of our community, right in the town centre. You might not have been to a library for a long time, and maybe you don’t know what we have to offer. Well, let me tell you - things have changed a bit over the years. Yes, we still have thousands of books, plus large print and audio books, teen fiction, as well as a fabulous junior library section so you can make your choices, and borrow for FREE then return or renew within 3 weeks, but did you know we also offer the following?
• Adult Learning Services delivering face to face learning on Wednesdays – there is currently an ESOL course for Ukraine/English Language students, and coming very soon – maths and English courses.
• Media and IT subscriptions available if you need to use our IT suite, but free to library members for 1 hour each day
• IT Buddy help, by appointment, to assist with Blue Badge and Buss Pass applications, or other IT issues FREE
• We have small or larger meeting rooms for hire
• Lots of local history books, reference books, maps, and newspaper archives FREE
• Reading Well Books, Mood Boosting bags to borrow FREE
• Volunteering opportunities if you’d like to help us in the library – great for improving your CV and employment chances, or giving time back if you’re newly retired.
Full electronic library catalogue so you can download and read books, magazines and newspapers online for FREE if you are library member
• Library App and Borrowbox App so you can manage your account online or from a smart device FREE
• Home Library delivery service for housebound users, bringing you a smile and a book, delivered direct to your door FREE
• Toddlers story times on a Monday morning through term time, and weekly Lego club FREE
• Year round fun/informative events calendar for all ages including music, making a noise, workshops, coming together to meet people and make friends
• We are autism friendly, dementia friendly and we’re fully accessible for wheelchair users
Coming Up Soon :
We’re having a carved pumpkin competition so, if you bring in your own carved pumpkin by 5pm Thursday 27th October, then we will judge all entries, and the winner will be announced on Saturday 29th October when you can collect your pumpkin again and also take part in our Children’s Crafty Halloween workshop. We’re also hosting a wreath making workshop, as well as card making, Christmas crafts, and the Children’s Christmas Reading Challenge with lots of give-aways. All Enquiries and full details to book your place can be made at Whitby Library (between the bus and train stations on Windsor Terrace), or by calling 01609 534350.
Holiday letting in
Yorkshire We have over 100 fabulous properties across Yorkshire and the Yorkshire Coast for you to choose from. We know every cottage inside and out and can help you make the best choice for your self-catering holiday. If you are looking for a local letting agent to let out your holiday property, we are here to help. For a free, no-obligation chat, simply call or email us. Better still, visit our website and request a FREE owner information pack. We look forward to hearing from you. Claire & The Team 01947 660141
What’s On
What’s On listings are free for local charities and community organisations and ideally should not exceed 20 words. For all other event organisers, a small charge of £20 applies.
Open Daily 9:45 - 17:00. Last admission half an hour before closing. Admission fees apply - see www.
Annual exhibition: Sea Peoples: Navigating the Pacific. Blue water sailing in the vast Pacific Ocean demands accurate navigation. Done poorly, it could be catastrophic, as many vanished ships and wrecks testify. This exhibition explores Pacific sailing with both Polynesians and Europeans.
Opening times: 10.00am – 4.30pm Tues – Sun. Closed Mon. Last admission 4.00pm. Museum admission: £7.00 adults, £5.00 students ticket lasts for a full year. Whitby residents (proof needed) & under 18s Free.
Current exhibitions: ‘Scoresby’s Arctic’. Celebrating 200 years since the publication of William Scoresby Junior’s ‘Account of the Arctic Regions’, the exhibition gives a glimpse of Scoresby’s Arctic and of his groundbreaking scientific discoveries and is decorated by the textile artworks of Caroline Hack. ‘Whitby Weddings’ in the Costume Gallery which includes the touchscreen ‘Wall of Weddings’ showing all wedding featured in the Whitby Gazette from 1950 to 1999.
Art Gallery admission – free to all. The museum’s tea room is open 10am-3.30pm Tuesday-Sunday.
Victoria Place, Whitby. YO21 1EZ. Tel: 01947 825000. Cinema, theatre, events. Café. Internet Café. Community Offices, theatre and meeting rooms available for hire. For more information, check out the Coliseum’s Facebook page or website: www.whitbycoliseum. or email
Whitby Whalers u3a. Day time activities throughout the week for those no longer in full time work: arts, languages, lectures, exercise, history, social groups and much more. Variety of venues. whitby
Tai chi for beginners Hawsker Village Hall 7pm. First lesson free then £4 pounds thereafter. Contact John 07434 833540
Free Music Sessions at Whitby Rifle Club YO21 3EW (committee room). Doors open at 7pm. 7.15pm -8.15pm – Slow Tunes - free tune book with notation, chord charts, Bb and Bass clef notation available (or email for a digital version). 8.15pm to 9.30pm – Session Tunes and Songs. Come and join in or come just to have a drink at the bar and to listen.
Whitby Jets Basketball Training Term time only at Whitby Leisure Centre. All ballers welcome. Timings: 7–11-year-olds 16:30-17:30 and 12–18-year-olds 17:3018:45. See Whitby Jets Facebook page for details or email
Indoor Target Archery at Whitby Pavilion 7.00 to 9.00pm. Archery GB members welcome. https://
Whitby Badminton Club at Fyling Hall School, Robin Hood’s Bay, Thurs 7.30-9.30pm. Four courts, new players very welcome. Free “taster” night. Full details from Walter 01947 602938 or Carole 01947 600746.
Marske & Loftus Badminton Club at Loftus Cricket & Athletic Club, 7pm till late. Looking for new members. First night is free, contact Paul on 07702 756669.
Sleights Art Group. Art / Painting sessions at Sleights Village Hall. Informal & friendly. Professional assistance from local artist, Dave Jeffery. Fridays 2pm-4pm. Contact Jan 07837 023904 or jw@maybeckantiques.
Latin and sequence social dancing. Sleights Village Hall every Friday evening 8.15pm to 10.30pm for ballroom, Basic for beginners 7.30pm. Tel: 07971 606360
Whitby Walking Group. Starting from various locations. Approx. 10 miles. Visitors welcome. E-mail: Phone: 01723 267019.
Whitby Rifle Club. Sports and Social Club. Function rooms available for all occasions. Regular live entertainment Saturdays, Quiz every Sunday.
Dippy Craft & Gift Fair at Whitby Leisure Centre from 10.00am to 4.30pm each day. Free entry. Over 40 Stalls.
Whitby WI meet 7pm Northern Lights Suite, Spa Pavilion, West Cliff. ‘Staying Healthy this Winter –How to Boost Immunity Naturally’- Andrea Wood. British Sign Language. Raffle: Healthy Food. Everyone welcome. Visitors £3.00. For further info, please email
Collective Knowledge at the Coliseum Centre, Whitby Rich Lynas, Deputy Officer at Staithes Coastguard Rescue Team, National Coastguard Casualty Care Instructor and Rich is also a paramedic for the Yorkshire Ambulance Service. Rich will be giving a first aid demonstration which will mainly be covering CPR/ basic life support and the use of an AED (defibrillator). Doors open 6pm for a 6.30pm start.
Free for lunch on Thursday 27th October? If so, do come along and join the Whitby & District Ladies Luncheon Club for a 3-course lunch plus tea/coffee at the Saxonville Hotel., 12noon for 12.30pm. The cost is £25. We who meet 8 times a year, January to April and September to December. The speaker will be Barry Foster giving a talk “A Life in Crime”. Our annual membership fee is £15 a year (January - December). You are welcome to come along as a visitor to the October luncheon where you will receive a warm and friendly welcome. To find out more and to book, please contact Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591. Booking should be made no later than Thursday 20th October. Bingo at the Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby. Doors open: 1.30pm. Eyes down 2.00pm. £6 per book plus flyer. All welcome.
‘A Night at The Music Hall’ at The Robinson Institute, Glaisdale YO21 2PN from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Come along for a good sing, tombola, cake stall and lots of fun. Exit collection in aid of RETINA UK.
Whitby Disability Action Group. Book stall at Church House, Flowergate 10:00am to 2:00pm in aid of Whitby DAG. Book donations always welcome. Contact Tom 07871 388425.
Whitby Goth Weekend. Includes the Bizarre Bazaar Alternative Market at Whitby Leisure Centre. More information online at http://www.whitbygothweekend. and also @whitbygothweekend on Facebook.
Saltburn Blues Club presents The Hiding Magpies at New Marske Institute plus support. TS11 8EG. Tickets £12 from The Spar Saltburn, and 07960 935263. Doors open 7.30pm.
Craft Fair at Goathland Village Hall 10.00am to 4.00 pm. New crafters welcome for our successful and longestablished Craft Fairs. Contact Elsie on 01947 896333 or e-mail
Aislaby Y.C.A. meet in Aislaby Village Hall at 2pm (Please note change of date). Brenda Proctor will be showing us Avon gifts and delights for Christmas. Nonmembers welcome, admission £2. For details call Pam on 810628.
‘The Walled Garden Whitby’. A community initiative to renovate a neglected walled garden in Whitby. A presentation at the Coliseum Victoria Place, Whitby –find out about the work so far and meet the gardeners. Starts 2.00pm. Free entry. Refreshments available.
Recruitment Fair for the Care Sector at the Coliseum Centre, Whitby, 1pm to 4pm. Organisations and businesses across Whitby are looking for caring individuals to join their dedicated teams. Call in for an informal chat and find out about available roles and opportunities.
Afternoon Fundraising Classical Music Concert in aid of Lance Corporal Ben Hyde Memorial Trust at Saltburn Methodist Church. Starts 3pm. Tickets £5 including refreshments (Under 13s Free). Available from Jackie’s Saverstore, Saltburn or on the door.
Balmoral Acoustic Blues Club at Saltburn Conservative Club presents SUNJAY. Doors 7.30pm. Tickets £12 from 07960 935263.
What’s On continued
Whitby Civic Society: An Afternoon with Paul Berriff OBE, Yorkshireman, photographer, film director and decorated lifeboatman at The Coliseum 2pm4pm. A first-hand account of his life behind the camera, including unique images and videos. Entrance £1 members, £3 guests. Correct change appreciated. Refreshments available.
Cinema at the Coliseum Centre. ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ (2021) Matinee 2pm, evening:7pm. Maurice Flintcroft manages to gain entry to the 1976 British Golf Open Championship despite being a complete novice. Tickets: £5 in advance - available from reception or on the door. Café & Bar open. For further info, tel 01947 825000 or email
Hinderwell WI meet at 7.00pm in St Hilda’s Old School. The speaker is PCSO Daisy Pennock talking about “Our Security” Competition: an item beginning with the letter N. If you are considering joining the WI you are most welcome to come along and talk to the ladies over a “cuppa and a bite”. Visitors welcome - a charge of £3.50 includes refreshments. For further details please ring 01947 840343.
Yorkshire Country Women Sleights Branch meet at 2pm in Church House, Sleights. Our speaker is one of our own members Valerie Muncaster, talking about her time as a foster carer. Also book exchange and refreshments. Guests and new members warmly welcomed. For further details contact 01947 811827.
Whitby Antiques & Fine Arts Society meets at St John’s Ambulance Hall, Back St Hilda’s Tce. Meeting starts 7.30pm. Speaker: Julian Morgan: ‘Fake News – What the Romans Did For Us’. Meetings monthly on the third Tuesday of each month. New members/visitors always welcome. More details from 01947 821860 or 228108.
Whitby Area Musical Theatre Company presents Roald Dahl’s ‘Matilda Jr. the Musical’ at Whitby Pavilion Theatre. Performances Weds-Fri at 7pm, Sat 2pm & 7pm. Tickets: £9 (£8 under 14s) plus booking fee available in person at the Pavilion box office (10am3pm), by phone (01947) 824770 or online at www.
Bingo at the Coliseum, Victoria Place, Whitby. Doors open: 1.30pm. Eyes down 2.00pm. £6 per book plus flyer. All welcome.
A Christmas Fayre will be held in Hinderwell Village Hall from 10.00am. Refreshments will be on sale.
Hilarity Bites presents ‘Sam Avery’ at the Coliseum. Doors open 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Tickets £10 in advance from the Coliseum or the Hilarity Bites website; £12 on the door. For further details visit
Craft Fair at Goathland Village Hall 10.00am to 3.30 pm. New crafters welcome for our successful and longestablished Craft Fairs. Contact Elsie on 01947 896333 or e-mail
Whitby WI meet 7pm Northern Lights Suite, Spa Pavilion, West Cliff. The theme is Christmas Crafts. British Sign Language. Raffle: Christmas. Everyone welcome. Visitors £3.00. For further info, please email
‘Another Winter’s Tale’ at Glaisdale’s Robinson Institute. Starts 7.30pm. A ghostly new play with live music. Two travelling entertainers tell wintry stories during a snowstorm. But who, or what, is following behind them? Visit https://www.dogwoodproductions. for more information.
Whitby & District Ladies Luncheon Club meet at the Saxonville Hotel, 12 for 12.30pm. The cost (3 courses plus tea/coffee) is £25. Paul Blackwell’s talk is titled ‘Life & Times & Paintings’. If you would like further information and to come along and join us for lunch please contact Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591 no later than Thursday the 17th November to make a booking.
Cinema at the Coliseum Centre. ‘The Duke’ (2020) Matinee 2pm, evening:7pm. A taxi driver steals a painting from the National Gallery in London. Tickets: £5 in advance - available from reception or on the door. Café & Bar open. For further info, tel 01947 825000 or email
‘Another Winter’s Tale’ at the Flowergate Hall Community Arts Centre, Whitby. Starts 7.30pm. A ghostly new play with live music. Two travelling entertainers tell wintry stories during a snowstorm. But who, or what, is following behind them? Visit https:// for more information.
Staintondale Country Market at the Village Hall 10.30am-2.30pm. Delicious homemade food served throughout the day. Tombola and lots of stalls. All welcome. Enquiries to
Christmas Jumble Sale at Hawsker Village Hall 11.00am to 3.00pm. Christmas stock, clothes, bric-abrac, baked good. Refreshments. Tombola. In aid of Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary.
Saltburn Blues Club presents BAD DAY supported by Reece Hillis at New Marske Institute TS11 8EG. Doors 7.30pm. Tickets £15 from The Spar Saltburn, Ents24. com and 07960 935263.
Whitby Pavilion Northern Lights Suite. Dippy Craft & Gift Fair. 9.30-4.30 each day. Free entry. Over 40 Stalls.
Whitby Library Events
Thursday 27th –
29th October. HALLOWEEN CRAFTS Saturday 29th October 10:30 am
12:30 pm £1 pre book your place today. REGULAR
Tuesdays 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Saturdays 10:30 am - 12:30 pm BABY
TIMES Mondays term time 9:45 am – 10:15 am STORY TOTS Mondays term time 10:30 am – 11:15 am IT BUDDIES Available by appointment Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. FAMILY HISTORIAN Available by appointment Tuesdays 2 pm - 5 pm Follow us on Facebook for the latest Library news
PropolisSyrup withElderberry&Honey
JamesFearnley CEOofNature'sLaboratory Jameshasspenthiscareerresearching naturalmedicinesincludingpropolis andisaleadingexpertonthesubject ShankarKatekhayePhD Chemist Shankarisaresearchscientistandhead ofproductdevelopmentatNature's Laboratory,basedinWhitby Ablendofpropolis,honey,plantextracts&VitaminC. Noaddedsugar,artificialcolours,flavoursorpreservatives. •Suitableforvegetarians •Non-GM •Foodsupplement •Freefromaddedsugar,soya,sesame,gluten,dairy
£12.95 200ml AvailablefromTheDispensary SkinnerStreet,Whitby FindOutMore Propolisisanaturalproductcreatedby beesfromplantresinstoprotectthe hiveagainstinfection.Ithasremarkable healthbenefitsforhumanstoo! Discovermoreat Nature'sLaboratoryLtd, Unit3B,EnterpriseWay, Whitby, NorthYorkshire, YO224NH IMMUNE SUPPORT BuyOnlineorInStore
Wesupplyoneofthelargestrangesof herbalpractitionerproductsintheUK. Natural skincare brand, producing a range of creams, balms & personalised items. Online health store, part of The Dispensary, on Skinner Street, Whitby. Giveyourselfaboostthiswinter!
We need your help!
Collection points
32 Foodbank4Whitby Registered charity number 1159269 Registered charity number 1159269
With recent rises in the cost of living we are finding more people need our help. Food supplies are running low so any donation of this kind will be greatly appreciated. We would be grateful for donations of: Tinned items: Tomatoes • Potatoes • Ravioli Spaghetti • Macaroni Cheese Fray Bentos pies • Baked Beans Fish • Meat (hot or cold) Fruit • Custard • Rice Pudding Packets: Mash • Rice • Cereal • Pasta Porridge • Instant Noodles Sauces • Sugar • Biscuits Products In Jars: Pasta Sauce • Jams & Spreads Drinks: Soft Drinks • Squash • Coffee Milk (UHT or dried) Hygiene & Cleaning Items: Shower Gel • Deodorant Shampoo • Soap Toothpaste • Toilet Rolls Washing Up Liquid Multi-Surface Spray Washing Powder Other: Dog / Cat Food
Co-op (Whitby & Staithes), Poundland, B&M Bargains, Whitby Library, The Dispensary, Spar (Sleights), Coliseum, Egton and Castleton schools and many local churches.
We are frequently in need of people to help in a variety of roles, please contact us if you would like to help. Contact us For any further info please contact us on: 07789 765696 or 07810 205014
Good Read
The Folklore of British Insects by Chris Firth. Illustrated by Rebecca Hobbs
The Folklore of British Insects is the latest offering by Chris Firth and is an informative and entertaining book containing many astonishing facts, myths and legends of Great Britain’s creepycrawlies including medicinal and culinary uses of our favourite insects. The book is beautifully illustrated by Rebecca Hobbs and is a fun and fascinating read, one which the whole family can enjoy.
The book is packed with folklore, something you would expect from Chris, a member of the British Folklore Society, and author of The Fairies and Mermaids of North Yorkshire. It took Chris and Rebecca two years to research, compile and bring to press The Folklore of British Insects, which is teeming with many fascinating, thought-provoking and often humorous stories behind the best-known (but perhaps not always the best loved!) insects and bugs – those you see every day but maybe don’t pay much attention too.
You Choose by Pippa Goodhart (Author), Nick Sharratt (Illustrator)
Imagine you could go anywhere, meet anyone, and do anything. Where would you live? Where would you sleep? Who would be your friends? What games would you play?
Did you know that ladybirds saved England from a potentially devastating famine, and that they can also be a cure for toothache? And the much hatedcockroach - it can hold its breath under water for 40 minutes, and can happily live and function without a head for up to a week? And if you are feeling peckish, earwigs are said to be quite tasty – a cross between chicken and shrimps? Or you could feast on termites and cockroaches? Hmm.. I think I will take your word for this, Chris!
Priced at £12.99, the book is a perfect gift for entomologists and nature lovers, so if you are about to do your Christmas shopping, here is a great Christmas stocking filler idea! Or why not simply treat yourself to a copy, pop on your apron, light the stove and rustle up some culinary treats with grasshoppers, crickets, cockroaches...
The Folklore of British Insects is available from all good bookshops including the Whitby bookshop, Lythe Community Shop and The Book Corner at Saltburn.
This beautifully illustrated book (Nick Sharratt never disappoints) has a simple concept: each double-page is packed with detailed drawings of different things that a child can choose. There is a set of destinations including beaches, cities, towns, forests, an island, and a desert. There are pages of different people, and different foods etc. There is so much to discuss with a young child as you turn the pages. Choices can be ordinary or wildly absurd. It’s a wonderful springboard for young children to tell their own stories.
If you are a local author with published work and would like your book featuring on this page then please get in touch. Simply email with the subject 'Book Feature Request' and we will let you know how you can appear on this page and reach 24,000 homes and businesses! Calling local authors!
Baker Printers Ltd
40 ACROSS DOWN 4 Lottery (11) 7 Geordie Alan's shirt number (4) 8 Unscrupulous schemes (5) 10 Mirror images (11) 12 Delicate (5) 13 Remains of a cigarette (4) 15 "Star Wars" evil influence (3,4,4) Complete the crossword then rearrange the marked to form the answer to the following clue: Alowcostfeeforyourcontemplationsorhedge(5) LAST ISSUE'S CROSSWORD SOLUTION: HARBOUR Won by: Valerie Hanson of Saltburn 1 Brazilian footballer (4) 2 Tyre inflation measure (1,1,1) 3 Concluded (10) 5 Result of combining red, green and blue (5,5) 6 Computer character set (1,1,1,1,1) 9 Manifestation of insincerity (3) 11 Body fat (5) 13 Good Queen (4) 14 Illustrative craft (3) Across: 6 Mossad, 7 Wimp, 8 Bureaucrats, 10 Pad, 11 Nab, 13 Shy, 14 S I S, 17 Oil painting, 18 Anew, 19 Envied. Down: 1 Populations, 2 Usher, 3 Add up, 4 Sword, 5 Empty-handed, 9 Cad, 12 Via, 14 Spews, 15 Sides, 16 Stove. PREVIOUS ISSUE'S CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS: A chance to win £10 Co-op Gift Card donated by your local Whitby Co-op store Prize Crossword This month's deadline for entries - 11/11/22 To enter the prize draw please post or email the mystery hidden word(s), with your name, address & telephone to: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED Email: (Pleasenote,weonlyacceptoneentryperhousehold).
43 10ft, 20ft and 40ft containers Prices start from £15 per week Easy, convenient 24 hour site access Long and short term leases DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL • SECURE DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL • SECURE Selly Hill, Guisborough Road Whitby, North Yorkshire YO21 1SF Tel 01642 718 286 KEITH BEDLINGTON DOMESTIC APPLIANCE ENGINEER Established over 40 years Repairs and spares for most makes of washing machines, tumble dryers, cookers and vacuum cleaners Dyson repairs 30 Chancel Way, Whitby 01947 602276
46 From £895* for a fully fitted electric garage door. Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Our expert local installers will fit your new door and they’ll take away the old one too, so there’s no mess. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up FREE of charge. CALL US TODAY ON: 01947 680 012 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 *Offer valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override.
RATES (all prices are per month & exclude VAT) FULL PAGE £275 - 1 month booking £250 - 3 month booking £240 - 6 month booking HALF
£155 - 1 month booking £145 - 3 month booking £135 - 6 month booking QUARTER
£115 - 1 month booking £105 - 3 month booking £95 - 6 month booking
£75 - 1 month booking £70 - 3 month booking £65 - 6 month booking
£20 - private sellers (20 words *) £30 - business sellers (20 words ¥) £45 - boxed line advert £50 withgraphic * 50p per additional word ¥ £1 per additional word What’s On Listings £25 - business event listing FREE - non-profit event WHAT WE OFFER 3 FREE professional graphic design service. 3 FREE editorials and community articles (subject to availability). 3 FREE entry into our 400+ strong online business directory. 3 FREE online exposure of our magazine on the ISSUU digital publishing platform. We are the cost-effective way of advertising your business with a distribution of 24,000 copies - around three times the circulation of the local newspaper. We believe we are the preferred choice of advertising medium in the town and surrounding areas, with many of our customers having advertised with us since our inaugural issue in May 2006. CALL US TODAY ON 01947 605500 Advertise with us...
These days most homeowners suffer from a lack of storage space. So many precious items that need to be kept – but where to store it all? That’s where Yorkshire Loft Ladders come in.
The company, based locally, offers homeowners the opportunity to maximise their storage space with a loft ladder, 50 sq ft of boarding and a light all fully fitted in less than a day from just £277 + VAT. But it’s not just the affordability of the package the company offers that makes Yorkshire Loft Ladders stand out as manager Mark Hodson explains:
‘Our watchwords are Quality, Integrity and Value. Quality in the materials that we use for all our installations and the fact that all our loft packages are fitted by time served tradesmen so our customers are assured of the best job. Integrity in that we will turn up at the time we say and make sure the house is spotless when we leave, and Value in that we offer our services at a price people can afford.
Our business relies on referrals and we got a huge amount of our calls from people who have been referred to us by our existing customers - that simply wouldn’t happen if we didn’t adhere to our overriding principles. At the end of the day the old adage that happy customers lead to more happy customers is true and we work hard to make that happen for every installation we carry out!’
So, if you want to make use of your loft space, however big or small, call Mark on 0800 612 8359 and he’ll be happy to pop round and give you a no obligation quote so you too can make use of your loft!
Prize Competition
We are delighted to introduce our brand new competition, 'Find the Flag' with the chance to win a fantastic prize!
Our Whitby Advertiser mascot Sammie the Seal just loves building sand castles and sticking in one of his flags. Sammie is often quite careless and leaves his flags lying around, often on the pages of our magazine. All you have to do is find the location of Sammie's flag and you will enter the grand draw to win our 'Find the Flag' prize.
This month's flag...
This month our prize is 'The Folklore of Britsh Insects’, which has been kindly donated by the author Chris Firth.
For a chance of winning a copy, all you have to do is find the flag with the lady bird which has been hidden on a page somewhere in this month's Whitby Advertiser. Deadline for entries - 11/11/22
To enter the prize draw please post or email the page number where you have found Sammie's flag, with your name, address & telephone number to: Whitby Advertiser, PO Box 120, Whitby, YO21 3ED Email:
The winner will be announced in the next issue. (Pleasenote,weonlyacceptoneentryperhousehold).
The location of the flag in the previous issue was on page 52
We are looking for flag sponsors...
Would you like to sponsor our Find the Flag competition in a future issue?
Get in touch, donate a prize and soon the name of your business could be on the lips of many of our 24,000 readers as they search the magazine for your ‘flag’!!
To register an interest or to find out more please email:
Our lucky October winner is:
Michael Kilpatrick of Whitby
68 Steven Spreadbury Qualified Decorator Friendly reliable service, any job considered Based in Whitby 07876107964
Garden View
By Rachal Leverton
Feeling fruity?
Autumn is well advanced and following some brilliant colour, the trees and shrubs have shed most of their leaves. Many of us will have been busy tidying our plots in preparation for winter. However, if you've ever fancied growing your own fruit then now is the perfect time to put in a little extra effort. From now until spring is the best window to plant fruit trees because now is the time that nurseries are selling bare-root trees. 'Bare-root’ simply means without pots or soil. Bare root trees are cheaper than those grown in pots, but they are quick to establish providing you follow a few simple steps.
Drive a stake into the ground to a depth of at least 60cm. This will provide support for your fledgling tree.
If you are planting a grafted tree, there will be a clear join where it was grafted on to the rootstock This join should remain above the soil level when planted. It’s easier if there are two of you; one to hold the tree at the correct level, and one to backfill the hole around the roots. The person holding the tree should shake the trunk gently as the hole is filled, so that soil gets in between all the roots.
Once you've filled the hole, firm the soil gently with your foot. Don't compact the soil too much. The drag more soil over the compressed area.
Use a soft rubber tie to secure the tree to the stake at a height of 60cm. Too low and the tree won't be secure; too high and the tree won't flex enough in the wind. Allowing the tree to flex a little encourages more root growth and results in a stronger tree.
Finally, water in well and apply a 5cm layer of organic mulch over the area but NOT touching the trunk, because it might rot. The mulch helps to suppress weeds, provide insulation, and retain moisture.
Before you plant the tree, soak the roots in a bucket of water for at least two hours, so it gets a good drink.
Prepare a large enough area, at least 1 metre diameter. This means that if you are planting in a lawn you'll need to remove an area of turf to the same diameter to stop the grass competing with the new tree for nutrients and water. Wherever you plant, make sure you dig in lots of organic matter, this could be garden compost, leaf mould, or wellrotted manure. Make sure you dig it all around the area where the hole will be, rather than just into the hole itself, because this will encourage the new tree to put roots out into the surrounding soil, helping it to establish quickly.
The hole for the new tree needs to be roomy enough so that the roots will not be crammed together.
Your tree should now be fine until spring when we'll talk about ongoing care.
Happy Gardening!
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78 INDEX ACCOMMODATION & PROPERTY SERVICES Yorkshire Coastal Cottages ............................................. 15 ACCOUNTANTS & BUSINESS SERVICES Asquith & Co 38 ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Eskdale Antiques ................................................................. 76 APPLIANCE REPAIRS & SALES Keith Bedlington 43 Newlove Repair Service Limited ................................... 43 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES A.L. Turner and Associates .............................................. 38 ARTS, CRAFTS
HOBBIES PennyClare Furniture, Crafts & Gifts ............................ 4 BEDROOMS, BATHROOMS & KITCHENS Gibson’s Cabinet Makers 48 MKM Building Supplies Ltd............................................. 49 BEREAVEMENT SERVICES Celebrate Life ....................................................................... 37 J.W Myers Memorials 33 John Corner Funeral Service Ltd................................... 32 BUILDING, MAINTENANCE
REPAIR Anderson Builders Ltd ...................................................... 62 Andy Clayford 76 Elvidge Renovation & Restoration ............................... 64 Garolla Roller Shutter Doors ........................................... 46 Jack Hallam Joinery............................................................ 64 Lawson Builders & High Access Ltd 65 MKM Building Supplies Ltd............................................. 49 North Yorkshire Roofing Services ................................. 62 Odd Jobs 69 Prodigy Roofing & Building ............................................ 67 Robert Harrison & Sons Ltd ............................................. 65 Storm Scaffolding ............................................................... 62 Yorkshire Loft Ladders 47 CARE & COMMUNITY Scarborough Mobility ....................................................... 31 Whitby CourtResidential & Hursing Home ............... 30 CARPETS & FLOORING Draper’s Carpets .................................................................. 51 Fletcher & Woodhouse Ltd ............................................. 52 N.R Flooring 50 CHIMNEY SWEEPS Cleansweep........................................................................... 58 Mucky Duck Chimney Sweep ........................................ 58 CLEANING, HOUSEKEEPING & LAUNDRY SERVICES TLC Carpet Care ................................................................... 53 Whitby Carpet Cleaning (Hard Floors) ....................... 53 Whitby Carpet Cleaning 55 COMMUNITY & LEISURE North Yorkshire Moors Railway ..................................... 5 Whitby Area Development Trust.................................. 20 Whitby Area Musical Theatre Company 20 Whitby Town Council........................................................ 21 COMPUTER, IT & WEBSITE SERVICES Computer Centre 39 Compu-SOS........................................................................... 45 Solo Creative ......................................................................... 41 CURTAINS, BLINDS & HOME FURNISHINGS Priory Blinds 50 Whitby Blinds & Shutters ................................................. 50 CYCLING & CYCLE REPAIR SERVICES Dr Crank 75 DENTAL SERVICES Denture Clinic ...................................................................... 7 Ryedale Dental Healthcare ............................................ 3 Scarborough Denture Centre 27 Solis Dental Studio ............................................................. 26 DRAIN SERVICES Steve Welford Drain Cleaning ....................................... 54 ELECTRICIANS Handy Andy .......................................................................... 61 PAT Testing & Handyman Services .............................. 76 Stakesby Electrical 61 Waring Electrical Services ................................................ 60 FOOD & DRINK Coop......................................................................................... 13 Fish Cottage 11 No’ 54....................................................................................... 11 Rusty Shears .......................................................................... 8 The Flask Inn 19 The Mallyan ........................................................................... 8 Whitby Sea Fish Ltd ........................................................... 10 GARDENING, FENCING & TREE SERVICES Andy’s Tidy Gardens 71 Dan Knaggs Fencing & Landscaping Ltd .................. 71 Doors ‘n’ Gates ..................................................................... 69 Everything Trees 71
79 GRAPHIC DESIGN & PRINT Baker Printers Limited ....................................................... 37 Graphic Retouch ................................................................. 37 HAIR SALONS & BARBERS Julie’s Mobile Hairdressing 76 HEALTH, BEAUTY & FITNESS Jamie Risato Massage Practitioner .............................. 28 Kate Riley Limited ............................................................... 28 Lindsey Ebbs Podiatry....................................................... 29 Nature’s Laboratory Ltd 25 Whitby Ear Care 28 HEATING & RENEWABLES Peak Power Systems Ltd .................................................. 56 JOINERY SERVICES Warrior Woodworks ........................................................... 64 LEGAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES Noel Barrett Legal Services ............................................. 38 Richard Gray Wealth Management ............................. 80 LOCKSMITHS Acair Locks ............................................................................. 76 UPVC Suppliers Ltd 61 LOGS & FIREWOOD Mulgrave Estates ................................................................. 15 MOTORING, MOT, REPAIRS & SALES Classic Car Sales ................................................................... 10 CT Autos ................................................................................. 74 Cuts Tyres & Exhausts 75 Duffill & Son Motor Services ........................................... 75 Easington Service Station ................................................ 73 Kangaroo Car Wash ........................................................... 74 R.J.Valeting ............................................................................ 74 Summerfield Garage 74 Whitby Tyre and Exhaust Centre Ltd .......................... 73 OPTICIANS Loftus / Skelton Optical .................................................... 24 PAINTERS & DECORATORS Andrew Ellenor Quality Painter & Decorator 68 Lynne Fletcher Interior Painter & Decorator 68 Steven Spreadbury............................................................. 68 Sumner & Booth .................................................................. 69 PET & AGRICULTURAL SERVICES Millbry Hill .............................................................................. 77 PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING SERVICES Keith Moss 41 Whitby Picture Framing 76 PLANT HIRE Warrior Access .................................................................. 62 PLASTERERS & TILERS Patrick O’Neill Plastering ............................................... 68 Skimtastic Plastering ...................................................... 68 Tom Jefferson Plastering 68 PLUMBING, HEATING & BOILER SERVICES Abbey Gas Ltd................................................................... 57 Champions Plumbing & Heating Limited ............... 59 John Scott Plumbing ...................................................... 57 Nathan Alan Brown - Plumbing, Gas & Oil Engineer ... 59 Whitby Gas & Oil Services ............................................. 58 REMOVALS & STORAGE Britannia Devereux ......................................................... 42 Jet Removals ..................................................................... 42 Rocket Removals .............................................................. 42 Whitby Removals ............................................................. 42 RETAIL PennyClare Furniture, Crafts & Gifts 4 Youngs Jewellers 22 SCHOOLS, CLASSES & WORKSHOPS Phil Martin Music ............................................................. 38 SPORT Whitby Golf Club ............................................................. 23 STOVES & FIREPLACES Pawlett Fireplaces 6 TROPHIES, ENGRAVING & SIGNS Guisborough Trophy Centre ........................................ 76 TV REPAIR & AERIALS Shackletons........................................................................ 43 UPHOLSTERERS Alan Henderson Upholstery 52 WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERVATORIES Centurion Windows Ltd ................................................ 61 Cowen Windows Ltd ...................................................... 63 Sefton Trowsdale Double Glazing Services ............ 62 UPVC Suppliers Ltd ......................................................... 61