Western High School Key Club Newsletter August/September

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The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August/September 2012

Division 30 South | Region 3 | CNH

Volume 1, Issue 3

Western Key Club Board Members (left to right, Ana Chavez, Jennifer Tarm, LanVi Nguyen, Miranda Phan, Mercy Tran) prepare for Freshmen Orientation.

CARING... our way of LIFE

[key club pledge]

Hi, Key Clubbers! This summer went by FAST, which means we will be reunited at the general meetings at school very soon! Thank you to all of you who stayed active Key Club members during the summer by attending service events, especially Western’s registration (my favorite service event of all time, by the way!). And for those who missed out on the summer events, don’t worry, there will be plenty to do next year and you can always get involved. The more you volunteer, the better this newsletter will look!

I pledge on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school and community, to serve my nation and God, and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

a message from your BULLETIN EDITOR

See you soon, Mercy Tran

[OTHER HAPPENINGS] Beach Boomba & August DCM.................................................................7 Freshmen Orientation..................................................................................9 Western Key Club’s Shinin’ Stats...............................................................10 August’s Top Five........................................................................................10 Upcoming Events........................................................................................11 Board Member Spotlight: Vice Presidents...............................................12 Contact Information...................................................................................13

beach boomba

what’s up, key club?

[SERVICE PROJECTS] Western High School Registration...............................................................3 Anaheim Hi-Neighbor Gardening Project.................................................4 Relay For Life.................................................................................................5 Orange County Symphony Gala...............................................................6


Treasurer Denne Tiengthong pies President Jennifer Tarm at the Region 3 Beach Boomba in efforts to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program.

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August/September 2012

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KEY CLUB collage


The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August/September 2012



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REGISTRATION [service: building our school]

mercy TRAN, bulletin editor Ah, yes, registration. My favorite Key Club event ever. It has always been my favorite, ever since last year when I volunteered as an incoming junior. It was the one event when I felt the most useful and appreciated. Though I was the “planner duster” officially, I had so much fun cleaning out the dust from the planners and handing them to their owners; I felt like my small job was just as important as other jobs. When August came around this year, I was pumped-- it was my last year doing this, and I was going to put my all into it. I volunteered almost every shift and stayed as long as I could. Thursday morning 6 AM, August 9th, the earliest I have woken up this summer. Though my body told me “no,” I said “YES! Registration today!” I was so happy to come back to school and see my counselor and the administrators (as weird as that sounds). I helped to pass out PE clothes and hand out lockers, and I did my best to answer any questions that the freshmen had about the school. I felt like a true leader, but most of all, I was glad to be able to help. I also developed a relationship with the girls’ locker coordinator (another benefit about Key Club-- meeting new people), and she really helped me in my job as Student Ambassador by giving her input about various school issues. Volunteering for registration was not just work; we cracked jokes, had time to talk to those we’ve met and have never met, and we got a chance to welcome the freshmen to the school, something I consider very important. I ended up stay all the way until 3:30 PM since I had so much fun. Friday morning 6 AM, August 10th. I woke up again for registration, this time for the sophomores. I continued working at the PE table, this time just handing out lockers. Eventually, I even got to handle the money in the cash box! This really motivated me since it showed me that people consider me a trustworthy person, and being in Key Club further shows that trait. Though sophomore registration was quieter than freshman registration, I had fun. I worked when I needed to, and enjoyed it, and I rested when time permitted. I also ended up staying until 3:30 PM on Friday. If I stay for more than two hours at a service event, you know I’m enjoying it!

Monday morning 6 AM, August 13th. Registration day three! Monday was junior registration, so I was excited to see some people I knew. Instead of selling PE clothes, this time I filed emergency cards and health inventory documents. Though this shift wasn’t very busy, I still felt useful; filing hundreds of pieces of paper is a task that required at least four people. I had to leave early on this day since I had to volunteer at the hospital, but filing those papers sure enhanced my alphabetizing skills. Thursday morning 6AM, August 16th. Registration day four was for the seniors. Once again, I was at the paper filing table and did my job as always. Senior registration was incredibly so, probably because all seniors, including myself, are suffering from senioritis. I didn’t stay until 3 PM again since I had some other things to take care of, but nonetheless, volunteering at registration that day reminded me that volunteers are always needed -- even when things aren’t busy. Friday morning, 6AM, August 17th. The final day of senior registration, and the final day in which I had to force myself to wake up at 6. I was kind of sad that this would be my last time helping out for registration since I will be graduating next year. I made the best of my last shift, working quickly and giving it all I had. Still, senior registration was slow, but it felt good to be able to invest time into the school that I love so much. Volunteering for registration is my favorite Key Club event because I am able to give back to my school. Western has provided me with so many opportunities academically and socially; I would have never had any of these chances had I stayed at my old school. I love seeing my peers and I love getting back into “school mode.” I might be a nerd to say this, but school is one of the reasons why I live. Service is another main reason, and when you combine school and service, that is the ultimate definition of my life. Never before have I felt so helpful at any Key Club event. This is what Key Club is about. Feeling good when you make a difference; wanting to make a difference, living to make a difference. Key Club is not service hours. It’s invaluable time dedicated to the world we love.

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August/September 2012

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GARDENING [service: building our community]

Sunny. That’s how that morning was. Chipper. That’s how the volunteers were. Awkward. That’s how I was. I wasn’t sure how many other Key Club volunteers came that day, but I don’t remember seeing any—unless they arrived after I left. I was wandering and following people, waiting to be told what to do. Nonetheless, there was tremendous progress in the garden. Although it wasn’t its last day to progress, it was the last I was going to come and help build this community garden. I remember the first day I came to help build this garden. There were mounds of dirt (HUGE piles), the wooden boxes were empty, tools and fertilizer were strewn in different corners. In other words, it was barren land spotted with wooden rectangles. However, as I worked every other weekend available, the transformation began. On this certain Saturday, the 18th of August, there were plants in the boxes, vegetables here and there, and cute little feeders and ornaments. There was gravel that I helped lay down and even out.

kim TRUONG, historian The best part of the day was the part where I met a new friend and her mother. It was a bit awkward at first, but soon, we were blabbering away while we helped pick up rocks to line a road: this new friend was Torilyn.

Although I had to leave early, I left with a warm feeling of a new friendship forming—as cheesy as it sounds, it was true. Besides, I was invited to her house to help paint shadowboxes to go into the garden. I would see her again and continue to help build the community garden even if I’m not really there. I met a lot of wonderful volunteers and I took part in building a garden that everyone can enjoy, what more is there to ask?

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relay for LIFE

[service: building our community]

On August 11th Western Key Club and other Division 30 South Clubs were given the chance to help be a part of the Stanton Relay for Life at the Stanton Park. The time to volunteer was for a good twelve hours from 9am to 9pm. When I arrived, many people were there already with their tents and EZ Ups ready to spend the night and day there. Different Key Clubbers were stationed across the park to do different jobs. I sat down with other members helping with the Luminaria sign-up. There was free food and drinks provided for the members. There was also a massage therapy tent asking for donations in exchange for a free professional massage. I am sure they made a big contribution to the American Cancer Society for being busy most of the time. To pass the time, some Key Clubbers got together to play a never-ending game of UNO. A while later many Key Clubbers began leaving after a long shift. Many did not get to watch the firefighters of the nearby station come and support the cause by allowing people take photos with them on the fire truck for a donation. Many families were around and little kids playing with water guns and on the playground. It was a great family event as well as a service event.

ana CHAVEZ, tech editor

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The moment I had arrived at Servite High School, I had no idea what type of event I would be volunteering I would be doing today. Once signed in and given my first task, I was shocked to find I would serving food, like a waitress! For one, I am a very clumsy person, so once I was given a huge tray with tomatoes and cheese, I was so afraid I was going to drop it. Wearing heals wasn’t the worst part of it, I also had an injured knee! As I walked around serving food to the people that had attended, many of them were nice enough to ask what had happened to my knee, and why I would volunteer if I was hurt. And as always I answered with, its because I love to serve, it’s my thing, injured or not! It was nice to be reminded about why I do what I do, even when it becomes difficult. The best part about the waitress thing, was that I met many people who were genuinely nice and funny! After the food was served. The other volunteers and I set up the tables for a fundraising auction. This also became another mission, as many of us girls were wearing heals and had to carry tables (heavy tables that is) up and down the stairs. By the end of it, we all had blisters on our hands and our feet! But of course like always, our service was rewarded with the best, food! After taking a break and eating dinner, many of us were able to enjoy the music of the Symphonic Band! This event was a much different experience then I was use to, but I am glad I was able to experience it! Despite the crazy atmosphere I was in, I cannot wait to volunteer again at their next concert! Not only did this event remind me why I served, but also why I enjoy it so much!




OC symphony gala


grishma PATEL, vice president

[service: building our community] The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August/September 2012

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BEACH Who knew that a fun event such as Beach Boomba can have quite a few obstacles a Key Clubber can run into? Warren Kim and I went to a dollar tree to go buy some water balloons to make water balloons for the water balloon fight. However, all the summer items got switched to the “Back to School” items! We had to go to another dollar tree just to find the water balloons. After we bought the materials to make the water balloons, we headed over to our Treasurer’s house as our working location. We basically had less than an hour to make 100 or more water balloons before heading out to Huntington Beach. All of my officers were busy the day of Boomba, but luckily, we had the help of 3 new members! We were able to bond with one another, but it still wasn’t enough help to get the task done in less than an hour. There is a little nozzle that is included inside the water balloon packet and it is expected that it would fit on a hose or a sink, but that wasn’t the case for us. When we attached the nozzle to the hose we weren’t able to twist it on. When we attached the nozzle to the sink it couldn’t twist on because the sink head was smaller than the nozzle. As a result, we had to have someone hold the nozzle to the sink head in order to make the water balloons. It was just really inconvenient because sink the nozzle was really big and loose, water was squirting outside of the nozzle. We had to waste more water just to get the little amount of water we needed to fill the balloon. After we finished making 100+ water balloons, we put it inside a large container and we didn’t realize how heavy it really was and it took all four of us just to lift it. Putting the container in the car was also an issue. There wasn’t room in the back of the trunk because there was a canopy and we didn’t know how to fit it in the car because if we just placed it in the seats then there would be no room to sit. We ended up scooting the passenger seat all the way up to the point where the passenger would be cramped. When I sat in the car, I had to put my legs on top of the container because there was no leg room. Time was not on our side because we had less than an hour to get to Huntington Beach for DCM. Yes, we arrived at Huntington on time, but parking was terrible! We went around in circles for over hour and by the time we found parking, DCM was way over. After finally finding a parking spot, which was a few blocks down from the beach, we had the honor of carrying a heavy container full of water balloons and a canopy all the way down to the beach. When we finally got onto the beach, the first thing we did was open up the canopy and plopped down on the sand for a long rest.

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August/September 2012

jennifer TARM, president

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& august DC M

denne TIENGTHONG, treasurer Summer was almost coming to an end, which meant it was time for the annual Beach Boomba! Every summer all they key clubs from our region get together to just socialize and hang out with one another. There’s usually over hundreds of Key Clubbers that attend, so it gets pretty wild, but it still ends up being fun! Tarm came to my house so that we could make water balloons for the water fight that would take place at beach boomba. After, we hurried to the beach to make it in time for DCM, but it took us over an hour to find parking, and we unfortunately ended up missing the DCM. I felt really bad to miss the DCM, but all the other Key Clubbers understood why we were late. This year’s Beach Boomba attendance wasn’t as large as previous years, but I was still determined to have a good time there. I socialized with other clubs, and met some friendly new people! I also went around selling lanyards to help fundraise for our club. Later on in the day it became really hot, and all I wanted to do was sit under the shade. It was time for the water balloon fight, and this year I just watched, and it seemed like an intense water battle which only lasted for about three minutes. After, it was time for the pie a president! Our club president, Jennifer Tarm, seemed really uneasy about participating on this, but she was a trooper because she knew it was going to a good cause. I paid one dollar to pie her, which I don’t regret, and I slammed it in her face! She was laughing, and right after she ran towards the shower. I didn’t get to stay for the bonfire which I was really looking forward to, but it was alright. Overall it was a successful event! I got to meet new people, spend time with Key Clubbers, and pie my president. I had loads of fun and I can’t wait to attend next year’s as an alumni!

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FRESHMEN miranda PHAN, vice president A day before Western High School’s freshmen orientation, Jennifer, Western Key Club’s President, gave me a call to be in charge of the Key Club poster board to present to incoming Freshmen at our mini club rush during orientation. I, being the inartistic person that I am, asked if I could just run errands and buy her supplies and she said that was fine. She sent me Key Club pictures and a list of supplies I needed to get for her, and told me she will be home by 7 PM. Also, she asked if I could go pick up the sun costumes from Loara’s president. I rushed out and went to Walmart and I got everything that Jennifer asked for, glue, poster board, and construction paper. It was then, when I passed by the photo station at Walmart, that I had realized I forgot about the Key Club pictures I put into my flash drive! I paid for the stuff, and quickly went home and decided to go to Walgreens instead, since Walmart was too far to drive back to. I uploaded the photos at Walgreen and was told to come back in an hour, as I did this, I remembered that I needed to buy candy to pass out to freshmen as well, but the candy we had in mind was too expensive. I did not have enough of cash on me, so I told Jennifer that somebody else is going to have to, and went to pick up the sun costumes. After I dropped the stuff at her house, everything seemed to be going pretty smoothly for the next day. Freshmen Orientation came around and we were all setting up, most of us had just gotten off our registration shift and went straight to where we were told to meet up. Jennifer had set up most of the table already, but something wasn’t right. Jennifer turned to me and said we were the only table without candy to pass out and we did not have enough stickers. I volunteered to make a quick run to Walgreens, but I passed on the job to Mercy, Western’s Bulletin Editor, since she was the one who printed out the stickers. She came back in time, and everything was ready. I was pretty nervous to see the first group of three incoming freshmen because this will be their first impression of me as Key Club Vice President and as a senior. When they started coming in, however, I did not let my Key Club spirit shy away.



! Some of us grabbed posters and walked around screaming, “Join Key Club!” Jennifer would randomly ask us how do we feel, we would all stop what we were doing, and do the Key Club chant and the looks on the freshmen were priceless. Some thought we were cool, some thought we were weird, but that did not stop us from showing our Key Club spirit, and we got plenty of sign-ups! It seemed as though all the freshmen had gone directly to our table! It was a long two hours, but we made it through the day, and hopefully it is a start of a great 2012-2013 term!

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western’s • RANK


Hours: General Meetings: Board Meetings: DCM Attendance: Board Member Articles: Division Events: Inter-club/Kiwanis Events: Monthly Report Form: Officer Report Form:


shinin’ STATS!

of 14 schools in D30S

0 Completed; early submission Completed

(780 pts) (0 pts) (0 pts) (75 pts) (70 pts) (4 pts) (0 pts) (75 pts) (50pts)



78 0 0 Yes Yes

august’s top five



one. ericson tang, 30.8 hrs two. mercy tran, 23.1 hrs three. miranda phan, 22.3 hrs four. lanvi nguyen, dave enriquez, 17.9 hrs five. hao ho, 8.6 hrs The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August/September 2012

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UPCOMING [september] [thursday, 6th] portfolio walk [friday 7th] portfolio walk [saturday, 8th] BLACKOUT [wednesday, 12th] club rush [thursday, 13th] club rush [thursday, 20th] first KEY CLUB meeting [saturday, 22th] english department car wash [saturday, 29th] light the night walk & dcm

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SPOTLIGHT [vice presidents]



1. What has been your favorite service project to this date, and what impact has it made on your life? Oo, that’s hard. Well I think most likely the Rose Parade. It helped me overcome my fear of heights through the magic of service. Usually I would be really scared to be up so high, on something so un-sturdy, but it didn’t really bug me because I was volunteering! 2. Favorite food: Mexican Food! 3. Mac or PC: PC! 4.Colleges applying to: Is it sad that I don’t really know yet? I’ve been thinking about a few of the UC’s, and some colleges on the east coast! 5. Proposed college major: English! 6. Favorite Subject in School: English/Chemistry!

7. Favorite Western Teacher: HAHA! Um, it would have to be between Rittel or Durrego! 8. Favorite Movie: I don’t have favorite movies, I just watch them! I am big on chick flicks and action thrillers though! 9. Favorite Music Artist: This list can be never ending! But a few of my favorites would be: Jack’s Mannequin, Something Corporate, Maroon 5, Taylor Swift, John Mayor, Katy Perry, Secondhand Serenade…and it goes on! 10. Hobbies: SLEEPING! LOL I also like to play tennis, run, eat, bake, paint! 11. Interesting Talent: Uh, I know how to make normal situations awkward, with my awkward animals? [O.O] (awkward owl!) 12. Favorite Color: BLUE and GREEN! 13. Favorite Restaurant: Uh, does Taco Bell count? LOL I like Chipotle and BJs! 14. Favorite Clothing Brand/Store: Well majority of my wardrobe is from Forever 21, but I also like H&M! 15. Favorite Book: Hm, somewhere between To Kill a Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby. I enjoyed a lot of the books my sophomore and junior year, but those have got to be one of the greatest!



1. What has been your favorite service project to this date, and what impact has it made on your life? Being called a teacher, giving out high fives to 100+ kids, and receiving a random hug from one of them at the Muzeo event was pretty heartwarming, as cheesy as that sounds. It makes me feel good to volunteer and to lead, and being the shy person that I am, I now know that I do have a voice. 2. Favorite food: I eat almost everything; I’m not very picky. 3. Mac or PC: Mac all the way! Once you go Mac, you’ll never go back. 4. Colleges applying to: UCLA and UC Berkeley are my top two colleges, but I am still in the process of deciding where I want to go and apply. 5. Proposed college major: Biochemistry, or something in the science field 6. Favorite Subject in School: Math and science! 7. Favorite Western Teacher: Aihara Sensei 8. Favorite Movie: Tarzan, or any of the Disney classics ^_^ 9. Favorite Music Artist: BIGBANG! I am a VIP. 10. Hobbies: I’ve been playing the violin since 4th grade. 11. Interesting Talent: I’m not a very interesting person, thus I have no talent xD 12. Favorite Color: Yellow! :3 13. Favorite Restaurant: I don’t eat out much… I live a pretty dull life, haha. 14. Favorite Clothing Brand/Store: I don’t like shopping, so I don’t have one :p 15. Favorite Book: As of this moment, A Dog’s Purpose.

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CONTACT US! 2012-2013 Western High School Key Club Board

PRESIDENT, Jennifer Tarm [714] 213-9335 jtarm9@gmail.com

VICE PRESIDENT, Grishma Patel [714] 270-4346 grishmapatel26@gmail.com

PUBLICIST, LanVi Nguyen [714] 878-8059 omg_its_lanvi@yahoo.com HISTORIAN, Kim Truong [714] 471-8732 piggy654321@yahoo.com

VICE PRESIDENT, Miranda Phan [714] 548-5143 mirandaphan@yahoo.com

HISTORIAN, Zayrha Arambula [714] 315-3611 fam_bam12@yahoo.com

SECRETARY, Hillary Tran [714] 797-4843 Hillaryt44@yahoo.com

TECH EDITOR, Ana Chavez [714] 515–2584 gaby3141@sbcglobal.net

TREASURER, Denne Tiengthong [714] 331-9124 dennetiengthong@gmail.com PUBLICIST, Ericson Tang [714] 422-9375 tang_ericson@yahoo.com

BULLETIN EDITOR, Mercy Tran [562] 852-8541 mercyxtran@hotmail.com

ask us how we


The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | July/August 2012

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G N I D A E R R O F U O Y THANK The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter

a special thanks to Mr. Carter, Ms. Rittel and Mr. Barry for supporting Western Key Club... We <3 You!

a Kiwanis-family member keyclub.org | cnhkeyclub.org 8360 RED OAK STREET #201 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 ~ 909.989.1500

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