Western High School Key Club 2020-2021 | March Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | March 2021

I. INTRODUCTION 04 President’s Farewell + Editor’s Note 05 Goal Tracker

II. PAST EVENTS 06 VAHSA Recycle Drive 07 Dream Lab 08-09 March DCM/Banquet 10 Cypress x Western March Social 11 What Are You Looking Forward To In The Next Term? 12 2021-2022 Next Term Goals 13-14 End of The Term Reflection

III. MISCELLANEOUS 15 Service Hour Leaderboard

16 Board Member Spotlight 17 April Calendar 18-19 Board Info

Hello Suns! The end of the term has officially come. Thank you everyone for your hard work and dedication throughout. I have been a member in Key Club for the past four years and have made countless of irreplaceable memories. I'm so proud of everything WE have done together to serve our community this term and for all of our accomplishments. I know that it has been tough for many of us but we were able to persevere and carry on Western Key Club's legacy. YOU were my motivation to get through stressful moments and to bring success to the club. Thank you for allowing me to serve you for the past three years as your 2018-2019 Secretary, 2019-2020 Vice President, and 2020-2021 President. I will forever be grateful for all the knowledge and experiences I have gained. It is a privileged to get to know you all and I will never take it for granted. Although my Key Club journey is now over, I will always look back and cherish all the opportunities I have received to grow as a leader and as a member in my community. I love you Western Key Club! Suncerely,

Vicky Vu

Hey Western Suns! IT’S OUR LAST NEWSLETTER OF THE ‘20=‘21 TERM! Thank you for such an amazing term despite it being virtual. We’ve made the most of it and I’m proud of all our accomplishLots of Love, ments! See you next term. ;) Tina Tran


Thank you for all your hard work!


VAHSA Recycle Drive Recycle. A word we hear about and value it’s importance, yet paired with such little value to many. Value that diminishes overtime since it is value we don’t hold in high regard. The talk of plastic bottles and straws go through our ears but out the other info a whirlpool of lost meaning. Realization of the purpose is there but so blatantly ignored. Yet why? Why would many others including myself at times, see recycling as not a big topic. That politics seem to make dormant of the environment. In Key Club, I make sure to have an earth related event for most of the months. Events that help our planet in any form. Cleansing up at the beach is most certainly one of them, and recycling is above shoulders. Despite this obvious community, even the most meager of hamburgers seem to overpower recycling. That because a new burger is coming out, that should be on the news. Its disturbing yet true. Disturbing that we accept it yet don’t do anything about it because we see it as normal. That we have no power over change. But you my friend has power. Power beyond the mortal parameters of this world. So I plead, plead for help and weep for calls. To the ends of man kind and soul of the hunger of those that beckon, I cried for my dear friend earth as I feel the pain it endures. Thank you to VAHSA! Nicholas Dinh Vice President ‘20-’21


For the month of March, I participated in the Dream Lab service event. Dream Lab is a mobile app that helps contribute to medical research projects. You simply need to download the app, activate a Dream Lab session while your phone is charging, and that’s it! The app will use your phone’s data during each session to crunch complex data that contributes results to Dream Lab research teams. You can even continue to use your phone while it is charging. Dream Lab is a multi-awardwinning app, so it is very trustworthy when it comes to allowing your data to be used by it. Essentially, the app downloads small parts of massive research projects from the cloud for your phone to calculate once it is being charged. Dream Lab is a collective effort, as it takes thousands of users to help power these research projects. Luckily, this app is free and highly accessible to all of you!

Normally, Dream Lab has been primarily used to support cancer research. However, it is currently being used to support COVID-19 research projects. If you have ever felt helpless against the pains that the pandemic has brought on the world, you can now make a difference every time your phone is charging! I personally loved this service project because of how simple it was, and the fact that it was going towards such significant causes. It was easy to achieve the maximum of 25 hours, as I let Dream Lab power sessions while I was asleep, doing homework, or when I was on my phone while it was charging which is often!). I highly would recommend that anyone download the Dream Lab app because it does not take excessive effort to make changes in battling both COVID-19 and cancer. Maile Kobayashi Treasurer ‘20-’21



On Saturday, March 20th, the March DCM: Starry Night was held on Zoom from 6 PM to 7 PM. This is the second to last DCM of the term and it evolves on the awards and achievements that each school has earned throughout the year. This was pretty fun as we began with the introductions and then there was the announcements of voting for superlatives in different categories as to who’s the most spirited, the most changed since their freshman year, and much more. Then, we moved onto new business and old business, talking about what has happened in the past month and what’s about to happen in the upcoming month. After that, our LTG, Christina Nguyen, announced the amount of service hours the division has gained throughout the term with 35,252.5 hours and fundraised $7,111.97. We move on to the first part of the banquet awards, which our club managed to get 2: one of having 100% officer report form submissions on time and the other is one of our own board members, Tina Tran, given the award of being one of the DLT officers of the year. Her success to me is a club win and so I am absolutely proud of her to the fullest. After the awards, we moved on to the open mic section, where I participated to talk in an open-mic speech to everyone. I was actually pretty nervous, but as soon as I started talking, those nerves started to disappear, but in their place were emotions. Thankfully, I kept it together, but I was super happy of what I got to say, who I got to thank, and to talk about the people that I love and are proud of, which are the ones that kept the division in one piece through this tough year. After that, we moved on to the second part of the banquet awards to the presidents’ remarks. We then move on to Christina’s inaugurations speech which definitely kicked in everyone’s emotions, but it was a treat to see her grow into the daughter I know and love so much. It may have been the second to last DCM, but it was an emotional rollercoaster for all of us to go through.


Douglas Lam Historian ‘20-’21


On March 12th I attended the CHS X WHS March Social that I made with On Friday, March 12 of 2021, Western High School along with Cypress High School hosted a March Social. At this social we started off with warm greetings from each other and we had a splendid time for everyone receiving amazing compliments from Western’s own Brandon. After the greetings we quickly went into the service event of the social where we did some origami, I always try my best when it comes to origami for service projects but the only service I do is saving paper from being wasted since my origami skills are very horrible . It was nearing Brandon’s birthday so we all sand Brandon the birthday song. He was so kind to everybody even to the people he didn’t know, he just kept on giving everyone heartwarming compliments from Brandon. Another amazing thing that Brandon did during this social was his amazing live performance with such an amazing voice. It was after this Kevin joined the social and told us that he was at the doctors getting his physical done the entire time. When Kevin arrived home, this was around the time where we started to get into separate breakout rooms and started playing some games. My group consisted of 4 people and we played scribbll.io. I was a bit upset because I really wanted to play some games on Jackbox, but I heard from Kevin that I was the only person that voted for Jackbox minigames. I also wanted to play codenames but I don’t think any group got to play that. I ended up placing first because I am such a talented artist of course. Overall, the social was really fun, but I wish we would stray away from origami so that I could actually do something. If you went to the social, what was your favorite part? Anyways, I am Kenneth Tran, and I will see you next time. Kenneth Tran Member Rec ‘20-’21


During the 2020-2021 term there were so many things I looked forward to especially for my first year as a board member. The experienced was altered due to covid but I hope the things that I looked forward to in this term happens next term. In the 2021-2022 term there are many things that I look forward to. I really hope to see in person events as they are what makes up my key club experience, in person events allow me to get service done and meet new people and interact with my peers so I really hope for that. I also look forward to a beach boomba because those are so fun to be at. DCON is also something that I am really excited because I was going to go last year but then covid canceled it so I really look forward to that. Fall Rally is also something that I am excited for especially the spirit battles. I really hope to be back in school for the next term because presenting on google meets is kind of difficult because I don’t get to interact with the general members so I hope to be in school so that we can have in person meetings. DCM’s are also something that I look forward to next term because during this term all of the DCM’s were hosted online, and some were kind of repetitive, so I hope to be at a in person DCM playing some ice breakers and having fun with everyone. Finally, I just look forward to seeing my friends again because of covid I haven’t really seen them much and key club was something that would allow us to hang out with each other over the weekends, so I really hope for covid to get better so that key club can be in person again. Kenneth Tran Member Rec ‘20-’21


For the next Key Club term, I unfortunately won’t be joining Key Club as a board member for personal reasons. If I did get interviewed though, I’d like to think I would win the position I wanted, ha-ha. I will still be signing up as a general member though, and with that, and the Key Club mindset I’ve got, I have my own goals for the next term as a general member! I’d like to contribute with the 10 hours of service that have been the norm for me. Of course, if I rack up more hours, good for me! It would feel a little lonely being in Key Club “by myself,” so I’d also like to get one of my friends to join with me and get some community service hours, go to events, and have a nice time. There has been the upbringing of going back to school for the next year, so if that truly happens, I hope I can attend events in person safely. I’d like to fully support my home, school, and community hands on like I did sophomore year! It’s been a breeze being in contact with members and the board of Key Club because we have been online, so we would text and call. If we do return seeing each other eye to eye, I’d like for us to treat each other as we have always done. Of course, for me, it’s easier said than done. A prior goal of mine when I joined Key Club was to open up more, I feel like I've gotten better with that but not 99% ha-ha. So again, I’ll try my best when communicating. Thank you, Key Club!!! Let’s have a great term!!! Jennifer Perez Publicist ‘20-’21


The end of the 2020-2021 term has officially come. This is my fourth and final term in Key Club. I received the honor and privilege to serve Western Key Club as President. At the beginning of the term, I didn’t think that we would spend the entire year online. It has definitely been unique having to transition from in-person to online and I definitely wish that I got the chance to volunteer in person. At the start of the term, I really wanted to push myself and to successfully lead Western Key Club. It was definitely a struggle at times but I embraced my challenges. I found new ways to serve the community through a virtual platform and I discovered efficient ways for the club to raise money for PTP. I really wanted Western Key Club to be recognized at the DCM's and for people to see how truly amazing all the members are. I am very appreciative of all the opportunities I have been able to receive this term. Although it was different from the previous terms, I eventually learned to make the most of it and to be grateful. At times, I was very tired or felt unmotivated, but I made sure that I got over it quickly and continued strong. The first quarter was the most difficult due to the transition, but once the second quarter started, I noticed immense growth in the club. I am forever grateful for all the members who continued working their hardest and getting involved, even though we were in the middle of a pandemic. Throughout this term, I received the opportunity to meet many new people. At the start of the term, I wasn’t sure how many people I would meet due to being online, but I was pleasantly surprised. I definitely got closer to members even though the most we did was text. All the interactions I’ve had this term from phone calls to zoom calls to meetings and to texting were all meaningful for me. I am so proud of everything Western Key Club has been able to accomplish. I appreciate the amount of efforts members have put in to serve a consistent number of hours monthly and their support for our PTP fundraisers, which allowed us to raise $40+ a month. I am also very grateful for all the times we were recognized during DCM's The past four years in Key Club has been the best decision I have made. Without Key Club, I know I wouldn’t be who I am today. The amount of memories, character, and confidence I have built overtime are irreplaceable. I will forever love Western Key Club and everything it has offered me.

Vicky Vu President ‘20-’21


After a whole year of being a part of Western High School Key Club’s board member I got to say, it went by very quickly. Sure, this year was different from previous years. But I have to say, my experience was by far the best, and a secret of mine, I took advantage of. First off, I was a freshman when I applied for a board position. That’s right! A FRESHMAN! Now to me, as a freshman, I didn’t know really anything about key club whatsoever. The only real reason I joined the club back then was to just do some community service work for my hours. But then, I knew I wanted to be a part of something more. I want my name and myself to get recognized. So as one of my passions, I love and enjoy photography, and luckily my high school had the historian position for their club. I decided to apply. A couple of days after applying, I kind of regretted it.

I was a shy girl, (who am I kidding, I still am.) and a freshman who knew nothing about key club itself! Nor did I know that we were a part of a division. However, I’m glad I took this opportunity and not let myself give up. I’m so grateful for what key club gave me and the division for the knowledge and history about key club. I’m also grateful for my amazing board members, especially everyone who helped me through the whole term. I’m so sad that it has to come to an end, but I just wanted to say, thank you for this opportunity. Jackie Giron Historian ‘20-’21



Malinda Huynh

Maile Kobayashi

Jennifer Perez

Tina Tran

Vicky Vu


BOARD MEMBER Featuring our Publicist,


1. How has your journey been as a publicist?


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As a publicist, my journey has been pretty fair yet challenging. It takes a lot of courage to step up, and come up with a variety of ideas and new solutions for this position. It definitely taught me some time management as well as patience and confidence. The key to being a successful publicist is to have faith and trust the process! Sticking to your own ideas is idewhat you want to work forward to.


2. What do you love most about Key Club? Key Club definitely makes their members feel like each and one of them matter, which is something I’ve always admired from the club! I love the way everyone gets along, and this club is consider to be like a second family! 3. What is one of your favorite memories in Key Club? One of my favorite memories in key club was when I first began my journey. As simple as that sounds, I still get excited over the fact that I was just a freshman, beginning my journey in high school without knowing a single thing about it. And little did I know that this particular one would become one of the greatest and most hardworking club! Just the feeling of being new and completing fun and easy tasks along with friends already gives me the chills. 4. When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better? Having bad days are completely normal! Definitely to brighten up my day, I take a few minutes to listen to music and focus on the things that once made me joyful and successful. I think it’s very important to randomly remember your proudest moments that you’ve accomplished in the past. This way, your self-esteem will get better, and as a friendly reminder, it’ll remind you that you’re stronger than you think. A little something I enjoy doing when I’m feeling discouraged is making myself a good meal. A full stomach completes a happy heart :) 5. What will you miss most about key club? I’ll forever miss the experiences Key Club brought into my life. I’ll cherish the events I spent with friends, and the bonds I created along with this club.













































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