Western High School Key Club 2020-2021 | August Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August 2020


President’s Letter + Editor’s Note


Goal Tracker


July Recap


First Quarter Term Reflection

18-19 July DCM

III. ALL ABOUT KEY CLUB 08-09 What is Key Club? 10

Why You Should Join Key Club


Our Favorite Moments

12-13 Our Key Club Journey


Club Rush Preparation


Back To School Service Week


WHS X JFK Social


All Paws on Deck


August Leaderboard


A Farewell


New Board Members


September Calendar

22-23 Board Info

HEYY PIOS! I hope you are doing well and have adjusted decently to online learning. To all the new members, welcome to Key Club! Club rush was a lot different this year, but I think it went pretty well under these circumstances! I know that volunteering at home is definitely different from volunteering outside, but I still encourage you to do so and actively participate in the events. Remember to fill out the membership application form: bit.ly/wkcmembership and pay your $12 membership fee once the payment methods are released, in order to OFFICIALLY become a dues paid member! We are almost halfway through the term now and I just wanted to say THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. I am extremely proud of everyone who has been participating in the events! The second quarter is coming to an end soon, but we have accomplished so much compared to the last! We are gradually reaching towards our end of the term goals. As of recently, we have been focusing more on the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP), which is one of Key Club preferred charities. It would be amazing if you could support all the variety of club fundraisers within our division. The proceeds from these fundraisers are going towards reducing the number of children who are killed or injured by trauma. This will ensure that all children live happy, healthy, and safe lives. Have a good day and keep on serving!! :))

SUNcerely, Vicky Vu

Hi sunnies, It’s been awhile… we have been so busy in the months of August with not only the beginning of the new online school year, but our preparation for Western’s virtual club rush. And so forth, to make up for the absence of the July newsletter I decided to combine the month of July and August (sort of)! I’m truly pleased to see the recognition be shown as a result of our hard work and efforts. Please enjoy this newsletter regarding the purpose of our club for any newcomers reading this!

Lots of Love, Tina Tran


Thank you for all your hard work!










So far, it’s been a quarter that we have worked pretty hard on, especially with the help of our members that have attended most of our events and it was a bit of a struggle, but we managed to get the flow going as we progress ourselves throughout the first quarter term. For me, I felt like I didn’t do enough for this first quarter as I was occupied on other activities that were needed for me to accomplish, but I know for a fact that I can do better. Being very busy through the first quarter, I did do my best on doing some activities that were not only created by us, but also created by the division leadership team as well such as Eliminate Week or ChangeFor-Change and events like those seemed to do us some good at the time.

At first, I have to be really honest, I didn’t seem as confident as to how we started out being with the fact that we didn’t have a lot of members joining or volunteering for events that we had developed, but as time went on, I gave myself some confidence and faith in me and my board members that at some point, we will get an achievement and the day that the July DCM occurred with the announcements from the division leadership team and hearing our name as to being the 4th Shining Club of the month, especially with our bulletin editor’s name being the Officer of the Month really gave me a boost of confidence and I couldn’t be anymore happy than that moment. Some events that stood out for me were very helpful such as the Officer Training Conference, apart from the fact that I missed the first session, but throughout the event, the presentation of what it takes to be an officer was very helpful. Not only that, but I managed to interact with some other officers from different divisions, so that’s another plus of happiness for me. - Douglas Lam ‘20-’21 Historian


Key Club can mean a lot of different things for people and everyone who’s been on one perspective of it will generally have the same answer. There’s so much varied opinion and thoughts on it that it’s almost infinite the words that can be used to describe it. Some may say it’s just community service, a social group, a cult even, or just another club on campus. That’s true, all of those things can be considered the most definitive answer if I was looking at it form one perspective. I can describe Key Club, I can explain how it’s an international organization that’s works to bring service in communities and the world by participating in various events that help people. How it’s also a club that values the term family and friendship, that commitment to teamwork. If I was a salesman I would use those types of words to describe key club and if I was a person who perhaps hated key club I could do the exact opposite. I learned that there are always two sides of a coin, and each side can represent distant things. One side could be facing the sun, as the other side faces away from it. But both places on the ground or on a table or on a counter, anywhere it could be. But there’s a difference between descriptions and value.


You see for me, I see key club as a value. Yes I can volunteer and do socials, but that’s not the value of it. The value of it is what’s the importance of it, what makes it so unique? What does it give you? What does it offer you? What does it mean to you? Like a coin, I can describe its rough textures, polish, shape, size, color, anything. But it’s value is that it’s money. Not just money but I see money being spent on the homeless. To charities. To organizations. To schools. To people. That’s what I see as the value in money. Now the value of key club? I see it helping the community and giving back to our origins. The value of it being people together to serve one common purpose. How a small little act can lead to huge things. How by volunteering you’re not just getting hours but helping someone. That’s the value I see in key club. That’s why I am in key club and I’m a proud member to be one.

There is no better reward than the feeling it comes with. The feeling comes first before the material. If I feel terrible I don’t want to do anything. But if I feel good I want to do everything. So that’s key club to me. The feeling I get that makes me happy inside. It’s a beautiful sight to see and a better sight to experience. - Nicholas Dinh ‘20-’21 Vice President

To learn more about key club, visit https://www.keyclub.org.


Why should you join Key Club? That is something everyone will discover right when you join. In my experience, I joined key club for one reason. Which was to get my community service hours completed. I think people join key club for the same reason. However, when you finish your first year they will always have a different reason at the end. When I finished my first year I finally found the reason I wanted to join, My reason was because I got to try and fix confidence. In Key Club you experience many fun activities and many service projects but the hardest thing to find in here is your reason to stay. Some may leave in like one semester. But in general we need to make sure that we have a good reason because if you want to stay in Key Club then having a good reason will keep you motivated to stay and continue being serving. Remember joining the club will affect you in many ways. Sometimes it could make you sad because of the ending of a term or saying goodbyes to seniors, but there will be more times that it will make you happy. So in general, finding your reason to stay is your responsibility. You can join just for community service hours. You can also join for friends and new experiences. In all you should join just so you can create memories because staying in high-school is a once in a life time opportunity so you should take this chance to try out Key Club and of you like it you could stay if you don’t we would like to just to have some people in the club. I guarantee that option 1 will be more common. - Joshua Kim ‘20-’21 Publicist


Key Club I have made a lot of memories in as well as friends in my Key Club Journey. There’s a ton of events that makes me who I am. The fall rally at six flags especially because I was able to unleash my passion and connect with my community. We won the spirit stick two years in a row and I was able to have spirit battles with other divisions like the D13N Ninjas and Monkeys. We went on fast pace roller coasters and took several photos. Overall, it was a blast, tons of fun with the D30S suns. I also had fun at this event that I volunteered at which was OCAPICA and I’m there we got the chance to call people in our state to remind them about the 2020 census that was coming up. They fed us great food and when we needed help they didn’t hesitate to assist me. I hope I can work with this group again with my friends in the future. Joining Key Club was one of the most greatest choices that I’ve made in my life and I intend to stay here until I finish highschool. It’s just one of those clubs that not only gives you hours for community service but guarantees you great memories and moments that you can cherish forever. - Kevin Nguyen ‘20-’21 Spirit Coordinator


My Key Club journey began my freshman year when I decided to sign up during club rush. Entering into high school, I knew I wanted to get involved as soon as I could. Many seniors around me introduced me to Key Club and asked me to join them! I’ve always wanted to become a leader that people would look up to and I really enjoyed serving my community, so I felt welcomed. Later on in the year, executive board applications were released. Even though I wasn’t in Key Club for a long time, I decided to take the initiative to run for Secretary. I never thought that I would be elected, so I mainly did it to gain experience. Being elected really changed who I was and allowed me to open up more. I will never regret taking that chance my freshman year, because it opened so many doors for me to grow and connect with others.


I grew the most during my sophomore year, as I invested a lot of my time volunteering and attending Key Club events. It was very fun and forced me to interact with more people. I was initially very shy and scared when I joined and I didn’t think that anything would be able to change me that much. Now, I have improved so much!! During my sophomore year, I ran and was elected as Vice President. As Vice President, I had to publicly speak much more than when I served as Secretary, so that helped me strengthen my communication skills. I am in my final year of Key Club now. I feel like time went by so fast. I still clearly remember anxiously attending my first service event with my sister during my freshmen year. I now serve as your President for the 2020-2021 term. Doing service and events at home is definitely a different experience and I never saw it coming, but I’ll make the most out of it. I’m proud to be serving Western Key Club. Let’s have an amazing term full of memories together! - Vicky Vu ‘20-’21 President

My journey in Key Club has honestly been such an amazing and worth joining for experience. I’ve enjoyed every single event, task, duty, and overall every opportunity this club brings to my life. Ever since I joined, I’ve always wondered how my life would’ve been without Key Club. I don’t regret anything, and all I want to say is that I look forward to continue being with my loving key clubbers. Not only are the activities super fun, but they’re also easy to do and most of them don’t take much of your time. From my experience, Key Club can help you with your mental health. Sometimes school can become overwhelming and stressful. However, this club makes things so much easier. My point is that once you meet some key clubbers, they make you feel welcomed and wanted. This club is also known as a second family. We’re there for each other whenever we need a hand, and if things turn out bad, there will always be someone you can talk to.

I’m glad that I applied for a position in Key Club too. Yes, it’s a bit stressful to find monthly guests for events such as DCM’s, socials, etc. However, becoming one of the publicist has helped me develop leadership skills in some ways. I enjoy my job, and I’m slowly learning how to be even more punctual, responsible, open minded, and flexible. I hope to continue with my involvement in Key Club, and to keep on creating memories with my loving key clubbers. -Danna Ramirez ‘20-’21 Publicist


The Western High School club rush will be taking place from September 8th to September 11th this school year. Unfortunately, it will be taking place virtually through Google Site due to COVID-19. For club rush preparations pre-pandemic, we would be making posters, stickers, and pins to give away! This school year, every club on campus is required to create a Google Site that would be linked in the main club rush Google Site of the school.

On the Western Key Club Google Site, there are a total of 5 different pages. The first page is “About Us,” which is an introduction to what Key Club is and our values. The second page is “Events,” which includes a preview of the types of events we will be having throughout the year. The third page is “Contact Us,” which includes links and descriptions of all our club social medias. The forth page is “Meet the Board,” which includes an introduction to all the board members and advisors. The fifth and final page is “Sign Up,” which includes a Google Form to sign up! I have been working on the Western Key Club Google Site with a couple of board members. I worked on the design of the website with Tina Tran, our Bulletin Editor! We have been working on this for the past couple of weeks in order to be prepared for club rush. Along with the website, Tina has also been editing a video to publicize during club rush, which will hopefully bring more attention towards the club! Club rush is definitely very different this year and may affect the recruitment process, but I am very excited for it to begin. I can't wait to welcome more suns into the club and introduce them to the wonders of Key Club! <3 - Vicky Vu ‘20’21 President


SERVICE WEEK Western Key Club's Back to School -themed service week was from August 10th to August 14th. This was the week that marked the beginning of the new school year at Western, and provided members a chance to prepare and celebrate for it. On Monday, we were tasked to gather our school supplies to get ready for the new year. This included digging up old materials and even buying new ones. On Tuesday, we made our workspace ready for this new school year of distance learning. On Wednesday, we took a selfie of us attending our first class virtually. Since Schoology was not working properly that day, we ended up modifying it to taking a picture of our meeting with our counselors. On Thursday, we took pictures of us doing our first assignments for the week, which ended up being an attendance Google Form. On Friday, we ended the week with rewarding ourselves with a snack that we made/prepared. Not only was this week productive and a great way to earn service hours easily, but it also gave us the preparation necessary to get ready for this different school year. It was like killing two birds with one stone. I highly recommend participating in any of our service weeks to get hours doing simple tasks, especially if it will help you prepare for school! - Maile Kobayashi ‘20-’21 Treasurer


Social On Sunday, at 2 pm, the social between Western and John F. Kennedy high school began. At the social, I came about 15-20 minutes late because of my dentist appointment, but when I got there, the social started off with a little service project. During the service project, the attendees would go on a website called “beanbeanbean.com” and it was there where we answered questions to donate beans. There were different topics we could choose from, and there were 3 different difficulties, easy, medium, and hard. We did this service project for about 30 minutes. During the time of the project, we listened to music, and I had lost so many beans that it infuriated me, but nonetheless, I persevered through and took my pictures of the amount of beans I had collected. After the service project we went to our assigned breakout rooms, where we would play games. When we got to our breakout rooms, I got Kevin as my breakout room leader. The first game we played was “codenames”. In this game there would be two opposing spy masters, and their teams. They would give one-word clues to have their teams choose their words. Throughout the words there are neutral ones, where nothing happens if they are chosen, your team words, where you get a point when you choose them, and the word you do not want to pick, because if you pick that then your team loses. We didn’t play the game correctly because we forgot that we were only allowed to give one-word clues, but other than that we had a wonderful time. We then played a game called “Among Us” in this game we have an imposter among us and as we work on our tasks, the imposter will try to pick us off one by one, and then the people will to try determine the imposter through meetings. Overall, this social was really fun, and I hope we have another one soon. - Kenneth Tran ‘20-’21 Member Rec


ON DECK All Paws on Deck was a service project developed by Western High School Key Club to create fun and enjoyable toys for our dogs along with other dogs to play with. This event focused on using at home materials such as bottles, socks, t-shirts, and tennis balls as a way to create DIY toys while at home. A video linked to the flyer that gave volunteers reference to the types of toys they could create for their furry friend. All of the submissions were due by August 31 at 11:59 PM.

For my experience, I personally loved this event since in the beginning if this year we got ourselves a dog. Never did I really have a passion at first but now knowing I can first hand see the joy, it fills me with so much glee seeing the light in her eyes. Luckily for those who don’t have a dog, they still can volunteer by donating these to the chosen dog shelter. Nonetheless, it was a happy day for everyone. Volunteers had a number of products they could of created. From tug a - Nicholas Dinh ‘20-’21 Vice war shirt ropes, bottles filled with pop President kernel, and even tennis ball toys that dogs can chew on. Having this amount of variety make sure that dogs can choose from a catalog. All of these DIY products were doable and easy to follow to which made it ten times better


On July 25th, the July DCM was created just like the same process from the June DCM on YouTube Live as we were discussing about the division updates as to how our division is going so far, explaining new and old business events, recognition awards, and much more throughout the month of July. At last, Western Key Club managed to finally get recognized as the 4th shining club of the month as well as our own bulletin editor, Tina Tran, achieving the award of being Officer of the Month. We all are very proud of those achievements and we will keep on doing our best to rise all the way to the top as we can. Right after the updates and recognitions were finished, we were then split up into individual groups that were assigned to us the day before the DCM so that we could start playing games like Skribbl.io and Spyfall. I was assigned to a group that was led by Oxford Academy’s President (Timmy Bui) and Vice President (Kenny Le). We started to play Spyfall first as it was my first time playing and it was pretty fun as everyone is given the same location while given different roles as they relate to working at the location while finding out who was the spy by asking questions. The spy is given a role to figure out what the location is and that way they can win. If they fail to figure out the location, then they fail. Surprisingly, enough, I haven’t been the spy, and so there were some rounds where we succeeded while there were some rounds where we failed. The next game was Skribbl.io where it’s like playing the drawing version of the game Charades and that was probably intense while being fun at the same time for me and I enjoyed every minute of it. I ended up being in 7th place, but it was all cool. To end it off, this DCM was super fun to attend as it couldn’t be better with us finally getting recognition for being the 4th shining club of the month. It’s step from where we are, but I can guarantee that we can pull it off. - Douglas Lam ‘20-’21 Historian



On Saturday, August 22nd, Western Key Club members had signed up to attend the August DCM that involved our division and our fellow division, the Division 30 North Rhinos. We spent our fun on Zoom from 4pm to 6pm. The meeting started off with all of us being told to put a number in front of our names so that we could easily identify which person is from which division: number 1 would be from 30 North while number 2 would be from 30 South. Then both divisions were split into their DCMs. The meeting went through the new and old announcements for different businesses and spirit gear that are coming out or events that have and will occur throughout the entire month. Then it came to the results of the awards and amount of donation progress and surprisingly enough, we, Western Key Club, went from 4th place shining club of the month to 2nd. That is a very big step up to our progress, which it could’ve been better if Jennifer, our LTG, could’ve announced as we saw our name in 2nd place for about 5 seconds. However, due to Zoom’s time limit, she wasn’t able to announce our name, but we did manage to get a picture of our award, certifying our achievement.


We were then brought back to the main room to reunite with D30N and then were split once again, but this time, we were mixed randomly with D30N to our assigned breakout rooms we were given from our emails. We participated in games like Animal Charades and mouthing words while being mute. This may have been the most memorable ones as one of my friends told me to impersonate a walrus and so many people had cracked up. All in all, it was the best fun I’ve ever had.



Nicholas Dinh | 61.65 hours

Maile Kobayashi| 61.11 hours

Tina Tran| 56.42 hours

Vannie Tran| 42 hours

Tin Pham

| 20 hours Rami Shalabi


1. How was your experience on the board?

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⟡ My experience on the board was definitely different than I thought it would be because of COVID and everything but it was still super fun. I really enjoyed being on a board with some of my closest friends and also the work I did was actually really fun. It didn't even feel like a job, it was so fun to talk to everyone on zoom for meetings and it was a great atmosphere. 2. What will you miss about Western Key Club?

Something that I will miss about Western key clubs is definitely going to service events and DCM’s with my friends. It was always so fun at service events and since D30S is such a big division I loved the energy and pride there was at DCMS that made it even more fun to serve my community. 3. What is your favorite Key Club memory? My favorite key club memory has to be Fall Rally. I never experienced anything like it. There were so many key club members from so many places and the spirit was just incredible and winning the spirit stick made everything even better and it really was so nice to see all of our hard work pay off. 4. What title would you give this chapter in your life? A title I would give this part of my life would be “exciting”. It was always so exciting either it be at service events meeting new people or just having fun at the DCM’s and playing the games. It was also so exciting when you would win an award or get recognized for your hard work and it made you work even harder. That part of my life was all such a blur because of how fast I think everything went by and how much I evolved as a key club member through that time. 5. Tell us a joke! I love dad jokes, so “Why did the sun go to school? To get brighter!” 6. How do you feel? I feel really sad about leaving. I love key club so much and it has helped so much to become better and I have learned so much. I have made so many memories in key club and I never imagined that I wouldn't be able to make any more throughout my high school career so I was super bummed out when I found out I had to leave. But even though its sad key club has taught me so much and I have improved so many of my skills so even if it was short it was super helpful and fun.


Hello everyone! My name is Malinda Huynh and I’m at senior. I’ll be your Key Club secretary for the 2020-2021 term. As a transfer student my freshman year at Western, I joined many clubs nonetheless, I was timid and did not know anyone, making me reluctant to fully participate in all the club activities and events. My parents were very strict with my extracurricular activities and often discouraged me from engaging in any after-school activities. However, this changed after a very long conversation about both our interests at heart and how I desired to be able to participate and experience being involved in one of my favorite clubs, Key Club. Ever since then, I’ve been a loyal member of Key Club. :) Hi everyone! I’m Jennifer Perez and I’m in 11th grade. I’ll be one of Key Club’s historians for the 2020-2021 term! Please don’t hesitate to talk to me!! I know I’m shy and it’s really easy to see that but that’s just me overthinking, dw!! I’m actually really nice and laid back in a way. Things I love to do are drawing and playing video games. I joined Key Club because it helps you get involved with your community and have new experiences with great people!! I encourage you guys to join.








































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