Western High School Key Club 2019-2020 | August Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 8, Issue: 4

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | August 2019




I. Introduction 04 Greetings Letter 05 Editor’s Note

II. All About Key Club 06 What is Key Club? 08 Our Key Club Journey 10 Our Favorite Moments in Key Club 12 Why YOU Should Join Key Club

III. Past Events 14 Club Rush Preparations 15 Board Bonding 16 August DCM 17 Club Rush 18 Kiwanis Memorial 19 Slippery Free Zone

IV. Miscellaneous 21 Goal Tracker 22 September Events 23 Service Hour Quiz 24 Service Hour Leaderboard 25 Member of the Month 26 Board Member Spotlight 28 Board Information


To the KEYuties reading this, Do you know what Key Club is about? No, we don’t make keys, but we do OPEN DOORS to new opportunities. In other words, be involved and take advantage of the things given to you!! This newsletter will talk about why you should join Key Club. It shows the different adventures that the members go through. Honestly, Key Club changed my life. I made new friends, gained volunteer and interview experiences, learned new leadership skills, and became the spirited person I am. Trust me, I am not exaggerating. When I was just a freshman, I was told to be involved. I was shy at first and disliked the idea of being involved. Now, I am in my senior year and I am glad I never left Key Club. My advice for the young ones would be to enjoy your four years of high school. Don’t just stick with the schedule of being at school and go home afterwards. Have something to look forward to !! For the past years in high school, I have heard that some people actually regret not joining key club at their freshman year. Some of the members that said that became officers! The articles will talk more on past events like the Division Council Meetings and volunteer events. It will also talk about what we thought about during our club rush and our board bonding. The rest will talk about Key Club 101. I hope this newsletter helped you understand more about Key Club. I hope it influences you to become a leader in Key Club.

- Warm regards,


Khrystal Contreras

’ Hello there, It has been a while but I am back! This is our 4th newsletter of the term already, and I am sorry I was not able to publish the July Newsletter. Moving onto August, school has started already, and I hope everyone had a smooth transition coming back. This newsletter is a bit different from the others. Since, there wasn’t a lot of events, we made some of the article content about Key Club in general. Our goal in mind for doing that is to ensure more people, especially new members, know what Key Club is all about. I hope you enjoy reading!

- Danica Lopez


...What is Key Club? 6

Honestly, I get the same exact questions and statements about Key Club. “What is Key Club?” “Do you actually make keys?” “Is it an “asian” club?” “They are just a bunch of party animals.” “It’s filled with asians.”

tion to win the spirit stick, a friendly cheer competition while walking around six flags, as well as enjoying our time with the rides at six flags. DCON is an event similar to fall rally, but it goes on for three days. It is a convention place where members can learn leadership skills and recognize Let me explain briefly what key club is all and acknowledge people for their accomplishabout. There are so many comments and rumors ments. Awards can vary from distinguished LTG, about it. It’s best if YOU decide if it’s a club for Distinguished President, Club of the Year, Silver you or not. Don’t let someone’s rumor comments Member Recognition, Gold Member Recogniinfluence your decision. tion, and more!! To get the silver, gold, or bronze Key Club is an international club that provides member recognition, you have to accomplish opportunities in service, leadership, characterdifferent tasks like getting a high amount of building. They are the oldest and largest student- hours, attending this much DCMs, etc. led program that helps make a positive impact in ICON is similar to DCON, but this time it’s more school and communities. There are clubs worldinternational as you travel to a different wide from America to Jamaica and Malaysia. With all the clubs from different areas, we all help area like Washington or Philippines. Beach Boomraise funds for nonprofit organizations and chari- ba is more of a region 3 type of event. It is one of ties. Furthermore, there will be students in charge the big events because all the divisions in region of one school club, students in charge of one di- 3 meet together to socialize. vision, students in charge of the whole region, There a lot more information to know about and more! Everything is being organized by high Key Club, but all in all, it is a club to meet new school students. Key Club can also go from high people, to help out and serve our community, as school until all the way to college which are well as learn leadership skills. To learn more about called “Circle K”. key club, visit https://www.keyclub.org. To educate you a bit more, Key Club isn’t nec— Khrystal Contreras | President essarily just yellow. They aren’t just the suns. There are a whole variety of mascots to choose from. Every school club is divided by divisions and regions. Western Key Club is in Division 30 South which is part of Region 3. Other divisions from region 3 are Division 04 West (Dragons), Division 04 East (Goldfish), Division 04 South (Lions), Division 04 North (Otters), Division 04 Central (Frogs), and Division 30 North (Rhinos). There are a variety of different divisions such as the magic 8 ball mascot from Division 08, Ninjas from Division 13 South, etc. You can look for more by going on Instagram and search up “division”. A whole lot of mascots will pop up. Some big events from Key Club are Fall Rally, DCON, ICON, and Beach Boomba (for D30S). Fall Rally is basically an event where key clubbers from California, Nevada, and Hawaii meet at six


Our Key Club

My Key Club Journey has been amazing. For many Key Clubbers, or clubbers in general, it all star at club rush during my freshman year. Walking into t quad, I was immediately captivated by the sea of y low and the loud cheers from a club called Key Clu went on to sign up at the booth but attended no events that year due to my shyness. When Sophomo year came around, I was more involved, attending several events throughout the first semester. When board applications opened, I gave it a shot. In tryin out a new opportunity, I looked to strengthen my le ership skills as well as providing more for the club. Lu ly, I was able to serve as a historian for the 2018-201 term. For the next term, I wanted more than just bei a board member, I wanted a position that would m directly influence the club. Thus, I chose to run for treasurer and fortunately received the opportunity t serve as this term’s treasurer. In the end, I am so gla that I did not give up my first year and came back t do better for Key Club and myself. I have learned th Key Club is not merely a community service club, w are a camaraderie who seeks to do better for our community, together.

— Kathy Tu | Treas

Three years have already gone by with the rema ing year left for me to go ALL OUT! Your key club jou ney may just be beginning, so make it memorable! K Club was the club I knew I wanted to join since fresh man year! I had already set goals with my friends of how many hours we wanted to complete each yea starting with 50 hours. The required 40 hours didn’t st our motivation to continuing serving our community was a great opportunity to hang out with friends an make new ones as well!



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Freshman year I was only focused on straight up volunteering. I didn’t know what DCMs (Division Council Meeting) were, nor did I have an interest to attend these social events. It seemed like quite the amount of fees, so I opted to skip them. Had I realized what I was missing out on, I would have tried my best to attend. I reached my goal of 50 which was probably close to 100 by the end of the year. Sophomore year was when my friends became board members, and I was more active then ever for my objective to support them. I started to attend socials and DCMs more often and make friends from different schools in our district. ALSO! Make sure to keep track of your hours on your own other than relying on the secretary record. I CAN make mistakes!! (but it is not my attention pls don’t attack me) Junior year, I took the initiative to apply for member recognition and got the position! This was also the year I attended Fall Rally and DCON, some of the biggest events. My passion for volunteering still persevered, but I also began to attend more socials and DCMs which I was missing out on. Senior year, the last and final year, I applied for Secretary and made the cut! My weekends consist of volunteering, grind don’t stop! I may have not attended all the events and I surely don’t regret it since time for myself is important too, but I value the time I spent and being as active as I could. Key Club was a safe space for me, and it could be for you too if you make that choice. Key Club does not involve making keys, but it does open doors to new possibilities! —- Ivy Vi | Secretary


Hello, my name is Anthony Ontiveros and I am one of Western’s Key Club Publicist and I also serve as your Western Key Club President. I haven’t been involved in Key Club for long, however in this short amount of time I have made tons of new friends and have experienced tons and tons of incredible moments, and by sharing some of my favorite moments I hope you consider joining and become involved within our club. <3

Suns, D30N Rhinos, D04N Otters, D04W Dragons, D04E Goldfish, D04S Lions, and D04C Froggies). While at OTC I was able to meet all 7 LTGs (one of which is our very own Western ASB President, Ali Al-Saleem) and also meet many officers from each Division. OTC is only available to board members and this leads to my next point that being apart of board has been the 2nd greatest moment of being apart of Key Club. I highly encourage everyone try something new and for me I haven’t attend Fall Rally at all yet, but I have that meant running for a board position, altattended DCON and it is hands down my favorhough I didn’t get my first choice I was still apite moment of being in Key Club. During this time pointed into a position and I have had so muchI was going through a really rough time in my perhhh great and fun memories with my board. I sonal life, I felt lonely, sad, scared, you get the love them all and they make Key Club even betidea. But when I went to DCON all those feelings ter when they are around. We care for this club faded away I felt loved, liked I belonged, I felt dearly and being around them has made me like I was apart of something bigger and I was, truly admire and love them from the bottom of going to DCON I was able to see all the regions my heart. Through my board position I was able that made up our CNH District and realized this to make tons of new friends ranging from multiwasn’t just a club but rather a family and group plies schools such as my favorite school Oxford of people who shared the same interest and Academy <3 . Being apart of Western’s Key Club hobbies for volunteering. These 3 days were Board and going to DCON have been my favorsome of the funnest days I had, my love for Key ite moments of both High School and Key Club, Club was born here and as well as my love for and I hope you consider joining, and embarking Key Club Merchandise. on your own Key Club adventure. From DCON and on I have had even greater — Anthony Ontiveros | Publicist moments in Key Club such as OTC (Officer Training Conference) in which I was able to see more of our Region, which consists of 7 Divisions (D30S


Hello guys, it’s me, Huy. I’m here again for another special event that happened wayyy back in November . We all know this, It’s Fall Rally.

mates( You never know;)). You not only can see them but you can also talk to them and understand them better as a person and a Key clubber. I personally think that Fall Rally was a sucThere’s pros and cons about Fall Rally. The only cessful event and most joyful moment since I con that it has Is that I have to wake up really joined Key club. It was one of the unforgettable early in the morning to show up for the bus. If not, event that I have in my high school career. the bus will leave me so I have to for once in my life. — Huy Nguyen | Spirit Coordinator It was a nice Saturday of November when every division in CNH gather together for this wonderful and fantastic event at Six Flags. Mountain. When we first arrived, there were a lot of Key Clubbers from different regions from Nevada, NorCal, Hawaii. It was nice meeting all of the passionate and spirited students from different states and socialize with them. The greatest part of the whole trip is the spirit section where we as division 30 south untied to cheer our hearts out showing our passion and spirit to our opponent's. We compete within our region, region 3., which composed of Us, Anaheim district, Garden grove, and other school districts. I had a great time there at Six Flags Mountain with all the rides. I would recommend you to go to Fall Rally because you will see all new faces that you have never seen before from other divisions who might be your friends or even your soul-


Why You Should In all seriousness, key club is unexplainable. Club during club rush. Everything could happen It is inaudible and unseeable. Although you may with only a one decision. This could even not be able to hear, touch, smell, see, nor taste it, change your whole perspectives. you can feel it. Not physically, but internally. Moreover, joining key club isn’t al about Some people say that joining key club is you. This organization is also part of a big like joining a cut. Some thinks that key club is change across the whole world. We conserve mostly all about socialization, and some believe nature, help our community, and we provide difthat key club I just a waste of time. ferent materials for those who are in need. We were also part of thirst project and other UNICEF Although some people think negatively of organizations that definitely helps everyone. this organization, I myself, believe that key club is one of the best association I have ever encounFurthermore, if you worry about your future tered. Like mentioned by countless people, you and your academics, no worries because Key will never know until you find out. And this is why I Club lets you apply for scholarships for FREE. Just think you should join key club. It is because our meet some certain requirements, an you will be opinions does not really matter when it comes to able to apply for a scholarship!. Also, it is part of your own preferences. What do we know? May- your high school essentials to get 40 hours of be you’ll actually like key club. Maybe joining it is community service. And as a matter of fact, Key actually not a waste of time. And maybe one club have 12 million+ hours of service! Lastly, Key day, you’ll be one of those who promotes Key Club is an international club that is represented in


d Join Key Club these other Key Club from different schools. There are also two big district events that includes all the Key Clubbers from California, Nevada, and Resultantly, with Key Club, if you get a cer- Hawaii. That is Fall Rally and DCON. They are fun tain requirement from freshmen to senior year, events and so many people attend. I met a lot you are able to get either a cord, medal, or a people from Key Club and made some new stole, which you can use during graduation. You friends too. Though, I am still shy and awkward I can show them off, and let them know that you think I was able to be more social because of are proud to be a Key Club member! Key Club. 35 countries, which means meeting different key clubbers all around the world I not impossible.

— Farrah Ermeje | Historian

Key Club also recognizes you if you worked and volunteered to a lot of events. They also offer scholarships. Becoming a board member for Key Club teaches you a lot about leadership and working in a team. Not only that, but you get to I joined Key Club when I was first a freshman, and I never regretted that decision because Key bond with your other board members. club has shaped me to where I am today. That Don’t be ever too shy or afraid to join Key sounds pretty cheesy, but it’s true. Key club pro- Club. We may seem like a cult to some other vides so many opportunities. It is not just a club people, but really there is a lot to miss out if you where you can get community service hours to don’t join Key Club. It is also never too late to join graduate. unless you graduate high school, so join now! AtKey club is an international club. Most high schools have a Key Club. There are several events, mainly DCM’s, where you can meet

tend the events you see that we publicize! — Danica Lopez | Bulletin Editor


Club Rush Prep On Saturday, August 3rd, all of the board members gathered together at one person’s house and we made preparations for club rush. We also had a mini bonding through a potluck.

back of the bottle caps, we attached pins to them.

The third item we made were clothespins. We used markers to write Key Club on them and We had our potluck before starting the the Western Key Club Instagram. We also made preparation, so that we had energy to get stickers. On the stickers some board members through the day. The board members and I ate a drew cute pictures on them and put the location lot of food and had conversations with each oth- of the meetings. er. The food we ate was pizza, fettuccine, pad Any of the work we weren’t able to comthai, etc. After we were finished eating and full, plete, some board members offered to bring we began prepping for club rush. them home to complete them. We had an enThe materials we needed to make were joyable time making preparaposters, stickers, pins, frames, etc. On the posters tions for the club and bonding we painted a sun and put the location and time with each other. of the meetings, to inform students where they — Vicky vu | Vice President would be held. For the posters, we also made them pretty and eye catching to make students want to read the poster. The second item we made were pins. We got bottle caps and painted them yellow and orange. After that we drew designs on them related to Key Club. Then on the


Board Bonding The Board Kayaking was an amazing experience to share with my fellow officers. We were under the beach sun and the whole event was a blast to bond with my board. We rented kayaks and we were in groups in which we have to know interesting facts about them by the end of the trip. There were many games and shenanigans we played with each other. We would race each other, talk about our days, get all our kayaks together just to take a group picture with each other. The day was filled and ups and downs since my phone broke due to the enormous amount of splashing water in our kayaks. The ziplock did not help our phones whatsoever. The kayaks really brought out the crazy out of people as one of the officers fell overboard and almost tipped over the kayak I

was in. I was also going insane since I wanted to go really fast and started paddling like a maniac. Right after our kayaking experience, we got on the sand and took more pictures which truly showed me the amount of joy this bonding gave to everyone as their smiles were captured. We then ate at a location where many restaurants were and we even bonded more by asking everyone their interests. It was a board bonding but it was also just friends having fun and hanging out. I couldn't for an even better board. Yes, my phone did break in the process but the whole day sharing memories can overlook that. This board bonding was by far the best and I'm glad to share it with wholesome people and friendly environment. — Allen Sia | Historian


August DCM August DCM was full of fun activities that everyone could participate in. The DCM was a joint DCM with division D 30N, our division sister. The DCM took place at La Mirada high school. The DCM theme was Disney, we all really bonded and had a good time singing karaoke. The DCM also had an opportunity for you to bond with other people that you may or may not know by creating a choreographed skit to a Disney song of your choice. We got to decorate socks which were donated. During the Karaoke we session

one of our members, Valerie Tan, had an emotional break down as she was touched by the song, Do You Want To Build A Snowman. It was a very fun DCM! This DCM was definitely one of my favorite DCMs I've been to this term! I really recommend you to attend one of the DCMs this year because every DCM is a fun time and you get at least an hour of community service! hope to see you at the next DCM!

On August 17th, I attended August DCM. The theme of this month’s DCM was Singing with Disney Stars, so we were going to be singing Disney karaoke together and doing lip-sync battles to Disney songs. There was also going to be a service project involving making non-slip socks for hospital children. This DCM was a little different because it was jointed with D30N.

After the DCMs, we started making the nonslip socks using puffy paint. We got into groups and drew cute designs on the bottom of the socks with the puffy paint. We were able to make many pairs of socks. Food was also being sold to support PTP, so I was also able to eat spam musubi and drink boba.

The DCM was held at La Mirada High School. Once everyone was there, we started with fun icebreakers together, including a rock-paperscissors game. After that, the two divisions held their DCMs separately.

— Arena Hernandez | Spirit Coordinator

Once the service project was over, we all got together in the front of the stage. The projector screen was up and a laptop was out. We started singing together to Disney Karaoke videos on YouTube. In between songs, groups would present their lip-sync skit. They were all really funny and entertaining.

During our DCM, Western was in for a special treat. We were recognized as the 1st Shining Overall, I really enjoyed this DCM because of Club of the Month! I was extremely proud of my the theme. I would definitely recommend going club because we have shown our dedication if this theme ever reoccurs! and hard work throughout the term and truly de— Maile Kobayashi | Publicist served the recognition.


Club Rush This year’s club rush was officially my last one from all my high school years. I will miss having to recruit members and yelling at the top of my lungs just to get the people’s attention. I haven’t been going around signing up for clubs ever since freshman year. The rest of my three years consisted of me being in different club booths to help publicize. August 28 and 29 were the two days that club rush occurred. It flew by really quick. Though, it was stressful with planning and making a checklist, I was happy to see people signing up. Club Rush Day 1 was a bit hectic as I didn’t know what to expect. Some of the board members came to help and support. I made a task chart for each and every one of them. Some helped passed out stickers, pins, and candy. Some helped with educating the people and if they needed any questions. Some used the picture frames and helped get people to take a picture with it. Some went around the campus and publicized key club. The rest did all the cheering and yelling to get the students’ attention. There were a lot of “how do you feel’s”, “weather report”, as well as the remix one too. In day 1, we successfully were able to obtain 115 sign ups.

Club Rush Day 2 was a bit more chill as we were able to adjust to what were the cons yesterday. We had two tables for both days of course. We had a table for the pins, stickers, candy, trifold, and signups. The other table had all the merchandise from different divisions to help the people understood that Key Club isn’t just yellow and suns. There are different colors and mascots. The students need to know that Key Club is more international. There were a lot of support for both days from LTG, Ali Al-Saleem, DLT board members, club board members, and even general members helped to cheer! The last day of club rush week was a competition between the clubs and Key Club was able to win the competition. It was a great turn out as the general members helped compete from the balloon game to the pulse game. I would like to thank everyone that went to sign up though. I really appreciate it and I hope that key club will be their club <3. Overall, we were able to obtain 235 sign ups. Although I am a bit upset that it’s a lower amount than last year. I hope a good amount of people are willing to stay!! — Khrystal Contreras | President


Kiwanis Memorial On August 24th, 2019, my fellow board members Danica, Lexi, and I attended a memorial service for Mr. Irv, a Kiwanis member who recently passed away. What we did was we passed out order forms for boxes of apples to people that attended the service to raise money for Kiwanis. The event coordinator told us about how Mr. Irv would always hold apple fundraisers while he was still alive and used the funds to help contribute to his community. I thought that this was very touching and thoughtful for someone to organize this fundraiser in behalf of Mr. Irv. There were many people at his memorial service. In addition to friends and family, there were also many Kiwanis members. It was very astounding to see this because I was able to see how many people he reached out to and has impacted. Also, while the service was going on, as people made speeches to him and sang songs for him, I could see how much they loved and respected him. I thought that he is an amaz-


ing man. Going back to the event, this event really made me step out of my comfort zone. I did sign up for this event on a whim and had a few regrets because I was super anxious; however, I survived and did fine. This was a new experience for me, since it was firsthand advertising to people, and confronting them first. If you know me, I am not the type to approach people. However, this event made me suck up my fears and face them head on. I approached people and gave them the order forms as bravely as I could! The event was not as scary as I thought it would be. After I got the hang of handing out papers, I was less nervous and did my best at the job! I believe that going to events like this one will help you learn so many things; you will learn a lot from the people you meet, and the experience that you gain from volunteering. — Tiffany Castillo | Historian

Slippery Free Zone Slippery Free Zone was an Event created by Western Key Club on August 25th, 2019 from 9:00 - 10:30. This event required volunteers from our local home club to create non slippery socks for children at CHOC Hospital. This event took place at Twila Reid Park and Western Key Club was able to make an abundant amount of pairs for the many kids at CHOC. Slippery Free Zone was a fun little nod to the theme of August which was about children education. By serving children in any way possible I’m happy to say we accomplished a lot in this event. The event ran exactly how it should and it ran swiftly as the wind.

Some of the tasks included using puffy paint on regular socks in which we applied the puffy paint to the socks in order to create those bumps. Volunteers created any positive or artsy design they desired and used a variety of colors making each pair unique/different. After all the socks were done and puffy paint were all used up we organized the pairs on a separate table. After that volunteers picked up any remaining trash or liter near our vicinity cleaning up the messes. Volunteers were then free to go or hang out and stay to watch the socks. The tasks weren’t hard and many volunteers had a fun time participating In the event. I think this event did well In that aspect because It put less overall stress in the volunteers.

My personal experience at this event was a positive. I never really made non slippery socks before so it was a good experience to learn how to do such things. It was also a nice time to relax and chat with friends while working on various socks. To me this event was successful because we managed to accomplish our task in a productive manner. Volunteers were also able to donate any of the resources needed in order to make this event possible. As project chair I was happy to see the event from start to finish and see the amazing products our home club came up with. Though there were issues like a bird hitting a pole and blacking out, I’m much more obliged to say that the bird just wanted to watch our hard working volunteers serve the community. Would I ever do this service project again? Yes but I think I would incorporate some other things that could be related to the use of paints or socks. I enjoyed the non stressful environment and it was overall very easy to do for everyone with little hassle. This event didn’t require much resources so it made planning the event very easy. Overall the atmosphere of the whole event was relaxed/peaceful. I enjoyed participating in this event and hopefully I could also incorporate some new things along the way. — Nicholas Dinh | Project Chair


Slippery Free Zone (cont.) This event was our August service project event, planned by our lovely Project Chair and Vice President! (Nicholas Dinh, my son, and Vicky Vu, the love of my life) Like all the other service project events, it relies on donations to work, so please donate things that are needed for the event.

I really enjoyed this event! It took place in Twila Reid Park, which is 5 minutes away from Western. We painted the bottoms of socks with puffy paint. I really like doing activities that involve art/creative designing! The puffy paint we used was in a skinny bottle marker? So, all you had to do was squeeze the paint out, and you could use it like a pen. The sock designs I made were pretty basic though…I just did dots lol.


These non-slippery socks we made were donated to a local hospital for children, so I hope that they will appreciate what we made. Overall, I had a great time. I always like coming out to service project events made by Nicholas Dinh and Vicky Vu, because they are always relaxing! Most of them have been diy too, so don’t be afraid to come! We will show you how to make these things, so do not worry! To end this, I would like to thank our newest Key Clubber, Richard Nguyen for attending! And also to everyone else for making it fun. finitely recommend going if this theme ever reoccurs! — Lexi Sitthydeth | Member Recognition

Thank you for all your hard work


September Events



Quiz! Earn one hour service by answering All questions. Hint: Read the article

1. What is Key Club? 2. Which region is our division a part of? 3. What website will help you learn more about Key Club?


leaderboard Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D


NAMEVu | __ hours Vicky | 53.5 hours


Tam Nguyen | 50.5 hours



Anshu Bagga, Naomi Petlacalco , Sammi Yeung |


Edison Wong | 43.5 hours


Huy Nguyen | 42.5 hours

48 hours

Aug Member of the Month

Tina Tran

She has been very active over the past month by attending our events...and not just our DCM’s. I hope that she will keep continuing her hard work and dedication towards Key Club as a key clubber. - Lexi | Member Rec


Featuring one of our publicists….

Maile Kobayashi



1. What has been your experience so far as a publicist? So far, I love my job. Making flyers lets me be creative and take a break from school work. 2. What is your goal for this term? My goal for this term is to meet new people. 3. What do you love about Key Club? I like that Key Club allows me to give back to my community in fun ways. 4. What is one of your favorite moments in Key Club? One of my favorite moments in Key Club was volunteering at the Riverbed Farm over the summer.

5. What’s your foot size? My foot size is US women's 7.5 (weirdos...) 6. Tell us about your dog! . My French bulldog's name is Kuma! She loves peanut butter and is very lazy. 7. What do you do during your free time? During my free time I like to watch Disney movies and sleep. 8. Lastly, how do you feel? I FEEL GOOD OH I FEEL SO GOOD OH I FEEL FINE ALL OF THE TIME A-BOOGA A-BOOGA A-BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA


Featuring one of our historians….

Farrah Ermeje ⟡

1. What has been your experience so far as a historian? My experience as a historian has been superb!! One of the best decision I have ever done.^^ 2. What is your goal for this term? My goal for this term is to help key club as much as I can, and to shape my perspective into a whole new different level. 3. What do you love about Key Club?

I love everything about key club! From people to events. 4. What is one of your favorite moments in Key Club? My favorite moments in key club are board meetings because it is the time where we all get to share our opinions and perspective to each other. 5. Who’s your K-POP bias? My K-Pop bias.... CHIM CHIM OFCOURSE. My oppa Jimin. <3 <3 6. What's your hobby? My hobby is playing tennis, and do some random stuff like watching videos, playing video games, or work with arts and crafts. 7. What's your go to boba order?

My go to boba order is Jazmine milk tea ofc. hehe. 8. Lastly, how do you feel? Lastly, how do I feel? I FEEL GOOD OH I FEEL SO GOOD. And I'm going to feel great if you, my keyutie key clubbers will join me on some key club events.


Board Info !



Vice President

Khrystal Contreras

Vicky Vu



(657) 226-7150

(714) 585-0443



Ivy Vi

Kathy Tu



(714) 725-5136

(714) 926-9392

Project Chair

Bulletin Editor

Member Rec

Nicholas Dinh

Danica Lopez

Lexi Sitthydeth




(714) 353-3655

(714) 797-8840

(714) 718-8472




Tiffany Castillo

Allen Sia

Farrah Ermeje




(714) 886-0659

(702) 470-4469

(714) 805-3253


Spirit Coordinator

Maile Kobayashi

Huy Nguyen



(714) 351-1256

(714) 725-1403


Spirit Coordinator

Anthony Ontiveros

Arena Hernandez

anthony.onti2475@gmail.com (951) 565-6897




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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.