Western High School Key Club 2020-2021 | June Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2020

Contents 04 President’s Greetings

05 Editor’s Note 06 Goal Tracker 07 FreeRice 08-09 Growing Each Day Service Week

10-11 OTC/June DCM 12 All The Reasons I Love My Dad 13 Nightmare on Book Corner 14 Western May Newsletter Reflection 15 Division Newsletter 16 Service Hour Leaderboard 17 Board Member Spotlight 18 July Calender 19 Wear Your Masks 20-21 Board Info

Hey KEYuties!! I hope you guys are doing well and staying safe. The 2020-2021 term marks my final year in Key Club! It's amazing how fast the years flew by and I can still remember attending my first service event as a nervous freshman. I hope that I will be able to spend the term with you guys in person when it's safe to. A quarter of the term has passed already and time is going by SO quickly even though we are doing service at home! Although the term isn't going according to plan due to COVID-19, that's okay! I'm extremely proud of everyone and everything we were able to accomplish this month! Let's work hard together and make the best out of the rest of the term. I hope to see you guys engaging in more events and having fun! Thank you for making the adjustments to transition to online events! I am here for you to give any advice, if you have any questions or concerns, Key Club related or not. Please stay safe and wear your masks, so that I can see all of you guys soon! Western Key Club, I LOVE you so much.

SUNcerely, Vicky Vu President 2020-2021


Hi there! How has your summer been? It sucks to be spending your it at home, but I genuinely hope you all are still making the best of it. It’s super easy to get carried away spending your days watching silly TikToks, scrolling through your dry Instagram feed, watching Netflix, and whatever else you might be wasting your brain cells on at home. However, this is time you will never get back. So I hope you are bettering yourself in any way possible, just like how Western Key Club continues ways to help our community during these times. So far, I’ve been really enjoying my eventful summer. I’ve been spending my time hiking, thrifting, and rewatching Glee when I’m at home. Don’t worry, I’m always wearing a mask in public and maintaining distance. Despite the quarantine, continuing to serve for our community lights that spark in these dark times. I hope you are all doing well, staying safe, and especially taking care of yourselves. Enjoy!

Yours Truly, Tina Tran



Thank you for all your hard work!

Throughout the whole month of June, Western Key Club provided a new and entertaining activity to gain easy service hours to anyone who was interested. Freerice is a free-to-play website, (Anyone can also download the app) where players pretty much play the multiple choice game, and for every question they answer correctly, it donates 10 grains of rice for families in need. So far, this has been one of my all-time favorite community service events because it’s super simple, and in the end it’s useful. It’s more of an English vocabulary/word game. Once you’re playing, it gives you the choice to choose a language, and play the game by translating it in English. I personally always change it to Spanish, that way I learn the right translation, and sometimes I even learn new words. Not only are you helping your community, but yourself as well. During this quarantine, time seems to go by really fast, and eventually everything you do gets boring at some point. Which is why, playing these games keep me busy and away from being bored. Danna Ramirez

‘20-’21 Publicist


Celeste Amorim ‘20-’21 Secretary

This month we had a Service week called Growing Each Day Service Week. Each day we had a service project that’s had something to do with helping our environment. On Monday we did Make it Grow Monday , we went around our house and took care of all our plants or gardens whether it be watering the plants or soiling. On Tuesday we had Resourceful Tuesday, to reduce the build up of waste through out the day we tried to recycle as much as we could. On Wednesday we had Sprinkling Awareness Wednesday, to spread awareness of the environment we made graphic designs talking about how we can help our environment and posted them on social media. On Thursday we had Tidy up Tuesday , basically what we did that day was instead of throwing away our old clothes we set them aside robe donated to the ones who need them. On Friday we had Free Paint Friday, what we did hat day was we got a small objects like a water bottle or a small leaf or rock and painted some nice messages on it to help brighten someone’s day. This service week was super fun and it was a great way to help do your part in keeping this earth happy and healthy. I feel like this service week really gave us a chance to realize that even though we’re home and can’t go out as much we can still do our part in helping our community. It may be something snail but something small is better than doing nothing at all.


Kenneth Tran ‘20-’21 Member rec

On Monday, June 15, Western Key Club’s Growing Each Day Service Week initiated and continued until Friday, June 19. In this event, members of Western Key Club would focus on being eco-friendly for the service week. When I participated in this event, I liked how each day we had a different task than the day before, and each task was focused on different platforms, such as hands on activities and digital creation. On Monday, the task was to preserve the nature around our homes, and that was through soiling or watering nearby plants. On Tuesday, we reduced the build up of waste by recycling as many items as we could on that day. Then came Wednesday, on Wednesday we created flyers to spread awareness about the environment and how we could take action to be eco -friendly. Thursday was probably my favorite day of the service week, because it gave me an excuse to clean out my old clothes that I would no longer wear. With my clothes that I cleaned out I would then set it aside to donate to those that need it, rather than throwing it away. On Friday we were to find objects to spread a positive message on. I really liked the service week that we had, and I hope that we will have more for each and every month for this term.


On Saturday, June 20th, the Officer Training Conference, or OTC for short had occurred on a Zoom call involving all of the divisions from Region 3 which included our division (Division 30 South), Division 30 North, Division 4 South, Division 4 Central, Division 4 East, Division 19 South, Division 4 West, and Division 4 North. We also had a special guest who used to be the Lieutenant Governor of Division 30 North and is now currently the District Treasurer, Yena Suh.

The conference was full of officers from not just different divisions, but also from different schools. First, the Lieutenant Governors introduced themselves of who they are, which divisions were they from, and explained the rules and different workshops we can choose to go to. The LTGs from each division were then split up into pairs to explain a certain concept that is given to them, explaining the different moralities and responsibilities of being a Key Club officer.

Unfortunately, I was unable to join the first session due to my internet connection issue, but luckily, as the conference had paused to a halt midway through their schedule so that everyone can have a lunch break, I managed to come back into the second session that talked about networking. The session was explained by 2 Lieutenant Governors: Vincent Vu (Division 4 East LTG) and Anran Ren (Division 19 South LTG). They explained about Key Club isn’t about gaining popularity, but to incorporate socialization into volunteering events. They also talked about how communication is important into being an officer, and in doing so, it’s necessary to be giving out help to others in need when possible and standing up to facing social fear, like being shy around people you’ve never met.

Their presentations of the way they explain the category of networking went very well as I was actually able to understand the importance of being professional and keeping up with events that are a necessity to accomplish for the club itself. I was able to put down some notes for myself so that I don’t need to forget it the important things to help others out, so Vincent’s and Anran’s tips and advice so far were very useful for networking.

Douglas Lam

‘20-’21 Historian


Kevin Nguyen ‘20-’21 Spirit Coordinator

On July 25th, the June DCM was created live on YouTube. During this event we discussed about the old and new businesses as well as the shining clubs of the month. After the announcements were over we were assigned to specific break rooms and got to play Kahoot. During the Kahoot that Nathan Mai created the game was guess that song and was quite nostalgic. The event was pretty fun and I got to interact with some people. I wasn’t that good at answering the questions but I did give it my all. Me and my friend were pretending to be each other and competed to see who would get a higher score, and of course I obviously won. Overall the DCM was good, there weren’t that many technical issues. I’m definitely positive that other members/guests enjoyed this event and had a good time playing Kahoot.


All the Reasons I Love My Dad was a service project created by western key club that focused on giving thanks to those who served as our fathers whether it be biological, step, uncle, or anyone else who was there for that person. The idea of the project was to list reasons as to why you love that person and create this appealing craft to go along with it serving as a gift. This project was to be turned in on Sunday obviously Father’s Day at 11:59 through our submit form. It was a holiday service project that focus on creativity and appreciation that may have not shown assistance to the community but assistance to those who been helping us through thick and thin. It was a joy to create this service project that could give inspiration to our volunteers in the many ways they can help out. Volunteers had to use a variety of materials to create this craft. In a general sense, it was a sticky note popsicle. Meaning multiple popsicle sticks were mended together and strung with different colors along with a sticky note on the surface. From there the creator could have free reign on what they wanted to do with it naturally listing reasons and decorating. However not everyone has access to these sticks so some had to improvise with other necessary means

When I was working on putting out a service project for the month of June I was given a slight late notice that I were to create 3 service projects with one being done. Nonetheless I was able to create a formula to help with this task. To much of my dismay similar to the krabby patty formula, I cannot day due to the possibility of planktons lurking about. But let’s just say I had a goal. I wanted to do something special that helps out volunteers. Yes free rice and all those other websites are great but, during this time our number one priority should be ourselves. To make sure we are healthy and mentally stable. For if we were to only lookout for others it makes it more difficult to look after ourselves. We not only serve but we do. We do what is necessary and what better way to set this example then helping someone you love. A smile can do many things for our world. You can catch it like the flu. Someone smiled at me and I started smiling too. I came to realize that smile can go along way. Such a curve can say this such a curve can say that. But based on how you react, a smile will come fast. We can help with labor, we can help with plans, we can help in so many ways it’s just helps. However when a simple smile is what you come across. I believe your job has already been made into applesauce.

- Nicholas Dinh ‘20-’21 Vice President


Maile Kobayashi ‘20-’21 Treasurer


Nightmare on Book Corner was a fun service project revolving around making homemade bookmarks for ourselves. I really enjoyed this event because I am an avid reader, especially over the summer, and personally misplace my bookmarks often. To complete this event, all you had to do was go to the link we provided to get the full walkthrough with reference pictures to complete your bookmarks. They were simple instructions and the best part was that you could make them whatever you wanted to! The instructions featured monster-themed bookmarks, hence the name of the service project. We made the maximum amount of bookmarks 5. The project was made up of cutting out pieces of paper and simple folding. They were also easy to manipulate into any of your own ideas and themes that you wanted. For me, I made my bookmarks as animals and completed the max amount of bookmarks within 2 hours. Although that seems like a long time, it goes by very fast (and I also took more time because I added additional details such as ears and teeth) and is very calming, that you don’t even realize that you’re dedicating much time to this project. I would definitely recommend that anyone work on this service project because it’s simple and fun. It definitely gave me a much-needed break from my phone and was relaxing to complete. It’s something new and will keep you busy if you’re ever bored in the house!


During the month of June, it was finally my time as a bulletin editor of Western Key Club to shine and complete my duty of publishing our first newsletter of the ’20-’21 term. Which was based on a reflection of the month of May. Since it was my first ever newsletter, I was most definitely bound to experience a lot of mistakes, frustration, confusion, and even indecision. What made it more difficult for me was my perfectionism as I wanted our first newsletter to be memorable yet eyecatching to set an unforgettable first impression. I think the most difficult part was essentially starting the newsletter. Unsure with what to even include in it to make it the most engaging as it can be. After contacting my predecessors Danica Lopez and her predecessor Winzel Payumo. Reading past newsletters also really helped to give me a reference of what I should include. Ultimately, I came to a conclusion that this is my creation and I’m the author of not only a newsletter, but representing Western KC’s progression and success. There is also no correct way to complete a newsletter. Now that I have something to look back on, I can explore my style, aesthetic, and skill. Knowing that many people enjoyed the newsletter continues my motivation for my tasks. Reflecting on my efforts, for my first newsletter ever, I think I did the most exceptional completion I could. I look forward to improve not only my completion time, but my artistic skills and ideas. I appreciate everyone who helped me along the way and hope to make more newsletters to help with the engagement of our club!




Maile Kobayashi | 62.9 hours

Tina Tran | 56.25.hours

Vicky Vu | 41.2 hours

Nicholas Dinh | 31.65 hours

Celeste Amorim | 29.66 hours



⟡ Featuring our Vice President,


1. What has been your experience so far as a vice president? One of the best experiences I have as Vice President is being able to find new ways to adapt to our new situation. It’s not every term where the whole idea of community service and reaching out to the community has been figment to a new method of service. So being Vice President, spear heading that sort of change with new resourceful ideas have me so much inspiration to really make our club great.


2. What are you looking forward to for this term? I really want this term to keep up its productivity that it had last year and rather expand on that to further our platform by getting more hours in. At the end of the day we are all about service and if we can’t uphold our standard of service then we aren’t doing our job. This is exactly why I am pushing towards making it one of our best terms in recent years. 3. What is one of your favorite memories in Key Club? My favorite memory of key club must of been all the bonding and socials we did as a club together. It’s that sense of sticking with one another and we’re in this together that really drives our goals. I can forget so many service events I went to but I can never forget the memories I created with those people during my time in key club. 4. How’s your summer so far? For many others and those who are obeying those social distancing skills, I say it could of been a lot more satisfying if I accomplished many of my goals I had planned. I wanted to get my license this summer but now I have to wait for an extended period of time to get an appointment. After that I was planning to look for a part time job but without a proper way of transportation I can’t. I planned on spending time outside doing so many lovely things but those dreams ended when the reality of it was, it was the opposite. 5. What title would you give this chapter in your life? If I wrote a long novel, an autobiography if you could say and it chaptered the significant points in my life. I would say this would be called “The unexpected expected” which may sound like an oxymoron but that’s why they are called oxymorons and not contradictions. I didn’t expect a pandemic to arrive in the summer of my junior year. Nor did I expect it to affect us this badly. However I expected this would happen the moment it was spreading. 5. Tell us a joke! So a farmer sends his son off to college. One year later the boy returns back to the farm after his first year in college to enjoy his summer. One night when the to were having dinner, the old time farmer asked his son, “Son I sent you to some fancy smart school and paid for it with all my crop money, to show me it’s making you smart say something smart to me.” The boy shakes his head as if he couldn’t believe he was heading this and says, “No dad really it’s fine I don’t need to say anything.” The father replied saying, “Oh yes you do! I sent you to that school to learn now say something smart.” The boy shrugged his shoulders and stuttered, saying “Uh fine, Pie r 2.” The father’s face grew red, his eyes widened, and his faced scrunched up like a wrapper and shouted. “You dumb kid! Pie are not square! They are round.” 6. Lastly, how do you feel? I feel good oh I feel so good. I feel fine, all of the time. A booga a booga a booga booga booga.
















Wash & Wipe Wash & Wipe Wash & Wipe Service Week Service Week Service Week

Kiwanis Meeting

Wash & Wipe Service Week

July DCM




Kiwanis Meeting

Charity Miles



Kiwanis Meeting





16 Kiwanis Meeting









Wash & Wipe Service Week

Donate A Photo







(714) 585-0443

(714) 353-3655

celesteamorim680@gmail.com (714) 576-3006


maipanda212@gmail.com (714) 351-1256

tinatran440@yahoo.com (714) 705-3724

KennethTran1478@gmail.com (714) 874-6674



(657) 271-5311

(657) 500-9392



(714) 769-5534

(714) 909-3363

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