Western High School Key Club 2019-2020 | June Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH Volume: 8, Issue: 3

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2019




I. Introduction 04

Greetings Letter


Editor’s Note

II. Past Events 06

H.O.P.E. Food Distribution x2


Riverbed Farm


Officer Training Conference


Kiwanis Flag Day


Visions Meeting / Bonding


June DCM: Driver Safekey


OC Pride Parade


Serving the People


OC Food Bank

III. Miscellaneous 18

Goal Tracker


July Events


Service Hour Survey


Member of the Month


Service Hour Leaderboard


Board Member Spotlight


Board Information


Hello Sunshines, Reflecting back in this month, I had many moments of staying at home, volunteering, and trying new things. I met new people in the process and loved every moment of it. There were also times where I didn’t want to leave the house nor did I want to do anything. While there are people that had an adventurous month, I was pretty satisfied with a laidback and chill month. It’s honestly okay to have those type of summer. As long as you are happy, it is considered a summer vacation. Positive minds only!! Anyways, the thing about June for this key club term is that it was the time for others to take the time to volunteer and get settled in for the upcoming big events such as club rush and fall rally. Things just happen so fast that we should cherish what we have right now. In relation to that, don’t be afraid to talk to me or any of the board members. We welcome any and will be delighted to make new friends. For instance, I am actually amazed on how in just one step whether it be volunteering or joining a social event, it can change their whole perspective. From a stranger to a friend. Therefore, I highly encourage you guys to start being involved if you haven’t already. It’s never too late!!

- Warm regards, Khrystal Contreras


’ Hello there, I hope your summer has been going great so far! For June, we still had several volunteer opportunities and we are grateful to those who took their time out to volunteer. Anyways, we are at our 3rd newsletter. For this month’s one service hour opportunity, we have a survey instead of a puzzle. It will help us determine what you want so please check that out. Enjoy!

- Danica Lopez


H.O.P.E Food . Senior citizens are one of many mesmerizing things on earth. Without them, our surroundings won’t be how it is right now. Without them, our technology won’t be the same. Showing gratitude to what they have done is the best way to make them feel that they are appreciated, and one way to do so is to help them with their everyday necessities. Hope food distribution is one out of countless circumstances where our seniors receive some food like breads, fruits, pizzas, etc. Volunteering to this event is like providing them with their needs. Different schools like Oxford, Magnolia, and other key clubs around the place chose to do this type of events too, that’s why it is also a great event for a socialization. I, myself, personally thinks that this event is excellent, and more people should participate in. It is productive, and it gives me a chance to talk to elderly people. Another reason why I think this event is good is because it thought me different things about adulthood. For example, I was working on the fruits section, and while we were preparing the foods, we had to remove the rotten oranges to the good ones. I think this is essential when it comes to our dieting, because if I buy some oranges, or go picking, I am able to pick the right one properly. Lastly, the reason why I really like this event is because it makes me realize how grateful I should be that I am able to buy whatever cuisine I want, and whenever I want. Students should volunteer Just like how made friends, they might be able to make friends too. What do we know, right? We won’t know what will happen until we do it.


As a conclusion, volunteering o this type of event will not only be helpful to our elderly, but it’ll also provide us new friends and an additional service hours. If you would like to volunteer, Western high school key club is having this event two times a month. Just ask our officials to sign you up, and you will be good to go!

— Farrah Ermeje | Historian

bank This is another time Western Key Club volunteers at Hope food distribution. This time, Oxford Academy also volunteered with us making it more excited for us to volunteer. Our task was to serve the low income families fresh produce and food that they might not be able to get. Before the event started, we had free time to talk to each other about our Key Club experience and our passion. As the time passed by, we got to serve our community the necessities that they need on daily basis. Throughout the event, we laughed at each other’s jokes and talked to the event coordinator about Hope foods. During this event, we were talking as we distributed the food so It wasn’t stressful at all even though it was my first time volunteering. The event coordinator was so nice and we just played around with him and worked. However, when the event started, he was on his game directing us what to do and where to go. We made friends with other Key Club from different schools. At the end, we cleaned the tables and put the left over produce back.

After the event ended, I personally made more friends and expanded my circle more because they are friendly and nice. Hope foods was a huge success because we were able to directly help out our community and have more companions with us in Key Club journey. We also got closer to our beloved Oxford key club and helped our community get better. Hope foods did not only bring me closer to the community that I live in; it also helped me make a lot of friends that have the same passion of serving our community. — Huy Nguyen | Spirit Coordinator


Riverbed The Riverbed Farm is an amazing volunteer experience that teaches the amazing concepts of hydroponics and the responsibilities of running a farm. The farm is ran by volunteers and uses donations given to them. It is a non-profit farm and benefits the environment as everything used in the farm are natural. The plants uses the fertilized water which is taken out of the fishes tanks and that makes the plants grow while making the fishes tanks cleaner. I got to volunteer with my home club and it was a great way to start my morning. The work wasn’t hard but there are certain ones that require a little bit more of manpower. I got to be historian for this event and I enjoyed documenting the experiences with my camera. Everyone was having fun as they were either feeding the animals that were in the farm or just taking a break and petting them.


At first, everyone was resistant to use their hands as the water was basically fish poop, but we ended up doing so. We realized that this way of fertilizing is the healthiest and cleanest way. We were planting many flowers and vegetables and supplying the others with water that needed more. The host even gave us some plants that were edible and even though I can only imagine them being in a salad, I wouldn’t be the type of

guy to put it in my salad. I found it really cool that some flowers were edible though, I can tell new recipes can be made with them. Overall, my experience in this volunteer event was very unique. Though most volunteer works need strength and fast work, this added the aspect that being gentle is key of making things efficient. Everyone was very enthusiastic and it’s a great way to bond with people as you work together. I would definitely go to this volunteer event again. — Allen Sia | Historian

d Farm On June 4th, I volunteered at the Riverbed Farm in Anaheim. It was my first time going there, so I was really excited because I loved getting my hands dirty and heard there were chickens residing there. The event was four hours long, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. I had no idea how tired I would be after four hours of nonstop work.

that were promised, but also River the dog, and Bing Bong’s other half Bobo the cat. They were all really friendly and let us pet and play with them in between tasks.

Later on, we got rid of unwanted roots, etc. in the soil by using our hands. Although it was soil fertilized with fish waste, it didn’t bother me very It was hard to find the Riverbed Farm at first much. It was actually very fun. Once that was because it was nestled within an alleyway. Once finished, we planted tons of onions in the soil. I did find it, I immediately noticed the animals. A The closest thing we got to a snack break was cat was walking around the front in the parking getting to try two types of flowers that they grew lot. It had a collar on, so I assumed it was from at the Riverbed Farm. They both had very differthe neighborhood, just wandering about. But we ent flavors. The first flower tasted very bland at later found out it was Bing Bong, one of the two the beginning, but had a spicy aftertaste! I never cats living at the Riverbed Farm! It put on a show thought that I would ever get to eat a flower, let for us as we waited, chasing the many squirrels alone a spicy flower. I didn’t even know flowers taunting it. could have such flavor! The second flower was We got to work immediately, carrying out very sour, similar to eating a lemon, but not sweet tasks in two groups. In my group, I was with Khrys- at all. tal, Vicky, and Cindy for most of the time. The The Riverbed Farm offered so much that I was four of us were tasked with pulling celery out of not originally expecting. It was so productive, for the soil. We learned that the soil was made of we worked nonstop doing fun work. The staff was rocks and sediment combined with the water the super friendly and funny and the animals that fish lived in, fertilized with the fish waste. The celroamed the farm were gentle and sweet. It was ery was difficult to get out, surprisingly. It took all definitely one of my favorite volunteering events four of us to get out the larger ones. The person in this month. I would recommend going to this charge taught us that it helped to grunt while doevent if you don’t mind being outside getting in ing it, which was actually really funny when he the dirt and are an animal lover. did it. We then stored the celery away. —- Maile Kobayashi | Publicist We were able to not only see the chickens


On June 8th, Region 3 officers met together at Santiago HS for OTC (Officer Training Conference). The event was hosted by 7 our lovely Region 3 LTGs with special thanks to Kiwanis, Region 3 Advisors, Circle K SAAs & Chaperones.

made. I checked in and received a scavenger hunt involving nine different task such as hitting the woah with two LTGs, and take a selfie with a LTG. While completing the scavenger hunt I was able to meet new people such as all 7 Region 3 LTGs, D30N EA Ian Britton, and D04E Vincent Vu, who I had not seen since DCON 2019.

Soon after checking in we were all treated to a motivational speech filled with a story that will make anyone crack a smile. After We were all treated to lunch. After our lunch we headed into the Santiago GYM where the opening session was held. After a Call to order and getting to know our District Goals we headed into our Workshops. During the 1st session I attended the Teamwork workshop hosted by D04N LTG William Hin and IP D04W LTG Josh Hessel. During the workshop I was able to learn how to properly set up a safe bonding and how to communicate Being a first time officer I did not know what to with others on creating a pitch for a certain obexpect. Arriving to Santiago I was scared yet ex- ject. The 2nd session I attended was Public cited. From the parking lot you were able to see Speaking, hosted by D04C LTG Harin Lee. During the many different divisions that made up our re- this workshop I was able to learn more of public gion. Each officer walking into the school supspeaking and how I can improve on it. After the ported their division, by wearing their colors 2nd workshop we headed back into the GYM to proudly. From Red to Purple you could see the attend the Closing Session where the LTGs excolors that made up our region, The Rainbow Re- plained the upcoming events and as well gave out free merch. With that all said and done we gion. said our goodbyes and we wait until our Region 3 On the way to checking in I reunited with some Beach Boomba. of my fellow Division 30 South friends. While talking to them I was able to view people I have — Anthony Ontiveros | Publicist never seen before. From Right to Left there was a new person to be seen and a new friend to be


Kiwanis Flag Day Kiwanis flag day was an event on June 9th, 2019. It’s purpose was to celebrate flag day which involved a type of celebration at a Pearson Park. This event was a Kiwanis event meaning unlike ordinary event this was for the organization that works with Key Club. There were many patriotic decorations of the American Flag but there were a variety of flags at the park. There were flags for specific states, the military, and other meanings. It was a type of event that was more for a celebration than a relative good cause. Already a lot of statins were being set up with a variety of things going on. From the entrance to the event, there were lines of flags lined up along the side walk. Overall there were plenty of things people could do there as a person volunteering or just to see what is going on. Personally to me I never even thought flag day was a big idea but events like this truly appreciate our many flags and what they represent My experience while volunteering at this event was for the most part very peaceful and easy to do. It started off in the bright morning where things were barely getting setting up. This was the first session for volunteers so most of the things we did were jobs like setting up. To start it off we were already familiar with the coordinator and had a lot of fun interacting with them. Yet mainly we began to set up decorations such as red, white and blue lanterns, hats, pendants and more. I also noticed some of my other service members were doing things with flags

as well. After finishing up with decking out our booth we were sent to help another person who was in charge of the concert area. There were stacks of chairs and we had to make organized rows with a certain amount of distance between them. We also had to leave a large path in the middle of the sections. This one took a while since there were definitely a lot of area to cover but we managed to finish it making it look organized. After we finished all of that work we headed back to cool down and regroup with the others. The event lasted about 2 hours and the work was more than enough to satisfy the time. Personally, I would recommend going to this event because it is a Kiwanis event. But really I wouldn’t just go because of that. The event was very well paced and most of the jobs were fun to do. Not only that it didn’t take up my whole day which allowed me to do other things planned. I had a lot of fun doing it with my friends and being it was my first time. The event isn’t too far away and was accessible. Yet I think the main shelter of that event was the location and weather . It was really nice and you don’t get that weather very often. Being at the park in general was also a huge plus.

Thank you!

Though I have my part of my experience and what jobs I did, there are other things volunteers did there that were different from mine. — Nicholas Dinh | Project Chair


Visions Meeting/Bonding At the bonding we had a visionary meeting before, where we discussed the upcoming and past events! afterwards we set up for pizza and cake since it was someone specials birthday! Danica’s birthday was that day, so we surprised her with a cake and confetti poppers. Later on, one we were done eating we decided to go over to the pool to go swimming! originally i didn’t plan on going in so I didn’t bring my appropriate swim attire, but as soon as I saw everyone having fun in the pool… I decided to jump In, in my pants and shirt. It was so worth it but it was very uncomfortable afterwards, when I had to

dry off. The bonding was a great way to bring most of the board together! Although we were missing a few, we had a blast together. I felt so close to them as we talked and laughed together. Our LTG and our division EA joined us too! At the end we all had a tea session to end the day. I'm so glad I got to experience that with my board because we got to learn something new about each other, and it was really happy to see everyone bond!

A visionary meeting is for our club board to set goals of what we need and want to accomplish for the term. This was also joined in with our usual monthly board meeting. However, our LTG, Ali, and division EA, Jennifer, was also with us to listen into. So, first off, we went through the normal board meeting. We discussed about some old events and went through officer reports (which was just briefly updating the other members what’s going on with our life). After that we assigned event chairs for upcoming events. Then we were given our tasks for each position. After that it was the visionary meeting.

have by the end of the term. We discussed how much we need people to volunteer. It is interesting how we always strive to do more than what happened with the previous term, so our goal is high but not to the points its impossible. Then we had a goal for each board member. Personally, my goal is for people to read the newsletter, come up with ways to encourage people to read it, and to stay consistent with working hard.

— Arena Hernandez | Spirit Coordinator

After the meeting, the rest of board members surprised me with a birthday cake. We also had pizza and had a fun time talking to each other. Some people also swam in the pool. Overall, it During that meeting, we set fundraising goals was really fun, and we got to know each other for each charity and project for the division. Then more from our teatime. we also had a goal for service hours we need to


This embarks the third DCM of the term, June: members I have not really converse with and reDriver’s Safekey held at John Marshall Park on ally got to bond with them. Friday, the 21st. Starting off was the DCM as usual Continuing on, we arrive at Driver's Safekey. with many of the latest busy bee updates from There were stations around the area with DLT our Lt. members assigned to lead the activity and teach Governor such as past and future events, shinus a little about the safety of good driving and ing clubs of the month, and monthly recognition how different factors can really affect our perforawards by Division Member Recognition Chair, mance in a sort of stimulation. Many of the activiVicky Lam. I was chosen to speak about my exties did a comparison of doing it normally versus perience for the Anaheim Children’s Art Festival, with a handicap. Seeing how drastically our perwhich was very nerve-wracking for me, but I’m formance can change just from the handicap glad I was pushed for this opportunity. Reflecting shows how valuable safe driver is. It was very inon it, I can say I will be more comfortable talking teresting to see difference facts about teen drivin front of a huge group of people. ing on posters throughout the park. DLT member from Western, Anh Cao was Members also participated in a bracelet makawarded with DLT member of the month for her ing service project as well. It was a very joyous outstanding work in coordinating the several suc- and productive day to which I surely learned cessful fundraisers held so far, we are tremensomething new. dously proud of her! Moving on from the DCM, — Ivy Vi | Secretary our graciously kind Kiwanis had organized a meal for all of the Key Clubbers for free! As always, we appreciate their hard work and cannot thank them enough for their time and effort. During the lunch break, I got to socialize with several of the


OC Pride Parade 14

free time for you to hang out with your friends, so you could explore the area! This is my second time volunteering at this event, and I have had another great experience. The atmosphere is very joyous, and its so nice to see everyone wearing rainbows and smiling! Marching in the parade was very exciting. Everyone on the sides of the parade wished the marchers a happy pride and were cheering. It’s a happy, happy place to be. After the parade march starts the Pride Parade festival. There are a bunch of booths that Happy pride month, key clubbers! Attend- give out free things, such as drinks and little toys! Other than this, I would definitely volunteer again ing the OC Pride Parade is a great way to celeif I could next year. brate Pride month! To end this, here is a funny joke: Why did The OC Pride Parade is a very laidback the kelp attend the pride parade? and chill event! What makes this event even more incredible is that volunteers partake in Because it was a part of the algae-BT community marching in the parade! Tasks mainly included LOL! holding props for the parade, and to just march! — Lexi Sitthydeth | Member Recognition What fun! Before the Pride March begins, there is

OC Pride Parade took place on June 22, 2019. In this event, volunteers helped by participating in the parade. Volunteers walked and cheered to promote and support the LGBTQIA+ community.

attend. Everywhere you looked, there were rainbows. Buildings with rainbow flags, and people dressed in rainbow clothing and makeup. The environment was very loving, welcoming, and happy.

When I first arrived at 10:30 AM, I checked I would recommend coming to this event! in with our event coordinator who gave us a tIf you want to support the LGBTQIA+ community, shirt and rainbow sunglasses. After checking in, volunteer, and also have fun, this even is perfect we had an hour of free time until we needed to for you. meet up for the parade. We walked around the — Tiffany Castillo | Historian event and visited Starbucks for drinks (except it was very crowded and we had to wait a while even for a cup of water). When it was time for us to meet up, we gathered at the start of the parade and waited a bit before we started walking. There were very interesting things passing by us while we were waiting for our turn. There were rainbow cars and floats, however what stood out and was memorable to me were the people dressed up in furry costumes. It was a great experience. OC Pride Parade was a very fun event to


Serving the People On Sunday, June 23rd, from 11:30AM-1:30PM, Western Key Club members, as well as Jennifer Vo from Oxford Academy Key Club attended out first planned service event. I along with the Project Chair, Nicholas Dinh planned the event together. At the event, there were three different stations that volunteers could work at. The first station was the bracelet making station. At this station, volunteers would braid together pieces of yarn or would do any designed they wanted. The second station was the pillow making station. This was the most challenging station, because it required the most amount of skills. To start off we had to cut two even squares/

On Sunday, June 23 was our project chair, Nicholas Dinh’s first service project of the term! It went great. The service project composed of three stations. All of the products we made went to Anaheim Crest Nursing Center. One station was note-making, in which members decorated each note, writing something kind to the nursing center. Another station was dedicated to making pillows; we used old t-shirts along with stuffing to make our own pillows for the nursing center that was right across the street from us! The last station was making bracelets. Rotations were instituted so that each member would have a


rectangles out of a shirt. Then the corners of the squares had to be cut off, and 2 inch strips were cut along the side of the pieces. After that, we tied the strips together and stuffed pillow stuffing in between the pieces to form a pillow. The last station was the card making station. At this station, volunteers would write cards to the people in the nursing homes and decorate them. We would like to thank everyone who attended the event, and donated materials. The event was successful and I hope to plan more events with Nicholas in the future. I hope all the volunteers had a fun time socializing! — Vicky Vu | Vice President

chance to go through each station, as well as having some board members stay at a certain station to overlook that specific station. Overall, it was a great first service project of the event and I truly enjoyed it. It felt amazing to directly make something with your hands to donate to the nursing center right in our community. Great job Nicholas J and be on the lookout for more service projects ! — Kathy Tu | Treasurer

OCFoodBank Another year with OC Food Bank and I honestly feel great. After volunteering here, I appreciate more to those who work in factories and help provide families with essential needs. Factories. What a weird way to compare a volunteer event, but it took so much teamwork in order to achieve one goal. That goal is to provide food for the low income families.

cereal boxes. In order to fit them all, we had to follow a sample where canned foods go first and the dry milk comes last. As time goes by, we were able to go in a fast pace like a machine. After the first shift, we had a 30 minute break. Some people left while others stayed. We were the one to stay in order to help the community. This time the second shift was a bit hectic. There wasn’t as many people so we had to do our best to keep up the pace. We all had different jobs this time. In this shift instead of packing canned food, I was the one to restock each item and throw away any empty boxes. It wasn’t bad for the first 30 minutes or so. It wasn’t as heavy as I thought and I was able to poke through all the plastics. The only tiring part was having to keep up with the pace as well as the heat inside. There were fans, but it couldn’t bring down the heat.

Saturday, June 29 marks the date for the OC Food Bank. There were two shifts. One was in the morning from 8:30 to 10 while the other was 11 to 1. We decided to stay for both of the shifts. The first shift had many volunteers. We worked in an assembly line where we all pack different items. There was one section where it makes the boxes and three sections where it packs the food. For those who didn’t make boxes nor packaged the food are either moving the boxes or taping and storing it. It was pretty fair in the first shift since everyone had something to do and it This event was the most tiring one I have wasn’t as hectic. I had an easier job, been to. It felt like I was at the gym exercising but some had a difficult duty like where I had to carry stuff and push through. It carrying and restocking the was worth it in the end because we were able to items. serve more than 1,240 people!! I also enjoyed The food varies the company of Magnolia High School Key Club from small that were serving with us. canned — Khrystal Contreras | President foods to big


Thank you for all your hard work


July Events


Survey! Earn one hour service by answering at least 3 questions. This will help us makes your experience in Key club better

1. What makes you volunteer? 2. what will make events fun? 3. Do flyers help u be updated about events? 4. how do you find out about events? 5. What service projects are you interested in doing ?


June Member of the Month

Huong Nguyen

She is a new member, and has been regularly attending events since she has joined Key Club. Through her consistent attendance and hard-work at events, she has earned herself member of the month! Keep on shining girlie


leaderboard Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D



NAME Wong | __ hours Edison | 32 hours


Khrystal Contreras | 28 hours


Nicholas Dinh | 26 hours


Lexi Sitthydeth | 20.5 hours


Anthony Ontiveros | 20 hours

Featuring one of our publicists….


Anthony Ontiveros 1. What has been your experience so far as a publicist? Ehh it’s alright It’s a love hate relationship. At times i hate it and wish to not be publicist but at times i love it. 2. What is your goal for this term? It changes from here and there but If i were to choose one it would be to make new friends and meet new people hopefully helping them break out of their shells. However if we are taking about my position goal i would like to make flyers that i am proud of . 3. What do you love about Key Club?

I love the merch, the people, but most importantly i love being able to put a smile on the faces of others while volunteering. 4. What is one of your favorite moments in Key Club? When our previous spirit coordinator Joy Seo broke the spirit stick while handing it in during a spirit night followed by Ivy Vi who dropped her boba in the bleachers 5. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve done or seen this summer? Almost drowning 5 times after attending the Oxford Western Social. 6. What personality trait do you wish you have? Being intelligent 7. How much Key Club merch do you have? 36 pins, 14 stickers, 2 hats, 1 sweater, 2 quarter zips with another on the way, 4 club shirts, 1 dcon shirt, 5 division shirts, and a fanny pack. (Mostly of my merch is merch from other divisions such as D30N to D35W) 8. Lastly, how do you feel? I feel like Oxford is better than Western


Board Info ! President


Vice President

Khrystal Contreras

Vicky Vu



(657) 226-7150

(714) 585-0443



Ivy Vi

Kathy Tu



(714) 725-5136

(714) 926-9392

Project Chair

Bulletin Editor

Member Rec

Nicholas Dinh

Danica Lopez

Lexi Sitthydeth




(714) 353-3655

(714) 797-8840

(714) 718-8472




Tiffany Castillo

Allen Sia

Farrah Ermeje




(714) 886-0659

(702) 470-4469

(714) 805-3253


Spirit Coordinator

Maile Kobayashi

Huy Nguyen



(714) 351-1256

(714) 725-1403


Spirit Coordinator

Anthony Ontiveros

Arena Hernandez

anthony.onti2475@gmail.com (951) 565-6897

arenahernandez101@icloud.com (657) 456-4865



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