Western High School Key Club 2020-2021 | May Newsletter

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CNH | KEY CLUB Division 30 South | Region 3 |CNH

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | May 2020


04 A Letter From Your Former Presidentt

05 Editor’s Greetings 06 Eliminate Week 07 May DCM: Charity Trivia 08 Change-for-Change

09 D30s Service Week 10 UNICEF’s Math For Good 11 Innovative Ways Our Club Is Changing Volunteering at Home 12 Taking Care of My Mental Health 13 June Calender 14-15

Senior Spotlig

16 Service Hour Leaderboard 17-19

Meet The Board!


Board Information

A Letter From Your Former President To all the old bees and new bees, We have accomplished so much during the 2019-2020 term and now it’s time to say goodbye. We, as a club, were able to achieve our goals from service hours to fundraising. We achieved the diamond distinguished club and had few of our members to receive awards as well. We were even lucky enough to have our first Western LTG, Ali Al-Saleem, to be leading in the 2019-2020 term. It was a whole rollercoaster as we met new friends, accomplished new heights, and much more. Although I am happy to end the term with a bang, I am going to miss the memories and my years in Key Club. I remember when I was a freshman, starting my key club journey. Now, I am a graduated senior, ending as your Key Club President. Although we didn’t end in a proper way, we can all still find a way to connect with one anYou mighmemories and have fun! I hope all of you are able to experience the same way through your t recognize this cliche quote “Time really does fly when you are having fun.” Try to cherish all your years or even something different. If you’re becoming a senior and it’s your last year in Key Club, make the most of it! Now I must sign off and say goodbye to all of you. Remember each and every one of you have a potential to make a change. Signing off,


Hello fellow key clubbers! I’m Tina Tran, I am excited to be serving as your Western Key Club bulletin editor AND division historian for the ‘new’ 2020 to 2021 term. Although it has been awhile since the new term has started, I thought it was appropriate to start off my first newsletter with some introductions along with a few farewells from graduating seniors due to unfortunately ending off the previous (2019-2020) term without an annual DCON and club/division banquet due to COVID-19. As much of a bummer it is to start the new term stuck at home, I am determined and firmly believe that we will still continue our success and grow stronger as a club. Even if it means finding ways to volunteer, communicate, interact, and most importantly serve at home during difficult times of a pandemic and a fight for justice. I truly look forward to the future and our accomplishments! I present to you my first newsletter as we reflect on the month of May and say our goodbyes and hellos! - Your “newly” installed, lovely bulletin editor, Tina Tran


Vicky Vu ‘20-’21 President

Eliminate Week

During the week of May 4 to May 8, Key Club members participated in Eliminate Week, in order to raise awareness about Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT). Through the week I, along with other Key Club members, posted on our social media depending on what the activity is that day. Each day had a different theme to it in order to spread awareness in different ways.

The first day was Make it Known Monday. Members create graphics to post on their social media accounts to spread awareness about MNT. Members were able to make up to 4 graphics. I made graphics that informed about the impacts of the Eliminate Project and how it began. The second day was Toss it Out Tuesday. Members cleaned their rooms to spread awareness. I cleaned up my work table and reorganized it. The third day was E-Lemon-Ate Day. Members took on the challenge to eat a lemon to e-lemonate MNT. I ate a slice of lemon and posted it on my Instagram story. The fourth day Throwback Thursday. Members posted a picture of themselves when they were younger. This was to spread awareness that $1.80 provides a vaccine to help a mother and her child. The last day was Fundraiser Friday. Members posted a picture of themselves with the spare change that they were going to donate to Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus. Throughout the week, Western Key Club members were able to spread awareness about Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus to many people inside and outside of Key Club. More people were able to understand what MNT is about and why they should support it!



Charity Trivia

Kenneth Tran ‘20-‘21 Member Rec

On Saturday May 30th from 3-4 pm division 30 south held the May DCM with the theme of Charity Trivia. Compared to the last DCM I would say that I liked this one better because it had less lag and the DCM switched from Twitch to YouTube live. We got to learn about the four preferred charities of key club and then had a kahoot on it. At the May DCM, division LTG Jenifer Vo held the council meeting. During the council meeting, Jenifer talked about past and upcoming events and recognized the clubs and members for their achievements. After all the recognitions for clubs and members, as well as updates, we moved onto the four preferred charities of key club. Executive assistant Christinna Nguyen led to the educating slides for her section. I learned that the four preferred Charites were Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP), March of Dimes, Children Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). I always thought that the Eliminate Project was one of the four charities, but I discovered that it was a part of UNICEF. After executive assistant, Christinna Nguyen educated us on the four preferred charities we participated in the kahoot. In the kahoot I didn’t do too well at first because I kept on misclicking my answers, but about halfway through the kahoot, I raised myself back up into the top ten section and had a lot of fun doing it. The kahoot was great and the DCM was such a blast.


Jackie Giron ‘20-’21 Historian


On Friday, May 8th Division 30 South which is our Division, made a fundraiser. The fundraiser was called “Change-For-Change and it lasted from May 8th to May 31st of 2020. This fundraiser was part of the elimination week. The fundraiser was simple. All you had to do was fill a Ziploc bag with some spare change. It could even be 1 cent. Then send a picture DM of your bag to d30ssuns on Instagram. The steps were very simple and easy to follow. It could be any amount of spare change. However if you wanted you could donate $10 of spare change to enter into a giveaway to win free D30S merch! At first I didn’t think I had any spare change on because I don’t use any coins and only bills and my card. But still I manage to find my purses fill with a bunch of coins that I never used. So I decided to use them and I reached $10.45. Then after I counted it all I decided to donate and enter in the giveaway. This was an easy fundraiser to do in my opinion because you only need spare change. Sometimes you just need to dig a little into some places that you think you’ll find some change. And trust me when I say you will find some change anywhere. Around your house, on the ground, or even on the sidewalk. It is always a good feeling to donate for those who need it and those in need. I would recommend to at least give any type of amount to someone you who might need as it as much than for your selves. It will make their day much better.


D30S Service Week

Celeste Amorim ‘20-’21 Secretary

This month we had a division wide service week from May 25-29. It was really fun and a great way to earn community service hours. On Monday we did Mental Health Monday and pretty much what we did that day is we recorded our self’s doing something we love to do and share it on our social media. It was really fun I made a random act of kindness jar that day because I love to make crafts. On Tuesday we did Therapy Tuesday where we made art work of a music video and we sent it to a email. This was really fun for me too because I love to draw and I got to show my creative side. On Wednesday we did Workout Wednesday, we downloaded an app that supports charity’s when you participate in health exercises. This was also really nice because I got to workout and feel good that I was helping others. On Thursday we did Thriving Thursday which was sending cards or letters to ours schools faculty members. Unfortunately I couldn’t do this activity due to some personal issues but it still looks like a very nice activity. And lastly on Friday we had Food Bank Friday that day we went on this website help raise money to food banks to help feed more people. All we had to do was do some fun quizzes that actually helped me learn some new things. So in conclusion this service week was really fun and gave me something to do during this pandemic and it made feel food that I was helping people as well.


Nicholas Dinh ‘20-’21 Vice President

This event lasted until May 30th at 11:59. In this event volunteers would be practicing social distances but still helping our society out by participating in the UNICEF’s Math for Good Challenge. By actively partaking in this, volunteers could raise money to help fund those in poverty-stricken countries with a better chance of a modern education. Whether it be producing books, resources, or maybe even digitally. The donations gathered by this challenge went towards a good cause. Volunteers had to answer a multitude of math questions which gave them around 25 cents per question. They would give you a set of questions and timer to which it should be completed in. Your answer will either be right or wrong and if it is wrong, you are not awarded the money involved for that question. Yet at the end of the set, it totals the amount of money you earned and adds it to the total amount you had. This allowed for volunteers to keep on playing and only take a picture at the end of cautious. The questions themselves were very simple and led to a moment where we could actually go back to a time where in elementary school, did something similar to this. It helped me refresh on certain skills but delighted me in the fact that simple questions can have sums a hardened impact.


Tina Tran‘20-’21 Bulletin Editor

During the month of May, it might have been difficult to focus on both school and volunteering at the same time at home. Due to the fact that the majority was dealing with the overwhelming stress of final AP exams. However, that did not stop us from pushing ourselves and achieving as many hours as we could by participating in volunteering opportunities that we could discover and achieve at home. As many clubs have held this opportunity to make digital or make in real life cards and letters, our club has incorporated that as well. Since it is not only a simple and easy project, it is efficient as to make someone’s day and put a smile on their faces (especially for those who work hard to make this world better). It is another opportunity to use your creative side as well. Another way we found very beneficial, while being easy to accomplish was UNICEF Math for Good. It was highly-achievable yet somewhat fun and rewarding. The objective of this project was to answer really simple math questions correctly in return of a donation of .25. Near the end, answering many problems earned two hundred dollars of donation while allowing us to gain 10 hours. It is very rewarding to not only correctly answer highly achievable math questions and hours, but raising as much money as we can to supporting organizations in the comfort of our own homes. It is always beneficial to take some time out of your day to do make the world a better place in small, yet impowering rewarding gestures.


Taking Care of My

Mental Health

Maile Kobayashi

‘20-’21 Treasurer

Life has been very different since school shut down and we’ve all been advised to social distance from each other. It has been months since I’ve seen any of my friends or teachers in person. I am always wondering how my social skills will be affected when it is time to return to school again. I can’t travel, go to my favorite boba shops, or play tennis, everything I was looking forward to doing this summer. But despite all of these bad things that come with quarantine, I am going to instead use it to my advantage to take care of my self while staying safe at home. I have taken quarantine as an opportunity to get to know myself better. I have been so preoccupied during the school year worrying about my classes and AP World History, that I rarely had time to do what I enjoyed doing on a daily basis. After hours of studying at home, I would barely get time to myself. But now, I can make my own schedules, which I found to be very beneficial for me. I had less work to commit to and got to make each day my own, leaving plenty of time to do what I wanted. During quarantine, I had less schoolwork and more time to be myself. I could stay up later, able to spend hours on my phone watching Disney+, YouTube, using Instagram, or playing games. I know that sounds unhealthy to a lot of people, but this quarantine is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to relax. Unless another pandemic comes around while I am still in school, I won’t get this freedom again, so I’m just taking advantage of it and enjoying myself. As an introvert, I have loved pretty much every day of quarantine. I can finally read those books I’ve wanted to read, watch the shows I’ve been waiting for, and spending more time with my family. That is enough for me to be mentally happy. I’ve been able to do so much exploring for myself lately, and I’ve never felt more happy than during quarantine. Less stress, less social interaction, and less work. However, I realize that not everyone feels this way about quarantine, and many don’t even get to stay at home. It made me realize how grateful I am to stay at home in a safe environment. Basically, in my opinion, this entire quarantine has been a nice, long mental health break from school for me. When I’m at school, I get stressed and anxious sometimes. But at home, I have all the time I need to do what I love, such as reading, drawing, cooking/baking, playing on my phone, and being with family. For as long as this quarantine lasts, I will be mindful everyday and do what makes me happy to distract myself from what is happening outside.


Photo by Tiffany Castillo ‘19-20 Historian




























Service Week

Service Week

Service Week

Service Week

Service Week

Officer Training Conference June DCM










Father’s Day Activity




Division Leadership Team Historian 2019-2020 I never thought that March 13th would officially become somewhat my last day of high school. Memories made or hoped to be made at school events such as club meetings, prom, or graduation were taken for granted at times, but in hindsight, seem like heavenly blessings. Now, having graduated, I am able to reflect on the many experiences that have transformed every year of my high school career for the better! One of those commemorated experiences was none other than my time with Keyclub. Prior to joining, Keyclub didn’t seem very appealing to me. I always thought it was a group of overly cheerful students who did nothing but make keys. However, it all changed when I wanted more from my high school experience and applied for DLT historian. I don’t know if it was luck, but I was magically appointed! Having been new to Keyclub, April DCM 2019 was rather embarrassing for me as I didn’t know a single cheer and was hesitant to participate in games. Fortunately, as my time with Keyclub and DLT progressed, I started feeling more comfortable due to the multitude of new friends I have made and bonded with! As a historian, I was able to capture the hard work our members have devoted to the betterment of our community and society! I strongly encourage all current members to help new members who consider themselves intimidated by the extremely animated attitude of Keyclub to feel adjusted and involved in spirit by upholding one of Keyclub’s four core values: Inclusiveness. Even though I have graduated, I still hold a special place in my heart for Keyclub as it positively transformed my high school experience. When this pandemic has been controlled and a vaccine has been administered, I hope to drop by an event to visit the many underclassmen friends I have left! Till then, “L-O-V-E, I LOVE MY D-I-V!” Keep on shining Suns!

Club Historian 2018-2019 Division Leadership Team Fundraising Coordinator 2019-2020 hi, what’s your name? how are you? how’s your life? oh you’re in key club? do you love it? if so, how much? is it just platonic, strictly just as friends or the type that ties you two together ‘til tomorrow’s end? i love the thought of being in key club or maybe it’s the thought of being in a part of something bigger than myself. i just want to say something real quick, please shh, listen. I LOVE KEY CLUB!


Division 30 South Lieutenant Governor 201 WHSKC President 2018-2019 ; Club Spirit Chair 2017-2018

Dear Western Key Club,

What an unforgettable four year it has been. Thank you for being my rock, my source of growth, strength, leadership, and selflessness. Thank you for being my community. I remember the day when I signed up to join Key Club during Club Rush in my Freshmen Year and never would I have thought that the club with the yellow outfits and cheers would get me hooked so easily. Key Club became such a huge part of my life since the very beginning! Throughout my journey, I have been able to serve our club as Spirit Chair and President, the Division and the CNH District as LTG & I am so proud to have been the very first LTG from Western since D30S formed in 1995. Representing you during my last year was a huge honor and I hope I made you all proud. To all the underclassmen reading this, please keep going! Keep going to key club meetings, keep volunteering, keep seeking new leadership opportunities, keep growing, and most importantly, keep paying your dues! I hope that you never lose the meaning of service in your heart and that you continue to be the selfless student servant leaders that you are!

Stay Poppin’ and Shine Bright!


leaderboard Thank you for all your hours of volunteering! Keep shining, suns of WHS Key Club! :D

Tina Tran | 37.45 hours

Vicky Vu | 30.2 hours

Maile Kobayashi | 29.9 hours

Nicholas Dinh | 23.75 hours

Celeste Amorim /Jackie Giron| 18.75 hours


Hello! My name is Vicky Vu and I serve as President of Western Key Club for the 2020-2021 term. I am an incoming senior and a lovely Virgo. In my free time I enjoy baking desserts for my family and friends. I also love organizing and cleaning for fun! :> Something interesting about me is that I am 4'10" so I serve as a nice arm stool. I can't wait to start volunteering outside. I am also looking forward to getting to know more about you guys this term! ❤

Hello my name is Nicholas Dinh and I serve as Western Key Club’s Vice President for the 20-21 Term. I am transitioning into the 11th grade. I tried transitioning back one but I think my reverse is broken in my time traveling car. So if anyone got any spare parts I just might be able to do it! Besides that if you would like to know more about me keep reading. I got quite a few aspirations and goals in my life that I want to complete such as working in the educational field or somewhere in politics. I enjoy living life to the fullest and testing the waters by taking opportunity when it’s given. One of my goals in life is to travel very often and explore different places. Thank you for reading and keep on swimming because even if you give up that don’t mean sharks don’t.

Hello everyone! My name is Celeste Amorim and I am the Secretary for Western Key club. I am currently about to go into 11th grade and can’t wait for what it has in store for me. I love to stay organized and make little crafts and art pieces to help me feel calm and relaxed, something else that I really enjoy is cooking. Cooking is one of my absolute favorite things to do, and I'm a pretty darn good cook if I say so myself. I can’t tell you everything about me in this little paragraph but I can tell you what I am looking forward to in the new term. I am looking forward to making new friends and get to be more involved

Hi! My name is Maile Kobayashi, I am an 11th grader, and I am Western Key Club's Treasurer for the '20-'21 term. I love tennis, music, and my favorite drink is Hokkaido milk tea with boba! I am also a big fan of Disney and Star Wars movies. For this term, I am looking forward to learning more about my position and how I can successfully execute my duties. I also look forward to bonding with my new board soon! I am very excited to see what the new term will bring and can't wait to work with and meet new Key Clubbers!


Hello! My name is Tina Tran and I’m an incoming junior serving as your club Bulletin Editor and division historian for this term. My zodiac sign is a libra and I’m a pescatarian. My top hobbies take forms in my creativity. I love video editing, painting/drawing, and photography. I also LOVE music. In my freetime I enjoy hanging out with friends and going thrifting. I’m thrilled to see all my fellow officers and meet new people after quarantine ends!

Hi, my name is Kenneth Tran and I am the Member Recognition chair for Western Key Club. When the school year starts I will become a junior. I have recently started watching an anime called Fairytail and so far I am really enjoying it. I have also picked up skateboarding and cooking, some foods that I have made so far are mozzarella sticks, elotes, and chicken alfredo. What I’m most excited for this term is meeting new

What's up, y'all? My name is Douglas Lam and you can call me Doug for short, but either way is fine! I am a senior and I am one of the Historians for the 2020-2021 Western Key Club Board term! I'd say that I am a person who likes to have fun with my friends like other people would be and in my spare time, I just like to chat with my friends on social media, play some video games as any other millennial would, and have a HUGE craving for boba. Then again, who DOESN'T LOVE BOBA?!?! If you don't like boba, then we're not friends (I'm just kidding!!! We all love what we like!!!) In all seriousness, I am looking forward to this term being successful with having the most amount of accomplishments for Western Key Club and being able to achieve success as much as possible with our best efforts. I have great faith in me and my board members so I know for a fact that we can pull through this term!

Hey Everyone! My name is Jackie Giron, I’m currently a sophomore, and I’m currently serving you one of the 2020- 2021 Western Key Club Historians. A fun fact about me is that I am part Mexican, Guatemalan, and American. I currently am on the girls jv tennis team. I’m interested in joining our school's cheer team, volleyball, learning how to do ceramics, learning new languages, and of course more. Oh my free time I mostly play video games, try to do as much community service as I can, and make YouTube videos. What I’m looking for this term is to make new friends and new memories and that’s about it.



Hello!! My name is Joshua Kim and I am an 11th grader as one of the Publicists of Western Key Club. At home I like to spend time with my family and friends. Occasionally, I like to go on learning sites and learn a few things. I also like playing video games as well as sports. During this term I am excited to meet many new faces as well as new friends. I love helping people and I want to help people even more since I’ve met Key Club. If you are reading this I hope I even get to meet you one day!

Hello, my name is Danna Ramirez, and I’m an upcoming 10th grader! I’m one of Western’s Key Club Publicists. For this upcoming school term, I’m looking towards making new and fun memories with my key clubbers;) because of the key club, not only did I already love the color yellow, but it made me love it even more. My favorite sport is tennis, and for my free time I love journaling and doing photography.

Hi I am Kevin Nguyen, a sophomore and Spirit Coordinator of Western’s Key Club. I enjoy playing tennis and as a hobby I play games. This term I am looking forward to meeting new people as well as helping my community to the best of my abilities. I also yearn to create opportunities for other members to interact with one another while having fun. I look forward in my journey as a spirit coordinator and hope to create great memories with my friends.



Vicky Vu

Nicholas Dinh



(714) 585-0443

(714) 353-3655



Vice President


Celeste Amorim

Maile Kobayashi

celesteamorim680@gmail.com (714) 576-3006

maipanda212@gmail.com (714) 351-1256

Bulletin Editor

Member Rec

Tina Tran

Kenneth Tran


KennethTran1478@gmail.com (714) 874-6674

(714) 705-3724



Douglas Lam

Jackie Giron



(657) 271-5311

(657) 500-9392



Danna Ramirez

Joshua Kim

Danna2005Ramirez@icl oud.com


(714) 769-5534

(714) 909-3363

Spirit Coordinator Kevin Nguyen proplayerplays@gmail.com (714) 580-3348


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