Western High School Key Club Newsletter Oct/Nov 2012

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Division 30 South | Region 3 | CNH Volume 1, Issue 5

KEY CLUB The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | October/November 2012

TIMES SERVICE: It’s what we DO.

what’s up, l








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[SERVICE PROJECTS] Stanton Halloween Festival.......................................................................3

[OTHER EVENTS] Regional Training Conference.................................................................5 Fall Rally Canvas........................................................................................7

[a note about the newsletter] You may have noticed that this newsletter is published as “July/August.” This simply means that the majority of the contents of this issue are July events, but the newsletter is published in August. So, next month’s newsletter will be the “August/September” newsletter, and so on.

[key club pledge] Western’s Top 5 Shinin’ Suns.....................................................................9 Board Member Spotlight: Treasurer.........................................................9 Board Members’ Contact Information...................................................10

I pledge on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to build my home, school and community, to serve my nation and God, and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.


bulletin editor’s

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MEMO Hello, Key Clubbers! This newsletter will be relatively short, as we did not have many service projects and events in October. Since the holidays are just around the corner, expect to see more service projects in this newsletter! This month’s issue will be focusing on members’ articles. There were so many articles that came in, and they were all equally good, so I ended up picking them at random to be put on the newsletter. So, don’t be discouraged if you don’t see yours this time around. Thank you for taking the time to write about your experiences and for contributing to Western Key Club’s success. Yours in service, Mercy Tran

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | October/ November 2012

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this is KEY CLUB.






1. Western Key Club’s involvement in the Anaheim Hi-Neighbor Gardening Project throughout the summer has paid off--we were honored with the opportunity to create our very own canvas that would be displayed at the garden to recognize us for our hard work. 2. Fall Rally South 2012--Six Flags Magic Mountain 3. November DCM at Modjeska Park 4. Step Out Walk for Diabetes 5. Stanton Halloween Festival

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | October/ November 2012

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N G our way of LIFE

trini nguyen, MEMBER

jackie nguyen, MEMBER I was really excited to go to the Stanton Park Halloween Festival because it was my first event. Since I agreed to help set up, I had to come at 8 in the morning. I saw a bunch of volunteers from different schools like Pacifica, Oxford, and of course Western, helping out. The lady asked us to put the decorations up, set the tables and chairs, and get the food ready. We were done at about 11 and the place looked amazing! There were game booths, food stations, a costume contest, and face painting activities. I also volunteered to work at some of the game booths. The one that I got was a werewolf one where you had to throw a bean bag at his paws. By 1:00, the place was packed! Soon, I noticed that there was a line forming at my booth so I got to work immediately. I gave a little boy dressed as a heroic power ranger a bean bag and to my surprise; he got the wolf dead on. The look on his face when I gave him his candy was incredible. It reminded me why I was there in the first place. Not because I was bored or needed hours. It was because I got to see the outcome the volunteers’ hard work. This is something that I will never forget and will definitely come back again next year.

As soon as I was reading this weeks events for Key Club, I knew that right off the bat that I wanted to help volunteer at the Stanton Halloween Event at Stanton Park. I love working with kids as well as Halloween, so I figured why not? It was a sunny Saturday morning and I was on the way to the park with my best friend. Depsite how excited I was, it was going to be my first Key Club event and I was shaking. I never realized how nerve racking it could be to meet new people and interact with children. I arrived earlier than usual to help set up with my peers. I was greeted by adults who were so kind and people from other schools I never even heard of. After I signed in, they assigned me the job of decor, meaning I had to do my best to make the place have a Halloween feel to it, which wasn't hard because I had my new and old friends decorating with me. After a couple of hours, we finally finished giving the park a huge make over, and we now awaited for the little monsters and princesses to arrive. Now I was beginning to sweat. Each person was given their own booth where the children could play games and earn candy. I volunteered at a booth with balls that had to be thrown into the correct color.

I thought it was fun, but more importantly, I hoped the trick-or-treaters thought the same. As the first kid walked it, I was already stammering and being clumsy. But luckily, she understood how the game went and was so cute! Being my first participant, I had gave her more candy then I was supposed to, but the look on her face when she got that handful, it made me smile. I gave her a high five and she skipped happily away with her huge candy bag. After the next few kids played, I finally got used to it and wasn't so nervous anymore. I always had to refill my candy bowl because I kept giving hand chucks of candy away, but I couldn't help it. As the day was nearing, the line was no longer filled with eager children. And to be honest, I still wanted more kids to play! However, to my surprise, I learned that being a volunteer isn't as easy as it may seem. There's more than just being there and getting your hours, to make it fun, you have to interact with everyone. Meet new people and just be yourself! It can be a bit intimidating at first, but once you meet everyone at Key Club, they're going to be another part of your family who you'll never forget!

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | October/November 2012

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van bui, MEMBER The line of children, as well as the number of volunteers from Western Key Club arriving at the Stanton Halloween Event, slowly started to increase as the sun started to beat down on the Key Clubbers. Despite the heat and the enormous crowds of children participating in the Halloween event, we Key Clubbers got through the day and still had fun doing it. This event was definitely the most interesting ‘first’ ever—my first Key Club event that is. However, that morning, all I could think about was how tiring the day would be, how hot it was going to be, and how many hours I would earn for college. But as the day passed by, I realized how fun working with the community and children could be, and how the event would be worth more than just a few community hours. When one of the adults/supervisors gave a mini pep talk to us before we went to our booths, she expressed her gratitude to us by saying how important we were for helping out and how the event wouldn’t be able to go on without people like us. For some reason, at that moment, I thought, why am I here? The first thought that came to my mind was because I wanted to be in Key Club, because I wanted to grow dedicated to Key Club throughout my high school years. I hope for more enjoyable, fun Key Club events to come in the future!

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RTC 2012

by gaby rodriguez, MEMBER

On a gloomy Saturday morning, my friend Chelsa and I decided to attend RTC, we had no idea what to expect. We ended up going together, which we actually got their hour early! There we were waiting at Bolsa Grande High School, where we had no idea who to talk to or who to go to. She and I were just so confused of what was going on, but then we called our Vice President, and she confirmed to us we were early! And so, everyone started to arrive to the event, I started to recognize some familiar faces. I felt so welcomed with everyone being around, one of the girls in our school district was introducing Chelsa and I to other Key Clubbers, they were all really nice. Everyone started to get into their division groups and learned cheers which were extremely hilarious to do! The main leaders had led us to the auditorium where they would explain the schedules that they had set up for us. It felt really great be around people who were passionate for what do, which is helping our community in all sorts of ways that we can. My group and I had gone to several workshops and one that really caught my attention was about how we can serve our community. Since it’s my first year being a part of the Key Club, I wasn’t aware of the many things we can do to help. And in this workshop I had learned that there was more to than filling up boxes with food, money or cleaning up a park. The leaders from Bolsa Grande’s KC had shared with us stories that others had shared with them. One school had gone to a children’s hospital and made them cute little bracelets, they brought a variety of arts and craft materials to entertain the children. Another school had a marathon to raise money for the people that suffered in Hurricane Katrina. It amazed me how much people had gone “outside the box” to help others. The event eventually ended, it was a great experience to be around different people that weren’t from my school, and it was a neat environment to be around. It is the beginning to many new opportunities that will come to help my community; it’s something I will be looking forward to as a fellow Key Clubber!

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by chelsa deguzman, MEMBER

Regional Training Conference (RTC) was the first key club event I attended this year. It was worth the while. When I first arrived there were tons of people from all different schools and divisions; it was nice knowing so many people are involved in key club. They first served us lunch, and afterwards we did cheers with our divisions, which was really fun! I personally think our division was the best. Afterwards we were all gathered into the gym and spoken to about the workshops that we would be attending, and many other things. The first workshop I went to was a team-building workshop. The entire room was crowded, but despite the many people, I was able to learn a good deal from it. I learned what makes a good key club and what makes a good leader. It taught me the ways I can be active in Key Club and make a difference. The second workshop I went to was a photography workshop, which caught an interest in me as well. The third workshop was about the ways you can find good service events, which I thought was useful. Then the fourth and final workshop was about icebreakers, and of course icebreakers are always tons of fun. After the fourth workshop, it came to an end, unfortunately. Overall RTC was fun and left me with new interests and ideas. I hope to apply all the things I learned from RTC to our Key Club and be the best member I can be.

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | October/November July/August 2012 2012

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R A L L Y The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | October/November 2012

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board member


denne tiengthong, TREASURER Hello people of Antarctica and the rest of the world, my name is Denne Tiengthong and I am the treasurer of Western’s whimsical Key Club. I am a pretty funny person.hehe. I enjoy making others laugh with my fail awkward jokes of the day. I may seem shy, but once you get to know me...beware. I enjoy eating, food is on my mind every single second of the day. My friends say I have a black hole in my stomach because I can eat as much as I want and still not gain any weight. I love boiling crab, if I could live there I would. One day I plan on being C.E.O of The Boiling Crab business. None of the other crawfish places seem to satisfy me like Boiling Crab does. Aside from eating boiling crab, I enjoy music and singing. I may not be the best singer, but I try so gold star for me! I get boba at least once or twice a week, me gusta. I like going to Disneyland on my free time. NO block out dates for me!! hehe. I also like to play tennis, which prevents me from becoming obese. lulz. Not only am I in Key Club, but I am also involved in other extracurricular activities such as ASB. Sometimes I wish I was a good dancer like one of those ABB’s, but im not.sadlyf3. I am a professional passenger and am very proud of that!haha. I shall keep calm and shine bright like a diamond. okie that's all. Deuces!



1 Niel Apostol, 15.5 hours 2 Youngin Jo, 14.5 hours 3 Esther Alexander, 13.3 hours 4 Nhuhao Do, 13 hours 5 Hao Ho, Huy Ngo, 12.5 hours The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | October/November 2012

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CONTACT US! 2012-2013 Western High School Key Club Board

PRESIDENT, Jennifer Tarm [714] 213-9335 jtarm9@gmail.com

VICE PRESIDENT, Grishma Patel [714] 270-4346 grishmapatel26@gmail.com VICE PRESIDENT, Miranda Phan [714] 548-5143 mirandaphan@yahoo.com

SECRETARY, Hillary Tran [714] 797-4843 Hillaryt44@yahoo.com

TREASURER, Denne Tiengthong [714] 331-9124 dennetiengthong@gmail.com PUBLICIST, Ericson Tang [714] 422-9375 tang_ericson@yahoo.com

PUBLICIST, LanVi Nguyen [714] 878-8059 omg_its_lanvi@yahoo.com HISTORIAN, Kim Truong [714] 471-8732 piggy654321@yahoo.com

HISTORIAN, Zayrha Arambula [714] 315-3611 fam_bam12@yahoo.com

TECH EDITOR, Ana Chavez [714] 515–2584 gaby3141@sbcglobal.net BULLETIN EDITOR, Mercy Tran [562] 852-8541 mercyxtran@hotmail.com

ask us how we


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THANK YOU FOR READING The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter Thank you to Ms. Rittel, Mr. Carter and Mr. Barry for supporting Western Key Club.

a Kiwanis-family member keyclub.org | cnhkeyclub.org 8360 RED OAK STREET #201 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 ~ 909.989.1500

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