Western High School Key Club Newsletter June 2012

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KEY CLUB times Western High School | Division 30S |Region 3 | CNH

June 2012


Volume 1, Issue 1




Building OUR School.................................1 Service Projects/Events RECAP • Neighborhood Clean-up......................2 • Key Club Banquet.................................3 • Selling Shaved Ice.................................4 • Constructing the Community...............4 • Kiwanis Training Night............................5 • DCM Water Balloon Making.................5 • June DCM...............................................6 • Kiwanis DCM...........................................6 Upcoming Projects....................................7 June’s Most Valuable Members...............8 A Word from the President........................8 What I LOVE About Key Club....................9

a note from the

by Miranda Phan, VP Just getting out of school and going into summer, Key Clubbers never stop helping. For two days in a row, the other Key Clubbers and I left for Western High School at 10 AM. We primarily helped out our Key Club advisor, who is also an English teacher, Ms. Rittel, to move all her belongings from one room to another. With so much at hand, we began with the books. The first day consisted of us making boxes and for many books and other documents, mandated many boxes. The boxes were quite confusing to make, but we got a hang of it by the second set of boxes that had to come in. Carrying them over one by one was

a tedious process, but unloading the books, and placing them in alphabetical order on corresponding shelves was worse.All of our Key Clubbers got right to work, conquering our newly found fear of so many books, until we were finally finished! But, as the dedicated Key Clubbers we are, we did not just stop there, after everything settled down in Ms. Rittel’s new room, we gladly went over to Ms. Nguyen’s room, a math teacher, and helped her sort through all her stuff. The times that were asked of us to be at school and cleaning up was from 10 AM to 2 PM, but on the second day we went well over time, staying until 3 PM. Always shining with service, Western Key Club!

BULLETIN EDITOR Hello Western Key Clubbers! I’m Mercy Tran, and I sincerely hope that you will enjoy this newsletter. I’m super excited for a fun-filled year of service, and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. If there is anything you want to see on the newsletter that isn’t already here, don’t hesitate to ask! This newsletter would not be possible without you, the loyal Key Clubber. Have a great summer, and see you soon! Always shinin’ with service, Mercy Tran

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2012

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cleanin’ UP the


ong, u r t kim RIAN O T S I H On June 9th, Western High School‘s Key Clubbers joined forces with other Key Clubs and the Anaheim Hi Neighbor to clean up a neighborhood. We divided into groups: some groups had spray paint and some had “grabbers.” Those armed with spray paint were given the job to cover any graffiti they encounter; those with the “grabbers” were given trash bags to pick up any trash they see. I was part of the “grabber” team along with fellow Western Key Clubbers, Jenny Cevallos and Niel Apostol, and a chaperone. The groups dispersed among the neighborhood with their tasks in mind.



The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2012

With Niel at the ready with his trash bag and grabber, we all worked together through the neighborhood—trying to get and dispose every piece of trash. There were bottle caps, paper, wrappers, and even a pile of abandoned breads, but we were able to get them all. Soon enough, the bag became heavier and heavier. We met up with another team with the same job, so we joined them to cover another area of the neighborhood. Although it was tedious work, there was a man who thanked us for cleaning up this neighborhood. His words of appreciation not only me feel motivated, but to be glad to serve as part of Key Club.


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b u l c key BANQUET



Western Key Club has the best banquets... such good food, and so many people! This banquet was one of the most emotional banquets I’ve ever been to -- so many tears! There was a “love box” at the banquet, where members could write down a note of appreciation to another member/advisor or any group of people in general. I felt a strong need to thank our Kiwanis Advisor, Mr. Carter, for being such a large part of Western’s Key Club; we really could not have gone to DCON without him. There were a number of humorous notes in the love box, but for the most part, it was a love exchange from Key Clubber to Key Clubber. The speeches took up the majority of the banquet, and it was just a good time for the members to express their appreciation for one another. The old board said their goodbyes, and the new board said their hellos. At three hours and thirty minutes, Key Club’s banquet was longer than any wedding I’ve ever been to, but it was one of the best experiences!

zayrha a

, rambula


Before another amazing school year came to an end, Western High School had their Key Club Banquet with over 40 guests that attended. It was held at the Marie Callender’s restaurant at the Anaheim Plaza and there couldn’t have been a better place to make at it. We got the honor of having our private room and the food was beyond delicious. We ate pasta, chicken, corn bread, salad, pie, and other superb dishes! As a historian, I got some pretty hilarious candid shots and other epic moments. After everyone stuffed themselves with food that highly resembled the dishes that are served at a Thanksgiving dinner, the memorable speeches began. Of course, there were laughs and giggles and tears and awes and smiles. I think everyone knows though who cried the most but Tarm still managed to pour her heart out and it was touching! The new Board Members actually had a surprise for the old members because each one bought a gift for another. I got a small and turquoise purse for Jennifer because a little birdie told me that was her favorite color. In the end, everyone loved their gift and we had the chance to see Kalesha “fan-girl” over a Harry Styles Key Chain. We closed the event with over two hundred pictures!

old board - we will miss you!

old & new board

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2012



barbie & mr. carter Page 3

SELLING SHAVED ICE Western Key Club was known for selling the infamous shaved ice when we decided to sell at our food faire. As treasurer, it is my job to think of fundraisers to do, and since the school year was coming to a warming end; the president and I decided to sell shaved ice again. We always contact the same company to sell shaved ice because it is convenient and the students at our school seem to love the taste. We decided to sell it on a hot day so more students would buy them. Anything Mustache Mike’s made we would get twenty percent of what they made, which is a pretty good deal. Mustache Mike’s has many different flavors, and they even allow you to choose up to three flavors to mix!

denne t

We didn’t end up making as much as we hoped because most students leave right after school, but we made a pretty good profit. Some even came back for seconds because it was so good! Our divisional fundraising coordinator decided to sell it at our June DCM as well since there would be a lot of hungry Key Clubbers. The Mustache Mike’s guy came ! right on time, and a lot of our Key Clubbers bought all the different flavors they could get! Our President seemed to enjoy it as well!

iengtho n




constructing our community Who would want to wake up early in the morning just for some intense manual labor? A Key Clubber wouldn't mind taking on such a challenge. With that mentality and determination, I woke up walking into an area filled with sand and rocks waiting to be organized into separate piles. It wasn't the scenery that one would be relieved to look at, but if it were towards a greater cause and for the community, who knows what the efforts of an entire club or division can lead to. In this case, Western was involved in this community service event. It was quite amazing. Things started out slow with a rather inadequate way of sorting the rocks from the sand until new ideas developed, leading to a standing sorter that easily separated the rocks and the sand efficiently, in comparison to when one had to dump sand for on the sorter and someone else manually had to shake it to sort it out. The more we got involved, the faster things got completed with new renovating ideas that contributed to the project. The fact that everyone in the community came out to participate made the event all that much more worth it. Even a little young girl had fun helping. I remember her asking me why I was here. I responded with, "I'm here for the same reason you are -- to help!"

ericson tang, PUBLICIST

Honestly, it was quite heart-warming to see someone as young as five laughing as she took the rocks and dirt away with a old bike basket. It gave me the drive to want to be able to work with such compassion as she did. This garden clean up/construction was worthwhile. Even if it was quite dirty and dusty, the feelings I felt while working amounted to much more than just service. It was something that I won't forget. I have that feeling that all the work put into this area will turn out to be something great with a new community being an addition through dedication. This service event was similar to that of a war. Believe it or not, facing a giant mount of sand and rocks was quite discouraging. Moving it within a wheelbarrow was quite difficult. However, our morale never faltered as we saw each section of the mound slowly get smaller and smaller. It was quite the sight knowing that so much can happen in such little time. Each framework around the area was filled with 3 wheelbarrows full of dirt, totaling up to about 15 frames -- nearly 45 trips! It may have been tedious, but it was worth it. I regret nothing about this event. It gave me the sense of hard work and accomplishment, and those attributes are what really makes a Key Clubber stronger as an individual and as a whole club.

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2012

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This was first of the many meetings that Division 30 South had held with our Kiwanis advisors. This experience was overall very informational, not only to our club presidents, but all members of the board. The purpose of this meeting was to teach new board members the purposes of their jobs as a leader in the club, and how to successfully organize their individual home clubs. The agenda outlined from fundraisers, to upcoming events, to technical information for our websites, and ways to get more committed members. As you looked around you saw board members vigorously taking notes on the useful information given to make their key clubs successful. Not only did the Kiwanis advisors give us information, but they asked us to share our own ideas, and give advice from what has worked in the past and what hasn’t. This was especially useful for

prepping for...

The night wasn’t just about notes and training, it also revolved around fun and bonding. After the meeting, there was a period of time where we could go socialize with the other board members as well as our own. The Kiwanis provided snacks and refreshments which were really yummy! The best part about the night was their announcement of a monthly drawing at these meetings, where each member that came was put into a raffle. This month’s raffle was our divisional shirt, and each member from a different school had a chance to win. Western having the most members at this meeting left me thinking there was no chance. But to my surprise, our advisor, Mr. Barry had called my name as the winner, and I received a free divisional shirt! All the other Western members were pretty jealous, but this had definitely brought my night to be even better, as it was unexpected!

grishma patel, ! VICE PRESIDENT



On June 19, 2012 nearly all of Western Key Club’s board members gathered together to Vice President Grishma’s home to make the 100 water balloons that would be needed for the water balloon war the next day. We didn’t only make water balloons; we sat and made plans for months to come and briefed everyone on their positions. As we went outside to make the balloons we had trouble just turning on the hose without people getting blasted with water.



But after we got the hose running we managed to get a steady pattern and the balloons started piling up. Even though quite a few balloons popped and quite a few of us screamed, we managed to get over 100 balloons made. Nearly 200 were actually made but there were popped and defected balloons. But it wasn’t all work; when we were finished we all sat down and enjoyed pizza, pasta, and wings that our generous president bought for us. The whole process was a great bonding experience for us with all the screaming and laughing, and the food was a plus.

lanvi nguyen, PUBLICIST

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2012

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JUNE This month’s DCM was an exciting learning experience. When it started, everyone said the Pledge of Allegiance and then the Key Club Pledge (which was hilariously said incorrectly at parts). It was then time for roll call, and the fact that Western had 21 members (although more arrived later) at the DCM was amazing since we were the club with the most attendees. After, the LTG, Erick Pineda, informed everyone about news, updates, and upcoming events. One of the most surprising moments at DCM for me was when he announced that I was the Shining Secretary of May. I did not expect that it would be me, but I was glad that my efforts had paid off! In addition, Western came in 5th place for the May for sunshine stats which was a great achievement for the club. I thought about the freshmen and sophomores since they play a big in the club’s success; without their dedication, our club would not be able to have such an achievement.


After the actual DCM ended, I had to gather with the other secretaries for additional training on how to do the MRF with the LTG. I had never learned so much about the MRF in about 10 minutes. The LTG pointed out some things that needed to be fixed on the MRF, but overall, I learned a lot. I was determined to become a better secretary for the club after this little training session. Now that all of the serious business was done, it was time for a water war! Participation in the water war was a donation of $2 and the division was able to raise a lot of money for PTP. I did not participate in the water war, but I was watching from the side. It was interesting to see how crazy people can be with water balloons; balloons were being tossed left and right. The Division Leadership Team was clearly outnumbered but tried their best against all the others. Everyone who participated was soaked but had tons of fun! The water war was a success and was a great way to start the summer!

KIWANIS On June 12st, Western attended the Kiwanis DCM in Fullerton at Sizzlers. The first problem we had was time. Savanna’s president, Michelle, picked up all of us, Erick and me, and we were already running late. Traffic wasn’t making the problem any easier. When we got to Sizzlers we all ran inside the building and were greeted by Mr. Barry. There were many Kiwanis that attended and so did the LTG from UCI Circle K and the Treasurer from Cal State Fullerton Circle K. One of topics that stood out to me at the meeting was the increase in membership, which was really great! The last time I went to a DCM, which was in April, they mentioned how they were trying to increase membership and really trying to gather people to join the Kiwanis. One of the Kiwanis from La Habra mentioned how her son is a soon to be Kiwanis and he is someone who just got out of college too!

[6.20.12] hillary t ran, SECRET ARY


The youth is definitely going to help keep the Kiwanis enthusiasm alive. Erick gave a little update on Division 30 South. He mentioned how we had our June DCM a day prior to the Kiwanis meeting and we were able to raise $134 for PTP. The division is going to be having 4 suns represent the division at International Convention. Something that was really fascinating was the mentioning of the International President visiting Region 3. In his honor the Kiwanis are going to have a beach get together in his honor. This is a really special gathering because the International President comes once every five years! It really got me thinking. As far as this sounds, I really hope to be a Kiwanis someday hopefully. Seeing Mr. Barry, Mr. Carter, and all the Kiwanis is such an inspiration. I even hope to be a Kiwanis for Western if that’s possible in the future as well.

Western The Official High Western SchoolHigh Key Club School Newsletter Key Club|Newsletter June 2012| June 2012

jennife r tarm, PRESID ENT

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[4] Fourth of July
















[20] DCM @ Veteran’s Park







[27] Relay for Life [Anaheim]




Western The Official High Western SchoolHigh Key Club School Newsletter Key Club|Newsletter June 2012| June 2012

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the h t i w s r Membe s This Month ur Most Ho

1.Ericson Tang [19.3 hours] 2.Henry Torres [16.1 hours] 3.Jennifer Tarm [12.3 hours] 4.Huy Ngo [11.1 hours] 5.Kim Truong [8.8 hours] thank you all for your hard work and dedication! A WORD FROM THE


Hello my wonderful suns! This month, we just had our first official board meeting and we have a pretty good sense of how the term is going to be. Some goals we have are member retention and higher participation at service events. We were a step to accomplishing our goals when Western had many new members attend June DCM. I'm very proud of the underclassmen for continuing to be active in Key Club. It is you guys that help the club carry on and prosper. You guys make Western very proud! Since June was such a busy month, we hope that August will be the same too. Always shinin’ with service, Jennifer Tarm

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for being named Division 30 South’s Shinin’ Secretary for the month of May! Our very own secretary, Hillary Tran, truly knows what it means to be “shinin’ with service!” Not only does she make an effort to attend all of the service projects, DCMs, and various training workshops, she produces the most thorough MRFs and is never late in turning them in. She is very prompt, and she even completed her monthly articles way ahead of the due date. Though she has only been a Key Club secretary for two months, she has gone above and beyond the expectations of her duty. Way to go, Hillary, you make Western Key Club extremely proud!

YOU o d t a h w

LOVE about key club?

What I love about Key Club, is the magic of service. I love serving my community and I love being able to have fun while doing it. Not only does Key Club bring these two together, but it creates memories and friendships that will last a lifetime! - grishma patel

I love Key Club because I am surrounded by people who love to serve as much as I do. They make caring their way of life! - mercy tran

I love Key Club because it gives me the chance to make a difference in the community. It's also the greatest opportunity to meet new people that are in Key Club for the same exact motive and reason. - ericson tang

I love Key Club because it isn't such an awkward place to be. I can put two people together and say, "MEET EACH OTHER" because it is such a Key Club thing to do. - jennifer tarm I love Key Club because at the end of the day, I could look back and reflect on myself and truly feel like I made a difference in our community. - miranda phan I have a passion for Key Club because of the unity and service it offers. It truly creates a better sense of character for any member. Key Club has helped me make new friends and strengthen bonds. I love it because its a family where anyone is welcome. - ana chavez

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CONTACT US! The Western High School Key Club Board

PRESIDENT, Jennifer Tarm [714] 213-9335 jtarm9@gmail.com

PUBLICIST, LanVi Nguyen [714] 878-8059 omg_its_lanvi@yahoo.com

VICE PRESIDENT, Grishma Patel [714] 270-4346 grishmapatel26@gmail.com

HISTORIAN, Kim Truong [714] 471-8732 piggy654321@yahoo.com

VICE PRESIDENT, Miranda Phan [714] 548-5143 mirandaphan@yahoo.com

HISTORIAN, Zayrha Arambula [714] 315-3611 fam_bam12@yahoo.com

SECRETARY, Hillary Tran [714] 797-4843 Hillaryt44@yahoo.com

TECH EDITOR, Ana Chavez [714] 515 – 2584 gaby3141@sbcglobal.net

TREASURER, Denne Tiengthong [714] 331-9124 dennetiengthong@gmail.com

BULLETIN EDITOR, Mercy Tran [562] 852-8541 mercyxtran@hotmail.com

PUBLICIST, Ericson Tang [714] 422-9375 tang_ericson@yahoo.com

WE ARE ALWAYS SHININ’ WITH SERVICE! The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2012

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U O Y K N A TH G N I D A E FOR R The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter

a Kiwanis-family member keyclub.org | cnhkeyclub.org 8360 RED OAK STREET #201 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 ~ 909.989.1500

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