Western hs key club july2014 newsletter

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Division 30 South | Region 3 | CNH Volume 3, Issue 1

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter |July 2014


What is up D30S! July DCM Hello again everybody! Hopefully everyone is having a fantastic July, and an overall enjoyable summer. I'm proud to say we are doing fairly well as a club--we've been trying new things, doing our best to be active, and so much more! With that being said, I want to inform you all of the NEW things we're doing. We're excited for our club socials, upcoming service events, the first day of school along with club rush, and the list goes on. It heeds me to say that we have not served as many hours this month, but I know this will pass. As school comes to a close, I am happy to see you all (despite the sadness of summer ending)! Get excited everyone, we are ready to start the school year with a blast and tons of excitement! That's all for now, lovely key clubbers. Keep on serving! —- Chelsa DeGuzman


The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | July 2014

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July Collage

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Beach Boomba

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ICON Prep.

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5K Run

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Board Meeting

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Short Poem June’s Top 5

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The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | July 2014

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July Collage

Beach Boomba It’s that time again! Where all the Key Clubbers from Region 3 come and make a splash at Huntington Beach!


After a couple of games were played, our amazing DLT’s allowed members to pie them in order to raise money PTP. Then we had a water balloon fight with our Region 3 friends and it was a blast! Afterwards, a group of y board members and I decided to revisit the shore to dip our feet in again. We then had an amazing idea to create, not a sand castle, but a sand couch! This sand couch took up the rest of our time at the beach because it needed a lot of sand and water. All our hard work paid off when our sand couch came to life!


Beach Boomba is Region 3’s annual DCM at the beach. It’s a way for members to get to know others fm different divisions and make new friends while at the beach! First, I arrived at my lovely president’s house because she was giving rides to the beach. While at her house, we made water balloons for our water balloon fight at the beach. The car ride to the beach felt like the longest ride ever because all of us were eager to be at the beach with our division. After driving around for a bit trying to figure out where to be dropped off, we arrived about an hour late. Upon arrival we were greeted by our friendly DLTteam working the registration table. We made it just on time for lunch; they served pizza and cookies. After lunch, my board members and I decided to get a little wet by putting our feet and legs in the water. The water felt very refreshing and cool; getting a bite to eat and then we proceeded to our workshops or informative sessions, where we perfect for that hot day! perfect for the hot weather! After about 2 hours in, our DLT decided to start our monthly DCM. This DCM was like any other because 25 steps away from us, another division were having their DCM and 35 steps from them another DLT was hosting theirs. It was amazing seeing the diverse meetings going on and how they are all about Key Club! Our DCM consisted of updates about events and a challenge was given to everyone; t o make 3 new friends from different divisions. After the DCM, our DLT’s formed some games for us to play

After finishing our sand couch, we decided to dip our feet in the ocean one last time before we go and clean up. To end our Beach Boomba we had a beach clean up to clean the mess we made. After everything, we prepared for a long ride back home. Overall, my first Beach Boomba experience was AMAZING! Being with the board and members, I got to be closer to them and I had new experiences too. I can’t wait for Beach Boomba 2015!


ICON Prep. ICON is a really fun convention to go to for anyone interested in meeting Key Clubber form all over. So going to an event where I get to help prepare for Key Club’s International Convention is something wonderful. As I arrived at the Anaheim Convention Center, where ICON was being held this year, I kind of got lost. We were told by our LTG Jordan to meet up at “the water fountain” but it turned out that there was more than one water fountain at the convention so it got confusing. However, since it was my first time at the Anaheim Convention Center, I remembered that there was another water fountain close by so we stared to head there. It turned out that was the right one and that we would have waiting at the other for a while if we had not realized. The event was pretty simple, all we had to do was pack some fliers and booklets into a small bag that would be handed to ICON attendees. However, before we started the actually filling of the bad, we had to move the boxes that had the paper in them form one room to another. The boxes were pretty heavy but at the end, we all managed to move the boxes successfully. We then began to unpack everything and started to fill up the bags However, since we would be packing a lot of bags, more than I would wish to count, we decided to make an assembly line. One person would put the first paper in the bag and then pass it down the line to then next person. The next person would then but whatever paper they were given and repeat

move the boxes filled with the finished bags and separate them from the ones that were not finished. That was when we noticed that we had so many boxes of bags that they were hard to move around. Soon though, we were given the necessary booklet to fill up the rest of the bags and so we finished them all, or so we thought. Right when everyone thought we had finished packing the bags with everything, we were notified that the water bottles for the ICON attendees had arrived and that we need to pack them inside the bags too. It was really hard to try and take every bag out of the boxes, put the water bottle inside the bag, and then try and fit the bags back inside the boxes. Most of the boxes ripped since they weren’t big enough so we had to move them into bigger boxes. Once we had finished the finished packing the bags we had to moves the boxes outside. There, some of the volunteers would move them into a storage room but the quickly got filled up so everyone then had to move the boxes back to the room where they first were. The event was tiresome but I’m glad I helped out preparing for ICON. — Henry Torres

the same steps as the precious person. I think this was more efficient than everyone just getting a bag and putting everything that need to go in it. Although not everyone is not as fast as the fastest person in the room or as slow as the slowest person, it got a bit confusing but in the end we all managed. After we had finished packing the bags, we notice that we had ran out of some of the paper and booklets so we had

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | July 2014

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5K Race for Transformation !

On Saturday, July 12th, I volunteered at our division event, the 5K Race for Transformation, in Irvine. My friend and I arrived at Mason Park in Irvine at around 6:30AM to help set up booths with EZ-Ups and tables, mark the course with signs, and distribute supplies to certain stations (i.e. the water station). Besides Key Clubbers from divisions 41N (Froggies), there were other volunteers as well, just serving on their own individual time, which was great too! After receiving our volunteer shirts, we were all assigned to different stations. Initially, my friends and I from our own club were supposed to make water balloons for the water balloon toss later, but we couldn’t because the nozzle that the coordinators gave us to fill them didn’t fit the park’s water spouts. So instead, we were all assigned to the only water station of the entire course along with three other Key Clubbers from Whitney High School. It was a fun experience getting to know them and helping serve our community together without even having second thoughts about it! It was nice seeing the relief on some of the runners’ faces when they saw us giving out water for them too. helping serve our community together without even having second thoughts about it! It was nice seeing the relief on some of the runners’ faces when they saw us giving out water for them too. An hour after the race started—so at around 9:15 AM—all of the runners had finished the entire course. So, my friends and I went back to the area where we were originally to see if there was anyone else that needed help as well. For a lot of the time there, until the end of the event at around 11 AM, we didn’t really do anything else because there was nothing else to help with until it was time to clean up. The event coordinator, Chelsea, encouraged us to not just sit around and to join in on the activities there. There were water balloons still left and stuff for playing limbo. Some of my friends visited the booths of other sponsors and organizations there too. A lot of them, of course, promoted fitness and health, so they had healthy food samples and a few games. One booth had a wheel that had a certain prize or “punishment,” like 10 push-ups or sit-ups, when


one of us spun it. Finally, we started to clean up at about 10:30 AM. There was a lot of stuff to take down or clean up, such as banners, EZ-Ups, tables, yoga mats, speakers, food trash, etc. We finished about half an hour later than we expected, but we still finished with everything. I have to admit that this event was very disorganized and that I had expected more organization and fluidity with the entire event. But, it was barely the second time they had done this event, and it was still fun and worthwhile in the end. I really hope that they ask us to come back and volunteer again next year! — Van Bui


The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | July 2014

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Board Meeting On a day where I had tennis practice, a board meeting was scheduled to take place at Starbucks so it was all good. So after practice, Van and I hitched a ride off of Chelsa, where she was nice enough to take us to the board meeting location! Arriving there, we found a few of our board members already seated in the front. Everyone caught up about their summer and plans for a while, while waiting for the other members to come. Eventually, a majority came and we ordered our drinks. We also tried waiting for a place where all the present members could sit.



We eventually seated ourselves outside, near the side of the building. Our mini agendas were passed out and we began to look over them. We started out with past updates, talking about the events we recently attended and our opinions on it. Updates on new events were given afterwards, where we would go over the location, times, particular jobs we’d have to do there, and more. Information pertaining to new fundraisers that we would soon hold and ideas from the members were given, too. We had ideas of a cookie dough fundraiser from Chelsa, our president, and I also had some ideas that I took note of from the past Officer Training Conference. They included an interesting “coin wars” project and a truth and dare fundraiser, too! An interesting event that was also brought up was our first Key Club social that would take place at Twila Reid Park, where students from anywhere, including freshmen and incoming new members, would get together to learn about Key Club, socialize, and have fun with their other members. Being the first social of Key Club for Western, we discussed for quite some time on what activities we should conduct, what snacks we should bring, and what people we should invite. We eventually concluded that discussion with a confirmed date that would work with everybody.

Another interesting event that was brought up was Beach Boomba where all of Region 3 would be able to attend to do service, have fun at the beach, and make new friends. Everyone looked over the times and our source of transportation so it was mainly planning. Going over some reminders, we also went over the cost of our officer badges and the deadline for the payment. A board meeting was also planned where all the board members would get together to create spirit gear, a key blade, and more! In preparation for Club Rush, Fall Rally, and possibly even DCON, everyone wanted to get together to create those items beforehand. The meeting was informative overall and it was really nice just to sit down and talk with some drinks. I’ll look forward to more meetings like this in the upcoming term! — Emmy Han

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July was a hectic month of summer—I was not able to get as many Key Club events in as I hoped. Luckily, the Cypress Community Festival was right around the corner for me to sign up and volunteer for! I was debating whether to volunteer on the 24th th or the 26 , but I eventually chose the 24th since Beach Boomba was on the 26th (tons of fun!). My volunteer shift was at about 8:00am-12:00pm. I first arrived there and didn’t really see anybody. Then, a fellow key clubber I serve, Giovanni greeted me! Along with him, were other Cypress Key Clubbers who added to the fun and enjoyment of this service event! There weren’t many of us, but we got the job done. Our first task was to assemble a square like contraption that would be used to mark the surrounding park. It sounded simple, but in all honesty it took us a while to finally construct it all. We then split into two teams—Dave’s group and Wanda’s group (the two coordinators for the event). They were both really welcoming and friendly! Two other Key Clubbers and I went with Wanda and got straight to work. Our job was to mark the entire half of the park with the contraption we built. These marks were used for all the vendors to locate and place their canopies and easy-ups. We only used two things—the contraption and spray paint—oh and we used our heads of course! Everything you do needs a little brainpower. Especially marking them—we had to number them correctly and place them in the right spots! We spray painted the corners of each spot and from then, kept on going. It was a simple job, but I enjoyed it much. Despite the blazing heat, it was still something I’d do again. After about two hours of working, we took a break. Wanda and her other helper were great—they gave us water and talked with us a lot. It reminded me of one thing I really love about service—you meet so many people who can connect you to so many things and help you in your future! We talked about college, past jobs, and many other things. It was a nice feeling, being able to work while at the same time getting to converse with others about many things. Anyways, after that nice break, we jumped right back into spray painting! It was 12:00pm already and our group hadn’t finished. We were allowed to leave, but one of the Key Clubbers and I, Thao, decided to stay a little longer. We didn’t stay until the whole park was marked, but we did stay an hour longer, which went by fast, since we doubled the speed. I’m really glad I went to this event because of the people I met. Despite the small number of our volunteers, we still made a difference by doing our best and helping start up the wonderful festival that was to be in a few days! — Chelsa DeGuzman

June’s Top 5

1.Giovanni R.-26.5 2. Van Bui - 10 3. Henry Torres- 10 4. Kiara Legaspi - 6

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The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | July 2014

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CONTACT US! ! 2014-2015 Western High School Key Club

PRESIDENT, Chelsa DeGuzman [714] 307-6168 chelsazthebam@gmail.com

PUBLICIST, Trini Nguyen (714) 725- 4754

HISTORIAN, Kiara Legaspi VICE PRESIDENT, Nhuhao Do [714] 688 6925 Nheeoi@yahoo.com.com

HISTORIAN,Giovanni Ramirez SECRETARY, Van Bui [714] 824 2884 vanbuii18@yahoo.com

HISTORIAN, Henry Torres TREASURER, Emmy Han ehantmee@yahoo.com

Publicist,Lesley Aguirre Bulletin Editor, Mimi Nguyen [714] 837 0430 jackie.mimi.nguyen@gmail.com

Member Recognition Randall Belyea

Western Social

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter |July 2014

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The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2014

a Kiwanis-family member keyclub.org | cnhkeyclub.org 8360 RED OAK STREET #201 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 ~ 909.989.1500

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