Western hs key club june 2014 newsletter

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Division 30 South | Region 3 | CNH Volume 3, Issue 1

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter |June 2014


It’s been summer for actually a pretty long time but before we all know it, there will be back-

June DCM Hi everybody! Chelsa here, your very own, Western President! It's been about three months into our 2014-2015 term and I have to say, it's been far beyond great. Despite that it is only the beginning, we have had tons of shining moments that I have been ecstatic to share with you all. From serving over 180+ service hours, placing in shining club of the month, getting to know each other and bond, it all has been memorable. Summer may be here and amidst, but I hope that not only I, but the rest of you lovely suns continue your service with joy! I want to be here for all of you so do not feel the slightest hesitation to contact me--I don't bite! To me, there is nothing greater to see than one smile, so I will do my best to all make you all smile. Thank you to all who have read this and the rest of our awesome newsletter! —- Chelsa DeGuzman


The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2014

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June Collage

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St. I Carnival

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June DCM

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WHS Banquet

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Short Poem

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June’s Top 5

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The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2014

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June Collage


ST. Irenaeus Fiesta

The St. Irenaeus Church, is the church I go to on Sundays, so when I heard that we would be helping out with their Fiesta, I was thrilled. The St. Irenaeus Fiesta is a little three day carnival the church does every year. The fiesta includes carnival games for kids, rides, and food from many different nationalities. As I was busy with that week, I was only able to volunteer on the last day of the fiesta. It didn’t matter though because I would at least be helping out my church, even if it was only a day. At the first half of the festival, I helped out with a game booth call 5-Pin Bowling. The point of the game was to try and see how many pins kids could knock down with three pucks. Knocking down three pins would get you colored bead necklace while knocking down four pins would get you a small price such as a toy airplane or spinning top. However, if knocking down all 5 pins would get you one of the grand prizes which were some pillow pet and a giant Mickey Mouse. Although it may seem hard or even impossible to get five pins with only three pucks, there were some people that day that did. Some people tried over and over until they would either win the grand prize or lose all their money but I think all the fun and experience they had was all worth it. The second part of the day I spent helping out with another game booth called Alley Oop. The objective of this game was to try and score as many points as possible with three ping pong balls on a board that was divided into five different section each labeled with a number between one and three. Players had to roll the ping pong balls down the board and try and land on the section of the board with the number three.


The little kid on his first try was able to win the grand prize by scoring nine points the highest score you could get on the game. At first I thought it was just luck or a fluke but then he came back a while later and won again. Both the kid had good rolling skills, had a lot of luck that night, or was somehow cheating and I didn’t notice but I sure was surprised. Working at both booth was indeed an interesting experience. At the end of the day, I checked the money we had gathered as a booth and saw that we had done better than the previous year. This made my day even better. Although I will have graduated by the time this event arrives, I hope I have the

time to volunteer again next year. ============= Henry Torres

June DCM On Saturday, June 21st, I attended the June DCM, which consisted of a potluck, bonding activities, and a water balloon fight! Being one of the Executive Assistants for D30S, I arrived at Veterans Park at about 12:30PM to help set up and reserve an appropriate area for our DCM to take place. I brought the EZ-UP while other DLT members brought supplies such as tables, pans, utensils, and of course, the food, for our potluck later. We also had to set up the tables for our division fundraiser for PTP, which were the suns that Mailinh Ton from Magnolia Key Club made. Oxford Academy also had super cute division/ sun pins to sell that would help fundraise for both PTP and ELIMINATE. During the DCM, I was still helping set up in the beginning, but was able to listen to announcements such as division service events, updates for our goal to raise funds for ELIMINATE, Shining Secretary, and Shining Stats! Those were probably a few of the many highlights of the DCM for me, even if Western wasn’t recognized on the division level. The Open Mind Session was interesting too, because three members had the chance to talk about their Key Club moments, which ranged from club banquet to elections to huge service events such as Light the Night. After the DCM, members were allowed to get in line for food and purchase any merchandise. It was hectic at first, but there were still leftovers from both the potluck—which could not have taken place without our awesome DLT and members!—and fundraisers. After most everyone finished eating, the bonding games started. There was the rock-paper-scissors war (which I didn’t get to participate in because I was still eating, sadly), shapeshift game, pretzel game, and mini-competition where randomized groups had to come up with an epic cheer (ours didn’t win, sadly )

for this, which promised lots of fun! Some schools even brought more than 100 water balloons! When the water balloon fight started, I slowly realized that the water balloons that my club made were too small to pop easily, so they either didn’t pop at all or bounced off of people when I threw them. To be honest, I probably missed more people than I hit with the water balloons, though… Once the bucket on our side was empty of water balloons, one of our lovely historians, Giovanni Ramirez, decided to dump the water in there on me.

Whoopee. The June DCM was definitely one of the most exciting and eventful ones, even though it took so much more planning than others for materials and scheduling. I was glad that more members from my club came out and participated as well, because we all had a lot of fun (even the newer members that started to become more active in Key Club!). This day makes me even more excited than I already was for July DCM, AKA Beach Boomba!

============ Van Bui

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | April 2014

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WHS Key Club Banquet I thought that banquets were supposed to be happy events. It was to some extent I guess for our WHS Key Club Banquet. One of my biggest challenges in preparation for banquet was getting the perfect gift for our past vice president. I was given weeks and weeks and yet I wasn’t able to find a gift until an hour before banquet. Overthinking things really isn’t healthy for me and changing that is now my first resolve in this term. When I arrived at Marie Callender’s, the location the banquet was set at, I didn’t really know what I was expecting. Reaching the room, I found our past president, shining in all her radiance like a warrior goddess descending upon shining hills of sunshine and service. Her golden leaf crown settled gracefully on her hair and she was perfect without trying. As she began gliding towards me I heard the sound of the ocean crashing against the shore and the bold sounds of beating drums as if the birth of a golden egret were being celebrated. Ana Chavez is our past president and my role model and I was happy to see her. I was happy to come to banquet with my older sister, our past secretary and I watched as she was pulled away from me, in which I refuse to believe that she willingly walked to the other side of the room upon arrival. I suppose this was fine since this was good preparation for when she will leave me for good. Back to the events of banquet, I wandered around and talked with the other Key Clubbers and board members present and watched as they mingled, taking pictures and wandering around the orange-lit room. At last, it was time for us to take our seats and we all sat down to order our drinks and wait until orders for the main course were taken. Dinner with people other than family has always been the most difficult thing for me to handle. Yet, sitting and eating with all these Key Clubbers made me feel just really at home and I barely felt nervous at the table. In fact, I was just a bit too relaxed for a dinner.

enough. The notes were written by those present in the room and we were allowed to get up when we liked to write somewhat positive and to some degree of flattering notes to be read aloud by chosen board members. This was the light-hearted part before we started getting to board member to board member talks, mini speeches, and the closing.


Listening the present board members present the past their gifts was very sweet but it did turn somewhat depressing to me at one point and it was really quite hard to hold back tears. This was the same for the mini speeches the members gave to everyone. I did attempt at a speech but it came out pretty pathetic, which I’m somewhat glad for, had I said what I wanted, I would have been a blubbering mess. This night all ended with Ana’s closing speech, which tore at my heart, honestly. I went home feeling pretty down but somewhat happy, it was pretty cute seeing some of the members cry. Thus concluded my first Key Club Banquet. ======= Nhi Truong

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2014

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D30S Region 3 OTC New Key Club officers don’t always have the full scoop on their board positions or the goals of the club. However, that can easily be fixed by attending an Officer Training Conference! Region 3 had an OTC to clear up everything Key Club related for its new 2014-2015 board members. All the new board members of Region 3 Key Clubs had the opportunity to attend an OTC hosted by our Lieutenant Governors. It was a great workshop to allow for bonding, the creation of new friendships, and learning about Key Club! Circle K and Kiwanis also attended to provide food, water, help, and supervision. Everybody was able to have a great time and learn a lot! After initial registration, we were asked some Key Club trivia questions and were introduced to our LTG’s and workshops for the day. They were very inclusive and got everybody excited for the day ahead! We were allowed to stay at Estancia High School, using the cafeteria as a meeting point and the classrooms as session locations. The first session I attended was called BEE-ing a Leader, and taught the skills needed to be a great and professional leader. I learned all about the qualities a leader needs, the expectations a leader has, the rules a leader must follow, how a leader should dress and behave, and so much more! I was also able to meet many other prospective leaders. I then attended a session on member recruitment and retainment. This was especially helpful as Member Recognition, I learned the strategies and rules I need to utilize and follow for my own club, and meet others who were interested in the development of their clubs. There were many other workshops taught by our Region 3 LTG’s, all pertaining to the responsibilities and expectations of each board position and ideas for club

our Region 3 cheer. Ultimately, Region 3’s OTC was a huge success! It was tons of fun meeting the LTG’s and other guests, and very rewarding to work with them for the advancement of our knowledge and expectations of achievement as board members.========= Randall Belyea

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2014

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Key Club; two words that help define who we are.


It takes us away from the troubles, never making us feel sub par.


Is it just a club, an organization, a hype?

A Poem About

No, it’s a way of living, it’s my life.


Service at your duty not for the hours or because we are forced,


A want to assist and better, friendship, community, now that is what’s endorsed.


We each have a helping hand, striving to contribute to our community, to shine like a sun,


But it is when we put these hands together and become a body, when we become one,


One family, one vision to not be served, but to serve, fervently.


And that is exactly who we are suppose to be,


Key clubbers with a purpose, a reason, and a key,

A key to helping not just you, me, but helping our world together as a “we”.

By Chelsa DeGuzman

June’s Top 5 " 1. Lam Bui - 26.5 2. Huy Ngo - 25 3. Henry Torres- 15 4. Kiara Legaspi - 14

Special News : I am so happy that we have new names in these 5 spots and congratulations to Lam for being number 1 this month! We will miss you next year.

TheThe Official Western High School KeyKey Club Newsletter | June 2014 Official Western High School Club Newsletter | April 2014

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CONTACT US! " 2014-2015 Western High School Key Club

PRESIDENT, Chelsa DeGuzman [714] 307-6168 chelsazthebam@gmail.com

PUBLICIST, Trini Nguyen (714) 725- 4754

HISTORIAN, Kiara Legaspi VICE PRESIDENT, Nhuhao Do [714] 688 6925 Nheeoi@yahoo.com.com

HISTORIAN,Giovanni Ramirez SECRETARY, Van Bui [714] 824 2884 vanbuii18@yahoo.com

HISTORIAN, Henry Torres TREASURER, Emmy Han ehantmee@yahoo.com

Publicist,Lesley Aguirre Bulletin Editor, Mimi Nguyen [714] 837 0430 jackie.mimi.nguyen@gmail.com

Member Recognition Randall Belyea

Member Spotlight "

1. What's your reason for joining key club? Honestly, I joined Key Club in my freshman year for service hours.. but since my older brother was the president of his Key Club in his senior year, I asked myself, “eh, why not?” and thought I would get a good experience and a few new friends out of it. I’ve come a long way since then, and I’m sure there’s more opportunities in my next two years here! 2. What's your favorite food? Uh, I don’t really have one single favorite food, but I like Korean BBQ and seafood in general. Mm <3 3. If you were an animal what would you be? I’d be a rabbit, duh. They’re so cute and fluffy and have a lot of energy.


4.What is your goal for your term as secretary? Well, I’m hoping that along with helping the members keep track of their status in Key Club, I can get to know each of them on a more personal level and encourage them all to participate in more events. Even just as a Key Clubber and not as a secretary, I hope that I can get members more involved and help them get that happy, satisfying experience that I get out of Key Club. 5.What's your favorite school subject? It used to be math, but then I entered high school. So I’ll just say Spanish, because it’s fun learning a new language and about the culture surrounding it. Plus, Mr. Ruiz made the class really fun and engaging! It was one of the only classes last year that I didn’t fall asleep in, too. 6. What's your favorite TV show? I don’t watch a lot of TV, but when I do, it’s almost always Masterchef. The drama behind it is pretty interesting for a cooking show, hah 7. What's your favorite song right now? a. I change my favorite songs a lot, actually.. but right now, I’ve been obsessed with Joe Brooks’s “Superman.” It’s four years old, but probably better than most of the stuff I hear on the radio. I also like Justin Timberlake’s “Not a Bad Thing.” JT, pls. 8. How do feel about your new board members? Well to be honest, they’re a bit awkward—but then again, I’m just as awkward, if not more, so.. but it’s alright, because I know it’s awkward transitioning into the new term. It was weird to me at first that so many people from my grade were appointed as board members. I was used to having the mass of seniors during my 2013-2014 term. At our board bondings/meetings, we always manage to have fun while still getting things done, so I have faith in all of us to get our club to be the best it can be! 9. What are your hobbies? Obviously, my passions are tennis and Key Club, but I also like doing DIY projects. Otherwise, I’m kind of a boring person.

The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter |June 2014

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The Official Western High School Key Club Newsletter | June 2014

a Kiwanis-family member keyclub.org | cnhkeyclub.org 8360 RED OAK STREET #201 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 ~ 909.989.1500

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