Why Fitness Magazine Issue 5

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• TA Y


I’ M O















Publication date 9 September | Next issue 14 October

It’s not about the run, it’s about the fun!

The swisse color run, the happiest 5k on the planet YOUR SUNSHINE COAST FITNESS MAGAZINE

Read about innovations in health and fitness inside this issue.



editor’s note

EDITOR’S NOTE with Jen Forster I love this time of year on the Sunshine Coast! I mean, who wouldn’t? Cool mornings, warm sunny days and the best part, it is lighter for longer at the end of the day which means we can spend more time outdoors doing more of the stuff we love. Spring is definitely here! In this issue we take a look at ‘fitness innovation’. So what is ‘innovation’? The dictionary definition says; To make changes in something established, esp. by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.Will Rogers

What I have noticed in putting this edition together is that innovation is two things. The first is thinking outside the square and the second is having the ‘kohonas’ to believe in your ideas and back them all the way. A great example of these are Tough Mudder and The Color Run. Tough Mudder have taken an obstacle race and, by focusing on our emotions, fears and the camaraderie and mateship that is a huge part of human nature, have created the largest obstacle race worldwide. Don’t you wish you’d come up with that idea? The Colour Run has also taken a simple 5km Fun Run and focused on our love of colour, fun, happiness and again, that tribal culture that allows us to experience the event with our families and friends. Take a look around. Innovation is everywhere and like it or not, it is an ongoing process that ignites change and in turn, growth. One of my favourite quotes is ‘nothing changes if nothing changes’, and how boring would the world be otherwise? I believe it is human nature to innovate. We are always looking for ways to make and do things better. Who knows, you may be sitting on an idea right now that could change the world! As this Issue goes to print I am very excited and a little sad too. I am saying goodbye to my life as a fitness trainer and will be focusing 100% on my role as Editor of Why Fitness Magazine. For the past eight months I have been living in this crazy notion that I am ‘Wonder Woman’ and can ‘manage’ to do everything. Recently I discovered that this is not true (anyone else like me?!?!). What is most exciting is that Why Fitness is growing at a rate of knots and we will continue to ‘innovative’ with each new issue. I can’t wait!!

Why Fitness Magazine supports local charity Surf Life Saving.

Watch out Sunny Coast, Why Fitness is here to stay and we can’t wait to bring you everything that is exciting, innovative, emotional, inspiring, motivating, educational and connecting about health and fitness! Yours in fun and fitness

If you would like to donate please email jen@whyfitness.com.au.

WHY does fitness matter to You? Why Fitness Magazine, the Sunshine Coast’s ONLY Fitness Magazine Would you like your business to be featured in Why Fitness Magazine? Contact Jen on 0403 236 783 to find out how! Don’t miss a single issue! Why not subscribe to Why Fitness Magazine? You will receive every issue, delivered directly to you.

JUST $60.50 per year! Contact Jen Forster on M. 0403 236 783 E. jen@whyfitness.com.au www.whyfitness.com.au









why fitness 3


A big thank you to MCJ Wilkie Productions for the Swisse Color Run cover photo this issue. Published by Matters Magazine ABN 95 131 837 833 P. 5444 4456, F. 5302 6609 Noel Burns House 18/21 Nicklin Way, Minyama Editor/Advertising Enquiries Jen Forster 0403 236 783 or 5444 4456 jen@whyfitness.com.au Publisher Vickie Magic 5444 4456 or 0433 198 868 vmagic@bmmag.com.au Distribution Dranko Magic, 0408 751 863 magic@bmmag.com.au Creative Director Amanda Opanubi, Proof Designs



6 Top 10 fitness Innovation hits by The Health Hound.

22 ASk us why electrolytes

8 OD on movement! LOCAL SUCCESS Ian O’Dwyer.

24 WHY BFRESH with



11 COLOR MY WORLD The Swisse Color Run comes to the Sunshine Coast.

41 FIT AND WELL With Cassandra

13 xtreme ocr obstacle course race series.

and fitness apps. Rebecca Mugridge. Five minutes with Cassie Macdonald. Westerman, LifeSpark. 42 WHY CHANGE with the sledge hammer of self help CRAIG HARPER.

14 WHY EVENTS with Cr Jason O’Pray.

42 KAITLYN AKERS tells us



Sub-editors this issue: Alex Mitchell, The Health Hound,


Vickie Magic, Craig Harper, Annette

15 Vickie Magic shares her FITNESS MAGIC.

45 WHY COOK with

16 MEET THE SPEAKERS at The Health and Fitness Triathlon Seminar.

46 Find out WHY THIS AND

amanda@proofdesigns.com.au Writers, Columnists and

Sym, Jennifer Forster, Kaitlyn Akers, Gary Martin, Jason O’Pray, Jodi Chapman, Rebecca Mugridge, Cassie Westerman, Carren Smith, Kim Morrison, Cyndi O’Meara Distributed from Beerwah to Noosa Proudly printed on the Sunshine Coast by the Ink Spot Commercial Printers, Maroochydore | 5443 5431 4 ISSUE 5

18 TRIATHLON TECHNOLOGY! What’s new in Triathlon? 19 Meet the Tennis Coach Pro from PALMER COOLUM RESORT. 20 INNOVATIONS OF THE MIND by Gary Martin, Nutritionist, Living Valley Springs.

how to be BEACH FIT. ABOUT BEING FIRST. Meet our Foundation Advertisers. ANNETTE SYM. THAT – check out the ‘must haves’. Something for every fitness enthusiast. 48 why exilis elite with Dr Hugo Pin. 49 WHY AWAKEN WITHIN with Carren Smith, Cyndi O’Meara & Kim Morrison. 50 meet our advertisers.

Matters Pages 25 to 39

not advertorial but educational information from inside specific industries.


Sunshine Coast Indoor Sport


Allez Sport


Sunshine Coast Grammar


Pure Osteopathy

Vitality Options


Spin City Cycles



Integrated Wellness Centre

Centre for Studio Pilates



MAB Personal Training

and Adventures

Skin House


Pelican Waters Golf Club




Do you know what these are?



Atlas Multisports


Anytime Fitness


Adventure Sports

Advertorial Column Column Advertorial Editorial Feature Story Matters

We are proud of our innovation of videos at the end of some of our articles. To view the videos, download a QR scanner with your smartphone (the app we have found to be the best so far is i-nigma. Just go to your applications and search for it, then download the free application).

The Expo will feature:

GET SET AND GO! 12Th And 13Th OCTOBEr 2013 Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre

The Brisbane Fitness and Health Expo brings together ‘everything fitness’ under one roof for two days! With a wide range of products, services and ideas for anybody looking to improve their health, fitness and general well-being, the Expo is your one stop shop.


• Special guest appearance by Commando Steve (Sat only) • An action-packed Centre Stage including Lorna Jane fashion parades and celebrity appearances • Again Faster Arena - CrossFit, Weightlifting, Powerlifting and Strong Man demonstrations and competitions • Educational talks on fitness training, nutrition and motivation • The Brisbane Fitness Model Search with over 100 competitors across the two days • PLUS heaps more entertainment and education with great prizes up for grabs.


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why fitness 5


Top 10 Fitness Innovation Hits

by Henry Hound The theme of this month’s issue is ‘Innovation’. Watch late night TV and you are bound to see any number of diets and products, from slimming shakes to butt-busters that claim to be ‘innovative,’ but really are nothing more than a bunch of hooey. So I thought we should take a moment to separate the ‘snake-oil’ from the good science and take a look at ten recent fitness trends that really are innovations and hit the mark.

1. Mindful Eating Mindful eating takes the idea of ‘eastern practices’ such as meditation and ‘mindfulness’ to the dinner table. The idea is by being more conscious of what you eat and the way you eat — of the taste, smells and other sensations of eating. You will eat slower, which will increase satiety, aid digestion and have you eat less. Harvard University researchers have suggested that a slower, more thoughtful way of eating could help with many of the problems associated with overeating, especially those related to stress and making more healthy food choices.

3. TRX Strength Training Strength training never goes out of fashion, and the last few years have seen the increase in popularity of a home strength-training device that really does work, and earns the right to be called ‘innovative’. Invented by a Navy SEAL, TRX Suspension Training uses secured nylon bands that allow you to do a total bodyworkout of multiple reps of core strengthening activities, using your body weight as resistance. Fire fighters and pro-athletes swear by the TRX, and its popularity skyrocketed last year when it was featured on the television program, The Biggest Loser.

4. Core training

5. Social Media While there were some studies released in 2012 that said, “Facebook can make you fat,” more recent research has been singing the praises of ‘online group encouragement’. Social Media Sites like Instagram are loaded with motivational quotes, inspiring stories and photos, all of which help to make you feel you are not alone in trying to reach your weight loss goals.

6. Fitness Trackers Forget a simple ‘pedometer’, that was so last year; this was the year of the fitness tracker. These hightech and fashionable wristbands are able to track and monitor everything from the calories you burn, to the steps you take, to the quality of your sleep – and even have a GPS so you won’t get lost on your power walk!

2. Probiotics

Recent studies have shown that exercising and strengthening the core muscles, i.e. in the hips, lower back and abdomen, improves overall balance, which improves performance and ability in all sports, other exercises, and even daily activities. Core training uses gear like balance balls and wobble boards, which all lead to strengthening and conditioning of the muscles of the mid-section.

There has been a major push in recent years to increase probiotics in the diet, either naturally with probiotic foods such as yogurt and kefir, or through supplementation. And rightfully so. There is mounting evidence that a ‘healthy gut’ not only can aid in weight loss, but promotes increased immune function and better health overall.

Harvard University researchers have suggested that a slower, more thoughtful way of eating could help with many of the problems associated with overeating, especially those related to stress and making more healthy food choices.


7. Wii Fit In a trend that started last year with the introduction of the Wii Fit, we finally saw video games getting the couch potatoes up off of their collective butts! This year, the Wii Fit became the latest must-have for fitness buffs. Wii Fit is like video games meets virtual trainer that offers more than 40 activities to challenge users in areas like yoga, aerobics, strength training, balance and more.


8. High Intensity Interval Training High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves short intervals of maximum intensity exercise, separated by longer intervals of low to moderate intensity exercise. Because it involves briefly pushing yourself beyond the upper end of your aerobic exercise zone, advocates of HITT say it offers you many advantages over traditional ‘low impact’ exercises.

As the baby boom population ages in Australia and elsewhere, exercise classes and programs specifically tailored to more active seniors are on the rise.

9. Super Seniors As the baby boom population ages in Australia and elsewhere, exercise classes and programs specifically tailored to more active seniors are on the rise. These programs encourage an antiaging lifestyle and support recent studies that show that loss of lean muscle as we age is not inevitable, and you can train for peak performance at any age.

10. Adventure Races From Zombie Runs to Super Hero Challenges, to Mud Runs; ‘adventure sports’ have had an incredible surge in popularity recently. These kinds of races not only get you in shape and challenge you to be your best, they also encourage teamwork and group success. Adventure runs are fun, great workouts and the unique themes and obstacles make them a fitness experience to remember!

About the Author Henry The Health Hound is the pseudonym of an internationally recognised expert on health and fitness. He often debunks diet myths, exposes scams, and barks at Big Pharma and food and drug regulatory agencies on his website www.healthhound.org. He must stay undercover to be able to investigate with impunity crooked, unethical, immoral and downright dangerous health offers.



Peregian Beach www.sunshineveinclinic.com.au



The Rhythm of Life Ian O’Dwyer, or OD as he is known around the world in the fitness industry, has two passions. One of these is educating fitness trainers across the globe and the second, and where it all began, is creating through functional movement and play, optimal wellbeing for his clients.

Ian grew up in country Victoria. His family were well-known horse handlers and it was through watching the movement of these majestic animals that Ian came to understand the fundamentals of movement. Originally a plumber by trade and playing his other love, AFL footy, it was in 1997 that Ian decided that doing what he loved most, fitness and movement, would be where he would forge a life-long career. The very first personal training studio on the Sunshine Coast, Fitness Personally, was founded by his good mate Richard Boyd back in 1997. Richard also founded and created PTontheNet in the same year. Ian took over the Studio and never fitted the mould of the ‘traditional’ trainer. In fact he considered himself a Coach, not a trainer and swapped heavy weights for foam rollers and was more interested in movement and play over choreographed fitness. What Ian didn’t realise at the time is that he was pioneering a new way to exercise. Armed with a foam roller, Ian travelled with Richard to the United States to try and fill his thirst for knowledge on movement-based training. Over the coming years Ian collaborated with world leading physiotherapists and movement experts (among these were Mike Clark, Paul Check, Chuck Wolfe, Tom Purvis, Charles Poliquin) and continued


localsuccess to learn and evolve his methods of connecting people to movement as a method of training. Being in the right place at the right time landed Ian as one of the speakers at the ‘Meeting of the Minds’ World Conference in 2008. He was among 22 of the world leaders in fitness, presenting their philosophies of the future of fitness. “I was speaking directly after Paul Check and I remember thinking, gosh what a tough act to follow, so I knew that I wasn’t going to try and sound ‘smart’ so I had to deliver something that would show what my philosophies were. I created five two minute clips and captioned each of them with a word. Communication, connection, innovation, movement and enjoyment. I received a huge roar of applause and had my mentors telling me that I had created the gyms of the future” says Ian. This was a huge turning point in Ian’s professional career. When assessing clients Ian throws out the scale, callipers and tape measures and replaces this with an enquiry of ‘why’ (what’s the emotional connection/anchor). Ian firmly believes that it is only in understanding ‘why’ someone has walked through his door can he find the ‘how’ to help them. Oh and on that, if you are looking for a traditional training studio, this is not it. No repetitions, sets or heavy weights, but what you will find is games, connection and movement. Through this, a sense of achievement is the catalyst for further success. “Intelligent motion, instant change and play are fundamental aspects to creating pain-free, happy clients” says Ian. We asked Ian, why do you do what you do? What’s your ‘why’? Ian said, “To hopefully, leave a legacy that the body is far smarter than we are. And if we can have the humility to ask it (the body) rather than tell it and let it give us the information through observation, we should be able to gather enough information to be able to apply something to help it to move and feel better.” What are the three things you would say to somebody who is looking to find someone to assist them with their help health and wellness. “Choose a mentor, choose someone to guide you and help you find the answers that are within you. A good mentor will help you to extract these answers and not give you theirs. Look also for someone who can help you to find solutions through conversation and discussion and who can show you how to apply those solutions and most of all, someone with humility.” Ian’s credentials include:

Following the amazing success of the first two Brisbane Fitness and Health Expos, the Expo will be returning to the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on the 12 – 13 October 2013. The Expo brings together everything FIT and HEALTHY in an entertaining and educational environment, all under one roof for two days. With around 10,000 visitors and over 100 exhibitors expected, this event is not-to-be-missed! Whether you’re looking to hit the gym, kick a ball, lose weight, pump iron, improve your diet, find the latest in health and fitness information, or just have a fun day out, the Brisbane Fitness and Health Expo has something for you. Expo founder and owner Jason Greenhalgh is getting ready through open the doors to a whole new group of Expo attendees with this year’s Expo set to tip the charts at over 10,000 attendees. “It is really exciting to see the Expo grow from strength to strength in just three years. The quality of exhibitors, both local and national, as well as the growth in attendee numbers is a testament to how great the fitness market is and how valuable keeping a fit and healthy lifestyle really is.” “We are proud to have fantastic exhibitors on board the 2013 Expo, including Queensland’s own Lorna Jane, Hart Sport, Polar, BUPA, right the way through to local naturopaths, chiropractors, PTs and much much more.” Highlights of the Expo will include: Celebrity appearances including Commando Steve (Saturday Only) Lorna Jane Fashion parades Group fitness demonstrations by Fitness First

Business owner/Movement Conditioning Coach, Fitness Personally Studio, Noosa Heads since 1999.

Again Faster Arena featuring CrossFit, strongman, bodybuilding, and powerlifting demonstrations and competitions

Educator – Over 300 Workshops Globally

The staging of the Brisbane Fitness Model Search

Master Trainer – PTA Global, ViPR, FreeFORM Board, Hyperwear-Sandbells Author/Mentor – OD on Movement Founder, PTA Global Co-Founder, Fitpro.com, PT on the Net.com, QPEC.com.au, PTAcademy.com.au, TAFE Mooloolaba, CEF.co.nz Athlete – Semi Professional AFL (20+ years). Movement and Conditioning Coach - 15 years.

Scan this QR code to see how Ian uses ‘play’ as the basis of movement in his Studio in Noosa.

Educational talks on fitness training, nutrition and motivation (featuring Susie Burrell – one of Australia’s leading nutritionists) PLUS heaps of activities for the kids Tickets are: Adults - $15.00 Concession - $10.00 and kids under 15 are FREE.




We welcome industry visitors free of charge with proof of industry employment visit, www.brisbanefitnessexpo.com.au for more information.

why fitness 9

advancedfitnessperformance internally is very different for each individual; it is these differences that I would like to examine here.

Advanced fitness performance with Jodi Chapman

Do you suffer muscle cramping during training or events? There may be more to it than you think! Thank you to Rick from the Sunshine Coast for his question; “I suffer massively from bad cramping in my feet and toes when I swim, and calves, quads and hamstrings when I run or ride. I have tried salt sticks when competing with some effect, increasing magnesium, and also trying pickle juice.” What makes one athlete suffer severely with muscle cramping, while another athlete has no trouble at all? The biochemical makeup and electrolyte exchange going on

Cramping during exertion can be caused by a number of factors, with numerous treatment methods on offer, some of which have no known reason as to why they work. From a nutritional point of view, not only are the electrolytes magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium are necessary in adequate levels, but vitamins such as B6, Biotin and Vitamin E are just as essential. Sports drinks designed to prevent muscle cramping may not be enough if you are missing these key nutrients from your diet. Hyponatraemia is caused by over hydration, resulting in low sodium concentration in the blood, which causes symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, headache, confusion, fatigue, muscle weakness, spasms or cramps, decreased consciousness or coma. This is often caused by intake of too much water, though it can also be exercise induced, caused by loss of sodium through sweat. Hyponatraemia can also be caused by fluid retention, regardless of how much water you may or may not have consumed, and will cause the same symptoms. This is where your individual physiology can make you more prone to cramping than another athlete. In practice, I have found this to be the case most often in patients who are suffering with allergic responses to either food or chemicals. Patients tested were found to have excess water inside their cells, with dehydration outside of the cells. This is a biochemical response by the immune system causing hyponatraemia. The body functions with the correct

Jodi Chapman will be answering your sports/athletic/nutrition performance questions over coming issues. If you would like to ask Jodi a question, please email info@advancedwellness.com.au and put ‘Ask Jodi at Why Fitness’, in the subject line. balance of electrolytes when the cellular water is the same inside and outside of the cell. When you create an imbalance, with excess intracellular water, the electrolytes cannot then function or be absorbed correctly, as the electrolytes move with the water, regardless of the supplements you might take to try to balance them. This, in all cases, changes your interstitial pH, which can cause acidity or alkalinity within the lymphatic area of your body, surrounding all of your skeletal muscles, which may also contribute to cramping. Pickle juice has been said to work within 90 seconds, though this cannot be due to the sodium, as it does not absorb that quickly. However, the acidity has the ability to have an immediate alkalising effect on the lymphatic system, which is more likely the reason for its benefits. Just as a lemon is acidic, it is actually alkalising to your body. If you are suffering with more severe cramping than the average athlete, it would be wise to investigate further, to find out if you have underlying biochemical imbalances causing hyponatraemia, such as possible food intolerances or allergies. If you would like further information regarding testing to measure your risk of hyponatraemia, or food allergy testing, please contact Advanced Wellness & Behavioural Centre on 5443 1987. Food allergy testing is available in a number of ways, though some are more accurate than others. It is crucial that you get accurate testing. In the meantime, Ironman triathletes who have successfully completed up to eight events without cramping, suggest beginning hydration two to three days prior to the event, using products such as Nuun, one tablet to 500ml of water, at a usual amount of two to three litres per day. Avoid all caffeine or diuretic type drinks within this time period. Jodi Chapman BHSc Naturopath & Nutritionist at Advanced Wellness & Behavioural Centre, 44 Baden Powell St, Maroochydore. P. 5443 1987, www.advancedwellness.com.au

10 ISSUE 5


GET YOUR COLOR ON! The Swisse Color Run is set to shower the Sunshine Coast in a rainbow cloud of colour on Sunday, October 13 when the iconic new event hits the coast. The event will be staged at the Sunshine Coast Council’s premier sport and recreation facility, Stockland Park at Kawana Waters, transforming it into the ‘Happiest five k on the Planet’. The five kilometre fun run with a colourful twist will see thousands of participants of all ages and fitness levels completely covered in colour by the time they’ve completed the course. Inspired in part by the Hindu Holi festival, with its tradition of welcoming Spring by throwing natural coloured powders, The Swisse Color Run guarantees a truly memorable experience as runners are showered in blue, yellow, orange and pink coloured powder at each kilometre stage, (made from 100% natural and safe food grade corn starch), turning their pristine white attire into a rainbow explosion of colours! The Color Run Australia National Manager Luke Hannan said, “We’re thrilled to be bringing The Swisse Color Run to the Sunshine Coast – we know that locals will get on board and really immerse themselves in the colour and high energy of the event. From little ones, mums and dads right through to grandparents – we can’t wait to see you all there as Color Runners.” Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson said the Swisse Color Run is a welcomed addition to the Coast’s impressive sporting calendar. “Stockland Park has a superb reputation for hosting high profile events – but none have been as colourful as this event promises to be,” Mr Jamieson said. Founded in the USA in January 2012, The Color Run kicked off its Australian

tour in Melbourne in November 2012 as The Swisse Color Run. With Sydney, Perth, Newcastle, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Cairns and Sydney events staged so far in 2013, The Swisse Color Run is set to continue its travels, taking in Townsville on October 6, Perth on November 3 and Melbourne on November 24. Other cities on the horizon to be announced over the coming months include Brisbane, Ballarat, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Albury and Wollongong. Once runners complete the course, the fun and festivities continue with the ‘Finish Festival’. A coloured extravaganza of epic proportions featuring music and a family-friendly party atmosphere, celebrations culminate in a mass throw of colour powder packets, creating a cloud of rainbow colours. Importantly, there is also an area for runners to get cleaned up in the ‘Cleaning Zone’ before leaving the course. The Sunshine Coast event will kick off at 9am Sunday, October 13, 2013, with runners released in waves of 1,000 approximately every five minutes, through until around 10am. Sunshine Coast event entries are limited to 10,000 and are expected to sell out quickly, just as previous events have. Color Runners can enter The Swisse Color Run as individuals, or register as a team of four or more. Entry fees include: White T-shirt & sweatband Race bib number The Color Run temporary tattoo One colour powder packet for Finish Festiva

While The Swisse Color Run is a commercial venture, it chooses to support charitable organisations. Each event supports both the event’s national philanthropic partner, Swisse’s Celebrate Life Foundation, as well as an official event charity partner, appointed in each city. The official event charity partner – on the Sunshine Coast it’s SunnyKids – is given the opportunity to fundraise via the Everyday Hero platform, with Color Runners encouraged to raise funds for the cause if they would like to lend their support. For Sunshine Coast, the Everyday Hero platform is found at www.everydayhero.com. au/event/colorrun-sunnycoast. Chris Turner, CEO of SunnyKids said, “At SunnyKids we believe every child should have a life full of goodness and colour! We also believe that when the community comes together with good intentions, amazing things happen. That’s why we are proud to partner with The Swisse Color Run – it puts the fun back into fun run AND brings the whole community together to change kids lives! Participants can phone 1300 882 058 for any general enquiries about The Swisse Color Run or register at www.thecolorrun.com why fitness 11

Xtreme Obstacle Course Race series

Are you set to

Race 1: September 29th

Race 4: December 22nd

Race 2: October 20th

Race 5: January 26th

Register now and start training!

Race 3: November 24th

Race 6: February 23rd

conquer the course?

Venue: X-OCR 20-acre Rainforest Obstacle Course, 5 min from Australia Zoo

Categories: Intermediate: 1.5km 25 Obstacles / Open: 3.0km 50 Obstacles / Masters: 3.0km 50 Obstacles / Elite: 4.5km 75 Obstacles

Registrations: rego@xocr.com.au Connect with XOCR: 0488 222 886



PLAY tra in race 12 ISSUE 5

Series Entry $60 per race Single Race $69 per race

PLAY tra in race Xtreme OCR is the ultimate adventure playground built for YOU to play, train and race - with a whole lot of craziness and good times thrown in!! South East Queensland’s original bad-ass obstacle course will push your limits! We love creating challenging, fun and unique new adventures – there is a surprise around every corner! Obstacle-course racing taps into our primal instincts. Experience fitness in Queensland’s great outdoors. Run through 20-acres of rainforest while getting dirty and facing physical and mental challenges, conquering more than 25 bad-ass, fun and unique obstacles. From playing with your family to training with your buddies or racing with our elite athletes, Xtreme OCR is designed for you to play, train and race. “If anyone wants the challenge to take your fitness to the next level, this is the place for you!” - Amber Currie Experience something truly challenging There is a perceived element of risk attached. It feels dangerous but is actually safe. You WILL be out of your comfort zone. You WILL get scratches, bruises, muddy and fatigued. You WILL have the time of your life. The positive energy

created by facing and overcoming crazy obstacles is amazing! It takes us back to the fun we had as kids. As a child, exercise was synonymous with being outside and racing around, chasing each other, climbing trees and getting dirty. “Absolutely Fantastic!!! Thanks to the guys for helping us along the course...too much fun. We will be back!!” - Kathy Shaw Join in the race series - Get Fit. Get Active. Have FUN! We have launched the first grassroots obstacle-course racing series in Queensland. You don’t have to be an elite athlete to take part. No specific skills are required. You don’t need to train for months in advance. Anyone can do it. It gets you outdoors exercising with a monthly goal to work towards. “True test of grit and fitness”– Dwight ‘George’ Foreman Make ‘team’ the theme Whether it’s a corporate challenge or a group of mates out to have a good time, Xtreme OCR events combine fitness and fun more than any other alternative. The result is a feeling of having gone through something challenging together – and triumphed! www.xocr.com.au

South East Queensland’s original obstacle course training, racing & events venue can help YOUR fitness or non-profit business innovate to create a value proposition for your teams, members and fundraising programs.

why fitness 13


FITNESS DATES Kawana Parkrun - Weekly Free 5km Timed Run Every Saturday at 07:00am www.parkrun.com.au/kawana Spin City Cycles Mountain bike ride Every Saturday 6am Location varies check Facebook for updates www.facebook.com/spincitycycles

why events with Jason Opray

Liv/Giant Ladies only road ride 1st Wednesday of each month 5.30am Starts at Spin City Cycles www.spincitycycles.com.au Business Cycles road ride, Starts at Spin City Cycles Every Wednesday 6am www.businesscycles.com.au

I am doing everything possible and unashamedly vying to make the Sunshine Coast ‘the Capital of events for regional Australia’. It looks like our efforts are paying off, if the list of sensational events on the cards at present is anything to go by, including Tough Mudder, Sunshine Coast Ironman 70.3 event, Sunshine Coast Marathon, Special Olympics, National Over 60s Cricket Championships, the Swisse Color Run, and of course, all of the food festivals, music festivals and our world famous triathlons. The benefits these events bring to our region are significant and multi-faceted. While we talk a lot about the millions of dollars these events bring broadly to the Coast, it is also important to narrow your perspective right down to a grassroots level and consider what they mean for many local businesses. Whether it’s selling out of hot chickens at the nearby corner store, or having customers lined up out the door at the local café, these events can and do help boost the bottom line for individual businesses across many different industries.

10 September Why Fitness Magazine New Issue Launch 5.30 – 7.30pm, RSVP essential $18 + gst jen@whyfitness.com.au 11 september National Youth Touch Football Championships (X-Blades) www.austouch.com.au 14 september Queensland State Junior Surfing Titles www.surfingqueensland.com 15 september Sunshine Coast Ironman 70.3 www.usmevents.com.au 20 september National & Queensland Club Gymnastics Championships www.gymqld.org.au 21 september Queensland Tri Series www.qldtriseries.com.au

Plus, the wide variety of different events offer a new challenge or experience for locals of all ages, so whether it be as a competitor or spectator, have a go and enjoy! Why not?

22 september Blessing of Fleet for 47th Sailing Season Mooloolaba www.community.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/event/ blessing-fleet-47th-sailing-season

Here’s just some of what the Coast will be playing host to over the coming weeks:

26 september National Junior Outrigger Canoe Racing Championships www.aocra.com.au/sqzone

11-Sep-13 National Youth Touch Football Championships (X-Blades) 14-Sep-13

Queensland State Junior Surfing Titles


Sunshine Coast Ironman 70.3


National & Queensland Club Gymnastics Championships


Queensland Tri Series


Blessing of Fleet for 47th Sailing Season


National Junior Outrigger Canoe Racing Championships


Noosa International Sevens Festival


The Color Run

Jason O’Pray, Economic Development (Tourism, Sport and Major Events) Portfolio, Division 8 Councillor 14 ISSUE 5

5 october The Great Noosa Trail Walk www.greatnoosatrailwalk.com.au Noosa International Sevens Festival www.noosainternationalsevens.com.au Wings of Life - Fly In Drive In www.community.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/event/ help-raise-funds-royal-flying-doctor-service 12 October Health and Wellness Festival in Maleny www.healthandwellnessfestival.com 13 october The Color Run www.thecolorrun.com 26 october Noosa Classic Boat Regatta www.noosaclassicboatregatta.com.au 30 october Noosa Triathlon Festival www.usmevents.com.au



Local Business Local Business is a free write-up for businesses that are new, have moved, or just doing or have done something worth a mention. If you know one, or are one, drop us a line at jen@whyfitness.com.au and let us know. EzyClient EzyClient is an online booking and payment system designed for small personal service businesses such as Personal Trainers. Our aim is to ‘take the hassle out of running your business’. We believe that bookings and payment collection should go hand in hand so have developed the system around a level 1 PCI compliant payment system. We act as a ‘payment facilitator’ so the business does not need to apply for a merchant facility or have agreements with other payment providers like Ezidebit or Debit Success. We allow businesses to take instant payments from clients at the time of booking and also schedule recurring payments for repeat regular customers. www.ezyclient.com

Lift the Lid on Kid’s Lunchboxes Would you like some inspiration for your kid’s lunchbox? Lift the Lid on Kid’s Lunchboxes and discover an online smorgasbord of quick and easy sustainable lunchbox ideas. Lift the Lid is created by Beck Urquhart, a Sunshine Coast mum of two who is passionate about sharing lunchbox photos, recipes, food related articles and environmentally friendly lunchbox products for busy parents and carers. Lift the Lid on Kid’s Lunchboxes aims to benefit our planet and the healthy eating habits of our kids, today and in the future. www.liftthelid.com.au or find us on Facebook: ltllunchboxes

Smiile Physiotherapy Recent injury to an arm, leg, neck or back? General aches and pains catching up with you? Then come in and see Frank for assessment and treatment to keep your body smiling! SMIILE Physiotherapy provides excellent muskulo-skeletal care with a very hands-on approach. With over ten years of experience in a private practice setting, Frank will treat any age with any complaint. Located on the main road (David Low Way) and offering plenty of parking, this new and exciting venture is part of a growing health hub in the ‘Marquesas’ building in front of the old Peregian bowls club. So stop putting it off and give SMIILE Physiotherapy a call, and Keep Your Body SMIILING! P. 5471 2133 or find us on Facebook

fitness magic with Vickie Magic

Having participated in ‘Tough Mudder’ recently, it got me thinking. Founder Will Dean has come up with something so innovative, so outside the box. Imagine, the weekend saw me and 21,999 people pay between $100 and $150 a head to run through 18 kilometers of treacherous terrain and obstacles, that coupled with another 5,000 odd spectators paying $40 a head – you do the math! In 2012, over 400,000 participated worldwide in the event. The local economic flow on from an extra 27,000 people is great for the Sunshine Coast. ‘Tough Mudder’ has donated over $5million so far to their Warrior Charity supporting Legacy. This is not just an innovation, but an inspiration. It also helps people to accomplish something that in some cases, they never ever thought they were capable of; it bonds team members in a way that they will all remember for a very long time. I absolutely loved it and absolutely hated it, I laughed and I cried, it was awful and it was awesome, it was terrifying, it was electrifying, it was exhilarating, all at the same time, but at the end of the day it was MAGIC. Thank you Will Dean and the Tough Mudder team, and thank you to Geoff Peters from the Sunshine Coast Council Economic Division, who personally moved the first stone to make this happen, your vision has been a godsend for the economic future of the Coast. Bring on next year, where I for one will be more ready, much stronger, much fitter and much leaner. Hee hee. Thank you to every member of my ‘Better Business Habits’ breakfast group, I admit I thought we were crazy to take this on, but now I am absolutely thrilled that we did. I didn’t really think I was tough enough to back up, but this fitness stuff does get a little addictive, so competing in the ten kilometre in the marathon one week after ‘Tough Mudder’ certainly was quite a fulfilling achievement, and when I say competing, I think I should change that to participating. I am starting to feel that this fitness stuff and I are becoming friends.

Vickie Magic is the owner/publisher of both Why Fitness and Business Matters Magazine. She has recently taken on a fitness regime and shares the ups and downs of the journey with you each issue. Follow Vickie’s fitness blog on Facebook – Mellie Magic The Weigh Down why fitness 15




Nick Croft, former professional Australian triathlete, two time Noosa Triathlon winner and founder of Multi Sport Consultants (www.mscsport.com.au) and Noosa Tri Camps. Nick was struck down with serious illness in his prime and shares his story.

WHO ANNIE HEWITT, three time World Champion and founder of Timber Gym, ‘A playground for Grown Ups’. Educating you on how to get a trim, toned body moving better, not more.



Getting the most from oneself with limited training time. Going by the motto ‘Less is More’ and sharing his sporting, professional and personal experiences and knowledge to inspire and teach others how to have a long and successful sporting career and find balance in the face of adversity.

Inspiring EVERYONE to be able to lift their own bodyweight – safely and efficiently. WHY? If we all could, would obesity still be a problem? Could you save your own life? Could you save your child’s’? “It is my personal belief that if everyone could simply lift their own bodyweight we wouldn’t have an obesity problem. That’s how Timber Gym evolved, to show everyday Aussies you don’t need a gym... you need your own bodyweight, and a branch, door frame, exercise rings, KNOWLEDGE.”


What is possible when you can tap into your ‘hidden reserves’ and how important it is to believe in yourself. How to overcome your adversities to achieve your best.


Keep it real. Make your exercise, training and goals part of your life style. Slow it down and grasp the aerobic system and the benefits that ‘less haste’ will provide you.

SPEAKING ABOUT The key to creating your dream physique is about getting the right knowledge and a little patience. ChoosE exercises that reverse how you have spent most of your day. Don’t just go through the motions – think about what you are doing. TURN It On and you will soon be getting brilliant results training smarter, not harder, all while at play!

Annie & Nick will both be speaking at the Noosa Tri TIP Health & Fitness MORE PLAY LESS EXERCISE - Get back to basic primal (functional)moves that our bodies were born to do, unleash your Seminars. fat burning potential and change your body shape FOREVER!


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Creating health... one habit at a time with Howard and Cyndi O’Meara from Changing Habits The O’Meara faMily lives by Their philOsOphy ThaT all fOOds need TO be real and shOuld nOurish The bOdy and Mind, sO ThaT every huMan being can reach Their inbOrn given righT TO be healThy and viTal. iT is This philOsOphy ThaT creaTed The cOMpany, changing habiTs. changing habits is a family owned and run health food and information company that has been in business on the sunshine coast since 1989. The business has grown from the ideas and beliefs contained in the best selling book, changing habits, changing lives by nutritionist cyndi O’Meara. changing habits has since grown from a home-based business to an international, multioffice and warehouse operation with a team committed to the health of their customers internationally. howard O’Meara, the managing director, has a passion for fitness. He began his career as a schoolteacher with a degree in physical education; he later joined the police and was posted as personal bodyguard to hrh prince edward. in 1989 howard graduated as a chiropractor, and traveled the globe looking after elite athletes as they competed at the Olympics and international events.

cyndi, creative director and award-winning businesswoman, studied as a nutritionist in the early 1980s and since has become the best selling author of nine books. she is in demand as a speaker for major corporations and public events, both nationally and internationally. it is cyndi’s passion for ethical eating and healthy food that gets her out of bed every day. she shares her passion online, on radio, Tv, facebook and other social media.

Brogan O’M eara

howard and cyndi spend their time keeping up with the latest information in food and nutrition so that they can provide ethical, sustainable foods for their family. Their children share their parents’ passion for sports and health. Their daughter Tarnea competes nationally in surfing events, and is sponsored by changing habits. brogan, their son, travels the world snowboard instructing and building racecourses for international snowboard events. casie is studying chiropractic at Murdoch university and fran, their eldest, travels the world as a beauty therapist for the rich and famous.

Tarnea O’Meara


Come and talk to us!

did you know our Changing Habits office is open to the public here on the sunshine coast? need some advice? drop in and see us and let our friendly team help you with your needs. if you already know what you want or if you are looking for convenience, then you can safely and securely shop online. Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am – 3pm Unit 1/25 Premier Circuit, Warana Ph 5493 7135 | Fax 5437 7084 www.changinghabits.com.au why fitness 17


With the commencement of the Triathlon season here on the Sunshine Coast, and the inaugural 70.3 Ironman Event on 15 September, Why Fitness Magazine caught up with local ‘gurus’ Hayden Smith, Ian Vant (Spin City Cycles), and David Chick (Allez Sport) and asked them to tell us ‘what’s new’ in the world of swimming, cycling and running.

Innovation in Swimming

Fitness innovation trends in running

Like most sports, innovation in training techniques contributes to improved performance and times.

Innovation in running technology is constantly occurring and it comes in four main areas.

For open water athletes and triathletes, one physiological factor is all important: your lactate threshold. If you can improve your lactate threshold speed, your race speeds will improve. Your ability to sprint or work anaerobically above threshold is largely irrelevant in distance swimming and triathlon. In the training and coaching world we often shorten ‘lactate threshold’ to just ‘threshold’ - it means the same thing. In a laboratory we’d measure your threshold by taking small samples of your blood as you exercise at increasing intensities, and look for the characteristic kick up in blood lactate when you reach your threshold swim speed. Blood tests like that are expensive and tricky to perform in a wet environment; fortunately there is a better way to find your threshold speed. Your threshold level is around 85% of your max output – at the very limit of what you can train at without experiencing a high level of fatigue. Training faster than threshold is ineffective as you end up splitting the training effect into your anaerobic system. This gives your body a much greater recovery task after the session, which means it has less energy left over to make the fitness adaptations you are looking for. The result is that training above threshold gives you less adaptation of your threshold, not more. Not convinced? Compare it to weight training. You can currently lift 50kg and want to get to 60kg. You can’t go and lift 60kg - you’re not strong enough. But by doing sets at 45-50kg your body adapts and improves. To stress a body system and prompt your body to adapt, you just need to approach your current limit. To improve lactate threshold, complete quality swim sets at your current threshold pace or just below it. Many athletes make the mistake of training above lactate threshold in short sharp swim sets, which isn’t nearly as effective. 18 ISSUE 5

bike innovation and technology There have been huge advances in bike innovation and technology recently. Modern bike design now incorporates a completely aerodynamic system. The most aggressive triathlon frame shapes disregard UCI regulations to create not just ‘the most aero frame’, but also the ‘most aero bike system’. This has come from a design and testing system, considering both the bike and the rider while maintaining a powerful yet comfortable position. The introduction of dependable electronic shifting (Di2) has revolutionised the industry. Not only are there fantastic improvements to rider control (with a wire replacing the mechanical cable), but routing through tight spaces is no longer a concern. Designers are now able to create a bicycle system that is truly capable of achieving aerodynamic and comfort superiority, without having to consider the limitations of a mechanical system. The newest systems now provide an eleven speed cluster and are lighter and stronger than previous generations. Power metres are also advancing as an incredible pacing tool. They provide instant feedback about the rider’s effort and, with regular use in training, an athlete can approach a race with a realistic idea of their capability. Today’s power metres come in a variety of options, including hub, crank, or pedal based systems, and the latest varieties are advanced enough to measure individual effort from each foot, offering a new level of training data.

Footwear innovation Fabric innovation Device innovation Training innovation

Footwear is a constant evolution, as the major players in the market, Asics, Nike, Brooks and Mizuno are continually reinventing and innovating proprietary new materials that are lighter, more cushioned and more durable. In a recent trip to the Asics Research and Development Centre in Kobe in Japan, it was amazing to see how much constant testing was going on in this six level building, complete with a 400m running track that has cameras and pressure sensors imbedded in the track. In another level of this facility was the fabric testing. This was where the fabrics and materials used for Asics’s footwear and clothing were being put through rigorous testing, such as being stretched, pounded, and UV tested just to name a few. Device and training innovation are closely linked as one has accelerated the development of the other. The ability of these devices to produce relevant information on running training has driven consumers to demand more from these devices, seeking even more specific and detailed information, as well as software that is more user friendly. You no longer need to be a computer programmer to use this technology. Suunto’s Movecount software, and the simplicity of the Nike Running GPS Watch, are two great examples of what can be done through innovation, and in Nike’s case, partnering up with another technology – GPS innovator Tom Tom. These devices won’t ‘run for you.’ You still need to put one leg in front of the other, but they have made training more interesting, provide relevant information to improve performance, and are a critical piece of equipment, just as good running footwear is, for an increasing number of runners.


Your Coach – Jamie Fletcher Jamie Fletcher has been playing and coaching tennis for nearly 40 years (which is basically all his life!). After being awarded two tennis scholarships at high school in Texas and Florida, he played the ATP Tour for two years, and now has a coaching career that extends from Sydney to the USA and Canada. He began a professional coaching career, gaining experience overseas working with Elite Juniors from all over the USA in the Dennis Van Der Meer Tennis Academy in South Carolina. This was a highlight, because he himself went through what the kids wanted most - to be a full-time tennis professional. He also ran the tennis program at the Gray Rocks Resort in Canada, a golf, ski and tennis resort with 22 tennis courts. This resort saw 20-40 enthusiastic adults arrive every week and enjoy a ‘tennis holiday’ which was a successful program developed and managed by Jamie and his staff of 10. He is now looking to enhance his coaching career at the Palmer Coolum Resort Tennis Club with new ideas, new events and new challenges as we head into a new and exciting era with the potential to fully utilise the Resort’s great facilities. Jamie has a database of over 200 people on the Sunshine Coast, with 110 families being coached by Jamie right now. Jamie started playing tennis again in the Seniors Tour, winning the 2009 and 2011 and 2012 Tewantin Seniors Championships, beating the No.1 ranked player in Australia in the 40-45yr age group in 2009. Winner of the Nambour senior’s tournament in April 2013, Jamie is still training to play at a very high level in the 45yr to 50yr age group. His father was a tennis coach who guided him on his tennis path and developed his passion and love for the game, which has been with him ever since he can remember. “Tennis is and always will be my life.” www.palmercoolumresort.com.au

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Innovation of all things starts wtih the mind

by Gary Martin ND. AFAIM. Founder, Living Valley Springs Health Retreat The relationship between the mind and the body is very intimate. When one is affected, the other sympathises. A mere thought can significantly alter the chemistry of the body. In fact, many diseases are the result of mental depression. Anxiety, bitterness, discontentment, distrust, grief, remorse, guilt and unforgiveness, all tend to break down the life forces. Under these conditions, creativity and innovation are stifled and solutions are always out of reach. Disease is sometimes produced and can be greatly aggravated by the imagination. Many who are invalids could be well if they only thought so. Some imagine that every slight exposure or injury will debilitate, and the feared effect is produced because it is expected. Some people die from disease, the cause of which is wholly imaginary. 20 ISSUE 5

Now courage, hope, faith, sympathy and love promote health and prolong life. A contented mind and a cheerful spirit stimulate innovative thought. Depression can be caused by physical interference such as toxic contamination, structural problems, protein or fatty acid deficiency or consistent violations of the basic laws of health. However, depression is more often the result of unresolved anger where the mind is focused on the thorns rather than the roses around one’s life. Under these conditions the creative part of the brain cannot function. Innovation is impossible. On the other hand, happiness is a state of mind achieved through consistent focus on the roses, rather that the thorns. Happy people see the best in others and are always sprouting new ideas. They see crises as challenges and they thrive on creating solutions. They appreciate trials because they

understand how effective trials can be in developing and refining character. When these thought processes evolve during the early years of life, they initiate permanent changes in body chemistry. Those who have trained their minds in such a way will experience higher levels of dopamine and serotonin throughout their lives. Dopamine increases motivation, innovation and drive and is associated with the pleasure systems of the brain. Visionaries, entrepreneurs and philanthropists enjoy consistently high levels of this hormone. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter produced in the brain, known to influence the functioning of the cardiovascular, renal, immune and gastrointestinal systems. It is also known as the ‘happy hormone’ because it affects various brain functions, regulating moods, thoughts, appetite, libido and the sleep/ wake cycle. When the mind is trained to produce the thoughts that promote higher levels of dopamine and serotonin,



A contented mind and a cheerful spirit stimulate innovative thought. it is not unusual to wake up every morning with new ideas streaming from the head. Chronic self-focus at an early age can hinder the development of a superior dopamine/serotonin metabolism. However, thought patterns can be changed at any age. Change requires ‘decision’ to permanently adjust one’s focus. It may require moving on, letting go, forgiving, etc. It requires willpower and perseverance. It is like a flabby, unfit person deciding to get fit and build muscle. The first exercises really hurt, but the more training performed, the easier it gets. The mind is like a muscle. When someone who is accustomed to ‘stinking thinking’ decides to change, it is not easy. The art of positive thinking needs to be deliberately exercised daily until it becomes spontaneous. If the will is kept awake and properly directed, it will impart energy to the whole system and it will be a tremendous aid in the maintenance of health. It is a power also in dealing with disease. It can control the imagination and be a potent means of resisting and overcoming disease of both mind and body. Every person has the power ‘to will’ to be happy, but the key to true happiness is found in ‘the will’ to bless others. A laugh, an embrace, a kind favour, a prayer, an encouraging word, a warm smile - these all result in the production of endorphins in both the giver and the receiver. This is another chemical that makes one feel good. Endorphins produce a sense of wellbeing by dilating the entire vascular system, increasing oxygen supply to the extreme parts of the body and enhancing the elimination of waste. People who get excited about things usually experience better health, regular creativity and a longer life. It is said that laughter is the best medicine because it stimulates the pituitary gland and promotes high excretions of endorphins. Through the years at Living Valley Springs we have attended to many whose lives were weighed down with the burdens and cares of life. Anger, bitterness, discontent, guilt and remorse had broken down the life forces and caused serious ailments. Through a series of powerful physical therapies, nurture, emotional counselling and lifestyle education, health has been restored. With the implementation of firm resolutions to deal with issues and move on, hundreds have experienced seemingly miraculous recoveries. It is indeed possible to change the thought patterns to overcome ‘stinking thinking’, to forgive, to accept, to bless others and thereby sweeten the entire chemistry of the body. When this happens, innovation becomes a natural daily phenomenon.

Most people want to eat clean but don't know where to start, what to buy, where to go. I am here to show you that you don't have to buy the most expensive food in the shop, you don't have to drive miles for the right ingredients. All of my recipes are made from food you can find at your local supermarket or grower’s market and don't cost much more than your usual 'unhealthy' foods. My recipes are fast, easy and you can find the ingredients at your local supermarket – you just need to know what to buy. My recipe book Clean Indulgence is full of clean, nutritious meals ranging from breakfasts, smoothies, juices, snacks and sides, savoury meals and of course sweet treats, all are clean, fast and super easy to make. So grab your copy and start clean eating today. www.cleanindulgence.com.au

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Why... FITNESS APPS? With the arrival of smart phones, it would boggle the mind of even the nerdiest geek to discover that there is literally an application (app) for anything you want to do, record, view, learn, interact... the list goes on.

Ask us


No more so than in the fitness industry. Apps that have been created to assist individuals with their health and fitness are ever popular. This is mostly due to their accessibility (it’s right there in your hand), accountability (reminders will bleep any time of the night or day to keep you on track), personalisation and ease of use (a child can use them). Map My Run, My Fitness Pal, Nike Training and HIIT Timer are just a few that come to mind.

Why... ELECTROLYTES? In recent times, sports drinks have become a popular purchase for anyone who works out and trains regularly. Their aim is to replenish the body with essential fluids and minerals. The key ingredient to look out for is electrolytes. This is the vital substance that the body needs to ensure good blood chemistry and muscle action. Electrolytes are electrically-charged substances found in your urine, blood and other bodily fluids. They are needed to keep a healthy balance within the body. Electrolytes come in different forms including chlorine, potassium, phosphate, magnesium, calcium and sodium. You must keep electrolytes balanced within your body to allow it to maintain proper water amounts, balance blood acidity, allow for proper muscle action, and to allow other important processes to occur. Sweat releases electrolytes, so in order to replenish them, you must consume foods and drinks that contain electrolytes.

They are ideal for tracking calories (Calorie King), recording the distance, time, pace and kilometres that you run, walk or cycle (Map My Run), and they can create exercise routines that you can do in your home or outdoors (Nike Training). There are also apps that scan barcodes on food items to give you the breakdown of the nutritional content (My Fitness Pal), and of course, there are apps if you need a timer for your exercise (HIIT Timer). Most of these apps are free but advanced versions can also be purchased for a minimal charge.

While water is the best fluid for hydrating and regulating the body's temperature, consuming water with electrolytes during exercise replenishes the body quickly. Your body needs to have a certain amount of water and electrolytes daily. Working out and sweating a lot increases the amount needed of each.

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fAtburners MeMber profile

after Wendy looking fabulous

Name: Wendy Savage

Wendy and Matt

Age: Not telling!

Profession: Motel Manager and Real Estate Wendy says: “I am a super busy woman and my health was being

affected. I was scared about the way my health was going but I was more scared about joining a gym. Matt and the team at Fatburners aren’t like any other gym! I love my sessions at Fatburners, I love my new friends, I love my new look and I love the extra energy I now have!”

Matt says: Wendy is a great person to train. She never lets little injuries or life problems get in the way. She always comes in for every session with a smile and a story to tell. Wendy’s body can do things that some 21 year olds can’t do, because she has stuck to the training we have provided week in, week out, year after year!

What about you? Wendy is just like you! All she did was start a little bit earlier! Contact Matt or the fatburners team today and get started on your health and fitness journey.

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why fitness 23


Zucchini Noodles with Quinoa and Tomato sauce

why with Rebecca Mugridge About Rebecca Mugridge Rebecca is a passionate horticulturalist and organic edible gardening advocate. She’s also a professional recipe creator, food stylist and food photographer, experienced speaker, presenter, freelance writer and the award-winning author of The Pram Diet (Random House). Rebecca loves to promote healthy living and home cooking as well as supporting local producers on the Sunshine Coast.

2 zucchini 1 onion 3 teaspoons gourmet garden garlic (or freshly chopped garlic) 1 teaspoon or to taste, gourmet garden chilli (or freshly chopped chilli) ¼ cup char grilled capsicum Make your own or buy ready made from the B Fresh deli ¼ cup sun dried tomatoes ½ cup cooked quinoa 1 large jar tomato passata sauce Pine nuts lightly toasted to serve Fresh parsley, finely chopped, to serve Himalayan pink salt and freshly cracked black pepper to taste olive oil Method Wash your zucchini. Turn them into noodles with a veggie twister device (available from kitchen shops), a mandolin, or even a peeler. Heat olive oil in a frying pan.

Recipe and photography © RebeccaMugridge2013

Add in the onion and fry for 2-3 minutes or until slightly wilted.


Add in the garlic and chilli, stir through 2-3 minutes Pour in the passata sauce, cook on a low heat for a few minutes.

zucchini Zucchini is such a fantastic, versatile vegetable and eating them like this, as noodles is such a lovely way to really highlight their delicate flavour. Lovely and light, this is a great dish for spring nights. Great for those who eat gluten free or wheat free and it is a really fun and healthy alternative to two minute noodles for the kids! Zucchinis are very low in calories and a source of vitamin C, dietary fibre, manganese and folate. Serves 4.

Chop and add in the sundried tomatoes and capsicum. Heat the sauce, stirring together for a few minutes. Add in the quinoa and stir together. Cook the zucchini noodles for just 1 minute in hot boiling water, drain right away and toss with a little olive oil. Arrange noodles on plates and top with the tomato sauce.


This is a lovely healthy, light dinner on its own or as a side to fresh fish. Optionally top with pecorino cheese when serving.

Sprinkle with the toasted pine nuts and finely chopped parsley. Serve.


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vourite’ is the Allanah’s ‘deli fa icum Dip. Moroccan Caps icken, add ch y “I put it on m d you have a fresh greens an healthy meal.” really fresh and vourite’ is Stacey’s ‘deli fa s easy, quick fresh pasta. “It’ so healthy. to prepare and d ‘fresh’ Once you’ve trie back.” you’ll never go li. right from the De g and Stacey Cartw Meet Allanah Youn

24 ISSUE 5

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matters students ‘cut and paste’ from a range of exciting ICT programs, but what skills do they need to ‘glue’ this together? Today’s ‘glue’ for our children is to be able to think, both critically and creatively; to be innovative with ideas and solutions. Thinking is the glue that ties the understandings and skills together to be able to use them effectively for the future.

Sport Education Matters with Genevieve Hudson from Sunshine Coast Grammar School

Developing active thinking

But how do we teach children to ‘think’? What does learning to ‘think’ involve? How can we make it visible in the curriculum? What do teachers need their students to know about thinking and be able to do? How do good schools ensure their teachers know how to use a range of thinking tools to teach thinking? For Prep age students the teaching should focus on teaching children to inquire, generate ideas and actions, and consider alternatives. Good schools develop their teachers to know how to provide their students with learning tasks that will encourage children to; pose factual and exploratory questions based on interests and experiences

Most parents of school-age children will recently have been introduced to the phrases ‘21st century learning’, or preparing children for the 21st century. But what does that mean? Once upon a time primary school age children ‘cut and paste’ a range of materials and held their creations together with glue. They used papers, scissors and sticky glue. Today’s

identify and describe familiar information and ideas during a discussion clarify information and ideas gather similar information or depictions from given sources predict what might happen in a given situation and when putting ideas into action suggest alternative and creative ways to approach a given situation or task

Today’s ‘glue’ for our children is to be able to think, both critically and creatively; to be innovative with ideas and solutions.

imagine possibilities and connect ideas use imagination to view or create things in new ways and connect two things that seem different describe what they are thinking and give reasons why connect information from one setting to another identify the main elements of the steps in a thinking process apply logic and reasoning skills leading them to identify the thinking used to solve problems in given situations. It is no longer enough for children to be taught to read, write, compute mathematical equations, and have social skills. Becoming innovative and creative should be the result of being taught what active thinking is so that children know how to think critically and creatively. Good schools should invest time and money to ensure that teachers have the teaching tools to share with their students so our children can take these skills into the 21st century and beyond.

why fitness 25


Osteopathy Matters with Damian Kacperski from Pure Osteopathy

Innovation in movement One of the more significant trends in the fitness and exercise industry over the last few years, is the move towards the ‘functional strength training’. Simply put, it’s an exercise program that emphasises functional movements such as; jumping, squatting, pulling, pushing, turning etc.

Our body is interconnected by a welldesigned and symmetrical net of muscles and fascia (elastic structure). The functional movements usually involve multiple joints in a smooth, flowing and coordinated manner in three planes of movement. Personally, I am a big fan of this approach to exercising, and there is an army of elite athletes (and weekend warriors) who have experienced positive results.

How it works Brain Control Motor Pattern - Our brain is controlling every single movement. The timing, location, strength and order in which the muscles contract depends on the information that comes from the brain. This is also called Motor Control. If the movement is repeated multiple times, our brain will learn and develop a ‘short cut,’ also known as a Motor Pattern. That means that the movement will become automatic (just like walking) and we don’t have to think about it (as much). That is obviously what we are after, but only if the pattern is correct. Unfortunately, many of us develop altered motor control patterns, which in many cases lead to muscular imbalances and injuries. Stability and movement From our muscular system we need two things: stability and the ability to generate force (move) from a stable position. The primary function of certain muscles and muscle groups is stabilisation. Functional training for those muscles involves training them by performing simple exercises through small ranges of motion, and usually with low resistance. In many cases, in the effort to make everything functional, coaches and athletes end up neglecting the important stabilising functions of certain muscle groups. The three key groups in need of stability training are: 1. The deep abdominals and pelvic floor (transversus abdominis and internal oblique, pelvic floor), 2. The deep hip abductors and rotators 3. The scapula stabilizers (serratus ant, mid lower traps, rhomboids)

The other group of muscles are the global and movement producing muscles. They are designed to move, NOT to stabilise. Unfortunately, with many of us, they have to do both jobs (stabilise and move) and who likes to have two jobs? Obviously, they don’t like it either. It gets worse. If the muscles are not trained in accordance to their function, we are on our way to creating and automating an altered motor pattern. This means that certain muscles will be chronically overloaded and prone to premature fatigue, shortening, and eventually an injury. Meanwhile, the deep stabilising muscles are on holidays (and they like it!) Literally, some people can’t activate them at all! I have seen many patients (including elite athletes) who could not correctly activate their stabilising muscles. They usually activate everything else but, and by doing this they’ve made themselves completely rigid. There is a significant amount of evidence that ‘Functional Strength Training’ is very effective. However, it is very important to do it correctly from the start. Training muscles to perform in accordance with their function is the key to functional training. Once you develop good motor control and motor patterns, the complexity of movement and added resistances is only then the natural progression. Think of your training as a vehicle to improve performance, not just to improve strength. The majority of exercises should be done standing and should be multijoint, but at the same time, attention should be paid to development of the key stabiliser groups in the hips, deep abdominals, and posterior shoulder.

It’s not just the pain, it is how it affects your life! neck back shoulder knee ankle hip elbow sport and spinal injuries active aging headaches Safe and gentle treatment for all ages We address the causes of your injury, not just the symptoms

New in Sunshine Beach

26 ISSUE 5

24 Duke Street, Sunshine Beach Ph: (07) 5455 3311 info@pureosteopathynoosa.com.au www.pureosteopathynoosa.com.au

matters soil where food is grown in Australia are low in the nutrient. They also explain that iodine deficiency is likely to be a widespread problem of the general population. Iodine is important for your body’s metabolism, nerve and muscle function, growth, and brain health. It is an essential nutrient for healthy thyroid function, and healthy thyroid function is imperative to a happy mind and vitality.

Natural Health Matters with Suzi Le Fanue from Integrated Wellness Clinic

Get your bounce back

2. Get your thyroid tested. Thyroid testing is something that I suggest every adult have done. The thyroid is often just associated with weight loss, but its important roles stem much further than that. An overactive thyroid may cause anxiety, insomnia, irritability, increased body heat, infertility, changes to appetite, loose bowels, thinning of hair, trembling, restlessness, and digestive issues. An underactive thyroid is more likely to cause fatigue, weight gain, poor mental clarity (‘foggy brain’), feeling cold, fluid retention, depression and heavy menstrual flow. These are not limited though, as results can be different in each person.

So many people walk around tired and dragging themselves around, particularly at this time of the year. There are many possible reasons behind this drowsy disposition. Here are five steps to regaining a little bounce in your life: 1. Have you had your iodine checked? In the clinic I see iodine as one of the most common deficiencies. According to Nutrition Australia, many pockets of

I was tired, depressed, stressed & unmotivated

The dilemma with thyroid testing is that they are often just testing for TSH, when in fact to truly diagnose a thyroid problem, the tests should be in more detail than that. T3 and T4 are the thyroid hormones that your body uses, so it is best to get those checked too.

3. Never ever underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep. I suggest eight hours of shuteye. Make sure the room is dark, because lights and TV lower your melatonin.

If you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, you may have a cortisol:melatonin imbalance. Cortisol is supposed to be high in the morning to wake you up and low at night to allow you to sleep. Its levels influence melatonin. Stress, adrenal exhaustion, infection and hormone imbalance may contribute to this happening. 4. Are you inflamed? There are a number of reasons your body could be inflamed, including asthma, digestive issues, allergies, arthritis, psoriasis, muscle aches or high blood pressure. When your body has more inflammation, it releases cortisol, this in turn has the potential to lower progesterone and DHEA. Both of these are important if we want a lot of for energy, clarity, sex drive and motivation. These conditions need to be addressed by finding the cause. 5. Change your diet. Think about it, your food is the fuel for your body. If you are not feeling ‘fuelled,’ then you probably aren’t. A diet that is naturally colourful and packed with antioxidants is a good place to start. Think blueberries, carrots, capsicum, squash, tomato, sweet potato, eggplant, and strawberries. The more colour, the better. But you need plenty of greens, I suggest at least two cups per day. Throw in some good quality protein and some nuts and you have a beautiful balance of nutrients. This ensures that you are balancing the ever so important dietary hormone, insulin. Too much carbohydrate makes insulin levels go up and down, and so your mood and energy do the same thing.

I am NOW... energetic, happy, relaxed, motivated & as fit as a fiddle!!!

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info@integratedwellnessclinic.com.au | www.integratedwellnessclinic.com.au why fitness 27

matters Fitness now can be fun. There are so many choices on the coast to make fitness fun. The biggest reason why people give up is that they don’t enjoy it because it is too hard, which our mind believes as our mind works in the pain and pleasure system; if it seems too painful because it is so hard, we will find every excuse to avoid it, whereas if we enjoy it, and it seems pleasurable, we will keep doing it. SO, how do you make fitness fun?

Adventure Matters with Melinda Bingley from MAB Personal Training & Adventures

Fitness needs to be fun The times have changed. These days it seems like getting fit with a lifestyle change means hitting the gym and sweating it out hard.

Work out what you love by trying many different things: Personal training Boxing Weight training Circuit style Competitive style Arnold style Bootcamps Mountain climbing Hiking Kayaking Rowing Rock climbing Pole dancing Latin/salsa dancing Roller blading Golf

MAB 10 week


Starts 21st September

WHAT THE MAB CHALLENGE INCLUDES: Mention • Weekly seminars that are educationally based WHY FITNESS - covering nutrition, exercise, planning and motivation when registering • Main focus, MIND, being aware of how your thinking is & get one stopping you from achieving your goals free SeSSion • Guest speakers to share tools to help unlock your thinking and emotions • 2 x surprise adventures • Fantastic Bronze/Silver/Gold and Platinum options to suit your personal needs • Guaranteed RESULTS, with help from your trainer • Celebration at the end • Awesome prizes from local sponsors • Continuous email support and updates on Facebook

Running Biking Triathlons Wakeboarding/skiing/snowboarding Body sculpting Obstacle courses Many more…

We all love different things, so the trick is to work out what you like and incorporate fitness into it to make it fun. Some of us are outdoor people, so bring the weights outdoors and make the connection with the exercises to create fitness and strength to enjoy the mountain climbing with ease, etc. It is all about having a reason why. Need help with your why? A personal trainer, who listens to what you want instead of telling you what to do, can help work out what you love and create that in your lifestyle to make it a healthy and happy one. This will last because it makes you happy, because fitness can be fun. Be open to change. What you love may not come to you straight away, but it will. It makes life so much easier when you have the health part of your life sorted, and most importantly, creates more happiness because it is fun.

Whether you are a beginner or advanced, Melinda can tailormake the exact program for your level of fitness. MAB = Mind and Body Melinda just loves life and is passionate about making fitness fun. She specialises in personal training, corporate adventure days and individual one day adventure experiences. Find us on www.facebook.com/MABPT LIKE us to get updates on upcoming adventures

Outdoor Adventures-Kayaking-Hiking-Confidence Building-Personal Training-Nutritional Advice-Bootcamps

Ph 0401 286 200 / Email melindabingley@gmail.com / Private Studio Located Golden Beach 28 ISSUE 5


matters TaylorMade are changing the face of golf again with the launch of a new driver, whilst the Royal & Ancient and USGA have banned putters that can be anchored. I suppose the old saying of “drive for show, putt for dough” still applies. TaylorMade are changing the face of golf again with the launch of a new driver, whilst the Royal & Ancient and USGA have banned putters that can be anchored:

Golfing Matters with Tim Gall from Pelican Waters Golf Club

Golf equipment – what will they think of next?

SLDR also incorporates our Loft-sleeve Technology, which allows you to adjust the loft. You can choose from 12 positions within a range of plus-or-minus 1.5

degrees of loft change. SLDR is available in three lofts – 9.5 degrees, 10.5 degrees and HL. Aesthetically, SLDR’s confluence of shape, colour and visual accents make it one of the most visually compelling clubs we’ve ever created. Its striking modern-classic shape, charcoal-gray crown and chrome ‘buttonback’ all add up to a remarkably beautiful appearance at address. And the clean design of SLDR’s movable weight mechanism, including the single, blue weight and the track it slides in makes its appearance equally striking. Happy golfing.

I suppose the old saying of “drive for show, putt for dough” still applies.

why fitness 29

matters In 2013 the fitness industry is booming. Society is concerned with health, fitness and maintaining a beautiful body from the inside out, which is reflected in the number of gyms opening up and the large number of enthusiasts registering for fitness events. Such high interest brings an infinite amount of innovation and development.

Industry Education Matters with Julie Carter from Tafe

Innovations in the fitness industry are booming

There have been countless innovations in fitness over the past few decades; it can be hard to keep up with them all. Some were trends that didn’t last long, while others have evolved to produce more efficient and effective ways of training. If you can remember fluoro G-string leotards you’re probably from the era when fitness pretty much meant basic gym training, aerobics or running! Thirty years on and you’ll see many different styles of gym training and a lot of innovative fitness equipment. Group exercise now covers everything from cardio to mind and body. Outdoor training is hugely popular and personal training has become an empire. Individuals can access apps such as Map My Fitness and Workout Companions, while the internet is flooded with the latest fitness trends, where

It is not only the products evolving in the industry; fitness courses are now more comprehensive. you can get everything from a basic home workout to a timer clock for Tabata training. Even the workplace can play an important part in fitness innovation. With recent research showing that people who sit at desks for long periods are at greater risk of disease, a whole new market has opened up for sit/stand desks to encourage people to get up and move regularly during their work day. It is not only the products evolving in the industry; fitness courses are now more comprehensive, and while basic anatomy might stay the same (a sartorius will always be a sartorius!), through research we are continuously learning more effective and efficient ways to train.

Give your career a healthy start; enrol in a fitness course at Sunshine Coast TAFE! Sunshine Coast TAFE delivers high quality training, recognised by employers. Our fully functioning gym, Degrees of Fitness, is newly refurbished allowing our students hands on practical training delivered by industry experienced teachers. • • • • • • •

Visit Sunshine Coast TAFE at www.sunshinecoast.tafe.qld.gov.au 30 ISSUE 5

Certificate III in Fitness Certificate IV in Fitness Diploma of Fitness Pilates Short Course Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation Certificate IV in Outdoor Recreation Outdoor Recreation Specialisation Skill Sets

Health & Fitne ss Friday & Satu rday 6 - 7 Sep tember 2 013


Triathlon Matters with Jason and Lisa Crowther from Atlas Multisports

Power Training for Triathlon

Training using power is increasingly popular. Power provides an objective measurement of real output that allows training progress to be tracked very simply. Power output is measured in watts (w) and is how much work you are outputting whilst on the bike.

training with power, because using a power

In order to start training with power, you need a gauge to measure your power. This can come as a bike mounted device or a stationary indoor power trainer. Initially, a rider needs to establish baselines to understand where they currently stand. This is done via different testing methodologies, but the basics are that you warm up and go through a series of timed tests.

the triathletes out there currently training for

Based on these tests, you get your Functional Threshold Performance. Your FTP is your personal maximum power output you can sustain for a timed period. There’s a reason professional athletes measure, analyse and moderate their training with power; it is the undisputed, most objective measure of real rider output. But it’s actually the amateur trainer who is likely to get the most benefit from


meter means that the few hours they have for training will be more measurable, better quality and therefore a lot more effective. It’s not all about the bike however, and here’s a clue from one of the most respected ‘power’ coaches around to all Mooloolaba 70.3… “The goal on the bike is not to produce the fastest time possible, but rather the time that will leave the athlete with enough spring in the legs to actually run. A maximally fast bike time means a 21km walk. Such a half marathon always leads the dejected athlete to believe he or she is simply a poor runner. That’s seldom the case. It is usually a bike-related issue.” Why power-based training is effective: 1. It is an accurate measure of gauging intensity. 2. It enables the athlete to accurately quantify their fitness level over time. 3. Power can be used during interval training, time trials and endurance/ strength-based sessions.



Lanyard, Drink Bottle & Mobile Phone Case Mention Why Fitness to receive HALF PRICE membership why fitness 31

matters Treadmills, cross-trainers, squat racks and dumbbells are only a small part of what makes fitness fun and easy. The other part, that a lot of people struggle with, is things that help you stay on track, and I believe that people who don’t use these apps or tools struggle to stay on track. Big call you may say, but I believe with just these two fitness tools ANYONE can and will stay on track and achieve those fitness goals that seem so far away.

Balance Matters with Chris Nelson from Anytime Fitness

Treadmills, cross-trainers, squat racks and dumbbells

The first one that I use every day has to do with my nutrition and daily intakes. It’s called ‘Anytime Health’ and can be found in the App Store and is completely free. Preparation is the key and this app helps you to do that. It helps make positive and lasting lifestyle changes by connecting you with a community of like-minded people and receiving expert advice. You can set goals and track your progress with advanced diet and activity trackers. The ‘Anytime Health’ suite of online tracking tools takes the guesswork out of achieving total wellness. View hundreds of fitness exercise videos, and choose from a series of workout templates custom-designed for Hammer Strength and Life Fitness

equipment. Plan, track and analyse your calories consumed and burned. Once you’ve mastered this, your training will take a whole new turn, guaranteed. The second tool I would recommend is called ‘Fitbit’. This device is with you all the time. During the day it tracks steps, distance and calories burned. At night it tracks your sleep quality and wakes you silently in the morning. Just check out the lights to see how you stack up against your personal goal. It’s the motivation you need to get out and be more active. The ‘Fitbit’ allows you to set a goal and uses LED lights to show you how you’re going. Each light represents 20% of your goal, for which you choose between steps, calories or distance. You can also tap into a community much like ‘Anytime Health’ to compare how you measure up against people from all over the world. I’m not saying that these two tools are essential in achieving your goals, but they, along with a balanced diet and consistent training, will promote positive results, and give you that all-round balance that everybody struggles to find... and most of it is all at the tap of a button.

Discipline. Regret.

32 ISSUE 5

matters Innovation is a necessity in the evolution of life; without it, we risk extinction. When kitesurfing first made its entry onto the mainstream consumer market back in the late 90s, realistically its life expectancy was not great. It was an extreme sport, requiring people to be fearless in nature, exceptionally fit, and accomplished board riders to even consider the sport. Success was achieved when you could get going and ride back to where you started without damaging yourself or your kite.

Water Sports Matters with Fiona Tarr from Adventure Sports

Safety, designs, and training equal innovation in kitesurfing

Thankfully, those days are behind us. The sport has been evolving dramatically since 2007 with the innovation of excellent safety systems, new kite designs and a specialised accredited training curriculum. Now people of all ages and fitness levels can safely and confidently get the equipment and training they need to make this once extreme sport an everyday fitness and lifestyle option. So, what has changed? The kites have four lines instead of two, with bridles and improved shapes, which allow the kite to be depowered, giving it a much bigger wind range. Relaunch has been improved significantly, giving

Most importantly, the safety systems have been developed for total release of the kite in an emergency. many models ‘auto’ relaunch. Most importantly, the safety systems have been developed for total release of the kite in an emergency. This innovation is thanks to investments from major brands into extensive research and development. You may pay a little more for big brand products; however, in kiteboarding, the investment is definitely worth it. Additionally, with organisations like the IKO (International Kiteboarding Organisation) developing and introducing an extensive training program and accreditation system for coaches, we now have improved teaching methods and assurance of qualified and accredited instructors to support students as they learn. Innovation has saved kiteboarding from extinction and grown it to what it is today – an awesome sport which can be achieved and enjoyed by virtually anyone who wants to try.

why fitness 33

matters The newest innovations in health and fitness help individuals to not only achieve their performance goals, but also to enable consumers to stay committed and motivated. In this digital age, Lark Life, Wellness FX, Fitocracy, The Nike Plus Running App, and Gympact are creative and fresh designs that help individuals sustain their fitness lifestyle. A healthy body not only incorporates fitness, it is inclusive of decisions around good nutrition, recovery, and sleep, all fundamental components that enhance performance.

Indoor Sports Matters with Shaun Blackman & Todd Forrest from Sunshine Coast Indoor Sports

Indoor sports centres join the digital revolution In this fast paced, hi-tech society, innovation is crucial to keeping up with the market demands. The fitness industry has quickly adopted fresh, innovative ideas that embrace the current trends and inspire people to reach their fitness goals. Innovation can be defined as something new or different that breaks into a market or society.

34 ISSUE 5

Indoor sports centres are also joining the digital revolution when it comes to the use of technology; centres aren’t just your ordinary fitness resource. They are going a step beyond and seeking to enlighten their competitors with up-to-date information and everything at your fingertips.

Gone are the days of flip scoreboards – state of the art LCD scoreboards that incorporate sophisticated software have taken over, providing more detailed statistics on players and teams. For the over-enthusiastic sports lovers, who like to relive the play-by-play post mortem of the game at the bar, graphs and individual print outs give reports that make comparisons between teams and individuals, so it is easy to recognise the true player of the match! Live streaming of sports on plasmas adds to the atmosphere of the indoor sports centre and offers customers the opportunity to get regular updates of their favourite sporting events happening around the globe.

Innovation has taken indoor sports centres to an exciting phase in the fitness industry, allowing competitors accessibility of information 24/7, which helps them incorporate it into their daily fitness regime. With the rapid growth of social media, indoor Innovative ideas mixed with a sport that sports centres are constantly updating all their people love to play and good old fashion happenings through Facebook. A majority of service, have seen the growth of indoor centres have introduced new sign-in procedures, sports centres across the nation, which in which are paperless, providing team and turn has had a huge impact on creating player information at the touch of a button. fitter, healthier lifestyles for customers Phones have also enhanced the convenience of that come from all walks of life. accessing information; the use of smart phone “Innovation distinguishes between a apps allows customers the opportunity to view leader and a follower.” Steve Jobs the season’s draw and competition ladders.

matters We have just seen a very successful month of mass participation events on the coast with ‘Tough Mudder’ and ‘Sunshine Coast Marathon’, drawing thousands of participants both locally and (arguably) more importantly, from elsewhere. “Why more importantly from elsewhere?” I hear you ask?

Running Matters with David Chick from Allez Sport Mooloolaba

Running our way to prosperity

Well of course we want our locals to be fit, but really, if you have a look around, we are a very active community. Obviously living on the coast and in the climate we do helps make our community more likely to exercise and ‘get outdoors,’ definitely more than your average Australian citizen. What our region relies on is visitors consistently and, even better, en masse. These two events have filled our region two weeks in a row in the middle of winter. The Sunshine Coast economy has been built upon and underpinned by people coming here from elsewhere, having an enjoyable time, spending money here, and ideally, returning again. Event tourism is a dream for regions like ours. It should be embraced and nurtured.

What our region relies on, is visitors consistently and even better, en masse. Of course, we don’t want a marathon or a triathlon every weekend, but we all should be supportive for events that bring us economic benefit and improve opportunities for us all. Unfortunately, there will always be people that are negatively impacted in the short term from time to time by these events. The challenge for these people is to see the greater good for the local economy. People complaining about being unable to drive out of their driveway one Sunday morning, or a retailer’s shop trade being down 50% on one day of the year as a result of an event that brings millions and millions of dollars of economic impact, gets far too much oxygen and should not be entertained. So well done to the Sunshine Coast Council for soliciting the ‘Tough Mudder’, and great work committee of the Sunshine Coast Marathon on producing a long term event we can be proud of.


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MOOLOOLABA why fitness 35

matters Pain Relief: FIR increases your body’s endorphins (hormones) in the brain, which helps you to deal with pain more effectively. The radiant heat it produces can also help with sprains, strains and arthritic pain.

Have you ever trained and said to yourself, “I have got to get a massage but it hurts too damn much!”? The way around this is to heat your muscles so that they are very supple, and so avoid the pain involved in deep tissue treatment.

Sporting Massage Matters with Deane Everson from Vitality Options

Pain relief innovation with far Infrared

The Far Infrared (FIR) will penetrate 10 to 15 cm into your skin and muscle, softening the tissue, ready for manipulation by your therapist. Infrared saunas heat your body, without the uncomfortable humidity and claustrophobic feel of traditional steam saunas. What is FIR good for? Detox Box devotees attest to its amazing ability to reduce and even completely remove pain associated with various muscle and joint problems; from poor sitting positions and overwork, to more chronic ailments such as osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, giving a safe, natural pain relief without medication. In fact, European medical professionals prescribe infrared saunas for treatment of these conditions. FIR is ideal for:

Muscle Spasms: Muscle spasms are known to be reduced by heat if they are secondary to underlying skeletal, joint or neuro-pathological conditions. Neurological/Pain Relief: There has been documented pain relief with the application of heat. Studies do show that when FIR was applied to a region of the body, there was an analgesic effect distal to that point. Some researchers are now saying there may be an increase in endorphins. So how does it work? As your body is warmed, the entire cardiovascular system is dilated to increase blood flow to the surface of the skin and the extremities in order to dissipate heat. This means your heart works harder, pumping blood at a greater rate to boost circulation, supplying the conditioning benefits of continuous exercise. Heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase, while diastolic blood pressure drops, for improved overall cardiovascular fitness.

are you serious about sport? Massage to suit your specific sporting needs The team at ViTaliTy OpTiOns is committed to maximum recovery in minimum time. It has now been over two years since I had my first massage with Deane. i have a massage every week because it is very important to recover muscles stressed from heavy and high intense everyday training. He is always able to fix any kind of soreness or overworked muscles, returning them to peak performance. Best massage therapist on the Coast. Kozue, CrossFIT Competitor from CrossFIT Coolum Beach

Why Fitness OFFer

FREE 30-minute infrared sauna with every pre-event or post-event recovery sports massage.

P. 07 5450 5729 E. info@vitalityoptions.com.au

Clinic: shop 5a/Cnr Merchants pde and Seaside Blvd, Town of Seaside, Marcoola www.vitalityoptions.com.au 36 ISSUE 5

matters Cycling technology moves on at an incredible pace every year, with new products and continual innovation. Road bikes get faster, lighter and stiffer, whilst mountain bikes become more efficient and easier to ride fast. Mountain bike technology especially has advanced in leaps and bounds. New innovations in dual suspension have greatly improved both performance and efficiency. Early ‘dualies’ were very compromised; they worked okay when going downhill, but every time you pushed on the pedals the suspension was compressed and a large amount of your effort was wasted. Some modern dual suspension bikes now use multi-point linkage systems, which allow the suspension to work over bumps, but isolate the suspension from most of the pedalling forces. This means they are easier to control, more comfortable to ride, and much less fatiguing than a hard-tail, yet still really efficient.

Cycling Matters with Ian Vant from Spin City Cycles

Cycling technology

Wheel size is another area of evolution. Mountain bikes traditionally had 26” wheels, which made for an easy-tomanoeuvre bike with good acceleration. More recently 29er bikes (with 29” wheels)

Some modern dual suspension bikes now use multi-point linkage systems, which allow the suspension to work over bumps. have become extremely popular; these big wheels make your bike feel a bit like a monster truck! They roll over obstacles very easily, are stable, and have much more traction, but disadvantages are bigger wheels and tyres that are much heavier and the frames need to be larger. The bikes then lose the acceleration and nimbleness of the old 26” wheels. Now the big manufacturers are bringing out their new mountain bikes with 27.5” wheels (technically a 650b wheel size). The idea is this new wheel size will be the best of both worlds, with most of the rollover and traction benefits of the 29ers but bringing back some of the fun of the old-school 26” bikes, with a lighter weight and more manoeuvrable wheels. So if you’ve not ridden a mountain bike recently, head into your local bike shop for a test ride, and experience how good the latest bikes feel.

Ride Today.

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Phone 5444 3811 122 Brisbane Rd, Mooloolaba www.spincitycycles.com.au why fitness 37

matters Resistance training is NOT new, but the very latest research indicates it is the preferred and most effective way to improve general physiological strength and wellbeing, and particularly SAFER than the high-impact/aerobic/ train ‘til you drop approach.

Pilates Matters with Joleen Watson from Centre for Studio Pilates


More and more health professionals are finding enormous success with resistancebased work, and, when coupled with a strong focus on technique, or ‘HOW’ the movements are being performed, the injury factor has all but been eliminated. Documented benefits of resistance training are: Increase in lean muscle tissue. Increase in strength capacity and mobility. Increase in strength at endrange positions. Avoidance of chronic over-use damage to joints and tissues. Safe for post-rehab work. The very specialised equipment used in pilates studios incorporates

‘progressive resistance’ with the use of springs. The user pushes and/or pulls the equipment in this carefully guided method of exercise. The adaptability of the equipment means that the work can suit any type of body, including restrictions (i.e. injuries/pathologies) or those needing extra challenge (i.e. athletes). Using the ‘resistance’ aspect in pilates means that we can easily adapt the work precisely to the individual. When working with high-level athletes the spring resistance is sometimes made very light, particularly when pulling the equipment; this demands a strong understanding of the core. At the other end, when working with injuries/pathologies, the springs can assist the lifting of limbs, to restore mobility to underused joints, allowing increased blood flow and a restoring of movement. Joseph Pilates taught that the springs are an extension of the muscles. The shortening/lengthening of the spring copies the action of the muscles through range of motion. By incorporating and using the springs as we move, we benefit from their assistance AND resistance.

Are you out of balance?

Q. What is Pilates?

Q. Will I get results?

Q. Why would I need it?

A. Pilates is an intelligent exercise that will put you in command of moving your body.

A. Pilates is results driven with a focus on a gentle step-by-step progression.

A. Pilates will have you doing all the things you love that you had given up on.

Phone 5479 5767 2/12 Norval Court, Maroochydore info@centre4studiopilates.com

38 ISSUE 5



Your Skin Matters with Donna Gordon from Skin House

The latest way to skin fitness wellbeing At first glance a micro needle roller appears to be some type of odd torture device with hundreds of tiny needles filling the roller. I assure you it is not, and it is actually far less scary or painful than you would imagine and the results are brilliant!

Many people now choose this procedure monthly over many others, as the results are far superior, with the skin complexion more youthful.

become thicker and tighter, thereby

Micro needling causes microscopic damage to the skin which causes your skin cells, collagen cells etc. to go into repair mode.

that the epidermis rapidly heals without

This procedure also allows whatever skin care product you are using to penetrate deeper and better into the skin. You can have the most expensive products in the world, but if they are not being absorbed into the skin they will not work, or not as effectively.


improving wrinkles, sagging skin and acne scars and targeting dermal collagen. The needles used are so fine any sign of being penetrated. The end result is that the dermis has been stimulated to undergo remodelling.

Collagen Induction Therapy is able to stimulate collagen and accordingly, it is a safe procedure. Recovery The healing phase is short and recovery is generally within five days, but patients

Collagen Induction Therapy is often referred to as ‘micro needling’ or ‘skin needling’.

can resume normal activities almost

How does Collagen Induction Therapy Work? The cause of wrinkled or sagging skin lies in the second layer of skin, the dermis. In the dermis, the collagen has progressively weakened with time, becoming thinner and more loose.

resume normal sun exposure at this time.

Collagen Induction Therapy works by stimulating the collagen in the dermis to

immediately. Patients are allowed to

Versatility Collagen Induction Therapy can be used on any part of the body, including the face, neck, arms, abdomen and thighs. Combining this therapy with ‘Thermage’ skin tightening treatment is an excellent option for an overall fresher and younger appearance.

“I don’t want to look plastic, i just want to look

like me again.”

Thermage® addresses the visible signs of aging, toning those trouble areas in just one treatment ‒ no surgery, just naturally younger looking skin that can take years off your appearance.

Donna Keogh Gordon has been practising paramedical therapies for 20 years. Thermage® Skin Tightening was bought to the Coast by Donna seven years ago with extensive research of its outcomes and performance. Donna is at the forefront of her career with paramedical skin and AntiAgeing remedies! Self-contracting to clinics on the Coast and can be contacted for a personal consultation.

Clinic: 6 Sandhurst Crescent, Peregian Springs Call Donna today 0438 531 876 // www.thermage.com

why fitness 39



Cassie MacDonald,

recipe innovation

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention and that is exactly the case for personal trainer turned cookbook author, Cassie Macdonald. Cassie’s brand new cookbook, Clean Indulgence, was started in 2012 as a result of Cassie being diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder, resulting in hypermobility syndrome. What this means is that she is prone to joint instability, dislocations, fractures and sprains from just the slightest stumble or fall. Enduring six knee operations and weekly physiotherapy, her recovery meant not being able to move, and slowly her weight began to creep up. “What became clear to me was that training was only one way to stay in shape, and that nutrition was going to be something that I would need to really understand and concentrate on,” says Cassie. “Because my training options were limited, I knew that whatever I was putting in my mouth had to be working for me, not against me,” says Cassie. She started producing whole, clean, nutrient-dense food that gave sustained energy throughout the day, without the added or hidden calories that would undo all the hard work she had put in with her restricted training. So, armed with her background in fitness, love of clean, healthy food, and her diagnosis, she embarked on a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics and has created Clean Indulgence. “The recipes are so easy and simple to make that even a child could do it,” she says, “And the recipes are flavoursome and delicious. Many of the recipes are family favourites that I have simply converted to reduce the bad fats and sugars. And the best part is that all the ingredients can be found in your local supermarket. With my recipes, you don’t have to spend a fortune on ‘health food’; it is simply about choosing fresh, whole foods.” And does it work? By following her own recipes and with only low intensity/light weight training, Cassie has lost over 20kg. Her goal is to share this way of eating with as many people as she can, so that they too can understand that even if you can’t run a marathon or are injured (as Cassie so often is), you absolutely can change your body shape with clean eating. You can, in fact, have your cake and eat it too! www.cleanindulgence.com.au

40 ISSUE 5

fitandwell Spiritual wellness doesn’t always mean zooming off to church or getting in touch with our religious beliefs. It can also mean going deep and discovering what gives our lives meaning and purpose, and re-calibrating our orientation to the world. To do this requires spiritual discipline - moments of silence, both short and long. It also requires a shift toward benevolence: the desire to do good and to make life more wonderful for one and all.

fit and well with Cassandra Westerman

Spring is the time of year that many of us think about moving up a notch with our exercise in case our belts have gone out a notch over winter. Have you also considered this might be time for a spiritual growth spurt? A time to stop and discover more about yourself and what you care about.

You know you are not spiritually well when your happiness meter looks like the fuel gauge on a P-Plater’s car. Living at a frenetic pace where there is little down time for reflecting and critical thinking can sap spiritual energy. Busyness also decreases the quality of dealings with other people. We need to make a shift towards avoiding anxiety and embracing mystery; avoiding pessimism and embracing responsibility; and avoiding control and embracing freedom. Spiritual growth can also involve healing modalities and therapies such as working with the body’s energy

There are 1440 minutes in every day. Thanks to Tone Zone and Power Plate training you only need 20 of these minutes a day to stay healthy and beat premature aging.

What do Madonna, Elle Macpherson, Kylie Minogue, Danii Minogue and Gwyneth Paltrow have in common besides having no cellulite, looking very youthful and all having amazing bodies? Yes that is right... they all use Power Plates.  Beat

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Call us today to receive your first session FREE!

Tone Zone, the fastest way to fitness.

20 Mary Street Noosaville Qld 4565 Phone: 07 5474 0692


field chakras that relate to our internal organs. This work eliminates toxic thoughts resulting in a pure and clean energy field, a great way to optimise your spiritual growth spurt. Open the door to spiritual wellness. In his book Finding Sanctuary, Abbot Christopher Jamison says that virtue is the doorway through which we enter the sacred space necessary for spiritual development. He suggests using a mini-mantra to start or end your day: I do not act in anger or hold a grudge; I rid my heart of all deceit; I never turn away when somebody needs my love; I speak the truth with heart and tongue. When these words move from your head to your heart they start to shape your day and open the door to your spiritual wellness. Cassandra Westerman is a certified Wellness Coach, Management Consultant and Fitness and Holistic Wellbeing with Cassandra Westerman LifeSpark. M. 0410 456 966, www.facebook.com/ cassandrawestermanlifespark



If you answer yes to any two of these then maybe you do...  I’ve tried everything and nothing works for me.  I used to look great but now everything seems to have dropped.  I just can’t keep motivated.  I always seem to just give up.  I just can’t seem to stay committed.


PURSUIT FITNESS INTRODUCTORY OFFER: 1 PT (together),+ choice of 8 group training sessions per week. $200 for one month (PS. That’s just $25 each/week)

To cure LACK-A-PURSUIT-ITIS take the Pursuit Fitness magic pill four times a week. Sammy Pluck is a personal trainer who:  IS 100% committed to your results.  WILL keep you on track  WILL keep you motivated.  WILL keep you committed  WILL make sure you get the results you are after. Sammy is so sure that you will succeed with her, she is offering 100% guarantee that if you follow her program for 10 weeks you absolutely WILL feel better.

Sammy 0421 486 448 pursuitfitness.com.au

why fitness 41


why change with Craig Harper

Meat Statues?

A Treadmill-less World For most of our existence here on planet Earth, gyms, trainers, treadmills, heart rate monitors with built-in GPS, and even the Abblaster 2000, didn’t exist. Somehow the world coped. Neither did we have a global obesity epidemic. In fact, by today’s crazy standards, there were almost no fat people. Ironically, over the last 50 years we have simultaneously seen an explosion in exercise services, products, programs, pills, powders, potions, gizmos, gadgets and… obesity. In the context of our history, exercise, as we experience it today (gyms, machines, classes, personal training, technology), is virtually brand new. The Old Days Back in the old days, exercise programs were unnecessary, because those poor, ill-equipped, uneducated, treadmill-less, computer-less people did this crazy thing called movement. Lots and lots of it. All the time. And not just when they were motivated, pumped, or in the zone. And not just when the weather was fine. And not just when they had an impending social event. Or an appointment with their PT. No, they spent the majority of their waking hours moving, constantly stimulating their muscular, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, while we modern, clever, educated creatures have gradually devolved into meat statues – spending the majority of our lives with our collective arses surgically attached to chairs. Which is why we’re often referred to as the sit-down generation.


BEACH FIT with Kaitlyn Akers

Last Wednesday night I was privileged to listen to Professor Brendan Burkett (Associate Dean in Biomechanics in the School of Health and Sport Sciences at USC, and Olympian) present to the Unis Foundation Board. I wish you could have all heard him speak. He talked about the microtechnology devices being used and developed at the university. They measure speed, position and movement with a single device about the size of a phone. This technology has use in both health sciences – assisting with recovery after injury, and in sports performance – providing feedback and data for coaching. The combination of engineering, health and human movement is the incredibly exciting bit to me. I believe when we share ideas as professionals we all develop expertise from a fresh new perspective. The team at the university are literally creating the future of the health and sports industries. These microtechnologies will supercharge the conversations we have about how our bodies move, and improve outcomes in rehabilitation after injury.

An Inverse Correlation As technology and innovation has sped up, we have slowed down, and while our knowing is seemingly greater than ever, our doing is clearly not. When an Exercise Scientist who owns a gym says that sometimes another bloody exercise program is NOT the (stand alone) answer, you should know there might be something in it. If you don’t believe me, look at the stats. Better still, look around you. Even the person who exercises five times a week for an hour still spends 97% of their time not exercising.

It gives me great hope for the future when such positive innovation is happening right here on the Sunshine Coast.

If I was asked to compare (A) some regular exercise (say, three to five times a week) inserted into an otherwise statuelike sedentary lifestyle with (B) a consistently active lifestyle devoid of structured exercise, I’d definitely go for option B.

Great ideas come when great people get together at conferences and events like these.

And then if we could combine A with B... magic!

ABOUT Craig Harper Craig Harper is one of Australia’s leading presenters, educators, coaches and commentators in the areas of health, fitness, high performance and change. *With thanks to Penguin Publishing, this article is an extract from Craig’s new book Pull Your Finger Out - 101 ways to stop wasting time and start living your best life. This, and Craig’s regular blog and other books are available at www.craigharper.com.au 42 ISSUE 5

This weekend I am off to the State Lifesaving Conference, where all clubs come together to share innovation across our organisation. I am looking forward to attending the sessions, which will look at technological advancements in lifesaving – showcasing how sport, science and data are working together again.

If you have not already done so, I urge each of you to get out to our university’s sports precinct; it is an incredible facility. Finally, a quick thank you to Vickie and Jen for introducing me to John Shadforth of the University Foundation Board, and opening my eyes to some fresh new ideas. Kaitlyn Akers is the Deputy President, Sunshine Coast Branch SLSQ Qld, and Lifesaver of the Year 2011 P. 5444 1919 ssbranch@lifesaving.com.au

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This new page in Why Fitness gives opportunity to any business that believes they too are ‘Making A Difference’ on the Sunshine Coast. Ask us how you can be here next issue. Email jen@whyfitness.com.au


There’s something very special about being

fir st!

Cassandra Westerman, LifeSpark


I am a collaborator and problem-solver. I love working with people and organisations that bring together ideas and approaches to move people in the direction of a more healthy existence. I bring to the table my LifeSpark energy to coach, motivate, educate and mentor in the areas of fitness, wellness, personal development, marketing, corporate communication and strategic human resources. What makes me unique is that I don’t just talk the talk; I am an owner of a number of fitness and wellness businesses and brands that provide innovative programs and services as tools for personal change.


I do what I do because I love the creative process: beginning with a vision or dream, exploring possibilities and brainstorming approaches, through to setting personal goals, or working with experts and designers to develop a finished product and to celebrate success. I am also passionate about the LOHAS movement. LOHAS is an acronym for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability and the movement focuses on educating and providing resources for businesses and individuals on the market of healthy and sustainable lifestyles. My work reflects LOHAS values.


I love working with start-ups, and this year I am bringing an exciting new health and wellness concept to the Sunshine Coast. Full Circle Wellness is an integrated one-stop-shop for allied health services such as exercise physiology, massage, psychology and dietetics – plus a great range of exercise classes to tackle everyday wellness issues such as pelvic floor fitness, balance development and exercise for diabetes. Full Circle provides a fresh new touch-point for people to access health and fitness.

44 ISSUE 5

Pauline Ryeland, Healthy Passionate Living


My business is Healthy Passionate Living and I work as an Intimacy and Sexuality Coach, Educator and Healer. I think what is unique about my business is that I’m helping individuals, men or women, and couples by coaching and educating them about sex, libido, intimacy and relationships, whether it’s around challenges they are experiencing or looking at ways they can connect deeper.

My background is quite a mix, and I think that brings variety and many skills that I can draw on. I work with NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), Advanced Subconscious Reprogramming and Errikson Hypnotherapy, Coaching, Reiki and Spiritual Healing, use Access Consciousness running Bars, and am an Angel Intuitive. I am also a Tantric Energy Body worker, as well as draw on my own personal experiences with various sacred, shamanic and spiritual sexual practices.


I love helping people find their sexual mojo! Our sexual energy is our life force, so if you have turned the ‘tap off’ or ignored it, then it’s guaranteed all sorts of other problems will start occurring in your life, as everything is connected. I’m also passionate about sustainability of relationships and how to give them a boost. When I see the changes in my clients, and how the changes have impacted on them, then my heart sings and I know that this is why I’m here.


I’m excited about adding more eBooks to complement the ones I’ve already written, which are educational around sex and intimate connections. There are lots of workshops planned for the next 12 months as well as speaking engagements.



We asked our foundation questions... ADVERTISERS these

1 2 3


Tell us what your business is about. What is your mission statement or unique selling point (USP)? Why do you do what you do?

Our theme this issue is ‘Fitness Innovation’. What do you have planned in the next twelve months? Are there any exciting innovations in your business that you can share?

why cook with Annette Sym

Strawberries Romannette SERVES: 4 Recipe from SYMPLY TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE BOOK 1

dr maria wood, sunshine coast grammar


Tell us what your business is about and what is your mission statement or unique selling point (USP)? Sunshine Coast Grammar School is a co-educational P-12 Independent Christian School situated in Forest Glen. We are in the business of engaging young people in learning and equipping them with the skills to continue beyond the gates of Grammar in a range of pathways from tertiary study to the workforce. Our four pillars of our vision for learning differentiate what we do in teaching and learning at Grammar – we encourage and teach active thinking, our teachers strive to cater for difference and ensure relevance in the learning. As a P-12 school we are committed to providing a seamless curriculum ensuring continuity of learning. A key differential is our overt mission of service – an opportunity for our students to be actively involved in our local community and broader community to help in whatever capacity they can.

1 x 200g tub vanilla diet yoghurt 2 x 125g tubs 99% fat-free vanilla fromage frais (Fruche®) 1 tablespoon orange juice 2 tablespoons (30ml) Cointreau liqueur 250g fresh strawberries, chopped Mix yoghurt and Fruche® together in a large mixing bowl. Fold in juice, Cointreau and strawberries. Refrigerate until required. Suggestion: For a stronger flavour, marinate fruit with liqueur for 1-2 hours. Variations: Replace strawberries with any fresh or frozen berries; or replace orange juice with the pulp of 2 large passionfruit; or replace cointreau with malibu (or liqueur of your choice); or replace vanilla flavoured yoghurt and fruche® with strawberry flavoured yoghurt and fruche®; or replace fruche® with ½ batch symple sweet cream. *Fruche is a registered trademark of National Foods Limited.


Why do you do what you do? I am passionate about contributing to the future and what greater way to do this then work with the future generation(s). There is such personal and professional satisfaction and joy to see students achieve, succeed, have lofty goals and strive to be the very best version of themselves in all endeavours. To work with equally committed colleagues is an absolute blessing.


How do you maintain ‘work/life balance’ and why is it important to you? Work/life balance is different for every individual. For me, it is not as simple as a 50/50 split. In the words of Stephen Covey, I strive to ensure I put first things first – my family, my faith, my health – mind, spirit and body. Sustenance of all components keeps me grounded, gives me energy and the positive attitude in my approach to work and how I deal with challenges. One cannot underestimate the power of community and the importance to be connected to your community and being involved in life beyond your own backyard. All of this contributes to a balanced and healthy life.

Annette Sym is an international author and speaker and the creator of seven bestselling low-fat cookbooks Symply Too Good To Be True. why fitness 45


 Sassy Shorts | $34.95


this and

Rise Grind Conquer www.risegrindconquer.com.au www.facebook.com/risegrindconquer

that...  Garmin Forerunner 910XT Heartrate Monitor Triathlon Bundle | $479  George Greegan Power Tube Pro – Gym in a Bag | RRP $129.99

Amart Kawana P. 5444 7777

Rebel Maroochydore (adjacent to cinemas) P. 5479 2518

Scene @

Thanks to Neil and the team at Amart Sports for providing some great fun for our issue four launch.

Bernard Kasteel and Sandy Riba, (Fit Accounting Solutions)

Photos courtesy of Dranko Magic

Dawn Osborne and Theresa Delamere (Women Reborne)

Neil and the Team at Amart Kawana

46 ISSUE 5

Howard and Tarnea O’Meara

Krishna Everson (Healty Marketing), John Pickering (Pickering Bookkeeping)

Nadine and Ray Hoffman

Winners of the Treasure Hunt! Nadine Hoffman, Dawn Osborne, Tarnea O’Meara & Liz Gunter

Neil (Amart Sports), Jen Forster (Why Fitness)


 ¾ ‘Cheeky’ Pant | $39.95 Orange ‘Jessie’ hooded Crop | $59.95

Rise Grind Conquer www.risegrindconquer.com.au www.facebook.com/risegrindconquer

 Paceman Bowling Machine | $309

Amart Kawana P. 5444 7777

 Le Tour de France bike | $1499

Rebel Maroochydore (adjacent to cinemas) P. 5479 2518

7 Sunshine Coast Marathon

Alex Forster, Dylan Goodsir, Clark Marshall, Vickie Magic, Esther Johnson, Jeremy Johnson & Katie Shepperd

Clark Marshall

Jen Forster & Alex Forster

Alex Forster, Pippa Colman, Vickie Magic & Jen Forster

Dylan Goodsir

Jeremy Johnson

Geoff & Leanne Peters

Ben Williams, third in the half marathon

Ian Rowe

Pippa Colman & Vickie Magic

Sam Brown

Rebecca Ind & baby Isla

why fitness 47

whyexiliselite We all recognise how being fit increases our self-confidence. Some people will not feel comfortable wearing the latest figure-hugging fitness outfit, because of a few ‘bulges’ on the stomach or on the thighs. This is where we can help you with Exilis Elite.

why Exilis Elite with Dr Hugo Pin, Sunshine Vein Clinic

The new Exilis procedure at Sunshine Vein Clinic not only melts your fat, it tightens your skin at the same time. Two fabulous aesthetic procedures in one – perfect for the time-starved, busy, professional woman. Exilis, as the procedure is called, is basically a machine that combines the efficacious properties of radio frequency treatments to both ‘melt’ your fat and tighten your skin by stimulating collagen production. What makes this machine so good is that it takes proven technology – such as the use of radio frequency to heat, without damaging skin – and combines it with some clever developments so the end product works better and results are more reliable.

Redefine your face and body with this noninvasive, fat-melting, skin-tightening innovation.

When it comes to the ‘tightening’ of the skin, the directed heat also helps to

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‘unravel’ the collagen fibres in the skin, then the natural healing process makes your body produce new collagen fibres that, in turn, improve the skin’s elasticity, effectively ‘tightening’ it. The Exilis Elite machine has two different sized handsets to be used on various parts of your body or face, which allows it to reach small pockets of fat that other similar machines can't. Not only does Exilis Elite manage two procedures in one; the new, smaller handset allows a practitioner to use it on those very small, irritating-to-get-ridof areas like the knees, under the chin, the inner thighs, bingo-wings or auntie arms, love-handles and saddlebags. Exilis is fast – you do need to make at least four visits but each one is less than an hour depending on the size of the area being worked on. It’s painless – really, the warmth of the machine is never unbearable; and there is absolutely no downtime – if you’re getting your face done, you can re-do your makeup immediately after the procedure.

What shape are your books in? Need help?  Qualified accountant specialising in bookkeeping  Registered BAS agent  Payroll & PAYG  Xero Certified Partner MYOB & QuickBooks  Accounting software setups  Mobile service John Pickering, the accountant who is passionate about bookkeeping.

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24/7 Gym. No Contracts. World Class Facilities. 48 ISSUE 5

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Fitness is not only about the physical work you do but also about the food you eat, the sleep you get and the mindset you have.

why awaken within with Kim Morrison, Carren Smith and Cyndi O’Meara

Carren: Innovation is all about creating something from nothing. If you could look at your life; your relationships, your money and your health, what could you create today that is totally new and totally inspires you? Hint: Have you noticed that in every one of your experiences…you’re there? Now, given this reality, we not only experience the day to day, we also create it, so why not innovate? Why not create something from nothing today? It’s always a choice and always an option. Cyndi: Fitness is not only about the physical work you do but also about the food you eat, the sleep you get and the mindset you have. So if you’re doing something that isn’t working, then you need to innovate. Everyone does the same thing and gets the same result - this is the definition of a statistic. To reach the pinnacle of fitness and health, you have to do something that the

crowd isn’t doing. A new way of eating, working out and thinking will take you to a realm of fitness you’ve never experienced; the key is to find your teacher. When the student is ready, the teacher will emerge. Kim: To stay committed to fitness for life, one must be creative. Gone are the days of routine; just doing weights, a ride or a run. In this fast-paced society we are constantly looking for options, spontaneity and choices. Things like Tough Mudder, Crossfit, PT and Boxing classes are filling a void. Eating grain free, Paleo or hunter-gatherer diets are hitting the mark. And the plethora of mindset information out there is boggling. The question is: are you prepared to be a fitness innovator or a couch potato? Kim Morrison, www.twenty8.com Carren Smith, www.carrensmith.com Cyndi O’Meara, www.changinghabits.com.au


Margie Atthow Physiotherapist

 First Aid trAining  CPr Manual Handling (Back Care) Fire & Evac Courses can be customised to meet the requirements of your industry and specific to your needs. All trainers are nursing educators, paramedics or registered nurses. Allability Training is owned by the Sunshine Butterflies Charity. 100% of profits support kids and their families living with disability on the Sunshine Coast.

Please contact us for availability at our premises or your location for group training. Phone: 54702830 WWW.ALLABiLitYtrAining.COM.AU Allability Training delivers nationally recognised training.

Do you love to run? So does Margie. As the winner of the 5km at the Sunshine Coast Marathon Running Festival, Margie understands the importance of maintaining a fit and healthy body. Correcting any underlying imbalances using a hands-on treatment process is how Margie can have you running pain-free. Margie also will assess your running style, and create you a home exercise program to keep you running. .

“I love my running and I want you to be back doing what you love too!”

Phone 5444 0394 Suite 3/16 Walan St, Mooloolaba info@rehabphysio.com.au

why fitness 49


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Adventure Sports

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Allez Sport

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Amart Kawana

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Anytime Fitness


24 Hour Health Club


Atlas Multisports

5351 1286

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B Fresh

5493 2839

CafĂŠ, Deli and Fresh Produce

Blue Dog Web Designs

0487 395 745

Web Designers

BOD Studios

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Rockwear Stockist

Brisbane Fitness and Health Expo

3217 9347

Health and Fitness Expo


Burma In Ya Belly

0407 143 743

Burmese & Asian Event Catering


Caloundra Bulk Billing Clinic

5438 1488

Bulk Billing Medical Centre


Cassandra Westerman Lifespark

0410 456 966

Certified Wellness Coach


Centre for Studio Pilates

5479 5767

Certified Pilates Practitioner & Coach


Clean and Healthy Recipes


Clean Indulgence


Changing Habits

5493 7135

Healthy Living


Fatburners Gym and Personal Training

5441 7771

Personal Fitness Training


Health and Fitness Seminars


Health and Fitness Seminars Healthy Passionate Living

0411 701 594

Intimacy & Sexuality Coach, Educator & Healer


Impact Insurance

5450 6174

General Insurance


Integrated Wellness Clinic

5474 1424

Natural Therapies


Lazy Runner Sunshine Coast

0419 796 684

Running Club



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Living Valley Springs

1800 644 733

Absolute Health Retreat


MAB Personal Training & Adventures

0401 286 200

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Now Beauty

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Pelican Waters Golf Club

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Performance Physio & Rehab

5444 0394



Pickering Bookkeeping & Accounting Services

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Pure Energy Training Zone

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Pure Osteopathy

5455 3311



Pursuit Fitness

0421 486 448

Group Fitness & Personal Training


Rebel Maroochydore

5479 2518

Sporting and Leisure Equipment


Rise Grind Conquer

0424 305 075

Womens Fitness Clothing


Salt Caves Mooloolaba

5444 1339

Salt Therapy


Sara Sizzahands

545 7191

Stylist that listens


Skin House

0438 531 876

Skin Health Therapy


Skin Surveillance

5438 8889

Early Skin Cancer Detection


Snap Fitness

0410 456 966

24 Hour Health Club


Spin City Cycles

5444 3811

Everything Cycles


Sunshine Butterflies


Disability Support Service


Sunshine Coast Grammar School

5445 4444

Independent-Educational School


Sunshine Coast Indoor Sports

5479 1913

Indoor Sports Centre


Sunshine Coast Tafe

5457 1000

Industry Education Training Providers


Sunshine Coast Vein Clinic

1300 698 346

Non-surgical cosmetic treatments


Sunshine Toyota

1300 230 342

New and Used Vehicles


Target Training

5452 7722

Training Service Providers


Tone Zone Noosa

 5474 0692

Personal Training Studio


Vitality Options

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Sports Massage Specialists


Xtreme OCR

0488 222 886

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8:56 PM

S u n S h i n e

C o a S t


Healthy Mind, Healthy Body


Psychologist, Dr Barbara Haddon, is a firmCM believer in taking an integrated approach MY to supporting strong emotional, mental and physical health. Her approach is CY solution-focused and practical, including CMY a blend of psycho-education, skills K training and cognitive behaviour therapy.

Phone 5438 8387 (Yin Health) www.learn2live.com.au

Lazy Runner Sunshine Coast

The Fun, Friendly Running Club for Everyone Beginners Program commencing Tuesdays 6am Check www.lazyrunner.com

Contact Cath Gardener on 0419 796 684 or email: lazyrunnerscoast@gmail.com

Improve your lung function naturally. Himalayan Salt Therapy, a natural, drug free treatment has been scientifically proven to enhance not only sports performance but recovery also, by increasing the efficiency of the respiratory system. Himalayan salt has long been known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, as well as helping loosen mucous and phlegm build up. Studies have shown that people with chronic upper respiratory conditions, seasonal allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma and skin disorders can derive significant benefits from salt therapy. Salt therapy is widely used throughout Europe and salt rooms have even been built into hospitals and specially constructed sports arenas. A man-made Himalayan salt cave (halo chamber) reproduces the natural microclimate of a Himalayan salt cave, by dispersing a dry salt aerosol in high concentrations into the halo chamber (salt room) whose surfaces are covered in Himalayan salt. All parameters are controlled by high tech equipment from Germany, such as humidity, salt concentration, temperature and air purity.


The lungs are lined with cilia hairs that work in a waving motion to move mucous towards the throat to be either swallowed and broken down through the digestive system or coughed out. This is the lungs natural way of removing impurities such as dust mites and pollens which are lodged in the mucous. A build-up of thick excess mucous occurs when the lungs are not in full health, removing the mucus results in a more efficient gaseous exchange, therefore improved lung function, ultimately enhancing performance. As the Halite Himalayan salt is inhaled, it travels through the sinuses and respiratory tract, attracted to the mucous, the excess of which is liquefied enabling it be removed, reducing inflammation and killing bacteria. DIAGRAMS COURTESY OF TAIMMA COMMUNICATIONS INC.

Figure 1 depicts a healthy lining of mucous on the lungs.

Himalayan Salt Therapy

Inside you’ll find our tranquil coffee corner! Come on in, have a cuppa and see the salt caves. Join our Coffee Rewards program.



Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds & Flu, Sinus, Emphysema, Acne, Lung Function, Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema, Clear Mucus, Reduce Inflammation, Improve Sleep, Breathing and Skin.

Come in for a coffee!

2-10 years of age E* FRE Under 2 years of age

Sessions from

A 100% natural, drug free treatment that helps treat many respiratory and skin conditions

Figure 2 shows a thick layer of mucous sitting on top of the cilia hairs, making it almost impossible for the cilia to remove the mucous on its own causing a breading ground for bacteria and infection and reducing gaseous exchange.

How does salt therapy work? A relaxing salt therapy session takes only 45 minutes. Sit and relax in the salt cave, breathe in the salt cave air. Salt Caves use only Himalayan salt in our therapy sessions, well known for its health benefits. Salt therapy is suitable for all ages, including babies. At the heart of our salt room is a microniser that breaks down the salt into very fine particles and pumps dry salt aerosol into the air. This allows you to breathe in the microscopic salt particles deep into your lungs and enjoy the healing effects of salt on your skin.

Salt lamps, salt inhalers, personal, skin care, bathing and eating salts, BBQ and serving plates, gift ideas and more!

Salt therapy products and gift vouchers ready to buy online or at the cave.



Family packages & monthly passes Discounted rates for bringing the whole family. Great value if you’re regular visitors to Salt Caves.

* Children under 2 years are free with any paying adult



Shop in store or online



Gifts with health benefits





P l Ay H A R D , R E s T E A SY . . . AT PA L M E R C O O LU M R E S O R T







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Combinin g luxury and n atur e to C r e ate a unique spa e nvironme nt The Spa at Palmer Coolum Resort evokes total relaxation and well-being for both men and women. For the treatment of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage and acne – even for improved wound healing. With our wide range of treatments by PRIORI®, DECLÉOR and OMNILUX™ the Spa at Palmer Coolum Resort has something for everyone. Get in motion with the activities available at our fitness centre: aquacise, aerobics, yoga and fitness at our fully equipped gym open 24 hours. Memberships available.

by Jamie FletC her

te nnis Courts and pr ivate le ssons 8.30am - 5.30pm

- Annual Memberships $380 - Monthly and Quarterly memberships available - Seven flood lit courts and a wide range of programmes and packages for all ages and standards.

Warran Road, Coolum Beach, Queensland Australia T. 07 5446 1234


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