Why Fitness Magazine Issue 16

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Publication date 13 October Next issue 17 November




EDITOR’S NOTE with Jen Forster Food! It has been in my face (well not literally… well maybe it has) a lot this past month. First of all during our recent holiday in Las Vegas to celebrate Matt’s birthday. Wowee! Do the Americans know a thing or two about ‘super-sizing’ or what?!? To give you an idea, Matt and I ate only twice a day and each time, we shared one meal between us! The choices for fresh, unprocessed food was extremely limited as well. The positive here was that it made me abundantly aware of just how grateful I am to live right here on the Sunshine Coast. We are truly spoilt with the availability of fresh, locally produced and easy-to-access whole foods. I love to travel and will continue to explore the world but there really is no place like home!

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Hippocrates

This issue is all about ‘Nutrition and You’ and I was very fortunate to hang out with James Colquhoun, the award winning producer of Food Matters and Hungry for Change. I can tell you that I was very excited to meet James but what I did not expect was that he would be such a laid back guy. I kind of expected a ‘food Nazi’. You know, someone who would tell me the ‘rules’ about fresh food and what we should and shouldn’t eat. After all, one would be forgiven for thinking it’s a complicated topic, especially with all the ‘information’ out there, right? Wrong! The thing that struck me most about James and the knowledge he shares is just how uncomplicated it really is to eat fresh, unprocessed foods. If it comes from the air, the ground or the sea (water) – then eat it. If it comes out of packet and has ingredients that have nothing to do with the natural world, then don’t. Check out our interview with James on page 10 and also his ‘Great Eight Super Foods’ on page 26 to learn more. Something else pretty awesome happened in September. My beautiful friend and business partner, Vickie Magic did what she said she would do and that was to raise $10,000 for Cancer research and in doing so would shave her head. Well, yes she did shave her head and she now looks even more beautiful but she also raised a staggering $15,000!! I admire this woman so much and am so proud of what she does for so many people. I hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as we have loved making it for you!

Why Fitness Magazine supports local charity Sunshine Coast Surf Life Saving.

Yours in fitness, food and fun,

If you would like to donate please email jen@whyfitness.com.au. PS. I thought I would share some of my Las Vegas holiday snaps with you too! It was awesome!


Published by Matters Magazine ABN 95 131 837 833 P. 5444 4456 F. 5302 6609



Noel Burns House 18/21 Nicklin Way, Minyama

Editor/Advertising Enquiries Jen Forster 0403 236 783 or 5444 4456 jen@whyfitness.com.au

Publisher Vickie Magic 5444 4456 or 0433 198 868 vmagic@bmmag.com.au

Photographer Jen Forster and Dranko Magic

6 FEATURE: Top Ten Nutrition Myths Busted with The Health Hound.


8 MIND FITNESS with Vickie Magic.

Dranko Magic, 0408 751 863 magic@bmmag.com.au

Creative Director Amanda Opanubi, Proof Designs amanda@proofdesigns.com.au

Writers, Columnists and Sub-editors this issue: Robin Storey, The Health Hound, Vickie Magic, Craig Harper, Richard Fogarty, Jennifer Forster, Jason O’Pray, Gary Martin, Meagan Kellert, Shianne Mohommed and Vanessa Webster Distributed from Beerwah to Noosa Proudly printed on the Sunshine Coast by the Ink Spot Commercial Printers, Maroochydore | 5443 5431

8 WHY EVENTS with Cr Jason O’Pray. 9 WHY ALKALINE WATER with Charlie Gardner from PHperfect. 10 LOCAL SUCCESS JAMES COLQUHOUN: Food Matters. 12 LOCAL BUSINESS: Marjie’s Walking, Joel Clement Strength and Conditioning and Bean There Done That. 12 SUBARU NOOSA TRIATHLON: Fun and Fitness Event. 13 LOVE YOUR SKIN by Jessica Luise. 14 FIVE MINUTES WITH MATT MITCHAM.

16 WHY MENS FITNESS. 17 U GOT THIS with Jess Edwards. 18 NUTRITION AND YOU by Gary Martin Living Valley Springs. 20 FEATURE: Nutrition and You! Tips from Local Businesses. 22 HAVE YOU MET, meet some local health and fitness business owners. 23 WHY FITNESS EQUIPMENT with Dean Harding, Summit Fitness. 24 MEET THE TEAM from The Fresh Breath Clinic. 25 WHY LOCAL with BFresh. 26 THE GREAT EIGHT SUPERFOODS! James Colquhoun shares his favourite superfoods and why.


When foods have been cooked, processed, canned or pasteurised all of the living enzymes are destroyed and its structure is changed. The intermolecular bonds break down causing food to lose its nutritional value. At New Earth Café, nothing is heated above 42 degrees to keep all the enzymes present in the foods prepared. RAW // ORGANIC // GLUTEN AND DAIRY FREE COLD PRESSED JUICES // SUPER SMOOTHIES // TASTY SWEET TREATS 4 ISSUE 16

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MATTERS PAGES 30 TO 40 NOT advertorial but EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION from inside specific industries.


MAB Personal Training & Adventures


Tennis Queensland

32 BODY MATTERS Cozmedics 28 SPORTS FEDERATION: Are you the Why Fitness Magazine 2014 Volunteer of the year?

46 Find out WHY THIS AND WHY THAT check out the ‘must haves’ something for every fitness enthusiast.




46 SOCIALS Fun at the Why Fitness New Issue Launch with special guest speaker James Colquhoun.

42 WHY CHANGE with Craig Harper. 43 LIFTING FOR LIFE. 44 WHAT’S ON Calendar of Events. 45 ASK US WHY? Why Leafy Greens, Why Blueberries, Why Salt?

48 DELICIOUSLY CLEAN Healthy recipes to enjoy with Meagan Kellert. 50 OUR ADVERTISERS

I DO Body Transformations

Advanced Wellness


OMG Training & Fitness


Glasshouse Mountains

MTB and Running Group

37 DIGITAL MARKETING MATTERS Do you know what these are?


Advertorial Column Column Advertorial Editorial Feature Story Matters

We are proud of our innovation of videos at the end of some of our articles. To view the videos, download a QR scanner with your smartphone (the app we have found to be the best so far is i-nigma. Just go to your applications and search for it, then download the free application).

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6 ISSUE 16


1 Egg yolks are bad for you

Talk is that too much cholesterol in egg yolks results in heart disease. Studies have shown that eggs raise the good cholesterol, and current research out of Penn State University has found that healthy people and non-diabetic people can eat an egg a day without problems. Whole eggs are listed by health professionals as among the most nutritious food, and more than half of their nutrients are in those sunny yellows. They satisfy, can aid with weight loss and are valuable for proper fetus brain development.

wheat is always 2Whole a health food

The sad thing about wheat is that it has genetically changed more recently and it can be less nutritious than it once was. Many people are now suffering with difficulties digesting wheat, with pain, bloating, tiredness, syndromes, gluten sensitivity and intolerance and celiac disease. Whole grain labels are often misleading – the products are often made from fine ground flour, just like any refined grain. Often wheat bread is just enriched wheat flour, which is basically white flour. And sometimes a dark bread fools by being a white bread with caramel coloring.

is unhealthy and 3 Coffee should be avoided

It’s true that caffeine is a boon for some and too much caffeine a problem for others. But studies show coffee has great health benefits with many antioxidants – sometimes better than fruits and veggies combined. Studies also show coffee drinkers have lower risks of depression, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and they live longer as well.

makes you fat, so eat 4Fat less fat to lose weight.

Studies show that diets high in both fat and carbs can cause weight gain. And using commercially sold low-fat foods is not always healthy, because these foods often remove fat and substitute with extra added sugar to make it taste good. But diets high in fat and low in carbs lead to better weight loss than low fat diets, even when calories are restricted.


Low carb diets are dangerous

Although a low carb diet is not right for everyone, recent studies show that low carb diets compared to low fat diets help with more weight loss and lower the risk factors for heart disease. Restricting carbs also reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes and other metabolic syndromes.


High protein diets cause risk of kidney failure

This is only true for those who already have diagnosed kidney disease, but for healthy people, studies show high protein can help fight type 2 diabetes, lower blood pressure and help build muscle, especially if you are strength training. It’s also been shown to help reduce risk of fracture and osteoporosis in older age.

6A calorie is a calorie

A common myth is that all calories are alike. Studies show that different foods with the same calorie count affect hunger, hormones and health differently, because they need different metabolic processes for digestion. They also have different effects on burning fat and stimulating hormones that tell your brain you’re full. So think again about having a 500 calorie sundae verses a 500 calorie fish and vegetable dinner.

means your 7Cravings body needs that food

Is everyone ravenous for veggies and fruits? No – cravings are caused by emotions, environmental smells, media, hunger, menstrual cycles and shifting hormones. For your health, focus on good food first and that junk craving every now and then is fine.

are natural, so all 8Herbs herbal products are safe

Studies prove that all natural is not the same as all safe. Many herbal supplements are not regulated. Different brands or batches can have varying purity and concentration. With herbal supplements, you should first get advice from your doctor and stick with known brands.

soft drink 9Diet is harmless

The artificial sweeteners in diet soft drink have been shown to have some not very healthy effects – including difficulty in controlling later food urges, taking in more calories at mealtime and a 40 per cent likeliness of being obese with drinking three or more a week. Instead, use the great varieties of naturally flavoured sparkling water or flavour it yourself with herbs or lemon.

food helps 10Junk with stress

Well, it seems comforting at the time, but studies actually show that people who ate those highly processed junk foods were over 50 per cent more likely to be depressed than people who avoided those processed snacks. There are plenty of healthy yummy snacks like fresh fruit and nuts. Despite all we have learned about diet and nutrition, as you can see, many of the old myths just refuse to die. That’s why The Hound and Why Fitness will always be on guard to help you separate fact from fitness fiction!



whyevents Photo courtesy of Rob Daniel Photography

MIND FITNESS with Vickie Magic

It’s been a huge, huge month for me. On Sunday 28 September I shaved my head for cancer, and I have to say that it was a much bigger deal than I had first anticipated. It’s amazing just how much our minds are in control of our every action, our every thought, our every word. Sometimes we want something very badly, but often we’re not prepared to do what we know it’s going to take to make it happen. I’ve had shaving my head for cancer as a bucket list thing from a long, long time ago. But I always said I would only do it when the cause was close enough to my own heart, so when it was my brother-in-law, I knew this was it. Everyone is saying how brave I was, though I have to admit that on the morning of the big day, brave was not what I was feeling. I knew I had to go through with it because I’d raised $15,000. Now I’m pretty sure that most of those people who donated the money probably wouldn’t have bothered either way if I did or didn’t shave, but with integrity being one of my highest values, running off to the other side of the world with my hair and $15,000 unfortunately wasn’t an option. How do I feel now? So, so proud – I think this is quite possibly the best idea of my life. Coming up with an idea just one week before the event to get some Sunshine Coast Big Wigs to wear big wigs until they each raised $1,500 for my causes was just brilliant. How does this all relate to nutrition, the theme of this issue? Thanks for asking! I guess what I’m trying to say is, “what we feed our mind becomes who we are, so if we feed our mind can’ts, then we become people who can’t, but if we feed our minds with CANS then we become people who can.” An old man told his grandson: “My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil – it is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is good – it is joy, love, peace, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth.” The boy thought about it and asked his grandfather, “Which one wins?” and his grandfather replied, “THE ONE YOU FEED.” Make sure you choose the right nutrition for your mind.

Vickie Magic is the owner/editor of Business Matters Magazine and partners with Jen Forster in Why Fitness Magazine. Vickie is passionate about helping with your mind set, she runs regular weekend retreats for this purpose. You can contact Vickie on 0433 198 868 or vmagic@bmmag.com.au 8 ISSUE 16

WHY EVENTS with Jason Opray

Let’s talk about appetite. I mean, that passion and enthusiasm we humans have for things we love. Yes, the type of appetite I have to help the Sunshine Coast become the regional events capital of the universe (or okay, maybe I’ll settle for us being the events capital in Australia). You’ve probably noticed our region has an enormous appetite for healthy events – whether it’s the kind where you smash out over 110km with a run, swim and ride, the type that sees you slide through fire as part of a muddy 20km obstacle course or the one that leaves you looking like a rainbow after a fun 5km run. Then there’s a stack of charity walks and healthy lifestyle expos too. As well as boosting our local economy and getting our community together and active, do you know what I reckon is one of the biggest benefits of these events? It’s the way they’re profiled on social media to showcase this beautiful region of ours. Social media is an amazing addition to the traditional media exposure these events generate – and we all know how the appetite for this medium is growing. The stats around social media usage and the exposure it provides are truly incredible. Recently we’ve had IRONMAN 70.3 Sunshine Coast, the Real Food Festival and a range of other events which have seen social media swamped with fantastic photos of athletes and chefs, food and fun and most importantly, the beautiful landscapes and weather that make our region what it is. I’m talking about the average Joe just snapping a photo of the family with beautiful beaches in the background, or framing up a nice landscape shot for their Instagram account. Every time someone does this, it’s a fantastic promotion of our region! What better way to see the lifestyle and activities we have on offer than through the eyes – and lenses – of people who are right here experiencing it, right now? Join in this weekend. Capture that awesome view or the atmosphere at your favourite café and post it online. Whether you’re just showing it to your rellies in the colder climates, or hashtagging it on Instagram and adding to the millions of great shots, let’s all spread the news about this beautiful part of the world.

Jason O’Pray, Economic Development (Tourism, Sport and Major Events) Portfolio, Division 8 Councillor.


Why Alkaline Water by Charlie Gardener Clean, pure water is a cornerstone of good health. Your body is mostly water, so the ongoing intake of water is essential to your every function. It’s common knowledge that most water sources are now polluted, but there is tremendous confusion about what kind of drinking water is the most health promoting, and what kind of home water treatment produces the best drinking water.

The trouble is, most public water supplies are loaded with hazardous contaminants, such as disinfection by products (DBPs), fluoride, and pharmaceutical drugs, to name just a few. Nevertheless, you DO need to make water your beverage of choice if you want to be healthy - but it should be purified water. Beyond water filtration, there’s also the issue of pH

Today, too many people are choosing soft drinks instead of pure water as their primary beverage, and the health of an entire culture is at risk.

- alkaline versus acidic water. There are quite a few

The number one source of calories in Australia comes from high fructose corn syrup primarily in the form of soda. Australians drink an average of a litre of soft drink each week, and this excessive fructose consumption is a driving force behind obesity and chronic degenerative disease in this country.

The theory behind alkaline water is, in a nutshell, that alkaline

The most practical and economical strategy to combat obesity and chronic disease is to replace all soft drinks and other sweet beverages with pure water.

astonishing health claims being made about alkaline water, but are they true? Most of them are not.

(ionized) water is a powerful antioxidant with surplus electrons that can ‘mop up’ the dangerous free radicals you have running through your veins. Marketers claim alkaline water may correct excess acidity in your tissues, which may then prevent or reverse cancer, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases. www.phperfect.com.au



Everybody in every family knows someone with a chronic illness, whether it’s diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis or even a neurological or mental disorder. James Colquhoun witnessed his own father’s mental and physical health diminish over the course of a couple of years, after he was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. Roy Colquhoun, who at the time was an accountant here on the Sunshine Coast, was referred to numerous specialists who all had the same answers to treat his disorder – quick-fix medications that would ultimately lead him down a path of depression and anxiety. Seeing how unwell his father was, James did his own research into chronic fatigue syndrome and found that his father was not being given the right advice to help treat his illness. Why Fitness Magazine was honoured to sit and chat with James about his journey from a career in the private yachting industry to becoming the awardwinning producer of Food Matters TV and author of Hungry for Change. After selling his accounting firm after not being able to cope with working and his illness, Roy and his wife, James’ mother Megan, moved to Fiji for two years. It was during this period, when James and his wife Laurentine Ten Bosch, co-producer of Food Matters and co-author of Hungry for Change, were working on luxury yachts in the south of France and the Middle East for the rich and powerful, that the pair visited James’ parents in Fiji. James will never forget the night when his father, who at that point was on anxiety medications and tranquilisers, told the family at dinner that he had thought about committing suicide that day. For James, it was like a huge bomb went off in the room.




10 ISSUE 16


Faced with his father’s confronting confession, James and Laurentine knew they had to find a way to help him. After some research, and knowing that he would avoid taking the time to read about it in a book, they decided to make a documentary on how to use food to heal the body so he could just sit down, press play and gain the knowledge. The pair quit their jobs and put all their life savings into creating this documentary. It didn’t bother them that they had no experience in the filmmaking industry, because they were passionate and missiondriven and wanted to get the message across to James’ father and the rest of the world that you are what you eat.

there are over a billion dollars spent each year on the diet and weight-loss industry. This book examines why this is happening, focusing on measuring the quality of the calories instead of how many calories we consume.

Through interviews with doctors, nutritionists and researchers from Europe, the USA and Australia, they compiled information on how to use food to heal in a way that is simple and easy to understand for everybody. During the interview process they discovered that anti-depressants, one in particular that Roy had been taking, were known to have suicidal side effects. When James told his father what he had found out, he completely lost faith in the medical profession and adopted James’ nutritional healing attitude to food. Since embracing this process Roy has lost over 20 kilos, has been told he looks 10 years younger and most importantly, no longer suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome, a true testament to the difference a healthy diet can make to one’s health.

When asked why he is so passionate about telling the world the difference the foods we eat can make to our well-being, James says that it all comes back to seeing how unwell his father was and that he wouldn’t ever want to see him like that again. It was peak performance expert Tony Robbins, however, who got James and Laurentine interested in health in the beginning.

The further the production process went along, the more it was becoming obvious to James and Laurentine that there was a great story to be told, and that it would have mass commercial appeal because of the many people in the world struggling with food and health. The next step was to get the message to people online. Instead of taking the film to cinemas and film festivals, the decision was made to take it directly to people on social media, a decision that is still paying off today, with the Food Matters Facebook page having over one million likes. On the back of the global success of the release of Food Matters in 2008, James and Laurentine wrote Hungry for Change, a book full of practical solutions and simple advice on eating to take care of your well-being. In the USA alone



The next step for James and Laurentine is to continue improving and adding to FMTV, a streaming TV service for all things health and wellness, including documentaries, recipes and mind and exercise programs and advice. The duo also plans on increasing the online engagement of their brand, with a Food Matters Detox Guide app now available.

Now based on the Sunshine Coast, the couple have a 14-month old son named Hugo. When James isn’t at work in his Mooloolaba office he loves to go surfing, read a book, hang out with his family, enjoy a glass of wine over the sunset or go on a holiday with his family. When Why Fitness Magazine asked where the best places to shop for quality food are on the Sunshine Coast, James says the Kunara Organic Marketplace or farmers’ markets is where you’ll find him stocking up on organic produce. We asked James to give us three tips for those wanting to take control of their health, but are feeling overwhelmed by all the information that is out there: To get proper hydration, start your day by drinking good quality water. If you usually eat toast for breakfast, swap bread for a nori wrap instead. Have a raw or living food element with each of your meals, such as salad, vegetables or fruit.




local business Marjie’s Welcome to Walking for Fitness Marjie Andrews, qualified fitness leader and principal of Aerobics – Sunshine Coast, has introduced Marjie’s Welcome to Walking for Fitness, Fun and Friendship to the south bank of the magnificent Maroochy River. Welcome to Walking combines riverside walks with exercise interludes and best of all, everyone is encouraged to participate at their own preferred pace. If you need to rest, you’re encouraged to do so. Marjie’s group meets at the Cod Hole boat ramp car park at 9am on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please phone Marjie on 54484229 for more information. All welcome. Joel Clement Strength and Conditioning Joel Clement is the owner and founder of Joel Clement Strength and Conditioning. Working out of CrossFit Mooloolaba, Joel is continually driven to grow with the times. With an abundance of information available, the idea is, as Bruce Lee put it, to “absorb what is useful, reject what is not.” By delivering simple tools and systems to follow, Joel makes it is easy to address issues in his training programs and highlight important areas for improvement. Joel has trained some credible athletes, personal trainers and coaches. By implementing really simple steps through functional movement systems and strength training protocols, Joel has improved their quality of movement and has assisted them in seeing some pretty cool strength gains too! Joel is a Level 1 CrossFit Coach, Club and State Level Sports Power Coach, is Level 1 and 2 FMS Qualified, is an NLP Master Practitioner and registered Exercise Professional with Fitness Australia. Phone 0402 590 205, joelclementstrength@gmail.com Bean There Done That Espresso Bar Young local barista Daniel Carew just opened Bean There Done That Espresso Bar, with two Segafredo Blends on offer an organic dark roast and Buono. Conveniently located across from the North Shore Tavern next to the Organic Grub, with funky distressed, preloved furniture that’s for sale and a selection of homemade cakes and food with vegan and gluten free options. It’s perfect if you’re looking for a delicious take away coffee or want to relax and soak in the ambient atmosphere. 20B Timari Street, Pacific Paradise, 0414 470 228 12 ISSUE 16

The Noosa Triathlon: Swim – Bike – Run!

1983 saw the beginning of the Noosa Triathlon. Back then there were only 180 competitors - helmets were optional, wetsuits were banned and cyclists got lost on the course! It is fair to say the growth of this now global event has been incomparable and this year’s event will mark its 32nd anniversary! The Noosa Triathlon is a world renowned fitness event that brings global fitness fanatics to the Sunshine Coast annually. Spectators line the shores to watch international competitors participate. Not just for the elite though, thousands of locals test themselves against the multi-disciplined event. This iconic event has attracted many inspiring veterans with local Marcus Hanley, at the age of 81 competing his 22nd Noosa Tri last year and Queensland athlete Ann Palmer at age 72, participating more times than any other female, with 21 events! The world’s 2nd largest Olympic Distance Triathlon and the largest in Australia. 1.5km Swim, 40km Cycle and 10km Run to finish off. It’s obviously not for the faint hearted. Whether you are taking part in this event or considering a triathlon in the future, we thought we’d share three simple tips to help with your nutrition. 1. Be conscious of your fluid intake 3-5 days leading up to a big training weekend or race. Don’t just start chugging fluids the day before. Complete hydration starts 3-5 days out. Your main fluid source should be water but it is ok to add in an electrolyte drink as you come closer to your training day or race to keep your sodium levels adequate. 2. After intense and/or long training (over 2 hours) sessions there is a 30-minute window where our body is ready for replenishment and recovery. It is crucial to have a fast acting post-workout snack ready to go. Most solid food takes time to digest and do its job so stick to a liquid supplement like whey protein, chocolate milk, or a recovery supplement. The key is to have a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein post-workout. 3. Eat to Train, Not Train to Eat. After workouts of 2+ hours the body is usually famished from the activity put out. Everything looks good. But it is so important to stay disciplined and stick to healthy foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish and healthy fats. Especially if you are looking to lose weight and change your body composition, sticking to the plan is imperative. Post-workout foods that are great choices can be: hard boiled eggs, edamame, nuts, oranges, quinoa, organic wild rice, lean chicken/fish and natural peanut butter. MULTI SPORT FESTIVALS | IRONMAN Phone 1300 761 384 | Email noosatri@ironman.com www.noosatri.com.au

Love Your

The team at SKIN: Eliza, Aimee-Leigh and Jessica Luise

“I want to create a dynamic team of empowered women who can help me to help other women feel amazing in their own skin,” says Jessica Luise. Jessica Luise Bollington is not new to the beauty industry. In fact, she can remember being in Year Five and knowing this was the career she wanted. After leaving school, Jessica initially began training in business administration, which was to give her a fantastic foundation for what was to come, however her journey in beauty soon began. In the past decade, Jessica has trained and worked alongside beauty therapists on a national and international level. During this time her true passion soon became clear. Jessica wanted to be able to provide ‘results based’ services for her clients. She wanted to be able to create long term solutions to the skin problems that her clients were presenting with. Her experience helped her to discover that she could


An ultrasonic probe is used to melt away unwanted and stuborn fatty areas, suitable for stomach, inner and outer thighs and arms. Normally from $50 per area. Now only $40!

do this most effectively utilizing skin analysis and non-invasive treatments. Over the past few years Jessica has lead the way on the Sunshine Coast

and established a loyal clientele by

delivering skin analysis, skin program writing, product knowledge, IPL and microdermabrasion as well as other advanced skin treatments utilizing

the latest technological equipment. Jessica has ‘broken the mold’ and

despite what the industry suggests, she made a stand to go against the

norm and create treatments that are

realistically affordable for all women. Her beautiful salon, Skin by Jessica

Luise, perfectly reflects the love Jessica has for beauty and is the culmination

of never swaying from her true purpose

which she has been ‘guided’ towards every step of the way. Jessica has personally designed every detail of the brand new

premises which can be found in the heart of Maroochydore’s funky Ocean Street.

$80 LASER TECH HAIR REMOVAL Never shave, pluck or wax again! Pick two areas from the following: Lip, Chin, Underarms, Bikini. Only $80 per treatment for BOTH areas.

21 Ocean Street, Maroochydore, Phone 5452 7121

Call Jessica Luise to book your treatment today. WHY FITNESS 13


14 ISSUE 16


W E H T T A M H...



by Shianne Mohommed What does an Olympic gold in diving, an autobiography and a cabaret show have in common? The answer? Twenty-six-year-old Matthew Mitcham. Why Fitness Magazine was lucky enough to have the chance to sit down and chat with Matthew while he was on the Sunshine Coast visiting family. It’s 2008. An 18-year-old Matthew is behind by 30 points and is preparing to take his final dive in the men’s 10-metre platform dive at the Beijing Olympics. He takes off from the platform and performs a faultless dive and scores a perfect 10 from all judges, making Olympic history. Matthew becomes Australia’s first male diving Olympic gold medallist since 1924. Six years on from the Olympics in Beijing and Matthew says winning gold is still one of the best feelings he has ever experienced in his life. The openly gay athlete remembers standing on the podium to receive his medal, and thinking that all the training and sacrifices he had made as an elite athlete had been worth it. Matthew’s path towards becoming a professional athlete first started when he was nine years old and began competitive trampolining. Two years later, when he was showing off to his friends doing double flips into bomb dives into the pool at an aquatic centre, a national coach spotted the talented 11-year-old boy and that was the start of what has been a successful career in diving. After the hype of his win at the Olympics had died down, Matthew came crashing back to reality. Professionally, he kept improving and in 2010 he reached the goal he had set many years prior – to rank number one in the world in diving. Personally however, Matthew’s depression, which he’d suffered from during his teenage years, had returned with a vengeance. Matthew convinced himself he had no value as a person and that his value came from the medal. In the four years leading up to the Beijing Olympics, beginning when he was as


young as 14, Matthew began to suffer from depression. To cope, he began self-harming, which turned to binge drinking and then became drug use. When Matthew’s depression returned after Beijing, he went straight back to managing his depression in these unhealthy ways. A year and a half out of the London Olympics in 2012, Matthew promised himself that he would stop his drug use. After many failed attempts, he realised this was a problem he couldn’t fix on his own and checked himself into rehab. He then embarked on the journey of improving his mental health and selfesteem, and learning how to process and deal with feelings in a healthy and functional way. It’s the support from his friends, family and mentors that got him through this difficult time in his life. For all athletes who want to achieve the best results in their chosen sport, nutrition plays an important role. Leading up to Beijing, Matthew knew he had to be vigilant with what he was putting in his body because he had one goal, and that was to make the Olympic squad. In the 15 months prior, he cut out all alcohol and junk food from his diet, which for the self-confessed sweet tooth was incredibly hard, but judging by his results was completely worth it. Between the Commonwealth Games trials in April this year and the Commonwealth Games in July, by balancing energy input and expenditure, he was able to lose 4.5kgs, putting him in peak condition for his diving events, where he won a gold and a silver. Like most people, Matthew gets pleasure from eating food and unless he’s in preparation for an event, he never cuts or restricts certain foods or food groups from his diet. He believes good nutrition is all about being responsible with food through moderation and saving treats for special occasions. In 2012, Matthew released his autobiography Twists and Turns.

While writing this book he wanted to talk about his experience with depression, and discovered that most literature on depression had been written by people in their later stages of life, something he couldn’t really relate to. Matthew felt that sharing his story would be a great opportunity to write something that would be relatable to younger people who are suffering from depression. This motivated him to be as candid and honest as he could, saying that in writing this book, the potential benefit to others outweighed the potential detriment to himself. When asked to describe the book, Matthew says it is ‘one really long Facebook post’, which he hopes will make it easier for younger people to read and understand. When Matthew, a talented singer and ukulele player, was approached to turn Twists and Turns the autobiography into Twists and Turns the cabaret show, the born performer and entertainer jumped at the chance. Matthew is the main star of the show playing himself, accompanied by a pianist and another character who is his inner voice personified. Matthew felt it would be easier for the audience to understand the relationship he had with his addiction if they could hear the voices that were in his head at the time. The awardwinning cabaret musical will be coming to Noosa early next year. Dates will be released soon on twistsandturns.com.au. Matthew’s ‘why’, simply put, is passion. He admits to having chosen two financially unstable careers in diving and stage performing, but he loves diving, entertaining and performing and couldn’t imagine doing anything else at this point in his life. In the near future, once he recovers from a minor injury, Matthew plans to start preparation for the Rio Olympics in 2016, alongside the cabaret show which already has shows booked all over Australia for next year. One day though, Matthew hopes to have a successful career in the media and entertainment industry in either television, radio or on stage. WHY FITNESS 15


Good nutrition creates a healthy body, not just on the outside but on the inside as well. If your body’s organs are being feed healthy, nutritional food, it will always perform at its peak.

Exercise and nutrition – this is one combination we all find very hard at times. We train like crazy but don’t eat well, then still expect our desired results. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the last 25+ years in the fitness and martial arts world, it’s that both training and nutrition have to go hand in hand. You can be as fit as you want, but if you don’t have the right nutrition you seem to reach a certain stage with your fitness and stop. There are so many benefits in your life from great nutrition. I’m a big believer that if you eat properly,

WHY MEN’S FITNESS with Richard Fogarty

this feeds the body’s organs in the same way that petrol feeds a car.

Good nutrition creates a healthy body, not just on the outside but on the inside as well. If your body’s organs are being feed healthy, nutritional food, it will always perform at its peak. Not only is that good for you, but the other benefit is that if you’re an organ donor, the person or people who receive your organs will be very thankful for your good health. As the saying goes, treat your body as a temple. With great fitness and optimal nutrition, everything seems to work better. The good thing these days is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to find a good nutritional eating plan. All you have to do is search on Google and you’ll be surprised what’s out there. If you really want to go all the way with your nutrition, I’d recommend seeing a professional nutritionist first to get a foundation. Eat Well, Be Well.

Richard Fogarty, Business Owner / Youth and Family Mentor / Inspirational Speaker /Fitness Coach / Life Coach www.richardfogarty.com, www.sunnykids.org.au

With 23 years experience, Living Valley Springs are the specialists in weight-loss, rejuvenation, pampering and developing personalised healing programs. Ten days at Living Valley Springs can promote healing, restore energy and provide you with solutions for the long term.

16 ISSUE 16

U got



Eight years ago, Jess Edwards was 19 years old and battling obesity, depression, low self-esteem and social anxiety. She struggled with the basic routine of life as a single mother, lacking energy and strength. One day she looked at herself in the mirror and asked herself, “Who is this person? Why does she look so sad? And why is she so big when she was once so fit?” It was this realisation that started it all. Jess than joined a local gym in her previous town of Kingaroy and started her journey towards weight loss. That first step was her greatest achievement – fronting up to a gym full of fit people with huge, optimistic personalities was extremely intimidating when feeling obese and insecure about herself. But it took only one act of kindness from another person also struggling to lose weight to change everything.


It was a simple statement from a friend who said, “losing weight is indeed hard Jess, but no matter how hard, you are deserving and worthy of achieving your goals.” For Jess this statement was truly empowering. She lost her first 10 kilos in four months, not only because she exercised three to four days a week and changed her nutritional habits, but more because her mentality towards herself had changed. She proved over and over that she could achieve, lift weights and last an hour in a fitness class. She could also talk to people socially, complete her basic daily tasks and beat depression. And she DID! Jess then began the next step in her journey – as well as fitness courses, she completed a Diploma of Counselling

U got


and will soon finish a Bachelor of Counselling and Coaching. For the past three years she’s been paying forward that act of kindness from her friend to her clients, and sharing the encouragement that was given to her. With this knowledge and experience, Jess holds out her hand to those looking for support and motivation, with the understanding of how hard it is to take that first step.

Jess looking fabu lous now

Jess believes that success is taking a holistic approach to life and self-development that will guide you to lasting success, and the possibilities of achieving not only your fitness goals, but also your true potential. Jess is currently a personal trainer, fitness Instructor, motivational speaker and self-esteem counsellor, who will progress to becoming an Australian registered counsellor and motivational life coach in 2016. I provide personal training, personal self-development sessions, group training and group self-development sessions at my based establishment Ezyfit Club in Kawana Waters.



Jess Edwards knows exactly what that’s like. She is also the hand you’ve been looking for to walk you there one step at a time.

Jess Edwards 0499 106 179 u.got.this.fitness@live.com.au



Nutrition & YOU Gary Martin ND,

Living Valle

t y Springs Health Retrea

We must eat to survive. However, what we eat also determines much about our personality, our physical, emotional and mental health and our potential. It all starts before conception. What did our parents eat? A tree planted in healthy, nutrient-rich soil produces good quality fruit. A tree planted in nutrient-deficient soil produces either poor quality fruit or no fruit at all. It’s the same with humans. We live in a world where food is mass produced. Nutrient levels are far below what they used to be even fifty years ago. Our soils have been farmed to exhaustion and are now mostly dependent on

18 ISSUE 16

artificial fertilisers. Processed and refined foods dominate our supermarkets. Our hospitals are full to capacity and the pharmaceutical companies are making record profits. Cancer is a plague to our society and is no longer limited to older people. Childhood cancer is now the second most common cause of death, after accidents, in 1-14 year old children. My father once told me about friends who had just given birth to their first child. Shortly after delivery, the child was

diagnosed with a terminal bone disease and was not expected to live beyond a few months. My Dad asked me why I thought such a blow could happen to such a lovely couple. I suggested he should enquire as to the diet and lifestyle of the parents. Within a few days he reported back. The couple partook mainly of processed foods - sugared cereals for breakfast, sweetened coffee, cakes, biscuits, pizzas, fast food meals, alcohol, soft drinks, etc. They never


exercised and they rarely drank pure water. Under such conditions it is difficult to produce a healthy child. Even their own longevity would be in jeopardy. We live in a world in which common nutrient levels have been greatly diminished. Those who aspire to produce healthy children and to achieve a long and healthy life, never needing pharmaceutical drugs or medical interventions, must maximise nutrition and minimise exposure to toxins. This should be the very first science for everyone today. There are three main nutrient categories – protein, fats and carbohydrates. The most important is protein. The word protein is actually a plural word, referring to 22 different amino acids that are all individual nutrients in their own right. All these amino acids are important, but eight are essential. When the nutritional information box on a food product displays the protein content, the product may not necessarily contain all the essential amino acids. It may only have a few insignificant concentrations. Even one amino acid is referred to as protein. Complete proteins are found mostly in animal products such as eggs, chicken, red meats, fish and dairy foods. The various amino acids that comprise protein are responsible for our growth, repair, maintenance and most physical and mental functions. In 1992 the Bordeaux University in France determined that the minimum amount of complete protein required daily by a sedentary person should be calculated by subtracting 100 from the person’s height in centimetres. This will give the number of grams of protein required for optimal health. A physically active person would need to increase protein intake in proportion to his or her level of exercise. The renowned nutritional doctor and author Dr Jan Kwasniewski of Poland, advises that a sedentary person should eat one gram of protein per kilogram of his or her ideal body weight per day. Both calculations generally produce the same number. Dr Kwasniewski

also advises physically active persons to increase protein consumption in proportion to their activity levels. It’s important to note that most meats, including chicken, beef, lamb and duck, comprise approximately 25 per cent complete protein. An egg has seven grams of protein while most dairy products range from 12 per cent to 20 per cent. Eggs provide the most efficient form of complete protein of all foods. The albumin component in protein mobilises fat-soluble toxins. Raw organic eggs, therefore, play an effective role in detoxification programs. Adequate protein can also be helpful in the relief of depression, as the amino acid L-Tryptophan enhances the production of serotonin, the body’s mood regulator. The storage and efficacy of iron in the system is dependent on protein status. Iron is transported and stored in blood in molecules that are predominantly made of protein. Accordingly, anaemia and protein deficiency often go hand in hand. Inadequate dietary protein or poor protein assimilation can adversely affect cognitive function, healing, hormonal balance, sleep and growth in children. It is also related to fatigue, immune dysfunction, frequent infections and muscle wastage. Fats are also important for optimal health. The fat family has been blacklisted as public enemy number one since the mid 1900s. Whereas there are fats that heal and there are fats that kill. The good fats include coldpressed coconut, olive and other quality oils, butter, cheeses, eggs and to the surprise of many, the fat on our meats. Even chicken skin has great nutritional value. The Bordeaux University studies in 1992 concluded that daily fat consumption should be two and a half times the intake of protein, of which 80 per cent should be saturated fats. Sounds high, but France has the lowest death rate from heart attack, cardiovascular disease and stroke in the world. Dr Kwasniewski recommends that fat consumption should be three and a half times the protein!

Some of the many symptoms related to fat deficiency include aching joints, attention deficit, anxiety, cognitive problems, constipation, coarse hair, cracked heels, eczema, hypertension, irritability, immune dysfunction, poor growth in children and thyroid diseases. In his book The Great Cholesterol Lie, renowned heart surgeon Dr Dwight Lundell details how we have been blaming the wrong food group for our health problems. As he states, “It is not the fats.” The brain has a mechanism to warn us when we have eaten enough protein or fat. We feel satisfied. However carbohydrates can make a full person feel hungry again. This is the food group that requires self-control. A diet low in fat leaves a person feeling dissatisfied. Hence one gravitates to carbohydrate foods. America adopted a low fat philosophy in the 1950s. As a result the country now boasts the highest obesity rates in the world, with 35 per cent of the population classified as obese and 65 per cent as overweight. Carbohydrate foods include grains, sugars, legumes, fruits and vegetables. The French studies recommend that carbohydrate consumption should be kept to 80 per cent of protein intake. It’s best to dispense with sugar-based foods and refined grains altogether. Also, it’s far more efficient to derive one’s prime energy from proteins and fats, rather than carbohydrates. Appetite and craving are rarely true indicators of one’s nutritional needs, as many carbohydrate foods are addictive. Appropriate nutrition is a science. Food should be nutrientdense, prepared in such a way as to smell, look and taste wonderful. A diet that’s high in good fats and moderate in protein, with controlled levels of carbohydrate, encourages healing, while promoting wellness and longevity. Give your body the right fuel and it will give you peak performance, maximum potential and optimal longevity. www.lvs.com.au




Nix Body Works As a busy mum of two very active boys I know how hard it is to find the time, money and convenience to exercise. Hence Nix Body Worx was created. After 24 years as an educator of children and a lifelong passion for sport, fitness and extreme obstacle course races, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and become a Personal Trainer. Wow, I can't believe how I love my new career, created by juggling children and their many sporting avenues, teaching, training and studying while helping my husband with his business. Nix Body Worx Group sessions are based on fun and fitness and predominantly aimed at the busy mum, whether stay at home or working. My sessions vary from team work, circuits, tabata, HIIT and a mixture of old and new exercise techniques. Nix Body Worx PT sessions are

individualized to cater for the client’s main fitness goal, whether fat loss, toning, suppleness, strength or cardio. My goal with Nix Body Worx is to create a positive fitness environment that encourages you to be the best you can be and to feel the best you've ever felt. As my motto says "I'm not saying it is going to be easy, I'm saying it is going to be worth it."


Always be prepared for those times of the day when you feel in need of a snack. Instead of reaching for the chocolate bar, packet of chips or sweet pastry, pull out your small bag of raw nuts, a couple of hard boiled eggs, a green apple, natural yogurt or a carrot. If you have these types of snacks ready to go, you will be less tempted to have the less nutritious snack. You might find too that you haven't been drinking enough water through the day and confuse your body’s signals for thirst for hunger. Give it a go, you'll be surprised.

First 2 group sessions free or first PT session free which OFFER includes fitness testing, measurements and health assessment. Phone Nicki 0412 74 75 74 | colegus@bigpond.com |

Skin by Jessica Luise Jessica Luise Bollington is the founder and creator of ‘Skin’ and is an extremely passionate therapist who has been working in the beauty industry for more than a decade. Her passion lies with skin analysis and non-invasive treatments, providing non-surgical options for women and men looking to reshape and refresh their look. As the former manager of an award winning medi spa, Jessica Luise has trained and worked alongside beauty therapists on an international and national level, specialising in skin analysis, skin program writing, product knowledge, IPL and microdermabrasion, as well as other advanced skin treatments.

Nix Body Worx PT

Using this decade of experience, as well as the latest technological equipment for advanced skin care, Jessica Luise prescribes the treatments individually to suit each client’s needs and skin condition to achieve the very best results. “Over the years I have been privileged to work with some of the best in the industry. As well as using multiple skin care ranges, I have tested and measured used and tailored programs for all skin conditions. I use only award winning Australian owned INDIO skincare,” Jessica Luise says.


The three most important skin tips I can share are Sunscreen, Vitamin C and depending on the condition of your skin, Vitamin A. Sunscreen is hugely important to minimize sun damage. Vitamin C helps the sunscreen work on your body by breaking down the pigmentation. Vitamin A helps reduce the signs of aging and assists in skin correction. All of these should be applied topically.

Laser Tech Hair Removal. Never shave, pluck or wax again! OFFER Pick two areas from the following: Lip, Chin, Underarms, Bikini. Only $80 per treatment for BOTH areas. Phone 5452 7121 | 21 Ocean Street, Maroochydore 20 ISSUE 16


U Got This


Some of us may believe a banana or an ‘Up & Go’ will get us through the morning hours, however, we need carbs, fat and protein in every meal for our body to function well. If your mornings are extremely busy and you do find it hard to sit down and eat a meal, try my unique on-the-go breakfast shake.

Jess Edwards is the sole operator of U Got This! A business designed to enhance and motivate a person's capabilities in health, fitness and self development using personal training and positive psychology as her method in reaching and identifying each individual’s potential. As a personal trainer and self development counsellor with years of experience in weight loss, weight management and self development, Jess has educated herself to provide state of the art weight loss programming alongside with motivational, self-esteem and development training programs, to help all people who need assistance in achieving their goals holistically. Jess Edwards has already guided previous successors to their true potential in life, career and fitness goals.

1 quarter can of chick peas 1 banana 1 tablespoon of honey 1 handful of raw or boiled oats 1 serving of natural yogurt Blend and drink! ... Notice that if you didn't blend this mixture it would look and taste just as great in your bowl.

U got

"I encourage you to wait no longer! U GOT THIS!" says Jess.


Take my hand as I walk alongside you as a guide towards your desired direction. I’’ll provide your first consultation free of charge, with a credited welcome pack of five sessions for $240 that can be used for your choice of personal training or self-development session.


Phone Jess 0499 106 179 | u.got.this.fitness@live.com.au

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FREE BOOKKEEPING HEALTH CHECK, valued at $99 Carlee Webber 0427 745 944 www.queenslandbookkeepingservices.com.au We are bookkeepers that work alongside your accountant in achieving the best outcome WHY FITNESS 21


Have you met...

Welcome to our FREE Mini Meet and Greet! This is where you will meet some fantastic health and fitness business owners here on the Sunshine Coast. Would you like to be here in our next issue? It’s so easy! Simply give me a call or drop me an email at jen@whyfitness.com.au. Book a 30 minute catch up. Of course I am going to offer you advertising opportunities but no matter what you decide, we’ll put your photo or logo and a mini write up, just like these people, in our next issue for FREE! Curves Kawana Local women now have the chance to experience a superior Curves workout at Curves Kawana with the arrival of the next generation stateof-the art equipment. The circuit has been redesigned to improve form and resistance and achieve better results. And it’s only 30 minutes. Wisdom for Wellness Natalija at Wisdom for Wellness is dedicated to empowering and supporting the people of the Sunshine Coast to lead healthier and happier lives through education, motivation and inspiration. As well as personal training and nutrition education, Natalija also offers conscious mind life coaching in order to provide the knowledge and services necessary to thrive in health and happiness. Let Natalija help you become your own best friend; join in on our next Wellness Workshop or call now to book your own personal session! Phone 0424 579 898, www.facebook.com/natalija.sandy

22 ISSUE 16

CurvesSmart – instant feedback to keep you motivated. Curves Complete – individualised meal plans and coaching. Body Basics Circuits – focus on arms, legs and core. We invite women of all shapes, sizes and ages to lose weight, become stronger and reach their health goals at Curves Kawana. Phone 5437 8437, www.curves.com.au

Dr Jake Currie How your body is structured determines how your body, brain and nervous system functions. Aches and pains, headaches, poor concentration, constant fatigue, poor energy levels and chronic stress are all signs that your brain and body are not functioning well. Could this be due to poor structural alignment? Advanced Biostructural Correction, is a new form of chiropractic care that ‘unwinds’ structural tension in your body with EASE! This allows your brain, body and nervous system to function at its optimum level. If you are ready to create some significant positive change in how your body is structured and functioning, please call me today. Coast Chiropractic Kawana, Phone 5444 3499

e s li ia c e p s to t o n r o e s li ia c To spe WHY FITNESS EQUIPMENT WITH DEAN


The 3 Es of niche:

Niche. The origin of the word niche is early 17th century; from French, literally ‘recess’, from nicher ‘make a nest’, based on Latin nidus ‘nest’. The meaning in noun form – a specialised but profitable segment of the market, or one’s niche – a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment. With such a prominent focus on the growing waistlines of Australians in recent times, there’s been a boom in fitness, health and wellness businesses and facilities. Whilst this is great for the accessibility of services for customers, it means that businesses need to stand out from the crowd if they want to attract and retain these customers.

1. ENVIRONMENT – create an engaging space for members and clients. Customers expect more from their gym experience now, so your tired, old-looking décor and run of the mill facility layout needs to be spiced up! Establish different zones and encourage open spaces for movement. Inject colour and texture into the facility to lighten moods and to give a sense of ‘wow’ every time someone enters. If you find people don’t want to leave following their session, then you know you’ve created a great environment. 2. EQUIPMENT – integrate new and exciting equipment. There are endless options when it comes to equipment that’s unique, fun, engaging, effective, challenging and stimulating. All in the same way traditional equipment is, but via a new stimulus, which is highly beneficial both physically and mentally for the body. Find a specialist piece of equipment and learn about it, see how it could integrate into your facility right now with limited changes to your business structure. This is the simplest way to create a real point of difference quickly.

3. EXERCISE – utilise various exercise protocols, systems and programming. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel here, but some creative changes to the way you structure your exercise or wellness programs can take you from ‘same old’ to ‘visionary’ in no time. Seek out and learn from the best educators and minds in the industry, and awaken your creative side to develop your very own style or method of training. Now that’s a niche. Think about this – do you currently have a distinct difference that sets you apart from everyone else? Have you already found your niche, but it needs to be developed? What niche best fits with your current business model, client base and beliefs? When there’s so much choice for where an individual can go to achieve their health-related goals, you have to ensure that you stand out from the crowd. A niche could help you move away from the repetition of similar facilities with similar offerings, to be at the forefront of people’s minds when they think of fitness, health and wellness in your area.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dean Harding has been in fitness club management, performance coaching and studio ownership both in Australia and the UK for over 10 years. He is a fitness industry presenter and educator, sports performance coach and brand manager, with the skills to provide an integrated equipment and education solution for your facility – whatever the size or shape. Dean provides a consultancy service to assist in selecting, sourcing, financing, integrating and educating staff on equipment in your facility.

chases a st for anyone (club or home) that pur Coa e shin Sun the on tion alla inst and Free delivery Mention Why Fitness! r spin bike for the month of October. nne Spi or der Lad obs Jac te, Pla er Pow

Dean Harding // 0407 475 806 // dean@summitfit.com.au // www.summitfit.com.au

LIFE IS A BREATH OF FRESH AIR AT THE SUNSHINE COAST FRESH BREATH CLINIC Tell us a little about Sunshine Coast Fresh Breath Clinic and its team? Our team is made up of a group of passionate people who work hard on not only promoting a healthy lifestyle in our community, but also maintaining our own overall health and wellbeing. Amongst our team we have those who follow the paleo regime, gym goers, marathon runners, a tai chi student and even a roller derby ‘chick’!

Do you specialise/have a passion for a particular area? The Sunshine Coast Fresh Breath Clinic operates out of the Avenue Dental Kawana practice along Nicklin Way at Warana. The Fresh Breath Clinic began when Dr Heath Fraser, the owner of Avenue Dental Kawana, saw a need for patients suffering from bad breath to have a place where they could seek specialised care and long term treatments.

Of course, in order to have a healthy lifestyle and maintain good health it all starts with the mouth, and this is where our team’s core focus begins.

As a general dentist, finding the time during routine dental visits to discuss a patient’s concern of their bad breath is often overlooked by more pressing issues of disease, such as rotting teeth, gum disease and broken down fillings. This is why opening up a separate breath analysis clinic was so important to Dr Fraser, and patients who have sought consultation with our team are extremely appreciative of our service.

What is unique about Sunshine Coast Fresh Breath Clinic? The Sunshine Coast Fresh Breath Clinic is one of only three clinics in Australia with a unique gas chromatography machine called the OralChroma. This machine tests for certain gases associated with halitosis, a common and debilitating condition otherwise known as oral malodour or simply, bad breath. What can someone expect when they visit you? Our fresh breath consultants will work through a process of elimination to diagnose the cause of a patient’s bad breath and offer recommendations for a long term cure. The first step is to obtain a simple breath sample to be analysed by the OralChroma machine. The machine analyses and quantifies three particular gases called volatile sulphur compounds (VSC), caused from bacteria in the mouth and throat. Armed with the results from the OralChroma on where the odour is coming from, we can work with patients on designing individual recommendations for a permanent solution to this embarrassing condition. This may include a simple change to oral home care routines, diet or could involve a complete lifestyle change.

24 ISSUE 16

The clinic is now in its second successful year of operation. In that time we’ve treated over 350 clients of a condition that has seen most shy away from intimate contact with family, friends and even strangers, through fear of embarrassment and ridicule . The theme of this issue is ‘Nutrition and You’. What are three tips you could give to someone when it comes to nutrition that will help their breath? A high protein, low carb diet is one of the current trends for those looking to improve their health and fitness; however this may place the body into a stage of ketosis, a process where the body burns fat for energy use. Ketones do not have a pleasant smell and are generally released through sweat and urine. They can also be detected in your breath as air is expelled out of the lungs. By monitoring and reducing the amount of protein you consume, you may find an improvement in your overall breath.

Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yoghurt and ice cream are common culprits towards thickening the mucous that is found on the tongue, as well as the sinus and throat. This creates a favourable environment for bacteria to accumulate, in turn increasing the symptoms of bad breath. Reducing dairy intake and drinking plenty of water will help to reduce the amount of bacteria on the tongue and throat. Caffeine, alcohol, smoking and certain types of medications are common contributors to bad breath. They are connected to a condition known as dry mouth or xerostomia. Dry mouth simply means a decrease in the amount of saliva found in the mouth. As saliva contains antimicrobial agents and minerals, an absence or a decrease in the saliva flow will make the symptoms of bad breath much more noticeable. Make sure to stay well hydrated with plain water and limit the amount of alcohol, tea or coffee during the day. The use of alcohol-based mouthwashes is also discouraged, due to the reduction in moisture it causes. What’s your ‘why’? Why do you (Fresh Breath Clinic) do what you do? One third of the population in Australia suffers from bad breath, a condition which is neither specific to age nor gender. The majority the clients who seek our service do so because they are frustrated, embarrassed, suffer a massive loss in self-confidence, strains in their personal relationships, barriers in their working life and an overall decline in their emotional health. It’s important to us that people suffering from this condition realise how common clinically diagnosed bad breath is in our community, yet there are solutions available. We’re here to help and support new patients towards achieving not only fresh breath, but also optimal oral health and increased well-being. www.freshbreathclinic.com.au

Family! Sue’s Raw Superfood Green Salad Dressing

Marinated Sheep’s Milk Feta

Superfood is probably something you’ve heard a lot about lately, but this product definitely deserves the title. Made in Noosa, Sue’s Raw Superfood Green Salad Dressing is packed full of green veggies, herbs and healthy oils. And that’s all! No numbers for preservatives or thickeners on this label. It’s a versatile sauce and an easy way to get in some extra greens, and we use it to dress our healthy zucchini noodle salad in the deli.

Remember Tas and Dimitri, our olive men from August’s issue? Well, they also make delicious feta and have created a yummy new flavour specially for BFresh. The boys worked with our deli manager to develop this unique product which includes basil and pepperdews, amongst other goodies. We’ve also just started stocking their amazing truffle and dukah marinated sheep’s milk feta, which is unique to any other product in store. Be warned, it’s addictive!

Meet our Michael Esler

BFresh is passionate about sourcing and supporting specialty products and produce from boutique Australian businesses.

Our Eco Home

on Saturday Visit us instore et the me October 25 to ese th y tr d an r to crea ucts od pr ing nn award-wi

Kym, from Our Eco Home in Brisbane, wanted to rid her home of harmful chemicals and found that going back to basics was actually the way forward. She has developed products that clean every surface in your home, by using proven ingredients such as essential oils like lemon myrtle, the environment’s very own antibacterial weapon. So if you’re going to the effort of not putting any nasties in your food, perhaps it’s time to extend that to your home as well.


Tell us your BFresh story? I started working at BFresh six years ago. I came in one day and one of the employees gave me a trial. I loved everything about it and everyone was so friendly, so I decided to take the job. What is it you love about being a part of the BFresh family? Everyone is just so happy and friendly. You can joke around, have fun and get work done with no stress. What is your favourite product? The products in the deli! The Gouda cheese and Ash Brie are some of my favourites.

239 Nicklin Way, Warana P. 5493 2839



Wheatgrass Wheatgrass is the sprouted grass of a wheat seed. Unlike the whole grain, because it has been sprouted, it does not contain gluten or other common allergenic agents. Wheatgrass is super-alkalizing and is excellent for promoting healthy blood. It normalizes the thyroid gland to stimulate metabolism, thus assisting digestion and promoting weight loss due to its high enzyme content and cleansing effect.

Maca Maca powder is from the Maca root, a flavorful ancient superfood from Peru. Maca has been cultivated for at least 2000 years and consumed by Inca warriors to increase strength and endurance. It is a highly nutritious food that has been used traditionally to gain increased energy, promote sexual desire, support fertility and enhance immune system function. It continues today to be a significant staple food and medicinal plant for the Peruvian people and is now widely available the world over as a whole food supplement.

Chia Seeds The humble ancient chia seed is a powerhouse of nutrition all packed into one tiny little shell. If you are looking to boost your nutritional intake, then this is one amazing superfood to add to your diet.


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Not only are they a wonderful source of protein, they also have a large range of essential and non essential amino acids and fiber that help promote healthy heart and circulation. Chia seeds also contain a whole host of vitamins (A,B,E and D) and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, niacin, potassium, silicon, sulphur, and iron.

Spirulina Spirulina is a cultivated micro-algae which has been consumed for thousands of years by the indigenous people in Mexico and Africa. It is one of the highest known protein sources on earth, containing 70 per cent complete protein in comparison to steak which consists of only 25 per cent protein once cooked. Studies have shown that Spirulina can help control blood sugar levels and cravings thus making it a key food for diabetics. Spirulina can be used to asset in weight loss and it assist in weight loss and is recommended as a general nutritional supplement in a healthy diet regime. 26 ISSUE 16


Raw Cacao Cacao is extremely high in magnesium which has been found to be the most common diffident mineral lacking in most people despite following a balanced diet – it is estimated that over 80 per cent of Australians are chronically lacking this important mineral. Cacao beans are also one of the best snack foods for those looking to shed the extra weight as they contain very few calories, are satisfy- ing and are natural appetite suppressors. For those concerned about not getting enough iron it should be pleasing to know that one small 28gram serving of raw cacao beans gives 314 per cent of the recommended daily allowance of iron. And if that’s not enough raw cacao beans have an antioxidant score (ORAC) of 95,500. To put that into perspective, that’s 14 times more antioxidant flavonoids than red wine, 21 times more than green tea, and seven times more than even dark chocolate! Who would have ever thought that raw chocolate could be so healthy?


Great rfoods

Hemp Seeds Hemp seeds are one of the most nutritionally well-balanced plant foods on this earth. They are power-packed with a healthy dose of protein, fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals and fiber that offer the perfect harmony for the human body. These amazing seeds also contain all eight essential amino acids required for making a complete, plant-based protein source. Hemp seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, ideal for boosting mood and reducing inflammation.

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Goji Berries Goji berries are grown on vines in the protected valleys of inner Mongolia and Tibet. The distinctively flavored red berries are a very rich source of Vitamin C, having 500 times more Vitamin C per ounce than oranges. They are a superb source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E and contain a full complement of protein with 18 amino acids and 21 trace minerals. Most of all they are an excellent antioxidant making it an ideal natural whole food for reversing aging and protecting against disease.

Coconut Oil Coconut oil’s saturated fat is of the medium-chain fatty acid variety, which are digested more easily and utilized differently by the body than other saturated fats (like butter, meat and eggs). Whereas other saturated fats are stored in the body’s cells, the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil are sent directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy. Coconut oil will actually speed up metabolism so your body will burn more calories in a day, which will contribute to weight loss. As with all oils, the ‘Extra Virgin Cold Pressed’ type is superior because of its processing at low heat thereby retaining all of the nutrients and protective health properties within the oil. WHY FITNESS 27

localpeople to help someone, especially someone with a disability achieve at their chosen sport.

Clinton and Sue Stanley

Being a volunteer gave me the opportunity to witness some amazing achievements. Winning this award was fantastic but to be able to see athletes achieve their dreams is all the recognition you need to carry on. If someone asks you to be a volunteer, just do it – it really will change your life.” Says Sue. Sue is in good company with Richard Johnston, the 2012 Volunteer of the Year recipient who has a refereeing career for Queensland Rugby League and Sunshine Coast/Wide Bay Rugby League that spans over 40 years.

Meet Sue Stanley...

Su ns hine C

oa s t S ports Fede

Year of the r e e t n ration, 2013 Volu

Why Fitness Magazine is honoured to be a sponsor of the Sunshine Coast Sports Federation and are especially proud that one of the major annual awards for 2014 will bear our name.

Association. Her first foray was as team manager and coach of the Australian Team to the World Down Syndrome Swimming Championships in Durban, South Africa.

We are now calling for nominations from the Sunshine Coast community for consideration of being named the 2014 Volunteer of the Year (see opposite for details of how you can nominate yourself or nominate someone you know).

Clinton also followed his mother to this organisation and the two forged a wonderful trail of gold medals and world records at numerous world championships for the next ten years.

Sue Stanley, the reigning volunteer of the year is an absolute leader in her responsibility of helping and caring for athletes with disabilities. She’s had a long term role starting in 1992 when she joined the Sunshine Coast region, Special Olympics Group as a volunteer.

Both Sue and Clinton have now retired with Clinton the holder of 75 world records and Sue always there on the pool deck supporting her son and the rest of the association.

Sue went on to dedicate countless hours over the next 11 years to that organisation. During that time she held positions of carnival director, coach, administrator, event organiser and basically everything else in between.

Benny Pike, founder of the Sunshine Coast Sports Federation is a longtime fan of Sue, Clinton and what both have achieved over the years. Clinton has achieved so much in spite of his disabilities but without his Mum and most ardent supporter, Sue, it would not have been possible to the degree of success he has achieved.

Sue’s main drive during this time was to support her son Clinton Stanley, who competed with unparalleled success, in national and international swimming meets around the world.

She’s devoted her life to her son and the sport that they both love, swimming. She is a wonderful ambassador and in Benny’s mind, truly deserved the 2013 honour.

Also during this time she dabbled in other sports including, gymnastics, basketball, tennis, and athletics through the Special Olympics program.

Why Fitness Magazine asked Sue what winning the award meant to her.

In 2004, Sue switched her allegiance to the Down Syndrome Swimming 28 ISSUE 16

“You don’t become a volunteer to get recognition however being a volunteer changes your life for the better. There’s nothing more rewarding than being able

After retiring from the QRL as a Referee Development Officer, Richard continued to develop and support young referees throughout the region by way of creating and implementing the Wide Bay Talen Squad for Referees. Richie (as he is affectionately known) is found most weekends mentoring and assessing coaches in the Wide Bay areas, while during the week he spends time allocating and appointing referees or developing educational quizzes to test the knowledge of the referees. In 2008 Richie was awarded a life membership with the Australian Rugby League Referees Association for his service to refereeing. Coming from an amateur sport background Benny has always admired the people in the back room that don’t get the accolade but without them, a lot of sports people would not have achieved what they have today. When Benny first started fundraising for himself to represent Australia at the 1982 Commonwealth Games he then really had an even greater appreciation of what a volunteer does and what they mean to the athlete and the sport to be a success. “Most volunteers go about their roles without any bells or whistles and are just happy to see the smile on the athletes face at the end of the race, win, lose or draw. This award is an opportunity to recognise and say thank you and well done for their contributions and we are especially delighted to have Why Fitness Magazine as the 2014 Sponsor of this Award.” says Benny. If you would like to nominate for this award or know someone worthy of a nomination, email graeme.murphy@ sunshinecoastsports.com.au or phone on 0423 454 830 for an application form.











2014 Volunteer of the Year? Pictured 2013 Volunteer of the Year Winner

Sue Stanley Reward your hard working volunteer with a nomination

To be presented at the Sunshine Coast Sports Federation’s Annual Sports Star of the Year Awards

Nominations Close Friday Jan 16 2015

30th January 2015

Sunshine Coast Sports Star of the Year Awards Nominations for Volunteer of the Year Award are now open. If you would like to nominate for this award or know someone worthy of a nomination, email graeme.murphy@sunshinecoastsports.com.au or phone on 0423 454 830 for an application form.

SUNSHINE COAST SPORTS FEDERATION PO Box 1772, Sunshine Plaza Maroochydore 4558 Graeme.murphy@sunshinecoastsports.com.au Mobile 0423 454 830



Adventure Matters with Melinda Bingley MAB Personal Training & Adventures

NUTRITION WHEN YOU TRAVEL When you’re travelling, especially on long plane trips, it’s often difficult to maintain the good nutritional habits you have at home. There’s the excitement of the trip and being out of your normal routine, and the fact that the flight seems to be a constant round of meals and snacks. But with a bit of forward planning, you can avoid reaching your destination feeling bloated and lethargic from overeating. The solution is to create your own nutrition tool box to take with you, filled with healthy options such as nuts and protein bars, so you can enjoy your trip without the guilt of over-indulging in unhealthy food.

MAB! We’re Bringing ‘Booty’ Back This Summer!

At MAB no two bootcamps are ever the same and are designed to get you having fun while you are getting fit with friends!  Parkfit  Beachfit  Boxfit  Twerkfit

You also need to employ some self-discipline and not eat everything that’s served to you. Choose one meal that you can indulge in and keep the rest of your meals light – for example, don’t have pancakes for breakfast, curry and rice for lunch with bread and then potato and curry with bread and drinks for dinner. Always take a bottle of water with you and ensure you drink half a litre per 10kg of body weight a day. Choose herbal tea over soft drinks. And when you get to your destination, visit the local supermarket and stock up on nuts, dried fruit, muesli bars and other healthy snacks to carry around with you. This will avoid spontaneous purchases of chocolate, chips and processed foods when hunger pain strikes. It also means that you can enjoy the occasional indulgence while still maintaining your balanced lifestyle of fun, adventure, travel and good food. Love your body enough to respect it – you only have one, so look after it!

Always take a bottle of water with you and ensure you drink half a litre per 10kg of body weight a day. Choose herbal tea over soft drinks. And when you get to your destination, visit the local supermarket and stock up on nuts, dried fruit, muesli bars and other healthy snacks to carry around with you. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mel Bingley is a qualified personal trainer, wellness coach and fitness professional who walks her talk. She has created her successful fitness business from her passion for adventure. Mel has personally trekked Camino De Santiago, Kokoda Trail, Route Burn NZ, Cass Saddle/ Lagoon Saddle NZ and has just completed Everest Base Camp this year and has her sights set on the summit of Kilimanjaro in 2015. 30 ISSUE 16

Unlimited attendance to our Bootcamps are available from


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Tennis Matters with Tyson Thompson | Tennis Queensland

TRAINING - TENNIS STYLE Content Courtesy of Tennis Australia Eating well is a relatively simple lifestyle choice to adopt, if you don’t already. You don’t need to shop far and wide or visit alternative stores to find the healthiest and most nutritious food. Most of what you should be eating are foods you’ll already be familiar with, and which are easily accessible at your local supermarket.

s i n n e T O A



While good nutrition is of benefit to everyone, it’s invaluable for tennis players. That’s because so many elements of playing the game – practising, preparing for a match, contesting a match and recovering after competition or training – are influenced by what you eat. You Are What You Eat Eating nutrient-dense foods is associated with a lowered risk of developing many diseases, as well as increased energy and well-being. And receiving all the nutrients you need will help your body to function optimally, which is especially good if you’re training and competing. A good rule of thumb for tennis players and most athletes is to go for real foods that are fresh and minimally processed. Processed foods have typically been stripped back, dehydrated, grinded down or cooked, or pumped full of preservatives and artificial chemicals, simply so that they last longer and are more conveniently consumed. These processes rob them of many nutrients and resulting health benefits. What Should I Be Eating? There are several nutrients you should be aiming to consume for good health. Here’s a few of them and what they do, as well as where you can find them: Omega-3 Reduces inflammation, aids recovery Found in salmon, sardines, tuna, flax seeds and walnuts Protein Aids in muscle development, strength and repair Found in red meat, chicken, fish, eggs, lentils and nuts Calcium Promotes bone development, good nerve and muscle function Found in dairy foods like yoghurt, plus almonds, some fish and some dark green leafy vegetables Iron Transports oxygen around the body Found in red meat, molluscs, pumpkin seeds, nuts and whole grains

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tyson serves as the Community Tennis officer on the Sunshine Coast representing Tennis Queensland. Tennis Queensland is the governing body of tennis in Queensland and forms a link in the chain of member associations responsible to Tennis Australia, the governing body of tennis in Australia. He has been involved in tennis for nearly 15 years and worked across many sectors of community tennis over the past three years in the United States. Tyson has a passion for community tennis and his goal is to help every individual find a spot on the court.

AO Tennis Blitz – THE GREAT TENNIS-TACULAR is a series of events sweeping the nation giving every Australian the chance to play tennis. Whether you’re new to the game or an aspiring Australian Open champ, pick up a racquet and come and have a hit. On Saturday 8 November you can experience THE GREAT TENNIS-TACULAR at Tickle Park, Coolum from 10am to 1pm. Pick up a racquet and Hit the Target for a chance to play Australian Open 2015 and win the opportunity to hit with the world’s best at Kids Tennis Day on Saturday 17 January. Other activities on the day will include FREE Tennis, Speed Serve, Kid’s Zone and more. There will also be a range of giveaways up for grabs, meet Terry the Tennis Ball and enjoy your own exclusive photo opportunity with the Brisbane International trophies. AO Tennis Blitz is the largest participation campaign in Australian tennis history and is coming to a town near you!

If you need assistance with the above activities or training, find a club on the Sunshine Coast where you can start your exercise journey on the tennis court, logon to www.tennis.com.au/playtennis. WHY FITNESS 31


Body Matters with Dr Alison Jamieson | COZmedics


SAY HI TO SUMMER THIGHS Summer months bring sunshine, outdoor activities and the pressure for many women to break out their bikinis. As the weather gets warmer, we see an increase in motivation to get in shape or slim down in order to look better in lighter clothing, including bathing suits. Many women already leading healthy lifestyles still have trouble spots that they feel need improvement. Getting ready for summer and preparing to slip into a bikini for the first time can be an intimidating process for women. It’s probably safe to say that most women would be unwilling to post a photo of themselves in a bikini on their social media page. In addition, it’s common for women to think about fixing or bettering their bodies many times a day. In fact, 80 per cent of women believe there are one or more areas of their body that need improving before they are bikini ready. Here’s a breakdown of their concerns:

abdomen 74 per cent thighs 54 per cent flank/love handles 44 per cent butts 38 per cent arms 37 per cent

Goodbye thighs A recent survey reported that 63 per cent of women have used various thigh-hiding tactics, including keeping shorts over their bathing suits (30 per cent), refusing to wear a bathing suit (29 per cent), buying a specific bathing suit that hides their thighs (25 per cent) or refusing to wear shorts at all (22 per cent). Among those who employ thigh-hiding techniques, 89 per cent agree that even while hiding their thighs, they do not feel the best about their appearance. In addition, 58 per cent of women feel stuck with their body type and 48 per cent of women do not believe that their body reflects their diet and exercise regime. The CoolSculpting procedure was developed by Harvard scientists and is based on the science of Cryolipolysis®, a process demonstrating that when fat cells are exposed to extreme cold, they die and are eliminated naturally from the body. Fat cells treated and eliminated by the procedure are gone for good. The CoolSculpting procedure is non-invasive, requiring no surgery or downtime. Many patients read, check emails or even nap during their session. Feeling great in your own skin is very important, so treat your body with respect and accept your imperfections. However, if you’ve started an exercise program and you’re following a healthy eating plan, but would love to see the results a lot sooner and the fat gone for good, CoolScuplt could be for you!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr Alison Jamieson has over 25 years experience in cosmetic medicine and leads a team of highly trained medical professionals who provide the safest and most advanced options in facial and body rejuvenation. 32 ISSUE 16




Photos by Eric Bachelor, MB FACS (Single side treatment, no weight change)

When it comes to your reflection, you can be your own toughest critic. Even that favourite outfit can feel off-limits because of stubborn fat that resists diet and exercise. But the CoolSculpting® treatment effectively shapes what you see without surgery or downtime, so you’ll look great. Clothes fit better, feel better, look better.

Call now for your complimentary consultation. COZmedics Maroochydore

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Transformation Matters with Tauu Andersson I Do Body Transformations

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT These days everyone is looking for the quick fix with fad diets, eating virtually nothing until you cave in for that chocolate bar or tub of ice-cream, and eating twice as much as you would on a normal day (which in return makes you feel bad so you eat more again). We spend hundreds of dollars on teas that are meant to make you look like that amazing toned, tanned figure they have on the package, or diet pills that make you ‘shred up’ and burn fat in just a week, that literally just make you nauseous and feel unenergetic, and not to mention a huge waste of money! So why is it that we put ourselves and our body through these crazy motions, and 90 per cent of the time never achieve what we desire? Our bodies are so amazing – I look at my body as a car that takes me though my day with no problems or pain. I provide it with the right amount of fats and protein and the correct amount of carbohydrates, so my body has enough energy to keep the engines running smoothly! If I find myself indulging on certain foods with high fats, sugars and carbs, I feel my body working slower and slower, making me feel sluggish, tired and unproductive and making me instantly regret the food I just ate. I have discovered the ultimate high protein, low carb program that has worked for not only myself and my partner, but for every one of my clients who has chosen to go on it. I swear by this program and offer 100 per cent body tone by following it strictly. It’s life changing!

Our bodies are so amazing – I look at my body as a car that takes me though my day with no problems or pain. I provide it with the right amount of fats and protein and the correct amount of carbohydrates, so my body has enough energy to keep the engines running smoothly!


Dream Dress?



I Do Body Transformations 8 Week ‘Countdown to Gown’ Bridal Transformation Package Includes: 2x1 hr personal training  sessions per week Health Point Nutrition Plan  Body composition analysis  2 body composition  reassessments Before and after photo’s  3 months Snap Membership  1 free consultation  Tailored exercise program for  your SPECIFIC needs

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tauu Anderson is owner and head trainer at I DO Body Transformations. With his strong passion for body transformations, particularly leading up to important days, he opened his business. Originally from Sydney but has lived on the Sunshine Coast most of his life. Tauu has played a range of sports including rugby league and surf boat rowing.

You do not want to miss this amazing package valued at $1970


Tauu Andersson

0451 078 213




Your Performance Matters with Jodi Chapman | Advanced Wellness & Behavioural Centre


What am I missing?

I know we’d all like to think that diet alone will supply you with a complete range of nutrients that will sustain your every need from energy to brain function to fertility, let alone your athletic performance. In this day and age of food processing and fast food, you’d have to be fairly enthusiastic about buying organic, and put in an incredible effort into juicing to actually get your daily nutritional requirements from your diet. Some of the most common nutrient deficiencies can affect your energy levels and brain function so dramatically, leaving your head spinning as to why you’re not doing so well in your training, or why you can’t seem to stay awake much past 5pm! Vitamin C will make a big impact on your energy, as it directly produces dopamine and adrenalin. It’s very quickly used up during stress, exercise, or working long hours. A high dose taken slowly over the day will raise your energy and get you feeling fantastic, right through till the day’s end. In the long run, it’s an important nutrient to reduce aging conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and easy bruising or bleeding often seen in the elderly. It’s also great for boosting your immune system. Zinc is one of the most abundant nutrients used in the body and acts as a catalyst in functions such as digestion, immune system, sexual function, hormone production and brain neurotransmitter production. Not only is it great for your mood, libido, and energy, it’s also a necessary nutrient to protect you from infection and an immune system slump immediately following events. Iron deficiency can cause depression or extreme fatigue issues, and should be considered if you’re struggling with poor energy or insomnia. Iron supplementation, however, should only be taken if your iron has been blood tested to confirm deficiency, as an overload of iron can be toxic. Often patients with gut inflammation or gut disease are found to be deficient in iron. Magnesium is often depleted in athletes, who have an increased demand due to its use in energy production, the immune system, muscle contraction, neuromuscular transmission, regulation of body temperature and regulation of other electrolytes which can help prevent muscle cramping. Any or all of these nutrients, plus a huge range of other nutrients such as B complex vitamins, should be checked to ensure you’re performing at your optimum level. Nutrient deficiencies can cause a range of health problems and often go undetected. Seeing an experienced integrated health practitioner can help identify what testing should be done to improve your current and future health. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jodi Chapman BHSc is a qualified Nutritionist and Naturopath specialising in the field of optimal performance for mental and physical energy, particularly recovery from depression, anxiety and ADHD. 34 ISSUE 16

If you can't seem to stay awake past 5pm, it may be as simple as one missing nutrient. But how would you know which one? If you are experiencing  Low energy  Poor performance  Sluggish digestion  Hormones going crazy What's the missing nutrient for you?

Call Jodi on 5443 1987 to book your first consultation for free.

44 Baden Powell St, Maroochydore Phone 5443 1987 | info@advancedwellness.com.au www.advancedwellness.com.au


Group Training Matters with Danielle Lyons | OMG Training & Fitness

BEACH Would you like to be ay!? ready for only $7 a d

EVERY BODY DESERVES GREAT HEALTH! In order to achieve optimal health, nutrition is vital. These days it’s extremely difficult to get the complete nutritional balance that we require solely from the foods we eat - even with the healthiest diet possible! As a result of this many clinical studies recommend that everybody should be taking a nutritional supplement and it’s been proven that liquid multivitamins are 10 times more absorbable by your body than a tablet! So how do you find a quality liquid multivitamin to take? Vemma is a powerful liquid formula that makes it easy for you to absorb the vitamins, mineral and antioxidants you need. Just 60mls of Vemma packs an impressive nutritional content of 3½ bags of fruit and vegetables!! Vemma’s main ingredient is mangosteen – a super fruit from South East Asia. Mangosteen is one of the only fruits that contain high levels of xanthones, and many laboratory studies have found the ability of xanthones to prevent, slow the growth and even destroy cancer cells!! Xanthones are some of the most potent antioxidants known. It is thought to be more potent than both Vitamin C and Vitamin E. In fact, many doctors refer to xanthones as ‘super antioxidants’. Xanthones are even known to possess a wide spectrum of pharmacologic properties - including antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral activities! Therefore it remains very likely that mangosteen and its amazing constituents can play an important role in fighting and preventing life-threatening conditions such as heart disease and cancer. And if you’re trying to shed a few kilos before the warmer weather returns, Vemma’s 12 week Bode Transformation plan uses real food coupled with the supplementation support your body needs from the clinically studied Vemma formula!

Get on board with the 12-week Bodē Transformation Challenge Designed and approved by Chris and Heidi Powell, U.S. Celebrity Transformation Specialists

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Program uses real food coupled with scientifically formulated naturally sourced nutrition for the entire 12-weeks PLUS an award-winning Bode Mobile App Ask about our ‘Ultimate Transformation Package’ to find out how to SAVE 25% off the program.

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To compliment any type of weight loss program, regular exercise is the key! To ensure you achieve your goals and keep motivated have a go at group training! A good trainer will provide loads of variety with challenging workouts in a FUN environment making those fitness goals achievable! Perfect nutrition coupled with FUN and effective regular exercise will leave you saying “OMG I feel TERRIFIC” every single day!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Danielle Lyons, owner and head trainer of OMG Training & Fitness, has a strong passion for helping people achieve their goals through fun and effective group exercise and fitness events.

train smarter, become stronger, feel energised

Phone 0439 201 120


www.omgtraining.com.au WHY FITNESS 35


Running Matters with Matt and Monique Montague | Glass House Mountains Running and MTB Group



TIPS FOR SAFE SUMMER TRAINING Drink Fluids Remember to drink plenty of water to avoid muscle cramping or heat-related illness. Fluids should be consumed frequently during strenuous activity and within a half hour of training. If you wait until you’re thirsty, you’re already far behind and it will be difficult to catch up during your conditioning or training.

Heat Exhaustion Symptoms include a rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, possibly a low-grade fever and hot, red, dry or sweaty skin. People with heat exhaustion may look pale and feel faint or nauseous. Heat Stroke This is a serious and sometimes fatal condition in which your body is unable to sweat and regulate its temperature. Symptoms include rapid heartbeat, unusually high or low blood pressure, fainting, rapid and shallow breathing, confusion, irritability and loss of consciousness. Avoid Peak Sun Avoid rigorous workouts during the peak temperatures of 11am to 2pm. Some athletes think the heat makes them tougher. That’s true only if your body is already in top condition. Otherwise, you could be at risk for heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Warm Up Even high school athletes need to stretch their muscles before strenuous exercise as a way to prevent muscle injury. Proper stretching lengthens or loosens muscle tissue, making it less prone to trauma and tears. Pre-workout warm-ups become more important with age, but they help reduce the risk of injury at any age.

Pace Yourself Start slowly if you’re not already in shape. Increase your workout regimen gradually, by no more than 10 per cent a week.

up offer glass house mountains running and mtb gro sessions social running and mountain biking group anced which are structured from beginner to adv


36 ISSUE 16


ng nni a Glass House

Mountains tb grou


ABOUT THE AUTHOR Matt is passionate about running and loves helping others achieve goals. He has run several half and full marathons, including The Boston Marathon 2013 in a PB time of 2hrs 59m. Monique is also passionate about running and ran her first marathon at the Sunny Coast last year in a happy time of 3hrs 46m. Together they are organisers of a ‘free’ social running group, Glass House Mountains Running and MTB Group.



Eat Balanced Meals Proper nutrition is important for maintaining your body’s peak performance. For endurance sports such as football or track, eat plenty of carbohydrates such as bread, cereal and potatoes, which turn into glucose and the energy you’ll need.

Are you... Unfit?Unmotivated?Uninspired about your goals?Want to meet regularly with new fitness friends?


Conditions related to a lack of fluids include:


One way to determine if you’re drinking enough water is the colour of your urine—it should be clear. If it’s dark yellow, you’re not drinking enough.

Matt and Monique, 0411 891 148 like us on facebook


Digital Marketing Matters with Clark Marshall | Blue Dog Digital Marketing

BLOGGING LIKE A BOSS Have you ever thought to yourself, “Maybe I should incorporate a blog into my website?” If not, then you should start thinking about it! Having a blog on your website will increase the traffic and consequently your sales. It will also earn you credibility and position you as an expert in your field. Below are five helpful tips for writing a good blog: 1. Include a heading that packs a punch! You have a split second to convince the viewer that your article is worth reading, so make your heading intriguing, entertaining, interesting or controversial. You want it to stick in people’s minds. 2. Give away your knowledge Don’t keep all the juicy information to yourself – express what you know. These days everyone has the internet at their fingertips, so give your readers just that little bit more. Make it easily accessible and they’ll be hungry for what else you have for them. 3. Write regularly Once a month is not regularly! Once you start writing, you’ll find that new ideas will come to you at the most bizarre times. Capture your thoughts any way you can and share the good ones with your readers. 4. Good content and keywords Make sure what you are writing is interesting and relevant to your readers. Take the time to understand your audience, include statistics where you can and write like you speak. Keywords are important, but don’t overdo it. Keep them to about seven per cent of your content. 5. Call to Action Your last paragraph should include a call to action telling the reader what to do next e.g. go to your website, leave a comment below or download your newsletter. If they comment, be sure to respond! Bonus point – Have fun with your writing and don’t be too serious!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Clark Marshall is a web design and digital marketing expert with over eight years experience dealing with clients. An aircraft engineer by trade, he is a self-confessed nongeek and his clients enjoy the fact that he talks to them in a language that they can understand. Author of the book Web Designers are from Mars, Clients are from Venus due to be released in November 2014, Clark’s passion in life is to bridge the gap between designers and clients.


1300 132 773 www.bluedogdigitalmarketing.com.au (*limited numbers)



Strength Matters with Katrina Robertson | Simply Fit

Future Personald Trainers Wante

NUTRITION AND YOU Growing up in the country, no-one talked about food allergies and we generally believed that meat and two veg was the only possible option for dinner. The two veg involved boiling a couple of staples like artichoke and carrot to unrecognisable mush, burning the meat and covering them entirely in tomato sauce. Nutritional research was in its infancy. As a five-year-old I made a stand by burning down the choko vine in protest. Since then, I’ve learned a thing or two about nutrition and watched various fad diets, super foods and food crazes come and go. While goji berries may be the new black, I notice the boiled choko never made a comeback. So what have we learned about nutrition? Never before have we spent so much on organic, preservative and permeatefree, heart-smart super food. Conversely, as a society, we’ve never been so unhealthy. What, then, has gone wrong? The answer is complex, but one contributor is time. As we fill our days and become time poorer, we seek efficiencies to satisfy our nutritional requirements. Bombarded with information overload promising a food utopia, we spend money and time on nutritional short cuts like super foods and supplements. While this is one solution, it certainly isn’t the only one.

Simply Fit and Fitnance have teamed up together to offer you nationally recognised, quality training in Certificate III and IV in Fitness right here on the Sunshine Coast. Taught by industry leaders and world champions. Better still, with government rebates, you may qualify for rebates meaning you pay $99 to get your fitness career started.

• • •

• • • •

There’s no substitute for real food. There’s plenty of protein in an egg and plenty of potassium in a banana. They don’t cost a lot and they’re available to us all. What’s more, they taste a heck of a lot better than a choko.

Never before have we spent so much on organic, preservative and permeate-free, heart-smart super food. Conversely, as a society, we’ve never been so unhealthy. What, then, has gone wrong? ABOUT THE AUTHOR Katrina Robertson is manager and part owner of Simply Fit Peregian Beach. She was a registered nurse for 10 years and has been a psychologist for 25 years. She is a world powerlifting champion and world record holder, and inducted into the Powerlifting Australia Hall of Fame in 2011. Katrina has worked with and mentored a diverse range of people of all ages inclusive of general health and fitness – state, national and international athletes, health challenges, rehabilitation, pain management, depression and anxiety. 38 ISSUE 16

The thinking person’s gym Receive coaching and mentoring from a world champion Professionally qualified staff – Personal Training, International Powerlifting Coach, Sports & General Psychology School leavers Systematic approach to upgrade your rehabilitation and wellness OP Score. Cert III equiv OP16 and State of the art, brand new, Cert IV Equiv OP14. top quality equipment Flexible Learning Build systemic strength for long Options on line or term health and resilience classroom. Diversity of activities, one on one and smaller classes including strength and conditioning, balance, boxing, cardio, resistance training, pilates bootcamp, stability and core, metafit, cross training Personalised service with programs tailored to each individual Boutique, friendly and fun – not your usual gym Shop 7, 6 Grebe St, Peregian Shopping Village, Peregian Beach Phone: 5471 2964, Katrina - 0417 793 280, Sara - 0408 272 452 info@simplyfitpb.com, www.simplyfitpb.com

III in Did you know you can get your Cert for $99? ee rant Gua 3 Cert Fitness through the ly Fit on

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Simply Fit PB is part of the IHELP group of companies - Innovative Health, Environment, Learning & Psychology


Triathlon Matters with David Chick | Allez Sport Mooloolaba

NUTRITION FOR TRIATHLON Many books have been dedicated to this topic, so it’s difficult to do the topic justice in 300 words, so I encourage further more detailed reading. Training and racing for triathlon creates a large burn of calories, which are essentially units of energy. The harder in intensity or the longer duration your training is, the greater your energy requirements will be. Most people can obtain the vast amount of energy requirements for training from a balanced diet; however, when your training intensity or volume increases, you may need to look at more specialised sports nutrition. For the vast majority of triathletes these requirements will fall into three groups. 1. Fuel to sustain effort during exercise


thlon requirements a i r t r l you Noosa Triathlon l a For for the

2. Electrolytes to replace what is being lost through exercise 3. Recovery nutrition to aid in muscle repair and to restore fuel stored in the body. There are some very good products on the market such as Infinit and Endura and others, which offer highly specialised performance nutrition. The maltodextrin blend of Infinit is certainly a favorite amongst our customers, being very palatable for most. As we move into the warmer weather, the low/no carb electrolyte replacement tablets such as Nuun and Endura’s new low carb powder will replace the lost electrolytes such as sodium, magnesium etc, without the necessary sugars which may not be required over shorter training sessions. Failing to replace these can leave you flat and struggling to recover. Recovery powders tend to provide an all-encompassing solution, such as Optimizer, which supplies fuel for energy replacement, electrolyte replenishment and protein for muscle repair – as long as it’s taken as close to finishing the training session as possible.


Allez Sport are the experts in TRIATHLON Our team who serve you ARE TRIATHLETES No matter what level you are competing at, the right gear makes competing more enjoyable, painfree and comfortable Allez Sport are local sponsors for: The Sunshine Coast Marathon // The Sunshine Coast Run Series // The Sunshine Coast Cross Country Series // Mooloolaba Triathlon Team

Well-timed and specific sports nutrition will go a long way to maximising your performance in training, as well as race day.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR David Chick, the founder/operator of Allez Sport Mooloolaba, has been involved in triathlon and endurance sport for over 25 years and raced the Hawaii Ironman amongst 10 other ironman distance triathlons throughout the world.

Shop 3/34 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba P 5477 5246 www.allezsport.com.au




Your Skin Matters with Melissa Drury | Skinial

LASER IS NOT THE ONLY OPTION Many tattoo regretters think laser is the only option to remove their coloured inking. Diverse lasers are available, but four different wave lengths are required to address most colours, and even if utilised seem to result in fading, not removing colour.

Need to RETHINK the ink

Difficult colours are; purple, sky blue, green, orange, yellow It’s also important to understand that IPL (intense pulsed light) is NOT a laser and is the incorrect technology for tattoo removal. The wavelength is too broad and shoots out a block of light 2-6cm rather than 5-8mm pin pricks. In other words, it’s like trying to crack an egg with a machine gun. So the IPL may remove your tattoo, but also a chunk of skin that will result in a deep burn or scar. What’s becoming increasingly a concern is that often these laser/ light based technologies are in the hands of staff/businesses that lack education, training and regulation. Queensland is only one of three states that regulate class 3B and 4 lasers. So what is a safe and effective option? A non-laser tattoo removal system developed by doctors and dermatologists in Germany uses a weak lactic acid, a physiological liquid, that’s naturally produced by the body (sore muscles). This removal liquid causes the elimination of the macrophages (scavenger cells) from the large volume colour particles. Once these cells encasing the colour particles are gone, the body recognises them as foreign and rejects the ink to the skin surface, where they form a scab, harden and fall off. So non-laser tattoo removal treatment is really a colour blind one system treats ALL colours!

Pre treatment

4 weeks after treatment red, black and green removed

WHY FITNESS READERS OFFER: Complimentary Patch test valued at $100 only for the month of October Circumstances can change but now you don’t have to live with your tattoo for the rest of your life. Until recently the only methods of tattoo removal were extremely painful and not healthy for the body or effective. Non laser tattoo removal is less painful, more affordable and offers a healthier outcome for you and your body Call now for an appointment.


I t ’ s New &


it Wor ks

NON LASER TATTOO REMOVAL ABOUT THE AUTHOR Melissa is a registered nurse with over ten years’ experience in cosmetic medicine. She recognised an effective safe treatment for tattoo removal, which was less painful, more affordable and offered a healthier outcome. 40 ISSUE 16

www.skinial.com • 0400 400 982 email scsouth@skinial.com COZmedics, Ground Floor, 49 The Esplanade ,Maroochydore

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Dr Anthony Golle Chiropractor, Head of Firewalk Australia, Executive Producer of "Overfed and UnderNourished" Documentary Marcus Pearce CEO & Executive Producer - The Wellness Couch Founder - Exceptional Life Blueprint Dr David Hendrey Chiropractor, Life Coach, Author & Special guest Kerri Pottharst







WHY CHANGE with Craig Harper

Are you an incidental eater? Over the years, I’ve worked with many overweight and obese people who ‘hardly eat anything’. Apparently. You’ve probably met a few. You may have even been one at some stage. I have. For the practical requirements of my work, I classify these folks into three groups: 1. Those who have a genetic or medical condition which predisposes them to significant and, seemingly inexplicable, weight gain. Despite what some people tell you, this is a relatively small percentage of the population. 2. Those who tell fibs about what they put in their mouth. This is a much larger group.

3. Those who eat a lot when they’re not (officially) eating. So to speak. This very common habit is called incidental eating and it refers to the calories we consume outside of our main meals. Or… the food we eat when we’re not, er, eating. This is the biggest group.

However, it was the calories she was throwing down around those meals that were doing the damage. She proudly told me that she had cut out post-dinner desserts, chocolate and all cakes and biscuits (apparently, her weakness), but let’s take a peek at what she was eating when she wasn’t ‘eating’:

You’d be amazed to know how much food many of us consume when we’re not partaking in what we call our three main meals. Some of us actually consume more calories from our incidental eating than we do via our breakfast, lunch and dinner. As you read this, keep in mind that anything containing calories is food. The fact that you might find those calories on a plate or in a bowl, cup, glass, bottle, can, wrapper, box or bag makes no difference to the impact they might have on your body.

A mid-afternoon 600 ml fruit and yoghurt smoothie (600 cals) 2 all-milk coffees (300 cals) 3 other home-made hot drinks (100 cals) Quite a few fat-free (but sugarladen) lollies (200 cals) A post-dinner glass of wine (150 cals) A little pre-dinner picking and sampling of the food she was preparing (200 cals)

Neither does it matter if that food is a solid, liquid or somewhere in between. Many people delude themselves that drinks are not really food and therefore underestimate the potential impact that high-calorie, high-sugar drinks can have on an otherwise healthy body. Right now our culinary landscape is littered (litter being the key term) with more calorie-rich, nutritionpoor, chemically-treated crap drinks than ever before. Many of them masquerade as ‘health’ products to the ignorant, gullible, misled and sugar-addicted masses. Many of our kids are growing up drinking this nutritional junk. And sadly, all too often it’s their parents leading the charge. Anything with calories will have an impact on how we look, feel and function. That is, a physiological impact, big or small. A cappuccino, fruit juice or beer is as much a food as is a chicken breast, slice of pizza or an apple. Of course, just because something has calories and qualifies as food doesn’t mean: (1) we need it or (2) it’s good for us. A while back, I met with a rather distressed woman who was ‘eating three healthy meals a day’, yet still not losing weight (her goal). I looked at her diet and she was right; she was eating three healthy, relatively small meals each day. Each of those meals was calculated to be around 500 calories, for a daily total of around 1500 calories. While I’m not one to endorse arbitrary calorie intakes, her three set meals and the accompanying calories seemed to be somewhere in the ballpark for her body type, exercise habits, lifestyle and weight loss goals.

So while her set daily intake, established with a dietician, was 1500 calories, most days she was also consuming an extra 1500 or so calories around her three meals. This was easy to do because the things she snacked on were typically calorie-dense, so it didn’t take much to push her calorie intake through the roof. Think about it – when was the last time you snacked on lettuce or a raw carrot when nobody was looking? Or had a mad craving for some tuna in brine? By the way, once she dropped the nonessential calories and the incidental eating, the weight fell off. Her mind struggled with the change for a few weeks, but her body loved it. And then, as is often the way, her mind fell in love with her new body. If we’re being totally honest and transparent, for many of us there are times when our calorie consumption becomes a distorted blur. At times, a high-calorie frenzy. Which is fine if we can do that and maintain our best, healthiest body. But here on Planet Reality, it doesn’t work like that. While it’s important that we don’t become obsessed with our diet, or any aspect of our health management for that matter, it’s also important to keep in mind a few things: 1. Bodies aren’t replaceable. 2. For some people, (I’m one of them), it’s better to leave the eating for meal times only. 3. All calories have consequences. 4. What our head wants and what our body needs are often very different things. 5. Fat doesn’t grow spontaneously. 6. Awareness, acknowledgement and honesty is where lasting physical change starts.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Craig Harper is one of Australia’s leading presenters, educators, coaches and commentators in the areas of health, fitness, high performance and change. With thanks to Penguin Publishing, this article is an extract from Craig’s new book Pull Your Finger Out - 101 ways to stop wasting time and start living your best life. This, Craig’s regular blog and other books are available at www.craigharper.com.au

42 ISSUE 16

L r i f o e t i f n f i L g JOIN THE


WHAT IS IT? Simply Fit Gym at Peregian Beach is throwing out the challenge to other gyms, clubs and groups to lift as many kilograms as they can in support of local charity, headspace. Teams of four can nominate themselves to lift as many kilograms as they can, in whatever way they can and wherever they can for one week. Teams will be able to track their progress live via the website, publish their photos and get as much support as they can behind them to ultimately celebrate their efforts for lifting the most kilos in a week. Great prizes are on offer to the most kilograms lifted in various categories, along with the best team photo and most money raised.

WHO IS IT? The competition is being organised by Simply Fit Gym at Peregian Beach and is the brain child of part-owner Katrina Robertson, world champion powerlifter who still holds 31 Australian and seven world records for powerlifting. Katrina has also worked as a psychologist helping young people and families through tough times for 25 years. It was this partnership of sport and psychology that first introduced Katrina to the great work that headspace does every day, with people who just need a hand to get back on track. headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation and works with 12-25 year olds. It’s a free, non-judgemental and confidential support service run out of a youth-built centre in Maroochydore. WHEN IS IT? The event starts at midnight on Sunday 19 October and concludes midday on Sunday 26 October. HOW IS IT DONE? Teams will register on the LiftingforLife.com web site. Each team pays a $25 per person registration fee directly into a headspace account. That way, all donations go directly headspace. Teams can make other donations if they wish, or just pay the registration fee. The team captain will nominate a team name and team goal and download a Lifters Pack to track their progress each day. At the end of the week, headspace representatives will announce the winners at Simply Fit Peregian Beach at the Lifting for Life BBQ. WHY GET INVOLVED? Get a team together and represent your gym, fitness club or corporate business and just get lifting! Lift at your gym, in a park, on the beach. Show the Coast the power of your team and get lifting for life! If you’re a business this is great publicity! If you’re an athlete this is a great challenge! If you live on the Sunny Coast and know anyone between 12 and 25 this is a great cause! Everybody wins by your participation. YOUR team can also win some great prizes too!

WHO DO I CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION? Sara or Katrina at Simply Fit Peregian Beach on 5471 2964

www.LiftingforLife.com.au facebook.com/liftingforlife













13 OCT


Email us any events you have to jen@whyfitness.com.au Phone 0403 236 783 www.whyfitnessmagazine.com.au







Why Fitness Magazine Issue 16 Launch www.whyfitness.com.au Ride2Work, Stockland Park to Maroochydore and Caloundra CBD, From Stockland Park, Kawana www.bicyclenetwork.com.au

Why Fitness Magazine Issue 16 Out Today! www.whyfitness.com.au NIA Dancing, 9:15am Buderim War Memorial Hall 0403 119 977 Welcome to Walking with Marjie, 9am, Ph 5448 4229

Welcome to Walking with Marjie, 9am, Ph 5448 4229

Business Cycles Road Ride, 6am, Starts at Spin City Cycles, www.businesscycles.com.au




OCTOBER 17-19 Brisbane Good Food & Wine Show



Welcome to Walking with Marjie, 9am, Ph 5448 4229



NIA Dancing, 9:30am Wellsure, 2 Park Place Caloundra, 0403 119 977





Subaru Noosa Triathlon Multisport Festival, www.noosatri.com.au


Bribie Island Series Race One, Bribie Island, www.bribietri.com.au


High Tea and Wealth Creation Workshop, www. thinkmoney.com.au

Bribie Island Series Race One, Bribie Island, www.bribietri.com.au Lifting For Life Challenge! www.liftingforlife.com.au


Spin City Cycles Mountain Bike Ride, 6am, location varies check Facebook, www.facebook. com/spincitycycles

TreX Cross Triathlon, Petrie, www.tre�x.com.au



Subaru Noosa Triathlon Multisport Festival, www.noosatri.com.au

Welcome to Walking with Marjie, 9am, Ph 5448 4229

Welcome to Walking with Marjie, 9am, Ph 5448 4229

NIA Dancing, 9:30am Wellsure, 2 Park Place Caloundra, 0403 119 977

Subaru Noosa Triathlon Multisport Festival, www.noosatri.com.au

Subaru Noosa Triathlon Multisport Festival, www.noosatri.com.au

Spin City Cycles Mountain Bike Ride, 6am, location varies check Facebook, www.facebook. com/spincitycycles






8 The Blackall 100, Blackall Range, www.blackall100.com.au


Zoo Run, Australia Zoo Fun Run, www. wildlifeemergency.com.au

Kawana, Golden Beach & Noosa Parkrun, weekly Free 5km timed run, every Saturday 7am, www.parkrun.com.au

Business Cycles Road Ride, 6am, Starts at Spin City Cycles, www.businesscycles.com.au

NIA Dancing, 9:15am Buderim War Memorial Hall 0403 119 977


Kawana, Golden Beach & Noosa Parkrun, weekly Free 5km timed run, every Saturday 7am, www.parkrun.com.au

Kawana, Golden Beach & Noosa Parkrun, weekly Free 5km timed run, every Saturday 7am, www.parkrun.com.au

Le Club, Guest Speaker Melinda Bingley, The Duporth Tavern (Sunset Bar), 5.30pm

Welcome to Walking with Marjie, 9am, Ph 5448 4229


Spin City Cycles Mountain Bike Ride, 6am, location varies check Facebook, www.facebook. com/spincitycycles

Business Cycles Road Ride, 6am, Starts at Spin City Cycles, www.businesscycles.com.au NIA Dancing, 9:15am Buderim War Memorial Hall 0403 119 977


Subaru Noosa Triathlon Multisport Festival, www.noosatri.com.au

9 The Blackall 100, Blackall Range, www.blackall100.com.au

Business Cycles Road Ride, 6am, Starts at Spin City Cycles, www.businesscycles.com.au

Kawana, Golden Beach & Noosa Parkrun, weekly Free 5km timed run, every Saturday 7am, www.parkrun.com.au AO Tennis Blitz - The Great Tennis-Tacular, www. tennis.com.au/playtennis

Queensland Enduro MTB State Championships, Garapine, near Gympie, www.emsaustralia.net.au



Welcome to Walking with Marjie, 9am, Ph 5448 4229

Welcome to Walking with Marjie, 9am, Ph 5448 4229

NIA Dancing, 9:30am Wellsure, 2 Park Place Caloundra, 0403 119 977






Queensland All Schools Triathlon, Lake Kawana www.triathlonqld.com.au

Create an Amazing 2015 Transformational Seminar, Ph 543 77 222 Business Cycles Road Ride, 6am, Starts at Spin City Cycles, www.businesscycles.com.au

NIA Dancing, 9:15am Buderim War Memorial Hall 0403 119 977 Welcome to Walking with Marjie, 9am, Ph 5448 4229

44 ISSUE 16

Welcome to Walking with Marjie, 9am, Ph 5448 4229

NIA Dancing, 9:30am Wellsure, 2 Park Place Caloundra, 0403 119 977

Sunshine Coast Track Cycling Carnival, Caboolture, www. sunshinecoastcycling.com.au ARA 18hr Dark Side Championships, www.in2adventure.com.au

Mountain Designs ARA, 12hr Dawn Attack, www.in2adventure.com.au

Gatorade Queensland Tri Series Round Two, Kawana www.qldtriseries.com.au


why... LEAFY GREENS? It’s a well-known fact we should all be aiming to eat about five servings of vegetables a day. But did you know that adding some leafy greens can boost your health significantly?

Ask us


Leafy greens are simply brimming with health benefits, being packed with a bunch of important vitamins, minerals and diseasefighting agents. Adding these quick and simple ingredients to your regular diet will surely benefit you. Fibre can be found in most greens and assists your body in lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure and tempering your blood sugars. There’s no doubt that greens are a great way to get your daily fibre intake. Keeping hydrated can be made easy with the addition of some leaves to your meals. Green leaves are often bursting with water and therefore they hydrate you. By keeping hydrated through eating these vegetables, you’ll notice improvements not only to your insides, but also to your skin and hair. Each individual green has its own unique health benefits. For example, kale is high in calcium, meaning your bones and teeth will be strengthened. Through eating a diverse range of leafy greens, all these health benefits can be attained. Here are our top ten suggestions to try out:  Kale  Spinach  Red and Green Leaf Lettuce  Iceberg Lettuce  Parsley  Rocket  Mustard

 Broccoli  Cabbage  Endive  Beet Leaves

Undoubtedly, you won’t forget the delicious flavours of these options. Quite literally – greens are also packed with folate, a vitamin that helps assist in stopping memory loss. Spinach is particularly good for this. Try these options this spring and feel the benefits!

why... SALT? You may be of the understanding that salt is not good for you, but I am here to tell you that not all salt should be forgotten. Some types are actually very healthy and can do you great favours! Salt has obtained quite a poor reputation over the last couple of years. With people shunning it due to suspected increase in the possibility of heart disease, it has been thrown aside. As it’s often found in processed foods, health fanatics often just ignore the ingredient entirely. However, sea salt is not so bad for you; it is actually very good for you! Unlike your normal iodised salt, sea salt does not go through any processing and is collected naturally, so the natural benefits and composition of the salt are kept. Here are 10 health benefits of sea salt: Assists in building a strong immune system: fights off cold and flu symptoms. Weight Loss: it builds up digestive juices, meaning you digest food more quickly. Diabetes: helps to reduce the need for insulin through regulating sugar levels. Depression: sea salt preserves serotonin and melatonin, which help you to relax and sleep more effectively. Muscle Spasms: in order for muscles to function properly they need potassium. Sea salt contains a small amount and also helps to absorb it from other foods. Osteoporosis: sea salt can help prevent this disease thorough keeping bones strong. Heart Health: helps to reduce cholesterol levels, regulate heart beat and reduce blood pressure when taken with water. Asthma: reduces inflammation in respiratory system. Skin Conditions: bathing in sea salt can help stop itchy and dry skin. Alkalising: eliminates unwanted chemicals from the body. Sea salt really isn’t so bad after all. Not only does it do all these amazing things to your body but also tastes amazing! But, just like any good thing, too much can be a bad thing. Make sure you enjoy sea salt in moderation.

why... BLUEBERRIES? Bursting with ‘berry’ good health benefits, blueberries are great for revitalising your nutrition. They are also readily available for purchase from local fruit stores and provide a delicious option for a quick snack. Rich in antioxidants, blueberries can help prevent cancer and heart disease. The well-known blue colour comes from its polyphenols, which provide most of the antioxidant qualities in the fruit. These little gems also contain a phytochemical called anthocyanin, one of the most powerful antioxidants. Research has shown that anthocyanin is an anti-inflammatory that can prevent blood vessel damage. Through preventing damage to these vessels, it also lessens the likelihood of heart disease, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It doesn’t stop there either! Blueberries can strengthen your immune system. They’re a good source of vitamin C which can stop you from getting colds. Next time you feel a flu coming on, ditch the tablets and eat some yummy blueberries instead. Blueberries are a good source of fibre. Through eating some of these berries, you can keep your cholesterol levels under control and improve your bowel health too. They also contain manganese, a trace mineral that plays a large role in bone development and also assists in metabolising carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Basically, this mineral helps with life-sustaining chemical transformations. Next time you’re looking for a quick and simple snack, pick up some blueberries. They’re delicious, healthy and simple.



ni, carrot and beetroot DRAGON BOWL: A crunchy spiralized zucchi garlic falafel’s drizzled salad topped with two activated herb and g and topped in a light orange and tahini homemade dressin pro-biotic sauce. with a dollop of New Earths spicy beetroots

 New Earth Café, Shop 7 Birtwill Street, Coolum www.newearthcafe.com.au

 Suunto Ambit 3S without Heart Rate Monitor | $450

Suunto Ambit 3S with Heart Rate Monitor | $499

Allez Sport www.allezsport.com.au P. 5477 5246


this and that...

à Hoka Mens Bondi | $229

Allez Sport www.allezsport.com.au P. 5477 5246 à Aqua Riders | 24.99

Cameron Leth, Dale and Andie Dittman

Amart Sports Maroochydore P. 5479 5077

Carmen Johnson and Kristy Roberts

Charli Goodall-Brownlee, Tegan Matthews and Sharon Cooke

Scene @ James Colquhoun, Aussie award-winning film producer for Food Matters and Hungry for Change inspired us all with his passion and knowledge of how food really can heal the body at the Why Fitness Magazine launch event at the newly renovated ‘Deck’ of the Kawana Surf Life Saving Club. To follow James head to www.foodmatters.tv Di, Casey, Michelle and Kevin Evans

Jen Forster, James Colquhoun and Vickie Magic

46 ISSUE 16

Enjoying words of wisdom from James

whythisandthat  Asic Gel Kayano | $239.99

Amart Sports Maroochydore P. 5479 5077  New Earth Café, Shop 7 Birtwill Street, Coolum www.newearthcafe.com.au

 Compressport 3D Dot Flouro Socks | $26.95

Allez Sport www.allezsport.com.au | P. 5477 5246

à Hoka Womens Conquest | $259.95 Hoka range is priced from $189.95 to $259.95

Allez Sport www.allezsport.com.au P. 5477 5246

TOWER OF POWER BURGER: Made with dehydrated activated seed and cabbage bread topped with guacam ole, crunch carrot, beetroot, an activated almond and buckw heat veggie patty, cucumber and tomato served with homem ade plum chutney.

 Vivofit includes Heart Rate Monitor Strap | $159

James Colquhoun and Annette Sym

Marnie Hirst and Hilary Smith

James Colquhoun and Melanie Cameron

Amart Sports Maroochydore P. 5479 5077

Michelle Evans, Jodi Chapman and James Colquhoun

Tina and Celena Ross



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48 ISSUE 16

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ok is now available! The Deliciously Clean eBo ing recipes Over 30 fantastic clean eat us! icio del made simply Only $14.99! Go to .au www.deliciouslyclean.com

W ITH M E A G A N K E L L E R T Slice zucchini with Vegetti or slice zucchini length ways with a potato peeler. Place in a colander. Sprinkle with ½ tsp salt and allow to sit. (This draws the moisture out of the zucchini).

Serves 2

Remove after 10 mins and place on paper towel to remove excess moisture.


Meanwhile, heat large non-stick frypan. Add oil.

3-4 zucchinis cut into noodles ½ tsp Himalayan salt for zucchini

Add garlic, chilli and ½ tsp salt. Cook stirring for 1-2 mins.

2 tbls of olive oil

Add prawns and cook for further 3-4 mins until prawns are almost cooked.

4 cloves of garlic crushed 1 tsp dried chilli flakes ½ tsp of Himalayan salt 300g of green prawns, peeled, tails intact ¼ cup fresh lemon juice ¼ cup fresh chopped flat leaf parsley

Add zucchini noodles, lemon juice and parsley. Toss to combine and cook for 1 min. Serve immediately Note: you could substitute parsley for coriander.

For more ‘Deliciously Clean’ recipes and ideas follow Meagan’s blog at www.deliciouslyclean.com.au
















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