Why Fitness Magazine Issue 12

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Publication date 26 May Next issue 30 June




e h t o t s e com

t s a o C e in h s Sun

BSTACLE O T S IE D N A S ’S USTRALIA A IS H S A B H C A BE PROMOTE O T IM A E H T H CHALLENGE WIT AND ABOVE ALL FUN. S hine HEALTH, FITNES at Coolum (Suns s ctacular beache e p s t s o m r u o f hether it’s the W . ily m fa le o h Staged on one o w r the ses sh is an event fo a B h c a e event has surpri B , is t) th s a – e Co g n lle a h C nge or the 5km et to ride the g o ls a ill w u o Kids 1km Challe y LUS fitness levels. P ll a f o e n o ry e v e for Slideshow Bob! – e lid s le b ta a fl world’s largest in

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editor’s note

EDITOR’S NOTE with Jen Forster In our first issue of Why Fitness Magazine for 2014 I talked about Goals, Intentions and Actions. It was at the same time that Vickie Magic and I came up with the idea to bring Commando Steve to the Sunshine Coast for the very first time! Following my own advice, we created the GOAL, we set our INTENTION and we took ACTION and I am very proud to say that last weekend the result of this was a 100 per cent success! What an amazing, fun, and for some, life changing, experience it was to have Commando Steve facilitate two ‘CommandoFit’ style bootcamps. There was mud, sweat and loads of fun. Lots of the participants experienced a real shifting out of their comfort zone, which was by far, the most rewarding part of the entire weekend! The participants didn’t suddenly get ‘fitter’ overnight. Instead there was a distinct shift in their mindset around what was possible for them in their training going forward. As a trainer, I absolutely LOVE that stuff. That, for me, is where growth occurs and change is possible.

What you

focus on grows…

Thank you to everyone who participated, sponsored, spectated and volunteered on the day! Check out the pictures on pages 15-17. This issue is all about ‘mind-ercise, exercise for the mind’. You’ll find loads of tools, strategies, information and tips in this issue to help you strengthen your ‘mind muscle’. For me, I practice one simple exercise for my mind every day. I remind myself that ‘what I focus on grows’. This is one of my favourite ‘stories’ that explains my personal philosophy perfectly. It goes like this… “One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, selfpity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’

Why Fitness Magazine supports local charity Surf Life Saving. If you would like to donate please email jen@whyfitness.com.au.

Fun Fit Wellness

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’ The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’” My challenge to you all over the coming month is to be mindful of which wolf you feed. Yours in fun and fitness,

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Published by Matters Magazine ABN 95 131 837 833 P. 5444 4456, F. 5302 6609 Noel Burns House 18/21 Nicklin Way, Minyama Editor/Advertising Enquiries/ Photographer Jen Forster, 0403 236 783 or 5444 4456 jen@whyfitness.com.au Publisher Vickie Magic, 5444 4456 or 0433 198 868 vmagic@bmmag.com.au



Distribution Dranko Magic, 0408 751 863 magic@bmmag.com.au Photography Jen Forster, Dranko Magic, Jason Hay Creative Director Amanda Opanubi, Proof Designs amanda@proofdesigns.com.au Writers, Columnists and Sub-editors this issue: The Health Hound, Vickie Magic, Craig Harper, Richard Fogarty, Jennifer Forster, Jason O’Pray, Josh Minogue, Gary Martin, Meagan Kellert, Annette Sym, Vanessa Webster, Robin Storey

6 Top 10 Mindfulness Exercises to get your head in the game by THE HEALTH HOUND. 8 Join the journey to the 2018 Commonwealth Games with THE SUNSHINE COAST SPORTS FEDERATION.

Distributed from Beerwah to Noosa

9 MIND SUCCESS with Simone Leslie.

Proudly printed on the Sunshine Coast by the Ink Spot Commercial Printers, Maroochydore | 5443 5431

10 INTERNATIONAL SUCCES Katrina Robertson goes from strength to strength. 12 WHY EVENTS with Cr Jason O’Pray.


Advertorial Column Column Advertorial Editorial Feature Story Matters Do you know what these are? We are proud of our innovation of videos at the end of some of our articles. To view the videos, download a QR scanner with your smartphone (the app we have found to be the best so far is i-nigma. Just go to your applications and search for it, then download the free application). 4 ISSUE 12

24 FITNESS MAGIC Vickie Magic shares her fitness magic. 24 Special Olympic Athletes at home with new gold program at TANAWHA VALLEY GOLF AND TENNIS. 25 It’s all about family at PLUS FITNESS. 26 BONUS LIFT OUT: Get brainFIT with Michelle Loch from UnLOCHed Potential. 28-40 MATTERS PAGES 41 Sunshine Coast BEST OF THE BEST WORKOUTS.

13 FIT AND FAMOUS with Richard Fogarty.

42 WHY CHANGE with the sledge hammer of ‘self help’ CRAIG HARPER.

14 DELICIOUSLY CLEAN with Meagan Kellert.

43 WHY LOCAL with BFresh.

15 COMMANDO STEVE comes to the Sunshine Coast.

46 Find out WHY THIS AND THAT check out the ‘must haves’ something for every fitness enthusiast.

19 LOCAL SUCCESS Meet the King of stand-up paddle boarding, Luke King. 20 CULTURED FOODS FOR THE MIND by Gary Martin Living Valley Springs. 22 ASK US WHY? Why Adventure Race, Why Massage? 23 LOCAL SUCCESS Leanne Paix and all that jazz!

44 Why Fitness Magazine MINI FITNESS EXPO NEW ISSUE LAUNCH EVENT. Are you coming? 46 WHY FITNESS CALENDAR Find out what’s on and where? 47 LOCAL BUSINESS. 48 WHY COOK with Annette Sym. 50 OUR ADVERTISERS

15 MATTERS PAGES 28 TO 40 NOT advertorial but EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION from inside specific industries. 28 STRENGTH MATTERS NEW Simply Fit 29 DANCING MATTERS Jazzercise Nambour 30 RUNNING MATTERS NEW Glass House Mountains Running and MTB Group 31 ADVENTURE MATTERS MAB Personal Training and Adventure 32 TENNIS MATTERS Tennis Queensland

Join our Facebook group to take on the challenge!

33 TRIATHLON MATTERS Allez Sports 34 YOUR TEETH MATTER Northcoast Denture Clinic 35 CHIROPRACTIC MATTERS Hendrey Chiropractic 36 YOUR PERFORMANCE MATTERS Advanced Wellness 37 GROUP TRAINING MATTERS OMG Training & Fitness 38 YOUR FOOD MATTERS Natural Earth Health Products 39 YOUR SKIN MATTERS Skinial 40 SWIMMING MATTERS Train Race Inspire WHY FITNESS 5




Mindfulness Exercises by Henry Hound

You have all heard the term ‘mind your own business.’ There’s been a new trend in the last year or so that puts a spin on that phrase to ‘mind your own fitness!’ It is all about mindfulness and health. Basically, mindfulness is the Eastern concept of being more aware – and when it comes to physical fitness, being more aware of your body, your thoughts, what you eat and how you eat, could be the key to long-term weight loss and a lifetime of good health.

6 ISSUE 12

feature There are many types of workouts, yoga for example, that have always incorporated mindfulness into their practices. There are many new and emerging styles, such as proprioceptive training, that are based on mindfulness and existing fitness routines, such as pilates, that are placing more of an emphasis on mindfulness. But it’s important to keep in mind for good health and general well-being, not all mindfulness exercises are done in a gym! So here then are 10 mindfulness exercises – some are workouts, others are ways to just bring mindfulness into your life. All are designed to improve your health – mind, body and spirit.

1. Mindful Eating There have been dozens of recent studies suggesting that a more mindful approach to eating can make any diet or weight loss program much more effective. Mindfulness in eating means taking notice, and using all of your senses when eating. Take the time to explore and enjoy the colour, smell, flavour, and even the texture of your food. In mindful eating you need to savour every bite, chew more slowly, and eliminate any distraction like watching TV or reading, or driving – while eating. Mindful eating also means getting in touch with your feelings about food, and learning to deal with pressure and anxiety about food and weight.

2. Minute Focus This is a simple exercise that can have a powerful impact. The purpose of this exercise is to help you become more aware of your internal sense of time. In today’s world we are often made to feel that time passes too quickly, and then we stress to speed up and rush to get things done. On the other hand you can sometimes also feel that time is passing too slowly, and then be deceived that you have more time then you really do. This exercise will help you develop a greater sense of how you perceive time. Find a comfortable place to sit where you will be undisturbed. Begin timing yourself with a watch or timer. Now, without looking at the timer, simply sit. When you believe one minute has passed, stop the timer. Notice how much time has actually passed. Were you too early, too late, or spot on?

3. Tai Chi and Qigong Tai Chi and its related form Qigong or Qi Gong are kinds of moving meditations that combine breathing techniques with

martial arts movements, all to improve and enhance Qi. In Traditional Chinese Medicine Qi, pronounced ‘chee,’ is life force or energy flow, and imbalances or blockages of Qi flow are responsible for all sickness and disease. The practices of both Qigong and Tai Chi involve specific, slow, almost balletlike movements while paying mindful attention to your body and breathing. Whether you believe in the power of Qi or not, both practices have been proven to reduce stress, improve balance and coordination, and when practised long enough, also provide an effective form of self-defence.

4. Deep Breathing As you have seen, many of the mindbody techniques have a breathing component to them. Deep breathing itself is also a powerful stress reducer. While not really an exercise, the simple act of relaxing and focusing your attention on deep rhythmic breathing can do wonders for your body. Try it whenever you are feeling stressed. While there are many specific breathing techniques, all you really need to do is just take five long deep breaths, focusing only on your breathing as you inhale and exhale. You will almost instantly feel your body relax and your mind begin to calm down.

5. Say Halo to Your Body This exercise is intended to help you become more mindful of the physical sensations within your body. Find a comfortable place to sit where you won’t be distracted for about ten minutes. Use your imagination to envision a narrow band of white light encircling the top of your head like a halo. Now imagine this band of light slowly moving down your body, like a kind of scanner – becoming mindfully aware of the physical sensations of each part of your body as the band of light progresses down. If your attention wanders, just gently direct it back to the physical sensations you experience as the light moves from the top of your head all the way down to your toes.

6. Meditation There is a ton of evidence for the effectiveness of meditation to reduce stress. There is an equal amount of evidence on how stress reduction helps with overall health, and can specifically reduce your risk of heart disease and help with your weight loss efforts. While Eastern practitioners have intuitively known the benefits

of meditation, or relate its effects to improved Qi flow, modern researchers believe that meditation and similar relaxation techniques cause a reduction of stress hormones such as cortisol. Cortisol is related to both heart disease and stress overeating.

7. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is related to the forms of Eastern mindbody technique that recognize the deep connection between mental states and physical ailments. In PMR, you learn to rhythmically tense and then relax all the specific muscle groups in your body, one at a time. It is basically a body awareness technique in which you learn to better recognize the feeling of tension and how to release it.

8. The Raisin Exercise This is a common exercise that introduces you to the concept of mindfulness using food, and slowly using all of your senses to really experience it. Use each sense one after another to observe the raisin in great detail, from the way it feels in your hand to the way its taste bursts on your tongue. This exercise is intended to help you focus on the present moment, and I have seen it done with many foods, from raisins to apples to jelly beans.

9. Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT) Is a specific mindfulness physical fitness training program originally developed by and for the US Marine Corps. It was designed to maximize strength and endurance for those who need to perform in high-stress environments. MMFT provides skills training in two key areas – mindfulness skills and stress resilience skills. It cultivates mindfulness skills with specific exercises to build attention control and concentration.

10. Guided Imagery This is similar to meditation, but is a series of specific techniques using the power of visualization and imagination with the mind-body connection to reduce stress or promote healing. Research has proven that guided imagery produces the body’s relaxation response, reduces anxiety and can help with pain management. For those who don’t think they can rely on their own imaginations, there are a variety of guided imagery audio programs and scripts available to help achieve the right state of mind. WHY FITNESS 7

Become a Platinum Sponsor & receive... Our most exclusive package, featuring all signature events for the year. Be quick as these packages are limited.

Ten all-inclusive tickets to the 2014 Sports Star of the Year Awards (30 January 2015), with signage and display opportunities (foyer only) on the night.

Hole sponsorship at annual fundraising golf day (14 November 2014) including four players for golf and presentation dinner.

Commemorative plaque.

Associate Membership to the Sunshine Coast Sports Federation.

Invitations and discounts to all other Sunshine Coast Sports Federation Events.

BENEFITS you will receive are; •




Coast Daily promotional schedules for 12 month period.

Logo placement and PLATINUM recognition on all paid print advertising in association with Sunshine Coast Sports Federation.

This is an enormous task for any not for profit organisation and so sponsorship from the local community is vital. Why Fitness Magazine is delighted to be supporting The Sunshine Coast Sports Federation in 2014 by being a platinum sponsor. If you would like to be involved sponsorship packages for 2014/15 are now available, starting from as little as $2,000. Their goal is to keep the profile of our annual Sports Star of the Year Awards at the highest level. Other objectives include: • To continue to help Sunshine Coast athletes selected in Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games. • To financially support where possible major Sunshine Coast sporting events.

Display page including links on Sunshine Coast Sports Federation website.

Become a Gold Sponsor & receive Enjoy all the spoils of the Platinum Sponsorship without media promotion. BENEFITS you will receive are; •

The Sunshine Coast Sports Federation is the uniting voice for sport on the Sunshine Coast and is passionate and committed to fostering, promoting and encouraging organised sport across the Sunshine Coast Region.

Full name mentions in television Southern Cross Ten (including logo), radio Hot 91.1, Zinc 96.1 and Sunshine.

Logo placement and GOLD recognition on all paid print advertising in association with Sunshine Coast Sports Federation.

Display page including links on Sunshine Coast Sports Federation website.

Commemorative plaque.

Associate Membership to the Sunshine Coast Sports Federation.

Invitations and discounts to all other Sunshine Coast Sports Federation Events.

Choice of: •

Ten all-inclusive tickets to the 2014 Sports Star of the Year Awards (30 January 2015), with signage and display opportunities (foyer only) on the night.

Or •

Hole sponsorship at annual fundraising golf day (14 November 2014) including four players for golf and presentation dinner.

Commemorative plaque.

Associate Membership to the Sunshine Coast Sports Federation.

Invitations and discounts to all other Sunshine Coast Sports Federation Events.

Become a Golf Sponsor & receive Our most popular package. Come and play Golf on the Sunshine Coast number 1 rated Golf Course (Palmer Coolum Resort). BENEFITS you will receive are; •

Two all-inclusive tickets to the 2014 Sports Star of the Year Awards (30 January 2015).

Hole sponsorship at annual fundraising golf day (14 November 2014) including four players for golf and presentation dinner.

• To continue to build the annual Sports Star of the Year Awards into the most prestigious and major awards night on the Sunshine Coast and in Queensland.

8 ISSUE 12

0423 454 830 | www.sunshinecoastsportsfederation.com.au


Success or Sabotage? The words we speak create the first layer of our neural programs. Whatever is programmed at the deepest level will dictate the success or sabotage in every area of our lives – health and fitness, wealth creation, relationships, career or business. Here’s one super simple way to rewire the neurological programs that cause self sabotage. BRAINERCISE Don’t think of a green tree! Now I know you already have, because the way your brain makes meaning of a sentence is to firstly find the subject matter. (tree)

‘The only person who can hold you back is YOU, so get out of your own way!’ Simone M. Leslie SCAN QR CODE TO VIEW VIDEO

Secondly, it will find the description of the subject. (green) Your brain has now most likely created a visual representation of that tree in your mind. Finally it will search for any directives about the subject, in this case, ‘Don’t think…’ By that time it’s too late!

‘Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!’ Henry Ford

We must state our desired outcomes in the positive. This simple change can radically transform your life!

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FROM From failing school to breaking world records, Katrina Robertson is a true champion. Recently moving to Peregian Beach with her partner, they are the new owners of Simply Fit. Why Fitness Magazine sat down to chat with Katrina about the mindset that is required to become a world record holder. This story begins in Clermont, Central Queensland, with a determined and inspirational woman. She was like any other sport star to be; however, unlike others, she was striving not to be everyone else’s vision of success but her very own. Her love of sport evolved as the small town she lived in had little other to offer for entertainment at the time. From the second Katrina Robertson became involved in sport, her passion was born and never stopped developing. Through Katrina’s schooling she was always amongst the sporting crowd and was never classed a scholar. Whilst she struggled with the academic side of things, she simply excelled in sporting arenas. Back in those days it was rather rare to come across a female getting so heavily involved in ‘men’s activities’; however, this never once swayed her. During her time at school she not only participated in swimming and tennis, but also represented Queensland in the Australian All-Schools for discus, shot-put and javelin, and won a state rowing championship. When her schooling came to an end, Katrina’s dream of becoming a professional sporting star was beginning to take action. She had decided she would save money to move to Melbourne and try her chances at a spot in the 1982 Commonwealth Games team. To save funds, Katrina travelled around on a motorbike, and one day her dreams came to an abrupt end. She was travelling along safely when by slim chance she was hit by a car and involved in a serious motor vehicle accident. The impact had left her with hardly an unbroken body part. She broke both legs and signed the 10 ISSUE 12


STRENGTH TO STRENGTH! form for one to be amputated. Being 18 years of age at the time, she recalls this being very traumatizing; however, through her great courage she got through the two years in hospital and managed to keep both legs. Whilst she pulled through those tough times, the accident still left her with restrictions. She had been told she could no longer participate in sport, as she would always need a means of support for walking and needed to find other career options. People around her suggested nursing and whilst she wasn’t much interested, she decided to sign up anyway. Usually people were forced to wait as long as two years for permission to begin training. Surprisingly, a month after she signed up she was told she could begin learning. She chucked aside the crutches and had a go. At first she was very intrigued by the experiences of those in the workplace and became very curious. She learnt that some people can go through such struggles and come through shining on the other side, whilst others become a casualty to them. After nursing for a while she moved to Brisbane and decided to study psychology. Everyone close to her was utterly amused by this idea as she was voted ‘least likely to succeed’ at the end of school. Being the determined person she is, she simply disregarded everyone else’s opinion and ended University with straight A’s. Afterwards she relocated back to Mackay and opened a psychology business. Whilst she loved her job and was succeeding immensely, she felt as though there was a missing link in her life and that was the lack of sport. After 12 years of little exercise, she noticed an article in the newspaper for the 1994 World Masters Games and decided to give it a shot. In she strolled to the local gym and met her to-be training partner Ken Wayne. He was the owner of the gym and

when she approached him with her idea, he was intrigued and decided she must join him in his training. One day during her training, Ken introduced her to the idea of powerlifting. She was unaware such a thing existed, and he promised to take her along to a competition after the Masters. She was 32 when she competed in the World Masters and age did not affect her at all, as she came back with two gold and two silver medals. Initially, she had just imagined the competition to be a fitness goal, but it was the first of many successes. A couple months later Ken took her to the powerlifting competition and she had a crack. With no equipment and a week’s worth of training, she managed to break an Australian record. Scouts were impressed by her potential and she was selected to be apart of the Aussie team. In 1995 she competed in New Zealand and in 1996 travelled with the newly formed team to Canada for the World Championships. Now 36 years of age, Katrina competed in the Canada World Championships. It was here she broke her very first deadlift world record, lifting 240 kilograms, and came fifth overall. After this competition her mind was focused for the next championships in South Africa. As the year passed Katrina worked full time to build up her travel funds, and trained as well. No mean feat! In that year, the Chinese team had built up a strong reputation and Katrina’s coach had told them to hope for third place. Being the modest person she was, she recalls being thrilled with the idea of being third best deadlifter worldwide; however, that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to go for gold. After the first two rounds she was sitting in third place. It was in that moment before the third round that she decided chances like these don’t come around

all the time. So she attempted to break the world record, lifting 263.5 kilograms. And guess what, she did it! To this day she still holds the world record for women’s deadlifting. After breaking 31 Australian, 12 Oceania, 18 Commonwealth and 7 world records, Katrina’s success doesn’t stop there. She was also inducted into the Australian Powerlifting Hall of Fame in 2011. To those wanting to succeed Katrina says: Think about yourself differently. Dream a little. It doesn’t matter where you start from. Simplify. Don’t complicate what you’re trying to do. Allow yourself to go on a journey. Take ‘can’t’ out of your vocabulary. Have a crack and have fun. After all, it’s through doing the things you love that life will truly become a success! www.simplyfitpb.com WHY FITNESS 11


As always there are too many events for me to list, so make sure you take a look at the ‘Sunshine Coast Events’ Facebook page to see what’s on. As you probably know, we’ve got some brilliant sports and fitness events here on the Sunshine Coast – but there are many great cultural, lifestyle and business events too. Some will really get you thinking and provide excellent networking opportunities, and others can make you really appreciate great talent or equip you with health and well-being information to help you stay in tip-top shape, both mentally and physically.

WHY EVENTS with Jason Opray

Already this year, the Eumundi Body Art Carnivale, Maleny Wood Expo and Kenilworth Cheese, Wine and Food Festival are just a few of the annual cultural events which have drawn the big crowds. Just recently the Sunshine Coast Healthy Lifestyle Expo was on in Caloundra and the second Big Pineapple Music

Festival attracted visitors and a stellar line-up from around Australia. Here’s a snippet of other significant events to add to your calendar. The Nambour Showgrounds will play host to Collectorama on 31 May and the Queensland Garden Expo on 11-13 July; the Sunshine Coast Business Expo is on 28-29 May at Mooloolaba TAFE; and the Women’s Lifestyle Expo is on 22-23 August at Lake Kawana Community Centre. As always there are too many events for me to list, so make sure you take a look at the ‘Sunshine Coast Events’ Facebook page to see what’s on.

Jason O’Pray, Economic Development (Tourism, Sport and Major Events) Portfolio, Division 8 Councillor.


Ordinary people, extraordinary food! Season six of MasterChef Australia has begun and viewers will soon see how the best home cooks in the country with be reinventing, redefining and revolutionising the way Australia sees food.

With less than 100 days to go until the Opening Ceremony of the XX Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, Scotland, Southern Cross Ten is proud to announce it will give viewers extensive coverage of every day of the competition, 24 hours a day across Southern Cross Ten and ONE.

For more information on how to advertise your business contact Scott Harrison on 5459 4200 or scott.harrison@sca.com.au

12 ISSUE 12

The new season of Offspring - Network Ten’s exuberant, romantic drama starring 2014 TV Week Silver Logie winner Asher Keddie - centres on Nina Proudman’s journey into motherhood as a single parent and her struggle to deal with her fabulously messy family. Nina rediscovers the joy and romance of life.

fitandfamous Do you have any superstitions when training and competing in your sport: Not at all. I believe everything that happens is from God, so I try and just go with the flow and enjoy what I’m doing. What is a surprise factor about you: I’m very versatile – you never know what I’m bringing to the fight.


with Richard Fogarty Our next guest in Fit and Famous is one who likes to be not only physically fit but also mentally fit. There have only been a few who’ve achieved greatness in his chosen sport of boxing, but when it comes to this month’s subject of exercising the mind, this is one man who has done just that to achieve greatness. Fit and Famous sat down with former IBF world boxing champion and good friend Billy Dib to talk Why Fitness?

What piece of advice would you give to an up and coming sportsman or woman: Nothing comes easy and life is hard, but if you push through all barriers and jump every hurdle, you will eventually reach a point where you will be content within yourself. When I am not training in fitness I am: Enjoying the company of my family and friends. I also love wake boarding.

How would someone close to you describe you: Very determined, a winner at heart. Favourite sports person: Michael Jordan Favourite Tunes: Rap/RnB Favourite TV Show: Entourage Favourite Movie: A Bronx Tale

What makes me really laugh is: Russell Peters (comedy)

Dream Car: BMW M6

I grew up in: Engadine

In ten years I’ll be: Remembered as one of the best to do it out of Australia.

My greatest success is: Becoming a world champion, an achievement that will forever cement me in the history books.

Best sporting memory you have: Winning the IBF Featherweight Crown. I grew up in: Engadine I start my day by: Praying every morning Biggest/best break you ever got: Signing a three year deal with 50 Cents SMS Promotions. Favourite holiday spot: Lebanon is my number one destination. I also love Thailand.

Michael Taylor talks

‘THE PERILS OF SALLY’ the Fitness Industry Worker (Contemporary Workplace Relations) In recent editions of Why Fitness, we have been following the life and times of Sally, a single mother employed as a part-time trainer by a Fitness Centre. Where to from here? Ron, a friend and operator of a personal training business, has approached Sally with an offer of work. He wants to use Sally’s connections to expand his client base. Sally would be given a finder’s fee for each new client she introduces to Ron’s business, ‘cash in the hand, no questions asked.’ Concurrently, she would be paid to deliver ‘Classes in the Park’, again for cash in the hand. A Challenge: Should Sally accept the offer? Does she have an obligation to advise her current employer of the approach by Ron? Can her current employer safeguard his membership information against Ron’s predatory action? More in the next edition of Why Fitness. ABOUT MICHAEL TAYLOR Michael Taylor, Principal Consultant of HMT Consulting has 38 years experience in the area of Workplace Relations and played an integral role in the development of the Fitness Industry Award in 2010. Michael has been assisting small to medium sized businesses on the Sunshine Coast since 2002.

Why Fitness: It’s simply become a way of life for me. It’s a quality of life to be fit and to feel great. Richard Fogarty, Business Owner / Youth and Family Mentor / Inspirational Speaker / Fitness Coach / Life Coach www.richardfogarty.com www.sunnykids.org.au

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Dark Chocolate Mousse

250grams of good quality Dark Chocolate (Minimum 70%)

Add a few spoonful’s of the egg white to chocolate mixture and

½ Cup of Water

gently fold till chocolate comes away from sides of the bowl.

3 Large Eggs

Add remaining egg whites and fold gently till combined.

METHOD Break up chocolate and add to a large glass or ceramic bowl

Spoon mixture into your choice of serving bowl or glass Refrigerate for approx. 3 hours

Add 1/2 cup of water


Microwave on high for approx. 1 minute (keep an


eye on this as you don’t want to burn it). Whisk till

Spoon mixture into shot glasses. Top with 1 teaspoon

mixture is smooth. Allow to cool for a few minutes.

of coconut cream or organic pure cream.

Meanwhile separate eggs. Beat egg white to firm peaks.

Top with fresh raspberries or strawberries

Beat egg yolks into the cooled chocolate mixture.

and dark chocolate shavings.

For more ‘Deliciously Clean’ recipes and ideas follow Meagan’s blog at www.deliciouslyclean.com.au 14 ISSUE 12





Morning Bootcamp

16 ISSUE 12

Photography courtesy of Dranko Magic and Jason Hay

Afternoon Bootcamp


Sponsors Lunch Why Fitness Magazine would like to thank Think Money, EzyFit Health Club, Southern Cross Ten, MixFM, The Peninsula Beachfront Resort, Deliciously Clean, MAB Personal Training and Adventures, Xperiences, Rebel Maroochydore and the man with the Jeep, Josh Williams!

Celebration Dinner at The Lakehouse, Brightwater


18 ISSUE 12


The King of Stand Up Paddle Boarding

Stand up paddle boarding has taken the Sunshine Coast by storm in the last couple of years and Luke King is partially to thank for this revolution. Born and raised in Melbourne, this chef by trade has assisted in shaping the success of this sport right here on the coast. Why Fitness caught up with him to discuss his story and stand up paddle boarding. Luke’s passion for water sports and stand up paddle boarding began about 15 years ago when he relocated to the Coast from Melbourne. At the time he was hoping to clear his mind of the hospitality business and adjust his lifestyle. When he moved here, he began to fall in love with kitesurfing and from there discovered stand up paddle boarding. As his skills started to evolve, so did his utter love for the sport. It was about four years ago when his passion blossomed and he created the successful business that is Ocean Addicts. The idea for Ocean Addicts came around when Luke noticed there were no stores offering products for his sport. He saw an opportunity to create a unique business for a niche market and took his chances. Through building his business he hoped to not only offer a helping hand to those wanting to get involved, but also to surround himself with other passionate stand up paddle boarders, and it has proved successful. In the beginning the sport was only just starting to evolve here on the coast; however, over the last few years it has simply boomed. Luke has witnessed all age groups getting involved and has seen people utilizing the sport for both health and fitness and outdoor entertainment. Stand up paddle boarding is not only a highly enjoyable activity but also an awesome full body workout. The benefits range from building your core strength to increasing your heart rate. Luke says the sport is an excellent training tool for athletes of all backgrounds and is also a very handy way for fitness newcomers to work towards their goals. He believes the sport is simple to pickup and that everyone can be successful. The sport also offers you the chance to get out of the gym and into the beautiful waterways on the Sunshine Coast, which is rather cleansing for the mind! As a busy man, Luke believes stand up paddle boarding is refreshing for him and many others across the globe. He does all his thinking out on the stunning waters, mostly in Point Cartwright, and any problems he faces are solved when he is paddling. He says being out on the water is refreshing, and it can be for you too. When asked why, Luke responded by saying, “I do my job for the love of the sport and for the enjoyment. It is so rewarding being involved in something I am so passionate about!”

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d e r u C u lt

by Gary Martin ND, Living Valley Springs Health Retreat

Have you ever had a gut-wrenching experience? Has a scary situation ever given you a pain in the tummy? Has a mere thought ever created an urgent need to visit the bathroom? The intimacy between the mind and the gut is absolutely amazing. When the mind is balanced and settled the gut usually follows suit, and vice versa. Our intestinal health is often largely dependent upon the way we think or react to certain situations, and our mental perspicacity and stability is hugely dependent upon the condition of our gut. In the quest for mental acuity, therefore, it is imperative to nurture both the mind and the digestive tract. Digestive health is dependent on the types, quantity and balance of microorganisms that live in the gut. Often referred to as gut flora, these colonies of bacteria, yeast, fungi and protozoa are responsible for a multitude of vital activities. They aid digestion and absorption of nutrients, while preventing the assimilation of toxins and the growth of harmful bacteria. They produce vitamins and hormones. They deodorise the colon and promote the formation of stools and regular bowel movements. At birth, most babies have good flora, the growth of which is supported by ingesting colostrum and mother’s milk. In time, these health-promoting colonies are reduced in number by antibiotics, refined foods and the common Western diet. The restoration and maintenance of healthy intestinal flora can be achieved through the regular use of cultured foods. Prior to the invention of freezers and canning machines, most families preserved vegetables for long periods through the process of lacto-fermentation. This almost forgotten technique promoted health and prolonged life. Through the application of a simple recipe, vegetables and fruits can be fermented in such a way as to proliferate lactobacilli, which in turn produce beneficial enzymes, increase vitamin levels and enhance digestion. These microorganisms also produce natural antibiotic and anticarcinogenic 20 ISSUE 12


Food s for the Mind substances. Their by-product, lactic acid, promotes the growth of healthy flora throughout the intestine. Lactic acid is a natural preservative that also inhibits putrefying bacteria. The principle lacto-fermented food in Europe is sauerkraut, made with cabbage and prized for its taste, digestive enhancement and medicinal properties. Cucumbers, beets and turnips are also traditionally lactofermented. In Russia and Poland fermented green tomatoes, capsicum and lettuces are very popular. In Asia lacto-fermented preparations of cabbage, turnip, eggplant, cucumber, onion, squash, carrot, radish and plums are still used on a daily basis. American tradition includes condiments such as corn relish, cucumber relish and watermelon rind, all of which were originally prepared using lacto-fermentation. The fruit chutneys of India were also traditionally produced using this process. Lacto-fermented preparations are easy to make. Vegetables should be washed and cut up, mixed with pure sea salt and herbs or spices, then pounded briefly to release juices. They can then be pressed into an air tight jar. The salt inhibits putrefying bacteria for several days until enough lactic acid is produced to preserve these foods for many months. The amount of salt can be reduced if whey is added to the solution. Whey is rich in lactic acid and lactic acid producing bacteria. It reduces the time needed for sufficient lactic acid to be produced to ensure preservation. During the first few days of fermentation, keep the containers at room temperature. Afterwards, they must be placed in a cool, dark place long-term. It’s important to use the best quality organic vegetables, sea salt and filtered or pure water. Lactobacilli need plenty of nutrients to do their work. If the vegetables are deficient, the process of fermentation will fail. Likewise if the salt or water contains impurities, the quality of the final product will be compromised. Through the industrialisation of the pickling process, changes have been made

that have rendered the final product more uniform but less nutritious. Chief among these is the use of vinegar for brine, resulting in an acidic product that provides negligible nutritional benefit. Pasteurisation further robs consumers of the digestive benefits by effectively killing the lactic acid producing bacteria. Leave a space of 3cm between the top of the liquid and the top of the jar, as the vegetables and their juices expand slightly during fermentation. Be sure to close the jars very tightly. The presence of oxygen, once fermentation has begun, will ruin the final product. A room temperature of around 22*C will be sufficient to ensure lactic acid fermentation in about two to four days. More time will be needed if your kitchen is colder and less if it is very warm. After two to four days at room temperature place jars in a dark, cool spot, ideally one with a temperature of around 4*C. In days gone by, crocks of lacto-fermented vegetables were stored in cellars or caves. A small refrigerator kept on a warm setting is ideal. Failing that, the top shelf of your refrigerator will do. Lacto-fermented fruit chutneys need two days at room temperature then should always be stored in a refrigerator. Lacto-fermented vegetables increase in flavour with time. Sauerkraut needs at least six months to fully mature, but it can be eaten immediately after the initial fermentation at room temperature. Lacto-fermented vegetable condiments will keep for many months in cold storage but lacto-fermented fruits and preserves are best eaten within two months. Some lacto-fermented products may get bubbly or develop small white spots at the top. These are completely harmless and can be lifted off with a spoon. The occasional batch that goes bad presents no danger – the smell will be so awful that nothing could persuade you to eat it. Successful lacto-fermentation is achieved when the vegetables and fruits remain preserved over several weeks or months of cold storage. Lactic acid fermented vegetables and fruit chutneys are not meant to

be eaten in large quantities but as condiments to compliment the main course. The health benefits that they provide cannot be underestimated. Cultured dairy products also play a role in many traditional cuisines. Prior to industrialisation, Europeans consumed milk as yoghurt, cheese, clabber or curds and whey. Without pasteurisation or refrigeration, milk goes sour and separates spontaneously. This is due to the process of lacto-fermentation during which lactic acid producing bacteria break down both milk sugar (lactose) and milk protein (casein). When these friendly bacteria have produced enough lactic acid to inactivate all putrefying bacteria, the milk is effectively preserved from spoilage for several days or weeks, and in the case of cheese, which undergoes further fermentation of a different type, for several years. My dad was raised on clabbered milk which his mother produced by placing a container of fresh unpasteurised cow’s milk on the window sill for four days. This gave him a great start to life and most likely contributed to his amazing strength and longevity. Sally Fallon of the Weston Price Foundation suggests that the proliferation of so many new viruses leading to chronic fatigue, cancer, depression and arthritis, along with the increased incidence of intestinal parasites and pathogenic yeasts, could be due to the abandonment of the ancient practice of lacto-fermentation and the universal implementation of pasteurisation. Through these two bungles we have compromised the health of our intestinal flora and made ourselves vulnerable to legions of pathogenic microorganisms. As the gut and the mind are so interactive and sympathetic to each other’s condition, the mind potential of our society has been compromised. If this is the case, the cure will not be found in vaccinations, drugs or antibiotics, but in a restored partnership with the many varieties of lactobacilli that are available through lacto-fermentation. www.lvs.com.au WHY FITNESS 21



Ask us


by Josh Minogue

So you have smashed spin class, battled bootcamp, moved up to marathons, terrorised Tough Mudder and conquered Crossfit. So what’s next? Adventure racing is fast becoming the ultimate event for those wanting to test their mental and physical ability in some of the toughest and most rewarding locations on the planet.

why... MASSAGE?

Adventure racing involves teams of four, running, cycling, paddling, climbing and abseiling (and anything else they can think of) over hundreds of kilometres in some of the world’s most testing terrain. Races can last anywhere from 24 hours up to 5 days, with no requirements for competitors to stop and sleep, making for some tough and exhausting racing, but also making the finish line so much more rewarding. While Adventure Racing is a global phenomenon the World Series is being run by the Sunshine Coasts very own Craig Bycroft and his company Geocentric, who coordinate both the series and annual World Championships. You may not want to jump into an international week long grind straight away, but if you have tried it all and are looking for something new, Adventure Racing is an amazing way to test yourself with your best friends while having a real fitness adventure.

There is nothing the crew here at Why Fitness enjoy more than a nice massage after a hard training session but all we seem to hear is that massages are for professional athletes or when you are on holidays! Apart from being enjoyable and feeling great, massage offers a large range of benefits for everyone from professional athletes to the weekend warriors, and did we mention they feel great. Massage in its truest form is the manipulation of layers of muscle and connective tissue using various techniques to enhance blood flow which aids in the healing process. Some benefits of having a massage include: Pain relief Reduced stress and anxiety Reduced blood pressure and heart rate Improved flexibility Faster recovery after exercise Decrease in negativity and depression Improves posture Releases toxins from the body AND IT FEELS GREAT!


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How did Jazzercise begin? It started in 1969 by Judy Sheppard Missett. Initially, Judy was teaching Broadway professional jazz, but soon realized she was not satisfying her customers’ needs, so she designed a more relaxed exercise environment. In her early years she didn’t realize she was also devoting her life to fitness, but now she loves the idea. Jazzercise has kept the same core philosophy since the 1970s, which is making exercise fun and effective for all ages and fitness levels, and it’s continually updated to suit the target audience. How did Jazzercise begin here on the Coast? And what’s been involved in its evolution? I instructed Jazzercise 20 years ago before my

kids were born. Then my oldest child Joshua was born with a disability and I took time away from the business to care for him. We moved away from the Coast and then came back. I spent a while searching for an exercise option that was fun and unfortunately couldn’t find anything. I thought, “I’ll begin Jazzercise again.” I am now in my third year in my studio in Nambour. The growth has been massive. It began in the church hall but a mere year and a half later the business had doubled, so we relocated the studio to bigger premises. I have clients who have been with me since day one!

Who has supported you on this journey? I’m married and have two children. My first child Joshua is 15 years old and is severely disabled with cerebral palsy. My daughter Chloe is 13. I work fulltime as a second grade school teacher and own Jazzercise.

What sets Jazzercise apart from other exercise routines? It is thoroughly dance-based, it has the latest music and it’s like a social event. People have fun while improving their health. The environment is a ‘no judgment’ one as well. No-one cares what you look like and everyone encourages each other. It suits all shapes, sizes and ages. Exercise is not always about losing weight; it is more about feeling good when you’re participating in the physical activity.

When you are not working, what do you do for fun? I spend time with my beautiful children. We enjoy going out for coffee or doing something special on Saturdays.

Is there a mission statement or motto at Jazzercise? Our mission is to always ensure our classes are fun, challenging and that our clients feel successful after completing a class.

What is your why, why do you do what you do? I do what I do because I don’t want to get old. I may grow old in age but I hope to stay young mentally. Dance keeps me young and I love it.

I do believe I’m the luckiest person in the world as I have two jobs I absolutely love. They balance each other out. Josh’s disability has never stopped me from doing anything. I believe there are too many people in the world who give up so quickly for the most selfish reasons. I constantly tell my customers that if you can do something now then do it, because in 10 years time you may not be able to. Life is too short to say ‘I can’t.’

What are your three tips for people wanting to improve their fitness? 1. Make it fun for you; 2. Choose something that is affordable for your budget; 3. Whatever you choose, make sure when you’re finished, you’re smiling!



FITNESS MAGIC with Vickie Magic

IF YOU SAY SO If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are 100 per cent correct. Henry Ford said that, but it is also true that if you say you can or you say you can’t, you are right too. Think about something you often say – for me it used to be, “I just can’t ever lose weight, I always get to week three and then I drop the ball, I just can’t keep it up.” Whatever we say is true for us. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy really. I have changed what I say around and I now say this – “It used to be true for me that I would get to week three and then drop the ball. I don’t anymore, now I know that just keeping on and keeping on is the way, a little bit more weight loss each week. It’s a process, it’s a journey, but this is what works.” That then becomes my truth. What are you saying that is sabotaging something you want for yourself? The first step towards your success is to look at what you are saying, rewrite it, and then start saying the new rewritten version. Say it over and over and over, and that then becomes your “what is.” Your truth, your belief. Sometimes when we first start saying the thing that we want to be true for us, it feels uncomfortable, it feels like a lie. But if we just keep on doing it, it becomes easier and we do start to believe it and then live it. Give it a go. Think of something now that you’ve been wanting for you, something that you can’t ever do, something that keeps not happening for you. Now rewrite it. Instead of “I can never, I can’t, I am not,” change it to “I can, I always, I am.” Then all there is left to do, really, is to live into the new words. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? In life we complicate things so much, we add all the stories and all the reasons and all the excuses as to why we cannot do something. What if we just said instead, “I can, I do, I am” and live into that version. Vickie Magic is the owner/publisher of both Why Fitness and Business Matters Magazine. She has recently taken on a fitness regime and shares the ups and downs of the journey with you each issue. Follow Vickie’s fitness blog on Facebook – Mellie Magic The Weigh Down 24 ISSUE 12


SPECIAL OLYMPIC ATHLETES AT HOME WITH NEW GOLF PROGRAM Special Olympics Australia Sunshine Coast (SOSC) officially set up house at Tanawha Valley Golf & Tennis on Tuesday 22 April. The event was attended by the Honourable Fiona Simpson (MP) who unveiled the Special Olympic signage and helped celebrate the inaugural SOSC golf program. The goal of the SOSC Golf Program is to introduce athletes to the sport of golf and to provide a pathway for individuals to explore their full potential within the Special Olympics local, state, national and international framework. MP Simpson was delighted to attend the event and voiced her support for the program, saying it was a wonderful opportunity for the local Sunshine Coast Special Olympics community to experience golf as a sport under the experienced eye of local Senior PGA Golf Professional Darrell Dalton. Also in attendance were Special Olympics Australia Officials, Volunteers, Supporters, Athletes and their families, excited at the prospect of participating in a well-organised and focused golf program. Darrell has earned a reputation as an innovative PGA golf coach respected by both his peers and students alike. “I was approached some months ago by the Special Olympics Sunshine Coast representative Shirley Hastings, and asked about the possibility of delivering a golf program for athletes,” Dalton said. “The biggest challenge was finding an appropriate space to conduct the program and immediately the Tanawha Valley Golf & Tennis facility came to mind.” Owners of Tanawha Valley Golf, John and Sue Schoots, are equally excited to be involved and agree with Darrell that their Par 3 is a perfect fit for the SOSC community. They subsequently made provision to place the organisation’s signage in a prominent position at the venue’s front entrance. If anyone is interested in becoming involved in the SOSC golf program, feel free to contact Special Olympics Sunshine Coast. They will provide details and advice on attaining a Blue Card, which is mandatory for all SOSC Volunteers. The SOSC golf program runs on Tuesdays from 4:15pm to 5:30pm at Tanawha Valley Golf & Tennis, 31 Palm Creek Road, Tanawha, Qld, 4556 beside the Botanical Gardens. Anyone interested should contact PGA professional Darrell Dalton on 0407 472 526 or Pro Shop 5445 5094, or alternatively visit www.specialolympics.com.au/sunshinecoast.


IT’S ALL ABOUT FAMILY AT PLUS FITNESS Meet Cameron and Patricia Leth. They’ve been holidaying on the Sunshine Coast for the past 15 years and love it! So much so that they have made the sea change with their three children Jordan, 12, Angelina, 9 and Izzy J, 4, to be the owner/operators of the new Plus Fitness 24/7 Minyama. Cameron and Patricia’s passion for helping people to achieve their health and fitness goals has seen them become the owners of the Sunshine Coast’s first Plus Fitness 24/7 gym. The family-orientated duo want to create an extension of their own family inside Plus Fitness. They want their members to know they’ll be greeted personally by familiar, friendly faces and will receive help and advice in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

Plus Fitness has all the facilities of a 24 hour gym and will boast a friendly and supportive atmosphere where everyone will feel at home. They chose the Plus Fitness franchise because it is an Australian owned company. Cameron shares three key reasons for joining the Plus Fitness family: 1. Flexibility – There is a separate room within the gym for ‘virtual’ classes which allows members to utilise the classes 24/7 at no extra cost. 2. Variety – With a wide range of weights and cardio equipment along with your ongoing free fitness programs means that your workout wont become boring or repetitive.

3. Family atmosphere – Plus Fitness will always provide a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Cameron’s passion is functionality. He is delighted to be able to boast an entire area dedicated to functional training, which focuses on the movements performed in everyday life. Foundation Memberships are currently available for the low price of just $12 per week. Join now and pay NO joining fee, NO acess card fees with absolutely NO lock-in contracts or extra charges. You and your friends can join online at www.plusfitness.com.au or call 5444 7111 Plus Fitness 24/7 is located at 1 Nicklin Way, Minyama, on the corner of Jessica Boulevard and Nicklin Way.

24 HOUR GYM OPENING SOON! CALL 5444 7111 1 Nicklin Way, Minyama,

minyama@plusfitness.com.au www.plusfitness.com.au


Are you brainFIT™? With Michelle Did you know? •

Continually ‘resisting’ your favourite naughty snack actually reduces your capacity to resist it!

Cognitive ‘brain’ training can counteract seven to fourteen years of age-related cognitive decline!

Human brains experience social pain (embarrassment, loss of social status, uncertainty or unfairness) using the same brain circuitry as physical pain. From a THINKing perspective, it is just as debilitating and distracting to be embarrassed as it is to break your leg!

The brain is the most complex organism in our universe. It’s really interesting… and it’s really useful if we use it to its capacity – which most of us don’t.

Why get brainFIT™? •

We are living longer, we need to make sure our minds last as long as our bodies

We exist in an era of information volume and complexity never before experienced in our history, and it’s overwhelming

The pressure to perform (exams, presentations, project delivery, innovative solutions) is huge

We are tired, overwhelmed and OVER IT!

Time to complete the puzzle...

Where do you sit?

The health and fitness industries – focusing predominantly on physical health and nutrition – have boomed over the last 10 years as we have realised the benefits of investing now for both short term and long term health benefits. It’s time to invest the final piece of the holistic health puzzle – brain health and fitness.

brain, are you a passionate Olympian,

0 - 20% of potential

20 - 40% of potential

In the active pursuit of optimizing your actively learning about your brain, training it, and operating at 80 – 100 per cent of your brain potential, or are you a Couch Potato, playing the brain lotto, choosing to deny the need to be proactive, thinking ‘it’ll be alright in the end!’

40 - 60% of potential

60 - 80% of potential

80 -100% of potential






• In denial

• Brain health is a good idea

• Desire for good brain health

• In active pursuit

• Pass the peanuts

• Must do that one day

• Applying basic knowledge and principals

• ‘Looking forward to my demential’

• Wellintentioned but sporadic

• Lifelong journey • Integrated into daily life

PLAYING LOTTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REDUCED RISK OF COGNITIVE DECLINE

nt, Performance, Engageme ity ativ Cre ty, bili Adapta Plasticity, Resilience, Self-Regulation, Habits, Attention

PEAC Performance

Learning, Memory, Speed, Mental Stimulation, Cross-training, Memory

Brain Control Brain Capacity Brain Nourishment

Nutrition, Relationships, Exercise

26 ISSUE 12

Brain Enhancing Environment

Mindfulness, Sleep, Stress release, Air, Light, Sound

What can you do?

e Loch, Unloched Potential

Like physical fitness programs, for best short and long term results you need embark on a journey and make a long term, workable commitment. For the serious brain health players, Michelle’s brainFIT™ program recommends five steps. STEP 1 Create a brain-enhancing ENVIRONMENT STEP 2 NOURISH your brain STEP 3 Develop your brain’s CAPACITY STEP 4 Learn how to CONTROL your brain STEP 5 Discover your brain’s potential for PEAC™ Performance

Here are some simple and practical tips for each of these steps. Step 1: Create a brainenhancing ENVIRONMENT Sleep, Light, Air, Sound, Stressrelease, Connection with Nature and Aesthetics all form part of creating a brain-enhancing environment… COOL FACT: Harmonious sounds can affect you in a positive away. A number of scientific studies have shown that listening to Mozart can improve test results (students were compared with others who sat in silence or listened to New Age music!). This so-called ‘Mozart Effect’ has also been tested on plants, dairy cows, recovery rates in hospitals and rats performing learning and memory tests. Who knew! HOT TIP: Bring some Mozart (or similar harmonious sounds) into your world – have it wake you in the morning, play it on your PC in the background, listen with earphones as you read to improve creativity, memory and retention.

Step 2: NOURISH your brain Nourish your brain with exercise, good nutrition and healthy social relationships … COOL FACT: Exercise boosts brain power! Our brains evolved while we were ‘walkers’ not ‘sitters’ and it still craves that activity. Exercisers outperform couch potatoes in long-term memory, reasoning, attention and problem-solving. To our brain, exercise is the normal not the exceptional. HOT TIP: Get moving and do it often – the brain runs on glucose and oxygen, so oxygen intake is the key!

Step 3: Create brain CAPACITY Your brain won’t improve without your conscious effort and attention. Focus on learning, speed of processing, mental stimulation, cross-training your brain and memory. COOL (AND DEPRESSING) FACT: Our short term or working memory is surprisingly limited. It is a busy, temporary workspace that we use to process information – we use it to memorise, understand, decide, inhibit and recall. It runs out of steam quickly and needs to regenerate.

HOT TIP: Change what you are doing at least every 40 mins – the novelty of change regenerates the brain fuel needed to run the working memory. Take a walk, get a cuppa, do something different, eat a nutritious snack, or take a 20 min power nap!

Step 4: Learn to CONTROL your brain Once you have the first three steps nailed, it’s time to take control of your brain. Building resilience, managing stress, regulating and controlling your emotional and habitual responses and choosing where to place your attention all allow you to increase your conscious control over your brain’s non-conscious reactions. COOL FACT: Your brain has a lifelong capacity to change and rewire itself in response to the stimulation of learning and experience. It’s all about where you put your attention. It’s called Neuroplasticity. Learning and adapting to new situations requires the creation of new neurons, and new connections between those neurons – and you have the amazing ability to take control how that happens if you know how. HOT TIP: If you want to change an undesirable thinking or behavioural habit, do everything to can to redirect your attention to anywhere else but the habit itself. Don’t even talk about, because when you do, you strengthen the brain’s connections around it. If you want to stop eating chocolate – don’t think about stopping eating chocolate, think about eating only non-processed foods and build a new habit around that.

I’m interested... how can I do more? brainFIT™ Blog Educate yourself from the comfort of your inbox. Sign up for Michelle’s blog at www.unloched.com.

Free Webinar Join us, from the comfort of your computer, for a free webinar to discover more about brain fitness and health. Jen and Michelle will be presenting a 30 minute educational webinar at 7pm on Thursday 5 June. We’d love you to join us as we explore this important topic further – and you can WIN a free place on our brainFIT Boot Camp – that’s worth $495. Sign up from the Why Fitness website www.whyfitness.com.au or Michelle’s website www.unloched.com

brainFIT™ Boot Camp Join our virtual brainFIT™ Boot Camp starting 16 June visit the page below to find out more, www.unloched.com

PEAC Brain Performance and Health for Businesses and Teams: Contact Michelle on michelle@ unloched.com to explore options for bringing PEAC Brain performance to your team or business.

Step 5: Maintain PEAC performance PEAC ™ Performance stands for Performance, Engagement, Adaptability and Connection. COOL QUOTE: “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves!” Thomas Edison HOT TIP: Whilst there is so much we don’t know about the brain, there is so much that we DO know. Complete your health, wellness, longevity and peak performance routine by allocating time to learn about and develop your brain!

Phone: +61 412 380 124 eMail: info@unloched.com www.unloche d.com

Have fun trying out these great tips, and we would love to hear about your experiences on our facebook page www.facebook.com/UnlochedPotential



Strength Matters with Katrina Robertson | Simply Fit

You are unique

So are all of our programs!

BRAIN HEALTH PIVOTAL FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE We are busy! As if longer hours, more stimulation and hectic lifestyles aren’t enough. Now we are even expected to exercise our minds. Who’s got the time? Scientists estimate that we have 50,000 – 70,000 thoughts per day demanding our attention at any one time. Surely our brains are doing their bit! Brain health, however, is being increasingly recognised as a pivotal mechanism for high performance for all ages and fitness levels. Just as your body needs good nutrition and exercise to operate efficiently, so too does your brain. Modern high performance athletes generally employ both a coach and a sports psychologist. Athletes recognise that elite level performance requires more than just a physically primed body. It needs the mind to be robust, quick and able to make snap decisions to assess the myriad quantities of information coming in, and to sort useful stuff from junk. It is only when we exercise the body’s whole system involving both physical and mental efficiency, that we can achieve great strength. But what is strength and why does it matter? Strength may be about being able to lift heavy things. It is also about having systemic resilience that allows us to adapt to change as we need it. True strength is about having a range of skills in your mental and physical tool kit to draw upon for any situation. The greatest minds are those that are flexible enough to adapt to tasks and unexpected challenges that arise. Similarly, great athletes are those who are flexible and adapt easily to the changing demands and pressure of the game. Life is full of transitions. Despite our best efforts we age and our bodies change. The wonderful thing about getting older, however, is that our brains should gradually fill with wisdom. This equips us to think about what is right for our chosen lifestyle and long-term health. At 37 I won a world championship against much younger opponents – not because my training or preparations may or may not have been superior, but because I was able to adapt to the challenging pressure and demands of that day. This in turn opened my mind to truly consider the possibility of the win. Ironically, the key was great mental strength.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Katrina Robertson is manager and part owner of Simply Fit Peregian Beach. She was a registered nurse for 10 years and has been a psychologist for 25 years. She is a world powerlifting champion and world record holder, and inducted into the Powerlifting Australia Hall of Fame in 2011. Katrina has worked with and mentored a diverse range of people of all ages inclusive of general health and fitness – state, national and international athletes, health challenges, rehabilitation, pain management, depression and anxiety. 28 ISSUE 12

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Simply Fit PB is part of the IHELP group of companies - Innovative Health, Environment, Learning & Psychology


Dancing Matters with Leanne Paix Jazzercise Nambour Fitness Studio


Fit, fun and fabulous! Come join the fun at our new Fitness Studio!

Willpower. It’s that ability to deny yourself a slice of homemade apple pie or a new pair of denim jeans that you really don’t need. It’s also that drive that forces you to crawl out of bed in the wee hours of the morning to attend your workout class. Research shows that our brains actually have a limit for selfregulation. In other words, each person has a limited amount of willpower. Exerting your willpower in one area, say finances, means that you’re more likely to backslide in another area, like diet control. Believe it or not, exerting self-control in any particular circumstance actually decreases the amount of blood sugar in your brain, which then lowers your ability for additional self-control in other areas. How can you maximize your self-control without depleting your limited resources? Try a few of these tips to beef up your willpower in all areas of life. 1. Pick Your Battles: If you plan to attend a party where the buffet table is destined to call your name, then avoid window shopping that day. Using up all your willpower to walk away from the adorable Bebe halter top means that you may not have any self-control left when it’s time to say ‘no’ to the chips and salsa. 2. Practice Makes Perfect: Increase your willpower with practice. Choose an area of your life where you want to enact more willpower and focus on that goal. Starting a fitness regimen is a perfect example. Princeton researchers report that people who stick with an exercise program for two months actually watch less television, do more housework, spend less money, and eat less junk food. Commit to a fitness program three to four days per week for the best fitness – and willpower – results. 3. Cut Yourself Some Slack: If you’re starting a new diet, give yourself permission to have a ‘mess-up day’ here and there. At the beginning you may have two slack days per week, but these will gradually decrease over time, along with your waistline!

*Conditions apply


new members onl

Jazzercise is a fun effective 60 minute workout that can burn up 600 calories. We develop and market, fun and effective fitness programs and products that enhance the well-being of people of all ages. Strike Classes

4. Buddy Up: Your willpower will be stronger if you share your goal with a friend. When your alarm goes off at 5am, you won’t be tempted to pull the covers over your head if you know that your workout buddy is waiting for you.

Core Classes Fusion Classes

5. Stop and Think: Your amygdala is the impulsive part of your brain. It’s the driving force that causes you to whip out your credit card when you see the latest Coach handbag. However, if you stop for a moment and think about your actions, your mental processing actually shifts to a different part of your brain – the frontal cortex – which is the part of your brain responsible for self-control. So the next time you’re about to dive headfirst into your mum’s cinnamon rolls, stop for a moment. Take a breath, think about what you are doing and ask yourself if this is the choice you really want to make. You may find that you have more willpower than you realised.

Kids Classes


ABOUT THE AUTHOR Leanne Paix is owner-operator of Jazzercise Nambour Fitness Studio. Leanne has been involved and worked in the fitness industry for over 20 years with her main passion being fun dance fitness classes for adults and children.

Receive 1 month for $ 19 for 1 person or $ 35 for 2 people*


Ph: 0409 629 911 131 Currie St, Nambour (Behind Suncoast Care, Howard St) OR go to jazzercise.com for class times



Running Matters with Matt and Monique Montague | Glass House Mountains Running and MTB Group



AM I READY TO RUN MY FIRST RACE? Over the next month the calendar shows a lot of upcoming races. The Gold Coast Marathon, Caloundra Foreshore Run and The Sunshine Coast Marathon, just to name a few. All with various distances ranging from 2kms to 42.2kms. How do I know if I’m ready? Can I actually run that far? Have I trained enough? These and other questions are probably playing in your mind. You are not alone! Whether you’re a beginner or experienced runner, the mental side plays a big part in what your body is actually capable of. So, when asking yourself, “Can I run that far”, be sure to tell yourself that the answer is YES!

For anyone who is questioning themselves about their first race here are a few tips: Walk a bit if you have to, who cares?? Times are not important. You’re doing this for YOU! Imagine the feeling of running through that finish line!!!


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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Matt is passionate about running and loves helping others achieve goals. He has run several half and full marathons, including The Boston Marathon 2013 in a PB time of 2hrs 59m. Monique is also passionate about running and ran her first marathon at the Sunny Coast last year in a happy time of 3hrs 46m. Together they are organisers of a ‘free’ social running group, Glass House Mountains Running and MTB Group. 30 ISSUE 12



But most of all, HAVE FUN!!! These events are filled with awesome atmosphere and tonnes of support. What have you got to lose? Go on, register into that event right now and let this be the beginning... There is so much helpful information out there but here’s some we found that works for us: Think positive! Get social. Join a local running group to help motivate you. Read running magazines. They are full of great tips and inspirational stories. Get your family and friends to support you on your big day. If you can, run the course occasionally. Become familiar with the area, it will ease the nerves.

up offer glass house mountains running and mtb gro sessions social running and mountain biking group anced which are structured from beginner to adv


Remember the general rule of thumb is DON’T increase your runs by more than 10 per cent at a time.

Are you... Unfit?Unmotivated?Uninspired about your goals?Want to meet regularly with new fitness friends?


For the training side of things, in my experience the ‘time’ based program works best. Trying to hit a specific distance every run can leave you feeling unsatisfied. There are highs and lows to running and not every run feels great. Work/family and everyday stress plays a big part in how you perform on training and race days. What I do know is working heavy hours then running a hard session DO NOT mix. Eventually it takes its toll. As we run longer and further remember your body needs time to repair the damage done by the increased volume. A niggle, cold/flu or even worse, an injury, is your body telling you that you are not getting enough rest.

Matt and Monique, 0411 891 148 like us on facebook


Adventure Matters with Melinda Bingley MAB Personal Training & Adventures

MIND-ERCISE – EXERCISE FOR THE MIND To live a healthy lifestyle or achieve health and fitness goals, the majority of people know it requires nutrition and activity. It isn’t actually that hard, it’s not rocket science, so why do so many people fail? It’s because many leave out the mind-ercise. The mind-ercise is actually the most important ingredient to a healthy, active, happy lifestyle. If you can get your mindset positive and aligned with what needs to be done to achieve your health and fitness goals, the nutrition and exercise will happen. It’s as simple as this. You want to lose five kilograms. You have just left the gym from your training session and on the way home, you call into the service station to get fuel. At the counter the lady says, “Would you like a chocolate with that? It’s on special, two for two dollars.”

MAB! MAB is about connecting the MIND with the BODY to create happy, healthy and active lifestyles!

Why Fitness Complete Starter Pack MAB Mindfit Session, MAB Personal Training Session, MAB Nutrition Session and 2 Weeks Unlimited Bootcamp

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The power of choice here affects your journey of achieving your goals. Your mind fitness will help you make the choice about what will be best for you – the weaker your mindfit, the higher the chance of making a poor choice. So what is mind-ercise? Reading books that have a positive impact on you as a person, such as The Power Of Now, The Alchemist, If Your Body Could Talk To You and Today Is My Best Day.

The Mind & Body team specialises in personal training, corporate adventure days and individual one day adventure experiences.

The power of choice is a massive mindfit tool that will help you make the best choices that serve you. Listening to positive mindfit audio while driving will pump up your mind with tools to expand. Writing a diary. Check in to yourself and record how you’re feeling and thinking. Being aware will help you be more conscious of your choices. Do something that scares you once a week. Facing fear allows growth on a huge scale and will help you in all areas. Workshops. Invest in developing the skills of getting into your head and heart to help you in challenging times.

Find us on www.facebook.com/MABPT



Corporate Adventure Training together as a team can help bond your team to work better together.

The more you practise the above, the fitter your mind will be. Think of it as mindfit – the more mindfit you are, the more empowered you feel in all areas of your life. You are the only person who can create your life, so start creating it now and invest in you with quality time for mind-ercise. Because you’re worth it. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mel Bingley is a qualified personal trainer, wellness coach and fitness professional who walks her talk. She has created her successful fitness business from her passion for adventure. Mel has personally trekked Camino De Santiago, Kokoda Trail, Route Burn NZ, Cass Saddle/Lagoon Saddle NZ and has her sights set on Everest Base Camp at the end of this year and the summit of Kilimanjaro in 2015.


LIKE us to get updates on upcoming adventures

Outdoor Adventures-Kayaking-Hiking-Confidence Building Personal Training-Nutritional Advice-Bootcamps-Legfit

Ph 0401 286 200 / Email melindabingley@gmail.com Private Studio located at Golden Beach WHY FITNESS 31


Tennis Matters with Tyson Thompson | Tennis Queensland


Ready? Play.

Tennis is an evolving sport with new ideas and programs filtering in on a regular basis. Tennis Queensland offers an array of programs and play opportunities through its 48 affiliated clubs across the Sunshine Coast. These programs are suitable for all ages, levels, and abilities. Listed below, you will see a brief outline of two program offerings that are available at many clubs across the coast. If you are looking for fun, fitness and a sport you can play for a lifetime, tennis is for you! So grab a racquet and we’ll see you on the court. ANZ Tennis Hot Shots (For Ages: 3-10) With ANZ Tennis Hot Shots the courts and equipment are smaller, and the balls don’t bounce as high – perfect for young players just getting started. Believe it or not at this stage, you don’t even need a tennis court to play! Children can enjoy ANZ Tennis Hot Shots with their friends or family at home, school and at their local tennis club – all you need is a flat surface, a racquet and the appropriate sized ball. To find a school or club in your area or to learn more about ANZ Tennis Hot Shots, log on to http://hotshots.tennis.com.au/. Cardio Tennis (Suitable for all ages, fitness and ability levels) Are you looking for a fun new way to get fit? The best thing about Cardio Tennis is that you don’t have to be good at tennis to get involved. In fact, it doesn’t matter if it’s the first time you’ve held a racquet. Low-compression tennis balls promote immediate success, especially for beginners, because they travel at a lower speed, making it easier to strike the ball. Your coach is trained to mix up the activities to cater for all skill levels, leaving you with no excuses – just fun and fitness. If you are ready to burn serious calories while playing tennis with your friends, then log on to www.cardiotennis.com.au to learn more and find a Cardio Tennis deliverer near you. Until next month, grab a racquet, grab a mate and experience the sport of a lifetime.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Tyson serves as the Community Tennis officer on the Sunshine Coast representing Tennis Queensland. Tennis Queensland is the governing body of tennis in Queensland and forms a link in the chain of member associations responsible to Tennis Australia, the governing body of tennis in Australia. He has been involved in tennis for nearly 15 years and worked across many sectors of community tennis over the past three years in the United States. Tyson has a passion for community tennis and his goal is to help every individual find a spot on the court. 32 ISSUE 12

Fit + fun + feeling good. Introducing the new high energy fitness workout that will have you and your friends picking up a racquet and heading to your nearest tennis court. To get running, jumping, and your heart rate pumping, visit cardiotennis.com.au. Cardio Tennis is a new high energy tennis workout that will have you and your friends picking up a racquet and heading to your nearest tennis court. It doesn’t matter if you play regularly or have never before, because Cardio Tennis is open to people of all ages, abilities and fitness levels. During a 60 minute workout, women can burn around 300 to 500 calories per hour, and men can burn between 500 to 800 calories. So take the first step to having fun and feeling great by visiting cardiotennis.com.au today.


Triathlon Matters with David Chick | Allez Sport Mooloolaba

PSYCHOLOGY OF TRIATHLON Getting the mind right and ready to compete in a triathlon by addressing your mental preparation is probably a component of the sport that is somewhat overlooked by some, and not given the correct weighting by others. When it comes to managing all the important components of the sport which will ultimately have the greatest impact on your overall outcomes, going into an event with the right psychology is probably as important as any of the peripheral things we all tend to fuss about, such as aero helmets, wheel selection, tri outfits etc. It is only when the mind is right and ready to take on the event, that any of these other issues will be anything more than meaningless decisions. It’s no good looking great and being aerodynamically dialled in if, as soon as the race gets challenging, you fall apart and lose all composure.

It’s important to try and be realistic about what you are capable of on the day, given how your training has been and your abilities.


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Triathlon is a hard sport at times, especially when you put pressure on yourself, or you feel some expectation from others. It’s important to try and be realistic about what you are capable of on the day, given how your training has been and your abilities. Now triathlon is supposed to be our leisure, so it should not be causing us unnecessary anxiety. We all do invest a certain amount of effort into our training of course, so it is understandable that there might be a bit of anxiousness come race day. However, try to step yourself through how you think the race day will pan out – take into account what may or may not happen and how you will feel, and how you need to deal with potential situations such as punctures, fatigue etc. It will be a big step towards dealing with the unexpected as well as coping with some adversity, which ultimately will keep you race day positive! Rug up and keep training!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR David Chick, the founder/operator of Allez Sport Mooloolaba, has been involved in triathlon and endurance sport for over 25 years and raced the Hawaii Ironman amongst 10 other ironman distance triathlons throughout the world.

Allez Sport are the experts in RUNNING Our team who serve you ARE RUNNERS No matter what level you are competing at, the right gear makes competing more enjoyable, painfree and comfortable Allez Sport are local sponsors for: The Sunshine Coast Marathon // The Sunshine Coast Run Series // The Sunshine Coast Cross Country Series // Mooloolaba Triathlon Team


Shop 3/34 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba P 5477 5246 www.allezsport.com.au




Your Teeth Matter with David Lough and Mark Blumke North Coast Denture Clinic

SPORTS MOUTH GUARDS We all know sport can be a risky business, so why jeopardize your perfect teeth by not protecting them against injury? Sports mouth guards are very useful and effective when it comes to protecting your teeth from damage. Accidents are bound to occur when playing sport and mouth guards have been specifically designed to absorb the shock from collisions. In the dental industry, we have over time seen a number of injuries that could have been prevented. We have witnessed many people, especially kids, come in with chipped, broken or even missing teeth from contact sports. The repair for these injuries is not only fairly costly but also quite a tedious job.

For those participating in sports, mouth guards are an incredibly valuable investment and can potentially save your teeth from disaster! When participating in any form of risky sport, mouth guards should most definitely be worn. Athletes ranging from footballers and cricket players to horse riders and skaters are encouraged to purchase a mouth guard and make use of it. They are highly beneficial in that while they provide a sense of protection from serious damage, they also ensure that lifelong dental problems are avoided.

Metal Free and Allergy Free Dentures VertexTM ThermoSens is the innovative, virtually unbreakable, new monomer-free rigid denture base material from Vertex-Dental B.V. • Low allergy risk • No volume shrinkage VIRTUALLY • Repairs are possible UNBREAKABLE • Available in 10 colours • Easy and quick to polish • Good humidity resistance • Rebasing and relining possible • Suitable for full and partial dentures

Some handy mouth guard tips: Custom fitted mouth guards are often far longer lasting and provide more reliable protection. It’s always worthwhile to check that your mouth guard still fits correctly and has no damage. Keep your mouth guard safely in a container away from the sun to guarantee it’s kept clean from germs and does not become deformed. For those participating in sports, mouth guards are an incredibly valuable investment and can potentially save your teeth from disaster! We encourage you to seek guidance when selecting yours to ensure it is correctly fitted to your mouth and teeth structure.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR David Lough and Mark Blumke are local Dental Technician/ Dental Prosthetist’s that have worked together for over 20 years servicing the Dental Industry. 34 ISSUE 12



Chiropractic Matters with Dr David Hendrey | Hendrey Chiropractic

SECRET TO YOUR PERSONAL BEST When you achieve a personal best, you feel amazing. All the training, sweat and tears are repaid multiple times over. Some key components of performance we will look at today are: Muscle strength and power Agility, balance and reaction time Injury prevention

Achieve your personal best with Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments have been shown to improve  Strength  Balance  Endurance  Co-ordination  Agility  Flexibility

Your body is a masterpiece which is controlled and coordinated by your brain. The way your brain does this is by sending and receiving electrical impulses or messages along the nerves. These impulses must be in synchronisation for you to feel great and function well. Improving core strength1 Almost all sports require a strong, stable core to perform well. A ground breaking study of 40 people showed that there is an immediate increase in core strength following a chiropractic adjustment. The average increase was measured at 21 per cent. Agility, balance, power and reaction time2 One hundred university students were tested before and after a series of chiropractic sessions and tested against a control group. After the course, the chiropractic group had a 16.7 per cent improvement in agility, balance and power, and 18 per cent improvement in reaction time. The control group showed just a one per cent improvement. Injury prevention3 A recent study of 59 semi-elite AFL players showed that lower back, hamstring and non-contact lower limb injuries occurred less when they were receiving chiropractic care during the season. After all, you can’t achieve a PB if you are injured.

Full Chiropractic Exam just $37 Booking essential call 543 77 222

These results are truly remarkable. Many people love the benefits of chiropractic care as it centres on allowing your body to perform in balance and harmony, and your nerves to fire in synchronisation. Sadly, poor posture, whiplash injuries, knocks, bumps and falls can cause the spine to become misaligned. If you have a misalignment of the spine, this can cause poor firing patterns of the nerves. These misalignments are known as subluxations. Thankfully, your chiropractor has trained for more that 6200 hours at University to help you perform at your best.

TRX Core Conditions Classes Available Why Fitness Offer - $15 for 45 mins

1. Mechanical force spinal manipulation increases trunk muscle strength assessed by electromyography: A comparative clinical trial. Tony S. Keller, PhDa, Christopher J. Colloca, DCb 2. Lauro, A., B. Mouch. Chiropractic Effects on Athletic Ability. Chiropractic: The Journal of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation, 1991; 6; 84-87 3. Hoskins W, Pollard HP. The effect of a sports chiropractic manual therapy intervention on the prevention of back pain, hamstring and lower limb injuries in semi-elite Australian Rules footballers: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2010;11(1):64

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr David Hendrey is a full time chiropractor, author and speaker in Kawana with 20 years experience. He is passionate about helping people live a vibrant healthy lifestyle.

Ph: 5437 7222 | www.hendreychiropractic.com.au WHY FITNESS 35


Your Performance Matters with Jodi Chapman | Advanced Wellness

COULD YOUR DIET CRUSH YOUR MINDSET? Absolutely it can! For some people eating certain foods that are perceived as good, even based on a dietician’s plan, can reduce their moods, causing lack of motivation, negative thoughts and mental fatigue, not to mention physical fatigue. Trying to stay positive while your brain chemicals are too low is like trying to build a city without bricks. Dopamine is the brain chemical that makes you feel excited, exhilarated, energetic and rewarded, and is the precursor to adrenalin. Without it, physical and mental fatigue, low libido, or feeling like you don’t care is the result. Serotonin is the brain chemical that makes you feel happy and positive, and is the precursor to melatonin for sleep. Without serotonin, negative thoughts, feelings of there being no point to what you’re trying to achieve, and more severe cases will cause depression, anxiety, irritability, anger, stress, insomnia and migraines. Most people are not aware that 80 per cent of serotonin is used in your gut, and only 20 per cent for your brain for happiness and positive mindset. If you upset your gut, you’ll upset your mood, and that’s why you need to find a diet that is right for you as an individual for your best performance mentally and physically. The wrong foods cause your liver to take up the enzymes that are needed for serotonin, stealing it away from your gut and brain and leaving you feeling low and negative for at least 24 hours after eating the foods. So if you’re eating those same foods every day you’ll always feel the same, and never know how great you could really feel. Correcting gut function and getting the right diet for you can be done quickly with the right testing and planning. You could be happier with a more positive mindset in a matter of weeks.

Dopamine is the brain chemical that makes you feel excited, exhilarated, energetic and rewarded, and is the precursor to adrenalin. Without it, physical and mental fatigue, low libido, or feeling like you don’t care is the result.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jodi Chapman BHSc is a qualified Nutritionist and Naturopath specialising in the field of optimal performance for mental and physical energy, particularly recovery from depression, anxiety and ADHD. 36 ISSUE 12

I want what she’s having! Do you want increased energy, improved performance and concentration, a clear and focussed memory and a heightened libido? Did you know that Dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain, is responsible for all of this? Did you know a poor diet or over-training can affect your Dopamine levels? Good news, you can have your Dopamine levels tested to see if you're firing on all cylinders.

Why not clear your confusion. Call Jodi on 5443 1987 to book your first consultation for free.

44 Baden Powell St, Maroochydore Phone 5443 1987 | info@advancedwellness.com.au www.advancedwellness.com.au


Group Training Matters with Danielle Lyons | OMG Training & Fitness

FUN FITNESS TRAINING - FOR YOUR MIND! As we move into the winter months, finding the motivation to exercise can be tough. However getting outdoors and taking in that beautiful fresh air will certainly warm up your body & mind. Most people start exercising as a physical fitness goal usually to lose weight, increase muscle strength or to improve cardiovascular fitness – which is great! However, countless research studies show that exercise has incredible benefits not just for physical health, but for all areas of health, including mental, emotional, intellectual, and yes - even social well-being.

I can feel my muscles! I feel great! I LOVE it!

Many are unaware of the incredible mental health benefits to be gained through regular exercise. Other benefits of regular physical exercise include; 1. A Natural High: Daily exercise gets those endorphins pumping - the ‘feel good’ chemicals in the body. Exercise is a also a natural stimulator of many important ‘mood’ hormones, including serotonin and dopamine which are linked with feelings of well-being and happiness. 2. Feel Great: Regular exercise has been shown equal to antidepressant use in treating Major Depressive Disorder. 3. Build Muscle: Strength training has been shown to decrease tension and worry in the body and mind. 4. Make it Social: Group exercise increases social activity and decreases feelings of loneliness and isolation. 5. Overall, exercise is one of the best ways to improve happiness and life satisfaction! Other benefits of exercising with a group are the number of additional exercises that you’ll be able to do when in a group atmosphere that you wouldn’t be able to do alone, which will provide more variety in your workouts, keep your motivation levels high, and also increase the overall enjoyment in fitness training. You will never regret a workout; however you will regret the workout you skipped! When you’re in a group fitness class, the energy of everyone else involved will really impact you in a positive way and you’ll find that you look forward to each and every workout session. Over time you’re likely to become close friends with the other people you’re doing these group exercise sessions with which will definitely increase your attendance factor as you’ll be having so much FUN each and every time!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Danielle Lyons, owner and head trainer of OMG Training & Fitness, has a strong passion for helping people achieve their goals through fun and effective group exercise and fitness events.

Join us and get your OMG! on with our: Competitive, fun and challenging group training Corporate team building training Private group training Mums and bubs training

train smarter, become stronger, feel energised

Phone 0439 201 120


www.omgtraining.com.au WHY FITNESS 37


Your Food Matters with Sarah Clarke Natural Earth Health Products

Wholefood Super Smoothie to Power Up Naturally... NOURISH, CLEANSE and ENERGISE!

YOU ARE WHAT YOUR FOOD EATS? We have all heard the saying ‘you are what you eat,’ and ‘you are what you absorb.’ But have you really considered, ‘you are what your food eats?’ Because we at Natural Earth like going down the rabbit hole on all our ingredients – and we use pasture-fed dairy whey from Tasmania and New Zealand in our wholefood protein formulas – let’s take a closer look at the benefits of the humble dairy cow eating what God intended... grass! Cows are grazing animals and are endowed with the ability to digest grasses, which those of us who possess one stomach cannot digest. Today many dairy farms around the world feed cows grain or corn instead of grass. Why? Because it’s more profitable. Switching a cow from grass to grain is so disturbing to the animal’s digestive system that it can kill the animal if not done gradually and if the animal is not continually fed antibiotics. Cows were designed to forage and making them eat grain or corn is not natural. Grass versus grain for cattle The chemical composition of milk is drastically different, depending on the way in which milkproducing cows are kept. Modern farming practices mean that cows usually eat hay and a specially produced feed, which certainly gives them all the nutrients they need, but is vastly different from cows that are free to graze and eat grass at their leisure. In a side-by-side comparison, it has been determined that grass-fed dairy and beef*:

Contained more beta-carotene (vitamin A) Is lower in total fat Higher in vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) Higher in the B vitamins thiamin and riboflavin Higher in the minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium Has a healthier ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids Higher in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) (antioxidant) Higher in vaccenic acid (which can be transformed into CLA)

Pasture grazing leads to higher CLA in Milk. CLA is greatly beneficial to humans, since an abundance of this acid is said to reduce the chance of heart disease by more than one third. It helps to boost antioxidant and cancer fighting properties, assists with the elimination of toxins from the body, builds the immune system, and provides nutritional support to the body. It helps to build and cover up the deficient glutathione levels, by providing the body with vital cell nutrients like cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. It also helps to boost other antioxidants in the body, like vitamin C and vitamin E, and lipoic acid. Besides being an antioxidant, it also has antiviral and anti-microbial properties. The upside of eating grass-fed dairy products with the proper balance of fatty acids is translated into health benefits for you. These foods are rich in all the fats now proven to be health-enhancing, and low in the fats that have been linked with disease.

We only use World Best pasture-fed Tasmanian sourced Whey Protein Concentrate

NO preservatives, colours, flavours, fillers, thickeners or sugars. • • • • • • • • •

Low in GI • Gluten Free Grain Free • High Protein High Fibre • Quick and Easy to Use Natural Energy • Great Tasting Pre-workout natural source of energy. Excellent aid for fast recovery. Improve stamina and energy levels. Great for weight management. Provides immune, nervous and heart health support. • Excellent for digestive health and promotes detoxification.

Food for thought? I think so. *(ref Dr J Mercola).

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sarah Clarke is the Managing Director of Natural Earth Health Products. Keen to help others set up a ‘real food’ culture in their own homes, she operates a multifaceted business that produces ‘real food’ based products that nourish, cleanse and energise the body. 38 ISSUE 12

To order call 1300 659 578 or shop online at www.naturalearthhealthproducts.com.au, or come visit us in our Healthy Living Store, 10 Blackall St (Main St), Woombye.


Your Skin Matters with Melissa Drury | Skinial

WHAT’S IN YOUR INK? Of the first 3000 Convicts transported to NSW from Britain, 30 per cent of men and 10 per cent of women had tattoos. They were etched into their skin with soot and black sediment from lamps and recorded their hopes, beliefs, disappointments and most of all, love. Today the tattoo landscape has shifted from more traditional and tribal to one of fashion statement and quest for uniqueness. So if we are more sophisticated and savvy regarding our health and well being by eating more organic foods, wearing bamboo cotton and participating in boot camps, why do we allow chemically laden ink to be injected into our skin?

Need to RETHINK the ink

Many inks today are a result of nanotechnology. They can be a toxic mix of salts, dyes and plastics suspended in carrier solutions like alcohol or formaldehyde. What’s nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is making substances or particles smaller in size than they would occur naturally. As an adverse consequence, ink particles can pass easily through the pores and skin into the blood stream. This outcome is also enhanced with day to day UV exposure or laser tattoo removal, where heat blasts the ink to very small particles that are absorbed and transported away via the lymphatic and vascular system. What does this mean? No-one is sure of the potential health implications at this stage and more research needs to be done, but ink has been isolated in lymph glands, kidney, liver and other body organs. Tips to keep your tattoo healthy: Always protect the area from sun Keep skin moisturized to maintain skin integrity

Circumstances can change but now you don’t have to live with your tattoo for the rest of your life. Until recently the only methods of tattoo removal were extremely painful and not healthy for the body or effective. Call now for an appointment. before

I t ’ s New &

Have regular skin cancer checks


it Wor ks

So if your circumstances change and you want to remove your ink, choose the non-laser method to safely remove ALL the ink from the body.

NON LASER TATTOO REMOVAL ABOUT THE AUTHOR Melissa is a registered nurse with over ten years’ experience in cosmetic medicine. She recognised an effective safe treatment for tattoo removal, which was less painful, more affordable and offered a healthier outcome.

www.skinial.com • 0400 400 982 email scsouth@skinial.com NOW OPEN on the Sunshine Coast WHY FITNESS 39


Swimming Matters with Rob Dunne | Train Race Inspire

MIND EXERCISES There are many types of exercises that improve mental health. A regular exercise regimen will reduce your stress, lift your mood, improve your self-esteem and help you to sleep better. For the fitness activity to produce these results it needs to be aerobic in nature. You want to exercise in ways that pump up your heart rate and challenge your body. Here are a few ways that will improve your mental health. 1. Aerobic Activity Research shows that aerobic exercise has antidepressant effects on the body. When you elevate your heart rate and increase your blood circulation, you will experience an increase in endorphins. Endorphins numb pain and improve your mood. To get these benefits, engage in aerobic exercise that you can sustain for a minimum of 30 minutes several times per week. A few options include aerobics classes, cycling, running and swimming. The more challenging the aerobic activity, the better it will be for delivering mental health benefits. 2. Outdoor Exercise If you want to improve your mood, exercise outdoors. Outdoor fitness activities, also referred to as green exercise, are known to reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being. Exercising in fresh air and being exposed to beautiful sights and scents has shown to be healthy for both the mind and body. When you exercise in a clean outdoor environment, your lungs breathe in fresh air, cleansing your body of impurities. Your mind tends to let go of its usual worries and focuses more on the beauty of your surroundings, and it isn’t hard to find a beautiful spot on the Sunshine Coast! 3. Swimming Whether you do it indoors or outdoors, swimming has a positive effect on both the body and the mind. It is relaxing for your muscles. The rhythmic element of swimming and moving through the water is calming for the mind. If you want the added benefit of green exercise, swim in an ocean, lake or an outdoor pool. 4. Exercising with Others Another way to improve mental health through exercise is by working out with others. When you exercise with friends, you can support each other emotionally. Having fun working out with friends can be a great mood enhancer. Being involved in team sports is a good way to exercise with others and improve mental health. The camaraderie of playing on a team, engaging in friendly competition and cheering for each other is helpful for relieving your daily stresses. Join a swim club or train for a triathlon with a group of your closest friends. Setting an achievable goal and working on it together with a group of others can be an effective way to feel purposeful and become energised, both physically and in your mind. Hope to see you in the water!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rob Dunne has grown up on the Sunshine Coast and has 10 years of sporting/retail industry experience across Australia. He is passionate about the community and enjoys an active lifestyle, which inspired Train Race Inspire! 40 ISSUE 12

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CrossFit Contessa

PT Paul

The ONLY Women’s CrossFit on the Sunshine Coast!

Amanda Wilson CrossFit is... Constantly Varied, Functional Movement, Executed at a High Intensity. 10 minute workouts are our thing! And more beneficial than you may think! My favourite workout is a ‘Bench Mark’ workout for CrossFit. ‘Mary’ (Half Time) / 10 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 5 Handstand Push Ups / 10 Pistols (1 legged Squats) / 15 Pull Ups The coolest thing about CrossFit is that anyone can do it! Everything is scalable. This workout, if you were a beginner would be scaled too... 10 min AMRAP / 5 Push Ups (knees or toes) 10 Body Weight Squats / 15 Jumping Pull Ups/Banded Pull Ups Record your rounds! Next time you do it, aim to do more! :) Our vision is to create an inviting and comfortable environment focused solely on the improvement and empowerment of women from all walks of life.

Paul Nichols My favourite gym session of the week is my full body HIT (High Intensity Training) session. These sessions are short, sharp, functional and will have you burning calories for the next 72 hours! There are many ways to create a HIT session with literally thousands of exercises to choose from. A HIT session can be programmed to use very simple exercises (simple definitely does not mean easy) to very complex exercises. My favourite way to structure a hit session is three to four rounds of: Push, Legs, Pull, Core, Cardio. Here are two examples of HIT circuits, one simpler and one more complex. Exercise Push Legs Pull Core Cardio Rest

Simpler Push Ups with feet on Fitball Overhead Squat Medicine Ball Slams Fitball Jacknifes 200m Jog 1 minute 30 seconds

Complex Suspended Pushups with feet on Fitball Kettle Bell Snatch & Squat Lateral Chinups Suspended Mountain Jacknifes 200m Row (sprint) 1 minute



0431 174 522 | www.crossfitcontessa.net

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Kinetics Correct

Play Fitness Gez McFadden

Matt and Kirsty Think 10 minutes can’t change the way you live? Try this! Have you experienced low back pain, hip pain or high hamstring pain? There’s a movement that involves all of these body segments and we do it day in, day out without so much as a thought to availability of range or bio-mechanical efficiency… it’s the squat! We’re not talking about squatting big numbers at the gym. We’re talking about standing up out of bed sitting in and out of a chair and picking up something from the floor. Perform each of these four mobility/strengthening drills for up to two minutes, once or twice a day and then tell us you aren’t moving better! 1. Four Point Support with hip sit 2. Glute Roll 3. Samson Stretch 4. Cook Hip Lift SCAN THE QR CODE OR VISIT WWW.KINETICSCORRECT.COM/SQUAT-BETTER -LIVE-BETTER FOR VIDEO DEMONSTRATIONS

Matt 0414 942 940 | Kirsty 0412 071 708 | www.kineticscorrect.com

This workout is great for the butt, legs and core, it consists of four exercises done in a circuit. Complete the circuit three times with 10 repetitions per exercise. Perform each exercise with good form and technique with as little rest as possible. See how fast you can complete it. If you get it done in under 10 minutes complete another round. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Overhead lunges 20kg (plate) men, 10kg women Kettlebell swings 20kg men, 12kg women Torsonator twists 10kg men, 5kg women ‘TRX’ or ‘Crank it’ pikes

Email play@playfitness.com.au and let us know what time you got for three rounds, results will be put on the Play fitness facebook page. If you don’t have the necessary equipment email me and I will set up a time for you to do it at the Play Fitness studio. SCAN HERE TO SEE A DEMONSTATION OF THIS WORKOUT

5437 8322 | www.playfitness.com.au

Are you one of the Sunshine Coast’s ‘Best of the Best’ Personal Trainers? Do you have a favourite workout to share? Email jen@whyfitness.com.au to find out how you can!



Is it Time to Quit Quitting? But maintaining and building on that change over the long-term is an entirely different matter. When we consider the alarming statistic that 104% of people who lose weight regain it, it becomes apparent that the idea of forever results and the reality don’t always go hand in hand. I may have made that figure up. Creating better results: easy-ish.

WHY CHANGE with Craig Harper

GETTING RESULTS VS MAINTAINING RESULTS Put up your hand if you’ve lost weight and then regained it. Improved your fitness and then lost it? Saved money and then blown it? Given up a nasty habit and then taken it up again? It’s not hard to do is it? Okay, you can put your hand down now. Panic not, this doesn’t mean you’re weak but, rather, human. It’s what most of us tend to do; change stuff and then un-change stuff. So to speak. I’ve done it myself. Several times. We don’t want to (un-change). We don’t intend to. We don’t need to. But nonetheless, we do it. Often. Many of us have shaped up for an event (wedding, reunion, party, anniversary, birthday) only to de-shape at a rapid rate post-event. I once worked with a bride-to-be who lost significant weight in the ten weeks leading up to her wedding only to regain ten of her lost kilos on her twelve-day honeymoon cruise. Yep, you read that correctly. Ten kilos… twelve days. That’s some serious un-changing. The Easy Part Let’s be honest, creating change is easy. Well, easy-ish.

Maintaining those results: not-so-easy. Of course, lasting transformation is very possible - in terms of our potential but for a range of reasons, many of us simply don’t keep what we create. So, our challenge is not so much creating the change or knowing what to do but, rather, finding a way to make those typically short-term behaviours and results, a lifetime reality. Yep, lifetime. Have you been something a career un-changer? Well, if you’re sick of the two-stepsforward-and-three-steps-back model of living and you’re serious about creating some forever results in your world, here are a few suggestions:

1. Don’t do ‘extreme’. In most cases, extreme change doesn’t work over the long term; no matter what the endeavour. Interestingly, many blokes seem to specialise in extreme. I call it the ‘go hard or go home’ mindset and not surprisingly, most blokes end up… at home. Trying to change fifty things at once might be good in theory and seem exciting in the short-term but it’s impractical, exhausting and unproductive over the long haul. Small, sensible, progressive and maintainable change is your best chance. 2. Avoid emotional and reactive decisions. Emotion might be the trigger for your transformational journey but the decisions you make regarding you’re the

pursuit of your goals need to be wrapped in logic and reason. A little strategy can go a long way. 3. Don’t give yourself an escape clause. Subconsciously, most of us give ourselves an out. We are very skilled at justifying, rationalising and explaining what we’re not doing and why we stopped the last fifty times. “I can’t exercise today because it’s raining and my herbalist says I may be allergic to rain water.” Maybe it’s time to quit quitting? 4. Make your sometimes behaviours all-the-time habits. Temporary behaviours produce temporary results. So, in terms of what you want to create in your world, what needs to be totally nonnegotiable for you? Okay, do that. 5. Don’t wait for January 1. Do I need to tell you that the date on the calendar has nothing to do with your likelihood of succeeding? Thought not. In fact, statistically speaking, most people who begin any kind of change process on the first day of the year fail. Another day perhaps? Any day perhaps? 6. Create an accountability system. What will keep you committed, focused, proactive and productive when the ‘feeling’ of motivation is absent? Successful people have a way of keeping those wheels turning when most people would be finding a way to give-up or self-sabotage. 7. Have goals beyond your goals. The bride in the above story regained her weight because she ‘peaked’ for her wedding and then reverted to her default setting: over-eating and undermoving. Her plans and intentions finished on her wedding day. Life is not a ten-week program or a New Year’s resolution.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Craig Harper is one of Australia’s leading presenters, educators, coaches and commentators in the areas of health, fitness, high performance and change. With thanks to Penguin Publishing, this article is an extract from Craig’s new book Pull Your Finger Out - 101 ways to stop wasting time and start living your best life. This, Craig’s regular blog and other books are available at www.craigharper.com.au

42 ISSUE 12

Family! FabSlabs Timber Chopping Boards

Anzac Biscuits by The High Heeled Baker

FabSlabs is a locally owned business specialising in solid timber chopping and serving boards. These boards are sleek and stylish and look beautifully natural in every Australian kitchen. Not only do they smell great, but they’re also a fantastic base for hampers and platters topped with all of BFresh’s delicious gourmet food products. Each of these boards is handcrafted from freshly chopped timber and has its own unique colour, grain and character. In contrast to many other businesses, FabSlabs pay particular attention to the environmental side affects and therefore are heavily involved in the revegetation, planting and caring for native trees. The chopping boards are purpose-made from camphor laurel trees so that native plants can be replanted in their spots. These antibacterial, durable and environmentally friendly boards are a necessity in everyone’s kitchen!

Anzac Biscuits are quite simply an Australian favourite. However, there are many who do not particularly enjoy the flavour and therefore The High Heeled Baker has reinvented the Aussie classic and converted many prior Anzac Biscuit sceptics. These organic recreations have produced mouth-watering results and incredible customer response right here on the Sunny Coast. The recipe for success involves only real, organic and fresh ingredients. No artificial sugars, flavours and colours in these delicious goods. This little business caters for not only customers with allergies, but also vegans and gluten-free clients. The wheat-free bickies have actually been a best seller! Their signature ‘SuperZac’ is not only wheat-free but also grain-free, sugar-free and vegan. These biscuits have been raved about by many – what a treat!

Meet our

Bfresh is passionate about sourcing and supporting specialty products and produce from boutique australian businesses.

Banana Bread Family recipes are always a treat amongst foodies and their friends. BFresh is famous for its beautiful products, and their Banana Bread made fresh by Craig everyday is yet another example of their ability to find the best and most delicious local food. This popular treat has been perfected over the past five years and continues to be sought after by many customers. Made with tender love and care, this healthy indulgence has only the finest local ingredients in it. All ingredients are sourced from the local farmers markets and add yet another layer of the yummiest, most heavenly deliciousness! This product is exclusive to BFresh and can be bought by the slice or log in store.

Family… Dominic O’Brien

Tell us your BFresh story? When I moved back from Canada in 2011, I was job searching and came across a sign at BFresh offering a position in the kitchen. Prior to that I had some experience in the hospitality industry so I popped my resume in and found myself with a job and have never looked back. What makes BFresh unique to you? Definitely the people who work here; we are a very unique bunch. The genuine owners and awesome employees make it more than just a job. There is more going on here than most places and my bosses always look out for the team’s needs as well as the customers. Such a good working environment!

239 Nicklin Way, Warana P. 5493 2839


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Email us any events you have to jen@whyfitness.com.au • Phone 0403 236 783 • www.whyfitnessmagazine.com.au



5-8 June 2014 Etchells Australasian Winter Championships, Mooloolaba. Mooloolaba Yacht Club, www.mooetchells.yachting.org.au

1 June 2014 Allez Sport Cross Country Series, Race five, next to Caloundra High School Ben Bennett Park, Caloundra, www.sccrosscountry.org

FRIDAY MONDAY 26 May, 2, 9, 16 & 23 June 2014 9am, Marjie’s Walking Group meets at the Cod Hole Picnic Shelter (opposite 333 Bradman Ave), Ph 5448 4229


2 May 2014 NIA Dancing, Millwell Community Hall, Millwell Road, Maroochydore, Ph 0403 119 977 13 June - 6 July 2014 Sail Mooloolaba Regatta, Mooloolaba, www.sailmooloolaba.yachting.org.au/

8 June 2014 Muddrunners, Montville, www.muddrunners.com.au


15 June 2014 Allez Sport Cross Country Series, Race six, Elizabeth Daniels Park Syd Lingard Drive, Buderim, www.sccrosscountry.org

31 May, 7, 14, 21 & 28 June 2014 6.30am-12 noon, Big Pineapple Growers & Artisans Market, Big Pineapple, Nambour Connection Rd, Woombye

22 June 2014 Caloundra Foreshore Fun Run, Golden Beach, Caloundra, www.caloundrafunrun.com

31 May, 7, 14, 21 & 28 June 2014 7am, Kawana & Golden Beach Parkrun, Free 5km timed run, www.parkrun.com.au

27 May, 3, 10, 17 & 24 June 2014 9am, Marjie’s Walking Group meets at the Cod Hole Picnic Shelter (opposite 333 Bradman Ave), Ph 5448 4229

31 May, 7, 14, 21 & 28 June 2014 6am, Spin City Cycles Mountain bike ride, location varies check Facebook for updates www.facebook.com/spincitycycles


28 June 2014 The Culminator Adventure Race, www.adventureracing‐australia.com

28 May, 4, 11, 18 & 25 June 2014 6am, Business Cycles road ride, Starts at Spin City Cycles, www.businesscycles.com.au

28 June - 1 July 2014 Queensland Club Gymnastics/SC Challenge, Caloundra Indoor Stadium Qld Gymnastics Inc, www.gymqld.org.au

22 June 2014 Xtreme OCR Winter Series, Race one, Landsborough, www.xocr.com.au

’ o p x E s s e n t i F i n i ‘M ople to Fitness!

Connecting Fitness to People and Pe

ue of Why Fitness Join us when we launch our latest iss Expo” Magazine at our all new “Mini Fitness

training, running, triathlons, ything on health and fitness - personal ever ing shar be will we s, expo ss fitne Just like the big brekky, giveaways and so much more! , works shops, demonstrations, coffee, ition nutr s, shoe ing, cloth e ntur adve g, swimmin

Join us for some motivation, inspiration, education and connection to all things health and fitness!





Saturday, 31 May (next one will be 5 July, and every 5 weeks after) WHERE Kawana Surf Club TIME 7.30am to 10am COST Gold coin donation. All proceeds going to Sunshine Coast Surf Life Saving Want to book a stand?

Only $50!









Contact us for more information phone Jen on 0403 236 783 or email jen@whyfitness.com.au 46 ISSUE 12

localbusiness Stockland Caloundra Foreshore Fun Run: 22 June 2014

Local Business is a free write-up for businesses that are new, have moved, or just doing or have done something worth a mention. If you know one, or are one, drop us a line at jen@whyfitness.com.au and let us know.

Queensland Indoor Rowing Championships The Queensland Indoor Rowing Championships is happening over the 21 and 22 June at the Lake Kawana Community Centre. Everyone is welcome to register to compete no matter what your level of fitness or age. Competitors aged from 8 to 80+ will be having a row. As well as individual events there is a Schools Challenge and a Corporate Charity Relay. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t done it before, anyone can have a row or just come to watch. We all had to see what it was like a first time. Many keep coming back to try and win medals. www.qldir.com.au

Soloshot 2 - ‘The Ultimate Selfie’. (Robot Cameraman). The desire to watch yourself whilst performing any outdoor activity has for a long time not been achievable. After all who is willing to sit and film you for hours at their own expense? The answer is here! SOLOSHOT2. SOLOSHOT captures the true spectator’s view by keeping a motorized base pointed toward a transmitter worn by subject up to 2,000 ft away as if the subject had their own dedicated professional cameraman tracking their every move. The angle not only provides the perfect footage, it takes the selfie to a whole new level!

The Stockland Caloundra Foreshore Fun Run is held annually to raise money for Our Lady of the Rosary School Parents and Friends Association in Caloundra. The fun run encourages the community, particularly children and their families at the school, to be active while at the same time raising funds to buy library books, computers and other precious resources for the school. In its 10th year, the event is now highly regarded by the local Caloundra community and also attracts competitors from the greater South East Queensland region. The fun run features a 10km run along the picturesque Caloundra foreshore, a 3km run and a 3km family walk. www.caloundrafunrun.com

Pre orders available limited stock available. Retailers interest welcome. www.soloshot.com

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R E T S N O M g in p e e k k o bo eating you alive?



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whycook 8 TIPS TO HELP YOU THINK POSITIVE: 1. List all the things that you most like about yourself. 2. Acknowledge your successes and

Serves 4 300g potatoes cooking spray 500g rump steak cut into bite-size pieces 1 teaspoon crushed garlic (in jar) 1 onion cut in quarters then sliced 2 cups small broccoli florets 1 cup red capsicum diced ½ cup water 20 snow peas 3 tablespoons Malaysian Rendang Curry Paste (in jar) 2 tablespoons kecap manis sauce 2 teaspoons soy sauce 43% less salt 1 tablespoon cornflour 1 teaspoon coconut essence 1 x 375ml can evaporated light milk

Free website health check

5. Don’t compare yourself with others and see yourself as being of equal worth. 6. If you have a thought that starts

accomplishments whether they

with “I OUGHT TO”, “I NEED TO”, “I

are big or small; give yourself a

SHOULD”, change it to “I WANT TO”. 7. Focus on enjoying the present,

3. Stop blaming others for your life

rather than living in the past.

circumstances, give up the “VICTIM”

give negative talk any power and instead

or source of what happens to you.

be positive and support the most

4. Stop putting yourself down and being critical of yourself. Learn from your

Step 1: Peel and chop potatoes into bite-size pieces. Parboil in a little water in microwave for 5 minutes. Drain and leave to one side. Step 2: In a large non-stick frypan that has been coated with cooking spray, place diced rump and garlic into pan and toss together until meat has browned. Remove and leave to one side. Step 3: Re-coat pan with cooking spray then add onion, broccoli and capsicum with ¼ cup water and cook 3 minutes. Add snow peas and potato with the extra ¼ cup water and cook 2-3 more minutes or until vegetables are almost cooked. Step 4: Add Malaysian paste and fold through vegetables. Cook for 2 minutes.

8. Finally, be your own best friend. Don’t

act. Begin to see yourself as the cause

important person in your life – YOU. Happy cooking, Annette

Add kecap manis and soy sauce and combine well. Step 5: Add the meat back to pan. Step 6: Combine cornflour with coconut essence and evaporated milk, then add to pan, stirring continuously until just boiled. Do not overboil sauce, as the milk may separate. When boiled, take off heat and serve. Variations: Replace rump with 500g of raw skinless chicken breast or lean lamb leg steaks. For vegetarian version, add ¾ cup sliced carrots, ¾ cup sliced celery and ¾ cup sliced zucchini. Add extra vegetables with the broccoli, and cook until vegetables are to your liking.

Rendang Beef and Vegetable Curry Recipe from SYMPLY TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE BOOK 7

Annette’s cookbooks SYMPLY TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE one to seven are sold in all good newsagents. Visit Annette’s website www.symplytoogood.com.au for more tips and recipes.

HOW FIT IS YOUR WEBSITE? Call now for a FREE no obligation 20 point website health check

1300 132 773 www.bluedogdigitalmarketing.com.au 48 ISSUE 12

rather than feeling guilty about them.

pat on the back occasionally.

WHY COOK with Annette Sym

mistakes; see them as valuable lessons



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Simone Leslie

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Simply Fit

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Southern Cross Ten

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