Volume 78, Issue 10
STRAIGHT DOUGH FROM THE CEO Looking ahead to the Future of WBA
2015 MIDWEST FOODSERVICE EXPO Art of the Cake Registration Now Open
NATIONAL PIE DAY IS JANUARY 23rd Sour Cream Apple Pie Recipe Inside!
яБо Cover Photo: National Pie Day is January 23rd! Recipe inside!
WBA Member Services Center
Phone: (800) 542-2688 Fax: (414) 258-5582 Email: info@wibakers.com Website: www.wibakers.com
2514 S. 102nd Street West Allis, WI 53227
BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014-2015 Chief Executive Officer Dave Schmidt, CMB
Wisconsin Bakers Association
West Allis, WI
(414) 258-5552
Lodi, WI
(608) 592-4115
Executive Committee Interim President - David Weber Vice President - OPEN Treasurer - OPEN Allied Rep. - OPEN
Weber’s Bakery
Board Trustees Judy Baggenstoss Bob Hiller
Melody Cookies Rollin Pin Bakery
Oak Creek, WI Janesville, WI
(414) 762-2720 (608) 754-8267
Directors-At-Large Ken Heil Susan Bice Tamara Mugerauer Judy Semrad Brandon Grebe
Sweet Perfections Bake Shoppe Waukesha, WI Sweetheart Cakes Port Washington, WI Tamara’s the Cake Guru Oshkosh, WI Muskego Marketplace Foods Muskego, WI Grebe’s Bakeries Milwaukee, WI
(262) (262) (920) (262) (414)
446-2253 284-6221 236-9144 679-1166 543-7001
Wisconsin Bakers Association Wisconsin Bakers Association Wisconsin Bakers Association
(414) 258-5552 (414) 258-5552 (414) 258-5552
WBA Staff Debbie Lowery Jessica Hoover Jen Riha
West Allis, WI West Allis, WI West Allis, WI
The WBA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping members increase their baking and business knowledge, fostering the education of future bakers, keeping members informed about developments in the baking industry and legislative matters affecting them, and representing members’ interests at the state and federal government levels.
Straight Dough from the CEO By Dave Schmidt, CEO
As we come to the close of 2014, I am reminded often of the history of our great organization and the resilient strength our members have to meet the many challenges of the baking industry! There are some things about baking that will always be the same, such as the use of grain based foods, the freshness our customers seek, and of course, the great relationships our industry shares with agriculture. Many of the ways to do business quickly change as does the way the WBA works to serve you, our members. In order to meet that ever changing need, we must take a solid look at just how we, as your association, meet those changes for the future. Dave Schmidt, CEO 110 years is a long time for any organization to be in existence and we have been fortunate to have volunteers elected year after year to serve as Directors on the WBA Board to guide that path. Sometimes businesses need the advice of others to continue to grow or guide changes that are necessary for the future. It is with those thoughts in mind that we will begin the process of evaluating the future of the WBA and how we will meet the needs of future generations of bakers.
In a recent survey, more than 250 past and current members were asked several questions on how they viewed the needs of the association. Unfortunately, the response was minimal but the feedback was very helpful! As we work to renew the WBA, I would like to invite you to revisit the survey and give some thoughts to it after the busy holiday season. Your consideration and opinions are important. After all, the WBA is about you – bakery owners and industry partners! As we collect your information, we will be conducting a special strategy session on Tuesday, January, 27th at the Education Center located at Valley Bakers Facilities in the Appleton area. We will spend time with key board members, industry partners, and invited guests to form a strategy towards shaping the WBA of tomorrow. We will continue to support education and focus on the future generations of bakers in our industry as they are truly the key to the baking industry’s future success! Please contact me to share your thoughts as we all need a strong WBA for the industry to thrive. Happy New Year!
Join Us at the Region’s TOP BAKERY Event!
It’s ALL Here Bakery education, workshops and displays Networking with fellow bakers
Bakery programs presented in partnership with:
The latest products in baking And more!
March 9-11, 2015
Wisconsin Center Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Get Social with the Expo
ART OF THE CAKE COMPETITION Midwest Foodservice Expo March 9-11, 2015 Wisconsin Center 400 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI
OFFICIAL REGISTRATION FORM The Art of the Cake Competition is open to beginners/students (up to 3 years experience) and professionals (3+ years experience). The competition is divided into four separate contests: Creative Cake Decorating Competition (CCDC), Extreme Wedding Cake Challenge (EWCC), Cupcake Warrior Championship (CWC), and Baker’s Best Gluten Free Dessert (BBGF). Entries in the CCDC and EWCC are further divided by skill level. Additional information and rules for each contest are available online at www.wibakers.com. Admission to the Midwest Foodservice Expo is included with registration for each competitor. The registration deadline for the Art of the Cake Competition is Friday, February 27, 2015.
Competitor Name: Bakery: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone:
Creative Cake Decorating Competition (CCDC) Refer to the rules for complete information about the Creative Cake Decorating Competition. ☐ Yes, I would like to enter the Creative Cake Decorating Competition!
Skill Level:
Number of Entries:
☐ Beginner/Student ☐ Advanced/Professional
Cupcake Warrior Championship (CWC) Refer to the rules for complete information about the Cupcake Warrior Championship. ☐ Yes, I would like to enter the Cupcake Warrior Championship!
Team Name: Will you need electricity?
☐ Yes
☐ No
Extreme Wedding Cake Challenge (EWCC) Refer to the rules for complete information about the Extreme Wedding Cake Challenge. ☐ Yes, I would like to enter the Extreme Wedding Cake Challenge!
Division/Category: Extreme Groom’s Cake Extreme Wedding Cake - Buttercream Extreme Wedding Cake - Fondant
Skill Level: ☐ Beginner/Student ☐ Advanced/Professional ☐ Beginner/Student ☐ Advanced/Professional ☐ Beginner/Student ☐ Advanced/Professional
Baker’s Best Gluten Free Dessert (BBGF) Refer to the rules for complete information about the Baker’s Best Gluten Free Dessert. ☐ Yes, I would like to enter the Baker’s Best Gluten Free Dessert!
Gluten Free Product Flavor:
Entry Fees
No entries will be accepted after 2/27/2015. All entries must be registered in advance. The Entry Fee for each contest is $25 per entry. The fee includes a 1-year free membership to WBA. Current WBA Members are not eligible for free membership.
Creative Cake Decorating Competition
x $25
Cupcake Warrior Championship
x $25
Extreme Groom’s Cake
x $25
Extreme Wedding Cake - Buttercream
x $25
Extreme Wedding Cake - Fondant
x $25
Baker’s Best Gluten Free Dessert
x $25 Amount Due:
Payment ☐ Check (payable to Wisconsin Bakers Association) ☐ Credit Card Number _______________________ Exp. Date _________ CCID (3 digit code on back) _______ Name on card ______________________________ Signature of Cardholder __________________________ Release: The Art of the Cake Competition is held in conjunction with the Midwest Foodservice Expo and is presented in partnership between the Wisconsin Bakers Association (WBA) and the Wisconsin Restaurant Association (WRA). By signature of this registration and release form, the contestant fully releases all rights to photos, publication and other sources of media for all work produced exclusively for, during and in the complete time frame of the event. Contestant is subject to all registration fees, applicable taxes, and all other related expenses on behalf of him/her entering the above competition. Contestant agrees to abide by all rules set forth by the WBA for this competition. Contestant understands that the WBA, WRA, or any sponsors assume no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to displays or personal items at the Midwest Foodservice Expo and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the WBA, WRA, and all sponsors from and against all claims, demands, costs, loss, damage, expense, attorney’s fees and liabilities growing out of, or arising from, caused or occasioned by my activities in The Art of the Cake &RPSHWLWLRQ &RPSHWLWLRQ HQWU\ IHHV DUH QRQ UHIXQGDEOH $OO MXGJHV¶ GHFLVLRQV DUH ¿QDO
Signature ___________________________________ Date ________________________ Send completed form along with payment to: Wisconsin Bakers Association 2514 S. 102nd Street, Suite 100 West Allis, WI 53227 More information: www.wibakers.com or contact Jen at info@wibakers.com or (800) 542-2688
When you run a business, you know. The most valuable things are also
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Granulated Sugar 1 ½ Cups All Purpose Flour 4 Tbs. Salt 1/8 tsp. Sweetened Condensed Milk 1 can Sour Cream 16 oz. Vanilla extract 1 tsp. Almond extract 1 tsp. Blend these ingredients until smooth, then add: 4 cups - Shredded Granny Smith Apples (peeled and juice squeezed off) Pour evenly into: 2- 9” lined pastry shells ( pie pans) using your favorite pie crust formula or refrigerated crust! Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce temperature to 350 degreese and continue baking for 40-45 minutes longer! Prepare Cinnamon Crumb Topping: Blend just until crumbs form - 1 cup of Granulated Sugar, 1 cup of All Purpose Flour, 1 ½ cups butter (unsalted) and 3 teaspoons of Cinnamon! Crumbs should be rich brown in color and medium to fine texture for even baking! Increase oven temperature back to 400 deg, top each pie evenly with equal amount of Cinnamon Crumb Topping and bake for an additional 15 minutes. The center of the pies should be firm before topping them! Cool completely and refrigerate the remaining pie as it contains real dairy products! Plus, it tastes great cold with fresh whipped cream!
MATC Baking and Pastry Arts Students Competed in 2014 Gingerbread House Competition By Jen Riha
The scents of gingerbread wafted through the halls of MATC as student competed in the 2014 Gingerbread House Competition hosted by the WBA and MATC Foundation. Over thirty two houses were submitted this year with themes ranging from “The Nightmare Before Christmas” to “Miller Park”. The process for these students started weeks ago as the students were required to submit overall concepts and prototypes to their instructors. Constructed of mostly edible elements, several of the houses included candy glass, licorice, fondant, and various other candies. The judging of these incredible works of art was held on Friday, December 5th at the Downtown Milwaukee campus with a panel of four judges from the baking, dairy, and entertainment industries. The students were judged on creativity, technical accuracy, and overall quality. The gingerbread houses were then taken to the Milwaukee Public Market to be displayed for auction and viewing for the general public. Visitors were encouraged to enjoy and judge their favorite to be crowned “People’s Favorite”. Students and their families gathered on December 16th at the Milwaukee Public Market for a ceremony including the heartfelt words of MATC and WBA Staff, complimenting them on their hard work, creativity, and dedication. “You all should be extremely proud of yourselves,” WBA’s CEO Dave Schmidt addressed students. Schmidt called this year’s competition “one of the best, yet”. Both inspiring and sincere, students cheered and gave high fives as the winners were announced, supporting their fellow classmates and friends. The winners were awarded certificates, medals, and cash prizes. All of the houses were auctioned off with proceeds going to scholarships for baking and pastry art students. These students are turning heads with their talent, creativity and dedication. It is exciting to watch the future bakers of Wisconsin and the sheer talent of these young people. The future of baking is shaping up to be quite sweet, indeed. BB
Photos by Jen Riha (above) 1st Place: Monica Beltran (below) People’s Choice: Corey Cleary
IDDBA’s What’s In Store 2015: Bakery Trends Forecast Press release by IDDBA
Health, indulgence, and portion size are top drivers of consumer purchases at in-store bakeries, as evidenced by findings in What’s in Store 2015, the 29th edition of the annual food industry and consumer trends publication of the International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association™ (IDDBA). Among the highlights of the Bakery chapter: • Consumers look at product presentation, freshness, taste, and selection when shopping the instore bakery. • Indulgence, health benefits, and single-serve options are top trends in today’s in-store bakeries. • Smaller-sized products are driving more frequent and diverse trips to in-store bakeries than larger, special occasion products. • Household size and age are prominent factors impacting in-store bakery sales. Hispanic shoppers are an important demographic for in-store bakeries, while Millennials create sales opportunities due to their quick-trip shopping patterns. • Consumers are seeking bakery products made with high fiber and fresh and whole grains, while avoiding high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, and hydrogenated fats. • The demand for gluten-free products is spurring the use of ingredients such as rice flours, corn flour and meal, ancient grains, and tubers and pulses. • New waves of hybrid products continue to hit the scene, as well as new twists on nostalgic, traditional sweets. Lynn Brotzman, associate client manager, Nielsen Perishables Group, told IDDBA that consumer-perceived health benefits are driving variety in bakery products. “We’re seeing greater use of ‘super-foods’ in bakery products, such as pomegranate and chia seeds, especially in breakfast bakery,” she said. “Gluten-free breads, rolls, and muffins are also generating interest.” Continued on next page
Bakery Trends Forecast - continued One group that’s especially drawn to healthier food options in the bakery department are Millennials, according to IDDBA’s original research, Engaging the Evolving Shopper: Serving the New American Appetite. “As Millennials are 50% more likely than Boomers to place an importance on digestion-related health claims such as gluten- or lactose-free, in-store bakeries should focus on the cues of whole grains, gluten-free products, authenticity, and freshly-baked items and healthy snacks that deliver an image of greater relevance for the Millennial shopper,” according to Eric Richard, education coordinator, IDDBA. “This can be achieved through visual impressions and department signs, which have a high interest among Millennials. “IDDBA research also shows that 39% of Millennials purchase their baked goods at preferred stores and not their primary store, where they buy most of their food and grocery items,” he added. “Bakeries can become more relevant in the eyes of Millennials by offering a mix of artisan breads and lunches.” What’s in Store 2015, our 29th edition, is a 224-page trends report that details consumer and industry trends affecting the in-store dairy case, cheese case, bakery, deli, and foodservice departments. Its 200+ tables, developed in cooperation with leading industry firms and associations, include department sales, per capita consumption, consumer preferences, system 2, UPC, and private label sales data. The purchase of What’s in Store 2015 includes access to What’s in Store Online, a collection of downloadable tables from the book, plus white papers and trends articles (many with accompanying downloadable tables) that offer supplementary in-depth trends information. Be sure to save time using our Reference Links—these are web homepage links to all of the businesses referenced in What’s in Store 2015. The cost is $99 for IDDBA members and $399 for non-members, plus shipping and handling. For more information and to order, visit iddba.org/wis. Engaging the Evolving Shopper: Serving the New American Appetite is IDDBA’s latest original research that explores the evolving U.S. shopper of fresh perimeter categories – dairy, deli, bakery, prepared foods, specialty cheese and specialty meats – through the lens of Millennials, modern eating, health and wellness, and digital engagement. This study provides insights and implications around: how Millennials are shaping food trends, particularly in fresh perimeter categories; how new demands of modern life are changing eating culture, enabling meals and snacks to happen anytime and anywhere, shaping how shoppers think about the fresh perimeter; how health and wellness trends have redefined how shoppers see the role of food in their lives; and how technology has become integrated in shoppers’ lives as they seek information and inspiration both in-store and digitally for deeper engagement with their foods. The research is free to members and $795 for nonmembers, plus shipping and handling. For more information and to order, visit iddba.org/engagingevolvingshopper. About IDDBA: IDDBA is a nonprofit membership organization serving the dairy, deli, bakery, cheese, and supermarket foodservice industries. Member companies enjoy many benefits and services including the annual seminar and expo, leading-edge research, training programs, management tools, and an annual trends report. For more information, contact IDDBA at 608.310.5000 or visit our website, www.iddba.org. BB BEYOND BAKING
Thank You! The WBA would like to thank the following members for renewing their memberships: Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee, WI Madison Area Technical College, Madison, WI Moraine Park Technical College, Fond du Lac, WI Fox Valley Technical College, Appleton, WI Cook Specialty Company Inc., West Allis, WI Grebe’s Bakeries, Milwaukee, WI Lehmann’s Bakery, Sturtevant, WI Welcome to our newest members! The Swiss Colony, Monroe, WI Cupcakery & Bake Shop (2 1/2 Cups), Marshfield Redco Foodservice Equipment, LLC, New Berlin Interested in joining the WBA? Contact the Wisconsin Bakers Association to find out how you can join for as little as 34 cents a day! Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8 am - 4 pm. Call (800) 542-2688 or email info@wibakers.com to learn more!
Wisconsin Bakers Association 2514 S. 102nd St., Suite 100 West Allis, WI 53227 www.wibakers.com
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Wisconsin Bakers Association 2514 S. 102nd St., Suite 100 West Allis, WI 53227 Phone: (414) 258-5552 (800) 542-2688 Fax: (414) 258-5582 info@wibakers.com www.wibakers.com
Associated Bank
Editorial Staff
(262) 367-2200 American Industrial Leasing Tammie Clendenning (800) 444-6230 Aramark Uniform Services Drew Coffey
Carol Carey (414) 321-5129
BeneCo of Wisconsin, Inc. Steve Miller (262) 207-1999 Central Office Systems Lori Lindenberg (262) 784-9698 Financial Specialists, Inc. Charlie Popple (262) 544-6099 Soerens Ford John Schultz (262) 781-9800 Les Stumpf Ford Ken Harder (920) 731-5211, ext. 250 D.A. Berther Jim Lidwin (414) 328-1995 Pack-O-Mach Corp. Bob Morris (763) 571-6677 Practical Baker John Stricker (815) 943-6040 WBA Credit Card Program John Gay (800) 767-2484, ext. 54587 West Bend Mutual Insurance David Nycz (262) 334-5571
Dave Schmidt, CMB dave@wibakers.com Jessica Hoover jessica@wibakers.com
Copyright Š 2014 Wisconsin Bakers Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Duplications prohibited in whole or part in any medium without prior consent from the publisher/editor.