Empowering Women Through shared vision Women in Mining had a chat with Tania Pienaar, Director and shareholder at Tailing Technology. Amongst her many accolades as a business woman in the mining sector, she is also a mother of two and a wife, her partner has also accomplished a frui�ul career in the mining industry.
ania was born and bred in Cape Town in the Cape Flats, Mitchells Plain. I matriculated there and started working from the tender age of 16 to assist my parents and to eventually fund my studies. I studied Chemical Engineering at Cape Technikon. In 2001, I was recruited by Impala Pla�num as a graduate metallurgist. Very quickly in my career, I was very fortunate to fly through the ranks. I became the youngest manager at Implats the age of 23. At 24 I joined Tailing Technology as the Opera�ons Director and I s�ll serve at Tailtech as director and shareholder. I was directly responsible for commissioning 9 concentrator plants. In today’s commodity prices, the value derived from that is roughly an excess of 100 billion Rands. Last year the organisa�on celebrated a million ounces from tailings at one of its opera�ons.
How do you establish an effec�ve work-life balance?
Where do you see the future for women in the mining industry?
When asked how she establishes an effec�ve work-life balance, Tania emphasised that she is a structured person. “I Believe work-life isn’t mutually exclusive, you can have it all. Provided that you have structure and plan ahead.’’
It is good to see more women in the mining industry and I for one, am grateful for all the opportuni�es I have had in this industry. However, I prefer to compete on an equal basis. I bring competence to the table, and in that, I ensure that I bring other women and other people along with me. We have an Athle�co educa�onal programme where we look at inves�ng �me and effort into students and scholars. I have a few women that I have impacted and subsequently, they have also impacted me.
In my spare �me I enjoy running and I have completed numerous comrades’ marathons. Inclusive of that is Two Oceans marathons and Sky Run. I love running, it is my personal �me for myself to clear my mind and enjoy the privilege of being able to run ’’
Pondering on the change in the industry since she joined and currently, she emphasises that fundamentals are important. ‘’Efficiency and effec�veness is s�ll key.”
What made you pursue a career in the mining sector? Joining the mining industry was out of necessity as opposed to choice. I was working for Caltex Oil Refinery as an intern while I was studying. A�er gradua�ng with my BTECH, Impala Pla�num gave me gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse. I saw how dynamic and interes�ng the industry was, that’s when I found the passion for mining. How have things changed from when you started in mining, to the current situa�on?
As you have no�ced, ar�ficial intelligent (AI) has become the "Talk of Town" for improving opera�ons in the mining sector. Do you think the mines are making necessary arrangements to op�mize opera�ons at the same �me, safe jobs? A lot has been done in that regard, however we have only caught the �p of an iceberg. I don’t think technology is a trade-off between op�miza�on or job losses. I think technology can help us improve efficiency.
Women in Mining Magazine • September 2021