Women in Mining

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l also wish to acknowledge the opportunity that has been afforded to me to work with such a versa�le team led by Minister Mantashe which is entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the heart of the South African Economy, the team demonstrates a very good organisa�onal culture which is aligned to the vision and mission of the department. As you know gender balance and transforma�on has been the key factors in the industry and there are high expecta�ons on your strategy plan to normalise roles and responsibili�es through policy change. What is your five-year plan in making sure that the issues of women both in mining and energy are adequately addressed in the light of gender imbalance?

Dr Nobuhle Nkabane Deputy Minister Department of Mineral Resources & Energy In discussion with Dr Nobuhle Nkabane, current Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, member of National Assembley of South Africa and also member of Parliament.

How do you feel about the new posi�on I’m super excited and nervous at the same �me. However, I understand very well that if the responsibility that you have been entrusted with doesn’t make you anxious it means that it is not huge enough. It is indeed huge, but I am prepared to put my hands on the deck to execute the responsibility that I have been entrusted with and try by all means to meet the expecta�ons obviously guided by the principles of good governance, ethical leadership and to execute my responsibility with dis�nc�on.


Amongst the quali�es that I possess is that I am a woman who is passionate about socio-economic development and transforma�on. My responsibility is to serve the na�on and to make transforma�ve laws for the Country and to be able to make a meaningful contribu�on in changing the lives of the marginalised and the vulnerable segments of our society and to develop programmes and ini�a�ves/ interven�ons that are responsive to the needs of our society. In rela�on to the plans and vision in my new por�olio as the DM…. firstly; I want to applaud the government for the configura�on of the department of mineral resources and energy by merging two departments into one, which is a strategic move in promo�ng economic growth and development. I want to see more transforma�on in the minerals and energy sectors where there is improved turnaround �me in clearing mining licence applica�on backlogs, and to ensure that compliance obliga�ons under the prescribed regula�ons and legisla�on requirements are adhered to by both the mining industry and the energy sector. Furthermore, my interest will be in exploring alterna�ve models of addressing energy security challenges in South Africa for the country’s compe��veness and investment. Now that we are in the new normal during the COVID19 Pandemic, we need to invest in digital infrastructure and technological innova�ons to ensure smooth opera�ons for the purpose of achieving the set objec�ves of the department.

Women in Mining Magazine - September 2021

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