March 16, 2022 - Winter Texan Times, Vol. 35, No. 22

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MARCH 16, 2022 19 20 22 Rese r Do -2023 ving Ca n’t M Ad ll 9 56 iss O Spac e -58 ut 0-7 – 80 0

From pg. 1

ety and warm weather. The beaches on the gulf and the number of things to do are all a part. A big reason seniors like it is because a lot of their friends return every year, too. They are the same age and share the Winter Texan Times file photo by Doug Young same interter of Murray and Melva Mathieu ests. who were residents of Snow to Sun. I got most of this information She, with her family, visited the from my grandparents. We were in Mathieus in December of 1987. She Texas to visit them in their winter chose Winter Texans as a theme for home. Maybe I should describe the her essay. The teacher graded her place they stay. paper an A plus, excellent paper. It is an RV park called Snow to In our country some people like Sun in Weslaco. There is always winter. Many others don’t; and a lot something to do there. There is a of them are senior citizens. Some swimming pool and a hot tub. There senior citizens go south for the win- is a place to play shuffleboard, pool, ter, like the birds. I have reported on and cards; and there is a big hall for Winter Texans. dances and exercise classes, bingo, Why go to Texas? Well, the old and more. people who go there hate cold and I think Winter Texans have a good snow and since they are retired, they life; because in most RV parks the are able to do so. They want to es- people watch out for each other and cape the harsh winters of the north become good friends. and Texas is a cheaper place than other places like Florida and Hawaii. How do they get there? They fly or drive. A lot of them get there in RVs or trailers. Where do they stay? In recreation parks mostly; although some have mobile homes or condos. The amount of time they stay ranges from one month to six. What do they do there? Here’s something the Rio Grande Valley Chamber of Commerce said: “Halfyear Texans have much to offer our community; they are involved by becoming volunteers in community activities.” They also join clubs, go to social activities, go dancing, and compete in all kinds of tournaments. They also fish, swim, shop in Mexico, and see the sights. A lot of places offer discounts to Winter Texans. What is the most wonderful thing about south Texas? Its vari- Winter Texan Times photo by Doug Young



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2021 Park Directory




ME To The Rio GraO nde Valley



Whether you prefer nature doors, historic and ing, or parasa al sites, parks, fishingthe out- stores. Every Val dre Island, theiling over the surf at Sou, boatWhether youley city has a story to th tell. are a Win Visitors canRio Grande Valley has it Pa- a family with ter Texan, you all. someon enjo y all the Val to offer yea e that enjo ng children, or just ley r-ro has und ys the outdoo due to the tory and cult mild winter rs, Val wea ure ley’ his, ther s the . ley has som Ove ter Texans Rio Grande stay for the r 100,000 Winething to enjoy our war In our Vis winter sea offer everyoValne. an average m, subtropical climateson to find somethiitor ’s Guide this year you tem ng Winter Tex perature of 65-70 deg with beautiful map new. We have incl will have discove ans are not the only one rees. tions through s that pinpoint featured uded Birding, but red the Rio Grande s who up the area the Valley. We have locabroken from all par terfly, and nature enth Valley. eight regions,into so Valley every ts of the country come usiasts whatever area cies of birds year, attracted by the 545to the you are visiting are either natiand 330 butterfly species spe- you have a map, that to see through the ve to the area or that what neo-tropical Valley each year. Becausmigrate close to youis . ley is home climate, the Rio Grandee of its With all be seen nowto many tropical birds that Val- there is to see her e can else in the United and do in It is also a the maj Sta or tes. bird Rio with two maj migration cor Grande or The Rio Gra flyways converging ridor Valley, we of history. Fro nde Valley is also a plac here. hope you enhouse on the m battle sites to the onl e full joy your stay y light! artifacts, to chagulf shores, to museums pels, historic wit homes, and oldh

2021 Rio Grande Valley Visitors Guide Points of Inte rest .................. ........................ ABOUT THE .. 6 Valley Birding COVER Top Photo: & Nature Eve SpaceX has arriv nts .................. ed at Boca Chic 31 able, but visito Valley Chambe a. Tours rs r Offices ...... on their Face can keep up to date with are not avail........................ book, lives their laun . 32 can find Golfers’Paradis more informati tream videos, and website. ches e.................. on and links You ........................ spac . 33 wwwex/. Photo download provided at World Class Birding & Nat courtesy of Spac tos/spacex/. ure Sites ...... eX at Bottom Phot .51-54 os:

Inside this guide


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From Texans Winter


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Rio Grande Va

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itors Guide Vol. 24, No Published by. 1 2021-2022 Edition Nexus Publish ing, LLC 1217 N. Con Mission, Tex way as (956) 580-78078572 0 www.wintertex antimes

© Copyright .com this publicatio 2021 by Nexus Publ express cons n may be reproduced ishing, LLC. No part of ent of the publi in sher. All rightany form without the s reserved. Page 4

The US-Mexica n War was foug the Rio Gran ht at several de locations in tered along the Valley. This cannon, and others, are scatin Brownsville. property at Palo Alto Natio nal Historic Park When visiting the war and the the role it playe park, you can learn abou walking its trails t d for the Valle y, and alon seein g with g some of the habitat and wildl Valley’s natural ife. Dancing is a Valley. Events big part of the culture of the Rio Gran throu de cultures and danc ghout the Valley high light Ballet Folklorico ing that can be found. Pictu the varied red is UTRGV’s – Alegria. The Rio Gran Quinta Mazatlan de Valley is a popular area for to visitors. This is just one of the many birdi birding and Pine Siskin is ng sites open that can be foun one of many species of birds d in the Rio Gran de Valley. Rio Grande Valle y Visitors Guid e 2021-2022

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