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COVID-19 is not gone!
COVID-19 is not gone!
The highly contagious omicron offshoot XBB.1.5 is leading to increased COVID-19 infections across the world.
Fortunately, as of Monday 30 January, everyone in South Africa 18 years and older can now get an additional COVID-19 vaccination dose, or booster, if it has been longer than 180 days since their previous dose.
The reason we need to get the booster koop-tye by Ceres gholfklub word in onderstaande gedeelte ‘n bietjie beter verduidelik. “ Met die hernuwing van die klub se dranklisensie, het die drankraad die gholfklub besoek voordat die klub aansoek kon doen vir hul nuwe lisensie. Met die ontwikkeling van die gholflandgoed met woonhuise op, val die gholfklub nou onder die munisipale wetgewing wat dit as ‘n residensiële woongebied verklaar en mag die klub net van 11:00 tot 24:00 drank verkoop”.
“Die gholfklub het aansoek gedoen dat lede drank vanaf die kroeg op die hele gholfbaan - nuwe ontwikkeling ingesluit - kan neem. Verdere verandering hieroor sal later bekend gemaak word sodra die klub hul gewysigde lisensie kry”. Spelers mag nie enige drank op die baan neem nie totdat die lisensievoorwaardes aangepas is nie.
Immunity (whether from previous infection or vaccination) decreases over time and a booster helps to increase antibodies up to 10 times.
Vaccination remains the best defense against serious illness and death from COVID-19. The coronavirus has also continued to evolve over time.
Coming forward for a booster vaccination is a good idea for young and old, particularly as COVID-19 is still going around.
“The Western Cape welcomes the additional COVID-19 booster to help eligible residents ‘level up’ their immunity. We have implemented several strategies to make boosters more accessible at public vaccination sites, mobile outreaches in public spaces, and the Vaxi Taxi. Without a large uptake of boosters in the province, COVID-19 infection rates could surge again. Coming forward for a booster vaccination is a good idea, and the best way for to reduce infections and hospital admissions ahead of the winter season.”

For the latest vaccination sites near you, visit www.findmyjab.co.za or Western Cape Government Health on Facebook.