Epic Travel Magazine September 2020

Page 21

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“ M A R G I N A L WAY B EG I N S N E A R O G U N Q U I T ’ S T H R E E- M I L E S PA N O F B E A C H E S . T H E WA L K E N D S AT P E R K I N S C O V E , W H I C H I S F I L L E D W I T H S H O P S , R E S TA U R A N T S , A N D B E A U T I F U L V I E W S .”

VISIT FOOTBRIDGE LOBSTER Located in Ogunquit, Maine, in the center of Perkins Cove, Footbridge Lobster is the little red building with a not so little love for lobster.

MarginalWay by Alexis Collis

Marginal Way leaves visitors breathless with its scenic views and lengthy trails. Located in Ogunquit, Maine, the coastal walk spans over a mile long with 39 benches strategically placed. Marginal Way begins near Ogunquit’s three-mile span of beaches. The walk ends at Perkins Cove, which is filled with shops, restaurants, and beautiful views. Visitors will be able to enjoy the fresh fish at the lively seafood restaurants that are located in the Cove. Many enjoy the view of the cold tides of the Restless Sea crashing into the rough cliffs. At Marginal Way, you have the option to fish, surf, or simply enjoy the view. If you find yourself traveling to Maine soon, make sure you stop at Marginal Way.

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