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Dear Pastor Dixon & the Braden Family, We want to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all of you for the love, support and prayers shown during the time of the loss of our husband and father William. Thank you for the wonderful service and meal provided for us. God Bless you all. The Rixey Family

Prayer Concerns for those recently hospitalized and in rehabilitation: Mattie Keyes St. Vincent’s Virginia Haywood Smith UTMC Rehab Edna Russell St. Charles Naomi Stewart St. Anne’s Carelton Allen Fairview Nursing Home

Happening this Week: January 30 - February 5: Today: Wednesday: Friday: Saturday:

School Supply Give a Way 12:30 & 7:00 Bible Study 6:00 First Friday Prayer 11:00 HM Chorus 11:00 Acolyte practice 12:00 Choir

Clothing Closet Hours: Tuesday & Thursdays-12:00 -2:00 Next Sunday-February 6: 9:30 Sunday school /Confirmation Class 10:30 Worship Communion Sunday Liturgist: Elbert Stewart Acolytes: Daeja Bumpus & Brooklynne Gregory


Youth Sunday January 30, 2011 Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m.

REMEMBER All OUR SICK AND SHUT-INS. Stewardship Report for January 23, 2011 Needed To Date $14,472.00

Received To Date $14,680.66

Attendance: Worship-128 *Sunday School: Confirmation Class-9; AdultsBible Study-none

DAILY BIBLE READING GUIDE Jan. 30 – Feb.5 The Book of Exodus (Listen to the Lord speak to you as you read)

Day/Chapter Sun. /Ex. 19 Thurs./Ex. 23

Day/Chapter Mon. / Ex. 20 Fri./ Ex. 24

Day/Chapter Tues./ Ex. 21 Sat./Ex. 25

Day/Chapter Wed./Ex. 22

Upcoming Dates to Remember: 2/8 SPRC Meeting 2/10 Trustees Meeting 2/11 Parent’s Night Out 2/19&2/20 Confirmation Retreat 2/27 Sunday school Breakfast 3/1 “What Makes a Man” Class 3/6 Confirmation Sunday 3/9 Ash Wednesday February– Black History Month

Contact Us: 4725 Dorr Street Toledo, OH 43615

Rev. Wynston E. Dixon - Pastor

Office: 419-386-2700 * Fax: 419-386-2702 Church’s E-mail: Bradenumc@sbcglobal.net Church’s Website: Bradenumc.org Parsonage: 419-386-2690; Pastor’s E-mail: cuppah@sbcglobal.net

Marie L Bush- Lay Leader Roye & Yolanda Durden – Youth Coordinators

Youth Sunday Program January 30th, 2011 Morning Service Acolytes

Lighting of the Candles

Scripture (standing)

Introduction of the Speaker Message

Announcements & Recognition of Visitors

Morning Hymn -“Stand by Me”

Hymnal Page 512

Prayer of Confession (in unison) DeCarlo Clark Our most Heavenly and Gracious Father, your word teaches us that when we accept your call to Christian life, we take you as our one and only God. In doing this we also commit to take your people as our people. Forgive us O Lord, for not accepting your people as readily as we should. You know we have all fallen short of your glory. Instead of pointing blame, give us an attitude of understanding and forgiveness. We are all created in your image and can only be made whole by your saving grace. Amen.

Kristian Martens

“God Makes a Family for You” Jasmin Fletcher

Helana Saaka Call to Worship Wynlita Dixon Leader: We come together young and old, seeking and accepting Christ’s love, The Lord our God, whom we love with all our soul People: We offer our presence. Leader: The Lord our God, whom we love with all of our mind People: We offer our gifts. Leader: The Lord our God, whom we love with all of our strength People: We offer our service. All: Everywhere and through everyone in which God speaks, we will listen, trust and follow. Amen.

Ruth 1:16-20 -Page 240 Yolanda Bailey

***********ANNOUNCEMENTS************* Prayer Requests If you have a prayer request please fill out a prayer request card and place it in one of the prayer boxes located in back of the church or in the A. Reed Conference room. Used Cell Phones Needed!

Testimonials Invitation to Christian Discipleship Invitational Hymn

Offering & Tithes

Pastor Dixon

“Great is Thy Faithfulness” Hymnal Page 140 Jr. Ushers

Doxology Closing Words

Yolanda Durden


Pastor Dixon

Welcome to Braden Church on this Youth Sunday, we are glad you’re here. If you are a visitor, please sign the guestbook in the front entranceway and introduce yourself. We invite you to join us each and every Sunday for Sunday School at 9:30 and Worship at 10:30.

Altar Flowers The flowers on the altar today are in memory of Kimberly Lynne Allen-Springer, presented by her mother, Florene Allen and family.

The Youth will be collecting gently used cell phones during the month of February to donate to area Battered Women's Shelters. You do not need to have a charger or battery. Look for a collection box at the rear of the sanctuary.

Acolytes Needed! We are in need of acolytes for lighting the candles on Sunday mornings. Must be school-aged. Practice is on Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. If interested, see Barbara Colbert or Geneva Berry. Support the Youth! The Braden Youth Group is participating in the ElderBeerman Community Day Fundraiser. EB Community Day is Saturday, February 26, 2011. The youth are selling $5.00 coupon books. Each coupon booklet includes offers valued at more than $200. All organizations retain 100% of the booklet cost. The youth will use this fundraiser to help with the cost of a trip to Comerica Park’s Christian Athlete Event. See any youth member or Yolanda Durden to get a booklet. Our Sympathy Our sincere sympathy is offered to Charlene Mack on the death of her husband, Henry Mack last Sunday. Henry was the son-in-law of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cohen. The funeral service was held on Friday, January 28th at the St. Paul Baptist Church on Detroit Ave. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

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