Celebrating One Hundred Years

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1908 - 2008 1956 - 2008

City Park 1920 - 1955

Canton Street 1908 - 1920

Elder Wynston E. Dixon, Pastor

The Lord's Prayer is the model of prayer that Jesus taught us, as recorded in the gospels of Matthew and Luke.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. Forever, Amen Thank God

Dear Braden and Friends, Our dreams today become tomorrow's realities for the people of God. As we celebrate our 100th Church Anniversary and give special recognition to those deserving, we give thanks to God for allowing our seed to germinate and take root. These years have been progressive and filled with challenges, yet we have come this far with hope, faith, and love. Our task is not only to celebrate the past, but to build on these accomplishments. We stand on the brink of "new possibilities" as we approach the future with great hope. We must therefore press forward towards the goals and challenges that lie ahead. God has greater things for Braden United Methodist Church to accomplish in the years ahead. God has not called us to be successful; He called us to be faithful. We sincerely welcome our distinguished guests to our Centennial Celebration. As we follow the command of Jesus Christ to launch out into the deep, we will no longer sit on the shores and cast our lines into the waters. We have ventured into “swim or sink” territory. It is much “easier” to let someone else do our thinking for us, our writings and determine our future. But with “God above our rights to prove, we will over all prevail.” As we celebrate our blessings, let us be mindful that the will of God will never lead us where His grace and mercy could not keep us. Remember, where God leads, he provides. In other words, we should... "be steadfast in all things, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our toil is not in vain" (I Corinthians 1 5:58). It has been a great pleasure and inspiration for me to be a part of this historic event. I express deep appreciation to the Centennial Committee, subcommittees, members, community and friends for their hard work and loving spirit. May God bless and sustain you, and fill you with the presence of His Holy Spirit. Wynlita and I are glad to be your parsonage family— we love the ministry, and we love you. "WITH GOD AND TOGETHERNESS, WE CANNOT FAIL." Love and Peace

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Wynston E. Dixon

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CONGRATULATIONS BRADEN UNITED METHODIST On 100 YEARS IN TOLEDO! On behalf of the City of Toledo, we have been blessed to have your commitment to providing spiritual nourishment and a solid Christian church home as part of the rich history of the Toledo community. We look forward to the next 100 years of dedicated service. ~Congratulations Braden United Methodist Church ! ~ Most Sincerely, Councilwoman Wilma D. Brown


Braden United Methodist Church owes it origin to a small group of dedicated Christians who became the nucleus to organize a Methodist Church in Toledo, Ohio sometime during the year 1908. They dedicated it to the Lord and named it the Canton Street Mission and became a part of the Methodist Church system. Prior to 1908 this dedicated group was meeting from home to home as a prayer band. Records show that some of those dedicated persons were Mr. & Mrs. Louis Allen, Beverly Harris, Bettie Williams, Charles Thomas, Anna Bland, Mary High, George Weatherly, Lela Harris and Mayme Smith. As a part of the Methodist Church, in 1908 the Lexington Conference sent Rev. George Chinn of Columbus Ohio to Toledo to pastor the Canton Street Mission. In 1918, Rev, Charles J. Johnson was sent to pastor the Mission while Dr. D. Skelton was serving as District Superintendent. Naturally, during the first few years this young church was plagued by what seemed like insurmountable hardships and financial burdens. But as the black population grew so did the Mission. Everyone felt that the Mission could better serve the black community, if they relocated. After much prayer and at the urgings of the Holy Spirit, in 1920 the congregation purchased the northeast corner of City Park at Belmont Avenues. There were two buildings on this property at that time, therefore one was used as a place of worship until a church building could be built and the other was used as a parsonage. Pastor Johnson and a few loyal members with the help of friends began making plans to erect a church building. A donation was given by the Board of Missions and Church Extension of the Methodist Church to help defray the cost. In May 1924, the dedicated little flock, still with the Rev. Charles J. Johnson as Pastor, moved into a newly built, one room church structure. At the dedication service by Bishop Matthew W. Clair, Sr., the church was named “Braden” in honor of Dr. John Braden, President of Walden University of the Methodist Church at Nashville, Tennessee. Reverend Johnson continued to serve faithfully until 1927 when Rev. J. M. Hayden was appointed and served during the lean years of the depression, followed by Rev. B. H. Williams who served until 1931 when Rev. J. C. Hayes was appointed to serve. Each Pastor brought new dynamics and growth to the congregation. Rev. J. W. Chinn was appointed in 1933 bringing with him a new kind of dignity and punctiliousness.

HISTORY OF BRADEN SECOND 25 YEARS 1933-1958 In 1933 Rev. J. W. Chinn was appointed to Braden Church bringing with him a new kind of dignity and punctiliousness. 1935 brought to Braden the quiet leadership of Rev. Clarence T. R. Nelson for three years. Pastor Nelson had the distinct honor of helping to organize the Brotherhood of Methodist Men in the City. Pastor Nelson holds the distinction of being the only pastor, to have served Braden, and went on to be appointed as District Superintendent in the Methodist Church system. The evangelic style and character of Rev. Charles H. Wilkins in 1938 brought to Braden new and different challenges that guided the church forward to new heights. Then Rev. J. C. Hayes was reappointed for a second time and remained for a year. History has it that he was the only Pastor to have served Braden two separate times. In 1940, the Rev. G. G. Morgan followed the second term of Rev. Hayes and brought with him a great wealth of knowledge about the workings of missions in the Methodist Church. Following Rev. Morgan in 1942 was the memorable Rev. John H. Simpson who served ten years growing Braden to a church that was involved in many aspects of missions. Having served ten years, Rev. Simpson set the stage for other long-term pastorates at Braden. In 1952 the resourceful and wisdom-filled Rev. George W. Sherard was appointed Pastor. During his tenure, the church began raising funds to secure a new church home. It was during his administration that the beautiful church building, (Washington Congregational Church) on the northwest corner of West Woodruff and Lawrence Avenues was listed for sale at $100,000.00. With much prayer, dedication and with their faith in the Lord Jesus, the small congregation of Braden Methodist Church prayerfully paid an initial $25,000.00 down and continued to work to build up their funds in order to be ready when it was time to move into that grandiose worship facility. It was something that they could have only dreamed and prayed for and the Lord provided because of their faith and dedication. When Rev. I. R. Sumner was appointed in 1955, he continued the dream and on Sunday, October 14, 1956, the small but faithful congregation of Braden moved into their new and present facility. Rev. Sumner remained at Braden until 1959.


The 1958 appointment by the Conference brought to Braden Methodist Church, a persuasive dreamer, the Rev. Merrill E. Nelson. During his tenure the continuation of many great accomplishments happened. Braden was able to pay off the new church mortgage in full on March 28, 1965. The burning of the mortgage worship service was a celebration of the faith, dedication and commitment by those worshippers. In the spring of 1966, Bishop Gerald Ensley of the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Churches appointed Rev. Albert L. Reed to Braden United Methodist Church. Rev. Reed a young, energetic pastor, full of new ideas and concepts brought Braden’s congregation to numbers never known in the history of the church. Under his leadership, changes were made to the facility, new organizations were created and the men’s ministry flourished. One of the ministry teams that were organized was the Pastoral Care Committee; a ministry team dedicated to assisting the Pastor and his family in any way possible. This ministry team prayed daily for the Pastor, his family and the well being of the “Church”. Rev. Reed was a force to be reckoned with in the community and at the annual conferences convened at Lakeside, Ohio in June of each year. Rev. Reed served Braden faithfully for 20 years; the longest tenure of any pastor in the history of Braden. Under his leadership Braden met and overcame the challenges of the 1960’s and 1970’s of racial unrest and discrimination, not only in the city of Toledo but also in the West Ohio Conference. Led by Rev. Reed, Braden continued to face the challenges of a changing society and community with confidence and courage. In 1986 the Bishop moved Rev. Reed away from Braden United Methodist Church.

Braden United Methodist Church Former Pastors

Rev. William C. Davis Serving from 1986 ~1996

Rev. Albert L. Reed, Pastor Emeritus Serving from 1966 ~ 1996

Rev. Donnetta R. Peaks (Interim) Serving from 2005 ~June Rev. Roland J. Moore Serving from 1996 ~2004

HISTORY OF BRADEN FOURTH 25 YEARS 1984 – 2008 As Rev. Albert L. Reed’s leadership continued from one-quarter century into the next quarter century and his name became well known in the community and within the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Churches. He was the youngest pastor ever assigned to Braden United Methodist Church. Pastor Reed was an activist for equal rights, not only for the black race but also for all people and opened the first black owned bookstore in the City of Toledo. Many Sundays, the Black Panthers would attend the worship service because of Pastor Reed’s involvement in the black community. Sunday after Sunday the congregation overflowed to the balcony and the overflow room. For the first time since the merger to United Methodist the conference experienced the leadership of two African American men, Bishop Edsel Ammons as the Resident Bishop of WOC and at the Toledo District level Rev. Vance Sumner as District Superintendent. Rev. Fred Heath became our second African American District Superintendent over the Toledo District. Following Pastor Reed’s 20-year leadership, in 1986 Bishop Edsel Ammons appointed Rev. William C. Davis, whose quiet but forceful demeanor continued to keep Braden in the forefront of the community. Pastor Davis, with his family, worked diligently to ensure that all the ministries continued to be effective. Two of the most important programs that were developed under his leadership with the assistance of Mildred Oglesby were “Save Our Boys” under the guidance of Calvin White and the Toledo Ecumenical Youth Council, which met weekly under the guidance of Yolanda Robinson and Rahwae Shuman. Braden purchased a new parsonage and its first church van. After 10 years of serving the congregation, Bishop Judith Craig appointed Pastor Davis to Calvary United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1996, Pastor Roland J. Moore and his family came and brought with him the spirit of the future. He wanted to see Braden grow into the church that God had called it to be and set up program ministries to accomplish that goal. The youth attended the annual conferences and were involved in the Black Methodist for Church Renewal (BMCR) attending the Ministerial Recruitment Institute (MRI) each year to learn of God’s goodness, worshiping and socializing with other Christian youth and a liturgical dance team was organized. Dr. Margaret Mallory was the first African American woman appointed District Superintendent and under her leadership many members of Braden served on district committees: Rev. Moore and Marie Bush – Nominations, Marie Bush and Eva TuckerLingo Superintendent Committee, Charles Tuggle – District Trustees, Annette Savage Building and Relocation, Gloria Layson and Kenneth Dantzler also served. Gloria Layson is currently District Lay Leader and Marie Bush has served as chair of Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministries and now serves on the Board of Ministries and Vice Chair of the Episcopacy Committee that advises and consults with the Bishop.

HISTORY OF BRADEN FOURTH 25 YEARS (Continued) During the 89th Homecoming celebration in 1997, Rev. Merrill E. Nelson who served Braden from 1959-1966 was honored with the overflow room being named the Merrill E. Nelson Fellowship Hall. In 1998, Pastor Moore had two major surgeries. During his period of convalescence, Minister Emma J, Collins (who had assisted Pastor Davis and Pastor Moore) became the interim Pastor. She served faithfully from March through June and then was appointed by the Bishop as Pastor of New Horizon UMC located on Hill Avenue, Toledo, Ohio. In 2004, the Bishop moved Pastor Moore and family to McKinley UMC in Dayton, Ohio and brought in Pastor Donnetta Peaks as an interim pastor until a permanent pastor could be assigned to Braden. Under her leadership the “Shepherds” ministry was developed and she revived the periodic publishing of “The Steeple”, Braden’s newsletter. In June, 2005, Bishop William Ough appointed Elder Wynston E. Dixon to Braden. Born in Liberia, West Africa, he was the first pastor appointed to the church that was currently residing in Toledo. Pastor Dixon brought with him a determination to biblically teach the congregation of the goodness of God and how to live as God has called. He endeavored to teach the congregation the importance of being good stewards of the resources God provides and stretching out on faith; teaching that bricks and mortar are not the temple of God, but each individual represents the temple of God and that wherever we may be, we are to seek to win souls for Christ. Pastor Dixon, being a proponent of education encouraged the Church Council to begin a Scholarship Fund to assist persons interested in furthering their education. Members were asked to donate $1.00 per week or $52.00 per year. The Tween Teen program was organized to bring youth together between the ages of 9 and 12 to learn of God’s goodness and the importance of assisting senior and others in need. On May 18, 2008, during a Church Conference the congregation overwhelmingly voted to move from the building located at 2013 Lawrence Avenue and to share/utilize space with another congregation due to the extreme expenses involved in the maintenance, utility cost and overall upkeep of the building. Being here for the centennial year has brought many challenges which Pastor Dixon has faced with patience and determination and much prayer. The first Sunday in June kicked off the Centennial Celebration with a Memorial and Candle Lighting Ceremony for the deceased members of Braden. One Hundred Candles were lit on the alter symbolizing 100 years of ministry in the City of Toledo. Pastor Dixon’s message was most appropriate taken from Philippians 4:4-13 entitled, “Look Where the Lord Has Brought Us From”.

HISTORY OF BRADEN FOURTH 25 YEARS (Continued) The second Sunday in September, Rev. William C. Davis who served 10 years at Braden delivered the message “A Devine Investment” taken from the 1 Samuel 16:1-13. Pastor Davis is currently pastoring Calvary United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. The third Sunday brought Rev. Roland J. Moore who served 7 years at Braden whose message was taken from Matthew 14:22-36 “A Day at the Lake”. He is currently serving as Pastor of East Glenville United Methodist Church in Cleveland, Ohio. Closing out the month of September was Rev. Donnetta Peaks who served an interim term of 6 months who took her text from Nehemiah 2:1-20, “No More Sadness”. Pastor Peaks is currently pastoring Covenant United Methodist Church and Springfield Central United Methodist Church in Springfield, Ohio. First Sunday of October was a service of Holy Communion and a candle lighting ceremony for Mental Illness in recognition of Mental Illness Awareness Week. Pastor Dixon’s message was taken from Matthew 21:33-46 entitled “Will You Also Reject God?” A formal banquet was held at the Clarion Hotel Ballroom on Friday, October 10, 2008, where many Government officials were in attendance and the guest speaker was Rev. Dr. Zan W. Holmes, Former Professor of Preaching, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX. Saturday, October 11, 2008, Rev. Dr. Holmes held a Bible Study class at Braden. The culmination of the centennial celebration on Sunday, October 12, 2008 will bring again the dynamic Rev. Dr. Zan W. Holmes as the guest preacher. Bishop Duane Tisdale and Friendship Baptist Church will be our guest preacher and choir at a 5:00pm evening worship service. Over the past 100 years, many outstanding persons have come out of Braden, as well as several pastors and ministers including Pastors Josephine Whitely-Fields, Theodore Whitely, Donald Murray, Emma Collins, Waverly Early, James Christopher Matthews, and Saroya King; Ministers Sylvia Williams, Andre’ Ballard, Morell Fonfield, Gloria Layson, Janet Orr, and Bessie Jennings (deceased) just to name a few. A profound teacher of the scriptures, steeped in biblical knowledge, Pastor Dixon endeavors to share his biblical knowledge with his parishioners each and every Sunday as God directs his path for him and Braden into the next 100 years.

“We Have Come This Far By Faith!”

We Welcome Our Guest Speaker

Rev. William C. Davis, was born in Luka Mississippi. He finished Easom High School in Corinth Mississippi, attended Southern Illinois University in Carbondale Illinois for two years and received a BA degree at Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee. He received a Master of Divinity at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Ga. He grew up in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church but was ordained an elder in the United Methodist Church in 1975. Rev. Davis has pastored St. James UMC, Alpharetta, Ga.; Golden UMC, Memphis; Sherman UMC, Evanston, Illinois; Braden UMC, Toledo, Oh, and currently at Calvary UMC in Cincinnati, Oh. While in Toledo Rev. Davis was very active with ecumenical and interfaith organizations, and social action activities. Within the West Ohio Conference he has served on the Board of Ministry, Council of Finance and Administration, Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry and Religion and Race. He currently serves on the District Board of Ministry and the conference Board of Trustees. For five years he taught Black Church History and the Life and Teachings of Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. at the University of Cincinnati. He is president of the Council of Christian Communions, Chair of the Religious Committee of the Evanston Community Council. Being a strong supporter of families he has served on the board of Victory Neighborhood Child Care Services. Through his leadership at Calvary the church provides weekly activities and a computer lab for neighborhood children and youth. This summer 40 children participated in a nine week free meal and enrichment program at the church. Rev. Davis is married to Mrs. Corene Ware-Davis of Atlanta, Ga. They have two sons William Davis, Jr. and Jeremy Davis, nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren. FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE

We welcome this morning Our Guest Speaker

Rev. Donnetta R. Peaks Covenant UMC 529 Johnny Lytle Ave Springfield, OH 45506

Springfield Central UMC 102 W. High at Center St. Springfield, OH 45502

During Rev. Donnetta R. Peaks interim as Pastor of Braden, she established ministries that we continue to reap the blessings. The Shepherds Ministry was one of the new ministries here at Braden; she also re-established the ministry of visitation on Communion Sunday to our sick and shut-in members; and the return of The Braden Steeple.

We Welcome Our Guest Speaker Dr. Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr. Rev. Dr. Zan Wesley Holmes, Jr. is Pastor Emeritus of St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, where he served for 28 years. He was Adjunct Professor of Preaching at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University for 24 years. Known as much for his community activism as his preaching and teaching, Dr. Holmes was elected to the Texas House of Representatives from 1968-1972, while he also served as a United Methodist District Superintendent. He is the author of Reaching for Renewal (1991), Encountering Jesus (1992), and When Trouble Comes (1996). Dr. Holmes has also written chapters in Our Time Under God Is Now (1993) and Power in the Pulpit: How America’s Most Effective Black Preachers Prepare Their Sermons (2002). He is widely known for his role as narrator and host of the well-known Disciple I Bible Study video series produced by Abingdon Press. Dr. Holmes is a graduate of Houston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas and has two graduate degrees from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. In 2001 he was recognized as one of the Civil Right’s Movement’s “Invisible Giants” in the National Voting Rights Museum and Institute in Selma, Alabama. Zan and his wife, Carrie, reside in Dallas, Texas and Los Angeles, California.

BRADEN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH BOARD OF TRUSTEES The records show that in 1920, the Trustees of Braden United Methodist Church were E. E. McCannon, Benjamin F. Waitman, Adolph W. Underwood and William Moreland. These men, along with Rev. George W. Chinn, Pastor of Braden were the titleholders and trustees for the land contract to buy the property at City Park and Belmont Avenues, Toledo, Ohio. The Trustees of Braden in 1930 were Albert B. Brown, William Nash Stephens, J. F. Durham, C. Dixon, J. W. Wilson, Lela Harris and C. W. Thomas. ( Louis Allen and W. Y. Chandler were noted as Trustees, also in another legal document). In 1956 when Braden received the deed to the property at 2013 Lawrence at West Woodruff Avenue, Toledo, Ohio, the trustees were Dr. Mayo A. Harris, Dewrell Tucker, Bennie Sudduth, DeWitt Steele, Wilson Allen, James Kemp, Ralph Kinchen, Texanna McFarland and Eddie M. Cole. Dr. Harris was president of the Group, Eddie M. Cole, secretary and Rev. I. R. Sumner, Pastor. Rev. George Sherard was the motivator for the purchase of the Lawrence Avenue property. After the death of Dr. Mayo Harris in 1963, Marcellus McFarland was elected president and he held that office until the end of 1990. During this period of time many improvements were made to the facility. An 80-car parking lot was purchased and surfaced; our heating system was converted from coal burner to oil burner, then to gas furnaces. Marcellus McFarland, James Brown, trustees and other men of Braden, did ninety percent of the work on the furnaces. Many other trustees played roles in the development and maintenance of the Church, including the Allen brothers, headed by Louis Allen, Wilson Allen, James, Jimmie and Arthur Allen all who did a lot. Clifford Brown once served as Chairman and was helpful with many improvements, including the gymnasium, which is named for him. His brothers, James and Weldon Douthitt gave many hours of volunteer work, along with other men of Braden. A new parsonage was purchased on Belvoir Avenue, Toledo, Ohio in 1986. Several vans were purchased. Under the leadership of President, Clarence Cooper and new roof on the entire church was installed and paid for. Later a new boiler with many controls was purchased and installed. Harden Smith was elected Chairman in January 2007. Several women served on the Board in the early years, including Lela Harris, Texanna McFarland and Ruth Walton. Today there are many more who are serving on the Board. There are two living trustees who signed the original purchase agreement for 2013 Lawrence Avenue. They are Texanna McFarland and Eddie M. Cole. The latter served 41 years as a trustee and secretary of the Board.

United Methodist Men of Braden 1930 – 2008 The Local Unit of Methodist Men at Braden Church started in the 1930’s. Helping to organize this unit were such men as Louis Allen, Wilson Allen, William Nash Stevenson. Walker Knowles was also active at the District Level. By the mid 1940’s the group had built a strong presence in the Toledo District Mission Organization, it was through this connection that Braden was able to conduct a city wide campaign to raise money to help purchase our present location at 2013 Lawrence Avenue. Lyle Kirk the ex-director of Goodwill Industrial was one of the leaders in this effort. For a number of years Braden was active with other churches in Dart Ball Games, some were held in our own gym. They also has regular monthly meetings, sponsored special events; such as Father Day that evolved in our into Father/Son, Mother/Daughter Banquet. Mr. Eddie Cole as selected our first “Man of the Year.” This has been continued until the present. Listed below are the past and our present United Methodist “ Man of the Year Awardees”. Albert W. Gamby 1991 Lawrence Hodges 2000 Arthur Whitley 1992 Roy O. Moody 2001 Dewrell Tucker 1993 Calvin White 2002 Arthur R. Hill, Sr. 1994 Charles E. Cohen 2003 Edward L. Barnes 1995 Clarence E. Cooper 2004 Joe E. Allen, Sr. 1996 Melvin White 2005 Marcellus McFarland 1997 Harden K. Smith 2006 Walker Knowles 1998 Randall S. Jones 2006 Eddie M. Cole 1999 Clyde Calhoun 2008

Doorkeepers 1926 - 2008 From the year that Braden Church was established, there has been an active usher board. It has been a very formal and organized usher board. Members have given themselves unselfishly to the cause to all of the church. The usher board was organized about 1926. Our records are preserved in memories of friends, visitors and fellow members in body of Christ and the love of our people. We enjoy all services that we offer to all of Gods people. The Usher Board has grown through the years. We had some very dedicated and faithful leaders namely Mrs. Ethel Evans, Mr. Evans, Mr. Paul Meadows, Mr. Eddie Cole, Mr. Dewrell Tucker, and Mr. Curtis Harper. Fifty years ago, our usher board came under the guiding hands of Mrs. Doretha Tucker. Under her leadership, the ushers were very active in many special projects either sponsored or originated by a group. Our other presidents were Mrs. Barbara Colbert, Mr. Johnny Moore, Mr. William Moore, Mr. William Mandela, Mrs. Lula Greeene, Mrs. Ruth Walton, Mr. Clarence Cooper, Ms. Victoria Forrest and Mrs. Colette Crosby is our current president. Through the love of GOD our presidents worked together with all persons to make our church whole and complete. Our usher board is a member of the Interdenominational Church Ushers of America. For many years we had a junior usher board. It was under the leadership of Mrs. Lucinda Lucas, Mrs. Yolanda Robinson and Mrs. Annette Savage. The Junior Usher Board Advisors were Mr. Henry Mathews, Mrs. Leslie Henriquez, Mrs. Colette Crosby, Mr. Clarence Cooper, the current advisor is Mrs. Elsie Seay.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Sunday school has always been a part of Braden United Methodist Church. It started when they first began in 1908 by studying the scriptures and applying them to this lives. The mission of the Sunday School Ministries is to carry out the Great Commission to children, youth and adults in preparation for a lifetime of Christian holiness. Some of our former teachers were Jimmie Jones, Mrs. Thomas, Rosa Edwards, Mattie Hardcastle, Margaret and Charles Ford, Dr. Daniel Newsom, Eddie M. Cole, Albert Gamby, Francis Gamby, Claudia Parish, Gwen King, Colette Crosby, Annette Savage, Beth Matthews, Helen Sallee, Jackie Wise, Helen Tuggle, Joyce Sparks, Mary Wrighten, Clarence Cooper, Yolanda Robinson, Cleo Dixon, Alice Dickerson, Lucinda Lucas and Texanna McFarland. The current teachers are Joyce Sparks, Carol Robinson, Yolanda Robinson and Helen Tuggle. Some of the former superintendents and Christian Education Leaders were Jimmie Jones, Cleo Dixon, Texanna McFarland, Corene Davis, Annette Savage, Alice Dickerson, Albert Gamby, Helen Sallee, and Helen Tuggle. The current superintendent is Yolanda Robinson. During the month of February the Christian Education study focuses on Black History. Mrs. Helen Tuggle started this program because she felt that black history was not being taught properly in the school system. She also wanted the church to learn of their heritage thru teachings and displays, which started from the Bible. This program continues to grow each year and currently during the month of February, African displays are spread throughout the church showing our beginning in the continent of Africa continuing to today in the United States. An integral part of the Christian Education Department is the Junior Church led by Carol Robinson. During Sunday morning worship service Junior Church is available to young persons from the age of 7 thru 16. There they are taught scripture, the basic of the United Methodist Church and what is means to have Christ in their lives. The Christian Education Department looks forward to walking into the future as they grow individually and collectively in the Word.

Senior Mission Outreach Program It had to have been forty years or more ago when the Senior Mission Outreach program was organized during Rev. Albert Reed’s pastorate. The membership then totaled 40 active ladies and men guided by “Ida”. The group offered volunteer service throughout the community: housecleaning where wanted, marketing for the shut-in and visiting the sick and infirmed in hospital and nursins homes. Activities included sewing, making quilts and lap warmers (all by hand), art projects, the yearly dressing of Teddy Bears for the salvation Army, sorting clothes for St.Vincent de Paul and offering donations to the needy. A yearly event was the Valentine’s Day party which always featured a festive and colorful luncheon, highlighted with a speaker, sometimes organized games, perhaps a fashion show, even a skit accompanied by songs of yesteryear. Much of this was planned under the capable leadership of Mrs. Texanna McFarland, the first president. During Sister Colette Crosby’s term as Co-coordinator the program continued as described above. The ladies travelled to the Black History Museum in Detroit, Michigan, Saunders Farm in Arch bold, Ohio, the Bible Museum in Maslin, Ohio, The Tulip Gardens in Holland, Michigan, various orchards to pick fruit and farms to gather produce. There was the yearly boat ride on the “Sandpiper” with a hearty lunch and the seniors also visit Atlantic City,

New Jersey. At this writing, the program today does not reflect what was done in the early and middle years-aging, ill Health and death has intervened. But we are blessed to acknowledge 2 beautiful “Original”-Sister Odessa Phillips 101 years young and Sister Martha Boyd of Friendship Baptist Church who is 97. Sister Theresa Brister is still on board at 98. Very recently we lost Sister Texanna McFarland at the age of 96 who aptly led the organization from its inception for many years. It is for noble work and love of this organization that we dedicate this account. Texanna we’ll long remember and treasure you. Fondly, Martha Boyd Theresa Brister Quinter’s Cohen Willa Johnson Odessa Phillips Josephine Seabrook (St. Paul Baptist Church) Jessie Wilson Reba Young And Marion Stokes, Co-coordinator

Tween Team Ministry A ministry for preteens ages 9 to 12 years old that focuses on discipleship, spiritual growth, Outreach, missions and fellowship. It is designed to promote opportunities for youth to fellowship, serve and grow spiritually with their age group.

The Steeple Braden’s newsletter is published on a quarterly basis. The purpose for our newsletter is important for our congregation because it helps them: 1. To grow spiritually 2. To be uplifted 3. To feel a part of the church community 4. To be active in the life of the church community 5. To make informed decisions about giving

Purpose Statement: Pressing towards a higher mark through love and service to Jesus Christ

Purpose Scripture: “….forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize f he upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13b-14) Love, Communication Team Helen Tuggle Maria Calhoun Clyde Calhoun Linda Hester Randall Jones Beth Matthews Regina Mosley

Braden United Methodist Church

Computer Education Ministry (CEM) Program

Community Technical Center ESTABLISHED: SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 One on One Learning Labs; Instructor Lead Computer Education Sessions


Braden UMC Community Tech Center

Co Coordinators Regina Allen-Mosley and Colette Crosby MEMBERS Eddie Cole, Winston Dixon, Gladys Legree, Kedron Legree and Judy Temple

Launched with 8 workstations

SCRIPTURE “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on you own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths� Proverbs 3:5-6

MISSION STATEMENT Provide an education ministry to the congregation and community in computer technology; Provide a Community Technology Center to enhance their learning experience through hands on use of business software and internet access. COMPUTER EDUCATION MINISTRY PROGRAM (CEMP) The purpose of the Computer Education Ministry is to address the technology literary need of our community. This program empowers its participants to learn how to use computers and share their knowledge (Each Teach).

One on One Learning Lab Students. Each one teach one

Many individuals have limited access to computer technology, and Braden Computer Education Ministry program allows participants in the program access to complete computer workstations, software and internet access. The program provides a Community Technology Center (CTC) staffed to support regular computer learning lab hours for individualized and instructor lead training sessions.

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The Computer Education Ministry Program provides individuals the ability to learn via hands on experience (ie projects). Computer project experiences include but are definitely not limited to, computer basics and some advance techniques were applicable. Student participants may work on personal projects or on occasion, the instructor may assign a home project using a software application. This program has self esteem by ability to use enhanced skills can personal or example, personal homework, tutoring, research, relaxation their education and

More One on One Learning Students Work on personal projects

enhanced individual improving the student’s technology. These be used for both professional; For projects, aid with money management, (games), to further both career.

Target Students include x Braden United Methodist congregation and surrounding churches in the area. x Other Ministry Committees x Old West End Community x Women and Family Community Service Centers and/or Shelters x Other Computer Education Organizations (ie CATNET) Students are recognized on their computer academic achievements ‌ Most Valuable Participants (MVPs). Criteria used for MVP recognition are attendance, completion of assignments, knowledge of the material, and degree of sharing knowledge (Each Teach).

The Community Tech Center is located at Braden United Methodist Church, 2013 Lawrence at Woodruff, Toledo Ohio in the basement, off from the Great room (aka old TEYC room).

2006 Two (2) additonal PCs for CTC 2 New Dell Office workstations with office software

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Upgrade/Replace Hardware Establish One on One Learning Lab with regular hours & staffing Approximately 40 Student participated Internet Service Provider (DSL), SBC Internet access with wireless router and connectivity in church office and CTC Assisted Vacation Bible School 2006 and 2007 Additional computer supplies (ie paper, ink), computer workstations, printers (laser, inkjet) and scanners donated. Software donated for independent learning to do homework, tutoring, research, data entry, word processing, desktop publishing, slide shows, spreadsheets, and much more.

x x x

CTC staff resources attended outside district sponsored seminars for technical assistance. We participated as presenter, Oct 2007, Web Site Development Launched church web address and site – August 2007 o www.bradenumc.org or www.bradenunitedmethodist.org Assess Student’s Learning Interests, Computer Knowledge Level and determine applicable Teaching Method (one on one learning labs or create subject specific sessions with 4-6 students). o During One on One Learning Labs assessed current students participating computer knowledge levels range from Novice to Intermediate. 2008 o Areas of Total 12 workstations Improvements/Assistance: Identification of Computer Parts, Boot Up/Shut Down Hand / Eye Coordination Keyboard Familiarity and Typing Skills Personal Projects

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Graduates Turn New Page. Congratulations to the Class of 2008 Life can be viewed as a series of chapters, each with its own beginning and end; all chapters together form the story that is our life. Beginnings of chapters can be weddings, relocations and new jobs; endings tend toward loss of loved ones or perhaps relocation to other cities. Graduations, however, represent both endings and beginnings. Michael, Rianna, Stephanie, Roslayn & Pastor Dixon

On Sunday, June 29, 2008, we honored members of our church family who have completed a new level of educational growth. We presented each college graduate with a book, titled “The Purpose Driven Life for Graduates” along with a gift of $200.00 each from our Scholarship Fund. The high school graduate received a book along with a gift of $100 from the Scholarship Fund.

Frenchye Marie Bush

Age: 33

Parents: Marie Bush, Father deceased Grandparent: Mrs. Frenchye Latham Masters – Communication John Carroll University Undergraduate: Ohio State University

Pastor Dixon and the Braden United Methodist Church leadership team congratulate these fine young persons on this significant milestone in their lives. We are very proud of each of you and sincerely wish all of you God’s continue blessings in the future. Wherever life may take you, may you continue to hold to God’s unchanging hands. Remember, the future is in your hands and whatever choices you make will affect your future

High School – Rogers High School Hobbies: Fashion, Event Planning

Michael A. Bush-Arnold Age: 21 Parent: Marie Bush Grandparent: Mrs. Frenchye Latham Bachelor Science – Exercise Science Miami University of Ohio High School – Maumee Valley Country Day Future Plans: University of Toledo Graduate School, followed by Medical School specializing in Family Practice or Cardiology Hobbies: Reading, Piano, Basketball, Leisure Running

Roslayn Lorine Cooper

Age: 22

Parents: Annie and Clarence Cooper Grandparents: Lorine and Shuler Cooper Charlene and Otis Washington

. Bachelor of Arts – Broadcast Media

Stephanie White

Age: 24

Parents: Gwen and Nate White (deceased) Grandparent: Mrs. Frenchye Latham Associate – Cardiovascular Technology University of Toledo

Central State University High School – Scott High School

TPS Byrnedale Girls Basketball Head Coach NWOCC

Hobbies: Dance, Acting, Modeling and Shopping

High School – Bowsher High School

Future Plans: Gainful employment as a permanent media figure

Hobbies: Coaching Basketball, Reading Future Plans: Relocate in order to advance career to become Head Echocardiogram Technician in a medical facility

Rianna C Mosley Age: 18 Parents: Regina and Leonard Mosley, Jr Grandparents: Joyce Allen (deceased) Richard and Lona Allen Grace and Leonard Mosley, Sr Diploma, Rogers High School Activities & Achievements: Track and Field, Afro Club, Business and Professional of America, Daughters of Promise, National Honor Roll, National Honor Society (Paragon), National Society of High School Scholars and University of Toledo Post Secondary Education Hobbies: Shopping & Listening to Music Future Plans: Attending Owens Community College Fall, 08 Criminal Justice, Forensics

Our church family offer prayers and best wishes for future success!

Braden’s Scholarship Fund Duanya Tillman will serve as Braden’s Scholarship Fund Chairperson. Applications will be available in the fall, 08 for interested college students. We encourage the congregation to continue to contribute $1.00 per week or $52.00 annually.

Hail to four young men of Braden Who minister to our special needs For you dedication

Thank You

Braden Shepherds

Steve Halliburton Randall Jones Leonard Mosley, Jr

Transportation Garland Bohannon

Best Wishes To My son In The Ministry The Rev. Wynston Dixon And Braden United Methodist Church As They Celebrate their Centennial Anniversary

Rev. Dr. Fred and Mildred Heath Cincinnati, Ohio


BRADEN UMC As you celebrate your

100th ANNIVERSARY From your Brothers & Sisters of the WEST OHIO CONFERENCE


BEST WISHES MEN AND WOMEN OF BRADEN God Gives Us Scripture to Teach Us How to Live” 2 Timothy 3:12 – 4:22

Sen nior Usher Board

Junior Usher Board

Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness..

In Loving Memory of

Romans 12:6-8

Verlie M. Lindsey 1889-11992

¾ Born in 1889 is Starkville, Mississippi. Daughter of Columbus E. Moody, a Methodist minister and Tennie Edwards Moody, a school teacher. ¾ She was included in the first copy of Who’s Who’s in Methodism in 1952. ¾ She received degrees from four Historically Black Colleges: Rusk College, Tuskegee Institute, Tennessee State, and Arkansas State University. Additional degrees earned at the University of Toledo. ¾ In 1940 became the first black Home Demonstrator Agent ¾ As a member of Braden she served as Lay Leader, Lay Delegate to the Lexington Annual Conference, and headed the Women Society of Christian Services (W.S.C.S), and YWCA Toledo Council of Churches

Dedicated To The Loving Memory of Our Mother

Rachel Francis Elizabeth Worrell-Dixon Who Labored Faithfully for Her Children “Loving memories never die as years roll on and days go by. In our hearts a memory is kept of the one we loved and will never forget.� Her teaching was to make good, better and better best

Wallace, Nehemiah, Dave and Wynston Dixon

Braden United Methodist Church 100 Hundred Years of Celebrating Our Christian Heritage

In loving memory of

Louis and Louise Allen They were anointed by God and saw the vision for Braden Methodist Church. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.� Proverbs 29:18

The Allen Family The Brown Family

Congratuulations Braden United Methodist Church On 100 Years of Christian Service But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.

Joshua 24:15

John 14:1-5

In Loving Memory off Our

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Patriarch and Matriarch =Townser Allen and Emma Griffin = We Miss You Much Your Children Lenora (Leon Sr =), Evans (Ethel), Baby Essie Lee =, Dorothy Mae = (Haywood =) & (Joyce =) Richard (Lona)

Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request. 1 Chronicle 22:10

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

Leon Elkins, Sr

= Lenora Allen-Elkins

= Deceased

In all your ways, acknowledge Him; and He shall direct your path. Proverb 3:5-6

Dorothy AllenIsable


Evans Allen Ethel RobinsonAllen

Richard Allen Haywood Isable


Joyce Meals-Allen


Lona EnglishAllen

‘O One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts’’ Psalms 145:4

Grand Children

Diane (Roy)), Leon (Sandy)), Tarlese, Keith Sr, Ricky (K Katrina), Regina (L Leonard),, Crystal, & Eric

Regina Allen-Mosley Tarlese Allen

Diane Elkins-Daniel

Ricky Allen Leonard Mosley Jr

Katrina Lavender-Allen

Roy Daniel

Keith Allen Sr Leon Elkins Jr

Crystal Allen

Eric Allen

Great Grand Children

Sandy Teets-Elkins

Teishetta, Nicolas (Crystal), Melody, Shiloh, Anwar, LeNard, Rianna, Shonte’, DaShawnn, Rooshad, Bradley, Keith Jr, Natosha, E’ryone & Amaad

Natosha Allen

Amad Allen Shonte’ Allen

Teishetta Daniel

Keith Allen Jr

Rianna Mosley

LeNard Mosley

DeShawn Allen

Shiloh Elkins Nicolas Daniel

E’ryone Allen Bradley Allen Crystal Biggers

Melody Blackmon Anwar Elkins

Roshad Allen

Great Great Grand Children Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding.

Ahmia, Ashley, Brennen, Dominick, & Justin

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

Proverbs 4:1

Dominick Daniel Ashley Biggers

Exodus 20:12

Ahmia Ward

Brennen Wilson

Justin Ward


Wilson and Ematha Allen Love Forever From Your Children, Ruby and Glandoy Hill, George and Mary Allen, Louis and Janet Allen, Carlton Herbert Allen, Morell Fonfield, and families. The Lord is my Light and my Salvation. Psalms 27


A.J. Allen

Bettie Allen

Annie Mae Allen Ingram Lucille Allen Martin With Love, Dan and Harriet Allen, Aisha Allen, Brenda White and Family It takes wisdom to build a house, and understanding to set it on a firm foundation. -Proverbs

Congratulations Braden! 100th Anniversary

FAMILY FOOD CENTER 1212 N DETROIT at dorr tel: 244 – 4614 x x x x x


Double Coupons up to 50¢ Store hours: Mon – Sat 8am – 8 pm Sunday 9am – 5pm

Congratulations to Braden United Methodist Church In Memory of Louis and Louise Allen

Tennie A. Moody Virlie M Lindsey Lovingly, Daughter and Granddaughter, Alva E. Brown “But seek ye the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.” Luke 12:31

Congratulations to Braden United Methodist Church In memory of our loved ones

Jimmie Allen, Mother Florence & Mattie Allen “Remember the former things of old; For I am God and there is none else; I am God and there is none like me.” Isaiah 46:9

Morell Allen

From Your Nieces, Nephews and Grandchildren

Congratulations! On your 100th Anniversary Celebration

The Smiths Xavier, Elecia, Henry and Sterling

Atty Eddie M and Edrene D Cole

Edwin and Kamaree Cole In loving memory of Tennie W. Cole, Julian C. Brown Walker Knowles and Rev. George Sherrard

Norvelle E. Gross 90th Birthday in 2008

Eddie M. Cole, Attorney at Law

Congratulations On Our Centennial Celebration

Congratulationss Braden UM On Your Centennial Celebration

In Memory of My Loved Ones

In Loving Memory

Joyce Ann Allen “ The gift of God is eternal life thh rough Jesus Christ our Lord”

Kate Featherston

Great Grandmother

Roman 6:23

Margaret Irby


Love and Miss You Much Mom

Dorothy Jones


Regina and Crystall

Louise Beaner

Great Aunt

“Blessed Art Thou Among Women”

Helen Sallee

Congratulations and

God’s Blessing As you celebrate 100 years

100 100 100 100 100 Years of Christian Service

In Loving Memory Of My Mother

Mrs Mary Hill “Her children arise up, and call her blessed” Proverb 31:28 Gone But Not Forgotten

Beatrice Easterly

Braden United Methodist Nurses Ministry Congratulations! 100th Years of Service

Left to Right: Ruby Hill, Mozell Hill, Beatrice Easterly,

Lois Lipkins, Deanna Webb and Bertha Henson

2008 Church picnic Swan Creek Park

Nurses Guild

Church Council

Lay Speakers

Men and Women’s Day 2008

Centennial celebration Rev.& Mrs. Davis & family

Rev. Moore and Family

Class of 2008

Centennial celebration Rev. & Mrs. Moore

Women’s Day Choir 2008

Methodist Youth Fellowship



Senior Usher Board

United Methodist Men

United Methodist Women

Ministry of Design

Outreach Ministry

Communion Stewards

Autographs This is my comfort in my affliction. For your word has Has given me life. Psalms 119:31

Autographs This is my comfort in my affliction. For your word has Has given me life. Psalms 119:31

Autographs “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be my people� II Corinthians 6: 15

Braden United Methodist Church 2013 Lawrence Ave. Toledo, Ohio 43606

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