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The Braden Steeple Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, Official Publication of Braden United Methodist Church

Vol. VI

November, 2010 Pastor’s Message My beloved Parishioners,

It is with love and joy that we write this letter to you as our pastoral message to you in this issue of our The Braden Steeple. As we celebrate God's kindness to us at Braden United Methodist Church, We are reminded of the prayer and fasting we did as a congregation seeking God’s direction for our relocation. This is simply a reflection from a grateful and happy pastor. Two things have been confirmed and solidified in my heart since our move. First, it has been overwhelmingly evident that Toledo needs Braden Church. There has been a famine of The Word in this area for a long time. We intend for Braden Church to be a gospel witness in this community until Christ returns. Secondly, God continues to confirm His almightiness and power in our midst. The memories of this past year have been sweet. After reflecting on our first year, here are a few memories that we hope to never forget. Our choir has been transformed into an angelic chorus under the direction of Glenna WilsonBarnes. Our Youth group has blossomed under

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the leadership of Roy and Yolanda Durden. Our Lay Speakers have been actively engaged in ministry and expanded, under the leadership of Annette Savage. Our Outreach Ministry has begun 4 new ministries: Clothing Closet, afterschool tutoring (with 50 students), Parents’ Night Out (PNO with 45 kids registered), and the well digging and installation of a pump for safe drinking water in a village in Africa, under the leadership of Sandra McPherson. We currently have 10 youth enrolled in our confirmation class, under the leadership of the Pastor and youth director. When we look at what God is doing, all we can say is, “what has Thou wrought with dust, oh God!” Finally, we hope you will join us in petitioning God for the following things to happen at Braden United Methodist Church. -We want to see God deepen our knowledge of and affection for the gospel. Let us never assume that we have a sufficient grasp of the gospel. -We want to see God deepen our commitment to corporate prayer. -We want to see God deepen our confidence in His promises. -We want to see God deepen our love for and service to each other. -We want to see God deepen our passion for His global purpose to display His glory in the entire world.

The Braden Steeple will be printed and distributed to the membership of Braden United Methodist Church and the community during the months of January, March, May, July, September, November & a special Holiday issue in December. News articles are due by the 20th of the previous month the newsletter is printed. Send all material to: Communication Ministry Team, 4725 Dorr Street, Toledo, OH 43625 or contact the church office at 419-386-2700

The Braden Steeple

November 2010, Issue

Pastor’s Message continued from page 1. -We want to see God deepen our humility and destroy our pride. -We want to see God deepen our faithfulness in sharing Christ with friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Only God can do these things. Let’s depend and rely totally on Him. As we celebrate our past and rejoice in our present, we also look forward with eager eyes to the future. We pray that God would continue to make His saving acts known among us. Give us a zeal for mission; help us to look beyond our walls to those who do not know Him; make this church a blessing to those around us, and embolden us to move forward with strength toward what lies ahead. Thank you everybody for your hard work. Love & Peace,

God Bless You This Thanksgiving We bow before You, Father, with grateful hearts of praise; thanking You for loving us and filling all our days with blessings You have given us throughout the years past… for granting us forgiveness and strength for every task. We worship You, O Lord, today and bring our gifts to You with attitudes of gratitude for everything You do. We will bow down…and will praise Your love and Your faithfulness. (PSALM 138:2 NIV) We look forward to ADVENT beginning November 28, 2010

Remember our sick and shut in your daily prayers. A kind card or a simple note could brighten a person’s day; take a moment and let our member know that they are in the Braden Family prayers Allen, George Jr. Whitehouse Country Manor 11239 Waterville St. Whitehouse, OH 43571 Beene, Asia (Ronya): 3353 Parkwood Av. Toledo, OH 43610 Brister, Theresa

Bussey, Lincoln Sr.

Coleman, Mildred Gross, Norvelle

Odessa Phillips

Pastor Dixon

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Lake Park 5100 Harroun Rd. Sylvania, OH 43560 Lutheran Home Assisted Living 2519 Seaman St. Toledo, OH 43605 2341 Old Stone Ct., #1 Toledo, OH 43614 Laurels of Toledo 1011 Byrne Rd., #301 Toledo, OH 43609 3407 Avondale Ave. Toledo, Oh 43607

Russell, Edna

2125 Parkwood Av., #138 Toledo, OH 43620

Shoecraft, Velma

817 Oneida St. Toledo, OH 43608

Sheares, Vanessa

2136 Upton Ave. Toledo, Oh 43607

Simmons, Loretta

Fairview Skilled Nursing 4420 South Ave. Toledo, OH 43615

Simmons, Roosevelt

UTMC 3000 Arlington Av. Toledo, OH 43614

Young, Harold

Heartland – Holly Glenn 4294 Monroe St. Toledo, OH 43604

Hospital Visits: Please call the church office at 419386-2700 if you or family members are in the hospital and wish a visit. The local hospitals do not always let us know if one of our members is a patient.

The Braden Steeple

November 2010, Issue

Finances at a Glance


We would like to thank everyone for their continued support of Braden Church and it’s many ministries this year. We are thankful for our faithful members who give of themselves and with their tithes, gifts and offerings. Year to Date Cash Receipts: Needed to Date (10/24/10): $148,221.00 Received to Date (10/24/10):$146,359.35 Apportionments paid to date are: Conference$21,966.44/75.64% and District-$5129.00/73.58%. We should be at 83.3% paid for 10 months. Our special Anniversary offering received was$2611.00. Our average weekly attendance for the month of October was 135. Special Fund Balances: Air Conditioning FundScholarshipsMissions-

$ 2936.16 $ 10,083.36 $ 1227.04

Balances as of 10/29/10: General Fund Capital Impr. Fund Savings CD Total

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$ $ $ $ $

222.10 3,230.04 26,048.81 5,438.23 34,939.18

Again we thank everyone for their contributions and support of the mission and ministry at Braden UM Church.

By: Roslayn Cooper

Every Sunday they greet us with a warm smile and welcome. As “Doorkeepers” of the church they are making sure we are seated and comfortable. They dedicate themselves faithfully to the needs of the church. Their services are from the heart and they truly enjoy what they do. The Usher Board of Braden's United Methodist Church has been committed to this church since they were established 88 years ago. For years the Usher Board has given themselves 100% to the cause of this church with Junior and Senior Ushers. The Senior Usher Board celebrated their 88th Anniversary on October 17th 2010. The theme for the evening was "Follow in the Footsteps of Jesus." The program contained wonderful selections of scripture and songs. A true celebration indeed. The ushers would like to thank all who participated and helped with the Anniversary Celebration. Special thanks to Elbert Stewart for being our MC and to Vicky Forrest, Linda Reece, and Beverly Barnes who were not listed in the bulletin that day. Braden is very blessed to have a very dedicated Usher Board and we wish them many more years of blessings and success.

The Braden Steeple

November 2010, Issue

As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday we look back over the year and at our day to day lives... Church, Family, Shelter, Clothes, Food, Money, Friends, Health, Job...we asked a few members to share two things that you are thankful for:

Charles Tuggle - My God and my family Kirstin Echols - My family Kellie Jordan - Family & health

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I am thankful for the portion of health and strength that I have in my body today. I have problems with my back but thank GOD I can still walk. I also thank God for my brothers and sisters that are still here today. I lost 2 brothers and 1 sister. Beverly Barnes

I am thankful that I have my health and He has restored my limbs, which I have had corrective surgery on over the past 3 years. And even more thankful that I still have my mother with us (our family)...Thank you Lord! - Linda Hester

Yolanda Robinson - Health & Family Joyce Sparks - Family & Health

Dear God:

Steve Haliburton - Health & Everything

I want to thank You for what you have already done.

Carla Steele - Family and Health

I am not going to wait until I feel better or things look

Odell Chancy - Health, Everything

better, I am thanking you right now.

Donna Sharper- God's Presence & Provision

I am not going to wait until people say they are sorry or

Sunceray Lamb - Relationship with the Holy Spirit, Health & Church Geneva Barry - Health & Church Nathaniel Mitchum - For my Nana Yolanda Durden -I am thankful for my church family. Robin Rushe– – I am thank you for the Holy Spirit that gives me all that I need, because I trust Jesus.

until they stop talking about me, I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the pain in my body disappears I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the children are asleep and the house is quiet, I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I get promoted at work or until I get the job, I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I understand every experience

I am thankful my Aunt Theresa Brister has lived 100 years and has been able to share her wonderful life with her family and friends. Even in this time of illness she still displays the grace, strength, and faith that inspires her family. Do good, do no harm, love God,

in my life that has caused me pain or grief, I am going to

Marie Bush

I am thanking you because I am alive.

thank you right now. I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges are removed. I am going, thanking you right now. I am thanking you because I made it through the day's difficulties.

I am thankful for my family. Thankful to have a job and good health. Thankful for being able to spend time with my big brother. I am thankful for good friends. I am thankful for the gift God blessed us with 4725 Dorr Street.— Sandra McPherson

I am thanking you because I have walked around the obstacles. I am thanking you because I have the ability and the opportunity to do more and do better. I am thanking you because FATHER, you haven't given up on me. God is just so good, and He's good all the time.

Submitted by Yolanda Robinson

The Braden Steeple

YOUTH CORNER Dear Braden Family, Thank you for your participation and your generous donation of candy in helping to make our annual All Saints' Day so special for the children in our church community. The children enjoyed the games, food, prizes and just having fun. This would not have been possible without the generous giving of your time and gifts of candy. Just by looking at their happy faces and the appreciation on their parent's faces let us know that it was a success. 175 people attended this great event. We would also like to thank Kroger, Meijer, The Anderson's, and Wal-Mart for helping, by donating candy for the event. Gratefully yours, Holly Matthews, Yolanda Durden

November 2010, Issue

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The Braden Steeple

November 2010, Issue

Welcome New Members Interviewed by Beth Matthews We are blessed to have six wonderful people from such diverse backgrounds join Braden. Their testimonies were so inspiring and uplifting that you can sense that God's goodness and power has touched each one. The new members were asked five questions. The questions and their answers are printed below: • • • • •

Why did you join Braden? What organization would you like to join at Braden What are your interests and hobbies? How long have you lived in Toledo? What would you like us to know about you

Deric King My mom, Edith King, became ill on May 25, 2010. I took her to the hospital. She walked in and the next day she was in a coma and on a ventilator. My mom and I are very close. I needed help and prayer but didn't know what to do. I was a former member of Braden but had joined another church. Others were telling me to prepare for my mother's passing but a Mrs. Johnson, who was visiting my mother, told me not to give up, but pray. I didn't want to give up, so I asked Pastor Dixon to pray for my mother. Pastor took time from his busy schedule and prayed with me. This was a much appreciated and humbling experience. My mother is recovering and attending church. I am not ready to join an organization because I work two jobs from sun up until sundown. I love meeting people. I was born and raised in Toledo. I joined Braden because everyone welcomed and accepted me. I don't know what God has planned for me, I know what I want God to do for me and what I want to do for God.

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Rev. Carl Marshall I joined Braden because I felt like I was led there. With a master's degree in pastoral care and one in counseling, I worked in Ghana West Africa and Brazil. I returned to Atlanta and then came to Toledo to visit my sister and nephew. After arriving in Toledo in June 2010, I decided to refocus and to make changes in my life. I visited other churches but found the atmosphere at Braden seemed more like my home church in Georgia. I would like to meet with, listen to and minister with the men in the church. I loved to read books of history, African American reflections and politics. I play chess and am considering learning golf. I am currently working on my PhD. I want to do my best to serve my God and fellowman. Benita Lynn Saaka I joined Braden because I enjoyed the way the services are conducted. I like the music, the praise segment, the testimonies, etc. Most of my life I have attended Catholic churches. I find Braden services comforting. Several of my aunts, great aunts and grandmother were members of Braden, their names were: • Hossie Anderson • Louis Blanchard • Clara Simmons • Maynor Reynolds I would like to join the United Methodist Women's group. I love to read, attend the author series, the theater and museums. I would especially love to see the King Tut exhibit. I was raised in Toledo, but left and returned in 2006. I am eager to work for the church and want to see people come to a loving place and to be loved.

The Braden Steeple

November 2010, Issue

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Welcome New Members continued... Diane Stone I joined Braden because I loved the loving, friendly and caring attitude of the members. When I attend the services, I feel like I am really going to church. If I was having a horrible day, the friendly attitude of the people who greeted me, like Steve Haliburton in the parking lot and the others, made me feel better. I would like to join the usher board and work with children. I love making blankets, crafts, altering old evening gowns, family oriented movies and Greek mythology. I came to Toledo in 1998. I am willing to help anyway I can. I enjoyed volunteering with Yolanda Durden and at the All Saints Day celebration. I attend UT and would like to start my own business.

Deborah Stephenson I joined Braden because it felt like family. The members seemed to love me unconditionally. I feel like God is at Braden. My past history haunts me. I am one of God's lost sheep and I'm trying to get into His green pasture. I love to cook and like working with kids. I have lived in Toledo all my life. There is a lot of stuff in my life I'm not proud of but I'm trying to be more like God wants me to be.

Words of Wisdom Need a new life, God accepts trade-ins. Randall Jones, Jr. Jr

Happy November Birthdays November 1 Roy Moody 2 Kristian Martens 2 Glandoy Hill, Jr. 3 Harden K. Smith 5 Holly Matthews 10 Robert Brown 11 Linda Hester 18 Judith Jackson 19 Lois Lipkins 20 Tre-Vaughn Moss 25 Devin Hill 27 Vandra Robinson 29 Mary Dunson

The Harvest Is Plentiful‌ Community Garden “My Brothers Keeperâ€? Community Garden is located in the 100 block of Islington. The garden is open to anyone interested in working in the garden. Currently we are putting the garden to bed for the winter. During this time, members will be preparing and planning for the spring planting (plant selections, activities for garden members and the harvest feast). Yvonne Mitchum will be distributing flyers at church as we get closer to the date. There will be a planning meeting in April at the Kent Branch Library. Come out and join us. For more information please see Yvonne!

The Braden Steeple

November 2010, Issue

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Worship Services: Sunday School – 9:30 am Worship Services – 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 12:30 pm & 7:00 pm

The Steeple Braden’s newsletter is published on a quarterly basis. The purpose for our newsletter is important for our congregation because it helps them:

Discipleship Prayer! First Friday Prayer 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Sunday Morning Prayer 9:15 am

To grow spiritually To be uplifted To feel a part of the church community To be active in the life of the church community To make informed decisions about giving

Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Office: 419-386-2700 Email:

For regularly scheduled weekly events refer to your weekly church bulletins. Purpose Statement: Pressing towards a higher mark through love and service to Jesus Christ

Steeple Articles: Purpose Scripture: “….forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize f he upward call of God in Christ Jesus” Love,

Our church newsletter is published January, March, May, July, September, November & our special Holiday Issue in December. Please submit your ministry reports and upcoming event by the 20th of each month prior to our publish dates. The due dates are listed below:

(Philippians 3:13-14) Submit to church via email or Communications Team Member!

Communication Team Helen Tuggle * Roslayn Cooper * Linda Hester * Randall Jones * Kellie Jordan * Beth Matthews *

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