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The Braden Steeple Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, Official Publication of Braden United Methodist Church

Vol. VI

September, 2010

My beloved Parishioners, Where did the Summer go? Even though it was a very hot summer I hate to see it come to an end. However, life is all about change. As the season changes, so does our lives, and everything around us.

No. 26

him thrown into prison because he resisted her seduction, Pharaoh’s baker and butler letting him rot in prison.

So, how could he tell his brothers, “It was not you who sent me here, but God?” (Genesis 45:4 -9) How could he look back over the whole sorFollowing the six weeks of teaching and preach- did affair and say, “Even though you intended it ing on the life of Joseph this Summer, we took to do harm to me, God intended it for good, in off an extended time this year for relaxation, self- order to preserve a numerous people, as he is examination and self reflection. This was a doing today?” (Genesis 50:19-20) How could meaningful time for me personally to do some Paul tell the Christians in Rome that “all things soul searching. work together for good for those who love God?” (Romans 8:18-30) One of the issues that I struggled with this Summer was how our world is changing rapidly with All things? For good? Really? Who are you trying to kid? It sounds like a biblical basis for the evil becoming rampant. When you read about the senseless killings, destruction of families, the most common affirmation of non-biblical, Amerivicious hatred among people, no regards for au- can, cultural folk religion. The worst possible thorites and the confusion in churches, it raises things happen and someone will say, “Well, God the old age question of, “Why does God allow must have had a reason for that.” Really? these things to happen?” Human Freedom and Divine Sovereignty Looking back over Joseph’s story, Old TestaBad Things 2 Good People ment scholar, Walter Brueggmann, writes, “The “Why do bad things happen to good people?” purposes of God have been at work ‘in, with and That persistent and perplexing question has haunted the human mind ever since the ancient under’ these sordid human actions - [God] is at Hebrew storytellers wove “Joseph” into their faith work for his purpose in spite of, through, and against every human effort. story. It’s a question we continue to ask today. Bad things happened to Joseph - things over which he had no control. Things like his brothers selling him into slavery, Potiphar’s wife having

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The Braden Steeple will be printed and distributed to the membership of Braden United Methodist Church and the community during the months of January, March, May, July, September, November & a special Holiday issue in December. News articles are due by the 20th of the previous month the newsletter is printed. Send all material to: Communication Ministry Team, 4725 Dorr Street, Toledo, OH 43625 or contact the church office at 419-386-2700

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

He points to the “dialectical reality that God does his own work and at the same time fully honors the work of his creatures Neither the freedom of the creature nor the gracious sovereignty of God is cancelled, nor can they be equated. God’s will makes use of all human action but is domesticated or limited by no human choice.” (Interpretation: Genesis, p. 346-347,) Read that again. It cuts through simplistic answers that never really satisfy the deepest questions we ask even as it leaves us with the ongoing mystery of God’s relentless purpose for good in the midst of the persistent presence of evil, pain and suffering in this broken world. In all the complex and convoluted events of our lives, John Wesley’s last words are still true: “The best of all is God is with us.” Paul’s conclusion is that nothing can separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:31-39) God’s Mysterious Way My deepest conviction is that although God does not cause all the bad things that happen, God can use everything that happens to draw us into a deeper, richer experience of his love. In the end, God’s providential care and gracious purpose is not so be analyzed as it is to be trusted, not so much a doctrinal hypothesis as a hymn of praise. Often it’s a mysterious reality that can only be seen, as Joseph saw it, by looking back over the whole of the story. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., always said that there is a moral arc in the universe that bends toward justice. God’s ultimate intention of life and wholeness will be fulfilled. But along the way, God is willing to be at work through the choice we make and in the risks and dangers of a broken world. Read from that perspective, the Joseph story weaves together both human freedom and divine providence in a downright amazing way. The story is driven by multitudes of human choices - some intended for

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Joseph’s benefit and some intended for his destruction. God is only mentioned a few times. God is seldom consulted and never speaks directly to Joseph the way God spoke to Abraham or Jacob. But all along the way, the often unseen presence of God is relentlessly at work to accomplish God’s larger purpose of preserving the life of the covenant people. God chooses to work out that purpose, not by abrogating our human freedom, not by removing every risk or danger, but by entering into the story to accomplish His saving purpose. Neither God’s sovereignty nor the freedom of God’s creation is cancelled, even when they run head on into each other the way they did at the cross. But when the world has done its worst, God continues to be at work to bring new life and the hope of resurrection. Keep the faith, God is able. Love You, Pastor Dixon

Father, creator of the universe and seasons. We thank you for allowing us to see, feel, and experience the wonders of summer! We look forward to the many blessings of Autumn, that you have created. The harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few (Matthew: 9:97). In this scripture think of Naomi and Ruth during the barley harvest time. We are in the season of ordinary time or Kingdom tide. The color is green. This is the season after Pentecost. We look forward to Advent, which is the beginning of the Christian year. It is the most powerful season of the year. It is rich with symbolism. It begins November 28th. Remember we all do fade as a leaf (Isaiah 4: 6). Look forward to FallSeptember 22nd 2010.

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

Remember our sick and shut in your daily prayers. A kind card or a simple note could brighten a person’s day; take a moment and let our member know that they are in the Braden Family prayers Allen, George Jr.

Whitehouse Country Manor 11239 Waterville St. Whitehouse, OH 43571

Beene, Asia

(Ronya): 3353 Parkwood Av. Toledo, OH 43610 Lutheran Home Assisted Living 2519 Seaman St. Toledo, OH 43605

Bussey, Lincoln Sr.

Coleman, Mildred

2341 Old Stone Ct., #1 Toledo, OH 43614

Hunt, Johnnie

834 North Detroit Ave. Toledo, OH 43607

Knowles, Betty

Lake Park 5100 Harroun Rd. Sylvania, OH 43560 2705 Alisdale Dr. Toledo, OH 43607

Matthews, Beth Gross, Norvelle

Russell, Edna Shoecraft, Velma Brister, Theresa

West, Wilbert White, Margie Simmons, Loretta

Simmons, Roosevelt Young, Harold

Laurels of Toledo 1011 Byrne Rd., #301 Toledo, OH 43609 2125 Parkwood Av., #138 Toledo, OH 43620 817 Oneida St. Toledo, OH 43608 Lake Park 5100 Harroun Rd. Sylvania, OH 43560 41 Carol Lane Toledo, OH 43615 4702 Violet, #42 Toledo, OH 43623 Fairview Skilled Nursing 4420 South Ave. Toledo, OH 814 Independence Rd. Toledo, OH 43607 Heartland – Holy Glenn 4294 Monroe St. Toledo, OH 43604

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BEING A BLESSING TO THOSE IN NEED: We bless each other when we hear each other, and when we respect the feelings and dignity of each other. Who most needs our blessings? Those who are hurting, who are in pain, who are mourning, who have been rejected, who are broken-hearted. This list could go on and on. Anyone can start a ministry of encouragement with cards, phone calls, a meal, offers of transportation, housework or any other help that is needed. We need each other’s blessings. Go out and bless someone with your kind words and actions. There is also the gift of listening –paying full attention to another and responding in a way that makes him/her feel understood. Discover the power of blessings in your life and also in the lives of those you have blessed. May your prayer be, as the old hymn says, “Make me a blessing to someone today.” Submitted by Sandy Flick From The Budget (Amish newspaper)

Hospital Visits: Please call the church office at 419-3862700 if you or family members are in the hospital and wish a visit. The local hospitals do not always let us know if one of our members is a patient.

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

Finances at a Glance We would like to thank everyone for their continued support of Braden Church and it’s many ministries this year. While our income was down a bit in August, overall we are doing very good! The weekly amount needed to meet the budget is $3447.00. Needed to Date (08/31/10): $120,645.00; Received to Date (08/31/10) : $120,220.70. (This does not include income we receive from building use. See below.)

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The bank account balances as of August 31, 2010 are: General Fund Capital Impr Fund Savings CD Total

$ $ $ $ $

2,302.34 1,591.56 28,059.46 5,438.23 37,391.59

Thank you again to everyone! Braden Church is truly blessed with so many faithful members!

Daycare Utilities Pymts. $28,000.00 Other Building Use Rentals $ 4,179.63 (Basketball groups, Aerobics, Churches, etc.) Apportionments Paid: Conference $17,992.89 -61.96% District $ 4196.09 -61.96% Our average weekly attendance for 2010 was 135. Website News Church Calendar Reminders Don’t miss another meeting at Braden. Let our church website at email you with easy reminders.

Our Gas Expense has been below budget: Year to Date Expense: $8226.79 -49.95% Misc. Funds: Scholarship FundA/C Fund-

$9,917.36 $1,475.58

Lawrence Ave. Expenses: August Gas Electric





Water Phone


Alarm Grounds

$855.00 $140.00



$1,451.04 $3,366.00

Taxes Total-

Year to Date $44.59

Example: You want an email reminder for the Church Council meeting on September 18th: 1. Go to 2. On the right side of our home page is Upcoming Events and at the right of that is church calendar. Click on the white box to “View Full Page Calendar”. 3. At the top of the calendar pick “September”. 4. Click on Church Council meeting in the September 18th square. 5. Next, type in your email address and validation code. Click Submit. Now you will get an email reminder one or two days before the Church Council meeting. If the reminder is for a recurring meeting, then each month an email will be sent to your email address each time the meeting occurs. If you do the above steps, you won’t forget a meeting or activity again. Call or email the church office if you have any questions or comments. Phone (419)386-2700

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

Braden's Outreach "Ministry In Motion" We are gearing up for our Fall Activities which are:

Page 5 A/C FUND The Goal $30,000.00

We pray that 100 people will heed the call to pledge $300 • $30 a month for 10 months • $8 a week for 40 weeks

After school Tutorial Program We will provide tutoring two days a week for students K thru 12th. If you want to volunteer as a tutor contact Cerssandra McPherson 419-386-2700 ext.6.

Pray and Trust God to make a way if you desire to pledge.

Parents Night Out this will be provided to parents once a month on a Friday. You may drop off your kids and we will provide three hours of fun filled activities and dinner. This program will be free.

Servants of the Master, Braden Trustee Board

We are committed to being good stewards over what God has entrusted to us. Continue to give and keep the faith my brothers and sisters.

FROM THE TRUSTEES: To our church family we'd like to say thank you for your gracious giving to the Capital Improvement Fund. Your giving has enabled us to complete the following projects: Painting: of the gym, storage rooms, choir and Yolanda Robinson room, hallway behind parlor, hallway off gym and hallway adjacent to sanctuary, all outer doors, gutters and terrace doors. Parsonage: garage & house exterior painted, hot water tank replaced, first floor bath repaired, carpet cleaned. We also would like to say, "thank you" to the Methodist Men, Charles Cohen, Roy Moody Sr., James Goodloe, Darryl Brown, Stanley Hill, II, Chandler Hill and Deajuan Hill for all their hard work as painters for the many painting projects.

United Methodist Women This group of women meet every 4th Monday of each month during the summer months and Sundays immediately following worship during the winter months The United Methodist Women is a group of women who are mission driven; missions that support women and children not only locally but also globally. The current membership is extremely low, but we are continuing to meet with the hope that others will join us. We are considering revamping the meetings to include special events and monthly activities. Come out, join us, and bring your ideas!

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

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YOUTH CORNER 2010 Braden Braden Youth visit the Freedom Center, Cincinnati, OH

Vacation Bible School

Youth Group Outing to Kings Island, Cincinnati OH

All Saints Day Celebration‌ Update coming soon! Eternal Flame Freedom Center

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

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Call the number above to check for eligible Toledo Public Schools, Washington Local Schools and also Charter Schools. Call to see if your child qualifies today ! Free Tutoring!!

Earl Enterprises, LLC is offering free tutoring to qualifying students from Kindergarten to 8th Grade. We offer group and one on one after school tutoring. To qualify, students must attend a eligible Title1 school and be eligible for free or reduced lunches. For more information please contact Kelly tuggleJordan at 419-320-7494 or Success Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called failure, A loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends, red lights called enemies, caution lights called family. You will have flats called jobs. But, if you have a spare called determination, an engine called perseverance, insurance called faith, a driver called Jesus; you will make it to a place called success. Submitted by Sunceray Lamb

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

Braden United Methodist Church Opportunities for Ministry

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Congregational Care and Witness Ministry Discipleship Communications Age Level and Family Hospitality Design Ministry Membership Care Christian Education Ministry Sunday School Vacation Bible School Youth Ministry Children’s Church Nursery Worship Ministry Nurses Communion Stewards Ushers Greeters Choirs Shepherds Lay Speakers/Liturgists Outreach and Mission Ministry Outreach Mission Additional Ministries Finance Board of Trustees Staff Pastor Parish Relation Lay Leadership Lay Leader Lay Member to Annual Conference If you are interested in serving on any of the Ministries listed above please contact the church office for a form or see Annette Savage.

You may be getting older And your steps a mite more slow You may not move as fast as once But oh, God loves you so. You may think that you’re not needed That your work down here is through But, my beloved oldster, God has a plan for you. Your white hair shows the wisdom You have gathered through the years Your patience stands for victories Proves you’ve conquered many fears Your sweetness shows that Christ in you dwells His love in you abides As these virtues flow out from you You are blessing other’s lives. Do not ever be discouraged If others must wait on you You have done your share of service Just let his light shine through. Rejoice and live for Jesus To others, his kindness show You’re still wanted and still needed You’re God’s messenger, you know. Submitted by Sandy Flick From The Budget (Amish newspaper)

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

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The word for this issue is SHALOM. The Hebrew word for peace. Peace does not come from absence of conflict, peace comes from the presence of God, and peace is not something fragile that is easily disturbed or disrupted. The peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4: 7). Inner peace is not so much something that we consciously seek to maintain as it is something that keeps us on guard. The key to this abiding peace that prevents us from being disturbed lies in our hearts and our mind to be centered on Jesus Christ. Shalom refers to wholeness of mind, body, and peace.

“Words of Wisdom” To be almost saved is to be totally lost. Randall Jones Jr.

The Communication Team would like to encourage each member to take a few minutes to pause each day beside the still waters of God’s word. Drink deeply and you will find it cool and refreshing.

THINK ABOUT THIS Ephesians 4:12. For the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying. The harvest is in need to be harvest. Apply these rules to our spiritual lives: 1. Each of us in the Church need to be humble enough to allow Christ’s yoke to be placed on our shoulders and to have the harness of the law of Christ (producing Godliness), the law of the spirit (producing holiness), and the law of faith( produces obedience across our backs). 2. We must allow ourselves to be hooked together for the good of the church. Like building stones are a part of a body, each member is gifted for the building of the church. 3. Jesus steers the church but he has given leaders to the church, who he holds responsible for directing the team. No individual leads the church because leaders cannot go without the team but if the team does not allow it’s self to be steer by God or its leaders the church stands still. 4. The world is full of the mud of sin and many souls (like corn) need to be harvested. The church has to move in the mud to reach lost souls for Christ. It is easier for the church to move forward when the team is pulling together.

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

Sunday school is important It's amazing that we should ever find ourselves having to defend the importance of Sunday school. After all we can thank Sunday school for giving us pastors, missionaries and evangelists. Our churches are full of Christians strong in their faith, and established in the scriptures. The real importance of Sunday school is one that has a dynamic ministry to every member of the family. It is a unique program that meets the needs of its participants as not other program of the church can.

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90th Birthday Celebration for Mr. Eddie Cole

6 reasons why I believe Sunday school is important Sunday school provides a basic systematic study of the scriptures at a level of understanding for that age group.

Sunday, October 3rd 12:30 p.m. in the Braden gym

Sunday school allows an opportunity for its members to talk and share about their needs with others in similar life situations. Sunday school provides an opportunity for personal application of the scriptures based on the age level of the class. Sunday school provides for fellowship and a sense of belonging for each member of the class.

Mark Your Calendar! Church Conference October 19th at 6:00pm Here at Braden with Rev. Mike Denman, Asst. District Superintendent presiding.

Sunday school provides a platform for people to serve the Lord through teaching and administration. Sunday school is a training ground for young Christians to be more productive in their church and gives them the opportunity to develop their skills and talents for the Lord. Submitted by Yolanda Robinson

The Bible reads, Proverbs 22:5 " Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." A wise pastor once said, "Train up a child in the way he should go, follow it yourself, and he/she will follow you." To train implies not only the presenting of knowledge but the practicing of that knowledge. If you understand that training is a living of your faith- a practicing of your belief. Remember Sunday School ( Christian Education) is not for children only.

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary For the Month of September 7 8 9 18 20 24 27 27


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Upcoming Dates to Remember. . . September



SPRC Meeting


Bible Study resumes


Confirmation Class Begins


Lay Leadership Committee Mtg. (Nominations)


Church Conference

Happy Birthdays! To all our members celebrating in October 1 1 1 2 5 7 10 11 12 12 14 14 14 16 21 21 24 30


Just give the church office a call at (419)386-2700 with the information, and your name will be added. We don’t want to miss or forget anyone. Thanks, Lisa Gleason, Braden Church Secretary

Church Anniversary Sunday, October 24, 2010 Watch your bulletins for more information coming soon!

2010 Flower Chart The 2010 Flower Chart is located in back of the sanctuary. To help beautify our altar you may sponsor flowers for any two Sundays and place them in honor or memory of a loved one. Please sign the chart and fill out a special altar flower form with the dedication information. The forms are located with the chart.

The Braden Steeple

September 2010, Issue

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Worship Services: Sunday School – 9:30 am Worship Services – 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 12:30 pm & 7:00 pm

The Steeple Braden’s newsletter is published on a quarterly basis. The purpose for our newsletter is important for our congregation because it helps them:

Discipleship Prayer! First Friday Prayer 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Sunday Morning Prayer 9:15 am

To grow spiritually To be uplifted To feel a part of the church community To be active in the life of the church community To make informed decisions about giving

Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Office: 419-386-2700 Email: For regularly scheduled weekly events refer to your weekly church bulletins.

Purpose Statement: Pressing towards a higher mark through love and service to Jesus Christ

Steeple Articles: Purpose Scripture: “….forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize f he upward call of God in Christ Jesus” Love, (Philippians 3:13-14)

Communication Team Helen Tuggle * Rosalyn Cooper * Linda Hester * Randall Jones * Kellie Jordan * Beth Matthews *

Our church newsletter is published January, March, May, July, September, November & our special Holiday Issue in December. Please submit your ministry reports and upcoming event by the 20th of each month prior to our publish dates. The due dates are listed below:

Submit to church via email or Communications Team Member!

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