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The Braden Steeple Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, Official Publication of Braden United Methodist Church

Vol. V

November, 2009

The season of Advent Rejoice; rejoice the beginning of Advent is November 30th. It is the beginning of the Christian year. We are to prepare our hearts for a great event, The Gift of Christ. The colors of Advent are purple and blue. Look for the advent colors. Winter Wonderland… God‘s Handiwork… All are his workmanship! Reflections It’s amazing how God our father created each season to have its own uniqueness; winter begins December 21. Did you know that no two snowflakes are alike; and that we too are unique, each person is different? Job 37:6

No. 23

Passionate worship – means an extraordinary eagerness to offer the best in worship, honoring God with excellence and with an unusual clarity about the purpose of connecting people to God. Intentional faith development – encompasses all the ministries that help us grow in faith outside of weekly worship. It requires deliberate effort, purposeful action, and high priority. Risk-taking mission & service – involves efforts to alleviate suffering and injustice and improve the conditions of others in the name of Christ. Extravagant generosity – describes practices of sharing and giving that exceed all expectations and extend to unexpected measures.

Message from the Pastor My Beloved Parishioners, What a difference a year makes? One year ago we The four areas of focus are: developing leaders, creatwere in a predicament of trying to locate a new church ing places for new people, eliminating poverty and home. Through the grace of God, we were given a improving health globally. gracious gift that has been a true blessing to us. Friends, the more I read about John Wesley, the founThere are five fruitful practices of congregations that der of Methodism, I feel that we as a church have the Conference and District offices have been promot- strayed very far away from his teachings and vision ing: for the church. Radical hospitality – means we offer the absolute Thank you for your prayers and support, it is a joy utmost of our abilities, our creativity, and our- serving as your pastor as we expecting some great selves to offer the gracious invitation and wel- things to happen in our church. come of Christ to others. The Braden Steeple will be printed and distributed to the membership of Braden United Methodist Church and the community during the months of January, March, May, July, September, November & a special Holiday issue in December. News articles are due by the 20th of the previous month the newsletter is printed. Send all material to: Communication Ministry Team, 4725 Dorr Street, Toledo, OH 43625 or contact the church office at 419-386-2700

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue


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Coordinator of Youth Ministries:

Yvonne Mitcham resigned as the tween leader. Danyale Brown is recruiting and working with Jr. SEPTEMBER A'D OCTOBER 2009 Ushers. Thanks Danyale. Numbers are increasing for youth participation in several areas. Eight youth The Pastor: attended the UMW’s Extravaganza. Youth also atArlene Bishop lost her son. Rebecca Stewart tended the UT Homecoming football game on 10-10and Mr. Madave were in the hospital and have re09. Thanks to Herb Ragland, Steve Halliburton turned home. Sis. Edna Brown lost her daughter, and George Robinson II for helping to make this a Carol Marie Brown-Lewis. Please keep these families memorable event for the youth. in your prayers. Other events and activities include: Lay Pastor Dixon stated that he would like for every mem- Speaking Workshop, All Saints Day event, learning ber of the church to find a place they can fit into. the Lord’s Prayer and Doxology, learning the books of the Bible, administrating Braden’s Face book page, He reported that since the church has adopted and the Texting Ministry. the NOW plan, some of the current ministries of the church may be discontinued next year if they do not fit Coordinator of Outreach Ministries: in with the goals set by the church to produce the reAt the Festival of Sharing event Braden gave sults that we want. We are to be concerned more six Health Kits and eighteen school kits. The Pastor about substance than numbers at this time. authorized $48.00 for shipping costs. Twenty-four McTigue Junior High School has opened its children will benefit from these kits. doors to allow us to do some things with the school. There is a list of sixty children for the Angel Braden will work with Toledo Area Ministries to put Tree program. Eva will have the Angels by the 2nd together a program but currently the school has some needs that the church can provide through our mission Sunday in November. This year the youth will help deliver the gifts. fund. COU'CIL MEETI'G

Coordinator of Christian Education:

United Methodist Men –

The Christian Education meeting was held on 10-10-09. It was reported that Carol’s class is growing and Yolanda’s class is maintaining its size. There are concerns regarding the children that aren’t attending Sunday school. There was some discussion about having Sunday school on the 2nd through the 4th Sundays during Church service time. There will be a need for committed teachers and parents’ participation to make this work. This idea would need to be presented to the congregation.

Steve reported that the men had met and decided to give “Men's Day” over to the church. They do not wish to handle it anymore. After discussion, Pastor stated that since the men do not want to oversee Men's Day then we will instead have a Homecoming (Church anniversary) for the 4th Sunday in October. . The balance in the treasury is $967.90. October will be the last month for food distribution. The Men will feed the sick and shut-in for the month of November on Thanksgiving Day.

The theme for the Christmas program is Chris- Lay Delegate – tians Christmas Tradition. There is question On 9-26-09, Morell Fonfield, Robin Rushe, whether to have the program during church service. and Marie Latham Bush attended the BMCR meeting The evaluation of vacation bible school was in Columbus to discuss Strategic Planning Session for that it went fine and there may be an Adult class next the Renewing of Black Churches. Black churches are year. declining twice as fast as white churches. BMCR

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue

COU CIL MEETI G continued

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Trustees –

Treasurer Report –

Questions – what is the status of 2013 Lawrence? The heating at 2013 Lawrence has been turned Marie presented her final treasurer report stat- off. Also the pipes have been drained for winterizaing that as of August 31, 2009 all bills were current tion. The water is off inside and outside. The electric including the gas bill. All fringe benefits for the Pasand phone have to remain on for the security system to tor were current and the second quarter city, state, and work. The dumpster is to be removed. There is no one federal employee taxes had been paid. The treasurer in the building presently. files were delivered to Lisa Gleason, treasurer on September 1, 2009. It was suggested by Pastor Dixon that Jennite was hired to repair the drain sump at 4725 Marie keep the laptop computer and would weekly closest to the main entrance at the cost of $750. receive the download of information from the new acNotices are in the bulletin and the newsletter counting system as a back up and second person being regarding the use of the facilities in the new church. trained on the new system. She further stated that the Contact Lisa at least a week before you want to schedAugust rent check in the amount of $3650.00 from Jesus Christ Ministries was returned for non-sufficient ule a meeting that requires use of the building. In addition, refer to the church calendar to see what is alfunds. ready scheduled and work around that. The gas bill for the church is budgeted at Finance – $1284/month and $75.00 for the parsonage. This month (October) everything has been paid As of Ken Robertson – auditor, will supply the inSeptember, 2009, the totals are: General Fund ventory forms to Braden. He stated that a voucher $3846.38, Capital Improvement $7,386.26, Savings should be required with third party billings or a signa$25,071.02, CD $5,425. The grand total from all ac- ture of the person validating the charges. The commitcounts is $41,728.95 at the end of September. It tee adopted the combined new budget which consists should be noted this is the first time in 10-15 years of balances from 2013 Lawrence and the acquired exBraden enters the winter without a delinquent gas penses at 4725 Dorr with a start date of July 1, 2009. bill. Carol Robinson will retain the office of financial secSPRC –

retary as the treasurer cannot serve as financial secretary.

Vicky reported that the committee had agreed that anyone desiring to become a Lay Speaker should come before the Committee before attending Lay Speaking Classes. It was agreed that Pastor Dixon would be allowed to carry over two weeks of vacation to the following year with total not to exceed six weeks in one year. It was further agreed that when any holiday falls on Monday, Pastor Dixon will have Tuesday as his off day, because his regular day off is Monday. The next scheduled meetings are October 6, November 10, and December 1, all at 6:00pm.

The conference is requesting for the first time that a Financial Records Update Form be submitted along with the auditor's reports. This relates to the Certificate of Deposit that Braden currently has and whether there are limitations on that CD and the use of the funds. When the money was donated and the CD purchased, there were no limitations but later limitations were put on the CD. No paperwork was found to substantiate that since that original donation was made anonymously in 1996.

The resignation of our Director of Music, Michael Boyd was accepted. The job opening has been posted. Glenna Wilson-Barnes is acting in that capacity for a $175.00/week salary until someone is hired. Lafe Tolliver and Elbert Stewart have been accepted as Lay Speakers for Braden.

(Council Meeting printed as submitted)

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue

COU CIL MEETI G continued

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Our conference apportionments paid are $13,772.38 (50%) and our district apportionments paid are $5382.46 (81%).

After much discussion, Vicky presented this written motion: “I hereby make a motion that the funds in the Anniversary (Homecoming) received to date 11/01/09: $2937.50 amount of $5423.19, and all interest accrued, donated by Ms. Victoria Forrest, whose address is 364 Attendance Report Kopernik, Toledo Ohio 43607 to Braden United MethSunday Bible Date odist Church whose address is 4725 Dorr St, Toledo, Worship School Study OHIO 43615 be designated and set aside for the pur7/05/09 227 chase of a new central air conditioning system within 7/12/09 185 Braden United Methodist Church. In the event that 7/19/09 ? 25 Braden UMC obtains a new central air conditioning 7/26/09 159 19 29 system without using the funds donated by Ms. 8/02/09 125 18 Forrest, then the administration of Braden UMC shall 8/09/09 113 18 24 contact Ms. Forrest or her designated representative to 8/16/09 168 request another designation for such funds. Respect8/23/09 168 fully submitted, Victoria Forrest, cc.; Attorney” Sec8/30/09 156 onded by Robin – 4 yeas, 2 oppose, 2 abstentions. 9/06/09 Form will be submitted to conference with limitations. 168 Treasurer report – Lisa Gleason – ACS (program) will give Braden the software free of charge and she is currently installing the software. She plans to purchase laser checks which will be computer generated. Pastor stated that we have been advised Eddie Cole was recognized at the African Legends Banquet. The Pastor and 22 other persons represented Braden. Finances at a Glance We would like to thank everyone for their continued support of Braden Church and it’s many ministries this year. The weekly amount needed to meet the budget is now at $4363.00. Needed to Date (10/25/09): $164,209.00; Received to Date (10/25/09) : $154,699.53. (This does not include income received from building use. (See below.) Daycare Utilities $14,000.00 Other Rentals$785.00 (Basketball, Aerobics & Churches) The account balances as of October 31, 2009 are:

General Fund Capital Impr Fund Savings CD Total

$ 8,346.15 $ 7,922.76 $ 25,500.58 $ 5,425.29 $ 47,194.78

09/13/09 09/20/09 09/27/09 10/04/09 10/11/09 10/18/09 10/25/09 11/01/09

164 119 152 155 159 ? 158 157

22 19 23 21 27 25 17 28



The Braden Newsletter the Steeple gets a new name!

The name of our newsletter the “Steeple” was reflective of the beautiful steeple that could be seen for miles around the Toledo “Old West End” area. Now that we have relocated, we have been considering a new name for our newsletter. A name that would continue to reflect our current ministries and our new ministries along with our continued efforts, of keeping all our Braden family and neighboring communities informed of our church activities. Do you have a suggestion for a new name? Please submit your suggestions to any of the Communication Team Members or contact the church office with your ideas! Thank you for your support, Communication Team

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue

Re me mb er o ur sick and shut in you r da ily pra yers. A kind ca rd or a simple note cou ld brighten a person’s day; take mo me nt and let our me mb ers know that they a re in the Braden Family daily p rayers Allen , George Jr. Whitehou se Country Mano r 11239 Wa terville St. Whitehou se, OH 43571 Bee ne, Asia (Ronya): 3 353 Parkwood Av. Toledo, OH 436 10 Bussey, Lincoln Sr. Lutheran Home-Assiste d L iving 2519 Seaman St. Toledo, OH 436 05 Coleman, Mildred 2341 Old Stone Ct. #1 Toledo, OH 436 14 Madave, Fred 2518 Lawrence A ve. Toledo, OH 436 06 Russell, Edna 2125 Parkwood Ave. #138 Toledo, OH 436 20 Sho ecraft, Velma 817 Onieda St. Toledo, OH 436 08 Sisson, Elizab eth 4604 Springb rook Toledo, OH 436 15 Steele, Lucille 830 N. Hawley S t. Toledo, OH 436 07 West, Wilb ert 41 Carol Lane Toledo, OH 436 15 You ng, Harold Heartland-Ho lly Gle nn 4294 Monroe St. Toledo, OH 436 04

Page 5 In Memory Of Braden Deceased Members And Family Members

Harold L. Davis -- July 09 Father of Vince Davis ***

Dorethea Tucker- -July 09 Aunt of Eva Tucker-Lingo ***

Ronald Ellis -- 08/09 ***

Jeremy Mays -- September 09 Nephew of Laverene Enochs ***

Hazen Bishop -- October 09 Son of Arlene Bishop ***

Carol Brown-Lewis -- October 09 Daughter of Edna Brown

African American Churches Call to Buckle Up Safety Tips for Seniors Did you know there are times during the day that are safer than others, listed below are the times you should avoid driving!

• Before 11:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. until approximately 11:00 a.m. the sunlight is extremely bright and at a level in the sky than will impair your visibility. • Extremely “Bad” Weather – During the winter months the streets can appear dry, but will be covered with a very thin layer of ice, referred to as “black ice”. Drive at a reasonable speed to allow ample time to come to a safe stop. Rain can also created a very slipper road, be careful! • Don’t Drive on the Highway – If you are not familiar with the “fast” speeds normally traveled on the highway (55-75 m.p.h.) please refrain from using this method of traveling around the city. • Prescriptions Medications - Several daily maintenance drugs may cause dizziness or drowsiness. Be sure and read the labels and pay close attention to how you feel when you are taking your medications vs. when you do not. (By all means take your daily maintenance prescriptions!) • Drinking and Driving – Don’t Drink and Drive!

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue

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WHISPERS FROM THE PULPIT Congratulations to the youth on their Youth Sunday Worship Service! Seeing so many young people participating in the Worship Service was uplifting. The confession by Allen Walker was especially inspiring. Everyone, including the choir, praise dancers, worship leaders, scripture readers and acolytes did an excellent job. The guest speaker for the day was Minister Raymond Farmer. Minister Farmer is an associate minister with Key to the Kingdom Church and works with the American Gifted Scholars Youth Program. He is a native of Rossford, Ohio and a friend of Roy and Yolanda Durden. He describes himself as an “out of the box preacher”, who likes to have fun in the pulpit. He was raised in the church and always held a job. He spoke about how his life went in the wrong direction in college where he began to live a life filled with women, partying and having fun. Although he never took drugs, he knew his life was not what he was taught. After a number of years, Minister Farmer began to hear a voice telling him to get right with God. For a while he ignored the voice, but it kept getting louder and louder over the years until he could no longer ignore it. It was then he began to change his life. Minister Farmer’s sermon topic, “Four “T”’s to Total Victory, was taken from 1 Timothy 4:16. The four key points of the message focused on Transition, Transformation, Transportation and Triumphant Victory. Written by Beth Matthews

My Church and I MY Church is the place where the word of God is preached. The power of God is felt, the Spirit of God is manifested, the love of God is revealed and the Unity of God is perceived. It is the home of my soul, the altar of my devotion, the hearth of my faith, the center of my affections and the foretaste of heaven. I have united with it in solemn covenant, pledging myself to attend its services, to pray for its members, to give to its support and to obey its laws. It claims the first place in my heart, the highest place in my mind, the principal place in my activities, and its unity, peace and progress concern my life in this world and that which is to come.

Sunday School It’s For Life!

Lifelong Life-giving About real life Connect to the Source of Live Exercise you faith, Stretch, Grow and Build Some of the benefits of Sunday School Sunday school is “the glue that holds the church together and pivotal place we can make changes that transform people and churches.” You are learning and growing therefore you are strengthening church. You are forming friendships.

I owe it my zeal, my benevolence and my prayers. When I neglect its services, I injure its good name, I lessen its power, I discourage its members and I chill my own soul. I have solemnly promised, in the sight of God and men, to advance its interests by my faithful attendance, by reading the Holy Bible, by never neglecting its ordinances, by contributing to its support, by meeting with its fellow members, by watching over their welfare, and by joining with then in prayer and praise and service; and that promise I this day renew, before God my Father, Christ my Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit my Sanctifier.

You are not judge but encouraged to be the person(s) God has created you to be. Studying the work helps you to apply it to your everyday living. Which intern your relationship with Christ grows. 'ext Quarter starting December The classes will be studying from Ruth, Isaiah, Matthew and Luke The Promised birth fulfilled Evidence of Jesus as Messiah Testimonies to Jesus as Messiah

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue

Braden get’s to know it’s family: Kellie Tuggle-Jordan Kellie, youngest child of Charles and Helen Tuggle was raised in Braden United Methodist Church beginning her service as an acolyte under the direction of Mrs. Odessa Phillips. She was in the children's and adult choirs and participated faithfully in BUMYF. She was very active in the Sunday School Administration under her mother’s tenure and coordinated a large donation of office products and supplies to the church during her employment with OfficeMax. Kellie graduated from Jesup W. Scott High School with a full academic scholarship to the University of Northern Iowa where she studied Communications. She later moved to Cleveland where she landed a position with the Corporate Headquarters of OfficeMax and was employed there for 13 years until the company was purchased and relocated to Chicago, IL. From there, she was hired by Penn National Gaming, the third largest racing and casino entity in the country which relocated her back to her hometown of Toledo, OH nearly 3 years ago. She currently holds the position of Director of Human Resources where she manages all of the HR, Safety, Risk Management and Training & Development functions for Raceway Park (Toledo, OH) and Sanford Orlando Kennel Club (Longwood, FL). Kellie is the proud parent of two children Cody (14) and Kasie (11). Outside of their busy schedules she is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Society for Human Resources Management, Professional Business Women, and BUMC Trustee Board. Kellie volunteers her time regularly offering Employment Readiness Workshops to various organizations. She manages an after school tutoring program offering free assistance to children in the areas of reading and math. Her scripture for maintaining balance in a busy life is Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

Page 7 We would like to thank Gloria Layson for five weeks of Bible Study. She did an excellent class on PRAYER.

We learned that prayer is more important than all other activities of the day. Through prayer, God gives us guidance, wisdom and discernment for fulfilling his will and purposes. Prayer begins with Scripture. The Book of Psalms teaches us how to pray. Gloria’s focus was on worship, intercession prayers, the 7 E’s to test if it’s a sin or not and the 11 major hindrances to prayer. Prayer is a Spiritual Discipline: 1. Practice Solitude 2. Practice Silence 3. Pray Unceasingly In each session, scripture was read to give us better understanding of prayer. (Ex: John 17, Jonah 2:1, 4:1-3, Job 42: 8-10) Prayer is a skill that can be developed. Remember, prayers can’t be answered unless they are prayed.

The word for this issue is ADVENT. The beginning of the Christian year, the start of the most powerful season of the year, it is rich with symbolism. Advent has been celebrated since the 6th century when it appears to be made into the beginning of the Christian year. Advent concentrates on the biblical stories leading up to the birth of Jesus and the messianic prophecies. The announcement of Joseph impending birth of the Messiah… Matthews 1:18-25 Mary’s visit to her cousin Elisabeth…Luke 1:39-56 The trip of Mary and Joseph to be registered in Bethlehem…Luke 2:1-7

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue

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Congratulations to all of Braden’s Family Members On their accomplishments! College Michael Arnold Bush DeQuaina L. Washington High School Jeremiah Robinson & Alexander Robinson Wynlita Dixon

Jasmine Fletcher

School Admitted to Medical School

Parent (s) Dr. Marie Bush

Kent State University

Linda Hester

Edward Drummond Libbey

Jackie Montgomery Alice Montgomery (Grandmother)

Passed all (5) Subjects of Ohio Graduate Test (OGT) on first sitting.

Rev. Wynston E. Dixon

Excepted in to the Excel Program

Mandela Fletcher (Grandfather)

Students - Presented Grade Cards Alaina Durden & Alan Duren Daeja C. Bumpus

Grove Patterson

Roy & Yolanda Durden

Marshall Elementary

Danyale Hill

Vanessa Moran

Great Lakes Academy

Elayne Moran

Hope Bland received her PHD in Human Services from Capilla University, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hope, the daughter of James and Helen Cook is a social worker in the Toledo Public School System. She, her husband William, and their four children reside in Toledo. Jasmine Lawrence received her “White Jacket” signifying her acceptance into the University of Toledo Pharmacology Program. She is the granddaughter of James and Mary Lawrence.

Michael Bush - Arnold received his “White Lab Coat” to signify the beginning of his studies at the University of Toledo Medical School. Michael is the son of Marie Bush.

James Matthews, son of Beth Matthews has published his 5 th book. ”Saved But Stuck”, Your Situation Is Not Your Destination”, “I’ll Come When I Get Myself Together”, “40 Day Devotion” and “The Law Of Prayer” are books written by James. He and his wife, Jenna reside in Keller, Texas with their four children. We welcome Justin Davis who was born July 31st at Toledo Hospital. He is the son of Patrice Davis, and grandson of Vince and Pathy Davis. Congratulations to Judy Jackson who is planning to retire on October 30, 2009 after 30 years of service with the United States Postal Service. Congratulations to Atty. Eddie M. Cole he was one of the 2009 Honorees of the African American Legacy “Legends”, these Honorees have attributed above and beyond contributions to the History and foundation of Northwestern Ohio.

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue Gifting and Evangelism

When mom or dad is in prison, it’s the children who do hard time. But you can let them know they aren’t forgotten. You can give the child of a prisoner the joy of Christmas this year.

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inferring that they cause the parent to leave. Guilt that has had no relief or forgiveness may cause the child’s self esteem to plummet, contributing to fears of inadequacy. A child may not feel he or she can be forgiven. These feelings can be a hindrance to receiving God’s love that covers over all our sins. Confusion

We need volunteers to Buy and wrap Christmas gifts. Every child also receives an age-appropriate presentation of the Gospel message-the true meaning of Christmas. And when Christmas is over, you’ll enjoy opportunities to continue to minister to these families year around. Sharing the Gospel Sharing the Gospel with any child requires special care and sensitivity. As your church prepares for Christmas and for sharing the Gospel with the children of prisoners, it is very important to understand the following: The way that a child of a prisoner sees life, and in turn the way they may hear the Gospel presentation, can be very different than what one might expect from a child. The trauma they have experienced may have made it difficult for them to focus, find meaning, or show their feelings. Challenges Prisoner’s Children Face Shame All too many children of prisoners experience real ostracism, shunning, teasing or hostility at school or in their neighborhoods. The sense of personal shame may manifest itself in several behaviors. Some will turn toward anti-social peers, finding comfort in other “outcasts.” Some will turn shame into a badge of honor, bragging about the parent’s whereabouts and seeking to emulate those behaviors that may have gotten the parent arrested. Some may internalize the shame, harboring deep resentment and hate toward authority figures, desiring to get back or get even. Guilt As with the children of divorce, many children of prisoners feel misplaced guilt that they might in some way be responsible for the parent leaving. Some even develop guilt over the parent’s arrest. A child can amplify and project the consequences of their own “bad” behavior,

Children of prisoners may be unaware of their parents’ whereabouts, knowing neither why they left nor when they will return. Some children, when told where their incarcerated parent is have difficulty accepting the truth. In either case, confusion contributes to instability, to doubting adult authority, to distrusting other people, discounting little promises, and disbelieving sincere praise or compliments. Your effort to share a message about a God who can’t be seen or heard takes specials sensitivity to overcome the association with a distant parent. Isolation Many children of prisoners lose, or are denied, contact with their parent behind bars. The isolation may be due to a court order, lack of money to travel, the imprisoned parent’s own antisocial behavior or an indifferent or overstressed caregiver. Such isolation can skew a child’s appreciation for any authority, whether God’s or a parent’s. It can mute exposure to healthy role modeling, and stunt maturity. The child may turn inward emotional, walling off their real feelings, and retreating to hide their fears.

Braden’s Angel Tree gift cards will be available

Sunday, ovember 15, 2009. For more information or to receive your angle see Sis. Eva Tucker-Lingo or give her a call at 419-531-5901.

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue

YOUTH COR'ER UT scholarship plan aimed at 8th graders By MEGHA- GILBERT-CU--I-GHAM - BLADE STAFF WRITER (Excerpts from the article, The Toledo Blade 10/23/09) The University of Toledo wants to give successful high school students $10,000 to go to college there.

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"If we start that conversation early, college becomes a possibility and a real possibility," he said. "If you start your senior year thinking about what you'll do next year, in some cases, it's too late." He said planning for college can influence the courses students take, such as encouraging them to pursue advanced science and math or a foreign language.

Although a student must attend UT to cash in a Scholarly Savings Account, Mr. Kucera said choosThe new Scholarly Savings Account program will ing another school wouldn't necessarily be a bad encourage eighth graders to start thinking about col- thing. lege now and then will give them $2,000 a year as "If a student goes through this program in they work toward that goal, said Larry Burns, UT's high school and elects to pick another college, that's vice president for external affairs. fine too, because now they are better prepared for any "It allows students and family to realize the uni- college," he said. versity dream can be a reality if they work hard," Mr. Unlike UT's other recent scholarship program, Burns said. the UT Guarantee, that offered free tuition for select public school districts in the state, this program is An initial deposit of $2,000 for completing open to any school anywhere. eighth grade and subsequent $2,000 deposits after each successful year of high school would create a "The UT Guarantee program is helping us maximum of $10,000 in the savings account, said reach those urban communities, but we have always Kevin Kucera, associate vice president for enrollment felt the parochial schools and suburban schools are services at UT. important," Mr. Burns said. Mr. Kucera said UT wanted to give the dis"It creates a goal-oriented focus for them so tricts flexibility to include academics, attendance, bethey can realize their dreams," he said. "Sometimes havior, or other factors. when they come to high school, they don't think about going to college right away." The only UT criterion is that the student graduates with a 3.0 grade point average and meets The first deposits will be made in June for the core curriculum requirements for admission to the eighth graders who successfully complete this school university. year. For students to be eligible, their districts or Contact Meghan Gilbert-Cunningham at: mcunschools must sign a participation agreement with UT or 419-724-6134. that includes its requirements and tracking process. John Foley, superintendent of Toledo Public Schools, said he long has believed that reaching out to students at younger ages will help encourage them to be successful in school.

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue

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Braden Youth attend UT 2009 Homecoming Football Game

Dear Braden Family, Thank you for your participation and your generous donation of candy and helping to make our annual All Saints ’ Day so special for the children in our church and community. We had about 120 children who enjoyed the games, food, prizes and just having fun. This would not have been possible without the generous giving of your time and gifts of candy. Just by looking at their happy faces and the appreciation on their parent ’ s faces lets us know that it was a success. God bless you. We would

Words of Wisdom “Words are Windows to the Heart.”

also like to thank the Andersons ’ , Kroger, Meijer and WalMart for helping by donating candy for the event. Gratefully yours, Holly Matthews

Randall Jones, Jr. Our Father we truly thank you for a new beginning, by allowing us a new home of worship at no cost. Now let us as a church family, do what God has called us to do, to bring people to Christ. With Love, Amen

Thanks Holly it was a great

The Braden Steeple

November 2009 Issue

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Worship Services: Sunday School – 9:30 am Worship Services – 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 12:30 pm & 7:00 pm

The Steeple

Discipleship Prayer! First Friday Prayer 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Braden’s newsletter is published on a quarterly basis. The purpose for our newsletter is important for our congregation because it helps them: To grow spiritually

Sunday Morning Prayer 9:15 am

To be uplifted To feel a part of the church community To be active in the life of the church community To make informed decisions about giving

Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Office: 419-386-2700 Email: For regularly scheduled weekly events refer to your weekly church bulletins.

Purpose Statement: Pressing towards a higher mark through love and service to Jesus Christ

Steeple Articles: Our church newsletter is published January, March, May, July, September, November & our special Holiday Issue in December. Please submit your ministry reports and upcoming event by the 20th of each month prior to our publish dates. The due dates are listed below:

Purpose Scripture: “….forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize f he upward call of God in Christ Jesus” Love, (Philippians 3:13b-14)

Steeple Published •

Dec. Issue

Information Due


Submit to church via email or Communications Team Member!

Communication Team Helen Tuggle * Rosalyn Cooper * Linda Hester * Randall Jones * Kellie Jordan * Beth Matthews * * Lois M. Lipkins *

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