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Braden United Methodist Church 4725 Dorr Street Toledo, OH 43615

Jesus Christ is Lord and whom He sets free is freed indeed. Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

Wynston E. Dixon, Pastor

BRADEN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Making Disciples for Jesus Christ” January 16, 2011 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany *(Indicates when congregation should stand)

10:30 A.M.





GREETING Pastor Dixon We have come together on this special day, to witness to the love of God in the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a martyr to the faith, in the cause of justice. We come from different cultures, different religions, but all committed to the right for which Dr. King fought, of freedom for all people. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., had a dream. It was a dream of unity and peace, justice and equality for all. In our coming together, may we also aspire to that hope. And more than that, may we be moved to go beyond hope and join the fight which can never end until all can say with the boldness of truth, "Free at last, free at last, praise God almighty we're free at last." *HYMN OF CELEBRATION:“Lift Every Voice And Sing”

Hymnal #519

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (in Unison) Bro. Willie Reams God of watchful care, we confess our complacency in our own security. We close our eyes to the pain around us by refusing to see the signs of suffering in the eyes of our brothers and sisters. We stride boldly along life's paths, oblivious to bowed heads and stooped shoulders that cry out the misery of life without meaning. We hide behind walls of contentment, rejoicing in the realization of our dreams, while others linger outside, too worn down to dream. Forgive us our unthinking preoccupation that keeps us from joining the fight for justice and freedom for your whole creation. Open our eyes and hearts and hands to the plight of all your people. Move us beyond self and selfishness to a life of service to your people in your name. Inspire us to action for the good of all. Amen. MINISTRY OF MUSIC SCRIPTURE READINGS

Braden Adult Choir II Kings 7: 5-11

Pew Bible Pg. 336


Braden Adult Choir “Caring For Those Left Behind” Pastor Wynston Dixon

HYMN OF INVITATION “Just As I Am” Hymnal #357 Persons who desire to unite with the church or rededicate themselves may come forward at this time.) PRAYERS OF REDEDICATION AND RENEWAL Michael Bush Leader: Let us pause and remember the words of Dr. King, the drum major for peace, who called us to arms in the battle for justice. Let us rededicate ourselves to maintain the fight for justice until all people everywhere cease to be victims of the injustice of others. People: God of justice, give us courage. Leader: While war rages on between nations and races and cultures, the cry for peace grows louder and louder. Let us strive for peace and justice in the hearts of all people so that together we will all do justly, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. People: God of peace and justice, grant us your peace. Leader: Here in our land and around the world, the shackles from our human bodies have been replaced by the chaining of our minds. And so none of us is free because all of us are not free. Let us redouble our efforts, to seek freedom in the name of our God who makes us all free. People: Freeing God, strengthen us that together we may break the chains of oppression that bind us all. Leader: Although we have gathered as a community in this place and time, more often we are separated by a lack of understanding of our neighbors which causes us to fear. May we strive together so that the divisions of race may be removed and with them the fear that paralyzes our efforts so that the radiance of God's love may shine in the hearts of all people. People: God of love, dispel our fears and awaken in us your love that binds us as one. Leader: Sadly, we the people of God must admit that we have not been the voice that rings out for truth and justice. Instead we have so often by covert acts and overt silence, supported the status quo. Too often we have remained silent or hesitated to raise our voices in the fear that we may be called to action. May our silence and uncertainty be replaced by the disturbance of our voices raised in protest for all people.

People: Eternal God, move us beyond ourselves that we may work for truth and righteousness in your world. May we strive for justice for all people that we may all know the fullness of joy that is ours as your creation. Amen. OFFERING OFFERTORY RESPONSE Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Farther, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen CLOSING HYMN -- We Shall Overcome 1. We shall overcome ... someday 2. We'll walk hand in hand ... someday 3. We shall live in peace ... someday 4. God is on our side ... Today BENEDICTION Go out in the strength of God, having the courage to stand for truth and justice. Go out in the power of God, heeding the call to work for freedom. Go out in the love of God, reaching out to the stranger, sharing the joy of unity with God and all people. ASSISTING IN WORSHIP TODAY: Liturgist; Bro. Willie Reams; Acolytes: Kobe Tillman & Brooklynne Gregory; Sound Technician: Jeremiah Robinson; Musician: Sis. Glenna Wilson-Barnes Welcome to Braden UM Church. We are glad you are here! If you are a first time visitor, please introduce yourself, sign one of our visitor’s cards and put it in the offering basket. If you have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Master of your life or do not have a church home, we hope that having heard the word of God, you will come forward to shake hands and fellowship with us. Today is Human Relations Sunday., a church wide Special Sunday of the United Methodist Church. “They had first given themselves unreservedly to God and to us. The other giving simply flowed out of the purposes of God working in their live.” -2 Corinthians 8:5b, the Message. Your generous gifts on Human Relations Day support: *Community Developers and United Methodist Voluntary Services programs, related to the General Board of Global Ministries; and *Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program, General Board of Church and Society. A special envelope is provided for your contributions.

From our Financial Secretary . . Your 2010 contributions statements are now available to pick up in back of the sanctuary. From our Outreach Director . . School Supply Give-a-Way -Sunday, January 30th immediately following church. Free supplies for those in need. A note from the Trustees . . .Please remember there is to be no food or drink in the sanctuary. If food is dropped, we tend to see ants. Church Council Meeting & Leadership Training The January Church Council meeting will be held this Saturday, January 22. We will conduct a shorten meeting and then proceed to the training portion. All Church Council members should plan to attend. Council members should check their boxes today for any reports. Happening this Week – January 16 - 22, 2011: Today:

Blood Pressure Check 4:00


Youth Group

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day 9:30 a.m. Unity Day Celebration at UT Office Closed

Wednesday: 12:30 Bible Study 7:00 Saturday:

Bible Study

10:00 Church Council & Leadership Training 11:00 HM Chorus 12:00 Choir

Next Sunday-January 23, 2011: 9:30 Sunday School -10:30 Worship Liturgist: Morrell Fonfield Acolytes: Alan Durden & DeCarlo Clark

District Leadership Training . . .The District Leadership Training Event (see insert) is a great opportunity to learn more about your ministry positions within the church. All Church Council members and committee members are encouraged to attend, especially those new to a committee. The church will pay for half of the cost, so you only have to pay $5.00. Registration brochures are on the table in back of the sanctuary. Turn in your registration and $5.00 to the church office by Tuesday, January 18th.

Daily Bible Reading Guide January 16-22, 2011 - The Book of Exodus Listen as the Lord Speaks to You Day/Chapter Sun. /Ex. 5 Thurs./Ex. 9

Day/Chapter Mon. / Ex. 6

Day/Chapter Tues./ Ex. 7

Fri./ Exo.10

Sat./Ex. 11

Day/Chapter Wed./Ex. 8

Stewardship Report for January 9, 2011 Needed per week: Received To Date $7236.00


Attendance: Worship-135;Sunday School-Children & Youth-7; Adults-11; Confirmation Class-6 Bible Study-none

HOSPITALS/NURSING HOMES/REHAB CENTERS Remember the following members and friends in your prayers George Allen, Jr. Lincoln Bussey, Sr. Harold Young Loretta Simmons Norvelle Gross Theresa Brister

Whitehouse Country Manor Lutheran Home-Assisted Living

11239 Waterville St. Waterville, OH 43566 2519 Seaman St.

Heartland-Holly Glenn

Toledo, Oh 43605 4294 Monroe St.

Fairview Nursing Home

Toledo, OH 43606 4420 South Ave.

Laurels of Toledo

Toledo, OH 43615 1011 Byrne Rd. #206

Lake Park

Toledo, OH 43606 5100 Harroun Rd.

Roosevelt Simmons


George Allen, Sr.

Wolf Creek Rehab

Carleton, Allen

Fairview Nursing Home

Sylvania, OH 43560 3000 Arlington Ave. Toledo, OH 43614 2001 Perrysburg/Holland Rd. Holland, OH 43528 4420 South Ave.


Toledo, OH 43615 3000 Arlington Ave.

Virginia HaywoodSmith

Toledo, OH 43614

Sick & Shut-Ins

Prayer Requests

Beene, Asia Coleman, Mildred Russell, Edna Shoecraft, Velma Steele, Lucille Simmons, Roosevelt White, Margie Greene, Lula

Allen, H. Carlton Allen, Florene Phillips, Odessa M. Davis, Lucy Hadley, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Stewart, Rebecca

Dixon, Sr., Nehemiah King, Edith Ellison, Jim & Thomasine Keyes, Mattie Allen, Cassandra

†To My Church Family, Thank you for the Christmas gift. Being an employee of Braden has stretched me and blessed me. May God continue to bless each of you & the ministries here at Braden? Grateful, Cerrsandra McPherson, Outreach Director †Dear Participating Members of the Braden United Methodist Church, Thank you for brightening this holiday season for our residents with your delicious cookies and fruit. You have show such a widening of the Christmas spirit by your presence here. All the residents and staff thank you from deep within ourselves. Many of us will pray for you and yours this very special time of year. In 2011 we know we will all face new challenges, but our faith will sustain us and God sill support us as only He is able. Jackie Nash, The Laurels of Toledo †The family of Bernard Clark, Jr. acknowledges with deep appreciation your kind express of sympathy. Thank you, Marilyn Clark and Family †Dear Wynston & members of Braden UMC, Thank you so much for thinking up us at Christmas time. Your gift was an unexpected surprise and very much appreciated. We will all the best to everyone at Braden in the new year. Sincerely, Casey & Beth, Maumee Watershed District Office †Dear Pastor Dixon, On behalf of the entire NetWORK staff, we would like to thank you for the recent monetary do‐ nation made by you and your congregation to our clients which was used to prepare our annual Christmas party. NetWORK, the vocation division of Zepf Mental Health center provides pre‐ employment training and services to individuals referred to us by the Dept. of Jobs & Family Services. The funds contributed were used to provide our clients with toys, food, and personal hygiene items. We thank you for your generosity and sharing with us as we continue to assist those in need May God continue to bless you! Liz Conley, Job Placement Coordinator

How DO I Become a Christian? Repent - Turn away from sin. (Romans 3:23, Acts 3:19) Believe - Trust in Jesus for salvation. (John 3:16) Confess - Give Jesus control of your life. (Romans 10:9-10) Receive - Receive Jesus as your personal savior. (Romans 10:13)

How to Join Braden United Methodist Church Profession of Faith - If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you may join by professing Jesus Christ as your Savior.

Renewal of Vows - If you have been a member of a church at one time, but Have been inactive, you may join by renewing your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Transfer - If you are a member of another church, you may join by Requesting that your membership be transferred to Braden.

Affiliate Member - Sometimes an individual has reasons for keeping his or her membership in another church, but would also like to be a member of Braden. This is possible as an affiliate member.

What is the Invitation? At the conclusion of every service we offer an invitation. It is for those who want to receive Jesus as Savior, who wants to join the membership process, who wants to pray individually or need for others to pray with them. Feel free to come forward today! Contact Us:

Office: 419-386-2700

Church’s E-mail: Bradenumc@sbcglobal.net

Fax: 419-386-2702

Church’s Website: Bradenumc.org

Parsonage: 419-386-2690; Pastor’s E-mail: cuppah@sbcglobal.net

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