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The Braden Steeple Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, Official Publication of Braden United Methodist Church

Happy Easter Vol. VI

April, 2010

PENTECOST The last day of Easter season is Pentecost. Pentecost is the second most important holiday for Christians. Easter, of course, celebrates the Resurrection. Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit on the disciples, empowering them to carry the Word of God to others. We celebrate Pentecost as the birthday of the church. Actually Pentecost was originally a Jewish celebration – an agricultural festival celebrating the harvest. In Jesus’ day it was customary for Jews to take the first fruits of their harvest to the temple as an offering. This holiday for the Jews came to center on the giving of the Torah (the law of Moses). The reading of the Scriptures was a large part of the celebration. To Christians Pentecost means the coming of the Holy Spirit – the birthday of the church. After the ascension of Jesus, the disciples gathered once again in Jerusalem for the celebration of Pentecost. This is where Acts 2 begins. The story of the birth of the church is full of drama; signs and sounds abound. It is a joyous occasion. Pentecost comes fifty days after Easter. This date was well-established by the third century.The core of the Christian Year – the central message of the passion, resurrection, and ascension of Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit – begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with Pentecost.

No. 25

Think Spring The marvels of spring, O Lord how manifold thy work! In wisdom how thou has made them all; the earth is full of the riches PS 104:24. The earth sought, and was granted a reprieve from the grip of winters’ bondage, God, creator of the season has instituted this phenomenon, allowing the warming rays to loosen the bonds of the arctic stronghold. The earth is full of riches and beauty the creatures are satisfied. Joy in God is never out of season.

WELCOME SPRI G MARCH 20TH Christians experience God through the events of history that God has made known to us. This makes time very important to the Christian faith. Its because of this that the cycle of the Christian year is what grounds our relationship with God. We are in the Lenten season. Look for the colors of purple.

The Braden Steeple will be printed and distributed to the membership of Braden United Methodist Church and the community during the months of January, March, May, July, September, November & a special Holiday issue in December. News articles are due by the 20th of the previous month the newsletter is printed. Send all material to: Communication Ministry Team, 4725 Dorr Street, Toledo, OH 43625 or contact the church office at 419-386-2700

The Braden Steeple

April 2010, Issue

Remember our sick and shut in your daily prayers. A kind card or a simple note could brighten a person’s day; take moment and let our members know that they are in the Braden Family daily prayers

Allen, George Jr.

Beene, Asia Bussey, Lincoln Sr.

Coleman, Mildred Merriweather, Harriet

Norvelle Gross

Russell, Edna Shoecraft, Velma Sisson, Elizabeth Steele, Lucille West, Wilbert Young, Harold

Whitehouse Country Manor 11239 Waterville St. Whitehouse, OH 43571 (Ronya): 3353 Parkwood Av. Toledo, OH 43610 Lutheran Home-Assisted Living 2519 Seaman St. Toledo, OH 43605 2341 Old Stone Ct. #1 Toledo, OH 43614 Arbors of Sylvania 7120 Port Sylvania Av. Toledo, OH 43617 Laurels of Toledo 1011 Byrne Rd. #301 Toledo, OH 43609 2125 Parkwood Ave. #138 Toledo, OH 43620 817 Onieda St. Toledo, OH 43608 4604 Springbrook Toledo, OH 43615 830 N. Hawley St. Toledo, OH 43607 41 Carol Lane Toledo, OH 43615 Heartland-Holly Glenn 4294 Monroe St. Toledo, OH 43604

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Christian Education Department— — Department The Christian Education department would thank Mrs. Jackie Robinson and sons for their participation in "HE WALK" and thank you to Mrs. Cerssandra McPherson.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL We will be setting a date for Vacation Bible School as soon as possible! Our tentative date we will be considering is the week of July 19th. Please take a moment to check your calendar to see if you can help this year. We will be announcing our meeting date and time soon. Please see any teacher or myself know if you would be interested in helping this year.

Yolanda Robinson Christian Education

Words of Wisdom Most people believe in the Bible but few obey the Word of God.

Randall Jones, Jr.

The Braden Steeple

April 2010 Issue

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Happy 100th Birthday Mrs. Theresa M. Brister From your Braden Family! On April 10, 2010, Theresa Maudean Harper Brister will celebrate 100 years of life. Born outside the small town of West, Mississippi to the parents of Perry Monroe Harper and Willie Norma Cauthon Harper, she was the oldest of seven children. She has survived 2 sisters and 2 brothers, her parents and her husband. This African American family two generations removed from slavery was unique in its survival in the South. Her mother attended Mary Holmes College for Women and was certified by the State of MS to teach the Deaf and Dumb Colored students of the state. Her father had a third grade education but had great business acumen and after working and earning money on the railroad opened his own shoe repair shop. He vowed that his daughters would not have to work in “Miss Ann’s kitchen” and none of them did. The family moved to Winona, MS when Theresa was 11 Years old. She had been attending elementary school in Winona as a young child staying with her grandmother during the week and returning home to her parents on the weekend because of the lack of schools in West. At age 11 she confessed her love for Christ and joined Haven United Methodist Church and participated in all the youth and young adult activities offered. At sixteen, Theresa went to Rust College in Holly Springs, MS to complete her education. She graduated in 1930 and returned to Winona to teach in a Baptist school. The summer of 1933 she visited her Aunt Naomi Leake in Chicago. While there her childhood sweetheart, Arthur Brister whom had gone to New York City to work five years earlier asked her to join him there. She took a bus to NYC and a few days later they married and remained so until his death in 1982. When asked about Arthur she smiles and said I knew I would marry him when I was 12. Arthur and Theresa joined Mt.Calvary United Methodist Church where both were active members and Theresa sung in the choir. One member asked her about teaching in the church pre-school program; hence, began her 35 years as an early childhood teacher. She attended Columbia University Graduate Teachers College to better prepare herself for the position. Arthur and Theresa were a very social couple. Living in Harlem in 1930-1960’s they experienced many of the highlights and activities of the era. They danced at the Apollo and remember the many famous talent nights they had there. When the young women at the pre-school started playing bridge, Theresa joined the club not knowing that one member of the group would one day be the first African American woman to run for US President, Shirley Chisolm. Later in 1960’s they moved to Queens and bought a house. They were known for their cook-outs, and many parties especially on New Years Eve. They had no children of their own but accepted and treated their nieces and nephews as their children. Many care packages, checks, dresses and other needed items were sent to them as some matriculated through college, got married, had babies and anything else Auntie and Uncle Arthur could help them with. She has a niece named after her, Marie Theresa Bush and grand niece, Theresa Antoinette Bush. Her husband Arthur’s name is continued in grand nephew Michael Arthur Bush-Arnold. In 1982, Arthur Brister died. Theresa was alone without any of her family near. She made the decision to move to Toledo, Ohio in 1983 to be close to her youngest sibling Frenchye Harper Latham and her family. Theresa joined Braden United Methodist Church and immediately began singing in the senior choir and joined the Communion Stewards, and the United Methodist Women. She no longer sings in the choir but still participates in the other 2 groups as well as Flower Hospital Guild where she serves as chaplain. She is also a member of Women Service Institute Club. Theresa lives alone, next door to her sister Frenchye. Each morning she takes her morning stroll. She plays Uno with the other neighbors in the afternoon. She loves to shop and usually buys something new to keep her fashion look updated. She can recall the exciting times living in NYC and discuss current affairs with the best analysts. On Saturday, April10, 2010 Ferris Jacob Monroe Harper, 91 years old and Theresa’s only surviving brother will travel from Los Angeles to join his sister Frenchye Latham, 87 years old to celebrate their oldest sister’s 100th birthday. Relatives coming from California include nieces Willie Carter, Monet (Clarence) Daniels, their children Sonya Walker (Las Vegas) and Anwar Daniels, niece Annette Harper Franklin from DeSota, TX; grand niece Monica Jackson of Houston, TX; nephew Ret. Major David L. Latham (Joyce) and his daughter Michelle and granddaughter Raven from Dumfries, Va.; grandnephew Robert Drake and his son Monyea and grandsons from Alsip, IL; nieces Marie Theresa Bush of Toledo and her children Frenchye and her son Jordan from Cleveland, Theresa and her daughter Aliya from Columbus, and Michael Arthur of Toledo, and Toledo niece Gwen Latham White and her children David (Lorrie), his son David M., daughters Denise and her daughter D’laia, and daughter Stephanie and her son Messai plus many more relatives and friends. Recognitions and proclamations from President Obama, Gov. Strickland, Rep. Edna Brown, Toledo Mayor Michael Bell, Bishop Bruce Ough of West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church are expected to be presented at her birthday celebration at Brandywine Country Club, 6904 Salisbury Rd., Maumee, Ohio from 11am-2pm on April 10, 2010. (Printed as submitted)

The Braden Steeple

April 2010, Issue

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Braden United Methodist 86th Annual Women’s Day Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:30AM

Theme: God’s Image in Me Scripture: Malachi 3:3 He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver;... Colors: White & Silver Donation - $100 See Your Captains* Chair: Cynthia Gaynor Co-Chair: Yvonne Mitcham P[trons @v[il[\l_!! $5.00 p_r n[m_ s__ Lin^[ H_st_r or Di[n_ G[m\r_ll *(Captains to be introduced next Sunday, April 11, 2010)

Braden Women’s Day Luncheon

Saturday, April 24, 2010 12:00-2:30PM Tickets available for Adults and Children under 12 ! Vendors available!

See Vicky Forrest after Worship Service for your tickets starting Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Braden Steeple

April 2010 Issue

United Methodist Women Prayer and self-denial Service What a wonderful afternoon of worship. Rev. Janet Orr from First Church of God, Toledo, OH was our guest speaker, (one of Braden’s family). She blessed us with a lesson on how to pray and what to pray for when we have special concerns or just for our daily devotionals. We had over 30 women in attendance...thanks for supporting this event with your presence, your culinary delights and your gifts!

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WELCOME Braden’s urses Guild has been growing over the past years! We would like to officially welcome: Danyale Brown Labelle Wilson Kim Wise

Wynlita Dixon blessed us with a song “Were You There” and lead us in hymns throughout the service. She did a wonderful job. A special thanks to Sandra McPherson who assisted in our sound system and our own hospitality crew Danyale Brown, Diane Gambrell, Duanya Tillman and others!

The Braden Newsletter the Steeple gets a new name! The name of our newsletter the “Steeple” was reflective of the beautiful steeple that could be seen for miles around the Toledo “Old West End” area. Now that we have relocated, we have been considering a new name for our newsletter. A name that would continue to reflect our current ministries and our new ministries along with our continued efforts, of keeping all our Braden family and neighboring communities informed of our church activities. Do you have a suggestion for a new name? Please submit your suggestions to any of the Communication Team Members or contact the church office with your ideas!

Braden United Methodist Women Meeting Monday, April 26, 2010 5:30 p.m. Here at Braden!

Thank you for your support The Communication Team

The Braden Steeple

April 2010, Issue

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The visit the City of Toledo Collins Water Treatment Plant! Thank you to Mrs. Yolanda Robinson, Mrs. Duanya Tillman, Mrs. Rena Hill for chaperoning the field trip and Mr. George Robinson II for setting up this career opportunity event. There were 14 youth in attendance.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you to the congregation for donating

Thank You!!! to all the youth that assisted with the Easter Egg Hunt.

over 100 pair of socks for the Hannah's Sock Foundation. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The youth are having a lock-in on April 23rd from 5:30pm until 7:30am. Volunteers are needed. Parents are asked to stay at least 2 hours. There is a limit of 30 youth. Call Yolanda Durden for more information. 419-944-4498. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All female youth 12 and up are asked to be hostesses for Women's Day May 16th! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wynlita Dixon will be the speaker for Youth Sunday, May 30, 2010.

Lay Speaker Training! Anyone who has a desire to become a Lay Speaker is encouraged to attend a training session on Friday, April 30th 2010 from 6-9 p.m. and on Saturday, May 1. Saturday will be a all day session (8am-5pm) This session is for adults and youth (ages 12-18)! Please see Annette Savage or contact the church office.

The Braden Steeple

April 2010 Issue

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The word for this issue is

LENT Originally Lent was the period before Easter when converts were instructed in the Christian religion. This instruction was to prepare them for baptism, which at that time took place on Easter. The observance of the resurrection of Christ was three days – Friday through Sunday. A fast forty hours was the normal preparation for Easter Sunday. At some period this was extended to several weeks before Easter and named Lent. Pope Gregory extended the Lenten season to forty days by adding four days, from Ash Wednesday to the first Sunday of Lent. This forty days was a parallel to Jesus’ forty days of fasting in the wilderness. For the Western church Lent now begins with Ash Wednesday. The forty days of Lent do NOT include Sundays, since all Sundays are considered to be small Easters in celebration of the Resurrection. Since the forty days of Lent parallel the forty days of the fasting and temptation of Christ, it has become customary to use Lent as a time of preparation. Frivolity is put aside and people are to prepare themselves and use this as a time of penance. Many people give up something for Lent as a reminder of the season. Others take on new spiritual disciplines such as prayers of repentance, spiritual journaling, and extra service to others.

BEST POEM IN THE WORLD I was shocked, confused, bewildered as I entered Heaven's door, Not by the beauty of it all, Nor by the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in Heaven who made me sputter and gasp-the thieves, the liars, the sinners, the alcoholics, the trash. There stood the kid from seventh grade who swiped my lunch money twice. Next to him was my old neighbor who never said anything nice. Herb, who I always thought was rotting away in hell, was sitting pretty on cloud nine, looking incredibly well. I nudged Jesus, "What's the deal? I would love to hear Your take. How'd all these sinners get up here? God must've made a mistake. And why's everyone so quiet, so somber? Give me a clue." "Hush, child," said He "They're all in shock. No one thought they'd see you." Judge NOT!!

Remember…Just going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

The Braden Steeple

April 2010, Issue

The Steeple Braden’s newsletter is published on a regular basis. The purpose for our newsletter is important for our congregation because it helps them: To grow spiritually To be uplifted To feel a part of the church community To be active in the life of the church community To make informed decisions about giving Submit to church via email or Communications Team Member!

The Seed Lady Do you love to plant gardens and watch things grow; then be of good cheer, you share this to in common with our Father in Heaven. (Then the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed, and out of the ground the Lord God made every tree to grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of Life was also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.) Genesis 3 :8-9 As our minds and hearts turn toward thoughts of spring, the son shinning, flowers blooming and the gathering together of the seeds we will sow, the preparation of the soil so they will grow, adequate water and fertilizer is necessary too, and oh yes there must be plenty of Sun. Then the joyous time of the harvest will begin. As this new season approaches the question arises up out of my soul. Though the harvest is plentiful what will I grow? Things you will need/terms you must know: Seed = word Sun = son Water = Holy Spirit Soil = the hearts of men and women Fertilizer = prayer and meditation in the word Harvest = showing people how to give their best to God

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Worship Services: Sunday School – 9:30 am Worship Services – 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 12:30 pm & 7:00 pm

Discipleship Prayer! First Friday Prayer 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Sunday Morning Prayer 9:15 am

Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Office: 419-386-2700 Email: For regularly scheduled weekly events refer to your weekly church bulletins.

Purpose Statement: Pressing towards a higher mark through love and service to Jesus Christ

Purpose Scripture: “….forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” Love, (Philippians 3:13b-14)

Communication Team Helen Tuggle * Rosalyn Cooper * Linda Hester * Randall Jones * Kellie Jordan * Beth Matthews *

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