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The Braden Steeple Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, Official Publication of Braden United Methodist Church

Vol. IV

January, 2008 Issue No. 12 of those who faced a serious challenge in Maintenance is one of the 2007, I encourage you not to give up. For keys to ongoing some of us, death snatched away some one(s) Christian Victory who was dear to us. Others may have experienced a serious illness in their family or When God made us, he wrote a with themselves. Yet others had financial maintenance schedule for us. tragedies or had other challenges that they had Consider these verses: Psalm 61:8, 86:3, 88:9, to deal with or go through. Whatever we 145:2, Daniel 6:10, Luke 9:23, Acts 17:11, experienced we can come out victorious. That Hebrews 3:13. God says, Oil daily!” He to me is success. Even if you have not yet doesn’t say once a week, once a month, or rebounded out of your challenges, don’t every Easter and Christmas. He says daily. despair, but take heart, it will happen sooner Can we make it without following our than later. The Word of God says “weeping Manufacturer’s maintenance schedule? may endure for the night but JOY cometh in the morning”. Your morning is right on the If you make any resolutions for 2008, resolve horizon, watch fervently for it. to daily oil your spirit with God’s Word and with prayer. Without it we cannot, but through it all, God granted us His Grace to maintain an upward climb.

Pastor’s Message Dear Braden Church family and friends, As we have celebrated another year, I want to take this time to wish you and your families a blessed and prosperous New Year. Some may say they have nothing to be merry or happy about because of their current situation. This may be true because the year 2007 has been a year of both challenges for some and successes for others. If you are one

My wish for you and your family is that God will open the windows of Heaven during 2008 and pour out His blessings upon you so much so that you would not have room enough to receive them. He personally guarantees this in His Word as recorded in Malachi 3:10. He also says in Psalm 37:4-5, delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to Him and He will cause whatever you commit to Him to come to pass. By now you may be asking yourself, so how do I delight myself in the Lord or what does it mean to delight myself into the Lord?

The Braden Steeple will be printed and distributed to the membership of Braden United Methodist Church and the community in January, March, May, July, September, November & a special Holiday issue. News articles are due by the 1st of the previous month the newsletter is printed. Send all material to: Communication Ministry Team, 2013 Lawrence at Woodruff, Toledo, OH 43606, (419) 241-7257.

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

What worked years ago may not work today because the world has changed.

Pastor’s Message continued... To give you a quick answer, I refer you to the book of Isaiah, Chapter 58 (read the entire chapter but if you don’t have the time, I encourage you to at least read verses 13 & 14). They tell us what to do to delight in the Lord. If your heart desires something in 2008 (anything, regardless of what that may be) i.e. to open your own very successful business, to have joy and peace, to have healing for you or a loved one whom the doctors have condemn to die because of a terminal illness, restoring your family ties, children may be gone astray, or you are estranged from your spouse, whatever the situation may be, delight in the Lord and commit that thing you desire to Him, trusting Him as the Psalmist says, and watch His miracle unfold in front of your eyes. We are determined to accelerate change at Braden during the 2008-2009 conference years. We will rely on the Church Council to help begin a process of planning new ministries aimed at growth. If Braden United Methodist Church wants to become a spiritually thriving, healthy congregation again, we will need to accept changes in the way we do things. This will cause us to be uncomfortable in our comfort zone and will cost us financially. We are aware that people don’t like to hear these things. But all of us will have to make some sacrifices and take some risks to turn this church around. Here are some realities we have to face in 2008-2009: •

God’s purpose for us is to save souls and not to save the building. The building is to serve us and not we -to serve the building, we are to serve God and help our fellow man.

You, the lay people must commit yourselves to change. Pastors don’t turn churches around, lay people do. My role is to give you guidance in the process.

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If we cling to death, we will die. That is a fact. In order to find success, we have to accept the risk of failure.

There is no room for petty fights over church turf in the Kingdom of God.

As we prepare to celebrate our centennial anniversary this year, please take a moment for introspection, and quietly determine what each must do to develop the goodwill that is within, and strive to share the spirit of love, peace, and unity with others. It would be reviving to have a period of spiritual reckoning, so that the good that is within each of us may be reflected in our existence. I ask your forgiveness if I have hurt or wronged anybody during the past year knowingly or unknowingly by my words, actions, or omission. However, asking others to forgive me is the easier of the two-prone process of becoming whole. Please be aware that I have forgiven those who have wronged me, even if the other person did not see his/her action as a wrong to me. My beloved parishioners, I hope you too will find the time to seek one another out, ask someone to forgive you, and let others know that you have forgiven them. We must first be changed in order to change our church. Our church will not progress unless we are healed from within; renew our relationships with our fellow parishioners and humble ourselves before the Almighty God.

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

Pastor’s Message conclusion In closing, may the Words of the Lord as written in Psalm 37 verses 4 & 5 and Isaiah 58 verses 13 & 14 be your portion in 2008. Be safe during this holiday season and keep your eyes on Jesus. He will take you places in 2008 that you’ve never dreamed of. Wynlita and I love each of you and we thank God for all of you. Thank you for the confidence reposed in me to be your pastor. Be blessed,

Pastor Dixon From the Chair of Administrative Council to all of us A New Year’s Message Promise Yourself to be so strong That nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the Mistakes of the past and Press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful Countenance at all times And give every living creature You meet a smile. To glue so Much time to the Improvement of Yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

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Braden United Methodist Church Church Council Meeting Saturday, November 17, 2007 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Attendees: Marie Bush, Clyde Calhoun, Eddie Cole, Rev. Mike Denman, Pastor Dixon, Vicky Forrest, Morell Fonfield, Deloris Gray, Norvelle Gross, Randall Jones Jr., Sunceray Lamb, Eva Tucker-Lingo, Beth Matthews, Cerssandra McPherson, Carol Robinson, George Robinson II, Yolanda Robinson, Annette Savage, Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif, Harden Smith, Virginia Haywood-Smith, Marion Stokes, Charles Tuggle, Helen Tuggle, and Mary Wrighten Excused: Billye Hodges Call Meeting to Order: by Chair Charles Tuggle at 10:00am with a prayer by District Superintendent Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif. District Superintendent Representative: Rev. Michael Denman. Minutes from the Previous Meeting: October 20, 2007 was approved as read. Pastor Dixon: Requested that each member spend sometime considering where we go from here since we have been given the information on the current reality of Braden UMC. Requested that each committee send in or bring in a copy of their proposed event, meeting, and program dates for the 2008 calendar, which is due on December 15, 2007. Pastor asked Ms. Yolanda Robinson to speak to Bro. Clarence Cooper regarding his teaching Sunday school class in the future since he is not attending church services or Bible Study classes. Clyde Calhoun reported on the Focus Group meetings held on Tuesday, November 6, 2007. The Five things to do next now that we have been informed are:

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

Church Council minutes continued… 1. Prayer – for Unity 2. Grow one specific area – Children & Youth 3. Get the pulse of the congregation 4. Reach out to everyone on the congregational/membership roll 5. Get additional details about our alternatives and options

It was suggested that we need some volunteers to work in each of those five areas. The members present agreed to focus on these two areas: Grow one specific area – children & youth and reach out to everyone on the congregation/membership roll. Each of the church council groups are requested to work on something with or focus on children and youth in their area.

Reports: Coordinator of Christian Education: Yolanda Robinson: Reported they are now getting prepared for the Christmas program. We have picked out a skit titled Perspectives on Christmas by Laurie Hildreth and are asking for participation. We will be asking the choir to assist as well as a group to sign. Mr. Cooper’s class is continuing to grow and Mrs. Robinson’s class is maintaining students. As before the attendance of the children and youth is still a concern. I have put in a request for a teacher for the children during the winter months, but as of today no one has volunteered. Coordinator of Congregational Care and Witness: Clyde Calhoun submitted a brief report on the ministries under the coordination of Congregational Care. • The Tween Team Ministry will be collecting socks from now until December 15th to deliver to Nursing Homes for the Holidays. They meet the

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Page 4 2nd Friday of every month from 6 – 8PM. Also, the young ladies that participate in the Tween Team expressed an interest in a dance team. Sis. Marcella Pryor is working with the young ladies that expressed an interest every Friday at 5PM. She is teaching them a praise dance. It is open to anyone that may be interested. Christmas Dinner will be December 23 immediately following service. All Saints Day was a great success. The Newsletter has captured the most current health issues such as the MRSA issue featured on the CBS 60 Minutes program.

Coordinator of Youth Ministries: Cassandra Allen - No report. Coordinator of Outreach and Mission Ministry Team: Eva Tucker –Lingo – Reported that the Angel Tree project will increase from 60 to 67 angels and the gifts will be distributed December 22-23, 2007. United Methodist Women: Robin Rushe – No report United Methodist Men: Steve Halliburton – Eddie Cole reported that they will host the District meeting on November 27, 2007 with Bro Clarence Cooper as speaker. Lay Leader: Annette Savage No report Staff Parish Relations Committee: Vicky Forrest – No report Board of Trustees: Harden Smith – reported that the Van‘s engine was repaired at a cost of $369.00. Terry Hutchinson will put in the smoke alarms in the parsonage on 11/19/07 and the vanity will be purchased and installed. The Boiler Room has flooded 3 times in two weeks and $1,200.00 was spend to make the

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

Church Council minutes continued… corrections to the drainage system to prevent it from happening again. A vendor has given an estimate of this cost to flush the drain systems at $141.00 per hour and the system should be flushed 4 times per year which could come to $600.00 per year. A Firsch-Mullen representative suggested that electric based heating sources be installed in the secretary and Pastor’s office to cut back on the cost of heating the building. Pastor asked if the furnace vendor has been given the schedule for when the building is occupied because that was have been completed a long time ago. Finance Reports: George Robinson did not give a report but made a request for all committee to submit a budget for their group 30 days from today, 11/17/07, the due date is December 15, 2007. RRR – Deloris Gray presented a correction to the report of Gospel Fest 2007. The following is a brief summary: Revenue $6,575.00 Expenses 4,341.44 Profit $ 2,233.56 Treasurer Reports: B.K. Hodges submitted written report. Church Council minutes continued… Lay Delegate to Conference: Marie Bush reported that the United Methodist Church is working to increase it cross-racial appointments and on Nov. 15th she attended an Ethnic Recruitment Committee meeting in Columbus. Some of their concerns are the aging members of UMC congregations. November 25, 2007 is Student Youth Day. Benediction: Closed in Prayer.

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Announcements: • Next Meeting Date: Saturday, December 15, 2007 @ 10:00am • Maumee Watershed District Leadership in Mission on December 1, 2007 at Maumee UMC from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary G. Wrighten, Secretary

FINANCES AT A GLANCE We would like to thank all of you for your financial support towards the ministry of Braden for the year 2007. The total budget for the year was $229,720.00. At the end of December, we had received $181,776.26, which is 79% of our total budget. The total expenditure at the end of the year was $212,258.92. We had to borrow from other funds to meet these obligations. Our apportionment last year to the West Ohio Conference was $28,313.00. We paid $11,380.36, which is 40%. Our District apportionment was $6,765.00. We paid $6,201.25, which is 92%. Our gas bill at the church continues to be a struggle for us. We budgeted $25,000.00 for gas last year. By the end of December 2007 we had spend $39,414.09, which is $14,414.09 above what was budgeted for the gas bill at the church. The balances in all of our accounts as of December 31st are as follow: General fund (checking)….…….$105.00 Capital Improvement...............$2,226.52 Certificate of Deposit…..…..…$5,253.18 All other funds…………...…...$15,625.39 Total…………………………..$23,210.09

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

FINANCES AT A GLANCE continued… Braden has not met its budget in the last 7 or more years. This year the Finance Committee was determined to present a more realistic budget. The budget for 2008 is $199,924.00, which is a 12.97% decrease under the year 2007. There were cuts made throughout the 2007 budget. The weekly amount needed to meet the new budget is $3,440.00. The church borrowed $26,000.00 from the West Ohio Credit Union at a rate of 6%, to be paid over the next 10 years. This loan was made in order to cover part of the payment on the boiler. The current balance on the loan is $23,210.09. The 2007 Year End Contribution Statements will be available at the end of January, 2008. We thank God for all of you who supported the church with your prayers, talents and tithes in 2007. The Finance Committee

UMAction Briefing African UM Bishop Calls U.S. Church to Biblical Faithfulness Bishop David Yemba of the Central Congo Area has urged The United Methodist Church to be faithful to Scripture and prevent division. He was interviewed by American Family Radio while he was in the United States for the spring meeting of the Council of Bishops During the interview, Bishop Yemba told of the growing number United Methodists in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He said new democratic institutions and relative peace in his one war-torn country have helped spur church growth. However, Bishop Yemba warned that The United Methodist Church can have unity only if it is “governed by the authority of the Scripture.” He said the UMC is not yet as divided as the Episcopal Church USA but will become so if its U.S. leaders are not faithful to the Bible. Any denomination that is not faithful to God’s Word will

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fall apart, he cautioned. “I believe and I continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will lead the [United Methodist] Church to the right direction,” Yemba said, explaining that the “right direction” is “rooted, built on the truth of the Scriptures.” Yemba warned that African United Methodists are disturbed when they hear that UM leaders in America are promoting homosexual “marriage” and other unbiblical social causes. “To be the church is really to be governed by the Scripture,” Yemba said. “So some of these issues, when we hear and talk about them, the main question is: how faithful are we to the Scripture?” United Methodist clergy would be wise to pattern their ministry after John Wesley and draw their inspiration from him, according to Yemba. About one-third of all United Methodist now live outside the United States, mostly in Africa. There are nearly 1 million United Methodists in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where Yemba is one of three UM bishops. Yemba was elected Bishop of the Central Congo Area in February 2005. His ministry is centered in Kinshasa, the capital city. Before becoming a bishop, he taught theology at the UM affiliated Africa University in Zimbabwe, where he was founding dean of the department.

In each issue of the Steeple there will be an advertising word. Focus each day on that word. Act on that word, share that word with others. The word to focus on in this issue is

Romans 15:3 1. 2. 3. 4.

Reflect on this word. What doe this mean? How can I make it part of me? How can I pass it on?

The Braden Steeple

Health Highlight!

January, 2008 Issue

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The Braden Steeple

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The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

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Black History Facts!!

Black History Reflections

1. The creator and executive producer of Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice is an African American woman. Her name is Shonda Rhimes. 2. The mayor of Atlanta, Georgia is a 5’1 African American woman. Her name is Shirley Franklin. 3. Richard Arrington was elected the city’s first Black mayor of Birmingham, AL in 1971. 4. William E. Kennard was confirmed as the first Black chairman of the Federal Communications Commission in 1997. 5. Bill Picket was the first Black inducted into the Rodeo Hall of Fame in Oklahoma City on December 9, 1971. 6. P.B.S Pinchback was sworn in as the first Black governor of Louisiana in 1872 after Henry Clay Warmoth was impeached. 7. Willie L. Brown Jr., became San Francisco’s first Black mayor on December 12, 1995.

I will lift up their heads in proud blackness With the story of their fathers and their fathers’ fathers. And I shall take them into a way back time of Kings and Queens who ruled the Nile, and measured the stars and discovered the law of mathematics. Upon whose backs have been built the wealth of two continents. I will tell him this and more, And his heritage shall be his weapon and his armor; Will make him strong enough to win any battle he may face. Since this story is often obscured, I must sacrifice to find it for my children even as I sacrificed to feed, cloth, and shelter them. So this I will do for them If I love them. In years to come I believe because I have armed them with the truth, my children and their children’s children will venerate me. For it’s the truth that will make us free!

Did you know? If black or dark colors had represented shame or inferiority, then why would “The Almighty Jehovah” jubilantly array Himself in the form of blackness? Abraham, Moses, David and Solomon often visualized God in the form of blackness (thick darkness), which represented Omnipotence (all powerful)! Of all the different colors of the universe, why would Jehovah commonly fashion Himself in a darkish-blackish color? During the crucifixion, darkness covered the land. Was it God, who had previously appeared in dark forms (Matt. 27:45)?

Braden’s Bulletin Boards Lower Level The Africa we don’t know Genesis 2:4-5-32 Upper Level The Names of Jesus John 6:27-15:1

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

Tween Team The Tween Team will meet January 21st (Monday) from 1 – 3 PM.

The Tween Team would like to thank the Braden Church Family and Friends for your gracious support of our mission projects during 2007. Thanks to your kindness, we were able to spread love to many children and adults. Please be prayerful, as we seek guidance from the Lord on the mission projects for 2008. Your participation, prayers and constant words of encouragement have been a blessing! Tween Team Ministry 2008 African American Church Call To Buckle Up! “Life Altering Decisions May Have Life Ending Results” You Drink & Drive YOU LOSE Braden Buckle Up Campaign Annette Savage Helen Tuggle

Christian Education Watch for upcoming Black History Program presented by Christian Education Department Yolanda Robinson

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Book Review The Power of a Praying Nation Author: Stormie Omartian Thousands of lives were destroyed on September 11, 2001. As a nation, we watched the events unfold with great confusion, fear, uncertainty and extreme sadness in our hearts. Our country, the great United States was under attack and we were paralyzed by what we saw and heard. After the smoke cleared, the impact and realization set in. Parents had lost their children. Many children were left without a mother or father to care for them. Companies lost valuable employees and families were devastated. As a nation, we began to pull together to bring some form of relief. In the midst of such turmoil, it became clear that we desperately need God. People began to pray. Christians were urged by the Holy Spirit to pray with great urgency. As a result of such tragedy, Stormie Omartian decided to write a book that would guide our nation in prayer. In, Power of a Praying Nation, she shares heartfelt prayers that will guide our nation in praying for the following:

The President and His Advisors All Elected Officials Justices of the Supreme Court and all other judges Military End to Crime and Terrorism Spiritual Life of the Nation Strong Economy Educators, Teachers and Students God’s Protection on Our Land National Unity Media Nations of the World

Along with prayers, she shares scriptures that will draw us closer to understanding that God is in control. “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). Let’s start 2008 off in prayer!

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

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Congratulations! Wedding Anniversary Celebrations 61 Years

Bro. Leroy Hadley and Sis. Rachael Hadley The Hadley’s were married January 22, 1946. They have five sons and one daughter; Larry, Ronald, Leroy Jr., Peter, Guy Hadley (deceased) and Marilyn. They have six grandchildren and six great-grand children

Bro. Lawrence G. Hodges, Sr. & Sis. Billye K. Hodges

They joined Braden United Methodist Church over 50 years ago under the pastorate of Rev. John W. Simpson. Their favorite Bible verse is, John 10:10. Mrs. Hadley’s favorite song is, “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.” Mr. Hadley’s favorite song is, “Lord I want to be a Christian.”

The Hodges were married on November 2, 1946. They have three daughters and two sons; Beverly Hooker, Rev. Waverly L. Earley, Brenda J. Hodges, Lawrence G. Hodges, Jr., and John Robert Hodges. They have 14 grandchildren and 14 great-grand children.

The Hadley’s believe that the secret to their long marriage was their commitment to their children. Having their father in the home to help rear them was important. They thank God that they got along very well as a couple. Congratulations on your 61st Wedding Anniversary!

They joined Braden UMC 42 years ago in 1965 under the pastorate of Rev. Merrill E. Nelson. Their favorite Bible verse is “O give thanks unto the Lord for his mercy endures forever.” Psalm 118:1 They believe that the secret to their long marriage is “to have God in your life and realize everyone is different and you have to accept each other the way they are.” Congratulations on your 61st Wedding Anniversary!

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

Congratulations – Braden Family Member Norvelle E. Gross Honored 63 Years as a Toledo Resident

A Benediction of Blessings!!!!! Do you leave before the benediction? Are you listening and focused during the benediction? Is your heart receptive to the benediction? If you leave before the benediction, you are missing out on a blessing. The benediction is a critical and significant part of any service. The benediction is a ceremonial prayer of blessings. It is primarily given by the Pastor to cover the congregation in the Lord’s blessings at the end of the worship service. All of us love to receive good things in our life. We love the experience of great health, financial security, great relationships, better understanding, peace, joy, protection and comfort. The Lord supplies all of that and then some in the form of blessings. Ministers are known for lifting their hand as they pronounce the benediction. This is based on the Word of God because we find in Luke 24:50 that before Jesus ascended into heaven, he

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lifted up his hands and blessed the disciples. We know that because of this blessing, the disciples began to carry the Word of God to many areas. It is because of this blessing that people in our church know of Jesus. You will find several benedictions throughout the Word of God. • 1 Thessalonians 5:28 • 2 Thessalonians 3: 18 • 1 Corinthians 16: 23-24 • Romans 16:20 Although, we are more familiar with the Pastor issuing the benediction, we are all capable of passing blessings along. We find fathers in the Old Testament blessing their children (Examples: Joseph, Jacob and Isaac). One of the greatest gifts we can share with our family, friends, church family, coworkers and others is a blessing. You can bless with acts of service, kindness, and other expressions of love. So the next time, the Pastor or anyone stands to pronounce the benediction, think to yourself I am about to be covered in God’s blessings. I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world. May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you!

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

BRADEN MINISTRIES The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth labourers into His harvest. Luke 10:2

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Braden United Methodist Church Purpose Statement Pressing Toward A Higher Mark through Love And Service To Jesus Christ

Be a body builder for Christ, Join a Ministry today! Shepherds (Entrances & Parking Lots) Methodist Women Methodist Men Ministry of Design Ministry of Christian Education Communion Stewart Greeters Ministry of Communications Ministry of Ushers Ministry of Music Ministry of Worship Family Ministry Ministry of Outreach and Mission Nursing Ministry of Hospitality Discipleship Transportation Ministry Tween Team For more information or to join one of our ministry teams please call the church office and leave your name, phone number, and area of interest.

Purpose Scripture “…forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13b-14

DAILY BIBLE READING GUIDE Check your weekly bulletin! (Listen to the Lord speak as you read)

Words of Wisdom

Most books inform but the Bible transforms you. Randall Jones, Jr.

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

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PRAYER REQUESTS Carlton H. Allen Mr. Kalen & Mrs. Lillian Brown

Lucille Boyd Lincoln Bussey Sr. Frank Clemons Mildred Coleman Texanna McFarland Velma Shoecraft Loretta & Roosevelt Simmons Elizabeth, Sisson Lucille Steele Doretha Tucker Wilbert West James Westmoreland Harold Young

Glandoy & Marcus Hill, Jr.

Barbara Hutton Clarence Johnson Regina D. Johnson William Johnson Terri Martin Vanessa D. Moore Saundrea Owens Odessa M. Phillips Nettie Taylor


Worship Services: Sunday School – 9:30 am Worship Services – 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 12:30pm & 7:00 pm

Discipleship Prayer! First Friday Prayer 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Sunday Morning Prayer 9:15 am Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday10:00 am – 2:30 pm Office: 419-241-7257 Email:

For regularly scheduled weekly events refer to your weekly church bulletins.

BRADEN COMMUNICATIONS TEAM Helen Tuggle – Ministry Team Leader Maria Calhoun Clyde Calhoun Linda Hester Randall Jones Mary Lawrence Beth Matthews Regina Mosley Charles Tuggle Mary Wrighten

Mission Statement The BUMC communications Ministry Team’s purpose is to communicate to our congregation and community. “Center for what’s going on!”

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

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ADVERTISEMENT PAGE! A new beginning for 2008. We are praying for new ministries. What about these ideas? Basketball ministry for the boys on Saturday A ministry that focuses on exercise and nutrition. A spectacular movie to see is Wiley College Debate Team. This is a Methodist college. One of our favorite black actors Denzel Washington is the star! Great Movie! Check it-out with your family as we enter and celebrate Black History Month.

Braden Centennial Celebration 2008 Braden celebrates it’s 100 Year Anniversary

The Braden Steeple

January, 2008 Issue

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Upcoming Events! SAVE THE DATE: January 23, 2008 Myrlie Evers-Williams Speaks Mark your calendar NOW to attend the presentation of Myrlie Evers-Williams, wife of murdered civil rights activist Medgar Evers. On Wednesday, January 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom, Evers-Williams will talk about carrying on her husband’s legacy, channeling her personal tragedy into triumph, and becoming a pivotal figure in the civil rights movement. EversWilliams has been relentless in her determination to change the face of race relations in America. Please join us to hear her first-hand account of her lifelong journey.

Lenhart Grand Ballroom Bowen-Thompson Student Union Bowling Green State University

Please join us in our celebration of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. January 25, 2008 University Libraries and The Office of Equity & Diversity Presents 2008 Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Tribute Program "Civil Rights to Social Justice: From Hip-Hop to Jena Six" Presenters: Rodney D. Coates, Ph.D. Professor, Sociology & Gerontology Miami University, Ohio and Ramona Coleman-Bell, American Culture Studies Ph.D. Candidate Ethnic Studies Instructor

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Braden United Methodist Women Happy New Year from all of the Braden UMW. It’s a New Year, come out and join the United Methodist Women; our next meeting is Monday, January 28th @ 5:30 pm here at the church.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”.

For more details see Robin Rushe, President United Methodist Women.

Celebrate Black History Month

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