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The Braden Epistle Vol. VII


No. 29

Pastor’s Message

lost old jobs; other people began some new jobs. Congratulations! We made it into the New Year. This year brought all kinds of changes. Some of I am excited about what the year 2011 has in store those changes we liked and some of those changes for us at Braden. we didn't like. Our focus in the New Year is to do all that we can as a church to take seriously Jesus' summation of all of the Law and the Prophets: To love the Lord with your heart, all your soul, and your entire mind; and to love your neighbor as yourself. It's amazing how quickly life can change. As 2010 comes to an end, most of us will look back and remember everything that has taken place since the year began. Situations and circumstances that concerned us last January may be a distant memory today; while blessings, challenges, and opportunities that we didn't think possible six months ago have appeared suddenly to surprise and motivate us. For some of us it was a year when we faced some serious illnesses, injuries, and surgeries. It was a year when we faced some losses from our community and from the family of people in our community; the loss of a loved one. Some people

Life is full of change. But if we focus on how different things can be from one day to the next, we may feel insecure and discouraged about the future. So as you think about all that happened this past year, I encourage you not to dwell on the ups and downs, the mountains and valleys, or the triumphs and troubles. Instead, consider how God has been absolutely faithful through it all (Lam. 3:22-24). When it comes to the church, we don’t like change. Is it because it makes us nervous or we are fearful of leaving our comfort zones? If the church does not change, it will become obsolete in the lives of the people to whom we are trying to minister. We want to offer a church that is more relative to people lives, where people can find hope and encouragement for everyday living, and Christian principles to guide their lives. Pastor message continued on page 2.

The Four Areas of Focus The Four Areas of Focus express the vision and yearnings of the people of The United Methodist Church. Over this quadrennium, the church will seek to focus the work of making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world around these areas of ministry: • Combating the diseases of poverty by improving health globally. • Engaging in ministry with the poor. • Creating new places for new people and revitalizing existing congregations. • Developing principled Christian leaders for the church and the world.

The Braden Epistle


Pastor’s Message continued from page 1

The church has to change, like everything else, in order to minister effectively in this century.

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place and has laid a foundation that we can actually look to a new year with a lot of hope.

Finally, we are thankful to all of you who attended church regularly and encouraged one anWhen we think about our own personal lives, other in the faith. We are thankful for all of you who the end of the year is the time when it's easy to labored in the various ministries and administrative sum it all up and realize that despite all of the good positions to make our ministries successful in 2010. things that might have happened, we are aware of all of the ways that we fell short. I know it's been Thank you for your prayers, love, beautiful cards, that way with me. This was the year that I started deserts, monetary gifts etc. that were given to us for to see where I don't serve you as well as I would our Christmas and birthday. like to. The limits of my wisdom, the limits of my foresight and ability are always before me. But at Love God and love one another, the same time, it was a year that made me aware that I wasn't called to it alone, that I was called to Pastor Dixon this ministry with you, and so your strengths are a part of what is offered to God right next to my weaknesses. And so, it was a year that I could rejoice that I have worked with some wonderful people in ministry. And it's a year where we have hired Welcome Winter some amazing people to join our staff, to be a part Father, Creator of the Universe and of this whole community in ministry. It's a time seasons. We thank you for allowing us to see, feel when we see things that show us how we have fallen short and at the same time I hope for most of and experience the wonders of Winter. We are you that you can see this deep encouragement to blessed to see another one of your miracles. know that you are not in it alone. Did you ever STOP and think no two people or snowOne of the things that I think is paramount for the Christian church as we head into a new year, is to remember that the new year starts right after Christmas and Christmas is a reminder that as we face a new year and all the challenges that are going to come up in a new year, that we are not going at it alone. What Christmas reminds us of, is that God himself became one of us and that God is with us now, Emmanuel, God with us. And so, as we start to think about the year ahead of us, we've got to begin with that recognition that Christmas has reminded us and taught us that God has become one of us, has lived and has died in our Pastor’s Message continued in next column.

flakes are alike? Each one is unique! We are his workmanship. (Eph. 2:10) He created all things.

Epiphany – Celebration of the Advent/ Christmas season was Epiphany. This was the original day on which this revelation, Christ was celebrated. (John 1: 1-2:11). Epiphany is immersed in the imagery of light: • •

The light from the star that led the wise men from the East to Jesus. Jesus, the Light of the World.

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Remember our sick and shut in your daily prayers. A kind card or a simple note could brighten a person’s day; take a moment and let our member know that they are in the Braden Family prayers. Allen, George Jr.

Allen, George Sr.

Whitehouse Country Manor 11239 Waterville St. Whitehouse, OH 43571 Wolf Creek Rehab 2001 Perrysburg/Holland Rd. Holland, OH 43528

Beene, Asia

(Ronya): 3353 Parkwood Av. Toledo, OH 43610

Brister, Theresa

Lake Park 5100 Harroun Rd. Sylvania, OH 43560

Bussey, Lincoln Sr.

Lutheran Home Assisted Living 2519 Seaman St. Toledo, OH 43605 2341 Old Stone Ct., #1 Toledo, OH 43614

Coleman, Mildred Gross, Norvelle

Laurels of Toledo 1011 Byrne Rd., #301 Toledo, OH 43609

Keyes, Mattie

1171 Long Winter Lane Toledo, Ohio 43614

Phillips, Odessa M.

3407 Avondale Ave. Toledo, Oh 43607

Russell, Edna

2125 Parkwood Av., #138 Toledo, OH 43620

Shoecraft, Velma

817 Oneida St. Toledo, OH 43608

Simmons, Loretta

Fairview Skilled Nursing 4420 South Ave. Toledo, OH 43615

Simmons, Roosevelt

UTMC 3000 Arlington Av. Toledo, OH 43614

Young, Harold

Heartland – Holly Glenn 4294 Monroe St. Toledo, OH 43604

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January Mary Wrighten Alberta Batten Jacquelyne Robinson Marcella Pryor-Brown George Robinson, III Gloria Layson Helen Sallee Vanessa Sheares Joyce Sloan Stanley Hill, Jr. (Zeke) Edith C. King Liz Conley Rosetta Young Yolanda Robinson Willa N. Johnson Melanie Duffy Larry Jones Gabriel Robinson

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February Jaxson Sheares George Robinson, II James Wise Roslayn Cooper Lisa Gleason Lincoln Bussey Lucy Davis Frenchye Latham Irene Thompson Marcus Jones Selena Hill Charles Tuggle Bruce Jones

Hospital Visits: Please call the church office at 419-386-2700 if you or family members are in the hospital and wish a visit. The local hospitals do not always let us know if one of our members is a patient.

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From the Finance Committee . . . Thank you and God Bless you! Once again Braden has been blessed to be able to make it’s apportionments at 100%. In addition we met our 2010 budget at 98% in such a struggling economy. Again, thank you for your faithful and consistent stewardship!

Year to Date Cash Receipts: Needed:




The account balances were not available at press time. The final 2010 figures will be out later in January. Our Average Worship attendance for 2010 was 134. Anyone needing offering envelopes for the new year, please call the church office or put a note in the offering plate on Sunday. Again, thank you all for your contributions and support! We look forward to the new year!

Happy New Year!!

(December 24, 2010) Dear West Ohio Clergy and Friends, The Conference received word that Bishop Edsel Ammons passed away Christmas Eve,(12/24/10), at 11:00 am. Bishop Ammons was assigned as Bishop of the Ohio West Area in 1984. Please keep Mrs. Ammons and the family in your prayers as they go through this time of bereavement. There will be a memorial service sometime after the holidays and we will let you know of the arrangements. The family will have a private funeral service sometime soon. Let us take a moment and give God thanks for allowing Bishop Ammons to touch all of our lives in such wonderful ways and pray that his soul may find peace with God throughout eternity. Please pass this information along to others that need to know throughout the West Ohio Conference. Thank you, West Ohio Communications

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REFLECTION OF BLACK HISTORY History belongs to the Lord and He directs all the movements in every age and generation towards accomplishing His purposes for His word. February is Black History Month.

The Word for this issue is MAINTENANCE


When God made us, he wrote a maintenance schedule for us. Consider these verses: Psalm 61:8, 86:3, 88:9, 145:2, Daniel 6:10, Luke 9:23, Acts 17:11, Hebrews 3:13. God says, Oil daily! He doesn’t say once a week, once a month, or every Easter and Christmas. He says daily. Can we make it without following our Manufacturer’s maintenance schedule? If you make any resolutions for 2011, resolve to daily oil your spirit with God’s Word and with prayer. Without it we cannot, but through it all, God granted us His Grace to maintain and upward climb.

Words of Wisdom As we look into the new year let us be reminded that attitudes shape the future. Randall Jones, Jr.

PROMISE YOURSELF to be so strong That nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have not time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. (Credited to Teacher’s Instructor Magazine—1991)

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2011 Braden United Methodist Church Council Pastor…………………………………………… Council Chairperson……………………………. . Lay Leader………………………………………. Secretary………………………………………… Lay Delegate to Conference…………………….. Pastor/Staff/Parish Relations, Chairman………... Finance Committee, Chairman………………….. Treasurer………………………………………… Financial Secretary……………………………… Youth Ministries Coordinators…………………… Congregational Care and Coordinator…. Christian Education Ministry Coordinator………. Outreach & Mission Ministry Team Coordinator.. Board of Trustees Chairperson…………………... U M Men President……………………………….. U M Women President …………………………

Wynston Dixon Lafe Tolliver Marie Bush Gracye Sturdivant Gloria Layson Liz Conley Sunceray Lamb Lisa Gleason Carol Robinson Yolanda Durden & Roye Durden Randall Jones Yolanda Robinson Eva Tucker-Lingo TBA Steve Halliburton Linda Hester

Members-at-Large Lay Member to Conference Alternate……… Council Vice Chairperson ………………….

Morell Fonfield Linda Hester Mary Dunson

Lay Leadership Committee Chairperson, Rev. Wynston Dixon Lay Leader, Marie L. Bush Lay Member, Gloria Layson

Class of 2011_________ Class of 2012 Cynthia Gaynor Matthew Coleman Willie Reams Danyale Brown Jackie Robinson Vince Davis

Class of 2013 Virginia Haywood-Smith Duanya Tillman Paula Stewart

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Pastor/Staff/Parish Relations Committee (PSPR) Chairman, Liz Conley Lay Leader, Marie L. Bush Lay Member, Gloria Layson

Class of 2011 Liz Conley Lena Davis Willa N. Johnson

Class of 2012 Randall Jones Linda Hester Judy Jackson

Class of 2013 Charles Tuggle Annette Savage Odell Chauncy

Board of Trustees Class of 2011 Roy Moody Cerssandra McPherson Richard Allen

Class of 2012 Willie Reams Marcella Brown Stanley Hill

Class of 2013 Daryle Brown James Goodlow Jackie Robinson

Finance Committee Pastor Chairman Vice Chairperson Treasurer Financial Secretary Lay Leader Lay Member Council Chair PSPR REP. Trustees Rep. Vicky Forrest Gracye Sturdivant

Rev. Wynston Dixon Sunceray Lamb Sabrina Nabors Lisa Gleason Carol Robinson Marie Bush Gloria Layson Lafe Tolliver Liz Conley TBA by Trustees

Bold Nominated by lay leadership committee for 2011

The Braden Epistle



We are all sadden to hear of the passing of Kantraylious "Tray" Guy. He would visit Braden along with his many cousins and aunt LaVerne Enochs. He will be remembered as a nice person who always was manner-able and liked to have fun. Our prayers go out to his twin sister, Kantraylia along with all of his family and friends.

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Kantraylious "Tray" Guy

Braden Youth Bake Christmas Cookies for Seniors at Laurels of Toledo Nursing Home The Braden Youth baked over 200 cookies. 160 sugar cookies with frosting and 48 cookies that were baked with Splenda for those individuals who cannot have sugar. Mrs. Marcella Pryor Brown and Mrs. Yolanda Durden were instrumental in the success of this undertaking with the 9 youth who helped bake and frost. The cookies were taken to Laurels of Toledo Nursing Home, located on Byrne Road on Sunday after the Youth meeting. Our member, Mrs. Novelle Gross was just-so-happen, standing at the entrance upon our arrival. 8 youth and 4 adults entered with the cookies along with 24 bags of fruit for the staff. Many of the residents called out "hello" as we passed their rooms, walking to the nurses’ station. Several of the bags were decorated with "Merry Christmas", "Happy Birthday Jesus" and other phrases. Some residents followed behind our group and asked for their "treat". Each bag contained two cookies tied with an information card about Braden and its ministries. The Youth will return to Laurels of Toledo in February where they will present a recital of music and dance and fellowship with the residents. **** What an act of kindness Kudos to the Braden Youth Ministry!

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Annual Youth Night at UT Rockets Game! After the cookie bake Mrs. Yolanda Robinson and Mr. Steve Halliburton helped transport the 13 youth to the UT Men's Basketball game. Although the Rockets got off to a slow start, in the end they picked up the pace and won the game. The group had a picture with the "Blue Crew" who entertained the crowd. This is an annual church event.

The University of Michigan's Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) is sponsoring a ten week summer research program that is designed to provide an opportunity for highly motivated and talented undergraduates interested in careers as physician scientists to enhance their science and academic skills... The main focus of the program is laboratory biomedical research, but the program also includes physician shadowing, an MCAT prep course, and an opportunity to attend bi-weekly seminars and a 3 day MSTP retreat in Higgins Lake in August. Application Deadline—February 12, 2011

Wayne State offers teaching fellowship… University of Michigan Pre-MSTP Ten Week Summer 2011 Research Program Application Deadline February 12th, 2011 Those selected will receive $30,000 stipends. They must commit to teach in high-need urban or rural secondary schools upon completing the 14-month program. For more information, go to: Additional information can also be found on Braden’s website

The Braden Epistle


What we do in life echoes in eternity.

“A New Year, A New Beginning”

Page 10 26 One-liners for the New Year:

1. Give God what's right -- not what's left. The old year ends, a new begins With pages clean and new; And what is written on each page will now depend on you.

2. Man's way leads to a hopeless end -- God's way leads to an endless hope. 3. A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing. 4. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.

You can't relive the year that's past, Erasing every wrong; For once a year - or day - is spent, It is forever gone. But don't give up in dark despair If you have failed some test; Seek God's forgiveness and resolve Henceforth to do your best.

5. In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma--but never let him be the period. 6. Don't put a question mark where God puts a period. 7. Are you wrinkled with burden? Come to the church for a face-lift. 8. When praying, don't give God instructions - just report for duty. 9. Don't wait for six strong men to take you to church.

Resolve each precious day to do Things good and kind and pure; Though days and years may pass away, These things shall still endure. You know not where your path may lead Nor what's beyond the hill; But know that God walks at your side, If you will do His will. All things are possible with God, Though days be bright or dim; So do your best and know that you Can leave the rest to Him. - Author Unknown

10. We don't change God's message -- His message changes us. 11. The church is prayer-conditioned. 12. When God ordains, He sustains. 13. WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning. 14. Plan ahead -- It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark. 15. Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position. 16. Suffering from truth decay? Brush up on your Bible. 17. Exercise daily -- walk with the Lord. 18. Never give the devil a ride -- he will always want to drive. 19. Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it. 20. Compassion is difficult to give away because it keeps coming back. 21. He who angers you controls you. 22. Worry is the darkroom in which negatives can develop. 23. Give Satan an inch & he'll be a ruler. 24. Be ye fishers of men -- you catch them & He'll clean them. 25. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. 26. Read the Bible -- It will scare the hell out of you. -Anonymous Source

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Upcoming Events and Important Dates!

All committee meeting dates for 2011 are to be submitted to the church office by Jan. 15th. All activities, programs and trips that are schedule to happen in 2011, should be reported to the church office by Jan. 15th. Only activities, programs and trips that are on the church calendar by Janu‐ ary 15th will be allowed to take place this year. Officers training will take place on Jan. 22, 2011, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. All officers and committee chairs are urged to attend.

United Methodist Women—

OUTREACH MINISTRIES Parents Night Out! Friday, January 14, 2011 6:00pm – 9:00pm Volunteers needed!!!!

Clothing Closet We are still looking for volunteers to work in our clothing closet on Tuesday & Thursday, noon until 2pm.

Next Meeting Sunday, February 27, 2011 immediately following Worship Service!

School Supplies Give-a-way coming soon!!

A Call to Prayer and Self-Denial “Give The Gift of Love” This annual observance gives local and district units a chance to study and reflect on a particular theme each year and to designate funds for ministries related to the theme for the year.

Watch for more information!

Newsletter articles due February 20th for March edition.

The Braden Epistle


Worship Services: Sunday School – 9:30 am Worship Services – 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 12:30 pm & 7:00 pm

Discipleship Prayer! First Friday Prayer 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

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Purpose Statement: Pressing towards a higher mark through love and service to Jesus Christ.

Purpose Scripture: “….forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” Love,

Sunday Morning Prayer 9:15 am

Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Office: 419-386-2700 Email:

For regularly scheduled weekly events refer to your weekly church bulletins.

(Philippians 3:13b-14)

Visit us on the web! Check-out Braden’s website weekly to see upcoming events and what’s happening!

Communication Team would like to Communication Team

wish everyone a

Helen Tuggle * Rosalyn Cooper * Linda Hester * Randall Jones * Kellie Jordan * Beth Matthews * Annette Savage

The Braden Epistle will be printed and distributed to the membership of Braden United Methodist Church and the community during the months of January, March, May, July, September, November. News articles are due by the 20th of the previous month the newsletter is printed. Send all material to: Communication Ministry Team, 4725 Dorr Street, Toledo, OH 43615 or contact the church office at 419-386-2700

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