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The Braden Steeple Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, Official Publication of Braden United Methodist Church

Vol. V

May 2009 Issue

No. 21


The word “Pentecost” means “fiftieth day.” In most Christian traditions, Pentecost Sunday occurs 50 days following Easter Sunday (counting Easter Sunday since it is the first day of the week). Those 50 days span seven Sundays after Easter, so Pentecost is the seventh Sunday after Easter (7 weeks times 7 days = 49 days, plus Pentecost Sunday). It can occur as early as May 10 and as late as June 13. This year Pentecost is May 31st. The sanctuary color for Pentecost Sunday is red, the color of the church. Technically, red is used only for the Sunday of Pentecost, although some churches use red for the Sundays between Easter and Pentecost Sunday. The red symbolizes both the fire of Pentecost as well as the apostles and early followers of Jesus who were gathered in the Upper Room for the empowerment from God to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world. For Christians, Pentecost Sunday is a day to celebrate hope, a hope evoked by the knowledge that God through His Holy Spirit is at work among His people. It is a celebration of newness, of recreation, of renewal of purpose, mission, and calling as God’s people. It is a celebration of God’s ongoing work in the world. Yet, it is also a recognition that His work is done through His people as He pours out His presence upon them.

Pentecost, celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles in Jerusalem. The image of the tongues of fire that symbolizes the Holy Spirit inspired the United Methodist cross and flame emblem.

Dennis Bratcher: CRI/Voice, Institute. Institute

The Braden Steeple will be printed and distributed to the membership of Braden United Methodist Church and the community during the months of January, March, May, July, September, November & a special Holiday issue in December. News articles are due by the 20th of the previous month the newsletter is printed. Send all material to: Communication Ministry Team, 2013 Lawrence at Woodruff, Toledo, OH 43606 or contact the church office at 419-241-7257.

The Braden Steeple

May 2009 Issue

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Pastor’s Message My beloved Parishioners, This is my last Pastoral letter to you from 2013 Lawrence Ave. Four years have gone by so fast and we stand on the banks of the promise land looking forward to moving where God would have us to be. The last two years have been two of the most challenging years in our ministry. First we had promise never to address the subject of leaving our current building, realizing the emotions that were tied to the building. Secondly, how could we in good conscience continue to waste our resources on a building rather than doing ministries. After two years of being exposed to the operations of the church, we had no choice but to put in place a plan for change. We decided to educate the congregation on the actual condition of the building and present a full disclosure of how much of our resources were being wasted. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and much prayers, we were able to convince the congregation that it was time for change. We were aware that change does not come easily. But we were determined to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. On May 18, 2008, the congregation voted to move out of the current location. Having crossed this obstacle, the next question was, where do we move?

Braden’s first Sunday at 4725 Dorr Street will be on July 5th at 10:30. The Official celebration Sunday will be September 13, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. Our last Sunday at Lawrence Ave. will be June 28th. We will have our regular worship at 10:30 a.m. The closing of this chapter of our history will be 6:00 p.m. worship. We have invited the Interfaith Mass Choir, under the direction of Derrick Roberts to be our guest. We hope all present, past and future members and friends will join us. Special thanks to Charles Tuggle and members of the Church Council, Clyde Calhoun and the transition team and to all of the praying warriors who kept us in prayers. Thanks to all of the members of Braden for your cooperation, love, support and friendship during these difficult times. Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Rev. Marla Brown, our District Superintendent, Mike Denman, Assistant DS, Pastor Phil Park-Thomas, Pastor of Asbury; Lisa Gleason, Secretary of Asbury and Ralph Brunner, Trustees Chair. at Asbury for making this transition as smooth as possible.

A transition committee was established to immediately begin looking at some possibilities. After visiting several churches, our search was reduced to two, Hope UMC and Glenwood Lutheran in a share space agreement. However, Asbury UMC became available and the Maumee Watershed District decided to gift it to Braden. What a mighty God we serve! Personally, we see it as a bitter/sweet gift.

Love and peace,

We had the privilege of serving Asbury UMC for five years. We made some good friend and establish some good relationships. The Asbury Church family will always be a part of our lives.

God, Creator of the seasons has allowed a phenomenon for each season. The earth is full of riches. The beauty is intense. The creatures are satisfied. I observed each season with an awe and admiration. God in His grace and mercy allows me to behold His manifold works of wisdom.

We will continue to pray that God will bring comfort to those who have been members of that church for so many years. Although Asbury is closing, I pray that the good memories will continue to live in the hearts of its members. As we accept this generous gift, we want the congregation of Asbury to know that they are certainly welcome to worship with us and be a part of this new beginning. We will cherish the works of your hands and be good stewards of you labor. What a blessing it would be if we could come together as a truly diverse congregation? Asbury final service will be on June 21st, to which I have been invited to participate as a former Pastor.

Pastor Dixon & Wynlita

Welcome Summer! - June 20

“Oh Lord how manifold are thy works” “In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of thy riches + Psalms 104:24 Say not ye, there are yet four months, then cometh harvest? Behold I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are

white already for the harvest. John 4:35

The Braden Steeple

May 2009 Issue


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grade September 2009 with a 3.0 or higher GPA. This is for students interested in attending Notre Dame Academy.

The date for Vacation Bible School will be June 15th- 19th.

Youth Sunday, March 29, 2009 was a huge success. Devin Hill was the speaker for the day and the Youth Choir performed. There was a meeting after church and the amount of youth under 12 was overwhelming. The UMYF is for youth 13 and over. Because of this, the UMYF advisers suggested the Tween group be reignited. A tentative schedule was established for meetings. There will be no meetings on the first and fifth Sunday and Sunday holidays. Tamika Hill will be the advisor for the Braden Drum Corps. The following officers were elected:

Time : 9:00 - 1:00 pm


Tre-Vaugh Moss

We are looking at going to the Wolcott House for a field trip. day not determine

Vice President

Aliyah Hill


Alaina Durden

Recording Secretary

Chandler Hill

Asst. Recording Sec.

Wynlita Dixon

Corresponding Sec.

Devin Hill

Coordinator of Christian Education: The Easter Egg Hunt was held on 4-11-09 from 1-4PM. Twenty to twenty-five children attended. There were more than enough treats and volunteers for the event. Christian Education department met on April 18th. for Vacation Bible School.

Lunch will be provided - Annette Savage is handling through Feed the Children program . She has her staff Registration table - Mrs. Odell Chancy and Carol Robinson Arts and crafts -will be led by Beth and Holly Matthews. Beth has her staff Music - we are asking Mrs. Montgomery-Sission and Cerssandra McPherson Teachers - Joyce Sparks and Gloria Layson have said yes. We have two helpers Robin Rushe and Jouix-Niyyah Jones

Chaplins Shon Layson & Jasmine Fletcher Sergeant at Arms Anthony Hines & Stanley (Zeke) Hill Roye and Yolanda Durden are advisors for UYMF (13 through 18 years old); Yvonne Mitcham is the advisor for the Tweens (9 through 12 years old).

We need two other person to volunteer and teach and two helpers.

Please contact Roye or Yolanda Durden, Carla Steele or Yvonne Mitcham if your youth is interested in participating during morning service for Youth Sunday, May 31st, 2009.

At this point I believe we will not be able to handle preschool children. We also must have two teachers in order to actually have all classes covered.

The Pastor: Fred McDave’s surgery was postponed. Thelma Wells transferred her membership to Magnolia United Methodist Church in the city where she currently resides.

Words of Wisdom

The Bible is God’s personal letter to you. Randall Jones, Jr.

Pastor Dixon distributed a handout to Council members. He advised there are groups that are currently meeting at Asbury and they want to continue. He stated the wish of the Asbury congregation is that their facility not be turned into a school. In the handout was a diagram of the Asbury building. Use of any of the Day Care rooms can only occur on Saturdays and Sundays or after 6:30 p.m. on week days. After use, Day Care rooms must be returned to their original condition. It is also suggested that Braden consider keeping Asbury’s secretary, who is very efficient. The Special Conference minutes of 3-31-09, the sign-in sheet and the signature sheet between Maumee Watershed and Braden will be kept in the safe deposit box.

The Braden Steeple Coordinator of Outreach Ministries – No report President of UM Women – No report President of UM Men – No report Lay Leader – No report S.P.R.C.: There was no meeting and therefore no report as reported by Vicky. Lay Delegate – No report Trustees: The Trustees met on 4-2-09. Art is negotiating with the realtor regarding the lease of the building. Lafe Tolliver was approached and agreed to draw up two lease agreements. One will be a general lease and the other with Jesus Christ Ministries. He will charge a flat rate for the documents in the amount of $195.00 Various committees have been notified regarding the completion of their inventory by 4-25-09, the first phase. By 5-14-09, the Trustees will complete their inventory. Finally on June 5th and 6th will be the Church moving sale. Chair Tuggle reports Prepaid Legal can not represent Braden in its overall legal needs, however Mr. Nagy suggests the next step would be a file a Complaint with the Better Business Bureau regarding FrischeMullen. The Complaint was filed 4-9-09. The BBB would act as a mediator and the decision of the BBB is binding. There is a six week turnaround for a rul-

May 2009 Issue

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Finance Committee: The finance committee met on 3-19-09. There has been no progress with Church Windows because of scheduling issues. The Church Windows Support bill hasn’t been paid yet. There needs to be a special finance meeting to decide the matter. A debit card has been obtained to maintain the church’s website. The treasurer will be the caretaker of the card. Some mission money will be allocated to youth groups and individuals as private at Pastor’s discretion. Mission money should not be carried from year to year. The implementation of Church Windows has been put on hold pending the possibility of acquiring Asbury’s secretary after the move. The system used by Asbury at this time is the A.C. S. software. The examples of the reports passed out by Pastor showed that not only would the treasurer reports be generated but also would provide reports now being submitted by our financial secretary as well. To save on meeting times pre approval of retaining Lisa Gleason (Asbury’s secretary) was unanimous by the finance committee pending a meeting of the S. P.P.R. committee. It was agreed that if approved by council ample time needed to be given to our treasurer to prepare her records to be transferred to Lisa. Pastor has a desire for our gas bill debt to be paid in full before the move. Annette Savage will be making contact with a Columbia Gas spokesperson regarding Braden’s options in case that does not take place. Meeting adjourned. Treasurer: Taxes for the Church building 1st half is $457.21 Taxes for the Church lot 1st half is $523.43 Year


$980.64 X 2 = $1961.28

Did you know that the following local banks received these amounts from President Obama’s Stimulus Package?

Taxes for the parsonage 1st half is

The Huntington Bank 1.4 billion PNC Bank 7 billion Key Bank 3.2 billion Fifth Third Bank 3.4 billion

The question was asked whether our budget is overspent. The answer was no, except for the gas bill. We spent $6201.00 and we still have $10,000.00 due.

$1245.47 (Year Total = $2490.94)

A question was asked regarding the plan for Buckle-up money. Annette reports that they are looking at the possible purchase of recording equipment/system. She will report at our next meeting.

The Braden Steeple

May 2009 Issue

Chairperson: The Disciple Making Churches Lead Team of Connectional Ministries will facilitate the pre-grant writing for the 2010 Disciple Making Churches Grants (formerly BCCD). The date/site chosen was April 21, 2009 10:00AM-12:00Noon at Monroe Street UMC. The workshop/training identified is Revitalization. Council members identified to attend are Yolanda Durden, Eva Tucker-Lingo, Marie Bush, and Charles Tuggle. The target date for announcing the grants is October 1 for the 2010 grants. Pastor: Pastor Dixon offered a challenge for Braden. In light of the city economy and layoffs, there probably won’t be any pools and activities for youth sponsored by the city. Our challenge would be to provide activities for youth like basketball, table tennis, etc, from June – August. We could solicit donations from area companies. If we pursue this idea we need to have information together by mid May.

MI UTES OF SPECIAL CHURCH CO FERE CE MARCH 31, 2009 The congregation signed in for attendance. Four attendance sheets were signed with a total of ninety-seven (97) in attendance. An agenda and Maumee Watershed District’s Proposal for the relocation of Braden UMC was distributed to all in attendance. Maumee Watershed District’s proposal stated its intent to gift the Asbury United Methodist Church property, located at 4725 Dorr Street, Toledo to the Braden United Methodist Church, following the closure of Asbury UMC on June 21, 2009, and upon the expedited transfer of the deed of said property to the Braden United Methodist Church. This gift is offered contingent upon the West Ohio Board of Trustees’ approval on April 21, 2009. Braden UMC mission is “to lead people to Christ, making disciples of all by demonstrating God’s love” through the disciple-making core process of radical hospitality, passionate worship, faith-forming relationships, risk taking mission and service, and extravagant generosity without the financial encumbrance of maintaining the current Braden church building. The District affirms Braden’s strong desire to enhance its Youth Ministry and the mission is “to build disciples for Christ by fostering spiritual, personal and social growth in youth, ages 12 to 18 years. To build self-confidence and encourage the development of a clear vision for their future through continued exposure to Bible study, African-American heritage, volunteerism and personal/career development.” The proposal is to be signed by Pastor Dixon, Charles Tuggle, and our District Superintendent, Rev. Marla Brown. The meeting was called to order at 6:35P.M. The hymn of praise, “Blessed Assurance” was sung by the congregation.

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Pastor Dixon stated, over 50 years ago, “Little Braden” made a decision to move to the location on Lawrence Avenue (from a one room building to this current location). He stated it is our time to make a decision that will affect those who will come after us and thank God for the provision He has made for us. The Holy Spirit is our representative. Pastor Dixon gave the opening prayer. Charles Tuggle gave a hearty welcome and asked that God bless us while we decide our future. He introduced our District Superintendent, Rev. Marla Brown and assisting her today is also Rev. Mike Deaman. Rev. Brown officially called the Church Conference to order to decide on Braden’s relocation. Annette Savage presented the two options put before the congregation. The relocation committee has done a fine job. Each member will receive a written ballot sheet with the two options. One is to share space with Glenwood Lutheran, about a block away on Monroe Street. The other option is to own and solely reside at the Asbury UMC property. Ms. Savage asked the congregation to let God lead the decision and remember that memories can go with us. . Rev. Brown explained that the parsonage owned by Asbury UMC is not a part of the gift. A call was made for any questions before the vote. Q Will the parsonage come later? The parsonage or its proceeds has been designated for the Hispanic Ministry for the Toledo area and the Northwest Plains District. The District will provide housing for the person over this ministry with the parsonage. Ballots were distributed. Pastor Dixon gave a prayer for direction. Ballots were collected and the Vote officially closed. Several people were assigned to count the ballots in the Nelson fellowship room. While ballots were counted there were other questions and answers. Q Can we make a fair trade with the parsonages? A Rev. Brown repeated the commitment that has been made for the Hispanic Ministry; however she said she was open to look at it. Q Will Braden be able to see Asbury’s building? A That may be possible, however this congregation would need to be sensitive to Asbury. They voted to discontinue and they are in the grieving process right now. They want another congregation in that building to minister to the community.

The Braden Steeple

May 2009 Issue

Q Is there a protocol set up by the District for the transition? A Yes. We have to follow the Book of Discipline. There are things that have to be done with both congregations, transfer of deed, etc. The outcome of the vote is: A total of 97 people present. 96 voted to move to the Asbury property. 1 vote was to share space with Glenwood. Rev. Brown stated there is a great opportunity to reach out in the community surrounding the Asbury zip code. It is our hope to transfer the deed a few days after the official closing of the current Asbury Pastor Dixon stated God has been in control throughout all the stumbling blocks and storms to bring us to this point. He thanked Rev. Brown and Rev. Deaman for making this possible. The Church Conference was officially closed at 7:20P.M. Rev. Marla Brown gave the benediction. Respectfully submitted by Gracye Sturdivant

Braden United Methodist Church Council Meeting Youth Advisor Report May 2009 Yvonne Mitcham is the new advisor for the Tween Group that is for children aged 9 through 12 years old. She stated she approached Cynthia Gaynor to assist her. Her group elected officers.

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A group of youth will attend the Urban Youth Fellowship gathering on Sunday, May 17th at Monroe Street United Methodist Church after their regular meeting at Braden. A skating party fundraiser has been planned for Sunday, May 24th from 5pm until 7pm at Ohio Skate Toledo (Opportunity Drive). Cost is $7 for 13 yrs and up and $5 for 12 yrs and under, which includes skate rental. $100 deposit was requested and paid to secure the date. The total deposit is $350. All proceeds collected after the deposit amount is met will go to youth activities. Braden member Matthew Coleman will be the speaker for Youth Sunday, May 31, 2009. Registration for MRI Camp, June 21-25 is underway. Funding is available for the 50 spaces. Please see Yolanda Durden, Carla Steele or Pastor Dixon to register. Visit for camp details. The group brainstormed activities that included: 3 on 3 Basketball, Cedar Point, a Lock-In, Car Wash and Movie Night. Several youth will research the feasibility of these activities and report their findings to the group. The Texting Ministry has been successful. Romans 12:5, Prov. 1:7, Psalms 106:1, Isaiah 48:17 have been sent since the last report to council.


The youth held meetings April 19th and 26th. UMYF averaged 10 youth and the Tween Group averaged 5 youth. Please bring your children and other youth to these meetings. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend also. On April 25th, 1 youth and 1 adult participated in the Global Youth Day by gardening at Monroe Street United Methodist Church. On April 26th after the UMYF and Tween Meetings, 8 youth and 2 adults attended the Mystery Dinner Theater sponsored by Collingwood United Methodist Church Youth Group. A donation in the amount of $75 was given as a free will offering. The group was glad they attended. The entertainment, fellowship and food were excellent. On April 29th 2 youth and 1 adult attended the Urban Youth Fellowship meeting at Monroe Street United Methodist Church. They would like to have a quarterly activity where youth from each Urban Methodist Church can fellowship. The Youth Advisor distributed four 2009 Stimulus Youth Summer Work Program Applications during church service for youth 16 –24 years of age. The youth will sponsor a bake sale immediately after service on May 10th.

Mother Theresa Brister Your Braden Family wishes to extend our best wishes on this special occasion!

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May 2009 Issue

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May 1, 2009 Dear Toledo Community Organization:

Braden UMC

In light of the economic hardships the country is facing, Braden United Methodist Church would like to embrace the need for change at a community level. Having been blessed with a substantial sized building for over 100 years, we would like to give back by offering its use to organizations with a primary focus on youth based programs.

UMYF Fundraiser

5735 Opportunity Dr. Toledo, Ohio 43612 (419) 476-2808

Sunday May 24th 5-7pm $7 for 13 years and up $5 for 12 years and under

If you, or someone you know has a need for a facility during the summer months (June-August), we would like to invite you to attend a “Join the Village” meeting to be held on Thursday, May 14, 2009. There will be two sessions: 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. These meetings will be held in the Nelson Fellowship Hall of Braden United Methodist Church at 2013 Lawrence Avenue. During this time we will share our “community vision” with your organization’s and ask that you share with us your need. The facility will be made available to you at no cost. Our goal is that we are able to come together as a community to provide positive outlets for our children. “It takes a village to raise a child”. We’re asking you to join our village. Please R.S.V.P. your attendance by May 11th by contacting the church at 419-241-7257. We look forward to your attendance. In Christ, Wyston Dixon, Pastor Charles Tuggle, Church Council Chairperson

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Liturgical Dance Ministry By: Roslayn Cooper “Let them Praise his name in the dance� Psalms 149:3 Liturgical dance is a Christian expression of prayer or worship through body movement and is also an emotionally powerful way to inspire church goers. The Braden United Methodist Church liturgical Dance Ministry does all this and more. This group of talented dancers use their talents that God blessed them with to praise his name. Marcella PryorBrown is the praise dance director and the ministry currently has 5 members that consist of Wynlita Dixon, Jasmine Fletcher, Kristian Martens, Vanessa Moran, and JouixNiyyah Jones. They are always looking for dedicated people who would like to Worship God through dance and praise. Practices are Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Braden.

UMYF and the Tween Group will meet Sunday's from 4pm until 6pm every Sunday excluding 1st and 5th Sunday and Holidays. Roye and Yolanda Durden are advisors for UYMF (13 through 18 years old); Yvonne Mitcham is the advisor for the Tweens (9 through 12 years old). The Youth will sponsor a Skating Party Fundraiser Sunday, May 24th at Ohio Skate Toledo (Opportunity Drive) from 5pm until 7pm. Tickets are $7 for 13 year olds and up; $5 for 12 and under. Tickets will be sold at the door only. Please come out and help make this event a success. Please contact Roye or Yolanda Durden, Carla Steele or Yvonne Mitcham if your youth is interested in participating during morning service for Youth Sunday, May 31st, 2009.

Celebrate Family!

The Braden Steeple

May 2009 Issue

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Please pray for those listed below and their families.

Sick and Shut-In

Prayer Requests

Beene, Asia Coleman, Mildred Moody, Joyce Russell, Edna Shoecraft, Velma Sisson, Elizabeth Steele, Lucille Stewart, Rebecca Tucker, Doretha

Allen, H. Carlton Allen, Florene Barnes, Beverly Beene, Ronya Brown-Lewis, Carol Graves, Anijah Hadley, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Harper, Josephine Latham-White, Gwen Owens, Saundrea J. Madave, Fred Mathews, Holly Phillips, Odessa M. Seay, Elsie Simmons, Loretta & Roosevelt Sneed, Josephine Taylor, Nettie West, Wilbert

Happy Mother’s Day May your day bring you happiness and love on this day. May God's presence bring you His joy always.

Dear Lord Jesus, Thank You for the wonderful men who bear the name “father.” please bless each one, and help them daily to be the best dads they can be. Use them each in a mighty way to be the leaders they Should be. Through their influence, may this world be changed for You. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Happy Father’s Day— June 15

Children’s Day observations in the United States predate both Mother’s and Father’s Day. The celebration of a special Children’s Day in America dates from the 1860s and earlier. In 1856, Rev. Charles H. Leonard, D.D., then pastor of the First Universalist Church of Chelsea, Mass., set apart a Sunday for the dedication of children to the Christian life, and for the re-dedication of parents and guardians to bringing-up their children in Christian nurture. This service was first observed the second Sunday in June.

The Braden Steeple

May 2009 Issue

The word for this issue is

PRAYER Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. - Matthew 7:7 Christians need to communicate with God in prayer. Without faith our prayers cannot be effective. We need prayers of thanksgiving. When we pray for victory, God gives us strength to live a victorious life. The bible tells us to pray without ceasing. We need to continue to pray even when our prayers seem to go unanswered. God wants to help us with our problems, but He wants us to ask for His help. If God seems far from us, its because our relationship with God is not as it should be. God never moves away from us, but we can move away from Him. Prayer changes things but more importantly, it changes our attitude. Prayer changes people’s lives. Because of prayers, the powers, of darkness are held back. To end this issue the communication team would like for YOU to take a few minutes to pause besides the still waters of God’s words. Drink deeply and you will find it cool and refreshing. SO PRAY DAILY

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Reflections of Braden We at Braden United Methodist Church are saying farewell to our precious church building and site on Lawrence and Woodruff, which has been our home for 50 years. We would like you to document your thoughts, comments and expressions of your memories. Were you married, baptized, born again, founding member or had any other connection over the past 50 years that you would like to share? Please submit your memories in writing to become a part of our last worship service. Submissions should be forwarded to Sis. Gloria Layson at 419-243-1449.

We’re Moving! Braden will be having a church moving sale!

Announcement United Methodist Women Stay At Home Tea!

When: Friday, June 5th & Saturday, June 6th Time: 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Come out, get in on the great bargains, “special shopping day” for Braden members,

Please turn in all donations to Lois M. Lipkins or Diana Gambrel Thank You for your continued support!

watch the Sunday Bulletin for the date.

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Black History Reflections Strength Africans have always valued Family. The African proverb, “Children are the reward of life,” save them. It was faith that made the middle passage endurable. It was faith that made working from sunrise to sunset go faster. It was faith that made the Depression of the 1930’s just another decade. Africans commit suicide less often than anyone else, and yet earn less income. White men, who earn more than anyone, lead the country in suicide. It was faith that helped Africans avoid hating their enemies. It was ministers based on faith and in the church, that led those 265 slave revolts. It was the church that founded and supported black colleges. It was the church that Jesses Jackson and other politicians used to launch their campaigns. Lesson: African-Americans must use their faith and the church beyond survival to growth and liberation. The church must be open seven days a week providing day care, food co-ops, tutorial and rites of passage programs, credit unions, housing developments, employment training, and more jobs. THIS ARTICLE WAS TAKE FROM THE 2008 STEEPLE.

Thought for the month We chose 2 love & forgive! Choose both 2 day as u live the abundant life. Hate imprisons us & grudges demean us U r better than that 4 the Son has set u free!

Braden United Methodist 85th Women’s Day Sunday, May 17, 2009 Women of Braden, let us come together and Bless God! THEME: WOMEN OF FAITH, EMPOWERED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT Luke 7:50 Colors: All shades of Blue! Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with Depth and Stability. It symbolizes Trust, Loyalty, Wisdom, Confidence, Intelligence, Truth, Heaven and last but not least, Faith.

Speaker: Minister Debra Adebayo Former member of Braden and daughter of the late Bessie Jennings.

Offering: $100 per member Goal $10,000

See your captain!

Sis. Cynthia Gaynor, Chairperson

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Worship Services: Sunday School – 9:30 am Worship Services – 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 12:30 pm & 7:00 pm

Discipleship Prayer! First Friday Prayer 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

The Steeple Braden’s newsletter is published on a quarterly basis. The purpose for our newsletter is important for our congregation because it helps them:

Sunday Morning Prayer 9:15 am

To grow spiritually To be uplifted To feel a part of the church community To be active in the life of the church community

Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday10:00 am – 2:30 pm Office: 419-241-7257 Email: For regularly scheduled weekly events refer to your weekly church bulletins.

Purpose Statement: Pressing towards a higher mark through love and service to Jesus Christ

Steeple Articles:

Purpose Scripture: “….forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize f he upward call of God in Christ Jesus” Love, (Philippians 3:13b-14)

Our church newsletter is published January, March, May, July, September, November & our special Holiday Issue in December. Please submit your ministry reports and upcoming event by the 20th of each month prior to our publish dates. The due dates are listed below:

Steeple Published • • • •

July Issue Sept. Issue Nov. Issue Dec. Issue

Information Due 6/20/09 8/20/09 10/20/09 11/20/09

Submit to church via email or Communications Team Member!

Communication Team Helen Tuggle * Rosalyn Cooper * Linda Hester * Randall Jones * Kellie Jordan * Beth Matthews * * Lois M. Lipkins *

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