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The Braden Steeple Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors, Official Publication of Braden United Methodist Church

Vol. V

September, 2009

No. 22

As we accepted this generous gift, we wanted the congregation of Asbury to know that they were certainly welcome to worship with us and be a part of this new After almost 50 years of ministry at 2013 Lawrence beginning; and that we would cherish the works of their Ave., on March 31, 2009 the Maumee Watershed hands and be good stewards of their labor. What a District’s proposal for the relocation of Braden blessing it would be if we could come together as a truly Methodist Church was presented at a Special diverse congregation. Charge Conference of the Braden Church. The Asbury had their final service on June 21st, to which proposal stated its intent to gift the Asbury United Pastor Dixon was invited to participate as a former pasMethodist Church property located at 4725 Dorr tor. It was a great celebration with the Maumee WaterStreet, Toledo to the Braden United Methodist shed District Superintendent in attendance, together Church following the closure of Asbury UMC on June 21, 2009 and therefore expedite the transfer with other District officials and former pastors of Asbury. of the deed of said property to the Braden UMC. Braden’s last service at the 2013 Lawrence Avenue location was held on June 28th, beginning with the regular This gift was offered contingent upon the West Ohio Board of Trustees’ approval on April 21, 2009. morning worship service at 10:30 a.m. where many forBy a conference vote of 96 to accept the proposal mer members and persons who have not been in worship for some time were in attendance. and one not to accept the proposal, it was ac-


cepted. All procedures were completed in a timely manner and the property was deeded to Braden on June 23, 2009 at approximate 10:00am. In attendance were District Superintendent Marla Brown, Attorney Chris Steiner, Asbury’s Pastor Phil ParkThomas, Keith Schlender, Chairperson Church Council, Ralph Brunner, Trustee Chairperson, Braden’s Pastor Wynston E. Dixon, Charles Tuggle, Chairperson Church Council, Marie Bush, Treasurer, Arthur Hill, Trustee Chairperson and Annette M. Savage, Lay Leader.

At 6:00 p.m. a special worship service was held with the Interfaith Mass Choir, under the direction of Minister Derrick Roberts providing the music for the evening. The District Superintendent, Rev. Marla Brown and persons who had gone into the ministry as a result of their participation and influence during their time at Braden, such as Pastor Kenneth Dantzler, Minister Emma Collins, Pastor Waverly Earley, Minister Doris Abrams and Minister Janet Orr were in attendance. Reflections from the past were shared by various members and one former Pastors, Reverend Albert L. Reed (read by his wife, Roylene). As the service ended, the pulpit and (Continued on next page)

The Braden Steeple will be printed and distributed to the membership of Braden United Methodist Church and the community during the months of January, March, May, July, September, November & a special Holiday issue in December. News articles are due by the 20th of the previous month the newsletter is printed. Send all material to: Communication Ministry Team, 4725 Dorr Street, Toledo, OH 43625 or contact the church office at 419-386-2700

The Braden Steeple

September 2009 Issue


As the service ended, the pulpit and altar were ”undressed” by the Acolytes and the Communion Stewards and as the lights dimmed in the sanctuary, Pastor Dixon gave the benediction and exited the sanctuary as the doxology was sung by the Interfaith Mass Choir. This closed the chapter of history at the 2013 Lawrence Avenue, Toledo, Ohio location. Braden continued their life in the new area (4725 Dorr Street, Toledo, Ohio) by having a cookout on Saturday, July 4th to let the surrounding community know that they are welcome to fellowship and worship with them as they become a permanent fixture in this new community. The evening climaxed with fireworks with an attendance of about 200 persons including former members of Asbury. Braden’s first Sunday worship service at the 4725 Dorr Street location began on July 5th at 10:30 a.m. with Holy Communion and an attendance of 227 persons. All choirs sang on this first Sunday and set the standard for every first Sunday to follow. The official rededication was at 5:00 p.m. with our own Bishop Bruce Ough as guest speaker. At that time the keys to the facility were officially turned over to our Lay Leader, Annette M. Savage by District Superintendent, Marla Brown. Special thanks to Charles Tuggle and members of the Church Council, Clyde Calhoun and the transition team and to all the praying warriors who kept us in prayer during this transition. Special thanks to all the dedicated members of Braden for all of their cooperation and hard work during this transition and move. Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Bishop Bruce Ough, our District Superintendent, Rev. Marla Brown, Mike Denman, Assistant DS, Pastor Phil ParkThomas, Pastor of Asbury, Lisa Gleason, Secretary of Asbury and Ralph Brunner, Trustee Chair at Asbury, Art Hill, Trustee Chair at Braden, Cerssandra McPherson, move organizer and trustee at Braden and all of the Braden members for making this transition as smooth as possible. We could not have accomplished this transitional move without the help of many

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of the Braden members who gracefully gave of their time and energy to make it happen. Everyone worked very hard to see that the Sanctuary and other rooms would be ready for worship on Sunday morning. God has blessed us with a great harvest and He also provided the laborers to get the tasks done. We are depending on God to carry us through to do His will as we look forward to the future. With God all things are possible.

“We Have Come This Far By Faith!”

Messages of Congratulations & Best Wishes that were received!

Nice letter to the community and congregation, I am looking forward to continued worship and support of all of our ministries and the new ministries. We all were truly blessed, even Asbury; we must too enforce the reputation and upkeep of the property we have been blessed with! - Linda F HesterHester*** Hi Uncle Wynston, I hope all is well and congratulations! Best Wishes, -Oneka Oneka DixonDixon*** Congratulations, -Larry Larry SykesSykes*** Congratulations to you. I am not at all surprised. You are a great preacher and leader, May God continues to bless you. -Latanya Latanya CunninghamCunningham*** I am sorry I cannot be in attendance but I will encourage some of the members from Wesley Church of Hope to share in your celebration. The decision to move must have been hard on most of the members but the location will offer so much more to the ministry of Braden. Stay blessed. -Rev. Richard DunbarDunbar*** Congratulations, sorry I am unable to attend. I will be out of state.Jocelyn Roper – *** I wish for you and Braden a smooth transition into your new place of worship. May God bless you and your daughter. Grace and Peace!-Rev. Rev. Bill DavisDavis-

The Braden Steeple

September 2009 Issue

Messages of Congratulations continued... Dear Wynston - congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment on the part of your congregation - I know it has not been easy moving a congregation from a beloved building to a new facility - so I offer my congratulations. Your congregation will be blessed to be in a smaller building with lower utility bills and less upkeep and will be able to do more of the work of the church - outreach to the “unchurched”. We will not be able to be with you, but know that we celebrate with you and your congregation. God's blessings to you, yours and your congregation. -Carolyn Carolyn JohnsonJohnson-

God has given us a wonderful opportunity to worship in this new building. How do you feel about this fortunate blessing?

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Present: Charles Tuggle, Pastor Dixon, Colette Crosby, Carol Robinson, Robin Rushe, Yolanda Durden, Marie L. Bush, Art Hill, S. Lamb, Eva Tucker Lingo, Marion Stokes, Morell Fonfield, Helen Tuggle, Kellie Jordan, Gracye Sturdivant, (excused: Yolanda Robinson, Vicky Forrest) REPORTS

The Pastor: The Deed for the Dorr property was handed over to the Pastor on June 23, 2009. The first Yolanda Robinson Durden “I believe we have an worship service was held at the new location, 4725 obligation to our youth to give them memories they will Dorr Street on July 5th with 227 in attendance. Effecone day cherish, at the Dorr Street location. Many members worked so hard to have a church home that they could tive July 1, 2009, the new name of the Braden Scholbe proud of; at one time it was on Lawrence Avenue. We arship fund is the Theresa Brister Scholarship Fund. should be good stewards of the resources the Lord has pro- Also, the following rooms have been named: Rev. vided us individually and as a church family. If we all Albert Reed Conference Room, Texanna McFarland work together, we will be in a position to outgrow the cur- Parlor, Yolanda Robinson Blue Room, Helen Tuggle rent Dorr Street building very soon. In my opinion, God's Youth Room, and Pastor Dixon Fellowship Hall.

will is that we do outgrow it. He has afforded us with a location that gives us the opportunity to grow without hav- The contract with the Daycare has been signed. The ing to move again. It is truly a blessing!!” monthly utility payment for the Daycare is $3500 and

payment is made on the 28th of each month. The church’s new phone number is 419-386-2700 and the new fax number is 419-386-2702. The new phone system has private voice boxes for: Christian Education, Youth, Trustees, Secretary and Pastor. Follow the prompts as directed. The monthly telephone bill will be $70.53 a month and this includes unlimited Sabrina abor “It’s an honor and a privilege that God has given us this building and those who are able to come out long distance, caller I.D., call forwarding, etc. The and worship should do so with gratitude because there are parsonage phone bill has been reduced to $45 monthly. The new parsonage number is 419-386so many unfortunately unable to do so.” 2690, effective Aug.1, 2009. Our new service is with Barbara Colbert “I fell that the Lord has blessed us abun- VOIP, which saves the church about 45% of what dantly with a beautiful building which is handicapped acwas paid to our former carrier.

John R. McPherson Jr. “I feel relieved and excited about our new home this was a great opportunity for our church family to jump on to. The energy is different, the building itself is wonderful, GOD is good. This church is a wonderful blessing from GOD and it shows that if you’re patient he will answer your prayers.”

cessible. This makes it more convenient for the elderly and physically challenged to attend church service and other Council approved $3500 for moving expenses, some activities. capital improvement expenses, celebration events, Another blessing is seeing the increase in youth attendance and refreshments. Braden spent a total of $3334.78. and their participation in church service. This is very im(Continued on next page) portant since they are the future leaders in the United Methodist Church.”

The Braden Steeple

September 2009 Issue

Summer Ministry Report: Kellie Jordan reports the programs have been successful. Art has been available to help out with building issues. There are five ministries from Sunday through Saturday. The DIVA program is for young girls 7-12. It is a self-esteem group and rap session. They have had over 30 girls attend these sessions. Jamal Lewis is leading the Art Around Town project. For Him Ministries is conducting a Basketball Program. A Board member of For Him Ministries is conducting a Personal Fitness Program. There have been some inquiries about use of a facility after August at Asbury. Coordinator of Youth Ministries: Four youth attended MRI Camp. One adult (Carla Steele) and seven youth (Anthony Hines, Chandler Hill, Devin Hill, Stanley Hill, Jasmine Fletcher, Jeremiah Fletcher and Nathaniel Edwards) attended the Urban Mission Trip in Southwestern Ohio July 30-August 2. The youth registration of $630.00 was paid from the youth budget. The Cedar Point trip was Aug. 8th. There were 28 kids in attendance. Tickets were $27.00 per child. Each child paid $10.00 and the church paid $17.00. Trustees: There was an informal meeting on 9-909. All moving has been completed. Charles Cohen provided a crew to clean the old Braden. Keys are being collected and all keys to the old Braden need to be turned in before new keys are issued. All rooms at 4725 need to be cleaned and unused things discarded. After each activity: please clean area, empty trash, and put everything back in place; clean kitchen thoroughly; use the refrigerator on the Right side. Daycare uses the Left side; the custodian comes in at 4:00PM; do not leave any food around. Each chair will get a memo and information will be in the church bulletin on some new policies.

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The following committees had no reports: Coordinator of Outreach Ministries, Pres. of UM Women, Pres. of UM Men, Lay Leader, S.P.R.C, and Lay Delegate.

The Buckle Up Program will pay for the new sign in front of the church at a cost of $1,400. Finance Committee: The Finance meeting was held on 6-23-09. Efforts are being made to merge the remaining budget for Lawrence Street with the acquired Dorr Street budget. The congregation should be informed of the importance in making a sacrificial effort to meet our apportionment for 2009. An announcement was made at the Sunday Service on 6-28-09. Braden has applied for a grant to hire a youth minister.Treasurer Report: It should be noted that Braden now has expenses for two properties at this time and there is not a lot of money for all the expenses. Taxes have been paid for the Lawrence property. Steve Halliburton ended as custodian on 6-30-09 but he was picked up as custodian for special the programs in July and August. For all accounts the total is 47,193.22. It should be noted that payroll and property taxes will be deducted from that amount. A meeting is scheduled with Marie and Lisa. On August 1st, Lisa Gleason began her secretarial duties for Braden and on September 1st will begin her treasurer responsibilities. Our safe deposit box at Key Bank has been transferred from downtown to the Holland-Sylvania branch. Charles Tuggle and Marie Bush have keys to the box. Centennial Book: The committee received three new quotes from local companies plus the quotes already on hand. The companies they are considering are Becker Impressions and Minuteman Press. The committee has the authority to move forward with a company, based on their research. The committee will get together and make their recommendation and move forward. The Senior Usher Board has requested to have its 87th Anniversary celebration on 10-18-09 (3rd Sunday).

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Remember the following members And friends in your prayer George Allen, Jr.

Whitehouse Country Manor

11239 Waterville St.

Lincoln Bussey, Sr.

Lutheran Home Assisted Living

2519 Seaman Rd.

Harold Young

Heartland – Holy Glen

4294 Monroe Street

Josephine Harper

Laurels of Toledo

1011 N. Byrne

Sick and Shut-In

Prayer Request

Asia Beene

Carlton H. Allen

Josephine Harper

Mildred Coleman

Richard Allen

Saundrea J. Owens

Edna Russell

Ronya Beene

Odessa M. Phillips

Velma Shoecraft

Carol Brown-Lewis

Loretta & Roosevelt Simmons

Elizabeth Sisson

Lucy Davis

Josephine Sneed

Lucille Steele

Anijah Graves

Gwen Lathum-White

Wilbert West

Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Hadley

William Mandella

Braden Welcomes our newest employees ! Lisa Gleason Lisa Gleason our new Secretary/Treasurer was raised in the small town of McClure, Ohio, which is southwest of Toledo and was the youngest of six children. She enjoys being part of a large family and they are very important to her. She attended Napoleon High School in Napoleon, Ohio. She came to Toledo to work at her brother’s business and while there, met her husband, Jim. They will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary in October. She has two children, Matt, 20, a sophomore at UT and Tara, 16, a junior in High School. Lisa has an associate’s degree from Stautzenberger College and over 25 years experience working as a secretary & bookkeeper, with 17 years at Asbury church. She is a life-long Methodist and always enjoyed working with children’s ministry in teaching Sunday School, Junior Church, Bible School and other various children’s programs over the years and volunteering in other areas of ministry. She has served on many boards and committees and is very familiar with the structure and business of working in church ministry. In her spare time, she enjoys camping and spending time with family. Lisa is also an Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. A business she recently started. She feels very blessed with wonderful family and friends.

To the Braden Family, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve in the ministry here at Braden Church as Secretary/ Treasurer. I look forward to meeting all of you and working with you. I would also like to thank Pastor Dixon for his recommendation of me. I am very thankful for this opportunity. My office hours will be from 9:00-4:00 MondayFriday. I am here to serve and work with you. Don’t hesitate to stop in or call if you need anything. Blessings, Lisa Gleason

Ron Boose Our custodian, Ron Boose worked for Asbury Church & Asbury Daycare for 12 years. His main duties are cleaning the daycare classrooms, office and kitchen daily and cleaning the church offices, sanctuary and restrooms weekly. In addition, Ron does many other jobs around the building like changing light bulbs, changing the sign, painting, small repairs, waxing floors and more. Ron also opens and closes for the building rentals. Ron is always willing to offer his help when asked. Ron grew up in Toledo, has five children and four grandchildren. He also works for the Clarion Inn on Secor during the day. He enjoys doing various home improvement projects and working on cars. Ron is a very dedicated worker.

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September 2009 Issue

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YOUTH COR ER The month of September Is Sunday School month We like to invite you to attend one of our classes. Try it for the month. See if you don't leave with a better understanding or application that you can use in your life.

Ms. Carol Robinson - Adult Class Mrs. Carla Steele - Youth Class Mrs. Yolanda Robinson - Adult Class Sunday School is a part of your spiritual growth. If you are not "growing in the Lord�, Why not add Sunday school to your Sunday. Here is where you come together to study the scriptures see how they apply to your life. Learning what the bible has to say helps you to communicate with God.

Braden YMYF Announcements! The youth meet every 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday at Braden from 4-6pm. All youth 8 years and up are welcome. Youth, there is a special field trip scheduled for (today) Sunday, September 13th during our regularly scheduled meeting. Permissions slips must be complete and returned to the church. See Mr. or Mrs. Durden for your permissions slip today. The Youth is having a Tupperware fundraiser which started August 30th and will end Sept 6th. The proceeds will assist the Smile Train Foundation that provides surgery for children who have facila deformities and also to provide Bibles to U.S. Military personnel. Certified Lay Speaking Training for Youth at Braden October 16-17, 2009 needs participants! For more information contact Marcella Pryor Brown or Gloria Layson.

Our classes start at 9:30 am Sunday morning.

Meet and Greet Pool Party at The Durden's August

All Saints Day Friday, October 30, 2009 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm We will be having our traditional All Saints celebration here at Braden, 4725 Dorr Street. We need volunteers! We need candy, please bring your candy to the church by October 28th. For more information see or contact Holly Matthews at 419-242-1690.

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2009 Fall EXTRAVAGA ZA Hosted by Braden United Methodist Women **Attention** Church Officers & Leaders The Committee/Group mailboxes are now up. The boxes are located on the wall next to the stairs to the gym (and courtyard door) and are marked appropriately. Please remember to check your mailbox often. Thank you.

October 16th and 17th Braden will be hosting the District Lay Speaker Training for Leadership. Registration forms will be in the secretary’s office.

WHO’S AT THE TABLE? Strengthened for work and faith Braden United Methodist Church 4725 Dorr Street Toledo, Oh 43615 September 27, 2009 4:00 pm Love Offering for Mission fellowship and refreshments immediately following

For more information please contact Gloria Layson at 419-243-1449 or Marcella Brown at 419-242-7382.

Word for this issue is:

Singing And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God; many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. –Psalm 40:3

The Power of Singing...Singing in difficult times is an expression of faith. Singing expresses that all is well between us and God, even though circumstances are not well. Godly singing invites the power of God into our difficult situations. Singing is an exercise of the spirit, not just of the body. We can choose to sing even when we don’t feel like it. This is not hypocritical. Singing helps to bring our thoughts and feelings in line with the truth that God is good and that He will bring good out of this situation. It is important that we learn meaningful hymns that express foundational truths, not just light praise and worship songs that stir our emotions. God is magnified and His people are blessed when they sing in good times and in bad. Praying and singing are two powerful weapons for Christians.

the program EVERYONE is invited

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Worship Services: Sunday School – 9:30 am Worship Services – 10:30 am Wednesday Bible Study 12:30 pm & 7:00 pm

Discipleship Prayer! First Friday Prayer 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

The Steeple Braden’s newsletter is published on a quarterly basis. The purpose for our newsletter is important for our congregation because it helps them:

Sunday Morning Prayer 9:15 am

To grow spiritually To be uplifted To feel a part of the church community To be active in the life of the church community

Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Office: 419-386-2700 Email: For regularly scheduled weekly events refer to your weekly church bulletins.

Purpose Statement: Pressing towards a higher mark through love and service to Jesus Christ

Steeple Articles:

Purpose Scripture: “….forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize f he upward call of God in Christ Jesus” Love,

Our church newsletter is published January, March, May, July, September, November & our special Holiday Issue in December. Please submit your ministry reports and upcoming event by the 20th of each month prior to our publish dates. The due dates are listed below:

(Philippians 3:13b-14)

Steeple Published • •

Communication Team Helen Tuggle * Rosalyn Cooper * Linda Hester * Randall Jones * Kellie Jordan * Beth Matthews * * Lois M. Lipkins *

Nov. Issue Dec. Issue

Information Due

10/20/09 11/20/09

Submit to church via email or Communications Team Member!

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