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ohn the Baptizer appeared in

the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.—Mark 1:4

BRADEN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Making Disciples for Jesus Christ” December 5, 2010 Communion Sunday 2nd Sunday in Advent *(Indicates when congregation should stand)

10:30 A.M.






Choir, Communion Stewards & Clergy


Min. Gloria Layson Danyale Hill-Brown & Daeja Bumpus

Leader: See, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me, says the Lord of hosts. [Here relight the first Advent candle.] People: The light of hope has awakened our spirits. Leader;:A voice cries out in the wilderness, "Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight." People: Renew in us your covenant, O God, that we may be ready for the dawn of your salvation. Leader: We light a second candle to bring light to every darkness, and to guide us in the way of peace. [Here light the second Advent candle.] People: With gratitude for your light, O God, we will prepare to welcome a new birth of your love .


Pastor Dixon

Pastor: Advent is a call to repentance in preparation for Jesus ministry of salvation.

People: Many of us are baptized Christians. But there is still a need for change in our lives.

Pastor: Jesus comes to baptize us with the Holy Spirit; and that calls for a life style which gives evidence of repentance. People: We commit ourselves to new life in Christ, assured that he will enable us with the Holy Spirit to live that life. *HYMN OF PRAISE

“O Come All Ye Faithful”(vs. 1,2,3) Hymnal #234

PRAYER OF CONFESSION Our Father, we preserve our certificates of baptism as proof of our allegiance to Christ; but our lives do not show that we have turned from our sins. Forgive us for our superficial loyalty which prevents you from inspiring us with the Holy Spirit. Come to our aid; that we may feel your Spirit strengthening us in the life revealed through Christ our Savior; in whose name we pray. Amen. MINISTRY OF MUSIC

Braden Adult Choir



Matthew 3: 1-12 Pew Bible Pg. 850


Pastor Dixon Hymnal pg. 39-42 Min. Gloria Layson

Braden Adult Choir “Repent, Share & Serve” Pastor Wynston E. Dixon


“”Here I Am ,Lord”

Hymnal #593

(Persons who desire to unite with the church or rededicate themselves may come forward at this time.)

THE GREAT THANKSGIVING The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven we praise your name and join their unending hymn: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. And so, in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ, we offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving as a holy and living sacrifice, in union with Christ's offering for us, as we proclaim the mystery or faith. Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again. All honor and glory is yours, almighty God, now and forever. Amen . THE LORD’S PRAYER Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. They kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

BREAKING THE BREAD GIVING THE BREAD AND CUP PRAYER AFTER RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION Leader: You have given yourself to us, Lord. All: Now we give ourselves for others. Leader: Your love has made us a new people. All: As a people of love, we will serve with joy. Leader: Your glory has filled our hearts. All: Help us to glorify you in all things. Amen OFFERING OF OUR GIFTS AND OURSELVES *OFFERTORY RESPONSE Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Farther, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen *SENDING FORTH *BENEDICTION ASSISTING IN WORSHIP TODAY: Liturgist: Min. Gloria Layson; Acolytes: Daeja Bumpus & Brooklynne Gregory; Sound Technician: Jeremiah Robinson; Musician: Glenna Wilson-Barnes

WELCOME on this second Sunday in Advent, let us rejoice in God’s great love revealed to us in Christ. We have received “glad tidings of great joy”: There for let us show our joy by sharing this glorious news with one another in a spirit of love, peace and friendship. Welcome friends! If you are a visitor, please introduce yourself, sign one of our visitor’s cards and put it in the offering basket. If you have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Master of your life or do not have a church home, we hope that having heard the word of God, you will come forward to shake hands and fellowship with us.

Altar Flowers ...The flowers on the altar today are presented by Jenny Brisbane in memory of her late son, Francis Brisbane whose birthday was December 3rd and who passed away on June 4, 1993. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Vanessa Moore on the death of her mother, Vera Daniels on November 27th. Services were held on Wednesday at Day Funeral Home. Please keep Vanessa and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Our sincere sympathy is offered to Rev. Dr. Gwendolyn Roberts former staff member of the West Ohio Conference of the UM Church on the death of her mother, Mrs. Sara N. Claude on Friday, November 26th in Clarksville, TN. Services were held at he Hooker Funeral Home in Clarksville on Wednesday, December 1st. Baptism-Today we celebrate with Labelle Wilson and she presents her granddaughter, Anijah Nicole Graves for Christian baptism. From the Finance Committee . . .The push is on; finance is asking each individual that is able to give an additional $65.00 towards benevolences in a an effort to meet our apportionments 100%. Yes, economic times have been rough bout the people of God are still blessed. Braden we’ve done it before and together it can be our victory again. Give what you can. Thank you for all that you do. A BIG God Bless You and Thank You to Mozell Hill’s son Darnell McGruder for supplying the snacks for our McKinley School tutoring program for the month of December. Grateful, C. McPherson, Outreach Director If you wish donate snacks or a monetary gift for tutoring snacks please contact me at (419) 343-1861 or (419) 386-2700 ext. 6. May this Holiday Season bring you Joy, Love & Peace. Mark you calendars for PNO, December 10th, 2010. Trustees Meeting & Election of officers-Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. All trustees should plan to attend. Centennial Books –Anyone who has paid for a book and not picked it up, please see Colette Crosby today.

HOSPITALS/NURSING HOMES/REHAB CENTERS Remember the following members and friends in your prayers Whitehouse Country Manor

George Allen, Jr.

11239 Waterville St. Waterville, OH 43566 2519 Seaman St.

Lincoln Bussey, Sr.

Lutheran Home-Assisted Living

Harold Young

Heartland-Holly Glenn

Toledo, Oh 43605 4294 Monroe St.

Loretta Simmons

Fairview Nursing Home

Toledo, OH 43606 4420 South Ave.

Norvelle Gross

Laurels of Toledo

Toledo, OH 43615 1011 Byrne Rd. #206

Theresa Brister

Lake Park

Toledo, OH 43606 5100 Harroun Rd. Sylvania, OH 43560

Sick & Shut-Ins

Prayer Requests

Beene, Asia

Allen, H. Carlton

Dixon, Sr., Nehemiah

Coleman, Mildred Russell, Edna Shoecraft, Velma

Allen, Florene Phillips, Odessa M. Davis, Lucy

King, Edith Ellison, Jim & Tomasine Keyes, Mattie

Steele, Lucille Simmons, Roosevelt White, Margie

Hadley, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Stewart, Rebecca

Stewardship Report for November 28, 2010 Needed To Date $165,456.00

Received To Date $160,398.24

Women’s Day:$7335.10 Attendance: Worship-110 Sunday School: Children &Youth-4; Adults-11; Confirmation ClassBible Study-none

Church Night at UT UT Men's Basketball Church Night is Saturday, Dec. 18th at 7pm. Youth 18 and under is $2/ticket; adults are $3/ ticket. Please RSVP with your money to Yolanda Durden no later than December 12th.

Next Sunday-December 12, 2010:

9:30 Sunday school / Confirmation Class 10:30 Worship Liturgist:

Sandra McPherson


Kobe Tillman & Davarius Mays

*The Birthday Celebration this month will take place during the Christmas Dinner on December 19th.

Daily Bible Reading Guide December 5 -11, 2010 -The Book of Genesis




Sun. /Gen. 13

Mon. / Gen. 14

Tues./ Gen 15

Thurs./Gen. 17

Fri./ Gen. 18

Sat./Gen 19

Day/Chapter Wed./Gen 16

Angel Tree -Again this year we will be sponsoring an angel tree for Christmas. Angels are available today if you would like to sponsor a child. Attention Church Council Members . . . Committee reports are due to the office this Friday, December 10th. Our next meeting is Saturday, December 18th at 10:00 a.m. From our Youth Director: Christian Cookie Bake for Youth-The Braden Youth will be gathering on Saturday, December 18th for cookie-baking from 11:30 -1:30. at the Durden’s home. Mark you calendar and plan to attend. Gift Exchange -The Youth will be participating in a gift exchange. Please bring in a written note from your parents allowing you to participate before December 19th. The exchange will be Sunday, January 2nd immediately after service.

Happening this Week – December 5 –11, 2010 Today:


Toledo Life Center Church (sanctuary)



Aerobics (gym)


Finance Committee Mtg.



Wednesday: 12:30 Bible Study 6:00 Parents Night Out Volunteers Meeting Thursday:


Bible Study


Aerobics (gym)


Trustees Meeting




Council Reports due to the office



United Methodist Men


Ministry of the Watchman (gym)

12:00 Choir 1:30

Praise Dance

Braden Clothing Closet Hours: Tuesday & Thursdays-12:00 -2:00pm

How DO I Become a Christian? Repent - Turn away from sin. (Romans 3:23, Acts 3:19) Believe - Trust in Jesus for salvation. (John 3:16) Confess - Give Jesus control of your life. (Romans 10:9-10) Receive - Receive Jesus as your personal savior. (Romans 10:13)

How to Join Braden United Methodist Church Profession of Faith - If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you may join by professing Jesus Christ as your Savior.

Renewal of Vows - If you have been a member of a church at one time, but Have been inactive, you may join by renewing your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Transfer - If you are a member of another church, you may join by Requesting that your membership be transferred to Braden.

Affiliate Member - Sometimes an individual has reasons for keeping his or her membership in another church, but would also like to be a member of Braden. This is possible as an affiliate member.

What is the Invitation? At the conclusion of every service we offer an invitation. It is for those who want to receive Jesus as Savior, who wants to join the membership process, who wants to pray individually or need for others to pray with them. Feel free to come forward today! Contact Us:

Office: 419-386-2700

Church’s E-mail: Bradenumc@sbcglobal.net

Fax: 419-386-2702

Church’s Website: Bradenumc.org

Parsonage: 419-386-2690; Pastor’s E-mail: cuppah@sbcglobal.net

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