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or a Child has been born for us,

and a son given to us. —Isaiah 9:6

BRADEN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “Making Disciples for Jesus Christ” December 19, 2010 4th Sunday in Advent *(Indicates when congregation should stand)

10:30 A.M.






“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” vs.1

Christmas Play

Hymnal #240

“Birth Announcement” The Christian Education Dept.

LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLES Ms. Benita Saaka & Daughter Leader:

The Mighty One has done great things! Holy is God's Name! The Light of the World is coming.


With Mary, our spirits rejoice in God our Savior.

[Here relight the first three candles] Leader:

God's mercy endures from generation to generation for those who are in awe of God.

People: Leader:

The proud, the rich, the mighty no longer have power over us. The lowly are lifted up, and the hungry are satisfied.

People: Leader:

We see the light of God shining over the land. We light a fourth candle in anticipation of the wondrous birth.

[Here light the fourth candle.] Leader:

Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given!


God has brought light into every darkness.


The promises of God are fulfilled! Wonderful Counselor! Mighty God! Ever lasting Father! Prince of Peace!

People: Leader:

We hear, even today, a chorus of angels bringing good news of great joy to all the people. We light the Candle of Christ -- witness to the Savior who is Christ the Lord.

[Here we light the Christ Candle.] People:

Glory to God in the highest Heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors


Pastor Dixon

(In Unison) Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel. *HYMN OF PRAISE

“”Joy to the World”

Hymnal #246

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (In Unison) Lord, with our gifts of our material wealth we also pledge this day that our hearts and minds will dwell with you these holy hours of your holy day. We will do for others things even greater than we would have them do for us. We will love you, O Lord our God, with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our might. We will work for your kingdom as we work for others. And we shall recognize in ourselves the unique gifts of the Spirit that you have given into our keeping in stewardship. Bless us now and forevermore. Amen. MINISTRY OF MUSIC SCRIPTURE LESSON

Braden Adult Choir Matthew 1: 18 –25


Pew Bible Pg. 849 Bro. Errol Bailey Braden Adult Choir

“God is With Us” Pastor Wynston E. Dixon


”Go Tell it On the Mountain”

Hymnal #251

(Persons who desire to unite with the church or rededicate themselves may come forward at this time.) MINISTRY OF DANCE

“Christmas Worship Medley” by Israel Houghton & New Breed

(Dancers: Daeja Bumpus, Wynlita Dixon, Vanessa Moran, Marcella PryorBrown, Donna Sharper & Jasmyne Williiams. Choreographer: Rose Korenstra) OFFERING OF OUR GIFTS AND OURSELVES *OFFERTORY RESPONSE Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Farther, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen SENDING FORTH *BENEDICTION ASSISTING IN WORSHIP TODAY: Liturgist: Bro. Errol Bailey; Acolytes: DeCarlo Clark & Alan Durden; Sound Technician: Jeremiah Robinson; Musician: Sis. Glenna Wilson-Barnes

WELCOME! “Joy to the World, the Lord is come E”With joy we greet you in the name of Christ. Your presence helps add to the happiness of Christmas. Welcome one and all! If you are a first time visitor, please introduce yourself, sign one of our visitor’s cards and put it in the offering basket. If you have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Master of your life or do not have a church home, we hope that having heard the word of God, you will come forward to shake hands and fellowship with us.

Altar Flowers ...The flowers on the altar today are presented by Colette Crosby in memory of Maxine Agnes. A NOTE OF THANKS. . .The Christian Education Department would like to thank Jackie Robinson, Bea Easterly and Beth Matthews for making the costumes. Also, thanks to all those who participated in the program today. Special Offering . . Today we will take a special offering for the church staff. Also, there is a box in back of the sanctuary for those wishing to give the Pastor a Christmas and/or birthday gift. From our Youth Director: Gift Exchange -The Youth will be participating in a gift exchange. Please bring in a written note from your parents allowing you to participate before December 19th. The exchange will be Sunday, January 2nd immediately after service. The Youth thank you all for donating 93 books for Braden tutoring, the Friendly Center and the Make-a—Wish Foundation!! -Yolanda Durden United Methodist Men . . The Maumee Watershed District United Methodist Men will hold their December meeting here at Braden on Tuesday, December 28th at 6:30 p.m. All men of the church are invited.

Daily Bible Reading Guide December 19- 25, 2010 -The Book of Genesis

Day/Chapter Sun. /Gen. 27 Thurs./Gen. 31

Day/Chapter Mon. / Gen. 28 Fri./ Gen. 32

Day/Chapter Tues./ Gen 29 Sat./Gen 33

Day/Chapter Wed./Gen 30

Happening this Week – December 19 –25, 2010: Today:

Christmas Dinner & Birthday Celebration 2:30

Toledo Life Center Church (sanctuary)


Youth Group








Christmas Eve –Office Closed


Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday to Pastor Dixon on Saturday, December 25th!! Office Hours for the Holidays: Closed December 24 & 27 Closed December 31 & Jan. 3 Have a very Merry & Blessed Christmas! Next Sunday-December 26, 2010: 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Liturgist:

Annette Savage


Elijah Mitcham & Nathaniel Mitcham

“Take a Young Black Male to Worship Day” Sunday, December 26, 2010 Sponsored by Larry Sykes, Toledo Public School Board Member Stewardship Report for December 12, 2010 Needed To Date Received To Date $172,350.00


Attendance: Worship-110 Sunday School: Children &Youth-3; Adults-15; Confirmation Class-9 Bible Study-18

HOSPITALS/NURSING HOMES/REHAB CENTERS Remember the following members and friends in your prayers George Allen, Jr.

Whitehouse Country Manor

11239 Waterville St. Waterville, OH 43566 2519 Seaman St.

Lincoln Bussey, Sr.

Lutheran Home-Assisted Living

Harold Young

Heartland-Holly Glenn

Toledo, Oh 43605 4294 Monroe St.

Loretta Simmons

Fairview Nursing Home

Toledo, OH 43606 4420 South Ave.

Norvelle Gross

Laurels of Toledo

Toledo, OH 43615 1011 Byrne Rd. #206

Theresa Brister

Lake Park

Toledo, OH 43606 5100 Harroun Rd.

Roosevelt Simmons


George Allen, Sr.

Wolf Creek Rehab

Carleton, Allen

Fairview Nursing Home

Sylvania, OH 43560 3000 Arlington Ave. Toledo, OH 43614 2001 Perrysburg/Holland Rd. Holland, OH 43528 4420 South Ave. Toledo, OH 43615

Sick & Shut-Ins

Prayer Requests

Beene, Asia Coleman, Mildred Russell, Edna

Allen, H. Carlton Allen, Florene Phillips, Odessa M.

Dixon, Sr., Nehemiah King, Edith Ellison, Jim & Thoma-

Shoecraft, Velma Steele, Lucille Simmons, Roosevelt White, Margie Greene, Lula

Davis, Lucy Hadley, Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Stewart, Rebecca

Keyes, Mattie Allen, Cassandra

How DO I Become a Christian? Repent - Turn away from sin. (Romans 3:23, Acts 3:19) Believe - Trust in Jesus for salvation. (John 3:16) Confess - Give Jesus control of your life. (Romans 10:9-10) Receive - Receive Jesus as your personal savior. (Romans 10:13)

How to Join Braden United Methodist Church Profession of Faith - If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, you may join by professing Jesus Christ as your Savior.

Renewal of Vows - If you have been a member of a church at one time, but Have been inactive, you may join by renewing your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Transfer - If you are a member of another church, you may join by Requesting that your membership be transferred to Braden.

Affiliate Member - Sometimes an individual has reasons for keeping his or her membership in another church, but would also like to be a member of Braden. This is possible as an affiliate member.

What is the Invitation? At the conclusion of every service we offer an invitation. It is for those who want to receive Jesus as Savior, who wants to join the membership process, who wants to pray individually or need for others to pray with them. Feel free to come forward today! Contact Us:

Office: 419-386-2700

Church’s E-mail:

Fax: 419-386-2702

Church’s Website:

Parsonage: 419-386-2690; Pastor’s E-mail:

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