The Family League
ISSUE #1416
mid south east football & netball
PRESIDENT’S WELCOME As the 2021 football and netball season commences today, I take this opportunity to welcome all exis ng and new players, supporters and sponsors to our Family League. Well last year was a year that no one would like to see repeated with the COVID 19 Worldwide pandemic strike in all parts of the earth and unfortunately meant that for the first me since World War 2, the Mid South Eastern Football League was unable to have a season of full compe on. Congratula ons to all of our clubs that managed to play in the reduced junior season format with only Port MacDonnell unable to compete. So, more so than any other year in recent memory, all clubs will need to con nue to work together where possible for the be erment of football and netball to ensure that all clubs remain strong and viable on and off the field. Our naming rights sponsor of the League con nues with the generous support from Bendigo Bank. The League clubs and Bendigo Bank have many common themes including communi es and we know that both par es will develop a beneficial rela onship for all. The Sco Group of Companies have been involved for many years as a great supporter of our League and at this point, I am unsure if they will con nue this year, however I thank them for their support con nuously since 2006. I thank them along with all of our other sponsors for their wonderful support of our league. Please refer to a list of our sponsors within the budget and where possible please consider using our sponsors when you need anything, and also please remember to thank them for their support of our league. The Board has had no change to the team from 2020. Members of the Board include Peter Mitchell, Dennis Muhovics (Vice President), Bob Jones and Trevor Ling. Naomi Mitchell as Secretary will con nue in the current role on the Board and we have been working hard over the summer to put in place more processes to assist all clubs once again this year. Please remember that our job on the Board is to assist clubs and make your lives easier, where possible! Neil Webber has been appointed as Umpires Director for his ninth season. The Umpires are again on the lookout for any interested people, male or female, that may want to become an umpire. We are s ll asking for any recently re red players that would like to be s ll involved in the game to consider umpiring to keep fit, give back to the game and perhaps get to know some of the players and club people from a different perspec ve. Due to Covid 19, our aging umpires panel have lost a number of regular umpires and it is concerning to the Board that it may have to call on club umpires for all reserves games and possibly some under 17 games as well. I wish Neil the best and I know that a number of other senior umpires will assist throughout the year. Neil will s ll be requiring two players from the club that has a bye to be available to umpire each week. This was well supported and assisted with umpiring numbers each week and will con nue this year. We have also asked all clubs to supply the League with the name of one person that may be able to assist umpiring if required due to a shortage of umpire availability. Who knows, maybe we may get some current players that may take up umpiring a er they have finished playing? The League has s ll available an Umpires Scholarship program to encourage and reward new central umpires and we hope it will provide a pathway to bolster our ageing umpire panel. The League would love to hear from those that have just re red as footballers and even our younger males and females that have a love of the game and would like to be involved. Michael Mourbey con nues as the SE Football Opera ons Co-ordinator and his role is to provide support for clubs and Leagues as well as taking on some of the administra ve tasks of the Leagues. We think that this is a posi ve step for Football in the South East and look forward to some more posi ve outcomes with the addi onal resource as well as the support of the SANFL SE Regional Council.
MSEFL Representa ve matches against our neighbouring Leagues will be played in the WBFL. The Zone Carnival will be played on Saturday 12 June with a Senior match between MSEFL & WBFL & also U15 & U17 matches between MSEFL, WBFL & KNTFL. Once again, we are pleased to offer the chance for our seniors and juniors to play at a higher level and represent the League against our neighbouring Leagues. Shane Kelly heads up the Junior League as President and will be assisted by most of last year's Execu ve members, Graham (Tug) Wilson and Mathew Cockrum. Thank you to Reece Carlson for being a member of the junior Execu ve for the past three years. A major focus for the Junior Execu ve is co-ordina ng the junior interleague fixture which is to be hosted by the WBFL on the Saturday of the June long weekend. Once again, I'm pleased that the League can offer this opportunity for our juniors to be involved at a higher level. An ongoing role for the Junior Execu ve is to assist those clubs that are struggling with junior player numbers to ensure that we con nue to have games in all grades. Con nue the good work fellas and thanks for your con nuing commitment to assist out clubs in promo ng and developing our junior footballers. Thanks to all the media outlets for the coverage our league receives and we look forward to another exci ng season in 2021. The MSEFL web site is constantly being updated and is a wonderful source of informa on about our clubs and League. All of our sponsors are acknowledged as well as many other aspects of the compe on, so I encourage you all to explore and inves gate the web site for any informa on. The League Board welcomes any feedback to add other details or correct any mistakes that may have occurred. On behalf of the League and all clubs thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that assist each week. If you don't currently volunteer for your club, then please consider assis ng with your me / skills wherever possible to make your Club more successful and to share the workload. Volunteering is a great way to meet people and improve your skills as well as knowing that you have done something good to assist your club – so don't hold back! Challenges have never been greater for clubs as we face uncertainty with changes happening in neighbouring Leagues and the many con nual policy changes from Government, AFL & other insurance requirements that place extra burdens on our volunteers and with the current COVID 19 plans and protocols. The three core areas that is consistently affec ng Leagues and Clubs in SA Country is low junior player numbers, lack of new volunteers and shortage of umpires (an ageing body of football lovers). It is so important for all clubs to try and spread the work load required, have well developed procedures and have mul ple people skilled to handle a variety of tasks. Our Clubs and League must all ensure that we have our house in order, revisit our strategic plans and develop or strengthen exis ng strategies to prosper and grow. Con nue to focus on core ac vi es within our clubs such as – Facili es, Junior Development, Volunteers, Financial Stability, Risk Management and Community es. This is where clubs need to u lise the full- me resource available from SANFL in Michael Mourbey to assist where he can in providing necessary support to lighten the load on volunteers. Michael can't do everything, but he can assist! All Clubs and the League need to build on our strengths and iden fy any weaknesses to implement remedia on plans to allow for con nuous improvement. We must con nue to ensure that Football clubs are the leaders in our communi es and build stronger partnerships and rela onships with all of our stakeholders. Also remember that it is so important that when you finish volunteering at your club that you leave it in a be er posi on then when you joined!
The MSEFL Board in conjunc on with WBFL & KNTFL will con nue to operate the SANFL Tribunal system with a panel of commissioners selected from the three leagues. The Board believe this will assist with consistency and uniformity across the tribunal process, with clear set guidelines in place and having one person, Michael Mourbey following up with all reports to offer set penal es or straight to Tribunal if deemed to be severe.
On behalf of the Board, we wish all clubs the best of luck for the season and also look forward to common sense and fairness being displayed at all mes in the Family League.
We look forward to working closely with the Netball Associa on with President Sara Gray and her commi ee throughout the year in the many joint ventures that we work on.
Peter Mitchell MSEFL President
SECRETARY’S WELCOME Welcome to another season of Mid South Eastern Football and Netball. I would sincerely like to especially welcome back all exis ng players and supporters and extend a very warm welcome to any new players and their families to our wonderful Family League. I usually also take this opportunity to look back on the previous year and acknowledge the outstanding achievements both at a team level and individually, on and off the fields and netball courts but 2020 was a year like no other and I hope never to be repeated. We were all faced with a number of challenges last year, personally, professionally and at a district level endeavouring to keep the spirit, essence and life blood of many of our communi es – the football club sustainable and viable. Thankfully it appears that all nine clubs will take to the field this year and we can look forward to a new COVID normal season with a huge amount of relief and an cipa on. The me and effort by both our Senior Board and Junior Execu ve members who relessly worked and navigated the league and clubs through being able to present a shortened junior fixture as well as interleague matches during 2020 was an outstanding achievement. Thanks must go to all clubs and the many volunteers that were required to step up to make sure everyone was kept safe in the most uncertain of mes. It really was a wonderful spectacle at Tantanoola last September to see our juniors play out their finals and congratula ons to Hatherleigh and Kongorong for winning their respec ve limited season premierships. A er the majority of senior clubs decided that 2020 wasn't for them, well done to the Kalangadoo Football Club for par cipa ng in the combined Limestone Coast League. This was a great ini a ve that provided a senior compe on for those clubs within the limestone coast the ability to be able to offer a football fixture to the senior cohort. Kalangadoo acqui ed themselves extremely well against WBFL powerhouses South, North and East as well as the KNTFL's Mundulla and Kybybolite, finishing third overall. We also had numerous players from within our league that sought out those clubs par cipa ng to get their footy fix. The majority have returned to their home clubs, but a few have stayed on and this was always going to be a challenge once our MSEFL clubs decided against playing last year. With only a shortened junior fixture played in the MSEFL during 2020 clubs are now faced with a number of challenges as we prepare for this coming year. Volunteers are the backbone to all our clubs and it is no secret that having a year off has certainly seen a decline in an already shrinking volunteer base. So, if you used to help out your club and are reading this from the comfort of your home or you haven't really ever given it much thought, reach out to your club president or secretary and offer your support, they'll be glad to hear from you. Another area of our league seeing a massive decline in numbers is our umpires. Our Umpires Director Neil Webber and the senior board have been on the same bandwagon for some me now, in that we have an ageing panel and we are in desperate need of new umpires. A large por on of our panel have finally decided to hang up the whistle a er last year's no season and at this stage we haven't been
able to recruit anywhere near the number of umpires needed for weekly appointments. If each club could recruit at least one new umpire to join the panel, this will go a long way to maintaining an independent umpires panel. Unless this occurs in the not too distant future, all this means is that the task of finding umpires to officiate on weekly basis will now be the responsibility of clubs – No Umpires, No Game – it really is that simple. The Umpires Scholarship Scheme is s ll available and for more informa on please contact either myself or any Senior Board or Junior Execu ve member. Our new COVID normal season will see a large number of changes to what we have historically known and to a certain extent enjoyed about being at the footy. Density limits, QR codes and checking into venues along with the presence of COVID Marshals are all going to take a li le me to get use to. At the me of wri ng, no spectator access is permi ed on the oval, i.e. ¼, ½ and ¾ me huddles or in the change rooms. All we ask is that you as a player, supporter, volunteer etc do the right thing and make it as easy as possible for the host club. Remembering that all our COVID Marshals and club personnel are volunteers – they are there to make the day run as smoothly and safely as possible, the least you can do is to respect them and their direc ons. Every a endee at the football has a personal responsibility to abide by COVIDSafe prac ces, including maintaining 1.5m apart at all mes, using appropriate hygiene measures and not a ending matches if you are unwell. To our 'Family League' partners in the Netball Associa on I take this opportunity to wish President Sara Gray, the Execu ve and all players and supporters all the best for the upcoming season and look forward to another successful and posi ve year ahead. Our football and netball clubs are integral components of our league and both must coexist but not to the detriment of the other. In most cases the rela onship between football and netball is an amicable one, however all the good work can easily be undone if we aren't all on the same page. It's no surprise that player transfers and registra ons have been a li le slow off the mark this year. I'm hoping by the me the siren sounds today that our numbers overall have improved enough for clubs to be able to put four sides out on the park. So, as we begin season 2021 today, we cross our fingers and toes for an uninterrupted year, but more importantly reflect on the year we didn't have last year and be grateful that we can now enjoy our Saturday's at the footy. Be kind to each other, stay safe and good luck.
Naomi Mitchell MSEFL Secretary
kongorong hawks seniors
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Will Whi y A Grade Assistant Coach: Brad Cordy B Grade Coach: Sean Farrell 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23
Mathew Weistra Jordan Cozzi Bryn Weaver Shaun Beard Charlie Schultz Fraser Brewster Bradley Cordy Cameron Sandercock Cameron Smith Ryan Rutkowski Bayley Von Duve Jack Mullan Ma hew Cordy Daniel Kain Andrew Telford Sco Fleming John Simkin Alex Carter Will Vickery Harrison Evans Bryce James Wayne A will Ryan Vickery Corben O'Dea Joel Maconachie Liam Whi y
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 40 41 43 44 45 48 50 51 52 62 88
Riley Maconachie Marty Von Stanke Sean Farrell Michael Waters Kody Vanderhorst Levi Blok Brayden Leicester Je A ard Callum Wagstaffe Dan Hann Mark Paech Bradley Long Jack Lewis Aaron Lightbody Tom Von Stanke Donald Pochec-Gordon Dylan Fishpool Lachlan Brown Oscar Geddes Paul Ellis Liam Durcan Luke McIntyre Braidon Frost Wil Mckenry Tony Elletson
senior colts Coach: Shaun Beard Assistant Coaches: Paul Ellis & Mick Waters 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 12 13 14 17
Tom Bellinger Declan Wright Cohen Janeway Harry Langlands Troy Edgar Joel Maconachie Shakielle Von Stanke George Stanley Kaige Buckingham Xavier Beard Campbell Graney
18 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 31
Brodie Von Stanke-Dowie Jake Carrigan Jake Whi y Maverick Cooper James Allen Riley Maconachie Lucas Kyle Will Von Stanke Mitchell Kemp Bryce Von Stanke-Dowie
junior colts Coach: Graham Dowie Assistant Coaches: Tony Elletson & Corey Gordon 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17
Ryan Angelino Harrison Elletson Deegan Bogie Jobe Janeway Cohen Galpin Rhys Newton Bam Kent Lily Gordon Logan Cordy Blake Telford Jackson Bald Blake Lasle
18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 30
Jacob Gordon Noah Von Stanke-Dowie Jim Kyle Luke Allen Kain Ashby Toby McKinnon Nate Von Stanke-Dowie Declan Richardson Tyler Richardson Ryan Lucas Axl Von Stanke
1st qtr
kongorong mount burr
Welcome to Season 2021. It's been a long road to get to this point, but how good is it to be here at Round 1. Congratula ons must go out to Michael 'Porridge' Dethmore and his Senior Colts side on taking out the Premiership in the shortened season in 2020, and to Ma Von Stanke and the Junior Colts for par cipa ng also. The Kongorong Women's Football Team have just finished up their season and will celebrate the year, and trophy winners, at The Rocks Tavern next Friday night 16th April. Good luck to all players, and well done to Porridge on con nuing to build, strengthen and improve the young side. The Club extends a very warm welcome to all the new families, players, and supporters as well as those that have returned to the home of the Mighty Hawks for 2021. The Football Management Commi ee worked relessly over the past twelve months and you will see a new look Senior side this year, led by Will Whi y and assisted by Brad Cordy. With good numbers on the training track, Sean Farrell's job as Reserves coach should be made a lot easier this year, with plenty to choose from. Shaun Beard, with help from Paul Ellis and Mick Waters, has taken over the Senior Colts coaching role, and has some talented young fellas, keen to learn, and hopefully con nue from where they le off last year. Excellent numbers also in the Junior Colts will keep coach Graham Dowie on his toes, as he imparts some football knowledge to the young fledgelings. Tony Elletson and Corey Gordon are assis ng Graham, while Tim Bowering, and helpers Brodie and Declan, has taken charge of the Under 11's and the Auskickers and is doing a fantas c job teaching the enthusias c youngsters the basic skills in their first years of footy. Off field, the Club is excited to receive a grant, through the District Council of Grant, for two new light towers and lights, a much-needed asset for the western side of the oval and shall service the club and community for many years to come. A huge working bee was held to dy up around the place and cut back the trees, so many thanks to all those that helped on the day, together with the grounds commi ee for maintaining the oval and surrounds. Many thanks to our Secretary Jacqui Doloughan who took charge of the Return to Play & Covid-19 Management Plans over the past twelve months, a job well done. A few new faces on the Commi ee this year also, Mel Cozzi has taken on the Memberships, so if you don't have one yet, catch up with Mel. Ange Von Stanke is the new Treasurer, with Shaun Beard, Legh Jenkin and Ma Von Stanke joining the commi ee of Dick Waters, Trevor Telford, Sco Cram & Richard Telford. Plenty of familiar faces, working with the junior commi ee and netball commi ee, to get the job done. A big shout out to all the volunteers that help on game day, from team managers, mekeepers, canteen & stubby shed workers, to runners, goal umpires, and everyone else inbetween. We can't func on without you, and if you haven't been asked to fill a role throughout the year, please volunteer your services. Thank you to all our sponsors, big or small, your support is greatly th appreciated, and we hope to see you all at Sponsor's Day on the 8 May. More info to come. Today we welcome Mount Burr to our home ground and look forward to some great games of football. Wishing all our players, both football and netball, every success this season. Carn' the Hawks! Amanda Sealey Kongorong Football Club President
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
mount burr mozzies seniors
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Reece Duncan B Grade Coach: Sco Lesslie 1 2 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 21 22
Wil Bowering Andrew Ridley Jacobus Naude James Wallis Brodie Hennink Nathan Muhovics Hamish Smith Bailey Poulish Harvey Muhovics Mark Teagle Taylor Allen Rhys Gamble Tyler Stanley Dylan Ridley Jordan Gray Jesse Robbins Sam Wallis
24 26 27 28 30 31 32 34 35 36 40 43 43 44 46 52 54
Bradley Sco Noah Telfer Josh Fiebig Jack Muhovics Brodie Gregory Reece Duncan Peter Guye Zac Gray Jack Gregory Josh Wallis Kody Bowering Tom Hales Harry Corman Ben Ballantyne Clint Bowering Josh Murphy Jack Francis
There has been a few changes during the off-season with the commi ee with Maurie Puia - President, Adam Gardiner Vice President, Amy Brant - Secretary, Heidi Muhovics Treasurer, and the new people who have joined the commi ee. Also a big thank you to all our volunteers who have con nued on in the many roles that are needed to help run the club. We can't func on without dedicated volunteers and are always open to anyone who wants to help. Welcome to new and exis ng coaches and players with Reece Duncan - A Grade, Sco Lesslie - B Grade, Tim Li le - Senior Colts, Dylan Ridley/Tom Hales - Junior Colts, Ella Li le - Under 11. The numbers on the track have been encouraging and we are looking forward to seeing all our teams perform to their best. There will be teas back at the club a er today’s game and at our 1st home game will be launch night - see our Facebook page for more details. The year kicked off with a successful players night where we had footballers and netballers, juniors and seniors train together and then joined all our supporters back at the club for tea. It was great to see so many people at the club.
senior colts Coach: Tim Li le Lachlan Alcock Finleigh Altschwager Je Bowering Caleb Carr Liam Johnston Braden Manhood Nathaniel Manhood Trey Norton-Li le Brady Sharp Calum Sparkes Harrison Sutcliffe Muhammaddrizo Abduvahobov
Welcome everyone back to football and netball. It’s great to be back playing and suppor ng. Thanks to everyone who supported the club in the COVID year. It was much appreciated.
Geordie Whennen John Wimshurst Jason Howarth Kallan Bevan Bradley Lawson Brock Sandow Cohen Montouri
A big thanks to all our sponsors who have come on board this year. It is so important for everyone to support those who support us. See you at the football and netball.
junior colts Coaches: Dylan Ridley & Tom Hales Luka Andrews Charlie Bevan Blake Brant Deklan Brant Jordan Burchall Logan Carr Reed Gardiner Jayden Garner Rylan Mckay
William Wimshurst Heath Johnston Mostyn Li le
1st qtr
kongorong mount burr
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Frazer Scanlon B Grade Coach: Trent Hawke 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24A 24B 25 26 27A 27B 28 29 30
Dane Paproth Dylan Childs Zacc Cocks Tom Edwrads Jessie Foster Patrick Mitchell Michael McRae Jake Blackwell Tim Biggins Nathan McEachren Jack Edmonds Nick Mar n Sam Giersch Ben Hentschke Josh Agars Frazer Scanlon Dylan Pfitzner Ma Jaeschke Adam Sealey Jason Bates Tory Weaver Ethan Bronca Marcus McGrath Robbie Smith Jack Miller
Welcome back to another season of Glencoe football!
31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 59
Clay Von Duve Niall Easterbrook Al Williams Declan Hurley Braedon Lipscombe Jonathon Brohier Tom Winkley Tyler Horrigan Adam Pulford Dillon Young Trent Hawke Alex Hentschke Jayson Finnis Jason Simon Steven Hughes Ben Swan Dion Evans Nick Herring Taylor McGrath Adam Gregory Carey Megaw Nick Corey Daniel Gardiner Ben Curran Anthony Lipscombe
senior colts Coach: Marcus Mulraney 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11
Aiden Hurley Tim Mutch Darcy Williamson Will Maloney Digby Richards-Fennell Byron Tentye Shane Longhurst Isaac Mulraney Mark Arthurson Gui Ros-Smith
13 14 15 18 19 21 27 29 32 35
Isiah McGrath Kyle Maney Brodie Pfitzner Kaleb Price Cameron Brooks Ben Weedon Hugh Talbot Luke King Oscar Hunt Guy Strong
Coach: Adam Price Connor Tweddle Samuel Haase Kallan Price Tighe Hurley Leslie Jagger Tyler Rothall Blake Gosden McKayla Maney Taya Bellinger Hamish Gordon Ruby Buckley
14 16 17 18 20 22 23 27 28 29 30
Jack McGrath Jake Thompson James Seeliger Kaleb Price Samuel Longhurst Tyrone Siebert Marcus McGrath Brodie Burdon Bailey Dale Max Atchison Lachlan Brierley
1st qtr
It is fantas c to see that there hasn't been a turnover of coaches at the senior level, with both Frazer Scanlon in the A's and Trent Hawke in the Ressies returning to their roles a er pos ng amazing inaugural seasons last year, with neither coach losing a game. The club and it's supporters wish both Frazer and Trent all the best for the year, and look forward to seeing what both teams can achieve. Frazer's background in educa on has been clearly apparent on the track, communica ng well with the players while trying to ins ll his brand of football into the team, while also realising the level of maturity he is dealing with is much lower than your average primary school child. While on the topic of children, the Senior Colts will be in great hands this year with former player and premiership coach Marcus Mulraney taking over the reins, while Adam Price will be bestowing his knowledge upon the Junior Colts. In the ul mate flex move, Rang can s ll be seen wearing his old woolen Junior Colts guernsey to train the kids on a Thursday night, and rumour has it, his facial hair is s ll as lush as it was in his junior playing days as well. Both Boof and Rang will be looking to improve on the records of the junior playing group from a COVID shortened season last year with the Senior Colts recording 4 wins and 3 losses and just missing out on finals, while the Junior Colts managed 2 wins from their seven games. The li le tackers par cipa ng in Auskick and the Under 11's will be looked a er by Brad Gosden this year, so if parents no ce a change in their child's music tastes or they start wearing nothing but board shorts and thongs, you now know why. As we look forward to the year ahead, it is fantas c to be able to welcome back club legend Ted Peacock to the President's role for his third year, and he will be ably assisted by Anne Childs as Secretary and Peter Mitchell as Treasurer. The Glencoe Football Club is also pleased to announce O'Brien Electrical Mount Gambier as the major sponsor for the year, and look forward to another great year of co-opera on and associa on with this great business.
junior colts 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13
A er what seems like forever, it is great to finally see Mid South East football back and have our Murphy's running around on the park again. With COVID-19 sending clubs and teams for a loop last year, I'm sure that rosters league wide will look a lot different from the beginning of last year. This is no different here in Murphy Land with a bit of player turnover from the beginning of last year un l now, with a few new addi ons to the club that we will get to know over the coming weeks, and also many of the regular faces from past seasons returning. It will quickly become apparent who put their me to good use during COVID confinement (I'm looking at you Swanny's Lats), and those who didn't.
Our Round 1 Home Game Sponsor for today is DeGaris Lawyers, and we thank them once again for their support. For those who are interested in suppor ng the club by purchasing a membership, make sure to catch up with Craig Childs who will be able to sort you out. On the topic of suppor ng the club, we all know that they don't func on autonomously and they need a variety of roles filled by anyone who is willing to take this on. If you have me to spare, or believe that you can help the club in any way with your me and effort, please see Anne Childs and she will be able to point you in the right direc on. With all of that said, there's only one thing le to say... GO MURPHIES!
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Simon Merre A Grade Assistant Coach: Kevin Thomson B Grade Coach: Adam Lewis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 23 24 25 26
Mal Lewis Brodie Glynn Ryan Fox Jake Scheleter Fraser Lynch Jack Primer Ben McGregor Jacob Langdon Jake Turner Hamish Stevens Tre Davis Simon Merre Ned Wilke Simon Cram Kevin Thomson Blake Lynch Rory Na rass Mark Smith Rhys Timms Tim Sullivan Wade Chant Zack Williams Damien O’Dine Will Macdonald Jacob Phitzner Ben O’Dine Adam Richards
27 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 40 41 43 44 44 47 48 49 49 50 51 53 55 56 57 61 77 88
Wade Macintosh Daron McElroy Rohan Povey Ma hew Sullivan Brandon Newton Jesse Feast Lochie Tilley Alex Moore Lennox Lewis Angus McGregor James Carrison Brad Creek Dylan Bromley Caleb Catana Rhys Latchford Kyall McLean Chris Driver Jacob Simonds Ben Holmes Mathew Stark Nick Driver Liam Bo omley Tom Sullivan Tom OConnor Ma hew Roscow Nathan Munro
senior colts Coaches: Steve Lewis & Blake Lynch 2 4 8 10 11 13 15 16 19 20
Koby Moulden Bradley Neale Riley Morgan Luke Richards Dylan Lewis Baylan Kurzman Zeb Chant Connor Richards Max Moody (c) Isaac Na rass (c)
21 23 40 41 46 48 58
Hayden Tickle Zeb Elshaug Jake McKinnon Jack Kain Merrick Miller Redan Hape Keilghe O’Flaherty Shaun Richards Declan McDonell Kyle Moulden
junior colts Coach: Jason Smith 1 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 18 22 26
Casey Wilson Kai Gilmore Tyler Neale Cayden McDonnell Zane Lewis Taj Manning Zaylen Smith Jak Hill-Jones Harry Carroll Wil Lewis (c) Jacob Spehr (vc) Flynn Dennert Harrison Kennion
27 30 31 33 35 36 37 40 43 45 54
Jackson Knowles Je Lewis Josh Virgo Cayden Byrne Lincoln Bowd Nash Perryman Jasper Coe Caleb Morgan Tye Dennert Harry Kerr Sam Whan Harrison Bird
1st qtr
Welcome back footy for season 2021, it has been a long 18 months since we last played. Certainly, it was a different year when you couldn't jump into the car and head to the football, have a steak and a beer, have a talk to all the other supporters about the world or maybe even do a li le coaching if things aren't going that well on the field. Before we move on to this year, I would like to men on the hard work of the Mid South East Football League execu ve and the fine work and leadership they showed in season 2020. It may not have worked out exactly how they wanted it to last year, but they worked over me to keep all the clubs informed in the unprecedented mes to make the best possible decisions. Heading into 2021 we are very excited to take the field, this year we have a nice blend of the old and new in the coaching department. Simon Merre is finally going to be able to lead our Senior side into ba le, Adam Lewis is back for another lt at the B Grade tle, in the Senior Colts we are excited to have Steve Lewis and Blake Lynch as co-coaches to guide the next genera on of senior footballers, Jason Smith is back again to share his wealth of experience to guide the Junior Colts and finally another new face to the coaching department with Travis Smith taking charge of the next genera on in the Under 11. We wish all the coaches, support staff and teams all the best for 2021. As important as the on-field team is the off-field team. We are very lucky to have an excellent commi ee of volunteers that have the club’s best interest at heart and I would like to thank Bob Bowd, Andy McGregor, James McGregor, Shannon Smith, Sal Morgan, Natasha Sanderson, Wade Chant, Zack Williams, Shane Grosvenor, Brooke Williams and Lisa McGregor for all their me, advice and support to get the club to this point. Un l you get involved with a football club commi ee you do not see the hours of work these volunteers put in to make a club func on. I would like to make a very special men on to Cathie Williams who has been not only a huge support to me but the whole club especially over the past 12 months. The me that Cathie puts into the club has to be seen to be believed so thank you. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Sonia Milstead, our long serving Secretary, who has stepped down a er many years of service. Sonia has been a dedicated passionate volunteer who has given many hours of me to make Port MacDonnell Football Club a be er place. I would also like to thank Gordon Lewis for his work in sponsorship, Jeff Feast with his reless efforts keeping the grounds good and Jason Smith for reless work with the oval. Also I would like to thank Darren Williams for organising the 100 Club, Frazer Lynch and Megan Hein for looking a er the social events. A big thank you to all that have helped during the summer months, not only in the kitchen but the bar and anyone that helped with any of the various func ons, and finally Marg McGregor for her work with the rosters and her general help in the kitchen. Even though we all can get excited at the football can we please keep in mind when we are watching the football that we need to respect the umpires. Umpiring numbers are at their lowest point and we need to make sure we treat them with respect to ensure that numbers don't fall any further. Clubs are built on people and the more people we have the be er the club will be, it doesn't have to be, being on a commi ee it can be as simple as helping your child's coach running water or being a goal umpire, it can be doing a shi selling raffle ckets or working on the BBQ or canteen - it all helps. If you have an hour or even 2, please come and see a commi ee member or a coach to offer you me. Look forward to seeing you all at the footy in 2021. Darryl Jones Port MacDonnell Football Club President
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Jake Dowdy A Grade Assistant Coaches: Joe Ferguson-Lane & Mikey Telford B Grade Coach: Tim Merre 1 2 3 4 5A 5B 6A 6B 7 8 9A 9B 10 11A 11B 12 13 14A 15 16 17A 17B 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Zach Jones Jason Faulkner Gerard McGrath Tom Bell Jack Skeer Luke Haines Jordan Galpin Saxon Ellis Caolan Buckley Luke Macgregor Jed Telfer Dylan Vanderhorst Tim Merre Jase Bateman Bre Watson Joe Rayson Brad Wight Mikey Telford Todd Watson Lewis Walker Sam Telfer Jez Jones Cameron Slape Jack Gray Josh Wight Mitch Pulmer Brodie Dening Joe Ferguson-Lane Sam Waring
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55
Darcy Bateman James Gilbertson Shane Raddon Clayton Skeer Jack Sullivan Jake Wight James Telford Jack Altschwager Tom Pegler Jake Dowdy Max Telfer Cameron Atkinson Jack Kain Jack MacDonald Will Chay Ben Leopold Paddy Chay Benjamin Lang Jasper Thomas Lauchie Jackman-Tilley Lachie Lang James Thorn Jacob Lang Jordan Abbo Nick Waring Louis Brown Riley Chester Spencer Jones Ayden Reid
It seems such a long me ago since we have been so excited about the start of an upcoming football/netball season but here we are. It's fair to say our lives have changed a bit in the last 14 months but it's here for the short term so let's make it work. There's lots of rules that we need to adhere to so please do your bit, as it means we can keep playing sport and doing our normal things. With a few restric ons I think it's a small sacrifice. On a sad note we have had some tragedies over the last 12 months at Hatherleigh and will wear black armbands to show our respect to the families and also remember other loved ones that have le us since our last game. We will be having a minutes silence at the start of the A Grade football match where both A Grade football and netball sides will meet on the oval and ask that you use this me to reflect and remember the people we have lost. We will sound the siren at the start and finish of the minutes silence. Thank you for your coopera on. Good luck to everyone for season 2021. Stay safe and let's do our best to make sure we have a great year! Go Eagles!
senior colts Coach: Jed Telfer 2 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Eli Kneen Harvey Jones Jack Cassidy Patrick Chay Zak Bowering Jayden Poulish Je Faulkner Will Watson Cameron Atkinson
15 16 17 18 21 22 24 25
Joel Smith Ethan Leopold Myles Widdison Kaden Thomas Riley Shanks Ethan Bowman Tyson Atkinson Tom Gray
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Issac Chambers Will Andre Leo Skeer Coaden Taylor Harry Gilbertson Ned Fitzgerald Tom Bowering Beau Higgins Campbell Leopold Eli Sims Riley Haines Sabas an Figg Jake Hall Ethan Marshall Cohen Clark
junior colts Coach: Dylan Clough 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Brayden Chambers Riley Prouse Charlie Sims Ollie Fitzgerald Jack Bellinger Fletcher Leopold Jordan Atkinson Hudson Nowak Oskar Howell Teej Lawlor Winston Figg Jimmy Kneen Cooper Walters Chloe Bellinger Hannah Bellinger
1st qtr
hatherleigh nangwarry
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Luke Thomson B Grade Coach: Sean Pudney Bodies Arundell Chris Bonney Mick Chaplin Ben Deamer Ben Dinnison Dion Dinnison Ty Dinnison Jordan Hagge Aaron Hill Logan Gibbs Ben Just Brayden Kelly Bailey Lindner Craig Lock Brad Philby George McWaters Jake McKeon Aidan Mills Jonathon Mills
Josh Mills Jarrad Neshoda Thomas Oppelaar Dylan Podobnik Isaac Raymond Sam Shaw Angus Thomson Luke Thomson Marcus Thomson Ma Thomson Josh Timms Tom Vandehorst Joel Virtanen Vesa Virtanen Riley Wiese Jye Whitehouse Kane Whitehouse Ron Wighton Ryan Zerk
senior colts Coach: Jamie Parsons Mitchell Adam Taj Bell Calais Borman Peter Davis Ty Dinnison Riley Edwards
Bailey Lindner Thomas Oppelaar Riley Lock Will Pi s Jacob Schmi Archer Virtanen
Coach: Brent Deland & Chris Bonney Nate Moore Jack Newton Cameron Perry Zane Parsons Archer Virtanen Harvey Virtanen Noah Virtanen Tayte Virtanen
1st qtr
hatherleigh nangwarry
We would like to welcome all of those who are joining us this year for the first me it is great to have you on board. It is also great to have all those that are returning back with us. We are excited to have Luke Thomson with us as our new Senior coach, Luke has done a heap of work to get some new faces on board as we set about turning around our fortunes. It would be great to get around him and the boys to show our support. Sean Pudney has taken on the B's and I'm sure Josh will give him some support and pointers on how to hunt down some of the last minute call ups that are always required. Always a bit of a ba le filling spots so feel free to pass on any poten al candidates. Jamie Parsons returns as Senior Colts coach, Brent Deland and Chris Bonney take charge of the Junior Colts and Marcus Thompson the li le tackers. Get behind these guys and offer your support and help with the many jobs. We are a bit light on for numbers in these teams so plenty of opportuni es if you know of any possible players. Get behind and support these guys the future of footy. Unfortunately despite a mountain of work by Aidan for which we are very grateful we haven't got our new clubrooms up at this stage. We have been steadily working through a number of hurdles and issues but are slowly star ng to see daylight ahead. As the season progresses you should also see progress on this front as well. The changeroom showers have had a makeover over during the off season along with the changeroom and canteen roof being replaced. It will be great to catch up with and reconnect with all about the league. I'm sure we will quickly se le back into the weekly rituals of country footy enjoy the journey but don't take it for granted. Let's all support each other and enjoy experiencing our great games again. We thank our sponsors who have jumped on board. Please remember to support them whenever you can, they are vital to our viability and success.
junior colts Wya Balshaw Taj Bell Calais Borman Jordan Dinnison Jordan Edwards Riley Edwards Declan Gratside Benne Moy
Welcome all to season 2021. Finally we have the opportunity to get towards a bit of football normality. A er the challenges of 2020 we can look forward to being part of country football again. We ask that everyone does the things that we all need to do to enable the season to progress.
PE Stump Removal Gilder Forestry Services GT Industrial Richard’s Crash Repairs McDonald's Mt Gambier Godrik Construc on CKK Mick Mullan Plumbing and Building Village Pharmacy GEM SE Vets Highway Mechanical Gilbert Plastering
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Jack Kelly A Grade Assistant Coach: Jaryd Dawson B Grade Coaches: Dougal Weir & Dean Carter 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26
Ben Jess James Francisco Egan Regnier Jaryd Dawson Jack Kelly Jordan Pe t Jed Jarre Tom Gould Sam Huebner Tom Williams Bram Whi lesea Jesse Robertson Jordan Hentschke Jack Sneath Tom Watchtel Sam Clements Zac Deane Dougal Day Patrick Ma hews Brodie Foulds
27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 48 49 50 53
Mary Rochester Edward Du on Ty Palmer Simon Ferguson Jed Regnier Kaden Woodward Ma Jennings Riley Dickinson Jasper Barri Kane Cross Sco Sawyer Luke Hann James Cornish Ben Jarre Billy Laurie Angus Grant James Kokiousis Tom Leibelt Mason Linke
senior colts Coach: Tom Wachtel 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 14 17 18 19
Jimmy Murch Cameron Gibbons Mitchell Nunan George Du on Ethan Cornish Oliver Hagge James Du on Codee Weston Clayton Peel Jesse Robertson Flynn Peel Sam Newton
20 31 34 37 44 50 51
Nathan Gibbons Max Robertson Hudson Peel Jai Hagge Mason Keane Riley Sutherland Riley Boundy Jayden Lines Joel Bryant Mitch Harrold Raj Legoe
junior colts Coach: Jack Sneath 1 2 6 8 9 11 12 16 22 23 24 25 29
Riley Bermingham Cooper Thomas Flynn Collins Charles Moore Kaiden Carter Madox Denning Taj Boundy John Hinchcliff Jayson Camino Ethan Carter Ethan Moir Angus McLachlan Vincent Moore
30 32 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 46 52
Connor McMullan Jack McGuiness Jaxon Johns Archie Hagge Byron Carter Myles Burzaco Joey McKenny Brodie Dew Charlie Hooper Saxon Mar n Ben Hayes Seb Moore Mason McKenny
1st qtr
It is with great pride that I present my first report as President for the Robe Football Club. I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate all clubs and the league on surviving what was quite possibly the strangest and most troubling year any of us have ever had to deal with. I’m sure our club isn’t the only one who is brimming with excitement about ge ng back into a ‘normal’ season. If there have been any posi ves from the 2020 season is that it gave our commi ee me. Time to reflect and review, to analyse past years and pull apart financial and procedural systems. This has allowed us to look at our Strategic Planning, budge ng, and our ‘where to from here’. More o en it is not what happens around you that is important but how you react to it and using the quiet season to our advantage places us in a great star ng spot for season 2021 and beyond. I’m excited to be heading a strong and dynamic commi ee this year with a great mix of returning and new faces on the team including Roger Sweetman, Breanna Ferguson, Filly Robertson, Stephen Gibbons, Jacob Nicholson, Susan Clements, Geoff Prest, Jim Thring, Chris McLay, Jordan Pe t and Adam Brooks. We are also supported by a strong, new Junior Commi ee who are being mentored by those who are stepping aside and led by Adrian Johns. Jack Kelly is leading a senior coaching squad this year including Jarryd Dawson as assistant coach and Simon Ferguson on bench and working closely with some old but new Reserve coaches in Dougal Weir and Dean Carter. We have worked hard on rallying numbers for 2021, especially in our Reserves, and we’re looking forward to some quality footy in both senior grades. Our senior playing leaders have stepped up into junior coaching roles with Tom Wachtel again coaching our Senior Colts and Jack Sneath stepping up with the Junior Colts. I would like to thank Zac Deane for his countless, successful years as a Junior Coach and wish him well in his new posi on as dual captain (with Tom Williams) of our A Grade side. We look forward to every game this year however we are super pumped about our Anzac round against Hatherleigh. Working in conjunc on with the ‘Robe to Recovery’ support group we look forward to hos ng a grand event with all the pomp and ceremony that those who fought for our country should be showered with. Inclusions from the Third Light Horse Regiment, Mach5 Wingsuit team and visi ng special guests and veterans should make this one for the history books for both clubs. Thank you to our members, sponsors, volunteers, and commi ee members for s cking with us. Any organisa on is only as good as its people and I think we are incredibly lucky to have the calibre of people that we have at the Robe Football Club. There is a posi ve hum around the Robe Football Club and a real determina on to get back out on the field and make our presence felt. All the best to all clubs for today and for the rest of the season. Debra Mackey Robe Football Club President
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Jak Ryan B Grade Coach: Nick Harris 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 9B 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Nicholas Harris Christopher Hale Zac Walker Cameron Saint Troy Ha Brad White Jack Dawe Ma Cytrowski Ma Allen Chris Oliver Braydn Reilly Jak Ryan Brandon Pi s Bryce Radley Roy Osborne Tyson McGrath Marc Roberts Xander Copeland Nathan Bell Zane Walker Adam Hunter Chris McCallum Jack Pearce
26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 49 51 99
Hamish Allen Hamish Thompson Adam Dodd Jordan Ha Nathan Chapple Travis Gilbert Ma Sporer Daniel Clarke Hayden Brown Darcy Pink Hamish Boully David Langley Sco Varcoe Alec Roberts Sco Bowering Ma Nelson Jack Patzel Jake Bromley Jack Radley Ma Sorella Jordan Stevens James Varcoe
Coach: Wayne Batchelor Cade Kelly Will Scanlon Corey Baker Ellis Cushion Jack Cytrowski Sam Jennings Tom Bu on Saxon Altschwager
16 17 20 21 26 29 32 47
Sam Simmons Brodie Telfer-Sco Jack Marino Ryan Simmons Noah Cockrum Paddy Jennings Wil Jennings Ryan Long
junior colts Coach: Josh Rowe 1 15 18 19 24 25 31 32 33
Lucas Simmons Ethan Hales Eli Bowman Will Jennings Levi Thiele Evan Jazepczyk Bradyn Hateley Ashton Lindner Brayden Rowe
34 36 37 39 40 41 49 51
Jake Bevan Kobe Bromley Chad Cockrum Charlie Bromley Summer Batchelor Kaden Bell Ma Sorella Jordan Stevens
1st qtr
All Senior players have shown their dedica on in the pre-season with great numbers each training session. Jak has set the standard high as Senior coach in his first year and Nick Harris has stepped up to the coaching challenge and will be in charge of the B Grade. It has been great to see the familiar faces returning for 2021 but as in all years consistency at training is going to be paramount this year to guarantee a spot on the field. Wayne Batchelor is returning a er the Junior 2020 season and will lead the Senior Colts for 2021. Josh Rowe will share his knowledge of the game with the Junior Colts this season and we wish them all the best. Jake Bromley is once again in charge of the Under 11s as they start their football years. I am pleased to be working alongside Bec Scanlon who is returning to the President role of the netball this season. Working together with Bec and her team I am sure that we will con nue to keep a strong rela onship between both football and netball. The netball club have appointed Jami Walker and Kate Varcoe once again to the lead role of A Grade coaches. Their team have been working hard in the off-season and are looking strong on the court. A large amount of volunteer hours have already been spent at our club over the summer. Sco Bowering has been in charge of the mowing and care of the oval over the summer and they are in perfect condi on.
senior colts 2 4 5 8 9 11 12 14
It is great to be ge ng back on the football field/netball courts a er what felt like a long 12 months but in reality has crept up on us too quick
Registra on me is certainly ge ng easier with some players already registered at the me of this going to email. I thank the players and commi ee for their considera on during the registra on process as it is very me consuming and can be quite difficult at mes. Many members have also put up their hands to help out throughout the season in various roles and I thank them in advance. The Commi ee have their rosters up and running and there are s ll many vacancies for canteen and counter teas. Each player is expected to fill at least 2 posi ons, so find a mate get in early and put your names down to work together. Sponsorship is paramount in this day to run a small country spor ng club. It is greatly appreciated and we can not be the success that we are without this valuable contribu on. Thank you to all our sponsors and also our game day voucher sponsors. The sponsorship commi ee have been walking the pavement and spending countless hours seeking the highly valued sponsorship that con nues to assist our club. The Social Calendar is s ll a work in progress. If anyone would like to help out please put your name forward and lend a helping hand. Kylie Serle Tantanoola Football Club President
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
2019 msefl grand final results Seniors Kalangadoo Glencoe
3.5 3.2
7.5 5.6
11.8 7.8
16.8 10.10
(104) (70)
Goals – Kalangadoo: B Mules 7, B Galpin 3, B Gregory 2, B Auld, T McManus, E Maney, B Lindner 1; Glencoe: A Hentschke 2, T Weaver, Z Cocks, J Dobie, C Von Duve, D Childs, B Foster, L Medhurst, D Pfitzner 1. Best – Kalangadoo: E Maney, B Mules, J Bannister, B Lindner, S McManus, J Casey; Glencoe: T Edwards, J Foster, Z Cocks, N Mar n, J Bates.
RESERVES Hatherleigh Glencoe
2.3 3.0
5.6 5.2
7.9 7.4
14.12 8.5
(96) (53)
Goals – Hatherleigh: J Altschwager 6, H Biddle, T Bell, J Gilbertson 2, J Jones, J Rayson 1; Glencoe: A Sco 3, N Easterbrook 2, S Giersch, N Cory, E Bronca 1. Best – Hatherleigh: J Rayson, L Haines, J Altschwager, T Merre , T Bell, J Gilbertson; Glencoe: N Cory, B Hentschke, S Giersch, D Watson, B Colliver.
SENIOR COLTS Mount Burr Robe
0.4 2.3
1.7 4.4
6.11 5.5
8.12 7.8
(60) (50)
Goals – Mount Burr: T Vanderhorst 3, J Wilson, F Johnston, K Bevan, B Sco , J Muhovics 1; Robe: H Bigmore 3, R Legoe, J Laurie, G Du on, H McInnes 1. Best – Mount Burr: T Vanderhorst, T Allen, J Muhovics, D O'Callaghan, J Wilson; Robe: P Ma hews, H McInnes, J Laurie, H Bigmore, O McInnes, J Robertson.
JUNIOR COLTS Robe Tantanoola
2.2 1.2
4.6 1.2
8.7 1.3
12.10 2.3
(82) (15)
Goals – Robe: M Keane, D Nunan, J Du on, R Bigmore 2, K Carter, M Robertson, J Ciaba oni, C McMullan 1; Tantanoola: B Lawson, B Rowe 1. Best – Robe: O Hagge , J Murch, F Peel, D Nunan, M Keane, N Barr; Tantanoola: B Sandow, P Jennings, A Lindner, E Cushion, C Kelly, A Clarke.
Contact: Dale Price 0428 394 300 Adam Price 0428 230 100
2020 msefl junior COMPETITION winners SENIOR COLTS Kongorong Mount Burr
3.0 3.2
6.2 4.4
7.2 5.4
10.4 5.7
(64) (37)
Goals – Kongorong: L McIntyre, D PochecGordon 4, B Von Stanke-Dowie, R Maconachie 1; Mount Burr: F Johnston 3, J Francis, K Bevan 1. Best – Kongorong: B Leicester, L McIntryre, D Pochec-Gordon, J Whi y, W Vickery, A Dethmore; Mount Burr: L Perna, T Allen, J Muhovics, B Sco , K Bowering, G Wimshurst.
JUNIOR COLTS Hatherleigh Robe
2.4 0.1
4.4 1.2
5.4 2.3
7.5 5.3
(47) (33)
Goals – Hatherleigh: T Atkinson, H Nowak 2, O Fitzgerald, A Ne le, C Clark 1; Robe: J Du on 2, C Moore, R Bermingham, J Ciaba oni 1. Best – Hatherleigh: O Fitzgerald, T Atkinson, Z Bowering, A Ne le, J Atkinson; Robe: J Du on, M Robertson, M McKenny, C Moore, C Thomas, K Carter.
MSEFL NEED HELP WITH YOUR SUPER? Contact your local First Super Coordinator:
Jo Podobnik Call 1300 360 988 PUTTING MEMBERS FIRST Auth Rep # 452015
PRESIDENT’S WELCOME Welcome back everyone! A er a crazy 2020 things are looking promising for the 2021 season. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all players and officials to the opening round of the Mid South East Netball and Football for 2021. Though it seems so long ago, I would like to congratulate all individual trophy recipients and premiership teams from 2019. A er the cancella on of the season proper in 2020, and with most clubs struggling to get numbers together to play alongside junior footy, we held a hugely successful Junior Carnival. Congratula ons to the Kalangadoo Netball Club who were successful in the 17 & Under and 13 & Under compe ons and to the Hatherleigh Netball Club who were successful in the 15 & Under compe on. There was a huge amount of work that went into this day and I would like to thank the Tantanoola Netball Club for hos ng the event and to members of the Execu ve who put in a lot of hours behind the scenes ensuring its success. I'm sure things will be a li le different within the Family League, and we encourage all netball and football clubs to work closely in naviga ng their way through the “new normal”, if we work together it will only strengthen our League/Associa on as a whole. At club level there have been some changes in the leadership roles and I wish all leaders the best for a successful season. During 2020 we did a lot of work alongside Netball SA in improving our lines of communica on, this will be of benefit to clubs, players and the associa on and we look forward to working more closely with them in the future.
Once again we are looking forward to a ending the Country Championships in June and are looking to take a senior and 3 junior teams to Adelaide for the weekend. The format is looking a li le different and I encourage both senior and junior players to register for trials and give represen ng the Associa on a go. Promo on of Associa on events begin at club level and board mee ngs are where we disseminate the bulk of this informa on, board delegates are asked to ensure this informa on is fed back to clubs as this will assure the smooth running of the 2021 season. The Mid South East Netball Associa on AGM was held last November and I would like to thank Pauline Mulraney, Courtney Lewis, Jacqui Cocks, Bec Scanlon, Kim Ross and Kirrily McPherson in their con nuing roles and Megan Bowering joined us as Records Officer in March. On behalf of the execu ve, I would like to wish all football and netball clubs the best of luck for 2021 and I look forward to catching up with you during the season. Sara Gray Mid South East Netball Associa on President
I would expect to see Mount Burr take the points, and would also expect them to be the big improvers this year.
The 2019 runners-up will take on Port MacDonnell at home this week. Glencoe will field a similar side to 2019 with Jenna Paproth leading the team.
Hatherleigh v Nangwarry
Glencoe have welcomed Rebecca Edwards and will also welcome junior Emily Thompson into the senior ranks. Emily is a solid player that can play either end of the court. Port MacDonnell are a different side to 2019, losing Tegan Merre who has taken on the A Grade coaching role at Hatherleigh, and they also have a couple of players sidelined due to pregnancy. Kirby Carrison has taken on the A Grade coaching role and will likely be a playing coach filling the GS role. Morgan Amy (East Gambier) has been a good pick up for the Bay, along with Michelle Moore from Penola. There will be some good match ups in this game. Donna Jaeschke and Ashlea Edwards (Glencoe) should have a great tussle with Michelle Moore and Jess Trench (Port Mac) through the middle. I would expect Glencoe to take the points at home but Port Mac should make it a good contest.
Kongorong v Mount Burr Kongorong take on Mount Burr at home in a match that will create quite a lot of interest. Mount Burr seem to have recruited extremely well while Kongorong have done some recrui ng of their own. Tamara Hagge returns to Mount Burr to take on the A Grade coaching role a er spending many years at Millicent. She brings her daughter Madi who has been a brilliant junior player but also played her fair share of senior games. They have also picked up Heidi Clark from Penola and Sarah Nulty from North Gambier. Sonya Beare will lead the Kongorong A Grade side, they have recruited goalie Emalee Stokker from Nangwarry, Riley Buckingham from South Gambier and Georgia Seidel from Associa on. Heidi Clark and Madi Hagge could line up in defence together and make Emalee Stokker and Samantha Fox earn every goal. Kongorong also have a strong defensive team in Riley Buckingham, Emily Lightbody and Ella McIntyre who will likely take on a strong duo of Sarah Nulty and Ebony Clark in goals for the Burr.
Proudly supporting the Mid South East Football League
The Eagles take on the Saints at home. Tegan Merre will be keen to chalk up a win as playing coach at her new club. Tegan moved from Port Mac and will coach with Kerri-Lee Bromley. Keston Green has returned to Hatherleigh a er a few years away from the game. She will provide a wealth of netball knowledge and experience on the court. With names like Maddie Redman, Sarah Faulkner and junior Lacey Haines all expected to line up in A Grade, you can expect Hatherleigh to be a force to be reckoned with. Nangwarry will be led by playing coach Cassie Dinnison. They have picked up Hayley Burner who has moved back to the region and also Kylie Heaver who has come across from Glencoe. Dinnison can play anywhere and will provide strength and experience to those players around her against Hatherleigh this week. Ange Pra , Kylie Heaver and Hayley Vanderhorst will likely rotate the goalie posi ons for Nangwarry and look to see some 17's get some A Grade experience at Nangwarry as well. Experience should see Hatherleigh take the points this week.
Robe v Tantanoola Robe take on Tantanoola at home and will be spor ng their brand new uniforms! Kimberley Aus n takes on the role of playing coach, Kim Ross returns a er having a baby and they have also picked up Hannah Perkins and Tori Gluyas, both from Adelaide. Robe were dealt a cruel blow with 2019 League A Grade B&F winner Annie Hunter going down with a devasta ng knee injury in their pre-season. They will miss her presence on the court. Tantanoola will be led by Kate Varcoe and Jami Walker in 2021. Simone Li le and Kate Bromley in defence for the Tigers will make Robe's goalies work hard on Saturday while Casey and Jami Walker along with Emma Gould will form a strong a ack line for Tantanoola. Kimberley Aus n and Alannah Campbell will be strong in defence for Robe making Tant earn every goal. Keryn Moore has come up from Robe A Reserve to replace the injured Hunter in the midcourt. Tant to take the points in a close one.
kongorong NETball club notes The Kongorong Netball Club welcomes all past and present players and supporters to season 2021. We are so excited to be able to get back into a normal season of netball and football a er COVID. Our junior and senior sides are looking great and as a result of holding some junior development clinics throughout the summer of 2019 we are able to field both the J1 and J2 teams. Today we welcome Mt Burr onto the courts for the first round of the season. Good luck to all. From the A Grade Season 2021! I think I speak for everyone when I say I am just excited to get back to playing netball! This season we have a lot of new faces representing the club. Our A Grade team consists of Georgia Seidel, Sam Fox, Emalee Stokker, Sarah Beare, Zara VonStanke, Riley Buckingham, Ella McIntyre and Emily Lightbody. Emily is returning to the A Grade team as the OG. Ella and Riley, two new recruits with endless mo va on and determina on, these 3 together make a strong defence line-up. In the mid court we have Sarah and Zara, two young gun juniors at our club, watch this space, these two thrive from a challenge and I personally cannot wait to see their growth throughout the season. Finishing with the a ack line-up we have Georgia and Sam, both fit and accurate shooters, who will also be versa le to swap into the wing posi on. Emalee coming back to the club a er some years away, taking on the GS posi on. This team is one to watch, working on the founda ons to build a strong team and future for the club, but most importantly, ge ng back to doing what we love, playing the great game of NETBALL!
mount burr NETball club notes As we welcome the commencement of the 2021 season, our netball club as a whole are enthusias c and excited to hit the courts. The cancella on of the 2020 season due to the COVID pandemic is something that I hope we never have to experience again, but we have been lucky enough to retain healthy junior and senior numbers enabling us to fill all grades. We welcome Tamara Hagge as our A Grade coach for season 2021 who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience with her to this role. Tamara brings with her, daughter Madi, who has proven herself at Western Border level as a talented junior. Heidi Clark has returned a er a year at Penola and has been appointed as A Grade assistant coach working alongside Tam and also 17 and Under coach where she will work alongside Madi Hagge . We have seen some new faces join our club throughout our pre-season which will only strengthen our club and individual teams, seeing more success on and off the courts. I’d like to thank all the ladies that have taken on coaching roles for our club this season and wish them every success in their respec ve roles and I would also like to take this opportunity to wish all teams in the MSE the best for season 2021. Lynne Lambert Mount Burr Netball Club President
Carn the Hawks! Sonya Beare Kongorong Netball Club President
MULGUNDAWA POLL DORSET Mary Burzacott & Mike Emery, Robe SA Phone 0429 686 243, Email
14 George Street, Millicent Phone 8733 1725 Email
glencoe NETball club notes I would like to welcome everyone back to the Glencoe Netball Club’s season 2021. A er the unfortunate turn of events last year where we were unable to commence our usual season it is great to see all the players back on the court training and ge ng ready for season 2021. We would like to welcome all the new and returning players to our club. It’s great to see everyone back. New and returning players to our club this year are Taitlyn Rothe, Rebecca Edwards, Candice Albrecht. Our coaches for this year are: A Grade: Jenna Paproth A Reserve: Jenna Paproth & Jessie Gosden B Grade: Bianca Easterbrook B Reserve: Nicole Hawke 17&U: Sarah Edwards & Donna Jaeschke 15&U: Krystal Owen 13&U: Taitlyn Rothe Junior 1: Sam Brierley Junior 2: Chelsea Owen & Tameka Medhurst We would also like to thank all of our amazing sponsors. Our major sponsor for this year is O’Brien Electrical. They have been a great supporter of our club for many years and we thank them for their con nued support. Our other maroon and gold sponsors are: Key 2 Sale, B & P Travel & Cruise, Planta on Treated Timber, O’Brien Electrical, Maloney Plumbing, Dycer Construc ons, Metalworx, Eddie Kuhl Tyres and DeGaris Lawyers.
port macdonnell NETball club notes Hello everyone and I can finally say welcome to the 2021 netball season! Due to last year being interrupted due to COVID-19 there were minimal chances for our Juniors and Seniors to hit the court. Fortunately our Junior girls were lucky enough to play a tournament in August last year, which kept their interest alive. Thank you to the League for organising this, and Tantanoola Football Netball Club for also providing us with this opportunity. It is great to know our league will go to all lengths just to support our juniors and their sport. Welcoming all sponsors, parents, players and volunteers to this year, in what we hope will be a successful season for the Bay. We have seen many regular faces, and also many new ones filling all Junior and Senior grades. It is going to be fantas c to get back into the swing of things. I am extremely lucky to be accompanied and supported by my Execu ve commi ee: Narelle Lewis (Vice President), Kirrily McPherson (Treasurer), Melanie Jones (Secretary) and General Commi ee; Ella Hein, Megan Hein, Jessica Trench and Cristan Smith. This year is going to be a good one. Let's enjoy it together. Cody Manning Port MacDonnell Netball Club President
Thank you must also go to all of our volunteers that help out every week to make sure game days run smoothly. Good luck for season 2021 Angela Tweddle Glencoe Netball Club President
Wishing all teams the best in 2021
8733 2888
2 George Street, Millicent
hatherleigh NETball club notes Although this is my second year as President of Hatherleigh Netball Club, 2020 was ground to a halt due to COVID as we all know, so it feels like my first year at the helm. We did manage to support our juniors with a few games against Mt Burr and Tantanoola and we thank them for the opportunity. Plus a junior carnival which proved a popular day with the girls. Unsure on how our numbers would be for 2021, we have been thrilled on the high numbers and everyone is keen to get back into compe ve netball. We welcome all families, volunteers and supporters plus all our new and exis ng returning players back to the nest. Our 2021 Execu ve Commi ee is President Fiona Telfer, Vice President Anna McGregor, Secretary Sam Ne le and Treasurer Casey Merrett. Commi ee: Karen Bowman, Maddie Redman, Eliza Mewe , Maddie Pulmer, Emma Howell, Kerry Smith, Marnie Smith, Nicole Thomas, Tegan Merre , Viv Gilbertson, Teresa Andre and Nat Chambers. Coaches for 2021: A Grade – Kerri-Lee Bromley and Tegan Merre A Reserve – Helen Hamilton B Grade – Kerry Smith B Reserve – Linda Fabris 17/U – Maddie Pulmer and Eliza Mewe 15/U – Sarah Faulkner 13/U – Anne-Marie Fitzgerald J1 & 2 – Helen Hamilton and Thea Clough We are all set to go and our sides look extremely compe ve and ready to play. Thank you to all our valved sponsors who have come back onboard and to the many new ones. Your support of our club is invaluable! Looking forward to hos ng and visi ng all our great clubs in the Mid SE League and can’t wait un l Round 1 begins. Fiona Telfer Hatherleigh Netball Club President
nangwarry NETball club notes Welcome to season 2021. A er a year with no netball it was great to see so many people at some of our pre-season trainings and then later at trials. We were pleased with the numbers and were lucky to see so many new, current, and old players returning to the club for this year. Our club was lucky enough to secure some new people and others from our cancelled season to put their hands to coach this year. Our coaches for this season are A Grade and A Res – Cassie Dinnison, B Grade – Tamara Ploenges, B Res – Kel Anderson, 17U – Hayley and Kate Vanderhorst, 15U – Stevie Judd and Hannah Coon, 13U – Teresa Stewart, Junior 1 – Kerri McNair, Junior 2 – Cassie Dinnison and Kaitlin Roisse er. Thanks to all of you for volunteering your me to coach this season. It is much appreciated and good luck to you all. This season we were lucky to get a great commi ee, with a couple of new faces, which is great to see, so many new and fresh ideas. This season our execu ve posi ons are: President – Cassie Dinnison, Vice President – Fellicity Virgin, Secretary – Chloe McDiarmid, Assistant Secretary – Tamara Ploenges, Treasurer – Lesley Deamer. We did not get to play our season last year, but during the year the MSENA held a carnival for the junior teams. Tantanoola hosted the day and was a successful day. We took a 17U and 15U team and although we did not make the finals the day was enjoyed by all and the girls were grateful just to be out there. The improvement they made on one weekend was great to see. Thanks for all that helped with coaching, umpiring, and se ng the days up. For those who have been out to the football and netball grounds it is great to see some work star ng with the rebuild of our club and change rooms. Also, the netball club is star ng to look amazing, with a few changes. A big thank you to all that helped at the working bee. We had an amazing turnout and you all have got the club looking great. We were lucky enough to start a fundraiser before trials. Thanks to Jayne Bonney for organising. We raised $165 which is a great start to the year. Again, this year with sponsorship we will con nue with the footy club as it was successfully run in 2019. Cassie and Chappo are back on board working hard to secure sponsors. Thanks to the following sponsors for your contribu on to both the netball and football club for 2021; Pla num – Village Pharmacy, Highway Mechanical, Gilbert Plastering, CKK. Gold – GEM, Mick Mullen Plumbing & Building, Silver – P.E Stump Removal, GT Industrial, McDonalds Mt Gambier & Mt Gambier East, Richard’s Crash Repairs, Gildera Forestry Services. Bronze – S.E. Vets. I am sure there is s ll more coming. Thanks to all and good work sponsorship commi ee. Lastly, our first game is at Hatherleigh. Remember not to forget to check in at the grounds. Let’s see us all following the COVID safe prac ces so we can keep the season going this year. Good luck to everyone and have a great year. Let us see some wins on the board. GO SAINTS! Cassie Dinnison Nangwarry Netball Club President
robe NETball club notes
TANTANOOLA NETball club notes
The Robe Netball Club cannot wait to get started! We have been working hard, training hard ready for the first game. Our focus to “play your role” has filtered through from players to commi ee members and we are ready for a great season of netball.
On behalf of my fellow Tantanoola Netball Club execu ve Nat Telfer-Sco , Kris e Rowe, Alana Fensom and Kate Bromley, as well as our fantas c commi ee, I would like to welcome all our returning and new players and their families to the club in 2021.
Our season started off extremely well with great numbers coming out to pre season. We have been working as a club to build a stronger and more united club all around, which has been a great experience for everyone involved. We have been working closely with our Football Club on and off the court/field, and we are looking forward to our successful rela onship con nuing. A big thanks to Jack Kelly for guiding us through this.
We wish all our netballers an enjoyable and successful season as we are all very grateful to be able to step out on the courts at last!
Our A Grade coach this year is Kimberley Aus n, her experience and strong ability to lead will be great for our A squad. Unfortunately we were hit with major injuries in all grades during our trials, losing two A Grade players was a big hit to our club. We are lucky that we have the strength this year in our A Res for girls to step up into those posi ons. All teams are looking strong and united for a great season ahead. We are all looking forward to a year of netball, successful and full of fun! Good luck to all teams for season 2021. Kimberley Ross Robe Netball Club President
Jami Walker, Kate Varcoe and Casey Walker have been working hard with our A squad in the pre-season. We welcome new coach Danni Rutkowski along with returning coach Hijisa Radley to the B squad coaching team, who have also been preparing well for the season. Our junior coaches Alana and Lauren Fensom, Jules Cytrowski, Leah Kuiper, Amy Mason and Naomi Damhuis are raring to go - as are all our junior players a er limited play last year. We would like to thank all sponsors of the Tantanoola Football Netball club whose support is greatly appreciated. I would also like to wish Kylie Serle, her footy commi ee and all the Tant footy players all the best for the season – Go Tiges! Bec Scanlon Tantanoola Netball Club President
SOCIAL CALENDAR 2021 Kongorong 10/4/2021 – First Home Game – Meals & Band (vs Mt Burr)
174 Jubilee Highway, Mount Gambier Phone: 08 8725 7060 | Mobile: 0419 801 592 Email:
24/4/2021 – Anzac Day Match @ Home v Nangwarry – John Rogers Medal 1/05/2021 – Presentations and Teas at the Commercial Hotel (after Hatherleigh) 8/5/2021 – Sponsors Day (vs Robe)
5/06/2021 – Presentations & Teas at the Bellum (after Port MacDonnell) 19/06/2021 – Presentations and Teas at the Commercial Hotel (after Mt Burr) 26/06/2021 – Past Players Day @ Home (vs Tantanoola) 3/07/2021 – Presentations/Teas Blue Lake Golf Links (after Nangwarry) 17/7/2021 – Beyond Blue Round & Netball Teas @ Home (vs Hatherleigh) 7/8/2021 – 40 Year Reunion of 1980/1981 A & B Grade Premierships 14/8/2021 – Auction Night @ Club (after Kalangadoo Home Game) 21/8/2021 – Last Home Game - Netball Club Ladies Day Punch Up (v Port Mac)
REMINDER Clubs are encouraged to submit ar cles regarding social events plus player and club milestone informa on for inclusion in the Mid SE Football & Netball Budget. To assist the publisher please note that the preferred format for ar cles is as a Word document and any photographs should be supplied as a JPEG file to ensure the best quality reproduc on. All ar cles are required by 12 noon each Monday and should be emailed to