The Family League
ISSUE #1436
mid south east football & netball
are grinners!
WHO WILL TRIUMPH IN SEASON 2022? Images courtesy Thomas Miles (SE Voice)
MSEFL PRESIDENT’S welcome Presidents Welcome to 2022 season As the 2022 football and netball season commences today, I take this opportunity to welcome all exis ng and new players, supporters and sponsors to our Family League. Well last year was another challenging year learning to live with Covid and it would seem that there will be similar challenges for this season and for all our football and netball communi es. Thank you to all clubs for working together and doing what was necessary to ensure we kept our communi es safe and ul mately allowed us to complete the season. So, more so than with each year, all clubs will need to con nue to work together where possible for the be erment of football and netball to ensure that all clubs remain strong and viable on and off the field. Our naming rights sponsor of the League con nues with the generous support from Bendigo Bank. The League clubs and Bendigo Bank have many common themes including communi es and we know that both par es will develop a beneficial rela onship for all. The Sco Group of Companies have been involved for many years as a great supporter of our League and at this point, I am unsure if they will con nue this year, however I thank them for their support con nuously since 2006. I thank them along with all of our other sponsors for their wonderful support of our league. Please refer to a list of our sponsors within the budget and where possible please consider using our sponsors when you need anything, and also please remember to thank them for their support of our league. The Board has had one change to the team from 2021 with Bob Jones stepping down a er serving the past five years on the League Board. Members of the Board include Peter Mitchell, Dennis Muhovics (Vice President), Trevor Ling and newly elected Jo Michelmore from Nangwarry. Naomi Mitchell as Secretary will con nue in the current role on the Board and we have been working hard over the summer to put in place more processes to assist all clubs once again this year. Please remember that our job on the Board is to assist clubs and make your lives easier, where possible! Neil Webber has been appointed as Umpires Director for his eleventh season. The Umpires are again on the lookout for any interested people, male or female, that may want to become an umpire. We are s ll asking for any recently re red players that would like to be s ll involved in the game to consider umpiring to keep fit, give back to the game and perhaps get to know some of the players and club people from a different perspec ve. Due to Covid 19, our aging umpires panel have lost a number of regular umpires and it is concerning to the Board that it may have to call on club umpires for all reserves games and possibly some under 17 games as well. I wish Neil the best and I know that a number of other senior umpires
will assist throughout the year. Neil will s ll be requiring two players from the club that has a bye to be available to umpire each week. This was well supported and assisted with umpiring numbers each week and will con nue this year. We have also asked all clubs to supply the League with the name of one person that may be able to assist umpiring if required due to a shortage of umpire availability. Who knows, maybe we may get some current players that may take up umpiring a er they have finished playing? The League has s ll available an Umpires Scholarship program to encourage and reward new central umpires and we hope it will provide a pathway to bolster our ageing umpire panel. The League would love to hear from those that have just re red as footballers and even our younger males and females that have a love of the game and would like to be involved. Michael Mourbey con nues as the SE Football Opera ons Co-ordinator and his role is to provide support for clubs and Leagues as well as taking on some of the administra ve tasks of the Leagues. We think that this is a posi ve step for Football in the South East and look forward to some more posi ve outcomes with the addi onal resource as well as the support of the SANFL Community Football. The MSEFL Board in conjunc on with WBFL & KNTFL will con nue to operate the SANFL Tribunal system with a panel of commissioners selected from the three leagues. The Board believe this will assist with consistency and uniformity across the tribunal process, with clear set guidelines in place and having one person, Michael Mourbey following up with all reports to offer set penal es or straight to Tribunal if deemed to be severe. We look forward to working closely with the Netball Associa on with President Sara Gray and her commi ee throughout the year in the many joint ventures that we work on. MSEFL Representa ve matches against our neighbouring Leagues will be played in the MSEFL. The Zone Carnival will be played on Saturday 11 June with a Senior match between MSEFL & KNTFL & also U15 & U17 matches between MSEFL, WBFL & KNTFL. Once again, we are pleased to offer the chance for our seniors and juniors to play at a higher level and represent the League against our neighbouring Leagues. Graham Dowie heads up the Junior League as President and will be assisted by most of last year's Execu ve members, Gary (Tug) Wilson and Mathew Cockrum. Thank you to Shane Kelly for being a member of the Junior Execu ve for the past three years, including the last two years as President. A major focus for the Junior Execu ve is coordina ng the junior interleague fixture which is to be hosted by the MSEFL on the Saturday of the June long weekend. Once again, I'm pleased that the League can offer this opportunity for our juniors to be involved at a higher level. An ongoing role
for the Junior Execu ve is to assist those clubs that are struggling with junior player numbers to ensure that we con nue to have games in all grades. Con nue the good work fellas and thanks for your con nuing commitment to assist out clubs in promo ng and developing our junior footballers. Thanks to all the media outlets for the coverage our league receives and we look forward to another exci ng season in 2022. On behalf of the League and all clubs thank you to all the wonderful volunteers that assist each week. If you don't currently volunteer for your club, then please consider assis ng with your me / skills wherever possible to make your Club more successful and to share the workload. Volunteering is a great way to meet people and improve your skills as well as knowing that you have done something good to assist your club – so don't hold back! Challenges have never been greater for clubs as we face uncertainty with changes happening in neighbouring Leagues and the many con nual policy changes from Government, AFL & other insurance requirements that place extra burdens on our volunteers and with the current COVID 19 plans and protocols. The three core areas that is consistently affec ng Leagues and Clubs in SA Country is low junior player numbers, lack of new volunteers and shortage of umpires (an ageing body of football lovers). It is so important for all clubs to try and spread the work load required, have well developed procedures and have mul ple people skilled to handle a variety of tasks. Our Clubs and League must all ensure that we have our house in order, revisit our strategic plans and develop or strengthen exis ng strategies to prosper and grow. Con nue to focus on core ac vi es within our clubs such as – Facili es, Junior Development, Volunteers, Financial Stability, Risk Management and Community es. This is where clubs need to u lise the full- me resource available from SANFL in Michael Mourbey to assist where he can in providing necessary support to lighten the load on volunteers. Michael can't do everything, but he can assist! All Clubs and the League need to build on our strengths and iden fy any weaknesses to implement remedia on plans to allow for con nuous improvement. We must con nue to ensure that Football clubs are the leaders in our communi es and build stronger partnerships and rela onships with all of our stakeholders. Also remember that it is so important that when you finish volunteering at your club that you leave it in a be er posi on than when you joined! On behalf of the Board, we wish all clubs the best of luck for the season and also look forward to common sense and fairness being displayed at all mes in the Family League. Peter Mitchell President MSEFL
MSEFL SECRETARY’S welcome Welcome to season 2022 of the Mid South Eastern Football League. Before going too much further, this is my 14th Secretary's Welcome and I can now inform all that this year will be my last. I have come to the realisa on and decision that it is finally me to hang up my keyboard and for someone else to now take on the role of League Secretary. The approach that I have taken in the past of only doing the job if no one else wants to, has well and truly run its course. The me has now come for the League and this involves all clubs to find a new secretary come November 2022 – only 8 months away, but who's coun ng! As we welcome back our exis ng players, supporters and extend a very warm family league welcome to those that are new to our league, I hope your me at your clubs are both rewarding and posi ve. I would like to acknowledge and congratulate all our 2021 final venues in Glencoe, Kongorong, Mt Burr and Tantanoola. The me and effort required to host an event during the COVID pandemic was difficult to say the least and at mes overwhelming. Not only did they have to organise and cater for a final, but to do so with all the added COVID protocols was just simply remarkable. To the Club Presidents and their commi ees and all the volunteers who gave up countless hours of me to ensure every aspect was covered thank you just doesn't seem enough. The weather gods have not been too kind to us on grand final days in recent years, and 2021 was also challenging for both the Tantanoola football and netball clubs and players alike, with the majority of scoring being done at the northern end of the ground. But in saying this, the condi ons were the same for both sides, and it was those sides that used the wind to their advantage and played smart football who came out on top at the end of the day. Congratula ons to Kongorong (Junior Colts), Robe (Senior Colts), Hatherleigh (Reserves) and Port MacDonnell (A Grade) on your premiership successes. Today though sees a new season begin, with each club and grade aiming for a top four finish to hopefully become the clubs we talk about next year. During the 'off-season' we have seen a slight change to both the Senior Board and Junior Execu ve. At the Senior AGM we farewelled Bob Jones from the Board. Bob's commi ee involvement began at Hatherleigh, where he was also President for three years from 2011 to 2013. He then joined the Board in 2017 and served
5 years un l the end of the 2021 season. Bob's plainspoken and honest opinions were always very well respected and I sincerely thank him for his me and dedica on he put into the posi on. At the 2021 AGM we welcomed Jo Michelmore to the Board. Jo's involvement with football and especially the Nangwarry Football Club probably spans a life me and it is really pleasing to welcome a Nangwarry member to the Board and another female! On the Junior front we reluctantly accepted the resigna on of our esteemed President in Shane Kelly. Shane's leadership over the past two years has been nothing short of outstanding. To lead a commi ee during the COVID disrupted seasons of 2020 and 2021 was a true reflec on of his character and integrity, and the League is undoubtedly be er off his input. No nomina ons were received for the role of Junior President prior to the Junior League AGM, and it looked as though the Junior League might dissolve and come under the Senior Board if no one was prepared to take on the role. So, a very big thank you to Graham Dowie, a previous Junior League President who has once again taken on this role, rather than see the sub-commi ee go into recess. Graham's passion for junior football and par cipa on is immeasurable and our junior compe ons are very lucky to have someone with his enthusiasm. But like all volunteer commi ees, we are s ll looking for more members both at Senior and Junior level. If anyone out there feels that they could contribute to the football landscape in our region please either contact an exi ng Board Member or get in touch with your club president who will point you in the right direc on. Neil Webber con nues in the role of Umpires Director. At the beginning of last year we were very reliant on club umpires for a number of the early games, but by the end of the year we had welcomed a number of new faces to the panel. We all knew the me was coming when we would start to see our aging umpires panel start to re re, and I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding service of Kevin Nobes and Robbie Ransom who both have decided to hang up the whistle. We wish you all the best in your re rement and you finally get your Saturday's back. Hopefully we will see you around the grounds during the year though. With a couple of more umpires moving over the summer, we seem to be back to where we were at the start of last year. Please be pa ent with our new
umpires as they learn the ropes and build their confidence up in what is a very difficult job. The Limestone Coast Regional Football Council Review certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons with their recommenda ons late last year and probably the less said about it the be er. Suffice to say that I don't think anyone was upset with the decision that this body was dissolved earlier this year. There will s ll be challenges for our league and our neighbouring leagues as to what the football landscape will look like in the coming years, so now is the me to remain strong and focussed on the fundamentals of providing football and netball playing opportuni es to our communi es. The new player database in PlayHQ will present club and league administrators with a number of challenges during the year. Why the decision was made to change from a system that by and large worked well to one that doesn't even come close to the capabili es of SportsTG is beyond me! Clearly the old saying of 'If its not broke, don't fix it' clearly hasn't been heard at AFL level, or perhaps the almighty $$ speaks louder than all the football clubs in Australia. Unfortunately we can't go back, so we have to try and find ways to work around inadequacies of PlayHQ in the mean me! To our 'Family League' partners in the Netball Associa on I take this opportunity to wish President Sara Gray, the Execu ve and all players and supporters all the best for the upcoming season and look forward to another successful and posi ve year ahead. With each new game, all a en on now focuses on playing finals footy in September. This may seem a long way off, but I'm sure all coaches from the junior colts to the A Grade will be ins lling into their players the importance of winning early matches, as it really sets the tone for the en re season. Much easier to be in control of your own des ny rather than relying on other match day results to fall your way later in the year. To all par cipants in either football or netball I wish you all the very best for the coming season. May you have an exci ng and enjoyable year and hopefully come finals me your team will be ac vely involved. Be kind to each other, stay safe and good luck for season 2022. Naomi Mitchell Secretary MSEFL
MSEFL junior president’S welcome It’s hard to believe that only 6 months ago clubs were ba ling it out for ul mate success at Tantanoola, but summer has now been and gone and the 2022 season is upon us already. I would like to congratulate Shane Kelly for his reless work as Junior President over the last 3 years. What a me to step into the role, especially over the last 2 years with modified season in 2020 and constant changes throughout 2021. Would like to wish him all the best as they travel between home and Adelaide with Cade's Glenelg commitments. This year sees me step back into the role le vacated by Shane and with the good work done by the execu ve in Shane, Naomi, Ma y Cockrum and Tug Wilson we have managed to hit the ground running this year. If there is anyone interested in jumping on the execu ve new members are always welcome and provides a great chance to have input towards the future of our Junior compe ons. Congratula ons to the 2021 premiers in Robe U17's and Kongorong U14's. Both clubs took all in front of them throughout the year and played a great brand of footy to come away with ul mate glory at
Tantanoola. As we look towards what season 2022 will hold for the league, I'm buoyed and excited to see some clubs that have struggled with numbers in the past look to have had an increase over summer. However, we s ll need to be in support of our clubs who are struggling on this front. One wish I have for 2022 season is club officials and junior coaches can work together, open up lines of communica on and remove the “Win at all cost” mentality as to make sure all the kids get a game in each and every week. Interleague this year will con nue the same format as 2021 in U15's and U17's. We have managed to secure both coaches from last year in Andrew “Billy” Nitschke and Reece Duncan. There were some good results last year and looking forward to the con nual improvement both these coaches will bring. More informa on on interleague will following in coming weeks. As with every year there will be lots of nervous and excited players, coaches and parents this weekend as the minis look to kick the dew off the grass at each of the home games. What be er way to start the year than watching the youngest
Mid South East
Football L
group of future MSEFL stars get the season underway. To all clubs, officials, coaches, players, parents and families from all on the Junior Execu ve would like to wish you the best of luck and good fortune for the season ahead and look forward to speaking with everyone throughout the season. Regards, Graham Dowie
Lake Bonney Community Fund Major sponsor for the MSEFL Junior Interleague Squads
l a i r o m e M Ann Guyett
As we begin the 2022 season, we wish to remember Ann Guye , a much-loved player and opponent in the Mid-South East Netball League.
was a premiership coach, commi ee member and umpire.
Ann has been part of Mt Burr Netball and Football Club for the majority of her life, playing 295 senior games of which, the majority have been in the A Grade team. This is an outstanding achievement.
Ann's passing leaves a hole within the A Grade line up and the Mt Burr Netball Club that is irreplaceable, but her sportsmanship, on court grit and determina on that she was well known for, will be upheld by each of her team mates this year.
Ann was a respected player who
Despite the enormous gap that is
14 George Street, Millicent Phone 8733 1725 Email Sponsor of the 2022 MSEFL Leading Goalkickers Awards
le by Ann's passing, there is no doubt that she will be at the forefront of everybody's mind as they step out on the court each week, especially on a day like today. Our A Grade bench has been built in her honour. Ann Guye , forever an A Grade player. Her commitment and love for netball at Mt Burr will always be remembered and treasured by all.
kalangadoo magpies seniors
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Kevin Stark B Grade Coach: Adam Box 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20A 20B 21 22 23
T. McManus A. Stone S. McManus D. Jeffree J. Bannister M. Fatchen K. Stark M. Lowe C. Mules L. Jones T. Williams P. Davies D. Barlow J. Jones J. Larocca J. Mansell M. Davies J. O’Connor T. Jones S. Casey J. Pra N. Reeves
24 25 26 27 29 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 42 43 44 46 47 51 53 58 64
J. Mules T. Schumacher B. Auld B. Gregory A. Lyon S. Devine M. Krieger B. Mules T. Searle J. Searle E. Pegler A. Blom B. Ousey C. Jorgensen T. Scholz C. Larocca S. McLaughlin L. Carlson M. Varcoe C. Gibbs T. Brennan M. Gribben
senior colts Coach: Tom Williams
junior colts Coach: Steve McCann
1st qtr
The 2022 Mid South East Football & Netball League season is about to commence, and everything is well under way for another successful year at the Kalangadoo Football & Netball Club. In these mes of uncertainty, we are lucky to have the football and netball clubs as a place to come together to play sport and have fun. This year we want to con nue to make the Kalangadoo Football & Netball Club the place to be and the club of choice. It is with pleasure that the Football Commi ee can announce coaching appointments for 2022. Kevin Stark will again coach the A Grade side. Kevin enjoyed a very successful year in 2021 coaching the A Grade team to the Grand Final. Starky has con nued to assimilate himself into the culture of Kalangadoo and will most certainly con nue to add value to the work and goals of previous seasons. Starky will be very well assisted by Dallas Jeffrie who will take on the bench coach role with Mitch Lowe being named 2022 Senior Captain. The B Grade team will be coached by Adam Box with assistance from Harry Peacock and Tyson Scholz. This year we have a team of talented coaches who are dedica ng their me and skills to develop and lead our footballers. The Junior Club has appointed Adam Blom as President with the Senior Colts being coached by Tom Williams, Steve McCann will coach the Junior Colts with the Under 11's and Auskick Program being led by Adam Box and Tyson Scholz as well as many other helpers. Junior players are the future of our club and more junior players are always needed and welcome. If any members or supporters are aware of any available junior players please contact any of the following Adam Blom 0404 650 614, Reece Carlson 0427 962 940 or Adam Box on 0400 064 943 and we can ensure that a member of the Junior Commi ee makes contact with the family and the player. The club would like to thank and acknowledge the following
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
members being elected to the 2022 Commi ee: President - Reece Carlson Vice Presidents - Chris Mules & Adam Box Secretary - Jane Featherstonehaugh Treasurer - Trudi Carlson Commi ee members: Andre Carlson, Jon Mules, Aidan Auld, Tom Egan, Philip Mules, Ben Gregory, Troy Wilkinson, Darren Ousey, Ben Mules. We have a great and hard-working commi ee. The football club is in a very strong posi on both on and off the field and this is due largely to the efforts of our commi ee. We would like to thank all our sponsors from 2021 and previous years and look forward to con nuing our rela onship in 2022. Our great club is based on the willingness and the effort of our reless volunteers. As the season approaches, we will again need countless volunteers to assist with the running of the club. If there is a job at the club that you believe you could contribute to and assist with, we would encourage your contact and par cipa on. Please ring me at any stage if you have any ques ons or would like to contribute. We have some exci ng ini a ves on the horizon that will hopefully work towards making us a more professional unit whilst also securing the long-term future of the club with a strategy to con nue growing our junior numbers and junior football program. Our unique fabric at Kalangadoo embodies the spirit of our club today and what we aspire to be tomorrow – the most successful, respected and inclusive spor ng organisa on in the South East – the club of choice that consistently sets the benchmark on and off the field. There is a great sense of excitement about the future and I encourage everyone to embrace this future and con nue to be an ac ve part of our wonderful club. Go Pies! Reece Carlson President
4th qtr
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Tom Edwards B Grade Coach: Nathan McEachern 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24A 24B 25 26 27A 27B 28 29 30 31 32 33
Brodie Glynn Dane Paproth Dylan Childs Jake Blackwell Zacc Cocks [c] Tom Edwards Jesse Foster Patrick Mitchell [vc] Will Maloney Nathan McEachern Jack Edmonds Isaac Mulraney Andrew Gray Sam Giersch Ben Hentschke Josh Agars Kyle Maney Dylan Pfitzner [vc] Ma hew Jaeschke Adam Searle Jason Bates Tory Weaver Ethan Bronca Marcus McGrath Henry Smith Jack Miller Clay VonDuve Aden Brand Niall Easterbrook
34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
Tom Rundle Declan Hurley Braden Lipscombe Tom Winkley Tim Mutch Adam Pulford Dylan Young Trent Hawke Alex Hentschke Jayson Finnis Mark Arthurson Brodie Pfitzner Damien Wallis Ben Swan Dion Evans Harry Comley Oscar Hunt Taylor McGrath Shannon Megaw Carey Megaw Jed Ma hews Jack Ryan Ben Curran Anthony Lipscombe Byron Tentye Isaiah Mcgrath Stuart Mcgrath Luke King
Welcome to the 2022 football season which kicks off today when we visit our close neighbours and arch rivals Kalangadoo. There is a lot of excitement around the club with some new coaches and recruits to start the season off.
Colts this year and with limited numbers it will pose some problems but hopefully we can s ll pick some new players up and have a compe ve side. Adam Price is doing the Junior Colts again this year and with lots of numbers on the track and a very good result last season things look very bright this year.
Tom Edwards has taken the step up and taken over as Seniors coach and with the help of Dylan Childs as assistant and with plenty of numbers on the track through the summer things are looking good for the upcoming season.
A big thank you for all our sponsors that have come on with us this year as without them it make things very difficult.
Nathan “Junior” McEachern is coaching the Reserves this year and with plenty of players about should enjoy a steady year.
Looking forward to seeing all our members and supporters today and hopefully we can come away with 4 wins.
Ben Hentschke is doing the Senior
Go the Murphies!
senior colts Coach: Ben Hentschke
junior colts Coach: Adam Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Samuel Longhurst Samuel Haase Kallan Price Tighe Hurley Kade Mulraney Harley Dale Tyler Rothall Blake Gosden McKayla Maney Taya Bellinger Daniel Ferguson Hamish Gordon Ruby Buckley Jack McGrath
15 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30
Leslie Jagger Jake Thompson James Seeliger Riley Ferguson Connor Tweddle Tyrone Siebert Tyler Fiegert Declan Mutch Tom Richards Lachlan Brierley Brodie Burdon Bailey Dale Luke Medhurst
1st qtr
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
kongorong hawks seniors
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Will Whi y B Grade Coach: Tony Elletson 1A 1B 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Jarrod Ryan Jordan Cozzi Shaun Beard [B vc] Jake Whi y Fraser Brewster Ellio Modra Cameron Sandercock Bryce James Oscar Philip Jack Mullan Ma hew Cordy [A vc] Josh Knowles Andrew Telford Sco Fleming John Simkin Brandon Kranz Will Vickery Harrison Evans [A vc] Tyson Modra Wayne A will Ryan Vickery Joel Maconachie Liam Whi y Riley Maconachie Marty Von Stanke [A c] Sean Farrell [B c] Michael Waters Oscar Geddes Jason Steen Brayden Leicester
31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 64 77 88
Je A ard Nick Gilbert Corben O'Dea Geoff Hay Bradley Long James Burzaco Aaron Lightbody Jack Lewis Jake Bo omley Donald Pochec-Gordon Damon Baseley Lachlan Brown Alex Dethmore Tom Hunter Declan Robinson Paul Ellis Kody Vanderhorst Liam Durcan Luke McIntyre Shaun Sutherland Brayden Coppick Ma hew Maidment [B vc] Aaron Shepherd Max Bidstrup Harry Maddern Shannon Barker William Cameron Nathan Farrell Keiran Wesitra Tony Elletson
senior colts Coach: Je A ard 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 18 20
Cohen Janeway Declan Wright [c] Campbell Graney Tom Bellinger [vc] Shak Von Stanke Mackye Baron Bryce Von Stanke-Dowie Kain Ashby Jim Kyle Brodie Von Stanke-Dowie
22 23 24 26 27 29 34 35 36
Maverick Cooper James Allen Toby McKinnon Tyler Richardson Will Von Stanke Jake Carrigan Xavier Beard Kur s Lasle Bam Kent
junior colts Coach: Graham Dowie 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17
Koby Galloway Ryan Angelino Harrison Elletson Jobe Janeway [vc] Jim Whi y Cohen Galpin Rhys Newton [c] Ryan Lucas Lilly Gordon Mason Galpin Will Beare Brian Vanzyl Axel Page
18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 29 31 33 38
Jacob Gordon Noah Von Stanke-Dowie Blake Telford Luke Allen Cur s Page Ryan Taylor Declan Richardson Nate Von Stanke-Dowie Zayne Parson Hunter Bingham Blake Lasle Jackson Bald
1st qtr
Welcome to the 2022 Season and thank you for the support throughout the topsy turvy year that 2021 was. As we con nue to navigate restric ons and return to play rules, rest assured our focus hasn't shi ed from being the best we can be. Recently we were awarded “The Best Spor ng Club” in the Limestone Coast by Triple MMM radio, which was a great acknowledgement for the effort put in around the Club by all our fantas c personnel, sponsors and supporters. As always, our Player Management Commi ee has been busy in the background sourcing players to complement our current group, hopeful of achieving the right mix to take the Seniors into 2022 and beyond. Will Whi y was reappointed as Senior Coach, with Cam Sandercock stepping into an Assistant role. Pre-season has taken on a new look this year and the boys have been pu ng in some solid training sessions. Tony Elletson will lead the Reserves and is looking forward to sharing his football knowledge and his on-field leadership amongst his playing group. Je A ard has hit the ground running with the Senior Colts group, ensuring fitness and discipline are at the forefront for the year ahead. Harrison Evans is Je 's assistant and will be a great mentor to the young Hawks.
sure he will do a great job. The Mini Colts/Auskickers round out the sides with Rob Whi y and Peter Gordon taking charge, supported by senior colt players Declan Wright & Brodie Von Stanke-Dowie. The enthusiasm displayed by this age group will keep the coaches busy, and we look forward to watching them develop their skills throughout the season. The Kongorong Women's Football Team (LCWFL) expanded to include an Under 16's team this season, with both teams under the guidance of Michael Dethmore, assisted by Sco Fleming, John Simkin, Je A ard (early on) and Ma Lucas. With a vast improvement in skills and endeavour, both teams will be playing in the finals rounds in the coming weeks, and we wish them all the best. Thirza Walters leads the Netball Commi ee this year, and all nine teams will be par cipa ng, with Tilah Buckingham con nuing on in the A Grade coaching role, and we con nue to work well with the Netball Club in a mutually beneficial way. While run en rely by volunteers, the ongoing costs to run a football club week to week con nue to grow. The Commi ee is grateful for the support shown by our supporters and sponsors, without whom the Club could not run. Volunteering in itself can be quite rewarding, so don't wait to be asked, put your hand up to take on a job.
Graham Dowie will guide the Junior Colts once again, a er a successful premiership last season. Graham has also taken on the role of Junior President for the MSEFL, which we are
Finally, we wish all clubs/teams, and the league, in the Mid South East compe on all the best for the year ahead.
2nd qtr
4th qtr
3rd qtr
Amanda Sealey President final
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Simon Merre B Grade Coach: Ryan Donovan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 20 22 23 23 24 25 26
Mal Lewis Alex Ridding Ethan Gladman Jake Scheleter Fraser Lynch Jack Primer Ben McGregor Raegan Clarke Jake Turner Nathan Munro Simon Merre Ned Wilke Kev Thompson Blake Lynch Pete Buchanan Ryan Donovan Mark Smith Mason Browm Rhys Timms Tim Sullivan Wade Chant Zack Williams Damian O’Dine Will Macdonald Grady Hutchesson Ben O’Dine Adam Richards
27 30 31 32 33 34 40 40 41 43 43 44 46 47 48 49 49 50 51 53 55 56 57 60 77 88 99
Rory Na rass Rohan Povey Ma hew Sullivan Brandon Newton Jesse Feast Locky Turner Jordy Carrison Lennox Lewis Angus McGregor Jake McKinnon James Carrison Brad Creek Tyreese Newton Caleb Catana Rhys Latchford Chris Driver Kyall McLean Jacob Simmonds Ben Holmes Mathew Stark Nick Driver Liam Bo omley Tom Sullivan Isaac Na ress Ma hew Roscow Nathan Brotherton Connor Twomey
senior colts Coaches: Steve Lewis & Blake Lynch 4 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Bradley Neale Riley Morgan Luke Richards Dylan Lewis Alex Lamb Deegan Habner Ethan Perryman-Cary Zeb Chant Connor Richards
17 18 19 21 22 29 41 46
Wil Lewis Jacob Spehr Kaleb Sneedon Hayden Tickle Flynn Dennert Phoenix O'Dine Jack Kain Merrick Miller
26 27 30 31 35 36 40 43 54
Harrison Kennion Jackson Knowles Je Lewis Josh Virgo Lincoln Bowd Nash Perryman Caleb Morgan Tye Dennert Sam Whan
junior colts Coach: Jason Smith 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13
Casey Wilson Gracie Carroll Kai Gilmore Tyler Neale Cayden McDonnell Zane Lewis Taj Manning Zaylen Smith Jak Hill-Jones Harry Carroll
1st qtr
Welcome to the 2022 season, a er a successful 2021 that resulted in an A Grade premiership, congratula ons to everyone. The Reserves managed to make the final dance but were gallant in defeat. Both the Junior and Senior Colts are both in a building phase and have made great gains over the year. Over the off-season there was some player changes due to different reason from re rement and looking for new opportuni es. We as a club would like to thank every one of these players for your service to the club whether it has been for one year or 20 years, thank you for your me and efforts that you have given to Pt MacDonnell Football Club. This year the A Grade will be led again by Simon Merre , who over the last 2 years with great success has returned, in the Reserves Ryan Donovan has taken the reins this year, the Senior Colts are going to be led by Steve Lewis and Blake Lynch who made great inroads last year and will be looking for the con nued improvement. Junior Colts have a familiar face with Jason Smith guiding them again. Good luck to the coaches for the upcoming year, let's hope you can achieve all the goals that you have set for the upcoming year. Footy clubs require a huge amount of work not only on the field but off the field. Off field there has been a huge amount of work but a lot of people including but not limited to Gordon Lewis with sponsorship again, Phil and Wendy Lewis for their work with the ca le scheme, Cathie Williams for her efforts in driving the major raffle all these endeavours will help assist the club in these harder financial mes. While we are in the thank you part of the notes a huge thank you to the Natrass family who have taken on the massive
project of re-sowing the oval to improve the long term condi on of the oval. This has been a massive task that has been hampered by the weather and lack of rain, who thought we would be lacking rain in the south east of South Australia. Thanks to Jeff Feast for looking a er the oval during the off season. Also, a big thank you to the commi ee for this year, Bob, Wade, Zack, Shannon, Nathan, Mondo and of course the 2 ladies that keep us on track and organised Lisa and Cathie thank you for the support and leadership you all provide to the club. For those I have not men oned please take this as my thanks for all your efforts in the past and into the future. A big, good luck for the season for Sal Morgan and her junior commi ee for the upcoming season. A er a limited commi ee last year it’s wonderful to see it back up and running again, also wishing Kirrily and the netball club all the best for the upcoming season. As we head into a new season, we are s ll under the ever-changing circumstances of Covid, hopefully this will stay away for us to enjoy an interrupted season. Please stay safe and keep coming and enjoying a day at the football. While at the football please keep in mind that abuse of umpires will not be tolerated, new rules have been brought in to prevent this on field, it is also important to remember off field this is not acceptable, with umpire numbers at their lowest point we need to encourage umpires, not abuse, as we will struggle to have a game without them. Enjoy the new season, keep coming to the football and enjoy cheering for the Bay!
2nd qtr
4th qtr
3rd qtr
Darryl Jones President
mount burr mozzies seniors
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Reece Duncan B Grade Coach: Rob Francis 1 2 5 6 9 10
Wil Bowering Andrew Ridley James Wallis Brodie Hennink Nathan Muhovics Tom Fennell Hamish Smith 11 Bailey Poulish 12 Harvey Muhovics 12 Mark Teagle 14 Taylor Allen [vc] 15 Rhys Gamble 16 Tyler Stanley 18 Dylan Ridley 21 Jesse Robbins 22 Sam Wallis 26 Noah Telfer 27 Josh Fiebig [c] 28 Jack Muhovics 30A Brodie Gregory 30B Ed Ballantyne 31 Reece Duncan 32 Peter Guye 33 Braeden Thwaites
34 35 36 40 43 44 47 52 54
Zac Gray Jack Gregory Josh Wallis Kody Bowering Tom Hales Ben Ballantyne Jacob Gregory Josh Murphy Jack Francis Harry Corman Clint Bowering Frazer Johnston Lachlan Alcock Kaz Neilson Je Bowering Jack Hateley Sam Bell Stephen Rees Thomas Murphy Harrison Sutcliffe Jayden Poulish Geordie Whennen Finleigh Altschwager
senior colts Coach: Tim Li le 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14
Brady Sharp Lukas Montuori Kallan Bevan [c] Jason Howarth Blake Brant Nathaniel Manhood [vc] Brock Sandow [c] Bradlee Lawson Trey Norton Li le Muhammad Abduvahobov [vc] Calum Sparkes
16 18 19 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 30
Caleb Carr Liam Johnston John Wimshurst Braden Manhood Charlie Bevan Chance Mitchell Ryan Long Ryan Burchel Dallas Montuori Declan Brant Cohen Montuori
Welcome everyone to season 2022! The club would like to welcome all new families, players and supporters as well as those returning to the home of the Mozzies for the year. Returning coaches for this year are Reece Duncan (A Grade), Tim Li le (Senior Colts), Tom Hales (Junior Colts) and new coaches Rob Francis (B Grade) and Adam Wiese running the Auskick program and we wish all the coaches and teams all the best for the season. Thank you to the many volunteers who are con nuing on in their roles that help run our football club during the season and the many parents, players and supporters that volunteer in the many roles needed either with the teams or the club it is much appreciated. The big news off the field was the excitement in us being successful in receiving a grant from the State Government infrastructure program as well as contribu ons
from Wa le Range Council and MSEFL going towards 4 new oval lights with a lot of work put in by the commi ee in the applica on process and everyone is looking forward to the new lights being installed. Teas back at the club a er today's game and tonight will be our Launch Night and in round 2 vs Glencoe we will be heading back to the Somerset for teas, keep an eye on our Facebook page for upcoming func ons. A big thank you to all the returning and new sponsors who have come on board this year. Your contribu on is very important to our club and we ask all our members to support the businesses that support us. Today before the A Grade football and netball game we will be having a minute silence in memory of Ann Guye , a much loved player and supporter of the netball and football club. A bench has been built in her honour and she will be sadly missed.
junior colts Coach: Tom Hales Charlie Bevan Heath Johnston Declan Brant Rylan Mckay Eli Green Reed Gardiner Logan Carr Ollie Smith Jordan Burchell Jayden Garner
Charlie Li le Mostyn Li le
1st qtr
mount burr HATHERLEIGH
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Jake Dowdy B Grade Coach: James Thorne 1 2 3 4 5 6A 6B 8 9A 9B 10 11A 11B 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Zach Jones Jas Faulkner Gerard McGrath Tom Bell Jack Skeer Jordan Galpin Saxon Ellis Brad Mitchell Will Chay Dylan Vanderhorst Tim Merre [B c] Jase Bateman Bre Watson Joe Rayson Mikey Telford Todd Watson [B vc] Lewis Walker Sam Telfer Cam Slape Jack Gray [A vc] Josh Wight Jake Wight Brodie Denning Joe Ferguson Lane [A c] Mark Marrio Darcy Bateman
Welcome to season 2022! 26 28 29 30 31 32 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56
James Gilbertson Clayton Skeer Jack Sullivan Sam Gray James Telford Jack Altschwager Jake Dowdy Max Telfer Cameron Atkinson Jack Kain Will Chay Ben Leopold Paddy Chay Ben Lang Will O'Connor Lauchie Tilley Lauchie Lang James Thorne Jacob Lang Jordan Abbo Nick Waring Louis Brown Riley Chester Spencer Jones Aiden Reid Ryan Linder
20 21 22 24 25 26 31 37 39
Will Watson Danny Golding Archie Morgan Braydon Chambers Flynn Kain Fletcher Leopold Jordy Atkinson Ricardo Amaro Da Silva Charlie Sims Aus n Ne le Jack Marino Ollie Fitzgerald
22 25 26 27 28 29
Chloe Bellinger Cooper Walters Tommy Atkinson Hannah Bellinger Beau Higgins Campbell Leopold Winston Figg [vc] Jimmy Nean Ethan Marshall Hudson Knowack [vc] Banjo Morgan Oskar Howell [c]
senior colts Coach: Jed Telfer 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 17 18 19
Eli Kneen Harvey Jones [c] Bailey Linder Jack Cassidy Blake Werchon Joel Smith Tyson Atkinson Je Faulkner [dep. vc] Jack Bellinger Ethan Leopold [vc] Myles Widdison [vc] Kaden Thomas Zac Bowering
Where did the off season go? It's seems like only yesterday we were playing footy. We're welcoming some new players to Hatherleigh this year with Mark Marriot, Brad Mitchell, Will O'Connor and Cody Burne joining us as well as Sam Gray coming home a er a couple of years away. We also have had a few families join us in the juniors so things look good numbers wise.
each week as well. Thanks to all these men for giving up there me to coach. At commi ee level we have Sarah Cavanagh joining us as secretary and Sarah McGrath coming on to the general commi ee. Thanks to all the other commi ee members for what you do in making my job easier and the club stay successful. We are hoping to have a new guernsey design that will be ready for the Anzac game against Robe which is exci ng and thank you to the sponsors who successfully bid to have their names on the new guernseys.
Our A Grade will once again be led by Jake Dowdy with Mikey Telford and Joe Ferguson Lane as assistant coaches with Ma Faulkner again moving magnets on the bench. James Thorne will lead our Reserves and is raring to go as they go for 4 in a row. Jed Telfer once again will coach the Senior Colts with Dylan Clough taking charge of the Junior Colts. Josh Hales has put his hand up to coach the under 11 kids with Adam Hamilton looking a er the Auskickers. I'm sure there will be plenty of helpers with the juniors
Cheers, Deon Chester
2nd qtr
4th qtr
Good luck to the netballers for the season. Good luck to all our players, I hope you have an injury free year and a successful year as well. Always remember I'm here for a chat if you have anything you'd like to talk about with the club. Stay safe and let’s make 2022 the year of the eagle.
junior colts Coach: Dylan Clough 1 4 5 6 7 8 10 13 16 18 19 20 21
James Solomon Tom Bowering Eli Sims Riley Haines Harry Baker Isaac Chambers Coaden Taylor Ned Fitzgerald Harry Gilbertson Patrick McGrath Reef Chambers Henry Bowering Will Andre
1st qtr
mount burr HATHERLEIGH
3rd qtr
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Jak Ryan B Grade Coach: Nick Cory 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28
Will Wright Chris Hales Zac Walker Cade Kelly Troy Ha Jack Cytrowski Ellis Cushion Jack Dawe Darcy Pink Braydn Reilly Jak Ryan Brandon Pi s Mark Langley Roy Osborne Tyson McGrath Marc Roberts Corey Barre Nathan Bell Zane Walker Chris McCallum Jack Pearce Hamish Allen Hamish Thompson Brayden Lane
29 30 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 49
Jordan Ha Nathan Chapple Tom Winkley Ma Sporer Daniel Clarke Hayden Brown Hamish Boully David Langley Sco Varcoe Alec Roberts Sco Bowering Ma Nelson Jacob Wright Jake Bromley Jack Radley Ma Sorella
senior colts Coach: Mike Reilly 2 5 7 8 9 16 21
Cade Kelly Corey Baker Ash Foulds Ellis Cushion Jack Cytrowski Sam Simmons Ryan Simmons
26 31 33
Noah Cockrum Braydn Hateley Brayden Rowe
junior colts Coach: Ma Sporer & Jake Bromley 1 16 18 20 23 24 25 28 30 31
Lucas Simmons Ethan Hales Eli Bowman Jedd Hardingham Jayden Hunter Levi Thiele Evan Jazepyck Charlie Bromley Nicholas Li le Jake Bevan
32 36 37 38 41 43 47 49
Josh Vanderhorst Kobe Bromley Chad Cockrum Kaiden Shawyer Summer Batchelor Kaden Bell Harley Chapple Harvey Vanderheul
1st qtr
It is great to be ge ng back on the football field/netball courts a er a nice break All senior players have shown their dedica on in the pre-season with great numbers each training session. Jak has set the standard high as senior coach in his first year and Nick Cory has stepped up to the coaching challenge and will be in charge of the B Grade. It has been great to see the familiar faces returning for 2022 but as in all years consistency at training is going to be paramount this year to guarantee a spot on the field. Mike Reilly will lead the Senior Colts for 2022 and Ma Sporer (Spog) and Jake Bromley share their knowledge of the game with the Junior Colts this season and we wish them all the best. Nathan Chapple is once again in charge of the Under 11s as they start their football years. I am pleased to be working alongside Hijisa Radley who is new to the President role of the netball this season. Working together with Hijisa and her team I am sure that we will con nue to keep a strong rela onship between both football and netball. The netball club have appointed Jami Walker once again to the lead role of A Grade coach. Their team have been working hard in the off-season and are looking strong on the court.
me consuming and can be quite difficult at mes. Many members have also put up their hands to help out throughout the season in various roles and I thank them in advance. The Commi ee have their rosters up and running and there are s ll many vacancies for canteen and counter teas. Each player is expected to fill at least 2 posi ons, so find a mate, get in early and put your names down to work together. Sponsorship is paramount in this day to run a small country spor ng club. It is greatly appreciated and we can not be the success that we are without this valuable contribu on. Thank you to all our sponsors and also our game day voucher sponsors. The sponsorship commi ee have been walking the pavement and spending countless hours seeking the highly valued sponsorship that con nues to assist our club. The Social Calendar is s ll a work in progress. If anyone would like to help out please put your name forward and lend a helping hand. Kylie Serle President
A large amount of volunteer hours have already been spent at our club over the summer. Sco Bowering has been in charge of the mowing and care of the oval over the summer and they are in perfect condi on. Registra on me is certainly ge ng easier with some players already registered at the me of this going to email. I thank the players and commi ee for their considera on during the registra on process as it is very
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
football club notes
A Grade Coach: Luke Thomson B Grade Coach: Butch Muhovics Jake McKeon [c] Benjamin Deamer Brayden Kelly Joel Virtanen [vc] Logan Gibbs Jarrad Neshoda Josh Smith Dylan Podobnik Isaac Raymond Ben Just Marcus Thomson Luke Thomson Tom Vanderhorst Jonathon Mills Ma Pra [vc] Jack Stocker Ricky Lindner Josh Mills Kayne Badman Trent Badman Aaron Herron Andy Hyland Jack Pudney Josh Weedon Jacob Hutchesson
Riley Weise Ty Dinnison Ben Dinnison Aaron Hill Jeremy Weyers Mick Chaplin Josh Clayfield Jordan Hagge Craig Hicks Robert Hicks Hayden Sanders Blake Neshoda Kobi White Chris Bonney Sam Shaw Darren Stewart Ma Thomson Angus Thomson Sco Brooks Nate Smith Harley Dunn Nathan Tana Nick Rowe Rory Mills
senior colts Coach: Jamie Parsons & Ben Just Ty Dinnison Hayden Stewart Archer Virtanen Noah Virtanen Riley Edwards
Taj Bell Calais Borman Tayte Virtanen Benne Moy Wya Balshaw
junior colts Coach: Chris Bonney Calais Borman Tayte Virtanen Benne Moy Wya Balshaw Jordan Dinnison Deklan Gartside Josh Manninen
Harvey Virtanen Jack Barry Blake Herron Jakobe Barry Dallas Davis Hayden Thomson
1st qtr
Welcome to season 2022. It looks like we may be in for a bit of a ride again with old mate Covid s ll hanging around but hopefully we can get through rela vely unscathed and get to play out a full season. This year is probably the most an cipated season in the history of the Nangwarry Football Club. A er 3 years of being in the wilderness without a dedicated base that we could call home we are now very close to achieving this. Unfortunately we have had to move our first home game and we thank Tantanoola for accommoda ng this, it is greatly appreciated, we however look forward to round 3 when we celebrate the 25 year reunion of our 1997 premiership and finally being able to open for business. The club is hugely indebted to Aidan Mills for the work he has done in bringing this project together. There has been plenty of hurdles along the way but the me and effort Aidan has put in is excep onal, above and beyond but greatly appreciated. To all tradesmen and suppliers thanks also for your support, especially Mick Mullan and your team.
the li le fellas. We like many other clubs around the state are short on numbers in juniors so if you know of any poten al players let us know. Running a football club isn't an easy task, there are many jobs required to be done so please don't be strangers, put your hand up and give a li le help where you can. As the saying goes "many hands make light work". Clubs need plenty of support and we would like to thank all those businesses and individuals who have provided sponsorship in previous seasons and this season. We look forward to welcoming you into our new venue. Finally I would encourage both players and supporters to show respect to umpires, players, volunteers and supporters. It is a hard job whichever you are and we want all to enjoy their Saturday ou ng and keep coming to enjoy our great Family League. All the best to all in season 2022. Shane Ploenges President
On the field I think we are looking like making some posi ve steps. Luke Thomson has been reappointed as the Senior Coach and has grabbed Shane Raymond to give him a hand. They have done a tremendous job over the off-season bringing some quality individuals into the club. We look forward to seeing the improvement on the field and ge ng that elusive win which shouldn't be too far away. The Seconds will be in the hands of Butch Muhovics who returns to the club and brings a load of experience and respect. Jamie Parsons and Ben Just take on the Senior Colts, Chris Bonney the Junior Colts and Marcus Thomson
2nd qtr
3rd qtr
4th qtr
2021 MSEFL GRAND FINAL RESULTS Port MacDonnell Kalangadoo
0.5 4.4
6.9 4.6
6.11 6.8
9.15 6.10
(69) (46)
Goals – Port MacDonnell: W. Macdonald 2, T. Sullivan 2, M. Smith 2, N. Wilke, K. Thomson, J. Schleter; Kalangadoo: J. La Rocca 2, L. Jones, A. Stone, A. Lyon, B. Mules. Best – Port MacDonnell: T. Sullivan, D. McElroy, B. McGregor, K. McLean, R. Povey, N. Wilke; Kalangadoo: J. Bannister, J. Mules, C. Mules, N. Reeves, M. Lowe, S. McManus.
Hatherleigh Port MacDonnell
0.0 1.4
2.5 1.4
2.5 1.8
4.6 1.9
(30) (15)
Goals – Hatherleigh: T. Bell 2, J. Telford, L. Haines; Port MacDonnell: T. Ebejer. Best – Hatherleigh: T. Watson, B. Lang, L. Lang, T. Merre , L. Haines, A. Reid; Port MacDonnell: B. O'Dine, T. Davis, R. Timms, B. Creek, J. Simmonds.
Robe Hatherleigh
0.3 0.1
3.6 1.1
7.8 1.1
14.12 1.1
(96) (7)
Goals – Robe: C. Weston 3, O. Hagge 2, R. Legoe 2, E. Cornish 2, F. Peel, M. Robertson, G. Du on, J. Lines, O. McInnes; Hatherleigh: H. Jones. Best – Robe: G. Du on, J. Robertson, J. Lines, O. McInnes, E. Cornish, O. Hagge ; Hatherleigh: P. Chay, J. Smith, E. Leopold, J.
senior colts
Kongorong Hatherleigh
2.6 0.0
2.6 1.5
5.8 1.5
5.8 3.9
(38) (27)
Goals – Kongorong: R. Lucas 2, K. Lasle , D. Richardson, R. Newton; Hatherleigh: J. Bellinger, O. Fitzgerald, I. Chambers. Best – Kongorong: T. Richardson, D. Richardson, J. Kyle, K. Lasle , N. VonStanke Dowie, K. Ashby; Hatherleigh: J. Bellinger, I. Chambers, R. Prouse, C. Sims, E. Marshall.
junior colts 2021 Best on Ground Awards
JUNIOR COLTS John Seebohm Trophy: Tyler Richardson (Kongorong)
SENIOR COLTS Allen Jenkin Medal: Ethan Cornish (Robe)
RESERVES SE Voice Trophy: Todd Watson (Hatherleigh)
SENIORS Stan Jones Medal: Tim Sullivan (Port MacDonnell)
2021 MSENA GRAND FINAL RESULTS 2 Eleanor Street, Mount Gambier p. 08 8725 1699 f. 08 8723 0899
A GRADE Kalangadoo 60 defeated Hatherleigh 28 Best On Court: Jane Auld
174 Jubilee Highway, Mount Gambier Phone: 08 8725 7060 | Mobile: 0419 801 592 Email:
A RESERVE Kalangadoo 42 defeated Glencoe 41 Best On Court: Malinda Markiewicz
B GRADE Glencoe 42 defeated Kalangadoo 33 Best On Court: Chloe Watson
B RESERVE Kalangadoo 39 defeated Glencoe 24 Best On Court: Lisa Ilsley
17 & UNDER Hatherleigh 55 defeated Kalangadoo 43 Best on Court: Lacey Haines
15 & UNDER Mount Burr 39 defeated Kalangadoo 22 Best On Court: Macy Burns
NEED HELP WITH YOUR SUPER? Contact your local First Super Coordinator:
Jo Podobnik Call 1300 360 988 PUTTING MEMBERS FIRST Auth Rep # 452015
13 & UNDER Kalangadoo 38 defeated Hatherleigh 22 Best On Court: Chloe Peacock
msena president’s welcome I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all players and officials to the opening round of the Mid South East netball and football for 2022. Here's hoping that the season is li le se led, however at this stage things look like we could be in for another roller coaster ride. Strap in and bear with us! Though it seems so long ago I would like to congratulate all individual trophy recipients and premiership teams from 2021: A Grade B&F - Heidi Clark (Mount Burr) Premiers - Kalangadoo A Reserve B&F - Ebony McDiarmid (Kalangadoo) Premiers - Kalangadoo B Grade B&F - Chloe Watson (Glencoe) Premiers - Glencoe B Reserve B&F - Rhianna May (Kalangadoo) Premiers - Kalangadoo 17 & Under B&F - Lacey Haines (Hatherleigh) Premiers - Hatherleigh 15 & Under B&F - Chloe Peacock (Kalangadoo) Premiers - Mount Burr 13 & Under B&F - Kali Ne le (Hatherleigh) Premiers - Kalangadoo Senior Consistency - Heidi Clark Junior Consistency - Lacey Haines The Mid SE Netball Team of the Year was made up of the following players and I congratulate them on their inclusion: Goals Melissa Russell - Kalangadoo Emma Gould - Tantanoola Lacey Haines - Hatherleigh Abbey Duncan - Kalangadoo Centre Court Jayde Peacock - Kalangadoo Sarah Faulkner - Hatherleigh Laura Schultz - Mt Burr
Tegan Merre - Hatherleigh Defence Maddie Redman - Hatherleigh Heidi Clark - Mount Burr Madi Hagge - Mount Burr Coach Tamara Hagge - Mount Burr Thank you to the Nangwarry Football and Netball Clubs who hosted the 2021 presenta ons in what was a challenging environment. We were fortunate to have the capability to live stream the 17 & Under and A Grade Netball Counts, which was much appreciated, based on the feedback. Once again we are looking forward to a ending the Country Championships in June and will be taking a senior and 3 junior teams to Adelaide for the weekend. I encourage both senior and junior players to register for trials and give represen ng the associa on a go. The rela onships formed at Country Champs will con nue with you long into the future. Promo on of associa on events begin at club level and board mee ngs are where we disseminate the bulk of this informa on, board delegates are asked to ensure this informa on is fed back to clubs as this will assure the smooth running of the 2022 season. The Mid South East Netball Associa on AGM was held last November and I would like to thank Pauline Mulraney, Megan Bowering, Bec Scanlon and Kim Ross who have con nued on the Execu ve and welcome Leah Puia and Karen Pulmer with Georgia Gray joining us as Publicity Officer. A huge thank you to Courtney Lewis and Jacqui Cocks for their passion and dedica on to Mid SE netball and a special men on to Jacqui for her 10+ years on the execu ve. Earlier this year we were saddened to hear about the passing of past Mid South East President and Life Member Rosalie Stewart. Rosalie dedicated 10 years to Mid SE netball as President and our thoughts
are with her family. We are fortunate in our associa on to have a group of dedicated and passionate umpires led by Bec Scanlon. Bec is focusing on developing our umpires in 2022 and I look forward to seeing more badged umpires come finals. Kim Ross and myself are working hard on sponsorship and would like to thank the following sponsors who have joined us already in 2022. If you are interested in being part of our sponsorship group and haven't heard from us please contact either Kim or myself. Major Sponsor Mid SE Football, Gold Sponsor South East Property Sales & Management, Bronze Sponsorship Frank Brennan Consul ng Services, Beaumont Tiles and 3MP. Thanks also to KCA and Bunnings Mount Gambier. We also rely heavily on the generosity of many local businesses when it comes me for Country Champs and we thank those businesses for their con nued support. At club level there have been some changes in the leadership roles and I wish all leaders the best for a successful season. We have undertaken a lot of work both within our region to open the lines of communica on across our neighbouring associa ons and this is something we hope to con nue long into the future. Our rela onship with Netball SA con nues to improve, ul mately this will be of benefit to clubs, players and the associa on. Thank you to clubs for being adap ve to the ever changing landscape that is part of living through a worldwide pandemic On behalf of the execu ve, I would like to wish all football and netball clubs the best of luck for 2021 and I look forward to catching up with you during the season. Sara Gray President MSENA
A GRADE season preview GLENCOE Glencoe is looking to be another strong side, with the return of Chantelle Cocks and Jenna Paproth, back into an already robust team. The inclusion of younger players, Chloe Pfitzner and Chelsea Owen, will also aid in their fight for a premiership this season. HATHERLEIGH Being last year's runners up, Hatherleigh is looking to challenge again in 2022, despite losing a few strong players in Sarah Faulkner, Lacey Haines, Maddie Pulmer and Keston Green. They have recruited both Erin Watson and Georgia Hunter, with Demi Vanderhorst also re-entering the A Grade. KALANGADOO 2021 premiership side Kalangadoo have poten ally suffered the biggest player losses over the summer, with Chelsea Croser, Abby Duncan, Chloe Pra and Mikaila Pi all having moved away. They have also lost a couple of last year's premiership players to pregnancy, and Melissa Russell to a
knee injury. The return of Lauren Kain and addi on of Estella Serle will add to their depth as a team, with the poten al for another premiership s ll very real. KONGORONG Tilah Buckingham takes on the A Grade coaching at Kongorong in 2022. She leads what is possibly the youngest side in MSENA A Grade this season, with players such as Riley Buckingham, Emily Lightbody, Evie Sealey and Kate Wright. NANGWARRY This season sees Hayley Burner take on the role of playing coach for Nangwarry's A Grade team. Shannon Higgins joins the Saints as a new recruit this year, with Tahlia Wilson stepping up from A Reserve to join Angela Pra in the goal circle. Several players are returning to the Saints for the 2022 season. PORT MACDONNELL Port MacDonnell are yet to finalise their A Grade side, however there is lots of poten al within their ranks, with
players like Toni Gilmore, Belinda O'Dine and Kirby Carrison whose experience may be called upon. Other possible selec ons include Cody Manning, Keyarnah Smith and new recruits Alana Winter and Liza Mutch. ROBE Robe are looking to go further in 2022 with the return of the 2019 MSENA Best and Fairest Annie Hunter returning from a knee injury, and the recruitment of Emma Grant and Ellen Ramke adding depth to their defensive line-up. Sarah Laurie and Tori Gluyas look to con nue their form in the goal circle. TANTANOOLA Tantanoola have lost both of the Lucas sisters as well as Simone Li le from their 2021 team. However they will cover these player losses with promising juniors Tayla Rowe, Madi Kelly, Ebony Cytrowski and Bella Poulish. Jami Walker will be taking on the coaching role solo this season, and will draw from the experience Kate Bromley, Casey Walker and Emma Gould.
Servicing the Limestone Coast region of the beautiful South East George Street, Millicent Shop , Railway Terrace, Beachport Office: Fiona: , Melissa: office RLA
ROUND 1 A GRADE NETBALL PREVIEW KALANGADOO v GLENCOE In round one of Mid South East netball reigning premiers Kalangadoo take on Glencoe. Whilst Glencoe welcome the return of Jenna Paproth and Chantelle Cocks into their side, Kalangadoo find themselves having lost a great number of their premiership team. Lauren Kain in the defensive end for Kalangadoo will ensure that Glencoe's goalies work hard for every possession. Kalangadoo coach Jayde Peacock will have ensured that her side has had the best possible pre-season and will come out firing to defend their 2021 tle. However, the strength of Glencoe across the court may prove to be too much for the Magpies. MOUNT BURR v HATHERLEIGH The match of the round will be between Mount Burr and Hatherleigh, with both sides having lost players from 2021, yet have
recruited well, with Hatherleigh welcoming back Erin Watson and Demi Vanderhorst, and Georgia Hunter joining the club. Mount Burr will u lise their juniors and some of last year's A Reserve players, as well as Zoe Brown joining the club. The addi on of Watson and Hunter will add to the depth of the Eagles' midcourt. Meg Fennell joins Ebony Clark in the Mozzies goal circle and this will ensure that whoever lines up in the defensive end for Hatherleigh has their work cut out for them. Mount Burr will be playing in memory of Ann Guye who they lost earlier this year, and will be hoping to gain the points. TANTANOOLA v NANGWARRY Tantanoola will be eager to get an early season win when they host Nangwarry. Jami Walker and Emma Gould are one of the best goalie combina ons in the Mid South East. Saints recruit, Shannon Higgins, is an
unknown variable for Nangwarry, and this may unse le Gould and Walker. If Kylie Heaver re-joins the Saints’ A Grade in the goal circle, she will ensure that Kate Bromley and Tayla Rowe are kept busy. Tantanoola are a more se led side, therefore should come away with the win. KONGORONG v PORT MACDONNELL Kongorong have signed Tilah Buckingham as playing A Grade coach, and her accuracy and composure in the goal circle will be beneficial to the Hawks. Port MacDonnell have been unable to se le on a line-up this early in the season but have many op ons including talented youngster Keyarnah Smith and some of their more experienced players, Toni Gilmore and coach Narelle Lewis. Kongorong have the poten al to win the points, as they are the more se led of the two sides at this point of the season.
Proudly supporting the Mid South East Football League
kalangadoo NETball club notes
Wishing all teams the best in 2022
8733 2888
2 George Street, Millicent
glencoe NETball club notes Glencoe Netball Club has had a posi ve start to the 2022 season with successful junior and senior trials which were held in February. Each team has been training hard for the first round today and we are looking forward to a successful 2022 season. We would like to thank our new and ongoing sponsors for their support and thank you to our players, umpires, volunteers and supporters for all that they do. Glencoe’s A Grade side sees some exci ng returns, with Sarah Edwards coaching for her first season. They welcome back a wealth of experience in Jenna Paproth and Chantelle Cocks, both returning from pregnancies in 2021. With the departure of Caitlin Hentschke due to pregnancy and Emily Thompson reloca ng to Adelaide, the ability of Paproth and Cocks to impact either end is a mely asset. Young rising player Chloe Pfitzner will have her first opportunity in the A Grade ranks since the cancella on of the 2020 season and will be one to watch. Another up and comer in Chelsea Owen will be looking to break into the senior scene and gain further experience. The team is working towards a more consistent 2022 season and would be unlikely to miss the finals a second year
around. Our remaining coaches are: A Reserve: Bec Edwards B Grade: Kate Sealey & Leanne Leigh B Reserve: Angela Tweddle 17 & Under: Malinda Markiewicz & Laura Edwards 15 & Under: Krystal Owen & Sam Brierley 13 & Under: Tameka Medhurst & Chloe Pfitzner Junior 1: Chelsea Owen Junior 2: Sam Brierley & Kayla Medhurst Well done to all coaches for pu ng your hands up and willingly volunteering your me, exper se and passion to the rest of our club. It is very much appreciated. Good luck to all for season 2022, both on and off the court. Go Murphies!
port macdonnell
NETball club notes Hello and welcome to season 2022! How exci ng to be back. A er the last two years we are ready to hit the ground running at Kongorong. We have been lucky to have recruited well with our players and coaches. Many returning past players and new faces and families, there is such an electric feeling around the club. Our coaching lineup starts with A Grade - Tilah Buckingham. Tilah brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion that has quickly spread throughout the club. Kaylah Farrell is at the helm of our A Reserve team; her strong determina on and encouragement is a quality she is passing on to her players. Monique Buckingham returns as B Grade coach; B Reserve coach is Marilyn Gordon. Both Monique and Marilyn have been involved at Kongorong Netball Club for many years, in many different roles, so we are very grateful to them for con nuing their commitment. The junior teams are looking very impressive already, with a few of the girls stepping up to play in senior squads. This offers them a look at a
NETball club notes faster game and an opportunity to expand on their skills and talent. U17 coach is Riley Buckingham, Jodie McInnes comes in as the U15 coach for the second year. U13 coach is Amber Brant and J1 and J2, Amanda Taylor and Stacey Swann, respec vely. Kongorong Netball Club has been very fortunate in securing new sponsors for this season, which I encourage all the Hawks to support in return. I would like to offer a sincere thank you to those sponsors that have con nued to support the club year a er year. Your contribu ons are sincerely appreciated. Lastly, as we all know running a successful club takes a lot of me, dedica on and effort from hard working volunteers. I am very privileged to be working alongside some incredible woman. I thank you all in advance for your invaluable contribu on. Good luck to everyone for a great season. Looking forward to a successful year on the courts, full of fun, friendship and teamwork. Go Hawks! Thirza Walters President
The Port MacDonnell Netball Club would like to welcome our returning players, parents, sponsors and volunteers and extend a warm welcome to all our new players and their families. In a year that has started with our summer sports struggling with numbers due to Covid and isola on rules, we are all crossing our fingers that things se le down soon and we can have an un-interrupted, successful season. At Port Mac our junior numbers are plen ful, and we have filled our four senior sides reasonably comfortably. With good junior numbers, I would like to ensure juniors are a big focus of our club this year and are given every opportunity to develop and build their confidence and skills. We are extremely lucky to have appointed some wonderful coaches to guide, support and teach our junior and senior players this year. I thank them all for volunteering and dedica ng their me to these roles: A Grade – Narelle Lewis A Reserve – Toni Gilmore B Grade – Deanne Spencer B Reserve – Jenni Taylor 17's – Cody Manning and Isabelle Sneath 15's – Sal Morgan 13's – Georgia Seidel and Montanna Millard Junior 1 – Briodie Wilson Junior 2 – Keyarnah and Arriella Smith
The Port MacDonnell Netball Club has some exci ng plans in store for the year. As I begin my first year in the president role, I have many goals and plans in place that I can't wait to get underway. We have already kicked off our first fundraiser for the year with the $5 community cash back night at the South Eastern Hotel. This involved a whole club training at Blue Lake Sports Park, and then dinner together to encourage both junior and senior par cipa on and club bonding. Our major third court project is s ll a work in progress; latest update is that council have given us clearance to have seven Norfolk pine trees removed to allow room for the new court. I would like to thank Lauren Lewis and Narelle Lewis for their con nued work on this project. We are really hoping to have some good news in the near future that will allow us to complete this project. It will be a huge improvement for our club and our community as a whole. I have the support and backing of a strong commi ee this year – I thank Narelle Lewis (VicePresident), Cristan Smith (Secretary), Ella Hein, Megan Hein, Cody Manning and Isabelle Sneath for pu ng their hand up to take a posi on on the commi ee this year and I look forward to working with you all. We are excited to see what season 2022 brings and look forward to Round 1! Kirrily McPherson President
Contact: Dale Price 0428 394 300 Adam Price 0428 230 100
mount burr
NETball club notes
NETball club notes
As president of the Mount Burr Netball Club, I'd like to welcome all new and returning players to our club. This season our junior player numbers are strong and we have welcomed several new senior players to the club filling all teams. Leading our senior teams in their respec ve coaching posi ons are Tamara Hagge A Grade coach for her second, returning player Meg Fennell as our newly appointed coach of our A Reserve team, Lani Bowering first me senior coach of our B Grade team and Leah Puia B Reserve coach. I wish these ladies and the senior playing group all the very best as we move into the 2022 season. Madi Hagge will be again taking on the role of 17 and Under coach with a very talented group of young ladies that I for one am excited to
watch their progress throughout this season. Madi Bowering as first- me coach will lead the 15 and Under side this year with Leah Puia again sharing her valuable netball knowledge and skills with our 13 and Under girls. Mckenzie Bevan and Amelia Ballantyne return for another season as Junior 1 coaches and Faith Mckenzie as first- me coach of the Junior 2 team. Thank you to each and every one of our coaches and I wish them every success for the season ahead.
Welcome back to all players, supporters, and sponsors for season 2022. It’s been great to see so many familiar faces and new faces at pre-season this year, and it’s even be er to be back on the courts today. Today’s game is extremely important for many reasons, and we want to start the season off on the right foot with a win. We are very
fortunate that we have a lot of versa lity within our side which gives us the confidence that we can adapt to any changes and s ll put out a strong performance. It’s important that we focus on our own game today and take it one quarter at a me. We are all looking forward to a very successful and great year. Good luck to all Hatherleigh sides today.
Thank you to our ongoing and new sponsors. Our netball club appreciates and values your support. I'd like to wish all teams the very best for the 2022 season and look forward to seeing you all around the courts. Lynne Lambert President MBNC
REMINDER Clubs are encouraged to submit ar cles regarding social events plus player and club milestone informa on for inclusion in the Mid SE Football & Netball Budget. To assist the publisher please note that the preferred format for ar cles is as a Word document and any photographs should be supplied as a JPEG file to ensure the best quality reproduc on. All ar cles are required by 12 noon each Monday and should be emailed to
NETball club notes I would like to start by welcoming everyone, new and exis ng players and families, to the Tantanoola Netball Club. The TNC as a whole are enthusias c and excited to hit the courts this season. We have had a very strong pre-season at TNC. All players across all senior grades have been working hard at both fitness and court play training. This season seems to have rolled around very quickly but that hasn't halted A Grade coach, Jami Walker's, enthusiasm and passion. Jami will work alongside new A Reserve coach Krystal Redden this season and both teams are made up of some new faces as well as some experienced returning players. In the off season we lost a few players from our 2021 A Grade side. This leaves room for Kristy Varcoe and Madi Kelly to slot into the team. The remaining players stay the same in 2022 with the combina on of Kate Bromley's experience and Tayla Rowe's height and agility working wonders in the defensive line. Playing coach Jami Walker and shoo ng partner Emma Gould con nue to combine well in the a ack line with major support from Casey Walker. B Grade coach is Bek Millowick and B Reserve is coached by myself, Hijisa Radley and Belinda Allen, both these sides appear to have a good mix of
NETball club notes experience and eagerness. A slow start to the season numbers wise saw some recrui ng of both seniors and juniors. One to look out for will be Under 17 Bella Poulish who will definitely be able to hold her own amongst the senior teams. The 17 and Unders are coached by A Grade coach Jami Walker and A Grade player, Emma Gould. This team is filled with many talents that may make an appearance in senior teams in 2022 such as 2021 A Grade player Tayla Rowe and Ebony Cytrowski. Having Jami coach the 17s allows for plenty of opportuni es for junior development throughout the season. The Under 15s are coached by Jules Cytrowski and 13s by Laura Hoffmann. Both ladies have a good bunch of young girls and are very excited to see what 2022 could bring. On behalf of my fellow Tantanoola Netball Club Execu ve, Emma Gould, Kate Bromley and Kris e Rowe, as well as our fantas c commi ee, I would like to say best of luck to all Tantanoola sides in the 2022 season. We are looking forward to a year full of successful netball and plenty of fun. Good luck to all and go Tiges! Hijisa Radley President
On behalf of the Nangwarry execu ve and commi ee, I would like to welcome all our returning and new players and their families to the Nangwarry Netball Club in 2022. We are very fortunate to have some new coaches and some returning coaches for the upcoming season. This year we have appointed a new A Grade Coach for the 2022 season, Hayley Burner joined us last year as a new player and brings with her a vast knowledge of experience and the strong ability to lead from the front. Other coaches for the 2022 season are: A Reserve - Cassie Dinnison & Tamara Ploenges; B Grade - Chrystal Lock; B Reserve - Maddy Glynn; 17/U Cassie Dinnison & Hayley Vanderhorst; 15/U - Hannah Coon; 13/U - Teresa Stewart; J1 - Kerri McNair; J2 - Kaitlin Roisse er, Cassie Roisse er & Scarle Black
The netball club has been working closely with our football club on and off the court, and we are looking forward to building on our successful rela onship this year. The Nangwarry Netball Club is very excited to see the almost near complete football clubrooms, we are all excited to get in there a er training and on Saturdays to enjoy a beer and schnitzel. Thank you to all the people who a ended our working bee, a few small changes have helped to make the netball club feel a li le more spacious. The outside is also looking fabulous! We are all ready to go and our sides look compe ve and ready to play. Thank you to all our valued sponsors who have come back on board and also to the many new ones. Your support of our club is invaluable! Tamara Ploenges President
2022 SEASON FIXTURE Round 1 - 2nd APRIL 2022 Tantanoola v Nangwarry Mt Burr v Hatherleigh v Kalangadoo Glencoe v Kongorong Pt MacDonnell Robe Bye Round 2 - 9th APRIL 2022 Tantanoola v Robe Hatherleigh v Nangwarry Glencoe Mt Burr v Kongorong Kalangadoo v Pt MacDonnell Bye Round 3 - 23rd APRIL 2022 Robe v Hatherleigh Nangwarry v Glencoe Mt Burr v Kongorong Kalangadoo Pt MacDonnell v Tantanoola Bye Round 4 - 30th APRIL 2022 Glencoe v Robe Kongorong v Nangwarry Pt MacDonnell v Mt Burr Hatherleigh v Tantanoola Kalangado Bye Round 5 - 7th MAY 2022 Robe v Kongorong Nangwarry v Pt MacDonnell Mt Burr v Kalangadoo Tantanoola Glencoe v Hatherleigh Bye Round 6 - 14th MAY 2022 Pt MacDonnell v Robe Kalangadoo v Nangwarry Kongorong v Tantanoola Glencoe v Hatherleigh Mt Burr Bye Round 7 - 21st MAY 2022 Robe v Kalangadoo Nangwarry v Mt Burr Tantanoola v Pt MacDonnell Hatherleigh v Kongorong Glencoe Bye Round 8 - 28th MAY 2022 Mt Burr v Robe Kalangadoo v Tantanoola Pt MacDonnell v Hatherleigh Kongorong v Glencoe Nangwarry Bye Round 9 - 4th JUNE 2022 Robe v Nangwarry Tantanoola v Mt Burr Hatherleigh v Kalangadoo Glencoe v Pt MacDonnell Kongorong Bye
Round 10 - 18th JUNE 2022 Nangwarry v Tantanoola Hatherleigh v Mt Burr v Glencoe Kalangadoo v Pt MacDonnell Kongorong Robe Bye Round 11 - 25th JUNE 2022 Robe v Tantanoola Nangwarry v Hatherleigh Mt Burr Glencoe v Kalangadoo Kongorong v Pt MacDonnell Bye Round 12 - 2nd JULY 2022 Hatherleigh v Robe Glencoe v Nangwarry Kongorong v Mt Burr Pt MacDonnell Kalangadoo v Tantanoola Bye Round 13 - 9th JULY 2022 Robe v Glencoe Nangwarry v Kongorong Mt Burr v Pt MacDonnell Tantanoola v Hatherleigh Kalangadoo Bye 16th July - SA Country Championships Round 14 - 23rd JULY 2022 Kongorong v Robe Pt MacDonnell v Nangwarry Kalangadoo v Mt Burr Glencoe Tantanoola v Hatherleigh Bye Round 15 - 30th JULY 2022 Robe v Pt MacDonnell Nangwarry v Kalangadoo Tantanoola v Kongorong Hatherleigh v Glencoe Mt Burr Bye Round 16 - 6th AUGUST 2022 Kalangadoo v Robe Mt Burr v Nangwarry Pt MacDonnell v Tantanoola Kongorong v Hatherleigh Glencoe Bye Round 17 - 13th AUGUST 2022 Robe v Mt Burr Tantanoola v Kalangadoo Hatherleigh v Pt MacDonnell Glencoe v Kongorong Nangwarry Bye Round 18 - 20th AUGUST 2022 Nangwarry v Robe Mt Burr v Tantanoola Kalangadoo v Hatherleigh Pt MacDonnell v Glencoe Kongorong Bye
11th June - South East Zone Carnival 1st Semi Final Preliminary Final
27th August 2022 10th September 2022
2nd Semi Final Grand Final
3rd September 2022 17th September 2022