2 minute read
from Cookbok
MY DEAR READERS! I WANT to express my gratitude to you first of all for your decision to buy this book. I am sure you will not regret it because this is your first step to a healthier lifestyle. A year ago, I had not even thought about writing my own book. This is my first experience, and despite enormous challenges and barriers, I am proud to have achieved my goal.
I want to thank the entire team who have worked so hard to make this book happen.
I want to thank wholeheartedly my muse, my great and faithful friend Evelina Khromtchenko, whose support I feel always and everywhere. She is my inspiration for new ideas and projects and my support in difficult moments of despair.
I am also so grateful to “Stories” restaurant and to its friendly team headed by a restaurateur Andrey Zamoruev. Thank you for allowing me to shoot in your place, and for helping me make my dream come true.
I want to say thank you to my school where I’ve made my first steps - Plantlab School of the vegan cousin and to my first teachers Matthew Kenney and Amanda Chantal Bacon. Also a great thanks to my lovely Joia Academy – the place, where you can study under the guidance of the best masters. Thank you for the knowledge and the inspiration I’ve got working with you. My favorite photographers, Sophie Miro, and Betty Colombo have made great contributions to the visual part of the project. Thank you, my dears!
I cannot help but mention my favorite students, Irma Ozashvili and Lyudmila Birman, who were there to help at the most challenging time when all the computers failed and slowed down my work.
Thank you Natalia Vlasova and all the Mosmake team.
Heartfelt thanks to Elena Oputina and the rest of the Revolution Hair Salon team. I am so grateful for my red suit by Victoria Andreyanova (see the cover), for my beautiful green dress by Lighton Mars (p. 81) and, of course, for the most wonderful Central Library clutch (p. 54). I hope you guessed correctly the chief stylist for my book; of course, it’s Evelina Khromtchenko!
I want to express my cordial gratitude to Eric Pfunder and my beloved Karl Lagerfeld for granting me the rights to use the photos that emerged from our collaboration during my modeling career (see openers).
Thank you to Lifeofthemodel.com and my lovely assistant, Seda Harutyunyan.
I have saved the most important words until last: thank you, mom, for teaching me the rules of living without sugar since childhood.