because I said I would. Digital Audit
Facebook (53 out of 100) Recommendations: • Create more engaging posts • Review the length of your posts • Publish posts more often (at least 2-3 per day) • Respond to your fans’ questions and comments more quickly • Ask more questions to your fans • Develop brand strategy • Design campaign for more followers
Instagram Recommendations: • Publish 2-3 times per day • Diversify types of posts • Utilize reposting (not included in 2-3 posts per day) • Develop brand strategy • Design campaign for more followers
Twitter Recommendations: • Tweet 2-3 times per day (not including retweets) • Create a campaign for more followers • Create favorites lists • @ news/media outlets
Snapchat – N/A Recommendations: • Create a filter to encourage community interaction • Posting monthly/daily/weekly events…ect. Google+ Recommendations: • Post at least once per week to help establish your presence to Google YouTube Recommendations: • Post at least once per month
Digital Presence & SEO Report Card Recommendations: • Discontinue Google ads (use social media ad campaigns instead) • Add business information to Google (IMPORTANT!) • Create a blog (separate from promise statements) to generate more organic content for greater digital impact.
Summary: For your website in particular, it’ll be a priority to streamline information as your navigation system is overwhelming and redundant in places (for example, there’s a “Volunteering” tab under both “About” and “Contact Us”). As for your social media, posting should be increased to 2 to 3 posts per day on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. This posting does not include retweets, reposts or post that are relevant but not specific to your brand (for example, to drive traffic posting a story about the Cavs would be helpful but not count toward your post total). Posting should also occur at times that are best for social media involvement, as well as making it a priority to interact with followers and fans. A dedicated, ongoing social media ad campaign will also greatly increase traffic and costs less than Google ads. Social media is today’s word of mouth, so its utilization is crucial for movement brands such as your own. More involvement across all platforms means a stronger digital presence which in turn increases engagement, making methods such as using Google ads much more feasible. I look forward to discussing this with you further!