From the very beginning, the Nantucket Garden Club’s Daffodil Flower Show has been the centerpiece of our island’s annual Daffodil Festival.
It all started nearly half a century ago in May of 1975, when the Nantucket Garden Club, encouraged by member Jean MacAusland, organized the first Nantucket Daffodil Show. Sanctioned by the American Daffodil Society, it was held in the Nantucket Boys’ & Girls’ Club, and included 250 entries under 9 classifications of blooms. Three Best in Show awards were given. The week of April 28 to May 4, 1975, was officially declared by the Nantucket Board of Selectmen as “Nantucket Daffodil Week.”
In 1978, the Nantucket Garden Club started a project spearheaded by Jean MacAusland to plant one million daffodil bulbs around the island. They started with 30,000. In 1979, Jean MacAusland purchased 8 tons of daffodil bulbs, which were planted that September. Since then there have been additional plantings every year. With the natural spread of daffodils, it was estimated that there were about 2 million daffodils blooming across Nantucket before the state sacrificed some of the planted areas along Milestone Road during road work.
The annual Nantucket Daffodil Festival was moved from May to late April in 1980, and more events have been added. It is still celebrated during the last full
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“It’s July 1846 on Nantucket, and it hasn’t rained for weeks. Every great fire begins with a tiny spark. All Nantucket needs now is for someone to light the fuse.”
Julie Gerstenblatt’s first historical novel is all about fire. Set just before, during, and immediately after Nantucket’s Great Fire of 1846, Daughters of Nantucket tells the stories of three brave island women with fire in their hearts.
Eliza, Meg, and Maria are Gerstenblatt’s main characters: strong women with secrets and desires who are trapped by society and circumstance. “The 1840s on Nantucket are fascinating once you know about the social, political, and racial issues that were happening here,” Gerstenblatt explained. “Plus there is the backdrop of the Great Fire of 1846. So I thought why not create several women in town who are all linked and have their personal dramas come to a climax just as the fire hits?”
An educator, a writer, and a longtime visitor to Nantucket, Gerstenblatt was inspired to write this book after continued on page 22
You’ve waited all winter, dreaming of getting back out there for the new season. You’ve relived moments from the past season, moments of success, of failure, dreaming endlessly of what could have been. But that was then, this is now. It’s time for the 2023 fishing season to get going.
Much as the Red Sox don’t just show up at Fenway Park and start playing baseball, the fishing crowd eases back into the swing of things with some spring training of our own. And on Nantucket, that means pulling out the lighter tackle and heading to the island ponds.
So here it is, a typical Nantucket spring day: the temperature is in the low 40s, the wind is blowing about 20 knots and the chill goes right through to your bones. Now I’m not proud—I freely admit that these are the kinds of conditions that make me shake my head no and want to stay inside, wrapped in a blanket. But the itch to fish proves to be too strong, and I don’t think I can stand to watch another YouTube fishing video. So out to the garage I go, fetching my gear. Insulated neoprene waders, wool socks—check. T-shirt, long underwear shirt, sweatshirt, neoprene hooded jacket—check. Knit hat, sunglasses? Good to go. Fishing gloves. Fishing gloves? Can’t find them. So, as my sweet sister Lynell reminds me from time to time, if you’re going to be dumb, you have to be tough. No gloves means cold hands.
Doesn’t matter—it’s Go Time.
I’m braving the cold and heading out for some spring training at Miacomet Pond. Whenever I fish there, it’s as if I’ve fallen into a time machine and traveled back to the mid-1970s when every Saturday was spent with all the neighborhood kids, fishing until suppertime. We would spread out on the eastern bank of the pond and cast for hours: Red Devils, Mepps spinners, or the old reliable worms and bobbers, fishing for yellow and white perch, pumpkinseed sunfish, and pickerel, the big beasts of the pond. These fishing trips were a constant on our calendars from the moment that basketball season ended at the Boys and Girls Club, until school got out in late June.
Our mid 1970s Nantucket Saturday morning schedule generally went like
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10:30 to 11 AM - Story Time for Age 3+
A special 30-minute story time feature new and classic stories, fingerplays, and songs. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone? Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
5:30 to 6:30 PM - Food for Thought: A Conversation on Coastal Resilience
Join Rachael Freeman & Claire Martin for a conversation that will explore coastal resilience approaches globally, regionally, & locally. Conversation includes an introduction to an adaptive & visionary project here on Nantucket: the design concept for a Washington Street Resilience Framework Plan. Free in the Nantucket Whaling Museum, 13 Broad Street.
6 to 7 PM - Free ELL Beginner & Intermediate English Class
For those seeking to learn basic conversation or improve English skills. Class is conducted in English; preregistration not required. For details: 508-228-1110 x113. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
8 to 9 PM - International Dark Sky Week Pop Up: Open Night
Join MMA astronomers for a free tour of Nantucket’s night sky. Registration is required: 508-228-9198. MariaMitchell.org Loines Observatory, 59 Milk Street.
9 AM to 5 PM - Nantucket Atheneum StoryWalk: Inky the Octopus
Journey along with Inky the Octopus as he makes a daring escape from his aquarium to the open sea, based on a real-life aquatic adventure! 1 India Street.
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
11 to 11:45 AM - Music & Movement
A free program for up to age 5 years + their caretakers that includes songs, rhymes, and stories in English and in Spanish. Register online Nantucket Music Center, 56 Center Street. 508-228-3352 NantucketCommunityMusicCenter.org
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Microscope Mayhem for Ages 10+
An opportunity to explore hidden gems with MMA staff as you learn to operate scientific-grade compound microscopes! Adult must accompany children. $15. Pre-registration required: 508-228-9198 MariaMitchell.org
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone? Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
5:30 to 7 PM - Mindful History Member Evening: Connecting Through Art
Join the NHA for a Museum-based experience focusing on connecting participants with the exhibitions. Connecting Through Art: discover your personal connection to art & history in the Whaling Museum’s Island People: Portraits and Stories from Nantucket exhibit. Registration Required: 508-228-1894 or nha.org
5:30 to 7 PM - Teen Game Night
Come play games in the library Learning Lab, including Nintendo Switch games like Just Dance and Mario Party, as well as board games like Trouble and Strategy, and many more. The games will rotate and are first-come, first-served. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
9 AM to 5 PM - Nantucket Atheneum StoryWalk: Inky the Octopus
Journey along with Inky the Octopus as he makes a daring escape from his aquarium to the open sea, based on a real-life aquatic adventure! 1 India Street.
CELEBRATING 53 YEARS! yesterdaysisland.com Box 626 Nantucket, MA 02554 • 508-228-9165
We know our little island is special. There are so many unique and wonderful things about Nantucket: the history, the community, our flora and fauna, and our open space protection. Now we can add one more thing to the list; our bees.
The results are in after a five-year regional project showcasing native pollinators in the northeast. And something special showed up for the Nantucket sites. It turns out, we have some of the highest native bee diversity in the region. Not only that, we learned that Nantucket is home to many specialist bees known as solitary and ground-nesting bees.
So what’s the buzz all about?
Many pollinators depend upon open habitats and canopy gaps for foraging, and recent studies suggest that, in the Northeastern United States, grasslands and barrens support a unique native pollinator assemblage. These habitats require active management, are in decline, and have been identified as priority conservation targets in many states. Nantucket, with its sandplain grasslands and coastal heathlands, has many of these early successional habitats available for native pollinators.
The Xeric Grassland, Barren, and Woodland Pollinator Conservation Project was designed to assess pollinator communities across 20 “nature preserve” sites in the Northeast, including Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, and sites in Rhode Island, Maine, Delaware and more. It was funded by a grant awarded through the Northeast Regional Conservation Needs Program. A large network of ecologists, entomologists, and other professional staff sampled the environment, plants, bees, and moths in these sites across seven northeastern ecoregions from Maryland and Delaware to northern New England and Upstate New York. The goal of the
continued on page 19
@ The Parking Lot Near Gouin Village, Off Vesper Lane
Art, Furniture, Home Decor, Rugs & So Much More!
Rain Date: Sunday, June 4th
(The Shop @17 India Street will be closed on this day.)
We will resume taking donations after our Opening Day on May 9th. We appreciate your patience and understanding and look forward to accepting your gently used items soon.
9 to 10:30 AM - Historic Bike Talk & Ride for Earth Day
hospitalthriftshop.org 17
9:30 AM to 4 PM - STEM Grab & Go Kaleidoscope
Meet outside for a show-and-tell with Harvey Young, where you’ll learn about the history of bicycles. Then, from the museum, bike to the Quaise Asylum Burial Ground in Polpis, where Frances Karttunen and Allen Reinhard will give talks about the history of the site, then bike back to town to the NHA’s Pony Field. Nantucket Whaling Museum, 13 Broad Street. 508-228-1894 nha.org
Stop by the Weezie Library today and pick up this month’s STEM project - a homemade kaleidoscope. You’ll need scissors and glue but otherwise all supplies and instructions are included. At the Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street, while supplies last. NantucketAtheneum.org
9:30 AM to 4 PM - Teen Take & Make: Paper Hot Air Balloons
Set your sights high with these hot air balloons made with paper weaving. This craft project is intended for ages 12-18. While supplies last. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
9:45 to 10:15 AM - Nanpuppets at the Atheneum
Join Lizza and her puppet friends for songs & fun in the garden. Dress appropriately for the weather & bring a blanket to sit on. Nantucket Atheneum Garden, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
10:30 to 11:30 AM - Mindful History: Vinyasa Flow yoga with Chip Davis
Join us for a Museum-based experience focusing on connecting participants with our exhibitions and more. Greater Light, 8 Howard Street. NHA.org
10:30 AM to 12:30 PM - NHA Earth Day Celebration
All are welcome for a family-friendly Earth Day celebration, including educational activities. NHA Pony Field, 10 Mill Street. Rain date is April 23. nha.org
11 AM to 1 PM - Biological Collections Open Hours
Learn about MMA collections at this free program in Maria Mitchell Research Center, 2 Vestal Street. 508-228-9198
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
1 PM - Daffodil Show Entry Class
Have you always wanted to enter a daffodil in the upcoming flower show Daffodil Weekend but were unsure how to enter? Attend this free workshop and see how easy it is. You will learn to navigate the show entry schedule, fill out an entry card, and stage a flower. It is free and fun for all ages. Admission is free but registration is required. Register by sending an e-mail to RuthPlan@gmail.com
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Microscope Mayhem for Ages 10+
An opportunity to explore hidden gems with MMA staff as you learn to operate scientific-grade compound microscopes! Adult must accompany children. $15. Pre-registration required: 508-228-9198 MariaMitchell.org
1:45 to 4 PM - Nantucket Bird Walk
A fascinating birding tour with Ginger Andrews of the Maria Mitchell Assn. Pre-registration is recommended. $15.
3 to 3:45 PM - Free Yoga for Teens
Participants will learn mindful movement strategies to stretch and strengthen muscles as well as calming mindfulness and observation strategies to reduce stress and connect to joy. No experience needed. Wear clothing you can move around in, and rememer water. Bring your own mat or use one of ours. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
3 to 4 PM - Beach BioBlitz with MMA
Learn about fascinating ecology, & geology of Nantucket’s shoreline. One adult must sign with children. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
7 PM - “Abandonment Issues” A Comedy Show
Four Nantucket Comedians give their take on Island life, therapy, love, work, cats, family, daily shenanigans, and the beauty found in the madness of existence. This is an 18+ show. Cash bar available in the lobby before & during the show. Doors at 6:30pm. Tickets $10 (+$2 service fee) at nantucketdreamland.org
9 AM to 5 PM - Nantucket Atheneum StoryWalk: Inky the Octopus
Journey along with Inky the Octopus as he makes a daring escape from his aquarium to the open sea, based on a real-life aquatic adventure! 1 India Street.
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
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Many years ago, when the only cars my boys cared about were built out of Lego, we planted daffodil bulbs. The wind was blowing, the sky rushed overhead, and a shower hung out on the Sound, while Angel Rays shone over Cisco. We used a small trowel, knelt in the backyard, and planted the bulbs every couple feet along a stone wall. Afterwards, we had lemonade, chocolate chip cookies, and watched Monsters, Inc for the hundredth time.
Every year, when the daffodils bloom, that memory cuts through the beards, the testosterone, and the tuition payments to bring me back to that gray afternoon. Now, of course, hundreds of daffodils bloom.
The great advantage of age is that you can live in your best year. I hand wave the future away, with its hundreds of daffodils, and return to a simpler time of mud and cookies.
Old men, like me, choose a year from the past and decide that year is Year 0. Every year after that is a slow descent away from the golden land of the past and into the gray of the future.
This is Nantucket. Our entire focus, as an island, is on the past. We live, work, and build with Nantucket in mind. The curated images of Nantucket are not along Old South or Nobadeer Farm, but along Easton, Orange, and Baxter. The present waits for us to back into it, and we have.
Seeing the world as it is, and not how it was, requires youth and honesty, both of which run out sometime after you buy reading glasses. In my dotage, I still want to go to Thirty Acres for something after work. When you accept reality, you realize that the traffic isn’t going to go away, you can’t rent a room, and ten cent wings ended a decade ago.
Reality is hard to see. If you don’t want to see it, or your paycheck depends on ignoring it, you won’t see what others can see as plainly as the noses on their faces.
Fact: The town can’t hire municipal workers, no matter how much they get paid. We are short firemen, teachers, cops, and a D.P.W. chief.
Fact: The trades don’t pay enough to allow tradesmen to live on Nantucket. The boats carry workers back and forth; the same people who would have worked a few jobs and bought some land twenty-five years ago are getting a cup of coffee and sitting inside on the way back.
Fact: You can rent a three-bedroom in Madaket for a week in July for under $20,000. The rent money never even comes on-island.
As an island, we have been losing our wealth over the last thirty years. The water company got sold, the power company got sold, the banks got sold. All of those jobs, from clerk to CEO, move off-island. The stores, the realtors, the restaurants, and the hotels—off-island investors are now catching the profits that used to buy dinners at Le Languedoc, cars at Don Allen, and boats at Marine. Now, as a final sale, the summer rental season is up on the auction block. Investors have bought homes across the island, including in year-round neighborhoods, and are ready to pepper AirBnB and VRBO with their pictures and the prices.
The wealth of the island, and the future wealth, has slipped away on ferries and waves at us from New York.
It’s hard to see this. Instead, we retreat into a past when, if you worked hard and made friends, you could build by sweat equity. Or, we create imaginary worlds where we suddenly can build in the moors. Or we pretend that this is just a business cycle.
In losing all of this wealth, we have lost community. Most people don’t fit well in a corporate profit and loss statement. Teachers need to be on-island before Columbus Day and after Memorial Day. Failing that, they can’t supervise Prom and Chess Club if they have to catch the 3:05 back to Hyannis. Nantucket depends on people who make less than a Citibank vice president. They need to be at the Atheneum, in the police station, or behind the bar at the Rose and Crown. Last summer, several successful, well-reviewed restaurants never opened or shortened hours: they had the customers, but they didn’t have the chefs. Or the dishwashers.
Children are communities. We look to our neighbors, our colleagues, and our bar stool buddies when we think of our kids. We want people who can coach basketball, referee at the Boys & Girls Club, and drive a school bus. We barely have that. Never mind protecting the south shore swimmers from sharks, walkers from drunks in Discoverys, and a pre-Civil War wooden town from fire.
None of these jobs can be done well, or for long, by people paying absurd rents. Nor, can they be done by people who come and go around the Point every day. At this point, as islanders, we need to think about what we can do to preserve the community we have. The island will survive, one way or another, until the Atlantic takes it. We will have moved to Maine long before that. Our only island community will be on Facebook.
We live in Walter Beinecke’s world. We are the “daffodils” he (and Roy Larsen, and Bob Mooney, etc) planted. Sixty years ago, the island saw the virtue in protecting open land. As a direct result of that, we have an island where people will line up to spend thousands a night to visit. They stand on the cobblestones, they go out to Cisco Beach, they bike to Altar Rock, and then they make reservations for next year. Some people work fifty-one weeks a year to spend one week on-island. With the Land Bank and all of the other conservation measures taken, we limited the amount of build-out. In doing that, they made islanders millionaires.
Today, we need to look to the future as they did, not a future that can be measured in months, seasons, or even years, but in generations. Our current island cannot house our children. We watch them wave goodbye on the boat.
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Microscope Mayhem for Ages 10+
from page 8
An opportunity to explore hidden gems with MMA staff as you learn to operate scientific-grade compound microscopes! Adult must accompany children. $15. Pre-registration required: 508-228-9198 MariaMitchell.org
4 PM - The New Black Eagle Jazz Band
An infectious, soulful, and uplifting style of traditional New Orleans jazz. Doors at 6:30pm. Tickets $30 (+$2 service fee) at nantucketdreamland.org Part of the Nantucket Arts Council Downtown Concert Series
7 to 8:30 PM - Free Concert by Marc Berger
Live music in the Atheneum’s Great Hall. Marc is a nationally touring artist who has performed at Austin’s South X Southwest Music Festival & the Kerrville Folk Festival. He’s opened shows for Bob Dylan & other national acts. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
8 AM - Beechwood Farm Loop with Nantucket Walkabout
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23 South Water Street
This property in Polpis shares elements of maritime or coastal heathlands habitat: native tree species, meadows, & wetlands. You’ll feel you’re exploring Yoda’s home swamp planet of Dagobah from Star Wars. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
9 AM to 5 PM - Nantucket Atheneum StoryWalk: Inky the Octopus
Journey along with Inky the Octopus as he makes a daring escape from his aquarium to the open sea, based on a real-life aquatic adventure! 1 India Street.
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
2 PM - Lost Farm Sanctuary Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
The area is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands & has pitch pine forests and a cattail-choked inlet with a small walkway. This hike is close to Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Reservations at walknantucket.com
3 to 4 PM - Free Language Cafe: ASL & Russian Gather with others to practice language skills in a relaxed environment and practice speaking with one another. All levels welcome. This is not a class. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
4 to 5 PM - Language Cafe: French Gather with others to practice language skills in a relaxed environment and practice
continued on page 11
speaking with one another. All levels welcome. This is not a class. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
5 to 6 PM - Language Cafe: Italian & Spanish Gather with others to practice language skills in a relaxed environment and practice speaking with one another. All levels welcome. This is not a class. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
6:30 to 8:30 PM - Free Tarot Class with Suzanne Keating Registration is required at NantucketAtheneum.org. Held in the Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110
9 AM to 5 PM - Nantucket Atheneum StoryWalk: Inky the Octopus Journey along with Inky the Octopus as he makes a daring escape from his aquarium to the open sea, based on a real-life aquatic adventure! 1 India Street.
9:30 to 10:30 AM - Time-Out for Parents!
Parents need some fun activities: stop by the Nantucket Atheneum for “Time-out For Parents!” We will play games, discuss anything you want to share, and laugh. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India St. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
9:45 to 10:30 AM - Music in the Morning
Join Lizza in the garden for fun songs and singing games. We’re going to try and stay outside as long as the weather holds! Please dress accordingly. Don’t forget to bring a blanket. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India St. NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
11 AM to 12 PM - Free Mindful History: Connecting Through Art
“Connecting Through Art”: Join the conversation to discover your personal connection to art and history in the Whaling Museum’s Island People: Portraits and Stories from Nantucket exhibit. Registration required: 508-228-1894 nha.org. Nantucket Whaling Museum, 13 Broad Street.
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Where It Happened Sconset Tour
A tour on the Shipwreck Shuttle 1 to the historic sites of shipwrecks and lifesaving in ‘Sconset. Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum, 158 Polpis Road. 508-228-2505 EganMaritime.org
2 PM - Shawkemo Hills Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Hike a portion of the island dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover most of North America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508422-7466
5:30 to 6:30 PM - Free Mindful History: Connecting Through Art
“Connecting Through Art”: Join the conversation to discover your personal connection to art and history in the Whaling Museum’s Island People: Portraits and Stories from Nantucket exhibit. Registration required: 508-228-1894 nha.org. Nantucket Whaling Museum, 13 Broad Street.
8 AM - Smith’s Point Hike with Nantucket Walkabout Nantucket’s weasternmost sand extremity is a great hike to see piping plovers, least terns and American oystercatchers during the summer & catch a glimpse of Tuckernuck Island. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
9 AM to 5 PM - Nantucket Atheneum StoryWalk: Inky the Octopus Journey along with Inky the Octopus as he makes a daring escape from his aquarium to the open sea, based on a real-life aquatic adventure! 1 India Street.
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
2 PM - Gardner Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands & contains pitch pine forests with a walkway over a cattail-choked inlet. Hike is near Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone? Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
3 to 4 PM - Free Library Legos for Kids Grades 1-5
Join in some creative construction. The library will supply the LEGO bricks & you can have some fun. We’ll take a picture of you and your masterpiece. Space is limited. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
6 PM - Shawkemo Hills Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Hike a portion of the island shaped by the last glacier to cover most of N. America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
6:30 to 8:30 PM - Free Atheneum Knitting Group
A fun, relaxed gathering to share knitting projects with like-minded people or learn new techniques. Attendees will be required to wear a mask at all times. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
6:30 to 8:30 PM - Table Top Game Night for Adults & Ages 13+
One table in the Great Hall will be devoted to a rotating selection of games plus one table for Dungeons & Dragons (limited seating for D&D, first come first serve!) New players and old are all welcome. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
7 to 8 PM - Online; Science Speaker Series
In his presentation, “The Ethics of a STEM Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence,” Dr. Jedediyah Williams will discuss the onus on educators, when handing over tools of science & mathematics, for teaching their responsible use. Explore these consequences of AI in modern endeavors. Register at mariamitchell.org
8 AM - Lost Farm Sanctuary Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
The area is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands & has pitch pine forests and a cattail-choked inlet with a small walkway. This hike is close to Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Reservations at walknantucket.com
9 AM to 5 PM - Nantucket Atheneum StoryWalk: Inky the Octopus
Journey along with Inky the Octopus as he makes a daring escape from his aquarium to the open sea, based on a real-life aquatic adventure! 1 India Street.
9:30 to 10 AM - Toddler Time: Storytime for Age 3 & Younger
Short stories, fingerplays, & songs designed to foster pre-literacy skills. Space limited: tickets available at the Weezie Desk when library opens. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 to 11 AM - Story Time for Age 3+
A special 30-minute story time feature new and classic stories, fingerplays, and songs. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
12:45 PM - Linda Loring Nature Foundation Hike with Nantucket Walkabout LLNF’s publicly accessible property has easy trails thru sandplain grasslands, coastal shrublands, & along the North Head of Long Pond in sight of an active osprey nest. 110 Eel Point Road. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone? Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
5:30 to 6:30 PM - Food for Thought: Book Talk
This talk will feature author Constance Escher, who will discuss She Calls Herself Betsey Stockton: The Illustrated Odyssey of Princeton Slave, the book she published about a formerly enslaved woman named Betsey Stockton circumnavigating the globe in 1826 and the research that shaped the book, including several research trips to the NHA Research Library. Free talk but registration required at nha.org
6 to 7 PM - Free ELL Beginner & Intermediate English Class
For those seeking to learn basic conversation or improve English skills. Class is conducted in English; preregistration not required. For details: 508-228-1110 x113. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
7 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 to 9 PM - Free “Look Up” at Loines Program
Join MMA’s astronomers for a tour of Nantucket’s night sky. View the moon, planets, stars, nebulae, & distant galaxies through MMA’s telescopes & learn about constellations, phases of the moon, planets, & eclipses Registration at MariaMitchell.org
8 AM - Stump Swamp/Norwood Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
A mix of island terrain; forest, upland meadows, small ponds, a former cranberry bog, & a true flowing streams. A 90-120 min. dual property hike, depending on group interest. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
9 AM to 5 PM - Nantucket Atheneum StoryWalk: Inky the Octopus
Journey along with Inky the Octopus as he makes a daring escape from his aquarium to the open sea, based on a real-life aquatic adventure! 1 India Street.
10 AM - Fabulous Mansions of the Cliff & Brant Point
2-1/2 mi, 1 hr. exercise walk with historic commentary past spectacular homes. End at White Elephant Hotel. Cash Only, $25; $20 for 65+; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 712. Meet at Main & Centre by bank steps 10 min early 774-325-8972
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
10 to 11:30 AM - Free Downtown Tree Tour
Learn about the historic species of trees that line the streets of downtown Nantucket & how they have been preserved. Tours led by Land Council Executive Director Emily Molden & Nantucket Waterkeeper RJ Turcotte. Nantucket Land Council, Nantucket’s environmental advocacy organization. Register at EventBrite.com
10 to 11:30 AM - Free Pheno Foray
Join Linda Loring Nature Foundation for a guided nature exploration on a portion of LLNF 275-acre property, with a focus on phenology: the study of nature’s timing. Learn about spring changes across Nantucket, like budding plants, hatching insects and returning migratory birds.
10 AM to 5 PM - Daffy Raffle at G.S. Hill Gallery
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Stop by G.S. Hill Gallery at 40 Straight Wharf & enter a free raffle to win a Daffodil Bracelet by Nantucket Pearl Company. Drawing on May 1: winners will be notified.
11 to 11:45 AM - Music & Movement
A free program for up to age 5 years + their caretakers that includes songs, rhymes, and stories in English and in Spanish. Register online Nantucket Music Center, 56 Center Street. 508-228-3352 NantucketCommunityMusicCenter.org
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Microscope Mayhem for Ages 10+
An opportunity to explore hidden gems with MMA staff as you learn to operate scientific-grade compound microscopes! Adult must accompany children. $15. Pre-registration required: 508-228-9198 MariaMitchell.org
2 PM - Historic Downtown Walking Tour
A 1/2 mi, 90-min. stroll led by 3x runner-up in Nantucket History Quiz Bowl, Cash only; $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 775-325-8972
2 PM - Polpis Harbor Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Salt marshes populated with nesting & fishing shorebirds, Polpis Harbor also has beautiful meadows overlooking the east cove. Get a closer look at Nantucket Harbor from a coastal bank. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone? Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
5:30 to 7 PM - Teen Game Night
Come play games at the library! Teens and tweens are invited to play a selection of games in the Learning Lab, including Nintendo Switch games like Just Dance and Mario Party, as well as board games like Trouble and Strategy, and many more! The games will rotate and are first-come, first-served. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
7 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Gardner Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands & contains pitch pine forests with a walkway over a cattail-choked inlet. Hike is near Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
8:30 AM - Historic Mansions of Main Street and America’s Oldest Windmill
A 1.8 mi, 45 min. exercise walk with historic commentary past whaling era mansions & back downtown. Cash only; $25; $20 seniors (65+) ; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 712. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
9 to 10 AM - Free Mindful History: Connecting Through Art
“Connecting Through Art”: Join the conversation to discover your personal connection to art and history in the Whaling Museum’s Island People: Portraits and Stories from Nantucket exhibit. Registration required: 508-228-1894 nha.org. Nantucket Whaling Museum, 13 Broad Street.
9 AM to 5 PM - Nantucket Atheneum StoryWalk: Inky the Octopus
Journey along with Inky the Octopus as he makes a daring escape from his aquarium to the open sea, based on a real-life aquatic adventure! 1 India Street.
9:30 AM to 12 Noon - Antique Cars Gather for the Parade
More than 100 antique vehicles gather on Main Street to line up for the parade. Spectators may walk among the parked vehicles to view the classic cars and their festive decorations. Parade starts at 12 noon Main Street. A Daffodil Festival Event presented by the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce.
9:45 to 10:15 AM - Nanpuppets at the Atheneum
Join Lizza and her puppet friends for songs & fun in the garden. Dress appropriately for the weather & bring a blanket to sit on. Nantucket Atheneum Garden, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
10 AM to 5 PM - Daffy Raffle at G.S. Hill Gallery
Stop by G.S. Hill Gallery at 40 Straight Wharf & enter a free raffle to win a Daffodil Bracelet by Nantucket Pearl Company. Drawing on May 1: winners will be notified.
10:15 AM - Daffodil Hat Parade
The public is invited to don their most festive & daffy hats to parade around Children’s Beach, Harbor View Way during this fun & photogenic event. A Daffodil Festival Event presented by the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce
10:30 AM - Daffodil Festival Children’s Bike Parade
Children (and their parents) who have decorated their bikes, strollers, scooters, and wagons for Daffodil Festival will parade around Children’s Beach, Harborview Way. Children on bicycles must wear helmets: decorate them, too. A Daffodil Festival Event presented by the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce
10:30 to 11:30 AM - Mindful History: Soundbath and Meditation
Join the NHA for a museum-based experience focusing on connecting participants with our exhibitions and more. This class is a combination of breathwork, hands-on sound healing and beautiful music that brings grace and peace. $20 in the Greater Light, 8 Howard Street. Register at NHA.org
10:30 AM to 12 PM - Book Signing with Julie Gerstenblatt
Meet the author of Daughters of Nantucket at Mitchell’s Book Corner, 54 Main Street. 508-228-1080 MitchellsBookCorner.com Celebrate Independent Bookstore Day with this special book signing!
11 AM to 1 PM - Biological Collections Open Hours
Learn about MMA collections at this free program in Maria Mitchell Research Center, 2 Vestal Street. 508-228-9198
12 to 1 PM - Animal Lover’s Book Club for Grades 3-5
Join Susan Richard’s of NiSHA for a book discussion group focused on our favorite furry friends. We will have some of our pet therapy certified animals come in to “read” with the group. Registration is required at NantucketAtheneum.org. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
12:30 PM - Daffodil Festival Dog Parade
A Daffy Dog Parade by Nantucket Island Safe Harbor for Animals (NiSHA). Children’s Beach, Harbor View Way. A Daffodil Festival Event presented by the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce
12:30 to 2 PM - Annual Daffodil Festival Tailgate Picnic
After parading to Siasconset, parade participants will stage special picnics for their groups; some might invite spectators to share, but it’s best to bring your own picnic because there are no options to buy picnics during the Daffy Tailgate. There is often impromptu live music. Right side of the street is reserved for parade cars. Spectators may seek parking on side streets. A Daffodil Festival Event presented by the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Microscope Mayhem for Ages 10+
An opportunity to explore hidden gems with MMA staff as you learn to operate scientific-grade compound microscopes! Adult must accompany children. $15. Pre-registration required: 508-228-9198 MariaMitchell.org
1:45 to 4 PM - Nantucket Bird Walk
A fascinating birding tour with Ginger Andrews of the Maria Mitchell Assn. Pre-registration is recommended. $15.
2 PM - Historic Downtown Walking Tour
A 1/2 mi, 90-min. stroll led by 3x runner-up in Nantucket History Quiz Bowl, Cash only; $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 775-325-8972
2 PM - Sankaty Bluff Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
On this hike, walk south down the beach from the Hoicks Hollow Road public way to see examples of & learn about Nantucket’s geological past. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
2 to 5 PM - The 47th Annual Daffodil Show
The Annual Daffodil Show will be held in the greenhouses at Bartlett’s Farm. American Daffodil Society Judges travel from as far away as Georgia, Maryland, New York, Connecticut, and New Hampshire to judge the entries. Bartlett’s Farm, 33 Bartlett Farm Road. Free admission: donations accepted. Free shuttle today only from 10 Washington Street, across from Greenhound starting at 2 pm
3 to 3:45 PM - Free Yoga for Teens
Move, stretch, breathe, & connect your body and mind in a special yoga class, just for teens & tweens. Participants will learn mindful movement strategies to stretch and strengthen muscles as well as calming mindfulness and observation strategies to reduce stress and connect to joy. No experience needed. Wear clothing you can move around in, and rememer water. Bring your own mat or use one of ours. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
3 to 4 PM - Beach BioBlitz with MMA
Learn about fascinating ecology, & geology of Nantucket’s shoreline. One adult must sign with children. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
6 PM - Shawkemo Hills Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout Hike a portion of the island shaped by the last glacier to cover most of N. America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
7 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
7 PM - The Daffy Party
Live music by Foggy Roots, featuring a horns section for this one night only! Light, complimentary hors d’ oeuvres and 2 cash bars with a special holiday cocktail. Wear your Daffy Best. This event is 18+, ID’s will be verified at entry. Tickets $45 (+$2 service fee) & Dreamland members $35 at nantucketdreamland.org
8 AM - Beechwood Farm Loop with Nantucket Walkabout
This property in Polpis shares elements of maritime or coastal heathlands habitat: native tree species, meadows, & wetlands. You’ll feel you’re exploring Yoda’s home swamp planet of Dagobah from Star Wars. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
9 AM to 5 PM - Nantucket Atheneum StoryWalk: Inky the Octopus
Journey along with Inky the Octopus as he makes a daring escape from his aquarium to the open sea, based on a real-life aquatic adventure! 1 India Street.
10 AM - Historic Mansions of Main Street and America’s Oldest Windmill
A 1.8 mi, 45 min. exercise walk with historic commentary past whaling era mansions & back downtown. Cash only; $25; $20 seniors (65+) ; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 712. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
10 AM to 2 PM - Field Day at Bartlett’s Farm
Fun activities for all ages, including photos with your k-9, May pole, ring toss, kite flying, and other field day activities. Bagged lunch to purchase. Hosted by LUC out of Congregational Church of Nantucket, who raises money to assist needs in our community and beyond. Entrance fee of $20 per family, individual $10. Bartlett’s Farm, 33 Bartlett Farm Road.
10 AM to 4 PM - The 47th Annual Daffodil Show
The Annual Daffodil Show will be held in the greenhouses at Bartlett’s Farm. American Daffodil Society Judges travel from as far away as Georgia, Maryland, New York, Connecticut, and New Hampshire to judge the entries. Bartlett’s Farm, 33 Bartlett Farm Road. Free admission: donations accepted.
10 AM to 5 PM - Daffy Raffle at G.S. Hill Gallery
Stop by G.S. Hill Gallery at 40 Straight Wharf and enter their free raffle to win a Daffodil Bracelet by Nantucket Pearl Company. Drawing on May 1: winners will be notified.
11 AM to 12:15 PM - Free NCF Wellness Walk to Altar Rock
Traverse the Serengeti into the center of Nantucket’s Middle Moors on a guided hike along the Walk to Altar Rock trail. Hear about the ever-changing echology of this landscape & see Nantucket’s hilly moraine in a new way. Registration required.
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Microscope Mayhem for Ages 10+
An opportunity to explore hidden gems with MMA staff as you learn to operate scientific-grade compound microscopes! Adult must accompany children. $15. Pre-registration required: 508-228-9198 MariaMitchell.org
2 PM - Historic Downtown Walking Tour
A 1/2 mi, 90-min. stroll led by 3x runner-up in Nantucket History Quiz Bowl, Cash only; $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 775-325-8972
2 PM - Shawkemo Hills Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Hike a portion of the island dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover most of North America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508422-7466
7 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Stump Swamp/Norwood Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
A mix of island terrain; forest, upland meadows, small ponds, a former cranberry bog, & a true flowing streams. A 90-120 min. dual property hike, depending on group interest. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
2 PM - Lost Farm Sanctuary Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
The area is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands & has pitch pine forests and a cattail-choked inlet with a small walkway. This hike is close to Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Reservations at walknantucket.com
8 AM - Gardner Farm-Lost Farm Loop Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike explores plant succession on globally threatened habitat: sandplain grasslands. Former vegetable farms are now dominated by pitch pines, but their groves & small forests are broken up by wildflower meadows Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
9:45 to 10:30 AM - Music in the Morning
Join Lizza in the garden for fun songs & singing games. Bring a blanket to sit on. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
2 PM - Sankaty Bluff Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
On this hike, walk south down the beach from the Hoicks Hollow Road public way to see examples of & learn about Nantucket’s geological past. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
5:30 to 7 PM - Mindful History: Decorative Arts Handprinted Image Transfer Cards
Join the NHA for a museum-based experience focusing on connecting participants with our exhibitions and more. Using simple printmaking techniques, make a set of unique cards. Free. Registration Required.: 508-228-1894 or nha.org
8 AM - Smith’s Point Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Nantucket’s weasternmost sand extremity is a great hike to see piping plovers, least terns and American oystercatchers during the summer & catch a glimpse of Tuckernuck Island. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
2 PM - Gardner Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands & contains pitch pine forests with a walkway over a cattail-choked inlet. Hike is near Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone? Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
3 to 4 PM - Free Library Legos for Kids Grades 1-5
Join in some creative construction. The library will supply the LEGO bricks & you can have some fun. We’ll take a picture of you and your masterpiece. Space is limited. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
6 PM - Polpis Harbor Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Salt marshes populated with nesting & fishing shorebirds, Polpis Harbor also has beautiful meadows overlooking the east cove. Get a closer look at Nantucket Harbor from a coastal bank. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
6:30 to 8:30 PM - Free Atheneum Knitting Group
A fun, relaxed gathering to share knitting projects with like-minded people or learn new techniques. Attendees will be required to wear a mask at all times. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Smooth Hummocks Hike with Nantucket Walkabout Smooth Hummocks is Nantucket’s version of the Midwest’s prairies, with rare wildflowers & grasses that thrive in sandy soil. It’s a fascinating island ecosystem with many things to teach. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
9:30 to 10 AM - Toddler Time: Storytime for Age 3 & Younger
Short stories, fingerplays, & songs designed to foster pre-literacy skills. Space limited: tickets available at the Weezie Desk when library opens. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 to 11 AM - Story Time for Age 3+
A special 30-minute story time feature new and classic stories, fingerplays, and songs. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
12:45 PM - Linda Loring Nature Foundation Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
LLNF’s publicly accessible property has easy trails thru sandplain grasslands, coastal shrublands, & along the North Head of Long Pond in sight of an active osprey nest. 110 Eel Point Road. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone? Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
6 to 7 PM - Free ELL Beginner & Intermediate English Class
For those seeking to learn basic conversation or improve English skills. Class is conducted in English; preregistration not required. For details: 508-228-1110 x113. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
8 to 9 PM - Free “Look Up” at Loines Program
Join MMA’s astronomers for a tour of Nantucket’s night sky. View the moon, planets, stars, nebulae, & distant galaxies through MMA’s telescopes & learn about constellations, phases of the moon, planets, & eclipses Registration at MariaMitchell.org
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
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weekend of April, and the two-day annual Nantucket Daffodil Show has grown as well. In 2022, more than 1,000 stems were entered. Not all the daffodils were grown on Nantucket Island: some participants traveled here from afar with their stems carefully packed. “The Nantucket Show draws a lot of people,” said Chair of Clerks Mark Budaj, “we’ve had entries from Ireland... Georgia, Virginia...” There are entry classes for daffodil stems, photographs, and daffodil arrangements. Daffodil cultivars may be entered in one or more divisions. In addition to ribbons, the Nantucket Garden Club now gives out sixteen special awards for daffodils grown on-island and three special awards for arrangements.
It’s the dedicated members of the Nantucket Garden Club who work all year to make this stunning flower show the highlight of Daffodil Festival Weekend. Many of the committee members have been a part of the show planning and execution for years, and a number of them grow daffodils and enter the show every year.
Mark Budaj has been involved with the Nantucket Daffodil Show for 18 years and for the past decade has been Chair of the Clerks. Each year, he recruits ten individuals to act as show clerks. They follow the judges, assist them during the judging process, and record the Nantucket Show data that is sent to the American Daffodil Society.
He “washed ashore” on Nantucket in 1984: “I had some college friends who said ‘come out and see what Nantucket is all about.’ It seemed like a good adventure. The beach appealed to me…
“Then I got a job crewing on an 86-foot sailboat out of Nantucket. We went up and down the coast and wintered in the Caribbean. When the owners sold the boat, I came back here…I enjoyed the small town feel, a place where you could say ‘hello’ to people walking by, and they knew your name.”
Mark was working at the Folger Hotel (now The Nantucket Hotel) when the Daffodil Show was held there, “I picked some of the daffodils that grew around the hotel, and it escalated from there: I caught the ‘yellow fever’,” he explained. He loves “the burst of color in the spring that means ‘we got through the winter.’ And the diversity [of daffodils]—there are more than 6,000 varieties, early, mid-,
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and late season that you can enjoy from mid-April through mid-May.”
From that first year, he’s become devoted to daffodils. He maintains three gardens on-island where he grows daffodils—his main garden has 16,000 daffodils and 145 different varieties. In addition to many ribbons, Mark’s daffodils have won in most categories: Historics, Classics, Intermediate, and Collections of 12, 15, and 24. “I have nine Nantucket Garden Club awards for arrangements, and last year I won a Quinn for 24 individual stems from at least four different divisions,” he explained. “It’s hard to get that many flowers ready at the exact same time...and they each have to be perfect!”
In addition to being in charge of the Clerks at the Nantucket show, this year Budaj has been asked to help train the clerks and run the Tower Hill Show in Worcester. “It will be nice to do our show and one more before the daffodil season is over.”
Of the thousands of varieties of daffodils, Mark’s current favorite is called White Lady, an elegant ADS Historic with white perianths, a creamy yellow cup, and delicate scent.
“This year I will probably enter five or six collections, as long as my flowers cooperate,” said Mark. At the 2023 Nantucket Daffodil Show April 29 and 30, be sure to look for Mark’s entries.
Mark shared a few tips for growing daffodils to enter the show: “always plant early, mid-, and late season varieties...make sure you know what you bought and where you planted them...pick ahead [for the show] some varieties won’t be growing or the weather could turn bad. Sometimes I have up to 100 stems cut before the show: they won’t all last.”
Photographic entries for the 2023 Nantucket Daffodil Show must be brought to the venue at Bartlett’s Farm on Wednesday, April 26. Horticulture and Flower Arrangement entries may be brought to the venue between noon and 6 pm on Friday, April 28 and on Saturday morning between 7 and 9:30 am. Those needing assistance filling out entry cards and indentifying their blooms are encouraged to bring their entries on Friday. No late entries will be accepted. The show opens at 2 pm on Saturday, April 29.
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this: cartoons and cereal, followed by The Three Stooges on TV-38 and then some professional wrestling on Channel 56. Once we’d spent an hour with the likes of Andre the Giant, Chief Jay Strongbow and the evil tag team champions Professor Tanaka and Mr. Fugi, it was off to the ponds. A quick list of the regular crew includes the Moore brothers, Norman and Greg, Jay Anderson, Colin Keenan, Chip Clunie, Michael Bridges, Bert Ryder, Scooter Herrick and the Duce brothers, Chuck and Ron. My brother Billy and I would meet up with the crew and off we would march, armed with whatever gear we could muster. Someone generally had a battery powered radio and we would listen to the Red Sox game as we fished.
So much has changed in the fifty years since the Hooper Farm Road platoon patrolled the ponds but some things still remain. On the change side of the fence, there’s a couple of new species of fish that have been introduced to the island ponds. Crappie, a very popular panfish, have thrived in the Nantucket freshwater since their introduction here some 35 years ago. Catfish have also been introduced and are doing their catfish thing in the ponds as well. And in the no change department, some of our original crew are still out at the ponds, fishing hard some 50 years later.
Chuck Duce still loves to fish. Same with my brother, Bill. They’re both members of a fairly elite club of Nantucket folks who catch at least one Nantucket fish per month, every month. These are some hard-core guys (and ladies—I’m looking at you, Tammy King!) who fish year round. Chuck won the April Freshwater Open last year, beating Brother Bill and Homer Ray IV by a slim margin to win the first fishing tournament of the year.
And let’s just talk about the April Freshwater Open tournament for a moment: This tournament, now in its fifth year, is sponsored by the Nantucket Tackle Center with support from the Nantucket Anglers Club. The tournament is a catch-and-release tournament, and it is very much designed to get kids outthere fishing. Kids under the age of 16 fish for free and compete for some cool prizes. This tournament is a lot of fun.
The next tournament is the Spring Sea Run Opener, and it has an unmistakable sense of fun built into it. The Opener, originated and managed by Rafael
continued on page 18
Buses will leave town every 30 minutes (on the hour and half hour) from 7am to 9pm. The last bus leaves town at 9pm.
Buses will leave town every 30 minutes (on the hour and half hour) from 7am to 9:20pm. The last bus leaves town at 9:20pm.
Daily from 7:15am to 9:15pm. The last bus leaves town at 9:15pm.
The Muse 44 Surfside Rd • Faregrounds (7a 5p) 27 Fairgrounds Rd • 2 Fairgrounds Rd
Half fares: 65+, individuals with disabilities, veterans & active military personnel. Children 6 and under ride free. Change is given in the form of a voucher for future rides only, drivers do not make change.
1,3, & 7 day passes may be purchased aboard all buses, long term passes are available at the NRTA office.
Passes provide unlimited rides for the duration of the pass.
Downtown Bus Stops: Madaket and Jetties
Osona, has prizes for all kinds of crazy categories: First sea-run striper (must have sea lice on the fish, not a holdover striper from one of our ponds), first keeper striper (in excess of 28 inches), first bluefish and, of course, the smallest striper. You have to love a tournament that doesn’t take itself too seriously! The tournament runs from the catching of the first sea run striped bass to the end of May. The awards ceremony, generally held in the parking lot of one of our favorite fishing beaches, is a fun time for all involved. It’s more of a raffle than an awards ceremony, with just about all participants leaving the event with a prize of some sort. A three-person team event was included in last year’s contest. Rafael does a great job of bringing our little fishing community together. The money raised from entry fees and t-shirt sales is awarded to the winner in a novel way: the winner gets to choose which local charity will receive the proceeds as a donation. The Spring Sea Run Opener is a winner all the way around.
I hope that everyone will put away the worries of this broken world and head out to the local ponds or surf and take a few casts this year. Better yet, take a kid fishing—show them that there’s so much more to life than a video game. And as for my spring training adventure on that blustery day, I caught a pretty nice pickerel (promptly released after a quick photo op) and had really cold hands. I can’t wait to go again!
Steve “Tuna” Tornovish is a Nantucket native who has spent his life fishing from the beaches of his beloved island. He loves to introduce clients to the joy of fishing with his Nantucket Island Fishing Adventures: stevetuna.com
from page 7
project was to understand how and why pollinator communities vary across xeric habitats in the Northeast and to assess the utility of management treatments for enhancing pollinator communities. Xeric habitats are characterized by exceptionally dry, well-drained and nutrient-poor soils compared to other habitats. Our sandy island soils perfectly meet the definition of “xeric” conditions.
On Nantucket, both the Linda Loring Nature Foundation (LLNF) and the Nantucket Conservation Foundation (NCF) participated in the project by establishing transects on some of their properties and collecting vegetation and insect data for the past five years. The sandplain grasslands and heathlands are a perfect study area for this project. Many pollinator species depend on the open habitats, bare soils, and canopy gaps characteristic of these habitats.
A myriad of threats pose significant risk to these habitats, including habitat fragmentation, losses associated with accelerated habitat succession, and the effects of fire suppression. Due to the rare species xeric sites support, management of these niche habitats has become a considerable focus. Another goal of the The Xeric Pollinator Conservation Project was to determine best management practices to restore or maintain habitat quality for native pollinators.
Starting in 2018, insect pollinators were sampled via a “bee cup” and netting methods monthly from May to September. Collected insects (with a target of bees and flies) were then sent to the USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, Maryland for identification. Sites also collected phenological info about what were the primary plants blooming in each season to understand more about what flowers were available to the pollinators throughout the season. The number of individuals sampled and species documented in the entire study was considerable. For plants, 279 species were documented across 164 transects. For bees, 19,869 individuals representing 262 species were collected and identified via pan-trapping in 20 preserves.
In terms of overall numbers, Nantucket, represented by LLNF and Head of the Plains (NCF), had some of the highest bee abundance. However, the greatest abundance and species richness goes to the Sandbar Wildlife Management Area in Vermont and the Albany Pine Bush Preserve in New York.
Partner Nantucket with hey whisk you oy the natural
Enjoy a tour of the breathtaking island of our friendly island-local tour guides as t away from downtown, and allow you to enj and historical beauty Nantucket has to of you are looking for a 1.5 hour Signature to highlights, or want to explore for 2.5 hours a at popular Cisco Brewery & Bartlett’s Farm Westender Tour we have something for
ffer! Whether ur of the main nd make stops during our everyone!
Private transportation & group charters are a our comfortable, air conditioned bu tb
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from page 19
In particular, solitary and soil nesting bees were present in significantly higher abundances than other bee types, which were most prevalent at grassland sites including Linda Loring and Head of the Plains (HOP). LLNF and HOP also hosted some rare bee populations (species with fewer than 50 observations).
At the Linda Loring Nature Foundation, one unique bee, found only at that site was Lasioglossum marinum. It is a member of the sweat bee family and a sand dune specialist only found on the coast of the eastern United States.
What’s so special about ground nesting and solitary bees?
When many people think of bees, it is honeybees and bumble bees that come to mind. These are both very social species living in colonies, as many of us know. However, there are also many bee species which are considered solitary bees. These include carpenter bees or sweat bees which nest in the ground or wood. Mining bees dig burrows in sandy or dirt paths and other places with sparce vegetation. These native bees are important pollinators for our suite of native plants. In fact, native bees are more efficient at pollination than non-native honeybees. Globally, 70% of wild bees nest below ground and require protection during this crucial period of their lifecycle. Recent research has demonstrated the extent of threats to which ground-nesting pollinators are exposed, for example, chemicals and deep tillage. Ground-nesting pollinators change soil texture directly by digging cavities. In 2022, the Convention on Biological Diversity stated that we should be protecting ground-nesting pollinators explicitly within soil biodiversity conservation.
A major focus of the Xeric Habitats Conservation Project was to identify ways to promote improving habitat for native pollinators. In the study, management treatments were shown to enhance potential bee habitat by decreasing woody cover and showed an increase in early successional flowering plant cover, as well as bee and moth host plant cover, providing a long-term benefit to both.
A primary take-away for our nutrient-poor, sandy soils on Nantucket is to maintain open canopy and exposed soil areas to provide nesting habitat. Managing for the exposure of bare soil is something restoration sites should design for and anticipate as a site maintenance objective. Maintenance activities that encourage the proliferation of bunch grasses or other naturally-sparse vegetation which preserves access to the soil, should facilitate pollinator species richness and abundance.
The results of this study will be incorporated into future management plans for our area. The full report is being finalized by the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee of the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. For now, best management practices can be found at northeastbarrens.org. The report will be available soon with a link posted on the Linda Loring Nature Foundation website: llnf.org.
What can you do to help native pollinators? Start in your own yard!
Plant native species! Lay off the pesticides. Most sprays are non-specific, so if you try and kill one thing, you could actually be killing all the bees and butterflies as well. Provide a diversity of pollinator-friendly plants with various bloom times ensuring availability throughout the growing season. Don’t clean up every area of your garden. Fallen plant material and twigs can provide important habitat and breeding areas. Please leave at least a small portion of your yard with some debris. And, finally, support your local conservation organization! These groups, like LLNF and NCF, do a lot to support native pollinators and manage important habitat.
reading Nathaniel Philbrick’s Away Off Shore, where there is mention of The Great Fire, “and I sincerely mean just a mention. A whisper. Two paragraphs on page 13. But that’s all I needed to get my imagination going, to wonder what might it have been like to witness such a thing...” From this spark of an idea, she started to research which “led me to buy up every book I could on the subject, which turned out to be just one book...once I read about the fire, I got this tingly feeling all over, and I could picture it coming to life on the page...it was one perfect narrative as a jumping off point for my novel.”
Gerstenblatt decided to write about three women because of something her mother used to tell her: “she said ‘threes are hard’, two characters are not enough to make it messy and interesting. With three you’re constantly moving as a reader and get to explore more.”
The first character she fleshed out was Eliza. “I assumed that I would write about a captain’s wife because that’s primarily who I knew about from history... one of those women who lived in a big house on upper Main Street,” she explained. “Then I thought: who would be a good foil for Eliza, and I thought of Maria Mitchell: she was independent, nontraditional, made her own money. And when I did more research and found details about the thriving Black community on Nantucket and the history of segregation here, I thought I had to include that. I made up a character who had a similar experience to actual historic women.”
She started her research for this novel in fall of 2018; began writing in the spring of 2019; and by the spring of 2021 the book was finished. “To write, I’ve got to be sitting for several hours with no distractions at home in front of my computer, preferably in the morning. I try to write about 1,000 words every day. I give myself a check, or a check-plus, or a check minus—I was a teacher—and I set goals. It’s a job, and I treat it as such.”
Her agent sent the book out over the summer of 2021. “Most rejected it.” During her annual vacation on Nantucket, Julie got a call from her agent: someone was interested but wanted to see revisions. After careful consideration, she made a few adjustments to her manuscript, but that publisher turned it down. Believing in Daughters of Nantucket, her agent sent it out again. It was the end of October of 2021 that Gerstenblatt found out that her book was sold. “One stormy day the power went out, and I fell asleep. When I woke up, the power was back on, and I checked my email. Harper Collins was interested in the book! It felt very satisfying.”
Daughters of Nantucket lit a spark in Gerstenblatt’s imagination, and she’s already working on a sequel that starts five years after Daughters ends. “When I was writing this book, one big revision was that I had cut out a friend of Eliza’s...to ‘kill a darling’ it’s called: eliminate a character that no longer served the narrative... I had this whole story for Nell Starbuck that got reduced to a single sentence and gave that friendship stuff to Maria.” In her second novel in the series, Gerstenblatt will tell Nell Starbuck’s story of circumnavigating the globe with her whaling captain husband.
Julie Gerstenblatt and her family still vacation on Nantucket every summer, but after writing her novel, she looks at the island differently. “I walk Main Street now, and I see both time periods overlap…I feel like I have more of an appreciation for the place. So many people love Nantucket, but they never saw it that way. I want more people to see the romance.”
Julie Gerstenblatt will be meeting readers and signing copies of Daughters of Nantucket at Mitchell’s Book Corner on Main Street from 10:30 to 12 noon Saturday, April 29.
Nantucket Walkabout
Book online & meet at Handlebar Cafe, 15 Washington St
Cape Cod 5
Daily Guided Wilderness Hikes on Nantucket see website for hikes & times
Explore Nantucket’s wilderness with “Walking Nantucket” and “Nantucket: A Natural History” author and naturalist Peter Brace, and learn how the last glacier formed the island. Experience wildlife and rare plants. Learn about Nantucket’s conservation efforts, ecology and the Native Americans that lived here. $50 adults, $25 age 12 & younger. Private hikes available. Apple Pay, Android Pay, MC, Visa, Amex, &Discover accepted. Get more information & reservations at nantucketwalkabout.com
Natural History Tour
Early-Bird Permits till May 15. Refuge & beaches open daily 9am-sunset.
Summer Tours offered Memorial Day. at Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
Join our naturalist guide on an over-sand vehicle Natural History Tour through Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge. Witness Nantucket’s most expansive salt marsh, learn about the geology, ecology and history of this special place. Refuge & beaches open daily 9am-sunset: permits required. Call about private tours. To check property conditions, call 508-228-5646 & press #2. www.ttor.org/ccwr
Blue Beetle
Clothing, Accessories, Jewelry, Gifts
Open daily at 12 Main Street
Located at 12 Main Street, BLUE BEETLE reflects the playfulness and elegance of island living. We strive to provide a collection of carefully curated clothing, jewelry, gifts and accessories that portray the summer lifestyle on Nantucket. The boutique is filled with modern, chic, and contemporary fashions to suit every occasion. We proudly sell Joules, Jude Connally, Captiva Cashmere, Lilla P and MZ Wallace. Known for our Nantucket Jewelry, there is something for everyone; beads to fit Pandora, rings, bracelets and of course our charm bar, where you can create your own unique island necklace. Shop year round in store or visit us online at BlueBeetleNantucket.com
Open Daily. Visit us in the store & online!
Fabulous Resale. Fresh Finds.
12 Oak Street
Open Monday-Saturday Locations at 112 Pleasant Street & Zero Main Street
We at CAPE COD FIVE are deeply committed to the communities we serve. Our dedication to serving our neighbors and local businesses and earning our customers’ trust every day has remained the same since our founding in 1855. We focus on continuously evolving to be our customers’ trusted financial partner in a rapidly changing world, offering digital tools, accessibility and sound guidance and insight to help our customers navigate their unique journeys. capecodfive.com
Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
Visit Nantucket’s best beaches! Call ahead to check conditions: 508-228-5646 #2
Open Daily 9am to sunset. Permits Required Year-Round
Visit the best beaches on the island at the Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge. The greater coastscape, which includes the federally owned Great Point Lighthouse and Nantucket Conservation Foundation land, is a double-fingered peninsula jutting northward between the Atlantic Ocean and Nantucket Sounds is so much more: a blend of sandy beach, rolling dunes, and forest uplands both rugged and serene. The refuge provides multiple habitats for an array of coastal plant and animal species, including heather and beach plum, a maritime oak forest & savannah of red cedar – the largest of its kind in New England – which offer shelter to deer. At the beachfront, watch for horseshoe crabs advancing in extremely slow motion, seals basking in the sun, and shorebirds skittering above the surf line. Over-sand vehicle permits are required: you can purchase them online at thetrustees.org/permits. Rental jeep day passes available at the rental site & day passes available for personal 4x4 vehicles. thetrustees.org/ccwr
Cook’s Cycle
Open Daily
6 So. Beach Street, next to Affordable Rentals
Bicycle Rentals, Sales, and Service cookscyclesnantucket.com
Nantucket’s bike shop for all of your vacation needs here at Cook’s Cycles Nantucket we have all of the latest bikes and accessories for your beach runs, brewery tours, and beyond. Our selection of new bikes in a convenient downtown Nantucket location (just a 2-minute walk from Steamboat Wharf) is great for a day of cycling. Nantucket is known for its many bike paths and trails. Whether you want to ride to Jetties Beach for a swim or take in the sights of the Sconset Loop, Cooks Cycles has the bikes for you and your family. Moped & Jeep rentals, too!
Easy Riders Bicycles
Current Vintage
Open for the 2023 Season!
Wine • Clothing • Home • Gifts • Provisions
COMMONWEALTH is a unique resale boutique where we believe even clothes deserve a second chance. This eclectic little shop on Oak Street specializes in curating quality gently used pieces from your favorite designers. Come in to find preloved gems or bring in your gently used items to turn your closet into cash!
4 Easy Street
CURRENT VINTAGE is a fun and original concept store with a carefully edited mix of vintage clothing & accessories, wines, cheeses, and home goods. Everything here is thoughtfully chosen, including exclusive Nantucket gifts and a selection of nearly 400 wines. CV is a beloved island institution, celebrating more than 15 years in the heart of Nantucket. Join us for fun vibe & serious wines! currentvintage.com
Artists Association of Nantucket
‘Mood Indigo” online to May 1
“Eye of the Beholder” through May 20
“Here Comes the Sun” through May 22
In-Person Gallery & Online Exhibits
19 Washington St.
12 Straight Wharf
The mission of the ARTISTS ASSOCIATION OF NANTUCKET is to foster the visual arts on Nantucket. They create a vibrant arts community by promoting, supporting, and encouraging the work of Nantucket artists, providing educational programs in the arts, and preserving the legacy of Nantucket artists. AAN has two in-town galleries: the Cecelia Joyce & Seward Johnson Gallery at 19 Washington Street where you can view “Eye of the Beholder with Paper Meets Pigment” through May 20, and The Big Gallery upstairs at 12 Straight Wharf, where you can view “Here Comes the Sun” through May 22. Stay in touch at nantucketarts.org for a schedule of downtown Gallery
Exhibits as well as classes and workshops at the Visual Arts Center (VAC) at 24 Amelia Drive. Visit AAN’s online gallery at sales.nantucketarts.org to view regularly changing exhibitions of fresh, original artwork from iconic Nantucket artists. nantucketarts.org
Open for the 2023 season
40 Straight Wharf
Oils, watercolors, prints, and note cards by G. S. Hill gshill.com
G. S. HILL’s one-man gallery is open daily online. For over three decades, Greg’s original oil and watercolor paintings have captured the image and spirit of Nantucket. The gallery also offers exclusive American-made gifts designed by Greg and Judi Hill. Stunning porcelain china dinnerware, hand-pressed glass and ornaments are only a few of treasures you will find.
open daily
65 Surfside Road
Bike Rentals, Sales, Service - NEW: Electric Bikes easyridersbikerentals.com
EASY RIDERS BICYCLE RENTALS offers rentals, sales, and service, plus island-wide free delivery on all rentals and usually within an hour or so. With advanced on-line reservations, it’s the easiest way to experience Nantucket! Offering low prices and discounts on multi-day, weekly, monthly, and group rentals of top quality, new GT and Easy Riders bicycles, as well as retro-style Schwinn Cruisers, and accessories in a variety of styles...They have the right bicycle for all of your adventures. We have electric bikes. Check out our Easy Riders brand ebikes at erbikes.com. EASY RIDERS has a safe & convenient bike path location at 65 Surfside Road.
Young’s Bicycle Shop
Open daily in season
“The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island”
6 Broad Street
Harvey A Young’s Bicycle Shop started on Nantucket in 1931. When Harvey sold the business to his son, Roger, it became YOUNG’S BICYCLE SHOP. Now with over 90 years in business, the 4th generation is running YOUNG’S. The Young family and their staff provide you with the ideal rental bike for Nantucket. Their fleet of CANNONDALE and TREK bikes are well maintained, so you and your family can have a safe and enjoyable bike ride around the island. YOUNG’S also rents cars and Jeeps. Check out their website, give them a call, or stop in to see their friendly, knowledgeable staff, so they can share with you “The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island”. Reservations & delivery services available. youngsbicycleshop.com
508-228-9165 ext. 110
FREE DOWNLOAD - Nantucket’s searchable phone book app CallNantucket.com
The island’s “Little Black Book”
CALL NANTUCKET is the fully searchable app version of The Nantucket Directory: the island’s phone book. Know who you’re looking for? Search our White Pages for the number. Not sure who to call? Browse our Yellow Pages to choose the best company for your needs! Our CALL NANTUCKET app is FREE TO DOWNLOAD. CallNantucket@gmail.com
Nantucket Atheneum
Open 6 days a week, year-round
1 India Street
Nantucket’s Free Public Library & Gathering Place nantucketatheneum.org
THE NANTUCKET ATHENEUM, our island’s public library is a vital community hub. We are open year-round, 6 days a week, and offer materials and services for all ages. More than 170,000 people
come through our doors annually, where they have free access to 1.6 million books and a large collection of CDs, and DVDs. In addition, we offer many web-based services, free computer use, WIFI, and more than 1,300 educational and cultural programs a year. Our historic building, which opened in 1847, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and filled with beautiful art and artifacts that celebrate our maritime heritage and the history of Nantucket.
Guiding visitors on Nantucket for 53 years Box 626, Nantucket, MA 02554
In print & online + eNewsletter
Visit our online publication to see more articles, more photos, enter contests, and to share your impressions of Nantucket. For more than 50 years, YESTERDAY’S ISLAND/TODAY’S NANTUCKET has been the best source for planning your leisure time on Nantucket Island. From Daffodil Festival through Christmas Stroll, you can pick up our print editions, available everywhere, or you can visit us online at YesterdaysIsland.com. After you leave your favorite island, you can stay in touch with the happenings here — find us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram @nantucket_insider, and sign up for our free Nantucket eNewsletter — look for the link at the top of Nantucket.net Yesterdaysisland.com
Mitchell’s Book Corner
Open Daily: Support Your Local Book Store!
See the calendar for our upcoming book signings
Young’s Bicycle Shop
Open daily in season
“The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island”
6 Broad Street
Harvey A Young’s Bicycle Shop” started on Nantucket in 1931. When Harvey sold the business to his son, Roger, it became YOUNG’S BICYCLE SHOP. Now with over 90 years in business, the 4th generation is running YOUNG’S. The Young family and their staff provide you with the ideal rental bike for Nantucket AND YOUNG’S also rents cars and Jeeps. Check out their website, give them a call, or stop in to see their friendly, knowledgeable staff, so they can share with you “The Cyclelogical Way to See Nantucket Island”. Reservations & delivery services available.
Artists Association of Nantucket
54 Main Street
MITCHELL’S BOOK CORNER prides itself on a long tradition of personalized attention to its customers for more than 50 years. Visit nantucketbookpartners.com for any book in print, preorders, signed copies, e-books, audio books, gift cards, staff picks, and more. If the book is “on our shelves now” we can offer next business day island home delivery for a small fee. If the book is not on-hand we can either ship it to you or order it for you. We are also happy to ship books to anywhere in the US. MITCHELL’S is open daily. nantucketbookpartners.com
Nantucket Bookworks
Books, chocolates, & unique gifts
Open daily at 25 Broad Street
NANTUCKET BOOKWORKS is our quirky little shop chock full of books, gifts, and goodies. Visit nantucketbookpartners.com for books and nantucketbooksworks.com for the very best of Bookworks online. We have Nantucket gifts, puzzles, games, toys, art supplies, party accessories, stuffed animals, greeting cards, kids items, and so much more. And we have an enticing nook filled with amazing chocolates to buy and savor as you read your new books. We also are happy to ship anywhere in the US. For books, shop nantucketbookpartners.com. Order online r stop in to browse. BOOKWORKS is open daily. nantucketbookpartners.com
See display ad for times & routes
Year-Round Bus Routes
RIDE THE WAVE to/from town, mid island areas, Madaket, Sconset, Surfside and Jetties Beaches, the Airport and points in between. Access real time information bus locations and estimated arrival at your stop from your computer or internet enabled cell phone at live.nrtawave.com. Service is provided year-round on select routes and thru mid-October on seasonal routes. See our schedule in this paper or visit nrtawave.com for complete information or pick up a riders guide at NRTA Office 20R South Water St, Visitor Services 25 Federal Street, Chamber of Commerce 0 Main Street, or the Greenhound Building 10 Washington Street. Fares are $2 or $3 depending on route, half fare for 65 & older, persons with disabilities, veterans, and active military personnel. Exact change is recommended or a future ride change card will be issued. Short term passes are available on any Wave vehicle. nrtawave.com
Affordable Rentals
Cars, jeeps, mopeds Open daily at 6 South Beach Street
AFFORDABLE RENTALS can help make your visit on Nantucket more complete. With their cars, 4x4s, vans, and mopeds, you will have access to all parts of the island: Great Point, Wauwinet, Coatue, Squam, ‘Sconset, Madaket, and more. Explore to your heart’s content in a vehicle from AFFORDABLE RENTALS, open daily at 6 South Beach Street. Call ahead for reservations. All major credit cards accepted. affrentals.com
Nantucket Windmill Auto Rental
Open daily, year-round
We’re at the airport & we’ll meet the boat.
Nantucket Memorial Airport
NANTUCKET WINDMILL AUTO RENTAL offers terrific service and value not found elsewhere on the island with clean, new vehicles, low rates & free mileage, prompt & courteous service. Once you become a WINDMILL customer, it’s doubtful you’ll rent from any other company when on Nantucket. Daily, weekly, monthly and extended rates are available. We accept Amex, MC, Visa, Diner’s Club, and Discover. Commercial accounts available to qualified companies. 800-228-1227
Open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm
Visual Arts Center, 24 Amelia Drive Classes & Workshops for all ages
The ARTISTS ASSOCIATION’s Arts Program offers year-round educational programs for adults and children. Our spacious workshop on Amelia Drive hosts a wide variety of classes and workshops in many media including oil painting, watercolor, pastel, life drawing, ceramics, printmaking, textile art and mixed media. Our instructors are resident artists, AAN artist members and a variety of visiting artists who work in a range of mediums and bring a wealth of talent and experience to the program. Classes are designed for all levels of experience, from the novice to advanced and for all ages. nantucketarts.org
Aunt Leah’s Fudge
Open daily
Made fresh on Nantucket
The Courtyard, 16 Straight Wharf
AUNT LEAH has been making her award-winning homemade fudge for three decades on Nantucket. Her fudge has been voted “the best fudge in the world” year after year. Once you try her fudge, you’ll see why it is always rated the best! AUNT LEAH makes it daily in her shop, using the freshest and finest ingredients. She has more than 40 scrumptious flavors. Her most popular fudge flavor is chocolate peanut butter, which has a layer of rich peanut butter fudge on the bottom, topped with a layer of decadent chocolate fudge. AUNT LEAH also has her famous chocolate-covered cranberries. The cranberries come in both milk and dark chocolate or a mixture of both. Both the fudge and chocolate-covered cranberries make unique island wedding favors or gifts for special events. auntleahs.com
The Rainbow Fleet
Open Monday-Saturday 10am to 5pm
167 Orange Street
Clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories therainbowfleetnantucket.com
Shop sustainably at THE RAINBOW FLEET, Nantucket’s year round women’s consignment boutique located mid-island near the rotary. We carefully select the best vintage, modern and designer pieces from over 450 island consignors, and steam-clean them into new life daily! From clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories to one of a kind finds from local artists, you can find your own style in our relaxed atmosphere—complete with outdoor covered shopping, dressing rooms, and, yes, ample parking! We aim to provide sustainable and affordable fashion options for all… great for the planet and your wallet too! Follow us on Instagram @therainbowfleet
Deadline is Sept. 12, 2023 - CASH PRIZES Box 626, Nantucket, MA 02554
See winners & entries online at Nantucket.net
ENTER EARLY & OFTEN! This annual photo contest is a popular way to share your photos of Nantucket with the world. Winners of previous contests are online at The Insider’s Guide to Nantucket: nantucket.net. The 2022 Contest has begun: DEADLINE TO ENTER IS SEPTEMBER 12, 2023. We accept copyright-free images of Nantucket present and past. Email your high resolution photo entries to ACKPhotoContest@gmail.com or mail us a CD or thumb drive with electronic images from your digital camera. Please make sure your digital images are high-resolution. You can even mail in your prints of Nantucket Island. Visit Nantucket.net to see a great selection past entries and winners. nantucket.net/photo-contest-entry
The UPS Store
Open Monday - Saturday
Locally owned and operated
61 Old South Road
Nantucket’s UPS STORE is in spacious quarters at 61 Old South Road and offers a variety of products and services to make your life easier: personal mailboxes, mail forwarding, UPS shipping and receiving, overnight delivery, and more. THE UPS STORE offers a wide variety of copy and print services, including b&w and color copies, output from disks, wide format printing, laminating, collating, and a full range of finishing services. You can even go there for notary services, passport photos, and mail boxes. THE UPS STORE makes high quality, full color banners and posters! Plenty off-street parking. THE UPS STORE: let them help you!
everyone; beads to fit Pandora, rings, bracelets and of course our charm bar, where you can create your own unique island necklace. Shop year round in store or visit us online at BlueBeetleNantucket.com
Icarus + Co.
Available online: Nantucket shop opens in June
Jewelry and Home Decor in June: 19 Old South Wharf
Nature is our muse and jewelry is our love language. Take home your own piece of Nantucket with our exclusive collection of Nantucket beach stone jewelry. We transform local beach stones and natural objects into stunning pieces of wearable treasure. We are currently available online. Our Old South Wharf shop will open in June. Follow us on Instagram for exclusive behind the scenes content @nantucketbeachstones. icarusandco.com
Jewelers’ Gallery of Nantucket
Fine Antique & Estate Jewelry
Open daily at 21 Centre Street
JEWELERS’ GALLERY offers Nantucket’s largest collection of antique and estate jewelry, including pieces by Tiffany, Cartier, Webb, and more. Stop in to see our classic period pieces. We specialize in diamond, sapphire, and emerald engagement and anniversary rings. We also carry exquisite island classics, including the Turk’s Head braided bracelet, Nautical Cable Collections, gem-set Sailors’ Valentines, and handwoven gold lightship basket jewelry. Also featured at JEWELERS’ GALLERY is an outstanding collection of beautifully designed jewelry by leading American goldsmiths: Diana Kim England, Louis Reyes, Thomas Kruskal, and more. Each unique piece is skillfully crafted in platinum, 18K, or 14K gold and will be a treasured keepsake from historic Nantucket. JEWELERS’ GALLERY: serving Nantucket since 1971. jewelersgallery.com
Nantucket Estate Jewelry and Fine Arts
Open for the season with stunning new pieces
Jewelry, Lightship Baskets, Art, Scrimshaw, & more
1 Orange Street
We feature fine estate jewelry in all price ranges - antique, vintage, and contemporary - including designers such as Tiffany, Cartier, Bulgari, Roberto Coin, and David Yurman. We also sell sterling silver jewelry and flatware and hollowware. We also carry a large assortment of Nantucket baskets and carved Nantucket purses, as well as a fine selection of antique scrimshaw. We stock an assortment of quality art work, including antique paintings, nautical items, maps, and island works by local artists. Nantucketestatejewelry.com
Nantucket Pearl Company
Open for the 2023 season: Free Daffy Bracelet Raffle online & in the G.S. Hill Gallery, 40 Straight Wharf American made, hand-strung pearl jewelry nantucketpearlcompany.com
Authentic American-made jewelry from quality pearls at affordable prices. Jewelry designer Pam Freitus creates unique jewelry from hand-picked pearls, stones, leather, crystals and glass. On some pieces, pearls are interspersed with turquoise, on others, the Ying and Yang of black and white is featured, or sapphire and diamond bling may be chosen to set off the soft reflection of the pearl’s whiteness. Look for Pam’s signature, a small red bead that identifies the piece as hers.
NANTUCKET PEARL COMPANY jewelry is available exclusively at Hill’s of Nantucket, 40 Straight Wharf. STOP IN TO ENTER OUR FREE DAFFY BRACELET RAFFLE! Drawing on May 1.
Linen Drops
Linen Rental Service. Avoid the hassles & leave the linens to us!
to help you. Call Beth Ann Meehan at 508-247-1709 or Lauren Ard at 508-247-1795 or visit our website at capecodfive.com
The Dreamland Movie LIne:
Nantucket’s Film & Cultural Center
Drive-in Movies, In-Theater Films, Concerts, & Events
17 South Water Street
THE NANTUCKET DREAMLAND is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching the cultural and intellectual life of Nantucket by providing year-round films, educational programs, and a venue for community activities that engage Nantucket in the evolving world of entertainment and education. Films are shown in our 314-seat Main Theatre, in our 110-seat Studio Theatre, and seasonally at our Drive-In at 7 Nobadeer Farm Road. Tickets are available at NantucketDreamland.org. Become a member and get special access, special pricing, and even free tickets! Check our schedule for film showings, Dreamland Stage productions, special concerts & events in the DREAMLAND’s Harbor View Room. NantucketDreamland.org
Nantucket Historical Association
Your portal to Nantucket history
“Summer on Nantucket” exhibit opens May 26
15 Broad Street
No trip to Nantucket is complete without a trip to the NANTUCKET WHALING MUSEUM . In this top-quality exhibition venue, visitors can see a 46-foot sperm whale skeleton, a restored 1847 candle factory, exquisite collections of scrimshaw, artwork, artifacts from centuries of Nantucket life, and a fully accessible rooftop observation deck with an unmatched panoramic view and cozy seating. Discover treasures from Nantucket’s cellars and attics in the newly redesigned, artifactrich Hadwen & Barney Oil & Candle Factory. Don’t miss the film “Nantucket,” directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Ric Burns. Showcasing the island’s natural beauty and its significant role in global history, this 51-minute film is a feast for the eyes, offering a transformative experience for islanders and visitors alike. All this and more can be found at the Nantucket Whaling Museum. nha.org
Nantucket Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum
Daily Family Activities, Museum Talks & Tours Honoring the Past & Investing in the Future
Opening May 26, 2023 drive or take a free shuttle to 158 Polpis Road
Discover Nantucket’s unwavering human spirit: The NANTUCKET SHIPWRECK & LIFESAVING
MUSEUM is devoted to the history of Nantucket lifesaving, famous shipwrecks and rescues around the island, life-saving equipment, daily routine at life-saving stations, and the United States Coast Guard. Family-friendly programs & displays appeal to all ages. The Museum shares the fascinating stories through permanent and changing interpretive exhibits, drawing on a collection of over 5,000 objects including period surfboats, beach carts, Fresnel lenses from Brant Point & Great Point lights, vintage photographs, short movies and more. The museum opens May 26. Check their website for other 2023 events: eganmaritime.org/shipwreck-lifesaving-museum. The Museum is an affiliate of the Egan Maritime Institute. eganmaritime.org
Arrowhead Nursery & Furniture
Where Home & Garden Meet
9 Wampanoag Way
Outdoor & Indoor Furniture, Home Accessories, Garden Needs arrowheadnursery.com
LINEN DROPS provides resort-quality bed and bath linens for short-term vacation rental properties. Bedsheets, duvet covers, bath towels (including Matouk luxury), bath mats, beach towels, and more. Consistently fresh linens are professionally laundered, pressed, and delivered on your turnover schedule. For more info: LinenDrops.com or 844-9-linens LinenDrops.com
Egan Maritime Institute
Maritime Education, History, Museum, Events & more
EGAN MARITIME INSTITUTE members enjoy many benefits: unlimited admission to the Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum, access to historic and educational programs, and unique opportunities to sail aboard the Tall Ship Lynx. Sea of Opportunities is one of their offerings: a diverse offering of education and outreach programs available to every Nantucket student at multiple points throughout their education. It seeds the maritime workforce of tomorrow and opens doors for local youth to opportunities that will enhance their futures and our coastal community. eganmaritime.org
Cape Cod 5
Open Monday-Friday
We’ll make your dream come true!
112 Pleasant Street and Zero Main Street
CAPE COD FIVE will give you more than just a mortgage... they’ll help make your dream come true! Fixed Rate, Adjustable Rate, Jumbo Loans, Affordable Housing, Construction & Land Loans for first time home buyers. Our knowledgeable, experienced mortgage loan officers are available
ARROWHEAD NURSERY & SHOWROOM has a spacious garden center with a fabulous selection of plants, flowers, pottery, fountains, statues, garden structures, and garden accessories. In addition, their indoor showroom carries the largest selection of indoor & outdoor furniture on the island, featuring teak, aluminum patio sets and more. Stop by their location near the airport, just beyond the Thai House restaurant, and browse through their wide variety of home accessories, including decorative items, table settings, indoor furniture, and unique gifts. ARROWHEAD NURSERY & SHOWROOM...where home and garden meet.
Petty Folk Art & Carving
508-332-9925 or 508-619-7554
Formerly Nantucket Carving & Folk Art serving the Cape & Islands for 16 years
Quarterboards, Shop Signs, Art Carving pettyfolkartandcarving.com
Folk artist Jean Petty and her brother David Perry specialize in custom handcarved quarterboards, business signs, & house numbers. They are responsible for many of the beautiful signs visitors see plus 100s of quarterboards that adorn the homes on Nantucket. They offer restoration of quarterboards, signs, and ship models. Restored the carving “Going on a Whale” at the Nantucket Whaling Museum in 2015. Gift certificates available. Visit them at pettyfolkartandcarving.com, see their show schedule and take a virtual tour: youtu.be/c95SYBE5RVg of some of their artwork available. Call or email all inquiries to jean@pettyfolkartandcarving.com
The Preserve at Fawn Lane
Quintessential new construction Nantucket homes
4- to 6-BR homes near town & beach
THE PRESERVE AT FAWN LANE presents the rare opportunity to own a custom-built four- to six-
bedroom Nantucket home. Comprised of just 10 lots, each with its own in-ground swimming or plunge pool, the development is less than two miles to town and offers easy access to all of Nantucket’s dune-backed beaches. For information call or send an email to Kevin Caulfield at kc@compass.com
ACK Distinctive Properties
Call now to reserve your summer vacation home!
Find your perfect Nantucket Home
ACK Distinctive Properties, LLC is committed to bringing the highest level of customer service to real estate in Nantucket, MA. Our job doesn’t end when we sign a rental agreement or close on a house. Instead, we endeavor to offer world-class service at every stage – from keeping our clients informed about market changes and events on the island to offering personalized rental services, curated sales advice, contractual work, and more. We help you enjoy your Nantucket life to its fullest and to serve your needs with the utmost integrity, discretion, and distinction. This commitment from our agents and managing partner includes providing our clients with the highest level of information. We will keep you updated on the changing nature of the Nantucket real estate market, micro-target your Nantucket area for tailored research and advice and share with you what is trending, and what is not. ackdp.com
Native Shoes
Live Lightly
Open daily at 40 Straight Wharf
From the beach to the bike ride, on the rainy days and the cocktail parties at night, NATIVE SHOES makes it easy to live lightly with a thoughtful selection of ultra lightweight, easy-to-wear shoes for both kids and adults. Find us right next to the Hy-Line Ferry.
Blooming Bids for Fairwinds
TWN’s 2023 season subscriptions available now For Tickets: visit our website Nantucket’s Longest Running Professional Theatre theatrenantucket.org
THEATRE WORKSHOP of Nantucket has been the island’s live theatre company since 1956. Their 2023 season opens with the smart & clever comedy BOEING BOEING on June 7. The season continues with productions of ROCK OF AGES, the Teen Production of GREASE, JAMES GALLAGHER, and ELF THE MUSICAL. Ticket sell fast: buy a season subscription at theatrenantucket.org. Individual ticket sales start May 1. TWN: Where Nantucket Meets Broadway
Hospital Thrift Shop
Opening Day is MAY 8 at 10 am
Clothing, housewares, furniture & more
17 India Street
In 1929, a small group of dedicated women volunteers established the Thrifty Shop, selling affordable, recycled men, women and children clothing, household items and furniture to benefit the Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Now incorporated as THE HOSPITAL THRIFT SHOP this store has donated millions to the NCH. Opening Day for the 2023 season is Monday, May 8 at 10 am: visit our website for all 2023 hours hospitalthriftshop.org
Seconds Shop
Open Daily 10-4, closed Wednesday
Call about making donations
Thursday, June 22 at Bartlett’s Farm
33 Bartlett’s Farm Road Benefit for Fairwinds - Nantucket’s Counseling Center fairwindscenter.org
BLOOMING BIDS FOR FAIRWINDS will be held this year on June 22. A live and online charity auction is held from 10am to 7 pm; in-person celebration from 5 to 7pm, with farm-to-table hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer, mocktails, and music. To buy your tickets, visit fairwindscenter.org and click on the link on the EVENTS drop down. In collaboration with NCH, and other community partners, FAIRWINDS has launched a new model of rural behavioral health care and has been designated the “Community Behavioral Health Center for Nantucket” by the state of MA. This includes critical 24-hour crisis management. Please join us and show that you care that all the people in our community have access to essential and compassionate mental health services.
Saturday, May 27 - Tickets at nctv18.org
Film festival championing women filmmakers ‘Sconset Casino, New St in Siasconset
LUNAFEST® is a traveling film festival dedicated to championing women filmmakers, while bringing people & perspectives together. Nantucket Community Television is hosting an evening of inspiration, celebrating change through the art of filmmaking, with catering by Lemon Press, music by DJ Pete Ahern, silent auction, & more! The 22st annual LUNAFEST® 2023 will be hosted by Heather Unruh at the Sconset Casino. This year, LUNAFEST® debuts 7 stunning new short films that tackle universal themes of friendship, bravery, and community while also breaking down barriers and celebrating the importance of finding joy. Doors open at the Siasconset Casino at 5 pm. The evening begins with a cocktail hour & silent auction followed by the films. Buy your tickets now at nctv18.org
Nantucket Atheneum
Open 6 days a week, year-round
1 India Street
Nantucket’s Free Public Library & Gathering Place nantucketatheneum.org
THE NANTUCKET ATHENEUM, our island’s public library is a vital community hub. We are open year-round, 6 days a week, and offer materials and services for all ages. More than 170,000 people come through our doors annually, where they have free access to 1.6 million books and a large collection of CDs, and DVDs. In addition, we offer many web-based services, free computer use, WIFI, and more than 1,300 educational and cultural programs a year. Our historic building, which opened in 1847, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and filled with beautiful art and artifacts that celebrate our maritime heritage and the history of Nantucket.
Summer Shades
Open daily
The Island’s largest selection of sunglasses
The Courtyard, Straight Wharf
Featuring sunglasses by Chanel, Oliver Peoples, Tory Burch, Maui Jims, Oakley, Salt, Ray Ban, Tom Ford, Smith, Costa, Persol, and many others. Summer Shades has been doing business on the island for more than 30 years. Visit us in our spacious downtown location: in the front shop of The Courtyard on Straight Wharf.
Proceeds benefit Fairwinds - Nantucket’s Counseling Center 32 Sparks Avenue Looking to expand your wardrobe on a budget or need some items for your home at affordable prices? SECONDS SHOP, open at 32 Sparks Ave (between On Island Gas and Cumberland Farms), is the perfect place to shop! Here you’ll find a great selection of gently used clothing, jewelry, house wares, small furnishings, books, and more. There’s an ever-changing variety, so visit often — you never know what treasures you may find. Donations of saleable items in good condition are accepted daily. And your shopping is helping a worthy island cause: proceeds benefit Fairwinds: Nantucket’s Counseling Center. Bring in the display ad in this publication for $5 off your purchase of $25 or more. secondsshop.org
Nantucket Island Tours
Two Great Tours starting May 26: book early online Departing from Greenhound Station on Washington St 10 Washington Street
Nantucket’s Premiere Transportation Co
NANTUCKET ISLAND TOURS is the largest provider of tours, charters, & transportation services on-island. For more than 70 years, Nantucket Island Tours offers daily tours, corporate charters, wedding & event transportation. Hop aboard one of our beautiful new air-conditioned buses & meet our experienced local guides. We offer multiple tours daily, the 95-minute Signature Tour which departs 3 x a day and the longer, 2-and-a-half-hour Westender Tour which departs daily. You will learn the history of our diverse island, from the founders, the Whaling Industry through current day. See the Oldest House, The Old Mill, The African American Meeting House, The Village of Sconset, Sankaty Head Lighthouse, The Egan Maritime Museum...and many more beautiful sights. Departures are from 10 Washington Street, The Greenhound Building. Buy tickets in advance at nantucketbustours.com with your HyLine ferry ticket or in-person at 10 Washington Street. Tours sell out daily: advance reservations recommended. nantucketbustours.com
Gail’s Tours, Inc.
Departures at approx. 10 am, 1 pm, & 3 pm Call for reservations & pickup Pickup at 25 Federal St, across from Information Bureau
Personal scenic Island tours: voted “Best of Nantucket”
GAIL’S TOURS, tours of Nantucket guided by native islander Gail Johnson who has been giving tours for more than 25 years, gives you a look at the Island with a personal touch. Gail leads tours in her 14-passenger van with comfortable individual seats, AC, huge windows, and leg room! She’ll pick you up at 25 Federal Street approximately 10 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm every day. The tour lasts 13/4 hours to 2 hours, and passengers are welcome at any time during Gail’s tour to get out to take photos. Private charters are available. Call for reservations: if Gail is on a tour, she’ll call you back.
Nantucket Walkabout
Book online & pickup at Handlebar Cafe, 15 Washington St
Daily Guided Wilderness Hikes on Nantucket see website for hikes & times
Explore Nantucket’s wilderness with “Walking Nantucket” and “Nantucket: A Natural History” author and naturalist Peter Brace, and learn how the last glacier formed the island. Experience wildlife and rare plants. Learn about Nantucket’s conservation efforts, ecology, and the Native Americans that lived here. Rated 5 out of 5 on Trip Advisor. $50 adults, $25 age 12 & younger. Private hikes available. Apple Pay, Android Pay, MC, Visa, Amex, & Discover accepted. Get details & make reservations at nantucketwalkabout.com or 508-422-7466. nantucketwalkabout.com
Nantucket Walking Tours
Ghost Walks, morning exercise walks + afternoon tours. Call for Private Tours
See calendar for times & where to meet
Explore Nantucket: No reservations necessary
The ORIGINAL NANTUCKET GHOST WALK is the most popular walking tour ever on Nantucket. A fascinating evening stroll to five of the island’s most haunted locations, led by the original guide. See Calendar of Events for date & times & descriptions. Meet the guide 10 min. early at the corner of Main & Centre sts, near the bank steps. Discounts for groups of 10 or more. Cash only. No reservations necessary. Private tours are available for all walks. whjamieson@gmail.com
Travel daily; see schedule for times
Make your reservations online Straight Wharf
High-Speed, Passenger-Only, Ferry Service from Hyannis
Year-round, High-Speed Ferry Service between Nantucket and Hyannis. Seasonal, High-Speed InterIsland Ferry Service between Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. With our convenient, daily departures all summer, let us whisk you away to the Cape, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard! While onboard, enjoy freshly-made food from our snack bar also featuring local beer, wine, and spirits. Visit us online for schedules, reservations, helpful blog posts, and more! hylinecruises.com
Steamship Authority
Reservations Daily: 7:30am - 4pm
1 Steamboat Wharf steamshipauthority.com
Nantucket Bake Shop
All the delicious freshly baked treats & bread you love. Come in to try our new Gluten Free donuts
Open Year-Round. See current hours below.
17-1/2 Old South Road
Interested in enjoying an authentic bit of Nantucket? You still can in the NANTUCKET BAKE SHOP
Here you’ll find genuine Portuguese bread & rolls. Be tempted by our world-famous almond macaroons and Magees. For breakfast, try our egg sandwiches, fresh donuts, native cranberry & blueberry muffins, scones, flaky croissants, & danish accompanied by a steaming cup of Green Mountain coffee. We bake decorated cakes, fresh fruit tortes, cheesecake, chocolate velvets, and pastries. Everyday favorites include cookies, fruit squares, turnovers, fudge squares, pies, cupcakes, & more! Our traditional baked goods are preservative free and hand batched on Nantucket Island. Most of our cookies and our granola are gluten free. Take our Portuguese bread home so your friends can enjoy a bit of old Nantucket. For mail order, visit our website. Current spring hours are 6:30am to 1:30pm Tuesday through Saturday Nantucketbakeshop.com
Cisco Brewers
Open 7 Days a Week
Home of Cisco Brewers, Nantucket Vineyard, and 888
our notorious karaoke competitions, we have your entertainment needs covered. In-season, we have entertainment 7 days a week, with early and late-night options, so everyone has a chance to enjoy the fun. Check our website for off-season entertainment listings. Theroseandcrown.com
Bartlett’s Farm
Open Daily, Year Round
Farm Grown Produce | Garden Center | Groceries | Beer & Wine
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner To Go
33 Bartlett Farm Road
A 7th generation family farm growing fresh vegetables on 200 acres of historic Nantucket farm land. Find our full service grocery store onsite with specialty items like quality meats, artisanal cheeses and dairy, olive oils, organic snacks, and more. Order groceries and made to order foods online at Bartlettsfarm.com. Peruse our selection of ‘well-farmed’ wines, craft beers and ciders. Our FARM KITCHEN offers take-out breakfast sandwiches, muffins, pastries, coffee and tea…for lunch we have sandwiches, lobster rolls, clam chowder...dinner specials include roast turkey, veggie curry, and prime rib dinner. Grab lunch on your way to the beach, or food and beverages for your BBQ on the way home. Bartlett’s Farm, Who’s Your Farmer? bartlettsfarm.com
Cook’s Cafe
Open Daily for Takeout
Healthy Take Out — Wraps & Smoothies
6 South Beach Street
COOK’S CAFE is the way to eat healthy while you’re on Nantucket. Start your day right with one of their breakfast wraps, a toasted bagel, and a cup of freshly brewed coffee or a refreshing breakfast smoothie. Their Mermaid Magic Smoothie is a great way to start your day! For lunch or later, order one of COOK’S hearty wraps—there are more than 15 to choose from in two sizes, and they also have vegan specialties! All wraps are affordably priced. Go international with the “Bangkok Chicken Wrap,” the “Tokyo Curry Wrap,” the “Napoleon,” or try one of their tasty Bowls. They also have some classics: Italian, Turkey, Tuna Salad, Buffalo Chicken, and more! COOK’s smoothies make a terrific afternoon snack. You can call in or order online at cookscafenantucket.com
Crosswinds Restaurant & Bar
Open daily 6 am to 9 pm all year 14 Airport Road at the Nantucket Airport
Biggest portions & great food at the best prices; Free & Easy Parking
“Fly into CROSSWINDS...where our huge portions and delicious daily specials will keep your pockets full and your spirits soaring!” Stop by anytime and join us at the Nantucket Memorial Airport, home of the classic “Wings” television series. We have something for everyone on our fun and diverse menu which spans breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Feel free to bring the kiddies with you, because we also have a complete children’s menu, as well. Whether you’re waiting for a plane or just want to relax with a tasty and filling meal at a great price, Crosswinds is the place to go. Come meet our friendly, courteous staff for a casually elegant dining experience and see what’s new at Crosswinds. CrosswindsNantucket.com
Full Breakfast & Lunch & Takeout
A Nantucket Tradition for 88 Years
18 Sparks Avenue
Serving breakfast and lunch daily, THE DOWNYFLAKE is a Nantucket tradition known for the big doughnut outside and warm, homemade doughnuts inside. The DOWNYFLAKE is a family friendly, American style diner, featuring hearty Flake favorites, such as Blueberry Pancakes and Biscuits & Gravy. The menu also includes daily made soups, salads, deli sandwiches and comfort food entrees. The DOWNYFLAKE has comfy indoor dining, plus the entire menu is available to go. Open Mon., Tues, Thurs.-Sat. 6:30 am to 2 pm (with lunch items 11 am to 2 pm) and Sun. 6:30 am to 1 pm. Closed Wednesdays for now. thedownyflake.com
The Faregrounds
5 Bartlett Farm Road
CISCO BREWERS is Nantucket’s first & only craft brewery and prides itself on celebrating a deeprooted New England island heritage through its portfolio of approachable, sessionable, and coastally-inspired beers. Founded near Cisco Beach in 1995 by hard-working, entrepreneurial islanders, CISCO BREWERS has gained a cult-like following across the Northeast. Visit its openair beer garden while on Nantucket to enjoy a laid-back, good times atmosphere, live music, and a refreshing pint or two or a craft cocktail made with our own 888. Private tours may be arranged in advance. Table seating is first-come, first-served — reservations are not accepted. Family & dogfriendly. ciscobrewers.com
Rose & Crown
Fri, & Sat 11:30 am to 1 am AND Sun.-Thurs. 11:30 am to 11 pm
Come for the Food, Stay for the Fun!
23 South Water Street
THE ROSE & CROWN is a favorite among locals and visitors. We are Nantucket’s only Downtown Nightclub. Whether it’s live local music, guided paint nights, house DJs, big screens for games, or
Lunch, dinner, & late night menu daily from 11:30 am Indoor & Outside Dining
Delicious & affordable. Gift Cards available
27 Fairgrounds Road
One of Nantucket’s favorite restaurants, THE FAREGROUNDS is serving its regular menus with daily specials. Try their tasty Off-Shore Nibbles, their amazing BBQ Pulled Pork Nachos, one of their char-grilled specialty burgers, or indulge in some of their sensational seafood dishes! They
have hearty hot and cold sandwiches and salads, and their pizzas are a favorite with patrons! There’s plenty of parking; major credit cards accepted. Visit thefaregrounds.com to see the menus and call FAREGROUNDS at 508-228-4095 to order your takeout. Call ahead to reserve one of their outdoor dining tables! thefaregrounds.com
All the delicious freshly baked treats & bread you love. Come in to try our new Gluten Free donuts
17-1/2 Old South Road
Interested in enjoying an authentic bit of Nantucket? You still can in the NANTUCKET BAKE SHOP
Here you’ll find genuine Portuguese bread & rolls. For breakfast, try our egg sandwiches, fresh donuts, native cranberry & blueberry muffins, scones, flaky croissants, & danish accompanied by a steaming cup of Green Mountain coffee. Everyday favorites include cookies, fruit squares, turnovers, fudge squares, pies, cupcakes, & more! How about an all white meat chicken pie or fresh spinach quiche for a quick supper? Take our Portuguese bread home so your friends can enjoy a bit of old Nantucket. For mail order, visit our website. Nantucketbakeshop.com
Siam to Go
508-228-SIAM (7426)
Lunch: Mon.-Fri. 11 am to 2 pm; Dinner: Mon.-Fri. 4 to 7 pm Nantucket Ice, 1 Backus Ln
Thai Cuisine made with fresh ingredients at reasonable prices
SIAM TO GO offers an appealing selection of authentic Thai cuisine that is light, fresh, and traditional. The menu includes Thai curries, noodle and rice dishes, and house specialties, offered with a choice of chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, fried tofu, or vegetables. The Create Your Own Curry section of the menu allows you to pair a protein with any of their six favorite curries. The entree section of the menu is especially tempting, with dishes like Kai Yad Sai (Thai-style Egg Fu Yung) and Ram Rong Song. While the menu is extensive, every dish is prepared well and fresh to order, so call ahead to take home or to the beach, or sit at a table in the ice rink lobby and enjoy a taste of Thailand. siamtogonantucket.com
Cisco Brewers
Open 7 Days a Week
5 Bartlett Farm Road
Live Entertainment Is Back - check website for schedule ciscobrewers.com
CISCO BREWERS is Nantucket’s first & only craft brewery and prides itself on celebrating a deeprooted New England island heritage through its portfolio of approachable, sessionable, and coastally-inspired beers. Founded near Cisco Beach in 1995 by hard-working, entrepreneurial islanders, CISCO BREWERS has gained a cult-like following across the Northeast. Visit its openair beer garden while on Nantucket to enjoy a laid-back, good times atmosphere, live music, and a refreshing pint or two or a craft cocktail made with our own 888. Private tours may be arranged in advance. Table seating is first-come, first-served — reservations are not accepted.
Bartlett’s Farm
Open Daily, Year Round
Farm Grown Produce | Garden Center | Groceries | Beer & Wine
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner To Go
Bartlett Farm Road
A 7th generation family farm growing fresh vegetables on 200 acres of historic Nantucket farm land. Find our full service grocery store onsite with specialty items like quality meats, artisanal cheeses and dairy, olive oils, organic snacks, and more. Order groceries and made to order foods online at Bartlettsfarm.com. Peruse our selection of ‘well-farmed’ wines, craft beers and ciders. Our Farm kitchen offers take-out breakfast sandwiches, muffins, pastries, coffee and tea…for lunch we have sandwiches, lobster rolls, clam chowder...dinner specials include roast turkey, veggie curry, and prime rib dinner. Grab lunch on your way to the beach, or food and beverages for your BBQ on the way home. Bartlett’s Farm, Who’s Your Farmer? bartlettsfarm.com
The Brotherhood of Thieves
Open 7 days a week 11:30 am to midnight
Good food. Good drinks. Good company.
23 Broad Street
Whether you are a first-time or returning visitor to Nantucket, THE BROTHERHOOD OF THIEVES, 23 Broad Street, must be on your To Do List! This landmark island eatery, offers 4 concepts to enjoy—a downstairs pub echoing a 1840s Whaling tavern, a second floor Cisco Kitchen & Bar with a surf shack vibe and live music, the Notch Whiskey Bar, and a Beer Garden on their patio—all in the heart of downtown Nantucket. THE BROTHERHOOD’s different menus feature fresh salads, sushi, hot & cold appetizers, nachos, hearty burgers & sandwiches, their famous curly fries, and entrees featuring fish, chicken, and steak. To accompany your meal, THE BROTHERHOOD serves Cisco & other craft beers on draft, wines by the glass & by the bottle, and more than a dozen signature cocktails. brotherhoodnantucket.com
Crosswinds Restaurant & Bar
Open daily 6 am to 9 pm all year 14 Airport Road at the Nantucket Airport
Biggest portions & great food at the best prices; Free & Easy Parking
“Fly into CROSSWINDS...where our huge portions and delicious daily specials will keep your pockets full and your spirits soaring!” Stop by anytime and join us at the Nantucket Memorial Airport, home of the classic “Wings” television series. We have something for everyone on our fun and diverse menu which spans breakfast (6:30am-1:30pm), lunch, and dinner. We have extensive beer, wine, and cocktail selections. Feel free to bring the kiddies with you, because we also have a complete children’s menu,
as well. Whether you’re waiting for a plane or just want to relax with a tasty and filling meal at a great price, Crosswinds is the place to go. Come meet our friendly, courteous staff for a casually elegant dining experience and see what’s new at Crosswinds. CrosswindsNantucket.com
A Nantucket Tradition for 88 Years
18 Sparks Avenue
Breakfast & Lunch & Takeout Mon.-Sat 6:30 am-2pm (clsed Wed.) Sundays from 6:30-1 pm
THE DOWNYFLAKE is a Nantucket tradition known for the big doughnut outside and warm, homemade doughnuts inside. The DOWNYFLAKE is a family friendly, American style diner, featuring hearty Flake favorites, such as Blueberry Pancakes and Biscuits & Gravy. The menu also includes daily made soups, salads, deli sandwiches and comfort food entrees. The DOWNYFLAKE has comfy indoor dining, plus the entire menu is available to go. Open Mon., Tues, Thurs.-Sat. 6:30 am to 2 pm (with lunch items 11 am to 2 pm) and Sun. 6:30 am to 1 pm. Closed Wednesdays for now. thedownyflake.com
Where chic meets casual comfort
Bar Opens at 5 pm; Serving Dinner from 5:30 pm
20 Broad Street
DUNE is open for the season with Chef Michael Getter, formerly of 21 Federal and American Seasons, in the kitchen! The décor in three distinct dining rooms is a blend of sophisticated elegance and soothing comfort. They also serve on a sheltered patio and have sidewalk cafestyle dining. DUNE offer an extensive selection of handcrafted cocktails, wines, liquors and cordials along with tempting dinner and dessert menus. The ever-changing menu showcases an innovative selection of the finest in seasonal local produce, fish, and meats from regional farms and select purveyors. DuneNantucket.com
The Faregrounds
Lunch, dinner, & late night menu daily from 11:30 am Indoor & Outside Dining
Affordable Family Dining
27 Fairgrounds Road
FAREGROUNDS is one of Nantucket’s favorite year round restaurants (and we are sports fanatics, with 15 HDTVs)! Choose between the Pudley’s Pub, the cool ocean breeze while you enjoy outdoor dining, and the quiet of FAREGROUNDS dining room! Our affordable fare is complemented by daily specials. We are THE perfect place to satisfy everyone in your party! FAREGROUNDS is the right place to reunite with friends, enjoy a beer and cheer on your team; or gather the family and savor a great meal while enjoying those who matter. thefaregrounds.com
Rose & Crown
Fri, & Sat 11:30 am to 1 am AND Sun.-Thurs. 11:30 am to 11 pm theroseandcrown.com
Indoor & Outdoor Dining ~ Takeout Available
23 South Water Street
THE ROSE & CROWN is a perennial favorite of islanders and visitors. Stop by for one of the largest draft Craft Beer selections on the island and our scratch made Eclectic Pub Fare. We offer everything you could desire, including nachos and wings, sandwiches and our famous burgers, lobster rolls, local seafood, and mouth watering steaks, plus gluten-free and vegetarian options. Always family friendly with a children’s menu. Eat indoors or at our sidewalk tables. And you can order online for takeout. Check theroseandcrown.com for current hours, menus, & daily specials.
Siam to Go
Lunch: Mon.-Fri. 11 am to 2 pm; Dinner: Mon.-Fri. 4 to 7 pm
508-228-SIAM (7426)
Thai Cuisine made with fresh ingredients at reasonable prices Nantucket Ice, 1 Backus Ln SIAM TO GO offers an appealing selection of authentic Thai cuisine that is light, fresh, and traditional. The menu includes Thai curries, noodle and rice dishes, and house specialties, offered with a choice of chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, fried tofu, or vegetables. The Create Your Own Curry section of the menu allows you to pair a protein with any of their six favorite curries. The entree section of the menu is especially tempting, with dishes like Kai Yad Sai (Thai-style Egg Fu Yung) and Ram Rong Song. While the menu is extensive, every dish is prepared well and fresh to order, so call ahead to take home or to the beach, or sit at a table in the ice rink lobby and enjoy a taste of Thailand. siamtogonantucket.com
Souza’s Seafood
Open year-round 9 am to 6 pm
Stop by and enter our weekly Meg-a-Fish Free Seafood Drawing
23 Trotter’s Lane
SOUZA’S SEAFOOD, under the red and white flag on Trotter’s Lane, offers a full line of quality seafoods both fresh and frozen. The selection changes daily and can include (while they last): littlenecks, cherrystones, lobsters, swordfish, shrimp, quahogs, & more! Selection changes daily. Call ahead and arrange for a cooked lobster for a picnic at home, on the beach, or on the boat. Remember to order a travel pack of lobsters to take off-island with you. Sign up for our free MEGA-FISH drawing!
Current Vintage
Open for the 2023 Season!
Wine • Clothing • Home • Gifts • Provisions
4 Easy Street
CURRENT VINTAGE is a fun and original concept store with a carefully edited mix of vintage clothing & accessories, wines, cheeses, beer, and home goods. Choose from a selection of nearly 400 wines, including many organic and small production options. Stop by CV in town at 4 Easy Street for the perfect custom gift basket, and try our monthly Sommelier Sampler! CV is a beloved island institution, celebrating more than 15 years in the heart of Nantucket. Join us for fun vibe & serious wines! currentvintage.com
11 to 11:45 AM - Free Music & Movement for 5+
from page 13
Kids + their caretakers enjoy songs, rhymes, & stories in English and in Spanish. Register at NantucketCommunityMusicCenter.org
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Microscope Mayhem for Ages 10+
An opportunity to explore hidden gems with MMA staff as you learn to operate scientific-grade compound microscopes! Adult must accompany children. $15. Pre-registration required: 508-228-9198 MariaMitchell.org
2 PM - Shawkemo Hills Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Hike a portion of the island dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover most of North America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508422-7466
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone?
Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
7 PM - Cinco de Mayo Night Music
Music from DJ Pete Ahern, cash bar, photo booth in Dreamland’s Harbor View Room & Deck. Tickets $35 (+$2 service fee) at nantucketdreamland.org
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Gardner Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands & contains pitch pine forests with a walkway over a cattail-choked inlet. Hike is near Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
9:30 AM to 4 PM - Grab and Go Wish Fish
Make yourself a colorful fish and send your wishes off on the wind! Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
9:45 to 10:15 AM - Nanpuppets at the Atheneum
Join Lizza and her puppet friends for songs & fun in the garden. Dress appropriately for the weather & bring a blanket to sit on. Nantucket Atheneum Garden, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Historic Mansions of Main Street and America’s Oldest Windmill
A 1.8 mi, 45 min. exercise walk with historic commentary past whaling era mansions & back downtown. Cash only; $25; $20 seniors (65+) ; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 712. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
10:30 to 11:30 AM - Mindful History: Soundbath and Meditation
Join the NHA for a museum-based experience focusing on connecting participants with our exhibitions and more. This class is a combination of breathwork, hands-on sound healing and beautiful music that brings grace and peace. $20 in the Greater Light, 8 Howard Street. Register at NHA.org
11 AM to 1 PM - Biological Collections Open Hours
Learn about MMA collections at this free program in Maria Mitchell Research Center, 2 Vestal Street. 508-228-9198
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Microscope Mayhem for Ages 10+
An opportunity to explore hidden gems with MMA staff as you learn to operate scientific-grade compound microscopes! Adult must accompany children. $15. Pre-registration required: 508-228-9198 MariaMitchell.org
1:45 to 4 PM - Nantucket Bird Walk
A fascinating birding tour with Ginger Andrews of the Maria Mitchell Assn. Pre-registration is recommended. $15.
2 PM - Historic Downtown Walking Tour
A 1/2 mi, 90-min. stroll led by 3x runner-up in Nantucket History Quiz Bowl, Cash only; $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 775-325-8972
2 PM - Beechwood Farm Loop with Nantucket Walkabout
This property in Polpis shares elements of maritime or coastal heathlands habitat: native tree species, meadows, & wetlands. You’ll feel you’re exploring Yoda’s home
swamp planet of Dagobah from Star Wars. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
3 to 3:45 PM - Free Yoga for Teens
Participants will learn mindful movement strategies to stretch and strengthen muscles as well as calming mindfulness and observation strategies to reduce stress and connect to joy. No experience needed. Wear clothing you can move around in, and rememer water. Bring your own mat or use one of ours. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
3 to 4 PM - Beach BioBlitz with MMA
Learn about fascinating ecology, & geology of Nantucket’s shoreline. One adult must sign with children. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
6:15 PM - Polpis Harbor Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Salt marshes populated with nesting & fishing shorebirds, Polpis Harbor also has beautiful meadows overlooking the east cove. Get a closer look at Nantucket Harbor from a coastal bank. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Stump Swamp/Norwood Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
A mix of island terrain; forest, upland meadows, small ponds, a former cranberry bog, & a true flowing streams. A 90-120 min. dual property hike, depending on group interest. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Microscope Mayhem for Ages 10+
An opportunity to explore hidden gems with MMA staff as you learn to operate scientific-grade compound microscopes! Adult must accompany children. $15. Pre-registration required: 508-228-9198 MariaMitchell.org
2 PM - Sankaty Bluff Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
On this hike, walk south down the beach from the Hoicks Hollow Road public way to see examples of & learn about Nantucket’s geological past. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
8 AM - Lost Farm Sanctuary Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
The area is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands & has pitch pine forests and a cattail-choked inlet with a small walkway. This hike is close to Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Reservations at walknantucket.com
10 AM - Hospital Thrift Shop Opens for 2023
Wonderful bargains on clothing, furniture, housewares, jewelry, rugs, & more. Proceeds benefit Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Thrift Shop is at 17 India St
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
2 PM - Smooth Hummocks Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Smooth Hummocks is Nantucket’s version of the Midwest’s prairies, with rare wildflowers & grasses that thrive in sandy soil. It’s a fascinating island ecosystem with many things to teach. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
9:45 to 10:30 AM - Music in the Morning
Join Lizza in the garden for fun songs and singing games. Bring a blanket to sit on. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
2 PM - Shawkemo Hills Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Hike a portion of the island dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover most of North America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508422-7466
8 AM - Smith’s Point Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Nantucket’s weasternmost sand extremity is a great hike to see piping plovers, least terns and American oystercatchers during the summer & catch a glimpse of Tuckernuck Island. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
1 PM - Gardner Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands & contains pitch pine forests with a walkway over a cattail-choked inlet. Hike is near Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
continued on page 33
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone? Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
3 to 4 PM - Free Library Legos for Kids Grades 1-5
Join in some creative construction. The library will supply the LEGO bricks & you can have some fun. We’ll take a picture of you and your masterpiece. Space is limited. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
6:15 PM - Shawkemo Hills Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Hike a portion of the island shaped by the last glacier to cover most of N. America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
6:30 to 8:30 PM - Free Atheneum Knitting Group
A fun, relaxed gathering to share knitting projects with like-minded people or learn new techniques. Attendees will be required to wear a mask at all times. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Stump Swamp/Norwood Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
A mix of island terrain; forest, upland meadows, small ponds, a former cranberry bog, & a true flowing streams. A 90-120 min. dual property hike, depending on group interest. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
12:45 PM - Linda Loring Nature Foundation Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
LLNF’s publicly accessible property has easy trails thru sandplain grasslands, coastal shrublands, & along the North Head of Long Pond in sight of an active osprey nest. 110 Eel Point Road. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone? Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
6 to 7 PM - Free ELL Beginner & Intermediate English Class
For those seeking to learn basic conversation or improve English skills. Class is conducted in English; preregistration not required. For details: 508-228-1110 x113. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
8:15 to 9:15 PM - Free “Look Up” at Loines Program
Join MMA’s astronomers for a tour of Nantucket’s night sky. View the moon, planets, stars, nebulae, & distant galaxies through MMA’s telescopes & learn about constellations, phases of the moon, planets, & eclipses Registration at MariaMitchell.org
8 AM - Beechwood Farm Loop with Nantucket Walkabout
This property in Polpis shares elements of maritime or coastal heathlands habitat: native tree species, meadows, & wetlands. You’ll feel you’re exploring Yoda’s home swamp planet of Dagobah from Star Wars. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
11 to 11:45 AM - Music & Movement
A free program for up to age 5 years + their caretakers that includes songs, rhymes, and stories in English and in Spanish. Register online Nantucket Music Center, 56 Center Street. 508-228-3352 NantucketCommunityMusicCenter.org
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
Designed for the young explorer: an MMA educator will read a nature or science related book, introduce an MMA’s animal friend, & make a craft or playing games. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. Register at mariamitchell.org. $10 members/$15 non-members
1 PM - Sankaty Bluff Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
On this hike, walk south down the beach from the Hoicks Hollow Road public way to see examples of & learn about Nantucket’s geological past. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
2:30 to 3:30 PM - WYN: Whatever You Need Homework Help
Do you have science, math, or history homework that you don’t want to tackle alone? Free program for students in MMA’s Natural Science Museum; register by emailing jgurley@mariamitchell.org
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
9:30 AM to 4 PM - STEM Grab & Go Bag: Chromatography Flowers
Do you need some flowers for Mother’s Day tomorrow? Stop by the Weezie Library and pick up this week’s STEM project: Chromatography Flowers. Watch how color can separate as it moves through water. Supplies & instructions incl. While supplies last. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
9:45 to 10:15 AM - Nanpuppets at the Atheneum
Join Lizza and her puppet friends for songs & fun in the garden. Dress appropriately for the weather & bring a blanket to sit on. Nantucket Atheneum Garden, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Fabulous Mansions of the Cliff & Brant Point
2-1/2 mi, 1 hr. exercise walk with historic commentary past spectacular homes. End at White Elephant Hotel. Cash Only, $25; $20 for 65+; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 712. Meet at Main & Centre by bank steps 10 min early 774-325-8972
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
10:30 AM to 12 PM - Book Signing with Nancy Thayer
Meet the author of All the Days of Summer and many other novels at Mitchell’s Book Corner, 54 Main Street. 508-228-1080 MitchellsBookCorner.com Celebrate Mother’s Day weekend with this special book signing!
11 AM to 1 PM - Biological Collections Open Hours
Learn about MMA collections at this free program in Maria Mitchell Research Center, 2 Vestal Street. 508-228-9198
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
1 PM - Smooth Hummocks Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Smooth Hummocks is Nantucket’s version of the Midwest’s prairies, with rare wildflowers & grasses that thrive in sandy soil. It’s a fascinating island ecosystem with many things to teach. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
1:45 to 4 PM - Nantucket Bird Walk
A fascinating birding tour with Ginger Andrews of the Maria Mitchell Assn. Pre-registration is recommended. $15.
2 PM - Historic Downtown Walking Tour
A 1/2 mi, 90-min. stroll led by 3x runner-up in Nantucket History Quiz Bowl, Cash only; $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 775-325-8972
3 to 3:45 PM - Free Yoga for Teens
Participants will learn mindful movement strategies to stretch and strengthen muscles as well as calming mindfulness and observation strategies to reduce stress and connect to joy. No experience needed. Wear clothing you can move around in, and rememer water. Bring your own mat or use one of ours. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
3 to 4 PM - Beach BioBlitz with MMA
Learn about fascinating ecology, & geology of Nantucket’s shoreline. One adult must sign with children. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
6:15 PM - Shawkemo Hills Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Hike a portion of the island shaped by the last glacier to cover most of N. America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
6:30 PM - Island Feud Game Show
A live game show on the Dreamland Stage. Four local teams & lots of prizes. Tickets $10 (+$2 service fee) & Dreamland members $5 at nantucketdreamland.org
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Gardner Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands & contains pitch pine forests with a walkway over a cattail-choked inlet. Hike is near Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
10 to 11 AM - Ravenous Reptiles
Learn about the unique adaptations of turtles, frogs, snakes, and more at the MMA Natural Science Museum, 7 Milk St, for children ages 4+ and their adults. $15
12 to 1 PM - Maria Mitchell Assn. Nature Story Hour for Ages 3+
An MMA educator will read a nature or science-related book, introduce an animal friend, & make a craft or play a game. Kids must be accompanied by adult. $15. Register at mariamitchell.org.
1 PM - Shawkemo Hills Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Hike a portion of the island dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover most of North America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508422-7466
Over Sand Vehicle Permits Required Year Round
Purchase your early bird discounted permit online (offer expires May 15th): www.thetrustees.org/permits
Refuge & Beaches
Open Daily 9am to sunset
Rental Jeep Day Passes available at the rental site. Day Passes also available for personal 4x4 vehicles.
#2 for property conditions
To all our supporters and those who love Nantucket’s natural beauty, we look forward to another season with you! Remember access is not guaranteed due to environmental conditions. Call ahead!
from page 33
8 AM - Shawkemo Hills Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Hike a portion of the island dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover most of North America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. In-town pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
1 PM - Polpis Harbor Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Salt marshes populated with nesting & fishing shorebirds, Polpis Harbor also has beautiful meadows overlooking the east cove. Get a closer look at Nantucket Harbor from a coastal bank. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
8 AM - Stump Swamp/Norwood Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
A mix of island terrain; forest, upland meadows, small ponds, a former cranberry bog, & a true flowing streams. A 90-120 min. dual property hike, depending on group interest. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
9:45 to 10:30 AM - Music in the Morning
Join Lizza in the garden for fun songs and singing games. We’re going to try and stay outside as long as the weather holds! Please dress accordingly. Don’t forget to bring a blanket. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. In-town pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
1 PM - Sankaty Bluff Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
On this hike, walk south down the beach from the Hoicks Hollow Road public way to see examples of & learn about Nantucket’s geological past. WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
8 AM - Smith’s Point Hike with Nantucket Walkabout Nantucket’s weasternmost sand extremity is a great hike to see piping plovers, least terns and American oystercatchers during the summer & catch a glimpse of Tuckernuck Island. Reserve a spot at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. In-town pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
3 to 4 PM - Free Library Legos for Kids Grades 1-5
Join in some creative construction. The library will supply the LEGO bricks & you can have some fun. We’ll take a picture of you and your masterpiece. Space is limited. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
6:15 PM - Polpis Harbor Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout Salt marshes populated with nesting & fishing shorebirds, Polpis Harbor also has beautiful meadows overlooking the east cove. Get a closer look at Nantucket Harbor from a coastal bank. Reservations: WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
6:30 to 8:30 PM - Free Atheneum Knitting Group
A fun, relaxed gathering to share knitting projects with likeminded people or learn new techniques. Attendees will be required to wear a mask at all times. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. In-town pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
For Events Updated Daily visit the Insider’s Guide to Nantucket: Nantucket.net
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