The Nantucket Book Foundation will host more than 20 published authors from June 15 to 18, for its annual Book Festival. The four-day festival offers a stellar schedule of in-person talks, forums, gatherings, and celebrations of writers and readers is scheduled. Most events are free, with a few special events requiring paid tickets. The full schedule is at NantucketBookFestival.org.
Featured authors at this year’s festival include co-winner of the 2023 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, Hernan Diaz; acclaimed contemporary fiction authors Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan; 2022 National Book Award in nonfiction winner, Imani Perry; and lifelong summer visitor to Nantucket, Luke Russert. Festival favorites Wyn Cooper, Sebastian Junger, Tiya Miles, Kirk Wallace Johnson, Samantha Hunt, and Betsy Tyler join newcomers Tracy Kidder, Ilyon Woo, Jessie Green-
The waters around Nantucket are among the most bountiful and beautiful on the east coast. If you’re looking for an unmatched fishing experience or fresh shellfish right out of the harbor, access to one of the island's remote beaches, or if you just want to explore and watch the sun setting over the Sound, visit Tidal Creeks Outfitters (TCO), the island’s experience-based outfitting company, and let them help you make memories that will last a lifetime.
Tidal Creeks is located just steps from town at 32 Washington Street (across from the town parking lot). Along with their SUP rentals and kayak rentals by the hour, half-day, and day, this year they are offering half- and full day boat rentals for up to 6 per boat. Reserve your rental at tidalcreeksoutfitters.com
Tidal Creeks Outfitters’ rental fleet consists of the safest, most reliable boats. And you can enhance your rental experience with their “Experience Packages” which take your island adventure to a whole new level! Trips can either be selfguided or staff at Tidal Creeks can help you plan your day. All rentals are permitted to be used inside of Nantucket Harbor: you can spend the day exploring from Coatue Pt north to Coskata Pond to Polpis Harbor. Anchor just offshore on one of the secluded beaches, and enjoy the warm waters of Nantucket Harbor! Guided paddle board tours are available upon request.
TCO offers everything you need for a day of family fun on the water. They have custom rods and rods from Nantucket’s own Fish Stix, as well as a very wide variety of lures and bait. For kids, they’ve got nets, crab traps, minnow nets, tubes, body boards, and even rain gear.
Tidal Creeks Outfitters will help you take advantage of the great natural resource that is Nantucket Island in ways most can only dream about. Come and enjoy one prized aspect of the Nantucket lifestyle.
Tidal Creeks Outfitters is part of the Tidal Creeks family—composed of Tidal Creeks Boatworks as well as Tidal Creeks Ship Store. TCO strives to deliver an on-the-water experience that cannot be matched anywhere else on the island. Tidal Creeks is open June through September; 508-228-6244.
The Lynx is where history and tradi on meet today’s world, an adventure for all genera ons of friends and family.
Nantucket's Tall Ship Lynx, a na onal treasure here in our harbor. Sail with us and experience days gone by!
There are certainly some interesting sights to be seen on Nantucket beaches these days. Now hold on just a minute...I’m not commenting on the new law that allows everyone to run around topless. It’s still a bit chilly for that anyway, don’t you think? No, the interesting sight that I saw is good, G-rated and beautiful (um, not that the other won’t be, perhaps). Just let me explain before I dig this hole any deeper.
On a recent Saturday morning, I was packing up after a couple of hours of fishing for striped bass. The fish were being a bit stingy, but I had managed to catch and release one chubby little striper. As I looked up from doing the unglamorous dance that occurs when taking off one’s waders, I saw a man approaching. He was pushing a double jog stroller of sorts that was chock full of little guys. Not real common, but not wholly unexpected—the beach was near a well-traveled walking path. But here’s the unusual part—the stroller had a surf fishing rod attached to it.
The man parked his kid rig near my truck and said hello. He introduced himself as Jeremy while his two boys, about two and four years old respectively, scattered out of their transport vehicle. Jeremy was a big, affable guy with a gentle demeanor. I heard a familiar twang in his voice and asked where he was from. “Tennessee,” he replied. He said that he had married a Nantucket girl. Jeremy returned the question to me, and I told him that I’m local kid. We soon got talking about fishing. Jeremy was just getting into the world of surf fishing. His fishing rod was rigged with a Bomber minnow lure sporting the multi-colored “wonder bread” pattern. I told him that the lure was a fine choice for the conditions that day. I wished him good luck. Jeremy waved and went following after his two sons as they tumbled onto the beach. I made my way home for breakfast, smiling at the joy that this young father and his kids were sharing.
There’s a special bond that dads and kids form when they go fishing together. Seeing Jeremy with his boys instantly took me back more than fifty years, back to 40th Pole with my dad and my brother Billy. Billy and I shared a fishing rod as we learned to cast. We chased bluefish throughout the summer months. We tested the limits of our dad’s patience with tangled line and broken gear. My brother and I would wade out, tossing Hopkins metal lures or Stan Gibbs wooden Polaris poppers
continued on page 18
Artists Assn of Nantucket Plein Air Nantucket is open to all artists who wish to paint scenery & enjoy the camaraderie of painting with peers. Free to participate or attend. See the works in The Big Gallery, 12 Straight Wharf. Nantucketarts.org
9:45 to 10:15 AM - Nanpuppets at the Atheneum
Join Lizza and her puppet friends for some fun in the garden. We’re going to try and stay outside for as long as the weather holds. Please dress appropriately. Don’t forget to bring a blanket! Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30 pm.
10 to 11 AM - Open Studio for Ages 3+
This one-hour class for art lovers offers a variety of mixed media options which will get your child’s creativity flowing: on canvas, working with clay, or making wood art. $58: reserve a spot at BarnabysNantucket.com
10 to 11 AM - Nantucket by Water Whaling History Tour
Learn what life was like in the late 1800s Whaling Era, & see some remaining historic landmarks. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
10 to 11:30 AM - Free Downtown Tree Tour
Learn about the historic species of trees that line the streets of downtown Nantucket & how they have been preserved. Tours are led by Land Council Executive Director Emily Molden & Nantucket Waterkeeper RJ Turcotte. Nantucket Land Council. Register for the Tree Tour at EventBrite.com
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on a narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com.
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
12:45 PM - Linda Loring Nature Foundation Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
LLNF’s publicly accessible property has easy trails thru sandplain grasslands, coastal shrublands, & along the North Head of Long Pond in sight of an active osprey nest. 110 Eel Point Road. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
1 to 1:45 PM - Free Talk by Author Samantha Hunt
Award-winning author Samantha Hunt will talk about The Unwritten Book, an investigation into our relationships with the dead. In the Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
2 to 2:45 PM - Free Talk by Author Wyn Cooper
Poet & novelist Wyn Cooper will talk about writing a novel and his book Way Out West, a “wild ride through a rough landscape imbued with poetry and pain” as well as his recent collection of poetry, Mars Poetica. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India St. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
3 to 3:45 PM - Free Talk by Author Danielle Trussoni with Tim Weed
Reality and supernatural colide when an expert puzzle-maker is thrust into an ancient mystery in this suspenseful thriller: The Puzzle Master. Join NYT best-selling author Trussoni & Tim Weed, author of A Field Guide to Murder & Fly Fishing at Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
4 to 4:45 PM - Tiya Miles: The Cherokee Rose
National Book Award winner Tiya Miles will talk about her experience spanning the boarders of fiction and history in her novel The Cherokee Rose. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org A Nantucket Book Festival Event
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Hymn for Her at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
5:30 to 6:30 PM - Summer on Nantucket: Recreation Discussion
Discussion about summer recreation by a group of community speakers led by Chief Curator & Obed Macy Research Chair Michael R. Harrison. The theme is explored by the NHA’s featured exhibition Summer on Nantucket: A History of an Island Resort: sailing, biking, & more. Nantucket Whaling Museum, 13 Broad St. nha.org
6 to 7 PM - ELL Beginner & Intermediate English
ELL English drop-in class & conversation for those seeking to learn basic conversation used in daily activities. Class is free, conducted in English. ccreighton@nantucketatheneum.org or 508-228-1110 x113. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
6 to 7 PM - Songwriting & the Nashville Music Scene with Rebecca Correia
NCMC, in partnership with the Brotherhood of Thieves and Cisco, is pleased to present “Music Industry Insights,” a series of programs that highlight various aspects of the music industry. This series is free to the public and will be held in the Parlor at 56 Centre, Nantucket Community Music Center.
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 PM - Boeing Boeing presented by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
A clever comedic whirlwind about a swinger in Paris in the 1960s who juggles live challenges and 3 fiancés. Tickets at TheatreNantucket.org; performances in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. Theatrenantucket.org
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket sunset:bring beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time varies with sunset. Call 508-2287037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
7:30 to 8:30 PM - Open Mic Night!
An evening of fun with Atheneum’s Open Mic Night! First come/first serve! Cut loose and express yourself up in the acoustically stellar Great Hall of the Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Town Route
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
CELEBRATING 53 YEARS! yesterdaysisland.com
Box 626 Nantucket,
Too many years ago, I saw the Beethoven frieze when it reappeared in Vienna. The painting is a remarkable work; Gustav Klimt depicted each of four movements of the Beethoven’s Ninth symphony along the top of four walls, climaxing with a chorus of angels singing the “Ode to Joy” atop the final wall. Young as I was, I understood that I was in front of something that I did not understand. The work ascends beyond beautiful to an awful sublime, especially if Beethoven’s work still shakes in your bones. We spent an hour there, and moved on.
The way that way leads onto way, I haven’t been back. Money, time, children, and clouds have all drawn me into different places and different times. But I remember that incredible work and the kinks of time and luck and good fortune that led me to an exhibition in Vienna. The Beethoven frieze remains there, if I want my life to harmonize, perhaps I will visit it again and find my youth standing still.
As I get older, I suspect that I want my life to repeat and rhyme for me in a boring little pattern. I want to return to familiar places and find them unchanged. Then, perhaps better prepared, I can open myself to the same experience once again and get that same rush. Inspiration, which blew into and out of me, might finally catch fire.
Every return visitor comes to this island to feel that same fire. The sand shifts under her feet once again, as if it has never changed. Honeymooners become homeowners if time and fortune permit, and the circle closes with a full moon in June. They visit the same beaches, walk the same moors, and travel the same roads. The clouds march for them; they get to watch them, anchored with a white wine spritzer on the beach at Cisco. Time washes the rest of us along with the tide...
Much more recently, I have been lucky enough to travel to Salt Lake City. I was plucked out of the school of teachers and dropped into the high desert to grade papers. Up in the high air, the streets are eight lanes wide, the air is dry, and the still snowy Wasatch laugh slowly at the buildings of man. In spite of my solemn duty to the Board of Directors, I found some time to visit the Mormon Tabernacle for an organ recital, attend a country and western show, and risk my life on a hike up to the “Living Room.”
I am not a hiker. I can pretend to be one if we are close to sea level, when the oxygen is rich, the ground is firm, and the oaks stand centuries (or at last decades) high. But all pretense slips away in the sunny, thin air and on the bare hills of Utah. When time presents you with an opportunity, you reluctantly take it (with a selfie), so, I went hiking up the trail.
The Road Taken went up. It went over broken and crumbling rock, red packed mud, and deer poop. At one point, following the devilish whispers of my Y chromosome, I found a “short cut” that took me up an even steeper path to a boulder that required tied shoes, some tough scrub oak, and firm push from Fate to get over it. The Road Taken rose to a startling view point, and then to another, and then to another. Each one going further up and further away from that sweet sea level oxygen. My age came in gasps.
At the top of one hill, not the biggest, the valley lay below us, with the Great Salt Lake glinting underneath an imminent sunset, the snowy peaks holding onto the reddening light, and a few miles to the south, a rain storm. We hugged each other, took pictures, sat in the “Living Room” stone furniture, then made our way down beneath the clouds. On the way down, the path crumbled and rolled with us. Young couples and at least one youth group took to the fading light to head up to our goal and beyond. We wished them well. Twenty-four hours later, we disappeared into cyberspace, with e-mails, phone numbers, and Facebook friends.
We won’t be back. So much depends on fortune. The great Solons that had plucked me from the school of teachers may not pluck me again, or they may put me in Kansas City, or Tampa, or Indianapolis. Or I may no longer swim in those schools, one way or the other. The moment passes like a comet, not to return in this lifetime. My life is too disordered to rhyme.
So many things just happen once. I will only hike that path once (absolutely), I will only be with those people once, I will only be this age once. Once is enough.
As I get older, I want to succumb to the call of order and repetition. Old people, like me, return to religion because it promises an unchanging and unending ritual. I sit in Quaker Meeting with the same gray heads, (nodding off perhaps), and we wait for the time. My days, guided by the ritual of exercise and ice cream, repeat in a friendly and fallacious hymn. I long to a return to the familiar chorus Beethoven frieze and the Wasatch and the Madaquecham Jam. May it never happen.
Instead, I hope I can still be charmed by the noise. All of those things that violate that harmony of repetition bring the crashing crescendoes that shock, overpower and change. The first trip to Nantucket shocks, be it on the beach, in the moors, or under the ancient clockwork of the Milky Way. Two feet, and a dive into the June Atlantic will shock anyone out of harmony and into a cold Yawp.
June 15-22, 2023
On Nantucket we like to boast about our open space and the amount of conservation land available to the public. In theory, these spaces are open to all. There aren’t any physical gatekeepers (unless you’re trying to drive to Great Point). But for many in our community and more broadly across the US, nature and open spaces aren’t as welcoming as some would like to think.
For those of us who regularly spend time on our trails and open spaces, we can feel at home in the natural world. This is a privilege not shared by everyone in our communities. According to a recent National Parks Service survey, about 78 percent of those who visit federal parks are white. Meanwhile, African Americans, Latinos, women, and members of the LGBTQ+ community often report feeling unwelcome or unsafe in outdoor spaces.
Clean drinking water, clean air, public parks, and beaches, biodiversity and open spaces are shared public resources that every person has equal rights to. Nature is seen as the “great equalizer” where these things are free. In reality, however, nature benefits are distributed unequally in our country by race, income, and age. We are so fortunate here on Nantucket that most of these services are indeed free: beach parking, trail access, even many program offerings. More than just existing as free resources, we need to make sure people know about and feel welcome in these spaces to better serve our whole community.
Our country has a history of discrimination in parks and the outdoor movement. As we work towards making our conservation lands more accessible, welcoming, and safe, we have to understand more about our past and the various people who will use them.
There is distrust and anxiety by some relating to outdoor activities and open spaces because some haven’t always been welcomed. I was reminded of that very real fear by Aileen Dashurova, founder and organizer of Nantucket Gay Pride. The very real memory of Matthew Shepard and his horrific outdoor beating and ultimate death stick with many in the LGBTQ+ community. Hate crimes can happen anywhere. I asked her what it would take to make people feel safe in our outdoor spaces? “Each person is individual, and therefore, each person in the LGBTQ+ community will feel a different sense of comfort being queer out doors and on the trails.” Dashurova replied.
Dashurova offered some insight into what can be done to feel safe in our open spaces. In some cases, it might be a Unity Flag or other LGBTQ+ recognized symbol on display for people to know all are welcome. “This could show that there is intolerance for any hate crimes and therefore a commitment to everyone’s safety. It would also ease some worry if trails and areas are checked by safe staff or volunteers at reasonable intervals.” This is especially true with cellphone service being unreliable in many parts of Nantucket Island, especially in more remote open space areas.
June 15 - High 11:16am; Low 4:26pm
June 16 - High 12:11pm; Low 5:29am
June 17 - High 1:01pm; Low 6:17am
June 18 - High 1:46pm; Low 7:03am
June 19 - High 2:26pm; Low 7:46am
June 20 - High 3:05pm; Low 8:28am
June 21 - High 3:43pm; Low 9:10am
June 22 - High 4:23pm; Low 9:52am
Kimal McCarthy, the Town of Nantucket’s Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Director, told me that to feel safe in open/outdoor spaces requires, first, a sense of belonging. “For some DEI practitioners, belonging is subcategory of inclusion, and for others belonging is a concept onto itself. Belonging is the ongoing culture created to have all people feel welcomed. It is important that residents know they are invited to walk open space trails and use recreational outdoor spaces with the boundaries of purpose.”
Our changing population on Nantucket also means changing the intimacy of our island community. With greater population growth, we also see diversity of language, culture, and demographics. The idea about who “belongs” in nature spaces should mimic our demographics. The tranquil, open spaces and trails are for everyone.
Aileen Dashurova pointed out “We have been a more protected community on Nantucket, however that is changing rapidly. (T)he extended global community who work, live, and vacation on the island means that accountability, justice, and safety issues are on the increase. Nantucket is accepted by many as an idyllic paradise and the beauty of the island is unquestionable. This does not mean that it was, is, or will be safe for all people, including the LGBTQ+ community.”
We know from the work with our Nantucket public schools, that our language diversity on island has increased. For a long time, translations were only for signs telling people what NOT to do. That isn’t a very welcoming message. We are hoping to lead moving forward with more positive communication. At the Linda Loring Nature Foundation, our self-guided nature trail has been translated into the top five languages as identified by the NPS system (Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Nepalese, and Bulgarian). Interpretive signage in many areas of Nantucket is also being translated. The Story Walk trail, a partnership between LLNF and the Nantucket Community School, is translated into Spanish (if a Spanish
It’s Paris in the 1960s, and perpetual bachelor Bernard has a swinging flat and 3 flight attendants all engaged to him without knowing about each other. Bernard’s life gets bumpy when his friend Robert comes to stay, and complications plus a new, speedier Boeing jet disrupt his careful relationship schedule. Soon, all 3 flight attendants..er…fiancés are in the city simultaneously and catastrophe looms.
This hilarious bedroom farce presented by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket is on stage through Saturday evening, June 24. Ticket are available at theatrenantucket.org/shows/boeingboeing
every 80 mins
SURFSIDE BEACH.....$3, 6/26-9/4 10am-6pm, every 40 mins
JETTIES BEACH ROUTE.....$2, 6/26-9/4 10am-6pm, every 30 mins
Park & Ride Lot: 2 Fairgrounds Rd
Half fares: 65+, individuals with disabilities, veterans & active military personnel. Children 6 and under ride free. Change is given in the form of a voucher for future rides only, drivers do not make change.
1,3, & 7-day passes may be purchased aboard all buses, long term passes are available at the NRTA office.
Passes provide unlimited rides for the duration of the pass.
Downtown Bus Stops: Madaket and Jetties – Broad Street (in front of the Whaling Museum);
Mid-Island, Miacomet, Sconset via Old South Rd and Milestone Road – Washington Street, Greenhound Site; Airport, Surfside and Sconset via Polpis Road – Washington Street.
Designated stops are conveniently located along the routes-look for grey posts with blue stripes.
All buses carry 2 bikes and are handicap accessible. For complementary paratransit service and TDD call (508) 325-7516.
Bus Information (508) 325-7516, 508-325-9571. Riders Guides are available at NRTA Office 20R South Water St, Visitor Services
25 Federal Street, Chamber of Commerce 0 Main St., the Greenhound Building at the downtown bus stop on Washington Street, on all buses and at downtown stops. Information and amenities are available at the Greenhound Building on Washington Street open daily. Hours are subject to change. Covid-19 may impact the opening of the building.
For more information visit nrtawave.com, or email nrta@nantucket-ma.gov
Artists Assn of Nantucket Plein Air Nantucket is open to all artists who wish to paint scenery & enjoy the camaraderie of painting with peers. Free to participate or attend. See the works in The Big Gallery, 12 Straight Wharf. Nantucketarts.org
8 AM - Stump Swamp/Norwood Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
A mashup of island terrain; forest, upland meadows, small ponds, a former cranberry bog, & one of the island’s true flowing streams. A 90-120 min. dual property hike, depending on group interest. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
9 to 9:45 AM - Free Talk by Author Emma Straub with Tim Ehrenberg
Join Emma Straub and Tim Ehrenberg in a lively conversation about all her insightfully witty books. This Time Tomorrow, her latest novel, is a time travel story like no other. Methodist Church, 2 Centre Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
9:30 to 10:30 AM - Barnaby Bear Book Festival Celebration for Ages 2+
Celebrate the 11th Annual Nantucket Book Festival & the new release of Wendy Rouillard’s newest book, Barnaby Bear Snuggle Time. This class combines the love of story & art! Wendy will read and children will then create a Barnaby Bear art project. $58: reserve a spot at BarnabysNantucket.com
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30 pm.
10 AM - Fabulous Mansions of the Cliff & Brant Point
2-1/2 mi, 1 hr. exercise walk with historic commentary past spectacular homes. End at White Elephant Hotel. Cash Only, $25; $20 for 65+; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by bank steps 10 min early 774-325-8972
10 to 10:45 AM - Free Talk by Author Dolen Perkins-Valdez
Award-winning author & professor of literature, Dolen Perkins-Valdez shares insights from her work chronicling overlooked stories in American history. Her recent book, Take My Hand, was inspired by events of racial injustice in 1970s Alabama. Methodist Church, 2 Centre St. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
11 to 11:45 AM - Free Talk by Author Hernan Diaz
Diaz’s novel Trust has been praised worldwide & translated into 20+ languages. Hear his talk in the Methodist Church, 2 Centre St. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on a narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com.
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
12 to 12:45 PM - Sarah Stodola Conversation with Mindy Todd
Stodola’s book The Last Resort: A Chronicle of Paradise, Profit, and Peril at the Beach, is a cultural history of beach resorts that examines their importance in the world economy, and their future in the face of climate change. Methodist Church, 2 Centre Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
2 PM - Gardner Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands and contains pitch pine forests with a walkway over a cattail-choked inlet. This hike is close to Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com
2 to 2:45 PM - Free Talk by Author Sebastian Junger
Reservations strongly recommended Straight Wharf | Nantucket 508.228.3949
When Junger graduated from college, he set out to find “the real me.” Over the past 4 decades, what Junger has learned about himself may help you better understand “the real you.” Hear him in this free talk in the Methodist Church, 2 Centre St. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
3 to 3:45 PM - Free Talk by Author Jessie Greengrass with Mary Bergman
Award-winning author Jessie Greengrass will talk with Mary Bergman about her hauntingly beautiful novel The High House . Methodist Church, 2 Centre Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
Subject to change without notice
This Father’s Day, Sunday, June 18, author Luke Russert will discuss his newly published memoir Look for Me There: Grieving My Father, Finding Myself at 12 noon in the Great Hall of the Nantucket Atheneum. It’s a book for and about fathers and sons, grief and healing, reflection and discovery, and it explores Russert’s travels— physical and emotional—during the years following the death of his father, Tim Russert.
Luke describes his book as “a travel memoir about self-discovery,” and his writing brings readers along on a three-year journey he took to 67 countries across six continents. His memoir is at times devastating, thoughtful, exhausting, hopeful, desperate, and filled with both loss and wonder. It is Russert’s openness and vulnerability that draws readers in and helps them identify his journey with the ones they have taken.
The positive reception Look for Me There has received speaks to Luke’s success in helping readers “feel a little less lost and appreciate that no one has all the answers.” As he said to us in a recent interview, “we are all works in progress… it’s okay to have doubts, to feel unfulfilled, to acknowledge your struggles… you are not alone. Grieving is intensely private, but there is no set path...I’m floored by the number of folks in their 70s who have read the book and written to me saying that reading my book has helped them understand.”
Early in his memoir, Luke writes: “I don’t know what I’m looking for and don’t know how it will appear, but I’m convinced it will show itself through travel. It has to.” But it seems that it was not until he stopped running and returned home that he could face his grief.
Luke worked on Look for Me There for about four years: “It was an organic process. I had a difficult time in 2018, and I decided to review my travel journals...[in so doing] I realized I was running away from something—processing the grief of my father’s death—and looking for something...finding myself apart from my parents,” Russert explained.
“For a long time I was defined by being in my father’s shadow. This book gave me the opportunity to explain me… it’s positioned me in a place of more clarity, a road to peace.”
He chose the book title from an incident he remembered from his childhood. When young Luke was with his father at a baseball game, they were briefly caught in the shuffle of a crowd. His father took his hand and told him “Buddy, if we’re ever separated, just look for me there...but we won’t ever be separated.”
After losing someone close, many think of just one more thing they wish they told that person or one more question they wished they could ask. “I would ask him how was he able to give so much of his honest time to me. When I worked at NBC and experienced what his schedule was like, I cannot fathom how he could spend such honest time with me… maintain such a high standard at work and a high standard with me. When he was with me he really understood me as a person.” I’d ask him ‘How did you fit it all in?’
“Someone asked me did I find closure: I think there is no closure…you find peace or you realize that you’ll never accept it.”
A long-time summer visitor to Nantucket, Luke is excited to be a presenting author at the Nantucket Book Festival, “I’m excited to get back to the island.”
When asked if he’s planning a second book, he replied “there’s another book in what I deleted from this one. I worked with a trusted editor who saved me from my worst impulses...I took my initial draft of 300,000 words down to 80,000 words...I like storytelling… maybe another book or a documentary or a podcast. I want to stay in the storytelling space a little longer.”
Luke Russert’s conversation with Rob Cocuzzo in the Great Hall of the Nantucket Atheneum at 1 India Street is free to attend this Sunday at 12 noon, but with limited space, it is best to arrive early for the event.
from page 8
version doesn’t already exit). The last story, The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle, was posted in Spanish with the English translation available.
When I asked Kimal McCarthy about how welcome diverse populations feel when visiting Nantucket’s open spaces, he remarked that the conservation properties on-island are welcoming. There are no restrictions or exclusion on who can or cannot use open spaces here. “However,” he remarked, “there are things conservation and open spaces organizations on-island can do to be more inclusive. My recommendations are education and accessibility. Accessibility is accountability and accommodation for dis-
ability (-ies). Ideas for accessibility can include providing terrain appropriate wheelchairs or constantly ensuring that paths are cleared of logs/ heavy debris that may disrupt access. Use of technology can expand on this idea by using
continued on page 20
3 to 4 PM - Children’s Workshop with Humans & Poetry
from page 10
Ages 8-12 can practice writing & reading poetry with Humans & Poetry members. Registration required: nantucketbookfestival.com A Nantucket Book Festival Event
4 to 4:45 PM - Free Talk by Author Tracy Kidder and Dr. James O’Connel
Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Tracy Kidder in conversation with Dr. Jim O’Connell of Harvard University and the subject of his book, Rough Sleepers. Methodist Church, 2 Centre Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
4 to 5:30 PM - Nantucket Young Playwrights
A series of ten-minute plays written by Nantucket teens under the mentorship of award-winning filmmaker Jay Craven. The plays will be performed by professional actors in a staged reading at White Heron Theatre, 5 North Water Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Cosmic Jibaros at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
6:30 to 7:30 PM - Reflections by Imaini Perry, Sebastian Junger, & Jodi Picoult
This opening celebration for the 2023 Nantucket Book Festival will extol the transformative power of words to inspire, illuminate, educate, and connect us to each other through our shared humanity. Three presenting authors will speak on what freedom means to them as wielders of the written word. Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 11 Orange Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
7 PM - Boeing Boeing presented by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
A clever comedic whirlwind about a swinger in Paris in the 1960s who juggles live challenges and 3 fiancés. Tickets at TheatreNantucket.org; performances in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. Theatrenantucket.org
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket sunset:bring beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time varies with sunset. Call 508-2287037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
7:30 PM - Author Dinner at Brant Point Grill
A buffet dinner overlooking the harbor with your favorite authors: the perfect ending to a day filled with inspiring conversations. The only fundraiser for the Book Festival, ticket purchases help to keep most festival events free. Tickets $350 at nantucketbookfestival.com A Nantucket Book Festival Event
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Town Route
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
Artists Assn of Nantucket Plein Air Nantucket is open to all artists who wish to paint scenery & enjoy the camaraderie of painting with peers. Free to participate or attend. See the works in The Big Gallery, 12 Straight Wharf. Nantucketarts.org
8 AM - ACK Clean Team
Help clean up various parts of Nantucket. We supply everything you need, including grabbers. Meet at Handlebar Cafe, 15 Washington St. or meet at The Muse on Surfside Rd.
9 to 9:45 AM - Stacy Schiff with Nat Philbrick
Hear Pulitzer Prize winner, Stacy Schiff in conversation with Nathaniel Philbrick as they discuss colonial New England and one of most influential & incendiary figures to shape the American colonies’ campaign of resistance. Schiff’s book, The Revolutionary: Samuel Adams, illuminates Samuel Adams’ thrilling life story. Methodist Church, 2 Centre Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
9:30 AM - Grab and Go - Bubble Wands
Make yourself a snappy bubble wand. Kits available free, while they last, at Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
9:30 to 10:30 AM - Father’s Day Memories for Ages 2-6
Celebrate Father’s Day by making your Dad a Memory Box. During this class, kids will recreate their favorite memories with their father by drawing, painting, sculpting, and writing, creating extra special mementos that will fit inside a keepsake box. $58; register at BarnabysNantucket.com
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30 pm.
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - NanPuppets at Children’s Beach
A performance of Lizza Obremski’s Nanpuppets to delight all ages. Children’s Beach, Harbor View Way. Snacks &beverages available at Gyp-Sea Cafe.
10 AM - Historic Mansions of Main Street and America’s Oldest Windmill
A 1.8 mi, 45 min. exercise walk with historic commentary past whaling era mansions & back downtown. Cash only; $25; $20 seniors (65+) ; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
10 to 10:45 AM - Ilyon Woo with Mary Haft
Ilyon Woo brings to life the epic journey of an enslaved couple who dared to make real their dream of freedom and escape from the antebellum south in the spellbinding pages of Master Slave Husband Wife. Join Woo & Mary Haft as they explore this inspiring narrative of the story of slavery in America. Methodist Church, 2 Centre Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
10 to 11 AM - Nantucket by Water Whaling History Tour
Learn what life was like in the late 1800s Whaling Era, & see some remaining historic landmarks. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM to 3 PM - Lighthouse Open Day
Twice a tear Sankaty Lighthouse in Siasconset is open to the public, weather permitting. If you want to climb to the top of this historic lighthouse, arrive early, wear appropriate footwear (no flip-flops). Children must be 7+ to climb, and no backpacks are permitted. Reserve a time at SconsetTrust.org
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
11 AM - Nantucket by Water Oyster Farm Tour
Cruise up harbor to a working oyster farm and see how oysters are grown and why they are so beneficial to Nantucket Harbor. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com Departure times: 11 am to 1 pm & 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
11 to 11:45 AM - Rising Seas, Writing Stories: The Literature of Climate Change
Join Jessie Greengrass, Sarah Stoddola, and Tiya Miles in conversation with Mary Bergman about the literature-from journalism to fiction-of climate change. Methodist Church, 2 Centre Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
11 AM to 12 PM - Father’s Day Memories for Ages 6+
Celebrate Father’s Day by making your Dad a Memory Box. During this class, kids will recreate their favorite memories with their father by drawing, painting, sculpting, and writing, creating extra special mementos that will fit inside a keepsake box. $58; register at BarnabysNantucket.com
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on a narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com.
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
12 to 12:45 PM - Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan with Tim Ehrenberg
Mad Honey is a novel that spent over 6 months on the NYT best-seller list and tackles enough subjects for a library of books, from gender identity to bookeeping. Join co-authors Jodi Picoult & Jennifer Finney Boylan in a conversation with Tim Ehrenberg on authenticity, identity, and belonging. Methodist Church, 2 Centre Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
2 to 2:45 PM - Kirk Wallace Johnson with Mindy Todd
Author & screenwriter, Kirk Wallace Johnson, will be in conversation with Mindy Todd to discuss his most recent book, The FIshermen and the Dragon: Fear, Greed, and a Fight for Justice on the Gulf Coast. Methodist Church, 2 Centre St. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
2:45 PM - Beechwood Farm Loop with Nantucket Walkabout
This property in Polpis shares elements of maritime or coastal heathlands habitat: native tree species, meadows, & wetlands. You’ll feel you’re exploring Yoda’s home swamp planet of Dagobah from Star Wars. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
3 to 3:45 PM - Imani Perry with Michael Schulder
An elevating conversation at the intersection of dreams deferred and hope sustained with Imani Perry, Professor of African American Studies at Princeton. This will be a wide-ranging conversation about the 7 books she has written. Methodist Church, 2 Centre Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
4 to 4:45 PM - Sally Bedell Smith with Mary Haft
Critically acclaimed biographer, Sally Bedell Smith, turns her lens on the foundational marriage & partners. Rare access granted by Queen Elizabeth + a treasure trove of Royal Archives personal correspondence opened an aperture through which to examine this historic story. Methodist Church, 2 Centre Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Cosmic Jibaros at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
continued on page 14
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
from page 13
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
6:45 PM - Polpis Harbor Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
As the sun sets over Nantucket Harbor & Coatue, learn from Guide Peter Brace how geological forces formed Nantucket & Polpis Harbors & about salt marsh ecosystem in the harbors & conservation efforts. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
7 PM - Boeing Boeing presented by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
A clever comedic whirlwind about a swinger in Paris in the 1960s who juggles live challenges and 3 fiancés. Tickets at TheatreNantucket.org; performances in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. Theatrenantucket.org
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket sunset:bring beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time varies with sunset. Call 508-2287037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
7 to 9 PM - Poetry & Music at The Box
An evening of spoken word poetry & dancing: creative, funny, and powerful poems by Asheville, North Carolina’s Humans and Poetry group in between musical sets by The Shep Cats, led by lead singer & author Steve Sheppard. Food available for purchase, and the Nantucket Book Foundation will have a silent auction on site with tickets to summer galas & other prizes. Proceeds benefit the Nantucket Book Foundation. This event is 21+ Tickets $25 at nantucketbookfestival.com. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Town Route
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
Artists Assn of Nantucket Plein Air Nantucket is open to all artists who wish to paint scenery & enjoy the camaraderie of painting with peers. Free to participate or attend. See the works in The Big Gallery, 12 Straight Wharf. Nantucketarts.org
8 AM - Smooth Hummocks Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Smooth Hummocks is Nantucket’s version of the Midwest’s prairies complete with rare wildflowers and grasses that thrive in sandy, nutrient-poor soil. Smooth Hummocks is a fascinating island ecosystem with many things to teach us. 508-4227466 WalkNantucket.com
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30 pm.
10 to 10:45 AM - Nantucket History: Non-Fiction & Novels
Join Betsy Tyler and Julie Gerstenblatt in conversation with Mary Bergman about what it’s like to write about real people & events from the island’s history Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
11 to 11:45 AM - Nantucket History: Non-Fiction & Novels
Join Nantucket’s Holly Ruth Finigan as she shares the messaging mission and motivation around her debut spiritual memoir Wholeheartedly: The One You Want to Find Is You. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on a narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com.
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
12 to 12:45 PM - Luke Russert with Rob Cocuzzo
On a journey to navigate devastating loss and larger questions of personal identity & purpose, Luke Russert’s travels around the world became his own personal odyssey of discovery. Look for Me There finds a universal story within a “larger human family.” Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India St. A Nantucket Book Festival Event
1 to 4 PM - Cisco Brewers Send-Off
Gather at Cisco Brewers on the final day of the Nantucket Book Festival for great food, music and conversation for readers and writers alike. Shuttle available from the Visitors Services on Federal Street. Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
2 PM - Polpis Harbor Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Festooned with salt marshes populated with nesting & fishing shorebirds, Polpis Harbor also has beautiful meadows overlooking the east cove. Part 2 of this hike is a closer look at Nantucket Harbor from an inner harbor coastal bank. 508-4227466 WalkNantucket.com
3 to 6 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Nikki & The Barn Boys at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
6 PM - Children’s Beach Bandstand Concert: The Chris Hanson Band
Free live concert at Children’s Beach, Harbor View Way.
6:30 PM - Smith’s Point Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
See an amazing sunset at the westernmost extremity of Nantucket in sight of Tuckernuck Island. Walk back on the beach under the rising moon & stars, and maybe take a dip in the ocean if you’re game. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket sunset:bring beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time varies with sunset. Call 508-2287037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Town Route
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
Stop by & check out our new StoryWalk in the Atheneum Garden: Some Bugs by Angela DiTerlizzi. Get the buzz on bugs in this fun picture book that makes even the ugliest bugs cute! 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
8 AM - Gardner Farm-Lost Farm Loop Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This 2.5 mile hike explores plant succession on globally threatened habitat know as sandplain grasslands. These former vegetable farms are now dominated by pitch pines, but their groves & small forests are broken up by meadows of wildflowers. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30 pm.
10 AM - Fabulous Mansions of the Cliff & Brant Point
2-1/2 mi, 1 hr. exercise walk with historic commentary past spectacular homes. End at White Elephant Hotel. Cash Only, $25; $20 for 65+; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by bank steps 10 min early 774-325-8972
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 to 11 AM - Sensory Sandbox Under the Sea for Ages 2+
During this 45-minute class, your child will have the opportunity to explore and strengthen their fine motor skills. Children will begin by making their own Kinetic Sand in their Sandboxes: then will have the opportunity to play with different objects that they have painted and created. Register at BarnabysNantucket.com
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
11 AM to 12 Noon - Juneteenth Guided Tour of the Historic Colored Cemetery
Free; led by historian Barbara White. 7 Vesper Lane.
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
A narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Book at nantucketbywater.com; 508-228-7037.
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
whaLing museum: 13 Broad Street Hear the story of Nantucket over 4 centuries with rotating exhibits in 9 galleries. Daily programs, films, & a stunning view of town from the rooftop. Open from 10am.
oLdest house: 16 Sunset Hill Built in 1686; restored in 1990. 11am-4pm Wed.-Sat. June 14-Sept. 4.
greater Light: 8 Howard Street Built in the 1790s & transformed into a stunning whimsical summer home in the 1920s, this is home to the NHA Decorative Arts Program. 11am-4pm Wed-Sat. June 14-Sept. 4.
hadwen house: 96 Main Street This Greek Revival mansion built in 1846 is the only mansion of its era onisland open to the public. Exhibits include Nantucket Lightship Baskets, maps, and decorative arts. Open 11am-4pm May 27-Sept. 4.
oLd miLL: 50 Prospect St The oldest functioning mill in the USA, built in 1746. 11am- 4pm Wed.-Sat. June 14Sept. 4.
oLd gaoL: 15R Vestal Street Constructed of massive oak timbers with iron bolts & iron rods across the windows. The heavy wooden doors are reinforced with iron. 11am- 4pm Wed.-Sat. June 14-Sept. 4.
Please visit nha.org for hours, tours, ticket prices, and additional information.
shipwreck & Lifesaving museum: 158 Polpis Road eganmaritime.org Learn the dramatic history of Nantucket’s shipwrecks, lifesaving, and rescuers. Family activities. Free shuttle to the museum from Visitor Services downtown. Beautiful property at Folger’s Marsh open for picnics. Open May 26-October 9.
brant point Lighthouse: 2 Easton St First erected in 1746, America's second oldest lighthouse and at 26 feet tall, the shortest in New England.
nantucket atheneum: 1 India St The island’s public library was built in 1847 and is filled with art & artifacts as well as books, periodicals, digital materials. Children’s section, reading room, & public garden. Open Mon.-Sat.
pacific cLub: Lower Main St Built in 1772 by whaling merchant William Rotch, this is the only 18th century brick building still standing on-island. Quarterboard on the front lists names of 3 notable ships of Rotch: 2 in the Boston Tea Party and
the first ship to fly the American flag in London. first congregationaL church: 62 Centre St Built in 1725 & moved to this site in 1765. Open for services. Climb the tower for a view of town & the harbor.
st mary’s church: 3 Federal St Built in 1897. Open for services.
st pauL’s church: 20 Fair St Built in 1838 with Trinity stained glass windows. Open for services. methodist church: 2 Centre St Built in 1831. Open for services.
unitarian church: 11 Orange St Built in 1809. Houses the town clock & 1810 Portuguese Bell. Open for services.
three bricks: 93, 95 & 97 Main Street Identical brick mansions built 1836-38 by whaling merchant Joseph Starbuck for his sons. Now privately owned.
soLdiers & saiLors monument: Upper Main Street Built in 1875, this obelisk bears the names of 73 island men who died in the Civil War.
african meeting house: 29 York Street Built in 1827, the only public building constructed & occupied by African Americans in the 19th century still standing on-island.
40th Pole: Great for families and young children, but no lifeguards. On Nantucket Sound; warm water during July, August and September inspired nickname “The Bathtub” for area nearby. Parking. Best access via 4WD vehicle.
Dionis: 3 miles from town by bike on the north side of Eel Point Rd off Madaket Road. Look for the boulder marked “Dionis.” Sheltered by dunes, calm waters for swimming, safe for children; restrooms, & parking. Beachgoers can take NRTA shuttle bus to Eel Point Rd stop & walk.
Steps: Between Dionis and Jetties beaches; access from Cliff Road. No lifeguard, no facilities, very little parking. Gentle surf; sandbar. Many steep steps must be descended to get to the beach.
Jetties: Easy bike ride from town, or take the shuttle bus. Great beach for families. Lifeguards, changing rooms, playground, volleyball nets, restrooms, showers, public phones, restaurant and take-out food service. Concession and restrooms handicap accessible; boardwalk to the beach. Tennis. Windsurfing, sailboat, and kayak rentals. Shuttle service from town to Jetties Beach is available seasonally.
Brant Point: Easy walk or bike ride from town. No lifeguard. Strong current; experienced swimmers; beach drops off suddenly under the water. Scenic beach with Brant Point Lighthouse; nice to sit and watch the boats rounding the point. Here is where to go to wave goodbye to friends and family departing on the Steamship.
Children’s: Harbor Beach, an easy walk from town down So. Beach Street and off Harbor View Way. Flotation devices are not permitted within the guarded area. Ideal for small children; park, playground, and bandstand; lifeguard, restrooms, showers, food service, picnic tables. Food, playground, and rest room are all accessible. Activities sponsored by Park & Recreation Commission are often held at this beach during the summer.
Francis Street: Five-minute walk from Main Street. Calm harbor waters for swimming; no lifeguard. Jungle gym, kayak rentals, bathroom.
Cisco Beach: Four-mile bike ride to end of Hummock Pond Road. Heavy surf; lifeguard. No facilities. Parking. Rip currents can be strong.
Ladies Beach: To access, turn left at the end of Bartlett Farm Road. No facilities; no lifeguard. Limited parking. Rip current can be strong; heavy surf.
Miacomet Beach: at the end of Miacomet Road. Surf and rip currents can be dangerous. Parking. No facilities or food service. Families with very young children may prefer Miacomet Pond.
South Shore Beach: at the end of South Shore Rd. Limited parking; difficult to access beach, 4WD is advisable. No lifeguard; no facilities.
Surfside: Located at the end of Surfside Road, a three-mile ride on paved bike path or take the shuttles. Easy to park. Plenty of surf, wide beach is good for picnics, beach games, and surfcasting. Kite flying west of Surfside Beach is acceptable; for safety reasons, please do not fly kites east of Surfside toward the airport. Due to the number of people who frequent Surfside Beach during the day, it is inadvisable to fly kites during the peak beachgoing hours. Lifeguard, restrooms, showers, public phones, food service. Shuttle service from town to Surfside Beach is available seasonally.
Fisherman’s Beach: Located between Surfside Beach and Nobadeer. No parking; Beach access via steep wooden steps. Plenty of surf, wide beach is good for picnics, beach games, and surfcasting. No lifeguard; no facilities.
Nobadeer: Located near the airport. Limited parking; difficult to access beach. Plenty of surf, wide beach is good for picnics, beach games, and surfcasting. No lifeguard; no facilities.
Madequecham: Land Bank property at the end of Madequecham Valley Road; rough sand road. Parking. No facilities; no lifeguards. Rip current can be strong; heavy surf.
Tom Nevers (“Pebble Beach“): Surf can be heavy; very coarse sand. No lifeguard; no facilities. Good for fishing. Strong rip currents; heavy surf. Access to the beach can be difficult.
Madaket: As far west as you can go, six-mile bike ride on scenic, paved bike path, or take the shuttle bus. Heavy surf, lifeguard, restrooms. Famous for its incredible sunsets.
Siasconset: Regular shuttle bus service or seven-mile ride on paved bike path. Surf can be heavy; lifeguard. Food available in nearby village of ’Sconset. Low Beach: 4WD access. Surf can be heavy; no lifeguard.
Miacomet Pond: Fresh water pond on Nantucket. Good for young children. Parking; no lifeguard, no facilities. Snapping turtles may be encountered.
Pocomo Beach: Great for kayaking and to learn to windsurf. Just west of the Head of the Harbor. Good for children. No lifeguards, no facilities.
Eel Point: Good for fishing and watching the sunset. No lifeguard; no facilities. Limited parking. Rip currents can be strong.
Coskata-Coatue and Great Point: at the end of Wauwinet Road, past The Wauwinet Inn. Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge managed by Trustees of Reservations; beach sticker required for vehicles from Trustees of Reservations. Great for fishing and for seeing Great Point Lighthouse up close. Rolling dunes, bayberry, beach plum, heather, and beach grass. Salt marsh and maritime shrubland. The largest red cedar savanna and woodland in New England. Gray and harbor seals. Public restrooms available at the lighthouse Memorial Day-Columbus Day. Sections of the refuge are sometimes closed to protect nesting shorebirds. Dogs permitted only from Sept. 16 thru March 31 and must be leashed at all times. Guided tours with Trustee naturalists offered in-season. Seasonal hunting permitted. For more details, go to www.TheTrustees.org Property Lookup.
Sesachacha Pond: off Polpis Road. Great for families; warm water; no facilities; no lifeguard. Parking. Near the Audubon Sesachacha Heathlands and Wildlife Sanctuary.
•Learn to swim. If you can’t swim an overhead stroke for at least 15 minutes you should not be in the ocean. •Never swim alone. Always swim with a buddy, and swim near a lifeguard whenever possible. •Stay out of the “surf zone” where the waves break at the shoreline. Waves are at their greatest force here, and even a small wave can lift you up and throw you headfirst into the sand. •Never run from the beach into the water and dive headfirst into the waves. Sandbars that cannot be seen from the surface may be present and/or the water may be too shallow. •Don’t jump or dive into the water from a pier or rock jetty. From a pier or jetty, water appears much deeper than it really is. What looks like 10 or 20 feet of water may only be 2 to 3 feet deep. Diving in could be fatal. The same applies for jumping headfirst into the ocean or a wave from a surfboard – don’t do it! It’s not a risk worth taking. •If you are body surfing or boogie boarding, always keep your arms out in front of you to protect your head and neck. •A rip current will pull you away from the shore, but it will not pull you under. If you’re caught in a rip current, do not swim toward the shore! Instead, swim parallel to the shore, until you’re out of the rip current. Then, swim in to shore. •Never drink alcohol or use drugs at the beach. It clouds your ability to make wise decisions, and that could be fatal! •Take direction from lifeguards at all times.
from page 3
grass, Dolen Perkins-Valdez, Stacy Schiff, Sally Bedell Smith, Julie Gerstenblatt, Emma Straub, Sarah Stodola, and Danielle Trussoni.
The 2023 Nantucket Book Festival is dedicated to Tharon Dunn, a voracious reader and a founding member of the Nantucket Book Festival team. She played a significant role in shaping each year’s program. Dunn co-founded the Literacy Volunteers of the Nantucket Atheneum, and she was a committed and beloved tutor to many students.
“This year’s Nantucket Book Festival will be dedicated to Tharon and her tireless work to bring important literary voices to the island and to uplift the language and stories of our fellow islanders. We honor her passion and singular efforts, which have helped make Nantucket a place where literature and art of all kinds will always be celebrated,” stated Book Foundation Board of Directors and members of the Book Festival committee.
Events of the 2023 Nantucket Book Festival begins at 1 pm on Thursday, June 15. From 1 to 4 pm, there will be a free talk every hour by a different author in the Great Hall of the Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. Free author talks continue through the weekend, with seven on Friday, seven on Saturday, and two on Sunday (see the calendar of events for author, topic, and location).
Friday afternoon, June 16, at 3 pm, Humans & Poetry members will hold a poetry workshop for children ages 8 to 12. With prompts and guidance from the poets, youngsters can find their voices and hone their craft. This event is free, but space is limited so regis-
tration is required.
Friday evening, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, readers will be welcomed into the Sanctuary of the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House on Orange Street for the Opening Celebration. Sebastian Junger, Imani Perry, Jodi Picoult, and Luke Russert will speak about what Freedom means to them as wielders of the written word. At this celebration, the Nantucket Book Foundation will recognize islandyouth who show inspiration and promise as writers by awarding the Young Writer Award, a cornerstone of the Festival.
Following the Opening Celebration, a special Author Dinner will be held in the White Elephant Hotel. Dinner and conversation will be the perfect ending to a day filled with inspiring author events. As the only fundraising event held during the Festival Weekend, purchase of a dinner ticket helps to keep almost Book Festival events free and open to all. At press time, tickets are still available at NantucketBookFestival.org.
Saturday evening, festivalgoers can attend an evening of spoken word poetry and dancing at The Chicken Box on Dave Street. Humans and Poetry group from North Carolina will read enjoy creative, funny and powerful poems in between musical sets by Nantucket’s own The Shep Cats, led by lead singer and author Steve Sheppard. Food will be available for purchase, and the Nantucket Book Foundation will have a silent auction on site with tickets to summer galas and other tempting prizes! All proceeds benefit the year-round work of the Nantucket Book Foundation. This event is 21+; tickets are $25 at the Book Festival website.
The 2023 festival wraps on Sunday, June 18 with a send off celebration from 1 to 4 pm at Cisco Brewers. Admission is free; food and drinks will be available for purchase.
from page 5
that we had bought at Bill Fisher’s Tackle Shop (located on New Lane back then). I’m sure that we snapped off lures in equal numbers to the fish we caught. Our father taught us to watch for signs that the blues were around: slick spots on the ocean’s surface, birds diving after bait, or the sweet smell of watermelon that would drift across the water when the bluefish were feeding heavily. My brother and I would pile bluefish up on the beach, certain that we needed to keep every fish that we caught. Our father would dutifully fillet our catch when we got home. Those were some of my favorite memories of growing up on Nantucket.
I did my best to perpetuate the joy of beach fishing with my two daughters. Both girls enjoyed it, although I think that they liked going squidding more than surfcasting. I asked them recently for their fishing memories. Anna, my younger daughter, fondly recalled driving out to 40th Pole in my old red Explorer Sport Trac and catching bluefish. KD, the older one, had some not so fond recollections of fishing such as, “…throwing up on Uncle Jon’s boat and then that time the crawfish bit me in Florida…” Well, you do what you can, right?
Tyler O’Brien is at Great Point just about every weekend of the fishing season. Tyler’s daughter Natalie, now 15, has been Tyler’s co-pilot for those trips since she was three years old. These days, Natalie is a fishing machine, tearing up the Nantucket Angler’s Club junior contests. She recently received an award for catching the heaviest beach fishing bluefish in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 2022 with an 8.97 pound beast. I tracked the two down at Maxcy’s Pond where they were, of course, fishing.
“I remember the look of amazement on her face when she caught her first fish. It was a scup. We were on the Town Pier.” Tyler said that the little scup was a catalyst: Natalie was off and running from the moment of that first catch.
Natalie recalled her excitement when she hauled in a big white perch at Second Bridge. “I was five or six years old. I loved it. My dad taught me everything about fishing, honestly. The most important thing he said was for me to learn to be patient.” Natalie never stopped fishing as we spoke. She certainly has all the skills, pulling in five fish in quick succession. Four of the five were catfish, causing Tyler to start calling his daughter “Cat-alie,” much to his daughter’s chagrin.
“I love the competition. I hope to one day be as good as Tammy King. I really want to fish against her—and win!” Natalie said, smiling confidently. Natalie looks to Tammy as a great role model, someone who is widely acknowledged as one of the smartest, toughest and best fishermen on Nantucket (yeah, my hand is raised for this motion too). Tammy, you better be ready for this young lady!
I asked Natalie what she does that irritates her father. “Catching more fish than him, of course!” she laughed.
Tyler simply beamed. “If she’s catching more fish than me, then I’ve done something right.” Tyler, my friend, I could not agree more.
It’s now Sunday morning. I look at the clock and know that if I get moving, I can sneak in a quick hour of striper fishing down the street before church. I park my truck beside a familiar looking double jog stroller. Wow, Jeremy and the boys are here two days in a row! I gather my gear, put on my waders and head over the bank to the beach, but something makes me stop. I see Jeremy and his two boys as they play at the water’s edge. I watch as Jeremy casts his lure and lets the older boy reel the plug in through the crashing waves. Then he stops and helps his younger boy dig a hole for a sand castle. Then another cast, one where Jeremy actually gets to reel it in himself. And then back with the boys. As I watched, I realized that those two boys are the luckiest kids in the world.
Fishing is about so much more than trying to catch a fish.
Steve “Tuna” Tornovish is a Nantucket native who has spent his life fishing from the beaches of his beloved island. He loves to introduce clients to the joy of fishing with his Nantucket Island Fishing Adventures: stevetuna.com
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drones to record open spaces path for anyone, especially those with disabilities, to visit Nantucket’s open spaces virtually.”
We know that not all trails and access points are created equally, so having the information available means that people can make informed decisions about
accessibility for their requirements. One great resource is Birdability hosted by National Audubon Society. While geared towards birding, the information provided about terrain, benches, and other accessibility metrics can be used by anyone looking to access a natural area. As the Birdability website states, “The
purpose of the Birdability Map is to allow people with disabilities and other health concerns access to this information ahead of time, to help them decide if a location is one they would like to visit.” The Birdability Map can be found at gis.audubon.org/birdability
Issues of exclusion cannot be solved overnight. But there are steps those of us in the conservation field can take to encourage progress. Being a welcoming place isn’t a passive activity, it requires action. It means being vocal about being welcoming. It means voicing that our properties are safe spaces and then following up by making sure safeguards are in place to protect people who are marginalized or discriminated against.
Nature can be healing, freeing, and a place of solace for many people. But there isn’t a right way to be in nature. By being for everyone, it also means that we are accepting of different ways people experience nature. There are rules at different properties for the protection of resources and for the particular mission of that organization; for example rules of “no dogs” or to stay on trails are for the protection of wildlife and rare species. Beyond that, how people experience nature is left up to them. Guided experience, alone-time, family outing, hunting, fishing, walking the dog on the many properties where dogs are permitted, foraging, praying, meditating, recreating—there is no right or wrong way.
“Education on the benefits of using recreational spaces is needed and should be ongoing. I think if diverse residents are aware of the many benefits of being outside and the many activities you can do on-island (biking, disc golf, walks, etc.) then there will be more enthusiasm in being outdoors,” McCarthy noted.
As a land trust professional, I have been thinking about the “trust” part of that term. I know it means that we are entrusted with the land, but the other part of that is the trust people put in us when then come to our property. How can we honor that trust? A colleague organization in Vermont has a shared commitment statement that they start off each program with and which guides much of their work. A part of that commitment sticks with me:
We strive to help people feel welcomed, oriented to the landscape, engaged, inspired, safe, and part of our community.
We expect that all who enter this shared space do so in the spirit of welcoming kindness, inclusivity, respect, and curiosity.
I hope that we can all continue with kindness and curiosity as we continue to enjoy our natural areas and truly welcome all.
There’s a fine dining spot in downtown Nantucket that we look forward to with great anticipation every year. A restaurant where the chef-owner has mastered the magic of serving food that is dazzlingly good in an ambiance that is chic yet unpretentious, where guests always feel welcome.
Chef Michael Getter opened Dune 14 years ago after decades of experience in the island’s culinary scene, and it has been an island favorite ever since. Whether you are seeking a spot for a romantic evening, a gathering of friends or family, or you just want a well-made cocktail and a bite at the bar, Dune is where you want to be. With his Chef de Cuisine Joseph Ranstatler, Chef Getter creates culinary magic: transforming fresh local ingredients into lavish dishes that will draw you back again and again.
Getter’s wine list is perfectly matched to his menu offerings, including some bottles with special appeal. Dune’s libations expert for the past two seasons is Leigh, who has brought her years of experience in various Nantucket fine establishments to the bar at 20 Broad Street. She’s happy to offer suggestions on which cocktails and mocktails are sure to please. Of Leigh’s half-dozen specialty cocktails, our favorite is the intriguing Rhubarbarella, the essence of summer made with the blend of brandy, citrus, vanilla, and spices known as Tuaca, spiked with rum and flavored with strawberry, rhubarb, cardamon, and lemon. We also like her zero proof summer sip called Mocking Bird, a fun and fruity mix of pineapple, almond orgeat, lime, and grenadine served in a blue tiki mug.
It's often in their nightly specials that Chef Getter and his kitchen staff reveal their wizardry, and the night we dined here was no exception. We’re hoping that the Beet Cured Salmon Gravlax becomes a regular offering. This appetizer arrived in a dramatic presentation reminiscent of conch shells, with delicate salmon draped over shatteringly crisp large sesame crackers. Dots of creamy green avocado, sweet yellow mango puree, orange carrot miso, tiny cubes of earthy red
beet, cilantro leaves, and white and black sesame seeds impart color and an ocean of flavor. Chilled, chopped sugar snap peas give a tasty crunch. This appetizer portion is so generous it could have easily been a starter for two; but it’s so good that you probably won’t want to share it
Beets are the star of another cold appetizer: Dune’s Roasted Red and Gold Beets (cover photo). For this patron favorite, large chunks of beets are arranged geometrically on a generous smear of mildly tangy whipped goat cheese. Piles of chopped pistachios add a tasty crunch to the tender, mellow, sweet beets, drizzled with balsamic reduction and red sorrel beet vinaigrette.
A dish of bright spring green and garden fresh flavor, Spring Asparagus Risotto is prepared with a mushroom-parmesan broth made even richer with mascarpone. It’s toothsome and creamy,just as risotto is meant to be—fresh asparagus adds a tender-crisp bite. Preserved lemon elevates with a hint of bright spring flavor, and maitake mushrooms and shavings of parmesan bring this appetizer down to earth.
One of our party was reluctant to partake of the Crispy Rhode Island Calamari (she’d had too many rubbery bites at pubs in the past). All it took to convert her completely was a single forkful of Dune’s perfectly cooked, impressively tender calamari, served on a luxurious basil aioli and adorned with thin rings of jalapeno, fried garlic, and purple florets of pickled cauliflower.
The next starter we enjoyed was so fresh, we’re sure the chefs must have picked the asparagus from a kitchen garden moments before serving it. Simple and simply delicious, the spears in the Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus are lightly cooked to tendercrisp. It’s presented over a mellow parsnip puree, and topped with fresh basil, red onion, a dusting of Aleppo chile, and a drizzles of lemon evoo.
More culinary magic was revealed in the special entree of the evening: Line Caught Nantucket Fluke. An indescribably good dish of land and sea, the fresh fluke was served over a mix of chopped chard, pickled golden raisins, strips of
roasted red peppers, chorizo, cauliflower seasoned with saffron, and pearl couscous. It was surrounded by a broth of deep Mediterranean flavors that tied the different elements together to make a dish of bold and complex tastes without overpowering the mild fish. Count yourself lucky if this is offered the night you dine at Dune.
Scallops are one of our favorite morsels from the sea. When cooked correctly, they are tender, sweet, and moist—one of life’s finer pleasures—and Chef Getter’s Pan-Roasted Sea Scallops are perfect! Each one has a tasty golden brown caramelized crust over a middle that is just warm. The scallops are nestled into a bed of Dune’s spring asparagus risotto, with a brown butter sherry vinaigrette that adds bright flavor and cuts the richness of the dish. Tiny trumpet mushrooms and pea tendrils are the tasty garnishes.
Flaky and flavorful, sweet and savory, the Miso Glazed Scottish Salmon is the best of a salmon roll as an entrée. With a crunchy mix of nori and sesame seeds sprinkled over a caramelized miso glaze, the moist, rare salmon is served on a bed of crisped bamboo rice next to locally-grown carrots and golden beets with tasty dabs of creamy avocado and carrot-miso puree.
We rarely order chicken at a restaurant: we’re fully capable of cooking a hen. But we’ve never come close to preparing chicken that tastes as seductively good as Dune’s Half Chicken under a Brick. Crisp, perfectly seasoned skin (and plenty of it) over moist and succulent meat, this dish is superb. It’s served with a deeply flavorful roasted onion jus and with a vivid lemon-pepper aioli: try a bite of chicken with one, then with the other, and it’s like having two different entrees on the same plate.
Tucked underneath the halfchicken are roasted sunchokes. It speaks volumes to the talent of the chefs at Dune that they can elevate a
homespun ingredient to a fine dining favorite.
Meat lovers adore Dune’s Grilled Heritage Pork Chop: when you’re served pork this high-quality, it doesn’t need much embellishment. Impressively thick, intensely flavored, juicy, and with a delicious char, this chop is sensational. We swiped a few forkfuls through the parsnip tahini served alongside, but ultimately liked it best on its own. We ate the rest of the tasty tahini with the delicious Greek-style salad of beans, feta, cucumbers, olives, and cherry tomatoes that accompanies the pork.
Our final indulgences of the evening are edible works of art. We sampled two of Dune’s five desserts. We were sorely tempted by their Chocolate Pot de Creme, their Lemon Olive Oil Cake, and their Gelatos, but we know our limits.
The Strawberry Pavlova is an ideal finish to a richly delicious meal. Light and fruity and not overly sweet, this dessert is a showcase for perfectly ripe strawberries. The strawberry is laid on a bed of the mousse-like yogurt ganache montée that fills a mini nest of swirled meringue. A refreshing strawberry sorbet is served alongside on top of coconut crumbles.
This was the first time we’d tasted ube as a dessert ingredient, and we hope it’s not the last. Dune’s Ube Tres Leches is rich, beautifully lavender sponge cake with a moist, custardy crumb topped with decorative piping of lush pandan. This deliciously elaborate dessert plate is served with a side of flan and scoops of subtly sweet, slightly earthy, and somewhat floral ube ice cream.
Make your dinner reservations at Dune for a magical evening on Nantucket.
20 Broad Street • DuneNantucket.com • 508-228-5550
Dinner nightly from 5:30 pm; Bar opens at 5 pm
Dinner entrees range in price from $38.50 to $54.50
Indoor & Outdoor Patio Dining • Major Credit Cards Accepted • Full Bar Call to ask about private dining options
Seven generations of Bartletts have been farming the same land on Nantucket Island since William Bartlett incorporated in 1843. This island family business is well-known for their dedication to our community and their passion for responsible farming, as well as for their delicious tomatoes and corn. Bartlett’s Garden Center is filled with everything needed for a home garden, from tools and soil to seeds and plants. The Market at Bartlett’s Farm sells a variety of prepared foods including fresh baked goods, salads, and grab-and-go meals made in their kitchen, packaged foods, cheese, beer and wine, dairy and deli products, and household essentials alongside their freshly harvested produce and flowers.
From the end of June through August, Bartlett’s offers guided tours of this warm and welcoming part of Nantucket history. There are four different fun and educational tours to choose from: Farm & Field Hayride Tours on Wednesdays now through August 30, Half-Hour Hayrides designed for families with young kids on weekends in July and August, Flower Picking Hayride Tours mid-July through August, and PYO Veggie Hayride Tours during harvest season, when participants can experience farming first-hand as they pick melons, tomatoes, corn, and more.
On Wednesday, I hitched a ride on the first Farm & Field Hayride Tour of the 2023 season, led by Head Grower David Bartlett. Ten of us climbed into the haywagon and Dave cheerfully laid out the rules—”rule number one is have fun; rule number two is stay seated”—then he started the tractor and we were off to visit three of the farm “paddocks” with stops at fields and greenhouses.
During the next 90 minutes, we learned fascinating farm facts, along with some basic tips that could possibly be used at home, including:
• the farm’s electricity comes from six acres of solar arrays on site, and a dozen sheep grazing under the panels keep the grass down.
• their field-grown onions, carrots, and beets were all started from seed in Bartlett’s greenhouses, and then transplanted by hand into the field.
• the beautiful lilies the Bartletts sell in their Greenhouse and at their downtown Farm Truck are all grown in greenhouses after they lost an entire season of them to marauding deer.
• Bartlett’s farmers pick 250,000 pounds of hot house tomatoes a year and triple that from their fields.
• They control weeds by using the Stale Seed Bed technique and plastic mulch
In addition to their conversion to all organic, they work to stay up-to-date with new technology and sustainable techniques. Bartlett’s Farm is part of a study to use lasers to keep birds off the crops. This year at the farm they’ve added 300 laying hens. And Bartlett’s Farm is now 100% organic—one field to go before they are 100% certified organic, which they expect to happen in 2025.
Today, ten members of the Bartlett family across three generations work the farm, from the youngest cousins learning the business to 86-year-old Phil Bartlett who, according to Dave, they “can’t keep out of the field.”
“We can grow pretty much anything in the sandy loam... it’s like farming on the beach...but we’ve been cultivating here for two centuries,” Dave Bartlett explained as he pointed out their different crops in various stages of growth, sharing his expertise and stories about life on the farm. His narration was wide ranging and interesting, with a touch of humor. He patiently answered every question, and seemed to delight in amusing the youngest of the tour participants.
Bartlett’s Farm tours are an entertaining and educational peek behind the scenes at island food production and a family that has a passion for farming and for Nantucket. Tour tickets are available at bartlettsfarm.com/farm-tours.
—by Suzanne DaubGREAT POINT
is the home of the Great Point Lighthouse and is accessible by foot or fourwheel drive vehicles.
Extreme caution should be exercised when traveling to Great Point due to driving in soft sand. Please respect restricted conservation areas.
41° 17' 30" Latitude by 70° 05' 30" Longitude ~ The winter population is approximately 20,000
Approximate distances, in miles to various locations of Nantucket Island from Main Street and Orange Street (Paci fi c National Bank) Airport 3.5 miles
Sankaty Lighthouse 9.5 miles Siasconset (via Polpis) 10.5 miles Smith Point 7 miles Squam 8.5 miles Surfside 3.5 miles
Altar Rock (via Polpis) 6 miles
Tom Nevers Head 6.5 miles Wauwinet 9 miles
Another great way to get around the island is by using the Nantucket Regional Transit Authority’s (NRTA) Wave Bus. The Greenhound Station in town has routes servicing Sconset, Madaket, Miacomet, Mid Island, the Airport, Surfside Beach and Jetties Beach. Follow the QR code for a system-wide map of all their routes.
Eel Point 6 miles Madaket 6.75 miles
Monomoy 2 miles Quaise 3.5 miles Quidnet 7.5 miles
Nantucket Island is just about 14 miles by 3-1/2 miles, and there are miles of bike paths to nearly every area. This means that riding a bicycle is one of the best ways to get around our island. Follow the QR code to discover miles of bike paths, where to rent bikes, biking tips, and where to fi nd water stations along the way.
Nantucket by Water
A Variety of Boat Tours for All Ages Straight Wharf, Slip #1011
Call or visit us on Straight Wharf for your Island Adventure NANTUCKET by WATER (formerly Shearwater Excursions) is a local family-run company dedicated to providing unique tours and cruises to individuals and families of all age groups. From small kids to grandparents, NBW has trips that cater to your needs and taste for adventure. Whether you take a leisurely tour around Nantucket Harbor, or a longer adventure exploring the wildlife sanctuary of Coatue or visiting the unique 5th Bend Oyster Farm, Nantucket By Water promises an exceptional experience. nantucketbywater.com
Nantucket Walkabout
Book online & meet at Handlebar Cafe, 15 Washington St
Daily Guided Wilderness Hikes on Nantucket see website for hikes & times
Explore Nantucket’s wilderness with “Walking Nantucket” and “Nantucket: A Natural History” author and naturalist Peter Brace, and learn how the last glacier formed the island. Experience wildlife and rare plants. Learn about Nantucket’s conservation efforts, ecology and the Native Americans that lived here. $50 adults, $25 age 12 & younger. Private hikes available. Apple Pay, Android Pay, MC, Visa, Amex, &Discover accepted. Get more information & reservations at nantucketwalkabout.com
Natural History Tour
Refuge & beaches open daily 9am-sunset.
Summer tours offered thru October at Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
Join our naturalist guide on an over-sand vehicle Natural History Tour through Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge. Witness Nantucket’s most expansive salt marsh, learn about the geology, ecology and history of this special place. Refuge & beaches open daily 9am-sunset: permits required. Call about private tours. To check property conditions, call 508-228-5646 & press #2. Guided tours are offered several times a week mid-June through October. See a side of the refuge you can’t see from your car! Tickets available online. thetrustees.org/ccwr
Blue Beetle
Clothing, Accessories, Jewelry, Gifts
Open daily at 12 Main Street
Located at 12 Main Street, BLUE BEETLE reflects the playfulness and elegance of island living. We strive to provide a collection of carefully curated clothing, jewelry, gifts and accessories that portray the summer lifestyle on Nantucket. The boutique is filled with modern, chic, and contemporary fashions to suit every occasion. We proudly sell Joules, Jude Connally, Captiva Cashmere, Lilla P and MZ Wallace. Known for our Nantucket Jewelry, there is something for everyone; beads to fit Pandora, rings, bracelets and of course our charm bar, where you can create your own unique island necklace. Shop year round in store or visit us online at BlueBeetleNantucket.com
the work of Nantucket artists, providing educational programs in the arts, and preserving the legacy of Nantucket artists. AAN has two in-town galleries: the Cecelia Joyce & Seward Johnson Gallery at 19 Washington Street where you can view “Nothing but Blue Skies” May 26-June 19, and The Big Gallery upstairs at 12 Straight Wharf, where you can view “Think Big” May 26-June 26. Stay in touch at nantucketarts.org for a schedule of downtown Gallery Exhibits as well as classes and workshops at the Visual Arts Center (VAC) at 24 Amelia Drive. Visit AAN’s online gallery at sales.nantucketarts.org to view regularly changing exhibitions of fresh, original artwork from iconic Nantucket artists. nantucketarts.org
G. S. Hill Gallery
Open Daily 10 am to 5 pm
Oils, watercolors, prints, and note cards by G. S. Hill
40 Straight Wharf
G. S. HILL’s one-man gallery is open daily. For more than three decades, Greg’s original oil and watercolor paintings have captured the image, spirit, and soul of Nantucket. The gallery also offers giclees and miniatures, plus exclusive American-made gifts designed by Greg and Judi Hill. Stunning porcelain china dinnerware, hand-pressed glass and ornaments are only a few of treasures you will find. gshill.com
Susan Lister Locke Gallery
Art and Inspired, Creative Jewelry
Open daily at 28A Easy Street
Inspired by the Ocean that surrounds her, be it in her Gallery on Nantucket or her winter home in Palm Beach Florida, Jewelry Designer, Susan Lister Locke creates highly sought after, unique jewelry using beautiful, and oftentimes rare, gemstones set in high karat Gold and Platinum. @susanlisterlockejeweler susanlisterlocke.com
Cape Cod 5
Open Monday-Saturday Locations at 112 Pleasant Street & Zero Main Street
We at CAPE COD FIVE are deeply committed to the communities we serve. Our dedication to serving our neighbors and local businesses and earning our customers’ trust every day has remained the same since our founding in 1855. We focus on continuously evolving to be our customers’ trusted financial partner in a rapidly changing world, offering digital tools, accessibility and sound guidance and insight to help our customers navigate their unique journeys. capecodfive.com
12 Oak Street Fabulous Resale. Fresh Finds.
Open Daily. Visit us in the store & online!
COMMONWEALTH is a unique resale boutique where we believe even clothes deserve a second chance. This eclectic little shop on Oak Street specializes in curating quality gently used pieces from your favorite designers. Come in to find preloved gems or bring in your gently used items to turn your closet into cash! Commonwealthnantucket.com
Current Vintage
Open daily, celebrating our 16th season!
Wine • Clothing • Home • Gifts • Provisions
4 Easy Street
CURRENT VINTAGE is a fun and original concept store with a carefully edited mix of vintage clothing & accessories, wines, cheeses, and home goods. Everything here is thoughtfully chosen, including exclusive Nantucket gifts and a selection of nearly 400 wines. CV is a beloved island institution, celebrating more than 15 years in the heart of Nantucket. Join us for fun vibe & serious wines! currentvintage.com
Sara Campbell
Celebrating Made in the USA every day!
5 South Beach St.
All year long SARA CAMPBELL offers color and detail to a woman’s wardrobe with her beautiful silhouettes of dresses and sportswear, but when summer arrives – it’s time to play! Fun beachwear, accessories, jewelry, and other seaside essentials are available in her chic shop. Our apparel is proudly made in the USA! Visit SARA CAMPBELL at 5 South Beach to find the perfect look … see you soon! shop.saracampbell.com
Artists Association of Nantucket
“Think Big” through June 26 upstairs at 12 Straight Wharf
“Nothing but Blue Skies” through June 19
19 Washington St.
The mission of the ARTISTS ASSOCIATION OF NANTUCKET is to foster the visual arts on Nantucket. They create a vibrant arts community by promoting, supporting, and encouraging
Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
Visit Nantucket’s best beaches! Call ahead to check conditions:508-228-5646 #2 thetrustees.org/ccwr
Open Daily 9am to sunset. Permits Required Year-Round
Visit the best beaches on the island at the Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge. The greater coastscape, which includes the federally owned Great Point Lighthouse and Nantucket Conservation Foundation land, is a double-fingered peninsula jutting northward between the Atlantic Ocean and Nantucket Sounds is so much more: a blend of sandy beach, rolling dunes, and forest uplands both rugged and serene. The refuge provides multiple habitats for an array of coastal plant and animal species, including heather and beach plum, a maritime oak forest & savannah of red cedar – the largest of its kind in New England – which offer shelter to deer. At the beachfront, watch for horseshoe crabs advancing in extremely slow motion, seals basking in the sun, and shorebirds skittering above the surf line. Over-sand vehicle permits are required: you can purchase them online at thetrustees.org/permits. Rental jeep day passes available at the rental site & day passes available for personal 4x4 vehicles.
Cook’s Cycle
Open Daily
Bicycle Rentals, Sales, and Service
6 So. Beach Street, next to Affordable Rentals
Nantucket’s bike shop for all of your vacation needs here at Cook’s Cycles Nantucket we have all of the latest bikes and accessories for your beach runs, brewery tours, and beyond. Our selection of new bikes in a convenient downtown Nantucket location (just a 2-minute walk from Steamboat Wharf) is great for a day of cycling. Nantucket is known for its many bike paths and trails. Whether you want to ride to Jetties Beach for a swim or take in the sights of the Sconset Loop, Cooks Cycles has the bikes for you and your family. Moped & Jeep rentals, too! cookscyclesnantucket.com
Easy Riders Bicycles
open daily
65 Surfside Road
Bike Rentals, Sales, Service - NEW: Electric Bikes easyridersbikerentals.com
EASY RIDERS BICYCLE RENTALS offers rentals, sales, and service, plus island-wide free delivery on all rentals and usually within an hour or so. With advanced on-line reservations, it’s the easiest way to experience Nantucket! Offering low prices and discounts on multi-day, weekly, monthly, and group rentals of top quality, new GT and Easy Riders bicycles, as well as retrostyle Schwinn Cruisers, & accessories in a variety of styles...They have the right bicycle for all of your adventures. We have electric bikes. Check out our Easy Riders brand ebikes at erbikes.com. EASY RIDERS has a safe & convenient bike path location at 65 Surfside Rd.
Young’s Bicycle Shop
“The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island” Open daily at 6 Broad Street Harvey A Young’s Bicycle Shop started on Nantucket in 1931. When Harvey sold the business to his son, Roger, it became YOUNG’S BICYCLE SHOP. Now with over 90 years in business, the 4th generation is running YOUNG’S. The Young family and their staff provide you with the ideal rental bike for Nantucket. Their fleet of CANNONDALE and TREK bikes are well
maintained, so you and your family can have a safe and enjoyable bike ride around the island. YOUNG’S also rents cars and Jeeps. Check out their website, give them a call, or stop in to see their friendly, knowledgeable staff, so they can share with you “The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island”. Reservations & delivery services available. youngsbicycleshop.com
Tidal Creeks Outfitters & Ship Store
Outfitters with boat & paddleboard rentals Open daily at 32 Washington Street
Experience Nantucket with TIDAL CREEKS OUTFITTERS: we’ll help you make memories that will last a lifetime. Boat days are the best days! Spend a day like no other exploring Nantucket Harbor with us. We offer 1/2- and full rentals of our boats. Up to six people per boat, plus you can add Experience Packages. Paddle board rentals are also available. Call us or stop by if you have a larger group & are looking for an experience tailored to meet your needs. And we offer guided paddle board tours. Fishing - we’ve got you covered with custom rods from Tidal Creeks Outfitters and Fish Stix as well as endless lures and bait. Fun for Kids- we’ve got nets, crab traps, minnow nets, tubes, body boards, & rain gear. Follow us on Instagram @TidalCreeks. TidalCreeksOutfitters.com
508-228-9165 ext. 110
FREE DOWNLOAD - Nantucket’s searchable phone book app CallNantucket.com
The island’s “Little Black Book”
CALL NANTUCKET is the fully searchable app version of The Nantucket Directory: the island’s phone book. Know who you’re looking for? Search our White Pages for the number. Not sure who to call? Browse our Yellow Pages to choose the best company for your needs! Our CALL NANTUCKET app is FREE TO DOWNLOAD. CallNantucket@gmail.com
Yesterday’s Island/Today’s Nantucket
Guiding visitors on Nantucket for 53 years
Affordable Rentals
Cars, jeeps, mopeds Open daily at 6 South Beach Street
AFFORDABLE RENTALS can help make your visit on Nantucket more complete. With their cars, 4x4s, vans, and mopeds, you will have access to all parts of the island: Great Point, Wauwinet, Coatue, Squam, ‘Sconset, Madaket, and more. Explore to your heart’s content in a vehicle from AFFORDABLE RENTALS, open daily at 6 South Beach Street. Call ahead for reservations. All major credit cards accepted. affrentals.com
Young’s Bicycle Shop
“The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island” Open daily at 6 Broad Street Harvey A Young’s Bicycle Shop” started on Nantucket in 1931. When Harvey sold the business to his son, Roger, it became YOUNG’S BICYCLE SHOP. Now with over 90 years in business, the 4th generation is running YOUNG’S. The Young family and their staff provide you with the ideal rental bike for Nantucket AND YOUNG’S also rents cars and Jeeps. Check out their website, give them a call, or stop in to see their friendly, knowledgeable staff, so they can share with you “The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island”. Reservations & delivery services available. youngsbicycleshop.com
Endeavor Sailing Excursions
Private Charters. Per Person Fares Slip 1015, Straight Wharf
Pleasure sailing
“Captain James Genthner shares his love of the Island with visitors aboard his sloop ENDEAVOR”—Ted Reinstein, CBS Good Day! Featured in Yankee Magazine’s Best of New England: “A cruise aboard the Endeavor is a lesson in beauty and local history.” “No one has done more to make sure that Nantucket’s maritime traditions are alive and well than Capt. Jim Genthner,” Nat Philbrick, author In the Heart of the Sea. The ENDEAVOR sails daily at 10 am, 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm, and at sunset. They offer private charters, sailing celebrations. Gift certificates are available. Call for information and reservations. endeavorsailing.com
In print & online + eNewsletter
Visit our online publication to see more articles, more photos, enter contests, and to share your impressions of Nantucket. For more than 50 years, YESTERDAY’S ISLAND/TODAY’S
NANTUCKET has been the best source for planning your leisure time on Nantucket Island. From Daffodil Festival through Christmas Stroll, you can pick up our print editions, available everywhere, or you can visit us online at YesterdaysIsland.com. After you leave your favorite island, you can stay in touch with the happenings here — find us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram @nantucket_insider, and sign up for our free Nantucket eNewsletter — look for the link at the top of Nantucket.net Yesterdaysisland.com
Mitchell’s Book Corner
Open Daily - special Book Festival book signings
See the calendar for our upcoming book signings
Nantucket’s Tall Ship Lynx, a national treasure here in our harbor
Traditional Sailing & History in Nantucket Sound Family fun for all ages! Nantucket’s Tall Ship LYNX is offering sails from July to October from Nantucket Harbor. They also offer charters, weddings, educational and special groups sailings. Looking for a unique venue to gather? LYNX is available for private charters... treat your family, your friend, or your colleagues to a very special day or evening: it’s an adventure for all! Nantucket’s Tall Ship LYNX is a national treasure here in our harbor. For details and reservations, contact the office @ 978.479.2197 tallshiplynx.org
Nantucket by Water
54 Main Street
MITCHELL’S BOOK CORNER prides itself on a long tradition of personalized attention to its customers for more than 50 years. Visit nantucketbookpartners.com for any book in print, preorders, signed copies, e-books, audio books, gift cards, staff picks, and more. If the book is “on our shelves now” we can offer next business day island home delivery for a small fee. If the book is not on-hand we can either ship it to you or order it for you. We are also happy to ship books to anywhere in the US. MITCHELL’S is open daily. nantucketbookpartners.com
Nantucket Bookworks
Open Daily - special book signings this week
Books, chocolates, & unique gifts
25 Broad Street
NANTUCKET BOOKWORKS is our quirky little shop chock full of books, gifts, and goodies. Visit nantucketbookpartners.com for books and nantucketbooksworks.com for the very best of Bookworks online. We have Nantucket gifts, puzzles, games, toys, art supplies, party accessories, stuffed animals, greeting cards, kids items, and so much more. And we have an enticing nook filled with amazing chocolates to buy and savor as you read your new books. We also are happy to ship anywhere in the US. For books, shop nantucketbookpartners.com. Order online or stop in to browse. BOOKWORKS is open daily. nantucketbookpartners.com
See display ad for times & routes
Year-Round Bus Routes
RIDE THE WAVE to/from town, mid island areas, Madaket, Sconset, Surfside and Jetties Beaches, the Airport and points in between. Access real time information bus locations and estimated arrival at your stop from your computer or internet enabled cell phone at live.nrtawave.com. Service is provided year-round on select routes and thru mid-October on seasonal routes. See our schedule in this paper or visit nrtawave.com for complete information or pick up a riders guide at NRTA Office 20R South Water St, Visitor Services 25 Federal Street, Chamber of Commerce 0 Main Street, or the Greenhound Building 10 Washington Street. Fares are $2 or $3 depending on route, half fare for 65 & older, persons with disabilities, veterans, and active military personnel. Exact change is recommended or a future ride change card will be issued. Short term passes are available on any Wave vehicle. nrtawave.com
A Variety of Boat Tours for All Ages Straight Wharf, Slip #1011 Oyster Cruises, Ice Cream Cruises, Cocktail Cruises, Sunset Cruise, & more NANTUCKET by WATER (formerly Shearwater Excursions) is a local family-run company dedicated to providing unique tours and cruises to individuals and families of all age groups. From small kids to grandparents, NBW has trips that cater to your needs and taste for adventure. Whether you take a leisurely tour around Nantucket Harbor, or a longer adventure exploring the wildlife sanctuary of Coatue or visiting the unique 5th Bend Oyster Farm, Nantucket By Water promises an exceptional experience. nantucketbywater.com
Barnaby’s Toy & Art Shack
Downtown toy store & art studio for kids of all ages
Open daily at 12 Oak Street
BARNABY’S TOY & ART SHACK, located downtown at 12 Oak Street, is the perfect place to do your holiday shopping for all the kids on your list. They have a fantastic selection of crafts, books, toys, and so much more! And BARNABY’S offers art classes for children ages 2-13 years. Children can choose from a variety of classes as well as they can drop-in and create every day, all day! All of Barnaby’s classes are taught by professional artists and educators who will guide your child’s technique and processes in our inspirational space in downtown Nantucket. For more information or to register, please visit www.barnabysnantucket.com, or call 508-6801553, or email barnabyack@gmail.com. barnabysnantucket.com
Artists Association of Nantucket
Open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm Visual Arts Center, 24 Amelia Drive Classes & Workshops for all ages
The ARTISTS ASSOCIATION’s Arts Program offers year-round educational programs for adults and children. Our spacious workshop on Amelia Drive hosts a wide variety of classes and workshops in many media including oil painting, watercolor, pastel, life drawing, ceramics, printmaking, textile art and mixed media. Our instructors are resident artists, AAN artist members and a variety of visiting artists who work in a range of mediums and bring a wealth of talent and experience to the program. Classes are designed for all levels of experience, from the novice to advanced and for all ages. nantucketarts.org
Aunt Leah’s Fudge
Made fresh on Nantucket Open daily at The Courtyard, 16 Straight Wharf
AUNT LEAH has been making her award-winning homemade fudge for three decades on Nantucket. Her fudge has been voted “the best fudge in the world” year after year. Once you try her fudge, you’ll see why it is always rated the best! AUNT LEAH makes it daily in her shop, using the freshest and finest ingredients. She has more than 40 scrumptious flavors. Her most popular fudge flavor is chocolate peanut butter, which has a layer of rich peanut butter fudge on the bottom, topped with a layer of decadent chocolate fudge. AUNT LEAH also has her famous chocolate-covered cranberries. The cranberries come in both milk and dark chocolate or a mixture of both. Both the fudge and chocolate-covered cranberries make unique island wedding favors or gifts for special events. auntleahs.com
The Rainbow Fleet
Open Monday-Saturday 10am to 5pm
Clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories
Current Vintage
Open daily, celebrating our 16th season!
Wine • Clothing • Home • Gifts • Provisions
4 Easy Street
CURRENT VINTAGE is a fun and original concept store with a carefully edited mix of vintage clothing & accessories, wines, cheeses, gifts, and home goods. Everything here is thoughtfully chosen, including exclusive Nantucket gifts and a selection of nearly 400 wines. CV is a beloved island institution, celebrating more than 15 years in the heart of Nantucket. Join us for fun vibe & serious wines! currentvintage.com
Hill’s of Nantucket
Open Daily 10 am to 5 pm
Unique & Original Nantucket Theme Gifts
40 Straight Wharf
167 Orange Street
Shop sustainably at THE RAINBOW FLEET, Nantucket’s year round women’s consignment boutique located mid-island near the rotary. We carefully select the best vintage, modern and designer pieces from over 450 island consignors, and steam-clean them into new life daily! From clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories to one of a kind finds from local artists, you can find your own style in our relaxed atmosphere—complete with outdoor covered shopping, dressing rooms, and, yes, ample parking! We aim to provide sustainable and affordable fashion options for all… great for the planet and your wallet too! Follow us on Instagram @therainbowfleet therainbowfleetnantucket.com
Deadline is Sept. 12, 2023 - CASH PRIZES Box 626, Nantucket, MA 02554
See winners & entries online at Nantucket.net
ENTER EARLY & OFTEN! This annual photo contest is a popular way to share your photos of Nantucket with the world. Winners of previous contests are online at The Insider’s Guide to Nantucket: nantucket.net. The 2023 Contest has begun: DEADLINE TO ENTER IS SEPTEMBER 12, 2023. We accept copyright-free images of Nantucket present and past. Email your high resolution photo entries to ACKPhotoContest@gmail.com or mail us a CD or thumb drive with electronic images from your digital camera. Please make sure your digital images are highresolution. You can even mail in your prints of Nantucket Island. Visit Nantucket.net to see a great selection past entries and winners. nantucket.net/photo-contest-entry
The UPS Store
Open Monday - Saturday
Locally owned and operated
61 Old South Road
Nantucket’s UPS STORE is in spacious quarters at 61 Old South Road and offers a variety of products and services to make your life easier: personal mailboxes, mail forwarding, UPS shipping and receiving, overnight delivery, and more. THE UPS STORE offers a wide variety of copy and print services, including b&w and color copies, output from disks, wide format printing, laminating, collating, and a full range of finishing services. You can even go there for notary services, passport photos, and mail boxes. THE UPS STORE makes high quality, full color banners and posters! Plenty off-street parking. THE UPS STORE: let them help you!
Family Activities @ Children’s Beach
Activities & Fun at Children’s Beach thru mid-August at Children’s Beach
Fun & games for children and families
Children’s Beach, located at the end of Harbor View Way, is the perfect park for families and children. Through mid-August, the Town of Nantucket’s Culture & Tourism department sponsors fun for everyone. Free NanPuppet shows with Lizza Saturdays at 10 am, and live music! See our display ad, check the events calendar, and visit our website for details.
Arrowhead Nursery & Furniture
Where Home & Garden Meet - Patio Furniture in stock! 9 Wampanoag Way
Outdoor & Indoor Furniture, Home Accessories, Garden Needs
ARROWHEAD NURSERY & FURNITURE is the largest furniture showroom on island featuring indoor furniture, outdoor, home décor and more. Stop by their location near the airport, just beyond Thai House restaurant, and browse through their wide variety of home accessories, including decorative items, table settings, indoor furniture, and unique gifts. Their garden center has a fabulous selection of plants, flowers, pottery, fountains, statues, garden structures, and garden accessories. ARROWHEAD NURSERY & SHOWROOM...where home and garden meet. arrowheadfurniture.com
Established in 1981, HILL’S combines the best of Nantucket for the art and gift seeker. G.S. Hill Gallery and Hill’s of Nantucket offer fine art by Greg Hill and wonderful speciality gifts designed by this husband-and-wife team. Nantucket theme prints, note cards by Hill are their main focus. American made; that hard-to-find gift is here waiting for you! Treat yourself to a unique gift gallery from HILL’S. gshill.com
It’s A Shore Thing
Distinctive Nantucket Gifts
Open daily at 30B Main Street
At IT’S A SHORE THING, we are proud to carry products made in New England. Come in and browse through our wide selection of gifts including lotion, soaps, jewelry, pottery, antiques, housewares, tote bags, art, and home decor. You can find unusual gifts at all prices in A SHORE THING that you’ll find nowhere else!
Museum Shop at the Whaling Museum
508-228-1894, ext. 138
Open during museum hours: 10am-5pm in the Whaling Museum, 11 Broad Street
NHA exclusives, gifts, apparel, books, home decor
The Nantucket Historical Association has been a steward of Nantucket’s cultural history since 1894. Don’t miss the MUSEUM SHOP at the Whaling Museum, where you will find unique gifts, books, prints, maps, and objects of art inspired by Nantucket history. Many items are exclusive to the MUSEUM SHOP, and NHA members get special discounts. 100% of all purchases support the Nantucket Historical Association and its mission to tell the inspiring stories of Nantucket through its collections, programs, and properties. nantucketmuseumshop.org
Nantucket Cottage Hospital
24-hr emergency services, hospital care, lab, rehab
57 Prospect St
NANTUCKET COTTAGE HOSPITAL has been caring for our island community. In addition to excellent physicians and nursing staff, the hospital has a 24-hour Emergency Department, full laboratory, physical therapy, cardiac rehab, chemotherapy, surgical services, imaging services, maternity services, and much more. Through Mass General Brigham, NANTUCKET COTTAGE HOSPITAL offers high-quality virtual urgent care services for many conditions and minor injuries daily from 7 am to 11 pm for ages 3 and older. Nantuckethospital.org
Arrowhead Nursery & Furniture
Where Home & Garden Meet - Patio Furniture in stock!
Outdoor & Indoor Furniture, Home Accessories, Garden Needs
9 Wampanoag Way
ARROWHEAD NURSERY & FURNITURE is the largest furniture showroom on island featuring indoor furniture, outdoor, home décor and more. Stop by their location near the airport, and browse through their wide variety of home accessories, including decorative items, table settings, indoor furniture, and unique gifts. Their garden center has a fabulous selection of plants, flowers, pottery, fountains, statues, garden structures, and garden accessories. ARROWHEAD NURSERY & SHOWROOM...where home and garden meet. www.arrowheadnursery.com arrowheadfurniture.com
Icarus & Co
Open 11 am to 5 pm
19 Old South Wharf
Jewelry and Home Decor
Nature is our muse and jewelry is our love language. Take home your own piece of Nantucket with our exclusive collection of Nantucket beach stone jewelry. We transform local beach stones and shells into stunning pieces of wearable treasure. Follow us on Instagram for an exclusive, behind the scenes view @nantucketbeachstones. icarusandco.com
It’s A Shore Thing
Distinctive Nantucket Gifts
Open daily at 30B Main Street
At IT’S A SHORE THING, we are proud to carry products made in New England. Come in and browse through our wide selection of quality items for your home, including pottery, antiques, housewares, serving plates & trays, pillows, art, decorative wall hangings, and much more. You can also find unusual gifts at all prices in A SHORE THING that you’ll find nowhere else!
Petty Folk Art & Carving
508-332-9925 or 508-619-7554
Formerly Nantucket Carving & Folk Art serving the Cape & Islands for 16 years
Folk artist Jean Petty and her brother David Perry specialize in custom handcarved quarterboards, business signs, & house numbers. They are responsible for many of the beautiful signs visitors see plus 100s of quarterboards that adorn the homes on Nantucket. They offer restoration of quarterboards, signs, and ship models. Restored the carving “Going on a Whale”
at the Nantucket Whaling Museum in 2015. Gift certificates available. Visit them at pettyfolkartandcarving.com, see their show schedule and take a virtual tour: youtu.be/c95SYBE5RVg of some of their artwork available. Call or email all inquiries to jean@pettyfolkartandcarving.com pettyfolkartandcarving.com
Respoke Respoke.com
Iconic designer scarves repurposed
41 Straight Wharf
RESPOKE repurposes iconic designer scarves into one-of-a-kind products featuring handcrafted Spanish made espadrilles. Experience a world of unique footwear, ready-to-wear, fine art, furniture, and accessories. Each piece carries more value and self-identity than its original form. Respoke was founded by best-selling author Michael Tonello, whose memoir, Bringing Home the Birkin, recounts the highlights of his years as a reseller of all things Hermes. Visit their Nantucket shop at 41 Straight Wharf and see what’s new for 2023! Respoke.com
Insiders Guide to Nantucket
Beaches, Events, Museums, Dining, Classifieds, & More
Visit us online & follow us on Instagram @nantucket_insider
Visit Nantucket before & after you visit Nantucket!
Visit NANTUCKET.NET for a biking page, lighthouse page, festivals page, photo galleries, maps, parks & trails, and guides to lodging, dining, real estate, recreation, and much more! Our Calendar of Events is the most complete and is updated several times a week, year-round. Looking for a beach? Our Beach Listings have photos, videos, and info about all the best island beaches and where to find them. And our classifieds are ever-changing. Visit Nantucket before, during, and after you visit Nantucket by going to Nantucket.net and follow us on Instagram @nantucket_insider Nantucket.net
Call Nantucket
FREE download for IOS and Android
Your telephone book for Nantucket
Know who you want to call but need their phone number? Search by name on CALL NANTUCKET. Know what you want but not where to get it? Search by category on the up-todate and locally produced CALL NANTUCKET app. This app is free to download and easy to use. Both white pages and yellow pages are included. callnantucket.com
Blue Beetle
Jewelry & Gifts
Open daily at 12 Main Street
Located at 12 Main Street, BLUE BEETLE reflects the playfulness and elegance of island living. We strive to provide a collection of carefully curated clothing, jewelry, gifts and accessories that portray the summer lifestyle on Nantucket. The boutique is filled with modern, chic, and contemporary fashions to suit every occasion. We proudly sell Joules, Jude Connally, Captiva Cashmere, Lilla P and MZ Wallace. Known for our Nantucket Jewelry, there is something for everyone; beads to fit Pandora, rings, bracelets and of course our charm bar, where you can create your own unique island necklace. Shop year round in store or visit us online at BlueBeetleNantucket.com
Jewelry and Home Decor
Open 11 am to 5 pm
19 Old South Wharf
Nature is our muse and jewelry is our love language. Take home your own piece of Nantucket with our exclusive collection of Nantucket beach stone jewelry. We transform local beach stones and shells into stunning pieces of wearable treasure. Follow us on Instagram for an exclusive, behind the scenes view @nantucketbeachstones. icarusandco.com
Open daily
Fine Antique & Estate Jewelry
21 Centre Street
JEWELERS’ GALLERY offers Nantucket’s largest collection of antique and estate jewelry, including pieces by Tiffany, Cartier, Webb, and more. Stop in to see our classic period pieces. We specialize in diamond, sapphire, and emerald engagement and anniversary rings. We also carry exquisite island classics, including the Turk’s Head braided bracelet, Nautical Cable Collections, gem-set Sailors’ Valentines, and handwoven gold lightship basket jewelry. Also featured at JEWELERS’ GALLERY is an outstanding collection of beautifully designed jewelry by leading American goldsmiths: Diana Kim England, Louis Reyes, Thomas Kruskal, and more. Each unique piece is skillfully crafted in platinum, 18K, or 14K gold and will be a treasured keepsake from historic Nantucket. JEWELERS’ GALLERY: serving Nantucket since 1971. jewelersgallery.com
The Love Shack by Lola
Open Daily from 10 am to 6pm
10 Old South Wharf
Handcrafted sterling pendants, bracelets, jewelry, t-shirts, candles & more!
THE LOVE SHACK is welcoming back customers to their shop on Old South Wharf. AND your favorite items are also available online at lolacompany.com. LOLA™ designs and creates beautiful sterling jewelry with inspirational messages on the back marking important moments in peoples lives. With more than 30 pendant designs varying in size and gorgeous colors,
creating your own look is endless and addicting. THE LOVE SHACK is home to our entire jewelry collection and is inspiration for our apparel, candles, hats, and more. Everything you need for your very own Love Shack!
Nantucket Estate Jewelry and Fine Arts
Open for the season with stunning new pieces
Jewelry, Lightship Baskets, Art, Scrimshaw, & more
1 Orange Street
We feature fine estate jewelry in all price ranges - antique, vintage, and contemporaryincluding designers such as Tiffany, Cartier, Bulgari, Roberto Coin, and David Yurman. We also sell sterling silver jewelry and flatware and hollowware. We also carry a large assortment of Nantucket baskets and carved Nantucket purses, as well as a fine selection of antique scrimshaw. We stock an assortment of quality art work, including antique paintings, nautical items, maps, and island works by local artists. Nantucketestatejewelry.com
Nantucket Pearl Company
Open Daily 10 am to 5 pm online & in the G.S. Hill Gallery, 40 Straight Wharf
American made, hand-strung pearl jewelry
Authentic American-made jewelry from quality pearls at affordable prices. Jewelry designer Pam Freitus creates unique jewelry from hand-picked pearls, stones, leather, crystals and glass. On some pieces, pearls are interspersed with turquoise, on others, the Ying and Yang of black and white is featured, or sapphire and diamond bling may be chosen to set off the soft reflection of the pearl’s whiteness. Look for Pam’s signature, a small red bead that identifies the piece as hers. NANTUCKET PEARL COMPANY jewelry is available exclusively at Hill’s of Nantucket, 40 Straight Wharf. nantucketpearlcompany.com
R Simantov Fine Jewelry
Open daily; appointments recommended
Contemporary jewelry masterpieces of lasting value
508-228-2918 or 917-324-4410
1 Old North Wharf (at Easy Street)
R. SIMANTOV is known for creating contemporary jewelry masterpieces of lasting value. The firm resurrects lost techniques from the past, utilizing the most exquisite materials and outstanding craftsmanship to create one-of-a-kind pieces. Works by R SIMANTOV have been recognized with international design awards and installed in permanent museum collections. R SIMANTOV’s masterpieces illustrate the playfulness and whimsical beauty that can be created with unique combinations of metals and precious stones. The resulting pieces are fine treasures reminiscent of classical styles, with touches of modern elegance. rsimantov.com
Susan Lister Locke Gallery
Inspired and Creative Jewelry
Open daily at 28A Easy Street
Inspired by the Ocean that surrounds her, be it in her Gallery on Nantucket or her winter home in Palm Beach Florida, Jewelry Designer, Susan Lister Locke creates highly sought after, unique jewelry using beautiful, and oftentimes rare, gemstones set in high karat Gold and Platinum. @susanlisterlockejeweler susanlisterlocke.com
Nantucket Atheneum
Open 6 days a week, year-round
1 India Street
Nantucket’s Free Public Library & Gathering Place nantucketatheneum.org
THE NANTUCKET ATHENEUM, our island’s public library is a vital community hub. We are open year-round, 6 days a week, and offer materials and services for all ages. More than 170,000 people come through our doors annually, where they have free access to 1.6 million books and a large collection of CDs, and DVDs. In addition, we offer many web-based services, free computer use, WIFI, and more than 1,300 educational and cultural programs a year. Our historic building, which opened in 1847, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and filled with beautiful art and artifacts that celebrate our maritime heritage and the history of Nantucket.
Egan Maritime Institute
Maritime Education, History, Museum, Events & more
EGAN MARITIME INSTITUTE members enjoy many benefits: unlimited admission to the Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum, access to historic and educational programs, and unique opportunities to sail aboard the Tall Ship Lynx. Sea of Opportunities is one of their offerings: a diverse offering of education and outreach programs available to every Nantucket student at multiple points throughout their education. It seeds the maritime workforce of tomorrow and opens doors for local youth to opportunities that will enhance their futures and our coastal community. eganmaritime.org
Cape Cod 5
Open Monday-Friday
We’ll make your dream come true!
112 Pleasant Street and Zero Main Street
CAPE COD FIVE will give you more than just a mortgage... they’ll help make your dream come true! Fixed Rate, Adjustable Rate, Jumbo Loans, Affordable Housing, Construction & Land Loans for first time home buyers. Our knowledgeable, experienced mortgage loan officers are available to help you. Call Beth Ann Meehan at 508-247-1709 or Lauren Ard at 508-247-1795 or visit our website at CapeCodFive.com capecodfive.com
The Dreamland
Nantucket’s Film & Cultural Center
Drive-in Movies, In-Theater Films, Concerts, & Events
Movie LIne:
17 South Water Street
THE NANTUCKET DREAMLAND is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching the cultural and intellectual life of Nantucket by providing year-round films, educational programs, and a venue for community activities that engage Nantucket in the evolving world of entertainment and education. Films are shown in our 314-seat Main Theatre, in our 110-seat Studio Theatre, and seasonally at our Drive-In at 7 Nobadeer Farm Road. Tickets are available at NantucketDreamland.org. Become a member and get special access, special pricing, and even free tickets! Check our schedule for film showings, Dreamland Stage productions, special concerts & events in the DREAMLAND’s Harbor View Room. NantucketDreamland.org
Nantucket Historical Association
Your portal to Nantucket history
2023 featured exhibit: “Summer on Nantucket”
15 Broad Street
No trip to Nantucket is complete without a trip to the NANTUCKET WHALING MUSEUM . In this top-quality exhibition venue, visitors can see a 46-foot sperm whale skeleton, a restored 1847 candle factory, exquisite collections of scrimshaw, artwork, artifacts from centuries of Nantucket life, and a fully accessible rooftop observation deck with an unmatched panoramic view and cozy seating. Discover treasures from Nantucket’s cellars and attics in the newly redesigned, artifact-rich Hadwen & Barney Oil & Candle Factory. Don’t miss the film “Nantucket,” directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Ric Burns. Showcasing the island’s natural beauty and its significant role in global history, this 51-minute film is a feast for the eyes, offering a transformative experience for islanders and visitors alike. All this and more can be found at the Nantucket Whaling Museum. nha.org
Nantucket Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum
2023 exhibit: “Rum Runners & Rum Chasers” eganmaritime.org drive or take a free shuttle to 158 Polpis Road
Daily Family Activities, Museum Talks & Tours
Discover Nantucket’s unwavering human spirit: The NANTUCKET SHIPWRECK & LIFESAVING MUSEUM is devoted to the history of Nantucket lifesaving, famous shipwrecks and rescues around the island, life-saving equipment, daily routine at life-saving stations, and the United States Coast Guard. Family-friendly programs & displays appeal to all ages. The Museum shares the fascinating stories through permanent and changing interpretive exhibits, drawing on a collection of over 5,000 objects including period surfboats, beach carts, Fresnel lenses from Brant Point & Great Point lights, vintage photographs, short movies and more. The museum’s 2023 main exhibit is RUM RUNNERS & RUM CHASERS: NANTUCKET, PROHIBITION, & THE US COAST GUARD. Check their website for other 2023 events: eganmaritime.org/shipwrecklifesaving-museum. The Museum is an affiliate of the Egan Maritime Institute.
Nantucket Community Music Center
Free Concert: Boston Civic Symphony on June 17
Music Lessons, Summer Programs, Concerts
56 Centre Street
The NANTUCKET COMMUNITY MUSIC CENTER presents a free family concert by the Boston Civic Symphony. NPS students will also perform. Enjoy a free taco food truck reception after the show provided by NCMC. Premium parking and seating purchases support music education on Nantucket. June 17th at 4pm. Reserve your seat: see our ad for details. nantucketmusic.org
Arrowhead Nursery & Furniture
Where Home & Garden Meet
Outdoor & Indoor Furniture, Home Accessories, Garden Needs
rods from Tidal Creeks Outfitters and Fish Stix as well as endless lures & bait. Fun for Kidswe’ve got nets, crab traps, minnow nets, tubes, body boards, & rain gear. Follow us on Instagram @TidalCreeks. TidalCreeksOutfitters.com
Petty Folk Art & Carving
508-332-9925 or 508-619-7554
Formerly Nantucket Carving & Folk Art serving the Cape & Islands for 16 years
Folk artist Jean Petty and her brother David Perry specialize in custom handcarved quarterboards, business signs, & house numbers. They are responsible for many of the beautiful signs visitors see plus 100s of quarterboards that adorn the homes on Nantucket. They offer restoration of quarterboards, signs, and ship models. Restored the carving “Going on a Whale” at the Nantucket Whaling Museum in 2015. Gift certificates available. Visit them at pettyfolkartandcarving.com, see their show schedule and take a virtual tour: youtu.be/c95SYBE5RVg of some of their artwork available. Call or email all inquiries to jean@pettyfolkartandcarving.com pettyfolkartandcarving.com
ACK Distinctive Properties
Call now to reserve your summer vacation home! Find your perfect Nantucket Home ACK Distinctive Properties, LLC is committed to bringing the highest level of customer service to real estate in Nantucket, MA. Our job doesn’t end when we sign a rental agreement or close on a house. Instead, we endeavor to offer world-class service at every stage – from keeping our clients informed about market changes and events on the island to offering personalized rental services, curated sales advice, contractual work, and more. We help you enjoy your Nantucket life to its fullest and to serve your needs with the utmost integrity, discretion, and distinction. This commitment from our agents and managing partner includes providing our clients with the highest level of information. We will keep you updated on the changing nature of the Nantucket real estate market, micro-target your Nantucket area for tailored research and advice and share with you what is trending, and what is not. ackdp.com
Native Shoes
Live Lightly
Open daily at 40 Straight Wharf
From the beach to the bike ride, on the rainy days and the cocktail parties at night, NATIVE SHOES makes it easy to live lightly with a thoughtful selection of ultra lightweight, easy-towear shoes for both kids and adults. Find us right next to the Hy-Line Ferry.
Iconic designer scarves repurposed
41 Straight Wharf
RESPOKE repurposes iconic designer scarves into one-of-a-kind products featuring handcrafted Spanish made espadrilles. Experience a world of unique footwear, ready-to-wear, fine art, furniture, and accessories. Each piece carries more value and self-identity than its original form. Respoke was founded by best-selling author Michael Tonello, whose memoir, Bringing Home the Birkin, recounts the highlights of his years as a reseller of all things Hermes. Visit their Nantucket shop at 41 Straight Wharf and see what’s new for 2023! Respoke.com
Blooming Bids for Fairwinds
9 Wampanoag Way
ARROWHEAD NURSERY & SHOWROOM has a spacious garden center with a fabulous selection of plants, flowers, pottery, fountains, statues, garden structures, and garden accessories. In addition, their indoor showroom carries the largest selection of indoor & outdoor furniture on the island, featuring teak, aluminum patio sets and more. Stop by their location near the airport, just beyond the Thai House restaurant, and browse through their wide variety of home accessories, including decorative items, table settings, indoor furniture, and unique gifts. ARROWHEAD NURSERY & SHOWROOM...where home and garden meet. arrowheadnursery.com
Tidal Creeks Outfitters & Ship Store
Open daily
Outfitters with boat & paddleboard rentals
32 Washington Street
Experience Nantucket with TIDAL CREEKS OUTFITTERS & Ship Store: we’ll help you make memories that will last a lifetime. Boat days are the best days! Spend a day like no other exploring Nantucket Harbor with us. We offer 1/2- and full rentals of our boats. Up to six people per boat, plus you can add Experience Packages. Paddle board rentals are also available. Call us or stop by if you have a larger group & are looking for an experience tailored to meet your needs. And we offer guided paddle board tours. Fishing - we’ve got you covered with custom
Thursday, June 22 at Bartlett’s Farm 33 Bartlett’s Farm Road & Online Benefit for Fairwinds - Nantucket’s Counseling Center fairwindscenter.org
BLOOMING BIDS FOR FAIRWINDS will be held this year on June 22. A live and online charity auction is held from 10am to 7 pm; in-person celebration from 5 to 7pm, with farm-to-table hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer, mocktails, and music. To buy your tickets, visit fairwindscenter.org and click on the link on the EVENTS drop down. In collaboration with NCH, and other community partners, FAIRWINDS has launched a new model of rural behavioral health care and has been designated the “Community Behavioral Health Center for Nantucket” by the state of MA. This includes critical 24-hour crisis management. Please join us and show that you care that all the people in our community have access to essential and compassionate mental health services.
Nantucket Book Festival Celebrating great books and fascinating authors
June 15-18, 2023 Visit the website for schedule of free & ticketed events
The NANTUCKET BOOK FESTIVAL brings more than 20 stellar authors to Nantucket for inperson talks, forums, gatherings, and celebrations of writers and readers. Presenting authors for 2023 include: Julie Gerstenblatt, Sebastian Junger, Tiya Miles, Jodi Picoult, Luke Russert, Dolen Perkins-Valdez, and Emma Straub. Most of their events are free — the schedule is online at nantucketbookfestival.org
Nantucket Community Music Center
Free Concert: Boston Civic Symphony on June 17
Music Lessons, Summer Programs, Concerts
56 Centre Street
The NANTUCKET COMMUNITY MUSIC CENTER presents a free family concert by the Boston Civic Symphony. NPS students will also perform. Enjoy a free taco food truck reception after the show provided by NCMC. Premium parking and seating purchases support music education on Nantucket. June 17th at 4pm. Reserve your seat: see our ad for details. nantucketmusic.org
17th Annual Seminar: June 22-24, 2023
Barrett’s Tours
Register online
Nantucket Dental Society offers one of the best continuing education programs in the world, with world-class speakers, cutting-edge topics and techniques. You’ll network with industry leaders, earn CE credits, and experience Nantucket. The 2023 speakers include Dr, Frank Tuminelli, Dr. Maryanne Irwin, and Randy Schumacher, PHR. Register online at nantucketdental.com
Nantucket Preservation Trust
June 26 at 5:30 pm: Special Speaker Stephanie Phillips
NANTUCKET PRESERVATION TRUST is presenting a speaker series highlighting practitioners and planners across the country whose work looks to past traditions and innovative solutions to create a more sustainable future. This speaker series will build on a 2-part feasibility study about salvage and reuse on Nantucket. The first featured speaker will be Stephanie Phillips, Deconstruction and Circular Economy Program Manager for the City of San Antonio. She’ll speak in the Great Hall of the Nantucket Atheneum at 5:30 pm Monday, June 26, discussing her experiences in planning and implementing San Antonio’s deconstruction ordinance and the lessons learned along the way. nantucketpreservation.org
Plein Air Nantucket
Artists Association of Nantucket
June 13-18, 2023
ARTISTS ASSOCIATION OF NANTUCKET is hosting their annual Plein Air Nantucket from June 13-18. All community members and visitors are invited to register in The Big Gallery, and then set up their easels anywhere on Nantucket, paint en plein air, and exhibit their Fresh Works at AAN’s Big Gallery, upstairs at 12 Straight Wharf. Starting June 13, participants may exhibit their fresh artworks daily for sale on our festival “Wet Walls.” This year’s Plein Air Paint Out will be held 10am to 3pm on June 14 at Folger’s Marsh. On June 15 from 10am to 12:30pm, Quick Paint sessions will be held at The Creeks Preserve, 2 Milestone Road and at Children’s Beach. Many artworks will hang for sale through June 26.Closing reception & awards ceremony on June 18 at 5pm in The Big Gallery. nantucketarts.org
July 20-22
A New Benefit For Nantucket’s Free Public Library & Gathering Place
1 India Street
Thursday, July 20 - Saturday, July 22, 2023, THE NANTUCKET ATHENEUM will host its new major fundraiser Weekend at the Library! – three days of fun for all ages in its historic library building and grounds at 1 India Street. This special weekend kicks off with cocktails & canapes at 6 pm in the Atheneum Garden followed by a special dinner on July 20 in the Great Hall featuring a conversation with David M. Rubenstein, one of the most impressive patriotic philanthropists of our day, with best-selling author, journalist, and historian, Evan Thomas. On Saturday, July 22, Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter, Lori McKenna will perform an intimate concert in the Atheneum’s Great Hall, followed by a summer bash in the library’s garden. nantucketatheneum.org
Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
BOEING BOEING through June 24
Nantucket’s Longest Running Professional Theatre
For Tickets: visit our website
THEATRE WORKSHOP of Nantucket has been the island’s live theatre company since 1956. Their 2023 season opens with the smart & clever comedy BOEING BOEING in production through June 24: It’s Paris in the 1960s and perpetual bachelor Bernard has a swinging flat and 3 flight attendants all engaged to him without knowing about each other. The season continues with productions of ROCK OF AGES, the Teen Production of GREASE, JAMES GALLAGHER, and ELF THE MUSICAL. Ticket sell fast: buy a season subscription at theatrenantucket.org. TWN: Where Nantucket Meets Broadway! theatrenantucket.org
Hospital Thrift Shop
Clothing, housewares, furniture & more
17 India Street
In 1929, a small group of dedicated women volunteers established the Thrifty Shop, selling affordable, recycled men, women and children clothing, household items and furniture to benefit the Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Now incorporated as THE HOSPITAL THRIFT SHOP this store has donated millions to the NCH. Opening Day for the 2023 season is Monday, May 8 at 10 am: visit our website for all 2023 hours hospitalthriftshop.org
Seconds Shop
1-1/2 hr tour; departs daily at 10am, 1 pm, & 3 pm departs from 25 Federal St
BARRETT’S TOURS is the oldest tour company on Nantucket. BARRETT’S offers 1-1/2 hour historic tours daily from 25 Federal Street (across from the Visitors Center) at 10 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm. BARRETT’S also has Coach bus service for weddings, clambakes, and large private tours. For more information and reservations, please call 508-228-0174.
Nantucket Island Tours
Open Daily 10-4, closed Wednesday Call about making donations
Proceeds benefit Fairwinds - Nantucket’s Counseling Center
32 Sparks Avenue
Looking to expand your wardrobe on a budget or need some items for your home at affordable prices? SECONDS SHOP, open at 32 Sparks Ave (between On Island Gas and Cumberland Farms), is the perfect place to shop! Here you’ll find a great selection of gently used clothing, jewelry, house wares, small furnishings, books, and more. There’s an ever-changing variety, so visit often — you never know what treasures you may find. Donations of saleable items in good condition are accepted daily. And your shopping is helping a worthy island cause: proceeds benefit Fairwinds: Nantucket’s Counseling Center. Bring in the display ad in this publication for $5 off your purchase of $25 or more. secondsshop.org
Nantucket’s Premiere Transportation Company
Two Great Tours! Departing from Greenhound Station on Washington St 10 Washington Street
NANTUCKET ISLAND TOURS is the largest provider of tours, charters, & transportation services on-island. For more than 70 years, Nantucket Island Tours offers daily tours, corporate charters, wedding & event transportation. Hop aboard one of our beautiful new air-conditioned buses & meet our experienced local guides. We offer multiple tours daily, the 75-minute Signature Tour which departs 3 x a day and the longer, 2-and-a-half-hour Westender Tour which departs daily. You will learn the history of our diverse island, from the founders, the Whaling Industry through current day. See the Oldest House, The Old Mill, The African American Meeting House, The Village of Sconset, Sankaty Head Lighthouse, The Egan Maritime Museum...and many more beautiful sights. Departures are from 10 Washington Street, The Greenhound Building. Buy tickets in advance at nantucketbustours.com with your HyLine ferry ticket or in-person at 10 Washington Street. Tours sell out daily: advance reservations recommended. nantucketbustours.com
Gail’s Tours, Inc.
Call for reservations & pickup Pickup at 25 Federal St, across from Information Bureau
Departures at approx. 10 am, 1 pm, & 3 pm
Personal scenic Island tours: voted “Best of Nantucket”
GAIL’S TOURS, tours of Nantucket guided by native islander Gail Johnson who has been giving tours for more than 25 years, gives you a look at the Island with a personal touch. Gail leads tours in her 14-passenger van with comfortable individual seats, AC, huge windows, and leg room! She’ll pick you up at 25 Federal Street approximately 10 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm every day. The tour lasts 1-3/4 hours to 2 hours, and passengers are welcome at any time during Gail’s tour to get out to take photos. Private charters are available. Call for reservations: if Gail is on a tour, she’ll call you back.
Guided Walking Tours with NHA
508-228-1894 depart from Whaling Museum, 15 Broad St. 10:30 am & 1:30 pm Mon.-Sat. Take a walk with the Nantucket Historical Association. Explore the ambiance of Nantucket’s cobbled streets and architecture with NHA guides trained in Nantucket history on the Downtown Tour at 10:30 am and at the Historic Homes & Architecture Tour at 1:30 pm. Tours begin at the Nantucket Whaling Museum, rain or shine. Tickets: $20 adults, $5 for ages 6 to 17; under 6 free. Whaling Museum, 13 Broad Street. Walking tours are offered MondaySaturday to June 30; daily from July 1 to Sept. 10. nha.org
Nantucket Walkabout
Daily Guided Wilderness Hikes on Nantucket see website for hikes & times
Book online & pickup at Handlebar Cafe, 15 Washington St nantucketwalkabout.com
Explore Nantucket’s wilderness with “Walking Nantucket” and “Nantucket: A Natural History” author and naturalist Peter Brace, and learn how the last glacier formed the island. Experience wildlife and rare plants. Learn about Nantucket’s conservation efforts, ecology, and the Native Americans that lived here. Rated 5 out of 5 on Trip Advisor. $50 adults, $25 age 12 & younger. Private hikes available. Apple Pay, Android Pay, MC, Visa, Amex, & Discover accepted. Get details & make reservations at nantucketwalkabout.com or 508-422-7466.
Nantucket Walking Tours
Ghost Walks, morning exercise walks + afternoon tours. Call for Private Tours
See calendar for times & where to meet
Explore Nantucket: No reservations necessary
The ORIGINAL NANTUCKET GHOST WALK is the most popular walking tour ever on Nantucket. A fascinating evening stroll to five of the island’s most haunted locations, led by the original guide. See Calendar of Events for date & times & descriptions. Meet the guide 10 min. early at the corner of Main & Centre sts, near the bank steps. Discounts for groups of 10 or more. Cash only. No reservations necessary. Private tours are available for all walks. whjamieson@gmail.com
Travel daily; see schedule for times
Make your reservations online
High-Speed, Passenger-Only, Ferry Service from Hyannis Straight Wharf
Year-round, High-Speed Ferry Service between Nantucket and Hyannis. Seasonal, High-Speed Inter-Island Ferry Service between Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. With our convenient, daily departures all summer, let us whisk you away to the Cape, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard! While onboard, enjoy freshly-made food from our snack bar also featuring local beer, wine, and spirits. Visit us online for schedules, reservations, helpful blog posts, and more! hylinecruises.com
Steamship Authority
Reservations Daily: 7:30am - 4pm
1 Steamboat Wharf steamshipauthority.com
Nantucket Bake Shop
All the delicious freshly baked treats & bread you love. 17-1/2 Old South Road
Come in to try our new Gluten Free donuts Open Mon-Sat from 6:30am to 3pm
Interested in enjoying an authentic bit of Nantucket? You still can in the NANTUCKET BAKE SHOP. Here you’ll find genuine Portuguese bread & rolls. Be tempted by our world-famous almond macaroons and Magees. For breakfast, try our egg sandwiches, fresh donuts, native cranberry & blueberry muffins, scones, flaky croissants, & danish accompanied by a steaming cup of Green Mountain coffee. We bake decorated cakes, fresh fruit tortes, cheesecake, chocolate velvets, and pastries. Everyday favorites include cookies, fruit squares, turnovers, fudge squares, pies, cupcakes, & more! Our traditional baked goods are preservative free and hand batched on Nantucket Island. Most of our cookies and our granola are gluten free. Take our Portuguese bread home so your friends can enjoy a bit of old Nantucket. For mail order, visit our website. Nantucketbakeshop.com
Cisco Brewers
Home of Cisco Brewers, Nantucket Vineyard, and 888
The Faregrounds
Lunch, dinner, & late night menu daily from 11:30 am Indoor & Outside Dining
Delicious & affordable. Gift Cards available 27 Fairgrounds Road
One of Nantucket’s favorite restaurants, THE FAREGROUNDS is serving its regular menus with daily specials. Try their tasty Off-Shore Nibbles, their amazing BBQ Pulled Pork Nachos, one of their char-grilled specialty burgers, or indulge in some of their sensational seafood dishes! They have hearty hot and cold sandwiches and salads, and their pizzas are a favorite with patrons! There’s plenty of parking; major credit cards accepted. Visit thefaregrounds.com to see the menus and call FAREGROUNDS at 508-228-4095 to order your takeout. Call ahead to reserve one of their outdoor dining tables! thefaregrounds.com
All the delicious freshly baked treats & bread you love. Come in to try our new Gluten Free donuts
17-1/2 Old South Road
Open Monday-Saturday from 6:30 am to 3 pm Nantucketbakeshop.com
Interested in enjoying an authentic bit of Nantucket? You still can in the NANTUCKET BAKE SHOP. Here you’ll find genuine Portuguese bread & rolls. For breakfast, try our egg sandwiches, fresh donuts, native cranberry & blueberry muffins, scones, flaky croissants, & danish accompanied by a steaming cup of Green Mountain coffee. Everyday favorites include cookies, fruit squares, turnovers, fudge squares, pies, cupcakes, & more! How about an all white meat chicken pie or fresh spinach quiche for a quick supper? Take our Portuguese bread home so your friends can enjoy a bit of old Nantucket. For mail order, visit our website.
5 Bartlett Farm Road
CISCO BREWERS is Nantucket’s first & only craft brewery and prides itself on celebrating a deep-rooted New England island heritage through its portfolio of approachable, sessionable, and coastally-inspired beers. Founded near Cisco Beach in 1995 by hard-working, entrepreneurial islanders, CISCO BREWERS has gained a cult-like following across the Northeast. Visit its open-air beer garden while on Nantucket to enjoy a laid-back, good times atmosphere, live music, and a refreshing pint or two or a craft cocktail made with our own 888. Private tours may be arranged in advance. Table seating is first-come, first-served — reservations are not accepted. Family & dog-friendly. ciscobrewers.com
Bartlett’s Farm
Open Daily, Year Round
33 Bartlett Farm Road
Farm Grown Produce | Garden Center | Groceries | Beer & Wine | Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner To Go
A 7th generation family farm growing fresh vegetables on 200 acres of historic Nantucket farm land. Find our full service grocery store onsite with specialty items like quality meats, artisanal cheeses and dairy, olive oils, organic snacks, and more. Order groceries and made to order foods online at Bartlettsfarm.com. Peruse our selection of ‘well-farmed’ wines, craft beers and ciders. Our FARM KITCHEN offers take-out breakfast sandwiches, muffins, pastries, coffee and tea…for lunch we have sandwiches, lobster rolls, clam chowder...dinner specials include roast turkey, veggie curry, and prime rib dinner. Grab lunch on your way to the beach, or food and beverages for your BBQ on the way home. Bartlett’s Farm, Who’s Your Farmer? bartlettsfarm.com
Cook’s Cafe
Healthy Take Out — Wraps & Smoothies
Open daily at 6 South Beach Street
COOK’S CAFE is the way to eat healthy while you’re on Nantucket. Start your day right with one of their breakfast wraps, a toasted bagel, and a cup of freshly brewed coffee or a refreshing breakfast smoothie. Their Mermaid Magic Smoothie is a great way to start your day! For lunch or later, order one of COOK’S hearty wraps—there are more than 15 to choose from in two sizes, and they also have vegan specialties! All wraps are affordably priced. Go international with the “Bangkok Chicken Wrap,” the “Tokyo Curry Wrap,” the “Napoleon,” or try one of their tasty Bowls. They also have some classics: Italian, Turkey, Tuna Salad, Buffalo Chicken, and more! COOK’s smoothies make a terrific afternoon snack. You can call in or order online at cookscafenantucket.com cookscafenantucket.com
Crosswinds Restaurant & Bar
Open daily 6 am to 9 pm all year
14 Airport Road at the Nantucket Airport
Biggest portions & great food at the best prices; Free & Easy Parking
508-228-SIAM (7426)
Lunch: Mon.-Fri. 11am-2pm; Dinner: Mon.-Fri. 4-7pm Nantucket Ice, 1 Backus Ln
Thai Cuisine made with fresh ingredients at reasonable prices
SIAM TO GO offers an appealing selection of authentic Thai cuisine that is light, fresh, and traditional. The menu includes Thai curries, noodle and rice dishes, and house specialties, offered with a choice of chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, fried tofu, or vegetables. The Create Your Own Curry section of the menu allows you to pair a protein with any of their six favorite curries. The entree section of the menu is especially tempting, with dishes like Kai Yad Sai (Thai-style Egg Fu Yung) and Ram Rong Song. While the menu is extensive, every dish is prepared well and fresh to order, so call ahead to take home or to the beach, or sit at a table in the ice rink lobby and enjoy a taste of Thailand. siamtogonantucket.com
The Surf Beach Grill
Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner 8:30 am to 8 pm 4 Western Ave at Surfside Beach
Picnic style dining with stunning ocean views
Unforgettable Experience and view at <B>THE SURF <$>on Surfside Beach. Come out and try our famous Burgers & Surf Chicken sandwiches, not to mention a variety of fresh salads, homemade lemonades, and ice cream: something for everyone’s palate. We also offer vegan friendly options. The laid-back atmosphere and friendly staff make you feel right at home. Take a moment to breathe in the salty ocean air while overlooking the beautiful view on one of Nantucket’s most beautiful beaches. Whether you're an early riser seeking breakfast, or in need of a satisfying lunch or dinner, make your way to “The Surf” at Surfside Beach. For beachgoers, we also rent beach Cchairs, umbrellas and sell sunscreen. As of July 1, we will be open daily 8:30 am - 8 pm weather permiting thesurf-ack.com
Cisco Brewers
Open 7 Days a Week
Live Entertainment Is Back - check website for schedule
5 Bartlett Farm Road
CISCO BREWERS is Nantucket’s first & only craft brewery and prides itself on celebrating a deep-rooted New England island heritage through its portfolio of approachable, sessionable, and coastally-inspired beers. Founded near Cisco Beach in 1995 by hard-working, entrepreneurial islanders, CISCO BREWERS has gained a cult-like following across the Northeast. Visit its open-air beer garden while on Nantucket to enjoy a laid-back, good times atmosphere, live music, and a refreshing pint or two or a craft cocktail made with our own 888. Private tours may be arranged in advance. Table seating is first-come, first-served — reservations are not accepted. ciscobrewers.com
Full Breakfast & Lunch & Takeout
A Nantucket Tradition for 88 Years
“Fly into CROSSWINDS...where our huge portions and delicious daily specials will keep your pockets full and your spirits soaring!” Stop by anytime and join us at the Nantucket Memorial Airport, home of the classic “Wings” television series. We have something for everyone on our fun and diverse menu which spans breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Feel free to bring the kiddies with you, because we also have a complete children’s menu, as well. Whether you’re waiting for a plane or just want to relax with a tasty and filling meal at a great price, Crosswinds is the place to go. Come meet our friendly, courteous staff for a casually elegant dining experience and see what’s new at Crosswinds.
18 Sparks Avenue
Serving breakfast and lunch daily, THE DOWNYFLAKE is a Nantucket tradition known for the big doughnut outside and warm, homemade doughnuts inside. The DOWNYFLAKE is a family friendly, American style diner, featuring hearty Flake favorites, such as Blueberry Pancakes and Biscuits & Gravy. The menu also includes daily made soups, salads, deli sandwiches and comfort food entrees. The DOWNYFLAKE has comfy indoor dining, plus the entire menu is available to go. Open Mon., Tues, Thurs.-Sat. 6:30 am to 2 pm (with lunch items 11 am to 2 pm) and Sun. 6:30 am to 1 pm. Closed Wednesdays for now. thedownyflake.com
Rose & Crown
Come for the Food, Stay for the Fun!
Serving Dinner Nightly from 5:30 pm
Bar Opens at 5 pm
23 South Water Street
Fri, & Sat 11:30 am to 1 am AND Sun.-Thurs. 11:30 am to 11 pm
THE ROSE & CROWN is a favorite among locals and visitors. We are Nantucket’s only Downtown Nightclub. Whether it’s live local music, guided paint nights, house DJs, big screens for games, or our notorious karaoke competitions, we have your entertainment needs covered. In-season, we have entertainment 7 days a week, with early and late-night options, so everyone has a chance to enjoy the fun. Check our website for off-season entertainment listings. theroseandcrown.com
Bartlett’s Farm
Open Daily, Year Round Bartlett Farm Road
Farm Grown Produce | Garden Center | Groceries | Beer & Wine | Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner To Go
A 7th generation family farm growing fresh vegetables on 200 acres of historic Nantucket farm land. Find our full service grocery store onsite with specialty items like quality meats, artisanal cheeses and dairy, olive oils, organic snacks, and more. Order groceries and made to order foods online at Bartlettsfarm.com. Peruse our selection of ‘well-farmed’ wines, craft beers and ciders. Our Farm kitchen offers take-out breakfast sandwiches, muffins, pastries, coffee and tea…for lunch we have sandwiches, lobster rolls, clam chowder...dinner specials include roast turkey, veggie curry, and prime rib dinner. Grab lunch on your way to the beach, or food and beverages for your BBQ on the way home. Bartlett’s Farm, Who’s Your Farmer? bartlettsfarm.com
The Brotherhood of Thieves
Open 7 days a week 11:30 am to midnight
Good food. Good drinks. Good company.
23 Broad Street
Whether you are a first-time or returning visitor to Nantucket, THE BROTHERHOOD OF THIEVES, 23 Broad Street, must be on your To Do List! This landmark island eatery, offers 4 concepts to enjoy—a downstairs pub echoing a 1840s Whaling tavern, a second floor Cisco Kitchen & Bar with a surf shack vibe and live music, the Notch Whiskey Bar, and a Beer Garden on their patio— all in the heart of downtown Nantucket. THE BROTHERHOOD’s different menus feature fresh salads, sushi, hot & cold appetizers, nachos, hearty burgers & sandwiches, their famous curly fries, and entrees featuring fish, chicken, and steak. To accompany your meal, THE BROTHERHOOD serves Cisco & other craft beers on draft, wines by the glass & by the bottle, and more than a dozen signature cocktails. brotherhoodnantucket.com
The Chanticleer
Open Tues.-Sun. Lunch 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
Dinner served from 5:30 to 9 pm
Reservations Required
9 New Street, Siasconset
Originally opened as a small tea house at the turn of the century, THE CHANTICLEER is now one of the premier restaurants on Nantucket. One of the most romantic destinations on-island, you may linger here over an intimate lunch in the Rose Garden or come together with family and friends for a convivial dinner in one of our personal dining rooms: al fresco on warm evenings. The lush gardens produce organic herbs, flowers, berries, and seasonal vegetables for the kitchen. An extensive wine list features some of the finest wines in the world. Chef Jeff Worster creates seasonal menus celebrating New England’s abundant local offerings from land and sea with a firm anchor in classic techniques and a penchant for cross-cultural meanderings to all corners of the globe. Reservations required; closed Monday. chanticleernantucket.com
Crosswinds Restaurant & Bar
Open daily 6 am to 9 pm all year 14 Airport Road at the Nantucket Airport
Biggest portions & great food at the best prices; Free & Easy Parking
“Fly into CROSSWINDS...where our huge portions and delicious daily specials will keep your pockets full and your spirits soaring!” Stop by anytime and join us at the Nantucket Memorial Airport, home of the classic “Wings” television series. We have something for everyone on our fun and diverse menu which spans breakfast (6:30am-1:30pm), lunch, and dinner. We have extensive beer, wine, and cocktail selections. Feel free to bring the kiddies with you, because we also have a complete children’s menu, as well. Whether you’re waiting for a plane or just want to relax with a tasty and filling meal at a great price, Crosswinds is the place to go. Come meet our friendly, courteous staff for a casually elegant dining experience and see what’s new at Crosswinds. CrosswindsNantucket.com
Full Breakfast & Lunch & Takeout
Mon.-Sat 6:30 am-2pm (clsed Wed. temporarily); Sundays from 6:30-1 pm
A Nantucket Tradition for 88 Years
18 Sparks Avenue
THE DOWNYFLAKE is a Nantucket tradition known for the big doughnut outside and warm, homemade doughnuts inside. The DOWNYFLAKE is a family friendly, American style diner, featuring hearty Flake favorites, such as Blueberry Pancakes and Biscuits & Gravy. The menu also includes daily made soups, salads, deli sandwiches and comfort food entrees. The DOWNYFLAKE has comfy indoor dining, plus the entire menu is available to go. Open Mon., Tues, Thurs.-Sat. 6:30 am to 2 pm (with lunch items 11 am to 2 pm) and Sun. 6:30 am to 1 pm. Closed Wednesdays for now. thedownyflake.com
20 Broad Street
Where chic meets casual comfort
DUNE is open for the season with Chef Michael Getter, formerly of 21 Federal and American Seasons, in the kitchen! The décor in three distinct dining rooms is a blend of sophisticated elegance and soothing comfort. They also serve on a sheltered patio and have sidewalk cafestyle dining. DUNE offer an extensive selection of handcrafted cocktails, wines, liquors and cordials along with tempting dinner and dessert menus. The ever-changing menu showcases an innovative selection of the finest in seasonal local produce, fish, and meats from regional farms and select purveyors.
The Faregrounds
Lunch, dinner, & late night menu daily from 11:30 am Indoor & Outside Dining
Affordable Family Dining
27 Fairgrounds Road
FAREGROUNDS is one of Nantucket’s favorite year round restaurants (and we are sports fanatics, with 15 HDTVs)! Choose between the Pudley’s Pub, the cool ocean breeze while you enjoy outdoor dining, and the quiet of FAREGROUNDS dining room! Our affordable fare is complemented by daily specials. We are THE perfect place to satisfy everyone in your party! FAREGROUNDS is the right place to reunite with friends, enjoy a beer and cheer on your team; or gather the family and savor a great meal while enjoying those who matter.
Gyp~Sea Café
Open 7:30 am to 3 pm Thurs.-Mon in June
Open daily starting July 1
Gyp-Sea Cafe a beachside oasis of flavor & fun!
7 Harborview Way at Children’s Beach
An ultimate destination serving up a culinary haven of breakfast and lunch favorites such as our local favorite Acai bowl and array of breakfast sandwiches,salads burgers and more. Nestled right next to the sandy shores of Children's Beach come join us on our new patio with incredible views of the Nantucket Harbor. gypseacafé.com
Rose & Crown
Fri, & Sat 11:30 am to 1 am AND
Sun.-Thurs. 11:30 am to 11 pm
Indoor & Outdoor Dining ~ Takeout Available
23 South Water Street
THE ROSE & CROWN is a perennial favorite of islanders and visitors. Stop by for one of the largest draft Craft Beer selections on the island and our scratch made Eclectic Pub Fare. We offer everything you could desire, including nachos and wings, sandwiches and our famous burgers, lobster rolls, local seafood, and mouth watering steaks, plus gluten-free and vegetarian options. Always family friendly with a children’s menu. Eat indoors or at our sidewalk tables. And you can order online for takeout. Check theroseandcrown.com for current hours, menus, & daily specials. theroseandcrown.com
Siam to Go
Lunch: Mon.-Fri. 11 am to 2 pm
Dinner: Mon.-Fri. 4 to 7 pm
508-228-SIAM (7426)
Nantucket Ice, 1 Backus Ln
Thai Cuisine made with fresh ingredients at reasonable prices
SIAM TO GO offers an appealing selection of authentic Thai cuisine that is light, fresh, and traditional. The menu includes Thai curries, noodle and rice dishes, and house specialties, offered with a choice of chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, fried tofu, or vegetables. The Create Your Own Curry section of the menu allows you to pair a protein with any of their six favorite curries. The entree section of the menu is especially tempting, with dishes like Kai Yad Sai (Thai-style Egg Fu Yung) and Ram Rong Song. While the menu is extensive, every dish is prepared well and fresh to order, so call ahead to take home or to the beach, or sit at a table in the ice rink lobby and enjoy a taste of Thailand. siamtogonantucket.com
Souza’s Seafood
Open year-round 9 am to 6 pm
Stop by and enter our weekly Meg-a-Fish Free Seafood Drawing
23 Trotter’s Lane
SOUZA’S SEAFOOD, under the red and white flag on Trotter’s Lane, offers a full line of quality seafoods both fresh and frozen. The selection changes daily and can include (while they last): littlenecks, cherrystones, lobsters, swordfish, shrimp, quahogs, & more! Selection changes daily. Call ahead and arrange for a cooked lobster for a picnic at home, on the beach, or on the boat. Remember to order a travel pack of lobsters to take off-island with you. Sign up for our free MEGA-FISH drawing!
Current Vintage
Open daily, celebrating our 16th season!
Wine • Clothing • Home • Gifts • Provisions
4 Easy Street
CURRENT VINTAGE is a fun and original concept store with a carefully edited mix of vintage clothing & accessories, wines, cheeses, beer, and home goods. Choose from a selection of nearly 400 wines, including many organic and small production options. Stop by CV in town at 4 Easy Street for the perfect custom gift basket, and try our monthly Sommelier Sampler! CV is a beloved island institution, celebrating more than 15 years in the heart of Nantucket. Join us for fun vibe & serious wines! currentvintage.com
12:30 to 2:30 PM - Juneteenth Community Gathering
from page 14
Meet MAAH’s new president & CEO and learn about the significance of Juneteenth at the African Meeting House, 29 York Street.
1 PM - Guided Tour of Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
An over-sand vehicle beach tour with an expert guide. Learn about the fascinating flora & fauna at Nantucket’s wildest spot. Tickets at thetrustees.org/ccwr
2 to 4 PM - Sankaty Bluff Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
On this hike, walk south down the beach from the Hoicks Hollow Road public way to see examples of & learn about Nantucket’s geological past. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
3 to 5 PM - Juneteenth Cookout
Games, crafts for kids, performances by SHE, soul food available from the Snick Snack food truck. Nobadeer Athletic Fields, 7 Nobadeer Farm Road.
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Luffkid at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket sunset:bring beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time varies with sunset. Call 508-2287037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Town Route
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Gardner Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands and contains pitch pine forests with a walkway over a cattail-choked inlet. This hike is close to Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
9:45 to 10:30 AM - Free Music in the Morning for Youngsters
Songs and singing games in the Atheneum Garden. Bring a blanket to sit on. 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30 pm.
10 to 11 AM - Build-a-Robot Class for Ages 4+
This Barnaby’s mini-maker’s class provides a fun hands-on robot project which encourages building, design, & creativity. Each child will make 3 individual robots using a variety of materials. Register at BarnabysNantucket.com
10 to 11 AM - Nantucket by Water Whaling History Tour
Learn what life was like in the late 1800s Whaling Era, & see some remaining historic landmarks. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on a narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com.
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
2 PM - Stump Swamp/Norwood Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
A mashup of island terrain; forest, upland meadows, small ponds, a former cranberry bog, & one of the island’s true flowing streams. A 90-120 min. dual property hike, depending on group interest. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Luffkid at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
5:30 to 7 PM - Teen Craft Night
Come in and get creative with your friends at the Atheneum. Enter through the Weezie Library doors. No registration required but space is limited. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 PM - Boeing Boeing presented by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
A clever comedic whirlwind about a swinger in Paris in the 1960s who juggles live challenges and 3 fiancés. Tickets at TheatreNantucket.org; performances in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. Theatrenantucket.org
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket sunset:bring beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time varies with sunset. Call 508-2287037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
8 AM - Smith’s Point Hike with Nantucket Walkabout Nantucket’s weasternmost sand extremity is a great hike to see gray seals during the winter, see nesting piping plovers, least terns and American oystercatchers during the summer and catch a glimpse of Tuckernuck Island. This is one of the longer hikes Nantucket Walkabout does. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
9 AM - Guided Tour of Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
An over-sand vehicle beach tour with an expert guide. Learn about the fascinating flora & fauna at Nantucket’s wildest spot. Tickets at thetrustees.org/ccwr
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30 pm.
10 AM - Historic Mansions of Main Street and America’s Oldest Windmill
A 1.8 mi, 45 min. exercise walk with historic commentary past whaling era mansions & back downtown. Cash only; $25; $20 seniors (65+) ; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
10 to 11 AM - Barnaby Bear Story & Art for Ages 2+
This class combines the love of story & art. Author Wendy Rouillard will read one of her Barnaby Bear books, and children will create an art project based on various themes from the books. Register at BarnabysNantucket.com
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10 to 11:30 AM - Farm and Field Hayride Tour
This tour goes all over the farm,with multiple stops at the tomato houses, lily houses, etc via by hayride. Comes with a sticker sheet and scavenger hunt for kids. Adults $65; Ages 6-12 $50; and under 5 are free. Bartlett’s Farm, 33 Bartlett Farm Road. Buy your tickets at BartlettsFarm.com
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
11 AM - Nantucket by Water Oyster Farm Tour
Cruise Up Harbor to a working Oyster Farm and see how Oysters are grown and why they are so beneficial to Nantucket Harbor. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com Departure times: 11 am to 1 pm AND 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on a narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com.
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
2 PM - Beechwood Farm Loop with Nantucket Walkabout
This property in Polpis shares elements of maritime or coastal heathlands habitat: native tree species, meadows, & wetlands. You’ll feel you’re exploring Yoda’s home swamp planet of Dagobah from Star Wars. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
2 to 4 PM - Calling All Writers
from page 35
Join with other writers to share written work. Read work on which you wish to have reader feedback: memoirs, poetry, travel, essay, fiction. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
3 to 4 PM - “Who They Are”: Hosted in The Garden
Each week a different guest who belongs to Nantucket in some way, from vacationers to residents will discuss their lives, relationships with Nantucket, and a little prediction of what the future holds for Nantucket. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Buckle & Shake at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
6:45 PM - Shawkemo Hills Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Shawkemo Hills offers a hiking experience through a portion of the island dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover most of North America. From a high spot on this hike, see and learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor and inner harbor shores. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
7 PM - Boeing Boeing presented by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
A clever comedic whirlwind about a swinger in Paris in the 1960s who juggles live challenges and 3 fiancés. Tickets at TheatreNantucket.org; performances in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. Theatrenantucket.org
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket sunset:bring beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time varies with sunset. Call 508-2287037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Town Route
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Gardner Farm-Lost Farm Loop Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This 2.5 mile hike explores plant succession on globally threatened habitat know as sandplain grasslands. These former vegetable farms are now dominated by pitch pines, but their groves & small forests are broken up by meadows of wildflowers. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
9:45 to 10:15 AM - Free Nanpuppets at the Atheneum
Join Lizza and her puppet friends in the Atheneum Garden. Bring a blanket to sit on. 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30 pm.
10 AM - Historic Mansions of Main Street and America’s Oldest Windmill
A 1.8 mi, 45 min. exercise walk with historic commentary past whaling era mansions & back downtown. Cash only; $25; $20 seniors (65+) ; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
10 to 11 AM - Painting Pottery Class for Ages 3+
Painting pottery is always a favorite: children will choose from a variety of ceramic pieces that they can paint & glaze. $58: register at BarnabysNantucket.com
10 to 11 AM - Nantucket by Water Whaling History Tour
Learn what life was like in the late 1800s Whaling Era, & see some remaining historic landmarks. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 AM to 12 PM - Book Signing Featuring Neal Thompson
Meet the author of The First Kennedys: The Humble Roots of an American Dynasty at Mitchell’s Book Corner, 54 Main St. 508-228-1080 MitchellsBookCorner.com
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on a narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com.
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
12:45 PM - Linda Loring Nature Foundation Hike with Nantucket Walkabout LLNF’s publicly accessible property has easy trails thru sandplain grasslands, coastal shrublands, & along the North Head of Long Pond in sight of an active osprey nest. 110 Eel Point Road. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
1 PM - Guided Tour of Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
An over-sand vehicle beach tour with an expert guide. Learn about the fascinating flora & fauna at Nantucket’s wildest spot. Tickets at thetrustees.org/ccwr
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
6 to 7 PM - ELL Beginner & Intermediate English
ELL English drop-in class & conversation for those seeking to learn basic conversation used in daily activities. Class is free, conducted in English. ccreighton@nantucketatheneum.org or 508-228-1110 x113. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 PM - Boeing Boeing presented by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
A clever comedic whirlwind about a swinger in Paris in the 1960s who juggles live challenges and 3 fiancés. Tickets at TheatreNantucket.org; performances in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. Theatrenantucket.org
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket sunset:bring beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time varies with sunset. Call 508-2287037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
7 to 8:15 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Chris Ruediger at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
7:30 to 8:30 PM - Open Mic Night!
An evening of fun with Atheneum’s Open Mic Night! First come/first serve! Cut loose and express yourself up in the acoustically stellar Great Hall of the Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
8 AM - Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge with Nantucket Walkabout
A 3-mile hike mostly over sand, exploring this area is a fascinating exploration of the beginnings of Nantucket Harbor. Six habitats - tidal pond, beach, cedar forest & dune, maritime oak forest, salt marsh with two active osprey nest poles and harbor. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com. 508-422-7466
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30 pm.
10 to 11 AM - Beading Bonanza Class for Ages 3+
Explore the art of beading, from bracelet & necklace to keychain making, kids can choose from a variety of beads of various materials, shapes, sizes, & colors, designing and creating their own jewelry. $58; Registration at BarnabysNantucket.com
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10 to 11:30 AM - Free Nature Rambles
Join Linda Loring Nature Foundation for a “Ramble” along gently rolling trails, exploring sandplain grasslands and coastal heathlands with views of Long Pond and Nantucket Sound. Staff will also share the history of the LLNF property, current research projects, and management efforts. LLNF.org
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on a narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com.
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantuck-
etbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
2 PM - Smooth Hummocks Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Smooth Hummocks is Nantucket’s version of the Midwest’s prairies complete with rare wildflowers and grasses that thrive in sandy, nutrient-poor soil. Smooth Hummocks is a fascinating island ecosystem with many things to teach us. 508-4227466 WalkNantucket.com
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Chris Ruediger at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
5:30 to 7 PM - Teen Game Night
Teens & tweens are invited to play a selection of games in the Learning Lab, including Nintendo Switch games like Just Dance and Mario Party, as well as board games like Trouble and Strategy, & more. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
Nantucket Transportat
Enjoy a tour of the breathtaking island of N our friendly island-local tour guides as th away from downtown, and allow you to enj and historical beauty Nantucket has to of you are looking for a 1.5 hour Signature to highlights, or want to explore for 2.5 hours a at popular Cisco Brewery & Bartlett’s Farm Westender Tour we have something for
t’s Premier tion Partner Nantucket with hey whisk you oy the natural
ffer! Whether ur of the main and make stops m during our r everyone!
Private transportation & group charters are a our comfortable, air conditioned bu
also available in usses. (508)
5pm y: 10am Saturda , Friday, , Thursday, , Tuesday, , Monday,
wares, and more! , house r, home déc designer clothing, shoes, tly nds in gen feec The perf or y y y y
3pm y: 11am Sunda
Closed W
all 508.228.6677 s, please
venue s A 32 Spark
Gift Certificates Available • Handicap Accessible Open 9am-6pm Year-round • 23 Trotter’s Lane Look for the Lobster Flag
Join authors Sebastian Junger
Universalist House Night Celebration r, Imani Perry, Jodi Picoult ,
“Freedom.” This is also time to our island’s youth showing ins writiers by awarding the Yooun
7:30 - 10:00pmWhite Elep
o formally recognize spiration and promise as g Writer Award phant
Kirk Wallace with Mindy T :00 - 3:45pmMethodist C Imani Perry with Michael
:00 - 4:45pmMethodist C Sally Bedell S with Mary Ha
9:00 - 9:45am Methodi Emma St wi th T im
9:45 - 10:45am Atheneu Nanpupp Liz za Ob
10:00 - 10:45am Methodi Dolen Pe
s t Church traub Ehrenberg m Garden et s wi th remski s t Church erkins-Valdez
Brant Point T icketed
Presented White Elep fffet dinn harbor while rubbing elbows w authors. The dinner, presented author conversations.
Enjoy a sumptuous buf
J a a
t Grill Au thor Dinner Event by the hant Hotel ner overlooking the with your favorite d by The White Elephant ne 17
30 - 9:30pmChicken Box
Todd Church l Schulder Church Smith aft x
p T icketed E njoy creative, funny and power orth Carolina’s Humans & Poe ets by Nantucket ’ s own - The Sh nger and author Steve Sheppa lent Auc tion
En N se si Si S 10
:00 - 10:45pm Atheneum G
Event | $25 rful poems by Asheville, try group and musical hep Cats, led by lead ard. Food Truck and 18 Great Hall
huttle available from the Visito treet. No tickets required; pay rinks.