Nantucket is known for beautiful gardens and window boxes and for its philanthropy. On Thursday, June 22, a charity auction offer many chances to combine both when Blooming Bids for Fairwinds is held at Bartlett’s Farm. Now in it’s 23rd year this annual event auctions artfully one-of-a-kind decorated designer garden planters and window boxes created and donated by our island’s top landscapers, nurseries, florists, and gardeners to benefit Nantucket’s counseling center.
The auction, both in-person and online, begins at noon and continues until 7 pm. All are welcome to drop by Bartlett’s Farm any time to place a bid or to make a donation. The day culminates with a celebration of the 61st year of Fairwinds from 5 to 7 pm. Ticketholders to this evening event can enjoy summer farm-to-table hors d’oeuvres, beer & wine, fresh new “mocktails,” and music to thank generous sponsors & donors. Tickets are available at fairwindscenter.org.
Every dollar raised at Blooming Bids helps Fairwinds, Nantucket’s Counseling Center, provide access to essential and compassionate mental health services. Since 1962, Fairwinds has provided critical mental health services for children, adults, and seniors regardless of financial or insurance status. The oldest and largest non-profit mental health and substance abuse agency and counseling center on-island, Fairwinds has been designated the “Community Behavioral Health Center for Nantucket” by the State of Massachusetts.
This year is especially exciting for Fairwinds: in collaboration with Nantucket Cottage Hospital and other island partners, Fairwinds has launched a new model of rural behavioral health care that includes critical 24-hour crisis management.
Fairwinds serves more than 1,000 individuals and families annually. The impact on the Nantucket community of the services Fairwinds offers cannot be understated: the organization serves as a safe haven and is an invaluable resource for island residents who would otherwise have to travel to the mainland for help.
Stop by Bartlett’s Farm on Thursday during the day to see the beautiful blooms and to bid on your favorites. If you are unable to make it to either the inperson or online auction, you can always donate. To donate to Fairwinds head to fairwindscenter.org, you’ll find a donations link on the home page.
The Nantucket Film Festival is back for its 28th consecutive year, jam-packed with various films for all ages and genres.
From the Dreamland Theatre to Siasconset, the island will be teeming with award-winning documentaries, internationally acclaimed films, family-friendly fun, and opportunities to hear from some of your favorite screenwriters and actors. The Festival runs from June 21 to 26, and the island will indeed be buzzing with exciting festival events.
The NFF was founded with the mission of storytelling and commitment to supporting screenwriters. In 2000 Mystelle Brabbee, NFF’s Artistic Director at the time, was inspired by the festival’s mission and wanted to create a program for local teens to learn the basic tenets of filmmaking and then have the festival experience their short films. Since then, Teen View has grown and evolved, each year experimenting with new programs: from influential screenwriters going to the high school to speak with the students to the students sharing their films with students from the Haiti Cine Institute. This year's festival will be no exception: the teens of Nantucket have a couple of special productions for the island.
Nantucket High School students participating in the Teen View Labs with Nantucket Community Television have produced five short films for the Festival. The short films are a fantastic opportunity for Nantucket teens to experiment with film production and create compelling stories. According to Mark Carapezza, continued on page 17
You know that you’re operating at less than genius level if you manage to bury your truck in the beach sand. And if you do this while out in the middle of nowhere, in a place with zero cell phone reception, your IQ score is even lower. Finally, if you manage to achieve all of this when it’s three o’clock in the morning, you can be pretty certain that you’ve won the golden dunce cap. That was exactly where your friend Stevie was in early June about four years ago, covered in beach sand and mosquito bites, praying for someone to come driving by to rescue me from my self-inflicted predicament. And it was in this situation where I first met Noah Karberg.
Noah and his fishing buddy Homer Ray IV were returning from a successful night of striped bass fishing when they found me and took pity on this poor fool. They quickly attached my heavy nylon tow strap to their truck and saved me from my humiliating situation. Even better, they did it without pointing and laughing —much appreciated, guys! With their rescue mission completed, Noah and Homer simply drove off into the sunrise. I owed those two a debt of gratitude, so I hit the tackle shop and bought two gift certificates for my rescuers. I knew how to track down Homer but I really didn’t know much about Noah. I soon learned that he worked at the airport as the assistant manager (Noah is now the manager of Nantucket Memorial Airport). Aside from that, Noah was a blank slate.
I got to know a little more about Noah in the next few years. I immediately admired his fishing tenacity. Noah was a guy who put his time in and caught a lot of fish. Plus he seemed to have a lot of fun while doing it. Somewhere along the fishing gossip line I heard that Noah had been a member of the University of Michigan’s championship (freshwater) bass fishing team. I had to know more! Noah was kind enough to sit down with me recently and spill the beans.
“I’ve got street cred!” Noah joked as he described growing up as a city boy in Cleveland, Ohio. He told me that it was his grandfather who had introduced him to fishing. Noah said that his grandfather had fished to feed his family during the Depression years, spearing catfish trapped in the river spillways or running trot lines. It was a different time and successful fishing trips were required to keep people alive. “I came from hillbillies,” Noah told me, smiling.
Noah’s love of fishing helped to guide him into the University of Michigan’s natural resources program. While at school, he would sneak away with his buddies and fish from the banks of Lake Erie whenever he had some free time. In 1999, his junior year, Noah learned about a fishing team that was being formed to compete against the other Big 10 Schools. Noah was all in. He joined the fishing team, and they won the inaugural Big 10 Championship. “Most universities have fishing teams now, but we were in on the ground floor.”
When Noah moved to Nantucket in 2008, he encountered an entire different world of fishing. “It was a huge learning curve. There’s so much water available here. When I was a kid, I had one fishing rod and would go to one spot on the bank of a river or lake and that’s where I would fish for the day. Learning to work with tides was tough.” Noah started his surfcasting career by tossing heavy metal Hopkins lures on Nantucket’s south shore. “I always could cast a mile, so that was my game.”
Noah said that he learned the more subtle aspects of striped bass fishing from his friend and, at the time, employer, Sam Myers. “Sam showed me how to fish
continued on page 18
Stop by & check out our new StoryWalk in the Atheneum Garden: Some Bugs by Angela DiTerlizzi. Get the buzz on bugs in this fun picture book that makes even the ugliest bugs cute! 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
To promote the cultural awareness & appreciation of the arts of screenwriting & storytelling. Screenings, talks, forums, gatherings with industry professionals.
9:45 to 10:15 AM - Free Nanpuppets at the Atheneum
Join Lizza and her puppet friends in the Atheneum Garden. Bring a blanket to sit on. 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com.
Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30PM
10 AM - Historic Mansions of Main Street and America’s Oldest Windmill
A 1.8 mi, 45 min. exercise walk with historic commentary past whaling era mansions & back downtown. Cash only; $25; $20 seniors (65+) ; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
10 to 11 AM - Painting Pottery Class for Ages 3+
Painting pottery is always a favorite: children will choose from a variety of ceramic pieces that they can paint & glaze. $58: register at BarnabysNantucket.com
10 to 11 AM - Nantucket by Water Whaling History Tour
Learn what life was like in the late 1800s during the Whaling Era & see remaining historic landmarks. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
10:30 AM to 12 PM - Book Signing Featuring Neal Thompson
Meet the author of The First Kennedys: The Humble Roots of an American Dynasty at Mitchell’s Book Corner, 54 Main Street. 508-228-1080 MitchellsBookCorner.com
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on this narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
12 to 7 PM - Blooming Bids for Fairwinds Charity Auction
Bid online or live at Bartlett’s Farm on a tempting array of items to benefit Nantucket’s Counseling Center, providing critical mental health services on-island.
12:45 PM - Linda Loring Nature Foundation Hike with Nantucket Walkabout LLNF’s publicly accessible property has easy trails thru sandplain grasslands, coastal shrublands, & along the North Head of Long Pond in sight of an active os-
Box 626 Nantucket, MA 02554
prey nest. 110 Eel Point Road. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
1 PM - Guided Tour of Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
An over-sand vehicle beach tour with an expert guide. Learn about the fascinating flora & fauna at Nantucket’s wildest spot. Tickets at thetrustees.org/ccwr
5 to 7 PM - Blooming Bids for Fairwinds Celebration
Enjoy farm-to-table hors d’oeuvres, wine & beer, “mocktails," and music at Bartlett’s Farm. Bidding continues during the celebration until 7pm. This fun summer event benefits Fairwinds: Nantucket’s Counseling Center, providing critical mental health services on-island. Tickets $75 at fairwindscenter.org
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds & enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with family & friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
6 to 7 PM - ELL Beginner & Intermediate English
ELL English drop-in class & conversation for those seeking to learn basic conversation used in daily activities. Class is free, conducted in English. ccreighton@nantucketatheneum.org or 508-228-1110 x113. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
6 to 7 PM - Live Music with Jacob Butler
Live Music at The Rose & Crown, 23 S. Water Street.
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 PM - Boeing Boeing presented by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
A clever comedic whirlwind about a swinger in Paris in the 1960s who juggles live challenges and 3 fiancés. Tickets at TheatreNantucket.org; performances in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. Theatrenantucket.org
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket Sunset. Grab your favorite beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time will vary with sunset. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
7 to 8:15 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Chris Ruediger at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road. 508-325-5929
7:30 to 8:30 PM - Open Mic Night!
An evening of fun in the Atheneum: cut loose & express yourself up in the acoustically stellar Great Hall! Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India St. NantucketAtheneum.org
10 PM - Karaoke at the Rose & Crown
23 S. Water St. 508-228-2595 TheRoseAndCrown.com
To promote the cultural awareness & appreciation of the arts of screenwriting & storytelling. Screenings, talks, forums, gatherings with industry professionals.
8 AM - Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge - Pond & Woods with Nantucket Walkabout
A 3-mile hike mostly over sand, exploring this fascinating area with 6habitats: tidal pond, beach, cedar forest & dune, maritime oak forest, salt marsh, with 2 active osprey nest poles & harbor. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or 508-422-7466
8:30 AM - Fabulous Mansions of the Cliff & Brant Point
2-1/2 mi, 1 hr. exercise walk with historic commentary past spectacular homes. End at White Elephant Hotel. Cash Only, $25; $20 for 65+; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Meet at Main & Centre by bank steps 10 min early 774-325-8972
508-228-9165 • Fax: 508-228-1348
Suzanne M. Daub - Publisher & Editor Eleni Sinnis - Editorial Assistant Writers - Robert P. Barsanti, Dr. Sarah T. Bois, James Grieder, Eleni Sinnis, Steve Tornovish
Production & Design - Sarah Morneau • Website & Databases - J. Taryn Daub
Cover Photographs - Sara
A young man with a famous last name died recently on island. Sudden deaths have become unfortunate and common in the last few years, not just on Nantucket, but throughout the country. Every death is as unique as a fingerprint. The reasons are opaque: the results caustic. We hear of the death and we pause, then we ask ourselves why and what could we have done? Every answer we find is wrong.
As a country, we have hit a shocking point where the average American’s life expectancy is ten years less than the average European’s. Scientists and pundits mutter out the usual imprecise answers—guns, drugs, cars, and loneliness—as we slide down this social spiral into despair. The numbers don’t lie; they mutter angry insults at our solitary and ignorant lives.
On Nantucket, we like to think of ourselves as different, and perhaps we are. We worked with him, we said hi to him at the post office, we stood with him on the sidelines of a Whaler game, we served him coffee. We remain here when the wind turns cold and the sky seals itself in stainless steel, and he stood with us. Now he doesn’t.
Were he, or any of the recent and sudden deaths, to have passed in Worcester, we could imagine how he might have felt, alone in an anonymous city. The lights racing along the highway, the noise outside, the silence inside. But in our proud and righteous community, these deaths of despair insult our hope and our pride.
Of course, we are not the community we used to be. We don’t have enough therapists. We don’t have enough nurses. We don’t have enough clergy, or police, or firemen. We don’t have a funeral home. On the other hand, we have plenty of golf caddies, tennis pros, and bankers. We don’t have enough of Mr. Roger’s helpers, who can live on good deeds and service. The rest of us survive under the mounting financial pressure that forces us to run faster to remain standing in one place.
Still, on a sunny Tuesday afternoon in June, the body was brought from the hospital, past the new Fire Station, and then back through town, up Orange to Union, and to the boat. We lined up and bore witness. He was one of us and he was gone and we had to see it and feel it. Pictures were taken from outside the cars, and from inside, as the family bore witness as well to a community in grief.
I think, when we “bear witness,” we are watching something that we can’t explain or comprehend. We have to acknowledge how little we know, how little we control, and how dark the world can be just outside of the porch lights. All of us along the side of the road had the same questions, and none of us had adequate answers. So here we are as an island and as a country, bearing witness to all of these deaths of despair. Even here. Even us.
Wednesday arrived like a bad joke. Life continued. The sun rose, the boats came, and bicycles got rented. Visitors walked down the ramps and stood before the commonplace wonder of our island.
For the dead, time stops in that last moment. They will meet no one else, they will shake no more hands, they will make no more memories. For the living, the days brings a punch list, an invoice, and six unreturned phone calls. The hours scuttle by, waving their claws. Then Thursday dawns with the newspaper, and we start again.
The following days wash by in horrible chores. Messages need to be sent.
Subject to change without notice
“Hello possums!” was how Dame Edna Everage greeted her throngs of admirers for more than 60 years. Barry Humphries, an Australian-born comedian, actor, author, and satirist, who created the character of Dame Edna, passed away in April of this year. Humphries’ one-man shows alternated between satirical monologues and musical numbers, interspersed with improvised moments and audience participation. Dame Edna never performed in the Great Hall of the Nantucket Atheneum, but another cross-dressing performer did so nearly 100 years before Humphries created his iconic character. A man named Marshall S. Pike performed there on multiple occasions in the 1850s, and his career as a musician and performer led him from Nantucket to the bloody battlefields and hellish prisons of the American Civil War before he found his way home again.
Pike was a noted poet and songwriter, with more than one hundred published songs in his body of work, and was well known for his sentimental favorite Home Again. Born in Westborough, MA, he began to write music and verses at 14 years old. In 1843 he formed a musical quartet with some friends that they named the ‘Albino Family’.” At the time, black-face minstrelsy, abhorrent to us in retrospect, was an extremely popular form of entertainment throughout the country. The Albino Family was a kind of gimmick that Pike and his friends used to try to stand out above the welter of similar acts competing for what little money there was on the theatrical circuit tour. Pike started his female impersonation career in white-face, wearing a “flaxen,” or blonde, wig.
Cross-dressing is the act of wearing clothes “traditionally or stereotypically associated with a different gender.” Strictly speaking, the term refers to an action or a behavior, without attributing or implying any specific causes or motives for that behavior: cross-dressing is not synonymous with being transgender. The phenomenon of cross-dressing is seen throughout recorded history, and in some periods, was mandatory—in Shakespeare’s England, all cast members were male with female characters being played by men or boys. There is also a traditional role in British theater called the pantomime dame, with men wearing heavy make-up and big hair, with exaggerated physical features, performing in an overthe-top style, Dame Edna being the prime example of the style.
30 mins , also servicing the Park & Ride Lot at 2 Fairgrounds Road
SCONSET VIA MILESTONE RD.....$3, 6/12-9/17 7:15am-7:15pm, every 60 mins
SCONSET VIA POLPIS RD.....$3, 6/26-9/4 10am-6pm, every 80 mins
SURFSIDE BEACH.....$3, 6/26-9/4 10am-6pm, every 40 mins
JETTIES BEACH ROUTE.....$2, 6/26-9/4 10am-6pm, every 30 mins
Park & Ride Lot: 2 Fairgrounds Rd
Half fares: 65+, individuals with disabilities, veterans & active military personnel. Children 6 and under ride free. Change is given in the form of a voucher for future rides only, drivers do not make change. 1,3, & 7-day passes may be purchased aboard all buses, long term passes are available at the NRTA office. Passes provide unlimited rides for the duration of the pass.
Downtown Bus Stops: Madaket and Jetties – Broad Street (in front of the Whaling Museum); Mid-Island, Miacomet, Sconset via Old South Rd and Milestone Road – Washington Street, Greenhound Site; Airport, Surfside and Sconset via Polpis Road – Washington Street.
Designated stops are conveniently located along the routes-look for grey posts with blue stripes. All buses carry 2 bikes and are handicap accessible. For complementary paratransit service and TDD call (508) 325-7516. Bus Information (508) 325-7516, 508-325-9571. Riders Guides are available at NRTA Office 20R South Water St, Visitor Services 25 Federal Street, Chamber of Commerce 0 Main St., the Greenhound Building at the downtown bus stop on Washington Street, on all buses and at downtown stops. Information and amenities are available at the Greenhound Building on Washington Street open daily. Hours are subject to change. Covid-19 may impact the opening of the building.
For more information visit nrtawave.com, or email nrta@nantucket-ma.gov
Pike and company rebranded themselves as The Harmeone Family, later The Harmeones. As such they appeared in 1847 at the White House in Washington before President James Polk — this makes Pike, who played the part of ‘Fanny,’ the first female impersonator to perform for a US president. The group toured the eastern U.S. during the mid-1840s and 1850s. Pike later joined Ordway’s Aeolians in Boston, and in 1857 left to form his own troupe, Pike’s Harmoneons, later Pike’s Star Troupe. Pike performed with both groups at the Nantucket Atheneum, first with the Harmoneons in September 1854, and six years he later returned with his own group of performers:
“This company of talented performers have been giving Concerts among us this week... It is seldom, if ever before, that we have had among us a troupe of singers of such varied talent, as well as gentlemanly deportment, as are the members of the company composing PIKE’S STAR TROUPE, and if at any future period they may see fit to return, they may feel sure of receiving a cordial greeting from our citizens. Mr. PIKE, as a personator of female character, has no superior. Mr. KELLEY, the Tenor, has a voice of great purity and tone, and is a fine singer. Mr. FAIRBANKS is a superb Basso, bringing forth his songs with great care, and eliciting the applause he so justly deserves. Mr. JONES is a funny fellow, and keeps the audience in a continual roar by his comicalities ...Taken as a whole, they are the very best troupe that have ever visited us.” (March 10, 1860, Nantucket Weekly Mirror)
A little over a year later, in September 1861, when civil war engulfed the land, the 43-year-old Pike volunteered for military service. He was appointed drummajor of the 22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry regimental band.
The volunteer Westboro Band from Pike’s hometown formed the nucleus of
June 21 marked the 2023 summer solstice, and it has me thinking about what the solstice means. Technically, it is when the sun is at its azimuth, the longest day of the year for us. The particular dates are targeted as the boundary between our seasons because of a series of factors based upon the relationship between the earth and the sun. I am an ecologist, not an astrophysicist (though one of my best friends is!), but I do know the seasons change based on more than just the calendar and light levels. However, there is a lot to think about when we consider solstice.
The word “solstice” comes from the Latin words sol for “sun” and sistere for “To Stand Still.” This is the point where the sun appears to reach its highest point in the sky; thus ancient astronomers came to know the day as one where the sun appeared to stand still.
Since humans began using the sun as a timekeeper, the summer solstice has been marked with varying degrees of importance. Many cultures celebrate various combinations of the winter and summer solstices, the equinoxes, and the midpoints between them, leading to various holidays arising around these events. My personal favorite is the celebration of the summer solstice as a time to give thanks to nature: a time to slow down just like the sun and look around you.
Of course, on Nantucket at the end of June, there is no slowing down for those of us who work on-island. I think of it more as a pause before the busiest part of the season begins. In celebration of the solstice, I am going to take a moment and give thanks to some of my favorite parts of nature on Nantucket.
Nesting turtles – even though I am a plant ecologist, I have a special affinity for herps. That is, I really like reptiles and amphibians, with turtles being at the top of my list (sorry salamanders). As a group, our freshwater turtles are all active right now, travelling to nesting sites. Eastern painted turtles, spotted turtles, and the brackish-loving snapping turtles are all out and about. For animals who feel safer in the water, it’s amazing to watch these old girls lumber out of the pond or
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30PM
10 to 11 AM - Beading Bonanza Class for Ages 3+
Explore the art of beading, from bracelet & necklace to keychain making, kids can choose from a variety of beads of various materials, shapes, sizes, & colors, designing and creating their own jewelry. $58; Registration at BarnabysNantucket.com
10 to 11:30 AM - Nature Rambles with Linda Loring Nature Foundation
“Ramble” along gently rolling trails, exploring sandplain grasslands & coastal heathlands with views of Long Pond and Nantucket Sound. Staff will share history of the LLNF property, current research projects, & management efforts. Free & open to all. Details at LLNF.org
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
11 AM - New AAN Art Exhibit Open Today
Summer Small Works will be on display in AAN’s gallery at Washington Street, in the heart of Nantucket’s Cultural District. Show continues to July 17.
Reservations strongly recommended
Straight Wharf | Nantucket
Visit us online for schedules, travel alerts & specials hylinecruises.com
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on this narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
2 PM - Smooth Hummocks Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Smooth Hummocks is Nantucket’s version of the Midwest’s prairies, with rare wildflowers & grasses that thrive in sandy, nutrient-poor soil—a fascinating ecosystem with many things to teach. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or 508-422-7466
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Chris Ruediger at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road. 508-325-5929
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
5:30 to 7 PM - Teen Game Night
Teens & tweens are invited to play a selection of games in the Learning Lab, including Nintendo Switch games like Just Dance and Mario Party, as well as board games like Trouble and Strategy, & more. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
6 PM - Live Music with Sean Lee
Live Music at The Rose & Crown, 23 S. Water Street.
6 to 9 PM - Free Gender Bender Prom
The Nantucket Atheneum invites you to explore how you express your gender, celebrate pride, and come strut your stuff in your finest drag. Dancing and refreshments. Lip Sync your hearts out to your favorite songs with your friends! Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 PM - Boeing Boeing presented by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
A clever comedic whirlwind about a swinger in Paris in the 1960s who juggles live challenges and 3 fiancés. Tickets at TheatreNantucket.org; performances in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. Theatrenantucket.org
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket Sunset. Grab your favorite beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time will vary with sunset. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
8 PM - Live Music at the Brotherhood
Live music up stairs in the Cisco Surf Bar at Brotherhood of Thieves, 23 Broad St. brotherhoodnantucket.com
This famous series of limericks was discovered in a June 14, 1924 edition of a Nantucket newspaper. It all began when the Princeton Tiger revived the then wellknown limerick printed below and the Chicago Tribune answered with the second limerick. The New York Exchange went one step further with the third rhyme, and the Pawtucket Times took over from there.
Decades ago, Yesterday’s Island/Today’s Nantucket encouraged readers to continue the saga. Because of repeated requests, we again challenge our readers to write their own “chapters.” (Limericks have 5 lines that follow the rhythm in the limericks below.) Email yours to us at yi@nantucket.net; we will be pleased to share them with our readers in print and online.
There once was a man from Nantucket, Who kept all of his cash in a bucket, But his daughter, named Nan, Ran away with a man, And as for the bucket, Nantucket.
— Princeton Tiger
But he followed the pair to Pawtucket, The man and the girl with the bucket; And he said to the man, He was welcome to Nan, But as for the bucket, Pawtucket.
— Chicago Tribune
Then the pair followed Pa to Manhasset, Where he still held the cash as an asset, But Nant and the man Stole the money and ran, And as for the bucket, Manhasset.
— Exchange
Of this story we hear from Nantucket, About the mysterious loss of a bucket, We are sorry for Nan,
As well as the man— The cash and the bucket, Pawtucket.
— Pawtucket TimesMark Stout of Alexandria, Virginia penned several chapters to share... Nan got herself in a scrape, So she ferried away to the Cape.
With bucket in hand, She stepped on dry land, And thought she’d made good her escape. Then Nan took a sojourn to Brewster, And fell for a young man named Wooster, They filled up her pail
With strong local ale And by golly then he seduced her. Nan’s future with him wouldn’t be, As he was a cad, don’t you see. He left her in Wellfleet
In swimsuit and bare feet And ran with the can off to Mashpee. She chased him through towns and through beaches And up to him finally reaches. She grabbed back the pot
And he finally got A coppery whack on the breeches. Said she with the world-famous bucket (And yes on the ferry she took it)
“My trip to Cape Cod Was really quite odd, I’m glad to be home on Nantucket.
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Town Route
from page 10
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
10 PM - DJ Frank White at the Rose & Crown
Live DJ at 23 S. Water Street. 508-228-2595 TheRoseAndCrown.com
To promote the cultural awareness & appreciation of the arts of screenwriting & storytelling. Screenings, talks, forums, gatherings with industry professionals.
8 AM - ACK Clean Team
Help clean up various parts of Nantucket. We supply everything you need, including grabbers. Meet at Handlebar Cafe, 15 Washington St. or meet at The Muse on Surfside Rd.
8:30 AM - Nantucket in Bloom Walk
A 2 mile, nonstop, exercise walk, with historic commentary past historic mansions and the most beautiful gardens of Nantucket Town. Tour gathers 10 min early at Main and Centre Streets, in front of bank. $25; $20 seniors (65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. 774-325-8972
9 AM - Story Walk Grab and Go - “Some Bugs”
Stop by the Atheneum’s Weezie Library for a free bug making kit, while they last. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
9:30 to 10:30 AM - Getting Slime-y for Ages 2-6
This class is all things messy: kids will make their own batch of Slime while learning about measurements & the science behind slime making. This class will ensure that your house will stay clean while we take care of the mess! $58. Reserve a spot at BarnabysNantucket.com ~ 508-680-1553
9:30 AM to 4 PM - Free Teen Take & Make: Llamas & Cacti for Ages 12-18
Build a tiny llama party with this fun paper craft. You will need glue and scissors or a craft knife; all other materials included. While supplies last. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com.
Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30PM
10 AM - NanPuppets at Children’s Beach
An original performance of Lizza Obremski’s phenomenal Nanpuppets to delight all ages. Children’s Beach, Harbor View Way.
10 to 11 AM - Nantucket by Water Whaling History Tour
Learn what life was like in the late 1800s during the Whaling Era, & see remaining historic landmarks. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
10:30 AM to 12 PM - Book Signing with Christine Barker
Meet the author of Third Girl from The Left: A Memoir at Mitchell’s Book Corner, 54 Main Street. 508-228-1080 MitchellsBookCorner.com
11 AM - Nantucket by Water Oyster Farm Tour
Cruise up harbor to a working oyster farm and see how oysters are grown and why they are so beneficial. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
Departure times: 11 am to 1 pm & 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
11 AM to 12 PM - Fairy House Wonderlands for Ages 6 and up
This class focuses on designing & creating all the miniature elements that come together to build a child’s own special, little world using mixed media, recycled, & raw materials. Reserve a spot at BarnabysNantucket.com $58 508-680-1553
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on this narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
12 to 1 PM - Free Meet-and-Greet with Author Jenny Han
Celebrate Season 2 of The Summer I Turned Pretty with cupcakes & books. Join NYT bestselling author and NFF New Voices in Television Writing Award honoree Jenny
Han and actor Lola Tung for a magical afternoon in the Atheneum garden. Free copies of the book will be available or bring your own for signing! Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. A Nantucket Film Festival event
2:45 PM - Stump Swamp/Norwood Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
A mashup of island terrain; forest, upland meadows, small ponds, a former cranberry bog, & one of the island’s true flowing streams. A 90-120 min. dual property hike, depending on interests. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or 508-422-7466
3 to 5 PM - Teen Field Day at the Library
Come and join us for a field day to kick off the summer with lots of fun outdoor games & activities, including relay races, water balloons, and more! Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
6 PM - Live Music with Sean Lee
Live Music at The Rose & Crown, 23 S. Water Street.
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
6:45 PM - Shawkemo Hills Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Shawkemo Hills offers a hiking experience through a portion of the island dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover most of N. America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or 508-422-7466
7 PM - Boeing Boeing presented by Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
A clever comedic whirlwind about a swinger in Paris in the 1960s who juggles live challenges and 3 fiancés. Tickets at TheatreNantucket.org; performances in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. Theatrenantucket.org
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket Sunset. Grab your favorite beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time will vary with sunset. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
7 to 8 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring The Lustre Kings at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road. 508-325-5929
8 PM - Live Music at the Brotherhood
Live music up stairs in the Cisco Surf Bar at Brotherhood of Thieves, 23 Broad Street. brotherhoodnantucket.com
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Town Route
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
10 PM - DJ Mikey at The Rose & Crown
Live DJ at 23 S. Water Street. 508-228-2595 TheRoseAndCrown.com
To promote the cultural awareness & appreciation of the arts of screenwriting & storytelling. Screenings, talks, forums, gatherings with industry professionals.
8 AM - Beechwood Farm Loop with Nantucket Walkabout
This property in Polpis shares elements of maritime or coastal heathlands habitat: native tree species, meadows, & wetlands. You’ll feel you’re exploring Yoda’s home swamp planet of Dagobah from Star Wars. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or call 508-422-7466
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30PM
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on this narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
2 PM - Lost Farm Sanctuary Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
The area is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands and contains pitch pine forests and a cattail-choked inlet over which a small walkway passes. This is one of the shorter hikes and is close to Cisco Beach and Cisco Brewery. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or 508-422-7466
3 to 6 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
from page 13
Featuring The Lustre Kings at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road. 508-325-5929
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
6 PM - Children’s Beach Bandstand Concert: Rebecca Chapa
Free live concert at Children’s Beach, Harbor View Way.
6:30 PM - Smith’s Point Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
See an amazing sunset at the westernmost extremity of Nantucket in sight of Tuckernuck Island. Walk back on the beach under the rising moon & stars,—maybe take a dip in the ocean. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or 508-422-7466
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Times change with sunset.
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket Sunset. Grab your favorite beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time will vary with sunset. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Town Route
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
To promote the cultural awareness & appreciation of the arts of screenwriting & storytelling. Screenings, talks, forums, gatherings with industry professionals.
Stop by & check out our new StoryWalk in the Atheneum Garden: Some Bugs by Angela DiTerlizzi. Get the buzz on bugs in this fun picture book that makes even the ugliest bugs cute! 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
8 AM - Shawkemo Hills Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Hike a portion of the island dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover most of North America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor, & inner harbor shores. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com
8:30 AM - Fabulous Mansions of the Cliff & Brant Point
2-1/2 mi, 1 hr. exercise walk with historic commentary past spectacular homes. End at White Elephant Hotel. Cash Only, $25; $20 for 65+; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Meet at Main & Centre by bank steps 10 min early 774-325-8972
9 AM to 12 PM - Transcription Morning at Greater Light
Help the Nantucket Historical Assn. transcribe historical materials from the NHA manuscript collection. Get started or continue working on transcription projects in a social environment as part of the NHA’s Volunteer Transcription Project. Research Associate Peggi Godwin will be on hand to help with questions. Bring your own laptop or tablet. Greater Light, 8 Howard Street. nha.org
9:30 to 10:30 AM - Princess Please for Ages 2-6
This new Barnaby’s class celebrates imagination, creativity, & all things Princess! Your child will decorate a crown and make a special fairy wand that will provide hours of playtime fun! $58; register at BarnabysNantucket.com ~ 508-680-1553
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30PM
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
11 AM to 12 PM - Beach Terrariums for Ages 6+
Create your own sandy beach habitat during this multi-mixed media class, using paint, wood, shells, plants, sand, & more! Children will also have fun sculpting, incorporating polymer clay elements to their Endless Summer “beachy’ terrariums! $58. Reserve a spot at BarnabysNantucket.com or 508-680-1553
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on this narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village,
Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
1 PM - Guided Tour of Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
An over-sand vehicle beach tour with an expert guide. Learn about the fascinating flora & fauna at Nantucket’s wildest spot. Tickets at thetrustees.org/ccwr
2 PM - Gardner Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands and contains pitch pine forests with a walkway over a cattail-choked inlet. This hike is close to Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Michelle & Friends at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
5:30 PM - Nantucket Preservation Trust & Remain Nantucket Talk: Stephanie Phillips
Join Nantucket Preservation Trust for a conversation about the future of demolition and building materials reuse with Stephanie Phillips, Deconstruction and Circular Economy Program Manager for the City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
6 PM - Harborview Concert Series Presents: Foggy Roots
Nantucket’s reggae band Foggy Roots plays your favorites & greatest hits from a variety of artists and genres. Cash bar & lite snacks available. The whole family is welcome $28 (12 & younger admitted free). Tickets at NantucketDreamland.org
6 to 7 PM - Live Music with Jacob Butler
Live Music at The Rose & Crown, 23 S. Water Street.
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket Sunset. Grab your favorite beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time will vary with sunset. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Town Route
A 3/4-mi, 80 min stroll in the historic district to 5 of the most haunted spots. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Polpis Harbor Hike with Nantucket Walkabout Festooned with salt marshes populated with nesting & fishing shorebirds, Polpis Harbor has beautiful meadows overlooking the east cove. Get a closer look at Nantucket Harbor from an inner harbor coastal bank. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com
8:30 AM - Nantucket in Bloom Walk
A 2 mile, nonstop, exercise walk, with historic commentary past historic mansions and the most beautiful gardens of Nantucket Town. Tour gathers 10 min early at Main and Centre Streets, in front of bank. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. 774-325-8972
9:30 to 10:30 AM - Creative Collage for Ages 2-6
Kids will discover, explore, & create works of art using a variety of mixed media materials from drawing, painting, to collage. Reserve a spot at BarnabysNantucket.com or 508-680-1553
9:45 to 10:30 AM - Free Music in the Morning
Join Lizza in the garden for fun songs and singing games. Bring a blanket to sit on. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30PM
10 to 11 AM - Nantucket by Water Whaling History Tour
Learn what life was like in the late 1800’s during the Whaling Era, and see some remaining historic landmarks. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
whaLing museum: 13 Broad Street Hear the story of Nantucket over 4 centuries with rotating exhibits in 9 galleries. Daily programs, films, & a stunning view of town from the rooftop. Open from 10am.
oLdest house: 16 Sunset Hill Built in 1686; restored in 1990. 11am-4pm Wed.-Sat. June 14-Sept. 4.
greater Light: 8 Howard Street Built in the 1790s & transformed into a stunning whimsical summer home in the 1920s, this is home to the NHA Decorative Arts Program. 11am-4pm Wed-Sat. June 14-Sept. 4.
hadwen house: 96 Main Street This Greek Revival mansion built in 1846 is the only mansion of its era onisland open to the public. Exhibits include Nantucket Lightship Baskets, maps, and decorative arts. Open 11am-4pm May 27-Sept. 4.
oLd miLL: 50 Prospect St The oldest functioning mill in the USA, built in 1746. 11am- 4pm Wed.-Sat. June 14Sept. 4.
oLd gaoL: 15R Vestal Street Constructed of massive oak timbers with iron bolts & iron rods across the windows. The heavy wooden doors are reinforced with iron. 11am- 4pm Wed.-Sat. June 14-Sept. 4.
Please visit nha.org for hours, tours, ticket prices, and additional information.
shipwreck & Lifesaving museum: 158 Polpis Road eganmaritime.org Learn the dramatic history of Nantucket’s shipwrecks, lifesaving, and rescuers. Family activities. Free shuttle to the museum from Visitor Services downtown. Beautiful property at Folger’s Marsh open for picnics. Open May 26-October 9.
brant point Lighthouse: 2 Easton St First erected in 1746, America's second oldest lighthouse and at 26 feet tall, the shortest in New England.
nantucket atheneum: 1 India St The island’s public library was built in 1847 and is filled with art & artifacts as well as books, periodicals, digital materials. Children’s section, reading room, & public garden. Open Mon.-Sat.
pacific cLub: Lower Main St Built in 1772 by whaling merchant William Rotch, this is the only 18th century brick building still standing on-island. Quarterboard on the front lists names of 3 notable ships of Rotch: 2 in the Boston Tea Party and
the first ship to fly the American flag in London. first congregationaL church: 62 Centre St Built in 1725 & moved to this site in 1765. Open for services. Climb the tower for a view of town & the harbor.
st mary’s church: 3 Federal St Built in 1897. Open for services.
st pauL’s church: 20 Fair St Built in 1838 with Trinity stained glass windows. Open for services. methodist church: 2 Centre St Built in 1831. Open for services.
unitarian church: 11 Orange St Built in 1809. Houses the town clock & 1810 Portuguese Bell. Open for services.
three bricks: 93, 95 & 97 Main Street Identical brick mansions built 1836-38 by whaling merchant Joseph Starbuck for his sons. Now privately owned.
soLdiers & saiLors monument: Upper Main Street Built in 1875, this obelisk bears the names of 73 island men who died in the Civil War.
african meeting house: 29 York Street Built in 1827, the only public building constructed & occupied by African Americans in the 19th century still standing on-island.
40th Pole: Great for families and young children, but no lifeguards. On Nantucket Sound; warm water during July, August and September inspired nickname “The Bathtub” for area nearby. Parking. Best access via 4WD vehicle.
Dionis: 3 miles from town by bike on the north side of Eel Point Rd off Madaket Road. Look for the boulder marked “Dionis.” Sheltered by dunes, calm waters for swimming, safe for children; restrooms, & parking. Beachgoers can take NRTA shuttle bus to Eel Point Rd stop & walk.
Steps: Between Dionis and Jetties beaches; access from Cliff Road. No lifeguard, no facilities, very little parking. Gentle surf; sandbar. Many steep steps must be descended to get to the beach.
Jetties: Easy bike ride from town, or take the shuttle bus. Great beach for families. Lifeguards, changing rooms, playground, volleyball nets, restrooms, showers, public phones, restaurant and take-out food service. Concession and restrooms handicap accessible; boardwalk to the beach. Tennis. Windsurfing, sailboat, and kayak rentals. Shuttle service from town to Jetties Beach is available seasonally.
Brant Point: Easy walk or bike ride from town. No lifeguard. Strong current; experienced swimmers; beach drops off suddenly under the water. Scenic beach with Brant Point Lighthouse; nice to sit and watch the boats rounding the point. Here is where to go to wave goodbye to friends and family departing on the Steamship.
Children’s: Harbor Beach, an easy walk from town down So. Beach Street and off Harbor View Way. Flotation devices are not permitted within the guarded area. Ideal for small children; park, playground, and bandstand; lifeguard, restrooms, showers, food service, picnic tables. Food, playground, and rest room are all accessible. Activities sponsored by Park & Recreation Commission are often held at this beach during the summer.
Francis Street: Five-minute walk from Main Street. Calm harbor waters for swimming; no lifeguard. Jungle gym, kayak rentals, bathroom.
Cisco Beach: Four-mile bike ride to end of Hummock Pond Road. Heavy surf; lifeguard. No facilities. Parking. Rip currents can be strong.
Ladies Beach: To access, turn left at the end of Bartlett Farm Road. No facilities; no lifeguard. Limited parking. Rip current can be strong; heavy surf.
Miacomet Beach: at the end of Miacomet Road. Surf and rip currents can be dangerous. Parking. No facilities or food service. Families with very young children may prefer Miacomet Pond.
South Shore Beach: at the end of South Shore Rd. Limited parking; difficult to access beach, 4WD is advisable. No lifeguard; no facilities.
Surfside: Located at the end of Surfside Road, a three-mile ride on paved bike path or take the shuttles. Easy to park. Plenty of surf, wide beach is good for picnics, beach games, and surfcasting. Kite flying west of Surfside Beach is acceptable; for safety reasons, please do not fly kites east of Surfside toward the airport. Due to the number of people who frequent Surfside Beach during the day, it is inadvisable to fly kites during the peak beachgoing hours. Lifeguard, restrooms, showers, public phones, food service. Shuttle service from town to Surfside Beach is available seasonally.
Fisherman’s Beach: Located between Surfside Beach and Nobadeer. No parking; Beach access via steep wooden steps. Plenty of surf, wide beach is good for picnics, beach games, and surfcasting. No lifeguard; no facilities.
Nobadeer: Located near the airport. Limited parking; difficult to access beach. Plenty of surf, wide beach is good for picnics, beach games, and surfcasting. No lifeguard; no facilities.
Madequecham: Land Bank property at the end of Madequecham Valley Road; rough sand road. Parking. No facilities; no lifeguards. Rip current can be strong; heavy surf.
Tom Nevers (“Pebble Beach“): Surf can be heavy; very coarse sand. No lifeguard; no facilities. Good for fishing. Strong rip currents; heavy surf. Access to the beach can be difficult.
Madaket: As far west as you can go, six-mile bike ride on scenic, paved bike path, or take the shuttle bus. Heavy surf, lifeguard, restrooms. Famous for its incredible sunsets.
Siasconset: Regular shuttle bus service or seven-mile ride on paved bike path. Surf can be heavy; lifeguard. Food available in nearby village of ’Sconset. Low Beach: 4WD access. Surf can be heavy; no lifeguard.
Miacomet Pond: Fresh water pond on Nantucket. Good for young children. Parking; no lifeguard, no facilities. Snapping turtles may be encountered.
Pocomo Beach: Great for kayaking and to learn to windsurf. Just west of the Head of the Harbor. Good for children. No lifeguards, no facilities.
Eel Point: Good for fishing and watching the sunset. No lifeguard; no facilities. Limited parking. Rip currents can be strong.
Coskata-Coatue and Great Point: at the end of Wauwinet Road, past The Wauwinet Inn. Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge managed by Trustees of Reservations; beach sticker required for vehicles from Trustees of Reservations. Great for fishing and for seeing Great Point Lighthouse up close. Rolling dunes, bayberry, beach plum, heather, and beach grass. Salt marsh and maritime shrubland. The largest red cedar savanna and woodland in New England. Gray and harbor seals. Public restrooms available at the lighthouse Memorial Day-Columbus Day. Sections of the refuge are sometimes closed to protect nesting shorebirds. Dogs permitted only from Sept. 16 thru March 31 and must be leashed at all times. Guided tours with Trustee naturalists offered in-season. Seasonal hunting permitted. For more details, go to www.TheTrustees.org Property Lookup.
Sesachacha Pond: off Polpis Road. Great for families; warm water; no facilities; no lifeguard. Parking. Near the Audubon Sesachacha Heathlands and Wildlife Sanctuary.
•Learn to swim. If you can’t swim an overhead stroke for at least 15 minutes you should not be in the ocean. •Never swim alone. Always swim with a buddy, and swim near a lifeguard whenever possible. •Stay out of the “surf zone” where the waves break at the shoreline. Waves are at their greatest force here, and even a small wave can lift you up and throw you headfirst into the sand. •Never run from the beach into the water and dive headfirst into the waves. Sandbars that cannot be seen from the surface may be present and/or the water may be too shallow. •Don’t jump or dive into the water from a pier or rock jetty. From a pier or jetty, water appears much deeper than it really is. What looks like 10 or 20 feet of water may only be 2 to 3 feet deep. Diving in could be fatal. The same applies for jumping headfirst into the ocean or a wave from a surfboard – don’t do it! It’s not a risk worth taking. •If you are body surfing or boogie boarding, always keep your arms out in front of you to protect your head and neck. •A rip current will pull you away from the shore, but it will not pull you under. If you’re caught in a rip current, do not swim toward the shore! Instead, swim parallel to the shore, until you’re out of the rip current. Then, swim in to shore. •Never drink alcohol or use drugs at the beach. It clouds your ability to make wise decisions, and that could be fatal! •Take direction from lifeguards at all times.
from page 4
NCTV education coordinator, each viewer should look forward to “charming, insightful, and sometimes spooky films made by local kids, feeling inspired.”
The films will each resonate with a certain part of us all. The teen directors and writers are from various grades, from “Imperfect Soul” by 12th grader Misho Minevski, which shows a soldier coming to grips with his past and present reality, to “Gone” by 9th grader Lucy Bell, featuring a teen using her imagination in finding comfort in a friend. Most of the films are not location specific, with the exception of “Dreamland Ghosts” by Kevin Serrano. “Dreamland Ghosts,” will certainly give audiences a little fright, exploring the spookier side of the island, with a reenactment of ghost sightings in the very seats they're occupying in The Dreamland Theatre. “Tunnel Vision” by Olivia Davis tells the story of a young woman blindsided by love until she discovers a dark truth. “Kidnapping Shakespeare” by Diogo De Lima Dias begs the question, what would you do if you had Shakespeare at your mercy? Finally “PFAS” by Anna Popnikolova is an insightful documentary on PFAS and its effects on local islanders. Carapezza says, “every film is the creative brainchild of the filmmaker.”
The students have been working for nine months on their study of filmmaking and storytelling. Mark Carapezza, has been running the program since 2020, after splitting time between Nantucket and Rishikesh, India, producing a global art event. The course focuses on media literacy, teaching students how media is made through writing, recording, lighting, acting, directing, filming, and editing. Carapezza says what
sticks with the students through this process is comprehension and appreciation of film, they “will now watch films, shows, commercials, and even social media content with a deeper appreciation and understanding of how it is created. Their taste in films and ability to discuss them will become more sophisticated.”
This year is the second that a film produced by Nantucket Middle School students will be showcased as a Teen View Junior Film. The 2023 film is called “The Lollipop Cowboy,” and it features the adventure of a cowboy who is new to town and stealing lollipops from babies. The film stars and is directed by Eila Boyd, Ben Congdon, Sebastian Coutinho, Carrington Gerstmyer, Jack Hunter, Knox Keating, Madison Massey, Gabriel Petkov, Olivia Shuttleworth, and Lilly Sylvia.
A group of middle school students comprise the Teen View Jury, which judges the new films each year. They screen, deliberate, and determine the best short film deserving of the Short Film Award. Through this process, the students are taught the fundamental process of film analysis.
According to Carapezza the Teen View showcase “for locals will be a wonderful time to see kids they know being proud of their work, expressing themselves,” and “the questions and answers with the filmmakers after the screening is also very insightful, fun, and inspiring.”
The Teen View Films will be shown in the Dreamland Theatre on Monday, June 26 at 12:30 pm and run for 90 minutes. Tickets to this Nantucket Film Festival event are $16 and are available at nantucketfilmfestival.org/events/teenviewshowcase. A Q&A with the teen filmmakers will follow the screening. For detailed schedules and showtimes on all festival events visit nantucketfilmfestival.org.
from page 5
soft plastics and poppers, as well as when to fish them. He really helped me with my game management.”
Noah continued to learn the many facets of Nantucket fishing but his big “aha” moment came from watching videos put out by a Long Island fisherman named John Skinner. “I was awake with my kids when they were babies so I watched fishing videos. I learned so many different tactics from watching those videos. It was like being with my grandpa again.”
John Skinner is a big advocate of fishing the bucktail jig. Noah followed suit, employing the tactics that Professor Skinner taught. “Skinner helped me to learn to think about the water I was fishing in three dimensions. I learned how small differences in technique could really factor into better results. His videos helped me to learn to be more consistent.”
Noah had his high school buddy Mark visiting during the time that we talked. Noah and Mark had fished the night shift the previous evening. “It was hard for
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Mark. Even though he’s a very experienced fisherman, fishing at night is a different deal.” Noah said that although the learning curve was steep, Mark made the necessary adjustments and caught seven fish during their excursion into the darkness. “I caught 27 stripers and Mark caught seven. I helped him with technique, and it worked. He hooked up as I was talking him through it, getting him to slow his retrieve down.”
It is apparent that Noah is a very precise guy. “If you look in the back of my truck, you’d see that I have six rods, all rigged for certain conditions and situations. Two have metal lures ready to go. Two have hard plastic lures, such as the Diawa SP Minnow or the Yozuri Mag Darter. And the last two are smaller west coast style rods, rigged for throwing soft plastics. Some of my buddies laugh and say that I probably have a specific rod rigged for July 23rd at 3:24 AM. Well, yeah, I probably do.”
So does all of this work? “I keep a very detailed fishing log. I’m up to 130 stripers so far this year.” Yikes—that’s a TON of bass for a season that was only about 30 days old at the time of our interview! But if you spend a few minutes with Noah, none of this is surprising. He is extremely focused and detail oriented. He learns something on every trip. And his results speak volumes. I can certainly take a lesson from him.
As much as Noah loves and excels at beach fishing, his favorite activity is fishing from his boat with his wife, Jennifer, his daughter Meara (8 years old) and his son Quinn (5 years old). “Being out on my boat and fishing with my family is my greatest joy. My schedule allows for night fishing, so that’s what I do mostly.” Noah laughs as he tells me about how excited little Quinn is about having jigged up a black sea bass on a recent boat trip. “He’s still talking about it!”
I asked Noah what advice he would have for a beginner surfcaster. “Just keep casting. Just keep learning. Throw a Spofford Ballistic Missile: it’s easy to cast, it’s on top of the water so you can see it and it’s lots of fun when a fish grabs it because you see the whole thing.”
Fishing has always been much more than a recreational pastime for Noah. “I never feel more connected to the world than when I’m hooked up on a big fish. It’s absolutely spiritual.” Noah Karberg is a fishing champion indeed.
Steve “Tuna” Tornovish is a Nantucket native who has spent his life fishing from the beaches of his beloved island. He loves to introduce clients to the joy of fishing with his Nantucket Island Fishing Adventures: stevetuna.com
the 22nd Regimental Band, and while they waited for their orders, the members lived and rehearsed at Rocklawn, his home in Westborough. When he was mustered in on September 11, 1861, Pike left behind his wife Morning Oakes, whom he had married in 1849. Although Pike had been away from home for prolonged periods while touring as a performer, surely this departure was different for them both.
The band was a favorite of the regiment, their music helping to relieve the monotony of camp life. They also assisted with transporting the wounded during and after battles. In all the engagements of the regiment “they went in with the stretchers and did good service.” Drum-Major Pike was by all accounts popular with both officers and men.
The pleasantness didn’t last. On June 25, 1862, Major General George McClellan, commanding the Union troops, ordered an offensive beginning a series of engagements that would eventually be called the Seven Days Battles. The following day, General Robert E. Lee, who had recently taken command of the Army of Northern Virginia, launched a counter-offensive intended to drive McClellan’s army away from Richmond. For the 22nd Mass., the third day of the Seven Days Battles, the Battle of Gaines’ Mill, proved to be devastating, as they suffered their worst casualties of the war.
The 22nd was initially held in reserve, behind other regiments of their brigade that successfully repulsed several Confederate charges over the course of the day, but at 6 p.m., the Union lines broke and the 22nd was suddenly exposed to the brunt of the Confederate attack. With the 22nd flanked on both sides, Colonel Gove, the commander, soon gave the order to retire. Then, reluctant to yield the ground, he ordered his troops to about face and stand fast. Colonel Gove was killed almost immediately after delivering the order. In the subsequent fighting the 22nd suffered 71 soldiers killed, 86 wounded, and 177 captured, one of whom was Pike.
Pike’s captors marched him off to Richmond and Libby Prison (second only to Andersonville for the horrors reported there). A postwar sketch of Pike’s life
recounted his experience: “There it was that some of those whose music-loving hearts he had delighted in former years, some southern friends who had learned that he was imprisoned, sought him out and the monotony of his life at Libby was somewhat lessened.” The sketch continued, “To while away the dreary hours in prison, Mr. Pike formed a glee club among his companions, and while it proved to be a source of comfort, it did not tend to benefit him. The prison authorities were so pleased with Mr. Pike’s vocal abilities that they kept him a prisoner when there was opportunity for exchange, merely for the entertainment of the other prisoners.” In the end, his imprisonment lasted about 9 weeks. On Sept. 7, he left was paroled from Libby Prison and, after spending time recovering in Union hospital camps he was discharged a few days before Christmas 1862.
After his release, Pike resumed performing and continued to do so through the mid-1860s. Why he ended his music career at that point is unclear: he may have retired early thanks to his earnings as a performer and song writer, or because his style of ‘heart songs,’ as one newspaper described them, had faded in popularity. It may have had something to do with the passing of his wife Morning Oakes, who died two years after his release from the Confederate prison, in 1864.
Three decades later, in early 1891, Pike came out of retirement and performed in Boston with other singers he’d known from his past.
Pike died ten years later at age 83. His home in Westborough, Rocklawn, nestled at the top of a ridge overlooking the Sudbury River. The spot where Rocklawn once stood is now an empty parking lot next to a pet supply store, but Marshall S. Pike has secured a place in history as a patriot, accomplished songwriter, and pioneering entertainer who once trod the boards of the Nantucket Atheneum’s Great Hall.
This Friday, June 23, to celebrate Pride Month, the Atheneum will host a free Gender Bender Prom for teens, ages 14 thru 18. Have you ever wanted experiment with your name? Change your pronouns? Try out a different look? Well, then this event is for you. As part of Pride 2023, The Nantucket Atheneum invites you to explore how you express your gender as you celebrate pride and strut your stuff in your finest drag upstairs in the Great Hall, where there’ll be dancing, refreshments, and an opportunity to lip-sync your heart out to your favorite songs with your friends. It’s recommended if possible that you bring your own supplies, but there will be a limited supply of accessories, clothes, and make up if you need some, as well as space to prepare. That this is meant to be a fun, safe environment, and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
The Lynx is where history and tradi on meet today’s world, an adventure for all genera ons of friends and family.
Nantucket's Tall Ship Lynx, a na onal treasure here in our harbor.
Sail with us and experience days gone by!
from page 9
vernal pool looking for “just the right spot.” Despite their differences in size, the goldilocks effects is the same for all three species. They prefer sandy, loose soils generally close to water but in an upland spot with open canopy. We seem to have plenty of that on Nantucket.
Many people have reported seeing turtles around walking trails and crossing roads. I had to stop and “help” a medium-sized snapping turtle crossing Eel Point Road just last week. Please be mindful and careful while driving. That goes for any time, but during turtle nesting season, it can be especially important. If you see a turtle in the road, please avoid it. Here are a few tips essential for turtle safety (and your safety): slow down, stop (if you can do so safely), and let it pass. If it is stopped or if you think you can SAFELY move the turtle, always bring it to the road edge in the direction it was headed. Never pick up a turtle by the tail. And finally, even if snapping turtles look old and slow, they can move fast and are likely to bite because they feel threatened. If you have a shovel or a broom in your car, you can help them scoot across the road.
Our turtle species survive as a population by being long-lived. Keeping the adults safe ensures more turtles to come.
Caterpillars – my personal favorite, the eastern tent caterpillar (ETC), has already done its thing by now. Those that malign these wonderful creatures no longer have to see their wiggly bodies on black cherry trees. They have all dropped to the leaf litter and are pupating (in a cocoon) to become moths later in July. Their tents are still visible on some trees, but these biodegradable abodes will soon disappear. All that frass (fancy word for caterpillar poop) will be nutrients for the tree roots below.
The stars of the show right now are monarch caterpillars, which are just starting their activity. It’s interesting to me how one caterpillar can be celebrated (monarchs) and another loathed (ETC) and yet they have similar activities on Nantucket—eating their way through their favorite leaves. In the spirit of solstice, let’s pause and admire the caterpillars. As in one of my favorite children’s books, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, they are just trying to stuff their faces,
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live long enough to make a cocoon (or chrysalis), and metamorphose into what they know they can become. I might try living a caterpillar life this summer!
The smell of roses – the roses covering the cottages of Sconset won’t be at their peak for another week or so. But our native roses are starting to bloom, and the scent is heavenly. Carolina and Virginia roses (Rosa carolina and Rosa virginiana) are native to our open grasslands and heathland habitats. The small, delicate roses are often forgotten when they bloom at the same time as the obnoxious beach roses (Rosa rugosa) or highly invasive multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora). The light pink petals of our native wild roses are matched with a delicate rose scent that wafts through the moors and south shore grasslands. Pollinators love these roses, and their hips (the fruit of the rose) are important food sources for birds and small mammals. I have a true appreciation for our native species that can be beautiful and dainty while being able to grow in the harshest of environments: our nutrient-poor, dry, sandy soils. A different kind of “Rosé All Day.”
Fishing season – as a fisherman’s wife and recreational angler myself, I love this time of year for the bounty of fishing season. It’s early enough in the season that the crowds aren’t making fishing impossible along the shore, the docks, or the best boating spots. But we’re far enough into the season that the fishing is fantastic. Striped bass, black seabass, and bluefish are all on the menu with fluke keepers in soon. This is the season for a fish fry or grilling and then putting some away in the freezer for later. All of these fish are better fresh than frozen, but just like canning tomatoes at the end of summer, eating a striper filet from the freezer in February reminds us of the bounty of early summer. If you’re able, cast a line and see what you can catch. Fishing also means slowing down at the water’s edge: it’s a great time to observe everything else around you.
What are your favorite things about the summer solstice?
Even though solstice marks the longest day and the beginning of summer, it might not quite feel like it yet. The atmosphere and, more importantly for Nantucket, the ocean takes time to heat up. This means that even though the solstice marks the longest day (and the most direct sunlight), there can be a lag between that and the peak of warm weather. July will be here soon enough with its hot weather, but it also brings crowds, traffic, and busy summer schedules.
Let’s take this gentle reminder to pause and think about some of our favorite parts of Nantucket nature.
Fairwinds is now providing all Mental Health Mobile Crisis Response on Nantucket— anywhere, anytime, regardless of insurance.
from page 7
Clothes need to be packed up. Christmas presents. Pictures. Mementoes. All of the stuff that we collected over the years, curated, polished, and kept beyond its worth, will have its day or two in the Take it or Leave It. This rod was his favorite, he loved wearing those pants, he collected all of these books.
On Tuesday, when we stood on the streets, and we watched, and we bore witness, that story ended. But it didn’t disappear. It rose up in our minds and throats and tied us to each other. One thread in the weaving was tied off, but the fabric remained.
At Marine Home Center, I stood in the paint department with three former colleagues and we remembered. We had good stories from the past, where the sudden dead appeared as a help and a hope. We had stories from the our shared time, and from the recent memory: fish, boats, fires, friends, work, and hopes. We handed the shuttle back and forth, hand to hand, mouth to mouth, and wove a cloth to keep the days away,
We all die. We all die too soon. All of our stories end half finished in front of an audience shocked at the silence. Out here, for the moment, we are still lucky to live our stories surrounded by others. Our stories weave a cloth with threads from those who have dipped in and out of the weaving. On a small island, in the gray of the winter, our stories cross and recross hundreds of times. No man is an island. We are all a piece of the continent, a part of the rock…
We know for whom the bell tolls. In that silence of the streets, as we watched the fire trucks trundle by, we re-examined the cloth that we shared. There is no lesson, no answer, no theme. We can’t know about the central mystery of those last moments. But the thread remains woven tight into the cloth, warm, laughing, and in the end, inexplicable. We wrap ourselves in it.
Fairwinds is here on Nantucket to help: fairwindscenter.org Call or text them at 508-228-2689—their 24/7 crisis hotline is 508-221-3315 For a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately.
Crisis Response: 508.221.3315 . fairwindscenter.org
Over Sand Vehicle Permits Required Year Round
Purchase your permit online : www.thetrustees.org/permits
Nightly from 5:30pm Bar opens at 5pm
Make your table reservations online at: DuneNantucket.com
20 Broad Street
is the home of the Great Point Lighthouse and is accessible by foot or fourwheel drive vehicles.
Extreme caution should be exercised when traveling to Great Point due to driving in soft sand. Please respect restricted conservation areas.
41° 17' 30" Latitude by 70° 05' 30" Longitude ~ The winter population is approximately 20,000
Approximate distances, in miles to various locations of Nantucket Island from Main Street and Orange Street (Paci fi c National Bank) Airport 3.5 miles
Sankaty Lighthouse 9.5 miles Siasconset (via Polpis) 10.5 miles Smith Point 7 miles Squam 8.5 miles Surfside 3.5 miles
Altar Rock (via Polpis) 6 miles
Tom Nevers Head 6.5 miles Wauwinet 9 miles
Another great way to get around the island is by using the Nantucket Regional Transit Authority’s (NRTA) Wave Bus. The Greenhound Station in town has routes servicing Sconset, Madaket, Miacomet, Mid Island, the Airport, Surfside Beach and Jetties Beach. Follow the QR code for a system-wide map of all their routes.
Eel Point 6 miles Madaket 6.75 miles
Monomoy 2 miles Quaise 3.5 miles Quidnet 7.5 miles
Nantucket Island is just about 14 miles by 3-1/2 miles, and there are miles of bike paths to nearly every area. This means that riding a bicycle is one of the best ways to get around our island. Follow the QR code to discover miles of bike paths, where to rent bikes, biking tips, and where to fi nd water stations along the way.
Nantucket by Water
A Variety of Boat Tours for All Ages Straight Wharf, Slip #1011
Call or visit us on Straight Wharf for your Island Adventure NANTUCKET by WATER (formerly Shearwater Excursions) is a local family-run company dedicated to providing unique tours and cruises to individuals and families of all age groups. From small kids to grandparents, NBW has trips that cater to your needs and taste for adventure. Whether you take a leisurely tour around Nantucket Harbor, or a longer adventure exploring the wildlife sanctuary of Coatue or visiting the unique 5th Bend Oyster Farm, Nantucket By Water promises an exceptional experience. nantucketbywater.com
Nantucket Walkabout
see website for hikes & times
Daily Guided Wilderness Hikes on Nantucket
Book online & meet at Handlebar Cafe, 15 Washington St
Explore Nantucket’s wilderness with “Walking Nantucket” and “Nantucket: A Natural History” author and naturalist Peter Brace, and learn how the last glacier formed the island. Experience wildlife and rare plants. Learn about Nantucket’s conservation efforts, ecology and the Native Americans that lived here. $50 adults, $25 age 12 & younger. Private hikes available. Apple Pay, Android Pay, MC, Visa, Amex, &Discover accepted. Get more information & reservations at nantucketwalkabout.com
Natural History Tour
Refuge & beaches open daily 9am-sunset.
Summer tours offered thru October at Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
Join our naturalist guide on an over-sand vehicle Natural History Tour through Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge. Witness Nantucket’s most expansive salt marsh, learn about the geology, ecology and history of this special place. Refuge & beaches open daily 9am-sunset: permits required. Guided tours are available on Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday: call about private tours. To check property conditions, call 508-228-5646 & press #2. thetrustees.org/ccwr
Blue Beetle
Clothing, Accessories, Jewelry, Gifts
Open daily at 12 Main Street
Located at 12 Main Street, BLUE BEETLE reflects the playfulness and elegance of island living. We strive to provide a collection of carefully curated clothing, jewelry, gifts and accessories that portray the summer lifestyle on Nantucket. The boutique is filled with modern, chic, and contemporary fashions to suit every occasion. We proudly sell Joules, Jude Connally, Captiva Cashmere, Lilla P and MZ Wallace. Known for our Nantucket Jewelry, there is something for everyone; beads to fit Pandora, rings, bracelets and of course our charm bar, where you can create your own unique island necklace. Shop year round in store or visit us online at BlueBeetleNantucket.com
for a schedule exhibits as well as classes and workshops at the Visual Arts Center (VAC) at 24 Amelia Drive. Visit AAN’s online gallery at sales.nantucketarts.org to view regularly changing exhibitions of fresh, original artwork from iconic Nantucket artists. nantucketarts.org
Open Daily 10 am to 5 pm
Oils, watercolors, prints, and note cards by G. S. Hill
40 Straight Wharf
G. S. HILL’s one-man gallery is open daily. For more than three decades, Greg’s original oil and watercolor paintings have captured the image, spirit, and soul of Nantucket. The gallery also offers giclees and miniatures, plus exclusive American-made gifts designed by Greg and Judi Hill. Stunning porcelain china dinnerware, hand-pressed glass and ornaments are only a few of treasures you will find. gshill.com
Susan Lister Locke Gallery
Art and Inspired, Creative Jewelry Open daily at 28A Easy Street
Inspired by the Ocean that surrounds her, be it in her Gallery on Nantucket or her winter home in Palm Beach Florida, Jewelry Designer, Susan Lister Locke creates highly sought after, unique jewelry using beautiful, and oftentimes rare, gemstones set in high karat Gold and Platinum. susanlisterlocke.com
Cape Cod 5
Open Monday-Saturday Locations at 112 Pleasant Street & Zero Main Street
We at CAPE COD FIVE are deeply committed to the communities we serve. Our dedication to serving our neighbors and local businesses and earning our customers’ trust every day has remained the same since our founding in 1855. We focus on continuously evolving to be our customers’ trusted financial partner in a rapidly changing world, offering digital tools, accessibility and sound guidance and insight to help our customers navigate their unique journeys. capecodfive.com
The Verdant Maiden
Open 11 am to 5 pm
2 Union Street, 2nd Floor
Curated collection of small-batch skincare & wellness products
FACE. BODY. HAIR. BEING. Visit The Verdant Maiden for everything you need to take care of you. From facial and body care, shaving, bathing and hair - this shop will take care of you headto-toe, inside and out with organic products made with organic ingredients and sustainable practices. 2 Union Street, Upstairs. 508.901.5781 - theverdantmaiden.com
Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
Visit Nantucket’s best beaches! Open Daily 9am to sunset. Permits Required Year-Round Call ahead to check conditions: 508-228-5646 #2
Open daily at 12 Oak Street COMMONWEALTH is a unique resale boutique where we believe even clothes deserve a second chance. This eclectic little shop on Oak Street specializes in curating quality gently used pieces from your favorite designers. Come in to find preloved gems or bring in your gently used items to turn your closet into cash! Commonwealthnantucket.com
Fabulous Resale. Fresh Finds.
Current Vintage
Open daily, celebrating our 16th season!
Wine • Clothing • Home • Gifts • Provisions
4 Easy Street
CURRENT VINTAGE is a fun and original concept store with a carefully edited mix of vintage clothing & accessories, wines, cheeses, and home goods. Everything here is thoughtfully chosen, including exclusive Nantucket gifts and a selection of nearly 400 wines. CV is a beloved island institution, celebrating more than 15 years in the heart of Nantucket. Join us for fun vibe & serious wines! currentvintage.com
Sara Campbell
Celebrating Made in the USA every day!
5 South Beach St.
All year long SARA CAMPBELL offers color and detail to a woman’s wardrobe with her beautiful silhouettes of dresses and sportswear, but when summer arrives – it’s time to play! Fun beachwear, accessories, jewelry, and other seaside essentials are available in her chic shop. Our apparel is proudly made in the USA! Visit SARA CAMPBELL at 5 South Beach to find the perfect look … see you soon! shop.saracampbell.com
Artists Association of Nantucket
“Think Big” through June 26
“Summer Small Works” through July 17
upstairs at 12 Straight Wharf
19 Washington St.
The mission of the ARTISTS ASSOCIATION OF NANTUCKET is to foster the visual arts on Nantucket. They create a vibrant arts community by promoting, supporting, and encouraging the work of Nantucket artists, providing educational programs in the arts, and preserving the legacy of Nantucket artists. AAN has 2 in-town galleries: the Cecelia Joyce & Seward Johnson Gallery at 19 Washington Street where you can view “Summer Small Works” June 23-July 17 and The Big Gallery upstairs at 12 Straight Wharf, where you can view “Think Big” May 26-June 26. AAN’s online exhibition for June 23-July 31 is “On the Waterfront.” Stay in touch at nantucketarts.org
Visit the best beaches on the island at the Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge. The greater coastscape, which includes the federally owned Great Point Lighthouse and Nantucket Conservation Foundation land, is a double-fingered peninsula jutting northward between the Atlantic Ocean and Nantucket Sounds is so much more: a blend of sandy beach, rolling dunes, and forest uplands both rugged and serene. The refuge provides multiple habitats for an array of coastal plant and animal species, including heather and beach plum, a maritime oak forest & savannah of red cedar – the largest of its kind in New England – which offer shelter to deer. At the beachfront, watch for horseshoe crabs advancing in extremely slow motion, seals basking in the sun, and shorebirds skittering above the surf line. Over-sand vehicle permits are required: you can purchase them online at thetrustees.org/permits. Rental jeep day passes available at the rental site & day passes available for personal 4x4 vehicles. thetrustees.org/ccwr
Cook’s Cycle
Open Daily
Bicycle Rentals, Sales, and Service
6 So. Beach Street, next to Affordable Rentals
Nantucket’s bike shop for all of your vacation needs here at Cook’s Cycles Nantucket we have all of the latest bikes and accessories for your beach runs, brewery tours, and beyond. Our selection of new bikes in a convenient downtown Nantucket location (just a 2-minute walk from Steamboat Wharf) is great for a day of cycling. Nantucket is known for its many bike paths and trails. Whether you want to ride to Jetties Beach for a swim or take in the sights of the Sconset Loop, Cooks Cycles has the bikes for you and your family. Moped & Jeep rentals, too! cookscyclesnantucket.com
Easy Riders Bicycles
Bike Rentals, Sales, Service - NEW: Electric Bikes
65 Surfside Road
EASY RIDERS BICYCLE RENTALS offers rentals, sales, and service, plus island-wide free delivery on all rentals and usually within an hour or so. With advanced on-line reservations, it’s the easiest way to experience Nantucket! Offering low prices and discounts on multi-day, weekly, monthly, and group rentals of top quality, new GT and Easy Riders bicycles, as well as retrostyle Schwinn Cruisers, and accessories in a variety of styles...They have the right bicycle for all of your adventures. We have electric bikes. Check out our Easy Riders brand ebikes at erbikes.com. EASY RIDERS has a safe & convenient bike path location at 65 Surfside Road. easyridersbikerentals.com
Young’s Bicycle Shop
“The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island”
6 Broad Street
Harvey A Young’s Bicycle Shop started on Nantucket in 1931. When Harvey sold the business
to his son, Roger, it became YOUNG’S BICYCLE SHOP. Now with over 90 years in business, the 4th generation is running YOUNG’S. The Young family and their staff provide you with the ideal rental bike for Nantucket. Their fleet of CANNONDALE and TREK bikes are well maintained, so you and your family can have a safe and enjoyable bike ride around the island. YOUNG’S also rents cars and Jeeps. Check out their website, give them a call, or stop in to see their friendly, knowledgeable staff, so they can share with you “The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island”. Reservations & delivery services available. youngsbicycleshop.com
Tidal Creeks Outfitters & Ship Store
Outfitters with boat & paddleboard rentals Open daily at 32 Washington Street
Experience Nantucket with TIDAL CREEKS OUTFITTERS: we’ll help you make memories that will last a lifetime. Boat days are the best days! Spend a day like no other exploring Nantucket Harbor with us. We offer 1/2- and full rentals of our boats. Up to six people per boat, plus you can add Experience Packages. Paddle board rentals are also available. Call us or stop by if you have a larger group & are looking for an experience tailored to meet your needs. And we offer guided paddle board tours. Fishing - we’ve got you covered with custom rods from Tidal Creeks Outfitters and Fish Stix as well as endless lures and bait. Fun for Kids- we’ve got nets, crab traps, minnow nets, tubes, body boards, & rain gear. Follow us on Instagram @TidalCreeks. TidalCreeksOutfitters.com
508-228-9165 ext. 110
FREE DOWNLOAD - Nantucket’s searchable phone book app CallNantucket.com
CALL NANTUCKET is the fully searchable app version of The Nantucket Directory: the island’s phone book. Know who you’re looking for? Search our White Pages for the number. Not sure who to call? Browse our Yellow Pages to choose the best company for your needs! Our CALL NANTUCKET app is FREE TO DOWNLOAD. CallNantucket@gmail.com
Yesterday’s Island/Today’s Nantucket
Guiding visitors on Nantucket for 53 years
Affordable Rentals
Cars, jeeps, mopeds
6 South Beach Street
AFFORDABLE RENTALS can help make your visit on Nantucket more complete. With their cars, 4x4s, vans, and mopeds, you will have access to all parts of the island: Great Point, Wauwinet, Coatue, Squam, ‘Sconset, Madaket, and more. Explore to your heart’s content in a vehicle from AFFORDABLE RENTALS, open daily at 6 South Beach Street. Call ahead for reservations. All major credit cards accepted. affrentals.com
Young’s Bicycle Shop
“The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island”
6 Broad Street
Harvey A Young’s Bicycle Shop” started on Nantucket in 1931. When Harvey sold the business to his son, Roger, it became YOUNG’S BICYCLE SHOP. Now with over 90 years in business, the 4th generation is running YOUNG’S. The Young family and their staff provide you with the ideal rental bike for Nantucket AND YOUNG’S also rents cars and Jeeps. Check out their website, give them a call, or stop in to see their friendly, knowledgeable staff, so they can share with you “The Cycle-logical Way to See Nantucket Island”. Reservations & delivery services available. youngsbicycleshop.com
Endeavor Sailing Excursions
Private Charters. Per Person Fares Slip 1015, Straight Wharf
Pleasure sailing
“Captain James Genthner shares his love of the Island with visitors aboard his sloop ENDEAVOR”—Ted Reinstein, CBS Good Day! Featured in Yankee Magazine’s Best of New England: “A cruise aboard the Endeavor is a lesson in beauty and local history.” “No one has done more to make sure that Nantucket’s maritime traditions are alive and well than Capt. Jim Genthner,” Nat Philbrick, author In the Heart of the Sea. The ENDEAVOR sails daily at 10 am, 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm, and at sunset. They offer private charters, sailing celebrations. Gift certificates are available. Call for information and reservations. endeavorsailing.com
Nantucket’s Tall Ship Lynx, a national treasure here in our harbor
In print & online + eNewsletter
Visit our online publication to see more articles, more photos, enter contests, and to share your impressions of Nantucket. For more than 50 years, YESTERDAY’S ISLAND/TODAY’S NANTUCKET has been the best source for planning your leisure time on Nantucket Island. From Daffodil Festival through Christmas Stroll, you can pick up our print editions, available everywhere, or you can visit us online at YesterdaysIsland.com. After you leave your favorite island, you can stay in touch with the happenings here — find us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram @nantucket_insider, and sign up for our free Nantucket eNewsletter — look for the link at the top of Nantucket.net Yesterdaysisland.com
Mitchell’s Book Corner
See the calendar for our upcoming book signings & events
54 Main Street
MITCHELL’S BOOK CORNER prides itself on a long tradition of personalized attention to its customers for more than 50 years. Visit nantucketbookpartners.com for any book in print, preorders, signed copies, e-books, audio books, gift cards, staff picks, and more. If the book is “on our shelves now” we can offer next business day island home delivery for a small fee. If the book is not on-hand we can either ship it to you or order it for you. We are also happy to ship books to anywhere in the US. MITCHELL’S is open daily. nantucketbookpartners.com
Nantucket Bookworks
Books, cards, chocolates, & unique gifts
25 Broad Street
NANTUCKET BOOKWORKS is our quirky little shop chock full of books, gifts, and goodies. Visit nantucketbookpartners.com for books and nantucketbooksworks.com for the very best of Bookworks online. We have Nantucket gifts, puzzles, games, toys, art supplies, party accessories, stuffed animals, greeting cards, kids items, and so much more. And we have an enticing nook filled with amazing chocolates to buy and savor as you read your new books. We also are happy to ship anywhere in the US. For books, shop nantucketbookpartners.com. Order online or stop in to browse. BOOKWORKS is open daily. nantucketbookpartners.com
See display ad for times & routes
Year-Round Bus Routes
RIDE THE WAVE to/from town, mid island areas, Madaket, Sconset, Surfside and Jetties Beaches, the Airport and points in between. Access real time information bus locations and estimated arrival at your stop from your computer or internet enabled cell phone at live.nrtawave.com. Service is provided year-round on select routes and thru mid-October on seasonal routes. See our schedule in this paper or visit nrtawave.com for complete information or pick up a riders guide at NRTA Office 20R South Water St, Visitor Services 25 Federal Street, Chamber of Commerce 0 Main Street, or the Greenhound Building 10 Washington Street. Fares are $2 or $3 depending on route, half fare for 65 & older, persons with disabilities, veterans, and active military personnel. Exact change is recommended or a future ride change card will be issued. Short term passes are available on any Wave vehicle. nrtawave.com
Traditional Sailing & History in Nantucket Sound Family fun for all ages! Nantucket’s Tall Ship LYNX is offering sails from July to October from Nantucket Harbor. They also offer charters, weddings, educational and special groups sailings. Looking for a unique venue to gather? LYNX is available for private charters... treat your family, your friend, or your colleagues to a very special day or evening: it’s an adventure for all! Nantucket’s Tall Ship LYNX is a national treasure here in our harbor. For details and reservations, contact the office @ 978.479.2197 tallshiplynx.org
Nantucket by Water
A Variety of Boat Tours for All Ages Straight Wharf, Slip #1011 Oyster Cruises, Ice Cream Cruises, Cocktail Cruises, Sunset Cruise, & more NANTUCKET by WATER (formerly Shearwater Excursions) is a local family-run company dedicated to providing unique tours and cruises to individuals and families of all age groups. From small kids to grandparents, NBW has trips that cater to your needs and taste for adventure. Whether you take a leisurely tour around Nantucket Harbor, or a longer adventure exploring the wildlife sanctuary of Coatue or visiting the unique 5th Bend Oyster Farm, Nantucket By Water promises an exceptional experience. nantucketbywater.com
Barnaby’s Toy & Art Shack
Downtown toy store & art studio for kids of all ages
12 Oak Street
BARNABY’S TOY & ART SHACK, located downtown at 12 Oak Street, is the perfect place to do your holiday shopping for all the kids on your list. They have a fantastic selection of crafts, books, toys, and so much more! And BARNABY’S offers art classes for children ages 2-13 years. Children can choose from a variety of classes as well as they can drop-in and create every day, all day! All of Barnaby’s classes are taught by professional artists and educators who will guide your child’s technique and processes in our inspirational space in downtown Nantucket. For more information or to register, please visit www.barnabysnantucket.com, or call 508-6801553, or email barnabyack@gmail.com. barnabysnantucket.com
Artists Association of Nantucket
Open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm
Classes & Workshops for all ages
Visual Arts Center, 24 Amelia Drive
The ARTISTS ASSOCIATION’s Arts Program offers year-round educational programs for adults and children. Our spacious workshop on Amelia Drive hosts a wide variety of classes and workshops in many media including oil painting, watercolor, pastel, life drawing, ceramics, printmaking, textile art and mixed media. Our instructors are resident artists, AAN artist members and a variety of visiting artists who work in a range of mediums and bring a wealth of talent and experience to the program. Classes are designed for all levels of experience, from the novice to advanced and for all ages. nantucketarts.org
Aunt Leah’s Fudge
Made fresh on Nantucket
The Courtyard, 16 Straight Wharf
AUNT LEAH has been making her award-winning homemade fudge for three decades on Nantucket. Her fudge has been voted “the best fudge in the world” year after year. Once you
try her fudge, you’ll see why it is always rated the best! AUNT LEAH makes it daily in her shop, using the freshest and finest ingredients. She has more than 40 scrumptious flavors. Her most popular fudge flavor is chocolate peanut butter, which has a layer of rich peanut butter fudge on the bottom, topped with a layer of decadent chocolate fudge. AUNT LEAH also has her famous chocolate-covered cranberries. The cranberries come in both milk and dark chocolate or a mixture of both. Both the fudge and chocolate-covered cranberries make unique island wedding favors or gifts for special events. auntleahs.com
Island Treasures
Mon-Fri 10am-4pm & Sat. 10am-2pm
New & Used clothes, household goods, toys, & more
128 Old South Road
Looking to expand your wardrobe on a budget or need some items for your home at affordable prices? ISLAND TREASURES is the perfect place to shop! Here you’ll find a great selection of new and gently used clothing, jewelry, housewares, small furnishings, books, beach toys, kids toys, and so much more. There’s an ever-changing variety, so visit often — you never know what treasures you may find.
The Rainbow Fleet
Open Monday-Saturday 10am to 5pm
Clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories
167 Orange Street
Shop sustainably at THE RAINBOW FLEET, Nantucket’s year round women’s consignment boutique located mid-island near the rotary. We carefully select the best vintage, modern and designer pieces from over 450 island consignors, and steam-clean them into new life daily! From clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories to one of a kind finds from local artists, you can find your own style in our relaxed atmosphere—complete with outdoor covered shopping, dressing rooms, and, yes, ample parking! We aim to provide sustainable and affordable fashion options for all… great for the planet and your wallet too! Follow us on Instagram @therainbowfleet therainbowfleetnantucket.com
Deadline is Sept. 12, 2023 - CASH PRIZES Box 626, Nantucket, MA 02554
See winners & entries online at Nantucket.net
ENTER EARLY & OFTEN! This annual photo contest is a popular way to share your photos of Nantucket with the world. Winners of previous contests are online at The Insider’s Guide to Nantucket: nantucket.net. The 2023 Contest has begun: DEADLINE TO ENTER IS SEPTEMBER 12, 2023. We accept copyright-free images of Nantucket present and past. Email your high resolution photo entries to ACKPhotoContest@gmail.com or mail us a CD or thumb drive with electronic images from your digital camera. Please make sure your digital images are high-
resolution. You can even mail in your prints of Nantucket Island. Visit Nantucket.net to see a great selection past entries and winners. nantucket.net/photo-contest-entry
The UPS Store
Open Monday - Saturday
Locally owned and operated
61 Old South Road
Nantucket’s UPS STORE is in spacious quarters at 61 Old South Road and offers a variety of products and services to make your life easier: personal mailboxes, mail forwarding, UPS shipping and receiving, overnight delivery, and more. THE UPS STORE offers a wide variety of copy and print services, including b&w and color copies, output from disks, wide format printing, laminating, collating, and a full range of finishing services. You can even go there for notary services, passport photos, and mail boxes. THE UPS STORE makes high quality, full color banners and posters! Plenty off-street parking. THE UPS STORE: let them help you!
Family Activities @ Children’s Beach
Activities & Fun at Children’s Beach thru mid-August at Children’s Beach Fun & games for children and families nantucket-ma.gov/childrensbeach
Children’s Beach, located at the end of Harbor View Way, is the perfect park for families and children. Through mid-August, the Town of Nantucket’s Culture & Tourism department sponsors fun for everyone. Free NanPuppet shows with Lizza Saturdays at 10 am, and live music! See our display ad, check the events calendar, and visit our website for details.
Arrowhead Nursery & Furniture
Where Home & Garden Meet - Patio Furniture in stock!
Outdoor & Indoor Furniture, Home Accessories, Garden Needs
9 Wampanoag Way
ARROWHEAD NURSERY & FURNITURE is the largest furniture showroom on island featuring indoor furniture, outdoor, home décor and more. Stop by their location near the airport, just beyond Thai House restaurant, and browse through their wide variety of home accessories, including decorative items, table settings, indoor furniture, and unique gifts. Their garden center has a fabulous selection of plants, flowers, pottery, fountains, statues, garden structures, and garden accessories. ARROWHEAD NURSERY & SHOWROOM...where home and garden meet. arrowheadfurniture.com
ACK 4170® Gift Giving Made Easy with Online Ordering
Unique, salty-good gifts & products by small makers & artists Online Store
ACK 4170®, your favorite gift boutique, is fully online! Their beautiful gifts, apparel & accessories, candles, home decor, holiday decor, artwork (paintings & photography), cards & stationery made by small makers and artists are now available from everywhere. Voted “Best Nantucket Gift Shop” by Cape Cod Life magazine readers year after year. Sail with us on Instagram at: @ack4170 and Facebook: ACK 4170. Visit our online store at ACK4170.com
Current Vintage
Open daily, celebrating our 16th season!
Wine • Clothing • Home • Gifts • Provisions
4 Easy Street
CURRENT VINTAGE is a fun and original concept store with a carefully edited mix of vintage clothing & accessories, wines, cheeses, gifts, and home goods. Everything here is thoughtfully chosen, including exclusive Nantucket gifts and a selection of nearly 400 wines. CV is a beloved island institution, celebrating more than 15 years in the heart of Nantucket. Join us for fun vibe & serious wines! currentvintage.com
Hill’s of Nantucket
Open Daily 10 am to 5 pm
Unique & Original Nantucket Theme Gifts
40 Straight Wharf
Established in 1981, HILL’S combines the best of Nantucket for the art and gift seeker. G.S. Hill Gallery and Hill’s of Nantucket offer fine art by Greg Hill and wonderful speciality gifts designed by this husband-and-wife team. Nantucket theme prints, note cards by Hill are their main focus. American made; that hard-to-find gift is here waiting for you! Treat yourself to a unique gift gallery from HILL’S. gshill.com
It’s A Shore Thing
Distinctive Nantucket Gifts
30B Main Street
At IT’S A SHORE THING, we are proud to carry products made in New England. Come in and browse through our wide selection of gifts including lotion, soaps, jewelry, pottery, antiques, housewares, tote bags, art, and home decor. You can find unusual gifts at all prices in A SHORE THING that you’ll find nowhere else! In our new location on Main Street.
books, prints, maps, and objects of art inspired by Nantucket history. Many items are exclusive to the MUSEUM SHOP, and NHA members get special discounts. 100% of all purchases support the Nantucket Historical Association and its mission to tell the inspiring stories of Nantucket through its collections, programs, and properties. nantucketmuseumshop.org
Nantucket Cottage Hospital
24-hr emergency services, hospital care, lab, rehab
57 Prospect St
NANTUCKET COTTAGE HOSPITAL has been caring for our island community. In addition to excellent physicians and nursing staff, the hospital has a 24-hour Emergency Department, full laboratory, physical therapy, cardiac rehab, chemotherapy, surgical services, imaging services, maternity services, and much more. Through Mass General Brigham, NANTUCKET COTTAGE HOSPITAL offers high-quality virtual urgent care services for many conditions and minor injuries daily from 7 am to 11 pm for ages 3 and older. Nantuckethospital.org
Arrowhead Nursery & Furniture
Where Home & Garden Meet - Patio Furniture in stock!
Outdoor & Indoor Furniture, Home Accessories, Garden Needs
9 Wampanoag Way
ARROWHEAD NURSERY & FURNITURE is the largest furniture showroom on island featuring indoor furniture, outdoor, home décor and more. Stop by their location near the airport, and browse through their wide variety of home accessories, including decorative items, table settings, indoor furniture, and unique gifts. Their garden center has a fabulous selection of plants, flowers, pottery, fountains, statues, garden structures, and garden accessories. ARROWHEAD NURSERY & SHOWROOM...where home and garden meet. www.arrowheadnursery.com arrowheadfurniture.com
Icarus & Co
Open 11 am to 5 pm
19 Old South Wharf
Jewelry and Home Decor
Nature is our muse and jewelry is our love language. Take home your own piece of Nantucket with our exclusive collection of Nantucket beach stone jewelry. We transform local beach stones and shells into stunning pieces of wearable treasure. Follow us on Instagram for an exclusive, behind the scenes view @nantucketbeachstones. icarusandco.com
It’s A Shore Thing
Distinctive Nantucket Gifts
30B Main Street
At IT’S A SHORE THING, we are proud to carry products made in New England. Come in and browse through our wide selection of quality items for your home, including pottery, antiques, housewares, serving plates & trays, pillows, art, decorative wall hangings, and much more. You can also find unusual gifts at all prices in A SHORE THING that you’ll find nowhere else! In our new location on Main Street.
The J. Butler Collection
New Location for 2023: in East End Gallery, 3 Old North Wharf
Lighting, Artwork, Mirrors, Unique Gifts, & More jeffreybutlerhaines.com
The J. BUTLER COLLECTION retail shop in Nantucket, Mass. is known for exquisite home interior accessories and furniture. The collection includes vintage accessories, hostess gifts, antique furniture pieces, tabletop items for entertaining, and island design accents pieces. Visit us in our new location: East End Gallery at 3 Old North Wharf. Follow us @thejbutlercollection
Petty Folk Art & Carving
508-332-9925 or 508-619-7554
Formerly Nantucket Carving & Folk Art serving the Cape & Islands for 16 years
Folk artist Jean Petty and her brother David Perry specialize in custom handcarved quarterboards, business signs, & house numbers. They are responsible for many of the beautiful signs visitors see plus 100s of quarterboards that adorn the homes on Nantucket. They offer restoration of quarterboards, signs, and ship models. Restored the carving “Going on a Whale” at the Nantucket Whaling Museum in 2015. Gift certificates available. Visit them at pettyfolkartandcarving.com, see their show schedule and take a virtual tour: youtu.be/c95SYBE5RVg of some of their artwork available. Call or email all inquiries to jean@pettyfolkartandcarving.com pettyfolkartandcarving.com
Respoke Respoke.com
Iconic designer scarves repurposed
41 Straight Wharf
RESPOKE repurposes iconic designer scarves into one-of-a-kind products featuring handcrafted Spanish made espadrilles. Experience a world of unique footwear, ready-to-wear, fine art, furniture, and accessories. Each piece carries more value and self-identity than its original form. Respoke was founded by best-selling author Michael Tonello, whose memoir, Bringing Home the Birkin, recounts the highlights of his years as a reseller of all things Hermes. Visit their Nantucket shop at 41 Straight Wharf and see what’s new for 2023! Respoke.com
Insiders Guide to Nantucket
Beaches, Events, Museums, Dining, Classifieds, & More
Museum Shop at the Whaling Museum
508-228-1894, ext. 138
Open during museum hours: 10am-5pm in the Whaling Museum, 11 Broad Street
NHA exclusives, gifts, apparel, books, home decor
The Nantucket Historical Association has been a steward of Nantucket’s cultural history since 1894. Don’t miss the MUSEUM SHOP at the Whaling Museum, where you will find unique gifts,
Follow us on Instagram @nantucket_insider & sign up for our eNewsletter
Visit Nantucket before & after you visit Nantucket!
Visit NANTUCKET.NET for a biking page, lighthouse page, festivals page, photo galleries, maps, parks & trails, and guides to lodging, dining, real estate, recreation, and much more! Our Calendar of Events is the most complete and is updated several times a week, year-round. Looking for a beach? Our Beach Listings have photos, videos, and info about all the best island beaches and where to find them. And our classifieds are ever-changing. Visit Nantucket before, during, and after you visit Nantucket by going to Nantucket.net and follow us on Instagram @nantucket_insider Nantucket.net
The Dreamland Movie LIne:
Nantucket’s Film & Cultural Center
Drive-in Movies, In-Theater Films, Concerts, & Events
17 South Water Street
THE NANTUCKET DREAMLAND is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching the cultural and intellectual life of Nantucket by providing year-round films, educational programs, and a venue for community activities that engage Nantucket in the evolving world of entertainment and education. Films are shown in our 314-seat Main Theatre, in our 110-seat Studio Theatre, and seasonally at our Drive-In at 7 Nobadeer Farm Road. Tickets are available at NantucketDreamland.org. Become a member and get special access, special pricing, and even free tickets! Check our schedule for film showings, Dreamland Stage productions, special concerts & events in the DREAMLAND’s Harbor View Room. NantucketDreamland.org
Nantucket Historical Association
Your portal to Nantucket history
2023 featured exhibit: “Summer on Nantucket”
15 Broad Street
No trip to Nantucket is complete without a trip to the NANTUCKET WHALING MUSEUM . In this top-quality exhibition venue, visitors can see a 46-foot sperm whale skeleton, a restored 1847 candle factory, exquisite collections of scrimshaw, artwork, artifacts from centuries of Nantucket life, and a fully accessible rooftop observation deck with an unmatched panoramic view and cozy seating. Discover treasures from Nantucket’s cellars and attics in the newly redesigned, artifact-rich Hadwen & Barney Oil & Candle Factory. Don’t miss the film “Nantucket,” directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Ric Burns. Showcasing the island’s natural beauty and its significant role in global history, this 51-minute film is a feast for the eyes, offering a transformative experience for islanders and visitors alike. All this and more can be found at the Nantucket Whaling Museum. nha.org
Nantucket Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum
2023 exhibit: “Rum Runners & Rum Chasers” drive or take a free shuttle to 158 Polpis Road
Daily Family Activities, Museum Talks & Tours
needs. And we offer guided paddle board tours. Fishing - we’ve got you covered with custom rods from Tidal Creeks Outfitters and Fish Stix as well as endless lures & bait. Fun for Kidswe’ve got nets, crab traps, minnow nets, tubes, body boards, & rain gear. Follow us on Instagram @TidalCreeks. TidalCreeksOutfitters.com
Petty Folk Art & Carving
508-332-9925 or 508-619-7554
Formerly Nantucket Carving & Folk Art serving the Cape & Islands for 16 years
Folk artist Jean Petty and her brother David Perry specialize in custom handcarved quarterboards, business signs, & house numbers. They are responsible for many of the beautiful signs visitors see plus 100s of quarterboards that adorn the homes on Nantucket. They offer restoration of quarterboards, signs, and ship models. Restored the carving “Going on a Whale” at the Nantucket Whaling Museum in 2015. Gift certificates available. Visit them at pettyfolkartandcarving.com, see their show schedule and take a virtual tour: youtu.be/c95SYBE5RVg of some of their artwork available. Call or email all inquiries to jean@pettyfolkartandcarving.com pettyfolkartandcarving.com
ACK Distinctive Properties
Call now to reserve your summer vacation home! Find your perfect Nantucket Home ACK Distinctive Properties, LLC is committed to bringing the highest level of customer service to real estate in Nantucket, MA. Our job doesn’t end when we sign a rental agreement or close on a house. Instead, we endeavor to offer world-class service at every stage – from keeping our clients informed about market changes and events on the island to offering personalized rental services, curated sales advice, contractual work, and more. We help you enjoy your Nantucket life to its fullest and to serve your needs with the utmost integrity, discretion, and distinction. This commitment from our agents and managing partner includes providing our clients with the highest level of information. We will keep you updated on the changing nature of the Nantucket real estate market, micro-target your Nantucket area for tailored research and advice and share with you what is trending, and what is not. ackdp.com
Discover Nantucket’s unwavering human spirit: The NANTUCKET SHIPWRECK & LIFESAVING MUSEUM is devoted to the history of Nantucket lifesaving, famous shipwrecks and rescues around the island, life-saving equipment, daily routine at life-saving stations, and the United States Coast Guard. Family-friendly programs & displays appeal to all ages. The Museum shares the fascinating stories through permanent and changing interpretive exhibits, drawing on a collection of over 5,000 objects including period surfboats, beach carts, Fresnel lenses from Brant Point & Great Point lights, vintage photographs, short movies and more. The museum’s 2023 main exhibit is RUM RUNNERS & RUM CHASERS: NANTUCKET, PROHIBITION, & THE US COAST GUARD. Check their website for other 2023 events: eganmaritime.org/shipwreck-lifesavingmuseum. The Museum is an affiliate of the Egan Maritime Institute. eganmaritime.org
Nantucket Community Music Center
Free Sing-a-Longs for Kids Ages 5+
Music Lessons, Summer Programs, Concerts
Native Shoes
Live Lightly
56 Centre Street
The NANTUCKET COMMUNITY MUSIC CENTER themed Sing-a-Longs for ages 5 and older from 6 to 8 pm — perfect timing to drop off your little ones for fun + pizza and go out to dinner. On June 30 kids will sing-a-long with THE LITTLE MERMAID. On July 1, THE LION KING is featured. And on July 28, they will sing with THE ARTISTOCATS. Sign up using the QR code in our display ad. NCMC also offer music lessons, drop-in beginner ukulele, Music Industry Insights, and more! Visit our website for our summer sessions & events. nantucketmusic.org
Arrowhead Nursery & Furniture
Where Home & Garden Meet
9 Wampanoag Way
Outdoor & Indoor Furniture, Home Accessories, Garden Needs ARROWHEAD NURSERY & SHOWROOM has a spacious garden center with a fabulous selection of plants, flowers, pottery, fountains, statues, garden structures, and garden accessories. In addition, their indoor showroom carries the largest selection of indoor & outdoor furniture on the island, featuring teak, aluminum patio sets and more. Stop by their location near the airport, just beyond the Thai House restaurant, and browse through their wide variety of home accessories, including decorative items, table settings, indoor furniture, and unique gifts. ARROWHEAD NURSERY & SHOWROOM...where home and garden meet. arrowheadnursery.com
Tidal Creeks Outfitters & Ship Store
Outfitters with boat & paddleboard rentals
32 Washington Street
Experience Nantucket with TIDAL CREEKS OUTFITTERS & Ship Store: we’ll help you make memories that will last a lifetime. Boat days are the best days! Spend a day like no other exploring Nantucket Harbor with us. We offer 1/2- and full rentals of our boats. Up to six people per boat, plus you can add Experience Packages. Paddle board rentals are also available. Call us or stop by if you have a larger group & are looking for an experience tailored to meet your
40 Straight Wharf
From the beach to the bike ride, on the rainy days and the cocktail parties at night, NATIVE SHOES makes it easy to live lightly with a thoughtful selection of ultra lightweight, easy-towear shoes for both kids and adults. Find us right next to the Hy-Line Ferry.
Respoke Respoke.com
Iconic designer scarves repurposed
41 Straight Wharf RESPOKE repurposes iconic designer scarves into one-of-a-kind products featuring handcrafted Spanish made espadrilles. Experience a world of unique footwear, ready-to-wear, fine art, furniture, and accessories. Each piece carries more value and self-identity than its original form. Respoke was founded by best-selling author Michael Tonello, whose memoir, Bringing Home the Birkin, recounts the highlights of his years as a reseller of all things Hermes. Visit their Nantucket shop at 41 Straight Wharf and see what’s new for 2023! Respoke.com
Blooming Bids for Fairwinds
Thursday, June 22 at Bartlett’s Farm 33 Bartlett’s Farm Road & Online Benefit for Fairwinds - Nantucket’s Counseling Center
BLOOMING BIDS FOR FAIRWINDS will be held this year on June 22. A live and online charity auction is held from 10am to 7 pm; in-person celebration from 5 to 7pm, with farm-to-table hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer, mocktails, and music. To buy your tickets, visit fairwindscenter.org and click on the link on the EVENTS drop down. In collaboration with NCH, and other community partners, FAIRWINDS has launched a new model of rural behavioral health care and has been designated the “Community Behavioral Health Center for Nantucket” by the state of MA. This includes critical 24-hour crisis management. Please join us and show that you care that all the people in our community have access to essential and compassionate mental health services. fairwindscenter.org
Weekend at the Library
An exciting new celebration July 20-22, 2023
A New Benefit For Nantucket’s Free Public Library & Gathering Place
1 India Street
Thursday, July 20 to Saturday, July 22, 2023, THE NANTUCKET ATHENEUM will host its new major fundraiser Weekend at the Library! – three days of fun for all ages in its historic library building and grounds at 1 India Street. This special weekend kicks off with cocktails & canapes at 6 pm in the Atheneum Garden followed by a special dinner on July 20 in the Great Hall featuring a conversation with David M. Rubenstein, one of the most impressive patriotic philanthropists of our day, with best-selling author, journalist, and historian, Evan Thomas. On Saturday, July 22, Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter, Lori McKenna will perform an intimate concert in the Atheneum’s Great Hall, followed by a summer bash in the library’s garden. nantucketatheneum.org
Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
BOEING BOEING continues through June 24 For Tickets: visit our website ROCK OF AGES opens July 6 Nantucket’s Longest Running Professional Theatre THEATRE WORKSHOP of Nantucket has been the island’s live theatre company since 1956. Their 2023 season opens with the smart & clever comedy BOEING BOEING on June 7: It’s Paris
in the 1960s and perpetual bachelor Bernard has a swinging flat and 3 flight attendants all engaged to him without knowing about each other. The season continues with productions of ROCK OF AGES, the Teen Production of GREASE, JAMES GALLAGHER, and ELF THE MUSICAL. AND tickets are now available for a very special one-night show: To Steve With Love, Liz Callaway Celebrates Sondheim on August 7. Ticket sell fast: buy a season subscription at theatrenantucket.org. TWN: Where Nantucket Meets Broadway! theatrenantucket.org
White Heron Theatre Company
Subscriptions now available for the 2023 Season 5 North Water Street
Nantucket’s Professional Repertory Theatre
WHITE HERON THEATRE is Nantucket’s professional Equity theater company. The curtain goes up on BLITHE SPIRIT on July 10 – don’t miss this classic supernatural comedy. Opening July 30 for just 4 performances is CALL FOSSE AT THE MINSKOFF, a memoir that moves starring dancer Mimi Quillin, followed by the hilarious Hitch-cockian 39 STEPS opening August 10th. Become a member this season: White Heron’s membership program has the advantages of a traditional theatre subscription with complete flexibility. Memberships may be used by up to 2 people: details at whiteherontheatre.org. Use discount code EARLYTIX and save 10% if you buy before July 10th! Tickets for all performances & special events are available at whiteherontheatre.org or call 508-228-2156. Founded in New York and reborn on Nantucket, the White Heron Theatre Company’s goal is to make excellent theatre that is truly transformative. whiteherontheatre.org
Hospital Thrift Shop
Clothing, housewares, furniture & more
17 India Street
In 1929, a small group of dedicated women volunteers established the Thrifty Shop, selling affordable, recycled men, women and children clothing, household items and furniture to benefit the Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Now incorporated as THE HOSPITAL THRIFT SHOP this store has donated millions to the NCH. Visit our website for all 2023 hours hospitalthriftshop.org
Seconds Shop
Open Daily 10-4, closed Wednesday
Walking Tours offered by Nantucket Historical Assoc. depart from Whaling Museum, 15 Broad St. Departs at 10:30 am & 1:30 pm Mon.-Sat.
Take a walk with the Nantucket Historical Association. Explore the ambiance of Nantucket’s cobbled streets and architecture with NHA guides trained in Nantucket history on the Downtown Tour at 10:30 am and at the Historic Homes & Architecture Tour at 1:30 pm. Tours begin at the Nantucket Whaling Museum, rain or shine. Tickets: $20 adults, $5 for ages 6 to 17; under 6 free. Whaling Museum, 13 Broad Street. Walking tours are offered MondaySaturday to June 30; daily from July 1 to Sept. 10. nha.org
Nantucket Walkabout
Daily Guided Wilderness Hikes on Nantucket see website for hikes & times
Book online & pickup at Handlebar Cafe, 15 Washington St
Explore Nantucket’s wilderness with “Walking Nantucket” and “Nantucket: A Natural History” author and naturalist Peter Brace, and learn how the last glacier formed the island. Experience wildlife and rare plants. Learn about Nantucket’s conservation efforts, ecology, and the Native Americans that lived here. Rated 5 out of 5 on Trip Advisor. $50 adults, $25 age 12 & younger. Private hikes available. Apple Pay, Android Pay, MC, Visa, Amex, & Discover accepted. Get details & make reservations at nantucketwalkabout.com or 508-422-7466. nantucketwalkabout.com
Nantucket Walking Tours
Call about making donations
Proceeds benefit Fairwinds - Nantucket’s Counseling Center
32 Sparks Avenue
Looking to expand your wardrobe on a budget or need some items for your home at affordable prices? SECONDS SHOP, open at 32 Sparks Ave (between On Island Gas and Cumberland Farms), is the perfect place to shop! Here you’ll find a great selection of gently used clothing, jewelry, house wares, small furnishings, books, and more. There’s an ever-changing variety, so visit often — you never know what treasures you may find. Donations of saleable items in good condition are accepted daily. And your shopping is helping a worthy island cause: proceeds benefit Fairwinds: Nantucket’s Counseling Center. Bring in the display ad in this publication for $5 off your purchase of $25 or more. secondsshop.org
Barrett’s Tours
1-1/2 hr tour; departs daily at 10am, 1 pm, & 3 pm departs from 25 Federal St
Private charters available
BARRETT’S TOURS is the oldest tour company on Nantucket. BARRETT’S offers 1-1/2 hour historic tours daily from 25 Federal Street (across from the Visitors Center) at 10 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm. BARRETT’S also has Coach bus service for weddings, clambakes, and large private tours. For more information and reservations, please call 508-228-0174.
Nantucket Island Tours
Two Great Tours!
Nantucket’s Premiere Transportation Company
Departing from Greenhound Station on Washington St 10 Washington Street
NANTUCKET ISLAND TOURS is the largest provider of tours, charters, & transportation services on-island. For more than 70 years, Nantucket Island Tours offers daily tours, corporate charters, wedding & event transportation. Hop aboard one of our beautiful new air-conditioned buses & meet our experienced local guides. We offer multiple tours daily, the 75-minute Signature Tour which departs 3 x a day and the longer, 2-and-a-half-hour Westender Tour which departs daily. You will learn the history of our diverse island, from the founders, the Whaling Industry through current day. See the Oldest House, The Old Mill, The African American Meeting House, The Village of Sconset, Sankaty Head Lighthouse, The Egan Maritime Museum...and many more beautiful sights. Departures are from 10 Washington Street, The Greenhound Building. Buy tickets in advance at nantucketbustours.com with your HyLine ferry ticket or in-person at 10 Washington Street. Tours sell out daily: advance reservations recommended. nantucketbustours.com
Gail’s Tours, Inc.
Departures at approx. 10 am, 1 pm, & 3 pm
Call for reservations & pickup
Pickup at 25 Federal St, across from Information Bureau
Personal scenic Island tours: voted “Best of Nantucket”
GAIL’S TOURS, tours of Nantucket guided by native islander Gail Johnson who has been giving tours for more than 25 years, gives you a look at the Island with a personal touch. Gail leads tours in her 14-passenger van with comfortable individual seats, AC, huge windows, and leg room! She’ll pick you up at 25 Federal Street approximately 10 am, 1 pm, and 3 pm every day. The tour lasts 1-3/4 hours to 2 hours, and passengers are welcome at any time during Gail’s tour to get out to take photos. Private charters are available. Call for reservations: if Gail is on a tour, she’ll call you back.
Ghost Walks, morning exercise walks + afternoon tours. Call for Private Tours
See calendar for times & where to meet
Explore Nantucket: No reservations necessary
The ORIGINAL NANTUCKET GHOST WALK is the most popular walking tour ever on Nantucket. A fascinating evening stroll to five of the island’s most haunted locations, led by the original guide. See Calendar of Events for date & times & descriptions. Meet the guide 10 min. early at the corner of Main & Centre sts, near the bank steps. Discounts for groups of 10 or more. Cash only. No reservations necessary. Private tours are available for all walks. whjamieson@gmail.com
Travel daily; see schedule for times
Make your reservations online
High-Speed, Passenger-Only, Ferry Service from Hyannis
Straight Wharf
Year-round, High-Speed Ferry Service between Nantucket and Hyannis. Seasonal, High-Speed Inter-Island Ferry Service between Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. With our convenient, daily departures all summer, let us whisk you away to the Cape, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard! While onboard, enjoy freshly-made food from our snack bar also featuring local beer, wine, and spirits. Visit us online for schedules, reservations, helpful blog posts, and more! hylinecruises.com
Steamship Authority
Reservations Daily: 7:30am - 4pm 1 Steamboat Wharf steamshipauthority.com
The Trinity Collection
Open for the 2023 summer season
Classic timepieces: vintage & contemporary
50 Main Street
THE TRINITY COLLECTION. Our shop offers an extensive collection of fine timepieces—classic designs with superb Swiss watchmaking. We specialize in fine watches such as: Franck Muller, Patek Philippe, Vacheron & Constantin, Cartier, Chronoswiss, Audemars, Graham, Panerai, Ulysse Nardin, Pierre Kunz, U Boat, and Rolex—vintage and contemporary. We also offer fine jewelry, contemporary and estate. We take trades and are always looking to purchase timepieces.
Nantucket Bake Shop
All the delicious freshly baked treats & bread you love. 17-1/2 Old South Road Come in to try our new Gluten Free donuts Open Monday-Saturday from 6:30am-3pm
Interested in enjoying an authentic bit of Nantucket? You still can in the NANTUCKET BAKE SHOP. Here you’ll find genuine Portuguese bread & rolls. Be tempted by our world-famous almond macaroons and Magees. For breakfast, try our egg sandwiches, fresh donuts, native cranberry & blueberry muffins, scones, flaky croissants, & danish accompanied by a steaming cup of Green Mountain coffee. We bake decorated cakes, fresh fruit tortes, cheesecake, chocolate velvets, and pastries. Everyday favorites include cookies, fruit squares, turnovers, fudge squares, pies, cupcakes, & more! Our traditional baked goods are preservative free and hand batched on Nantucket Island. Most of our cookies and our granola are gluten free. Take our Portuguese bread home so your friends can enjoy a bit of old Nantucket. For mail order, visit our website. Nantucketbakeshop.com
Cisco Brewers
Open 7 Days a Week
Home of Cisco Brewers, Nantucket Vineyard, and 888
The Faregrounds
5 Bartlett Farm Road
CISCO BREWERS is Nantucket’s first & only craft brewery and prides itself on celebrating a deep-rooted New England island heritage through its portfolio of approachable, sessionable, and coastally-inspired beers. Founded near Cisco Beach in 1995 by hard-working, entrepreneurial islanders, CISCO BREWERS has gained a cult-like following across the Northeast. Visit its open-air beer garden while on Nantucket to enjoy a laid-back, good times atmosphere, live music, and a refreshing pint or two or a craft cocktail made with our own 888. Private tours may be arranged in advance. Table seating is first-come, first-served — reservations are not accepted. Family & dog-friendly. ciscobrewers.com
Bartlett’s Farm
Open Daily, Year Round
33 Bartlett Farm Road
Farm Grown Produce | Garden Center | Groceries | Beer & Wine | Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner To Go
A 7th generation family farm growing fresh vegetables on 200 acres of historic Nantucket farm land. Find our full service grocery store onsite with specialty items like quality meats, artisanal cheeses and dairy, olive oils, organic snacks, and more. Order groceries and made to order foods online at Bartlettsfarm.com. Peruse our selection of ‘well-farmed’ wines, craft beers and ciders. Our FARM KITCHEN offers take-out breakfast sandwiches, muffins, pastries, coffee and tea…for lunch we have sandwiches, lobster rolls, clam chowder...dinner specials include roast turkey, veggie curry, and prime rib dinner. Grab lunch on your way to the beach, or food and beverages for your BBQ on the way home. Bartlett’s Farm, Who’s Your Farmer? bartlettsfarm.com
Cook’s Cafe
Open Daily for Takeout
Healthy Take Out — Wraps & Smoothies
6 South Beach Street
COOK’S CAFE is the way to eat healthy while you’re on Nantucket. Start your day right with one of their breakfast wraps, a toasted bagel, and a cup of freshly brewed coffee or a refreshing breakfast smoothie. Their Mermaid Magic Smoothie is a great way to start your day! For lunch or later, order one of COOK’S hearty wraps—there are more than 15 to choose from in two sizes, and they also have vegan specialties! All wraps are affordably priced. Go international with the “Bangkok Chicken Wrap,” the “Tokyo Curry Wrap,” the “Napoleon,” or try one of their tasty Bowls. They also have some classics: Italian, Turkey, Tuna Salad, Buffalo Chicken, and more! COOK’s smoothies make a terrific afternoon snack. You can call in or order online at cookscafenantucket.com
Crosswinds Restaurant & Bar
Open daily 6 am to 9 pm all year 14 Airport Road at the Nantucket Airport
Biggest portions & great food at the best prices; Free & Easy Parking
Lunch, dinner, & late night menu daily from 11:30 am Indoor & Outside Dining
Delicious & affordable. Gift Cards available 27 Fairgrounds Road
One of Nantucket’s favorite restaurants, THE FAREGROUNDS is serving its regular menus with daily specials. Try their tasty Off-Shore Nibbles, their amazing BBQ Pulled Pork Nachos, one of their char-grilled specialty burgers, or indulge in some of their sensational seafood dishes! They have hearty hot and cold sandwiches and salads, and their pizzas are a favorite with patrons! There’s plenty of parking; major credit cards accepted. Visit thefaregrounds.com to see the menus and call FAREGROUNDS at 508-228-4095 to order your takeout. Call ahead to reserve one of their outdoor dining tables! thefaregrounds.com
Gyp~Sea Café
Open 7:30 am to 3 pm Thurs.-Mon. during June
Open daily starting July 1
Gyp-Sea Cafe a beachside oasis of flavor & fun! 7 Harborview Way at Children’s Beach
An ultimate destination serving up a culinary haven of breakfast and lunch favorites such as our local favorite Acai bowl and array of breakfast sandwiches,salads burgers and more. Nestled right next to the sandy shores of Children’s Beach come join us on our new patio with incredible views of the Nantucket Harbor. gypseacafé.com
Nantucket Bake Shop
All the delicious freshly baked treats & bread you love. 17-1/2 Old South Road
Come in to try our new Gluten Free donuts Open Monday-Saturday from 6:30am-3pm Interested in enjoying an authentic bit of Nantucket? You still can in the NANTUCKET BAKE SHOP. Here you’ll find genuine Portuguese bread & rolls. For breakfast, try our egg sandwiches, fresh donuts, native cranberry & blueberry muffins, scones, flaky croissants, & danish accompanied by a steaming cup of Green Mountain coffee. Everyday favorites include cookies, fruit squares, turnovers, fudge squares, pies, cupcakes, & more! How about an all white meat chicken pie or fresh spinach quiche for a quick supper? Take our Portuguese bread home so your friends can enjoy a bit of old Nantucket. For mail order, visit our website. Nantucketbakeshop.com
Siam to Go
Lunch: Mon.-Fri. 11 am to 2 pm
Dinner: Mon.-Fri. 4 to 7 pm
508-228-SIAM (7426)
Nantucket Ice, 1 Backus Ln
Thai Cuisine made with fresh ingredients at reasonable prices
SIAM TO GO offers an appealing selection of authentic Thai cuisine that is light, fresh, and traditional. The menu includes Thai curries, noodle and rice dishes, and house specialties, offered with a choice of chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, fried tofu, or vegetables. The Create Your Own Curry section of the menu allows you to pair a protein with any of their six favorite curries. The entree section of the menu is especially tempting, with dishes like Kai Yad Sai (Thai-style Egg Fu Yung) and Ram Rong Song. While the menu is extensive, every dish is prepared well and fresh to order, so call ahead to take home or to the beach, or sit at a table in the ice rink lobby and enjoy a taste of Thailand. siamtogonantucket.com
The Surf Beach Grill
Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner
Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun 9am to 8pm; daily starting July 1
Picnic style dining with stunning ocean views
4 Western Ave at Surfside Beach
Unforgettable Experience and view at THE SURF on Surfside Beach. Come out and try our famous Burgers & Surf Chicken sandwiches, not to mention a variety of fresh salads, homemade lemonades, and ice cream: something for everyone’s palate. We also offer vegan friendly options. The laid-back atmosphere and friendly staff make you feel right at home. Take a moment to breathe in the salty ocean air while overlooking the beautiful view on one of Nantucket’s most beautiful beaches. Whether you’re an early riser seeking breakfast, or in need of a satisfying lunch or dinner, make your way to “The Surf” at Surfside Beach. For beachgoers, we also rent beach chairs, umbrellas and sell sunscreen. As of July 1, we will be open daily 8:30 am - 8 pm weather permiting www.thesurf-ack.com
Cisco Brewers
Open 7 Days a Week
Live Entertainment Is Back - check website for schedule
5 Bartlett Farm Road
CISCO BREWERS is Nantucket’s first & only craft brewery and prides itself on celebrating a deep-rooted New England island heritage through its portfolio of approachable, sessionable, and coastally-inspired beers. Founded near Cisco Beach in 1995 by hard-working, entrepreneurial islanders, CISCO BREWERS has gained a cult-like following across the Northeast. Visit its open-air beer garden while on Nantucket to enjoy a laid-back, good times atmosphere, live music, and a refreshing pint or two or a craft cocktail made with our own 888. Private tours may be arranged in advance. Table seating is first-come, first-served — reservations are not accepted. ciscobrewers.com
Rose & Crown
“Fly into CROSSWINDS...where our huge portions and delicious daily specials will keep your pockets full and your spirits soaring!” Stop by anytime and join us at the Nantucket Memorial Airport, home of the classic “Wings” television series. We have something for everyone on our fun and diverse menu which spans breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Feel free to bring the kiddies with you, because we also have a complete children’s menu, as well. Whether you’re waiting for a plane or just want to relax with a tasty and filling meal at a great price, Crosswinds is the place to go. Come meet our friendly, courteous staff for a casually elegant dining experience and see what’s new at Crosswinds.
Full Breakfast & Lunch & Takeout
A Nantucket Tradition for 88 Years
18 Sparks Avenue
Serving breakfast and lunch daily, THE DOWNYFLAKE is a Nantucket tradition known for the big doughnut outside and warm, homemade doughnuts inside. The DOWNYFLAKE is a family friendly, American style diner, featuring hearty Flake favorites, such as Blueberry Pancakes and Biscuits & Gravy. The menu also includes daily made soups, salads, deli sandwiches and comfort food entrees. The DOWNYFLAKE has comfy indoor dining, plus the entire menu is available to go. Open 6:30 am to 2 pm (with lunch items 11 am to 2 pm) and Sun. 6:30 am to 1 pm. . thedownyflake.com
Fri, & Sat 11:30 am to 1 am AND Sun.-Thurs. 11:30 am to 11 pm
Come for the Food, Stay for the Fun!
23 South Water Street
THE ROSE & CROWN is a favorite among locals and visitors. We are Nantucket’s only Downtown Nightclub. Whether it’s live local music, guided paint nights, house DJs, big screens for games, or our notorious karaoke competitions, we have your entertainment needs covered. In-season, we have entertainment 7 days a week, with early and late-night options, so everyone has a chance to enjoy the fun. Check our website for off-season entertainment listings. Theroseandcrown.com
11 AM to 12 PM - Sailor’s Valentines for Ages 6+
from page 14
This popular “Nantucket’ shell craft dates as far back as the 1830s. Children will make these decorative pieces with a variety of tiny shells: designing boxes, wall hangings, ornaments, or trays! $58; reserve a spot at BarnabysNantucket.com
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on this narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
2 to 4 PM - Sankaty Bluff Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
On this hike, walk south down the beach from the Hoicks Hollow Road public way to see examples of & learn about Nantucket’s geological past. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or 508-422-7466
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Michelle & Friends at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road.
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
6 to 7 PM - Live Music with Jacob Butler
Live Music at The Rose & Crown, 23 S. Water Street.
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise with the Shanty Singers
A Sunset Cruise with live music by Nantucket’s Shanty Singers! BYOB. Departure time varies with sunset. Book at nantucketbywater.com or call 508-228-7037
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Cemetery Route
A 1-1/3 mi, 90 min eerie stroll featuring Old North Burial Ground, Oldest House, & 2 haunted hotels. Led by original guide. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 15 min early. 774-325-8972
8 AM - Smith’s Point Hike with Nantucket Walkabout Nantucket’s weasternmost sand extremity is a great hike to see nesting piping plovers, least terns and American oystercatchers & catch a glimpse of Tuckernuck Island. Tickets at 508-422-7466 or at WalkNantucket.com
8:30 AM - Historic Mansions of Main Street and America’s Oldest Windmill
A 1.8 mi, 45 min. exercise walk with historic commentary past whaling era mansions & back downtown. Cash only; $25; $20 seniors (65+) ; $15 for teens; $10 for ages 7-12. Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 10 min early. 774-325-8972
9 AM - Guided Tour of Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
An over-sand vehicle beach tour with an expert guide. Learn about the fascinating flora & fauna at Nantucket’s wildest spot. Tickets at thetrustees.org/ccwr
9:30 to 10:30 AM - Build-a-Train for Ages 3-6
This new Barnaby’s mini-maker class is a fun hands-on hour for little hands! Kids will put together 3 different wood trains + track that they get to decorate & paint. $58: register at BarnabysNantucket.com or 508-680-1553
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30PM
10 to 11 AM - Ladybug Craft and Live Release!
Make a ladybug hat and then release some live ladybugs into the Atheneum garden. Ladybugs are beneficial predators that feed on a variety of slow-moving insects like aphids, mites, and moth eggs. Learn more about ladybugs, make a hat, & have fun! Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
10 to 11:30 AM - Farm and Field Hayride Tour
This tour goes all over the farm, with multiple stops at the tomato houses, lily houses, etc via by hayride. Comes with a sticker sheet and scavenger hunt for kids. Adults $65, ages 6-12 $50, under 5 - free. Bartlett’s Farm, 33 Bartlett Farm Road. 508-228-9403 BartlettsFarm.com
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
11 AM - Nantucket by Water Oyster Farm Tour
Cruise up harbor to a working oyster farm and see how oysters are grown and why they are so beneficial. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
Departure times: 11 am to 1 pm & 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
11 AM to 12 PM - Getting Slime-y for Ages 6+
This class is all things messy: kids will make their own batch of slime while learning about measurements & the science behind slime making. This class will ensure that your house will stay clean while we take care of the mess! $58. Reserve a spot at BarnabysNantucket.com ~ 508-680-1553
11 AM to 12 PM - Book Signing with Elin Hilderbrand
Meet the author of The Five-Star Weekend and many other novels at Mitchell’s Book Corner, 54 Main Street. MitchellsBookCorner.com
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on this narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
2 PM - Stump Swamp/Norwood Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
A mashup of island terrain; forest, upland meadows, small ponds, a former cranberry bog, & one of the island’s true flowing streams. A 90-120 min. dual property hike, depending on interest. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or 508-422-7466
2 to 4 PM - Calling All Writers
Share written work with other writers at the Atheneum Learning Lab. Read work on which you wish to have reader feedback: memoirs, poetry, travel, essay, fiction. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
2 to 4:30 PM - Free Drop-In Gams
Have an unfinished chair, basket, beading, or stitching project? Bring any project to this open session & work in the company of other creative people. It’s the perfect place to move your project along & share knowledge. Open to all levels; basic tools available for use but no instruction offered. 1800 House, 4 Mill St. nha.org
3 to 4 PM - “Who They Are”: Hosted in The Garden
Each week a different guest who belongs to Nantucket in some way, from vacationers to residents will discuss their lives, relationships with Nantucket, and a little prediction of what the future holds for Nantucket. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Buckle & Shake at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road. 508-325-5929
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
5:30 to 6:15 PM - Mindfulness in Nature through Internal Observation
A 45-minute walking meditation & deliberate observation of nature. Pre-registration is required: $30. This program is beginner friendly. 508-228-9198
6 PM - Live Music with Sean Lee
Live Music at The Rose & Crown, 23 S. Water Street.
6:30 PM - Shawkemo Hills Sunset Hike with Nantucket Walkabout Shawkemo Hills offers a hiking experience through a portion of the island dramatically shaped by the last glacier to cover most of N America. See & learn about the formation of Coatue, Great Point, the Haulover, Nantucket Harbor and inner harbor shores. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or 508-422-7466
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket Sunset. Grab your favorite beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time will vary with sunset. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Cemetery Route
A 1-1/3 mi, 90 min eerie stroll featuring Old North Burial Ground, Oldest House, & 2 haunted hotels. Led by original guide. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 15 min early. 774-325-8972
continued on page 37
1 India Street. NantucketAtheneum.org
8 AM - Smooth Hummocks Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
Smooth Hummocks is Nantucket’s version of the Midwest’s prairies with rare wildflowers & grasses that thrive in sandy, nutrient-poor soil. A fascinating ecosystem with much to teach. Tickets at WalkNantucket.com or 508-422-7466
8:30 AM - Nantucket in Bloom Walk
A 2 mile, nonstop, exercise walk, with historic commentary past historic mansions and the most beautiful gardens of Nantucket Town. Tour gathers 10 min early at Main and Centre Streets, in front of bank. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 6-12. Cash Only. 774-325-8972
9 AM - Guided Tour of Coskata-Coatue Wildlife Refuge
An over-sand vehicle beach tour with an expert guide. Learn about the fascinating flora & fauna at Nantucket’s wildest spot. Tickets at thetrustees.org/ccwr
9:30 to 10:30 AM - Working with Clay for Ages 2-6
Tracy Daily will share her expert knowledge of ceramics during this class as your child learns sculpting techniques & creates bowls, planters, garden bells, coasters, candle holders, or more. $58; register at BarnabysNantucket.com
9:45 to 10:15 AM - Free Nanpuppets at the Atheneum
Join Lizza and her puppet friends in the Atheneum Garden. Bring a blanket to sit on. 1 India Street. 508-228-1110 NantucketAtheneum.org
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30PM
10 to 11 AM - Nantucket by Water Whaling History Tour
Learn what life was like in the late 1800’s during the Whaling Era, and see some remaining historic landmarks. Call 508-228-7037 or nantucketbywater.com
10 AM - Gail’s Tours of Nantucket
Daily in-depth van tour of Nantucket with 7th generation native as your guide. Intown pickup. To reserve a seat, call 508-257-6557. Tours again at 1 & 3 pm
10 AM - Barrett’s Tours
Historic tours offered daily departing from 25 Federal St., across from the Visitors Centre. Reservations: call 508-228-0174. Offered again at 1 & 3 pm
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
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Lobsters alive or cooked - call ahead for fast service
Fresh off the boat - selection changes
Lobsters • Littlenecks • Sea Scallops
Cod • Flounder • Salmon • Swordfish • Gray Sole Stop by to enter our FREE weekly MegaFish Seafood Drawing! 508-228-9140
Certificates Available • Handicap Accessible Open
from page 37
11 AM to 12 PM - Painting Pottery Class for Ages 6+
Painting pottery is always a favorite: children will choose from a variety of ceramic pieces that they can paint & glaze. $58: register at BarnabysNantucket.com
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on this narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
12:45 PM - Linda Loring Nature Foundation Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
LLNF’s publicly accessible property has easy trails thru sandplain grasslands, coastal shrublands, & along the North Head of Long Pond in sight of an active osprey nest. 110 Eel Point Road. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
4 to 7 PM - Live Music at Cisco Brewers
Featuring Atticus Allen at Cisco Brewery, 5 Bartlett Farm Road. 508-325-5929
5:15 to 6:15 PM - Nantucket by Water Cocktail Cruise
Beat the crowds and enjoy breathtaking views as you cruise around Nantucket Harbor with your family and friends. On board music and BYOB. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s Urgent Access offers easy and convenient medical care for non-life-threatening conditions. Urgent Access is located in the Anderson Building on the hospital campus at 57 Prospect Street.
Appointments are required. earn more at NantucketHospital.org/UrgentAccess
Urgent Access appointments are intended for a range of symptoms, including:
•Coughs, colds, or sore throat
•Ear and eye infections
•Minor injuries (scrapes, cuts, minor burns, sprains)
•Muscle/back pain
•Sexually transmitted infections
•Tick bites
•Urinary tract infections
•Vaginal infections, such as yeast infections
6 to 7 PM - ELL Beginner & Intermediate English
ELL English drop-in class & conversation for those seeking to learn basic conversation used in daily activities. Class is free, conducted in English. ccreighton@nantucketatheneum.org or 508-228-1110 x113. Nantucket Atheneum, 1 India Street.
6 to 7 PM - Live Music with Jacob Butler
Live Music at The Rose & Crown, 23 S. Water Street.
6:30 PM - Sunset Sail Aboard the Endeavor
Enjoy a stunning sunset from the water. Reservations at EndeavorSailing.com or 508-228-5585. Departs from Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Departure times change as time of sunset changes.
7 to 8 PM - Nantucket by Water Sunset Cruise
Nothing beats a Nantucket Sunset. Grab your favorite beverages & snacks and c’mon aboard for one of the best shows in town! Departure time will vary with sunset. Call 508-2287037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
8 PM - The Nantucket Ghost Walk - Cemetery Route
A 1-1/3 mi, 90 min eerie stroll featuring Old North Burial Ground, Oldest House, & 2 haunted hotels. Led by original guide. $25; $20 seniors(65+); $15 for teens; $10 for ages 612. Cash Only. No reservations necessary, Meet at Main & Centre by the bank steps 15 min early. 774-325-8972
10 PM - Karaoke at the Rose & Crown
Karaoke at 23 S. Water Street. 508-228-2595 TheRoseAndCrown.com
8 AM - Beechwood Farm Loop with Nantucket Walkabout
This property in Polpis shares elements of maritime or coastal heathlands habitat: native tree species, meadows, & wetlands. You’ll feel you’re exploring Yoda’s home swamp planet of Dagobah from Star Wars. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com
9:30 to 10:30 AM - Mini Mosaics for Ages 2-6
Kids will design a mosaic using colorful tiles to create a pattern of decorative art! Their mosaic could be used as a
continued on page 39
Nantucke Transporta
Enjoy a tour of the breathtaking island of our friendly island-local tour guides as t away from downtown, and allow you to enj and historical beauty Nantucket has to of you are looking for a 1.5 hour Signature to highlights, or want to explore for 2.5 hours a at popular Cisco Brewery & Bartlett’s Farm Westender Tour we have something for
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Private transportation & group charters are a our comfortable, air conditioned bu tb
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wall hanging, coaster, or even a trivet! $58: register at BarnabysNantucket.com or 508-680-1553
10 AM - Endeavor Sailing Excursions with Captain Jim
Learn Nantucket’s maritime history & see waterfront sights. Reservations encouraged. Slip #1015, Straight Wharf. Tickets at 508-228-5585 or EndeavorSailing.com. Repeated at 1:30 & 3:30PM
10 to 11:30 AM - Nature Rambles with Linda Loring Nature Foundation
“Ramble” along gently rolling trails, exploring sandplain grasslands & coastal heathlands with views of Long Pond and Nantucket Sound. Staff will share history of the LLNF property, current research projects, & management efforts. Free & open to all. Details at LLNF.org
10:30 - Historic Downtown Walking Tour with NHA
Walk through Nantucket town with an NHA Museum Guide & hear the story of the rise and fall of whaling, the beginnings of tourism, and social & racial development on-island. Again at 1:30pm Rain or shine. Tickets at nha.org.
10:30 AM to 12 PM - Book Signing with Nancy Thayer
Meet the author of All the Days of Summer and many other novels at Mitchell’s Book Corner, 54 Main Street. 508-228-1080 MitchellsBookCorner.com
11 AM to 12 PM - Open Studio for Ages 6+
This one-hour class for art lovers offers a variety of mixed media options which will get your child’s creativity flowing: on canvas, working with clay, or making wood art. $58: reserve a spot at BarnabysNantucket.com or 508-680-1553
11:15 AM - Nantucket by Water Harbor Tour & Ice Cream Cruise
Relax on this narrated tour of the inner harbor while you enjoy ice cream with friends & family. Departs again at 1, 2:25, & 4 pm. Call 508-228-7037 or book online nantucketbywater.com
11:15 AM - Island Tours Signature Historic Tour
A narrated tour of historic sites in town, Old Mill, Oldest House, Sconset Village, Sankaty Head Lighthouse & more with knowledgeable guides in air-conditioned buses. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington St. Again at 1 pm & 2:45pm. Nantucketbustours.com or 508-228-0334.
11:45 AM - The Westender Tour with Island Tours
A 2-1/2 hr tour of the west end of Nantucket. Visit Madaket, then travel to the Cisco area with stops at Bartlett’s Farm & Cisco Brewers. Tickets & departure: 10 Washington st. or at Nantucketbustours.com or call 508-228-0334.
2 PM - Gardner Farm Hike with Nantucket Walkabout
This hike is within Nantucket’s oldest outwash plain of sandplain grasslands and contains pitch pine forests with a walkway over a cattail-choked inlet. This hike is close to Cisco Beach & Cisco Brewery. 508-422-7466 WalkNantucket.com