• I have chosen to create 3 different lamp designs and a table design for children with autism. The location I have chosen to produce the lamps and the table design is at Hong Kong's Children’s Hospital. In this project I will explore the different lamp designs and the history behind the production of lamps and the different lamps there are. The variety of lamps that I will create will have multiple functions developed to them. Leading on, my inspiration that I will use throughout my project will be the theme of organic form and space age which will give it more of a character but also more complexity. Furthermore, for my table design I will make a small almost a coffee table that will be located in the hospital room where the children will be or even their play area. My main focus throughout the project will be producing a finished lamp design and a table design that would be functional for the children.
• The lamp/table design can be used from ages between 1-15 years old but also older than that depending on the design of the products.
• The lamps will be mainly for children with autism in a hospital environment
• The lamp will be able to help the child with sleeping at night due to the range of functions it will have –from a speaker that will be calming for the child with relaxing music to different range of colours there will be
• Additionally, the lamp will come in any form from small to large
• The table can be placed anywhere due to its small size( it will be very comfortable and easy to move around)
• The table design will have similar design and colour as the lamp designs
• Lastly, the lamps can work by using LED strips or any light bulbs
Neurodiversity is a word used to describe how human brains work differently in their own unique way. While everyone else's brain is developing similarly. Neurotypical people tend to have a different way their brain works from the average one . An example to this is it effects their way their brain works to remember stuff or even struggling with reading and writing . Some symptom's may be different, but the main ones are having difficulties fitting in social circles and difficulty to stay still or even focusing.
I have chosen to produce three different lamps designs and a table design for children that are in a hospital. For my location I have chosen to look at as an inspiration the Hong Kong's Children's Hospital. The Children's Hospital was first opened in 2018. The hospital is the first public healthcare system in Hong Kong.
The Hospital first focused on cancer and kidney disease in the first half of it opening in 2018. Currently available services such as nephrology, pediatric surgery, and pathology are now open and have been increased its clinical services.
The hospital deals with rare conditions that children face. The Hospital has become famous due to their multi disciplinary management towards the kids that helped them get better
Final lamp design: I have designed an additional lamp post for at night. The lamp design will be powered by solar panels and the colours would change depending on how much energy it has produced
Different outdoor lamp design for the sign. I have designed them to give me an overview of the right design that would work for an outdoor lamp post
Both of Masaki Kondo designs have their own unique style
The Sycamore Chair is carved out of maple wood. The design is rather non function but more of an art design. The chair has a borderline mythical design
The Storm lamp is entirely made from plywood .The assembled pieces of the flat plywood designs create a 3D form. The edges of the wood portray the look of a chaotic lightning strikes reinforcing the products inspiration
The Storm Lamps edges resemble an outline of a lighting strike. The inspiration for the lamp was mainly an organic form I have drawn different sides which shows the pointy edges of the lamp
The Lamp design is both designed for hanging type or floor format. The hanging format is entirely made of thin plywood sheets
The hugging chair was mainly designed for autistic individuals with sensory integration disorders
Front view:
The Ermis chair is a 3D printed furniture from plastic waste. The chair displays the combination of human ingenuity with robotic accuracy
Side view:
Alex has level 1 of Autism he struggles in understanding his teachers in class and also understanding the class work in general due to his distress that happens quite often. His behavior is flexible to some extent due to he has hard times in communicating with his classmates in school. His distress can be pointed out due to his change in facial expression and also being highly interested in one specific topic. Alex can also get stressed due to light and not wearing his glasses. His sometimes-uses glasses with artificial colour to help him read and concentrate better in class.
For this design I have drawn lamp ideas that can match the aesthetic of the table. Leading on I've drawn different views of the table and added a development table that I will make as a model for a start
Table development that will be my first model for a start:
By adding more structure to the design I have made a gap between the dowel and the wood so the child/children would be able to put book but also toys underneath. I have also added a big gap in front of the design to be safer but also easier to remove products from there
For my first finalised table design I have produced a table using wood joints. I have developed the table design from my previous model by developing the extra storage area and by adding more structure around the table for it to be secure
The hydraulic system opens the top of the table transforming it into a modern office desk with storage and a cable management system.
1896: 1910: 1912: 1976: 1987: 1991:
This slide is mainly my ideas for table designs and bulb holder design for my lamp. I have used my secondary research table designs to help me produce my drawing ideas. I have picked out shapes and structures of the table and used it for my ideas.
Furthermore I have used my organic theme and primary research to bring more of an organic and nature look to my designs.
Before starting to make my development
models I have designed a few attachment techniques to help me make my models for refine.
Front view:
The different attachment methods will help me a lot whilst making my models due to the lamp/bulb attachment will be quicker and also the table design ideas will be more refined at the end
I have used slotting techniques, tab slot, hinge etc..
For this slide I have designed two different slotting techniques. I have take pictures from different angles to show the final designs.
Top view: Side view:
I have done a sketch up model before making a physical model to give me a better perspective design and how it will work with the lamp design I have already developed and designed. This development will link to my previous models I have designed
For this SketchUp model my main focus was on the structure of the lamp and the place it will fit in general. You can see this from the different view I have added and the plan view that helped me build the whole design in general
For the final design I have connected the two design I built first. The whole concept of the design is the lamp will be put in between the structure to keep it safe from children touching it or breaking it
For my final table lamp design I have chosen to stick with this lamp design due to its geometric shape aesthetic and I think in general children will be very interested to have this type of lamp design next to them whilst there are sleeping or doing work/playing.
I have also sticked with the geometric style due to Alex very much likes to do math's and even build objects from scratch by attaching them together.
This design specifically can be detached and attached together easily. Also, the edges will be soft and not point which would be even safer for children to play with once the lamp is detached from the model
I have used the laser cutter to refine my chosen lamp design.
In this design I have picked out parts from my previous table design and developed it into a more casual style and safer for kids
For my final table lamp design model, I have chosen to sued different colours of acrylic. My main purpose was to link back to my brief and my secondary research.
For my first digital model my main purpose was to look back at my secondary and primary research and redevelop it into becoming a light model
For my second digital model I looked back at my organic form research and used some ideas to produce a final rendered version of a lamp sphere
For this design I have explored variety of ideas of where the LED strips will go through