Hello Zuidas - Juli/Augustus editie #56

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Next issue [57] 6th of September 2021

Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.

It’s good to see activity in Zuidas picking up again and that restaurants and retailers are reopening. From September, we’ll even have a weekly farmers’ market on Thursdays! A market where we can all gather. We’re embarking on an extraordinary time. A time of increased mindfulness about our health, and about mobility, sustainability and the climate. And, for Zuidas, a time of possibilities. Of

De Blauwe Engel doing brisk ‘bitterballen’ business again!

less stress and overcrowding. Less litter on streets. And a more pleasant environment for all. How often do you work from home?

Car parks are full, public transport’s back at

learning, coaching and achieving ambitions.

Are you planning travel outside peak

peak capacity, we’re queuing at lunchtime

According to Jeroen, we need to be paying

hours? Grabbing a bike or public transport,

once more, sunny benches on the squares

more attention to worker autonomy and

instead of the car? These are things our

are in high demand and De Blauwe Engel is

balance, and create better workplaces.

project managers spend loads of time

serving bitterballen again. In other words:

I suspect employers caught on to that

thinking about. Check out the results in

Zuidas is back in action! And did we ever

some time ago, and that working conditions

this magazine’s story on ‘Mobility’. In this

miss that! Of course, a tonne of questions

in Zuidas will continue to get better.

issue, we also zoom in on office real estate

remain. Are we finished with lockdowns

A working-from-home day has no clear

– inside and out. Zuidas is a great place to

for good? What will protocols for working

beginning or end; work and personal

work, and the offices help make it so. We’ll

from home look like? How would we handle

activities run together and it’s hard to guess

see you soon, in Zuidas!

another pandemic? I certainly don’t have the

how productive you’ve been. Plus, I think we

answers. Having heard all the stories lately

can safely establish that prolonged working


from people working at home, and from

from home isn’t great for your mental health.

Managing director of Hello Zuidas

their bosses, I tend to agree with Marjan Rintel, CEO of the NS (Dutch Railways), who

So, for all those newly returning

says this is unlikely to become the new

to their workspaces in Zuidas:

normal. When you’re working from home,

welcome back! Together, we’ll make

you’re out of the loop, she explained in

great things happen again.

an interview with FD. In a LinkedIn post, Jeroen Lokerse, head of Netherlands at

Happy reading!

Cushman & Wakefield, took the same view,


saying the office is more relevant than ever

Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas

and that working is just as much about











06 Coverstory Emer Cooke 10 Building the Future

22 Zuidas Home Tour 25 Business in the Spotlight 26 Agenda 30 Legal 32 Office real estate and services Special

51 Business in the Spotlight 52 Hello You 56 Sustainability 58 Finance 60 ARTZUID 2021 62 Mobility 64 New Members HZ 66 Memo Board 68 Meet The..

Executive Director of EMA

900 Mahler – Elton Shehu


- Two roof sections for new station passageway in august 2021 - Homes and offices to be built on site of temporary court building - Zuidas to have weekly market

Miranda van Commenée

The summer sunshine has finally arrived

Don’t miss it

True Price

COVID-19 – what are my rights in the workplace?

Investment Tips voor beginners

Brings variety of artworks to Zuidas

Shared mobility is the future

Hello Zuidas welcomes the new members

Zuidas Updates

Foodcourt Entrepeneur

12 Share #Zuidas 13 Column 17 Hello Zuidas introduces 18 Got a Minute 20 Property

Social Media

Paul van Lange

Kirsten van Keimpema, city marketeer for Area Activity

Back at the office

What returning to the office looks like around the world.

Intro interview with Sandra Lissenberg 34 G&S with Nuveen Real Estate 36 Maarsen Groep with Zadelhoff 39 EatFirst 40 ParkBee 42 NDI ICT Solutions with DITT Officemakers 45 Approxx

47 Business in the Spotlight 48 Architecture FYEO

NU Building

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.






In January 2020, just before the pandemic broke out, the European Medicines

unprecedented agility at a European level.

Agency (EMA) settled in Zuidas. It became apparent why we need EMA’s expertise

It has both been highly motivating, but also

in the review and approval of new medicines. Emer Cooke, Executive Director of

very stressful on a personal level.

EMA, had just moved to Amsterdam and found herself grappling with a myriad of challenges in this turbulent period. She talked to us about her past half year at EMA

COVID-19 is the big issue right now. Is EMA

and sheds more light on the concerns surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines.

wholly focused on COVID at the moment? Supporting the development,

EMA recently relocated to Zuidas.

late in coming, but I have been heartened

authorization and supervision of safe

So, first of all, welcome! What led

by the sun finally coming out at the end of

and effective COVID-19 vaccines and

EMA to choose Zuidas, and what

May. I am impressed by how easy it is to

treatments is our number one priority,

can EMA offer this district?

move from the city to the countryside and

but that does not mean we are dropping

Thank you so much for your warm

the sea. The only thing I miss here are the

our other responsibilities. Patients in the

welcome. EMA moved to this exciting part

mountains and of course my family and

EU have medical needs that go beyond

of Amsterdam in January 2020, and we

friends, who I have not yet been able to

the pandemic and we need to play a part

are very grateful to the Dutch government


in helping to address them. I’m pleased

for not only creating a stunning new

that, in 2020, we recommended 97 new

building that’s a great workplace, but also

You worked at WHO before this,

human medicines for approval, the highest

for choosing this spot. Zuidas is very well

and now you’re EMA’s executive director

number in ten years. Many of these were for

connected. This makes it easy for staff who

in rather turbulent times. What has

new cancer treatments, but there were also

live all over North and South Holland to

this past year been like for you?

treatments for rare genetic disorders, for

come to work. The vicinity to the airport

The past year has been both exciting and

which previously there were no therapeutic

will also be an asset when it is safe to travel

challenging. Prior to moving to EMA, I had

options for patients. The positive trend

again, and our experts start to come back

spent most of 2020 working on pandemic-

continues; in the first five months of this

to do their work face-to-face.

related issues at WHO, where my role

year, we have already recommended

involved preparing for the global rollout of

42 new medicines for approval. On the

Have you also moved to Amsterdam,

possible new vaccines and therapeutics.

veterinary side, we are currently reshaping

or The Netherlands? If so, how do you

From a scientific point of view, I was well

the regulation of medicines for animals, as

like it, and what are some of the up- and

prepared for taking over the helm at EMA. I

we are implementing new rules for the EU.

downsides of this country and Amsterdam?

started at EMA just after the announcement

We are also continuing our fight against

Yes, indeed, I moved to Amsterdam in

of positive clinical trial results on two of

antimicrobial resistance.

November 2020 from Geneva. Of course,

the mRNA vaccines, which meant that

it has been a rather strange introduction

we needed to review the applications

There has been lots of speculation

as the city has been in lockdown most of

as quickly as possible. I am immensely

about virus mutations and suspicions

the time, but I have enjoyed cycling around

proud that EMA has already given positive

that existing COVID vaccines may not

the city, discovering the parks and the

recommendations on four vaccines

be effective in the long run. Is this

Amsterdamse Bos and was thrilled by the

since the start of my mandate. They were

something EMA is working on? What can

ice skating in February. This year, summer

approved within a little over a year of the

you say about this?

and even spring seem to have been quite

declaration of a pandemic, which shows

Mutations of the virus and their impact on

Text: Romy Lange, Nicole Pak & Céline Boute • Photography: Michael Graste • Make Up: Alina Zuljevic – Rob Peetoom Hair + Make-up



the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines is

reports coming from a small number of

Would you do anything differently,

something we are monitoring very carefully.

EU countries, we immediately started to

knowing how the review affected

Right now, it seems the vaccines we have

investigate. Our review was carried out in

vaccine confidence?

authorized protect against all the strains

record time. We analysed all case reports

Keeping silent about a vaccine reaction,

that are dominant in the EU. However, we

in our adverse drug reaction database

even an extremely rare one, was never

have to be vigilant and prepare ourselves

in detail, looked at the clinical studies

an option. This case demonstrates the

for new mutations against which the current

again, sought input from experts with

challenges of large-scale vaccination

vaccines may not work as well. Even if, or

experience in blood-clotting disorders

campaigns. When millions of people

rather when, this happens, we won’t have

and concluded there was a possible

receive a vaccine, very rare side effects can

to develop a new vaccine from scratch, but

link between the vaccine and those rare

occur that didn’t show in the clinical trials

we are confident that the existing vaccines

blood clots. We have now added blood

which form the basis of the authorization.

can be modified so that they also protect

clots with a low blood platelet count to

But it also shows that our safety monitoring

against the mutated virus strains. To be

the list of side effects.

system works; these very rare side

ready for this, we are already discussing with

effects were picked up early, identified,

the vaccine manufacturers what steps are

Can you see why that made some

analysed and we have given clear advice

needed to update vaccines quickly with new

people hesitant to get this vaccine?

to healthcare professionals to allow the

or additional virus strains.

The side effect is extremely rare – affecting

safe and effective use of the vaccine. We

1 in 100,000 people, but it is very important

are now seeing the impact of this advice in

It was EMA that discovered the link

that healthcare professionals and patients

terms of reduction in fatalities.

between AstraZeneca and blood

are aware of it, so it can be spotted,

clotting/thrombosis. Could you say

diagnosed and treated with specialist

Is there anything else you would like

more about this?

care as quickly as possible. With these

to say to the readers of Hello Zuidas?

EMA was indeed the first regulatory

risk mitigation measures in place, the

I’m very pleased that the Agency has

authority to pick up this very rare

AstraZeneca vaccine continues to be a

been located in Zuidas. There is a sense

blood clotting condition that some

safe and effective vaccine that plays an

of dynamism here and I look forward

people developed after receiving the

important role in vaccination campaigns in

to experiencing it in full, once we have

AstraZeneca vaccine. Following initial

the EU and worldwide.

conquered this pandemic.


Building The Future




Building The Future

Amsterdam Zuidas Information Centre


Follow on

Central Hall, WTC



+31 (0)800 50 65



Building The Future

The City of Amsterdam and the Central Government Real

their ideas about developing this area. On 22 April 2021, we

Estate Agency are working on plans to realize homes

organized an online information meeting together with the

and offices on the current site of the temporary court

Central Government Real Estate Agency about plans for the

building. The new court building opened at the beginning

site of the temporary court building. More information about

of May, making this area available for new development.

the cultural significance of the court building (part of which is a listed building) is expected to be available before the

Work on the additional passenger tunnel for Amsterdam Zuid station, the

the A10 Zuid motorway. This spectacular

The plan is to create an office building and apartment

Brittenpassage, is slowly continuing. In August 2021 we will be inserting the second

event was viewed by a huge crowd,

complex on the site on Fred Roeskestraat. The Central

and third roof sections into position.

live and on webcam. The roof of the

Government Real Estate Agency plans to hold a public

Development themes

summer holidays.

new passageway requires several roof

sale of the plot to carry out this development, based on

Diversity, connection and green space are key themes in the

We’ll use the period between 20 August

wil be built and inserted from a location

sections, seven in total. They will be

requirements set out in a Memorandum of Principles to be

development of the Parnas area. Fred Roeskestraat marks

(01.00) and 23 August (05.00) to put the

between the tracks, which was not the

positioned underneath the four metro

submitted to the Amsterdam City Council in early July 2021.

the transition between the higher-density development

roof sections into position. We opted

case with the first section.

tracks and four railway tracks, as well as

of Zuidas and the Spinoza area. This transition will also be

well as underneath the site where a fifth

Development of the Parnas area

reflected in the height of new buildings on the site of the

few travellers during that time, and it

Seven roof sections

and sixth railway track may be added in

The temporary court building is located in the Parnas area,

temporary court building. Fred Roeskestraat will remain

integrates well with other work being

In 2025, Amsterdam Zuid station will

the future. When all the roof sections are

which is bounded by Fred Roeskestraat, Parnassusweg, the

a green thoroughfare with a slow traffic zone. The new

done regionally and nationwide. One

have an additional, second station

in place, we can begin excavation work

A10 motorway and the Buitenveldert Cemetery. Several

buildings on the site of the temporary court building will

roof section will go under railway track 4

passageway: the Brittenpassage. In

for the Brittenpassage and construction

developments are underway in this neighbourhood, based

be consistent with the development direction chosen for

and the other under metro track 1. This

November 2019 we inserted its first roof

of the passenger tunnel itself, including

on the principles established by the Municipal Executive in

Parnas, with an emphasis on residential, combined with

time, traffic will continue to be able to use

section under railway tracks 2 and 3.

premises for shops and facilities similar to

the Parnas Planning Memorandum at the end of 2019. In May

offices and other facilities, and having the look and feel of a

the A10 Zuid, as these two roof sections

This involved digging an 85-metre pit in

those in other recently upgraded stations.

2019, a meeting was held for local residents to contribute

green campus.

for August because there are relatively

Artist Impression: Amsterdam Zuidas


Photography: Siebe Swart & Cepezed

Building The future

Social Media




@zuidasamsterdam hobby-imker Eddie Heijblom

Met de familia @babetcremer ARTZUID

YOU CAN FIND ON THESE ONLINE PLATFORMS to attract not only Zuidas residents, but people from surrounding neighbourhoods and those working in Zuidas as

Critical line, by Leonard van

an invitation to residents of Buitenveldert.

munster, artwork of the Liquid




well. The decision to hold it on Gershwinplein is also clearly


@HelloZuidas @hellozuidas For employees of

life series...

companies who are

Chosen by draw

member of Hello Zuidas,

There were several candidates eager to set up the weekly

it is possible to join our

as a contact.

market in Zuidas. Ultimately, a drawing was held to decide,

LinkedIn group or link

with the company Marc-t Management, run by market manager Marc Schoonebeek, coming out as the winner.

@winerebelsharon PizzaLab Amsterdam

He has high expectations. “I’m overjoyed that our market will bring an additional social space to Zuidas. I expect it to become a real gem – a market staffed by market traders As from 2 September 2021, Thursday will be market

with solid reputations. You’ll really have to experience it for

day in Zuidas. Up to thirty market stalls, mostly food



vendors, will offer their fresh produce on Gershwinplein. Initially, the market will run for an 18-month trial period.


@sylvia_hania ... secret spot ...

Trial period


After consultation with residents and businesses in Zuidas, the A market was a long-held wish for Zuidas residents. The Zuid

city district set up a framework for the market. There will be up

district executive board is now making that wish come true.

to thirty stalls, mainly selling food. Since its success remains

Hello Zuidas has an

“I’m really pleased that we’ve managed to make it happen”,

to be seen, the market starts out on a 18 month trial period

app that allows you to

says Zuid district chairman Sebastiaan Capel. “We’re also

lasting until March 2023. For his part, Capel is excited: “I’m

eager to bring even more vibrancy to Zuidas. This weekly

interested in finding out what local businesses, residents and

market will help to achieve that.” The market is expected

visitors think. I’ll definitely be taking a look myself.”

Find out more by opening this folding page

Photography: Amsterdam City Archives & Jan Vonk

@tim_peereboom 12



flip through all the

De back cover van het nieuwe

Zuidas news!

stripalbum over de Zuidas...




BAN VOUCHERS AT PETROL STATIONS Several years ago, a professor and his family spent his sabbatical in the Netherlands. After some weeks, they were shopping at V&D when their 7-year old son needed to go to the toilet. A little later the son returned, very upset. “Daddy, something terrible happened.” Startled, the father asked, “What, Jamie? Were the toilets closed? Or being cleaned?” Jamie, in tears, replied, “No, worse: there is a woman in there knitting, and she wants money from me.” A Dutch word capturing this cultural quirk is ‘kruideniersmentaliteit’. The literal translation of this (characteristically long) Dutch word is ‘grocer’s mentality’. But a better translation would be ‘penny-foolish mentality’. No matter how much money you spend at V&D, you have (or rather, had) no choice but to pay 50 cents to use the toilet. After all, toilets need to be cleaned. And you can’t make a living from knitting alone. At the same time, most grocery stores send their employees on expensive courses on how to become ‘customer-friendly’ and provide ‘excellent service’.

Paul van Lange (1961) is Professor and Chair of Social Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Distinguished Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. His research focuses on the psychology and evolution of human cooperation as well as the psychology of climate change, trust, and norm-violation in society. After serving as coach of male and female teams at AFC and SC Buitenveldert, he also publishes on the psychology of football. www.paulvanlange.com

From a psychology perspective, the concept of ‘groupthink’ comes to mind. Cohesive groups and societies are bound to develop blind spots. They form habits, routines and norms that are accepted and unlikely to be challenged. And, if they are, the response will be a rapid justification, followed by a pointed “Why do you ask?” It seems most Dutch people have no problem paying 50 cents to use the loo at a department store. Of course, there are also benefits to groupthink: people appreciate an environment that is familiar and predictable. And those knitting ladies are warm and friendly. After you’ve paid. Penny-foolishness goes beyond V&D. Just the other day, I filled my tank at a petrol station along the A1. I spent at least 70 euros on petrol and then had to visit the toilet. There, you get a voucher for 50 eurocents, framed as a reward – a discount – but that’s a misrepresentation. First, you have to pay 50 cents to get through a barrier that can be a true test of one’s motorical skills and where treasured parts of one’s body are not completely safe. But once you’ve succeeded, you use the facilities and then want to get reimbursed. Problem is, that’s only possible if you buy a chocolate bar, Frans Bauer’s most recent CD, or some other useless item. I very much hope petrol stations will put paid to these ridiculous vouchers. They’re a real hassle and an insult to well-meaning customers. The joke gets even worse when you read the back of the voucher, outlining the terms and conditions: “This voucher can be redeemed at all Shell stations in the Netherlands.” What a relief!


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Gustav Mahlerlaan 24





KIRSTEN VAN KEIMPEMA City marketeer for Area Activity

to entrepreneurship: I organized events and lectures for students where they could explore the world of entrepreneurship and to inspire them. Most of those lectures focused on sharing Sustainable Development Goals as tied to starting a business.’’ ‘’What attracted you to this job at Hello Zuidas? ‘’I chose this job because I feel an affinity for this district, since I live in the Oud-Zuid neighbourhood. Also, because I have a passion Kirsten van Keimpema

for program management, work on varied projects and advise and assist with promoting this district, especially in terms of art, culture, entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable solutions. The

Kirsten, could you tell us something about yourself?

variation and working at the business/social interface for the district

‘’I would describe myself as a go-getter and a people person, with

as part of a foundation appealed to me the most.’’

a big sense of humour. I was born and raised in Amsterdam, and as a student I lived in just about every neighbourhood in Amsterdam.

What are your strengths? What are you good at?

Outside my job with Hello Zuidas, I do a lot of fitness (spinning

‘’I have practical mindset and am confident of my own abilities. The

and yoga). I love remaining active both on and off the job, whether

latter helps me keep ma clear head whenever I’m in difficult situations

in terms of topics I’m working on, or spending time outdoors. My

or facing a tough choice. I also like being around people and am always

favourite place to be, apart from the excitement of Amsterdam, is

trying to find the right openings or links to advance to the next step.’’

a cabin out on the heath somewhere. That’s my personality in a nutshell: I love being at the centre of things, but also value quiet

Is there anything else you would like

moments for myself.’’

to share with readers of Hello Zuidas? ‘’If there is anything that is connected to any kind of activity in Zuidas,

What did you do before this?

feel free to reach out. I’m happy to provide input and help work out

‘’My previous jobs evolved around commercial and non-profit firms,

the right solution. And, to all readers of Hello Zuidas: keep growing

mainly as a project manager. Before this, I worked as a project

and developing, not only in your careers, but also personally.’’

manager and researcher at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences’ Store Innovation Lab, specialized in technological innovation in retail zones. I was also involved in setting up a robot lab. The whole focus was on practical research to attract more people to brick-and-mortar shopping areas. That job was also related

Photography: Caily Bobby Jo

Hello Zuidas Kirsten van Keimpema Off on Fridays Strawinskylaan 61 1077 XW Amsterdam + 31 (0) 20 333 74 41 +31 (0) 61 813 68 73 kirsten.vankeimpema@hellozuidas.com


Hello People


GOT A MINUTE? It has been quite a while since many of us last stepped foot in the office. For some it’s been months, whereas others still got to spend the occasional day in their familiar workplace. Now, the sun is shining, and we’re gradually being given the green light to return to our offices and see our colleagues in person. We were extremely curious to hear how people who work in Zuidas or are passing through feel about being allowed to leave home again, go out and about and hang out with colleagues.

Yasmin Stip Longevity Partners “Working at the office again is really nice for a change. I joined Longevity Partners two months ago, and it’s much easier to learn the ropes and get your bearings when you’re at the office together. And, obviously, the best way to get to know my colleagues is if we can see each other and go out together on breaks. Zuidas is still a new workplace for me, but how it is today is super fun and busy. Everyone’s coming outside together to enjoy the sunshine. That’s something I’m really looking forward to in the coming months.”

Ruben Mullink ABN AMRO “It’s amazing to be back at the office. When the sun is out I can people-watch on my break and soak up the Zuidas vibe. Working in my tiny study was slowly driving me insane. My manager gave me a free pass to come to the office and I’ve made full use of that. What I’ve missed most of all is human contact. Plus, working is so much easier when you can interact with your colleagues. When you’re sitting next to each other and can look at things together, you get the work done so much faster. It’s really good to be building that up again together and to get that efficiency back.”


Hello People

Rupert Day Cargill “Today’s a special day for me as I’m starting a new job in Amsterdam. I worked in London for an agro charity organization and I’m continuing down that path now with Cargill in Amsterdam. Here, I’ll be focusing more on the sustainability side. It’s lovely to be outside. I really missed that in the anonymous sprawl of London. If what I’ve been told is true, life is more easy-going here and the people are more open and laid back with each other. I’m excited about biking to work and, being able to do things after work, too, because the city’s much more compact. Luckily, a lot more is possible now.”

Veerle Splinter ABN AMRO “Initially, I thought working in Zuidas would be pretty intense because of the kinds of companies here and all the tall buildings and grand architecture, but it’s not like that at all. It’s way friendlier than I expected. In my job, I interact a lot with everyone at the office. I got to go into work quite a bit already recently, and I’ve noticed that working from home was tricky for some of my colleagues because there’s no clear dividing line between work and private life. The fact that this is possible again will give everyone a positive boost. And of course having this beautiful Gustav Mahlerplein to go to and enjoy the warm weather together really helps.”





By Jordy Kleemans, Head of Research & Consultancy at Savills in the Netherlands 20


Before Covid-19, many office workers didn’t really think that much about their office: they largely automatically accepted that they would spend the majority of their working time there, as that’s what they always had done. While the impromptu home working experiment of the last year threw this assumption up in the air, as time has gone on most workers have come to the conclusion that there are advantages and disadvantages to working from home, just as there are to working in the office, but that coming together with colleagues and clients at least some of the time does serve an important purpose. This may be practical in having access to better IT and a proper desk, delineating a line between home and work life, and being able to speak face to face to colleagues, or more personal, such as addressing loneliness and feeling part of a community.

The current return to the office looks different

form of hybrid working arrangements, again

in different cities, reflecting local cultures

with two or three days in the office being

as well as many everyday factors, such as a

the likely outcome. Many Dutch companies

worker’s average length of commute, how

are also considering hybrid working.

long they’ve been in lockdown and how

However, the effects of hybrid working

densely populated offices tend to be. The

on the amount of office space is limited.

Savills hybrid working index shows which

Since, Dutch employees already worked

locations in the long-term may shift more

structurally from home (14%) or with some

quickly to permanent hybrid working models,

regularity (>40%). This share is much lower

based on these factors and more. But in

in other European countries. Nevertheless,

the short-term the variations in the return

the actual implementation of hybrid

to the office are already visible. In China,

working arrangements will definitely impact

for instance, our colleagues report that the

future use of office space, including in the

pandemic has had little impact: a company

Netherlands. So with the office continuing

leadership style that favours presenteeism,

to play an integral role, what do companies

plus enthusiasm from employees to return,

need to consider in the next few vital

saw office life bounce back quickly. In the

months? First comes flexibility, in respect

US and France, meanwhile, the evolution to

of the workplace itself and balancing new

Companies won’t get this right first

hybrid working is already underway. Around

working protocols. Second is managing the

time. It’s going to be an evolution and

84% of employees wish to make more use of

initial return to the office and making sure

2021 is the year of transition. They

remote working in the future, while 87% of

that people perceive the workplace to be safe

must be mindful that each person will

corporate decision-makers plan to increase

and prepared, and that their needs are being

have had different experiences during

its use, according to a survey by our French

met. The final factor is risk: the risk of a two-

the pandemic. Businesses should see

research team, with two days working from

tier culture for those in and out of the office;

how people are responding and make

home being the preferred solution. This is

the risk of digital security working in multiple

informed decisions about adapting

based on findings mirrored in the US where

locations; and the risk of not managing the

the workplace, evolving to reflect the

many companies are considering also some

change associated with this transition.

changing situation.

This article was written on the basis of the Impacts research program by Savills World Research.

Jordy Kleemans


Zuidas Home Tour

ZUIDAS HOME TOUR FROM ASYLUM-SEEKERS CENTRE TO ZUIDAS “I really wanted to stay in the Netherlands” Zuidas is a distinctive part of the city and in high demand among house hunters. Between now and 2040, some 8,000 to 9,000 new homes will be built here. Once known mostly as an office location, more recently Zuidas has been shedding that image in a complete metamorphosis. When Zuidas will be finished around 2040, a projected 15,000 people will call it home. In this new section, we ask residents to tell us where they live and how they like life in Zuidas. This time, we talked to Elton Shehu, resident of 900 Mahler. His ambition to become a professional footballer brought Elton from his native home in Albania to the Netherlands. Though his career path took a different turn – into the flower auction business – he had his heart set on staying in the land of tulips and windmills.


Elton Shehu lives in 900 Mahler

Zuidas Home Tour

Elton, what were those first years

What brought you to 900 Mahler?

or Doppio in the morning and go to

in the Netherlands like for you?

“After my divorce, I was living in a village

Limon and Loetje later in the day. That’s

“I came over here with my dad at the age

outside Aalsmeer and found myself missing

how I got to know lots of people in the

of 16, after being scouted by the German

the excitement of city life. I was somewhat

neighbourhood, because I like going

football club Dortmund. That wasn’t a

familiar with Zuidas, having driven past the

around to all the local places.”

good fit in the end, but I did want to stay

skyscrapers and football pitches so often.

in the Netherlands. My dad had worked

When I actually began looking for some

What do you love about Zuidas?

for the Albanian Agriculture Ministry for

place else to live, it turned out Zuidas was

“It’s a very tight-knit community. People

35 years and, while doing business with

in high demand. With a little bluffing and

in my building regularly get together over

an Albanian in this country, I found out I

striking while the iron was hot, I was able

meals or to grab an ice cream with the

had a knack for translation and acted well

to move into 900 Mahler just a month after

kids on a stroll. There’s still a plan to bring

as an intermediary. That is how I got into

signing up. Now, I’ve been very happily

Albanian cuisine to Zuidas, which Calvin

the flower business. After spending two

living here for three years.”

at Market33 has agreed to launch there. I

months with distant relatives in Tilburg,

hope we’ll be able to restart that idea soon,

I decided to set out on my own and

when the world reopens.”

apply for asylum.” What was that period like for you? “I went through the whole five-year asylum procedure. You find yourself being dragged all over in the process, and it either makes or breaks you. I was sent from Ermelo to the youth centre in Hoogeveen and eventually ended up in Hasselt. I wasn’t allowed to work, but I did some odd jobs as

Is there anything you

a translator for that Albanian businessman

feel Zuidas is missing?

in Aalsmeer. After my residence permit

“As a place to live, I’d say it’s got it all.

was issued, I headed straight for Aalsmeer

My two sons can play just around the

to set up my own flower-export business.

corner and I like all the amenities in

I owe my success to my ability to make

Zuidas. When everything was still open,

connections with and between people.”

I could pop into The Breakfast Club

Text: Nicole Pak & Celine Boute • Photography: Caily Bobby Jo


Your Residential Real Estate Agency PERFECT PLACES TO LIVE IN

KROMME WAAL 18 Asking price

€ 1.500.000,- Buyer costs

Living Space

194 m2

Year of construction 1750 This charming canal house is a national monument built around 1750. It consists of a front and back house and is located on freehold land. It has an adjacent private alley which gives access to the courtyard and the utility room in the back house. The foundation of the front house was renewed in the nineties. The foundation of the backhouse has yet to be renewed. The destination of the property is mixed -1, making the property ideal for use as a family home or, for example, a combination of living / working. In total, the building has a usable floorsurface of 194m2 plus 56m2 of other indoor space with a ceiling height of at least 1.91m, bringing the total floor space to 250m2. The building has a beautiful, long history and still has many original details. In terms of living comfort, the property no longer meets current standards, so prospective buyers should take into account a renovation.

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Business In The Spotlight

Miranda van Commenée, stylist and personal shopper:

“BOOSTING SELF-CONFIDENCE AND CREATIVITY IS MY PASSION” In two previous issues of Hello Zuidas, we featured some fabulous makeovers by stylist and personal shopper Miranda van Commenée. With 25 years in fashion under her belt, she’s worked in a variety of positions as merchandiser, buyer, developing private label collections and in fashion retail. Three years ago, she discovered that personal styling is the best job of all, and began training as a stylist and personal shopper. Since then, she’s helped loads of clients

Miranda van Commenée

look their most confident.

Over the past three years, Miranda has

advice and shopping. I also enjoy partnering

shift is happening from business towards

steadily grown her business as a stylist and

with photographers for photo shoots and

more casual wear. Less formal attire is

personal shopper. She puts smiles back

recently taught an online workshop to

gaining more acceptance in the workplace,

on many faces with her styling advice. “I

students at the St. Ignatiusgymnasium. That

but a first impression either online and in

realised early on how much I enjoy dressing

was a great fun and educational experience.”

real life remains important. I always strive

people”, she explains. “It’s tremendously

Miranda also teaches ‘Dress to Impress’

to make that first impression worthwhile

rewarding to know straight off how you can

masterclasses, in which she sets out the

for all my clients.” Her tip: “If you’re a

help someone. If a person is at a complete

basics of choosing the right outfit and

woman and want to get in on the summer

loss when they arrive and then completely

showing her signature of combining items

trends, look for romantic details, puffy

radiant after my styling advice, that makes

from different price segments.

sleeves and shoulder details.”

me happy, too.” And thanks to her eye for detail, Miranda can immediately envisage which colours and styles suit clients – both women and men – best. Dress to impress

“I’m always happy to come round the office or home for a personal style consultation”

One of the most important factors, she

Now that she has her home base Amsterdam-Zuid for a year now, Miranda comes by to update clients’ wardrobes. “Let’s inject some fresh vitality into everyday life. And for style consultations about work meetings, outings or the clothes

emphasizes, is to meet each client personally


you wear at home, I’m always happy to

and get to know what they’re like inside

A development that’s been taking shape

come round for a chat.”

and out. “There are different things we can

recently is the growing acceptance of

discuss. I mainly focus on individual colour

casual clothing in the workplace. No longer

and style advice, wardrobe checks, personal

just for home, Miranda says this trend is

shopping, make-up advice and online

gathering speed. “It’s fun to see that a clear

Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Dieuwertje van der Stoep

Miranda van Commenée +31 (0) 65 437 08 90 www.mirandavancommenee.nl info@mirandavancommenee.nl Follow on @mirandavancommenee




JULY & AUGUST 2021 Tuesday 29 June – Saturday 28 August

HOLLANDSCH GLORIE/DUTCH GLORY @Amsterdamse Bostheater – www.bostheater.nl Theatre company Toneelgroep Oostpool has created a spectacular, humorous new production about Dutch history, custom-made for the Bostheater. A clever comedy about then, now and later, guaranteed to astound with its epic naval battles, tragic loves stories, tractors, aliens, and maybe even an insight or two. And all of it in a stupendous set in the most beautiful open-air theatre in the world! Featuring Thijs Römer in the lead From 5 June

role. Dutch spoken, with English subtitles on Thursdays.


@Amsterdam RAI – www.smakenrad.nl This autumn, you can enjoy fine dining with a panoramic view of Amsterdam on the RAI Amsterdam grounds. Michelinstar executive chef Joris Bijdendijk of the RIJKS® Restaurant is teaming up with Smakenrad (‘Wheel of Taste’) to serve his favourite dishes in the country’s biggest

27 August

Ferris wheel. Its 27 heated cabins have


been converted into private restaurants

@Rialto VU

that ascend 50 metres. During the summer,

– www.worldcinemaamsterdam.nl

the organization will be doing its own

World Cinema Amsterdam is a film

dinner service for several weeks.

festival held every year in August and one of Rialto’s crown jewels, presenting the cinematic crème de la crème from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The festival programme

27 July – 7 August

is rich and varied and includes a


competition, focus programme (this

@Het Amsterdamse Bostheater – www.bostheater.nl

year: Actual Africa) and WCA Presents,

At the summit of summer, when the days are at their longest and

a showcase for Dutch filmmakers

the temperatures at their highest, Amsterdamse Bos sets the

from bicultural backgrounds. Rialto

scene for the Boslab Theaterfestival. Ten summer nights, in which

VU will officially open its doors this

young professional theatre makers present their own work in the

autumn, but from August some films

woods. For festivalgoers, Boslab offers expeditions down forest

will be playing in its four new theatres.

paths to discover theatre, dance and musical performances by

WCA comes to Rialto VU starting from

new creators. With performances set between the trees, along

Friday 27 August.

the fringes of the stage and on a pond accessible only by boat.


Photo: Jaap Vork


28 August

HALVE VELDJES CUP Tuesday 31 August

@Sportpark Olympiaplein, in and around AVV Swift


– www.halveveldjescup.nl


Amsterdam institution. Not only the tournament itself,

– www.taalcentrum-vu.nl

but also the party, the music and all the festivities. The

In need of a refresher course on Dutch

‘Halve Veldjes Cup’ traditionally takes place two weeks

spelling and grammar rules? This workshop

after the Euro championship. Celebrate the end of the

will help you dot your i’s and cross your

season and kick off the summer with your mates!

This legendary football tournament has become a true

t’s in Dutch. After taking this fun and up-to-speed on the main spelling rules, and

31 July – 8 August

you’ll know how to apply them effectively.


Your letters, emails and reports will be


blissfully free of pesky spelling errors and

– www.pride.amsterdam.nl

grammatical blunders.

Though the parade of boats

in van Eis

instructive refresher course, you’ll be fully

Photo: Edw

has been postponed to 2022 (since enforcing the 1.5 metre rule is impossible), the most feasible form of the programme will go on. The 2021 edition is set to be extra special, with Pride Amsterdam celebrating its 25th anniversary on 31 July – 8 August. The programme is still in the works and depends on Covid-19 measures, but will definitely include PrideTV and a range of activities inspired by this year’s theme: ‘Take Pride in Us’. Which means Pride Amsterdam will be fully visible and present this year to celebrate the LHBTIQ+ community!

Photo: Bas Uterwijk

31 August, 3-5pm



@Zuidas – www.artzuid.nl

@CIRCL – www.circl.nl

From 1 July to 17 October 2021, the Art

One of the keys to a functional circular

Zuid foundation will be organizing the

economy is well-organized return

1 July – 17 October

7th edition of ARTZUID, the Amsterdam

27–29 August

chains. This afternoon session will

Sculpture Biennial, in Zuidas and on


pair circular producers with logistics

Minervalaan, Apollolaan, Churchilllaan and

@Museumplein – www.uitmarkt.nl

service providers to consider how to

Museumplein. The sculpture route, rolling

Last year, Amsterdam celebrated the

join forces, in order to redesign return

out a green carpet from Zuidas to the city

opening of its cultural season with a

flows for maximum efficiency. With a

centre, connects differentneighbourhoods

successful digital edition, in a programme

panel of scientists from Het Groene

and residents. Along its more than 60

viewable both online and offline. What

Brein (‘The Green Brain’) and the

locations, artists from all continents

shape this year’s 44th edition will take, is

collective expertise of our audience,

present work based on the curator’s

still TBD, so keep an eye on the website!

we’ll try to give them a helping hand.

artistic concept.




13 - 22 august 2021

GRACHTENFESTIVAL Thursday 19 August, 12:30pm

GRACHTENFESTIVAL: LYMA X SHAMIS X REBIERE @St Nicolaaslyceum These three multi-instrumentalists are a clear example of where the new jazz generation is heading. Though they reject categorization, jazz – alongside soul and hip hop – is a major inspiration.. Shamis is a DJ by nature who’s often at the turntables during concerts, LYMA is an acclaimed singer and multi-instrumentalist, and Rebiere plays saxophone in established bands such as Gallowstreet and Michelle David, but is equally adept on the keyboard or bass guitar. This unique band is sure to deliver an unforgettable performance!

Tuesday 17 August

GRACHTENFESTIVAL: MABASSA @Atrium NU.VU, 12:30pm / Loyens & Loeff, 5:30pm Mabassa playfully mixes contemporary pop with Brazilian rhythms and detours to the Caribbean. The name Mabassa, which means ‘twin brothers’ in Portuguese, stands for the powerful musical bond between ‘brothers’ Breno Viricimo (Brazil) and Nathaniel Klumperbeek (Netherlands). Breno and Nathaniel met on the Amsterdam music scene. Discovering a mutual love of Brazilian music, they decided to share their life stories and experiences in danceable songs. Mabassa has performed in France, Brazil, India and the Netherlands, and its debut album will be out soon.

Wednesday 18 August, 12.30pm

GRACHTENFESTIVAL: VAN GOGH TRIO @Thomaskerk Named for the celebrated Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, this trio began in Amsterdam as a collaboration between close friends and promising musicians Enzo Kok (violin), Charlotte Brussee (cello) and Maxim Heijmerink (piano). Both their friendship and their shared backgrounds – all three were winners in the Prinses Christina Concours – first inspired them to play together at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. Not long thereafter, the trio made its successful debut on the national TV music showcase Podium Witteman. Today, the trio presents a romantic programme featuring Mendelssohn’s beloved Piano Trio No. 1 and splendid

Visit the website for more information

pieces by Max Bruch.





27 august 2021

HAP & TRAP IN ZUIDAS The one and only cycling-event-cum-fair in Zuidas! On Friday

racing or track bicycles. You can also register on-site for the

27 August, Claude Debussylaan and Gustav Mahlerplein will

Hello Bike share bike championships.

transform during one afternoon into a French town square complete with its own cycling race, in Hap & Trap in Zuidas.

Corporate teams must consist of at least three and at most five

It’s all about bubbles, beer, bratwurst and (meat)balls whilst

riders (men/women). Cost of registration is €100 (excl. VAT).

cheering on Amsterdam’s fastest cyclists all afternoon and

Multiple teams from the same company allowed.

evening. With fiery one-on-one battles, the country’s only

Register yourself or your team at:

Fixed Gear sprint races, fat tyre races for kids 12 and under


and businesses competing for the title of ‘Fastest company in Amsterdam’. Individuals can also enter with men’s/women’s

This event is in subject to change or cancellation.

Visit the website for more information zuidas.rondesvanamsterdam.nl

Photo: Bernadette Zevenhuizen




COVID-19: WHAT ARE MY RIGHTS Despite the fact that things seem to be moving in the right direction as far as the pandemic goes, the coronavirus is still raising all sorts of legal questions. Such as, what are your employee rights when it comes to Covid? Is a tenant entitled to rent reduction because of Covid? And what’s the situation with privacy? Our Zuidas lawyers give us the lowdown.

Paul Vestering Partner Labour Law at Stibbe Can an employee demand to continue working from home after the government lifts this measure? Have you encountered this question from any companies? Employees were allowed to ask to do their work somewhere else already, but they have no entitlement. An employer can reject such a request, giving reasons. We call this a ‘right to ask and duty to consider’. A proposed law on working where you want may change that in future, but it hasn’t been adopted yet. I advise mainly large employers, and they’re working on their post-Covid policies already. Instead of awaiting new legislation, often they’re introducing their own working-from-home policy. We help them with that. In most cases it ends up being a combination of working from home and at the office, with basic rules that apply company-wide, to ensure clarity. It will be interesting to see how whote all find a new balance together, post-Covid. I think it’s likely we’ll go hybrid at Stibbe as well, sometimes working from home but also regularly at the office. Can employees be forced by their company to get vaccinated, or to show proof of vaccination status? What is Stibbe’s own policy on vaccination? Fundamentally, employees cannot be forced to get vaccinated, nor may employers register who has had an injection and who has not. The only possible exception is in higher-risk professions, such as medical employees who work with vulnerable patients. Let’s hope the vaccination rate gets high enough on a voluntary basis that Covid-19 won’t be a problem in the workplace any longer. If not, employers may have to continue imposing additional protective measures.



Akkeroos Kremers Junior associate, Intellectual Property and Technology at Dentons During the coronavirus pandemic organizations may want to do access screenings with rapid tests for Covid-19 or to take the temperatures

The current situation is also unprecedented in tenancy law

of employees, visitors and clients. What’s permitted, and what’s not? Organizations are permitted to conduct access

Cathelijne Otte

screenings consisting of Covid-19 rapid tests or

Counsel, Real Estate & Lease at Simmons & Simmons LLP

temperature measurements if: How is Covid-19 impacting tenancy law? 1 the organization does not store or

The Covid-19 pandemic and all the government measures connected

retain the test or measurement results;

with it have had a disruptive impact on society, worldwide. All of

2 the tests are not conducted by automated

a sudden, we had to contend with things like lockdowns, travel

restrictions and social distancing rules. The whole situation was

means (e.g. not by a thermal camera); and

3 there are no automated consequences

unprecedented – in tenancy law, too. At this point, based on

judgements in the lower courts, the general line seems to be that

(e.g. opening or closing of entrance gates).

someone leasing retail, restaurant or hotel space can have a right to Furthermore the tests and measurements have to be

a Covid-19-related rent reduction, provided the lessee in question

conducted in private spaces and confidentiality must

can prove amongst other things a revenue loss as a result of the

be safeguarded. Are employers

Covid pandemic (in which case you also have to take account of

allowed to register whether their employees

government support, such as the TVL – Fixed Costs Reimbursement).

have been vaccinated for Covid-19?

Quite recently, the Court of Limburg asked the Supreme Court for a

No. The EU General Data Protection Regulation prohibits

preliminary ruling to gain clarity on what rules apply specifically to

employers from processing their employees’ health

Covid-related rent reductions for retail and hospitality spaces. Now,

data, including vaccination status.

it’s a matter of waiting for the Supreme Court. Are there any other roads open to lessors/lessees, besides going to court? Normally, parties will only go to court if they absolutely cannot come to a mutual solution. My experience during the past year has been that many retail and hospitality sector tenants and landlords were able to come to some form of fixed-term mutual arrangement for the economic effects of the pandemic. That may amount to a temporary rent reduction of some percentage (differing per period, depending on the severity and impact of the pandemic and connected government restrictions), possibly combined with a partial suspension of rental payment obligations until some later date and/or an extension of the ongoing lease period. Parties making such arrangements typically put them in writing in what is known as a ‘rider’ to the existing lease.


Office Real Estate and Services Special



This issue’s special feature on office real estate and services spotlights various organizations involved in the latest developments and a wide variety of services in Zuidas. Check out some of these organizations – G&S with Nuveen Real Estate, Maarsen Groep with Zadelhoff, ParkBee, EatFirst, NDI ICT, Approxx, Savills & Tiny Offices Company – and get yourself, your business partners and your colleagues up to speed on all the new projects and possibilities to maximize your workplace.

In this issue, we’re zooming in on the world of office real estate and allied services. What makes a workplace a pleasant place to be? That all depends on

Sandra Lissenberg of Vastgoedjournaal,

the building and range of services. The changing function of modern-day offices

the online information and news plat-

is a major factor shaping the newest projects in Zuidas. Another is the workforce

form for Dutch real estate professionals,

itself, for which mobility, extra services, health and leisure time are key themes.

kicks off this Office Real Estate and

The time has come to embrace offices as places to congregate, and for office real

Services feature with a look at several

estate to grow in step with all Zuidas has to offer.

trends now shaping the office market.


Office Real Estate and Services Special

Sandra Lissenberg

Offices increasingly focused on user wellbeing

In recent years, there has been a clear

premises. The offer of all these additional

or in an office closer to home part of the

shift in office function. Canteens became

services can make some offices feel more

time can help. For this reason, we foresee

company restaurants and the old-

like hotels.

a rise in satellite offices. These smaller

fashioned coffee pot gradually made way

workplaces are great for employees who

for professional coffee corners, complete


have to commute a greater distance to the

with baristas. This created new spaces to

Health is a hot topic in the office property

HQ or whose job requires lots of travel,

congregate. And wherever a mix of people

market. Every employer has a vested

giving them a professional office space

gather, you tend to get new ideas and

interest in ensuring the optimum health and

consistent with the company’s identity,


satisfaction of their employees. Whereas in

where they can meet with business clients.

the old days a boss might fork out for chips

Satellites of this kind tend to be clustered in

Employees are also placing greater value

in the office canteen, more recently many

multitenant office buildings and premises

on the spaces where they spend a big

companies have preferred to invest that

operated by flexible office space providers.

portion of their days. For job seekers, the

money in professional office gyms. More or less office demand?

office itself has more than ever become a deal-maker or breaker. These days, people

But office properties themselves have

When the pandemic-that-shall-not-be-

want to have the whole world on their

also changed in ways that promote users’

named is finally under control and we’re

office doorstep, with all amenities within

health. Property owners, developers

free to come and go to our workplaces

easy reach, so they can step from work

and managers have tuned in to the

once more, we’ll know to what extent

straight into their social lives. Important

importance of keeping their users in the

the market has been fundamentally and

factors are a central location and good

best of health. A variety of certifications

permanently altered. Will companies

transit links between not only work and

have been developed to rate the quality

keep the same amount of square footage,

home, but also places of entertainment

of things like indoor climate, ventilation,

only using it less as more people work

and recreation, as well as extra services

light and volatile organic compounds. After

from home? Or will we have to ramp up

in the office itself, such as dry cleaning,

all, a healthy workplace boosts both the

construction – not only in urban centres

physical therapy and salon services.

wellbeing and the productivity of its users.

but also outside them, given that so

Some offices are also choosing to open

Satellite offices

have been converted into flats to conquer

their restaurants to the public. That is,

A healthy employee also has a healthy

the housing shortage? We hope to have

even to people who are not working on the

work/life balance. Working from home

answers soon!

many, particularly older, office blocks

Text: Sandra Lissenberg (Vastgoedjournaal.nl)


Office Real Estate and Services Special


G&S Vastgoed and Nuveen Real Estate have a well-established partnership that’s

the robust Zuidas district and its

getting a new opportunity to shine in Zuidas. Together, they’re taking on the

surrounding residential neighbourhoods.

complete metamorphosis of Prinses Irenestraat 59, one of the district’s oldest

The transformation’s premise is to create

buildings, into an innovative boutique office. Mischa Moritz of G&S Vastgoed and

a seamless transition between both

Sebastian Zwart of Nuveen Real Estate explain what makes project PI59 special and

areas. Sebastian: “We’re not looking at

how it will reclaim its unique position in bustling Zuidas.

the office, but at users. That means our focus is on how to make it future-ready,

Built in the 1970s, number 59 Prinses

global player across a broad array of asset

with all the concepts and certifications

Irenestraat is among the oldest buildings

classes, embraced the idea of reversing the

that entails. The municipality has helped

in the district, alongside the Atrium and

standard rationale to create a ‘best in class’

facilitate the project from the outset and

Parnas complex. This alone makes the

office. As partners, we’re always in step

asked us to implement extensive planting

building’s transformation from the old

with each other.”

and target problems such as heat stress,

structure an unusual and challenging

so that’s what is guiding the design.”

project. According to Mischa Moritz, the

One step ahead

Mischa tells that a building consists of

mission and vision G&S Vastgoed had

Conceived as an unobtrusive

several layers. “In PI59, the human being

for the project dovetailed perfectly with

contemporary office building, PI59 will be

is the central focus. The other layers

that of Nuveen Real Estate: “Straight

all about craftsmanship and quality. The

are adapted to the user. Ultimately, it

off, Nuveen, the owner of building and a

building is uniquely situated, straddling

is the user who determines how long a


Office Real Estate and Services Special

Mischa Moritz & Sebastian Zwart

building will last. The structure as a series

and movement the design offers various

a flexible core and shell, the building

of layers, consisting of first the façade

options for moving around the building.

will be equipped to evolve over time.

and glass, inside that the systems and

And, since good digital connectivity is

That concerns aspects such as climate

installations, followed by the technological

essential, we’re also aiming for a Gold

neutrality, zero carbon and the use

appurtenances and most importantly,

WiredScore certification on completion.”

of materials like terrazzo stone for

the people inside. All these layers come

To connect with the surrounding area, the

sustainable ageing.” Mischa: “You can

together and strengthen the design.”

building will also offer commercial space

design something on the principle that

in the form of a bistro.

it’s a living thing, like an organism; if

An inspirational workplace

something doesn’t work, you should be

Soft values such as planting, lighting,

Eco-friendly organism

views and a pleasant climate inside

The surge in working from home during

buildings are scientifically proven

the pandemic and all the consequent

Construction works will commence in

to enhance business efficiency and

trends and changes have led to an

2022, and a brand new Prinses Irenestraat

productivity. Sebastian explains, “The

increasing focus on access, location,

59 will open its doors in 2023.

building has windows that can open every

sustainability and wellbeing. “Because

four metres. With the green and natural

we’re leaving the structure unchanged,

surroundings, large floor plates,

the construction will have a low carbon

a central atrium to encourage interaction

footprint”, Sebastian adds. “Thanks to

Text: Romy Lange & Céline Boute • Artist Impressions: Parallel

able to adapt it so it can sustain itself.”

G&S Vastgoed Gustav Mahlerlaan 34 1082 MC Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 673 37 79 www.gensvastgoed.nl

Nuveen Real Estate Parnassusweg 819 1082 LZ Amsterdam


Office Real Estate and Services Special


The renewal of the area between Amstelveen and Amsterdam is steadily taking

additional student residences. Then this is

shape. The neighbourhood already has many ingredients for a healthy mix, including

the largest campus in Europe. Openness

sport facilities, schools, offices and hotels. Anne Meijerhoven of Zadelhoff Beheer

and transparency will help create a

and Tom Hilderink of Maarsen Groep are working hard on the development of a new

spacious and dynamic character here.

green office building in truly green surroundings. Adjoining the Kronenburg Campus, this new office property will be an accessible link with Amsterdam’s Zuidas.

Share culture That openness is central to the building’s

The new eight-storey office building

built its own building to show how well

design, done by architectural agency de

will add yet another element to what is

it was going, but there was no cohesion

Architekten Cie. Though the building is a

becoming a more mixed district. The

between buildings. This new office

focal point, the eco-minded design allows

partnership between Zadelhoff Beheer

property will be more outwardly oriented

it to blend into its green surroundings.

and Maarsen Groep complements the

to attract more visitors. And with a public

According to Tom, the atrium will be the

vision for a building that’s open and

amenity of some kind, say a restaurant, to

grand unifying factor in the new multi-

engages with its surroundings. Anne

create more engagement.’’ The new zoning

tenant building. ‘’At its heart is a huge

explains, ‘’In the past, every large company

plan for this area offers space for 2,500

green atrium connecting all the floors,


Office Real Estate and Services Special

“This will be a beautiful new building and an ideal place for tenants who care for the well-being of their employees”

Tom Hilderink (Maarsen Groep) and Anne Meijerhoven (Zadelhoff Beheer)

with beautiful stairways. One of the things

has a lot to offer. Zuidas is just a ten-minute

with that. Tom: “One of the main trends

we want to facilitate on the ground floor,

bike ride, and rents are substantially

now is that people want to have outdoor

is meeting rooms. We want to position

lower. Gelderlandplein and the centre

spaces close to their workplace. The big

these additional facilities at ground level

of Amstelveen, with its shops, are close

paved world is a thing of the past. People

as a further impetus for gathering and

by. There’s capacity for 150 cars in the

also want to bring planting indoors to create

sharing.” That’s key, agrees Anne, because

basement, and the building also offers fast,

a sense of nature in their work setting. This

offices are now functioning more as

easy transit links, being ideally situated

building is also energy neutral. That means

places to meet and share knowledge.”

between several motorways and near the

it’s been designed to be sustainable, with

new Amstelveen tram service.”

components like solar panels. The future

Walking distance

user will enjoy plenty of benefits from this

It’s a misconception that Amstelveen is far

Energy neutral

removed from Amsterdam. But when you

Amstelveen has a reputation for being green.

get to know the area better, you realize it

Kronenburg Campus is literally surrounded

has all kinds of advantages, Anne points

by green spaces, and the building’s

out. “For a prospective tenant, this location

sustainable design is in perfect harmony

Text: Romy Lange & Céline Boute • Photography: Caily Bobby Jo

green building in truly green surroundings.”

Maarsen Groep Zadelhoff Buitenveldertselaan 106 Dijsselhofplantsoen 12 1081 AB Amsterdam 1077 BL Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 540 74 00 + 31 (0)20 573 38 00 www.maarsengroep.nl www.zadelhoff.nl




2 0 2 1 : E V O LV E How changing cities are shaping how we work and live our lives.

For more information please visit: www.savills.com/impacts Jordy Kleemans Head of Research & Consultancy Jordy.Kleemans@Savills.nl

Office Real Estate and Services Special


Martijn Suister

The changing role of the office workplace is giving rise to a steady stream of new

is that social engagement is becoming

insights and a need for flexibility on all fronts, including nutrition and health. After all,

more important for companies. One of the

who doesn’t love a delicious, varied lunch delivered right to the office? Martijn Suister,

best ways to build and sustain a ‘company

director of EatFirst, has been in the catering business for four years, offering made-to-

culture’ is to offer a tasty lunch.”

order lunches, pantry supply, smart fridges and catering for board meetings and events. Sustainable catering service EatFirst and the tool Ohmylunch are part

organizes trial weeks for two or three

EatFirst’s partnerships with local

of a business-to-business catering service

options. This way, companies can make

caterers and its newest digital smart

that has been operating internationally

an informed choice.

tools are charting a new path for catering

for more than five years now. Built

services. For one thing, they achieve

on a commitment to local products,

Flexible lunch

that by constantly looking at ways that

sustainability and flexibility, it offers

For many suppliers, recent developments

entrepreneurs can help boost local

a range of services to supply business

have reshuffled the deck. As traditional

activity. “The website has a new ratings

clients with healthy, convenient food

ways of working become more diffuse, so

screen, showing how sustainable a caterer

options. Martijn: “EatFirst is the largest

too are traditional approaches to catering.

is on metrics like type of packaging, use

B2B catering platform in Europe. It has

The emphasis is shifting towards greater

of local products and EV delivery. We also

six main offices in total, located across

flexibility, health, sustainability and our

introduced the Ohmylunch tool to combat

Europe and Australia, and more than

digitalization of catering services. EatFirst

food waste. The results show that waste

2,000 local affiliated businesses.” With

makes a point of selecting caterers who

has been cut 20% relative to traditional

each new customer, the first step is

are committed to a sustainable workplace

caterers. That’s how we’re continually

always to discuss what kind of service

and future. “More and more clients

working on sustainable innovations.”

they want. Next come the numbers, the

are consciously choosing our flexible

budget and the preferred cuisine. After

service. They have a fluctuating number

that, EatFirst draws up a selection of

of people working at the office, and we

local caterers to match those needs and

can accommodate that. Another aspect

Text: Céline Boute • Photography: Ruben stam

EatFirst Keizersgracht 391-A 1016 EJ Amsterdam +31 (0)85 20 06 166 www.eatfirst.com www.ohmylunch.com


Office Real Estate and Services Special


Established in Delft in 2015, ParkBee has since grown into an organization of over eighty employees based in Amsterdam and London. As one of the world’s first digital car park operators, ParkBee gets cars off the street by linking drivers to existing, convenient, yet underused parking locations (often just 15% occupation). With their extensive network of more than 300 locations, smart integrations and systems that predict use and pricing, ParkBee navigates drivers to the right space at the right time. Their mission is to promote a broader vision on mobility, reconnect people with their surroundings and find and create opportunities to expand electric vehicle use. By optimising the use of existing capacity, ParkBee is giving space back to the city.


Karin Poel, Country Manager IWG and partner of ParkBee

Office Real Estate and Services Special


ParkBee lets us take cars off the street by

Working remotely is the new normal for

International Workplace Group

linking drivers to convenient and affordable

many office workers, and flex offices and

Last year, International Workplace Group

spaces in parking garages. And the

flexible parking spots are the answers to the

(IWG) owner of the flexoffice brand Spaces,

significant increase in capacity utilisation in

changing needs for the workforce of today.

Regus and The Office Operators concluded a

turn raises car park owners’ property value.”

ParkBee offers smart solutions for car park

partnership agreement with digital car park

owners and serves consumers with different

operator ParkBee to provide access to its car

Demand for flexibility

products (e.g. prepaid reservations, direct

parks. Two Spaces locations were opened for

The Covid-19 pandemic and forced lock-

access and subscriptions). They provide an

ParkBee users; De Rode Olifant in the center

downs have had an effect on office- and

interesting alternative for expensive garages,

of The Hague and Keizersgracht 555 in central

mobility behaviour. IWG predicts a more

simply the best place to park.

Amsterdam. Spaces locations in Zuidas and

flexible approach to work where coming in at

Amstel in Amsterdam were already part

the office 5 days a week will not be required.

ParkBee is always on the lookout for new

of ParkBee’s platform. Linking the Spaces

locations to unlock new parking spots and

parkings to ParkBee’s network boosts

optimize existing space.

capacity utilisation and provides drivers in the city with 24/7 access to parking spots. To optimise capacity, ParkBee harnesses

In need of a parking spot in Zuidas?

data and smart technologies for bookings,

ParkBee has 8 locations in Zuidas. They

dynamic pricing and direct integration

are accessible through parking apps such

with large parking and mobility platforms,

as Parkmobile, Yellowbrick, ANWB and

including Parkmobile, Yellowbrick and ANWB.

Tranzer. Via an upfront booking or the flexible business subscriptions. Whether

Financial and public interest

you have a business meeting, a hair

Thanks to its partnership ParkBee generates

appointment or live around the corner

extra income for IWG by just adding the

you will find a ParkBee location close

locations to the already dense network.

to your destination. Navigate directly to

With a simple installation for minimal

the parking space, it saves time and cuts

costs locations are live within no-time.

down on unnecessary traffic. At ParkBee

According to Karin Poel, country director for

Spaces Zuidas, ParkBee Olympic Hotel and

the Netherlands at IWG, “This partnership

ParkBee Barbara Strozzilaan you can find

agreement serves a financial and public

the best place to park in Zuidas.

interest. With the tremendous pressure on urban public space, you can’t rationalise allowing these kinds of parking locations to stay empty, especially in evenings and weekends. Providing parking access through

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Ruben Stam

Also available on


Office Real Estate and Services Special


Tower Ten

Experience Center

Experience Center

“Two companies, two different sectors, one comprehensive partnership and solution:

is wasted. International clients in particular

from their shared ‘experience centre’ in the WTC Amsterdam, NDI ICT Solutions and

appreciate that.”

Ditt. With their young and dynamic teams, the two partners take all the hassle out of relocating to or within Zuidas. Hello Zuidas caught up with Nick Nolthuis, now in his

You offer companies a ‘high tech’ view

14th year at NDI ICT Solutions, and Frauke Bakx, who’s been with Ditt. Officemakers

on the future, most notably with a whole

for five years, about their successful partnership in Zuidas.

host of futuristic working and workplace options. Could you give an example?

How did NDI ICT Solutions and Ditt.

projects that there is a whole laundry list

Frauke: “In our experience centre, located in

Officemakers come together, and what

of arrangements to make. Thanks to the

our WTC-office, we can show clients different

demand does your partnership satisfy?

years of knowledge and experience we’ve

options, and via our 3D designs with VR

Nick: “The demand among clients was

built up, we can offer a comprehensive

glasses, they get a very clear impression of

for someone to take care of everything.

package.” Frauke: “In business, time is

what we can do for them. Visualisation is so

For companies moving from one location

very precious, of course. So, it’s great if we

important. At the moment we’re working on

to another, there’s a tonne to organize.

can cover most of the bases in the initial

Tower Ten, the new WTC tower, specifically

Clients and tenants often overlook aspects,

meeting with our team. That’s why we

on the layout of radiant ceilings. As we were

because relocations are such massive

literally all get together at once, so no time

involved in this big project from early on,


Office Real Estate and Services Special


Experience Center

Lola Brood (NDI), Margriet Moelard (Ditt.), Jeroen Reijmers (NDI), Thierry van Til (Ditt.), Nick Nolthuis (NDI) & Frauke Bakx (Ditt.)

we were able to map out the building from

When a company relocates to

to-day hassles, though of course we do

top to bottom, including all the technical

or within Zuidas, that can

provide interim updates. This way, clients

systems. That saves loads of time as well

generate some internal strains.

can focus on their own core activities, and

as money.” Nick: “In many buildings there

What’s important to your clients?

that tends to be a welcome relief for them.”

are rules that suppliers have to follow. We

Frauke: “Not getting bogged down in

work with the property owner or manager

details. We’ve noticed that when clients

The Experience Centre is open and

to draw up a full overview. Together we’ve

come to us having heard about our

accessible to all! Feel free to wander

designed and furnished so many offices over

approach from others, they already know

in and check it out, try and test things,

these past years already, that we’ve got lots

what to expect. We help from A to Z. We

and see what the future has in store for

of experience, know exactly which points

keep an eye on the relocation and can

offices, especially after the coronavirus

and services need to be considered and how

coordinate that, if desired, and we remain

pandemic. From now on, our doors

this is part of our overall planning. We have

involved straight up through the delivery. So

will stay open!

joined forces and pooled our knowledge to

everything within that, we organize.” Nick:

improve cost efficiency and speed, resulting

“What works best for us is if we get the keys

in a quality boost and a better, more cost-

and then return them after a certain period.

efficient project overall.”

We don’t want to bother anyone with day-

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Ruben Stam

Experience Center NDI & Ditt Strawinskylaan 203 1077 XX Amsterdam www.ndi.nl - www.ditt.nl


OOK WERKEN ANNO NU? tinyofficecompany.nl

Office Real Estate and Services Special

The Approxx FlexApp:

FOR A SAFE RETURN TO YOUR WORKPLACE IN ZUIDAS After a year, the government’s ‘work from home if at all possible’ measure has finally been lifted. That means employees are once more welcome in the workplace, provided they can maintain the obligatory 1.5-metre distance. For companies, this poses quite a challenge. After all, how do you ensure people can and actually do adhere to the social distancing rule in the workplace, and how do you avoid having too many people on the premises at once? The 1.5-metre rule means many employers can offer only a fraction of their employees a safe workspace, and streamlining it all is tricky. That’s where the FlexApp by Approxx comes in with a timely solution: the mobile app lets employees check if workstations and meeting rooms are available or occupied, book a workspace and see where their colleagues are. Sander Munsterman of Approxx tells us more about how the FlexApp works, and Ruud Wanck, CEO of the Candid marketing and advertising group, explains how his company has integrated the app.

Ruud Wanck and Sander Munsterman

Machine Learning algorithm

click. The app also includes a functionality

used. “These kinds of data are interesting

Though launched six years ago, the

for basic polls and notifications – things

to find out if there are areas where you

FlexApp is really proving its worth now,

like ‘Are you satisfied with the Covid-19

may be able to save energy, of course, but

during the coronavirus pandemic. ”This

measures’ or ‘The company restaurant

also to, say, inform your catering service

app is user-friendly and is helping our

will be open longer tomorrow to avoid

about the expected volume of people on

staff to find workspaces faster”, Ruud


any given day”, Sander says. Ruud adds,

says. “Approxx also makes every effort to facilitate us. Recently, for instance, we had them develop some new features such as a push notification for when we’re nearing maximum occupancy.” Sander explains,

“By optimizing how we’re using our office

“This app is user-friendly and is helping our staff to find workspaces faster”

“The app uses a unique machine learning

Valuable data

algorithm which lets administrators set

The dashboard enables facility managers to

the desired maximum occupancy level

track and analyse a whole range of valuable

and automatically designates which desks

data. Over time, they can then predict how

may and may not be used, all with a simple

specific rooms and workstations will be

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Caily Bobby Jo

space, we can be fully focused on our core tasks – that is, doing a good job for our clients. Thanks to this app, we can all work in a pleasant and efficient manner, while keeping 1.5 metres apart.” Approxx Barbara Strozzilaan 201 1083 HN Amsterdam info@approxx.nl www.approxx.nl/flexapp



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Business In The Spotlight

“The treatment lasted 2 hours and 25 seconds. 2 hours for the preliminary examination and 25 seconds for the laser eye surgery.” Serina

Life without glasses Watch Serina’s whole story on: fyeo.nl/ervaringen/serina Rens Schoenmakers

HELLO FYEO, HELLO ZUIDAS If you’re looking for growth, quality and innovation, then clearly Zuidas is the place

high long-term cost of lenses, the hassle of

to be. And if you take one look at FYEO, then growth, quality and innovation are

glasses during sport and exercise – there

the things you see. Put those two together, and it was only a matter of time before

are plenty of reasons to choose a life

the Netherlands’ largest eye clinic arrived in Zuidas. So, to everyone looking to say

without glasses or contacts.

goodbye to glasses or contacts: say hello to FYEO. Life without glasses “The timing was right for us to expand in

in Amsterdam. All treatments performed

As CEO, Schoenmakers sees a bright future

Amsterdam, and specifically in Zuidas”,

by FYEO are based on its core philosophy

ahead for the new branch in Zuidas. “This

says FYEO CEO Rens Schoenmakers.

that every person, and thus every eye,

is a unique urban location where you have

“On top of that, our ambition chimes in

is unique. The result? More than 50,000

leading companies and a huge diversity of

perfectly with the quality culture in Zuidas.

satisfied FYEO clients.

residents. What is more, Zuidas represents

By offering advanced lens implant and

an excellent gateway to the entire

eye laser treatments, we want to enable


Amsterdam region. The ideal springboard

as many people as possible to enjoy life

Independent clinics have seen a

for FYEO to bring life without glasses

without glasses or contact lenses.”

tremendous rise in demand for specialized

within reach for a wide clientele. We’re

eye treatments in recent years. For context:

excited to start working in this dynamic

FYEO Amsterdam

in the Netherlands, over ten million

part of Amsterdam.”

FYEO Amsterdam is opening for business

people wear glasses or contact lenses.

this month in the former Worldeye clinic in

Many would prefer to trade them in for

Buitenveldert. It acquired the eye laser and

an alternative. Understandably so. The

lens implant specialist recently, following

simplicity of seeing with your own eyes, the

the earlier acquisition of Vision Ooglaseren

ever-shorter treatment recovery times, the

With five locations in the Netherlands, FYEO is the country’s largest specialist clinic for everyone tired of wearing glasses or contacts. After Eersel, Eindhoven and Breda, now also in Zuidas! Want to see more? Check out www.fyeo.nl.





Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw (New University Building)


De Boelelaan 1111, 1081 HV Amsterdam


Team V Architectuur


VU Corporate Real Estate and Facilities

Main users

Computer Science Department, Institute for Environmental Studies and Mathematics (Science Faculty), Academic Centre for Behaviour and Movement (Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences), VU Network for Teaching & Learning, Rialto cinema, Griffioen theatre and course centre and catering suppliers.

Completed in 2021 Floors 12 Height

55 metres

Floor area

31,000 m2




This year, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam officially opens its stunning NU building.


Forming the vibrant heart of the VU Campus, this building is where a whole spectrum

• From September 2021, the large lecture

of university users and visitors come together. Not only for education, but for

halls will do double duty as stage and

research, culture and leisure as well. This new gem is yet another enhancement to

cinema theatres for Griffioen and Rialto.

the architectural diversity of Zuidas.

At the heart of the building is an atrium: a bustling space with a Culture Café

The multifunctional building, designed by Team V Architectuur, forms the vibrant

and other food outlets.

heart of the VU Campus. Ascending in steps, the building is seven storeys high

• Facing the street at ground level will

on the campus side and twelve on the Zuidas side. Here, teaching, education

be VU WONDER, an exhibit space

innovation, research, industry, culture and entertainment all converge. Together

promoting interaction between art and

with the new O|2 Lab Building and VU Research Building, still under construction, it

science. Art and science exhibitions will

will replace the W&N Building that is slated for future demolition. Users include the Faculty of Science (including the Computer Science and Mathematics departments)

be organized here from this autumn. • The building has an underground car

and the VU Network for Teaching & Learning. There are also dedicated facilities for

park with capacity for 600 cars, 24

lifelong learning.

charging stations and six disability parking spaces. There is also a separate

The ambition for this building is a BREEAM Excellent sustainability certification, based on

bike shed with capacity for 1,600 bikes,

its use of the highest-rated sustainable building materials (including wood and natural

including some e-bikes.

stone), natural energy sources (thermal energy storage), energy-efficient light sources, lifts, escalators and other systems, and water-conserving toilet facilities. Based on a philosophy

Please scan

of co-use with local flora and fauna, the building has a biodiversity roof, designed to enrich

the QR-code for

wildlife. Inside, the innovative design offers a flexible layout to enable future adaptations to

more information

changing user needs and wishes.

Photography: Too van Velzen & Caren Huygelen


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New in Zuidas: Mr Fridge! Season Flowers Amsterdam has just introduced a new 24/7 flower service for bouquets and gifts. Called Mr Fridge, the concept is simple: Season Flowers Amsterdam arranges fresh floral bouquets and a varying selection of gifts and accessories, and you get 24/7 access to our florist and gift shop! It’s the perfect solution to serve you even outside opening hours. Forgot a birthday or want to treat yourself after hours but the shops are closed? Mr Fridge has you covered! Gustav Mahlerlaan 401-403 • Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 330 75 71 • amsterdam@seasonflowers.nl WWW.SEASONFLOWERS.NL

Whatever you decide, We will provide you with the best advice

Business in the spotlight

Sena Chung

Bart Vork

CELEBRATING MORE THAN 50 YEARS OF CRAFTSMANSHIP AT GELDERLANDPLEIN Gelderlandplein has launched a new campaign spotlighting its half-century of craftsmanship. Uniquely, the shopping centre in Amsterdam-Zuid boasts a wide array of family-run business, local speciality shops and delicatessens offering goodies from around the world. In this special campaign, Gelderlandplein hails its local heroes. From one generation to the next

Only the best is good enough

minded character of merchants here is part

It was just over fifty years ago when

“My cradle literally stood in our tailor’s shop”,

of what keeps customers coming back.

Gelderlandplein opened its doors in

Rick Moorman of House of Men recalls. “My

the Buitenveldert neighbourhood in

dad started at Gelderlandplein and our

• Gelderlandplein is a 5-minute

Amsterdam-Zuid. Many of the merchants

shop is carrying on his deep-rooted vision.

walk from Zuidas.

that established in the shopping centre

Attentiveness is what has kept customers

• Open for lunch and dinner, shop

back then are still doing business

coming back for years.” Decades of passion

here today, running the gamut from

and craftsmanship have borne fruit in

fashion to food, from local delicacies to

knowledge, superior quality and close ties

international products, and from top-of-

with customers. At La Fourchette, purchasing

the line to affordably priced brands. And

criteria are high. Only the best is good enough.

Zuidas and Gelderlandplein

more than one business has been in the

Their open kitchen at Gelderlandplein


family for several generations. Such as

cooks using only pure ingredients, with no

• New bus stops have been added

Sena Chung’s Shilla Japanese & Korean

additives. Bart Vork: “As a family business,

at Amsterdamse Bos and Vivaldi

Food Market: “My mum opened the shop

we’re proud to see regular customers return

at Gelderlandplein over 27 years ago,

every day. We take care of them.”

• Download the Gelderlandpleinlijn

Nowadays, Asian cuisine is part of the


• 1,5 hrs free parking

mainstream. My brother and I still

It’s uplifting to see how family businesses

source our products directly from

at Gelderlandplein are continuing to

Korea and Japan. That makes them

get the appreciation they deserve. The

unique and authentic.”

high-quality, carefully crafted and service-

fashion and buy groceries. • 90 shops & restaurants. Open 7 days a week; on weekdays until 7 p.m. • A free bus service runs between


because she missed products from home.

app for updated timetables.

Gelderlandplein Shopping Mall Van Leijenberghlaan 43 1082 GC Amsterdam www.gelderlandplein.nl


Hello You


THE SUMMER SUNSHINE And not a moment too soon, just as outdoor terraces reopened. Seats are in high demand! So, let’s toast to a wonderful summer filled with fun and togetherness, in a re-energized Zuidas.


Hello You


Photography: Caily Bobby Jo


Starting school is a big step in your child’s life. Let’s take that step together. Admission now open for 2021/22. Spaces available. britishschool.amsterdam +31 (0) 20 67 97 840

Save The Date


MEETS ART ZUID 14 September 2021 • Members only Registration: servicepoint@hellozuidas.com

Art Work: KAWS - Good Intentions (2016) • Photography: JW Kaldenbach





Sustainability has been a hot topic for some time now and is playing an increasingly

and groundwater and air pollution. To

visible role in our daily lives: from the growing range of eco-friendly products to

compensate those costs, you make a

flight shame and plant-based foods. But there’s so much more that can be improved.

kilogram of, say, bananas, 15 eurocents

That’s no secret to Michel Scholte, director of the Impact Institute and True Price.

more expensive.” Still, that doesn’t

Named Minister of the New Economy this year, Scholte is working to accelerate

necessarily make a relatively ‘more

the sustainable future in Holland. One part of that is true pricing. But what is true

expensive’ sustainable product the most

pricing, and why should we care? Michel Scholte and collaborative partner Henk

attractive one. According to Henk, true

Hofstede, Retail Sector banker with ABN AMRO, explain the concept and why it

pricing is the crucial next step towards

matters for a sustainable society.

attaining prices that are genuinely fair, by making ‘cheap’ options more expensive

Consumers are becoming ever-more

transparency in business processes,

and so stimulating consumers to purchase

mindful of how sustainable their

and no sustainable products without

sustainable products.

purchases actually are. A study carried

true pricing. That’s where True Price

out by ABN AMRO in collaboration with

comes in. Michel explains: “True pricing

First step to a smaller footprint

Insights & Consultancy in August of last

is the market price of a product plus the

To keep our planet habitable, taking that

year showed that 48% of consumers care

social and environment costs across

first step towards sustainability is key.

about sustainability. But there can be

the whole value chain, so including

This will raise awareness and appreciation

no fair and sustainable future without

things like underpayment of workers

among consumers for what’s at stake



Henk Hofstede

Michel Scholte

and bolster the circular transformation of

process and improved labour conditions.

produce fairly and sustainably. Flanking

waste back into raw materials. Amsterdam

Another example, says Henk, is Lidl,

that will be hard legislation on things like

Impact and the DOEN Foundation are

“which recently piloted a new eco-score

carbon pricing, child labour and paying a

supporting the True Price ecosystem to

system to raise consumer awareness

living wage, use of circular raw materials

help consumers and retail companies map

about products’ ecological impact, to

and waste reduction.” To get a taste of true

and implement true pricing. “Take a joint

then enable an informed choice. It’s a

pricing, says Michel, “Consumers have a

study with the Impact Institute to look

challenge to implement True Price due

responsibility as well. Always think about

at the true price of a pair of jeans”, Henk

to the international law and it requires a

what you’re buying and if you need it.

says. “Here, our focus is on more efficient

total chain approach, but techniques such

Look at the product information and

water management in cotton farming,

as blockchain make this possible”.

buy non-toxic, eco and human friendly processed goods. You can already have

paying a living wage in cotton farming, factories and promoting denim recycling


a look in the world’s first true-price

in order to minimize the ecological

The basis for working towards a

supermarket, De Aanzet, which is

footprint.” The retail chain Zeeman

sustainable future is shared responsibility

located on the Eerste Jacob van

was one of the first to open production

among government, industry and

Campenstraat 10, And soon, you may

locations in Asia to audits by NGOs and

consumers, Henk concludes. “Government

also grab a bite in the Circl restaurant,

trade unions. This input alone marks a

has to ensure a fair playing field, with

which has developed a true-price menu

step towards a sustainable production

extra incentives to get manufacturers to

in partnership with Vermaat”.

Photography: Ruben Stam




INVESTMENT TIPS Investing has been a hot topic recently. But where do you start? Hello Zuidas turned to two professionals – Sabine Samsom (Financequeen.nl) and Olivier van Dijk (BeleggersAcademy.com) – who each offer three beginner’s tips for those looking to start investing.

With more than ten years’ experience as a financial consultant at a major bank, now Sabine Samsom blogs about saving, earning, economizing and building capital, on Financequeen.nl. Her blog zooms in on the many different options available to make your money stretch farther and work harder. Sabine also offers her services as a financial coach to help people organize their personal finances.

TIP 03 TIP 01

TIP 02

Look at the costs. Over time, a difference of one-half a per cent can work out to a difference of tens of thousands of euros in accrued capital. That’s why it’s important to invest with a broker with a low fee. You

Diversify your investment over multiple

can also opt for ETFs (Exchange Traded

Start investing ASAP. Thanks

stocks. If you buy into an investment fund,

Funds). An ETF is a basket of stocks linked

to the effect of compounding

you’re buying a basket with small chunks

to an index, like the Dutch AEX index or

interest, your returns will grow

of lots of different stocks. Some companies

one of many others. Indexes for the world’s

exponentially over time. Einstein

will go bust, while others’ share prices will

1,000 largest companies, for example, or

called this the eighth wonder of

surge. Having a large number of companies

for airline companies. Indexes come in all

the world – quite rightly, because

absorbs the risk. So, spread your money

shapes and sizes. By following an index,

the effect is huge. The longer your

over lots of companies, but also across

there’s no need for pricey fund managers

horizon, the more your money

the world and different sectors. If the US

to select that basket of stocks. Because the

will work for you. Even if you don’t

economy takes a dive, Europe may do

index is preselected, computers can do it for

have much to invest, just start! If

better. And while hotel chains are struggling

you. Unlike regular investment funds, which

you let it sit for 30 years or more,

at the moment, web shops are booming.

try to ‘beat the market’ by selecting the best

your initial investment will double

So diversify across different sectors.

stocks, ETFs ‘track the market’, which not

several times over.

Diversification limits risk.

only makes them a whole lot less expensive but also often prove to yield higher returns.




TIP 06 Know what investment

Learn from a professional

style fits your needs

TIP 04

With the rise of investment apps

When will you need the money, you’re

like BUX and of discount brokers

investing? What’s your risk appetite? What

like DEGIRO, investing has become

kind of returns do you want? And how much

much more accessible. That, plus

time do you want to spend managing your

Do it yourself

the pandemic has led to a tidal

investments? Think carefully about these

Making smart investment decisions is not

wave of new investors, and hence

questions, before you choose where to

always an intuitive move, but it need not be

financial influencers, entering the

educate yourself about investing. Many

difficult. However, chances are your bank

financial markets. Yet, however

individual and institutional educators teach

or asset manager will tell you differently.

appealing these influencers’

you one thing: their specific investment

That’s because the fee structure is such that

content and claims may seem,

style. To an investor just starting out, this

they make a percentage on what you invest.

most don’t have the academic

may seem like ‘the one- and only-way

For example, some banks invest clients’

qualifications to teach financial

investing is done’. But their method may not

money in ETFs, but charge a fee of around

concepts. A recent article in the

be best suited to your needs. And, with the

3.5%. This means you have to make a 3.5%

FD painted a good picture of the

hundreds of strategies and thousands of

return just to break even. Buying these ETFs

situation and called for oversight of

investment products out there, there’s sure

yourself takes just 15 minutes a month,

such self-proclaimed ‘experts’.

to be a combination that’s just right for you.

often at almost no cost.

At Beleggers Academy, our mission is to make financial knowledge fun and accessible for everyone. Many people know they should be investing, but they just don’t know how to get started. At Beleggers Academy we partner with Dutch finance professionals to provide the best possible online learning experience through online courses, with bite-sized videos and an active learning community of like-minded people. 59


ARTZUID 2021 BRINGS VARIETY OF ARTWORKS TO ZUIDAS Raquel van Haver - Untitled (2019)

Though delayed for six weeks, starting from Thursday 1 July and continuing through

Concerning his selection, Ralph Keuning

17 October, we will finally get to enjoy ARTZUID: the biennial sculpture route. This

noted: “Especially now in a time of strong

year’s theme is ‘Imagine’. The 5 km route runs along Apollolaan and Minervalaan,

opinions and hard discussions, it’s important

branching out to Churchilllaan, Stadionplein and Zuidas. Below, we’ve put together

to have an open artistic meeting place. The

just the right ‘lunchtime stroll’ for you.

work of artists participating in ARTZUID is both activistic and contemplative, and very

Figurative and expressive

created hundreds of pieces for the city.

diverse. Precisely this pluriformity, artistic

Titled ‘Imagine’, this year’s route brings

The theme, ‘Imagine’, is about making art

and ideological, will feed discussions and

some seventy sculptures to public green

with a message. ARTZUID 2021 will offer

reflection on current social issues.”

spaces in Amsterdam Zuid, featuring

a platform for contemporary artists to

civic-minded artists, whose work is

exhibit their engagement with the wider

ARTZUID in Zuidas

chiefly figurative and expressive. The fifty

world, tying together historical and current

In Zuidas, the themes of ARTZUID 2021

participants are a mix of internationally

themes of equality, humanity, wildlife and

will be illuminated in various ways. The

recognized artists and budding talents.

nature, women’s rights, the climate and the

local route starts on Minervalaan, with a

plight of refugees.

colourful work by Surinamese artist Marcel

Inspiredy the legacy of Hildo Krop

Pinas. Passing by the Thomaskerk, you’ll

The source of inspiration for this year’s

Cintha van Heeswijck, director of the Art

see sculptures by Ivan Cremer. Outside the

ARTZUID is the socialist philosophy and

Zuid foundation, drafted the concept,

Postcodeloterij headquarters is a new art

work of Hildo Krop, who as official sculptor

and ARTZUID 2021 curator Ralph Keuning

work by Ronald A. Westerhuis, titled New

for Amsterdam in the early 20th century

selected artists and works to fit the theme.

Life. On Mahlerplein you may recognize the



Natasja Alers (NLD) Jean Marie Appriou (FRA) Armando (NLD) Atelier van Lieshout (NLD) David Bade (CUW) Sita Bandringa (NLD) Carlos Blaaker (NLD) Marieke Bolhuis (NLD) Suze Boschma Berkhout (NLD) Hans van de Bovenkamp (NLD) Johannes Büttner (DEU) Nelson Carrilho (CUR) Sandro Chia (ITA) Ivan Cremer (NLD) Sokari Douglas Camp (NGA) Nick Ervinck (BEL) Lotti van der Gaag (NLD) Guido Geelen (NLD), Marieke Bolhuis - Big Sister (2021)

Joanneke Meester - Signs, Geur zegt ook een hoop (2011)

Klaas Gubbels (NLD) Raquel van Haver (NLD) Leiko Ikemura (JPN) Piet van de Kar (NLD) KAWS (USA) Jerzy Jotka Kędziora (POL) Joseph Klibansky (NLD) Huub en Adelheid Kortekaas (NLD) Klara Kristalova (NLD) Laura Lian (GBR) Nel van Lith (NLD)

Armando - Das Rad (1993)

Sarah Lucas (GBR) Ziyanda Majozi (ZAF) Tirzo Martha (NLD)

hand of Armando in three sculptures from

Jonathan Meese (JPN)

the ABN AMRO collection. Dominating the

Joanneke Meester (NLD)

space around Zuidplein are expressive new

Eline Muriël (NLD)

pieces by three female artists: Joanneke

Marcel Pinas (SUR)

Meester, Raquel van Haver and Marieke

Jaume Plensa (ESP) Marc Quinn (GBR)

Bolhuis. The route also includes the new

Arne Quinze (BEL)

art work by Nicole Eisenman in front of the

Auguste Rodin (FRA)

Courthouse on Parnassusweg.

Marcel Pinas - Faaka Tiki (2013)

Ugo Rondinone (CHE) Iris le Rütte (NLD)

Map and information You can download an audio tour and map of the route in the ARTZUID app from 1 July. Due to coronavirus measures, the main part of the walking route on Apollolaan and Minervalaan will be one-way only. A map and catalogue are available from the Information Pavilion at Minervalaan 1. To find out about corporate events with guided tours and lunch or drinks, visit www.artzuid.nl.

Ursula von Rydingsvard (USA)

About the Art Zuid foundation The Art Zuid Foundation was founded in 2008 by a group of Amsterdam Zuid residents. Since then, ARTZUID has developed into the Netherlands’ premier sculpture biennial, bringing world-class sculptural works to the green lanes of H.P. Berlage’s ‘Plan-Zuid’ urban area for four whole months every other year. The mission of the Art Zuid foundation is to use art to create new meeting places in the city’s public spaces and to make art freely accessible to everyone. Each edition is put together by a different curator and offers a museum-calibre exhibition of sculpture by leading international artists and promising young Dutch talents. This seventh edition of ARTZUID will run from 1 July though 17 October 2021. The foundation relies on the dedicated efforts of some 100 neighbourhood volunteers, all working to give back to the Amsterdam community and connect neighbourhoods through art, heritage, education and youth engagement. For further information, visit artzuid.nl.

Lin May Saeed (DEU) Karen Sargsyan (NLD) Carin Scholten (NLD) Jan Snoeck (NLD) Arjanne van der Spek (NLD) Johan Tahon (BEL) TAL R (ISR) Rob Voerman (NLD) Zhan Wang (CHN) Anne Wenzel (NLD) Ronald A. Westerhuis (NLD) Erwin Wurm (AUT)




SHARED MOBILITY IS THE FUTURE! From Van A tot Zuidas*, Hello Zuidas is currently discussing shared mobility topics, such as shared mobility supply and demand, in regard to commercial, office and car parking premises. We are also investigating the current demands and future trends among organizations that already make use of shared mobility, or want to engage in it. If you are interested in this topic, get in touch with Rinske Berg, Mobility &

Elisa Schouten and Rinske Berg

Accessibility project manager: rinske.berg@hellozuidas.com. The City will contract a bike sharing company shortly after the On the 3rd of June Hello Zuidas facilitated the Facility Management

summer. This means that Zuidas will also benefit from the shared

platform, an event that focused on shared mobility, with great

bicycle projects.

success. The attendees enjoyed participating in a program where speakers from the City of Amsterdam, Amaze Mobility,

With all the shared transport options out there, obviously it is

Breikers, GoAbout and Felyx were giving their insights on the latest

essential that employers support this initiative as well. The Van A

happenings. How do you travel to Zuidas? Do you ever scooter,

tot Zuidas platform can assist your organization with taking the

bike or car-share? Sharing is the future, but it raises questions, too.

first steps towards shared mobility. In September, we’ll be holding a webinar for all employers to offer guidelines for the introduction

During the meeting, the City of Amsterdam shared its vision on

of shared mobility in their - perhaps your! - organization.

mobility, which is 100% convinced that shared mobility is the way to relieve congestion in the city and create a more sustainable

Thanks to the cooperation between Van A tot Zuidas and Hello

living environment. Attendees wondered whether this may lead to

Zuidas members, this edition of the Facility Management platform

an increase of shared cars in public spaces. Short answer: No. The

turned into a great success. Do you want to join our platform event

City believes that shared cars will be parked not only along streets,

next time or suggest an interesting topic for the agenda? Become a

but also on private premises and in car parks. This has some

member now, and get in touch with Elisa Schouten, chairperson of

advantages for not only private people, but also for businesses

the Facility Management platform: elisa.schouten@hellozuidas.com.

and organizations. Apart from the financial perks, shared mobility brings additional benefits. Figures show that every shared car frees up two parking spaces on business premises and replaces ten private cars.

* Van A tot Zuidas is a platform in which Green Business Club Zuidas, ORAM, Taskforce Bereikbaarheid Zuidas, Gemeente

Another easy and equally fast way to get around Zuidas, is to grab

Amsterdam Zuidas, Bycs, Breikers and Hello Zuidas are working

a shared bike or scooter. Felyx’s shared scooter fleet is offered in

together to promote sustainable mobility to and from Zuidas.

different public areas and equipped with helmets for a safe ride.

More information: vanatotzuidas.nl.


Text: Trevor Holtkamp • Photography: Dieuwertje van der Stoep


“Shared mobility is a great alternative for the first mile, last mile or all the way” Jeroen Schutter - Shared Mobility programme manager for the City of Amsterdam

Jeroen, how did you get

“Three BuurtHubs with a range of shared

involved in shared mobility?

modalities are opening shortly, two on De

“There are some interesting developments

Boelelaan and one on Parnassusweg. These

in the city right now. On the one hand, it’s

hubs were created in consultation with local

getting increasingly crowded, with more

residents. From September, they can be

people inhabiting the same surface area.

used via Amaze, a simple app we’re already

They all have vehicles parked in the street,

piloting now. In addition to a journey

but also want their neighbourhoods to

planner, the Amaze app offers an overview

look nice and tidy. On the other hand,

of different shared mobility providers plus

we’re starting to rethink our sacred cow –

public transport. In September, employers

the car – because we want clean air. The

in Zuidas will have an opportunity to try out

Shared Mobility programme brings both

the app in the Zuidas Mobility Experience

sides together, and that was my reason for

and so gain insight into the mobility

assuming the programme management

behaviour of their workforce and how to

in early 2020. We’re pioneers in a growth

encourage and incentivize them to switch to

market, so we need to keep our eyes open

more sustainable behaviours. Keep an eye

to both the pros and the cons. Shared

out for that!”

mobility is a great alternative for the first mile, last mile or all the way.”

What are the opportunities for shared mobility?

What’s on the shared mobility

“The development of MaaS, Mobility

agenda for the period ahead?

as a Service, is a huge opportunity for

“A lot. Share bikes will be distributed

easy access to shared mobility. For large

to designated kerbside spaces at large

employers, shared transport is a key aspect

public transport stations over the course

of shaping more flexible mobility policies,

of the summer, in phases. Here, we’ll be

simply because it’s a good business

evaluating over the coming years whether

case. With shared mobility you don’t

there’s an added value to offering this as

need as many parking spaces and your

something of an extended OV bike concept.

organization’s carbon emissions go down.

We’re also expanding the number of local

If employers want to learn more about

hubs – ‘BuurtHubs’ – reserved for electric

shared transport, I can recommend the

share vehicles only, and we’re about to

whitepaper by Breikers. They guide, inspire

Want to know where to find a shared

pilot a fleet for healthcare workers.”

and inform organizations in the transition

bike, car or scooter in Zuidas?

To what extent will we see this in Zuidas?

to smart, sustainable mobility.”

See our map at www.vanatotzuidas.nl.

Text: David Bosch • Photography: Dieuwertje van der Stoep

Jeroen Schutter


New Menbers


Hello Zuidas welcomes the following PLTS – HIGH INTENSITY REFORMER PILATES Sector: Health & fitness

Stadionplein 106, near Zuidas. This location

Number of employees:

is open seven days a week with different

approx. 60 across 4 studios

shifts and caters to all fitness levels. PLTS offers 50-minute beat-driven ‘sculpting’

Link with Zuidas

workouts resulting in long, lean muscles and

PLTS is a High Intensity Reformer Pilates

a killer core.

concept with four studios, one of which is at Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member To connect with residents and companies in and around Zuidas.

AMAZE MOBILITY Sector: Mobility Number of employees: 10 Link with Zuidas Amaze Mobility offers a mobile app to make travel easier. The app lets you plan, book, pay and travel by shared


mobility, taxi and public transport with

Sector: Lifestyle & wellness

no need for an OV public transport card.

Number of employees: 6

Reason for becoming

Link with Zuidas

a Hello Zuidas member

We are opening on the George Gershwinlaan 687

As a mobility as a service (MaaS) project for the Zuidas district, we have the same

Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member

goals as Hello Zuidas: to invest in local

FIVE Clinics’ mission is to help people navigate the

development and sustainability. The

journey of ageing gracefully; to awaken your true

Amaze app not only lets you discover

self-esteem and rediscover the beauty of confidence.

new ways to travel but improves urban

Five Clinics wants to join with the local community to

quality of life in the process.

contribute to making Zuidas a pleasant place to be.


New Members



Sector: Safety & security

Sector: Professional services | HR

Number of employees: 400 total

brokerage, consultancy and projects

within Envido Groep

Number of employees: 6

Link with Zuidas

Link with Zuidas

Specialists in Security is an innovative

Freelancers United HR are based in Edge Work-

security firm within the Envido Groep,

spaces and serve a variety of clients in Zuidas.

which has been active in the security market since 2004. Envido Groep

Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member

demonstrates its excellence through

Freelancers United HR are always looking

professionalism, expertise, hospitality,

for great new collaborations, and their

sensitivity, engagement and flexibility.

professionals provide personal, pragmatic

Specialists in Security is keen to work

support to organizations and HR teams at both

together for a secure environment and

strategic and executive levels. For both long

good security in Zuidas buildings.

and short periods, always flexible. Freelancers United HR will FIX, CREATE and GROUND you to

Reason for becoming

the top with expertise on different topics, such

a Hello Zuidas member

as recruitment, building an HR organization,

We provide building security for

legal scans or an internal branding strategies.

Sector: Fashion & retail

numerous clients in Zuidas, including

Check out freelancersunited-hr.nl for more

consultancy and projects


information, or get in touch with Mijke Vossen,

MASTRO SARTO Number of employees: 6


Link with Zuidas


Mastro Sarto recently opened a showroom in

Sector: Restaurant

bowl, Poké Perfect is the answer. At

Zuidas, where 70% of our customers work.

Number of employees: 7

our Zuidas shop you can choose a signature bowl, or create your own

Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member

Link with Zuidas

with your favourite ingredients. All the

To contribute to promoting Zuidas as a

Located on the ground level of WTC.

ingredients are ultra-fresh and locally

business location. Mastro Sarto is reinventing

grown where possible. The pleasant,

authentic craftsmanship from a cutting-edge

Reason for becoming

light-filled premises in WTC cater daily

building in Zuidas. We work in the classic

a Hello Zuidas member

to a large Zuidas clientele, and the

Italian tailoring tradition, where everything

To get more involved in the

team works fast to serve customers.

centres on the individual and their wishes.

Zuidas community. If you’re in

You can also pre-order and collect at an

Every item is crafted with care and attention

the mood for a delicious poké

arranged time.

and fully tailor-made to your wishes. More information: www.mastrosarto.com.


Memo Board


INNSIDE HOTEL BY MELIÁ PUTS UP ACADEMY ARTISTS As well as opening two delicious hotspots – Tiera restaurant and Cielo skybar – the brand-new INNSiDE hotel by meliá is also adding a dash of colour to some local


public spaces and hotel rooms, with works by third-year students at the Gerrit Rietveld

The non-profit JINC works to create equal opportunities by acquainting young people

Academie. Based on submitted proposals,

aged 8 to 16 with different professions and organizations. On 10 June, JINC inaugurated

a panel of judges comprising teachers

Baas van Morgen (‘Boss of Tomorrow’), an initiative giving children a chance to take

and hotel employees selected a handful

the organizational reins of G&S Vastgoed, Cushman & Wakefield Nederland, the City of

of lucky students to furnish the hotel with

Amsterdam, De Nederlandse Bank, the Zuidoost District Office and many others. The

stunning artworks. From photographs

day allowed youngsters to see the inside of a workplace, forge connections they can lean

to oil paintings, the walls of the bed- and

on and build self-confidence. For participating companies and organizations, it was a

bathrooms will be decked with diverse

breath of fresh air, as G&S Vastgoed director Jason Blackmore enthused: “Being the boss

forms of artistry, while video animations

for one day – who wouldn’t want that? It was absolutely brilliant to be able to inspire the

will play in the hotel lifts and a sculpture

kids through the JINC Boss of Tomorrow programme. An educational day for Kaoutar and

will tower six metres over the skybar.

Waou, but for our firm, too. We’re thrilled to be part of it!”

PIZZALAB IN ZUIDAS It was a veritable pizza party on 13 May at the festive opening of PizzaLab, Zuidas’ newest eatery. Ahead of the grand opening, Student Experience residents got a taster of the test-week pizzas. Borne out of a shared passion for Neapolitan pizza, every ingredient has been sourced with care. Before opening its doors in Amsterdam-Zuidas, the team went on a quest to southern Italy, where it joined forces with an Italian artisanal producer who now supplies fresh cheese made from Dutch buffalo milk each week. Your artisanal pizza awaits at PizzaLab on George Gershwinlaan!


Memo Board

Stichting Studiezalen seek site in Zuidas Stichting Studiezalen (‘Reading Rooms Foundation’) is an organization set up to provide schoolwork support and life coaching to disadvantaged children. Currently established in the public library’s OBA Next Zuidas branch, the foundation is looking for a ‘home base hub’ to offer young people (ages 12-25) a safe space where they can spread their wings. The idea is to give kids an inspiring environment affording opportunities for work placements, traineeships and jobs. The foundation also partners closely with the local community. A whole range of organizations, funds and private entities contribute to its mission. To see how you can make the difference in the futures of these young people, and for additional information, visit the website or get in touch with Bojana Duovski at bojana@studiezalen.com.


INTRODUCING NEW AND IMPROVED HOTEL & WELLNESS ZUIVER Tucked away at the edge of Amsterdamse Bos, Hotel & Wellness Zuiver has just completed a major upgrade, adding 70 new hotel rooms to the existing 31, with the

Green Business Club Zuidas, Hello Zuidas and the Zuidas Amsterdam Development

superior rooms ready for check-in as

Office are looking for the most innovative, impactful and/or inspiring sustainable

from 3 July. Inspired by its wooded

initiative in Zuidas! This year will mark the first-ever presentation of the Zuidas

surroundings, the green, natural

Sustainability Award. Has your organization launched or concluded an innovative,

façade is completely integrated with

impactful or inspiring sustainable initiative in 2020 or 2021? Then enter now to compete

the Amsterdam Forest. With 13,000

for the Zuidas Sustainability Award! Businesses, organizations and knowledge

m2 in luxury facilities, this spa offers

institutions have until 1 October to submit their cases at www.zuidasduurzaam.nl. All

a escape from the stress of daily life.

submissions will be posted on the website and grouped by theme: Mobility, Energy,

Add to that an extensive range of

Buildings, Water & Greenery, Waste & Circularity, Society and Public Space. The award

bicycle and walking trails, and the

and compilation of all submissions are meant to anchor the myriad sustainable

city just minutes away, and Zuiver is

initiatives in Zuidas, share knowledge and provide inspiration for further efforts.

the perfect getaway.


Meet The...

Zuidas is best known as Amsterdam’s business district, chock-a-block with skyscrapers and scores of offices. More recently, however, the district has grown into a veritable urban neighbourhood and a great place to live and hang out. Many businesses have also discovered Zuidas, and with their arrival, the district has added a wide range of services and amenities, including shops, schools, fitness centres and places to drink and dine. Powering each of these establishments are entrepreneurs and employees with their own special, personal stories that we’re eager to share with you.

Calvin Choi and his team of entrepeneurs


FOODCOURT ENTREPENEUR Many Zuidas district users and visitors

with limited choices. It was clear to me that

What is it like for you to collaborate

don’t let a week go by without stopping

there was room for improvement! Around

with so many different nationalities?

for a bite or beverage at one of the myriad

six years ago we were living in Zuidas and I

“We’re an incredibly diverse group, but

stands in Market 33 - the urban foodcourt.

could sense, even then, the huge potential

bound by one big passion: to serve

This month, we met up with Calvin Choi,

of this area. I had this epiphany at the

the most delicious dishes in the most

owner of the beloved food court.

building we’re established in now, thinking:

appealing presentation, and to brew

How cool would it be to organize an indoor

real barista coffee and shake loads of

Calvin, what is your background?

food truck festival here? These elements

cocktails. It’s an amazing privilege to work

“I grew up in the province of Zeeland

ultimately laid the basis for starting

with these people in our inspiring location

and then moved to Rotterdam to study

Market 33 – the urban food court.”

every day, knowing we’ll be making more

business administration at Erasmus

guests happy.”

University. My first job was with Canon

What kind of working

Europe, first in Amstelveen and later in

relationships do you have with

Is there anything else you’d like to

London. After about four years, I rolled into

all the independent vendors?

share with readers of Hello Zuidas?

advertising, doing projects at TBWA and

“It’s key that everyone can work together,

“We’re profoundly happy to once more be

VICE Media, amongst others, for Heineken,

because in the end Market 33

able to welcome people inside Market 33

UEFA Champions League and C&A.”

is really a single team of eleven

and on our terrace. We can’t wait to cater

entrepreneurs. Together we’re stronger

for all our guests again with lunches, drinks,

What sparked the idea to

than on our own. They’re all enthusiastic

dinners, parties and events. And... we’ve got

open a food court in Zuidas?

entrepreneurs who have a specific cuisine

a second location in the works in the North

“I’d always wanted my own business,

or dish in which they excel. The food stands

of Amsterdam, scheduled to open in 2022.

but that idea started to take solid shape

supply the delicious food, the bars serve

through working in advertising. While I was

terrific drinks and my team takes care of

at university, I did a term in California. Food

things like marketing, events, staffing

courts in the malls there were always bleak,

and cleaning.”


Market 33 Claude Debussylaan 33 1082 MC Amsterdam +31 (0)6 57 07 77 33 www.market33.nl

Photography: Caily Bobbie Jo


1. 900 Mahler (Syntrus Achmea) 2. ABN AMRO 3. Accendium 4. Accenture 5. À Deauville 6. AFC 7. AkzoNobel 8. Albert Heijn 9. Alpha Security 10. AMAZE 11. amsterdam inbusiness 12. Amsterdamse Bos 13. Amsterdam UMC 14. APG 15. Arcadis 16. Arnold & Siedsma 17. Art Zuid 18. Asunaro Holland Interplan 19. Avenue Services 20. Bagels & Beans 21. Baker McKenzie 22. Bar Valdi 23. Being Development 24. Bolenius 25. Bouwens& 26. Boyden Global Executive Search 27. Breevast 28. BREIKERS 29. Broersma Nieuwbouw 30. BYCS 31. Caffè Belmondo 32. CBRE B.V. 33. citizenM 34. Che Buono 35. Cielo 36. Circl 37. Club Sportive 38. CMS 39. CoffeeDC 40. Cognito Financial Communications 41. Confius Executive Search 42. Corporate Housing Factory 43. Cosmo Hairstyling 44. Courtesie 45. Crossover (AM) 46. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 47. Customized Media 48. D&B The Facility Group 49. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 50. De Hypotheker

JULY 2021

51. Deloitte 52. De Kredieter 53. De Nieuwe Poort 54. De Zuidas Apotheek 55. Dentons Boekel 56. dess Kirstins 57. Doctor Feelgood 58. Eden McCallum 59. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 60. Engel & Völkers 61. ENGIE 62. Etage 0 63. Euro CCP 64. Europcar 65. European Language Centre 66. Expat Center 67. EY 68. Fam. Advocaten 69. FYEO 70. Fetch Car Sharing 71. Financial Offices 72. Five Clinics 73. Flexform Amsterdam 74. FLOW Real Estate 75. Food & i 76. Fortron B.V. 77. Freelancers United 78. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 79. Fris Makelaars 80. FSB Beveiliging 81. FYEO Medical 82. Gelderlandplein 83. G&S Vastgoed 84. Goede Doelen Loterijen 85. Gerrit Rietveld Academie 86. Grand Café Mahler 87. Greenberg Nielsen 88. Green Business Club 89. Greenwheels 90. Gustavino 91. GVB 92. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 93. Happyhappyjoyjoy Zuidas 94. Hestia Kinderopvang 95. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 96. Hogan Lovells International LLP 97. Holiday Inn Amsterdam 98. Houthoff 99. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT 100. House of Sports

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 61 1077 XW - Amsterdam +31 (0)20 333 74 41 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.instagram.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.

101. Htel Serviced Apartments 102. IEF Real Estate 103. IMA 104. in2motivation 105. InAmsterdam 106. ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West 107. Innside by Melia 108. ISX Beveiliging 109. JLL 110. JuiceBrothers 111. JUIZZ 112. KNAP Makelaardij 113. Koetjes en Kalfjes 114. König + Neurath (Nederland) A.G. 115. Kraft Heinz 116. La Lotteria 117. Lebkov & Sons 118. Lexence 119. Leonidas 120. LibRT 121. Limon 122. Loyens & Loeff 123. Lunshof Makelaardij 124. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 125. Macquarie Capital (Europe) 126. Made in May 127. Magazine-Masters.nl 128. MaMa Kelly 129. Market 33 130. Mastercard 131. Mastro Sarto 132. MBO College Zuid 133. Mech Make & Take 134. Misura Sartoria 135. Mobeazy Flexible Carsharing 136. Multicopy Amsterdam Centrum 137. Mylk 138. NACH 139. Nannies Nursery 140. NDI ICT Solutions 141. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 142. Nedstede Real Estate 143. NH Amsterdam Zuid 144. nhow Amsterdam RAI 145. Nicolaas Lyceum 146. Novotel Amsterdam City 147. NS 148. Olympisch Stadion 149. Oliver’s 150. ONE-Dyas B.V.

151. Openbare Bibliotheek 152. ORAM 153. Oranje Energie 154. OVG Real Estate 155. Ox & Bucks 156. PAN Amsterdam 157. Pancakes Amsterdam 158. Partou Kinderopvang 159. Pathé 160. Personality 161. PizzaLab 162. PLTS Reformer Pilates 163. Poké Perfect 164. Premier Suites Plus Amsterdam 165. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 166. Property NL B.V. 167. Protiviti 168. Provast 169. Qbic Hotels 170. Q-Park Nederland 171. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 172. RAI Amsterdam 173. Regus 174. Reset Yourself 175. Restaurant het Bosch 176. Restaurant Nine 177. RGA International Reinsurance 178. Rialto 179. Rivers 180. Rob Peetoom 181. Ronald McDonaldhuis VUmc 182. Rosarium 183. Russell Reynolds Associates 184. Savills Amsterdam 185. Salsa Shop 186. Season-Flowers 187. Securitas 188. Shinyu Body & Mind 189. Simmons & Simmons LLP 190. Sixt 191. Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver 192. Specialists in Security 193. Spine Health Incompany 194. Spirit Hospitality Services 195. Square 196. Stibbe 197. Student Experience 198. Summertime 199. Sushi Time 200. Symphony’s

Hello Zuidas invests in trees! How we do that? Through our sponsorship for Trees for All, we plant trees that restore existing forests.

Zuidas Publishers WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 151 1077 XX Amsterdam +31 (0)20 362 09 93 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl

Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Adjunct Editors Céline Boute & Nicole Pak Art Director Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Printed by Magazine Masters Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly)

Copyright © 2021 Zuidas Publishers All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

Editors Romy Lange, Céline Boute, Nicole Pak, Paul van Lange, Renske van Bers & Trevor Holtkamp

Circulation Free for Zuidas and Amsterdam South. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol.

Photography Michael Graste (cover), Dieuwertje van der Stoep, Caily Bobbie Jo & Ruben Stam Editorial advisory board Olivier Otten, Kirsten van Keimpema, Trevor Holtkamp, Jos Moerkamp & Renske van Bers

201. Taalcentrum - VU 202. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 203. Taylor Wessing 204. Tax Consultants International 205. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) 206. The Bank of New York Mellon 207. The Basket 208. The Bikevertising Company 209. The Breakfast Club 210. The Office Operators 211. The Upside Down Amsterdam 212. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 213. Tierra 214. TREC 215. Tribes 216. Urban Salad 217. Van der Valk Hotel Amsterdam Zuidas 218. Van Dijk & Ten Cate 219. Van Gool Elburg 220. Van Lanschot Kempen 221. Vermaat Groep 222. Vesteda 223. Von Poll Real Estate 224. VondelGym 225. VORM Ontwikkeling 226. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 227. VU | Griffioen 228. Wagamama 229. Watersportvereniging De Koenen 230. We Canteen 231. WeWork 232. Wineboutique & Spirits 233. Wintertaling 234. WTC Amsterdam 235. WTC A’dam Business Club 236. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 237. WuSH 238. XO Optics 239. X2X Worldwide Express 240. YoungCapital 241. Your Assistant 242. Zuidas Apotheek 243. Zuidas Bier 244. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 245. Zuidas Publishers 246. Zuidas Today 247. ZuidasTravel.nl

Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by

Thanks to Emer Cooke (EMA), Clubsportive, Kroonenberg Groep, STRAK studio’s, The Mayor Amstelveen, Von Poll Real Estate, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), FYEO, Savills, Elton Shehu, Miranda van Commenée, Eat First, Martijn Suister, Tiny Office Company, Sandra Lissenberg, G&S Vastgoed, Nuveen Real Estate, Maarsen Groep, Zadelhoff, ParkBee, NDI ICT Solutions, DITT Officemakers, NU Building, The British School of Amsterdam, Gelderlandplein, Henk Hofstede, Michel Scholte, Taalcentrum-VU, De Hypotheker, Season Flowers, Art Zuid, Sabine Samsom, Olivier van Dijk, Jeroen Schutter, Paul Vestering, Akkeroos Kremers, Cathelijne Otte, Calvin Choi, LYON, Approxx & Cromwell Property Group.





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