Hello Zuidas - November/December editie #58

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Diederik Imfeld

Did you spot the dynamics at the vacant plot between EMA and Van der Valk on

not possible to unroll the whole project as

Domenico Scarlattilaan yet? The area is awaiting for development, which will start

planned. Unfortunate, as the end date of

at the end of 2022. Instead of just leaving it be for two years, the opportunity was

this garden was already set. Nevertheless,

taken to create a temporary Community Garden. A lovely initiative from Amsterdam

we are very happy that the students were

International Community School, the Municipality of Amsterdam and (other

fortunate that during spring and summer

participants of) Green Business Club Zuidas.

the students were able to actually create the garden and learn about nature in bloom.

Combined ambitions

Garden is a great spot to teach the students

They did so in small groups under the

Who came up with the idea for a

about nature and let them tend the garden

guidance of Birgitte Jongens, professional

Community Garden on this spot?

with local elderly residents to help them

gardener”, Jessica Morris (AICS) explains.

“Amsterdam International Community

stay connected to the area. People working

School is a participant of Green Business

in the area have a spot to experience

Now that the world is opening up

Club Zuidas. We were talking about

nature and unwind for a bit.

again within the Covid 19 restrictions, schoolchildren, Zuidas employees and

sustainability, teaching about nature, social aspects in the Zuidas area. Even

Students started to learn by doing

residents of Buitenveldert are able to work

though we knew that the vacant plot will

“After the preparations and the support of

together in the Community Garden. At

be developed, we saw the opportunity for a

the Municipality of Amsterdam – Stadsdeel

the official opening, the young gardeners

temporary green spot that would combine

Zuid and the Municipality of Amsterdam –

planted bulbs and were showing off their

our ambitions on the themes above”,

Zuidas, the community garden was ready

gardening skills: “The bulbs shouldn’t

shares Diederik Imfeld (GBC Zuidas) with

to be ‘built’ at the beginning of 2021. Due to

be too close to each other, or they won’t

a smile. The (temporarily) Community

the lockdown and social distancing, it was

grow!”. A blooming promise for next year!

Text: Cathelijne Cras


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