Biography Yu-Hsuan Juan, born in 1989 in Taipei, Taiwan, obtained her BSc with honors in ‘Aerospace and Systems Engineering’ from ‘Feng Chia University, Taiwan’ in 2011. Then, she received her MSc in ‘Energy and Refrigerating Air-Conditioning Engineering’ at ‘National Taipei University of Technology (TaipeiTECH), Taiwan’ in 2013. Her research interest focuses on sustainability in the urban environment since her MSc studies. Following her MSc degree, she continued as a researcher, where based on her MSc thesis and the continued research between 2013 and 2016, she published three peer-reviewed ISI journal papers [208-210]. During her studies in 2014 to 2016, she conducted two years of research work at the ‘Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Hong Kong’, where this collaboration later led to publishing four peer-reviewed ISI journal papers [17, 38, 43, 211]. In 2017-2019, she continued at PolyU on a two-year research project - ‘development of a wind-field simulation platform to assess installation sites of wind turbines in highly urbanized areas of Hong Kong’, where her findings have been submitted to a peer-reviewed scientific journal [18]. In 2016, she cstarted her PhD studies at ‘National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan' and soon after she joined the Double PhD degree program with 'Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands’. In 2017, she secured the Government Scholarship to Study Abroad sponsored by 'Ministry of Education, Taiwan', the Graduate Students Study Abroad Program sponsored by 'Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan', and the Graduate Students Study Abroad Scholarship sponsored by TaipeiTECH. In 2018, she joined the Marie-Curie fellowship as part of the Horizon2020 ITN Project AEOLUS4FUTURE to continue her PhD studies at TU/e, where her research was focused on ‘wind energy harvesting in the built environment’. She has published a total of 13 peer-reviewed ISI journal papers [17, 38, 43, 110, 182, 208-215], submitted an additional two peer-reviewed ISI journal papers [111, 216] and has published several papers in international conference proceedings [98, 217-227]. She has already cosupervised nine master students. She is a reviewer for 11 international ISI journals including Building and Environment, Energy, and the Journal of Building Engineering.