Official Newsletter of the 55-56-57 Chevrolet Club of Victoria
Hot Ones
august 2012 edition
The Hot Ones
p i h s r e b m e e M r A s e e ! F w o N e Du
August 2012
Meet the 2012-2
Vice President
Greg Rowe
Karl Wakartschuk
Greg (aka ‘Rowie’) is married to Phoebe, has 2 children and works in contract trucking. Greg’s vehicle of choice is a 19XX Chevy XXXXX.
Public Officer
Public Relations
Bob SterternStertern-Gill
Bob is married to Juli, and has 2 daughters, Carly and Stacey. He is kept busy running his home maintenance and renovations company. Keeping Juli’s SS company in the garage is his 66 Impala . The Hot Ones
August 2012
2013 Committee
David Desira
Jeff Wilson
David is married to Virginia and has two kids. We run our own company servicing medical and industrial instruments. Toys include a 57 Nomad & 4 door hardtop, dirt bike, quad bike...anything with a motor that goes fast makes him happy!
Jeff is married to Kaylene, and has 2 daughters and 1 grand daughter. Jeff is kept busy as National Op’s Mgr, and gets about in his first love, a ‘55, but also sneaks in time with his 56 4dr HT and 57 2dr post.
Newsletter and
Memberships and
Web Editor
Juli SterternStertern-Gill
Lois Peterson
Juli is married to Bob, and runs her own boutique cake and dessert business. Juli’s vehicle of choice is her SS Commodore, but is just as happy to co-pilot Bob’s ‘66 Impala.
Lois is married to Steve, and they have 4 children and 5 grandchildren. Lois gets about in a Berlina, and loves travelling to the US ... Lois also looks after the social events for the Club
The Hot Ones
August 2012
The Hot Ones Hi Members Well, I hope that you are all enjoying the new look I’ve brought to our Club newsletter ‘The Hot Ones’. I read a lot of media editions online, and have even published an e-mag for my own business, and thought it was about time that the Club started to catch up on where the rest of the world has started heading... Steve did a fabulous job, and has left me some big shoes to fill, and I hope that I am able to live up to the task I put my hand up for! Do you like the idea of having a front cover like a proper print magazine that you would buy at the Newsagents? Personally, I do, and I think that the future is in selling ourselves the way we want to be seen - a club full of gorgeous mechanical creatures that are driven on the street as well as being of such a standard that they can {and do} regularly take out top honours at shows like the Victorian Hot Rod Show. I’m also toying with the idea of having a monthly {or perhaps quarterly} centrefold... Bowtie centrefolds, that is! What do you think? Member’s cars preferably, but internet gorgeousness {like our cover} could be an option too. Now whilst I may work for myself, so am able to prepare the magazine in off-hours, I would really prefer to get the bones of every edition sorted quickly, with only last minute edits done when necessary, so in my second act as Editor (first being the new look magazine), I’d like to bring in some rules. Nice ones though... Rule 1*: Can all newsletter content please be submitted by the last Wednesday of the month, so that I have time to edit if necessary and make it look as good as possible Rule 2* I’d like good size images wherever possible, preferably in their original size, not made smaller to make it easier to email. You can send via a sky drive or similar if they are really large.
Til next month... Juli
Next Issue ... 1950 Chevy with 437 original miles Aradale ghost run Route 66 Special, Part 1 The Hot Ones
August 2012
President’s Report Well, well, well. What happened at the last AGM? . I had it worked out with Karl to slip onto the committee in an easy role as Vice President, so I could look and observe at how a committee runs, and ended up with a more challenging role. All of you who know my general working week (interstate trucking) will know, I’ve only been to two meetings before and generally haven’t got the time to be on the committee. Well that’s changed due to taking up a local contract job which enables me to be home every night. And because the president’s job wasn’t going to be filled in a hurry I thought I would put up my hand and have a crack. When I got home that night the First Lady (she was the cook, but that title changes during my time in office!) was not surprised, and knew that I wanted to contribute to the club more. The 2 kids (I want this and I want that) were rapt, they thought they were getting a limo, body guards, personal assistants, and the odd helicopter ride but I had to tell them not this time! Anyway I’m going to give it a go and it may take a few months for me to get settled in but please be patient and I’ll do my best. I’ve got a few good ideas and so does the new committee ... which may bring a fresh outlook to the club. I must say though, and I’m sure I speak for all members, I would like to thank Ross Anderson for his time in office, Steve Peterson for all the challenging and late nights with the newsletter, and Peter Liston for working the website. Therefore we welcome David Desira as Secretary/ Public Officer, and Juli Stertern-Gill as Newsletter and Website Editor. To the remaining committee members I look forward to working with you. The first areas I would like to see tackled (and some of these may have been achieved by the time this goes to print) are: the newsletter update, website update, an e-mail service more used, and committee/member friendly which will keep all members, especially long distance members, in the know, more member attendance to monthly meetings, increasing our members total, updating our members listing and contacts, and having a great 2013 convention. I’m sure there’s more concerns and suggestions that will arise but I’m confident we will tackle them when they do. But please if you have any concerns or suggestions, put it forward to a committee member and we will do our best to address it. So to end this I hope I do a worthy job as President as others have in the past and thank you to all the members who have tapped me on the shoulder saying if you need help, give us a call!
“Drive ‘em hard”, Greg Rowe. The Hot Ones
August 2012
From our e Hi Members, Since the last report I did for the July newsletter I have been on two outings, the first being the celebrations at the” American 236th Anniversary of Independence” where Bob Stertern-Gill had his 1966 Impala with my 1957 Convertible and a couple of Ford mustangs as the “Guard of Honor” leading into the Fox Museum. (Tim Perrin gave a report to the members at the last club meeting of the proceedings) I also went on the “Lets go Cruisin” MID WINTER CRUISE from Frankston to Sorrento on Sunday 8th July. There was an observation quiz for the entrants. I decided to just go with the top down which was a bit chilly for my friend Martin, so we decided not to do the quiz and to just chat on the way to Sorrento. There were at least 250 cars, Hot rods, pickups and utes turned up at Sorrento. Weather was great. Lots of our club members were there with there families. The observation quiz was won by Heather and Peter Liston with them missing out on only one question. They took home a big hamper for their effort, well done guys. (If you go to “Lets go Cruisin” website there is a big report with a photo of most of the cars that went on the cruise) On the weekend of 21st,22nd July a few of the club members went to Sydney to visit the “Motor Ex” show. Michael Kibblewhite was telling me about all the new cars that were unveiled at this event. He said the standard has now moved to a higher level again where a lot of the paint jobs are totally out of this world, motors look like they are never to be started etc. This now seems to be the show where the best cars , motor bikes will be revealed for the first time. Michael said it is a must on his calendar for next year. This coming weekend (Saturday 28th July) I am going on the club outing to Ararat to do the “J Ward Prison” tour and the “ARADALE ASYLUM GHOST TOUR”. This should be a great weekend and at this stage we have 31 adults and a few children coming along. There should be a report in the following monthly club newsletter with photos.
The Hot Ones
August 2012
ex-President Last month we had the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. A very good turn up of club members. All the positions for the club committee were chosen on the night. First we had Jeff Wilson stay on as Treasure, then Bob Stertern–Gill stay on as Public Relations. Bobs wife Juli had talked to me prior to the meeting has offered to take up the position of Newsletter Editor as well as offering to look after the Website for the club. These are 2 off the hardest positions to do for the club and she has already got up and running with new ideas for the newsletter.(Bob might have to take up cooking lessons to feed himself) Anyone going on outings that can send a report and a few photos to Juli will help a lot in the way of putting together a great newsletter. I stood down from the Presidents position and when it came to looking for a new President and Secretary you could of heard a pin drop.(Quite a few pins) After a agonizing 10 minutes of no body wanting to take on these positions we were able to persuade David Desira to take on the Secretary position and Greg Rowe for our new President with Karl Wakartschuk as his backup. I want to thank the outgoing committee and would like to encourage everybody to get behind the new committee members who I am sure will do great things for the club. Also I want to thank Jeff Wilson, David Desira, Tim Perrin for help and advice, reports and taking down the minutes at the meetings over the past year. Last of all a special thank you to Steve Peterson for the terrific job in putting the newsletter together.(Lots of hours spent to the early hour of the morning.)
That’s all - from the “X” President, Ross Anderson.
The Hot Ones
August 2012
July 2012 Me Minutes of Meeting held July 4th 2012 Meeting Opened:
Roll Call:
19 members present
New Members:
Apologies: Treasurer’s
Peter Forbes, Michael Kibblewhite
Report: Minutes from previous meeting: Correspondence:
The Treasurer’s report was held over to the AGM
Read and accepted by Karl seconded by Peter Flynn
Mail; Department of Justice – Annual report by Public Officer, Castlemaine Hot Rod Centre – annual renewal, 36th Chev Festival entry forms, RACV Motoclassica entry, News Letters; Chev Club of Vic- Bowtie June, Qld Chev Club- Chevroletter June, 567 Chev Club of Aust- Classic Chronicle, Chev Club of NSW- June, Chevroletter, Belair Times, Chevolution from SA, June, Emails; July Just Cars update, Bendigo Parklane, re accommodation deals, American Shifter competition, Number Plates for sale, US57, MR57, GM day Ballarat, Fathers Day Car Show McKinnon, Eynesbury Homestead re club run, Wiked Yak sells tin signs, Winton Festival of Speed.
Upcoming Events:
Ross’s SPOOKY weekend in Ararat, and the Sydney Motorex show. Other events are in the event calendar in the news letter
Karl gave an update on the Convention and has been able to secure the Big 4 Welcome Stranger caravan park as our base for the weekend. They have offered a discount to club members who book.. Drags are basically finalised $60 to race. Saturday night at the Trotting Track function centre and the Show N Shine there on Sunday.
The Hot Ones
August 2012
eeting Minutes Run Reports:
Karl gave a report on the Ballarat swap meet called The Fridge. Ross and Bob took their cars to the Fox Museum to display for American Independence Day show
General Business:
Discussion on what sponsors to approach for the Convention, suggestions were, Shannon’s, Eagle Auto’s, Penerite, AC Delco and Sydchrome
Buy, Swap, Sell:
350 auto trans with shift kit and 780 Holley mechanical sec’s, call Phil Marrinon. Rohan Hutson has dropped the price of his 57 Sedan and has also sold his 55 Ford.
Meeting Closed:
Next Meeting:
August 1st 2012, 8:00pm
Membership Full membership to the 55-56-57 Chevrolet Club of Victoria requires that you own a Chevrolet vehicle (of any make or model), and attend three meetings or club outings per year (Country members need only attend one meeting or outing per year). New Membership currently cots $75- which entitles you to a club polo shirt, stubby cooler and car club sticker. Renewal Membership is currently $40 per year, with all membership fees due on the 1st of August each year. year Associate Membership is open to those who do not currently own a Chevrolet but would like to enjoy our Club and its activities.
Meetings Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month, starting at 8pm. There is no meeting in January. Meetings are held at The Pines Learning Centre, 520 Blackburn Road, Doncaster East. Melways 34/D5. (Behind The Pines S/Centre) All correspondence to: 567 Chev Club, PO Box 560, Noble Park, Vic, 3170
The Hot Ones
August 2012
2012 Annual Gener Minutes of Annual General Meeting held July 4th 2012 Meeting Opened:
Month of June Debits,
$ 75.00
Account balance,
Monthly report accepted by Tim Perrin Seconded by Bill Duyveston. Club statement of income and expenditure 1st July 2011 to 29th June 2012. Bank account balance at 1/7/2011, Total debits for 2011 – 2012, Total credits for 2011 – 2012, Net gain for 2011 – 2012,
$ 6,068.29 $12,633.93 $15,050.00 $2,416.07
Annual statement accepted by Karl seconded by David Desira.
Minutes from
Minutes were read, accepted by Alan Smithson and seconded by Tim Perrin
previous meeting:
The Hot Ones
August 2012
ral Meeting Minutes Position Elections:
Ross thanked all committee and club members for their support over the last year and declared all committee positions vacant. Nominations were called for all committee positions: Club President, Greg Rowe was nominated by Bill Duyveston, seconded by Karl, Greg accepted the role Vice President, Karl agreed to continue in this roll. Club Secretary, David Desira was nominated by Ross Anderson Seconded by Alan Smithson, David accepted this roll. PR Officer, Bob Sterten –Gil was nominated by Karl seconded by Alan Smithson, Bob accepted the roll. News Letter Editor & Website Editor’s position, For both these positions a nomination was received for Juli Sterten-Gil to take the rolls. All agreed this was a great gesture by Julie and Bob accepted the roll for Juli. Public Officer, Peter Forbes was nominated, Unfortunately Peter was absent, so the position is still open. Membership Officer, Lois Peterson was nominated by Steve Peterson seconded by Alan Smithson Lois accepted the position.
Meeting Closed:
The Hot Ones
9:40pm with all members present enjoying a few pizza’s after the meeting.
August 2012
2012 Mid-W
unday the 8th turned out to be the best day we’ve had in weeks complete with sunshine (true !) and over 200 cars assembled at Frankston. A dozen club cars and the rest headed for Sorrento, to pass the time and keep the conversation (read – arguing) going we had an observation quiz to complete; on arrival there was already a heap of cars that had gone straight there.
It was good to see our Classics giving the usual BMW & SUV’s some competition for a change; most of us wandered around the town, found something for lunch and then gathered for the presentations. Peter & Heather Liston won the observation run only getting one answer wrong and Pete struggled to carry all his winnings away, a couple more huge hampers went to the runners-up. Three other cruisers won $100 each in the lucky draw and I reckon every kid won a prize for their colouring competition efforts. With over 250 cars on the day this was the best turn out yet for the winter run, and as usual for a Lets Go Cruisin event their Mid-Winter Cruise was a great day out. Words and Photos - Steve Peterson
The Hot Ones
August 2012
Winter Cruise
Graeme and Albert Secret Chev Business??
Pete gets some help to carry 1st prize The Hot Ones
August 2012
2012 Mid-W
Bruno & Steve
The Hot Ones
August 2012
Winter Cruise
Alan & Michael
Al, Michael & Rowie The Hot Ones
August 2012
Did You Know? “Try This For Sighs” announced the marketing brochure for the 1955 Bel Air’s colour co-ordinated interior... Half a dozen different design models of the 1955 went on sale that year as a response to Ford in the battle for motor vehicle performance. Chief Engineer Edward N Cole is the man behind the first new V8 for Chevrolet in 35 years; the 265, a model of efficiency, delivering a base of 162 Hp, but with the Power-Plus Package, could be encouraged to output 180 Hp. The sales leader of the 1955 models was the 4 door sedan, selling some 345,000+ units - and of course, overall sold more than triple the same amount of Fords! Weight Range (lbs) 3,140 - 3,370 Price Range $1,888 - $2,262
Units Built
Sourced: The Hot Ones
August 2012
Colour It In!
The Hot Ones
August 2012
Club Calendar of Events A August 1st
Club Meeting The Pines Learning Centre - 8pm start
August 7th
Peninsula Cruise Night cnr Nepean Highway and Bungower Road Mornington Starts 5:30pm See for more details.
August 11 - 12th
Festival of Speed - Winton Top 10 shoot out and 15 lap race plus Shannon’s Display and Parade. Contact - Ian Ross 0412 351 403
August 12th
Run to Warragul Meeting at Tooradin at 11am for a leisurely cruise into Warragul for a lunch at the Warragul Country Club, Confirm attendance with Lois before August 5th please!
August 24 - 26th
Weekend at Bugsy’s, Charlton. Charlton Old Farts Rod and Custom Club - a family friendly weekend to raise money for the Charlton Community after the floods. Entry: Dean 0434 125 682
August 26th
Cranbourne Swap Meet Cranbourne Racecourse {Mel: 133 J6} General Admission before 8am is $10.00 - after 8AM it’s $5.00
September 4th
Peninsula Cruise Night cnr Nepean Highway and Bungower Road Mornington Starts 5:30pm See for more details.
September 5th
Club Meeting The Pines Learning Centre - 8pm start
September 7 - 9th
Fat Fendered Run Castlemaine Castlemaine Rod Club - all years, all makes, trade stands plus shown ‘n’ shine at Hadfields Rods - Geoff 0408 507 621
September 8th
East Timor Fundraising Show ‘n’ Shine Catholic Regional College Sydenham... This one is organised by the students for East Timor. All makes and models welcome. $15 entry $1 spectators 10am - 3pm
The Hot Ones
August 2012
August - November September 9th
Father’s Day Car Show 10am - 3pm; 15 Ardena Court East Bentleigh. Proceeds to Charity. Contact Lou - 0422 251 635
September 23rd
Horses and Horsepower - GM Day Ballarat Ballarat Turf Club Dowling Forrest - Gates Open 8am. More info this edition page 20
October 2nd
Peninsula Cruise Night cnr Nepean Highway and Bungower Road Mornington Starts 5:30pm See for more details.
October 3rd
Club Meeting The Pines Learning Centre - 8pm start
October 14th
Marsh Rodders Annual Swap and Show ‘n’ Shine Maddingley Park, Station Street, Bacchus Marsh. (6:30am - 1:00pm) Mel Ref 333 / H10. ASRF Sanctioned event; kids playground; live band; catering; giveaways. More Info: Tony 0409 746 792 or Colin 0409 231 687
October 26 - 28th
Port Fairy Weekend Friday and Saturday at Port Fairy - Sunday cruise to Camperdown for Show ‘n’ Shine at Rockabilly Festival on way home.
November 6th
tel 0418 556 299
Peninsula Cruise Night cnr Nepean Highway and Bungower Road Mornington Starts 5:30pm See for more details.
November 7th
Club Meeting The Pines Learning Centre - 8pm start
November 9 - 11th
Bright Rod Run - 22nd Annual For more info and entry, go to website:
The Hot Ones
August 2012
The Hot Ones
August 2012
Lois’s Lines when you pay your club fees, don’t don t forget to make sure your contact details are upup-toto-date!
Run To Warragul Sunday August 12th Get out the classic for a Sunday drive! We are meeting at Tooradin at 11am for a scenic cruise to Warragul with lunch at the Warragul Country Club. Please let Lois know if you are attending by Aug 5th as we need to book!
Bourbon Baked Beans 6 rashers bacon chopped
2 cans baked beans
1 medium onion diced
½ cup chilli sauce
½ cup strong coffee (best left over from morn− ing− not fresh) ¼ cup bourbon
3tspn dry mustard
Fry bacon until crisp, add the onion & cook until soft. Remove from heat & add remaining ingredients. Pour into casse− role dish & bake at 180 degrees for 1 The Hot Ones
August 2012
Classifieds Used front bumper bar to suit ‘56 OK condition Jeff 0418 577 286
1956 4dr sedan *reduced!* $35,000 350 chev, 9” diff, dual fuel, RHD
Kevin 0403 287 957
1957 210 Sedan
‘56 original
Dash cluster ‘make an offer’ Peter Forbes 0412 443 391
$27,000 Rohan 0419 514 327
1957 Chev Coupe LHD, 283ci, Powerglide, PS, terior Blue/White paint - White In $40,000 ONO Chris 0430 222 755
1957 4dr hardtop
1957 Nomad LHD, 350ci, T-350, 605 PS, rome & S/S ch , dy bo int N r, rio te In w Ne $65,000 ONO Bryan Budd 0409 186 92 5 The Hot Ones
th Californa car, orig white wi Blk & silver trim, V8, fact PS More photos & info avail $30,000 ONO
Ryan 0405 214 389
August 2012
This is NOT the official artwork for the event... this is just what I have created for the newsletter - Ed .
Convention 2013
Hosted at the Big 4 Welcome Stranger Caravan Park, Park Ballarat Friday night Registrations, Bench Racing and Sausage Sizzle Saturday Registrations and Nostalgia Drags at Ballarat Drag Racing Club Saturday Night Dinner and Dancing Sunday All Makes Chevy Show ‘n’ Shine The Hot Ones
August 2012
55-56-57 Chevrolet Club of Victoria P O Box 560 Noble Park
The Hot Ones
August 2012