August 2018 Navigator

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Fair Oaks Council # 6066 P.O. Box 1180 Fair Oaks, Ca 95628

August 2018 Navigator

Vol. 52 No 8

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August 2018 Navigator

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Fair Oaks Council #6066 Division 5/District 7 Council h p:// Twi er: @KofCCouncil6066 Facebook: @FairoaksCouncil6066

“Fear Not” For Nothing is impossible with God

Inside this edi on Message from the Grand Knight

3 Cursillo / Adora on and Brew

Adora on Chapel & Volunteer Shirts

4 Tee it up for Charity


Volunteer Shirts

4 Air Show


Birthday and wedding anniversary

5 Health Services Ministry


Info about the Call-Em-All and Knight app

5 New Deacon, Jack Roland


District Deputy message

6 Voca ons Dinner


Twi er ac vity

6 Suppor ng Catholic Educa on


Knight of the Month

7 Prayers needed and Richard Garcia


Message from Membership Director

8 Cross word and calendar


Officers GK 916Michael Ochoa 730-3178 DGK 916Pat Miles 849-8698 Chaplin Rev. Fr. Aldrin 916Basarte 967-1229 Chancellor Frank Abi916Nader 337-9171 Warden 916Trevor Harris 396-5775 Lecturer 916Bill Heilmann 802-5271 Inside Guard 916Vince Negrete 698-2243 Outside Guard 916Ben Hanneman 586-1661

Program Director

Patrick J Miles

Faith Director

Chuck E Friedrich


Cursillo Round Table Chair Chuck E Friedrich Recorder

Community Director

Christopher J Ward

916961-8652 Trustee 1-Year 916Bruce Fairchild 769-6300 Trustee 2-Year 916James Carlson 801-9373 Trustee 3-Year 916Dave Murray 716-5187 Advocate 916Walt Schaff 961-4698 Treasurer 916Rod Tarrer 961-6167 Financial Secretary 916Patrick Wagner 961-8652

Habitat for Humanity Chair

Michael Ochoa

Life Director

Douglas A Crumley Jr

Pro Life Couple

Monica and Douglas A Crumley Jr

Health Service

Mark L Swink

Public Rela ons

Andrew J Cunha

Navigator Publisher Family Director

Andrew J Cunha Mark A Montalvo

Membership Director

Francis J Abi-Nader

David Wagner

Recruitment Commi ee 1 Howard W Tank Recruitment Commi ee 2 John P Brennan Recruitment Commi ee 3 Mar n T Burgermyer Reten on Chairman

Patrick J Miles

Insurance Promo on

Howard W Tank

Voca ons Round Table Chair

David R Murray

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

As I write this le er for the August Edi on of the Navigator, a few weeks into my tenure as Grand Knight (GK), I con nue to be blessed to work with this truly amazing council. As GK one of my top priori es is to make contact with every knight including the widows of our brothers gone to see our Lord and our brothers that I haven’t met or don’t see too o en at our events and mee ngs. So far I’ve heard and read some amazing stories about how our council served our parish community for the past 50 years. We helped infirm knights and widows clean around their home or run errands. We did whatever it took to honor those who needed a hand. I’ve heard inspiring stories of elder statesmen and brother knights, s ll ac ve in the council, who were ac vely involved in the parish, the school, Boy Scouts and publishing this newsle er some 20 years ago! One of the most inspiring responses I received a er a recent round of emails was from our Worthy Brother Knight Ryan O’Brien. Brother Ryan, a hero from the greatest genera on, received the highest medal given by the French government, the “Legion of Honor”, 74 years a er his service in WWII. Look forward to a future interview in the Navigator. Congratula ons and thank you Brother Ryan for your service to our county. Words cannot express enough the gra tude we have for your service! I’m amazed at what I’ve learned about our council knights simply by picking up the phone and calling or sending an email to get updated informa on. I can already tell serving as your Grand Knight is going to be a huge blessing for me, thank you for this opportunity! Keeping in that same light, our first officer mee ng was held on a very hot Thursday evening, July 19th. Nearly every officer, program director and chairs were there to discuss the coming ini a ves you will read about in this edi on of the Navigator. We are busy planning our membership drives, blood drive and pancake breakfast, golf tournament, health service ministry and more. Trust me we are on the same page! So hopefully you won’t get another marathon August mee ng! To improve communica ons we discussed the new “Call-Em -All” so ware service that will reach everyone especially those without email by using a robo-dialer to announce important council messages or ac vi es. This so ware has a text func on that will help engage with our less ac ve Knights to keep them aware of council ac vi es and encourage them to get involved. You may also recall soon a er our July mee ng I solicited interest to par cipate in an adhoc commi ee to update our council policy and procedures. The Policy and Procedure Commi ee co-Chairmen are DGK Pat Miles and Worthy Advocate SK Walt Schaff. They will present recommenda ons for policy updates from social media use, communica ons, Pay-Pal, Safe Environment and more during the general mee ngs. If you would like to be part of this commi ee please contact me. Finally, we’re presen ng you this edi on of the navigator in a new format. I hope you enjoy it. This graphic design is Brother Andrew Cunha’s crea ve vision and he’s done an amazing job adding his flair and crea vity! If you have any comments about the new format, good or bad, please share your opinion us! We want this publica on to be current, viable and most importantly fun to read! Remember our verse for the year is Proverbs 27:17. Read it, live it! August 2018 Navigator

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ADORATION CHAPEL SCHEDULE Tuesday Morning 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM


Phone #



Mike Ochoa Bill Jones John Brennan Jim Carlson

916-730-3178 916-966-3911 916-967-1738 916-801-9373

7 14 21 28

4 11 18 25

PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Church offers perpetual adora on of Jesus Christ truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to come adore our Lord in our Chapel of the Holy Eucharist. The Council has reserved an Adora on Hour between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM each Tuesday. If you want to be added to the rota on schedule, contact The Navigator’s publisher.

Order your KofC Volunteer Pocket Tees at our next council meeting! We are ge ng ready to put in an order for volunteer t-shirts. Bring your cash or check to our next council mee ng if you like to order. If you’re interested put it in now, supply will be limited to number of orders received! $20 for Sizes, S, M, L and XL $22 for 2XL $23 for 3XL We will be collec ng orders and money at our 8/1 General Mee ng and for you to get your shirt by our September Mee ng!

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Kathy Knutson


Leo J Harrity

Congratula ons to the following couples celebra ng their blessed date this month: 13

Terry E Hansen


Kevin C Ward


Thomas G Moore


Ronald E Sheppard


Julie Kashuba


David A Wagner


Gary R Anderson


Carl E Reed


Michael A Hummer


Michelle Lehman


Michael A Fox


Richard A Proaps


Carl T Lang


Paul F Parker


Patrica Chang


Jose L Punsalan Jr


Rev Patrick O Connor 10

Patrick J Povey


Jim E Phillips


Dwight W McCormack 31

Jackie Tarrer


August Birthday

Robert & Dorothy Ahern


George & Ann Chillemi


Rick & Miriam Cerve


Roderick & Jackie Tarrer


Ken & Kathy Knutson


Joseph & Jeri Parilo


David & Michelle Lehman


Donald & Mary Jones


Richard & Patrica Chang


Edmundo & Maria Corpuz


Edward & Cynthia Orgon


Bruce & Leslie Fairchild


Ross & Barbara Broadley


Call-em-all By GK Mike Ochoa

Included in this year’s budget, our council invested in a yearly subscrip on to an secure So ware Service called call-em-all. This service is a communica on tool to allow for the council to send appointment reminders, mass tex ng and group Robo Calls that “We” the council leadership record in our own voice. We did this because we learned a er making the hundreds of calls to our council to solicit a endance to our 50th Anniversary in May that we lack the man power and me, even under the best of intenons, to exercise an effec ve and immediate phone tree! Please know, this applica on will not replace the personal contact needed to be made by uour council Reten on Commi ee. DGK is leading that effort. But, it will help in valida ng the accuracy of the numbers we have on file and enable the council to quickly send out informa on to our brother knights whom may not receive email regularly. We only signed up for 50 numbers to contact per month so we’ve broken the council into 3 groups, “Council Officers and Directors”, “Inac ve Knights” and “Knights without email”. If you have received a call from this service please know we’ve iden fied you as a member of one of more of these groups. Our inten on is to rotate the list of “inac ve” knights each month or every other month, to allow for many of our brother Knights we don’t see at our mee ngs or events to learn what the council is up to. Please know if you do not want to receive these calls and you get one, there is an easy opt out func on to select to mark your record.

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Faith in Action -District Deputy message By District Deputy John Brennan

Change is difficult. Usually because we’re comfortable where we’re at in life and what we’ve been doing. You may understand that the change is for the be er, but you s ll want to resist. Taking that first step seems so hard! But wait, this change within the Knights of Columbus is about our FAITH! Our Faith hasn’t changed, but how we prac ce it as the Men’s Fraternal Organiza on that we are, has. We, as Knights, are leaders of our parish and our community. Let’s not be seen as only as the men who prepare breakfasts and hand out Tootsie Rolls, but also as men who prac ce our Faith in Ac on. The new Faith Director in your Council will need help coordina ng the new ac vi es in your Council’s Faith Program and he will need your par cipa on. Here are a couple of ac vi es that are likely to occur in your Council that you can be involved in: 1.

Spiritual Reflec on Program - With assistance from your Council Chaplain, your Faith Director can offer opportuni es for prayer and reflec on together as a fraternity. This could occur through par cipa on in a retreat or a day of prayer and reflecon. If you have not a ended a spiritual retreat, or not one recently, it is a wonderful way to rejuvenate your faith.


Holy Hour Program - This program is intended to encourage a deep personal encounter with God through a regularly scheduled Eucharis c Adora on. The Holy Hour could include a reflec on, a communal Rosary, intercessory prayers by Venerable Fr. Michael J. McGiovney, or other spiritual ac ons.


Rosary Program - What be er way to lead our family in faith than to lead our family in praying the Rosary. Promo ng a Family Rosary Program, offering rosary rings and rosary prayer guides, will strengthen the whole family in faith.


RSVP - The Refund Support Voca ons Program is a featured program in the Faith category and counts for two credits towards your Council’s Columbian Award requirements. This program is your way to financially support a seminarian or religious aspirant in their studies and educa on. In addi on to your financial support, your moral support and prayers for their success are also vital to this program. Send them encouraging notes, le ers, and emails.

There are many other ways we can put our Faith into Ac on. Today is the day to make the commitment to embrace this change the Knights of Columbus are making. Remember, we are Catholics first and we are called to evangelize. As Knights of Columbus, we are looked to as leaders in our Church and we are called to lead others in our Faith. This change is exci ng and life changing. This program offers so much more back to you than you could ever put in. Vivat Jesus!

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

June Knights of the month for their effort with the St. Mel Rummage Sale, Worthy Trustee Bruce Fairchild, Worthy Treasurer Rod Tarrer, Worthy Brother Knight Tony Quezada. Family of the Month Worthy District Deputy and PGK John Brennan and family. May Knight of the Month Worthy Brother Knight Andrew Cunha. Cer ficate of Apprecia on Awarded to Worthy Trustee Walt Schaff for his years of service as the former Navigator editor. Worthy PGK and Financial Secretary Pat Wagner in apprecia on of his service as GK for Columbian Year 2017/18. August 2018 Navigator

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REMEMBER MEMBERSHIP! Now you can do it online... By Membership Director. PGK SK Frank Abi-Nader

Like much of everything we do today you can do it online. You can sign up new members on line and even earn a $50 gift card. Please see the July 2018 issue of the Golden State Knightletter recently sent to you. Any member who recruits 5 members between now and September 30 will receive a $ card for Knightgear and free shipping! Earn your Knightgear NOW! The new Online Membership initiative is live throughout the United States and Canada. A brief video accessible through the on-line Knightletter explains the program and how it can be used as a powerful tool to help our council recruit. It only takes 5 minutes to sign up a new member online. Visit our For Members page for more information. Our stated goal by our Worthy Grand Knight Michael Ochoa, is 14 new members this Colombian year, 5 by November. We have a start. One new member, Brother Mark Montalvo was admitted into our ranks of Knighthood as a “follower of the Great Christopher Columbus” at the First Degree Admission ceremony on Tuesday July 3, 2018. If you haven’t met Brother Mark welcome him at our next general meeting, Every member is a member of the recruitment team. Have you invited someone to join the Knights of Columbus this month? Personal invitations always work best. Talk to them. Text them. Email them. You will find samples and more information on the For Members page. We all want to see our council grow and share with as many men as possible the rewards of Knighthood and bring men closer to Christ. Here is a DGK Pat Miles and New Brother Knight Mark Montallist of some events which present opportunities vo fittingly the degree honoree was SK Quinent Charles (QC) Miles, Pat’s father whom went to see our where your help is needed for recruitment: this past June. Not only was QC a decorated  7/29/2018 Membership Drive (coincides Lord flyer in WWII but he was a well-respected educator with the Blood Drive Breakfast) back home in South Dakota. Brother Mark Montalvo is  8/5/2018 Membership Drive (coincides the Finance Director for Sac State and also teaches an undergrad finance course. with coffee and donuts)  9/29/2018 Octoberfest!!!  10/06/2018 School Harvest Festival  10/7/2018 Membership Drive (coincides with coffee and donuts) Five events present opportunities to recruit at least one new member at each event and we will be on pace for our goal. Membership and recruitment material will be available at each event. Member help will be needed to engage men who are present and interest them in becoming a Knight. Let’s do it! “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

By: Brother Andrew Cunha

Cursillo (short course in Chris anity) is a movement within the church that supports our walk of faith through a simple method (Piety, Study and Acon). The format includes a 3-day weekend filled with learning, growth, fellowship, and worship. It is a prac cal and remarkable experience! It is different from other retreats, in that, the weekend doesn’t end on Sunday but con nues throughout the life of the “Cursillista” as described by the term “4th day” or the rest of your life. There are group/ friendship reunions held weekly or monthly where everyone supports your faith journey. The 4th day is focused on PRAYER, STUDY and ACTION. Cursillo has touched the life of millions of Catholics worldwide and has also been established by other faiths and organiza ons such as Catholic High Schools (Kairos), Marriage Encounter and many others. It is more than a movement; it is a lifestyle and greater commitment to our faith. There is a growing and vibrant community within the Sacramento diocese for both men and women. Many council brothers have lived their weekend and con nue living their 4th day in their group mee ngs. Cursillo will help you with your prayer life and study. You are already preforming great ac on by the good works you do with the Knights of Columbus. I lived my weekend in 2015. I was on team 2017 where I meet Michael Ochoa. Because of Michael and my 4th day group, I became a Knight. I am on Team again this year, and I hope to see you. Cursillo started in Spain in the 1940’s and, today, is a worldwide movement. The movement is recognized by the Pope as member of the Interna onal Catholic Organiza ons of the Pon fical Council for the Laity in Rome. The Cursillo is supported by the Roman Catholic Church. It is joined to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Sacramento diocese. For online informa on and registra on go to h p:// or contact Denny Shunta at or 916-952.4502.

Join us this fall for the next Men’s Weekend September 28-30 Jesuit Retreat Center, Applegate, CA

AdorAtion And Brew By: Brother Jeremey youngers

In June and July on the second Wednesday of the month our Brother Jeremy Youngers assembled a crew of men to join him in worship in our Adora on Chapel followed by fellowship. Don’t miss the second best opportunity available to grow closer to God and the best possible opportunity for fellowship with great Godly men! Mark your calendars for on August 8th at 7 PM to join August 2018 Navigator

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Date: Saturday Aug 18, 2018 Times: Check in - 10:30 AM-11:00 AM, Lunch: 11:30 AM-12:00 Noon Driving Range & Games: 10:30 AM- 12:15 PM Tee Off: 12:30 PM Recep on & Awards: 5:15 PM Loca on: Rancho Murieta GC - West Course


all golfers! Our Annual Golf Tournament is coming up fast! Be sure to get your registra on form and entry fee into Jim Carlson at the St. Mel Parish Center. Invite a friend to play with you and enjoy the fun event. Registra on deadline is August 3rd. If you have any ques ons about the tournament, you can call Tony Luza at 916-206-4564 or John Brennan at

916-548-4962. If you’re not a golfer, you can s ll par cipate with a Personal Sponsorship of $20 or you can offer a raffle prize dona on. If you bring a raffle prize dona on to the August 2nd Monthly General Mee ng, your pre-mee ng dinner is FREE! Your help in any way is appreciated to make this another great fundraising event. Not sure who to contact — check out the flier or contact: Chairman Brother Tony Luza

( or SK Don Wagner ( We need your support to make this our biggest golf fundraiser ever. With your help, It can Happen!

FAIR OAKS COUNCIL # 6066 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Rancho Murieta “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

By GK Mike Ochoa

Our council obtained a volunteer booth at this year’s California Capital Air Show at Mather Field on September 21, 22 and 23. This year's Airshow is a three-day event celebra ng the 100th Anniversary of Mather Field, with lots of historic extras and a performance by the USAF Thunderbirds!

WE NEED 12 volunteers willing to make a 3 day commitment at this event. This is an ALL DAY commitment but volunteers can NOW work 1 to all 3 day. Volunteers will receive free admission, free parking, free lunch voucher and sodas while working at the Airshow and me to enjoy the show. We're using to organize our shi s. 1) Click this link to see our Signup on h p:// 2) Contact GK Mike Ochoa at 916-730-3178 or

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By: Brother Mark Swink

Our council is making great progress with our newly established Health Services Ministry and in an effort to keep everyone informed, please take a moment to read about the latest developments and what we are planning on next. For starters, we are very pleased that so many people are coming forward and volunteering their me to help us plan and strategize before we implement the upcoming California CareForce for the 8th annual FREE clinic on September 21-23 which will be set up at the Cal Expo Fairgrounds in Sacramento. Then we will try to round up any volunteers willing to travel by plane to Thermal California for the “Oasis Health Clinic.” This will be September 28 – September 30th. We are looking for Pilots, Medical and Non-medical volunteers. Both of these health clinics are vital to their respec ve communi es. In Thermal where many migrant farm workers and families live, they cannot afford to miss work to seek health services during the week and that is IF they have health insurance. In Sacramento, many homeless and low-income families have no means of ge ng health and medical check-up and services, let alone receive dental care or receive an eye examina on – well these are just a few of the services we will render upon volunteering. Can’t volunteer due to life’s challenges? No problem! You can help in other ways. We are collec ng used pairs of glasses that are no longer of any use to you. Trust me on this one….your old discarded pair of glasses could mean the world to someone without. Anything from readers to prescrip on to bi-focal glasses….we will happily take them and put them to good use. In 2019, we will plan an interna onal trip to either Guatemala or Hai . This is s ll in the planning stages. This wraps up the local, state, and interna onal ambi ons. Switching gears to our local Parish, we are excited to focus on our local parishioners and how we can be of help during medical emergencies and to the overall promo on of one’s health and well-being. Under the direc on of Br. Tom Sweeney, we will meet with Fr. Basarte and discuss the purchase of an AED and how to train others for its use in the event of an emergency during or a er Mass. Tom is already part of a safety commi ee aimed at keeping us safe when we a end Mass, and adding a medical component to the safety por on makes perfect sense and will further promote collabora on between mul ple ministries ed with our local Fair Oaks Knights Council and Parish. Be on the lookout for further communica on from Tom as the next safety mee ng will be held at the Parish Center on Aug 9th. Feel free to contact either Tom or myself for further details. Thank you, Mark Swink 916-996-8601

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Congratulations to New Deacon, Jack Roland! By Jenni Murray

St. Mel Parish rejoiced in Saturday June 30, 2018, as one of our own parishioners, Jack Roland, was among 27 men ordained to the Permanent Diaconate for the Diocese of Sacramento. . Many parishioners came together that day at the Parish Center to participate in the Mass which was being live-streamed over the internet. The following Saturday, close to 200 people joined Deacon Jack at the reception sponsored by the Vocations Ministry team and assisted generously by help from Deacon Jack’s brothers in Christ from Cursillo and the Knights of Columbus, Council 6066. The delicious Mexican dinner was catered by Lupita’s Restaurant. The following Saturday, close to 200 people joined Deacon Jack at the reception sponsored by the Vocations Ministry team and assisted generously by help from Deacon Jack’s brothers in Christ from Cursillo and the Knights of Columbus, Council 6066. The delicious Mexican dinner was catered by Lupita’s Restaurant. His ordination came after nearly ten years of study and discernment. During that time, he credits his wife Christine as being one of the primary supports along the way. He also acknowledges his Deacon mentor, Dave Lehman, and Dave’s wife Michelle, for walking with him. Fr. Doheny and Fr McSweeney were instrumental in the early stages of his discernment, while Fr. Aldrin has been there for him during the last several years. Deacon Jack also recognizes that it takes a parish to foster vocations, and for this he thanks God for his home parish, St. Mel. We are blessed that Deacon Roland has been assigned as a third Deacon at St Mel and will remain with us.

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Vocations Dinner with Bishop Jaime Soto! Brother David Wagner, Author

For our council, it is a common occurrence to sit down at a table with brother knights to share a meal before meetings. It is not as common to sit down with knights from other orders. It’s rarer still when the knights who you are enjoying a meal with are the Vocations Director for the Diocese of Sacramento and Bishop Jaime Soto! On July 9th, I was invited to dinner with Bishop Jaime Soto, Vocation Directors Fr. Jovito Rata and Sister Maria Campos, fellow candidates for seminary, Michael and Steven, and one of the candidates’ pastor, Fr. Guillermo Hernandez. Beginning the night with evening prayer, we transitioned into introductions and discussing our experiences of discernment. Throughout dinner, we discussed our interest in the priesthood, our parishes, and other relatable stories. As all the candidates continue their path of discernment, we ask for your continued prayers and support in this most worthwhile ministry.

CounCil #6066 Supporting CatholiC EduCation By: Brother knight Bruce Fairchild

The current versions of The Father Richard Doheny Scholarship and the Phil F. Duffy Scholarship awards were implemented in 2016. Over the past three years, Council #6066 together with The Father Doheny Religious Education fund has provided $10,500 in financial aid to six students and their families who made the choice to continue their education at Catholic High Schools in this area. Our council has supported Catholic Education for many years now because we understand the value it provides to the youth of our community as well as the community at large. This is one more way that Council #6066 is making a difference.

Year Scholarship Awarded

Council #6066 Scholarship Support since 2016 Recipient 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19



Elisa Amador



Madeline Wagner



Natalie Steinhoff



Claire McManus



Caitrin Joaquin




Charles Diaz





$3,500 $1,000


$2,500 $1,000

$10,500 “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Please Pray For Please keep the following Knights and their families in your Prayers: David Abi-Nader, Delores Bousliman, (wife of deceased Knight Lloyd Bousliman), Brian Condon, Diane Castonguay (wife of Knight Pat Castonguay), Jerome Centabar, George Chillemi, Al Dennis, Joe DiSessa, Fidelis Eke, Miguel Escobar, Diana Fischer (wife of deceased Knight Warren Fischer), Michael Fox, Dan Heisler, Kathy Knutson (wife of Knight Ken Knutson), Dwight McCormack, Paul Parker and wife Gerrie, Mel Recacho, Dennis Reibold, Kim Tank (wife of Knight Howard Tank), and Joe Van Zant. Also, please pray for the souls of all our deceased Brother Knights. To add or remove names in this sec on please contact, Navigator Editor, Andrew Cunha @

Bishop Richard Garcia By State Deputy Joseph C. Salaiz

Brothers, I am asking for your prayers for Bishop Richard Garcia, Bishop of Monterey. Bishop Garcia has passed away. The bishop was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease but no official cause of death has been announced. Bishop Garcia was born in San Francisco in 1947 to immigrant parents from Mexico. He completed his studies for the priesthood at Saint Joseph College in Mountain View and at St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park, California. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 15, 1973 for the Archdiocese of San Francisco at Sacred Heart Parish in San Jose, California. In 1997, while serving as the pastor of Saint Leo the Great Parish in San Jose and as the diocesan director for vocations, Pope John Paul II named him auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Sacramento. He was consecrated on January 28, 1998 at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament; Bishop William Weigand served as his principal consecrator, with Archbishop John R. Quinn and Bishop Pierre DuMaine as his principal co-consecrators. Bishop Garcia was appointed to his current position as Bishop of Monterey on December 19, 2006 and was installed on January 30, 2007. Bishop Garcia has been a tremendous supporter of the Knights of Columbus throughout his time in Monterey, working closely with the St. Junipero Serra Chapter and with the California State Council. Bishop Garcia was a member of Monterey Council 1465 and Santa Rosalia Assembly 77. Please keep the Garcia family in your prayers. Funeral was on July 19th in Salinas, CA. August 2018 Navigator

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Crossword Puzzle: The Apostles

Across 3. "The Twin" 4. "what happened that you will reveal yourself to us and not to the world?" (Jn 14) 8. Son of Alpheus (Alphaeus): ... the … 9. Former tax-collector 10. Brother of First Pope 12. Replaced Judas

Down 1. "Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us" 2. Nathanael 4. Betrayer 5. Apostle of the Gen les 6. First Pope 7. Zealot 8. Guardian of Jesus' Mother 11. Brother of Apostle John

August 2018 2nd Pre-Mtg. Dinner @ 6:00 PM & General Business Mtg @7:00 PM 3rd & 4th Prep and paint the new council storage container 5th Coffee & Donuts and Membership Drive 8th Adora on @ 7 PM and Brew @8 PM (Loca on TBD) 16th Officers’ Planning Mee ng @ 7:00 PM 17th Habitat for Humanity 18th Golf Tournament @ Rancho Murieta Golf Course 25th & 28th Food Basket Collec on

September 2018 6th Pre-Mtg. Dinner @ 6:00 PM & General Business Mtg @7:00 PM 11th First Degree 11th World Day of Prayer for Peace (Joint Council Event) 20th Officers’ Planning Mee ng @ 7:00 PM 21st—23rd Capitol Airshow 21st—23rd California CareForce Clinic Support 29th Oktoberfest 29th—30th Food Baskets 28th—30th Cursillo Retreat Weekend TBD 2nd & 3rd Degrees “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

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