October Navigator 2019

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“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

The month of October is dedicated to the holy Rosary, one of the best known of all Catholic devotions.


October 2019 Navigator

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October 2019 Navigator

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Fair Oaks Council #6066 Division 5/District 7 Council http://www.kofc6066.org Twitter: @KofCCouncil6066 Facebook: @FairoaksCouncil6066

“Love one another as I have loved you”

Inside this edition Grand Knights Message

3 Insurance


Adoration and Prayers

4 A Note from District Deputy


Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries

5 Membership


First Degree Anniversaries



ID Drive Spaghetti dinner


Focus on the Intellectually Disabled in our Community

7 Oktoberfest


COUNCIL 6066 - Intellectual Disabilities Drive

7 Why do Catholics Baptize Babies?


Council & Our Community


8-9 Calendar

Officers Michael Ochoa

GK 916-730-3178 DGK


Mike 916-606-6471 Karelius Chaplin Trustee 3-Year Rev. Fr. Aldrin Frank 916-967-1229 916-337-9171 Basarte Abi-Nader Chancellor Trustee 2-Year Robert (Tony) Andrew 209-200-5273 916-225-1087 Mar n Cunha Warden Trustee 1-Year Bruce David Wagner 916-508-5216 916-769-6300 Fairchild Lecturer Advocate Bill 916-802-5271 Bill Quiroz 916-870-4236 Heilmann Inside Guard Treasurer Rex Patrick 916-724-9645 916-849-8698 Dinneny Miles Outside Guard Financial Secretary Patrick Troy Olsen 916-719-8094 916-961-8652 Wagner Danny Styer 916-849-8698



Program Director

Danny Styer

Faith Director

Chuck E Friedrich

Cursillo Round Table Chair

Chuck E Friedrich

Community Director

Christopher J Ward

Habitat for Humanity Chair

Michael Ochoa

Life Director

Douglas A Crumley Jr

Pro Life Couple

Monica and Douglas A Crumley Jr

Health Service

Richard Westerfeld

Public Rela ons

Andrew J Cunha

Navigator Publisher

Andrew J Cunha

Family Director

Sergio Perera

Membership Director

Robert “Tony” Mar n

Recruitment Commi ee 1

Carlos Lopez

Recruitment Commi ee 2

Trevor Harris

Recruitment Commi ee 3

Rick Terry

Reten on Chairman

Danny Styer

Insurance Promo on


Voca ons Round Table Chair David R Murray

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

It’s a new season. A perfect opportunity to do something bold, something beautiful! In fact the namesake of our order Christopher Columbus did something bold in 1492. When he heard of rumors from other sailors that Asia could be reached by sailing west he did something bold. He decided to try and make this revolutionary journey himself. First, he needed ships and supplies, which required money that he did not have. After he went to King John of Portugal, who turned him down, he then went to the rulers of England, and France. Each declined his request for funding. Then, after seven years of trying, he was finally sponsored by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. Have you ever wondered why Father Michael J. McGivney chose Christopher Columbus as the namesake for our organization? I don’t know about you, but I have often wondered why would he and his Irish Knights in New Haven Connecticut would name their Catholic fraternity after an Italian explorer!

of faith and courage. We Knights celebrate his holiday on October 14th knowing that Columbus gave voice and representation to generations of Catholics, helping pave a path for the diverse society we have today. So be bold, like the namesake of our order and pick your voyage and do something out of the ordinary! Do something BOLD this fall. After all, what do you have to lose? You might even discover a new world for yourself.

Well according to our supreme website, http:// www.kofc.org/en/news/releases/honoring-ournamesake.html they picked Christopher Columbus Vivat Jesus! because, in 1882 anti-Catholic and anti-immigration GK Mike hostilities ran strong and the American public embraced this famous explorer. Father McGivney and his Knights understood that using Columbus as their Order's namesake asserted an important truth: that not only was there a place for Catholics and immigrants within American society, but that such a person had already played a part in creating the young, free world around them. Today, there are those who contest Columbus’ achievements and protest the national holiday held in his honor. Driven in large part by political correctness and partisan academics and activists, it has become fashionable in recent years to criticize Christopher Columbus and the holiday named in his honor. A closer look, however, reveals the famed explorer to be a man October 2019 Navigator

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ADORATION CHAPEL SCHEDULE Tuesday Morning 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM


Phone #



Mike Ochoa Bill Jones John Brennan Jim Carlson

916-730-3178 916-966-3911 916-967-1738 916-801-9373

1/29 8 15 22

5 12 19 26

PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Church offers perpetual adora on of Jesus Christ truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to come adore our Lord in our Chapel of the Holy Eucharist. The Council has reserved an Adora on Hour between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM each Tuesday. If you want to be added to the rota on schedule, contact The Navigator’s publisher.

Please Pray For Please keep the following Knights and their families in your Prayers: David Abi-Nader, Delores Bousliman, (wife of deceased Knight Lloyd Bousliman), Brian Condon, George Chillemi, Joe DiSessa, Fidelis Eke, Miguel Escobar, Michael Fox, Dan Heisler, Kathy Knutson (wife of Knight Ken Knutson), Paul Parker and wife Gerrie, Kim Tank (wife of Knight Howard Tank), Tony DiNapoli (Brother in law of Vic Warnerdam), Father Joshy Mathew, Anthony Cunha (Br Andrew Cunha’s Father), Tony Quezada, Claude Jones, Mrs. Sabral (Mother of Br. Michael #4970), SK Rod Tarrer


First Wednesday of every month

Also, please pray for the souls of all our deceased Brother Knights including: QC Miles, father of DGK Pat Miles, Al Dennis, SK Jerome Centabar, Mel Recacho, Dennis Reibold, Diana Fischer (wife of deceased Knight Warren Fischer), Brother Carl Lang, Diane Buzzard (Br Melvin Buzzards wife), Sixto Basarte (Father Basarte father), Al Dennis, Joseph Obayashi (Br. Joels Father), Yolanda Carlson (Wife of Br Jim Carlson),

To add or remove names in this section please contact, Navigator Editor, AndrewJCunha@gmail.com


No better way to start the month! Spend time with Third Wednesday every month men in front of Jesus. It’s like a mini-retreat! AdoThe Fraternity of Fatherhood is for all men. Our ration and a brew. Meet at St. Mel Chapel. at 7PM. We desire is to serve the Lord in all areas of our lives and to pray together to The Lord then grab a quick brew with especially model our fatherhood after the example of friends at Fair Oaks brew pub. God the Father and His goodness. There is a trust, friendship that is fostered in Christ. Real men- real talk! “You learn to serve as St. Joseph did and realize that God has entrusted His children to your fatherly care”! Fr. Santan Pinto, SOLT (9/13/47 -12/16/11) Meet at Denny’s in Orangevale 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Contact: Mike Allison text: 916- 834-6226 Meallison5@gmail.com

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

October Alison Fox

1 Robert Martin


Rosalie Duenas

3 William Savage


Teresita Ramos Valdez

3 Henry Medina


John Lubecki

4 Tom Sweeney


Richard Welsh

4 Clement Dougherty


Monica Crumley

4 Troy Olsen


Ruben De Anda Padilla 5 Candy Ward


Paul Gohring

6 Manuel Duenas


Judy Abi-Nader

6 Denis Shunta


Henry Luckie

7 Daniel Styer


Rodd Tufto

7 Mary Hager


Patrick Povey

9 Robert Mayer


Gloria Sunquist

9 Donald Wagner


Cindy Cunningham


Wedding Anniversary Years Ferryanto & Rohjati Tjhin


Randy & Catherine Rozanski


Nickolas & Erlinda Oakes


Dear all Knight Wives, If we have missed your anniversary we want to express our deepest apologies. We know our system is not up to date. Please notify FS Pat Wagner if we have missed you. Thank you

First Degree Anniversaries James Carlson Bernard Hanneman Michael Fox Trevor Harris Rick Cervetti John Lubecki Daniel O Donahue Patrick Povey Ross Broadley Brendan O Neill Ferryanto Tjhin Sergio Perera Edward Orgon Tony Martin

Day 1 1 9 9 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 23 27

Years 34 6 11 11 12 36 51 3 19 19 19 8 19 11

http://www.donateforcharity.com/charitycar-donationform/?charity=The%20Father%20Richar d%20Doheny%20Religious%20Educatio n%20Fund October 2019 Navigator

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October 2019 Navigator

Vol. 55 No 4

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

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“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

have been practicing their hospitality skills to come and assist us. We can support their efforts with a goodwill offering tip jar, possible a silent auction basket or two, and/or some silent auction desserts. This By John Brennan will be a great opportunity for our Council to support For years, the Knights of Columbus have traditionally our Community through Faith in Action. held the Tootsie Roll Drive in October. Knights have stood outside grocery stores, handing out Tootsie Rolls, and accepting donations for the intellectually disabled. November comes, and we’re on to the next events. But obviously, the need to support those with intellectual disabilities continue throughout the year. Besides the Tootsie Roll Drive, we will, again, have a spaghetti dinner on November 9 at 5:30pm to help increase our donation for this worthy cause. Our favorite charity to sponsor with our proceeds from the ID Drive is Camp ReCreation, a summer camp for the By, Brother Sergio, Family Director intellectually disabled. This year, they have scheduled Knights of Columbus for many years have been help3 separate weeks in June for campers. ing people with intellectual disabilities for years, now This year, we have received a request from a local or- we are approaching for the one in 2019. ganization requesting assistance from the Knights. Laurel Ruff Transition School on Garfield Avenue is a Please help us to make a great contribution this year school in the San Juan Unified School District. This once again.!! is not your traditional school. With an increasing number of young adults with moderate to severe disa- Location: bilities, this school caters to the 18 – 22-year-old stuWe will be soliciting donations in front of the Ace dents, focusing on transitional skills, giving the stuHardware and Walmart Locations. dents the opportunity to practice independent living and communication skills that will enhance their abil- Drive starts: ity to become independent adults. Vocational classes October 18, 19, 20th in Ace Hardware store at 4005 are offered in restaurant and culinary art, housekeep- Manzanita Avenue, Ste. 24 Carmichael, CA. 95608 ing and landscaping, hospitality, and more. October 26, 27th in Walmart store at 8961 Greenback Have your children, grandchildren, or other children Ln. Orangevale, CA. 95662 you know, asked you to candy, popcorn, magazine We will be wearing yellow jackets which say subscriptions, frozen cookie dough, gift wrap, etc.? It “Helping those with Intellectual Disabilities” passdoesn’t matter, public or private, there are not enough ing out Tootsie Rolls and soliciting Donation. funds in the regular budget to provide for all the school’s necessities, especially for Laurel Ruff. But as I’ve said, Laurel Ruff is not your traditional school. We need your help, please call Sergio at 858-413Laurel Ruff Transitional School is truly making an 5450 or Paul at 916-0576 educational difference in the lives of the intellectually God Bless you disabled.

Focus on the Intellectually Disabled in our Community

COUNCIL 6066 - Intellectual Disabilities Drive

At this year’s ID Drive Spaghetti Dinner, I’d like to invite some of the students from Laurel Ruff who October 2019 Navigator

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Council & Our Community

Br. Chris & Br. Dave sharing s smiles…. kinda

September 10 donated $2,300 to the Citrus Heights Veteran's Community Center today. Grand Knight Mike was accompanied by several of our own veterans. Thank you to Jeanie Rounsavell doing our Lord's work to give our heroes a place to gather in community.

7:59 Our me ed early fo time in

GK Mike and awesome @sachabitat #RockTheBlock volunteers spent a morning in September working together helping Adam and his family put finishing touches on his new fencing

September Family pot luck and movie hosted by Andrew & Ka e Cunha +Kids!!!

Ka e Cunha

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45


eting endr the 1st years

Volunteer are organizing before Habitat for Humanity Rock the Block, Day 2

September mee ng smoked MEEEEEEAT… YUM!

Miss Amaya Tumber excepted the Phil F. Duffy scholarship. She was accompanied by her father Sunny, 8th grade teacher Fran Dellaserra, GK Mike and Coucil 6066 scholarship commodity chairmen SK. Bruce Fairchild October 2019 Navigator

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Dear Brother Knights: My name is John Mueller and I will be the servicing field agent for your council for a while until a new field agent is on board and trained. As some of you may know, Howard Tank, your previous field agent, left the agency this summer. The councils in my territory are Yuba City, Marysville, Grass Valley and Lincoln. I look forward to meeting you at council meetings and events, as well as in your home for complimentary family financial analyses for those of you who don’t have insurance with us yet but are interested in learning more about our safe, sound and secure programs, or for annual reviews or service matters for those of you who are insured members.

As a professional insurance agent, one of the things I appreciate most is when one of my brother Knight clients or his wife refers another member to me. This is a great endorsement of the service I provided. It tells me that they were so pleased with what I helped them accomplish that they want me to help other members achieve the same level of financial safety and security. When I meet with you, please pass along the names of those other Knights who might be able to benefit from the analysis that I provide.

Similarly, there is no stronger membership recruiting tool than the potential new member referral. How many of us know an eligible Catholic male who is not a member of the Knights of Columbus? Do you have Catholic family or friends, local or not, who have yet to join? Most likely, they’ve never been asked and don’t know enough about the Order to seek out membership on their own. Don’t worry if the candidate is outside the area I serve or beyond the district of the local councils, we can make sure we put these future members in touch with the right people in their communities.

So the next time I ask a Catholic man about joining the Knights, I’m going to tell him about why I joined, what it’s meant to me, how I’m better for it and how I hope I’ve made the world just a little bit of a better place because of my membership in the Knights. Then I’ll ask him what he’s looking for…I think no matter what he says, I’ll have a solution for it…right here in your council.

Vivat Jesus!

John Mueller, Field Agent 916-860-9505 john.mueller@kofc.org

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

A Note from District Deputy Why are we Knights? Have you asked yourself that recently? We each have our own story to tell, but the next question is, what does it mean to be a Knight? We can talk about Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. We can also mention the following:

make an impact in your Council. Your Brothers are counting on you. You won’t regret the rewards. Vivat Jesus! John Brennan District Deputy District 7

Leading with Faith – As a Knight, we should continue to develop our faith through our study and action Protecting our Family – As a Knight, we should secure our family’s future financially and in faith


Serving Others – As a Knight, we have the opportunity to work together to provide unmatched charitable outreach to those in need locally and around the world Defending our Values – As a Knight, our unity provides the strength we need to defend our faith and the truth What a blessing it is to be a Knight. Putting our Faith into Action makes such a difference in ourselves, our families, and our communities. As autumn begins, we know that Christmas is just around the corner. All the preparations to be done during the holidays are on our minds. Our schedules will be busy, and it’s difficult to find the time to do some things, but I have found that it’s really not that hard to make the time to do what is important and what needs to be done. I know I can’t do everything the Knights have planned, and it’s such a blessing when other Knights offer to help. That is a brotherhood. Brotherhood is rewarding in itself. It may often mean stepping outside of your comfort zone, but the impact you make on others when you offer a smile or extend a helping hand is tremendous. Brother Knights are more than friends, they are family.

By: Br Tony Martin

We have a goal of 14 new members during this year. If you have a prospective member please contact Tony Martin at t.martin.geologist@gmail.com or 209200-5273 . There are many benefits and reasons to join the Knights. Why did you become a Brother Knight? Were you looking for a Catholic organization, a fraternal organization, did you want to volunteer in our church and community? Were you interested in our phenomenal insurance programs? Expect a link to be sent to you in the next few weeks for a very short survey of just a few questions. Share your thoughts to help us better focus our recruiting efforts. Thank you all in advance for your time and effort.

http:// www.kofc.org /joinus

Take some time to review your upcoming Council events and put your Faith into Action. Step up and October 2019 Navigator

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The first time I played against [Friedman] – when the Tornadoes tied the Giants at Knights of Columbus Field – he pretended he was fading to his right to throw a pass. I faded with him, hoping he'd believe I was leaving a big gap in the line. This is called a "mousetrap" and Benny fell into it. He went for the hole, and I went for him. And got him! He was stunned for a bit, but thereafter his ego expressed itself. It was incredible to him that a run-of-themill player like me could trap him. So he named me on his All-League Team, and I played on his Blue Gray Bowl team in an exhibition on New Year's Day. The Giants went on to finish second in the league that season. The Tornadoes didn’t have quite the same success, though they did defeat the Boston Bulldogs 7-0 when Quarterback George Pease connected with wide-out Paul Longua for a 60-yard touchdown pass. It was one of their five touchdowns of the season.

Still, they finished with a 3-5-4 record, ranked 8 out of Here’s a little known fact – the Knights of Colum- 12 and their right-tackle, Bob Beattie, was All-Pro. bus hosted National Football League (NFL) games at their own stadium. Although the stadium only held five games, the Knights of Columbus just may be the only Catholic Knights of Columbus Stadium, located on Main Street organization to host any NFL regular-season contest at in East Orange, N.J., was home to the now-disbanded a stadium with their name on it. Orange Tornadoes. It has the distinction of being one The Knights would go on to host more than 100 NFL of 166 arenas that hosted regular-season NFL contests games at Yankee Stadium when the New York Giants since the league’s founding 100 years ago. called it home from 1956-1973, since they owned the The Knights have had a long history with the NFL, land during that span. with members including legendary coach Vince Lombardi, Hall of Famer Dave “The Ghost” Casper, Super Bowl Champions Matt Birk and Chris Godrey and That means “The Greatest Game Ever Played” — a championship game between the Baltimore Colts and current Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker. the New York Giants that was a catalyst to the NFL’s popularity— happened on Knights’ land. On Sept. 29, 1929, nine thousand fans came to Knights of Columbus Stadium to witness the Tornadoes’ home-opener against the New York Giants. The Those games were a bit more significant than what Giants were led by Pro Football Hall of Famer Benny happened at Knights of Columbus Stadium, but c’est Friedman, while the Tornadoes fielded 18 rookies out la vie. of 27 players in their inaugural NFL season. And they held their own against the Giants, ending the game in a 0-0 tie.

Share your story with andrew.fowler@kofc.org Rookie Guard Ernie Cuneo recounted a moment of the home-opener in an article he wrote for The American h ps://www.kofc.org/en/news/releases/when-knights-hostedScholar: nfl-games.html

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Kelly’s The K. of C. Pilgrimage – 1920.

1920: KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AT THE ROSARY BASILICA, LOURDES, FRANCE “Procession of the Knights after Benediction carrying the Sacred Host” is the caption on this photo illustrating Patrick H. Kelly’s The K. of C. Pilgrimage – 1920. The Knights’ 1920 pilgrimage was a six-week “spiritual and patriotic” tour of France and Italy. The participants visited locations where American troops fought, met with French clergy, delivered an equestrian statue of General Lafayette to his hometown of Metz, attended Mass in the Vatican Gardens and visited Lourdes. The Pilgrimage further described the procession at Lourdes: “[A] procession of our members followed … and bore the canopy and torches. This procession wended its way through the beautiful grounds surrounding the church to the great plaza, where fully 20,000 people answered the prayers of Rev. Father Oliver, who recited the rosary and the litany …” Credit: M. Branger Photographie Paris. Not to be reproduced without permission of the Knights of Columbus. All rights reserved. Please contact the Knights of Columbus contact the Knights of Columbus to request information about permission to reuse this image and ones like it, and to learn more about the visual and text documentation of Knights’ history. Knights of Columbus councils and diocesan media outlets have permission to reuse this entry. Others may request permission using the email above.“Procession of the Knights after Benediction carrying the Sacred Host” is the caption on this photo illustrating Patrick H. October 2019 Navigator

The Knights’ 1920 pilgrimage was a six-week “spiritual and patriotic” tour of France and Italy. The participants visited locations where American troops fought, met with French clergy, delivered an equestrian statue of General Lafayette to his hometown of Metz, attended Mass in the Vatican Gardens and visited Lourdes. The Pilgrimage further described the procession at Lourdes: “[A] procession of our members followed … and bore the canopy and torches. This procession wended its way through the beautiful grounds surrounding the church to the great plaza, where fully 20,000 people answered the prayers of Rev. Father Oliver, who recited the rosary and the litany …” Credit: M. Branger Photographie Paris. Not to be reproduced without permission of the Knights of Columbus. All rights reserved. Please contact the Knights of Columbus contact the Knights of Columbus to request information about permission to reuse this image and ones like it, and to learn more about the visual and text documentation of Knights’ history. Knights of Columbus councils and diocesan media outlets have permission to reuse this entry. Others may request permission using the email above. https://www.kofc.org/en/news/releases/throwbackthursday-1920-rosary-basilica-lourdes.html

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October 2019 Navigator

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“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

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“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Why do Catholics Baptize Babies? By: Br, Michael Faber

In a few weeks, my 9-month-old grand-daughter will be baptized, and my wife and I are honored to be godparents. Non-Catholics in my family have asked me, “Why baptize a baby? She doesn’t know what is going on. Is it just a promise by the parents to raise their daughter Christian?” When I was a baby, I was dedicated in a ceremony quite similar to Catholic infant baptism. I was brought forward as a baby and my parents stood before the Church and dedicated me to the Lord and promised to raise me as a Christian. This ceremony accomplished SOME but not all of what Catholics understand about infant baptism.

Everyone knows babies don’t know what is happening at baptism, and it is not their faith which makes the sacrament efficacious. It is the parent’s faith, standing in for the child, and their decision on behalf of the child that accomplishes the goal. Sound ridiculous? One of the things baptism does is cause is salvation which brings about adoption into Christ’s forever family. Gal. 4:4-7. Do parents have the legal right to put up his or her child for adoption? Yes! Through no agreement or understanding of the baby, a parent may cause his or her child to be adopted by another, in this case God. Baptism by bringing salvation secures an eternal inheritance. May parents purchase goods and property on behalf of their minor child, putting it into trust for their later benefit? Yes, they can.

Parents combine their faith with the authority and power that Jesus Yes, the act of infant baptism is a promise of parents to raise the gave His apostles, to “Go forth and make disciples of all nations, child in the ways of the LORD is an important component of the act baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy which has been part of Catholic infant baptism since the early days of Spirit…” Matt. 28:19. the church. But there is more! Jews brought their infants into the Jewish faith by circumcising inFor Catholics, baptism is a sacrament, not just a symbol or an act of fant males. This circumcision was effective and efficacious to make obedience. The catechism defines a sacrament as “an efficacious sign an infant a Jew, though he had no thought or idea in his brain of Jewof grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which ish law, … yet. The parents would follow up by teaching it to the divine life if dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit.” child who already belonged to the faith. Likewise, the Catholic So, baptism does not just SYMBOLIZE dying and rising with Christ, Church declares, “Baptism is the sacrament of faith. But faith needs or SYMBOLIZE having one’s original and actual sins washed away, the community of believers. It is only within the faith of the Church as a simple sign would do, but it is an EFFICACIOUS sign. Effica- that each of the faithful can believe. The faith required for Baptism is cious is a fancy way of saying “it works”. Baptism doesn’t just sym- not a perfect and mature faith, but a beginning that is called to develbolize our burial and resurrection with Jesus, it accomplishes it. “Or op…” CCC 1253. “For all the baptized, children or adults, faith must don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus grow after Baptism…” CCC 1254. “For the grace of Baptism to unwere baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with fold, the parents help is important. So too is the role of the godfather him through baptism into death in order that just as Christ was raised and godmother, who must be firm believers, able and ready to help from the dead, through the glory of the Father, we too may have new the newly baptized—child or adult on the road of Christian life…” life.” Romans 6:3-4. This language is not symbolic. According to CCC 1255. Paul baptism accomplishes something. When Saul first converted, Ananias told him, “and now what are you waiting for? Get up and be Baptism works to wash sin away, bury the child in Christ and rise up baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name!” Acts 22:16. into new life, to allow the Holy Spirit to take up residence in the No talk of symbolism or mere obedience, baptism, was efficacious child’s heart, and to adopt him into God’s forever family, but in a for actually doing something, washing away of sins. Peter speaking Catholic understanding of salvation, this is JUST THE BEGINNING. of Noah’s flood and comparing it to baptism wrote, “In it only a few The child has been adopted and has the advantage of the Holy Spirit people, eight in all, were saved through water, and this water symbol- and God’s grace but growing up must still decide for himself or herizes baptism that now saves you …It saves you by the resurrection of self whether or not he or she will continue on the road of Christian Jesus Christ…” I Peter 3:20-21. Notice that Peter tells where the life. Yes, an inheritance has been given to the child by his or her parpower of the sacrament comes from. It is not the water itself that ents, but they still have free will to hold onto that inheritance or saves you, but it saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. God waste it away, or even reject it in later life. Membership of a family does the heavy lifting in any Sacrament. Remember the definition of is no guarantee of fellowship with one’s parents and siblings in adultthe sacrament, it is an “efficacious sign…by which divine life is dis- hood. Baptism is no guarantee that the child will choose to continue following Jesus in later life and achieve heaven. This is only accompensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit.” plished by perseverance in the faith. But like a kid who is born into a There are many other scriptures and even the words of Jesus himself rich family and given a good education, baptism gives a child PRIVIthat link baptism to salvation. Suffice it to say that baptism is MORE LEGE. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and early childhood educathan just a promise of parents to raise their child right, but it actually tion in the faith, makes it more likely that he or she will continue on accomplishes what it signifies which is the washing away of sins, and the road to salvation, than if no such privilege were granted, and parthe bringing of new life in Christ, through the power of HIS burial ents instead raised their child without faith thinking “they can decide and resurrection. for themselves when they get older.” DOESN’T SALVATION REQUIRE FAITH? WHY NOT WAIT Knowing the value of eternal life, and even the temporal value of UNTIL THE CHILD UNDERSTANDS? living a clean, honest faith filled life, why would any parent NOT When I was in seminary, I was shocked when my youth evangelism WANT TO GIVE THEIR CHILD THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRprofessor stated quite plainly that due to developments in the brain, IT AND MEMBERSHIP OF GOD’S FOREVER FAMILY FROM and the later coming of maturity in this generation that it was his INFANCY? opinion that people were not ready to make a mature meaningful As a last thought, infant baptism is a wonderful sign of God’s grace. commitment to Christ until their late 20’s! I was baptized at age 14, None of us have done anything to merit God’s grace and His salvawas I incapable of making a meaningful decision for Jesus at that tion. Even our faith is a gift from God, which we have only through point? How many 14 and 15-year old’s make commitments to Christ His grace. Likewise, a baby who knows nothing, receives through through prayers at camp, or other venues, only to fall away in their baptism, the gift of God’s grace. Fully unearned and unmerited, yet 20’s never to return? Studies say about 2/3 of young people in life giving just the same. Hopefully, the child will cooperate with this Church youth groups today will leave the church and never return. grace to achieve the final crown of salvation after a life of perseverShould we wait until people have reached their mid-20’s before hav- ance in the faith. ing them commit to their faith? Other studies show that those who have not yet made a commitment by that time probably never will! To Subscribe to this blog, click here http://eepurl.com/bEjOGf October 2019 Navigator Vol. 55 No 4 Page 15

October 2019 Navigator

Vol. 55 No 4

October 3rd 5th-6th 5th 17th 18th-20th 23rd 25th-27th 26th-27th

Pre-Meeting Meal and General Business Meeting Capital Air Show Oktoberfest (Parish Fund Fundraiser) Officer Planning Meeting Tootsie Roll ID Drive Begins District 7 Admission Degree Tootsie Roll ID Drive Begins Christmas Card Sale after all Masses

November 2,3,9,10,16,17, Christmas Card Sale after all Masses 23,24,30 3rd Quarterly Pancake Breakfast 7th Pre-Meeting Meal and General Business Meeting 9th Council Memorial Mass 9th ID Drive Spaghetti Dinner 10th Family Pot Luck 11th Veterans Day Mass 16th St. Mel School Auction 16th Chapter Meeting 21st Officer Planning Meeting 27th District 7 Admission Degree

Fair Oaks Council # 6066 P.O. Box 1180 Fair Oaks, Ca 95628

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

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